tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 10, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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symbols. they're skyping -- yep, you heard me right -- using an ipad 2, a zoo carried out the experiment. sdplz they' >> they're interested in seeing each other in realtime. they recognize it's not just a recording, it's actually realtime. >> reporter: in oregon, 14-year-old shawna has taken a shine to me. maybe she would play the ipad game with me. touch the mango. no, huh? where is mango? she actually did it. she absolutely did it. she's amazing. i'm amazed. john zarrella, cnn, miami. top of the hour. i'm don lemon. let's talk about a megachurch preacher. he takes to the pulpit and says no to charges he beat up his teenage daughter.
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i'm talking about kruklo dollar. he preaches in his massive church just outside atlanta. no, he says he did not punch her. no, he says, he did not choke her. those are the accusations that got dollar thrown in jail on thursday. earlier today, these words from the pastor to his congregation. >> the truth is, she was not choked, she was not punched. there were not any scratches on her neck. but the only thing on her neck was a prior skin abrasion from eczema. anything else is an exaggeration and sensationalism. >> our nick fuentas is watching
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this whole thing, saw him in church today. what's going on here? >> police are saying one thing and crefla dollar is saying another thing. he choked his daughter over an argument about going to a party. he's saying, no, you can't go because you had bad grades. what police are saying happened is he choked and beat her. he's saying it was a family incident that escalated, got out of hand, he never meant to harm anyone. >> before we go on and talk more about this, can you please remind everybody who this guy is? we said 30,000 strong, he's on television, he's syndicated, you see him all over the country, so it's not just 30,000 in that physical church. >> no, he's on line. he has a huge presence on line. he's what's called a prosperity minister, t.d. jake and joel olsteen among other popular
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preachers. >> he got a standing ovation today when he went to church, when he walked to the pulpit. so people stand by him, and you spoke to -- we have some people who were standing by him at church today. let's listen. >> and i want to say this very emphatically. i should have never been arrested. >> he is the best pastor in the world. he teaches the word with simplicity and understanding. he's a great father and husband. >> so i know this is a great man of god, him and his family. >> i have a 15-year-old daughter myself, and if she needs discipline, that's what she will get. thank you. case dismissed. >> did you think for a second about not coming today? >> please, no. and come on in and join us. >> so they're standing by him. >> there wasn't one person there and you would probably be hard pressed to find someone in the
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church who will speak out against him. >> well, it was tough to talk to them at all. fortunately, our affiliate wxia got down within the congregation. it seems they haven't really expressed their support for crefla. >> what's next? >> they have to look at the accusation. he's arrested on bond. we'll look at what happened on monday. disciplining a child in today's society, how are you supposed to do it? he said he didn't mean any harm against his daughter. >> we don't know what that discipline was, but at least not what everybody is making of it. we're inviting crefla dollar to come on if he wants to say his peace. thank you, nick valencia. we appreciate it. you've seen this video. if you haven't, take a look. it's difficult to look at. it's a boy being whipped with a
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belt in his backyard. we showed it last night here on cnn. he is an elected official in california. he is hitting his stepson with the belt while the two of them were playing catch. the neighbor videotaped just from a next-door balcony. >> i'm having a problem with you for beating him because he won't catch the ball. >> do you know my son? >> i don't know your son, but i'm a father, too. >> okay, well, the stepfather was arrested on felony child abuse charges. the boy's grandfather went on tv today, he was on the weekend today show, and he has mixed feelings about what he sees on this videotape. >> anthony had excessive spanking. he spanked him a little too much. but anthony, again, is in a very difficult situation. he's trying to be a stepfather for a child that has some behavioral issues, a child that i love dealrly, like i said, tht has blessed my life.
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on top of that, and this is all documented, zach and my daughter, they're going to behavioral counseling in california, and the first thing, they try time out, they try removing things, but it is documented in church, it's documented in school, when the spanking discipline has worked, it's helped his behavior. >> the boy's stepfather is out of jail after posting bail. prosecutors will decide tomorrow whether they'll file formal charges of child abuse against him. a raging wildfire in colorado has grown significantly in the last 24 hours, engulfing more than 14,000 acres. it's being fueled by high temperatures. firefighters went door to door to make sure people got out safely, but some residents aren't sure what they'll come back to. >> i can't imagine my house is there right now, to be honest with you. i really can't imagine it is. how close the fire was, and now i'm not going to have a home and
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i have pho -- no place to go. >> 1800 structures have already been lost or damaged. record amounts of rainfall for alabama and florida. look at that. it's like waves coming up on a beach there. amazing. it is -- the worst isn't over for these folks. storms have drenched scambia county and a state of emergency has been declared. people living in low-lying areas have been asked to evacuate because of flooding. look at the radar. we said it's not over. more than 20 inches of rain fell in some areas of pensacola over a 24-hour period and the rain is still coming down. we go to alabama and an intense manhunt of a gunman for killing two auburn university players. they're looking for 22-year-old
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monat t monte leonard. they also want to talk to two people of interest. in addition to the three people killed, three others were wounded, including another auburn player. one of the wounded is in critical condition right now, former auburn football player edward christian was the first victim found. the 20-year-old dead at the scene. a second former player, ledarius phillips, also 20, was identified. the shooting has rocked the community to its core. >> this is a trying time because it's not only university students and athletes, but it's young people. it's six young people that have been shot, and we're -- as you can tell, the community is shocked by this and grieving
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today. >> police say they consider leonard to be armed and dangerous. they aren't discussing a possible motive, but they did say they aren't aware, they are not aware of any connection between the university and leonard. we'll follow that story for you. protestors in mexico are furious. they're angry, shouting accusations about corruption and what they see as media manipulation. and you'll hear from one congresswoman who is fighting for those stricken with down's syndrome. ♪
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toint -- tonight is the last televised debate for the president's election and people are furious over media manipulation. a grassroots organization is behind these protests. companies are trying to influence public opinion in favor of the election's front runner enrique paneinto. miguel marquez has been following this election for us, and he joins us now from guadalajara, mexico. miguel, what can we expect if
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paniento, if he were to win? >> well, if he wins, i think it's going to be very interesting. we're actually in mexico city at the moment but there are protests planned for guadalajara as well. that's where the debate is taking place tonight. judging from the crowd that i met today, it has spread now beyond the i.m. 132 crowd, mostly a student movement. it is now many sectors of mexican society. these are people who feel that if paniento is reelected, it will be a step back for democracy in mexico, and they feel that it will change mexico irrevocably and take them back to a time of institutionalized corruption that they don't want to see. today's protest so far has been sort of festival like. i fear that after this election, some of these people were so serious and so angry there at
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the same time that they were trying to stay light, that we could see quite a response if paniento is elected, if manuel lopez is denied the presidency again. >> i want to ask you this, miguel, because this is a big problem for mexico. the drug war, the cartels, how would this change the drug war in mexico? >> it is very unclear. this is something that the candidates have talked about but not said very many specifics about. the cartels have pretty much taken their hands off the presidential elections and aren't really affecting it very much. lopez, the more populist candidate, if you will, he had talked about at one point of taking the military, you know, the mexican military is on the streets here fighting the drug war. many have been critical of that because they feel it took it to another level and made the bad violence even worse, but since
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he said that, he has backed off of that. i think there is a concern that if one were to let up on the cartels at all that they wou would -- their power would become even greater in those areas and it would be even more difficult to fight them. >> miguel marquez, thank you very much. we appreciate it. if you don't believe politics in mexico can be tough, you have to see this. paniento has admitted to having affairs in the past, but they aren't the only ones. rafael romo looks at the company trying to cash in on his affair. >> reporter: the billboard is hard to reach at this busy intersection in mexico city. nico paniento is shown with his finger on his lips and lipstick on his collar. unfaithful to his family, the billboard says, faithful to his
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country. >> translator: it might even be giving extra publicity to the candidate. it doesn't matter. it's his life. he's with a woman who was also married. i don't know. it shouldn't matter to us. what matters is that things improve in our country. >> reporter: paniento has publicly admitted that he was unfaithful to his first wife who died in 2007 and fathered his first child out of wedlock. the billboard was created by ashley madison, a website who caters to married people wishing to have an affair. >> when we use the presidential candidate, it's saying if he had used our services, his in fidelity never would have been discovered. >> reporter: they hold elections on july 1st, and paniento has a double-digit lead in the poll.
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he is now married to a soap opera actress and is greeted like a rock star at most campaign events. >> translator: we believe in freedom of expression and this is related to freedom of expression. we're not saying anything negative about him. his ininfidelity was already known, so we don't feel any reprisal. on the contrary, we are not saying anything about it. >> his party has renounced the billboard. >> translator: it's defamiliato. he's a person, a citizen, someone who has political and human rights which must be respected. >> this is not the first time paniento has made headlines for various reasons. last appearance at a book fair,
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he couldn't name three books. he couldn't remember the mexican minimum wage or the price for tortillas. despite the gaffes and student protest against him, he remains solid with mexican voters and hopes to become the next mexican president. congresswoman kathy mcmorris rogers is a rising star in the republican party but she's also a mom whose son inspired a bipartisan initiative. ahead, a personal issue that's inspiring political unity. look at the car! my dad's gonna kill me dude... [ male announcer ] the security of a 2012 iihs top safety pick. the volkswagen passat. that's the power of german engineering. [ male announcer ] you plant.
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holding president obama accountable, senator john mccain told our candy crowley today the president needs to own up to the leaks coming out of his white house. >> i have no idea whether the president knew or did not know. i have never alleged such a thing, but i have alleged that if you look at the information that's been leaked, again, that information in the book says that several officials said that they had to remain anonymous who gave this information because they would lose their jobs. the president may not have done it himself but the president is certainly responsible as commander in chief. >> the senator was responding to
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several classified reports that were leaked from the white house. some claim the leaks were done intentionally to make the president look tough in an election year. the white house flatly denies this claim. eric holder has said he's assigned two federal prosecutors to investigate the issue. there's going to be a close call in the fall, that is according to president obama's former chief of staff rahm emanuel who thinks the election will come down to a handful of states. >> it will be a close election. i'm not saying anything the president doesn't believe. it's a close election. and i think it's going to come down to a handful of states, and i say this pithy, i don't mea mean an exact science. >> he didn't say what exact states it would come down to, just that they would have to be in a few battleground states to
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get the vote. she's a busy mom on a crusade and that crusade is to advocate for more independence for people with down's syndrome. her inspiration is her five-year-old son. the congresswoman invited our lisa sylvester into her home to explain. >> thinking about messaging, moving forward -- >> reporter: there are 4,500 in the house of representatives. congresswoman kathy mcmorris rogers represents eastern washington state. >> what have been the highlights so far? >> reporter: to say she has a busy job is an understatement. she has one foot on each coast, shuttling back and forth. but she's more than an elected official. she's also a mom. >> these are his little feet at six weeks. >> this is the first time i brought him to the capitol, so
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he was just a little guy. >> reporter: she holds the distinction of being the only member of congress in history to give birth twice while in office. >> i was first elected to congress in 2004 and i was still single. met brian a year later, we got married and then soon after that, i was pregnant, cole was born in 2007, and grace was born, then, in 2010. >> reporter: one-year-old grace and five-year-old cole. cole, who loves rocking out to bruce springsteen, who was a budding athlete -- >> that's his favorite. >> reporter: and who was born with down's syndrome. >> that's tough news to receive. it's not what you dream, it's not what you expect. >> reporter: life has been a series of adjustments. >> look at that. >> reporter: a pressing of the reset button for kathy mcmorris rogers and her husband brian,
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who retired from the military. >> i spent 26 years in the navy, and so this is a lot like the navy. you know, it's dynamic, it's very interesting, there is a lot of purpose to it. it's good. it's all good. >> your commanders are a little younger, though, right? >> that's right. that's true. >> reporter: the family moved to washington, d.c., but it's still a challenge trying to make all the pieces fit. >> i love what i do and i love being a mom. and it's a constant juggling act, and some daisy feel like i'm handling it better than other days. >> reporter: becoming a parent has given her a new outlook. having a child with a disability has given her a new objective. she is the co-founder of the congressional down's syndrome caucus. >> you want to be the best parent possible. >> reporter: mcmorris rogers wants a new law that would let
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parents of children of disabilities set aside tax-free account, similar to a college savings plan. >> just help them through whatever it is, maybe furthering their education or any needs they might have, it would just give them more possibilities than was thought possible. i met the lobbyist for the sierra club. on most issues, i'm not on board with the sierra club, but he has two sons with down's syndrome, and he said, you know what, i want to work with you on these issues, and these are really tough numbers. >> reporter: to the world she's a rising star in the gop, but at home, she's mommy. >> what does this say up here? >> catherine mcmorris rogers is being considered as a running mate for mitt romney. on that list there are only a
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couple of women. she was recently given a new plumb assignment. she's now the house of representatives official liaison with team romney. opening statements begin tomorrow in the trial of jerry sandusky, the former penn state football coach. he is charged with child sexual abuse. we'll look at the legal challenges that both sides face here. keep an eye on your mobile phone. you can watch cnn live from your laptop. c let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this.
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it's half past the hour right now. we're going to look at your headlines for you. a raging wildfire in colorado has grown significantly in the last 24 hours, engulfing more than 14,000 acres. dry brush and high temperatures, that's what's helping fuel this fire. 18 structures have already been lost or damaged. firefighters are going door to door to make sure people get out safely. they say windy conditions will likely cause the fire to continue to spread quickly. a record amount of rainfall causing severe flooding in alabama and florida, and the worst isn't over yet. a state of emergency has been
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declared in scambia county, florida, and people living in low-lying areas have been asked to evacuate. thunderstorm warnings and flash flood warnings are in florida and mississippi. a gunman accused of killing three people, including two former auburn university football players. police are looking for 22-year-old desmonte leonard. it all went down at a party on a an off-campus apartment. preacher creflo dollar says people around him are lying, that people are trying to discredit him and he never should have been arrested. dollar was arrested on friday after dollar told police he punched her and choked her. dollar started his sunday service today by denying he had done anything wrong. in just hours, the trial of former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky gets under way. the jury is set, and final
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attempts to have the case thrown out were denied. sandusky faces 52 counts of sexual misconduct involving young boys. here is national correspondent jay carroll and he talks about the legal challenges both sides face. >> reporter: the jerry sandusky case will likely come down to one simple question. >> how do you feel about the opportunity to face your accu accuse accusers, sir? >> reporter: who did jurors believe, the former coach of penn state or his accusers. they say he sexually assaulted them when they were children. they will have to carefully show the accusers are not credible. >> one of the big challenges for the defense here is trying to discredit the accusers without making the jury even more sympathetic to them. that's very hard to do. >> reporter: state law may end up playing into the defense's favor. pennsylvania is the only state that does not allow expert witness testimony in cases involving rape and sexual abuse.
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that means the prosecution will not be able to call expert witnesses to explain why, for example, some of the alleged victims waited long periods of time to report the abuse. or why some continue to have contact with sandusky. state representative sherrell parker helped introduce a bill to change the law. >> the jury, without there having an expert to testify about the normalcy about this type of behavior, they don't have a proper context in which to develop their response? >> reporter: the prosecution strategy appears clear. let each of the accusers testify, allow the jury to hear the common pain they allegedly suffered because of sandusky. so says the attorney who was privately representing the young man identified in court records as victim number 5. >> we have a serial presentation of serial predatory acts which occurred one after another in similar fashion, in similar manner with similar technique.
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that's what i believe the jury will be shown in this case. >> reporter: before the judge imposed a gag order, sandusky attorney joe amandola told cnn he will challenge the accusers' motivation, saying it's all about money. >> we may never know what allegations were basically fabricated because people are looking for some money. >> reporter: even so, legal analysts say the defense has its work cut out for them. >> the sheer number of accusers makes this an incredibly difficult case to defend. one person can be lying, two people can be lying. but can eight accusers really be lying? >> reporter: sandusky says they are. he continues to maintain his innocence. jason carroll, cnn, belfont, pennsylvania. this next story sin credible. a marine has a live propelled rocket grenade shot into his body. it's an incredible story of survival. ones i've made. ones we've all made.
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in wartime, there are countless dangers, including being hit with a live rocket propelled grenade. that happened to one marine, and he lived to tell about it. here's cnn correspondent barbara starr. >> reporter: marine corporal wendell perez knew the rocket propelled grenade was coming right at him. >> all of a sudden i saw the rpg coming towards me and hit me and, you know, i was hit and my boys, they knew exactly what to do, and they came down, no hesitation, no nothing, and they
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picked me up, they got me to safety. >> winder perez had a live, foot-long, rocket-propelled grenade embedded in his left side. even so, he kept his cool. >> i tried to call in my own medevac but the rpg had struck the battery in my radio. >> claimed words from this ba baseball lover from the dominican republic. his buddies knew the grenade could explode at any minute. but they also knew he needed medical attention as soon as possible. it would become a bravery of many. the helicopter crew immediately agreed to take on the dangerous mission. >> there was quite a bit of
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alarm amongst the crew at the time, as you can imagine. >> reporter: perez and that live rocket were just inches from 300 gallons of aviation fuel. when the helo landed, navy trauma nurse lieutenant commander james janari ordered his staff to stay away. >> i decided i was going to go, because quite frankly, i wasn't going to ask somebody to do what i wasn't going to do. it just wasn't going to happen. >> he made a vow to perez. >> i promise you i will not leave you until that thing is out of your leg. and he said, cool. >> reporter: janari and an explosives expert struggled to pull the rocket out. remember, it could have exploded at any moment. surgeons say just a few millimeters to the left or right and the rpg would have cut an artery. perez would have been dead. as it is, he's hanging out again with his marine buddies. >> we went out to baseball games. we did stuff buddies do back home, you know. they don't really talk much
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about when we were over there. we kind of just forgot about it and moved on with our lives. hung out, drank a little. >> barbara starr, cnn, washington. we want to show you that our dr. sanjay gupta spoke to the lieutenant commander who was the navy nurse responsible for saving perez's life. sanjay asked him what the risks were. >> the choices were two. one, we would pull it out, see if we could control the bleeding and carry on from there. or two, we would send out the one general surgeon we had with an o.r. tech and a nurse a necessary th nesthetist and answer thooes yolgs to see if they could remove it. one of two things would happen. it would come out or it would
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blow up. if it didn't blow up, we could lodge it out and surgical techniques could be used. >> they are calling him a hero and his family as well. an exciting new tool for facebook got a real rough start. at the premier here, here's how tv host joel mchale characterized it. >> right now what this is called, it's called a disaster. no -- >> you could end up face to face with a live celebrity if it works right, and we'll tell you about it, straight ahead. but first this, the emotional aftermath of u.s. troops returning home from war is so devastating. there are an estimated 18 veterans committing suicide every day. this gives veterans who are suffering from traumatic brain injuries and other wounds a positive outlook on life by enlisting man's best friend. >> when i got back from iraq, i stayed away from large crowds,
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malls, movies. stayed inside. windows were blacked out. >> i was really numb. didn't feel like i had a purpose anymore. >> nightmares constantly, flashbacks. everything to me is still a combat zone. >> veterans with invisible wounds. we can't see a wheelchair, a prosthetic leg. they appear like you and i, but their suffering goes so deep, it touches the soul. i learned how to train dogs while i served in the army. i knew that a dog can add a lot in your life. i realized this is what i was supposed to do. my name is mary cortani. i match veterans with service dogs, train them as a team so they can navigate life together. when a veteran trains their own service dog, they have a mission and a purpose again. >> talk to them, tell them they did good. >> dogs come from shelters, rescue groups. they are taught to create a spatial barrier and can alert them when they start to get
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anxious. >> are you okay? you getting overwhelmed? focus on maggie. >> the dog is focused on keeping him grounded. >> you're focused on him and he's focused on everything around you. >> they venture ought and they begin to participate in life again. being able to help them find that joy back in their life, it's priceless. >> to nominate someone making a difference in your community, visit uh-oh.
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can special glasses trick you into losing weight? anchor alejandra ora. a video chat on facebook. what is it? >> people call it an exact copy of chatroulet roulette. did you ever hear about chat chat roulette? >> i did. is it still around? >> it's still around. it's trying to link you with users on air time that have the
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same taste in music. all the information that you put in on facebook, the information that you have as your favorite tv shows, favorite movies, and actually try to find somebody that share those types of interests. >> is it working? they had some hiccups, didn't they? it was bad. >> it was horrible. they had joel mchale from "the stoop," and when they had all the web cams on people trying to use it, they had all these issues. when i was on, i had a couple issues, but once the connection gets well, i think it's going to be a lot of fun. it has technology, it has a special algarhythm. it actually scans all the pictures to make sure nobody is doing anything indecent. another tech story today. the goggles that can trick you into losing weight. how does that work? did you bring this because you
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thought i could be skinny? >> the infamous ten pounds. workers at tokyo university made those goggles, and when you wear them, any food you might have in front of you is going to appear more than 50% larger. it doesn't make the food larger, but it looks like it. so basically, if you put on the goggles, two oreo cookies, we're looking at it right here, is going to look like a donut. so when you're eating it, if you see this, you're going to be hungry, right? >> it would be great if they could make it taste as big as that. >> they're trying to actually have smell with that, so it might actually work. it's not going to be the same. >> this is your second time here. a lot of people were upset about our joke last week. >> they kept saying you called me dumb.
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he did not call me dumb. you said i was good looking, and thank you for the compliment. >> i also said you were swvery smart, and i prefaced it by saying looking then people shouldn't be -- does that happen to you all the time? >> no. she fwgot me after the show. she zinged me. there shall having you. you are awesome. gracias. graduates of a chicago prep school have a lot to be proud of. all 50 students in its very first senior class are graduating. why it's unique, next. would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. [ male announcer ] ocuvite has a unique formula
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now to a story about achievement and success against the odds. it's out of chicago. here's rob johnson. he's from our affiliate wbbm. >> reporter: it is one of the final things these students will do as high school seniors. take final exams. but come next fall, all 50 of these christ the king pioneers will be going to college. but where? >> i'm going to niu. >> alabama. >> southern illinois university, carbondale. >> university of iowa. >> texas southern university. >> tennessee state university. >> marquette university. >> reporter: father chris devron is president at christ the king. >> we really see this as a means to an end. it's not the end. your degree is not an end. >> reporter: the school recruits middle schoolers all over austin and covers most of the cost for those who qualify.
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embra a jesuit background is not necessary. embracing a jesuit education is. what have been your most important lessons here? >> being open to growth is something you need to be in life. to start something new. to go into something new, to have no background is okay. you'll learn. >> reporter: or roshon treadwell. >> as a kid people didn't have these types of opportunities. >> reporter: not everyone makes it. there's a dress code. there are high expectations for the academics and religious studies. and all students must work five days a month at a corporate job. >> welcome to u.s. bank. >> reporter: to help pay for their tuition. roshon has spent four years at u.s. bank in oak park. >> file papers, run errands, do the coin machine. >> reporter: no matter student or administrator, for those who've embarked upon this journey -- >> it's going to be sad. >> reporter: -- this is a special moment.
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>> this diploma isn't the end. this is an invitation to go out and make the world a better pla place. >> i'll be the first graduating class of my school and the first graduating student of my family. >> the first to come in, the first to leave out together as one. so that's why at graduation, it's going to be bittersweet. >> and that was wdbm's rob johnson. one other note to tell you about, all the students will get some kind of financial aid for college. congratulations to them. it is -- oh, my gosh. ere ti every time i see this. we'll explain it. [ thunk ] sweet! thanks, mister! [ meow ] [ male announcer ] the solid thunk of the door on the jetta. another example of volkswagen quality. that's the power of german engineering.
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another example of volkswagen quality. progressive saved me money on my car insurance for doing the right thing behind the wheel. what a concept. excuse me, sir, do you know how fast you were going? exactly 25 miles per hour. that makes you a safe driver. keep driving safe. -are you serious? -absolutely. i couldn't help but notice, you applied your brakes smoothly and evenly. you know, progressive rewards safe drivers. think of this as a reward forward. thank you! nice -- you stopped at the stop sign. you qualify for a safe driver discount. wow! keep safe and keep saving. what happens when classroom teachers get the training... ...and support they need? schools flourish and students blossom. that's why programs like... ...the mickelson exxonmobil teachers academy... ...and astronaut sally ride's science academy are helping our educators improve student success in math and science. let's shoot for the stars. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this.
4:57 pm
you know what's exciting? graduation. when i look up into my students faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor. i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now.
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you want to watch this one. our jeanne moos tells us about a man who just couldn't say good-bye to his dead cat. okay. so here's the thing. this is supposed to be jeanne moos. but this guy's cat died. and so he had it stuffed, i believe. and then he -- there it is. then he turned it into a flying cat copter. it went viral. and that is what you end up with. that's the first -- oh, my gosh.
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isn't that weird looking? it's just weird and kind of creepy. anyway, he loves his cat. we'll see if we can get the jeanne package for you later. now you know the rest of the story. okay. i'm don lemon. i'm at the cnn world headquarters in atlanta. a little technical glitch there. you get the idea. i'm going to see yao back here at 10:00 p.m. eastern. a great show coming up next here on cnn. global lessons. a gps road map for making immigration work. it's hosted for our very own fareed zakaria and it begins in just a bit here on cnn. see you back here at 10:00 p.m. see you back here at 10:00 p.m. eastern. -- captions by vitac -- welcome to a gps special. "global lessons: the gps road map for making immigration work." i'm fare
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