tv CNN Newsroom CNN July 7, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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times, twice on one leg. to ride across the canyon with chris is awe-inspiring. he is a great example of the best of america. it's an honor to call him friend. >> a moving and inspiring keepikee keeping america great. good night. >> the stories you are talking about in a moment. let's get you up to speed on the day's headlines. we are following news about a deadly disease outbreak with no name and only children as victims. it's some kind of illness that doctors have never seen and can't treat it or stop it. at least 61 children are dead, all of them and they are trying to figure out what it is and somehow keep it from spreading to other countries. months before his retirement, barney frank is a newly married
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man. he married his long time partner in a ceremony officiated by the state's governor. massachusetts is one of six states that allow smairnlg. the 400-year-old tradition of running bulls through the streets. the first-day of the eight-day festival highlighted by massive bulls along people of questionable sanity. a few people needed medical treatment and the animals wind up in the bullfighting ring. here's what else we have for you on cnn saturday nightful. >> he reveals the secret of his success. slavery. is he right? does the color of your skin make you better, faster, stronger?
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the upside of being on the dl. >> there will be people who don't understand it. >> a bold move or bad for business? what would you say? >> well, me? >> to your 12-year-old self if you could? >> i'm not a -- charming. mow wonder i'm single. >> wanted. must be loud and in your face. fluent in politics, baseball, and controversy. >> i didn't think he would have the cuts to go through with it. >> black people better at sports than white people. more specifically, are black people genetically engineered to be better? michael jons once referred to as the fastest man in the world is pretty fast with his opinion. all my life i believe i became an athlete through my own determination, but it's
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impossible to think being descended from slaves has not left an imprint through the generations. slavery benefitted descendents like me and i believe there is a superior athletic gene in us. he did say that. joining me to talk about it, contributor, kenneth is the author of in black and white, race and sports in america. listen, what is the bottom line here when you hear those comments from mr. johnson? i will start with you. >> it's problematic. it's nothing new. this is something that occurred over the past 100 years. initially with african-american athletic success and the berlin olympic games and then again in the 70s. this is a story that emerges and there is rarely been any sort of foundation for anyone to make
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such statements. >> there have been a number of studies done and this is drawing controversy. many believe that what michael johnson said is true, both black and white. >> i think it's number one on the issue of correlation and causation. there so many different issues with everything else. one thing you can say are black people better at sports, what sport are you talking about? soccer is the most popular in the world and europeans do fine with it. the next thing is that michael johnson is not a scientist. it's easy for a lot of people to bag on him, but he knows but so much on the topic. it is a correlation and as youation topic. when he said there is a super athletic gene in all of us, why am i not going to london? >> let's talk more about this argument and i want to read something that lee evans said. an olympic gold medallist. we were bred for it. the black people who survived in the slave ships must have
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contained the high proportion of the strongest. on the plantations, a strong black man with a strong black woman were bred for physical qualities. he is saying this as well, but you are not buying it? >> he's not a scientist either. we are far beyond slavery. i don't know how they would have outbred, but i understand why people could say they see a certain thing and then say of course it has to be, but who is lee evans? >> listen, i want you to weigh in on this. you can understand why some people think if you look at the nba and see the numbers, mostly african-americans and look at baseball and it's more hispanics than baseball, some say it's the way hispanics were bred. it's the way african-american bodies are made. they are longer and lankier and
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taller. what about people like pachulia from the georgia republic who is tall and lanky as well. >> as monty points out, there is something to hard work as well. look at the nba. the increase in latinos in baseball and decline of african-americans. are they unathletic? >> the whole reason that jerry lin, he is talented, but rarely do you see asian basketball players succeed or get to his level and even that tall. does it have something to do with genetics when people are not that tall because they are of a certain ethnicity? >> i hope science at some point take more time with this, but that has not occurred. science should be focused on the 61 kids you were talking about that died of this mi steer jus
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disease. the idea is is there athletic superiority is a waste of time. >> my question would be why isn't science taking more time to study this? you think even by doing it it is a waste of time? >> what's the ultimate out come? the 100 meters in london, we will see blacks with 100 pound weights on and whites in baseball, they only get two strikes. what changes do we make other than saying there is something to the hard work of individuals no matter what the race, the desire, and the interest in different sports and the opportunity. >> maybe the opportunity as for growing up in certain neighborhoods and which sports you play. listen, i want to go beyond this. as you guys said at the top of the broadcast, this happened before. we heard about it in the 70s and 80s and 90s. one of the most iconic moments came in 1988.
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you guys remember when jimmy the greek made these comments and they played back by cnn's larry king. take a listen. >> black is a better athlete to begin with. he was bred to be that way because of his thighs that goes up to his back and they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs. the white man has to overcome that. they don't try hard enough to overcome it. it goes all the way to the civil war where during the slave trading, the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman. so he could have a big black kid. >> another nobel prize winner there. >> just hearing that, you are going just stop right there. jimmy was promptly fired for his comments. michael johnson is a sportscaster. should he be fired?
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our guests will weigh in next. stand by. anti-freeze wash and dry diesel self-serve fix a flat jumper cables 5% cashback signup for 5% cashback at gas stations through september. it pays to discover. there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. just $14.99. start with soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently.
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>> per black athletes are are they genetically better than white athletes, we played you the sound byte from jimmy the greek and it was so profound to see on the air. it's so interesting. we will play a part of it again. take a listen. >> this goes back all the way to the civil war when during the slave trading, the owner would
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breed his big black to his big woman. so he could have a big black kid. >> cbs promptly fired jimmy the greek who was a long time spores caster. michael johnson works for the bbc and said in part he believes slavery benefitted descendents like him and left black athletes with a superior gene. should he be fired too? contributor is back. what do you think? should jones be fired or is this a double standard because he is a black athlete or have times changed? >> if somebody were to fire him, i would understand. jimmy the greek worked on cbs and the nfl today. they are a very conservative don't rock the boat operation. that's the thing being associated with the nfl, you will get fired for. it's ridiculous that jimmy the
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greek were not fired, i don't think it would be an issue. the fireable offense is letting somebody put a microphone in his face. >> should he be fired? >> i don't think so. i think michael is more of a personal juniory and this is a context of a documentary and believing what he believes without going through a method to understand what the reality is. >> does it sound worse coming from the mouth of a white man. do you think that's why? essentially the language that jimmy the greek uses, a big black man with his big black woman for a big black baby. come o guys. they are saying the same thing. >> one of the difficulties is when you start talking about race in the context, we start making references to black people that are uninformed, few are remotely positive.
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if they were treated like animals, you can see how that goes. there is an historical lineage that normally these things will talk about black people. >> you remember the fire next time and do you remember a letter to my nephew? it's the same argument, but he said it will be hard, james, but you come from sturdy peasant stock. it's a monumental dignity and you come from a long line of poets since homer and said my dungeon shook and my chains fell off.
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is he saying the same thing and are people. >> the positive is that we all have a history and come from somewhere. there is an influence from them based on their backgrounds. to say that because i came across the slave ship, there is something missing. a few more links that you have to get before you can come to that conclusion. >> he didn't say the rivers that built railroads because we were built to do so, but we survived on the back end, speaking to strength as figurative more than literal. it's not about the physical presence. i don't think they are close to being the same thing. i promise you, with james baldwin, we are naturally built to build rivers and they were so
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inspired. >> i have used that quote in a lot of speeches i do. you can take it to mean the same thing. thank you very much and appreciate it for joining me on a saturday night. >> thank you. >> my next guest said the priest he bet up molested him as a child. was justice served? hear his story next. and this. >> wanted. must be loud and in your face. fluent in politics, baseball, and controversy. >> i wouldn't think he had the guts to go lieu with it. ♪ and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours. now during the summer event get an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz for an exceptional price. but hurry, this offer ends july 31st.
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brother when they were young boys and testified he went to demand the priest sign the confession and punched him. they failed to reach a verdict on the misdemeanor assault charge. they are joining me now from los angeles. will and pat, thank you so much. >> thanks for having us. >> this has been a tough journey for you. do you feel vindicated by the not guilty verdict? >> to a certain degree. there is more work that needs to be done so people don't have to do what i did. when it comes to vigilante justices, they are asking the wrong questions and why are people taking the law into their hands and why are jury having a hard time convicting them? >> you heard the verdicts and they say this is a green light for vigilante justice. could your actions inspire more
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violent acts? >> it's possible, but my actions were not vigilante justice. i acted in a system that didn't protect children. that needs to be rectified. >> do you have regrets about what you did? >> the regrets i have is that in doing that, i was perpetuating the cycle of violence and that's something i don't want to see continue. it was roots for social enterprise on rise corp.coring. we will be doing what we can do to get the statute repealed. >> you bring up an important point and that is the cycle you perpetuate and it's the same if someone is beaten or abused. they go on to perpetuate the
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violence and continue it. to continue the cycle. how are you dealing with that in your life? do you believe that this is a repercussion of having this happen to you as a child? >> it's absolutely a repercussion of that. not something i choose to dwell on and i have been able to break the cycle. what happened happened, but i was pully part of the problem. when it comes to children, we have to protect them. if the law won't do it, they will see people taking it. there is a problem out there. >> we're had this whole thing going on with penn state and sandusky. let's be honest about what issues do you believe you had in your life that stem from being abused as a child and you want others to know about and i guess maybe you can help in the
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process? >> there has been a lot of things. a lot of self esteem issues and confidence issues. the sort of disconnected sense of self. whoever i was supposed to be from the beginning, i will never be that person again, but i think i am right where i should be right now and i feel more connected now than ever. that came from my finding my voice and being empowered and repealing the statute of limitations as all victims want. i want to go before congress and pass a law so people can take -- we don't need a budget or anything except the opportunity to have a choice and find justice and healing. >> sorry this over for him? the legal process at least? >> no, actually it's not. we go back to court on thursday. they can retry him on the count that hung. the misdemeanor assault. it's not over for him. what we hope is that it's not
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over for father lindner, the priest that abused him. this is a man who abused a large number of people. he got on the stand and committed perjury. he said specifically he did not molest will lynch and took the fifth shortly there after. we hope it's not over. we hope that the santa clara district attorney's office that prosecuted will lynch will look at the rule of perjury and the man who perjuried himself right in front of them and they will go after him with the same vigor they went after will. >> popular lynch and mr. harris, thank you. >> thank you very much for having us. >> next up, pitcher turned political pundit. get ready, live. >> you are out and about and not in front of a television to stay connected? you can pull it up on your cell phone or watch it from your computer at work. go to
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h. more of the stories you are talking about, but let's get you caught up. something is killing children and lots of them. a bug or illness. doctors are scrambling to find out what it is. it killed more than 60 kids, all of them from cambodia. as it stands, there is nothing to stop it. health officials are worried about it spreading through air travel. moments before his retirement, barney frank is a newly married man. he married his long time partner in a ceremony o firiated by the state's governor. they are one of six states that allow same-sex marriage. you don't have to be a baseball fan to remember the name john rocker. former closer for the atlanta braves and a rival of all things new york. he got himself in big trouble in 1999 with a profile in "sports
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illustrated" and sharing his opinions again, this time as an online political columnist and wrote a book called stars and strikes. he knows a lot about both. stars and strikes. john rocker, welcome. >> appreciate it. >> you have a new job. >> i'm a bull in a china shop, sorry e. >> how do you go from baseball to politics? >> politics has been a passion of mine playing ball. 30 minutesa i day watching sports center, three hours a day watching msnbc and fox business and fox news. whatever news program. >> cnn. >> cnn of course. that was the boss's network back in the day. three or four hours a day and 30 minutes a day about the sport that i was playing. i was more interested in
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politics than sports. >> can we talk about the controversies here? >> why not. you will be the first. congratulations. >> for the viewer who is don't remember, in 1999. let me read it. let me get it in. you said in this thing, imagine having to take the number seven train. >> i rode the number seven train. >> let me read the quote. looking like you are riding through beirut with some kid with purple hear next to a queer with aids next to a dude who got out of jail for the fourth time next to a 20-year-old mom with four kids. it's depressing. those comments led to all kinds of things. suspension and a fine. huh to apologize. >> i do regret the homophobic comment. everything else is what i saw. it was depressing at the time
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and shocking. i had only been or four years removed from high school in a small town in georgia. i was eye-opening and awakening and like whoa, really? obviously since then i mature and have been all over the world. but at the time it was a little bit unnerving. i'm not going to lie. the homophobe comment was inappropriate. >> 'do you regret it? >> it was inappropriate. the definition would be inappropriate in every way the term inappropriate can be used? >> were you just a dumb kid back then? >> and inexperienced. >> i'm not trying to insult you. >> naive. >> have you grown up? >> absolutely. >> do you apologize and many didn't think the apology was sincere? >> it definitely was. >> what would you say to the people of new york? >> for the -- like i said,
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inappropriate comments from a naive kid that didn't -- i didn't realize my place in the world at that point in time. on national tv every day at that time and every movement and every comment watch and critique and analyzed. 23 years old, you are not prepared for that. when it happens, you are like i didn't know they were all watching to this degree. really? i'm being observed this closely? it was an eye opening and a stepping back moment. i had no idea i was this important. it never donned on me. >> how old are you now? >> 38 in two months. >> you are a 23-year-old kid and someone asks you a question and probably many questions and took a few things. >> we have about an 11 hour interview. it was all day from 9:00 in the morning to about 8 or 9:00 that night. mainly politics.
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>> how does it feel to be -- you are a rising star. you were the closer. i lived in philadelphia then and think you guys were playing in 1999 to 2000, you guys were playing the yankees in the world series. you were the star. all of a sudden you make these comments and you are one of the most hated people in america. what's that like? >> people ask me that a lot. fortunately i am able to live in a bubble and a lot of athletes can. there is so much going on and extra curricular and people coming at you from all sides. i have been grounded about what the important matters are. as long as eight to ten people are happy with me and a select close group of friends, as long as they are happy, i'm fine and happy with me. some people are happy some of the time and whatever you can't always keep everybody happy all of the time.
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that select group that they are happy with me, i must be living okay. >> i can't wait to turn when we go to break how people are commenting on this. we are just getting started with this because we will talk a lot more about politics and his spots on current events. president obama who he said you know what, i'm not going to vote for the guy. we will talk about that more with john rocker next. focus lolo, focus let's do this i am from baltimore south carolina... bloomington, california... austin, texas... we are all here to represent the country we love this is for everyone back home it's go time. across america, we're all committed to team usa.
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john rocker, former baseball player and now a columnist and has also written a book about the leagues and the remarks that made news beyond the sports world. as i said to you, i was interesting to see what people were saying on twitter. i can't believe they were talking and the world would come to an end. let's talk about the race for the white house now. no surprise that you have strong opinion when is it comes to the president and an interview for world net daily. in my opinion barack obama does not hold a single core value belief consistent with the country we call the united states of america. what do you mean by that? >> this could get long winded.
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i just think president obama comes from a socialist-minded platform. i don't think socialist-minded platforms and ideals is what built our economy to the greatest generations as far as how they conducted their lives daily in individual greatest generation from the 20s on to where we find ourselves now. i don't think the dependence on the government, 49% of americans depend on the government in some as as obama care becomes law. that has to go up into the 70 or 80% range. >> let me jump in. what many on the right see as being a socialist, many people look as helping out and that's what people do. >> will you help me out, don? >> when it comes to obama health
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care, there so many people who don't have health care and need. >> there is got to be a better way to do it than more burden on the government. >> and on the american people who need it. >> it is our burden passed through the federal government. there is got to be a better way. >> when you say words like the word racist, that is over. for many on the left and people who are empty when you hear the word socialist, that is like throwing a bomb. >> it's big government and depe dependence. we have gone through tough times. i looked to one person to get myself through. it's not the federal government. it's me. >> you never needed help? >> not since the age of 18 and played with the atlanta braves. there is never dependence from that day forward. whatever i have in my
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possession, i have earned. >> no one in your family has needed assistance from anyone or anything. >> no. never social programs. the older senior social security and medicaid. >> those are social programs. >> they are, but if youre are 80. >> you have weighed in on the trayvon martin killing and george zimmerman was released on bail. here's what you said. trayvon martin is being treated like a pawn for the promotion of a social agenda for right now. next year there will be a new face, but for now this special young man's life is being exploited for the furtherance of victimology and oppression campaign. >> it's right back to the basis that we talked about during the break that will end the one word to end-all discussions.
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racism. if he was killed by a black man, we would not know who he is. for the sheer simple fact that george zimmerman has less pigment in his skin, it's a big deal. just like the situation with the duke rape case, they were hoaxes and trayvon martin's death, there is no hoax there. >> you may be right on that. >> it's a shame on both sides. it's an absolute shame. >> here's the thing. people believe that if trayvon martin's killer had been a black man, that black man would have been arrested and the justice would have played out. when it comes to that case, many people say as racism or what have you, i think people wanted to have justice play out in the courtroom. >> for has not played out. >> rather than having the police department decide. they wanted a jury. >> you understand that the self defense law that exists, there
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was a bit of a catch 22 there. that's the thing. the situations immediately come to light. the media knows about 20% of actually what's going on. there have been pictures released and information being released. when george zimmerman incurred the beating, there was stitches in the head and all kinds of things, how the bullet went into young trayvon martin, it showed the instance of trayvon martin beating the hell out of him. >> i don't know that it was decided yet. it should be in a courtroom. >> for should be. another situation where white sides with white and black sides with black and we duke it out with racial tension like it played out so many times. as long as they continue to rear their ugly heads, racial tensions will not get better. it's a sad situation. >> for time purposes, i have to
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run and have people saying we are out of time, but i love having these conversations and i think it's interesting because people look at it and say the headline will be written, don lemon and john rocker go at it over race issues or he calls him and the conversation was not like that. it was you and i talking. someone with a headline. >> i have been the butt end of that scenario. where do i stop? >> i may not disagree with you, but i appreciate it. >> i love debating. especially about politics. >> the is up side of being on the dl. >> there will be people who don't understand it. >> a bold move or bad for business. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's four course seafood feast,
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just $14.99. start with soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003.
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today is a big day for hip hop. russell simmons echoed across the internet this week and was the subject of the conversation long overdue. frank ocean, an up and coming singer posted on his tumbler when he was 19 years old, he fell in love with a man. in a post, he writes we spent that summer and the summer after together. every day almost. on the days we were together, time would glide. most of the day i would see him and his smile. he went on to say by the time i realized i was in love, it was maligna malignant. hopeless. there was no escaping. guys, many of the headlines
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reporting this story call him brave as does his mom. this is 2012. is it brave to be honest about your sexuality now? >> it is still brave unfortunately. i wish it weren't and we didn't have to make these announcements. i wish coming out and saying i'm gay was like me saying i'm straight or hispanic or you saying you are black. i hope it stops being a political issue and turns into a personal issue. >> how do you think this will impact his career or will it at all? >> that's an interesting question. that's the part that gets the braves. i met it with a yawn. another gay celebrity. big deal. shelly wright after she came out lost a third of her sales in records. some places don't book her. he might as well. in the hip hop community,
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homophobia is notorious. only time will tell. i hope it doesn't hurt his career. >> what do you think about that when it comes to the point about other entertainer who is have come out. when you look at neal patrick harris who personifies the other side of this, he has been very successful and is an openly gay man. >> don, first let me confess and say i know a lot more about i hop than hip hop. i read that it is a very macho-driven music movement. i will also tell you the only mr. ocean i knew before this week was the guy from oceans 11. it's great that folks come out and you can be an award winning journalist and be gay and be a hip hop artist and singing about macho lyrics and women and whatever else. it doesn't define you.
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it's just something like your hair color. it's a personal lifestyle that people have and it doesn't mean that there is anything they can or cannot do. >> do you think that this is going to make any difference with the hip hop community because they have been deem as very homophobic. i heard it and read it in a lot of place this is week. at first the response to what frank ocean did was tepid. no one said anything and russell simmons and other people start to jump in. i don't know if it was guilt by association, but will it change anything? >> when you look at the responses, anderson cooper came out and said this was a great thing. russell simmons and jay z, but not a lot of other people in the hip hop community coming out. they are afraid of being tainted as somehow being gay. clearly the sheer number of people in hip hop, there have to be gay performers. people don't want to talk about
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it. if his sales don't go down or he is more popular, i think others who are gay might have the courage to come out as well. >> it's always interesting and i say that the hip hop entertainment and movies and athletics, they don't defy the rest of the population. it's interesting that you say that. >> you know, don, the gay community has a tremendous amount of financial power. if all of a sudden they become hip hop fans, this could be a good thing for hip hop. >> thank you. stand by. i want to you pay attention. in 1993 a boy taped himself talking to his future self. confused yet? 20 years later he interviews that younger self. you have to got to see this clip next. ♪ rocky mountain high ♪ rocky, rocky mountain high ♪ ♪ born on the bayou [ female announcer ] the perfect song for everywhere
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♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans, brightens, and fights stains. just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined. pop in. stand out. >> i have been a police officer for over ten years and we see people at their worst. the one thing is the victimization of the elderly. they are the forgotten portion of our society. nobody really thinks about. they are alone yet they don't ask for help. >> hey, buddy.
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you have a platt fire. >> know, but i don't have the money to fix it. >> it's extremely sad. >> if i can help you, give me a call. >> something had to be done. i'm zack hudson and i was raised by my grandparents to keep seniors safe. >> mr. anderson. how are you? >> cops and firefighters come across seniors that have various problems and able to call us and seniors reach out directly to us. >> how is your floor looking? >> soft. >> my floor getting mushy. i was scared to death that i would go through it. >> we contacted not for profits and we get it taken care of for free. if we can get the tile down, the wheelchair will take its toll. there is no job too small. 25 yards to do. it takes commitment from the community. >> nice and solid.
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>> people rescued me in a lot of ways. >> i don't want to leave my bathroom. >> this is an opportunity for me to give back to them. >> 20 years ago, a boy taped himself talking to his future self. he is now 32 and a filmmaker and added new footage. here's a clip. >> life before the internet is kind of a blur to me. the internet is a thing that you will know what it is. >> i know about my own future. that's cool. >> i'm glad that pleases you. >> the video was posted two days ago and already has been watched by nearly four million people. is that cool or creepy to you? >> at one point the guy says no wonder i'm still single. if you were talking to other
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girls, you would be better off than talking to your 12-year-old self, but it was incredibly creative and amusing and creative. it was entertaining and it was a little creepy. both. >> so dean, to both of you, i will start with you. if you could say anything to your 12-year-old self, what would it be? >> first of all, buy a lot of apple stock. as much as you can. bet on the giants in both super bowls. don't date anyone named francine and always wear a condom. be strong. >> i told my 30 something-year-old self to buy apple. i don't know how i did it. >> very shrewd move. imagine if you did it at 12. >> maybe i got the dumb computer. >> anna, what would you say? >> i would have said to make sure the facebook stock.
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to make sure and go see wit me in houston and michael jack in concert and vote for bush in 2000. that was very important. i think i would have told myself to spend more time with my brother because he wasn't going to be around for too much longer. >> thank you, dean. appreciate it. ♪ hajimemashite. hajimemashite. hajimemashite. you guys like football ? thank you so much. i'm stoked. you stoked ? totally. ... and he says, "under the mattress." souse le matelas. ( laughter ) why's the new guy sending me emails from paris ? paris, france ? verizon's 4g lte devices are global-ready. plus, global data for just $25. only from verizon.
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