tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 14, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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one of the people arrested is the brother of these two guys. these guys actually call themselves 40 and 42. they are two of the highest ranking commanders of the drug cartel. raphafael romo is our latin affs editor. so the emergency message that was posted online, does it actually mention the zetas? it simply refers to a transnags criminal organization going on. these results could result if some form of retaliation or anti-american violence. but there's no doubt who they're talking about here? >> it's got to be los zetas. it was the only operation conducted this week, it happened the same day, and it has to be los zetas. >> we're talking about mexico for people who have vacation plans, it's the summertime. where in mexico are we talking? what kind of precautions should we take? >> the good news is that no american has been targeted in mexico just for being american. and we're talking about the northern border states, not places that americans are
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familiar, like cancun, acapulco, all of those places. in particular, people in mexico city wi city may be concerned, but there's been no violence in mexico city. the warning applies though those states that we're talking about and border states. and here on the map, we see the state of tamaulipas, that's a major state of operation for los zetas, and also the state right next to it is also one of the states of concern. >> if those are the areas you were thinking of heading to, which typically people vacationing are not, heads up. rafael romo, thank you so much. and now let's roll on. top of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin. happening right now, we are getting late word that any minute the prosecution may be resting in the case against jerry sandusky, the former penn state coach accused of raping boys. it has been one week of incredibly disturbing testimony, so as soon as that news breaks,
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we're going to bring you, of course, live, reporting from that courthouse there in pennsylvania. but first, same state, nearly the same time, wildly different messages. president barack obama and his republican challenger, mitt romney, delivering competing economic visions in opposite corners of ohio today. the president just wrapped up momentsing moments ago. >> i want to recruit an army of new teachers. we won't deport hard-working, responsible young immigrants who have grown up here or received advanced degrees here, we'll let them earn the chance to become american citizens. so my plan would end the government subsidies to oil companies that have rarely been more profitable. let's double down on a clean energy industry. my plan would make the r&d tax credit permanent, but the private sector can't do it alone. >> meantime, mitt romney got the jump on the president by just a matter of minutes, giving his own economic speech first, and he outlined three broad areas. here he was. >> first, energy.
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you see, i happen to like the sources of energy that we have in abundance in this country. if i'm president, with on day one, we're going to get the approval for that pipeline from canada, and if i have to build it myself to get it here, i'll get that oil into america. number two, i'm going to get rid of this great big overhang that came from one piece of legislation that has frightened businesses small and large and made them less likely to hire people. i'm going to get rid of obama care. number three, i'm going to go after the deficit. >> let me bring in our chief political analyst, gloria borger, and we're going to talk about both of these speeches. first, did we hear anything new from either of them. >> no. >> no? >> no, i don't think we really heard a lot new. i think what we saw was framing speeches from either side. you know, sort of setting the table for the different visions for the future of the economy on the economy, which is issue number one, as we head forward.
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i think what we saw from president obama was kind of interesting. he's been getting a lot of conflicting advice from democrats these days, and a lot of them are saying, you can't dwell on the past and how bad things were when you came into office, because you look like you're whining, and you can't talk about everything you've done, because it will sound like things are going real well, and they're not, so you have to kind of focus on the future. and i think you saw a president obama do a little bit of each with this speech, ending with the future and saying, by the way, my vision would help the middle class more than mitt romney's vision, and the reason we haven't done more is because of this awful stalemate in congress, ie, republicans in charge of the house. >> right. which the president mentioned and he said, look, this choice in november, it's not just about two candidates, it's about these two sides, very textured sides. and as some of them talk about the future, they're under a lot of pressure. both of these men under a lot of pressure to lay out these
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policies. >> a huge amount of pressure. and it's really an amount of timing, brooke. when you talk to strategists on both sides, they all say, look, each one has to lay out a vision. right now mitt romney has a 59-point economic plan. and if you ask anyone what's in it, they really don't know. 59 points is kind of a muddle. but if you ask people what president obama's economic plan is, even though he's proposed all kinds of things in his jobs act, it hasn't gone anywhere in congress. so there's that same sense of muddle from the voters. at some point, and some democrats suggest the president doesn't have to do it right now, maybe it does it in his convention speech. mitt romney ought to pare down his 59 points into something more digestible. maybe not right now, maybe in the fall, but both of them have to kind of narrow their focus. >> so, as they're narrowing, i know americans want substance. i mean, how much of these speeches was substance versus attacking the other candidate? >> well, you know, i think their visions are so different on the
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economy that what is substance is also kind of attacking the other guy. you know, you heard mitt romney say, for example, that regulations are strangling small business. you heard president obama say, that's not the case, that when he came into office, the general consensus was that there weren't enough regulations. that's why wall street took such a calamitous fall. so they disagree. they disagree on the keystone pipeline. you know, voters are going to have -- >> they have quite the choice. >> -- a very clear choice. there is nothing that these focus really agree on on the large, sort of economic issues. the one point that president obama was making is that you don't want to go back to the policies of the past. and that's the point he made in the last election. he's still making it in this election, and so i think there's a bit of a burden on mitt romney right now to say, you know what,
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i don't want to do what george w. bush did. >> right, right, right. >> i'm going to take us in a different direction. so we need to hear that from mitt romney. >> you brought up -- >> i bet we will. >> we might, we'll see. you brought up the voters. let's take a look at this poll. this is "washington post"/abc, this is independent voters, how they view both obama and romney's economic plans negatively here, with the margin here, as you look at the numbers, it's worse for the president. will anything that was said today make a difference? >> no, i think it's still more of the same old, same old at this point. and i think we may not know until the debates how the public really feels about the economy. you know, the big question here is, brooke, when do people start focusing, nurl one, because i would argue that's when these candidates are going to come out with their really sharp economic message. >> focusing on specifics. >> focusing on specifics. and then the question is, when does the public start cementing in its views about how the
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economy is doing. you know, republicans tend to say, they're going to do it right now and that this last jobs report was really important. and democrats i talk to tend to say, you know what, they're going to wait until after the fall, they're going to wait until the olympics, maybe after the world series, that's when they're going to start -- >> is it advantageous to wait that long, because, you know, november -- >> well, for democrats, brooke, they're hoping things are going to get better. so they're hoping that people aren't cementing their views right now. they would like people to wait a lit. but the thing about trying to spin the economy, brooke, is that you can't. because it's the one area people feel. they know what's going on in their bank account. they know it's -- >> all too well. >> -- going on in their lives. so you can't spin what people feel. they know how they feel. so the worst thing anyone can do, particularly the president, is tell them that things aren't that bad, if they feel like they're bad. >> they will vote how they feel
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come november. >> exactly. exactly. >> gloria borger, always a pleasure. >> thanks, brooke. a lot more coming up into the "cnn newsroom," including this. >> if syria is close to an all-out civil war, one expert warns this could be disaster for america's security, and his reasons are haunting. i'm brooke baldwin, the news is now. a popular dating app suddenly shuts down as accusations fly that rapists targeted teens. mr. us, from mariah to sjp's town house. tonight president obama going for gold in gotham. and parents murdering their daughters because they wanted boys. >> she had just come into the world. she is like a flower bud and he killed her. >> go inside the most dangerous place in the world to be a girl.
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the world travel corporation dealt lance armstrong a huge blow today. they barred him from competing in international contests while he's under investigation for doping. the u.s. anti-doping agency confirmed just yesterday that it's now opening proceedings against armstrong and five former teammates. armstrong, you know his story, he inspired the world. he beat cancer, he won the tour de france seven times. and, obviously, he is not at all happy with this ruling here. he said, quote, unlike many of my accusers, i have competed as an endurance athlete for 25 years with no spike in performance, passed more than 500 drug tests, and never failed a one. i want to bring in "usa today" columnist, christine brennan, joining me by phone. so christine, judging by your column here, your headline, no room to whine, i am guessing your reaction to the news today. perfectly fair. >> yes, brooke, you know what it is, the u.s. anti-doping agency, the world anti-doping agency,
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this is what they do. this is -- they investigate athletes to make sure the sport is clean for children to watch, for sponsors, for all of us to believe what we see on the field of play. and they have investigated hundreds of athletes and as you know, my thought is very simple. why should armstrong be any different? why should they not investigate lance armstrong to the full extent of their powers? and that is exactly what they're doing. >> so what about the argument, we just heard lance armstrong's words as well here, the fact that he has been drug tested something like 500 times, never had a positive result. what about that? >> right. the same can be said of marion jones, who was cheating throughout the first part of the century. the same can be said for mark mcgwire, for barry bonds, for so many others. drug testing, unfortunately, hasn't caught up with all the cheating and all of the new drugs out there. the bad chemists, brooke, are way ahead of the good chemists. so sometimes you'll hear this terminology, nonanalytical positive. what that means is that it's
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testimony, it's paperwork, it's documents. that's what they have on lance armstrong. and while this is very discomforting to cancer survivors and so many people who look up to lance armstrong, i think we have to let it play out. and not failing drug tests does not mean that you're not cheating. >> what about that armstrong has said, you know, the department of justice has already completed a two-year investigation. same witnesses. what about now? >> that's an uncriminal investigation they closed on the friday before the super bowl, very abruptly and surprisingly, but they determined to do that. they have an entirely different charge. it's not about a crime, it's about keeping sports clean. and as i said, there have been hundreds of athletes who have willingly and understandably had to accept punishment and sanctions and banishment because of their actions. and lance armstrong is now with
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that group of people, being looked at, because we care about clean sports. >> christine brennan, thanks for calling in. thank you very much. civil war, the phrase gets tossed around a lot, especially this past week as the situation gets increase imply entire in syria. but my next guest says, if that happens, if civil war happens, it would spell disaster for america's security. and his reasons a disturbing. plus, an exclusive look inside the homemade bombs these rebels are making in sir california. you're going to see one actually in action, but we want to warn you, the footage is dramatic. ♪ [ female annou ] the sun powers life. ♪ and now it powers our test innation. ♪ introducing the world's only solar-powered home energy system, which can cut your heating and cooling bills in half.
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woooo! [ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way. you've heard all the arguments against intervening in syria. no good guys to back, tougher nut to crack than libya was, and despite the ongoing horrors being suffered by civilians now pressing u.s. interests, so how's this for a counterargument here? we must make a stand in syria and make it soon because we can't afford not to. this is coming from mideast
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analyst robert satlove. if syria descends into the chaos of an all-out civil war, it's not only syrian who is will lose out. very clear american interests are also at stake. robert satloff joins me now from washington. he's executive director for the washington institute for near east policy. let's take the first concern on your list. that being syrian army units abandoning potentially these chemical weapons sites. we're showing here, you see this map, some of those sites right now. army units could flee the sites. the dangerous weapons could be taken by rogues, maybe terrorists, we don't know. how realistic is that scenario? >> i t regrettably very realistic. the passage of time in syria is our biggest enemy. the idea ta slow-grinding change opens up all sorts of opportunities for terrible outcomes. here it could be a mutiny, it could be soldiers leaving their post, they could be defeated by
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rebels, all sorts of things could happen with the passage of time. speedy change will help limit the downside negative effects of this. >> yeah, you said time is not an ally. you also talk about the potential danger for syria to then lash out at its neighbors, possibly to stir up trouble in turkey, in jordan, in lebanon. we c add iraqo thatst we're alady se agery of sectaan violence there. the qio conflict in syria ignite the entire region as it continues to wors worsen? >> again, i'm worried mostly about american interests and what would engage the united states. we have to remember that syria is on the border with nato. that's turkey. and on the border with israel, on the other side. and there are many ways in which assad, a beleaguered assad could strike out in way that would engage our very close allies and even our nato alliance. >> how so? >> well, for example, the syrians have already begun to
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turn on the spigot of the anti-turkish, kurdish terrorist group, the pkk, which killed 30,000 turks over the last 30 years. they turned it off when turkish/syrian relations were warm, but now that turkey has decided to support the opposition, they've turned it back on again. if this gets really bad, the turks are going to act. and similarly with the israelis or the jordanians. there are a couple hundred thousand palestinian refugees inside syria that the syrians could use as pawns, and indeed, weapons, pushing these refugees into jordan, on the golan heights would trigger conflict. and this is the way assad might try to expand the conflict so has to save himself. >> thus ultimately, you know, damaging americans, nato, surrounding nations, as you point out. but i want to throw something else at you. and that is, one man from one
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perspective could be a freedom fright, could be another man's terrorists. this is stellar reporting from our correspondent on the ground, arwa damon reporting on a group of syrian rebels. take a look. >> reporter: a voice says, this is a suicide bombing mission against assad soldiers. god is great, the voice declares, as a van comes into view, apparent approaching a checkpoint. the camera zooms in. outgunned by assad's forces, some rebels have turned to suicide bombs and roadside ieds, iraq-style guerilla warfare. >> so the question becomes, and i know, libya is not at all syria, but i remember, we covered libya and the concern was, you know, who are these -- who is the opposition? if we do get involved, you know, who do we back? these are not necessarily nice folks, the rebels. who do we back, what do we do? >> first of all, you're absolutely right. not all the rebels are nice folks and not many of them have
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ever read the federalist papers. the key, though, again, is time. so far, according to intelligence sources i've been in touch with, here and abroad, there have only been hundreds of jihadists that have moved from other countries into syria, as opposed to the -- you know, the hundreds of thousands of opposition forces in general and the tens of thousands that are in the armed opposition. just hundreds of jihadists. a year from now, 18 months from now, those hundreds -- >> could turn into two hundred of thousands. >> so if we want to limit the danger of this becoming a jihadist successor regime, then we have to speed up the process of change. >> but you have to be more specific when we say change. are you saying we do go in, we do back these fighters, these members of the opposition? >> well, my view is we can assist the members of the opposition, we can use our intelligence, we can use our
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cyberwar capabilities and we can use our air power. i don't think that it's at all necessary for on the ground american forces to be engaged. what is important is to try to change the military balance in the country so that the forces around assad begin to splinter and crack, much more quickly than we've seen so far. that will be done when they're viewed as more capable. not when they're viewed as about to win, but when they're viewed as more capable. and that job is something we can do without american soldiers. >> robert satloff, i appreciate it, come back. joining us from washington. an outbreak of hepatitis "c" at a hospital sparks all kinds of panic, but as the hunt for the infected patients is now underway, wait until you hear how this happens. and pretty soon, a huge moment at ground zero. we'll take you there, live. ♪ ♪
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a hepatitis "c" outbreak at a hospital. wait until you hear who's to blame here. and also a big movement soon at ground zero. and arizona fights dust storms with poetry. it is time to play reporter roulette. but we want to begin with elizabeth cohen with the details of this just absolutely bizarre outbreak of hepatitis "c" inside a new hampshire hospital. elizabeth, what happened. >> brooke, public health officials are telling everyone who was treated at the cardiac catheterization lab at the exeter hospital in new jersey that they need to come and get tested for hepatitis "c." here's what they think happened. they say that a health care worker at that facility shared drugs with patients. in other words, the allegations are that this worker put some of the drugs into him or herself and then gave the rest to the patients. hepatitis "c" is spread by sharing needles. already 19 patients who went to
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that lab have been found to have that exact strain of hepatitis "c." nationwide, at least three other hospitals over the years have experienced what's called drug diversion, where a health care worker takes drugs intended for patients. brooke? >> elizabeth cohen, thank you. next on reporter roulette, poppy harlow in new york. and poppy, a big day at ground zero with the president, also first lady visiting. tell me what's happening. >> reporter: a very big day, a few hours away now, at 5:15 eastern, that's when the president and first lady will arrive here at grier. let's pan up to the top and show you what the president will be touring. that is one world trade center, now the highest building in manhattan. it will be 1776 feet, brooke. a very symbolic number, america's dlars of independence. the president will tour it and sign a beam that be placed atop one world trade center. he's going to shake hands with construction workers who will all eventually sign that beam as
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well. it's interesting, this is the president's fourth trip to ground zero, twice as a candidate, once on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, and now this is. this is very symbolic, meaningful for the workers. i spent a day earlier this week down here talking to them. one of them told me this is really the culmination of so many years of building this, to have frankly political infighting, financial disputes over getting this built. and now we are really just a few hundred feet away from the topping out of one world trade center, brooke. >> we've got you in a double box with the time lapsed video, it is stunning, we are just replaying it here. you mentioned how it's symbolic for the people in new york, with the president being there. it's political, too. >> reporter: of course it's political. this is a campaign season! it is very political. you've got about 3,500 construction workers down here every day, and brooke, almost all of them are union construction workers. so that is key for the president, to have this opportunity to meet them, to talk to them, this will obviously be a photo op.
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there'll be cameras in there. and the president just last friday, you'll remember, when he made that jobs push, calling on congress to act on the jobs act, he pointed out construction workers, specifically, he said, there are a million contraction workers out of work, since the housing bubble burst. we need to put them back to work now. those are the president's words. he's going to be with those construction workers today after talking about the economy earlier today in ohio, the same state where mitt romney did the same thing. so, yes, it is symbolic, it is very important for this city. i can tell you living here, and it is political. >> poppy harlow, thank you for us there at ground zero. and next on reporter roulettero. it's poetry time. this is the arizona department of transportation. you've seen these videos all the time of these horrible dust storms popping up along the highway. so they're coming up with this little challenge via haiku. >> we started this a couple of years ago with turn around,
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don't drown. that was a national service thing, don't drive into a floodwater. so now they're trying to get the word out to people who just moved to arizona, utah, of what to do in a dust storm. and what do you do? >> let's look at the haiku. going back to my english 101, it's five sill syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. >> the dirt blows very hard, sky darkness, goes almost black, stop car, wait it out. good? is that one? when haboobs come arolling -- we're not going to take it? >> this is very serious. these are dust storms, it's the haiku and it's you, and it's just funny. >> it's how i read, nice and slow, like i'm reading to my 7-year-old. >> it's a great program, but i
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sat and thought, and i -- >> oh, you made one? >> i have a haiku just for you. this is dedicated to you, chad myers. >> it's always sunny when myers gives the forecast, barometric stud. you like that? >> i don't know. >> you don't know? >> i don't know what that means. >> just say thank you. >> thank you. >> chad myers, thank you very much. >> i made my own. don't i get to say it? >> do you have it memorized? >> no. >> there it is. >> baa bob, a dust foe, makes vision go to zero, stop, be a hero. done. >> wow. okay, chad, can you just take us to break? >> yes. we'll be right back. oh! [ baby crying ] ♪ what started as a whisper ♪ every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. ♪ slowly turned to a scream ♪
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cell phones, mobile apps. this popular dating app is suspending its service for teenagers after three of its young users were sexually assaulted. the alleged attackers in all three of these cases, adults posing as teens. the app is called skout. they are saying, "in recent weeks, we've learned of several incidents vofring a new bad actors trying to take advantage of some of our younger members." then it goes on, "for now we believe that there's only one thing we can do, until we can design better protections, we are temporarily shutting down the is under-18 community." i want to bring in sunny hostin, what's the problem, because it's location-based? >> i had to try to figure it out myself, but i did go online and get the app and apparently it is this sort of location-based dating application that has about 5 million subscribers. and it's really interesting in that you get to meet and perhaps
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hook up with people that are nearby you. now, it has that sort of gps technology. it doesn't necessarily tell everyone where you are. but you do know that people are quite close to you, within about half of a mile. and so i think that is what has been so problematic, it is that location-based application that has led to all of these problems. >> yeah, you just also never know who's on the other end of that app, obviously, in three of these cases. skout says they have some safeguards in place, they're working on more, but can they really guarantee, you know, 100%, even if it's still location-based, that the kids are safe, that they're using it? >> well, no, of course not. they really can't guarantee that, but they have clearly tried to be good corporate citizens with, and the company is considering this a five-alarm fire. it's very interesting. they have this proprietary technology, brooke, which i commend them for. it's called the creepanator wan
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it checks for nude photos or inappropriate activity. this company has about a quarter of its staff using this creepanator and trying to continuously monitor activity. that clearly wasn't enough in this case. so they have taken down this separate service, this service for 13 through 17-year-olds, and they're trying to do better. but the loath line is, you know, they can't guarantee that our children are safe. and so it's up to parents to do so. you don't want to raise your children in a bubble, right, but you certainly, i think, can use those parental controls -- >> know what's on your kids' phones, exactly. >> but also you have to teach your children about internet safety and the fact that child predators will try to get to your children. they always try to outsmart them. >> hopefully parents know that, but it's always good to remind them that there are all these crazy apps out there and predators, creepy, creepy
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people. the man who scared mila kunis to death ordered to stand trial. how close had he gotten to her? >> he got really close to her. i mean, so close that in january, he broke into her home, brooke, and lived there for two weeks. broke into her condominium. now, she wasn't living there, but he was. he also went to her gym about three months later, even though she had a restraining order against him, even calling her agent and demanding her phone number. so this has been a very serious problem for this particular actress. and we know that celebrity stalkers have been out there for quite some time. i mean, i recall in 1989, remember "my sister, sam," that actress, rebecca schaffer, and she was murdered by a stalker who got her address by california dmv records and shot her when she answered the door. this has been a continuing problem and with the internet and social networking,uch a problem for lebries. >>beryuch is out
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there. sunny hostin on the case, thank you. tonight, the president is going for gold in gotham. we'll give you the behind the scenes look to sarah jessica parker's tn hous and the other celebs he'll be rubbing elbows with. your political pop is next. 5-250 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about market volatility. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 in times like these, it can be tough to know which ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 way the wind is blowing. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we're ready with objective insights about ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 the present market and economic conditions. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 and can help turn those insights into ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 a plan of action that's right for you. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 so don't let the current situation take you off course. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 talk to chuck. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way.
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pop. today president obama was all about the economy as he was speaking in cleveland, but tonight, he's all about cash, as in cash in his campaign war chest. and when it comes to fund-raising, there is no business like showbiz for the president. let me bring in, again, our chief white house correspondent, jessica yellin, and so he's got, what is it, not just one, but two big fund-raisers tonight. celebrity fund-raisers. >> reporter: yeah. and not just celebrities, but fashion celebrities. he's going to a fund-raiser, okay, there'll be a later fund-raiser with mariah carey, which is very cool, but, you know, earlier, he's going to a fund-raiser with sarah jessica parker, as we call her, sjp. >> sjp, of crse. >> reporter: and ana wintor, th editor of "vogue," as you know. and we're supposed to be very sneering about this and ironic, because it is, you know, we're pposed to queson esident should be schmoozing with celebrities and mixing with wealthy people to such an stent at a time that the nation is in
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recession, and that is a legitimate question to ask, but us girls who watch "sex and the city" can't help but giggle a little bit and be sort of jealous that he's hanging out with sjp. >> i take it you don't get to hop a flight and go to sjp's town house to cover the president? >> reporter: i really tried to wrangled that, but it wasn't going to happen. >> last month, $76 million to $60 million. so of course jon stewart had a little something to say about it. let's roll it. >> obama is rolling his [ bleep ] off, six fund-raisers a day, trying to squeeze a mere $3.5 million out of him. meanwhile, romney's got adelson going, hey, jean, why don't you pop off a check to romney for like $10 million. >> is the president wearing himself out with all these fund-raisers? is there trouble abrewing? >> it's, you know, it's a challenge, and it's sort of a brand-new world. it's an unknown landscape now.
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and it's something that the president has, you know, kind of carped about for a long time. he thinks that citizens united was a really bad decision. that's the one that opened all the floodgates to all this new money. so he is spending an awful lot of time raising money, it's true, kryeah. so we'll see. and the supreme court is rehearing a case that might, that could change this policy, but who knows what will happen. >> who knows. jessica yellin, for now, we appreciate you there. political pop. good to see you. meanwhile, a north carolina man turns his passion into helping the environment into a business that makes ecoaccessories. this is your solutions today. airlines and bicycles may mean transportation to you, but to matt moller, they're duffel bags, purses, laptop bags, and wallets. moller, a die-hard environmentalist, is the founder of tiara ideas, a company that used bicycle inner tubes and aircraft seat covers into fashionable items. moller gets the rubber inner
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tubes from bike shops in the raleigh area and for fabric and leather, he has a deal with a major airline. >> they agreed to donate their used, warn seat back covers and curtains that were being retired from their aircrafts in exchange for donating 10% of our profit to their chosen charity. >> moller started the company in his garage three years ago. he does the bulk of the design and marketing himself, with help from his wife, louisa. moller sews his own prototypes. and the production work is then handed off to contract workers in the area. the handmade goods are sold in small boutiques and specialty stores in several states and online. for moller, tiara ideas is his way of preserving the environment. >> the more we can recycle into something that's usable, i think, it's just better for the planet.
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brooke, he's just come back from a 1,700 mile trek through iran. he says the iranians gave him a journalistic visa. they didn't force a minder or watcher or oial to watch him. he didn't thinkas tailed as he soing but he spoke to a wide range of people. there's a column in the "new york times" today. we're going to talk about that. he says he believes what he heard from the iranian people suggest, brooke, get this, he thinks average iranians are the most pro-american group in the middle east. can you believe that? >> no. i don't believe that. >> watch the show. >> i will. >> hear what he has to say. he's also done some video that they've posted at the "new york times" website. we'll show some of that aswell. the former pakistani ambassador to the united states now effectively being accused of treason while he was serving here in washington. we'll talk with him as well. >> i'm a big fan. thank you. see you at the top of the hour.
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meantime, this next story absolutely gives me the chills. parents murdering their daughters because they wanted boys. we're about to go inside the most dangerous place in the world to be a girl. lus pain relf starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. neosporin® plus pain relief. for a two dollar coupon, visit
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i want you to now consider this. a large study in india finds that up to 12 million girl fetuses have been aborted over the past years simply because they were female. 12 million. sara shows us why the united states deems india the most dangerous place to be a girl. >> 19-year-old stares at the tiny screen on her cell phone. this is the only place she can see her baby girl alive and well. 3-month-old afrin died in the hospital with cigarette burns, bites and a dislocated neck. police say her own father killed her. why? because she happened to be born a girl.
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>> translator: after my delivery my husband had come to see me and the baby. after seeing the child he said, it's a girl? why did you give birth to a girl? she says he wanted a boy, an heir, she was devastated when given this ultimatum. for her wedding we would require 100,000 rubies for expenses. if you can get that amount from your mother, then keep her. if you can't, then kill her. she couldn't and refused to kill her baby. so police say her husband did it himself. as brutal and shocking as this case may be, getting rid of babies just because they're girls is nothing new here in india. and many times it's done long before the child is born. how? sex selective abortions. india has a growing gap between the number of girls and the number of boys. the 2011 census show for every 1,000 boys there are only 914 girls. the gap was smaller ten years ago.
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unicef has said india's the most dangerous place to be a girl. would you agree with that considering what you know about the subject? >> this is from the district girls versus boys, i would say yes. >> he's been researching the subject for years. sex-selective abortions are against the law in india, but he says it's still happening. and he says there are more sex-selective abortions among the educated and well-off than among the desperately poor and uneducated. >> a boy is seen as a better -- >> when you say that, basically what you're telling me is that families look at girls as a liability. >> absolutely. >> and boys as almost a retirement. >> absolutely. >> in traditional indian families, the men marry and bring their bride home to live and take care of his parents. girls marry and leave the home providing no extra financial support. plus, a girl's family can go broke trying to pay a dowry to get her married.
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dowry is also outlawed in india, but it's still common as it ever was. we traveled to a village the indian government says has one of the worst ratios of boys to girls in the country where the government has launched a campaign to change minds. but even though they wear t-shirts with messages about keeping girls, we still found many more young boys. girls are mostly aborted here, she says. the people want more boys. there's a shortage of girls. we met her while she was taking care of her neighbor's newborn baby girl. all the while blowing cigarette smoke into the baby's face. she says the poorest people don't have the money to abort so they're forced to keep girls. but those who can afford an ultrasound and abortion get rid of female fetuses. so much money is required to get them married. where will the money come from? she says. but for reshma and her parents, a baby boy or gir
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