tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 16, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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you guys and to join them and i appreciate you all coming on. it's dallas obviously. wednesdays at 9:00 and the new series premiers on june 30th. i wanted it to be the biggest hit and i can watch dallas endlessly again. come back any time. it has been a pleasure. i need to lie down and take a cold shower. the top stories and first let's get you up to date on the headlines. travis baumgartner is the man police believe killed three coworkers at the university of alberta in canada. they grabbed him trying to cross the border into washington state. three security guards were kill and another is in critical condition. he worked for the same company
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as the victims. he was on the run since yesterday, wanted on three counts of murder. one person is dead and several others hurt in toronto. the overhead part of a concert stage. look at that. it broke apart and fell 50 feet. a man killed is getting ready for a radio head concert. the show was cancelled. whether it was good, no high wins. they are trying to figure out what happened there. a state psychologist will examine former penn state coach jerry sandusky tomorrow. a friday court order allows the defense in the child abuse trial to introduce testimony that he suffers from hift ri onic personality disorder. his attorneys said it explains letters he wrote to his alleged victims. wait until you see what else we are working on for you tonight. >> there is no god.
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or is there? >> our father who art in heaven. >> more people than ever question god's existence. >> a leading from the holy gospel. >> we're ask, will anyone believes god exists in 50 years? >> latino vote. >> black vote. >> and on and on. what about the white people? the real deciders in the presidential election. why isn't anyone talking about them? guess what. we are. and not so real reality tv. >> i am so very sorry. >> he lied. so did the makers of this show. does hollywood think we are that dumb? there is no cushioning this one. here you go. will anyone still believe in god in 50 years? an odd question. maybe it is, but here's why we are asking it. more people than ever are questioning god's existence. five years ago, 83% of people
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under the age of 30s they never doubted the existence of god. now that number is down to 68%. joining me to talk about this is linda who helps preachers openly question their faith and david silverman from atheist incorporated. you cannot deny the numbers. more people have doubts now. could we be looking at a phasing out of god over the next several decades? i will start with you. >> la scola. the question again, please? >> 'we seeing a doubt in the existence of god recently with so many, especially young people now? >> i can only speculate. the work i have done is conducting research with clergy who no longer believe in the super natural. what they tell me and these are
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older people over 30, what me is they wanted to believe and did believe for many, many years and dedicated their lives to believing. at some point the evidence outweighed beliefs. information is so much more available now through the internet. i know that's what young people are telling you. there is a lot of information available out there. >> is this a gradual phasing out? >> i believe we are going to see not so gradual of a phasing out of mgz. i don't think religion will go away completely, but i think that in 50 years, those few believers left will be pitied and churches will be paying fair shares of taxes. i want to underscore what linda said. it is about communication and all about the internet. that is causing it. atheists used to feel like they were the only ones.
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that was my own experience, but nowadays, any atheist out there can go on to facebook or read it and find millions of atheists just like them and trade information and learn and that is why we will see such a dramatic decline in the future. >> the young people were echoing the same thoughts you were. what about the political implications for all of this? i want you to look at that and answer if you think there going to be any. close to 80% of the u.s. population considers them a form of christian. 16% say they are unaffiliated. will we see more voters not caring about the religious beliefs of their candidates as we have seen? we have heard about the angelle cal vote and whether or not the president is a muslim and mitt romney being a mormon. do you think that will matter to people? >> speaking from the research i
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have done with clergy, what i noticed politically is wherever they start out, as they lose their super natural beliefs, they become more liberal. if they are conservative, they become more liberal. if they are already liberal, they stay liberal. losing super natural beliefs, is becoming more liberal. >> i want to play something from steven at the boston university. take a listen. >> 2/3 are saying they never even debated or doubted the existence of god. most of the church people i know have a mixture of faith and doubt. i don't see evidence of the fact that religion is going away. it seems that religion is changing a little bit, but only about 3% of millennials and people under 30 say they are atheist. i don't see a lot of
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secularization problems in amica. >> he said there still plenty of people who have never questioned god's existence and the number is low. just because you questioned god's existence, it doesn't necessarily mean that you don't believe. >> it doesn't, but it doesn't mean that you do believe to say you are a christian. a lot of people are cultural christian or cultural jews and they check the christian box because their parents raised them christian even though they don't believe in the man in the sky. i want to go back to linda about the politicians. as we grow as a nation, the atheists are going to be looking at the candidates and looking at the religious beliefs with a very concerned eye. if you believe in a man in the sky without any evidence, if you believe your underwear is magic, what else will you believe and are you qualified to run this country if you are? this is something we have to ask
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because when it comes down to it, we need our politicians to be grounded and intelligent and educate and not victims of brain wash figure ing if we can get t. >> we talked to people who may not be believers, but what about the people around them? if you don't believe, people look at you for the most part because it's a country that believes in most things. for the people around who are believers, how might they be perceived? might they be coming soon as atheists are perceived now? >> i will leave that one. i have no comment on that. i can't predict the future that way. sorry. >> i can. >> listen, it's not science. it's not rocket science here. we are just talking about data as it progresses in the future if it continues along this vain. you can take a guess about where
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we are moving. >> the question is will atheists be looked down on. will believers be looked down on? no. atheists are hated because of the bigotry that comes from religion. when it switches shoes and when the believers are the minority, they are going to feel sore for them whchlt it comes down to it, religious believers are religious because they have been so heavily indoctrinated as children such that even intelligent well-meaning people can shut their mind off and believe in something ridiculous. that's the general feeling as far as i'm concerned and i think that's what we will see in the future. i will tell you that under no circumstances is any atheist organization that i run ever going to champion the elimination of religious beliefs. you will always have freedom, you just have to pay your fair share of taxes.
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>> good answer to the question. thank you as well. i am playing devil's advocate. if god exists, prove it. also this. >> latino vote. >> black vote. >> and on and on. what about the white people? the real deciders in the presidential election. why isn't anybody talking about them? guess what, we are. ♪ [ acoustic guitar: slow ] [ sighs ] [ announcer ] all work and no play... will make brady miss his favorite part of the day. ♪ [ upbeat ] [ barking ]
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to live the american dream. i'm proud to represent the usa because to me it's the best country in the world. this is what the red white and blue means to me, what does it mean to you? woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this? [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. we are talking about the
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existence of god. people say all the time god has spoken to them. it's not always so obvious. . >> moses, this is the lord, thy god commanding you to o by thy law? do you hear me? >> i hear you, i hear you. a deaf man could hear you. nothing, forget it. >> mel brooks in history of the world part 1. clearly god doesn't speak to everyone like that. can argue no one ever really had a documented recorded conversation with god. in a word, proof here. where is the proof that god exists at all. time to play devil's advocate. joining me is jay baker, the pastor of revolution new york city, son of jim baker and tammy fay mezner. >> my book is called fall to
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grace. >> you are writing another book about doubt. >> faith and doubt. >> more people are now saying they have questioned the existence of god. i am going to lay it out there for you. what's the proof? give me the proof, the physical proof that god exists. >> the thing that everyone sees god as this being in the sky, but if god is the grounded being. god is the ground below us. he is in everything. for me, i can't prove to you and that's why it's called faith. if it was a belief, it would be called belief. for me it's faith. >> a lot of people say of course i can prove to you that there is a god. look at the son. look at the moon and the wind. i was talking to people on social media and they said 5 me physical proof god exists. i said what about is there a
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recorded conversation or physical proof? really playing devil's advocate, but there is no real physical proof, is there? >> no. there is not. the sun is an interesting idea because it's an amazing thing to study, but there is no physical proof. the thing is we have to realize that doubt is not the opposite of faith. doubt is actually know element of faith. i have to agree with that. you can't have one without the other. when you don't doubt, you don't grow. it's important to question things. faith is becoming something else, but i think that the church will shrink and we will see less religious people because of all the partisan politics and how people treated each other and how the church treated the gay community. we will see. we will see a decline. >> for those who consider
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themselves christian, if you read the bible and the guy who was jesus said you should doubt everything. >> he doubted in the garden and also on the cross, he said god, why have you forsaken me? a god that was forsaken by god. even christ was an atheist. >> i want to show you a quote from steven hawking. he said i regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. there is no heaven or after or broken down computers that. is a story for people afraid of the dark. he has come to this final conclusion. that's his final conclusion. >> you have the simplest explanation is that there is no god. no one created the universe and no one directs our faith.
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>> arguably one of the greatest minds of our time. do you think people are starting to see heaven as a fairy story? >> yeah, i think so. i think it started when people started questioning hell. now people question heaven. what's important is that we don't live for life after death. we have life before death. we love each other and focus on helping one another and you don't need religion for that. for some of us it's a comfort and for some of us it's shown us a new world. i'm obsessed with the idea of grace because of the bible and the church. >> i have to run, but i want to ask you, weren't you writing -- why are you writing a book on doubt? >> because it's something i have dealt with over the past years. i doubt just as much as anybody else does. i think it's important to realize that doubt is a part of faith and it's okay to have.
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i want other people out there, so many people have a fear of doubting. now that we have computers and internet and facebook, everybody is able to share doubts. that's a powerful thing. we shouldn't have ever have the ability to say they can't or shouldn't doubt. you can't do that. you will doubt everything. >> i said to jay, i want physical proof. he said what should i do, make fire fly out of my hand? >> no, it's all done. >> jay baker, appreciate it. >> thank you, don. >> reality tv. is it really real? from accusations that beauty competitions may not be on the up and up to shows where a contestant's biggest talent may be the ability to bs. >> i really don't know right now what is reality and what's not reality. you being bam boozeled by
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hollywo hollywood? >> you can stay connected and watch cnn live on your computer. go to we're america's natural gas and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas.
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is reality duping us. first a veteran lied about his record. then miss america said the contest was fixed. the show had her pretend to be interested in houses that weren't on the market. let's start to talk about this right now. let's say we were duped in all of these instances. does hollywood think we are that stupid? anna is now a contributor. congratulations, fanny lady. are you afraid i will get struck
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by lightning? >> i am the embodiment of god. you are in big trouble. >> don, i'm claiming to my guns and my religion. i'm not messing with god on national tv. you can be sure of that. >> listen. anna, this is television. should we be surprised by this? i remember the kardashian wedding and most people felt that it was staged. >> i think most weddings are staged. there is rehearsals and all sorts of things, but if you are getting paid millions of dollars for a wedding for a marriage that will last a few months, go ahead and stage anything you want. it's the most lucrative staging i have ever seen. >> how do you feel about this? i will ask you a similar question. it is television and even though it said reality tv, most people lead boring lives.
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are you surprised that we get duped? >> you are exactly right. most people, not don lemons, but they should have a reality show called the flavor of don or living the lemon life. your is different. >> whatever. >> to be honest, i was comp limning in a way that i will never do again. you have to make a hyper reality. i pitched around a reality show and friend who is worked on the shows. they are not scripted word for word, but the celtings are. you put snooki in a bar and tell her somebody is talking to her boyfriend. it's not scripted. it is not where you throw cameras up and see what happens. >> i have to -- maybe i am weird. i am not a fan of reality television. i don't watch it. i know who they are because i have to report on it, but i am not a fan of reality television.
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i would rather watch a scripted show that is well written that has character development. does it really matter if the shows are not real? does it matter and do we care? >> no. people are not watching reality tv because it's reality. >> but they -- they perceive it as real. >> but what's real right now, i'm sure for example that donald trump's miss america pageant, there may be questions about its credibility and reality, but every contestant has a real birth certificate that is participating in that contest. i would tell you that it's entertainment. reality shows are 2012's new soap operas. the way we used to watch dallas and dinasty and all those soap operas, these are the new ones. they are an escapism they are fun. you read them the way somebody
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would read the enquirer. they are pure entertainment and therapeutic. most of the people on those shows have such dysfunctional lives, all of a sudden you are feeling adequate and normal. >> the thing about the miss usa pageant, beauty pageants were the original talent shows on television. you would watch the pageant and you would watch the women, most of them would sing or dance or play the piano and now it evolved into this. i wonder when you hear the soldier who was hurt in all that was, do you think this will hurt reality shows when people learn more about this and will people be so heartbroken they won't watch anymore? >> people watch it for the entertainment value. that's why they watch the wrestling. it's not the sport, it's the entertainment value. it's not the actual corruption and people being paid off and they were giving answers to people because they liked the
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winner. it's not like that. it's just for fun. we twauwatch it. a lot of the hills was scripted. as long as it's fun and we enjoy it, that's all that matters. we need an escape from reality by watching others's reality. >> i was watching tmz, the entertainment show i like to watch because they make fun of all of that instead of going this new movie comes out and don't take it seriously. they were saying enough of the housewives already. i'm done. the housewives -- there is a housewife of every major city in the country. over it. >> it's a big thing though. that's eye show people love. people see this glamorous life. i am going to pitch it. i will call my my friends and see if we can make it happen. >> whatever, dean. >> i'm trying to help you. >> dean suggest that maybe we should have candidates cussing
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in debates. using swear words on a debate and maybe we should have candidates doing reality shows and the public would be far more interested in these elections. >> we would probably get more people turning out to the polls. >> it would be riveting to see a show of michelle telling obama to eat his green beans and of mitt romney putting down yahoos. >> how mitt romney and president obama are overlooking white people, next. this is genco services -- mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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marco rubio. a cuban-american and potential romney running mate. the president los angeles black vote covers, but whites still dominate at the polls. they made up 75% of voters four years ago. obama got 43% and john mccain got 55% of the white vote. steven, i have to ask you a question that someone asked you during the break. how do you feel about being the token white guy on the show? >> i'm the minority. great to be on the show. thank you for having me. >> anna, why no love for white voters in the campaign? >> i think there is plenty of love. mitt romney is doing a bus tour through ohio and pennsylvania. i have been to new hampshire and ohio and there is a lot of white people there. they are getting plenty of love.
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it's a good voting group for republicans. we actually have a white male gap that obama has to overcome. >> trust me, i was at the iowa state fair. your point is well taken. a new survey finds the president pulling in 38% support among white voters. is that a white voter problem? you wrote about that this week. >> it is. it is a big problem for president obama. i wrote the story because as you said, everybody talkses about the latino and the black vote and the soccer mom vote, but no one ever looks closely at the biggest voter block of all which is still whites. it's 70 to 75% of the electorate. when i started to look at the numbers in the polling, low and behold, it shows that barack obama has a white voter problem that is worse than it was back
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in 2008. let me say this. i believe there is no question that in 2008 that barack obama's race was an asset. americans love the idea of electing the first black president. that helped him and it was cool to be for barack obama. it's a problem though. it's not as big of an asset now as then because barack obama has a record run on it. you do have more skepticism of white voter. the polling shows that barack obama is doing unbelievably well with black voters. as high as 94 or 95% of the vote is for barack obama. >> interesting this time is will the black electorate be as passionate as the last time? if that doesn't happen, it will pose a big challenge for president obama. it's interesting because last time you would think barack obama is the president of the united states. you would think he garnered most
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of the white vote, but he didn't. john mccain did. i want to talk about something you mentioned a little bit earlier. you talked about people last time that they were proud to vote for a black president. do you think liberals have white guilt? i'm being honest. when they go to the poll this is time, they may be reluctant to deny the first black president a second term? >> there is a little bit of that. the american people like barack obama not just because of his race and being the first black president, but he is a likeable person. >> does the economy outweigh that? >> it does. that's the reason that barack obama has a white voter problem. where the problem is most severe, i looked at the white middle class anxiety and a lot of white middle class voters did
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vote for barack obama in 2008, but they are feeling the stress in their pocket book and feeling strain and know a family member who doesn't have a job and you put your finger on it. the economic issues are trumping the issues of it's cool to be for barack obama. >> it's a lot less about race i think than it is about history. four years ago, obama was a phenomenon nan and a historical moment and opportunity. you can only make history once and he made it. now he is no longer the historical figure. he is the gray haired president who has a four-year record that he has to defend and contend with. we are talking about two different barack obama. he is not less or more black than he was four years ago. it's the historical component that is the determinate factor. >> one last point. barack obama does have to get 40% of the white vote.
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it's hard to go over the finish line if he doesn't get 4 out of 10. he has work to do. >> there is the period on this segment. thank you. >> i said enough already. >> from lawmakers. >> the reforms i'm proposing are not for those who are here illegally. >> you lie! >> excuse me, sir. it's not time for questions, sir. not while time speak. >> what are is it about this president that makes some people so darn angry?
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>> i didn't ask for an argument. i am answering your question. here's why. here's the reason. these young people are going to make extraordinary contributions and are already making contributions to our society. >> really? interrupting a presidential announcement? in the white house rose garden. i know reporters can be pushy, but come on. no one can remember this ever happening before. i want to bring in dean andana. remember the congressman in the joint session of congress, now there is this. i am wondering, what is there about this president that angers people so much? >> i don't think it's anything about obama specifically, don. we have become a polarized
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society politically. you will remember that people really detested george w. bush as well. my democratic friends. politics is becoming emotionally laden and polarized and i do think that this is a rare case. it's a case that is completely inappropriate. maybe obama needs to get heckled because he showed conviction and emotionally and anger. it thought it made him look good. >> i get your point. i want to laugh about it, but we were watching it in the newsroom and the people in the control room, even our reporters said they were stunned by the instability and the lack of help. >> it was completely impolite. you have to respect the president of the united states regardless of who it is.
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the reason is because of the position and what he represents. he is repping our country. whether you like him hoar nor n should be respected. >> i know that you were very upset by it. everyone has been dancing around it. i saw many people on a number of networks dance around it. then i saw some people just hone in on it after. it wasn't on this network. did this guy feel he could do this because the president is black? i will ask you that question. >> there is a campaign against president obama that i have never seen. not what happened to president bush. this is a campaign to delegitimize the presidency. to me race is a component. i am not saying the reporter is a racist or people were against the policies of president obama. people who are saying president obama is an other. he is not american like the rest
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of us. he was not born here and i don't believe his college ezication and he is a muslim. it angers me to no end. he is the president of the united states. not the democratic or the republican president, but the president of the united states of america and he deserves the same respect as any other president. to have a congressman yell you are lying in a joint session of congress, no one has done that. to have a reporter heckle a president twice, you heckle me once, it's a mistake and twice it's an agenda. he should have been deported. he's from ireland. >> having been in the workforce and grew up in a family of all women. i know the plight of women and how women are sometimes deemed as other. women in the workplace don't get help and men will question women in a way they won't question men. i think there is an under
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current that is happening with the president where people are not out and out racist and don't treat him with the same respect they would treat a white man and that is because of the way we look at black or brown people in this country. it's no different than the way we deem some women. >> there has been a history of discrimination against blacks. we had to have a civil rights act. we had to have the national guard accompany them to go to school with the white students in the south. just today, a republican host in arizona called president obama the first monkey president. if you are going to say race is involved, you are lying to yourself. i'm not saying they are against the policy. there is plenty you could be against, but the campaign of delegitimizing, not only race, but it's there. the only way we will heal and get through this is to talk about it honestly.
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>> admit that you have a problem and deal with it. >> work on it together. >> we have to go. that will have to be the last of it only because we are out of time. i'm sorry, guys. now this. >> i had not been on roller skates since high school. why am i risking my to do it? anything is possible in zan due. >> we will take you behind the scenes of the broadway smash. i have lost my mind. i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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more of the stories you are talking about. first the news you need to know. travis balm gart mer is in police custody, no longer on the run for murder. she rob and killed three coworkers, all security guards in an armored car. they tried to cross from canada into washington state. it is time to let our hair down.
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>> that was me hanging with the cast from the musical rock of ages. the movie is in theaters this weekend. that's right now. now that we are here in xanadu. in case you missed it, we will talk about that, coming up. >> october 27, 2007 was a beautiful autumn day. i didn't know my last time i kissed her would be my last time. they were walking down this path and an underage drunk driver swerved off the road and hit them. mariah died that night. she was only 14. i'm thinking how did this happen? it is so preventable. my name is leo carthy.
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i give kids tools to stay away from drinking. our state is a top five in drinking and driving fatalities in the country. the drinking culture is a cyclical disease we allowed to continue. mariah's challenge is each new generation should not drink. i said if you stick with me for four years, don't use alcohol and drugs, i will be there with a bunch of other people to give you money. you will go to a post secondary school. >> i promise not to drink until i am 21. >> i promise not to get into a car with somebody who has been drinking. >> i think mariah's challenge is something that makes people think a little bit more. say we can be better. mariah is forever. i can't get her back, but i can help other parents keep their kids safe. if we save one child, we save a generation.
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pull up the neon tube socks and adjust the head band, we are going back in time with the 80s and the cast of xanadu. >> how do you feel about being on roller skates in a theater that everybody is so close. it's like being in a living room. >> it has to be exciting for the audience members to be that close. >> we want them to be a part of our party. we get to interact. >> i would like to open a roller disco. >> you fall down in the middle of the play? >> no. i have never fallen. let's knock on wood. >> down, down, down in front!
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mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ [ male announcer ] they were born to climb... born to leap, born to stalk, and born to pounce. to understand why, we journeyed to africa, where their wild ancestor was born. there we discovered that cats, no matter where they are... are born to be cats. and shouldn't your cat be who he was born to be?
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discover your cat's true nature. purina one. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. >> this next clip had us oling our breath. this video from inside a police cruiser shows the violent end of a police chase. the suv is thrown from the welcome and thrown, even the
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