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tv   John King USA  CNN  June 22, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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worldwide no pants. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> guys are having a lot of fun. that's it for me. thanks for joining us. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. remember, the conversation continues. you can follow me on twitter, @wolfblitzer. the news continues next on cnn. i'm candy crowley. john king has the night off. tonight, president obama blames republicans for playing politics with immigration reform as he makes his case with latino voters. tens of thousands of egyptians gather in tahrir square on unconfirmed reports that a new president will soon be named. but it comes with a warning from the military. unrest will be met with an iron fist. plus, the jury in the jerry sandusky trial sends a note to the judge. they want to know more about a witness.
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we start on the campaign trail and president obama's full-court press to win latino voters who could be the key to winning re-election. so exactly a week after he announced the u.s. would stop deporting some illegal immigrants brought here as children, he spoke to one of the country's biggest hispanic conventions. >> we should have passed the d.r.e.a.m. act a long time ago. it was written by members of both parties. when it came up for a vote a year and a half ago, republicans in congress blocked it. the bill hadn't changed. the need hadn't changed. the only thing that had changed was politics. >> mitt romney had his turn. president obama has not made them a priority. >> after 3 1/2 years of putting every issue from loan guarantees to his donors to cash for clunkers, putting all those
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things before immigration, now the president has been seized by an overwhelming need to do what he could have done on day one, but didn't. i think you deserve better. >> chief white house correspondent jessica yellin is live with more. so much more to this speech than immigration. >> hi, candy. that's right. the president offered a defense of his executive action. but he also made a strong case for re-election. focussing a large part of this speech on his economic differences with mitt romney. today he had a very sharp explanation of his different economic vision from mitt romney arguing that it's really about who gets helped in the future. with him, he insists, and this is a familiar message. he made it much more clearly, much more starkly than he has in the past. he said with him, he'll focus on helping the middle class.
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with him, he argues it's a top-down kind of approach. this is a message his campaign believed resonates with latinos and other core constituencies they believe are crucial for the president to win re-election. >> i think i heard the echo all the way back here in washington. it sounds like hope and change are back. >> yes, you know, the president's had something of a muddled message the last few weeks and that candidate obama we in order 2008 has been missing in action a bit. but he really did sound fired up today. i'll spare you the ready to go. he kind of had used the lofty rhetoric we heard from 2008. a lot of the rhetorical flourishes. he was talking about immigration and said it doesn't matter if you sailed in on the mayflower or came in through ellis island or arrived on the slave ship. those kind of rhetorical devices. he seemed to enjoy it. and he seemed to be back on his
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feet on the stump. so it looks like candidate obama is back. >> jessica yellin who will be following candidate obama the rest of this year. when it comes to the economy, it's clear president obama knows his work is cut out for him. >> the question is not whether we need to do better. of course the economy isn't where it needs to be. >> and when you take a look at the economic news of just the past three days it doesn't seem to be heading anywhere some time soon. on tuesday, the labor department reported job openings suffered the biggest slide since september 2008. wednesday, the federal reserve weakened its economic growth outlook for the rest of the year. thursday, moody's investors service downgraded five of america's largest banks pushing the stock market to drop 250 points. and did we mention there's an economic crisis in europe? so is the recent barrage of bad economic news a warning sign of bigger things to come? joining me is steven moore,
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senior economics wri s writer a wall street journal." when you look at the news from this week, what worries you the most? >> what worries me the most is the sectors of the economy that really looked like they've been picking up over the last couple of years. let's talk about manufacturing. we've seen a big rebound in manufacturing, employment output. >> it's a big bragging point, too. >> exactly. >> now we're starting to see that recede. banking, too. banks had been doing a lot better over the last two, three, four years. this week we get hit with the news there's a downgrade in seven of the major banks in this country. that's what worries me is it looked like some of the industries that were going to plow us out of this malaise now seem to be suffering as well. and i'd also say the jobs numbers. we're just not creating the pace of jobs that americans were hoping for. >> so the politics of this in terms ever congress or what congress and the president get done, does this move anything, do you think? >> yeah, i really do. if we get a couple more weeks of this kind of lousy economic news, i think it's going to
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spring the president and congress into some action. i do think you can see a deal. the president has been running around saying pass my economic stimulus plan which is spending. you know this, candy. republicans in congress are very unlikely to pass that. you could get a deal, though, if the president says let's take this tax cliff off the table for january 2013. maybe suspend that. >> when the tax -- the tax cuts from the bush years would go back up and -- >> they expire january 1, 2013. the president could say, let's just suspend that for one year. you remember they did that in 2010 when the economy wasn't where it should be. i still think there's a decent possibility of that. when you talk about the economy, there are two areas the economy is doing pretty well. we do have low inflation. the cpi actually -- >> that's the fed, though? >> part of that is because people are kind of not buying a lot of things. inflation is under control. if you look at the last couple of months, did you see what the
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oil price did? oil price is really falling. that's going to help people at the gasoline pump. and the other thing, interest rates are still really low. we keep hoping, the fed keeps hoping that will generate the growth in the economy and so far it hasn't. >> i need a quick answer to this. lots of people talking about a second recession. >> gosh, i hope not. i really -- i don't think we're going to have one. i think we'll have just slow growth but i don't think we'll have a double dip. >> steven moore -- i like ending on an up beat. we appreciate it. looks like egypt will have a new president sunday. an egyptian news agency reports that hosni mubarak's last prime minister ahmed shafiq will be declared the winner against mohamed morsi. both sides have claimed victory. that's making for a tense weekend in cairo. ben wedeman is there. ben, let me ask you first of all, two scenarios. if shafiq is declared the winner, how will that be taken
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in the general populous in egypt, and what happens if morsi wins? how will that be taken? >> it's important to stress at the beginning, candy, that there is no reason to sort of trust the reliability of this report, which is on a semiofficial website but it's quoting unnamed officials. that's the english website. on the arabic website, they are still indicating the man who won the election is muhammad morsi. so there is complete confusion at the moment. somewhat like the earlier reports earlier this week that hosni mubarak was clinically dead whereas he's fairly alive and well at the moment. so what we know is that however there is a lot of concern among the security services that if ahmed shafiq is, indeed, declared the winner that many of these people -- these are tens of thousands of supporters of muhammad morsi of the muslim brotherhood in tahrir square. they've been here for days. the worry is that they, this
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protest will turn violent in angry reaction to the news that ahmed shafiq could be the president. if muhammohamed morsi is declare winner, there's less concern about the impact on the street. i was speak with one egyptian analyst who told me that shafiq supporters are unlikely to take out their anger on the street. the worry as far as morsi goes if he is declared the president, is that it will have a somewhat negative effect on the business climate, on the possibility of tourists ever returning to egypt. on the possibility of foreign investment in the country. the worry is that if the muslim brotherhood takes over the presidency, the business climate could become very chilly. >> do they believe the military will hand over power to whoever they say has been elected president? >> what we've seen in the last week is that the constitutional court has ruled that parliament should be dissolved and the
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military has taken over its legislative functions which means that regardless of who is the president of egypt, as of the beginning of july, the military will still have legislative powers. so that promise of a handover to civilians is being seen as, at this point, an empty one. candy? >> ben wedeman in cairo, thank you so much. a busy weekend for you. we appreciate your giving us some of your time. the second day of deliberations in the jerry sandusky case is winding down. jurors are going back over more than a week's worth of wrenching testimony, but how close can they be to a verdict? plus, president obama tells latino leaders, i'm your guy. i'll ask former governor bill richardson if he thinks it will work. >> i think latinos sense that the president is on their side, and he is on their side. and this is why he enjoys this overwhelming support. [ male announcer ] it isn't just your mammogram.
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endorsed by aarp... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. president obama scored a few applause lines in a speech to a friendly crowd of latino leaders in florida. he ended his remarks with a promise to keep fighting for the hispanic community. but there is one promise from his 2008 campaign that still haunts the president. >> we will have in the first year, an immigration bill that i
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strongly support and that i am promozzing. >> no immigration bill was ever passed and while the president now enjoys a double-digit lead in polling among latinos, the obama campaign knows the real challenge is getting latinos excited enough to show up and vote. joining me is someone who knows enough about the latino vote. former new mexico governor bill richardson. thanks for joining us, governor. i want to play something actually from mitt romney's speech yesterday to this same group of latino leaders. and something he said has happened in the hispanic community since president obama took office. >> while the national unemployment is still above 8% and has been for 40 straight months, hispanic unemployment is at 11%. over 2 million more hispanics are living in poverty today than the day when president obama took office.
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>> he's absolutely right on those figures. can you tell me the reason behind the strong latino support for the president which is running about 66% when put up against mitt romney? >> well, candy, the governor's statistics are not right. in fact, latino unemployment has gone down 1.6% in the last 27 months from 13 to about 11. secondly, on the economic front, too, because of the president's payroll tax cut, 25 million more hispanics have gotten a tax cut. loans to hispanic-owned small businesses. the president wants to grow the economy from the middle out rather than from the top down. but on the immigration issue, the president has tried to have a comprehensive immigration bill, but when it's filibustered by republicans, opposed almost by every member of the republican party, it's hard to pass that. so the president deserves credit
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for trying, for finding ways to push for the d.r.e.a.m. act which gives college opportunities to hispanic kids that have been in the military or have come here at a very young age. and then lastly, what the president has done is stop some of the senseless and cruel deportation of children. promoting family reunification. this is why the president enjoys this lead, which if he keeps this lead at 66%, 65% is the barometer that would allow a democratic candidate for president to win the latino vote nationally and, therefore, the presidency because of the importance -- >> but if we are told, continuing along those lines, that latino voters, while they care deeply about immigration, they are like all other americans. they are more interested in the economy. why is the latino vote so
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different in the way it's -- we see the national polls just sort of nationwide and we see president obama leads by four percentage points, in the last poll i saw, and yet this gap is huge. clearly this is not totally a pocketbook issue. >> that's right. and the republicans have been so harsh in their primaries with santorum and gingrich and romney taking extremist positions, anti-immigrant positions that make them look almost totally, totally on the extreme hostility. this is the reason why i think latinos sense that the president is on their side. and he is on their side. and this is why he enjoys this overwhelming support. >> you've called marco rubio, i think, intriguing. can you tell me what you think about him? first as the political star he seems to be and second as a
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possible way for republicans over time -- i'm not talking about this election -- but over time being able to attract more latino support? >> i always want to see latinos in both parties, republican and democratic, do well. there's no question that senator rubio is an attractive senator. he speaks well. i don't know him, but i'd like him to take more positive positions on the d.r.e.a.m. act and immigration. what he wants to do with the d.r.e.a.m. sact not comparable to what president obama wants to do. it's not comprehensive. it's sort of short term. but i do find him intriguing. and this is why i find his potential candidacy positive, but i don't think it's going to be enough to overtake president obama in the general election, which i predict he will win narrowly. but also among latino voters. >> governor richardson, thank you for joining us all the way from paris.
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i know you are on business there, but try to have some fun. >> thank you. thank you, candy. a turkish military plane has vanished, and syria claims it shot down the plane. and remember when gas cost less than $3 per gallon? prices might be coming to a pump near you this year. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. ♪ hello...rings ♪ what the... what the... what the... ♪ ♪ are you seein' this? ♪ uh-huh... uh-huh... uh-huh... ♪ ♪ it kinda makes me miss the days when we ♪ ♪ used to rock the microphone ♪ back when our credit score couldn't get us a micro-loan ♪ ♪ so light it up! ♪ even better than we did before ♪ ♪ yeah prep yourself america we're back for more ♪
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welcome back. you'll be glad you stayed with us. lisa silvester is here with the latest news you need to know right now. >> i'm so glad to be here. monsignor william lynn is the highest ranking u.s. official of the roman catholic church to be convicted in the sexual abuse scandal. the monsignor who oversaw hundreds of priests in the philadelphia archdiocese was found guilty of child endangerment. lynn could face up to seven years in prison. his trial was the first to charge church leaders for not intervening. and do you even remember when gasoline was less than $3 a gallon? well, those days might be coming back. at least within analyst says the way oil markets are going right now, it's looking like the average price nationally could dip under the $3 mark by halloween. today americans are paying about $3.45 per gallon. if you are among the nearly 1 billion people who use
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facebook, you'll no long ver to lose all those likes if you change your comments on a facebook will soon allow them to edit comments after they've been posted online. in the past they had to delete comments in their entirety and start over to correct typos and other errors. i know for a lot of facebook fans out there they are applauding this. it's a small thing but it's a big step for people who are big facebook fans. >> makes life a little easier. don't have to start a whole new message. seems like there are bigger things in life. >> facebook is trying to stay one step ahead. they are trying new things. and especially they want to be very user friendly. this is a step in that direction. >> that absolutely is. lisa sylvester, thank you. we are watching for a verdict in the jerry sandusky case. the jury is revisiting testimony. plus we're also gaurchg a decision that could affect every american. the supreme court deciding what to do about the president's health care law. in the middle of nowhere,
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in this half hour of "john king usa," the jury deciding jerry sandusky's fate plans to work through the weekend as they pore over witness testimony. a supreme court decision that will impact every american is
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expected within days. we'll have details. and a turkish plane is shot down by syrian artillery all while kofi annan begs for peace. jurors in the jerry sandusky trial have ordered dinner. they could be hunkering down for a late friday night in bellefonte, pennsylvania. cnn contributor sarah ganum is outside the courthouse. the jury has already requested to review some testimony. tell us what you know about that. >> well, this morning they started the day by listening to two hours, really 2 1/2 hours of testimony related to mike mcqueary. he's the assistant football coach who says that in 2001, he saw jerry sandusky and a young boy in a shower. though he couldn't describe for george exactly what he saw, he said he believed in his heart that it was something sexual and this has been one of the cases
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that jerry sandusky's attorney has said all along is rather weak. he's gone after it very hard. so jurors began the day listening to that testimony. just a few hours ago, they asked another question of an incident that was reported -- i'm sorry, wasn't reported a year earlier in that same locker room shower by janitors who saw jerry sandusky in there with a young boy. in that case, the janitor who witnessed probably the most, has been diagnosed with dementia and could not take the stand. so other jurors who are -- other janitors who were around him that night told jurors what he said. and the jurors came back with a question about a legal term called excited utterance and whether or not what that janitor told those other janitors ten years ago could be something they could consider. so we know they've been spending their time going over at least asking questions about some of the cases that the defense has labeled the most weak.
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>> what do we know about their schedule for deliberations? we do know they're going to continue through the weekend. is that full days? >> it's all up to them, candy. the judge has told them because he requestered them in a hotel room without any kind of communication, with the television turned off, literally, just them and a clock, he said that they can set their own schedule. last night they were here until about 9:30, which was a 12 1/2-hour day for them. and, you know, it remains to be seen what time they decide to break tonight. they are on a dinner break for about an hour. but they could go through the weekend if they want or take a break for the weekend if they feel, you know, so inclined. we don't anticipate that. it's all up to them. those 12 jurors get to make that decision. >> sound like the american system. the jury gets to decide. sarah ganim, thank you very much, covering the jerry sandusky trial. the supreme court is in overdrive as the justices get ready to hand down a decision so big it affects each and every one of us.
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health care. our kate bolduan gives us a preview. >> reporter: long days and late nights at the supreme court as the justices rush to finish what justice ginsburg recently called the flood season. >> many of the most controversial cases remain pending, so it is likely that the sharp disagreement rate will go up next week. >> the biggest case this session and the biggest in at least a decade, the president's health care law. the election year blockbuster argued for more than six hours in march has far-reaching implications from main street to the campaign trail. >> i'm actually continuing to be confident the supreme court will uphold the law. >> if i'm elected president, i will repeal obama care. and i'll stop it in its tracks on day one. >> the nine justices face four separate issues in this one case. the centerpiece. will the individual mandate requiring nearly all americans to have health insurance stand or will it fall?
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and does the rest or any of the law survive if the mandate is struck down? does the law's expanded medicaid program unfairly step on states rights? or will the court call for a legal time-out until the main provisions go into effect. though this option is unlikely. >> there's going to be a bottom line of whether the mandate is constitutional or not. i would be shocked if we didn't know that after the decision. then it gets more complicated. >> key to the decision may be these two men. chief justice john roberts and the traditional swing vote, justice anthony kennedy. both seem skeptical of the government's case. >> you create commerce in order to regulate it? >> yet they asked tough questions of both sides, giving hope to the law's supporters it may survive at least in part. >> i don't think you are addressing their main point, which is that they are not creating commerce in health care. it's already there, and we're all going to need some kind of health care, most of us will, at some point. >> after the decision is handed
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down, the big question quickly becomes, what now? house republican leaders have made clear if the law is not completely thrown out, they'll vote to repeal whatever is left. and for weeks, both the white house and congressional republicans have been quietly strategizing their message so they are ready as soon as the decision comes. candy? >> kate bolduan. syrian state media claims a turkish military jet was shot down today by syrian artillery. a syrian military spokesman says the plane had entered syrian air space. meanwhile, u.n. special envoy kofi annan is calling on world leaders to turn up the pressure and help stop the bloodshed in syria. for analysis we turn to a senior fellow at the hoover institution at stanford university. he is the author of "the syrian rebellion." off the top, syria -- lots of countries claim to shoot down something if it makes them look tough and strong and capable, but if this is true, this cannot
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be a good thing and seems to me to be an expansion of this war. >> it's right, candy. this would be very, very serious for many, many reasons. turkey is a nato member. turkey is a formidable power. turkey is four times the size of syria. the turkish military is a mighty institution. and the idea that this rag tag regime in damascus would shoot down the f-4 phantom plane tells you that bashar al assad's regime has the sense of invulnerability. there could be a sense of abandon in the syrian regime. >> do you think it's possible they are lying about this just to portray that message you are talking about? nobody is coming to rescue you people? >> you know, candy, i don't think so. i think we have some statements from prime minister erdogan
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himself. he's a tough man who is probably the most dominant figure in the islamic world today. he has addressed the issue of this fighter plane. and he has addressed the fate of the two missing crew members. so i think this appears to be a credible report. >> and what does it mean? what is likely to be the turkish response here as you point out? it's a nato ally and in nato it's all for one and one for all. what does it mean? >> you know, i really don't know. that's a very, very interesting question. i think if you go back over the last 15 months or so, you see enormous evolution in the turkish position. erdogan was a friend of bashar al assad, erdogan was a patron of the syrian regime and then turned against the syrian regime when it became clear it's a killer regime. there some are people in the arab world that are critical of erdogan. he always says rescue of the syrians is coming. i think it would be an embarrassment to prime minister erdogan because he has to make
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good on the threats he has made. >> we're also learning at least four senior syrian military officers have defected to the opposition. what does that tell you? >> not a moment too soon. it's even amazing there haven't been greater defections. the facts of the syrian army are well known. the commanders, the barrons as a call them, the intelligence barron barons. they are all commanded by members actually of bashar al assad's own family. his brother. his brother-in-law and the like. if you are a decent professional if you are a sunni officer looking at the behavior of this barbarous regime, killing people, killing children, using children as you enter as cover, i think you feel a sense of embarrassment and shame about what's going on in your country. >> foaud, thank you very much. coming up, president obama tells a conference of hispanic
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legislators why they should not vote for mitt romney. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds )
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[ male announcer ] transformers. the ride. ride it at universal studios hollywood. it was almost a given that the president was given a warm welcome at a conference of latino legislators a week after he announced his decision to stop deporting some illegal
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immigrants brought here as children. >> they are americans in their hearts in their minds. they are americans through and through. in every single way but on paper. and all they support to go to college and give back to the country they love. so lifting the shadow of deportation and giving them a reason to hope, that was the right thing to do. it was the right thing to do. >> mitt romney slammed that decision thursday calling it a temporary measure that he seems to think will be just enough to get him through the election. here to talk about how the immigration debate will impact the november election, the "washington post" national political correspondent karen tumulty, former santorum campaign spokesman karen stewart and nira tanden. ladies? very nice to see all of you. >> great to be here. >> first, just play something that marco rubio said to this
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same group, and ask you true or fal false. here's what he had to say. >> so long as this issue of immigration is a ping-pong that each side uses to influence elections and win votes, i'm telling you it won't get solved because there are too many people that have concluded this issue unresolved is more powerful. they want it to stay unresolved. it's easier to influence elections. it's easier to use to raise money. >> so of all the things said from the politicians at this conference, that, to me, had the largest ring of truth to it. >> i think it certainly is an issue that is going to matter a lot more, i think, this year than even in the past because, let's face it. this election is going to come down to a dozen or fewer states. latinos are a major chunk of the electorate in about two-thirds of those states. >> it's true that each side thinks they get something out of
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this unresolved issue. >> well, certainly president obaming ans he's going to get something out of his current stop-gap measure. it was all political. he had two years at the first of his term in order to do something with both sides of congress. he promised the hispanics in that community he'd have immigration reform. he had two years to do it with everyone on his side and he didn't do it. now he's shoving through an executive action that is just the stop-gap measure. it's a temporary measure to get him through the election and it's not going to work. and as governor romney said, we need a long-term solution, comprehensive, that includes securing the border, employment verification and not just this measure. >> i don't have to ask you a question. go. >> i think that that's just really entirely false. all of this. in the sense that -- >> let me just ask you one thing. i don't think anyone doubts the president did what he thought was the right thing to do. >> no, no. i don't think he's going against form but were there politics in it? >> this is what i find incredibly frustrating about this debate which is a few years
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ago, republicans were leader on this issue. george bush was a leader on this issue. he had a comprehensive bell that president obama supported, and it was republicans in the senate who blocked this effort. even when we had democratic majorities, they were blocking this effort. they wouldn't come to the table. 23 republicans shifted position in the senate. the question really is, where is the republican party on this issue? george bush supported this issue. george bush supported this issue and now we can't even -- he supported comprehensive immigration reform and we can't even get mitt romney to state where he is on this issue. >> he's been very clear on where he stands on the immigration issue. and he says it's not a short-term stop-gap measure. it's a long-term -- >> so would he rescind the dream act? >> what he plans to do when he is elected, he will implement immediately his plans for a long-term solution to that, and that will take -- that will take over for what will be -- >> it's a longer process to
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legislate this than it is to do something from the oval office. the question is we know he wants a long-term solution. the question is in the short term, he can't make that happen in january of next year if he becomes president. what's he going to do about that? that's the question we're talking about. >> he has vowed to work with both houses, republicans and democrats and work hard for a comprehensive measure that will be a long-term solution to that. not just a stop-gap. >> but there are republicans taking the lead toward comprehensive immigration reform as well. i mean, people like jeb bush. even somebody like hailey barbour who says i am for more people in this country who are here because they want to work, and we are not going to deport 12 million people. i think there's a real schism in the republican party, and a lot of people also know they are racing against demographics here. >> exactly. >> i agree. >> it's in everyone's political interest to get this group behind them or at least be able to split it politically. i want you all to hang on.
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we'll be back. right now, erin burnett "outfront" is coming up at the top of the hour. there's a small georgia town that shares its name with a famous movie. it's been a mixed blessing. >> 40-year anniversary of the movie "deliverance" which had a -- caused a real split in a town in georgia. we are going to take you there on the 40th anniversary and see how it has completely split that town. it's a pretty amazing story. also, candy, we're going to be on verdict watch. jury in the jerry sandusky case has gotten dinner. we are awaiting to see if there is going to be a verdict tonight. and we're also going to have some news of some -- something shocking that the defense attorney told reporters today about whether he thought his client was going to get off of these charges or not. we'll have that back at the top of the hour. >> we'll be on erin burnett watch. see you at the top of the hour. newark's mayor cory booker saves a man who husband hit by a car. we've got his response and why it's not the first time he's been a hero. and dick cheney's daughter
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got married today. hear what he had to say, next. a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ helping you do what you do... even better. high schools in six states enrolled in the national math and science initiative... ...which helped students and teachers get better results in ap courses. together, they raised ap test scores 138%. just imagine our potential... ...if the other states joined them. let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this.
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i want to play something for you all that the president just said, and it comes off a "washington post" story, which traces some of the things done at bane. it has to do with jobs, dealing with companies who outsource jobs overseas. here's what the president had to say. >> we do not need an outsourcing pioneer in the oval office. we need a president who will fight for american jobs and fight for american manufacturing. that's what my plan will do. >> this is huge in a place where presidential obama is not doing all that well right now, which is those blue collar/white votes. the outsourcing, that's like lighting a flame to the oil. is this an issue he can get some traction off of? >> i think that's possible. this is referring to a story by my colleague who talked about his years at bain capital. basically suggesting economists can argue about how much outsourcing was inevitable, but
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the fact is, bain capital made a lot of money on taking advantage of companies that were setting up call centers overseas and setting up operations overseas. >> what they're trying to do when they point the finger at things like that, they're trying to distract from the president's record. he doesn't want people to look at where we are economically with him. here we have above 8% unemployment for the longest time in recorded history. compare that to when governor romney left office. we're looking at about 4.5%. so 4.5% compared to 8%. we're also looking at a $16 trillion deficit and debt under obama. where governor romney, he closed a $3 billion shortfall and left a $2 billion rainy day fund. >> -- as governor -- >> certainly, as governor of massachusetts. >> let me ask you, in terms of the record at bain, there have been a lot of democrats who have said leave bain alone, go after the massachusetts record, support your own record. do you think this is a bad idea or good idea for the president
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to go after bain again? >> i think the issue really here is mitt romney has made his private sector expeence front and center for his argument. notit'sa distraction. it's not an effort to move away from the -- >> well, it's just as -- >> the idea that it's not touting his own record. >> no. the issue here is there's going to be two people on the ballot, mitt romney and president obama. and every day, mitt romney rien to produce jobs.e and what we find out every day, with more and more information, not from the obama campaign but "the washington post," independent sources, is that his experience is really what people find troubling in this economy. which is that he is a job destroyer. his experience is -- his experience is -- you have a lot of time? his experience really is to take his private sector experience and move jobs overseas. and what i find fascinating about this is that mitt romney goes on and on about how he's
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going to be tough on china, how, day one, he's going to make a big argument about china. and his experience economically with china is moving jobs from the united states to china. there are arguments about how this happens in the private sector -- >> it is important to note his successes in the private sector which include staples and office depot. huge job increase. >> he has success at bain, there's no doubt about that. does this stress what really is the struggle for the campaign? >> yes. i think neither campaign has yet to answer, which is the real question in voter's minds, is which of these things tells us more about what mitt romney would do as president. so, i mean, arguing about the past is interesting, but neither campaign, i don't think, has really answered that question. >> karen, just on that point, i want to say, if mitt romney had a solution for what to do about this economy, i think that would be one thing. but his solutions are the same things that we've done before that have failed miserably. across the board tax cuts have failed as a policy.
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we did this in the bush administration. we actually lost jobs. it was the worst decade for job growth under that period. and so it's absolutely right, that if he had solutions -- >> i got to give alice a last word to get in here. >> what he plans to do, he does have solutions. he outlined those yesterday. specifically, once again, talking about repealing and replacing obama care, which is bad for the economy. he's talked about reducing the regulation, which is a job killer. he's talked about cutting taxes which will help create certainty in our economy. also, just overall making the economy better and safer to invest in and also to create jobs. and also approving keystone pipeline will help energy and create jobs. >> i've got to go. we'll talk about this more in the coming months. allison stewart, karen tumalty, thank you. >> great discussion, by the way. in the news, the high water in northern minnesota and wisconsin is receding but people there
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could see more flooding this weekend. at least three people have died and many more have been chased out of their homes. some roads in duluth are closed because of the ground underneath them collapsed. after intense storms earlier this week dropped ten inches of rain on that area. gm recalls more than 400,000 chevy cruzes. the motor company says the engine shield can be a fire hazard. this involves many 2011 and 2012 cars. it was chevy's number one selling car last year. dick cheney's daughter just got hitched. mary cheney married her longtime partner, heather poe, today. the cheneys released a statement saying, quote, mary and heather have been in a committed relationship for many years and we are delighted that they were able to take advantage of the opportunity to have that relationship recognized. the couple married in d.c., where same-sex marriage became legal back in 2009. and mayor corey booker comes to the rescue yet again. this time helping a man struck by a car.
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the newark, new jersey, mayor tweeted this. god bless my residents. pulled up on a pedestrian/vehicle accident. we got man stabilized and into ambulance. he'll be okay. thanks to all who helped. of course this is not the first time corey booker has helped out. this spring, he saved his neighbor from a fire. i'm waiting for somebody to come up with the idea of a corey booker action figure if they haven't already. >> at the very least, we need to get that man a cape. >> absolutely. >> lisa, hang on a second, because it's time for tonight's "moment you may have missed." the next president of the united states is -- charlie sheen? at least on the big screen. he is set to play the president in the upcoming movie "machete kills." directed by robert rodriguez. who tweeted out this picture. after meeting with sheen about the gig, sheen himself added some text, simply saying, my fellow americans, this looks like the beginning a faux political dynasty. his father,


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