tv CNN Newsroom CNN June 25, 2012 8:00am-10:00am PDT
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provisions are struck down doesn't affect -- there are a number of provisions in our law that weren't at issue that are in effect right now. such as important provisions such as prohibiting sanctuary in certain cities. >> as we speak, now that the court has ruled, as we speak now, our arizona state and local police officers now enforcing that provision as of today? >> well, i think they will, they will as of today or tomorrow, they will today, but certainly by tomorrow, we'll know that this law has been upheld and that they're able to do that. and they have been trained, as i said, to avoid racial profiling. even if it was a legal concern, it's a moral concern, we think it's important to treat people as individuals, and not limit anything they can do. so we want to do everything we can to make sure that nobody engagings in any racial profiling. >> tom horn is the republican
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attorney general, an attorney day for your time, i'm sure you know the country and perhaps the world will be watching as you implement this law going forward. we start the 11:00 hour here on the east coast. several important decisions from the united states supreme court today. this headline, the big health care decision will not come until thursday, that will be the final day of this year's supreme court term, including the charge of the president's signature first term initiative, also called obama care. but a most important verdict in the arizona immigration case, several provisions thrown out as unconstitutional. the justices saying the state of arizona was trying to essentially police immigration which is a federal purview, but one very controversial show me your papers provision left in place. that is if a police officer stops somebody for some other reasons and has suspicion that they're here illegally, they can
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ask for their papers. take us inside the room. >> again, everybody has been on pins and needless for two weeks in this court. and we know that they know that we know that everybody's waiting for a health care case. i thought today began with somewhat of a surprise because justice alana kagan is a very new justice, but she had a very important opinion this morning, she had a decision that struck down mandatory life terms for juvenile offenders. there's a law in several states that says on these circumstances, this person must be sentenced to life without parole. and what the court held by 5- 4,
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justice anthony kennedy joining the fourth liberals said that it is unconstitutional for a law to say a juvenile convicted of murder must automatically serve life without parole. the jury has to make a separate provision about what the individual should serve life without parole. that was the big decision this morning from justice kagan. after that she heard from justice kennedy in the arizona case. again a case we have been learning about for some time. it felt like both sides could claim victory here. three of the four controversial provisions were struck down as violations of the federal government's exclusive right to control immigration. however the fourth provision, perhaps the most controversial provision, which authorizes
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arizona law enforcement officials to say show me your papers, that was upheld and arizona official also take heart from. those were the two big cases today, the big decision was no decision, thursday we'll know about health care. >> when you say thursday we'll know about health care, take us inside the room, there's no cameras allowed in there, to unless you get one of the few passes and you're in there, especially on a day like this, they know what we're waiting for, were there jokes about the waiting? did you get any hint that health care was not coming? or did they say that at the very end? business like humor? >> it's just such a delicious theme in there. the supreme court is a very straight laced operation. they don't announce at the beginning of the morning which opinions they will be deciding.
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so the way it works is chief justice roberts comes out and he says, justice kagan will have the opinion in number so-and-so state of florida case. and then justice kagan reads her opinion. justice alito read his -- and then justice alito said that justice kennedy has the decision in arizona versus the united states. and then justice scalaa read his dissent. and then we're all waiting s there another opinion? the chief justice says, no, we will return on thursday for all the remaining cases of the year. and then we all file out. it's opinion by opinion, which makes it even more excruciating, not only do we know right at 10:00, we don't know until the chief justice says so, which opinions are going to come out today. >> it's a lesson in the judicial
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branch of our democracy. you call it e cruciating--i want to bring in our chief white house correspondent jessica yellin. when waiting for the health care rule k, waiting for the health care ruling, not only to see the decisions, but waiting for the fallout in what of course is a presidential election year. you see what is for the most part a victory for the administration, but the show me your papers, the arizona provision left in effect. is it something likely to motivate the latino community? >> they're still measuring the hue to respond to this decision, but the general take away is big picture, the federal government fought this ruling, fought this law by arizona and won, and so
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the sense is that they can go out and be able to say to latinos, we have stood up and fought this, and we got your back basically, this is my sense of what will happen next, john. at the same time, governor prm romney said that the state law that arizona passed should be the model for the nation. so perhaps on the trail, governor romney to be national, i fought it and used that as sort of a dividing line, a wedge issue if you will. but romney could hit back saying, well, okay, so you fought that law, what do you have planned? because now you have said the federal government is going to take on immigration and it's the federal government's responsibility to handle immigration, so what is your big plan, mr. president, i can tell you that the obama administration has chapter and
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verse on the way they cracked down on the border, more deportations than any other administration. fewer immigrants coming over illegally as well. but still, you can see how this will be a hard-fought battle with both sides making very persuasive points to these key bases. the president having perhaps more persuasive case to that crucial latino vote, i'll finally say, john, 21 million latinos eligibility to vote, fewer than half of them currently registered, the game here is to get them energized and out to vote. >> that is the big challenge for the campaign, for all campaigns across the country but particularly in several battleground states, governor romney is due to be in arizona today as this decision unfolds. let's bring into the conversation, juan carlos lopez, he is a cnn correspondent.
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when you look at this decision, the government did win three of these con festested provisions. but the show me your papers provision left in. >> the mood in the sense of those who are fighting this, john, was that they were going to get an adverse reaction, they were expecting a ruling that would be against them because of what they heard during arguments before the supreme court. so this is very likely going to be presented as a victory, it's a 5-3 ruling, it maintains decisions by the lower courts that are important in the state and with the 2b, with the show me your papers clause, yes, it does stand, but it is open to further legal action. that was taking place already, groups that are -- that were filing the lawsuits against 1070 and other laws have been doing
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it after the supreme court luling. but this is one more step, but it will be a positive headliner for the groups that were -- they were expecting the supreme court to rule in favor of arizona. >> we'll check in with jim acosta with the romney campaign in a moment. but first a little more context of the arizona immigration law going forward, here's cnn's casey wian. >> the most controversial provision of sb 1070, that law enforcement officers during a legal arrest, try to determine the immigration status of any person they encounter, if they have reasonable suspicion that person is in the united states illegally. >> we're going to take the handcuffs off of law enforcement, we're going to put them on the bad guy. >> look at my face, listen to my
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voice and finally get picked up in arizona and questioned. >> most of us in law enforcement welcome this legislation. >> we're very concerned that 1070 will signify the end of the the latino community in arizona. >> governor's office. okay are you asking the governor to voeto it or sign it. >> as a resident of arizona for 27 years, i have watched this problem grow and grow and grow and the bigger it gets, the more dangerous it gets. >> i'm not prepared to announce a decision on senate bill 1070 this evening, i can tell you what i decide will be based on doing what's right for arizona. >> failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others. and that includes for example the recent efforts in arizona
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which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as americans. >> i will now sign senate bill 1070, though many people disagree, i firmly believe it represents what's best for arizona. border related violence and crime due to illegal immigration are contributely important issues for the people of our state. >> what do you think of this new law the governor signed yesterday? >> if you're illegal, i don't think you should be here in the states. >> i believe it is an instrument of racial profiling. >> are they going to be looking for europeans as well? or is it just the brown people? >> what do you have to say about the decision? >> it's really very unfounded. >> they enforce state law they sire going to be sued because their violating federal law. >> i can assure you that civil rights organizations are rejoicing that the federal
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government is suing the state of arizona. >> lawsuits or no lawsuits i'm going to continue enforcing the federal and state immigration laws. >> arizona's illegal population peaked in 2008, by 565,000 people. two years later, when sb 1070 passes, it was 470,000, and last year it fell to 360,000. most of that decrease is attributed to the economy. casey wian, cnn, los angeles. again, put in context from casey wians, three of the four provisions of the arizona immigration law thrown out, but the show me your papers law is the one that stands. the question now is how will and how quickly will arizona implement that decision. our coverage will continue on this ruling and other supreme court rulings as well. we continue in just a moment. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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important breaking news out of the united states supreme court today, several important decisions. we should tell you upfront the health care decision should come on thursday, the final day of this year's supreme court term. but sb 1070 the supreme court throwing out three of four of the provisions. the show me your papers, if they have probable cause to believe that person is in the united states illegally, it gives the police the right to -- we have heard from the state attorney
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general, he says this will be implemented quite carefully. here from our affiliate knfv in phoenix. >> everybody is still in shock, because we have been out here for four days, lack of sleep and just waiting for the news finally. it was very, you know, shocking for some folks. >> reporter: are you surprised by the decision? >> i am very surprised. you know, i was expecting, you know, to get it completely taken off, but unfortunately, the one that i fear the most got -- >> the one provision that you were talking about, would allow police officers to check immigration status after they are already stopped someone, that is going to move forward and you said that really scares you and that's the worst one that could have gone through, tell me why. >> when i do drive, i drive to work, i drive to school, i drive my sister to her babysitter. and school so it's very scary for me to have that in the back
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of my head that i could still be pulled over and even maybe deported. >>a reaction on the ground from knxb from phoenix. you heard the and hengs--the court did say that could be subject to challenge once implemented depending on how it is handled by the arizona authorities. the former massachusetts govern governor mitt romney, as they prepare to make the journey. politics is a funny business, a remarkable stay for governor romney to go into arizona. what is the campaign saying about this big decision today? >> john, right now the campaign is not saying much of anything. i think it is so surprise that they're being cautious about this, they're probably going through the ruling, talking about this among advisors who brief mitt romney on legal issues such as this one. but it is interesting to know, john, this issue did come up
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during the campaign several times, mitt romney said on a number of occasions that he supporting the arizona immigration law, but he says it should not be a model for the country, but that component of all of this is really what's at issue. should the law in arizona be something that's applied nationally and mitt romney says it's not the case. it is no surprise that it is reacting cautiously so far, he gave a speech at the orlando conference last week, there was no mention of the arizona imgragsz law. there was no mention as to what the country should do with the ten or 12 illegal immigrants in the country. mitt romney sometimes get chatty with reporters on his plane and we're going to get on that plane in just a few minutes. but romney supports a system of legal immigration in this country, that he wants to make legal immigration easier and he
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wants to make illegal immigration more difficult. that is basically what we might expect to hear from mitt romney. a note of caution perhaps from the campaign, that they're sifting through this very carefully before making a statement, john. >> we'll keep in touch with jim acosta. jim, thanks so much for that context and insight. we're going to take a quick bleak and when we come back, a very important decision from the supreme court u throwing out three of provisions of the arizona immigration law, but upholds one, the show me your papers law, that controversial provision remains in place for now. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix,
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welcome back to the cnn newsroom and our special cover rooj of some dramatic decisions by the united states supreme court today. first and foremost--the court struck down key and controversial parts of that immigration law, sb 1070. the obama administration argued against the sweeping state provisions. on the one, show me your papers requirement, they left that in place, and janet, the governor of arz as jan brewer says this, today's decision by the supreme
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court is a victory for the rule of law. how do you see it? >> i think there's no question that for us, we see the ruling, even though it wasa narrow, it' still a big problem. not just latinos and immigrants in this country, but for everyone, for every american. and i do think that striking down the other provisions, is a victory that we can claim, but it is hugely problematic. a real threat, i think to the civil rights of anyone to have any part of section 2b, the show me your papers provision in place, allowing state and local law enforcement officials to basically determine the immigration status of anyone they stop is a huge problem and it should be left to the federal authorities. i think the supreme court tried
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to narrow that impact, but for us, it still puts a bull's-eye on the backs of many latinos in this country. >> you say it puts a bull's-eye, and i spoke a moment ago to the state attorney general, and he said that he wanted to assure people, that that would not happen, that there would not be racial fro filing. and he said that the -- and that is the show me your papers provision impmented as early as today now that the court has spoken. when you hear the attorney general say we will not profile, do you trust him? >> it's one thing for them to say they won't profile. but let's look at the history of arizona. you're talking about a state where basically immigrants and hispanics have been terrorized by the sheriff there, the court clearly did not take into account that arizona has the worst -- america's worst sheriff and that the department of
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justice has had exhaustive reports of condemning the actions of their law enforcement already in place there. so they have a very sorry history when it comes to violating an abusing the rights of hispanics, simply because of the way they look. so there's no -- i don't take any comfort in knowing that the attorney general is saying that this is going to change overnight. >> this comes at a time as you well know, when both candidates for president are starting to accelerate their reportingrepor courting of the latino vote. now that the kourlt has spoken and it's a mixed decision, the federal government won on some counts, the state of arizona won on this notorious show me your papers provisions. >> i think it's very important that they reject this type of law as a model for the country.
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and i think we heard that pretty loudly and clearly from president obama when he spoke to the conference last week. romney is on record having said that this law is a model for the country. and while he made some efforts to soften his tone last week as he addressed participants in this conference. there was not a lot of specifics and not a lot of clarity, so we would like to hear today as candidate romney lands in phoenix, arizona, for him to reject this provision out right. >> we'll look for governor romney's reaction as he does travel to phoenix today. janet, thanks for helps us today, we're going to take a quick break, but in a moment, the important ruling on the as arz immigration law.
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and several other rulings and the final ruling will come on thursday including the court's decision on whether the obama health care law is constitutional. as a doctor, i do everything i can to make sure my patients get the very best care. but look at our health care system. everyone agreed we needed reforms -- but this new health care law -- it just isn't fixing things.
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president obama promised my patients that they could keep me -- but what if because of this new health care law -- i can't keep them? i've looked at this law. i know the consequences: delayed care and worse yet -- denied care. studies show the president's health care law is projected to add hundreds of billions of dollars to our deficit -- and increase spending by more than a trillion dollars. and the truth is -- we still don't know how much this law will eventually cost. i don't want anything to come between my patients and me -- especially washington bureaucrats. we need real reform that improves care, and the president's health care law just isn't it. it just isn't worth it. this is where health care decisions should be made. not in washington.
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welcome back to our breaking news coverage, several -- including in the controversial sb 1070, the arizona immigration law, saying the state did not have the right to essentially police federal immigration issues. but the court left in place at least for now, one of the most controversial provisions, allowing police to ask for papers during a withdrew teen traffic stop for other causes,
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they have reasonable cause to believe that person is in the country illegally, then they can -- while we want to review the supreme court's decision, this ruling appears to validate a key component of arizona immigration law. harry reid of nevada says i'm concerned about american citizens being -- let's go outside the supreme court now to jeffrey toobin who was in the room with the justices when they went through their lit tanity of rulings today. and jeff, take us back inside there for flavor and if you can, answer this question, you have the arizona immigration law, you had a campaign finance case, you have a key juvenile justice ruling, who are today's winners
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and losers? >> reporter: well, you know, i think one of the winners today is donald verilli, the state attorney general who received so much criticism in the health care case t justices were pretty tough on him in the arizona immigration case too. he got at least a partial victory out of that case. the solicitor general -- >> justice ten i can did the majority opinion in the arizona case. the does sending opinion was by justice scalia and no one writes a dissending opinion like justice scalia. he went off on the obama administration, like mitt romney on steroids. he attacked romney -- obama's recent order about young people and not enforcing the law there.
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he said in something that drew a smile from some of the justices, he said, justice scalia said, if this ruling were known in advance, arizona might not have decided to join the union of the united states of america. i think a lot of people were there thinking, as i was thinking, really? you think, arizona would have said, i think we're going to join mexico instead? i think there was a little hyperbole there, but even though most of us regard this decision as a mixed result, justice scalia saw it as an endorsement of illegal immigration and he was more than usually outraged. >> when the chief justice told those of you in the room and you get to come out and tell the rest of us, sorry, folks, you're going to have to wait until thursday on health care, did he specifically mention the case? or did he just say the remaining
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decisions will be released on thursday. >> reporter: one is an extremely obscure civil dispute, that has been pending since november, i am not that familiar with the details of it. but it is still hanging around. the other case is actually a very interesting case, there's a law called stolen valor affect. there's a law that says if you falsely claim to have received military commendations, you can be criminally prosecuted. that case, there's a first amend challenge, a freedom of speech challenge to that case, that is also pending, we'll hear that on thursday. and of course florida health and human services department, that's the big health care case, that will be decided on thursday. so two rather peculiar, not earth shaking cases and then health care we'll get on thursday. >> why do i suspect they'll do
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health care last? >> actually, john, can i just add another piece of supreme court trivia there? the way they announce opinions is in reverse seniority order. justice kagan announced the first decision, justice kennedy announced the next decision, which made you think that we would get the decision on health care. so by the order in which they're announced, you know who might be writing the opinion. >> jeff toobin for us throughout the course. jeff will be there outside the supreme court on thursday. let's get some more reaction from the arizona -- retomorrow group, the federation for -- when you read the arizona decision, what's your take? >> well, i think the ball's now thrown back to congress because the supreme court, essentially the majority opinion, the
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kennedy opinion embraces the obama administration's claim that they have unlimited discretion to ignore immigration law and states have no authority in this area. and the majority opinion -- saying that congress can delegate to the state's specific authority. there's all sorts of provigszs, and instead the kennedy opinion cites the morton memo, the so-called morton mem owe, we have the right to anything we want and nobody can stop us. if you're a taxpayer looking for guidance, the only place left now and this is what romney needs to go back to, real reform will happen in congress as to how the federal-state enforcement strategy needs to work. the supreme court had a great opportunity to really provide some guidance to give us a real structure that would work.
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what they did, though, was essentially say, just like the case in 1982, taxpayers are going to pay billions and billions of dollars for illegal immigration, and if the executive branch doesn't want to enforce the law, that could be a real problem. but i will say this, just sotomayer cited with the majority saying that the law was legal, constitutional and consistent with state sovereignty. justice scalia's dissent was very high on this idea that states remain, as we believe, inherent authority to pass laws to preserve their tax base and control their destinies in a manner that's consistent with federal law. that's what the immigration bill is, it's consistent with federal law. everything that the supreme court said was wrong with the law could be solved by congress to step forward and say in 4r50i8g9 of the arizona bill, let's provide some clarifying language here at the federal legislative level to make sure these state bills in fact both
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work and are done cooperatively with the executive branch. >> i think we'll have to wait at least until the election to learn about that. the one portion they left in place, you heard the state attorney general saying there will not be racial fro filing, but justice kennedy assumes there might well be future challenges. how quickly do you think that issue will be back in the court snsz. >> sadly, there's a civil rights industry that's going to make all kinds of wild claims as to howard it's going to be enforceded. remember, the civil rights industry wants to try to engraph the so-called discriminatory doctrine for law enforcement that makes it virtually impossible to enforce the immigration law in the middle of the country. they have a partner in the obama administration that's actually helping to bring that about. so they're going to keep filing these cases that we taxpayers are subsidizing, one after
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another, making these allegations, so the litigation will go on unfortunately for some time, in the end, johnson congress has to step up to the plate and give very specific guidance in what states cannot do in the area of federal -- the field pre-emption of the imgragsz law. >> i know folks in the obama administration would challenge, they have had record deportations, they would say they have more people along the border, but it's a good question that will not be settled by the supreme court decision on the immigration law. we're going to continue our coverage of these important decisions by the united states supreme court. but for now, we'll take a quick break. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class.
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the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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ooh, hey america's favorite cereal is... honey nut cheerios ok then off to iceland! taking a break from the supreme court, we're going to begin with egypt, and the stunning turn around there, the country's military rulers accepting the will of the people. actually played out in pretty dramatic fashion in cairo's tahrir square and across the country when the military yesterday officially recognized moment morsi of the muslim brotherhood as the winner of egypt's first democratically held election. morsi faces a number of problems. ben, let's talk about what the
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president elect is actually doing today. >> reporter: we understand he's in presidential offices that until a year and a half ago were occupied by hosni mubarak, there he's apparently looking at his options as far as putting a cabinet together. he did promise egyptians that he would not pack that cabinet with members of his muslim brotherhood movement but rather he would be looking for tech technocrats. now interestingly, one of the fairly reliable egyptian newspapers is recordi ining tod that hosni mubarak has suffered a health set back, when he learned that mohammad morsi, a man he jailed for a few months a few years ago, has been named
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president elect. >> question to you, given what the military did before the runoff, what kind of power will morsi really have? >> very little real power. he does have the power to appoint and dismiss his ministers, but when it comes to the real power in a country, he cannot for instance send a forecast wagon full of soldiers from cairo to alexandria, without the prior approval of the military council. he can't write up a budget without the approval of the military council. and one thing he can't do is actually have a look at the military budget. they have complete exclusive oversight over themselves. so as a president, he's already kind of a lame duck. >> thanks, ben.
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the first military defections that we're hearing about, right? >> no, but no means, i mean we estimate that thousands, if not perhaps far more syrian soldiers have defected according to the uprising of the last year and a half, sources within a refugee camp, populated by defector syrian officers here in turkey say they have already 15 generals residing amongst themselves, they don't understand why this is such a big story, they do confirm, however, that at least five officers a general, a colonel, a lieutenant colonel, a major and a captain all crossed the border with their families yesterday and that they were from the embattled and very rebellious si of homs, they claim they're getting defected soldiers every day. >> what about the shooting down of an unarmed military jet a turkish jet?
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>> initially we saw some coordination two the turks and the syrians after the turks shot down a syrian warplane in the m mediterranean, the pilots have not been found. turkey is calling this a hostile affect saying it's plane was in international air space when it was shot down and slamming basically syria by saying you shot our plane down without any warning shots, without any warning. the syrians coming back and saying, this is our sovereign right, the plane was in our air space and turkey is trying to create a hostile atmosphere around us by complaining about us shooting down their own plane. nato, the military alliance is meeting in brussels tomorrow, than they will respond to what
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the florida tip. and a lot of states are feeling the fury of debby. it is causing major flooding an spinning off tornados and officials are saying that storm has already killed at least one person in central florida. take a look at this, this is copper field where the phillies have their spring training. look at the flooding so far. john zarrella is standing by there and what is the story now? >> well, the storm is weakening, but it won't be forgotten here. this is a detached garage with apa apartment on top, and nobody was living in there fortunately, but last night at about 8:00 p.m. the winds were howling and authorities are not sure if it was a tornado or a waterspout or strait line winds, but it came down hard and fast. look, a lot of standing water here as well, but all in this neighborhood. the power is out, and not sure
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how long it is going to take to get it restored. a lot of the tree limbs are down and the debris through here and it will walk to the corner of the street here, kyra, you can see the part of the sign has been knock over on its side and cutting down the trees and trying the get the debris out of the way. you see the giant oak tree that was pulled up as well. it is really a narrow spit of land. to the left, that is the gulf of mexico, and over here on this si side, that's the intercoastal waterway. so not much land here. people are saying that they were really, really fortunate that it was not worse. they had eight homes that sustained some pretty serious damage, and about 20, 25 properties in all that sustained some other minor damage, but no power here. a lot of people walking the streets, and it is not clear when they are going to get the power on, but all across the central florida and the west coast of florida reports of flooding, reports of some tornados, waterspouts, and
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colleges have been closed today, and the question is, as the storm continues to move closer to florida, is it going to reform at all? the hurricane scenter seems to think that is not the case, but still the possibility of tornadoes and heavy rain across particularly north and north central florida today, tomorrow and until this thing moves ashore, and it is a slow mover. might be wednesday before we actually get to see landfall of what ever is left of tropical storm debby. kyra? >> well, thank you john zarrella. and let's bring in chad meyers who can tell us more about debby. it is weakening, right? that is the good news? >> yes. the winds are down to 45, but some of the things that john touched on are really, really important, because the ground s are so saturated that a 45 miles per hour wind can knock over the trees, but at is wet and the trees won't stand up well.
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more rain across big bend, and tampa to orlando and some of the storm storms, because of the entire is storm is spinning, some of the storms right now are also spinning, and you can get little tiny tornadoes, and not texas and kansas-sized tornado, but you don't need much. you see what that one did that was a waterspout that came on shore, because it knocked down a couple of big buildings where john was. this center is not a lot of convection around the center and not much to worry about with the storm, but john was talking a about could it reintensify, and absolu absolutely it could because the water is warm. some of the new track shows that three days for florida and another couple of days to the east. watch out for flooding and watch out for sinkholes. the sinkhole problem across the parts of the flooded area and ground saturated and may completely go down into the ground where you think it is a little bit of water, but the land could be gone completely from underneath that road, kyra.
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take you around the world in 60 minutes. we be ginn in arizona where the supreme court struck down the illegal immigration law. they struck down the requirement to carry registration papers and the ban on soliciting applying for work and probable cause arrest without warrant, but the court did uphold a controversial part of the law that if the police have a reasonable suspicion that a person is in the country illegally and the officers are enforcing other laws, that i can check a person's immigration status. cairo's tahrir square, the epicenter of the egyptian revolution is returning to normal one day after the country's first ever democratically elected president was elected. mohamed morsi got to work right away to day forming the team. this is the scene in the square
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right after word morsi had won. morsi's muslim brotherhood supporters are preparing to push egypt's military rulers now to relinquish the power to the president. there is a war of words between syria and turkey. syria said it shot down a turkish airplane because it flew in their air space, but they said it went into the syrian air space by mistake. the wreckage was found in the mediterranean case and now turkey is taking the case to nato tuesday. and the decision from the u.s. supreme court with a 5-3 ruling the high court rejected parts of the arizona law. the ruling is one of the last major decisions from the court this term. the other big decision on president obama's health care reform law will come on thursday. joining us to talk about
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immigration ruling and what it means are the cnn senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin, and juan carlos from cnn espanol, and john king. jeff, a maer r jer jo -- major the court ruled that while they have understandable problems with the state as it pursues policies, but it may not pursue policies that undermine federal law, so why didn't they strike down the whole thing? >> well, again, this is going to be a difficult area for states to navigate, because the supreme court has now said that we are looking very carefully at each and every provision that states pass, and some are going to be okay and some are not going to be okay, and frankly now after having tried just to dday the opinion, the line between the two is not entirely clear to me. the show us your papers provision, the most controversial part of this law, that was the part that was upheld, and what justice kennedy
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said was that this was not a state law that conflicted with federal law, it was a law that complimented federal law. that was a distinction that he drew. whether that is one that states will be able to learn from, i'm not sure, but starting tomorrow, arizona is going to be able to enforce that provision and we will see if there are further court challenges to it. there very well might be. >> and jeffrey a lot of people are looking at this in a kind of divisive way, and some say that the obama administration won and others say it is the state of arizona. do you see winners and losers in this, in this ruling? >> well, it is a mixed verdict. i think that there is much for both sides to take credit for. the obama administration can say, look, we challenged this law is unconstitutionali and significant parts of it were found unconstitutional and we were protecting the rights of the federal government and the
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rights of minorities, and the state can say, we pass ed a ver significant law that we think will increase the safety and w legality of what goes on within the borders and the key provision was upheld. i don't believe it was a political or legal knockout for either side, but much for both sides to take credit for. >> and jeff, talk about the several states that followed arizona's lead and you have similar laws being challenged in lower courts in georgia, alabama, utah, indiana and south carolina -- what happens to tho those? are they going to be thrown out? >> well, what means is legal trench warfare because of the mixed nature of the verdict, it is not possible to say with certainty that all of the kinds of laws are unconstitutional or that they are all okay. just as justice kennedy did, the federal judges have to go provision by provision to try to apply the provisions that
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justice kennedy applied for the court. that is easier said than done. some judges see it one way and others another way and those cases will be appealed to the circuit court of appeals and perhaps back here to the supreme court. so i think that the one thing for sure is that this is an issue that is not settled legally and we are going to see more cases like the arizona case. >> one thing for sure, nothing is for sure. jeffrey, thank you so much. i want to bring in juan carlos lopez and we attended last week, you and i, the largest latino convention in the country, and many of othose people felt that the president was headed in the right direction when it comes to immigration policy, and does he get credit now for challenging arizo arizona's tough immigration policy? >> well, 5-33 and the argument that the government made -- 5-3, and the argument that the government made is that it preempts the rights of the states, and now we go into the show me your papers clause and that is going to scare people, and especially latinos and
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latinos especially in arizona. but yes, a law enforcement officer can inquire about the immigration stat stus us if the believe they are in the country illegally, but they cannot deport them, but report them to the immigration officials. and this is a mixed verdict, and as jeffrey said, it will be a ruling that backs the government, but not many were satisfied by the arguments made by the governmentt the supreme court circled on the right to the federal government and the power of the federal government and not on civil rights where many believe this issue is now and going to be heading now. >> you and i have both had the chance to go to maricopa county, arizona, and had a chance to talk to sheriff joe arpaio who was unapologetic about going after illegal immigration even in the face of immigrants saying we are being racially profiled here, and with the one clause that was approved that many hispanics felt opened the door
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to racial profiling? >> well, we have to see what will happen and going back to the point of what is reasonable suspicion? how do they define it? what do they do with these folks and even if they detain them, they have to refer them to the federal authorities and it is up to the federal authorities whether to deport them or not, and it is a catch 22 in the case, but it is important as jeffrey toobin said it, starting tomorrow, arizona can enforce the provision, and it is obviously going to impact a lot of people. >> the folks that you talk, do they believe that obama administration made a mistake not taking it on as a civil rights case? >> yes, that is the line they said it was a zil rights issue and they didn't take that position, but there are other lawsuits through the legal process and other lawsuits addressing this issue, so this is not over. we will see this going on for a long time and at least now part of the most controversial measures can not be enforced and the most controversial can, but that is what the courts are there for. >> thank you, juan carlos for
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sorting it out for us. and john king, we have heard from the governor of arizona jan brewer who said this this ruling is a victory for the rule of law. it is also a victory for the 10th amendment, and also a inherent right for states to defend their citizens. and now after more than two years of the legal challenge, the constitution can be enforced. and you were trying to read the tea leaves and should the president come out to make an equally powerful statement on his behalf? >> we will hear from the president and we have heard mitt romney, and we will hear careful statements from them, because they understand the complexities of it and you mentioned the speech of the president at the naleo conference, and he wants to match the numbers from the last election with the hispanic vote and if he does, well on the way to the second term. and for governor romney, a crisis among the latino voters,
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and the administration did win three of the four contested provisions tossed out. the supreme court saying that in most instances it is the federal court to enforce the policy, but the court left oopen the big question of show me your papers and as juan carlos noted, this is going to be back into court within months and somebody will be arrested or detained in a way that is offensive and they will be challenged again. but as we go forward we will have to see how it plays out, and listen to governor romney's statement because it is shows you the box he is in. today's decision underscoring the need for a president to lead. and president obama has failed to provide any leadership on immigration, and this represents yet another broken promise by this president. notice the theme. and each state has the duty and the right to secure the borders and preserve the rule of law particularly when the federal government has fail ed to meet its responsibilities and as candidate obama, he promised to the present is a immigration
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reform first week in office, but he has not. so this is his way of saying he has not kept his promise and that is why there is a hodgepodge in every state. but he says that the government has the right to preserve the rule of law. and the governor will be in arizona today, and the president will be there and fascinating as he tries to get the latino votes without alienating his conservative base. i can't wait to hear this. >> and thank you, john. both will be speaking, i'm sure. and just as the justices reaffirmed the ruling two years ago that corporations can spend money as freely as they want and it ap plies to state campaign finance laws. and also said it is juveniles
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can be sentenced to life without parole that is rejected. more of what we are working on in this hour of "newsroom international." some are calling this an act of war and now what happens after syria shoots down a turkish jet. they have a new leader, and a long road ahead. i will talk to jimmy carter's grandson and what he sees is in store for the largest population in the arab world. [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you?
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around the world in 60 minutes. right now the egypt where the new islamist president-elect mohamed morsi getting straight to work. he was once a political prisoner and today he moved into the presidential office last occupied by hosni mubarak. ben wedeman is joining us by phone in cairo and ben, you have the admit that the challenges are great, immense, and he is now facing military generals who have essentially stripped him of much of his power and now reimposed martial law, and where does he even start? >> well, he starts by putting together a cabinet, and we know that he has pledged to get a, as inclusive as possible cabinet together. he said he wants to include tech no crats, christians, women, youths from the revolutionary movement, and at the same time, he is distancing himself from the muslim brotherhood and its political wing the freedom and justice party, so he has officially resigned from both of those organizations, and as you
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mentioned, he is in the presidential offices, and rekrntly just 16 months ago vacated by hosni mubarak, and obviously, his powers are severely limited and the powers were limited by a decree from the supreme council of the armed forces issued within hours of the closing of the voting stations the night of the, following the last night of the runoff elections. >> ben, do most of the people there support him even if they did not back the muslim brotherhood, and are the people getting behind him as their new leader? >> well, certainly, what we have seen is an outpouring of celebration. i think that celebration is not necessarily because he is mohamed morsi of the islam brotherhood, but i do believe that the egyptians appreciate the fact that they have finally a president or president-elect who was not formally an officer
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in the egyptian army. but if you look at the numbers, he really doesn't have anything to approximate a mandate. only 50% of eligible voters participated in the election, and only half of them or just a hair of beyond that voted for mohamed morsi. so real i will, he only has the s support or the votes of a quarter of the egyptian electorate, but many people have said that whether they like him or not, he's the president-elect, and they will respect him as such. suzanne. >> and ben, what is it like on the streets of cairo now? is it relatively calm? >> well, it is very calm. i can tell you that, you know, the tension that has been building up in cairo over the last weeks and the real worry that there could be violence after the announcement of the results has dissipated like fog burnt by the morning sun. it really is, you do feel a
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great sense of relief going down the streets of cairo. even those who don't care for the muslim brotherhood, don't like mohamed morsi, do feel like the level of tension has dramatically evaporated, and there are more people on the streets, and more cars and the cairo traffic jams are once more in full bloom. >> all right. ben, thank you very much. thank you, ben wedeman. later this this hour, we will be joined by president carter's grandson, jason carter who was in egypt for the runoff election and he will give us his thoughts about the road for egypt ahead. >> and the people of turkey are living in a tough neighborhood right now. refugees are spilling across the border and now one of their fighter jets were shot down, and now people are coming to in droves to try to escape the bloodshed in syria. ♪
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they were once friends but now syria and turkey are enemies. as you can see in the map, they share a vast border. and now refugees are fleeing into turkey to avoid the violence in syria. and now adding to the tension, syria shot down a turkish warplane. turkey says that the plane was unarmed and brought down over international waters, but today, the syrian official says that the plane was justified because the plane had crossed into syrian air space. take a listen. >> translator: regardless of whether it is a training mission or reconnaissance mission, it was a violation, and syria was acting in self-defense.
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there is a campaign against syria, and they want to make a devil out of syria, and whenever they fail they come up with other evil methods do it. >> and now hala gorani is joining us, and let's talk about this, to give a sense of what this entails and it is a border of 45 miles between the two, and turkey is a member of nato, so they could invoke and say, look, if we are threatened then everybody else has to come to our defense and i imagine that turkey does not want to escalate it to that point? >> and neither does syria apparently although we are hearing from the syrian foreign ministry spokesperson some heated rhetoric there, and put it in perspective. two neighbors turkey and syria, and image anyone a european context that one country shoots down a jet of another country and one country, turkey, saying in this case, the jet strayed into the air space, and there was no intention of doing anything wrong and not an act of aggression, and we heard there from the foreign ministry
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spokesperson saying from syria, we had the right to shoot it down. another thing that he said about the turkish foreign ministry statement that this reconnaissance jet strayed into the air space, and it is all lies that the turkish administration was saying and it is clear ly an act of aggressio on the syrian air space. >> what happens next? >> tomorrow, we will have a nato article iv that they are invoking, and they have not invoked article v, because they would say any nato member attack is and attack on all nato members. so this conference will take place and it is a serious incident and escalating the situation, but we are not crossing into the dangerous territory yet. >> tell us what that means, because it is not just civilian, but the military and talking about dozenbes of generals and shoulders and the families and now coming to turkey, and that is a turning point in libya when
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you saw the military defecting, and is this a turning point for syria now do you think? >> well, it depends who you ask. it does not seem that the number of defections are creating a scenario, a libyan-style scenario that you could say with confidence that this is a tur g turning point though you have high-ranking army and military officers and two colonels and one general and our viewers might remember last week in syrian air force pilot defected to jordan last week. but it is not the kind of numbers that we saw in libya where you also will remember in libya, it was not just the military, but high level political defections and that we are not seeing in syria, so it is a turning point? my guess is no. will it become a turning point when the numbers increase, then perhaps at that point we can talk about something more significant. >> it is now that you can say turkey and syrians are enemies? >> well, they are denying that i are doing so, but we are hearing from the multiple points that
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turkey is turning a blind eye to armed shipments going into syria, and reports that saudi arabia and qatar, an important american ally are also going into syria, and there is no official recognition it is happening but on the ground many eyewitnesses are saying that arms are flowing into syria to help the rebels. >> boy, a messy situation. hala, thank you. appreciate i. what are the latinos staying a bt the landmark ruling from the supreme court today? we will find out. [ male announcer ] it's back again at red lobster,
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on illegal immigration, and it was a 5-3 ruling. the high court rejected key parts of the arizona law. i want to bring in arturo vargas into the conversation and he is the director of the national organization of elected latino association, and we had a chance to speak last week at the gathering of of the latino elected ofishgs la s -- electe officials last week. what are your thoughts? >> well, we are upsare concerne the supreme court underscores more what we heard from governor romney that in fact the immigration system is broken and that was reiterated by president obama on friday. so i think that now it goes back to congress and the administration. we need to fix this broken immigration system and not have states try to implement 50 different versions of
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immigration law. >> and how do you do that? what is the main thing that needs to happen next? >> well, i think that this is the opportunity for leadership on both sides of the aisle to demonstrate bipartisan action on behalf of the people of the country. we have an immigration system that is broken. we know that now that certain actions that states would like to take are preempted by the constitution and the supreme court has spoken on that, so there are guidelines here as to what cannot be done at the state level, and what we need to do is to have a system of immigration that works in this country, that regulates the flow of immigrants in a way that meets the needs of the country to keep fam i ilies together and does not encourage discriminatory actions of law enforcement agencies or governments at the state or local level. >> do you believe that the show me your papers, and that particular provision still holds, do you believe it was a real loss here? >> it was a loss in the sense
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that this now goes back to the district court for further interpretation by the arizona courts as to what exactly was meant on behalf of the legislature with this. o ourf course is who gets to show papers or required to show papers, a person like me with brown skin because of my heritage and i am suspect by vir shoe of how i look? that is what we fear the most, u.s. citizens and legal residents are treated differently by virtue of the color of our skin, the accent on our tongue, and that is truly fundamentally un-american. >> thank you, arturo, good to speak to you again. we will speak with you shortly. and immigration is not the only story that latinos are watching. they are also watching mexico who will pick their next
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president. >> reporter: a rallying cry growing louder for young people here tired of politics as usual. what started as a student protest is becoming a movement focused on the presidential election and beyond. how important is this election? >> it is very important. it can give us real change to give us freedom to go out to the streets and not be afraid. >> reporter: the fear is that democratic progress will be stopped or reversed if the dominant party led by its candidate returns to power. they believe that the pri in mexico's biggest tv broadcasters are in cahoots. >> we have elections and we vote yes, but the factual power is controlled by the media. >> reporter: they control more than 90% of the market here in a country where a vast majority of the people still get their news through broadcast television. >> some people say it is a new
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beginning for mexico, but more than 1,000 people have shown up here in mexico in front of the big broadcaster here in mexico, and despite the rain, nobody is going anywhere. >> reporter: and this brought its own version of the truth o projecting on the wall. the 4 1/2 video chronicles what these students say is media and collusion to hide the truth over the years. it starts with the massacre of dozenbes of democracy protesters in 1968. playing prominently in the video is pri candidate pena knee yet t -- nieto and he says that he has more followers than any other candidate, and mexicans need not worry about democracy. mexico has changed, he says, and we have respect for democracy and democratic culture. and still they have showered his
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campaign with favorable coverage and the broadcasters deny it saying that each candidate has been given equal time. the protesters say this goes beyond equal time. >> it must happen in every generation, and this has just turned everyone like woke up a lot of people. >> reporter: young people here waking up, calling for more openness, more freedom of opinion and debate in television coverage, and more democracy. it is a struggle they say that's only beginning. miguel marquis, mexico city. immigration is not just a prob lem here in the united states. we will take you the israel where thousands of african immigrants could be sent packing home. ♪ uh-huh... uh-huh... uh-huh... ♪ ♪ it kinda makes me miss the days when we ♪ ♪ used to rock the microphone ♪ back when our credit score couldn't get us a micro-loan ♪ ♪ so light it up! ♪ even better than we did before ♪ ♪ yeah prep yourself america we're back for more ♪ ♪ our look is slacker chic and our sound is hardcore ♪ ♪ and we're here to drop a rhyme about free-credit-score ♪
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we are getting this in. president obama reacting to the supreme court decision there regarding the arizona immigration law. he says i'm pleaseded that the supreme court has struck down key provisions of the arizona immigration law. what this makes unmistakingly clear is that congress must act on immigration reform. a patchwork of state laws is not a solution to the immigration system system, and it is part of the problem and the president weighing in on the con troe vtrl ruling. and immigration is a big issue in israel. the country has the been rounding up illegal immigrants who some call infiltrators and cancers and sending them back to
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africa. some authorities say that 60,000 people have entered israel since 2005 and crossing in the southern border with egypt and some are fleeing violence in sudan or south sudan or political hard times, and our patrice lavin takes a look. >> reporter: they flee here from far from home. >> and we know that provisions will be here in the shop. and all of the israeli markets and shops, you cannot find this. >> reporter: you cannot find this stuff back at home. >> reporter: he is part busin s businessman and activist and voice for some 30,000 who have migrated the israel over the recent years. many live under temporary protection status because of the political protection. but the israeli government is moving to deport tens of
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thousands of african migrants who are in the country illegally and israel's minister is looking to send them home as well. >> nobody knows what will happen tomorrow for them. that is the main problem, you know. for sure people are living in a big fear. >> reporter: he arrived in israel five years ago and smuggled through israel and then egypt and after being imprisoned back home for criticizing the government as a student. >> i decided to come, because in my country, i can be protected, and to have been safe. because of that i am safe to come here. >> reporter: he has built a comfortable life for his wife and infant son and son of 2. but it is a different life for what would wait for him at home if he is deported. >> it is the worst. either to be killed or thrown away to the prison. >> reporter: still, he dreams of the day he can go back to a free
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country. >> there is no safety better than home. that is why even, as far as i don't have an option, but when this happens, i want to be at my home. >> reporter: these illegal migrants had no option and they are among the late toast be deported. ali who is from war torn darfur may be next even though he has legal status. >> my country is warring. i cannot sleep at night, because what i see now is happy. >> reporter: he arrived six years ago and now he works two job s to sup pos to support his. >> she is a girl who is -- i don't know what it is like to grow up. before the time. >> reporter: he tries to shield her from the negative comments from other government officials and from people who they pass on the streets. >> they say sudan is like a
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council and really hard to hear things like that. >> reporter: he wants better for the daughter, and he dreams of finishing his education and remarrying. >> i want many life different, and like my grandfather and my parents. what i see all now, i'm realizing i am all right, but i must continue. >> and elise joins us live from jerusalem, a nd tell us about this, because immigrants are emotional about this, and as we see in the piece, this is a different situation for them, but many israelis as well, when they think of rounding up folks and mass detentions, and they are having a hard time with this as well. tell us how the government is responding? >> suzanne, cuts close to the bone both for the migrants and sol of them were crying in the interviews, but also to the israelis, because it is a nation built on immigrants and also iz
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ray lys have been persecuted and ostracized for years and a lot of of the israelis believes that the country should not help these people and have more of a collective consciousness, but the government is unapologetic and saying, we cannot handle this. it is an economic situation, but some people feel that this threaten threatens the character of the jewish state and they don't want them here. >> and the russian president vladimire putin is there visiting with the israeli officials, and what is on the agenda? >> well a perfect example, more than 1 million russian-speaking immigrants here in israel, and russian president putin believes a lot of them are still russian. he said moments ago that maybe they would go back home some day, but iran and syria are the issue for these two for when he met with president peres, and prime minister netanyahu and he is looking for russia to use the pressure with syria and apply pressure and on iran, they want russia to use influence with
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iran to accept an international deal to get rid of the highly enriched uranium and make a deal with the west so that israel doesn't have to make a military strike. president putin was noncommittal and acknowledged a lot of security concerns that the two of them have to talk about, but gave no commitment, suzanne. >> thank you, elise. talking about a not so subtle message, war games with north korean flag on the battlefield. ♪... ♪... choose the perfect hotel
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welcome back the "newsroom international" where we take you around the world in 60 minutes. north korea has slammed south korea and the u.s. for using its flag during live fire drills. the south korean official says that the flag was put on an elevated hill but not directly target ed targeted by the live bullets and shells. these drills were part of a military exercise last week, and both countries are concerned about north korea's nuclear program. egypt's next step in democracy begins today. the country's first ever democratically elected leader mohamed morsi is forming his team one day after military rulers announced that the islamist candidate had won the president. the carter center mopper toed bo -- monitored both rounds of the election
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elections. president jimmy carter's grandson jason carter was there. it is a pleasure to talk to you. we spoke to your grandfather last week. >> pleasure. >> and beth of you were there in egypt, and since the election, we have winner here, and the military is still very much in power, and how do you see this playing out? >> well, the most important thing about this election that we observed being there was that the political context in which it occurred outweighed almost the conduct of the election. as you know, we are now faced with the democratically elected president, but the military rulers have dissolved the parliament and limited the powers of the president and reinstituted aspects of martial law, so that process and those actions that are frankly undemocratic have cast great uncertainty of where we go from here. >> do you have any suggestions of where we go fwl herom here, it is looking like a situation that is out of our control and the egyptian's control, the
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military? >> well, no doubt that outsiders can't push egypt. i mean, the outcome and the steps that take place from here on are going to have to be determined by the egyptian people. they have decided. they have embraced democracy and demonstrated their democratic spirit and they have been to the polls five times in the last 16 months, so they are going to demand democracy, and the most important aspect of the transition that us outsiders can control or look at is how they get to the constitution that is going to be the foundation for a democratic egypt is the key process. >> and so far morsi has called for unity and said he is going to uphold the treaties between israel and egypt and it is just last week that your grandfather says he believes because he knows morsi well, he will be good for the country. let me play a little bit of the conversation. >> the international community will rally to support democracy and freedom, and it will be
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made. but there has to be a strong statement from the u.s. that the military must cede power to give up power to the elected officials or otherwise the entire process will be disapproved by not only the international community, but also by the people of egypt and might even go back to demonstrations including violence. i hope that doesn't happen. >> so he hopes that doesn't happen. edwin walker who is a former ambassador to egypt told our candy crowley that he has doubt s in terms of whether morsi is going to be good or the peace and stability in the country. i want you to listen to that very quickly. >> sure. >> this is the real problem of this election, no matter whose name goes up there, does either man have the ability to lead the country? and i would say that the answer is no. >> what do you think? >> well, i think that, again, you have a situation in egypt now where the egyptian people have embraced democracy. we don't know what that means yet, but we can obviously hold as an international community can hold president morsi and others to the democratic
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principles of freedom of religion and women's rights and all of the things that need to hold irm if, and that is what my grandfather was saying. are they confronted with difficu difficulties? yes. economic issues and divided country, but i believe that if we continue to put the pressure and ensure that this democratic transition takes its steps as halting as they may be, we are going to get to a better place. again, sometimes in a democracy, the results are, are troubling or surprising, but that is what democracy is about. >> do you believe it changes the identity of egypt now that you go from something that is secular to islamist, and you have 10 million christians living in the country and the issue of women's rights still unanswered? >> well, importantly, there does not appear to be an islamist mandate out of the election. the muslim brotherhood got 26% of the vote out of the first round of the presidential election and what we saw was a huge number of people sort of choosing were they more secular
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or more democratic, and i think that people, many of those people who would be secular democrats and not islamists threw some support to morsi, so he recognizes that he has a coalition that is made up of islamists and seculars and he will try to bring those people together. we will see. >> and i asked your grandfather a year ago what his legacy would be and he said he is in a good place and doing a lot of fun things. >> i'd like that. >> the best times of my life have been the last 30 years since i left the white house. i enjoyed being president and i wish i had been re-elected to a second term, but the experiences that i have had since then have been the most gratifying and the most challenging and most adventurous and the most unpredictable in my life. >> he told us he was hunting and fly fishing and whole bunch of other things, and what do you think of your grandfather's legacy? >> irs if oft all, he is really enjoying himself now as you can tell. i think that he kind of thinks that losing the election was a promotion. he loves the carter center and
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what he is able to do there. you know, that legacy of health and peace that the carter center is promoting will undeniably live on when he is gone. >> he is a busy man? >> you should see the staff get worn out, and he has to rotate through them because his pace is so fast. >> you are following his in footsteps and thank you. >> likewise. thank you for having me. and imagine training for the olympics and then having a coin toss to decide whether you compete? well, that could be the brutal reality for two of america's fastest women. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help
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a coin toss believe it or not could decide who gets tom compete in the u.s. olympic track team. here is why. these two sprinters crossed the finish line at exactly the same time. in the olympic trials that happened in oregon saturday and now they are both vying for the third spot on the team, the u.s. olympic committee had to come up with new rules to resolve this dead heat. one of them, one of the ritoof could choose not the take the spot which is not likely. and the other is that they could run a tie-h brebreaking race ore it up to a coin toss. hard to believe. >> they can't drive or run or vote for public office, but female athletes from saudi arabia will compete in the olympics for the first time. saudi arabia did not say what prompted the decision, but the
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international olympic committee has been pushing for this change. two other holdouts brunei and qatar announcing earlier in the year, they are allowing women to come pete starting with the london games. good for them. imagine a world without facebook? that is the reality for the vast majority of cubans, but now social media is slowly making its way to the island nation. we will take a look. [ male announcer ] research suggests the health of our cells plays a key role throughout our entire lives. ♪ one a day men's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin
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single tweet. that is right. that is how much it can cost in cuba which is more than what some cubans make in a day. according to cbs, more than 2% of the island's population uses the internet which is the lowest rate in the western hemisphere and some are trying to change all of that, of course, and our patrick altman has the story. >> reporter: at this small house hosting cuba's first independent tech festival, people who cannot find a seat watch from the doorways and the windows. it has been dubbed the click festival. the event organizers say is dedicated to helping cubans get online an arduous journey in a country where the internet is slow and requires government approval which means that the participants may talk about facebook and twitter, but there is no internet available here. the event is not intended to provoke authorities say a well known blogger and critic ma h
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ree sanchez. >> it goes beyond the festival for blogs or twitter or for mobile phones or text messaging. with e want to talk about all kinds of technology, and we want to be inclusive. >> reporter: maybe so, but even before the event began cuban state media denounced the organizers for quote subversion. a charge that festival participants denied. >> translator: twiter or the internet is not just a privilege for people in developed countries. they are developed countries, because they have these kinds of tools. >> reporter: but they can be expensive tools. >> translator: residents looking for alternative ways to get online like using sms messages from a cell phone, but a tweet can cost about a dollar or more than many cubans make in a day. for a government computing center for young people, 1 in 6 across the island, citizens use
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computers to go to state-restricted website. this is the fault of the five decades' old u.s. trade embargo they say. >> >> translator: we need to create infrastructure and one of the key things of the embargo is so that we can join the social world. >> reporter: they say they are agents of foreign governments trying to stir up trouble. despite the outlaw status, the techies say they are hopeful for the future. >> translator: cubans devise solutions to receive information and send information. they have their blogs, and maybe not in the same way that they do in other parts of the world, but people have them. the road will open up, but you have to push forward to open. >> reporter: pushing that perhaps so that the next time they hold a tech festival, they will actually have access to technology. patrick oppmann, cnn, havana.
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