tv Early Start CNN July 18, 2012 2:00am-4:00am PDT
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all very informative but there's zero sex in there. historical by i don't go biographies. political theory. possibilities are endless. i say let's just turn the whole barnes and noble into 50 shades of gray knock-offs from wall to wall and floor to ceiling. sure, it might not be what the authors had in mind. i bet sales would skyrocket. certainly on the ridiculist. that's it for us. 'ing thanks for watching. "early start" begins right now. the dust bowl of 2012. more than half of the country is already a disaster area with little rain in the forecast. >> full throttle danger. federal regulators launch another investigation into sticking fwas pedstick ing gas pedals. this time in fords and mazdas. >> one gutsy getaway. a suspect gets the best of a police officer. then takes off in her cruiser. >> cops aren't going to like
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that. >> that is very bold. very bold. can't wait to share the ending with you. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm john berman. this morning mitt romney is in ohio. so is bobby jindal and jeb bush. >> parade? >> coincidence? it is sort of a parade. all about the veepstakes. also the key state of ohio. more coming up. also nelson mandela's 94th birthday. we'll hear from former president clinton who just visited with the icon in a cnn exclusive. that's coming up. first, zoraidzoraida, the b story affecting so much of the country, the weather and the devastating drought conditions that have turned half of the u.s. into a disaster zone. the department of agriculture is declaring natural disasters in 1,000 counties across 26 states. blistering temperatures are making conditions even worse. across the midwest temperatures have topped more than 100 degrees. and heat advisories are reaching up into the mid-atlantic
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regions. the bone dry conditions have completely destroyed vast stretches of farmland. especially hurting corn, soybean plants. one analyst is estimating 75% of the corn crop at the heart of the drought stricken region has been completely wiped out. this is already having disastrous effects on the entire country. corn prices have surged 45%. and they're expected to jump even higher. that means the price of everything from food, groceries, fuel, they could all skyrocket. christine romans from iowa. we'll have more on the business angle in a moment. first alexander steele is in atlanta. this, of course, a big weather event. we all want to know what's going on. any rain in sight? >> no. there really isn't. one interesting thing, you look at the corn crops and you see how parched they are. you think, well, corn. maybe i won't eat corn. forget that. it so permeates that. corn and those corn crops are in everything from makeup to tires. really i can't wait to hear christine's report. looking at the vegetation health, all you need to know, wherever the brown is that's how
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abnormally dry we are in terms of the vegetation abnormality. you can see from st. louis to indianapolis. you know, it's really important to know that the intense heat waves and, of course, the lack of rain do go hand in hand and are not mutually exclusive. they work completely with each other. one certainly exacerbates the other. we've had incredible heat waves places like washington, d.c. we'll go down for sure in july. the warmest july we've ever seen. here's the outlook. this is the biggest problem. as we look toward the months ahead for september, see the brown showing. the tendency to continue to be drier than norl. and drought begets drought. intense heat begets the intense heat. it all is really a big cycle. once you get in it it's really hard to get out of. this is the precip outlook as we head through september. drier than average in the northwest. but you can see a few chances for wetter. but as an aggregate, equal chances of it being average. because it's so hot, and look at this, temperatures as we look
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toward the next few months above average for so much of the country. now, if we line up that drought map, these almost go hand in nd. so unfortunately certainly the heat continues, exacerbating from washington, st. louis and through the midwest. the throughout that we already have. one certainly works with the other. it doesn't look like we've got any good shape coming any time soon. let's talk about how this drought could affect your wallet. no matter where you live. christine romans was working the phones for us very late last night. you know, we heard alexander say there is corn in everything, right? it's not just about food, she said. it's about, you know, makeup and tires. but we're talking about food. and livelyhood. and farmers. >> totally. you always hear about how oil runs the world's global economy. but corn does, too. because corn is -- this is something you're going to see, folks. global food prices are going to rise. we've already been seeing it overall. food, higher grain prices feed
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into beef, pork, poultry, cereal, processed foods. we burn corn for fuel, ethanol. we use corn in all kinds of different -- all kinds of different manufactured products. then you've got soybeans. you've got hay. hay fields are drying out. farmers who have livestock are plowing under -- actually cutting down their driest parts of their corn fields and starting to feed that to their animals as well. this is from livestock to -- look, the most important thing here, yes, corn is in makeup. the most important thing here is food. the world is fed by this bread basket of the united states. i want to show you sort of a noaa map of the dying vegetation over the past few months. july is a month if we saw rain every single day from here on out, maybe you'd have better crop yields. but look at this orange. this is where you've seen just scorching of this very important part of the country where you see so much of our food is grown. my family is from iowa. we've been farming in the
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northern part of iowa 1956 to 1990. my grandparents farmed their farm. i talked to my grandma last night. she's just almost tearful about the farmers around her. thousands of dollars of seed in the ground. and now they're watching as the rain comes a little bit to the north, a little bit to the south, but not enough rain. even if it rained every day from here on out in july they would not be able to save this crop. you walk down the fields, right? you see green. and so to the outside person in parts of iowa, it looks all right. you peel it back, there's nothing there. corn cobs are not growing. there's no kernels on the corn. it's a bust for a lot of these farmers. >> we are all hoping for rain for all of them including your family. >> absolutely. federal regulators launching an investigation after receiving close to 100 complaints about sticking gas pedals in ford and now mazda vehicles. those accelerators have caused one death and nine injuries. and the investigation involves about 730,000 vehicles. the national highway transportation safety
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administration is focusing on just two models. the 2001 through 2004 ford escape and the mazda tribute suvs with v-6 engines. new questions about airport security procedures after a major breach. this is at an airport in utah. authorities say a skywest pilot wanted for allegedly killing his ex-girlfriend last week tried to steal one of the airline's jets. it was a botched getaway. he managed to start the plane. but he clipped the terminal building before rolling through a fence into parked cars. the pilot, 40-year-old brian hagland, was found dead inside the plane. it's an apparent suicide. amazing video from columbus, ohio. of police responding to reports of shots fired. so the cops arrive at the scene. they briefly detain a suspect. he escapes. you're going to see him here sprinting to the officer's patrol car. there he goes. running to the car. you have to watch. he gets in the car here as the
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cops are no doubt chasing him. turns it on or may already be on. and speed away. and the officers fire at him. [ gunfire ] >> he broke away from me. >> the man eventually crashed the cruiser and was arrested. police are looking for another suspect in the shooting. the fda approving a new controversial diet drug under a new name. formerly called kunexa. only approved for overweight people with a body mass index greater than 27. however, doctors can describe it to anyone. there is concern it will be overprescribed to people who just want to lose a few pounds. potential side effects include increased heart rate and birth birth defects. new york knicks fans said this morning. you may say linconsolable after
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the departure of jeremy lin. packing his bags and heading to houston. knicks declined to match the $25 million over the next three years. the love affair over after just 26 games. amazing. lin sent out a couple of tweets overnight saying, first, extremely excited and honored to be a houston rocket again. he was cut by them last year. it's amazing. another tweet, much love and thankfulness to the knicks and new york for your support this past year. easily the best year of my life. no longer a knick. >> i was shocked he said the best year of his life. >> he did really well. he was starting 25 games. linsanity. can't get much better than that. it is nine minutes past the hour here. a peaceful lake in iowa is an active crime scene this morning. all hands searching for two girls who went missing after a bike ride. you are taking a look at their pictures.
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coming up, find out what happened when police dogs tried to track their scent. mer. book one. tell me, o muse... famous town of troy... book three. book 12. poseidon... book 17. book 20. thunderbolts. book 24. the end. [ ryan ] alright, what's next. [ man ] chapter one. call me ishmael. some years ago... [ male announcer ] at&t. the nation's largest 4g network. rethink possible. here at the hutchison household. but one dark stormy evening... there were two things i could tell: she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her what our other cats love,
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purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was healthy, happy, and definitely part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. always there for you. the wife. hey, babe. got the jetta. i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months, but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. we good? we're good. [ male announcer ] at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering. you get a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more cash -- well, except her. no! but, i'm about to change that. ♪ every little baby wants 50% more cash... ♪
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phhht! fine, you try. [ strings breaking, wood splintering ] ha ha. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? ♪ what's in your...your... ♪ ♪ what's in your wallet? you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. ♪ atmix of the world needs a broader that's why we're supplying natural gas to generate cleaner electricity... that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal.
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and it's also why, with our partner in brazil, shell is producing ethanol - a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane. >>a minute, mom! let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go. welcome back to "early start." it is 13 minutes past the hour. i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm john berman. this morning in iowa a serious story. authorities draining a lake in the search for two missing young girls. 8-year-old elizabeth collins and 10-year-old lyric cook disappeared last friday. their bikes were found at the
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edge of meyers lakes in evansdale. fbi scent tracking dogs are searching the area. the mother of one of the girls says the dogs stopped right at the lake's edge as soon as they began their search. what's the latest right now from authorities? >> reporter: john, there's two tracks going on in this investigation. one is sort of the search and rescue effort. towards that end they are draining this lake. they don't expect they're going to find anything significant in this lake. they just want to be absolutely sure to rule that out. by later today or tomorrow this lake should be drained. they should have whatever answers the lake may give them. on the other track, the law enforcement track, as you mentioned fbi scent dogs came in. they lined up family members so the dogs could eliminate their scent. then they took smell from the girls' shoes and used that. we know they got this scent and they ended near the lake in a wooded area. we don't know if that's ever going to really become a significant part of this investigation at this point. but as every hour and day goes on, the family is more convinced that the girls didn't get lost. that there wasn't an accident.
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but rather that some sort of crime has taken place. take a listen to lyric cook's father. >> obviously, something bad has happened. i -- i believe that it's not an accident. it's -- it's something -- it's something, and that's what we're trying to find out. >> reporter: the family has been questioned by police. some of them have taken polygraphs. police say they're completely cooperating. they really need some sort of break to get this case moving, john. >> jim, thanks so much in iowa. this has got to be so hard on these family. later this morning we'll be talking live with the parents of 10-year-old lyric cook. that's ahead at 6:40 a.m. >> i can't imagine that. 15 minutes past the hour. let's get you up to date. here's christine romans with this morning's top stories. a crisis unfolding across half the country right now. millions are praying for rain. trying to weather the worst
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drought to hit this nation in more than five decades. cropped ruined on farms across the heartland. state leaders scrambling to come up with aid plans for farmers. but at this point appears many livelihoods could be lost and certainly food prices will spike. federal regulators investigating nearly 100 complaints about accelerators getting stuck in ford and mazda suvs. they're trying to determine whether those gas pedals caused one death, nine injuries and nearly two dozen accidents. the national highway transportation safety administration says more than 700,000 vehicles and two models are involved. the 2001 through 2004 ford escape. and mazda tribute suvs with v-6 engines. a man accused of shooting up an alabama bar near the university of alabama campus in tuscaloosa facing 18 counts of attempted murder. police say the suspect, 44-year-old nathan van wilkins turned himself in yesterday. 17 people were injured, four critically. surveillance video allegedly
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shows wilkins with a gun outside the bar where the shootings took place. he's being held on a $2 million bond. olympic officials in london turning to the tsa to help shore up security for the games. media reports out of london say u.s. agents from the transportation security administration will be arriving next week and will be stationed at british airports. olympic organizers are getting hammered for not having enough security on hand for the games. the british military also trying to help plug the gap by supplying 3,500 extra personnel. zoraida and john. 17 minutes past the hour. we're getting an early read on your local news that is making national headlines. we'll start right here in new york with the new york daily news. kerry kennedy, ex-wife of new york governor andrew cuomo is blaming a seizure for her car accident last week. so she was driving to a gym when her 2008 lexus hit a tractor trailer. and apparently she just kept on driving. this was last friday morning this happened on a westchester county highway.
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what she's saying is that she had a seizure that was caused by a brain injury. and she also said -- i thought this was interesting -- that when she was stopped by the police officer, she says it is theoretically possible that i might have taken an ambien rather than a thyroid pill. they did test her for drugs. she said all the results came up negative. that's what she's saying. doctors say they believe the crash was caused not by the sleeping aid but rather a complex partial seizure. >> there's so much interest in the kennedys all around the country. especially in these parts. that courtroom in this tiny town was packed yesterday for this hearing. here's a picture that will chill any fast food lover like me. this apparently from a burger king in ohio. an employee took this picture standing on lettuce in a burger king. he put it online saying this is what -- this is what your food looks like inside this burger king. the officials somehow at this store tracked him down.
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apparently he was an internet user who used some geotagging to find out where this guy worked, where he was located. guess what burger king did to him? they laid him off. they fired him. not a good way to keep your job if you want to keep it. standing in the lettuce. >> terrible. disgust ing. even if you do that, don't send it out. >> keep it to yourself. send it to your friends. don't post-it online. for an expanded look at our top stories head to our blog, coming up, poised at the edge of a fiscal cliff. fed chief ben bernanke's dire warning for congress. that's coming up. i don't spend money on gasoline. i don't have to use gas. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. drive around town all the time doing errands and never ever have to fill up gas in the city. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. the last time i went to the gas station must have been about three months ago. i go to the gas station such a small amount
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that i forget how to put gas in my car. ♪ to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. for full strength sun protection. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at
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all right. minding your business this morning. your market check now. u.s. stock futures are trading higher. that is nice. european markets up, too. >> that's despite federal reserve chief ben bernanke stopping short of announcing another round of stimulus for the economy, which everyone was hoping for. christine romans is here. what else did bernanke have to say? >> look, markets want behr bernanke to say i got some new, shiny object that's going to help keep global growth going. bernanke says, no. i need to make sure that congress doesn't make anies by mistakes here. ben bernanke talking about a frustrating slow recovery in the jobs market. i've heard him say this many, many times. he also talked about the fiscal cliff, so-called fiscal cliff. that's when we have huge spending cuts and huge tax increases all at the same time
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that slam the economy early next year. congress really has to get its act together on that. this is what he said. >> the most effective way that the congress could help to support the economy right now would be to work to address the nation's fiscal challenges in a way that takes into account both the need for long run sustainability and the fragility of the recovery. doing so earlier rather than later would help reduce uncertainty and boost household and business confidence. >> that's about as fiery as you're going to get from a fed chief. they don't like to make that foray into politics. you can take that 19 seconds i just gave you there as a warning from the fed chief to congress that thestand in direct opposition to what's good for the u.s. economy. that's a warning from fed chief ben bernanke. next hour i'm going to give you -- i'm going to take apart the fiscal cliff for you. i'm going to put it on a magic wall. stick around, everybody, if you haven't run out the front door to go to work. >> the members had a grim face on. they didn't look happy he was talking like that. >> we're going to hear more from him today. he's got a second day of
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testimony on the hill. there will be q & a. we'll see if he reiterates that. second story, a wall street journal report about peregrin financi e financial. all these farmers have their -- this was a couple weeks ago. all these farmers have their -- oh, gosh. if you're not dealing with this horrible drought, you've got your brokerage account is now frozen. anyway, the journal has a really interesting story we're trying to chase down. the ceo there writing some letters, apparently saying he used these clients' money to build this headquarters, to pay fines and fees to the government, to basically run his operations and boost the capital of peregrine financial. that guy whose face you're seeing now, this guy is basically an elder statesman of the futures industry. the futures industry, agriculture futures industry shaking to its core.
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first mf global. then pfg. they call it pfgbest. really scary stuff. we've got calls. trying to authenticate those letters. it's in the "wall street journal." >> the secondary tragedy, hurting farmers in the drought. >> we've been talking to some people who first they had mf global accounts. then they had peregrine financial accounts. both have been closed. if you're a farmer with a brokage account you can't get access to the money because they're trying to unravel the mystery of where the money went. >> in the worst time. 26 minutes past the hour here. it might be the choice that made the difference in 2008. coming up, what senator john mccain said recently when asked, why sarah palin? if you're leaving the house right now, you can watch us any time on your desktop, on your mobile phone. go to so... [ gasps ]
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these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. brave knights! as you can clearly see from this attractive graph that our sales have increased by... sorry, my liege. honestly. our sales have increased by 20%. what is this mystical device i see before me? it's an ultrabook. he signed the purchase order. with an ultrabook, everything else seemsld fashioned. introducing the ultra sleek, ultra responsive ultrabook.
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all dried up. farmers suffering along with their crops in the sweltering heat. two presidents celebrate a milestone. this is a cnn exclusive with former president clinton on nelson mandela's 94th birthday. not a banner day at penn state. someone spending a few bucks there to make a point about the late joe paterno's reputation. welcome to "early start," everyone. i'm john berman. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. 30 minutes past the hour. this morning more than half of the u.s. is battling a devastating drought. the worst to hit the country in more than 50 years. take a look at that map. disaster areas have been declared in 26 states.
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conditions are destroying farm crops. one analyst estimates 75% of the corn crop in the drought region has been wiped out. and that could drive up food and fuel prices. alexander steele is live in atlanta for us. what's the latest on the conditions? any reprieve? >> no, not really any improvement. look at the corn crop. we're talking so much about the corn crop. you're not just thinking of summer salad or corn on itself. corn is in everything we eat and we use and we do from makeup to tires. christine romans going to talk about kind of the extensiveness of the financial impact. this is an interesting map. vegetation health. anywhere you see the brown shows how poor the vegetation health is. you can see from the midwest which places like iowa, indiana have seen the worst drought they've ever seen, almost. certainly at least since the '50s. then you can see through the ohio valley. even into the midwest. but the problem is, of course, this heat that we've seen, the heat exacerbates the drought.
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but even if we've gotten normal rainfall, the heat has been so intense it would be drying out the topsoil anyway. what we need is the slow drenching rain. too late for corn crops, perhaps. maybe not for soybeans. the problem is what we're getting now are these cold fronts coming through. they're dropping t temperature from such an intense record level. but they're doing it with showers and thunderstorms and severe weather. so it's the opposite of what we actually need. looking at the future, talking about what's in store, is more rain in store, the answer really is no. drought begets drought. heat begets heat. the weather is so cyclical. when you get into a pattern it's very hard to get out of it. this is through september, the propensity and likelihood for drought conditions to remain. you can see coast to coast. in terms of the outlook for wet weather, not a lot. certainly not excessive rain by any means for the greater portion of the country. in terms of the heat, when you look at this compared to the drought map, it almost mir yors it. above average temperatures.
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guys, the continuation of just a baking nation with really no letup in sight. certainly not the type of rain we need. >> thank you, alexandra. two americans held hostage in egypt for three days have been reunited with their families. they were kidnapped at gunpoint. a local tribe member boarded their tour bus. he was trying to use the americans as collateral to have his jailed uncle released from an egyptian prison. pastor louis talked to cnn about what it was like being a hostage. >> the only thing it is bread. eggs. we drank some teas and water. each night we sleep in different place. i can't tell you where those guys put us. >> both americans were released
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unharmed and credit faith in god for their survival. egyptian authorities say they did not give into the kidnapper's demands. south africans honoring former president nelson mandela who turns 94 today. more thansouth afterconditior k honoring him. >> i learned a lot about living from him. about living with adversity. living with setbacks. living with disappointments and living without anger. so quite apart from all the magnificent contributions he made to free his country and to inspire the world, i learned a lot about life from him. >> mandela's fight against ar par theed in south africa, decades in prison and emergence to become the country's president made mandela an international hero. president obama says his life
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continues to be a beacon for all people who strive for dignity, justice and peace. >> indeed, it does. inteed, it does. happy birthday. when it comes to life in the white house, eight years was enough for george w. bush. the former president sitting down for a rare interview with the hoover institute talking about politics. mr. bush says now that he's crawled out of the swamp, he's not crawling back in. but he says it was pretty cool while it lasted. >> i really don't want to be in the public eye anymore. and feel a certain sense of liberation in not being up there. >> you like it better? >> i really do. look, eight years was awesome. i was famous and i was powerful. but i have -- i have no desire for fame and power anymore. >> i covered him for a long time. i've never seen someone who can better separate work and play. work and relaxation. i'm sure he is enjoying his retirement. no question about that. the former president also explained why he's been
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reluctant to publicly express his views since leaving office. he says it could undermine the current president and he doesn't want any part of that. >> i saw him recently at a texas rangers game. yeah. he was having a pretty good time. >> loves his baseball. loves it. senator john mccain says mitt romney's tax returns have nothing to do with his decision to choose sarah palin as his running mate in 2008. he says she was simply a better candidate. mccain staff received more than two decades' worth of romney's returns when the former massachusetts governor was being vetted as a possible vice president. democrats are questioning whether mccain saw something questionable back then in those returns. but the arizona senator is vehemently denying that. here, a high flying statement concerning the statue of joe paterno that stands outside penn state's beaver stadium. a small plane flew around the campus yesterday with this banner. it said take the statue down or we will. it follows the release of louis freeh's report that accused the legends dare penn state football coach of helping to cover up
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child sex abuse by jerry sandusky. many want that statue dismantled after sandusky's conviction of child rape charges. two hooded gunmen picked the wrong place to rob on friday night. >> sure did. >> check out this surveillance video from the palms internet cafe in ocala, florida. look in the background. look at that 71-year-old samuel williams springing into action to help two other customers that were being held at gunpoint. love this. he pulls out his licensed handgun and opens fire on the gunman. they can't get out of there fast enough. one of them was hit. both were taken into custody by police and charged with attempted robbery with a firearm and felony criminal mischief. >> he looked like he knew how to use that. he wasn't messing around there at all. >> 71-year-old rambo. you have to check this out. one minute he's driving. the next he's in a free fall in an elevator shaft. more on this bizarre parking garage crash coming up.
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[ male announcer ] ok, so you're no marathon man. but thanks to the htc one x from at&t, with its built in beats audio, every note sounds amazingly clear. ...making it easy to get lost in the music... and, well... rio vista?!! [ male announcer ] ...lost. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t. rethink possible. the wife. hey, babe. got the jetta. i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months, but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. we good? we're good. [ male announcer ] at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering.
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for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i want to grow ♪ i want to try ♪ i can almost touch the sky
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[ male announcer ] even the planet has an olympic dream. dow is proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium. solutionism. the new optimism.™ ♪ this dream nature valley trail mix bars are made with real ingredients you can see. like whole roasted nuts, chewy granola, and real fruit. nature valley trail mix bars. 100% natural. 100% delicious. top hoft of the morning to you, washington, d.c. haypy to see you looking so good. 81 degrees right now. a little later, folks, 101 degrees. there are some isolated thunderstorms. consider yourself lucky because the country is in a drought. welcome back to "early start." very happy you're with us. i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm john berman. we were looking at washington
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there. one building you never see when you look at washington, the naval observatory which is where the vice president lives which is what we'll be talking about here this morning. because the veepstakes what everyone in politics is talking about. today mitt romney is in the crucial swing state of ohio. he's not the only one there, though. louisia louisiana governor bobby jindal will headline two events. former florida governor jeb bush will also make his first nonfundraising outing in the buckeye state. both men have been rumored as potential running mates for romney. cnn political editor paul steinhauser live in washington now. i've seen a lot of veeb stakes parades. never one like this. these guys, jindal, paul ryan, rob portman. they are all doing so much work now for mitt romney. i think it feels like more than just a tryout. what's going on here? >> it could be more than just a tryout. it's got people like you and me and others buzzing about this. remember last week or two weeks ago you had jindal and tim pawlenty who also may be on whatever short list there is,
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they were doing a rebuttal bus tour through ohio. you have rob portman, hometown senator who is another person who's thought to be high on that list. he was there on monday when president obama was there down in cincinnati. he was there to kind of bracket or rebut. here's a possible short list. you know i know the only people who really know who's on the short list are m romney, his wife ann and maybe beth myers, his trusted aide. these four gentlemen come up a lot. portman. pawlenty, former governor who ran against romney in the nomination battle. bobby jindal from louisiana and paul ryan from wisconsin. is ohio a smart place to do it? four years ago, let's go back four years ago. john mccain. where did he introduce sarah palin? dayton, ohio. so much on the line for ohio. no republican president has won the presidency without taking ohio in modern times. that's why everybody's buzzing. one more thing. another important state for mitt romney, new hampshire. he's there on friday. he's got an event on friday. another very important state to him. maybe it'll come there.
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i think most people think it's going to come after he comes back from the olympics and that international trip, john. >> 2000 and 2004 new hampshire decided by one point. virtually nothing there. mitt romney has sort of refocused his message the last few days. we've been talking a lot about taxes. his taxes. we've been talking a lot about bain. i was hearing from a lot of conservatives overnight who were very happy with what he managed to pull off in pennsylvania yesterday. i think we'll hear more of it in ohio today, paul. >> you've got it. you're right. there's been a lot of criticism against the romney campaign lately. not fighting back enough against these attacks from the obama campaign. you've seen romney and his campaign very forceful the last two days. what are they doing? attacking president obama over what they say is his political cronyism. helping out contributors at the expense of the middle class. and going after a comment the president made last friday in virginia talking about government's role in helping business. they say it is an insult to businessmen and women and entrepreneurs. take a listen to mitt romney yesterday in pennsylvania. >> so the president's looking
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around for someone to blame. and recently i became the reason for all our problems here. that was a surprise to my family and me. he's always looking for someone out there. president obama attacks success, and therefore under president obama we have less success. and i will change that. >> that comment yesterday in irwin, pennsylvania, right outside of pittsburgh. another state republicans haven't won since 1988 but the romney campaign has in their sights. he's back in the bowling green area of ohio today, john. >> wasn't just his tone but also the message the conservatives say they like to hear right now. thanks. 45 minutes past the hour. let's get you up to date. here's christine romans with our top stories. >> good morning, you two. half the country suffering through a historic drought this morning. millions are praying for rain. this is the worst drought to hit america in more than 50 years. crops destroyed throughout the heartland. livestock is stressed now, too. state leaders are scrambling to come up with assistance for
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farmers. at this point it appears many live livelihoods could be lost. food prices will most certainly spike. authorities in iowa draining a lake this morning in the search for the two missing little girls, kozens 8-year-old elizabeth collins and 10-year-old lyric cook disappeared lags friday. their bikes found at the edge of meyers lake in the town of evansdale. could take up to three days to drain the lake sufficiently to determine whether the two young girls may be in that lake or find any other evidence there. america's war on drugs moving to the high seas. a major drug haul in a joint operation by the u.s. navy and coast guard. almost four tons of cocaine and marijuana. the drugs just brought ashore in jacksonville, florida. authorities say they're worth about $93 million wholesale. the street value of the drugs, a quarter of a billion dollars. democrats failing to muster enough votes to bring the disclose act to a full debate in the senate.
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the measure would require groups to disclose the names of donors who give more than $10,000 during election cycle. right now many nonprofits and unions are not required to publicize those names. president obama calls that wrong. even though the nonprofit group priorities usa backs his campaign and is not required to disclose donor names. two new york city garbage workers escaped serious injury when an suv plunged five floors down an elevator shaft. one worker was behind the wheel of the vehicle which landed upsidedown on top of an elevator on the ground floor. the other worker was inside. both were hospitalized. fire officials say their injuries are not life threatening. >> lucky. >> that was something, you guys. wow. >> that's a scary moment, huh? >> going down? >> oh, my gosh. thank you very much, christine. 47 minutes past the hour. michael vick speaking out, talking about why he fought dogs. the convicted dog fighter in
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$100 million starting quarterback for the philadelphia eagles spoke to piers morgan last night about the lowest moment of his life. you know what that was? telling his son that he was going to jail. >> what can you tell a kid that's 4 years old, 4 1/2 years old? don't understand exactly what dog fighting mean. don't understand why his dad's going to jail. toughest moment of my life. tougher than any football game that i've lost. tougher than any sack that i've taken. any amount of money that i've lost. on one end, i love dogs. on the other hand, i was in love with the competition behind it. you know, for some reason i couldn't really see, you know, the meaning behind it all, why i was really doing it. >> vick says he has left the past behind and finally feels free. he's worked really hard to redeem himself. >> that was a riveting
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interview. in jail where he was, prison seems to have had a serious impact. coming up, iceberg straight ahead. an iceberg the size of a big city. and it's drifting right now in the ocean where? we'll tell you just ahead. if you're leaving the house right now, look out for those icebergs. you can watch us any time on your desktop or your mobile phone. just go to >> they're not that close. mone. but today...( sfx: loud noise of large metal object hitting the ground) things have been a little strange. (sfx: sound of piano smashing) roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. it's hard to see opportunity in today's challenging environment. unless you have the right perspective.
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all right. welcome back to "early start." >> getting down with "early start." >> 52 minutes past the hour. i'm zoraida sambolin along with john berman. what's trending on the web this morning. >> we'll follow up on a story we talked about yesterday and this amazing photograph taken in washington, d.c., at the d.c. war memorial. >> so romantic. >> such a beautiful photograph. photographer and amateur angela gollick took this picture and posted it online. she thought what she saw was a
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wedding proposal. what she was doing was looking for this couple, their names, so she could get them their photos. it went viral. everyone talking about it. they're both in the air force, right? the air force puts out a statement yesterday saying, no. this was not, in fact, a wedding proposal. the wedding proposal happened weeks ago. this couple, who still wants to remain nameless, they want to remain nameless, they were looking for possible wedding sites, walking around washington. they just happened to be kissing. which when you think about it is just as romantic. >> all lit up. so fantastic. i hope they get copies of these pictures blown up. i like the first story better, actually. >> good luck to you. greenland, we have a problem. a huge problem. it's a massive iceberg about the size of manhattan. it has broken away from a glacier. the glacier is roughly 46 square miles. this is greenland. it's called the peterman glacier. it's a prominent sheet of ice.
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scientists, of course, blame global warming. do you believe in global warming? >> i think there's tons of evidence it's getting hotter out there. >> some people don't. that's what they're blaming. they say climate change and the rising ocean temperature made this break away. it's not the largest on record. >> it was like four years ago there was one or two years ago. >> isn't that incredible? i thought that was funny. two years ago an ice chunk four times the size separated from the greenland glacier. >> big icebergs. i'll take my ocean on the rocks, as it were, right? >> oh, my gosh. the famous dog uggie at it again. at a padres game. supposed to bring the ball to the ump. runs right by the ump and brings a ball to the mascot. i think uggie knew what he was doing there. seriously. >> at first i thought the mascot was a dog. you know, he felt the camaraderie. >> i actually saw "the artist" for the first time the other
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day. they don't talk in it. >> it's a silent film. >> i know. i knew that sort of. i fell asleep. i kept waiting for something to happen. there was no talking. coming up, this morning's top stories. no talking in "the artist." plus other big stories. and this, jeremy lin, his parting words to the new york knicks. you're watching "early start." [ male announcer ] summer is here. and so too is the summer event. now get an incredible offer on the powerful c250 sport sedan. but hurry before this opportunity...disappears. the mercedes-benz summer event ends july 31st. the mercedes-benz summer event you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner.
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us bank. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business.
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gas pedals. this time in fords and mazdas. and chaotic car chase. take a look at this. a suspect gets the best of a police officer. then takes off in her cruiser. >> she must have left that car running. >> yeah. that's going to leave a mark, i think, in that office's record. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. >> happy you're with us. i'm zoraida sambolin. 6:00 a.m. on the east. let's not get started. later this hour, we'll be talking to family members of those two little girls who went missing after a bike ride near a lake in iowa. to get the latest on the search there. also this morning, mitt romney is in ohio. bobby jindal is in ohio. so is jeb bush. hmm. suspicious? this is all about the veepstakes. we'll have tons on that coming up. >> so much going on in the last couple of days. first our top story this morning. that devastating drought that has now turned more than half of the united states into a disaster zone this morning. look at that map that we have for you. the department of agriculture is declaring natural disasters in
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1,000 counties. this is across 26 states, folks. blistering temperatures are making conditions much worse. across the midwest, temperatures have topped more than 100 degrees. and heat advisories are reaching up into the mid-atlantic regions. the bone dry conditions have completely destroyed vast stretches of farmland especially hurting corn and soybean plants. one analyst is saying 75% of the crop has been wiped out. this is having disastrous effects on the whole country. corn prices have surged 45% and expected to jump higher. that means the price of everything, from food to groceries to school could skyrocket. christine romans will have more on the business angle but rob marciano is live in burnet
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burnetville, indiana. this is what's happening across s country, isn't it? >> reporter: it is, it boggles the mind. what you see behind me is echoed throughout the corn belt. these corn stalks should be over my head right now and they are nowhere near that. the husks that would normally be almost mature at this point, miniature, not even close. you're talking about a crop across the entire corn belt that as of last week was 30% considered to be good or at some point harvestable. and of cours soybean and all of the other crops across this part of the country, which in some cases feeds the world, is down that much. of course, the drought is the main player but the heat we have seen over the past several weeks has been huge as well. we are in north central indiana but across the corn belt all the way down to the southern plains and to the canadian border as
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well, farmers are having a problem. take a look at this farmer from north dakota had to say. >> we have had several dry spells but not near as bad as this. when you're so far behind in rainfall totals, you never catch up. >> pretty much all, 99% are vegetable. if it keeps drying out, it might get more expensive. >> we're having to water twice a day which means an increase in cost. >> reporter: so it's not just the farmers. then you talk about going from farm to table or the grocery store, folks who sell produce, not to mention the ag fuels brought from corn and soybean. listen to what one produce vendor had to say it's doing to his business. as far as the rainfall here across northern indiana, this is a 45-day stretch that they've
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only seen once before. less than a tenth of an inch of rain has fallen since june 1. incredibly dry and obviously the heat as well, we are in the midst of the second or third heat wave so far this summer with temperatures getting up and over 100 degrees. take a look at the heat advisories out, not only for indiana but stretching from eastern kansas and the dakotas across the lower great lakes, back through the mid-atlantic as well. this is going to be a dangerous heat for folks who live in the cities but obviously for farmers and their crops, it continues to be a tough, tough go. we're only in mid-july, zorzora. >> i was listen to the farmers you talked to and one says you never catch up. is there any hope? >> reporter: well, the hope is for rain and the outlook is fairly grim. the agricultural undersecretary will take a tour of this
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particular area later on today. of all of the places, zoraida, this is the worst. and it's hard to pick one because so many states and acres and hundreds of square miles of land and crop land has been devastated by this drought but this is the spot that is the absolute worst. all they can hope is the heat wave breaks, which it will and they may get a squeeze of rain when the front comes through but the long-term outlook isn't all that great. >> we'll pray for rain for that area. rob marciano in burnetsville, indiana. >> so amazing the corn should be taller than that, doesn't even go to his shoulders. we want to talk about how this drought can affect you and your wallet. christine romans is here. >> they say knee high by the fourth of july and of course the new kinds of corn we grow and technology we have that corn should be well over rob's head no question. even where i'm from in iowa, th
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corn fields look green but you walk into them and peel up an ear of corn, peel back the husk and you can see there are no kernels or the ears have stopped growing. there's not enough water for them to grow. this is prime time right now, july for so many of these different crops, including rice, including soybeans a lot of different vegetables, but mostly corn. this is the corn belt. we already have and you feed the grains to live stock, it is more expensive to feed them some of this stuff. you look at ground beef prices, already by march they were the highest since 1984. they are still going up. this is in your supermarket. you're feeling it already. bone in chicken breast, $1.40 a pound. high grain prices feed into everything, processed foods, pork, poultry. >> we burn a lot of things for
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fuel too so there's ethanol we talk about there overall. when you look at how this vegetation is dried up. i have a noaa map that shows from the early part of the spring and how things have gotten worse. the orange is where things have really started to completely dry out. this is somethin when you look at the middle part of the country, guys, this is the richest farmland for corn and soy beans in the world. one thing i will say, people talk about the dust bowl, worse since 1956 for much of the midwest. but i'm hoping a lot of people have crop insurance, that's going to be different than what you saw in the dust bowl and hoping there's a bigger safety net for farmers as well then there was in the early 1950s. >> let's hope. thanks very much. >> federal regulators launching an official investigation after receiving close to 100 complaints about stuck gas pedals in ford and mazda suvs. the accelerators may have caused
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one death and nine injuries and the investigation involves 730,000 vehicles. the national highway transportation safety administration focusing on two models here. take a look at this. 2001 through 2004 ford escape and mad da tribute suvs with v-6 engines. authorities in iowa are draining a lake this morning in search for two missing girls, 8-year-old elizabeth collins and 10-year-old lyric cook. their bikes and purse were found at the edge of meyers lake in the town of evansdale, fbi scent tracking dogs have been brought to the scene and it could take three days to drain the lake sufficiently to determine whether the two young cousins might have fallen in. later this morning we'll talk live with the parents of 10-year-old lyric cook at 6:40 a.m. >> we have some amazing video to show you this morning from columbus, ohio of what happens
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just after police respond to the scene. they heard there was some shots fired and they get there and briefly detain the suspect. you can see them chasing the suspect down right there. but he takes off and guess where he's running right now? to the cop's car. he opens the door, must be running. he gets in and he speeds off. and as soon as he takes off the officers fire at him. >> he broke away from me when i grabbed a hold of him. >> amazing video. >> the man eventually crashed the cruiser and was arrested. police are looking for another suspect in the shooting. >> he was hopping along there as they were getting him in that vehicle. new york knicks fans, lincredulous. he is heading back to the lone
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star state, i think everybody predicted this. any had until midnight to keep lin, the big apple's love affair with the dazzling 23-year-old point guard just over 26 games, lin sending out a couple of tweets. extremely excited and honored to be a houston rocket again and much love and thankfulness to the knicks and new york for your support this past year, easily the best year of my life. >> he's such a nice guy. >> this real lie likely likeable guy, a great story, when everybody says you're not going to make it and look what he does. >> he was cut twice and has a $25 million guaranteed contract. he's getting that money. jeremy lin, you're paying next time. two presidents are celebrating one milestone. coming up we have a really nice cnn exclusive with former president bill clinton with his
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until i got a job in the big apple. adjusting to city life was hard for me. and becoming a fulltime indoor cat wasn't easy for atti. but we had each other and he had purina cat chow indoor. he absolutely loved it. and i knew he was getting everything he needed to stay healthy indoors. and after a couple of weeks, i knew we were finally home! [ female announcer ] purina cat chow indoor. alwaythere for you. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow indoor. hey america, even though slisa rinna is wearing
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welcome back, it is 13 minutes past the hour and we're having a good time here, i'm john berman. >> we certainly are. one of the most admired men in the world, nelson mandela is celebrating his 94th birthday and receiving outpouring of well wishes from millions all over the world. president obama has praised him
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as having abiding humility and unbreakable will. former president clinton actually flew to south africa to kickoff the festivities in mandela's home village. she spoke with clinton and the mandela family, huge celebration is happening. can you share all of the details? >> we're inside the mandela family compound, mandela is inside that building now. i hear from his grandchildren that he had a late breakfast and enjoying his 94th birthday. i had the privilege of seeing him yesterday. he was eating lunch with president bill clinton and chelsea who flew in from the occasion. he looked well, put on some weight. he had some health scares in the past year but he looked
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healthier than earlier on in the year the two go way back as you say. i had an opportunity to chat with president clinton and this is what he had to say. what has mandela meant to you personally? >> personally he's been a wonderful friend to me. when we were working together, we were both presidents of our countries, we actually had a lot of business to do and often had to do it in telephone calls where it was very late in america and very early in south africa. i try to do the late side because out of defense to him. but he didn't call me a single time, not once when he didn't ask about hillary and chelsea and if it wasn't too late he would ask me to go get chelsea and bring her to the phone and ask about her homework, was she keeping up. i saw in him something that i try not to lose in myself, which
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is no matter how much responsibility he had, he remembered he was a person first. >> do you think you taught him anything? >> i doubt it. i was a pretty good politician, i might helped him but he was a pretty good politician when i met him. i don't know. we did a lot together. >> reporter: okay, so nelson mandela's birthday celebrations kick off in the next few hours. there's going to be a family lunch. his grandchildren and great grandchildren traveled to be here with him. we understand from the family there will be of course be a birthday cake, it's ice cream and shaped in the shape of the african continent. not sure about 94 candles to blow out. >> robyn curow, lucky you. thanks very much. the way they are honoring him, asking people to devote times, 67 minutes in recognition of his
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67 years of service and people are spending the day volunteering their time and interesting and unique ways, cleaning up neighborhoods and tattoo parlor is hoping to tattoo with 67 images of mandela's face. >> i was in south africa two years ago and you can feel his presence all over the country. there is nothing like it. it is about 16 minutes past the hour. we'll get you up to date with the latest headlines, christine romans is here with the top stories. >> a crisis unfolding across half of the country right now. millions are praying for rain, trying to weather the worst drought to hit the nation in more than five decades, crops are ruined across the heartland and livestock stressed too. state leaders trying to come up with aid plans for farmers, at this point it appears some livelihoods will be lost and food prices will almost certainly spike, folks. federal regulators launching an
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investigation after getting nearly 100 complaints about accelerators getting stuck in ford and mazda suvs. trying to determine whether the gas pedals caused one death, nine injuries and nearly two dozen accidents. the national highway transportation safety administration says more than 700,000 vehicles, two models are involved. the 2001 through 2004 ford escape and the mazda tribute suv with a v-6 engine. the boy scouts of america reaffirming its ban on openly gay boys and adult leaders. after conducting an internal review and despite protests from the public, put out a news release saying its exclusionary policy reflects the beliefs and perspectives of the organization. >> that's a tough one, thank you, christine. >> 18 minutes past the hour. two words that sound like dooms day for our economy. christine is back to answer the question, what is the fiscal cliff and should we be worried?
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it's a big resounding yes. for an extended look at our top stories, head to our blog, i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months, but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. we good? we're good. [ male announcer ] at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance
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>> this fiscal cliff is out there and big and scary, christine romans is here too break it down for us. >> it was scary and entirely avoidable. let me not go here. on january 1st next year, the bush tax cuts and alternative minimum tax cuts expire, if nothing changes your taxes will go up. and you have this part of it and provisions will expire, which will mean higher taxes and the other part is federal spending, huge cuts. if current law stays in place, the government will need to cut a trillion dollars from spending over nine years. half of that comes from defense and half comes from nondefense department spending, the bipartisan policy center says the cuts will cost a million jobs over two years, not just government jobs but jobs in the private sector, working with the government and those contractors by law have to start notifying people before they lay them off. a lot of government contractors are in a lot of uncertainty right now.
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the economy is barely growing. the first half of the year, maybe 1.7%, that's not good. maybe the second half of the year, this is a forecast from ubs, maybe 2.5% growth. look what happens, if the economy goes off the fiscal cliff, the congressional budget office says gdp will shrink at the rate of 1.3% in the first half of next year unless we back away from the cliff. that is a recession. the cbo, very uncharacteristic saying we would have a recession if the fiscal cliff stands. fed chairman ben bernanke again warning congress yesterday about is. i'm assuming he's going to do it again today when he testifies on capitol hill. what makes this so scary, it's happening in an election year. no one expects congress to deem with big issues until after november 6th and we're approaching the debt ceiling again. we could hit it as early as december. remember how easy that was to solve? no. just add another thing to congress's to do list. >> scary thing, can't predict
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politics. >> the one thing you need to know about your money, it can't be all or nothing. either falling off the fiscal cliff or doing nothing to prevent a recession. we're hear because congress didn't do its job during the debt ceiling debate and here because of what congress didn't do. if you want to look for someone to blame for the biggest risk to the economy right now, blame congress. >> and if you're counting on a lake duck session after the election, that is risky because what happens if there's a recount or it's more divided? >> will they have less political risk in a lame duck congress to make some really tough choices? some tax increases for some people and some spending cuts for other people? will there be cover in a lake duck congress? >> potentially but not in if the last few weeks are incredibly contentious and these are serious stakes at play. >> giving us plenty to worry
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about. >> this is what our elected officials are supposed to do, take care of these problems. he is the local sheriff who sent his cops to hawaii to investigate president obama's birth certificate. coming up, sheriff joe arpaio tells the world what he claims he found. if you're leaving right now, you can watch us any time on your desk top or mobile phone, this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a w new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at
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all dried up, farmers suffering along with their crops in the sweltering heat. cleanup on aisle one, a mob in a walmart snatching merchandise. >> they picked the wrong place to rob. watch as a 71-year-old man using his hand gun to turn the tables on two would be robbers. >> dirty harry meets grandpa right there. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. >> and i'm john berman. we're talking about this terrible drought, more than half of the u.s. battling this devastating dry spell, the worst in more than 50 years, disaster areas have been declared in 26
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states. conditions are destroying farm crops. one analyst estimates 75% of the corn crop in the drought region completely wiped out. that could drive up food and fuel prices, rob marcianmarcian the latest? any rain? >> reporter: not in the near future, we're just hoping for cooler weather. when a cold front does come in, there's a chance they may get rain, but they've been looking for that for a week since june 1st this area has seen less than a tenth of an inch of rain. the driest 45-day stretch in north indiana. to make matters worse, the temperature hit 101 yesterday, another record high. we are standing in one of many corn fields here in indiana and across the corn belt. by in time of the year, these stalks should be well up and over my head. obviously the heat and dry has made this not so good. matter of fact, this area, we're on the corner of this field
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because of the circulation and the ability of these stalks to breathe. these are some of the healthiest here, the reason i know this because the owners of this farm, the scotts, come in, brian and john scott, father and son, grandfather over there. four generations enduring this drought and heat wave. brian, first of all, let's break down a little bit of 101. these are two ears of corn, one looks good and that was tough to fine but this is more typical of what we've been seeing. >> yeah, this is poll natured. this is the most we're going to get out of it if it makes anything. ness a really -- this is a good ear and we think we're leaning towards maybe half this size so half of a crop, certainly below average. >> reporter: below average and scary fashion. the undersecretary, one of the undersecretaries of agriculture will tour your farm, john. put this in perspective, you've
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been doing this a while and your dad a farmer as well. how bad is this particular heat and drought combo referring? >> the news keeps referring to the drought of '88. i guess at this point we think we're probably better at this date but we have potential to be much worse until we get major rain storms coming through. >> and that's what we need. these guys were telling me that this crop is not irrigated. there are some farms irrigated north of here. but they need rain in order for the crops to mature more than they are and that hasn't been happening in the last 45 days. and the next 45 days, the extended outlook doesn't look all that great. we'll be here all day and learning about corn from these nice people. ness this is the heartbeat of america and these people are hurting from this situation. >> rob, thanks so much. thanks to you guys, too.
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dozens of new york city firefighters injured. battling a six alarm fire. take a look at these pictures, an apartment building in the bronx in total we understand 28 firefighters and two civilians were hurt. officials are saying all of those injuries are minor. the fire started in the middle of the night on the sixth floor of the building and it spread through the apartments and caused the roof to collapse. crews were able to bring the flames under control. >> it's a bad fire there this morning. investigators working for arizona sheriff joe arpaio claim president obama's birth certificate is definitely fraudulent. members of tsay it was a comput generated forgery and they claim no drought redoubt remains. >> as we expect, it is a fraudulent document. my original intent was to clear
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the president of the united states. but the investigation initiated by our cold case posse found far too many problems on the birth certificate. >> what he's saying this time is that numeric codes in certain areas of the birth certificate prove it's a forgery. the obama campaign declined to comment. >> police are trying to figure out who shot this video showing a flash mob of 300 teenagers hurling merchandise through a florida walmart. cnn affiliate, wjxt visited the home of a 17-year-old student who posted the video then removed it but there was no response at his door. police think this incident may be linked to a nearby house party where gunshots were heard
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earlier that night. two armed robbers, boy, did they pick the wrong place to go after friday night. you have to check out this video from florida. look in the background. here's a guy, 71 years old, samuel williams springing into action to help to other customers being held at gun point. he pulled out his gun which he has a license for and opens fire on the bad guys who can't get out of there fast enough, running away from the 71-year-old, both taken in custody and charged with attempted robbery with a firearm and felony criminal mischief. don't mess with sam williams. an active crime scene this morning, police dogs now searching for two little girls who went missing after a bike ride. beautiful pictures we have of them. coming up, we'll talk live to the mother of one of the girls. [ man ] ever year, sophia and i
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i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. good morning, welcome back to "early start." it is 39 minutes past the hour. >> we're happy you're with us, crews are draining a like in iowa hoping to find some sign of two missing girls from the town of evansdale, lyric cook and her 8-year-old cousin elizabeth collins were last seen by their grandmother on friday shortly on heading off on an afternoon bike ride. fbi dogs picked up a scent by the lake and according to the mom stopped at the water's edge. currently there is no evidence of foul play.
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so with us now is the mother of lyric cook, misty morrissy, we are prayerful these two little girls will reappear. how are you holding up? >> up this morning i feel just more desperation. more desperation to have people coming together, praying, supporting one another. and praying as hard as we can that they are alive and god brings them home. >> is that the lake they are draining behind you? >> it is the lake. >> and so we're hearing that some dogs actually went to the edge of it and that perhaps you know, the reason they are draining it perhaps they think maybe the little girls are there. do they typically go to that lake? do they go swimming in that lake ever? >> no they don't go there, they
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don't swim there. my daughter is familiar with swimng in lakes so i don't think she would be scared of th lake but they don't come here and swim here. >> misty, we talk about a mother's gut, what do you think happened? >> because we haven't found them anywhere in the surrounding area, i feel like maybe they were taken. i'd like -- i'll be more comfortable in that theory once they drain the lake and we find nothing there so -- i'm glad they are draining it today. >> and the two little girls, do they normally go bike riding on their own? >> they do normally go bike riding on their own, not very far for very long but they do. >> how did it happen that somebody realized that they were gone for too long? >> my mother is excellent at
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feeling out how long a child has been gone. my mom has raised all of us and our children, babysat all of our kids, she just became aware that had had been quite a while since they checked in. and that's when she began to search for them. >> and misty, i understand that you took a polygraph test on monday and your husband took one yesterday. i imagine that was very difficult to do. do you have the results of those polygraph tests? >> i don't think they've told anybody the results of the polygraph, hopefully that means everything went well. but they haven't told us the results. >> how did you feel about being questioned about your little girl? >> i felt -- i just felt aukward. it's not a process that i've ever gone through before. but i know that was a necessary measure in getting them as much information as we could get to them so they could do their investigation.
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>> and i know a vigil has been held. it's a very small community. everybody is out helping and trying to search. how does it make you feel when you look at all of that support? >> i feel -- i feel very blessed. i feel like that's god's hand helping us. and just overwhelmed, you know, with gratefulness that so many people, friends, family and people we don't know want to be a part of this. >> and misty, if you could say anything to the little girls, what would you say? >> i would tell them that we love them and we're here for you and we're praying. don't give hup. if you've taken our kids, bring them back and let them home. we're all standing here waiting. >> misty morrissey, we are praying for the safe return of your daughter and her little can
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you say in. thanks for joining us. >> we are in fact praying for them. half of the country suffering through historic drought this morning. millions praying for rain. this is the worst drought to hit america in over 50 years. crops destroyed throughout the heartland, live stock did threatened too. state leaders are scrambling to come up for assistance with farmers but at this point it appears many livelihoods could be lost and food prices almost certainly to spike. nearly 100 complaints about accelerators getting stuck in ford and mazda suvs. they are trying to determine whether jammed gas pedals caused one death and nine injuries, nearly two dozen accidents. the national highway transportation administration says 700,000 models are involved, 2001 through 2004 ford escape and mazda tribute suvs
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with v-6 gines. jeremy lin packing his bags and heading to houston frm the new york knicks declining to match the offer of $25 million over the next three years. they had until midnight last night. lin sent out a couple of tweets overnight, saying extremely excited and honored to be a houston rocket again. much love and thankfulness to the knicks and new york for your support this past year, easily the best year of my life. >> maybe he'll send out tweets. >> $25 million worth of treats. >> good morning, we'll talk about what could be a potential terror issue a decade after 9/11. could american flight schools still unknowingly be training terrorists. there are troubling new questions about possible holes in the government's security net. we'll get first look at the disturbing new report from republican congressman mike
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rogers from alabama. also, the boy scouts of america keeping its policy which bans gays but got a new ceo coming in against the policy. does that mean that the fight to have gays in the boy scouts starts all over again? plus, the number of black voters who turn out to vote in november, could be this year's secret swing factor and not in the president's favor. we're going to talk to the president and ceo of the urban league. they are about to start their conference. part two of our conversation with sir richard branson, how he got to the top. all of those risks he likes to take and if he has any regrets ats all. it's all on "starting point." we'll see you 13 minutes from now. >> can't wait. what are the presidential candidates going to be fighting about today? we'll tell you in just a few minutes. a first look at the videos that they are using to get their message across. stay with us. do you see it ?
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we have breaking news out of syria, where suicide bomber attacked the national security building in damascus. syria's government-run television says the country's defense minister was killed. the bombing taking place during a cabinet meeting with several other officials reportedly wounded as well. that attack comes down a fourth day of violence between government troops and rebel forces. back here in the u.s., campaign news, reenergized mitt romney hits the crucial swing state of ohio later today. he'll be joined by a couple of political heavy weights, bobby jindal will headline two events
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while former florida governor jeb bush will also make his first nonfund raising debut in the buckeye state. also debuting today, two new deos coming to an internet console or television near you that really layout what these two campaigns are trying to make the main messages of this campaign. the political crony -- the romney saying that about obama and the of course the corporate raider/nontax disclosing mitt romney. we have new videos, paul steinhauser joins us from washington. >> listen, they've been going after mitt romney for two months now saying when he was leaving the private equity firm he founded, bain capital company invested in other companies shut them down, a lot of jobs were sent overseas and romney saying, listen, i left bain capital in february of '99 and had nothing
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to do with that. take a look at this brand-new web video. >> but i had no responsibility whatsoever after february of '99. >> for the management or ownership -- management, rather of bain capital. that sounds very suspicious. >> what they are doing trying to poke fun of what romney said during a round robin of interviews saying he was no longer responsibility after february of '99 and using average americans saying i'm confused. we've seen the attacks go after romney for a while now and they are continuing. the obama campaign not giving up on that one bit. >> you have first look at a new romney ad too. >> you were talking about this last hour with me, a lot of conservative complaining, you're not fighting back. the campaign has been fighting back over the last couple of days attacking barack obama for political cronyism as they call it, saying obama is doing favors
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to campaign contributors at the expense of who, the middle class. take a listen. >> where did the money go, friends, donors, campaign supporters, special interest groups, solyndra, 500 million taxpayer dollars, bankrupt. where did the obama stimulus money go? wind mills from china. >> the vast majority of the tv ads and web videos are negative, we have three and a half months to go. a lot more to come. >> paul with the political news before it happens. thanks so much, paul. >> looking into his crystal ball. up next, today's best advice from the wife of pat tillman, a former nfl player who lost his life in afghanistan. according to ford, the works fuel saver package could literally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? yes it's true. how is this possible? proper tire inflation, by using proper grades of oil, your car runs more efficiently, saves gas. you could be doing this right now? yes i could, mike. i'm slowing you down? yes you are. my bad. the works fuel saver package.
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all right it is 57 minutes past the hour. "starting point" with soledad o'brien on deck. >> christine romans has our best advice. >> it comes from marie tillman, the wife of the football player who left his professional career and enlisted in the army after september 11th. we asked her about the best advice she ever received. >> the best advice i've ever received is to fake it until you make it. and that was something that really was helpful to me during the time after my husband was killed and i really was pretty depressed and not feeling all that great. and someone told me to just get up every morning and try to smile and try to make it through the day. and eventually it would not be as difficult. >> she's such a lovely woman. just recently had a baby, has
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her family, even as she's sort of writing about her husband who died, she also is living life and said that's what he would have wanted her to do. he would have wanted her to love and live and keep moving. >> he left her a letter telling her that. >> she found this letter after he died, i want you to live. >> you meet a ton of people and you say she's one of the nicest people you've ever met. >> sitting here waiting foreher to go on the show, very gracious and nice and really honest. and sometimes you see people on book tours and -- she's the real deal. >> christine, thank you so much. good advice, that is "early start". >> "starting point" with soledad o'brien starts right now. our starting point this morning, a crisis is unfolding in slow motion in our nation's heartland. more than two dozen states have been hit by the worst drought in this country
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