tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 12, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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he always had a great sense of humor, always a gentleman, good to see him in such good spirits. i hope he enjoyed the cake and socks. the bieb. >> now we know what to get him. >> if he wants to skydive at 90. how about for 89, we take him to a justin bieber concert? >> even better. the best gift ever! >> my daughter will come along for the ride. lisa, see you back here tomorrow night. erin burnett "out front". top adviser to president obama says the campaign strategy is destined to fail. and a major development in the george zimmerman case tonight. his wife arrested and charged. and tears on the witness stand during the jerry sandusky trial. it was an emotional day in court. it started with allegations of a secret file on the former penn state football coach. let's go "outfront." well, good evening, everyone, i'm erin burnett.
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a wake-up call from the ragin' cajun. bill clinton's top adviser, james carville, along with two respected democratic pollsters out with a blistering 16-page indictment of the president's campaign strategy. carville says the president's efforts to convince voters that the economy is going in the right direction hit the wrong strategy and in his words will fail. he's right about one thing. the president is selling a message of hope, hard. >> we've gone through the worst financial crisis and economic crisis since the great depression. we've made significant progress. the good news is that we're starting to see progress. so we're making progress. we're moving in the right direction. >> progress? doesn't add up. we looked at some important economic indicators with bespoke investment research. look at the unemployment rate. this chart starts in the summer of 2007, when america was booming. at the very top, unemployment
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was 4.6%. a level it had hovered at for years. today it's 8.2. now take a look at consumer confidence. it was just shy of a record then. today, it's more than 40% lower. and industrial production, despite recent gains in manufacturing is still not back to the levels of five years ago. and home prices, they peaked in 2006, down 35% from those levels, a bigger decline than in the great depression. one of our most reliable sources, peter kenny of knight capital trading tells us at this stage of our recovery, we should be well past this level of stall in the rebound. we asked our political strike team, made up of independent reporters and analysts if the president can win just on the message that recovery is working. that there's progress. 43% said yes. 56% no. gene sperlg is the director of the national economic council for president obama. it's a job he held under bill clinton for whom he worked in
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both white house terms. i started by asking him if he sees james carville's point. >> not really, unless you put it in a very simplistic way. i think the american public is smart enough to understand three points at the same time. that this president inherited the worst financial recession, the deepest recession and down it is turn we've had since the great depression. so we were in a very deep hole. i think they can recognize that we have made progress, but it's not good enough. we're not all the way back. the president is not satisfied. he won't be satisfied until unemployment is much lower, and job growth is much higher. >> i mean, there's a couple things, though. when you look at those charts, yes, indeed, this problem obviously started before the president came in office. everybody knows that. but it got significantly worse while he was in office when you look at all of the indicators i just mentioned. and then this, gene, which i really am curious how the campaign will handle this real question. when you look at average hourly earnings, what people just earn
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from their jobs, the number outpaced inflation. but then when president obama took over in 2011, that stopped. inflation started to rise more quickly than wages. now, who can he blame that on? >> well, you know, erin, i mean, we went through the worst financial recession in our country. obviously, the president inherited that midstream. let's remember, when he takes office, in the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, our economy is shrinking at 7.8%. we've lost 4 million jobs, and we're losing jobs at 800,000 a month. that's the economy he took over. so, of course, it was on a deep dive. indeed, most people -- many people feared we could go into a global free-fall, even a second great depression. and the steps the president took didn't stop that on a dime. but they had a significant impact. we returned to growth in the second half of 2009.
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one year after we were losing 800,000 jobs in march, 2009, job growth was growing. if you look even how we are comparing to the last recovery, the tap-in under president bush, we are over 2 million jobs ahead of pace than we were in the last recovery. >> what does that mean, though? we have 735,000 fewer jobs now than we did when this recession started. and that obviously doesn't count for growth of population, right? i mean, the hole is bigger than that, gene. >> erin, there is no question we inherited a deep, deep hole in this economy. and there is no question that things are not all the way back to where they should be. or the president's vision. >> but let me ask you -- >> what was the unemployment rate in november of 2010? >> i'm going to bet. was it 10.2? >> 9.8%. now, is it wrong for the president to point out that in that 161, 17, 18 months, that we have gone from 9.8 to 8.2%?
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is it wrong for him to point out that we have created 500,000 manufacturing jobs over the last 27 months, and that we haven't created that many manufacturing jobs in 17ut gene, again, you ce those points. >> right. >> but what about the fact that when i look at that -- that plunge, i see a plunge, and as a voter, i don't want to say, oh, i'm a little above the bottom of the grand canyon when i'm looking it up at the top saying hey i used to be there. not that i'm higher than i was a year ago. efforts absolutely. that's what i'm saying. >> what is the president's plan for that? isn't that james carville's point? >> the president's plan? the president is the one that first of all put out a $447 billion american jobs act, over half of it tax relief. for small businesses, workers, including things like putting construction workers and teachers back on the job. that independent economists estimated would have added 2 million jobs to the economy. this year. >> but gene, you spent
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$3.8 trillion. $3.8 trillion. and that includes the other $297 billion of the jobs plan you're talking about that the president wants to spend. and as you say has not been able to. that's a lot of money. >> erin, i don't agree with the number you used one bit. >> my number includes unemployment benefit insurance, extensions, payroll taxes, the stimulus plan, it also includes the t.a.r.p. balance, which is still outstanding. and it includes the fed. isn't it fair to include what the fed has done as stimulus? >> i don't think those numbers are right at all in terms of what taxpayers put on the line. and i think what you find, first of all, is that our problems with the deficit and debt are overwhelmingly due to the fact that we put two large tax cuts and two wars and a prescription drug plan on a credit card in the last decade. the measures the president took were measures he was compelled to do by the crisis he inherited. and our economy would be in far worse shape had he not taken them. >> all right, gene sperlg, thank you very much. good to see you as always. >> thank you. all right.
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""outfront"" next, issues in the democratic party where there is a revolt. how about a revolt in the republican party? some republicans turning on a man many call the most powerful member of the gop. and spain is hoping prostitutes can help turn around its economy, which is swirling in a vortex. and george zimmerman's wife facing charges tonight of lying. what it means for the case against her husband, george. [ male announcer ] this is corporate caterers, miami, florida. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution,
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pounlsed, including grover norquist who called the remarks foolish and bizarre. jeb bush came out on twitter to say i want to clary. he said the point i was making is this. the political system today is hyper partisan. both sides are at fault. you know what, general, come on this show. we agree. john, let's -- i guess start with this. how big of a split is there in the gop between jeb bush and governor quist? bush recently also saying i'm not a guy to be on board with that anti tax pledge? >> it's fascinating these are the two faces of the split within the gop right now. jeb bush versus grover norquist and seeing a growing number starting to question the wisdom of the anti tax pledge. and when jeb bush says his father, ronald reagan, might not have been welcomed in the current republican party, that's not a matter of opinion, that's a matter of litmus test. you can check down the box. it would be true for goldwater, too.
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it is a real challenge when a guy like jeb bush is saying we've gone too far and folks try to rino hunt him out of the party. >> if you had to pick between the jeb side and grover side? >> full disclosure. i was one of the people who privately urged jeb bush to run for president this year. i prefer him over our current nominee. although i support mitt romney. i like jeb. at the same time, most of the people who would today say ronald reagan couldn't be the republican nominee, back in 1980, probably wouldn't have been voting for him in the republican primary at the time, including jeb bush. >> let me play what jeb bush said about grover norquist's tax pledge, which everybody signed. i remember jon huntsman said i'm going to have no parts of it. but jeb bush, here's what he said about it. >> i ran for office three times. the pledge was presented to me three times. i never signed the pledge. i cut taxes every year i was governor. i don't believe you outsource your principles and convictions
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to people. you -- i respect grover's political involvement. he has every right to do it. but i never signed any pledge. >> david, is that the voice of reason, or is that just something we mie mean now you couldn't get elected in the republican party? >> you asked a couple times jeb's side versus grover side. in fact, there are not two sides here, not yet. jeb bush needs to be on his own side. what has happened, we have had a narrow faction of the republican party that has pushed the party toward a message that is economically counterproductive, culturally exclusionary, barbed racially and not in keeping with modern america. because of the severity of the depression, that side has had the illusion of success for an extremist message. but it won't play, can't govern. gathering resistance. but there is not yet any force organized to meet this faction. and that is what jeb bush needs to do. he needs to be a leader here. he needs to be on the same side and he needs to stand up for the same principles that lindsay
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graham -- the same nervousness -- not a set of principles but same apprehension that lindsay graham was articulating. the party would do well to heed them. >> let's be clear about the ground we're discussing here. some enthusiasm for raising taxes. it's really about a question of can we forge a grand bargain. is it acceptable to come up with a deal like bowles/simpson where you can lower rates but close loopholes to raise revenue, or is that a vials of the pledge? that is a critical question. it's about whether deficit and debt reduction is more important. >> grover norquist has said he's all right with closing loopholes. overall, he wants the revenue to remain the same. >> revenue-neutral. which is absurd. >> then you're putting more of the burden on the poor and that means it's a regressive pledge. eric? >> i've got to say. what david just said, and to some of john's point, i think it's a little bit silly. to say the republicans are exclusionary and they're on the fringe, these are the same people who have moved to the left, who realize that the
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public isn't really with them, but they can't accept it. and when you look at 2010, the republicans may the biggest gains at the local county, state and federal level since 1896. to say that somehow the tea party is out of touch, that they're not in touch with the american people, that's not only impalpable nonsense, it's factu factual nonsense. >> the people expressing discontent inside of the tea party are part of the public. but the leaders of the tea party are totally out of touch. that's an example. when you interpret a vote against economic distress as a vote for a radical platform, and when you interpret your success in a year when less than 40% of the public came out to vote as a guide to how you're going to do when 55% of the public is going to come out to vote -- when you say here's how we did in the electorate that is old and white and this is just how well we're going to do with an electorate that is not so old and not so white because we have a platform that doesn't address anything to do with how you address this great recession that our plan is to cut and cut and cut and take
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away medicare from everyone under 55, that is not a path to the future. and god -- thank you, jeb bush for saying so. i hope he keeps -- >> republicans and dmts. >> you know, the other thing, you've got on the democratic side, bill clinton saying taxes need to go up for everyone, as soon as we can. obama is saying i veto any such thing. ooh gouf the democrats moving farther to the left, the republicans moving farther to the right with grover and getting further apart. >> of course. we've seen that in poll after poll. the parties are more polarized than ever before. but occasionally, independent voices step up and say stop, enough. we've got to find a way to reason together. i don't think it's a split between the establishment and the tea party. it's about folks who are focusing on reducing deficit and debt who recognize we need to figure out a would i to work together to solve these big problems. and people who have an absolutist position. and that becomes a problem whether you're on the left or right. >> thanks to all of you. we appreciate it. still "outfront." a father beats a man to death for allegedly sexually assaulting his daughter. is the death excessive force or
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justified? and which country the united states thinks is sending attack helicopters into syria to kill its citizens. it's not iran. stay in the moment sanya focus lolo, focus let's do this i am from baltimore south carolina... bloomington, california... austin, texas... we are all here to represent the country we love this is for everyone back home it's go time. across america, we're all committed to team usa. is important to any successful business. which is why at wells fargo, we work with you to get to know the unique aspects of your business. we can recommend financial solutions that can work for you that have helped millions of business owners save time, reduce expenses, and maximize cash flow. as the number one small business lender for nine years running... we're with you when you need us.
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an outpouring of support for the texas father who says he discovered a man trying to month left his 4-year-old daughter. and in a fit of rage, beat the man to death. the father told police he heard his daughter scream and caught the man trying to molest her. he admits hitting the man. says he didn't mean to kill him. the county sheriff says the story rings true, and the community of shiner, texas has rallied behind the father. the case, though, will soon be handed over to prosecutors for possible charges. paul callen is on the story "outfront" tonight. this is a tough one. what determines whether it's a justified killing or crime? >> the law in texas pretty much ey have a stand your ground da. law and if you belvere in danger of being killed or seriously injured or you're protecting somebody else, in this case, 4-year-old daughter, you can use deadly physical force on the assailant. and that's what the self defense claim is here. >> crucial question. if they didn't have the stand your ground law, would it mean he would be charged or not? >> no. and the reason is, prosecutors,
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when they look at a case like this -- now, i'm assuming, and we don't know all of the facts here. but assuming his daughter was being sexually molested, she was 4 years old, and he comes across this scene, prosecutors know there's no jury on earth that's going to convict this guy. even if technically it's illegal. so it looks like he beat the guy to death. now, we've got to see what the autopsy says. but if the autopsy shows that the force was reasonable under the circumstances, i'm pretty sure a grand jury won't indict. >> right. because you're saying even in self defense, it's whether you think someone is in danger of being killed, i would imagine most people would say, just on a human level, molesting a child of that age -- >> yes. >> maybe the child wasn't going to be killed, but that is -- if indeed it were true, such a horrific thing. absolutely. and lesser standard. if it's serious physical injury and certainly the child would be seriously injured. so i think legitimate self defense claim goes on the board, very differentic defendant unlikely to be indicted unless
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there is something we don't know about, which who knows. >> and we obviously don't have the autopsy report. it could be that or some history between the men. they were the only two in the room other than the girl. the girl did go to the hospital, though. >> could be long, bad history. could be the autopsy shows maybe the guy was dragged outside and hit with something. maybe it didn't go down the way he said it went down. a lot of things turn up in autopsies. >> will the 4-year-old girl's testimony be used? >> probably not. i don't think they put a 4-year-old girl through that. and so i doubt she would testify. and there will be physical evidence, though, if she was injured during the month lefttation. that would come in and be presented to the grand jury. >> such a strange case. many people watching say they would want to kill someone -- if they saw -- >> most people don't see it happening. but you would as a father. >> these cases happen all over the country and get thrown out by prosecutors, because, you know -- it's common sense. you have the right to protect your daughter, and use force to do it. and sometimes somebody is going to get killed when that happens. and maybe that's what happened here. >> maybe that's what happened. and if so, a miracle for that
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little girl that that didn't continue happening. thanks to paul. still "outfront," our second half in the major development of the george zimmerman case. florida police arresting and charging his wife with lying. and emotional part of the jerry sandusky trial. what caused withone of the alle victims to break down into tears while he was on the witness stand. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw!
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start the second half of the show with stories we care about. where we focus on our own reporting from the front lines. tomorrow, jpmorgan ceo jamie dimon will testify in front of the senate bafrging committee about his bank's $3 billion loss. we have his prepared testimony, and in it, he calls the loss an isolated event. now he does go into details on how the trade went wrong, and steps the bank has taken to fix it. but remember the trade that went bad was actually supposed to help the bank reduce risk, and well, many times, jamie dimon had been asked about it and said it wasn't a problem. thus is calling into question his clarity in the statement saying, you know, what there is no other problems out there. that could be the big question tomorrow. they also talked about the
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portfolio, saying it got bigger than he had any idea it might actually be. the u.s. is accusing russia of escalating the conflict in syria by sending attack helicopters to help with a government crackdown. we've been talking on this show for months about how russia is certi syria's chief arms supplier. we asked colonel leighton what the u.s. options are and he today us nato or the u.s. and its allies should establish a no fly zone, sort of like in libya. the new u.n. report today says the regime is using children as anhuman sh tor kids whose parents are suspected dissidents. the u.n. peace-keeping chief has dubbed the conflict now formally a civil war. and there is some good news tonight, though, on amy copeland, the 24-year-old who has been battling flesh-eating bacteria for more than a month. outfront has learned amy has been upgraded from critical to serious condition at a georgia hospital. she lost her hands, part of her abdomen, one of her legs and
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remaining foot in an effort to ballots the bacteria. but she started breathing and speaking on her own. in north dakota today, voters are considering a proposal to get rid of property taxes. if the measure passes, north dakota would be the first state to get rid of proximates. pretty big bold move. according to the tax foundation, the state would lose $800 million in revenue about but north dakota kind of have a special position right now. they are the second larkest oil producing state in the country. oil, natural gas, is why the state has the lowest unemployment in the nation. and so they've got money. they have a surplus of about ael billion dollars. 13 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? the deficit, unfortunately, really threw a wrench into things today. the deficit came in may for $125 billion. a your ago in the same month, it was only about $54. our fifth story outfront, a
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big development in the case against george zimmerman. his wife shelly arrested and charged today with one count of perjury. prosecutors say shelly zimmerman lied under oath to the judge during her husband's bond hearing on april 20th. testifying by phone, it was this exchange about their family finances and how much money they had that got her into trouble. >> and you mention also in terms of the ability of your husband to make a bond amount that you all have no money, is that correct? >> to my knowledge, that's correct. >> okay. were you aware of the website that mr. zimmerman or somebody on his behalf created? >> i'm aware of that website. >> and how much is in that website right now, or how much as a result of that website was -- >> currently, i do not know. >> well, unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be the truth. records show that shelly zimmerman transferred more than $74,000 from george zimmerman's legal defense fund to her own account. just days before the bond hearing. and actually spoke to him about it during recorded jailhouse
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phone calls. she'll be arraigned july 31st and has been released on $1,000 bond. mark nejame is a cnn legal analyst. we'll be joined by trayvon martin's attorneys. mark, let me ask you this. that exchange is pretty damning. i mean, she lied. >> it's very damning, of course. and it's a tape that nobody can dispute. it's a recorded conversation. while he was in jail. and she was listening from the outside and talking with him. so that's in evidence and it's there. i would say that the primary defense, if any, that exists in that case is she said, "i currently do not know." so can she make an argument that at that moment when that question was asked, did she know the exact amount? the questions weren't asked, was there money in there, was any money transferred or otherwise. so there is an angle that could be played out. but it's definitely damning. but there is a defense there. >> right. there's a defense. but it was pretty clear from the whole exchange at the time that
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the zimmermans, you know, didn't -- george zimmerman diplomat talk about exactly how much money had been there. they didn't admit to taking any out. you can use a technicality of the law but it's pretty clear. >> technicalities -- >> took the money out. >> that's obvious. but technicals are the law. the reality of it is, it's clear she knew there was money in there and it's clear she moved it out. then you've got to really analyze the words to see if she has a defense. but it looks horrible. and if somebody lies under oath, they deserve to be punished. and it looks like she lied under oath. >> and this does -- does this, i guess, hurt the credibility of george zimmerman who himself is trying to get a second bond, because he also didn't tell the full truth on this issue of how much money was in the fund. >> well, you have the court of public opinion, and, of course, it hurts. and then you have a court of law. it's not going to get in. he did not testify at his hearing, and didn't say anything under the fifth amendment. he had no requirement to say anything. he can sit there and remain
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silent. and his lawyer has come out, did not know about it. when he found out about it, brought it forward. so the fact of the matter is, it's -- unless she gets convicted before the trial, that probably won't get in. but it does hurt her credibility tremendously. and i think that anybody that's going to listen to her is going to be big questions on it. clearly, in the court of public opinion. >> all right. one final thing. the judge recently had written an order, want to quote from it here, about george zimmerman, mark, saying, quote, george zimmerman has now demonstrated he does not properly respect the law or the integrity of the judicial process. those are incredibly harsh words from a judge. and i'm wondering now that his wife is involved, what this means in terms of, you know, where the george is intending to go with this. the judge. >> well, the judge, lester, is an excellent judge. i've known him forever 30 years. he's fair, compassionate and tough as nails when he needs to be. he's what we waut our judges. the fact of the matter is, is
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that it's especially important when it comes or if it comes to a stand your ground hearing. there's less and less chance that might happen. but the fact of the matter, if there is a stand your ground hearing, george zimmerman's crstimony is going to be ical for a court's consideration to have this case thrown out early. and because the judge clearly has suspicions about anything that may in the future come out of george zimmerman's mouth, the reality of it is, it lessens his chance if, in fact, the case rests on george zimmerman's word. >> i want to bring the attorneys for trayvon martin into the conversation now. the parents of trayvon martin today made an emotional plea change florida's stand your ground law today. there was a task force meeting in orlando where they did that. the law, of course, is going to be a key factor in the case against george zimmerman. the florida neighborhood watchman says that he did shoot and kill trayvon martin. he says it was self defense. and the stand your ground, according to mark o'mara, the defense attorney -- intended to be a key part of the defense. benjamin crump is "outfront"
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tonight joining mark and myself. let me start by ain rst uracon to the arrest of shelly zimmerman. that exchange you just heard where she lied, and what you think this does for your side of the story. >> well, i'll simply say this, erin. the prosecutor sent a strong message that you have to tell the truth in court because it's the basis of our entire american justice system. and credibility of every witness is always at the crux of the matter. >> so do you think this makes your case strong e though, now that you have what's very clear on tape of george zimmerman's wife lying? >> well, the special prosecutor who is prosecuting the case felt that as they said in court, it was blatant lies, and they feel that it is about credibility, and they're going to use any and every aspect of george zimmerman's testimony, or
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statements, to put forth to the jury, erin, and be able to say, is he telling the truth or not. it is all about credibility. because it is only his version that says trayvon martin attacked him. every other piece of objective evidence seemed to suggest he said in his own words he was chasing trayvon martin. and so it certainly suggests that the objective evidence says that he pursued him, and it's only his version. >> yeah. benjamin, let me play -- today there was the hearing on the stand your ground law that i know george zimmerman's team has said they're going to be using in his defense. here is trayvon martin's mother making a very emotional plea for that law to be overturned before this case. here she is today. >> my 17-year-old son was unarmed. he had a bag of candy and a can of iced tea. he was not harming anyone. he was not committing any crime. and i just don't understand how this law was passed under these
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grounds. >> benjamin, what are you asking the task force to do? do you think you can get this law overturned in time for it to not be used by george zimmerman and his defense? >> well, erin, it's very important that everybody listens to her whole testimony to the task force. she first said that she is not opposed to the second amendment. and that they are not trying to have the whole law repealed. they're trying to have the trayvon martin amendment to the law that says you cannot pursue and then confront the person and kill them, and then say that i was standing my ground. what a horrible message that sends to society. because as trayvon's father said, it tells america that vigilanteism is okay. and we can't have that message out there. >> mark, do you think they could get an amendment like that passed? i mean, my understanding was, if you pursue the stand your ground already may not be applicable. maybe i misunderstood. >> yeah, look a couple sections
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of the stand your grand law, extremely complex. and to condense it into a short time like this, it's really requires almost some -- a lawel school class. the reality of it, though, is that the perverse irony of all of this, the sad tragedy -- the additional tragedy of all this is that, you know, this law was passed in 2005 under jeb bush's republican administration. it's been supported by all of the administrations that have been conservative administrations and the florida legislature. and now we have a conservative prosecutor, a conservative state attorney general, and a conservative governor who have all presumably supported this. so now the very case that they're supporting is objecting to the stand your ground law. so we have a great inconsistency going on. we also have to address these gun laws we have that allow people to go ahead and basically arm themselves to the teeth and then walk around.
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the fact of the matter is, yes, we have a law that has to be looked at and figure out how to make it right so that it's fair and it doesn't create injustices. but we also have a big issue. when you arm people, people are going to get shot and killed. and to let people in public places arm themselves to the teeth, whether it's a library or a mall or a public road or walkway, people are going to get killed when you have laws such as stand your ground that are not dealt with, in concert with gun laws. and we've got an irresponsible approach in our legislature with our politicians the way they approach this. that's the bigger issue that independent of the tragedy that's occurred for the martin family and what zimmerman is going through that has to be addressed. and it's interestingly how conspicuously silent the nra and some of the leading politicians are about this point. oh, they're the ones that have pushed it from day one. >> all right. thank you very much. i think we can all agree, there's a serious issue with how this even happened. somebody with a gun and somebody that didn't.
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all right. next, a key witness in the jerry sandusky trial took the stand. what former penn state coach debenally me out today on the stand. what he really saw in the locker room that day. and more than 30 years and an academy award-nominated film later, a missing baby case is finally solved. one that inspired. pinch... and zoom... in your car. introducing the all-new cadillac xts with cue. ♪ don't worry. we haveoten you still like things to push. [ engine revs ] the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's brging the futu forward. throughout our entire lives. ♪ one a day men's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin
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well, we've been talking for a long time about the economic problems in spain. and it's gotten so bad politicians have been forced to lift a ban on prostitutes' advertising. that's right. if it you're a prostitute in spain, as of today, you can now advertise your services in the local paper. apparently it's a very profitable advertising business. one study found that advertising by prostitutes brought in $50 million a year in spain. and you know what? right now in spain every one of those euros counts. today spain's borrowing costs soared. it now costs spain 6.83% to borrow money for ten years. yeah, if you have a mortgage in the u.s., you can realize how high that is. it's the highest interest rate since the euro started in 1999.
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and it is one spain cannot afford. there are a lot of people and politicians trying to find a solution to this problem. but a lot of things are getting lost in translation. literally. according to a german paper, politicians have been forced to send back official eu documents, because they have been so poorly translated. so the rest of europe has a prop problem and germany hears about the problem and can't understand what it is. maybe that's why it's taken several years to try to start solving it. politicians are being forced to waste time just getting documents clarified. so, the eu decided let's get an entire translation unit to solve this problem. they did. you know, there's 23 official languages spoken in the eu, which means every official document has to be translated into every single one. even into maltese. how many people even speak that? it's an expensive process. and that's our number tonight. $375 million. that's how much the eu spends every year on translation services. that's about 300 million euros.
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that's a lot of money that adds up fast and maybe that's a canary in the coal mine how pad it is over there. now let's reach out, and we go far, far away to australia. the 30-year-old mystery of the death of 2-month-old azaria chamberlain has finally come to an end. a court ruled that azaire i can't who disappeared in 1980 by the famous airs rock was killed by a dingo, a type of wild dog. the story gained worldwide attention and was made into a 1988 meryl streep film, "a cry in the dark." carol gilbert is following the case. i asked how they finally came to this verdict. >> reporter: erin, the wheels of justice have moved very, very slowly for the chamberlain family. it was 32 years ago that the chamberlains said a dingo had taken their baby from their campsite from airs rock in central australia and it's taken
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more than three decades for the australian legal system to catch up. four inquests. lindy chamberlain sentenced to death and then exonerated. they have been paid compensation, but it was never actually decided unequivocally by the legal system that it had been a dingo. the cause of death was left open. well yesterday, azaria claim ber lan's death certificate was complete. a coroner emotional in making her ruling did say, and ruled finally a dingo had taken their baby. >> all right. thank you very much. and i guess as jerry seinfeld said, a dingo stole their baby. now let's check in with anderson cooper with a look at "ac 60." >> hi, keeping them honest. americans got slammed by the recession, net worth plunging 40%. a new report points that out.
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and now the political blame game has begun. mitt romney pointed the finger at the president even though he wasn't in office. the obama campaign, though, not backing down either with a new attack ad, attacking romney's job record while governor the massachusetts. the numbers and the facts ahead. keeping them both honest. i'm joined by kevin madden. also, the latest madden and cornell blecher. also, the fires blazing. hundreds of thousands of acres already lost. with winds expected to pick up tomorrow, what little progress was made today could be lost. we'll check in with chad myers. those stories and a new report out of syria documenting almost unthinkable acts by pro regime forces. torture and murder of children. it's all starting at the top of the hour, erin, we'll have a lot more as well. >> looking forward to hearing all that. it was an emotional day of testimony in the case against former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky. an 18-year-old who prosecutors
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identify as victim number one broke down in tears as he testified how sandusky repeatedly abused him from the age of 11. testimony which also brought some jurors to tears was followed by more disturbing statements. you may remember him, the redheaded assistant football coach who was the first eyewitness to tell the jury he saw sandusky molesting a young boy in the showers at penn state. sandusky is accused of sexually abusing ten boys over 15 years. he denies the allegations. jean casarez is a correspondent with "in session." paul cowan is our legal contributor and a criminal defense attorney. jean, you were there. what was that moment like when the victim broke down into tears and why? >> you know, erin, he started to -- and i said to myself, i was sitting in court, and i said, he's breaking down, he's going to start to cry. when he outlined the first
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sexual abuse that truly he says happened to him, he just started to sob. absolutely sob. and at one point, i saw him look at jerry sandusky and he glared at him like he was so angry. but he was petrified on that stand. and the prosecutor said, why didn't you tell your mother? he said, to my mother, jerry sandusky was my role model. i hadn't had a father. i couldn't tell her. and i saw the prosecutor look at jerry sandusky and just paused for a second and glared at him. and the jury very focused but the young man who is going to be a senior at penn state, he could not look at someone so close to him in age as he testified so graphically on that stand. >> jean what did mike mcqueary say? this incident we heard so much about. he said he saw jerry sandusky with a boy in the shower. and then went and told the head
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coach, joe paterno about it the next day. did you learn anything new about that moment today? >> it was so detailed. that's what was new to me. he was very confident. he said he was home that night and decided, i'm going to go do some work. he went to the coach's locker room. he opened the first door. he heard slapping sounds. the showers were running. very confused. didn't understand what he thought he heard. went to the second door. went to his locker. looked in the mirror. saw showers, saw jerry san dusky with a little boy, he testified. they then looked for himself. he said he saw the little boy with his hands up on the shower wall. he said he took his locker door and slammed it shut and then was three to five feet and what was happening broke up and they all had eye contact and then he called his father and he went to his father and he said, what do i do? and his father said, go to joe
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paterno. >> obviously incredibly emotional and hard to hear. sandusky denies any of this happened. what's going to happen here in terms of a verdict? jury members are crying. >> well, this case is starting out very, very well for the prosecuti prosecution. you've had two days of very compelling, very moving testimony. mike mcqueary's testimony today, you know, you would have thought on cross examination maybe they would really make a dent in his credibility, his believability. but most courtroom observers said no, mcqueary came across very well. one of the phrases that just resonates, he said -- he told joe paterno what he saw in the shower room was wrong. it was perverse and it was clearly sexual. i don't think i've seen those words used like that to demonstrate it was clearly conveyed to paterno what was going on in that locker room with sandusky. a major fast food chain is launching its new summer menu tomorrow. we know what's going to be on
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it. we have the press release. there's something on this menu that i think mayor bloomberg needs to know about. and all of you that hate mayor bloomberg right now, you might actually want him to get involved. [ male announcer ] this is corporate caterers, miami, florida. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers.
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tomorrow is a big day in the world of fast food. burger king will release its summer menu. it is expected to include a new style whopper, a pulled pork isn't sandwich, barbecue chicken, frozen lemonade and a vanilla sundae. it's the vanilla sundae that caught my eye. it includes fudge, caramel, lots of both of those things and a ton of bacon. oh, oh. tested in nashville area burger kings since earlier this year, the company hopes the bacon sund sundae will win back customers. which is strange for a lot of republic reasons. burger king rolled out a $750 million plan to go healthy,
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