tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 9, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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he saw his country's problems and found a solution. there's a rising new class in africa and it is worth remembering tonight too. as always, thanks so much for watching. "anderson cooper 360" starts right now. >> good evening, everyone, thanks, erin. a lot happening tonight. a lot we're going to cover. including a campaign showdown over your taxes. dr. sanjay gupta on a mysterious and deadly illness. he's investigating it in cam body ya. we're going to try to figure out what is killing so many of these young kids. first, a story you will not see anywhere else. an experience taking an ocean cruise you probably think is safe. it may not be. at least not always. we're not talking about something going wrong with the ship. this is a story, a "360" exclusive, about crime at sea, about how much more common it is than you may realize and how little protection the victims may have from it and in the end how little justice some may be getting. more now from drew griffin.
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>> reporter: it was the cruise of a lifetime. a family spending new years rounding the volcanic wide island off new zealand's coast. january 1, 2010. this girl, then 15, decided to spend the morning alone in her cabin. and the trip of a lifetime turned to terror as her locked door to cabin 3073 suddenly clicked. >> i didn't hear the card key go in but i did hear like the door open and like the lock like -- and i thought it was my brother or sister at first. and then when i saw the guy come in, i didn't recognize the bartender uniform. it was someone working on the ship so i thought it was a room attendant that was going to clean my room because i didn't put the sign like, oh, don't disturb or whatever. >> reporter: it wasn't a attendant. it was a crew member. threatening the girl not to say
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a word as he forced the teen to perform oral sex. at her family's request, we are not showing her face. you were 15. >> yeah. >> reporter: scared. you didn't tell you family. >> no. i at the time on the cruise i didn't want to ruin the vacation for them 'cause i -- it had already been ruined for me. >> reporter: up on deck, her mother says the girl's demeanor instantly changed. she was clingy. nen left her side for the rest of the cruise. it wasn't till two months later the secret broke. do you feel the person who attacked you, this is the first time he attacked anybody? >> no, because the way he did it, he walked in like he already knew what he was doing. >> reporter: do you feel he was a predator? >> yes. >> reporter: randy jakes has a very strong opinion about the likelihood of criminals on board. >> every single cruise that leaves the port of miami, port ever glades, port ka nafrl, here any state of florida, has a
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minimum of one perpetrator whether it be passenger or crew on board its vessel each week. >> reporter: jacques is a former ships security officer. he now investigates on-board crimes for victims and lawyers who may want to file civil lawsuits. he says there is no doubt cruise ships have become magnets for predators who feel safe at sea, far from police jurisdictions. given the nature of cruises with lots of alcohol, parents who leave children unattended, the predator passengers and, yes, predator crew members, he says, feel they can get away with almost anything. >> yes, this is true, the -- there are a considerable amount of male perpetrators out there that are passengers and crew that get on board these vessels with the -- only one thing in mind, and that is to accost as many female passengers as they
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can. whether by getting them overly intoxicated or by using date rain drugs. >> reporter: they're rapists? >> yes, they're rapists. >> reporter: according to jacques, crew members are often complicit, even using on-board computers to spot their prey. you know this. >> yes, i know this for a fact. >> reporter: hard to believe? we thought so too. till we met laura haynes who worked for 17 years as an agent with customs and border protection. her main job, she says, was dealing with passengers and staff on cruise ships. and she shares the same opinion and concerns. so your estimate of ships that go out to sea, loaded with passengers, that may have at least one predator on board -- >> yes. >> reporter: is? >> 85%. >> reporter: you heard right, 85%. crimes are rarely reported.
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and in many instances, even if caught, crew members could still end up on another ship. >> and the cruise lines say that doesn't happen and i know for a fact it does because i've seen it. >> reporter: the cruise line international association disputes her assertion. in an e-mail to cnn, a spokesman told us it is disconcerting that this individual would irresponsibly offer such inflammatory and unfounded accusations. the safety of passengers and crew are the cruise industry's number one priority and no one is served when broad and alarming statements are made that have no basis in fact. the cruise industry points to a law passed by congress as recently as 2010 that, for the first time, called for the public reporting of all crimes on board american cruise ships at sea. and cites only a handful of the millions of passengers were the victims any kind of crime. critics say that's because most crimes aren't even reported. and even fewer, especially
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sexual assaults, says randy, are ever solved. >> the criminals know this. the passengers -- the passengers that are criminals know this. the crew members that are criminals know this. >> reporter: and now this teenager knows this too. when she finally reported her crime to the fbi, two months after the event took place, an fbi agent in riverside, california, took the report, found her story to be credible, and forwarded the information to police in australia and new zealand in an attempt, he wrote in this report, to identify a possible child predator on board a royal caribbean cruise liner. the girl's family sued the cruise line, which settled the case. but the family says it never heard from police in australia or new zealand. >> we had no one to contact over there that was getting our report. it was just sent over there and then it kind of disappeared. >> reporter: in a statement, royal caribbean says once it was informed of the assault, it notified the fbi, new zealand
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authorities and interpol. it also said it provided the fbi with 50 to 60 pictures of crew members but, quote, unfortunately, the guest was unable to identify the crew member in question. royal caribbean insisted it continuously supported law enforcement during the investigation of this incident. additionally, the cruise line says its security personnel have been trained by the fbi and use fbi procedures. it's been more than two years. there has been no arrest. in effect, the person who assaulted you did get away. >> yeah. >> reporter: and could very well be floating around somewhere. >> yes. >> drew, i find this report amazing. where are the police in all of this? >> these cruise ships are floating cities. everything both good and bad goes on in a small city can happen at sea. outside the 12 mile limit it's the fbi that has the official jurisdiction. of course the fbi isn't on board. so the answer is there are no cops to call. which is why this former
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on-board ship security officer tells us so hard to retain evidence and investigate any crime on board a cruise ship. >> the industry says it's extremely rare. it is a tiny fraction who run into problems like this. >> and with the records they have, that is true. but we don't know what is and is not reported. we don't know if what is reported to a cabin boy, a bartender or somebody else on that ship eventually goes into the data file of the criminal records. it's -- the experts tell us, look, we're not trying to frighten anybody, but think of it this way. if you went to the mall with 4,000 people or took your family to a huge hotel with an amusement park, what kind of safety efforts would you take? a lot of that breaks down on these cruises. and that is what makes predators so tempted to get on these ships, along with all these other people who let their guard down, have a party atmosphere and know that in many cases they can get away with it.
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>> yeah. it's really a shocking report, drew, appreciate it. let us know what you think. we're on facebook. follow me on twitter. a lot of people are talking about president obama's new push for tax cuts for most americans. some, though, are calling it a political ploy. others, though, say he's just trying to keep a promise he made during his first campaign. join us next.
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visit a sprint store, or call 855-878-4biz. [ chirp ] presidential elections happen every four years but deja vu is forever. he's seeking to extend the bush era tax cuts. >> i'm not proposing anything radical. i just believe anyone making over $250,000 a year should go back to the income tax rates we were paying under bill clinton. back when our economy created nearly 23 million new jobs. the biggest budget surplus in history. and plenty of millionaires to boot. >> now, if it sounds familiar to you it should. here's senator obama four years ago on the campaign trail. >> i can make a firm pledge under my plan no family making
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less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes. >> well that promise to end the bush tax cuts except for higher earners helped sweep him into office. he could not fulfill it despite democrats control both the house and the senate. republicans oppose letting any of the cuts expire. the process dragged on, as you know. then the 2010 election came along. the tea party election. republicans took over the house. president obama settled for passing a two-year extension to all the tax cuts during the lame duck session. in exchange, he got additional jobless benefits and payroll tax cuts. but now that two-year extension is nearly up. republicans are calling any tax increases economic poison and politically motivated.
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mitt romney made no appearances today. his spokeswoman did say this. quote, president obama's response to even more bad economic news is a massive tax increase. it just proves again that the president doesn't have a clue how to get americans working again and help the middle class it the president's latest bad idea is to raise taxes on families, job creators and small businesses. keep them honest. a lot of policy wonks are fighting over all that. the bottom line, just like last time, this may not be settled till after the election. till then for both sides it's a campaign issue. the question is who exactly benefits. raw politics now with democratic strategist and obama 2012 pollster cornell belcher. also bay buchanan. her new book out about raising boys as a single mom. the president is just trying to call them on the carpet, diverting attention from friday's poor job report. >> i think they are wrong. the president is doing something
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what the vast majority of americans want to do. the national journal poll had two-thirds of americans wanting to extend the bush tax breaks only for those under $250,000. >> by a lot of account, this proposal stands virtually no chance of passing congress. some democrats may even vote against it. if that's the case, if it's about politics or not, why push it now? >> well, i think it does set up a nice contrast. i'm not going to sit here in washington as a political consultant and say politics doesn't play into what happens here in washington. it does set up a nice contrast. the contrast, you know, obama sort of fighting for the 98% of americans who would benefit from this tax cut. and the poivot is why do republicans continue to hold the 98%, hold the middle class hostage to the wealthiest 1% or 2%? particularly when two-thirds of americans want this extended only for those making under $250,000 a year. >> bay, what about it? cornell just said it. you look at these polls. most americans do support letting tax cuts expire on the
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wealthiest americans. why not make that deal as a republican? >> the key is, it is increasing taxes on a million, about 1 million small businesses. that's the engine that drives the economy. that's who creates jobs in this country, is small businesses. the president himself said a little over a year ago -- or this was even a little bit further back. he made it very clear that you never raise taxes on businesses in a recession. because it's harmful to the economy. >> bay, over the weekend, democrats turned up the volume of their attacks over romney's tenure. "the washington post" said he was a major outsourcer of jobs. found evidence that was not true. the campaign is saying surrogates like yourself would start shying away from the word "lie" in tv attacks. are you, in fact, prepared to call the president a liar? >> i find it an outrage that you have a president of the united
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states who's been there 3 1/2 years. 8%, over 8%, unemployment, for 41 straight months. and what's he doing? what's he running on? is he's trying to destroy the reputation of a good and decent american who just happens to have a different plan for america than he does. that's all. and so his attack on bain is unjust -- >> isn't that what politics has become? >> if you look -- if you had noted, romney campaign, we're focused on the economy, on this man's record, on decisions he's made about policy, regulatory, fiscal. whatever it be. we take him on his positions and on his record. what's he call on us? he's making stuff up, anderson. he's sending out enu endos and suggestions that's something wrong with romney's reputation. his reputation is stellar. so is bain. bain is the most respected private equity firm in the country. >> i don't think factory workers who lost their job think bain's
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reputation is stellar. they have leaveraged companies. they've walked away even with those companies going bankrupt, they've walked away with a lot money. >> what about the outsourcing report? says it's basically false. >> i think when you look at sort of some of the companies he invested in were at the very vanguard of outsourcing. now, that's a fact. i mean, so we can't remove that from the fact. again, we shouldn't be surprised that, quite frankly, mitt romney's, some of the companies he's involved with at v ed witd outsourcing. this is a guy who has companies in bermuda. the outsourcing thing shouldn't be a surprise to any of us. >> it shows the lack of understanding of the business world by cornell and by the president and his friends. there are no foreign accounts. what he has is foreign investments. just as if you owned some stock
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in toyota, you would have a foreign investment. these are not accounts. and the governor has paid every dime. as if these investments were u.s. investments. he's paid every single dime. so -- and he doesn't have a swiss account. that's been closed for years. so, you know, let's get to the truth of the matter. mitt romney has invested wisely. he was a terrific businessman. he's done well. and he has paid every bit of his taxes. there is a man who's living by the law. that is it. and you should not ever suggest otherwise. >> all right, we got to leave there. cornell belcher, appreciate it. bay buchanan, thank you very much. some of what bay and cornell were debating out of romney's personal finances led us out of fairness to reach out to the romney campaign. governor romney's assets are managed on a blind basis, so a trustee, not governor romney, makes investment decisions. furthermore, the trustee does not decide where funds he invests in are domiciled. the sponsors of the funds do.
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it's the same tax result. the difference is like if they choose to write the document in times new roman or ariel. mitt romney has paid every dime of taxes he owes. tonight, sanjay gupta reports on a desperate race right now to solve a deadly medical mystery. dozens of kids have already died. doctors don't know what is killing these little children. his report ahead. there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class.
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a desperate race to figure out what is killing young children in cambodia with the speed and efficiency of an assassin. dozens of children have died from an unknown illness. it's hard to save the sick or prevent new cases. the world health organization is on the case. so is cnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. he flew to cambodia. tonight he reports on the latest from there. we want to warn you, some of the images from his report are hard to watch. >> it's no means the conclusion of our investigation. >> reporter: an investigation into the mystery of what's killing some of cambodia's children at a frightening pace. >> the majority of these cases,
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mostly under the age of 3, were seriously ill and many of them had died within 24 hours of admission. >> reporter: i mean, that's pretty frightening i think for people to hear. >> absolutely. >> reporter: i mean, there's a lot of diseases in this part of the world. many parts of the world. but to kill that quickly. the backdrop is important here. this hospital treats thousands of children suffering from dengue fever, malaria and that but low s that but low sis. still, right away, this doctor knew it was different. >> it's a new picture for us. we never seen this in cambodia before. >> reporter: he is the head of the hospital. he allowed us into the icu where the patients are treated. to give you an idea of how busy this is, even as we were talking, there's another child in shock. that's the emergency right now. 66 children came to this hospital with the mystery
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illness. for 64 of them, it was 24 hours of hell before they died. you heard right. all but two died. many of these children, it started off rather mild. a mild fever. but then things progressed quickly from there. for example, in this child's case, who's 2 years old, we don't know what's causing his encephalitis but this is typically what happens. the fontanel starts to bulge. it becomes merciless. from the head to the brain to the lungs. >> you see this lungs, 8:42 and five hours later, the lungs. >> reporter: in the last few hours of life, this unknown illness completely destroyed the child's lungs. and there was no way to stop it. i've never seen anything like this before. >> no, this is the first time at the end of april. and this make us worry. >> reporter: something called
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enterovirus 71 typically associated with hand, foot and mouth disease, was found in more than a dozen patients. but that's only adding to the mystery. would the enter in te rovirus l this? it must be something else? >> we must look for. >> reporter: that's where the investigation goes next. cambodian health officials and w.h.o. say they're looking into whether expired medication, the wrong medication or inappropriate medication such as steroids could be to blame. >> steroids can also make a relatively harmless infection suddenly much more severe. >> yes, that is a possibility. >> sanjay joins us now live. the next batch of tests they're doing is to see if certain drugs may have caused this. how hard is that to figure out? >> it's pretty challenging, anderson. first of all, even in all these patients, 66 of them, they don't
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even have samples or access to samples on many of them. what you just heard about with regard to the entero virus was based on 24 patients. you start looking at the history of the patient. what medications did they receive? is there something in common between all these patients and trying to piece it together that way. it's really, you know, a true investigation, true medical investigation, anderson. >> do we know if this is contagious? how worried should people in m cambodia be or people traveling to cambodia be? >> well, you know, this is another piece of the puzzle in a way. enterovirus 71, which you just learned about there, typically is contagious. this is a virus you've seen in many parts of the world. you'd expect another child in that same household or a sibling to get it or certainly in the community. that's called clustering. they haven't seen that here, anderson. that's a bit of a mystery. why wouldn't you see that sort of transmissibility?
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in a way it's good news that it's not contagious the way we'd expect but it also leads to more questions, anderson. >> the number you were talking about, there's a lot of diseases there in cambodia. how do they figure out what this is compared to others? >> yeah, it's a great point. because, you know, you just saw that hospital there. just to give you a little context there were over 4,000 children seen in that hospital last week. and so we're talking about 66 patients in particular, over three months, with this unknown mysterious illness. it can be hard to parse out. the way it works in medicine is you exclude things first. common things being common. you exclude them first. you also look at things like h5n1, avian flu, sars for example, dengue, which is endemic this time of year, the monsoon season behind me. oftentimes, you're left with no particular answer. and that's -- that's precisely how this unknown illness started
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to emerge, anderson. >> it's got to be so terrifying for parents whose child gets sick and trying to line up outside that hospital and get medical attention. sanjay, i'm glad you're there, appreciate your report, thanks. >> thank you. a frightening photo of a great white shark trailing a kayaker off cape cod this weekend. you may have seen this picture throughout the day. we're going to tell you how the kayaker got away and talk to a shark expert about what you should do if you come face-to-face with a deadly predator like this and really who has more to fear, sharks from humans or humans from sharks. we'll be right back. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation.
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on opposite coasts of the u.s., two kayakers had the same terrifying experience this past weekend. a brush with a great white shark. the shark off the coast of santa cruz, california, took a bite out of the kayak but the kayaker got away. the other close call off cape cod was caught on camera. you can see the great white's dorsal fin just several feet behind the kayaker. the shark was estimated to be between 12 and 14 feet long. other people in the water and on the beach were screaming at him just like in the movie "jaws,"
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basically saying "look behind you." here's brian todd with how the real-life scare played out. >> reporter: this was walter szule's first time kayaking. look at the dorsal fin lurking just a few feet behind him. he made it back to the beach safely. >> i just figured this is it, this is it or i'm going to make it, i don't know. >> reporter: that close call on saturday led authorities to close nauset beach on cape cod. the group cape cod shark hunters spotted three great whites in the area near nauset beach and chatham, the largest estimated at about 18 feet. watch from the air as they use a fast moving boat to catch up to great whites and tag them. >> we have a tagger place the tag at the base of the dorsal fin, using a harpoon method. it's an effective method. it doesn't necessarily handle them or stress them to any great degree. >> reporter: they monitor the my
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gra migration patterns with other devices. we were with this man when he deployed them. this may look like harpoons but they're actually listening stations. they're buoys that have acoustic receivers in them to receive the transmissions from tagged sharks. john says there's a lot of great whites in this area that have not been tagged. among the 20-odd great whites they have tagged here, he says they've tracked some as far away as florida. it's not much of a mystery what draws them back to cape cod. >> as we allow seal populations to rebound over the course of the last four decades, i believe they've now hit threshold levels that are drawing these sharks close to shore. in essence, they become a viable food source for them. >> reporter: as men nessing as they seem, great white sharks have had to be placed on the protected species list. i asked this expert about the recent encounters. what can experts do to keep
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humans and sharks apart from each other? >> what they're doing in massachusetts is a great strategy. a lot of folks are pointing to maybe we need nets at the beaches. that's a strategy that's been used in australia. and what scientists have found is those nets are doing a lot of environmental damage. they're killing sea hurtturtles >> reporter: the strategy in massachusetts of monitoring the shark and pulling people out of the water when the sharks get too close is what should be done everywhere. he says there's no question which of the two species is the dominant killer. he says 73 million sharks are killed by humans every year. that's compared to six fatalities among humans from shark bites every year. brian todd, cnn, chatham, massachusetts. there's a lot of hype and hysteria over there. george, thanks for being with us. a great white spotting off cape cod, how unusual is that? >> actually, not uncommon these
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days. recent years, this has been fairly predictable in july and august. >> there's obviously a huge amount of fear and hysteria about great whites. i used to be incredibly scared of them. i've gone diving with them, scuba diving off the coast of cape town and i've seen them up close underwater. it's important to point out humans are not on their food chain, right? >> no, of course we're not a normal part of the marine environment. we're not evolutionary made to be out there. we're not a part of their food chain. >> the number of shark attacks and shark fatalities of humans is actually pretty low. >> in recent years, we've been averaging about five deaths per year worldwide. and as was indicated in the earlier part of the piece, we're killing between 40 and 70 million or so shark, a year. so it's pretty obvious which
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one's the aggressor in the relationship. >> my understanding is a lot of the shark attacks on humans are basically more out of curiosity of the sharks, unfortunately the way sharks express curiosity is by biting but it's not as if they are devouring people whole. sometimes the bites cause blood loss. people can't get to a hospital on time. >> sure. the white shark in particular is a pretty inquisitive species. it's very much attracted to any floating object. hence its interest in grabbing kayaks and things like that. but as you properly indicated of course seeing as they do have large teeth, injuries whether intentional or not can be quite severe. >> so if somebody is in the water and they see a great white, another kind of shark what should they do? >> well, the obvious answer is get out of the water. and that's a no brainer. but a lot of people think they're swimming with, you know, with puppy dogs or something
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like that. so we need to remember they are wild animals and so we need to be smart about it. that said, if the shark is really making a move on you, really trying to attack you, it makes sense to be aggressive. don't be passive about it. try to bop it on its nose. which is a sensitive area. which might give you a little bit of time as it veers off to get out of the water. >> and in terms of why they're so close to shore, do you believe it is the seal pop lashgs the growth of the seal populations that has brought them in? >> oh no doubt about it. on the west coast, sea lions are very, very, very popular foods for white sharks. they love them to death. so the increase in seals and sea lion populations as a result of endangered species act has allowed those populations to return to seminormal stages. of course with them the white sharks are returning probably in
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abundance the same way. >> you found most shark attacks likely to occur on a sunday in less than six feet of water during a new moon. why is that? >> that's human demographics. most shark attacks of course are a direct result of the human activity. and if we look at the number of shark attacks that have occurred anywhere in the world, we can tie it very positively to increase in human abundance. so those are just artifacts of human activity. that's where you're most likely to find people in the water. >> and obviously if they're drawn in by seals, another recommendation would be don't be swimming in areas where there's seem seals. >> again, no brainer, commonsense kind of thing. avoid those areas where the white shark's food is going to be more common and you're less likely to be taken in a mistaken grab. >> george burgess, i appreciate your expertise. up next, tom cruise, katie holmes. ♪
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to bring all the right results. [ whirring and beeping ] it's the at&t network -- doing more with data to help business do more for customers. ♪ delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet the house is considering a bill to close thousands of offices, slash service and layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. house bill 2309 is not the answer. but they can be really well thexpensive.ted a puppy, so to save money i just found them a possum. dad, i think he's dead.
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less than two weeks after katie holmes filed for divorce from tom cruise, their split is fire and their 5 1/2 year marriage is over. a lawyer for holmes says the divorce was settled amicably. the agreement is confidential. they released a joint statement saying they're committed to working together in their best interest of their 6-year-old daughter suri. what that statement does not reveal is who gets custody of
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her. holmes sought sole custody. it's unknown if holmes ever had joined the church. or whether scientology was a factor in the church. one woman says when a scientologist divorces, families can be torn apart if one member of the family leaves the church. she told her story to the daily beast. i spoke to her a short time ago. when it comes to divorce, i had read about the difficulty or the process of divorcing the church of scientology. how does that actually work? >> well, when i was in the church of scientology, i was in what's called the sea organization. which is their military-like organization that runs all the day-to-day operations. i left when i was 19. and i was actually pregnant with my daughter. and my husband wanted to remain in the sea org so we were ordered to get a divorce. i was told if i wanted to leave, i was to file for divorce.
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because they wanted to keep him in the sea org. and you can't really have people who are in the sea org married to people who are not in the sea org so -- >> there's a term that -- in the church that they use called -- they label some people as suppressive person. an sp. >> yes. >> what does that mean? >> well, anyone who speaks out publicly in a negative way about scientology would be labeled a suppressive person. also label people that for various other reasons. that would be one of the main reasons. if you're just known to be critical of scientology, they would label you a suppressive person. in which case, any family member, friends, spouse, you have whose a scientologist would be told to disconnect from you, not have anything -- >> when you left the church, your mom was still in the church. so you didn't have contact with her for a long period of time. >> my mom, my grandma, my brother are all still in the church and i haven't had contact with them in years.
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in fact, i've seen my mom once in about 12 years. >> i mean, that's got to be so difficult. that's because you're considered a suppressive person. >> yeah, it's because of that. i knew it would happen the first time i spoke out publicly about my experiences growing up in the sea org and about some of the abuses that went on. i knew it was going to happen because that's what happened to anyone who did something like that. so i expected it. but, you know, it's sad and it's sad i think for my mom, that she's been forced to not have anything to do with her daughters and with her granddaughter. >> you got married when you were 15. was it common in the sea organization to get married that young? >> it was very common, yeah. girls would go to las vegas all the time to get married because in california you couldn't get married under the age of 16. >> when you were 19, you got pregnant. you say you got pregnant in is attempt to leave the sea organization. how did that work? >> it sounds a little confusing. they came out with a rule about a year before i left. they said if you're in the sea org you can't have children.
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women who got pregnant were put under a lot of pressure to have abortions. they decided that children were a distraction. that they didn't want to have to financially support them. so they said that's it, no more children. so you were expected to have an abortion if you got pregnant. the few women who refused would be thrown out. so i was dish wanted to leave very badly. i was desperate to leave. but i was afraid to because if i left i would be disconnected from all my family. like i said, my mother, my brother, my grandma, my sister, everyone was still in the church. so i got pregnant and refused to have an abortion and after about a month of pressure and interrogation, they finally let me leave. >> we reached out to the church for comment about some of your experiences. they didn't respond. in a piece that "glamour" magazine did about you, the church did respond, saying you were not a reliable source, that your allegations were untrue, that you were happy in the church and are now, quote, being used by someone who doesn't like
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the church. how do you respond to that? >> well, it's just not true. i only spoke out about my experiences to educate people and because the whole point in scientology is they suppress the freedom of speech. they don't let you talk about anything. i kind of felt for my own well-being, my own form of therapy, it was important to talk about what happened. i mean, they can say i'm not a reliable source but i worked there for five years and i knew exactly what went on. i also have a lot of documentation. so i think it's a bit of a weak response for them because they don't really know how to respond to what i've said because it's true and i'm not saying it for any other reason that it happened and i don't want it to happen to other children. >> aster woodcraft, appreciate you being on. >> thank you. >> as we mentioned, weed a easke church to respond to her allegations. they had not responded to her allegations. late tonight, we got a statement which reads in part, quote, the
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church regrets that excommunicated self-serving apostates are sadly exploiting private family members to further their hate-filled agendas against their former faith. having left the church many years a these sources have no current knowledge about the church and their recollections are distorted by their animosity. the manhunt is under way in afghanistan for taliban members who publicly executed a woman. it was caught on videotape. president karzai has ordered the arrests of those responsible. nato command in afghanistan has offered to help track them down. officials say two taliban commanders fought over the woman and murdered her to save face. five men have been indicted in the shooting death of u.s. border patrol agent brian terry in december 2010. that incident led to the discovery of the government's failed operation known as "fast and furious." four of the suspects are at large, believed to be in mexico. a new setback for lance
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armstrong. a federal judge threw out a lawsuit armstrong filed that sought to stop the case against him. last month, u.s. anti-doping agency accused him of using performance enhancing drugs. the notoriety and embarrassment of the sandusky sex trial has not hurt penn state financially. in the latest fiscal year it earned nearly $209 million in donations from alumni and supporters. that's the second highest annual amount in school history. pandemonium inside a florida courthouse. a brawl broke out between two families on both sides of a stand your ground case. emotions, as you see were high, as families of the victims and the defendant squared off. officials said one brawler suffered a possible broken jaw. those involved in the fight were arrested. just shocking. >> wow. >> yeah. >> very disturbing to see.
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>> there's nothing you can say after that. >> let's move on to something different. a chinese aerialist blindfolded walking backwards loses his footing. keep in mind he's 650 feet in the air. somewhere in the middle of a 200 foot stretch of tight rope. takes him a bit of time to find his balance, get back on his feet. which amazingly he does. there's a camera strapped to his chest pointed to his feet. backward he walks. this is the camera pointing at his feet. as he's walking backward. not giving up. but he falls. let's look at that again in slow motion. he later -- -- unbelievable. >> there he goes. >> now, he later fell, he said, because of the wind and from feeling faint before the walking. we should point out he only
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suffered minor injuries thankfully. it could have been a whole lot worse. >> i'm going to channel my mother now. she would say this is what happens when people have too much time on their hands. >> well, it's -- >> i'm just saying. >> you're just saying. >> i'm just quoting my mama. >> a wise woman. a cat crashes a reporter's live shot, lands on the riduculist. d deposits at the sa. for paying your friend back for lunch...from your tablet. for 26 paydays triggered with a single tap. for checking your line, then checking your portfolio. for making atms and branches appear out of thin air. simple to use websites, tools, and apps. for making your financial life a little bit easier.
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lingo. you can ask wolf blitzer about it. everything was going fine till an unexpected visitor showed up. >> in an appropriate fashion later today, i'm live in easttown. those details coming up. yeah. >> oh, my goodness. that's a way to start a thursday, nicole. >> wow. >> we heard that cat in the background. >> yes. >> oh, my -- >> we were doing a mic check with nicole for her live shot and we heard that rowr, rowr. what's going on? >> hope she's okay. >> i think the reporter deserves credit for not freaking out. i love how her colleagues are laughing it up. if that was cnn, we would have dispatched gary tuchman to interview the cat and the cat's neighbors. right there, there's your winning anchor team. a lady with a cat on her shoulder. time to add another hour to the "today" show. as strange as it was, doesn't compare to what happened a few
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years ago in ohio. >> the couple is accused of throwing two cats like this one here out of their car and killing them. now, as part of their -- this little guy's having fun. as part of their sentence, the couple is going to have -- ooh! >> now, before you get upset and tweet me, i should point out, the reporter said she was fine. she went on the air the next night to say she thought it was funny. it's not limited to cats on live shots or maul reporters. remember sal espisito? he weaseled his way into jury duty. >> i read the whole thing. i thought, how could he go, he's a cat. >> i said, sal, what, what's this? >> i said, sal, what is this? it's not just sal espisito. some cats have their sights set open the big time. remember the cat who looks like when? damn, as much as i want to hate him, that cat is just too gd
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