tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 2, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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the gymnasts, and even the americans. and it was not a handstand, but more like a hand split. the uk gets jacked by judges. you have to love it. all i can say is "samuel, keep them coming." that is all for tonight. "ac360" starts right now. and now, what they do in his state doubling down and tripling down and now quad ruppling down claiming that mitt romney didn't pay any taxes for a decade without the chips to back it up. governor romney responded sharply today. >> it stim for harry to put up or shut up. and it is time for him to say who he spoke with, because it is totally and utterly wrong and untrue and inaccurate and wrong. so i am looking forward to having harry reveal his sources, and we are going to probably find out it is the white house.
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>> so far he has not, and as you will see in a moment when dana bash joins us, he is not backing down a bit, and offering no facts, but allegations an insen sinewations. before we go further on the story, you should know we are not being partisan here, because for weeks we have reported on michele bachmann and the colleagues who are making unfounded allegations about islamic radicals infiltrating the american government, and making connections with hillary clinton. extraordinary allegations require extraordinary proof or frankly any kind of proof. michele bachmann and company don't have any proof, and neither does harry reid. this began earlier in the week when mr. reid told the "huffington post," he didn't pay any taxes for ten years. he went on, do i know that is ue? well, i'm not certain.
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that is harry reid saying i'm not certain. so you would think that not being certain about the truth of an explosive allegation you would keep it to yourself? well, instead, harry reid went further with local reporters say saying he had a quote number of people tell me that, unquote. so it went from one person telling him to now a number of people and then today, he went even further. >> so, the word is out that he has not paid any taxes for ten years. let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he has not. >> and now on the floor of the senate he says the word is out, and the word is out because senator reid put it out. not anything that anybody can check, such as the name of the source, but this is what john mccain told us today. harry reid said on the floor of the senate reiterated this idea
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that mitt romney has not paid taxes for ten years and i quote on the word on the floor that he has not paid taxes and let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he has not, and he has offered no proof at all about this. does it surprise you, and what do you make of in? is this politics? is this acceptable? >> first of all, i have known senator reid for many years and occasionally he displays some rather erratic behavior, but to accuse somebody of doing something without a shred of proof that the allegation has any substance is really something that i frankly don't understand. i think that politics are tough, and i enjoy the give and take, but i think that harry might have gone over the line here. >> that was senator mccain earlier and we also spoke about syria, a syria, and we will play more about that later tonight, but
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what he said about senator reid is unusual in they criticize by name, and now mccain took it further to liken it to the mccarthy hearings of the '50s and you can decide whether to put that to mccarthyism or bachmannism. and there is no acceptance to come to the program from harry reid. and now joining us is dana bash. you just heard about the put up or shut up response from mitt romney. >> well, senator reid stands by the comments. governor romney's continued refusal to release his tax returns raises questions about
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what he is hiding and whether he paid any taxes at all. governor romney can end this by releasing tax returns. as you were coming on air, anderson, got a follow-up like the statement which also stands by what they call his credible source that romney has not paid taxes for ten years, and says romney playing many tricks at his disposal for avoiding taxes. not backing down at all. covering harry reid a lot of years. there are times he says things off the cuff that make aides wince, like smelly tourists in the capitol. this is not that. he is doing it for purpose for political reasons, he wants romney taxes talked about on programs like yours, wants it to be headlines in newspapers and wants mitt romney to respond on this issue which they think is a negative for romney opposed to issues romney wants to talk about. >> i go back and forth with paul begala who i tweeted with a moment ago, but it is not fair to compare what reid is saying to bachmann and almadine, but it is a powerful senator making
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this statement without any evidence. that's what i am trying to focus on. we will talk to begala and mary matalin in a second. in that interview in huffington post, his poor father must be so embarrassed for his son, what does that tell you. that's a very personal comment. >> it is very personal and it is very harry reid. look, first of all, back up and say you pointed out the interview with the huffington post. evidence, it is a friendly outlet. he did this very strategically, and in terms of the personal, that is harry reid, and when he wanted to go after alan greenspan, he called him a partisan hack and when he wanted to go after president bush, he called him a liar and loser, and apologized for the loser and not the liar part. he goes for the jugular. that's what he is doing now. he is an old boxer and likes to be a political street fighter. he knew full well he was going to be questioned over and over again on who his source was. and he said he told people close to him who i have spoken to that he didn't care, he is not
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telling who the source is. i did speak, have to tell you, i did speak to one source close to senator reid that claims to know who the bain investor is that he spoke with, insists it is a credible person and this person if we knew the name would understand they would have the authority and ability to know about romney's tax returns. whether we'll find it out ever, who knows. they're doing it on purpose so this is the discussion. >> dana bash, appreciate that reporting. thanks. let's bring in the panel of democratic strategist paul begala, and republican strategist mary matalin. paul, you cannot defend harry reid on this, can you, serio seriously? >> you watch me. >> but harry reid doubled down. went on the floor of the senate and said well, you know, it's out there that he hasn't paid ten years. it is only out there because harry reid said it two days ago without any evidence of it. >> first off, there's tons of evidence. come on. the one release he prettied
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up -- >> evidence that he has not paid taxes in ten years? >> evidence of tax avoidance. aggressive tax avoidance. >> harry reid said there's evidence he hasn't paid taxes in ten years. >> he is pointing out he has a long, incredible history of tax avoidance. shell corporation in bermuda, cayman islands, swiss bank accounts, blocker corporation in bermuda, whatever that is. and freshman philosophy. when confronted with something with limited information, you choose the simplest, most obvious choice. what do you think it is, anderson. do you think he secretly owns the bunny ranch brothel? i don't. he is a man of extraordinary personal morality. i grant him that. impeccable personal moral character. i don't think he is secretly owning inner-city liquor stores that sell to children. no, i think -- i am trying to show it is the most logical explanation.
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>> but you did just put it out there. >> people should like on the twitter machine, what other reason is he hiding his taxes? what possible other -- >> anderson, i will tell you -- >> what's the evidence? >> go ahead, mary. >> really, you know what, to answer paul's question, a fallacy logic and how they argue. they make the accused for the putting the burden of proof on the accused. do you really think that this passes the smell test, the laugh test that this man would have been governor and running for president for eight years and would have had all of his money, and yes, he has a lot of money. he is a big success. he is an american opportunity inspiration, that he would be doing something illegal? they called him a felon, here is
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the sad thing. harry reid is ostensibly not a goof ball, he is the democratic senate majority leader. doesn't that give, if i were a democrat, that would give me great pause that the majority leader in the senate is behaving like eugene mccarthy, the other mccarthy. >> paul, to the point mary brought up, when louie gohmert say to michele bachmann, we are not making allegations, but we are asking the question, did she pass the security background check, which we pointed out is hypocritical in and of itself, but harry reid is not just pretending to ask the question, but he is saying that i have a source that told me that mitt romney didn't pay taxes for ten years and he won't name the source, and then he doubles down on the floor of the senate. >> and if he worked for cnn, we would give him a promotion for that same conduct. >> what are you talking about? what are you talking about? >> you go all the time i have unnamed source and -- >> a single source, you don't go
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on air with a single source, rarely under extreme circumstances. that's actually not true. >> he had more imaginary friends today though, anderson. >> yes, he did. >> he has more people that he can't say who they are that are just calling him up and saying, you know, could someone point out by the way, that is private information? if anybody including harry reid has any access to mitt romney's private taxes, that's a matter for the irs. that is illegal. >> i am sorry, but i don't normally, but it seems hypocritical to me, when louie gohmert went on the floor of congress, and said that some unnamed former fbi agent had told him that middle eastern women were coming to the united states pregnant to have babies and taking them back to the middle east to raise them for 20 years as terrorists so they could then come back as american citizens and attack us 20 years from now and he had sourceon this and though he didn't call
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the fbi about this, and when we called the fbi and they said, what are you talk about, because we never heard of this, and when we asked him for evidence he would not give us any and what is the difference of that lunacy and what harry reid is saying? >> what gohmert said is ipso facto crazy. what reid is putting it is the logical, simplest explanation why this man who is burning with desire to be president is hiding his tax returns when mary points out he knew or should have known getting into this business it is not pleasant, perhaps, but guys and women at the top level, presidential level, they all have to release their tax returns. >> i'll tell you what, he paid $6 million and $7 million in contributions and $6 million in tax taxes. i will tell you what -- may i? may i? quit imitating james. the obama strategic imperative
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is to distract. can't run on his record. announced they're going to destroy romney. it is a distraction. he put out two, if he put out more, they want four. he plays a dead card. his father would be embarrassed? what has happened to your party, paul. >> bottom line, you don't have problem with sitting members of congress or senate making allegations without presenting any evidence whatsoever. >> romney has the evidence. we can't see it. he is choosing the most sensible explanation for a puzzling political thing. why is romney feeding this distraction as mary calls it? why? because there's something in there he doesn't want us to see. i been doing this 28 years. when politicians don't disclose taxes, it is because they can't. >> we have to end it there, before i am inundated saying i am a stooge of the gop or supporting romney on this, my point is simply that any sitting member of congress, for the senate and republican or
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democrat or whatever party, to be making serious allegations about somebody without offering any evidence whatsoever, i think it seems troubling precedent and it is is surprising me that more people are not upset about this whether it is this or bachmann et al. making allegations against the infiltration of the muslim brotherhood without direct evidence. we have to leave it there. paul begala and mary matalin, thank you. we are continuing on twitter. you can follow me. and a lot of people blasting me saying i am supporting mitt romney on this, but my point is about congress people and senators in power making allegations without offering iy evidence whatsoever. let me know what you think on twitter @anders@andersoncooper.
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up next, did experts fail to warn on the colorado shooter. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. energy is being produced to power our lives. while energy development comes with some risk,
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to the danger and actedp properly. in the aftermath this time, that question was quick in coming. >> could i have done anything, did i see anything, did i miss anything. >> is there anything that sheds any light on motive. >> he left school a month ago. clearly indicates something wasn't right. >> i'll be willing to bet there were warning signs out there. >> maybe there are warning signs in hindsight you could have seen? >> we start to look, what could we have done, i get it, prevent this from happening. >> our denver affiliate broke the story last night that a university of colorado psychiatrist that the suspect was seeing was so alarmed by his behavior, she told the campus threat assessment team about it. this is a team that the psychiatrist dr. lynn fenton, seen there, helped to set up. june 7th is when the suspect bought the assault rifle he used. june 10th he dropped out of the university, which is apparently why the beta team took no further action because he dropped out.
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the university says that the people did what they should have done. the "denver post" reports lynn fenton spoke about how to deal with a threat to the committee. generally, if you think that the threat is imminent, call the campus police. if you think it is best to contact the beta team, call lynn fenton. did she think the threat was imminent? that's the question given that the suspect left the university, the question is should dr. fenton or the beta team still have called campus police or local police? joining us now, the executive director of the national behavioral intervention team association, also threat assessment expert barry spodak and peter reed whose daughter mary karen reed was killed in the virginia tech shooting. mary, want to start with you. sources tell kmgh when the suspect dropped out of school,
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the university assessment team had, quote, no control over him. in your opinion, is that true? >> you know, anderson, that's a question we deal directly with when we have threat assessment teams. we come up with a simulated case study where the threat assessment team is facing that exact situation, and i have to tell you in all honesty, the first impulse of most on threat assessment teams is to say what you mentioned, this is out of our control, it is out of our authority. what are we supposed to do at this point. so we ask them at that point a very simple question. if this student is leaving your campus, you know, in the wake of perhaps a terrible failure, something that they're struggling with, would you like to have every bit of information you can gather within the campus setting to understand their state of mind at the time they leave. you know, if you remember the shooting at northern illinois university, steven came back to the campus a year and a half later and killed five people.
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so we asked threat assessment teams to think through broader implications. of course, you don't follow them in the community, you're not going to trail them, but do you want to take every opportunity to gain all of the information you can at the sources you have by the campus. >> bret, is it a violation of confidentiality, doctor, patient confidentiality to contact local authorities if somebody has left the campus and you have some sort of concerns about them, even if you don't necessarily think -- i'm assuming she didn't think it was imminent threat, because under her own guidelines, you would contact campus police, but certainly questions were raised. is there a confidentiality thing about calling the police? >> no, not at that point, anderson. let's assume that the certain things that we have heard so far are true, and although we didn't know that they are which is that dr. fenton alerted the beta team at the university that she had concerns about holmes. a at that point, she decided at
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that point to breech her confidentiality to share her feeling. at that point that she decided already to breach confidentiality to share certain information, if she did, that's the point at which the information the team had becomes protected by a federal privacy statute. generally student education records are protected. the university can't release them. if there's an emergency situation, if there's a significant or threat, the team can reach out to community resources, community mental health, local law enforcement. it is also possible for the team to potentially contact holmes's parents, allowed to contact parents of dependent students. i don't know if he was dependent, but was he 24, uld have been. i think the university couldn't have controlled him once he withdrew, but certainly had options to impact on him and had control over his transcript as well and whether he could access that. it did have things it could do. i agree with barry on that. >> peter, you have obviously been through this before with virginia tech. you say you have been waiting
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weeks for the news to come out about who knew what and when. >> i had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach as this evolved. thinking but hoping not that we would see similar things happen and unfortunately the notebook shows up in the mail, the psychiatrist, you know, turns out the threat assessment team was alerted there were problems, and there's a lot we don't know that will come out over time, but i want to second very much what i just heard. particularly what bret said. ferpa and hipaa, these restrictions are good for protecting privacy and civil b liberties, but have exceptions built in just for these reasons. looking at the copy of the virginia tech review panel report, page 52, missing red flags. the care team was hampered by strict interpretations of privacy laws and they didn't
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make good judgments that they could have made if all the information is brought together. we made advances since then. in fact, as far as i know, the threat assessment team came about in the wake of our tragedy. but there's so much further to go and we need to take policy action. i'll talk about that in a minute if you let me. >> barry, to that point, i read in "usa today" yesterday that 80% of schools today have threat assessment teams because of virginia tech and one of the lessons learned. these teams use what is called behavioral threatents to recognize a person on a path to violence. what kind of behaviors do they look for? how does this work? >> they start at low level behaviors you would expect. i think you'll see parallels to this case. at the very beginning, you're looking for behaviors that are causing general concerns for people in the subject's life. then you might be looking for behaviors like acquisition of weapons or gaining access to weapons. you want to look at the
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individual's capacity to carry out an organized plan. then, of course, one of the ones most salient for me is that in the cases that dr. robert fine and dr. robert voskell who were the founderers of behavioral threat assessment looked at was that the individuals who carried out these kinds of acts suffered significant losses that they were struggling with. did people around this individual see this sense of loss or failure and the struggle to deal with it. >> peter, in your opinion what more needs to change? what more lessons do we need to learn? >> one thing is we need to collate the lessons in a place to promulgate them all around the country. campus safety 2011 was introduced in house and senate to create such a center to identify and disseminate best practices. educate and train safety agencies and research and promote development of threat
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assessment models. the house incorporated that in the violence against women act. and need the senate to do the same. this is investment in our future and preventing to the extent possible to prevent these kinds of actions from happening. we need to get that word out. it's also important not to completely de-link issues of threat assessment and mental health from the issues getting into the background check system. right now, there's 23 states that have less than 100 mental health records in the background check system. virginia leads the country putting those records in now. california and new jersey have proactive stances. california, dr. fenton would have been able to enter temporary restriction on the individual's ability to buy a gun and perhaps intervene in his plans. it doesn't guarantee prevention, but we are trying to mitigate the risks and we need to take all of the tools in the toolbag. >> anderson, i would like to add here that we really did create a
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national clearinghouse four years ago. to a great extent, that source for threat assessment information for campus teams is already in existence and so has more than 800 active campus members. >> peter, again, so sorry for your loss. appreciate you being on. we'll continue on this. in other news, a double decker mega bus crashes into a concrete pillar on the interstate. it is under investigation now. details on that ahead. in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win
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we churn it slowly for all the rich and creamy taste with just half the fat. so now you can have your ice cream and it eat it, too. ♪ nestlé -- good food, good life. tonight, "360" follows before they left for august recess, the house and senate voted to close a loophole in the stock act. we have been following this for weeks. the stock act you may remember was passed to prevent lawmakers from profiting from confidential information they learn on the job. a lot of people were surprised they could even do that.
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it requires thousands of federal officials to publicly report financial transactions greater than $1,000 in 45 day s it had bipartisan backing. but the way it was written, . family members of some lawmakers could profit from inside information. today's votes changed that, came about after dana bash exposed that loophole in exclusive report two weeks ago. watch. >> i find out information, i tell my wife, she trades on it, what's the difference. bottom line, we're supposed to have that level of transparency and have us be treated like every other member of the united states. >> it specifically says that members of congress do not have to have their spouses or children file. >> i think it's wrong and i think it's unfortunate because the reality is the whole point of this legislation is that we should play by the exact same rules as every other american citizen, and when all of america looks at washington, they know it is broken. >> dana joins us again.
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basically, you were pointing out to members of congress what was in the bill and the wording in this, this loophole and tell us what happened today? >> what happened today is because deirdre walsh, our incredible producer that found it and investigated it, all roads led to eric cantor because he was the one that ultimately wrote the legislation. we contacted his office, told him about this, took a little time, they came back and said this is inaccurate and we have to change it. took awhile. went back and forth on the language. today before congress left town, they passed legislation in the senate and house to close this loophole making it clear that spouses and children in addition to lawmakers have to regularly report big financial trades. >> moving forward, that's what it means, spouses and kids have to report these transactions. >> that's right. and the whole idea behind the legislation was, you know, no
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question whether this was needed, whether it was a pr stunt for democrats and republicans to make clear they were going the react to a "60 minutes" report of some sort of insider trading, but regardless, the whole point was to make public opinion change, to make clear to the public that this cannot happen, but if there is a loophole that spouses can benefit from the information ma the congressmen get on the job and the kids can, how is that making clear to the public that they are doing right here? that is why they made this fikts. we heard deirdre and i heard from a couple of people here made them work a little harder than they intended to before they left town the make the fix. >> thanks very much. the latest on other stories. >> a bus crash in illinois kills one, left as many as 24 others
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injured. that double decker was on the way from st. louis to chicago when it crashed into an overpass pillar. no word what caused that crash. a georgia woman has been indicted for murder and other charges in a shooting death of her husband outside a daycare center. prosecutors say andrea schneiderman plotted his death trying to get insurance money and other assets. the defense team denies the charge charges. a judge appointed katherine jackson as permanent guardian. it was suspended after she was out of communication for ten days amid family drama. volunteers in singapore set a guinness world regard with the cupcake mosaic. it is made of 20,000 cupcakes which will be delivered to needy children and homes for the disabled and elderly. it is all about bringing young people together to bake, share, and -- bake, care and share. i should get that right. >> my arteries are hardening looking at this. i feel a constriction in my chest.
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>> i could lick all the icing off all of those. >> yes, that is the best part. all right. isha, thanks very much. kofi annan quits his job. a refugee camp in southern damascus was reportedly attacked and we will tell you why annan resign and we will talk to senator john mccain about what it may take to stop the civil war in syria. he joins me ahead.
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welcome back. former u.n. secretary general kofi annan resigned. the syrian peace envoy, and he made it clear that he blames a range of world leaders for dropping the ball. >> without serious, purposeful, united international pressure, including from the palace of the region, it is impossible for me or anyone to compel the syrian government in the first place
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and also their position to take the steps necessary to begin the political process. at a time we need, when the syrian people desperately need action, there continues to be finger pointing and name calling in the security council. >> in an opinion piece in the financial times, he said the president bashar al-assad must leave office, failed to broker a cease-fire in the five months as special envoy, and activists say that at least 130 people were killed across the country today, and this video shows an attack on a refugee camp in southern damascus where many palestinians have taken refuge. can't verify the authenticity of what you see. the opposition says 16 people died in that. syrian tv put the number at 12 and blamed it on terrorists. opposition forces have been better armed and he said that was a factor in his resignation.
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this video shows tanks carrying weapons going into aleppo, said to be reins forments. they pounded a base near aleppo using tanks seized from government troops. i spoke to senator john mccain about this earlier. what's your reaction that kofi annan is stepping down? >> i hope that what we knew would fail would be a motivation for the united states to be more involved in stopping this massacre. the administration has been relying on sort of two flimsy reasons. one was that the russians would convince bashar al assad to leave, and the other was of course, the kofi annan mission both of which we knew were doomed the failure, so hopefully the administration will be more involved and provide more weapons and a safe area to
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provide assistance to stop the massacre. >> what do you want to see happen. you want weapons provided. do you believe some sort of air strikes are necessary? >> not necessarily air strikes, anderson. what we need is a safe area where they can train and equip, treat the wounded, help the refugees, say to the syrians they cannot attack that area. if it requires air support to prevent that, then use whatever means necessary to make sure that sanctuary is protected. >> as we reported last night and it has been widely reported that president obama has signed a presidential finding allowing for coverting as in the syrian opposition. not sure who leaked this information. cnn got it from two sources, not sure the motivation for leaking this information. do you buy that? do you think it is too little too late? we don't know when it was signed. is that a move in the right direction?
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>> i think it is a move in the right direction. i don't know any more than has been reported, but we need to make sure the weapons are there, the right kind of weapons. we also need a safe area. you know every day that goes on as you reported there's more danger concerning the security of the chemical weapons and there are more and more foreign fighters, extremist elements entering the fight. so it is clearly in our interest to accelerate the end of bashar assad which we all agree will happen, but how long and how many have to die is the question, and that's directly related to the united states involvement. >> i wanted to ask you about the foreign fighters, because i interviewed an international journalist, one of two, who was actually kidnapped by foreign fighters. there are other reports about al qaeda inspired or al qaeda linked groups there. there are some people that see that in the united states and say look, this is now an opposition that has al qaeda in it. we should not be supporting them
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in any way. do you see the presence of foreign fighters as a reflection of the nature of the opposition, of the politics of the opposition, perspective of the opposition, or do you see it as a vacuum that jihadists are filling. >> clearly a vacuum. people began this revolution were not jihadists, al qaeda. in fact, they are the exact opposite of al qaeda. they were people who peacefully demonstrated for the kinds of things that we cherish. as the conflict has dragged out, there has been more and more of these jihadists and extremists who have come tointo the fight. i think the syrian people will embrace democracy the way the people of libya did. the longer it drags on, the more likely that foreign fighters will have a greater influence and the more difficult it will be to bring that country back together once bashar assad is gone. >> senator john kerry said yesterday there's a so-called
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red line as far as what it would take for military intervention, and the people who need to know, know what it is. i don't know if he is talking about chemical weapons. do you know what that red line is? >> i have no idea. i know that every day that goes by, the more there's the possibility and i emphasize possibility that some of the chemical weapons could fall into the wrong hands and even into the hands of hezbollah which of course could pose an enormous threat to israel. >> there's a video that was posted by opposition members of them killing, gunning down what they said were captured regime supporters, fighters. when you see that, what does that tell you? is that the nature of war? we've seen plenty of videos from the regime being brutal to unarmed demonstrators. we are now seeing this from opposition forces. how do you see that? >> tells me it is terrible, awful, reprehensible, but also again an argument for a sanctuary where the government,
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such as they had in benghazi in the case of libya, where the government can set up the syrian national council and issue ord es and insuction s ths that this kind of atros city must stop or they will lose legitimacy with the people of syria. >> senator mccain, thank you very much. >> thank you. in other news, three suspected terrorists were arrested in spain. officials say the men were ready to act. we have details on the plan ahead. [ male announcer ] this is the at&t network.
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more from anderson in a moment. but first a "360 bulletin." >> three suspected al qaeda terrorists were arrested in spain. the men had enough explosives to blow up a bus according to police sources, while the interior ministry says the suspects were ready to act in spain or europe. in uganda, there are 30 suspected cases of ebola at the main hospital handling the outbreak, including five patients from a prison. at least 16 people died from the virus. here at home, a close call at washington reagan national airport. three jets operated by us airways came too close to one another because of air traffic control miscommunication in bad weather. the faa is investigating tuesday's incident. jennifer lopez is asking for retractions and seeking legal action after her boyfriend was said he spent time with an exotic masseuse and also
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spending time at a peep show. and also, a dog named bella had to have surgery to remove the quills embedded in her skin. and this reminds me of a puppy named cactus jack, and he said to be fine after his april ordeal. anderson? >> time for the shot tonight. this is a baby goat who has some cool moves. the drop kick seems to be the goat's signature move. there's another one, i'm told. >> yeah, you don't want to be hanging out with that one. >> boom! i like that. >> he is cute. >> i could take that goat. isha, thanks very much.
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remember the lady from new jersey dubbed the tanning mom. she's back. the burning question, how tan is she. you might be surprised. the ridiculist is next. hanging out with my friends.te i have a great fit with my dentures. i love kiwis. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free -- it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free made the kiwi an enjoyable experience. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. my brother doesn't look like a heart attack patient. i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a fighter and now i don't have that fear. i'm a fighter hey america, even though slisa rinna is wearing
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took the little girl inside of the tanning booth. suffice it to say, she got a lot of attention when the story broke, mostly because she showed up on the news looking let's just say when we did this ridiculist a few months ago, i was somewhat preoccupied by her appearance. >> she doesn't go in there. you know, she's my little girl. am i going to bring my little daughter into a 90 degree bed? nothing is wrong with her. and this whole thing has been blown out of proportion. >> how is that real? i mean, there is no way she can be that tan. there must have been something going on with the lighting. right? take a look from a different interview. >> i have been tanning my whole life. going to the beach. tanning salons, so forth. she is 6 years old. and yeah, she does go tanning with mommy, but not in the booth. the whole thing is preposterous. >> i can't even pay attention to what she's saying. now i am happy to report tanning mom resurfaced and literally
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pales in comparison to her former self. in the new issue of in touch magazine, there's a recent photo of tanning mom after a whole month of no tanning. she says to "in touch" that everyone says she looks a lot better. she says she feels weird and pale. welcome to my world, tanning mom. welcome to my world. that's how i feel every single day. weird and pale. look, i think it is great if she has given the tanning bed a rest. she says she'll squeeze a tan in here or there. i am not at all sure moderation is her strong suit. we'll see what happens. before you know it, she could look like this again, which would be a shame, but it is fodder for "saturday night live." >> you said those that criticize you are fat, ugly, and jealous. >> yes, though i can't blame them for being jealous. i am alluring in a way they'll never be. trust me, there are plenty of men in new jersey that would
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