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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  July 4, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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we know it was a mistake and it seems like the right thing to do is to change her vote. but red, green, yes, no, everyone else got it right. seriously? "piers morgan tonight" starts now. tonight, the hottest fourth of july in history, fires, drought, flooding, and something called the show. what does it all mean? i'll ask sam champion. plus, she may be one of the most hated women in america, casey anthony found not guilty of murder one year ago for the death of her daughter caylee. i talked to her a while ago. she says she's innocent. loud and clear, i didn't kill my girl. after that interview thousands of you still don't believe casey anthony. now her attorney is back with her side of the story on the first anniversary. also, what chynna phillips says about it all.
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>> try going to dinner with and you will be doubled over in pain. >> i can believe that. >> tonight, billy baldwin and his new movie. this is "piers morgan tonight." >> good evening. we'll get to sam champion on this extraordinary heatwave in a moment but, first, a man fired up about politics and a hot new book and what he has to say about his brother. >> taking another fire barehanded? >> he just didn't listen to me. >> it's your responsibility. you shouldn't have had him up there in the first place. you burned him, steven. >> [ bleep ]. >> don't you look away from me.
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>> a lot has happened since then and the life of his famous family. welcome, billy. >> thank you so much for having me. >> i'm sort of working my way through the baldwins, having stuck the wrong end of my stick with steven. >> you only had to do it for a couple of weeks. i've been enduring that for 45, 46 years now. >> we're going to come to alec's nuptials but an aide on capitol hill, tell me about that time in your life. >> it was interesting, in the late '70s and first reagan time was when i entered college and i was a political science major with an emphasis on the israeli conflict and i interned for a bit for the congressman for tom
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downey who served nine terms in the house and then i went on to do a lot of political work, campaign work for tom and for others, dukakis and al gore. >> were you tempted to continue down that path and maybe not come into entertainment? >> well, initially when i was 15 i thought i was going to go to law school and have a career in politics, most likely behind the scenes as a staffer but then my brother for some reason decided he wanted in with show business. i never knew anybody that had a show business career and my brother went up on a soap opera and a couple years later on
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broadway and then in "hunt for red october." i thought, if that knuckle head can do it, anybody can. he's been nominated and won the golden globes, the tony and oscars. very few people have reached his level of recognition so he really is quite special. >> we're going to return to alec later. the one question i ask about him, this constant flirtation of constantly being mayor of new york, how real is that, do you think? >> it's hard to answer. i think on one level it's very real. i think he's very committed and extremely bright and knowledgeable and i think he
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could do it and he could run it. on the other hand, i'm not quite sure if he's cut from the proper cloth because it requires a lot of tolerance and a lot of patience and -- >> these aren't his best qualities. somebody who follows him on twitter as he does every now and again, he's temperamental, a little hot headed. >> let me remind you that john mccain and rudy giuliani are quite the same. >> good point. >> and they are very successful politicians. >> let me turn to you and politics. what do you think is the current political malaise and the almost constant dead lock that doesn't achieve anything for the country? >> well, i think we have to start to enter a phase of compromise and reconciliation because with single digit approval ratings with the house and the senate and all this
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stuff that's been going on wall street for the last -- you know, far beyond ten years but now
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they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, things need to change. otherwise i think -- people are going to -- i think we're a lot closer to people taking it to the street. >> are you an obama supporter? >> most definitely i am. i would most definitely like to see him elected. you know, i'm not somebody that will work for or support mitt romney. but i will say that i am disappointed in a number of ways and on a number of levels with the performance of the president. >> tell me where and why. >> well, i think environmentally i'm disappointed with public education. i'm disappointed with -- certainly with how quickly the economy's recovered. i think maybe they could have handled things differently. i'm not a fan of summers and geithner. you look at what is going on
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now, you thought madoff was end of it and credit default swaps and derivatives, they are back at it again and if we go through this again and it's the inaction of the administration or of congress and their behaving as unethically as what happened with jon corzine, you know, people are going to -- we're going to have people taking it to the streets the way they did after the rodney king conviction. >> what do you make of the health care debate that's been raised? i had michele bachmann on last night. you know, i put it to her. in terms of ideology of the argument here, what is the difference really for most americaork, it costs $15 a pack a when you get sick 30 years from now, piers and billy shouldn't have to pay for that. if you opt oh out and don't want insurance and then go crawling into the hospital or doctor's office or emergency room with your 7 or 8-year-old child and all of a sudden you're like, oops, i made a mistake, that has to be paid for by somebody and it's not going to be you and i. i th >> would you? >> no. no. no. you know, i wish him well. i don't think he's the right guy for the job. i don't think he's the best man for the job. i have great admiration for some of the things that he's been able to achieve. i think his handling of the 2002 , he did a wonderful job. he's not at the pulse for the country and he's not from my side of the tracks and mainstream, hardworking americans. he's just not in touch, i don't think. >> in november it's clearly going to be about the economy. it's the one issue that is obsessing most americans and, quite rightly. many are out of work, losing their homes and so on. what has gone wrong? you've been a successful entertainer for a long time, a successful family of entertainers. entertainment has done pretty well compared to other industries. what has gone wrong with the american business model? >> i'm certainly not an authority and i don't know if i can answer that question responsibly but i -- the economy has shifted. we've gone away from a manufacturing economy to an information-based economy. probably at the core of it is the decline of the crowning achievements of our democracy
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which is the public education system which is booming and went into a decline in the '80s and has never recovered. we're 25th or 30th in science the contributing figures, i believe. >> the show newsroom about whether america has the right to still call itself the greatest country in the world statistically just based on some of the figures that you've just said. what do you think? >> i think we have to be careful because there was a time where paris and france were at the forefront of everything culturally and politically and then it was replaced by london better watch out or it's going to be beijing and china and we may look back and say in 2012 it already was beijing and china. we just weren't aware of it until 20 years later. r and d and education, infrastructure, reinvestment, i think we have to be very, very careful. we're about to be replaced. let's take a short break. statistically just based on some of the figures that you've just said. what do you think?
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>> i think we have to be careful because there was a time where paris and france were at the forefront of everything culturally and politically and then it was replaced by london and gland and that was replaced by new york in america and we better watch out or it's going to be beijing and china and we may look back and say in 2012 it already was beijing and china. we just weren't aware of it until 20 years later. r and d and education, infrastructure, reinvestment, i think we have to be very, very careful. we're about to be replaced.
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let's take a short break.
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back with my guest billy baldwin. you've optioned this book "a time to betray." very simply, what is this about? >> well, it's about a gentleman
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back with my guest billy baldwin. you've optioned this book "a time to betray." very simply, what is this about? >> well, it's about a gentleman who was growing up in tehran in the '70s, came to america to be educated, saw openness, modernization, westernization, democracy, art, culture, freedom, popping up everywhere, glass, shiny buildings, universities all over the place.
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by the time he graduates, the cat is out of the bag with his shaw and the corruption and creates a sweeping tide of revolution, at least to the fall of the shaw and rise of the iatola. he becomes anything about the shaw is the answer. he serves in the elite republican guard in their intelligence division for about a year, year and a half when he realizes this is not the answer, this is not the future. they start dismantling everything that was set in place, all of the freedoms and they systematically start torturing and killing their political opponents and he's able to come back to the united states under the guise of putting one of his relatives into a nursing home and it's a front for him in the federal building to make contact with the fbi and they put him in touch with the cia and he went on to have a ten-year career -- a much longer career than ten years. but he was ten years in tehran with the republican guard providing some of the most sensitive information to the -- >> astonishing story.
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the name here is a sudan name for his real name. he can't be pictured or anything. but an amazing act of selfless courage. >> yeah. it was just remarkable the way -- talk about a great actor, the way that he was able to uphold the front with his family members, his mother, his father, his aunt, his uncle, his own wife that is sleeping with him at night, they are against the iatola. he would walk into his own living room and some of his relatives would get up and walk out of the room. they didn't even want to be in his own presence and he could never let the secret out. he thought that it made strange bedfellows with the united states but he realized after they freed europe after the second world war, even though it made strange bedfellows, the only nation that possessed the leadership and the qualities that would be able to topple the iatola was the united states. >> what has been the reaction from iran to this book?
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>> there's two phases to it. on the surface, obviously, it's a threat. it's very, very unpopular. on the streets with the culture, it's very popular. i think christoff did a piece where he traveled across iran, egypt, libya, you know, he made a point that when he traveled from one side of iran to the other, he could not believe the interest and the curiosity and the fascination and the passion with american people and the american culture. administration and the policies but they feel like -- and i think it's important to drive home with any audience over there or here, we have so much
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more in common with the common man in tehran or throughout iran. in fact, there are other countries where there's much more hostility and they are considered our ally. pakistan, where we pump all of this money, there's a lot of hostility because of occupation. but you've got to remember, you go into the park here on a saturday morning or sunday morning, the whole park is occupied by ex-pats from tehrans. three generations, the little kids, the parents, and the grandparents in their 70s and 80s and i would sit with them and talk to them about their new lives -- not new lives anymore but -- >> when you hear the war jungle drums beating on the republican side, mitt romney's been very hawkish about his attitude to iran. does that concern you? >> it concerns me in one sense. to me it's definitely a threat and to me something -- eventually i think something's going to have to be done with it but i hope we form a coalition and it's not us going at it alone. i hope if anything the international committee led by the israelis, they have a vested interest in it as we do, when george bush senior went into iraq because of the invasion, he had a true coalition. when his son went in, he didn't have a true coalition.
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if we're going to play this game again, hopefully not ever, but if we do we're going to be shoulder to shoulder with 40 or 50 other countries led by nato or the u.n. or led by the israelis. >> is your plan to make it a movie or mini series? >> you know, it's so dense. it's going to be difficult to make it in 100 minutes. i think what we'd lining to do
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is get -- we have some studio partners interested. we want to set it up at a network and we might want to do it as three or four hours in a . to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans,
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that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is.
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just wanted everyone to know that i'll be method acting, staying in characters at all times when he was 4 years old and wanted to act like a pirate. >> this is lance drake mandrell. >> i'll be becoming you. >> diana, are you a time traveler? because i don't know how my
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mother-in-law could be younger than my wife. >> billy baldwin guest starring on "30 rock." >> i have to tell you an interesting story, i've never been on screen in a scene. my brother alec has been on screen for 30 years and it's never happened. >> what was it like? >> he was at dinner looking at an e-mail and started laughing and showed it to me from tina saying, is it okay to make an offer to your brother, he's my first choice. can he do it. she wanted to make sure it wasn't a problem. the next day i'm flying to the west coast and he says, you have to turn around and -- this shoots tomorrow. i thought they were breaking story three months from now. i found that out the night of the super bowl and was shooting the next day. i was in the third or fourth scene when tina or the director would come over and maybe it was better than i thought. >> it was very funny. now, alec just got married. your thoughts? what was it like? a good day? >> it was a terrific weekend. it was great to spend some time with the family.
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she's a lovely, wonderful girl. she's from majorica and boston. we had a great, great weekend. and, you know, i decided to -- >> i love your brother. he's a fascinating character. when he spoke a few months ago, it seems to me he was a changed man and it was like he finally found somebody akin to a soulmate. is that what you think? >> well, we'll see. that's what i'm hoping for. i've been with my wife for 21 yea3 what is really that all about, do you think? >> you know, i'm not sure. i've had a couple of incidents, i remember in the late '80s i went to madonna's apartment for a meeting on a project. when i walked in, nobody was there. the doorman must have tipped somebody off. this happens periodically. not much anymore. but the photographer started provoking me and pushing me a >> it was very funny. now, alec just got married. your thoughts? what was it like? a good day? >> it was a terrific weekend. it was great to spend some time with the family. she's a lovely, wonderful girl. she's from majorica and boston. we had a great, great weekend. and, you know, i decided to -- >> i love your brother. he's a fascinating character. when he spoke a few months ago, it seems to me he was a changed man and it was like he finally found somebody akin to a soulmate. is that what you think? >> well, we'll see. that's what i'm hoping for.
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i've been with my wife for 21 years. sure enough, 21 years later she's sort of made me more like her than i've ever made her more like me. a part of that was a very calming effect. i've got a little bit of, you know, piers and alec in me, too. no wonder he resonates with you when you said bright and fiery, he reminds me of you, actually. >> this tradition that alec has with the paparazzi, which seems to be deteriorating by the day, what is really that all about, do you think? >> you know, i'm not sure. i've had a couple of incidents, i remember in the late '80s i went to madonna's apartment for a meeting on a project. when i walked in, nobody was there. the doorman must have tipped somebody off. this happens periodically. not much anymore. but the photographer started provoking me and pushing me and making contact with me and i got into a little bit of an altercation. i think if you were billy baldwin or late '80s and it makes sense, if you're alec baldwin and you're 50 years old, hopefully this will be the last
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time and we'll learn from this and the next time you're confronted with those circumstances you just pull the baseball cap down and you just -- >> it seems like -- it's almost like baiting. they are all waiting for him deliberately to wind him up and he is reacting and they are giving him mad -- >> i think your audience knows that these people are unscrupulous. they say horrible things and do horrible things. it's like a hockey game. the referee never sees the guy that throws the first shot. all of a sudden you retaliate. my brother was just -- you know, he holds the line and he's got certain morals and ethics and he won't allow people, you know, to cross the line and take advantage of his wife of his little brother or himself. >> what is the biggest mess conception about alec, do you think? what do you think people don't get? >> it's hard for me to answer because i think it's all out there. i think they know he's very talented and very bright and very funny and very successful. i also think that he's a very fiery, passionate guy and there's some people out there that don't agree with him that just don't want to hear it anymore or they don't want to hear it right now, or whatever. but, you know, this is america. >> did he make a speech? >> he did not. bobby kennedy made a very lovely toast. you know, i gave hilaria's family fair warning. we put the fun in dysfunctional and good luck and we welcome you with open arms. >> you all are like the celebrity version of the kennedys, aren't you? >> you know, it's funny. bobby kennedy said that. i've never heard the kennedys say we're the political version of the baldwins, which is kind of what he was saying. >> i interviewed your wife,
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all of a sudden you retaliate. my brother was just -- you know, he holds the line and he's got certain morals and ethics and he won't allow people, you know, to cross the line and take advantage of his wife of his little brother or himself. >> what is the biggest mess conception about alec, do you think? what do you think people don't get? >> it's hard for me to answer because i think it's all out there. i think they know he's very talented and very bright and very funny and very successful. i also think that he's a very fiery, passionate guy and there's some people out there that don't agree with him that just don't want to hear it anymore or they don't want to hear it right now, or whatever. but, you know, this is america. >> did he make a speech? >> he did not. bobby kennedy made a very lovely toast. you know, i gave hilaria's
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family fair warning. we put the fun in dysfunctional and good luck and we welcome you with open arms. >> you all are like the celebrity version of the kennedys, aren't you? >> you know, it's funny. bobby kennedy said that. i've never heard the kennedys say we're the political version of the baldwins, which is kind of what he was saying. >> i interviewed your wife, chynna phillips. you've been married for 17 years and she said this about being married to a baldwin. >> you're part of the baldwin dynasty now. what is it like being with all of those baldwins? >> they are hot, they are funny, they are smart. >> yeah. >> they are great dads, and, you know, they are great people. i love them. >> are they funny to be around? >> hysterical. >> steven is quite funny. >> oh, my gosh. >> your thoughts? >> i accept.
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i agree. she's been caught in the middle of some crazy -- when i first met chynnas family, mackenzie phillips and we were sort of the cleavers and all of a sudden over the 20 years, we jumped the shark and they got older and became more grounded and more normal and we became the crazy neighbors that nobody wanted to live next door to. >> you've got three kids. if they all wanted to get into the business, it's not unlikely. because a lot of kids do. would you be happy about that? or given the way modern celebrity is, with all of the new weird pressures that come with it, would you prefer to be a doctor or something like that? >> you know, i would probably avoid -- i would probably prefer that they not go into the business but i certainly would not be disappointed if they were. you know, i definitely want them to get very, very good educations first and if they want to study acting or something, it's not going to be at julliard.
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stanford has a great department. they are going to go premed and take acting classes because i want to make sure that they have a fallback plan. >> what advice would you give anybody about fame, about dealing with fame? >> you know, it's -- you know, people come up to me and say, how do you deal with that, hey, are you alec? i saw you in "the red october." >> which offends you more? be honest? what's the worst thing that anyone can say to you? >> calling me adam baldwin. i like him but he's not my brother. so -- you know, i guess i would have to say, it's a bigger problem when people start stop recognizing you and stop asking for autographs. then you have a much bigger problem. it's a lot easier to tolerate knowing that. and it's not real.
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you're not as good as they say you are, you are not as bad as they say you are. and this whole cult of celebrity that we live in, it's been really bad for 20 some odd years, ever since i entered the business, it's been getting worse but it's -- you know, when i was a child, doctors and lawyers and teachers and politicians were all revered and held in high regard and respected and artists were, too, but now, you know, doctors are still fairly safe, teachers are not, lawyers certainly are not. politicians are at the bottom of the barrel and entertainment figures and celebrities and people not just famous, they are infamous for the wrong reasons and i guess it's a real, tangible -- it's a commodity. and i hope that -- i hope we get away from that. i don't know how well. i can't predict. i hope it does. >> a pleasure to meet you, billy. >> thank you. >> good luck with "a time to betray." whatever you do with it. coming up, the one thing
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people across the country are talking about is the weather. sam champion will explain it all after the break. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one.
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it's summer and it's hot. no surprise there. this is a heatwave with shattering records. 11 states with no power or air
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conditioning. not to mention wildfires in the west that have burnt nearly two million acres. only one man can possibly make sense, abc weather editor, sam champion. sam, what is going on here? there is a general belief, apparently, that tomorrow could be the hottest fourth of july in history. >> and it will be, piers, in some places. good evening. it will be. those places looking for record highs, of course when you look at it, the record will never have been hotter for the fourth of july and that's from minneapolis through chicago and even points south. you'll see the graphic there. oklahoma city, little rock. these are all going to be at record paces for the temperatures are very close to. so the warmest fourth of july on record. it's been brutally hot leading up to that. that's part of the problem.
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it's not a quick bump of heat. this has been long ongoing before summer started. >> people are saying, okay, this is clear evidence, global warming. is it? >> i'm not a climatologist but any time someone asks me that question, there's no doubt in my mind that we're seeing climate change. piers, i've been doing this for 30 years and every season you'll have some record temperatures. every hurricane season you might have a devastating hurricane, tornado season you're going to have a storm pop out of nowhere and do something's that damaging to a community. but i have never gone on the air and in the last two years this has been fairly regular for me, saying this is at all-time most powerful, first time this has ever happened in history, longest streak in history, breaking all-time temperature records. we were on pace in america last week with the temperatures in every desert in the globe, saudi arabia, mecca, saudi arabia, we had them side by side with many places in kansas and also in
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south dakota and we were right there with the warmest temperatures on the planet. >> so if it's not global warming, let's play devil's advocate, what else could be heating america up like this? what is another explanation? >> well, there are folks who are going to be on the side that we run in cycles on this planet and because we've only been studying weather for a couple hundred years at best, and then, you know, coming up with the satellite in the '60s would probably be reliable weather records. so we haven't really been able to look at the planet in its entire history. so some folks -- and it's a good argument, honestly -- will say that that's like diagnosing you with an illness by looking at your fingernail. so they will say, you can't say
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that it's manmade. so i try these days to take that out of the argument. so let's just say it's not manmade but it is climate change because in our lifetimes we haven't seen anything like this. so no matter who you're going to blame the warming on, or the change on, whether it's cyclical or manmade, i think what we need to concentrate on now are realizing that our oceans are rising at an alarming rate, faster than even the scientists have thought they would, our planet seems to be warmer in a lot of locations, seems to be colder in a lot of locations and we need to be paying attention to what that change means to folks who live under it and not so much attributing blame or cause to it. >> there's also been emergencies declared in maryland, ohio, virginia, west virginia, and washington because of damage from something i've never heard of it. a super derecho storm. what is that? >> well, now we're adding super to things. let's say it's 240 miles long in
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some cases, and then can run for hundreds and thousands of miles. this one ran for 700 miles and you need really strong difference in heat buildup there and we had that incredible heat in the country. when these thunderstorms developed, they ran and fed on themselves. you look for the telltale bow echo and the worst storms are in that bowing part. they can be minimal hurricane-force winds and a low-level tornado for a long period of time, the same strengths in the winds. this one was super because it ran for a long time and caused so much damage, piers. >> funny, sam, there are millions of americans who would normally be welcoming a nice hot independence day but it's going to be too hot. they are going to be suffering, no power, no air conditioning. what is the most practical, sensible advice for those people who are genuinely concerned now about the heat? >> let me first say that folks are looking forward to a great summer but and i might not be having this discussion if it was
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happening in august, when we have the warmer air coming up from the gulf and heating the country. but this happened in june. everything we always tell you, it's hydrate. if you don't have power, you need to figure out a way to stay cool. go to the cooling centers if you really have those issues and if you do have power, check on the folks that don't have power. it's really only by us working together that we can get through something like that that will continue on into august, by the way. >> quite extraordinary weather. sam champion, really enjoy you joining me. thank you. >> my pleasure. casey anthony was found not guilty one year ago of not murdering her daughter. thousands of you said you didn't believe her. now her attorney talks about her life in hiding. [ male announcer ] break the grip of aches or arthritis pain
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with odor free aspercreme. powerful medicine relieves pain fast, with no odor. so all you notice is relief. aspercreme. as to the charge of first-degree murder, verdict as to count one, we the jury find the defendant not guilty. as to the charge of aggravated child abuse, verdict as to count two, we the jury find the defendant not guilty. as to the charge of aggravated manslaughter of a child, verdict as to count three, we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> one year ago on thursday, casey anthony was found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter caylee.
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it was a verdict that made headlines around the country and the world. since then casey anthony has been in hiding. i spoke to her on the phone a few weeks ago with her attorney, j. cheney mason. good to see you. >> it's good to see you, too. >> i suppose my obvious first question is, what's been casey's reaction to the reaction to the interview, it wasn't a conventional interview. it was a brief phone conversation but it got a lot of attention. how did she react to that? what were her feelings? >> well, she was pleased with the interview and pleased that you appeared to be objective and you respected her respectfulness and her personality and that pleased her because she is a different person than that which has been personified by the media. >> one of the things that she said to me was that she believes that her public image is terrible and certainly i can confirm that the reaction that i got, certainly on twitter and
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facebook and so on was very hostile for many people, believing we shouldn't give her a platform to talk at all. they still believe that she's guilty and so on. this won't be a surprise to you, i know. how do you think she will now develop her case to win over public opinion? >> well, i hope that time will do its magic in healing this wound like it does many others. there's not a whole lot she can do. you had a chance to talk to her. you heard her and you heard her voice and the way she answered your questions and talked to you. that's casey. the image created by those people that are unwilling to learn, too ignorant to care, there's nothing we can do about that. they just have to die off, i guess. i do think that the crowd has dwindled. the torches have gone out and the pitchforks are not so visible. i think you may have caught some grief for being objective and honest.
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i think a lot of people that i've heard from responded well to it. >> "people" magazine says that cindy sent a necklace to casey containing caylee's ashes. can you confirm that? >> i can neither confirm or deny but what has been reported to me from that magazine is very interesting. i would like to know the source of that report, information for various reasons direct and indirect. they seem to always have something to say and are virtually never close to being
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correct. but it doesn't seem to matter. if it was interesting, will sell a magazine, they will say it. >> i mean, why would you not feel comfortable in confirming or denying it? >> because i don't know the answer. i don't know whether -- i don't know if it's true or not. so i won't confirm something i don't have a basis to answer. >> jose baez has a new book out. it tells the story of obviously your work with him on the case. it's very complementary about you, i have to say. but it's some interesting revelations there. one of the key ones is he believes quite strongly that when casey led the police on a wild goose chase and she confirmed this to me by telling them lies. he says the police should have stopped to realize, waited a minute, we're not here dealing with somebody who is playing a full deck, obviously questioning her mental stability at that stage. what is your reaction? and i believe that casey herself has read this. what has been her reaction? >> well, i have not read any of
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it, so i don't know whether it's in context or out of context. i do know the facts absolutely of what happened, what she went through and when she was interviewed by these three 200-pound bullies while she was locked in an 8 x 10 room with the door locked with them screaming at her for an hour and a half, what they should have known or did know, or did or didn't care, it's only in their minds. i don't know jose's perception about that. casey did those things. she did take them out there, still claiming in casey world that she gave it up. and they brow beat her and brow beat her and brow beat her trying to get her to confess to something she did not do. whether or not she was playing with a full deck, i guess she knows. i never thought that casey was in that type of situation.
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>> in relation to the specific claim that casey herself has read these extracts, is that true and what has her reaction been to the book? >> well, i can only tell you that as of last night when i spoke with her, she had not seen or had any opportunity to read anything from any book. she may have seen some things that were on the internet. i don't do that, so i don't know what's out there on the various social media, people who have read things and made things up. >> one of the more dramatic parts of the book is where he talks about the very risky decision about whether to put casey on the stand or not. he says at one point you and he approached casey about a plea deal and she said, and he quotes her directly, no, i'm not guilty. i'm innocent. i don't care what anyone has to say. i feel this jury is on our side. i'll plead guilty to lying to the cops but i won't plead
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guilty to something i didn't do. he said meaning you, i don't know how to deal with this, i've never seen anything like this before. i'm going to the judge. i have issues about her competency. again, i ask you, is that a factual account of what happened? and if so, why would you have had issues about her competency? >> it's an account. how factual it is remains to be seen. let me tell you this. it is in my opinion after trying cases for 42 years and being keenly aware of both state and federal decisions around the country, it is a lawyer's obligation to explore the possibility of any plea resolution in every single criminal case, whether it's offered or not offered. there never were any plea negotiations, there never were any plea offers made. i know mr. ashton claimed that and it's nothing short of a bold face lie. the fact of the matter is there were none. i did discuss with casey the preliminary situation, should we even talk about it.
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and what we talked about then was in confidence. the bottom line is, casey has never considered entering any kind of a plea to anything other than what she pled to, the bad checks and telling the stories to the police. she is a courageous, unmoving person she knows that she did not kill that child and if there would be anything that i would have done then, that would have gotten her to change her mind and consider a plea. >> thank you again for joining me. i do appreciate it. i know there are going to be some pivotal movements going forward involving casey anthony and i hope that we can talk about those as of when they happen. >> thank you. we will. >> thank you for your time. coming up next.
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"only in america". the one july fourth tradition ma may make you literally sick to your stomach. now meet jack. after 40 years, he finally saved enough to enjoy retirement. angie, the waitress at jack's favorite diner, is also enjoying his retirement. with just a little information, she's opened up a credit line, draining the equity in jack's home. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. see, ordinary credit monitoring services tell you after your identity has been stolen. they may take up to 60 days to alert you-- too late for jack. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop it. if jack had lifelock's 24/7 proactive protection, he could have been alerted by phone or for tonight's "only in america", this great nation will celebrate independence day tomorrow and the traditions are numerous.
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for tonight's "only in america", this great nation will celebrate independence day tomorrow and the traditions are numerous. here's one custom that could literally ruin your constitution for life. the yes, it's the annual nathan's famous hot dog eating contest. 40,000 people will watch grown men and women devour as many hot dogs as they can in five minutes.
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joey chestnut wolfed down 68 hot dogs last year takes this pursuit terribly seriously. >> i'll fast for days, drinking water. i'll get a little heart burn, my body is made for this. my doctor is awesome. he likes that i monitor my diet, after every contest. >> this event will be covered live on espn 3 with commentary, but a great unanswered question remains, why on earth would any sane person want do this? now i studied closely the declaration of independence. it speaks of life, of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. there is no mention of rampant, hot dog gorging. but it's your country, it's your independence day. so whatever rocks your boat. i'll be spending the day quietly cursing the end of british rul