tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 20, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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morons didn't understand me the first time. i would wrather count the wrinkles on my dog's [ bleep ] rather than sit on a jury. sometime soon every dog will have its election day. that does it for us. america has a drug problem. and at the 11th hour, president obama jumps head over heels into the fast and furious controversy. hours later the attorney general one step closer to being held in contempt of congress. they say they were just protecting their daughter. so why are they being charged with murder today? let's go out front.
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we want more ben and we want him now. but tonight, the truth. there's not enough ben for america. more ben is bad. i'm talking, of course, about this ben, fed chair ben bernanke. today he announced he'll continue so-called operation twist. the goal is to bring down interest rates. theoretically that would spark borrowing, spending and hiring. it would be a panacea to fix the whole problem. but even ben admits his supply of money is drying up. >> monetary policy is not a panacea, it's not going to solve our economic problems. >> the fed fed's drugs didn't come cheap either. there have been three rounds of fed stimulus with a total price tag
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of $2.7 trillion. and that doesn't include the $267 billion extension to operation twist that was announced today. so the question is, were the highs we got worth the price of $2.7 trillion? check this out. when the financial crisis hit, the fed stepped in with an unprecedented plan to lower interest rates. it was called q.e. 1 or quantitative easing, 1.0. it was in effect from november 2008 until march 2010 over that time, we saw a drop in borrowing rate. the rate did drop. that's a pretty decent high, 6.3% to 5.2%. the cost to get that drop in rates was $1.7 trillion. so when the economy was still dragging after that, ben gave up a little bit more. q.e. 2 in effect from november 2010 until june of the following year was like a bad trip.
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the 30-year mortgage rate actually went up by the end of q.e. 2. and the cost? $600 billion. and the economy still as we all know didn't get better. so ben gave us a little more, an even more creative cocktail called operation twist. that launched in september of last year and mortgage rates fell but only a little bit from 4.2% to 3.6%. not nearly the buzz of the first hit and the reason rates went down had a whole lot more to do with europe falling apart than the fed spending another $400 billion. the $2.7 trillion total cost of the fed stimulus? another way to add it up is whether it succeeded in the fed's ultimate goal to create jobs. and wow, wow, wow, there it does not add up. for every one job created from the beginning of q.e. 1 until today, the fed has spent $810,810 per job.
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i don't think those people who got those jobs even including benefits and a whole lot of wishful thinking are earning anything close to that. maybe i spoke incorrectly. it adds up, just not in a good way. ben bernanke knows the good and bad of the fed drug. so today, facing reality and telling america it needs to get off the drug, he could have done what a lot of people wanted today, launched another giant hundreds and hundreds of -- maybe another trillion-dollar round of q.e. but he said, yes, the economy is slowing and things are bad and it doesn't mean we should pay a lot of money to move interest rates any lower. they are low. the fed addicts in this country need to have an intervention. we need someone other than ben to lead. but who? >> investors, i know, would like to see congress take actions that put us on a long-term, sustainable fiscal path. >> congress. it's your turn.
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robert rice is the former labor secretary under president clinton and steven moore is with "the wall street journal" board. we're saying, give us more. and it does sound like we're a bunch of addicts. but it is a little depressing when you look at the numbers. without q.e. at all, the world economy would have fallen apart. but here we are and what can we do from here? >> well, strictly speaking, erin, the fed is not borrowing money. the fed is not spending money. the fed is actually creating money and there's a danger that if the fed creates too much money, it could generate inflation. that is a danger. and it also, as you said before, wants to keep some reserve in its quiver. the real problem right now is that even though interest rates are low and even though they have gotten lower, it's not
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stimulating the economy. it's not boosting the economy because i don't know if you've tried to get a -- refinance your home, i tried just a couple of weeks ago. it's very difficult to do it because the banks are sitting on so many bad loans still that they just don't want to, even with very low interest rates. >> steven moore, i have to say i bet you agree with robert rice on this one. >> well, i was going to say, i'll give you an "a" in economics today because i agreed with everything you said and i'll give robert rice a c-minus. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> that's the best grade you've ever given me, steve moore. very impressed. >> it's an attitude by robert rice and others of his philosophy that the fed can essentially print money and create growth and create jobs. as you showed, erin, that hasn't worked very well. we've had four years now of very ease, cheap money in this country. and it just hasn't worked in terms of creating jobs and wealth. now, it is true, by the way, that the fed is going to spend some more money.
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they are going to buy more long-term bonds according to what ben bernanke said. but what i was most happy about, erin, is that ben bernanke said, look, we've injected so much money into the economy with these low interest rates, there's not much left. there was an important declaration. maybe the most important thing he said today, look at that growth forecast for the second half of the year, barely 2%. that's barely treading water. i don't know if that's enough to get barack obama reelected. >> robert, what can be done from this boat? you're saying you agree with ben bernanke, don't do more now, save whatever you have left for if things get even worse. but it seems like at this point it's up to congress. who else is left? do we accept we have a terrible economy? >> we should never have to accept that. but it is up to congress. the president's put several proposals before congress in terms of state and local
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governments, in terms of tax cuts, even more tax cuts with regard to employers hiring people. and nothing has happened. the republicans say no. congress has to bite the bullet here. steve moore may disagree with what i'm about to say. so still yourself, steve. you can do this. but i do believe we are going to have to have more of a boost, either a spending boost or a middle class tax boost that gets the economy going. then when we hit an inflection point, 3% growth and 5% unemployment, that's the trigger for serious debt reduction. we don't want to do it before that. >> the reason it's not going to happen youshgs explained all spending, that's exactly what barack obama did in 2009 and it didn't work. >> it's not going to happen because republicans don't want
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it to happen because they don't want the president to be reelected. they're not going to do it even if that's the right thing to do. >> i believe they're not doing it because they don't think more spending is what is the right thing to do. that's what got republicans elected in 2010, is to stop the spending. but one thing that could help the economy and actually help barack obama a lot as well is to maybe call off the big tax increase in january for everybody. let's just not -- you and i probably could agree on that right now. this is not the time to be announcing that we're going to have this major tax increase on anybody when the economy is so fragile. >> i don't understand why for a republican or a conservative who is os stenably worried about the long-term budget deficit that you want to extend the tax cuts for the rich. they should be extended for average working people, people all the way up to $250,000. even for the rich up to the first $250,000 that they earn. but beyond that, why not go back
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to the clinton rate? it was not that onerous. we had a wonderful economy. >> we'll have to hit pause there. thanks very much to both of you. still "outfront," is eric holder an albatross on the neck of the president and did it just get a whole lot worse? the defense rests in the jerry sandusky case. he did not take the stand. will that flip-flop cost jerry sandusky his freedom? you inspired a ron howard production. with your photographs.
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[ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. now our second story out front, it would be unprecedented. eric holder, a sitting attorney general, held in contempt of congress. today, a republican-led house committee recommended that holder be cited for contempt after an 18-month showdown with the department of justice over the fast and furious gun trafficking operation. now, we throw around those words so often, i thought it was worth explaining it again. fast and furious was an operation launched to track weapons purchases by mexican drug cartels. the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms lost track of some of the guns. they were purposely selling them to these guys. they wanted to arrest them.
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but guns got in the wrong hands and killed a border agent. republican darrell issa went forward with the contempt vote on holder even after president obama raised the stakes today, playing his first-ever executive privilege card. a lot of lawyers not using their degrees in their day-to-day jobs. isn't that what law is about? let me start with you, michael, putting on your constitutional law hat. >> we lawyers don't always charge by the hour. we'll try. when congress asks for a document or a court asks for documents, sometimes the executive branch says, wait a minute, this is not appropriate for your branch of government to be asking us.
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that's when they claim executive privilege. the supreme court said under limited circumstances, executive privilege is okay. but the fact is, and congress can try to hold an executive branch official in contempt, which means that they bring legal proceedings. the reality is, the committee brought a contempt action. then it has to go to the full house. and guess who it gets referred to eventually if it gets voted on? the justice department. so the one thing we know, this is about something very real but it's also kind of washington make-believe because it looks to me more like a kind of classic, let's harass the guy in the office thing than -- i don't think this will end up with very meaningful solution. >> this is contempt kabuki. when the republicans have the white house, i love executive privilege. when the democrats were doing an inquiry and they invoked the same sort of a measure against harriet myers, john boehner led republicans off the floor
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calling it a partisan fishing expedition. the same rules apply. and the party vote in the house underscored that today. >> doesn't democrats use this more against than republicans than the other way around? david, i want to ask you something that then senator barack obama said about a president invoking executive privilege back in 2007. here he is. >> there's been a tendency on the part of this administration to try to hide behind executive privilege every time there's something a little shaky that's taking place. >> as john said, where you stand depends on where you sit. maybe that's the most obvious example. but there could be real confidential information in here about other raids, plans, ways at getting at these drug cartels that may be fair or it could be that the president is hiding something, that somebody's been lying over the past 18 months. which is it? >> i don't know the answer to that question. but what i would say is the
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president is entitled to get advice and the president is entitled to get bad advice. the president is entitled to get dumb advice. in this case, it seems to be dumb advice. it's not just one border agent. there's a couple of hundred mexicans that are the real victims of this carnage. i'm sympathetic sympathetic to the executive branch's decision here. but i don't know why the obama people are playing the game in this particular way. the republican theory about what's going on here is so outlandish. what they think the administration is hiding is a plot to violate americans' second amendment rights by doing an elaborate project that would discredit gun ownership -- >> this is ridiculous, right? >> it's so outlandish. the idea that that document is
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waiting in the files, which is the republican theory of the case -- i don't know that -- you don't want to let people have a lot of access. i don't know when you want to fight this on the executive privilege round. fight it on the merits. >> it almost looks to me like both sides are taking hostages at the end of something. this is going to end up with a negotiation in the end. but david's exactly right. there's kind of a controversy without an underlying scandal from anything we've heard about it. and this is something where it feels like this time of year they're looking to throw a brush-back pitch at eric holder. he's enforcing the voting rights laws. the republicans want to make him a controversial figure. >> i have to say, the bottom line, imagine the government to be that smart, to have this whole plan on a backdoor way -- they wish they were that smart. >> and no one was fired and no one's resigned. it was a fiasco and people
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should be accountable. ahead, breaking news from sanford, florida, where trayvon martin was killed. someone's been fired. and two parents charged with murder, the victim, the man they said was using their daughter as a prostitute. does it add up? lls. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed
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we have breaking news right now. bill lee has been terminated. he was the police chief in sanford, florida. sanford city manager bonapart has decided to terminate his contract with lee as of today. details are still being worked out. then-police chief lee was the man who was the police chief the night that george zimmerman shot trayvon martin. as we all now know, george zimmerman went into the police department for questioning and chief lee decided not to arrest him. a key, key element in what happened in this case seasoned paul callan is with me now, what do you make of this? obviously there's been an interim police chief. it had been unclear what bill lee's status was. but now terminates, this is fired. this is not amicably -- >> i find it very interesting for a couple of reasons.
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first, the city council voted 3 to 2 in favor of keeping him on when he was first kind of being forced out after the controversy about not arresting zimmerman. now all of a sudden he's being fired. we don't know the details of why he's being fired. but the second thing, i wonder if it's related to, the mystery of why the original prosecutor on the case was forced off the case? because now you have prosecutor originally decides not to prosecute, forced off the case. police chief decides not to prosecute, fired. what's the back story here? what's the misconduct? you don't usually fire somebody unless they've done something wrong. and two major law enforcement officials are terminated for some reason. >> right, because then of course you had angela corey replace the prosecutor and go around the grand jury. some say she was worried the grand jury wouldn't move to charge. >> that's right. and i should say the prior prosecutor hasn't been terminated. he's still around but he was taken off the zimmerman case. corey decides not to use a grand
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jury, which is her right. and now two key officials are gone. and we don't know why. there's going to be an interesting back story to this. >> bill lee has been terminated. "outfront" next, new evidence from iran, new satellite information. is there a cover-up? and grover norquist going to congress to put his anti-tax pledge. but things have really changed for grover. why not try someplace different every morning? get two times the points on dining in restaurants with chase sapphire preferred.
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we start the second half of our show with stories we care about, where we focus on our own reporting from the front lines. the federal reverse announcing it's extending operation twist. that's their program that's designed to help lower interest rates. ubs economist morey harris says the announcement buys the fed time to see if europe actually gets its act together. the fed also cut its projections for the u.s. economy saying it's not going to grow as quickly as they thought over the next few years and unemployment will stay at 7% and north until 2014. jurors have been unable to reach a verdict in a landmark pre-sex abuse trial of two philadelphia priests. sources tell us that jurors are
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deadlocked on four out of the five charges. william lynn is accused of letting dangerous priests continue in ministry roles that gave them access to children. also on trial, james brennan, accused rape of a 14-year-old boy. both have pled not guilty. we have new satellite pictures tonight that show what analysts say is more clean-up at the military complex in iran, a site believed to be involved in the country's nuclear program. let's show you the first picture, this is on may 25th. analysts at the institute for science and international security say you're looking at razed buildings and heavily artillery tracks. june 7th, water is coming out of a building, analysts say it's high explosive test material. you can see a security fence has been removed.
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and there's earth-moving machinery. many people allege that iran is trying to clean that site up before allowing inspectors in. inspectors have demanded access to the plant. iran has refused. duluth, minnesota, has suffered worst flooding in decades. 5 to 9 inches of rain fell last night. and the area could see up to three more inches. it's leading to other problems also. in a state, a zoo said several animals died in the flooding. a polar bear was darted by vets before she could escape the zoo. it's been 321 days since america lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? we're not doing anything. but lower oil and gas prices might help us. oil fell to $81.88 a barrel. that's an eight-month low which will obviously help at the pump. fourth story "outfront," grover norquist has been called
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one of the most powerful men in washington. rallying congressional republicans to sign his pledge not to raise taxes under any circumstances. but there are signs of rebellion tonight. a growing number of republicans choosing to distance themselves from the pledge. at least a dozen republican representatives from the house and nine members of the senate, including senators tom coburn and lindsey graham have decided to oppose the anti-tax pledge. former florida governor jeb bush came out against it and launched a war of words after he said this -- >> i've ran for office three times. the pledge was presented to me three times. i never signed the pledge. i cut taxes every year i was governor. i don't believe you outsource your principles and convictions to people. >> now grover norquist is headed to capitol hill. he's going to be there tomorrow. the president of americans for tax reform is out front tonight. grover, when i lay all this out, i hear jeb bush and all these
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senators, tom coburn, republicans saying, we're not on board. and you're going up to talk to them. it sort of sounds like you're a little afraid. >> no. this is a request from the ways and means committee and the republican study committee to talk about how the taxpayer protection pledge will help with tax reform next year. the taxpayer protection pledge was created in 1986 in order to help pass the reagan tax reform act, which was revenue neutral and it was designed both to protect -- to get that passed and to protect passage, so that in the future, politicians wouldn't raise rates or broaden the base. point of fact, the pledge is not only important for stopping tax increases. it's necessary to get real tax reform because if you don't, have enough numbers committee to not allow tax numbers -- the american people won't trust congress to reform taxes, which is what we need to do. >> what about these headlines?
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"the l.a. times" has talked about these people saying, i'm not sure about the pledge. it sounds like a lot of republicans are realizing that maybe as part of broader tax reform, rates need to go up and your line in the sand is going to leave you out of the conversation. >> well, several things, one, the taxpayer protection pledge is to the people of the state that an elected official runs in. it's not a pledge to millions of americans for tax reform, although harry reid, the democratic senate leader, misstates this frequently and unfortunately some people in the press read his press releases rather than read the actual wording of the pledge. the pledge is something that if you want to run for office, you say to people, here, in writing, i'm going to tell you if elected, when i see a problem i'm going to reform government, i'm not going to raise taxes. >> what about that steve laterette said -- quote, we're
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on track to owe $20 trillion. and to be beholden to some pledge is kind of silly. >> well, the too much spending problem needs to be fixed and that's fixed by spending less. you mentioned mr. boehner who reiterating just last week the republican party is not going to tolerate tax increases to pay for obama's spending increases. you interestingly quoted jeb bush who hasn't run for office in ten years but the man who is running for the president of the united states has taken the pledge and just last weekend stated, no, we're not going to raise taxes, we're going to introduce spending, not raise taxes. you have 236 republicans who have made that commitment in writing to voters, not to me, to voters. and 41 in the senate. we have more pledge-takers this year than two years ago at the end of the election cycle.
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>> you said something earlier about ronald reagan. john avlon has a question on that. >> obviously you revere ronald reagan and rightly so. but sometimes when we idolize people, we oversimplify. the whole reason we're having this debate right now is bowles/simpson, gang of 6 lowered tax rates but raised revenue by closing loopholes. here's the thing -- >> $2 trillion. >> that is exactly the outline of the plan that was put forward in 1986 by ronald reagan. >> no, no, no absolutely not. >> you're wrong, grover. the reagan library confirmed for me that that 1986 tax deal closed loopholes and raised revenue. you're at war with ronald reagan add his library himself. you have to face the facts. >> the facts are on the numbers. that was a revenue-neutral tax reform. sure, revenue goes up when you put more people to work, when you have lower rates and you actually move the -- have more
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economic growth. i support, of course, taxpayer groups support lower tax rates to have more growth. that will mean more revenue, but not a tax increase. the tax reform of reagan's was deliberately designed in a static model to be revenue-neutral. sure, with growth you get more revenue. advocates of lower rates do so because they understand that means more growth. simpson/bowles is a $2 trillion tax increase over the next decade. of course, they don't even put it fully in writing and score it because of that. but that's what paul ryan, who did score it, counted it as $2 trillion. the heritage foundation thinks it was $3 trillion in tax increases. that was a massive tax increase pretending to be tax reform. >> we're going to hit pause there. grover, we have to give you credit. you have put the whole issue of spending front and center. and a lot of americans have embraced that. regardless of this -- we're
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going to continue this argument later. i know neither one of you are finished. want to go to a story about vigilante justice in san francisco. the parents of a young girl shot and killed her alleged pimp after unsuccessful attempts to get police to help them get their daughter back. the parents are now in jail, awaiting arraignment. our dan simon was there and is out front with the story. >> reporter: she was a 17-year-old runaway, leaving the bay area behind for los angeles and lured into a life of prostitution. her parents tried to rescue her, but according to prosecutors, when those efforts failed, they devised another plan -- to kill her alleged pimp, a 22-year-old from the rough streets of compton. the parents are in jail under $2 million bond charged with his murder. >> what our offenders did in this case is basically they became the judge, the jury and
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the executioners all at once. and this is not acceptable in our society. >> reporter: as a father, san francisco district attorney says he understands how frustrated the parents must have felt, watching their child fall into a wretched life. >> the problem is that we cannot run a country, we cannot run our society based on how emotional a parent might get in a situation like this. >> reporter: the shooting happened near this intersection around 2:00 in the morning on june 4th. the father, according to the prosecutor's complaint, fired a fatal round at snead in his car. within days, the investigation led police here, two blocks away to the parents' house. attorney eric safire is representing the father. when they realized their daughter was working as a prostitute, what did they do? >> they had contacted local authorities. they had contacted registies for missing persons.
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they had actually traveled to los angeles to confront her and try to get her to come back. >> reporter: and what happened? >> she didn't come back. >> reporter: victims advocates say leaving the lifestyle can be extremely tough for a young woman because of the control exerted by pimps. safire doesn't deny the parents had motivation to take things into their own hands. >> most people would agree they had a motive. >> reporter: a motive to kill their daughter's pimp? >> well, i think most people would agree that that's a motive, yes. >> reporter: a los angeles tv station tracked down the alleged pimp's father who said while his son had plenty of sins -- >> the fact of the matter is he department deserve to die. that's the bottom line. >> reporter: at this point, we don't know what the direct physical evidence is in this case. but we're aware of at least one
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piece of powerful circumstantial evidence and that is apparently the mother called the father at 1:57 a.m. the night of the shooting, four minutes before it occurred and prosecutors say that is hardly a coincidence. we should tell you that the girl in this case, the 17-year-old prostitute, apparently she's now in a better spot. she's now staying with relatives. >> dan, just a question, the d.a. said the parents tried to kill the pimp before, right? they found some sort of a pattern, at least they're going to say they did? >> reporter: that's right. that's in the complaint that apparently in late may, just about a month ago, they say the parents actually drove to los angeles, found the pimp there and actually fired a round at him. he was shot, apparently not seriously injured. then just a couple of weeks later, they tracked him down here to san francisco and confronted him again. at that time, they were successful, according to prosecutors. >> thanks very much to dan simon. "outfront" next,
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just-released 911 calls from the father of trayvon martin just hours after his son was killed. we have them to play. and the defense in the jerry sandusky case rests. jerry sandusky didn't take the stand. but why he thinks a piece of audio played during the trial is the smoking gun that's going to set him free. is is
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new developments tonight in the george zimmerman case. earlier this hour, we learned sanford police chief bill lee has been fired. city manager norton bonapart has decided to terminate lee's contract as of today. lee was the police chief who determined that night not to arrest george zimmerman. we also tonight have obtained newly released audiotapes from the day after trayvon martin was shot and killed by george zimmerman. on the tapes, tracy martin can be heard reporting his son missing to the police department. martin called a police line more than 12 hours after his son was killed from his girlfriend's apartment where he and trayvon were staying. here's the tape. >> what was your son last seen wearing? >> probably had on a pair of khaki shorts and a gray sweatshirt.
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probably has on slacks. and a pair of jordan tennis shoes. white and red tennis shoes. >> okay. can you give me a specific time or the last time you saw him? >> around 8:30. >> 8:30. >> yeah, 8:00, 8:30 last night. >> police followed up with martin with more details and informed him his son had been killed just yards from where he was staying. mark nejame is out front tonight. mark, what is your take on this? obviously when this call first came in, the police department did not connect the dots that the boy that they were calling in about was the same boy who they had obviously responded to the shooting of just hours before. >> it's heartbreaking. you're hearing a parent on the phone who doesn't know that
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their child is dead. any parent's worst nightmare. doesn't know that his son has been gone for 12 hours and had passed away. that 12 hours ago, he was dead. it's just heartbreaking to hear it to me. >> it is. i'm just curious about how it could have happened, at least according to our understanding tonight is when he made that call, obviously the police department -- they didn't tell him on that call. they didn't connect these dots. does that do anything for the martin side of this, in terms of the police -- the police chief was just fire a few moments ago. is there any possibility that those two things were linked, that they didn't tell him that we know this was your son, they didn't connect that dot? >> we know there's been a lot of criticism laid towards the investigation of this case. one's got to imagine that not that many other people were killed that night. and so it seems a natural jump if somebody's missing and he
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fits the description of the deceased that they had in their reports, the dots should have been connected right away. so it's just heartbreaking and it should have been caught. one cannot understand why you've got a dead teenager and people do not understand right away that there's a call-in on this. one would think they would jump out of their chairs to this right away. now our fifth story "out front." the defense resting today in jerry sandusky child sexual abuse case without the testimony of jerry sandusky. our cnn legal contributor is with me. jean, let's start with you. they decided to wait until the final moments whether jerry sandusky would take the stand. did you get the feeling that he was going to. just talk to me about the made and whether you could tell
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it was happening. >> you know, when court began this morning, there was a confident jerry sandusky. he was dresed in a beautiful suit and i think everybody believed he was going to take the stand because it was his decision. and it appears as though he likes to talk, likes to communicate. but then, right before the moment would come he would take the stand. all the attorneys and the judge went in chambers and they were there for a long time. came out and the defense rested. so what happened in that meeting that they had with the judge? most likely the defense wanted to know how far the prosecution would be able to cross-examination him. that could be disastrous. there's a part of an interview that the prosecution has that they haven't yet let the jury hear. and maybe that was the tell-tale sign this wasn't going to happen, that meeting before. >> that was an interview with nbc where jerry sandusky seemed to apply the way he answered the
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question, he wasn't attracted to all young boys but left open the door whether he was attracted to some. what do you think? >> there could be something else that happened in chambers. could he be cross-examined about another victim that didn't take child. >> but you wouldn't be able to do that, would you? >> oh, you most certainly could. >> really? >> it's all about opening the door. if the defense puts something on stand that puts it into issue, you can cross-examination him about it. i'm wondering if they were worried lot of other names would be thrown into the pot here. >> what did two young witnesses say on behalf of jerry sandusky. >> these were men, young men, part of the second mile who said they both knew jerry sandusky.
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one says they went to penn state and exercised with him, went to games but that he never touched them. they never showered with him. he never did anything to them as they spent the night in the basement. and one young man said law enforcement called me up and it was like they were pushing me to try to say things, admit that he dpid something to him. but he didn't do anything to me. that's an important part i think the defense will drive home in closing arguments tomorrow. >> paul, that is the defense's whole point here. >> well, it's the defense's whole point, there's one thing i want you to remember as we proceed into jury deliberations. people bleed penn state blue. this jury is going to be putting a knife through the heart of the football team if they convict
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sandusky. so regardless of the evidence in this case, there's going to be a lot of pressure on this jury. and the defense has put some interesting things on the board that these kids are doing it for money. that the cops are telling them what to say. by prepping them, by telling them what other people have said. and as inept as the defense has looked at various points during the trial, they've put a lot up on the board for somebody who bleeds penn state blue. and more than six of the jurors are closely connected to penn state. >> all right. jean, paul, thank you very much. it's been seven days of testimony, everyone. 21 witnesses for the prosecution. 29 for the defense. a very quick trial. "out front" next, we love our cars more and more. but there's something about cars i hate. and it looks like you agree. busier highways. youn on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand,
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