tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 3, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT
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breaking down the july jobs report this hour. i want to get to t employers added 163,000 jobs in july, much better than the 95,000 that economist also predicted. the unemployment rate rose to 8.3%. the latest political spin as president clinton and mitt romney weigh in on this report. go beyond the numbers to find out what the report says about the state of our economy. we are also going to see how wall street is reacting. president obama and mitt romney did not waste any time giving their take on the jobs report. romney is on the campaign trail r he is in vegas. president obama had a meeting with middle class families at the white house. romney points to the 42 moments with unemployment above 8%. he said the jobs report is more proof that the president's policies are failed. >> well, we continue to have 23 million americans out of work or have stopped working for look or underemployed and see job numbers bounce around month to month to month butno question that we now have 42 straight
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months with unemployment above 8%. this is the president's administration who said from the very beginning if they got their way on their stimulus, they would hold unemployment below 8%. they set the measure and they have not been below 8% since. and with this number of american middle class families struggling, it's very clear the president's policies are not worked the way they said they would. his team said that by now, we would have unemployment at 5.5%. it is still above 8%. at 8.3%. so i'm not gonna look so much at every monthly statistic as much as to say this continues a pattern of american families really struggling, having hard times and the president's policies are to blame for not having gotten the economy back on track. and a lot of people are suffering in this country. i think it's an extraordinary failure of policy, a failure of leadership and i think it's a moral failure for a country as
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successful and prosperous as our own to go now four years in a mode which feels to many people like a recession. i think there's some who said if you are unemployed, it's a depression and that's an appropriate sentiment a lot of people having a hard time and the president's approach hasn't worked. we have listened to him over the last several months, give a major speech on his economic plans to get people working and there was nothing new, just another stimulus. >> president obama says the report is proof that the economy is improving. now, he is pointing to the 29 months of private sector job growth but he says there is work that has to be done to recover from what he is calling the great recession. >> let's acknowledge, we have still got too many folks out there who are looking for work. we have got more work to do on their behalf. not only to reclaim all the jobs that were lost during the recession, but also to reclaim the kind of financial security
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too many americans have felt was slipping away from them for too long. we knew when i started in this job that this was gonna take some time, we haven't had to come back from an economic crisis this deep or this painful since the 1930s. but we also knew if we were persist terngts kept at it, kept working works gradually get where we need to be. here is the thing, wither not gonna get there, we are not gonna get to where we need to be if we goo back to the policies that helped to create the mess in the first place. the last thing we should be doing asking middle class families who are still struggling to recover from this recession to pay more in taxes. rebuilding a strong economy begins with rebuilding our middle class. >> so mitt romney says that his economic plan will recreate 12
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million jobs in four years. we are gonna talk about that with an economist coming up to see if he can actually live up to that promise. right now, i want to break down the july jobs report and we are exploring what sectors actually added jobs where were the losses what happened does it say about the overall state of the economy? christine romans is looking at the story behind the fwlnumbers >> we have take-0 pages of charts, graphs and tables and boil it had down to this a visual snapshot what is happening in the labor market. you can see 163,000 net new jobs created in the month of july. it would have been better had it not been for 9,000 government layoffs. the private sector created 172,000 jobs in the month of judgment you can see the trend has been the private sector leading the way in job creation for more than two years now every one of these black bars shows knelt job creation in this economy, you want to see 150,000 jobs or more created in a month,
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absorb new entrants into the workplace? didn't do that the last few months but finally did again in july with 163,000 jobs cry yatd. where? where were the gains? this is important. leisure and hospitality. 27,000 jobs created there, a sign perhaps, that the consumer is spending money this summer. we also saw jobs in transportation and jobs in manufacturing. 25,000 jobs created in manufacturing, a surprise to some people who are concerned about the eurozone crisis. europe is the largest destination for american factory goods and of course, american factory workers would lose job fuss saw the eurozone crisis get worse. saw health care jobs grow by 12,000. this has been a steady performer overall for the american economy. bottom line, you have an economy that looks like it is healing just a little bit, labor market gathering a little bit of momentum at the middle of the summer. christine romans, cnn, new york. take a look at how the market is reacting, stocks have actually been surging all day after the jobs report was
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released. about want to go to felicia taylor standing by in new york. tell us why you think the markets are rallying together. >> the dow, now up about 237 points, was really looking for some good news. 29 of 30 shares moving to the upside, one analyst says this is the perfect number for the market. it was enough to demonstrate the positive aspects of the economy but not really strong enough for the fed to put its gun back in the holster. crist steen was showing us the pros and cons of the report, strong job gains next month but doesn't mean another round of stimulus is off the table you especially when you consider the string of weak job gains christine pointed out in the few like three or four months before and of course this recent slow down in economic growth. all comes down to perception, if the fed looks at the pos sive side of this it could keep it from firing off that big bazooka we have been talking about stimulus into the market.
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>> heard the political spin from both sides what does it mean for you if you are looking for work or worried about your own job and what does the employment picture look like for various groups suffering? i want perspective from georgia te economist danny boston. good to see you. you have mentioned when you saw this and saw felicia say, wasn't a great report but it was, you know, i mean, it was good enough. how do you see this overall? >> this is really in many ways it is very, very important because the recovery now has been taking place for three years, believe it or not, started in june three years ago. >> we are in recovery. >> we have been in recovery. the recovery has been unusual in the sense it hasn't been a straight line recovery like we had in previous recession.
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we have gone through these cyclical ups and downs, saw that in the chart that christine had. and for the last three months, three to four months, we have been on the downward cycle of that change, that expansion. and we have been looking to see whether or not it's another cycle and it's gonna go up or whether we are gonna stay down. and so this strong jobs creation job indicates that, in fact, we are in another cycle and will turn up, just as it has in the past. >> so you look at this and you think this is -- an optimistic view here, you think this is a good report. tell me why -- there are certain groups that have not done well at all, you look at unemployment rates, blacks, latinos, recent college grads who can't find work. all three of the groups now, you look at the numbers, they have gotten better. more of those folks are now working. why did that happen? >> gotten better because the economy is -- actually there's some strength in the economy that is not all visible on the
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surface. you see manufacturing increasing, you see professional business services increasing significantlism those areas of strength and of course, education and health care and then the government, although it's taking away, it's subtracting jobs, the adverse effect doesst not as strong as it has been in the past. a lot of african-american notice sec over. the sector that african-americans and hispanics occupy disproportionately were hit very hard by the recession. as those sectors recover, hispanics and african-americans recover jobs more so. >> women and teenagers, their unemployment rates is rising. if you notice the overall number went up from 8.2 to 8.3%. the reason that number went up,
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if you dig beneath the numbers, what you will find is that 153,000 people who were unemployed reentered the labor market. those people come back, particularly if they were adult individuals, stage full-time jobs, professional kinds of jobs there's a sorting that goes on in the labor market. it makes it more difficult for women. as the market recovers this is a cue starts with white men, other minorities and finally at the end, teenagers. so you will see that happen. >> that's what we are seeing play out for these numbers. danny, thank you. very good to talk to you. >> my pleasure. >> have a great weekend. >> sure. developments now about syria and the world's efforts to end the conflict diplomatically. just moments ago, united nations
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general assembly overwhelmingly passed a new resolution that is critical for the security council's failure to act more decisively there. >> people are out in large numbers, angry, frustrated, waving signs with messages they will not stop fighting back against the governments of president bashar al assad. opposition activist says government forces went on another killing spree, massacring more than 65 people in the city of ham ma. in all, more than 100 people are reported killed today in fighting across syria. at the same time, fighting has raged for days in ahelp pla the largest city. yesterday the united nations envoy to syria, kofi annan, quit. one u.s. senator hopes that will spark action in the international community.
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>> well, i hope that what we knew would fail would be a motivation for the united states to be more involved in stopping this massacre. the admin station has been relying on two flimsy reasons. one is the russians would convict assad to leave, the other was the kofi annan commission mission you both which were knew were doomed to failure. hopefully this will cause the admin station to become more involved, provide weapons, a safe area and assistance to stop the massacre. here is what we are working on for this hour. one amazing story of talent and perseverance at the olympics. gabby douglas is the first african-american to win the all-around gold medal for gymnastics. her mother says it wasn't an easy road. >> sometimes i felt crushing. i didn't think i would be able to keep her in the sport. the flip side of the
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drought. some businesses are benefitting in a big way. we will meet those entrepreneurs. and the future of spaceflight is in the hands of private business. hear how much money nasa awarded today and what those companies are exploring. [ taste buds ] donuts, donuts, donuts! who are these guys? oh, that's just my buds. bacon, donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds. to experience the lexus performance line... including the gs and is. [ engines revving ] because control is the ultimate expression of power.
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loopho loophole. >> the key to making sure lawmakers don't profit off secret information they learn on the job is based on a new rule, financial transactions over $1,000 must be reported within 45 days. >> so that the public could have more realtime under standistand what their members, senior staff and other high government
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officials were doing. what kind of trades they were making. >> reporter: senate side of the capital, the ethics committee decided the new rule must apply to lawmakers and their spouses and children but on the house side, the ethics committee told its members something completely different that spouse and children do not have to report their stock trades in a timely way. >> i'm obviously deeply concerned about that. >> all this was news to the seine hours to sponsored the legislation. needless to say when we brought it to their attention, they were not happy. >> i find out some information, i tell my wife and she goes and trades on it, what is the difference? bottom line, we are supposed to have that level of transparency enough and have us be treated like every other member of the united states. >> specifically says that members of congress do not have to have their spouse or children file. >> i think it's wrong and i think it's unfortunate because the rate is the whole point of this legislation is we should play by the exact same rules as every other american citizen. when all of america looks at washington, they know it's
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broken. >> dana is joining us live from capitol hill. dana, you managed to get something done that so few people are able to do, you made congress actually move and act and do something in light of this partisanship. tell us about the loophole and how did you it. >> deidra and i realize and knew from the beginning that this ultimately the legislation was written in the house majority leader eric cantor's office. so we went to theme as soon as we figured out that there was this loophole and pointed out the technical differences in the law that allowed the loophole to happen. they finally conceded, yes, we were right that there was a problem with the way they wrote the law. so the past two and a half weeks, working the way to fix it happened yesterday, right before congress left to go home for recess, passed something very quickly in the house and senate and go to the president's des to be sign, again, just to make clear that members of congress, spouse and their children will also have to file regularly to make sure that they are not benefiting from information that
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they are -- their, members of congress get for position of power. >> congress is on recess a month or so they squeak through, get this legislation done here. give us an overall sense, dana, of what congress has been able to accomplish what happened they have left on the table. >> let start with what they have accomplished, into the very long list, but here are a few examples, one, we were talking about it the insider trading ban and extend help for student loans and just yesterday, i believe they pass and iran sanctions legislation. now to unfinished business this could be, suzanne, a very, very long list, we picked three that perhaps have the mos effect on people's lives. farm and food program, legislation they have to pass for a five-year program. not happened yet. cybersecurity august lot of senators on both sides of the aisle this got stuck because this has to do with making sure that people's -- people are safe, basically. and then postal reform.
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this is important because the post office could run out of cash in the fall. critically important. show you one bit of information that puts this all into context, not just our imagination, fewer laws are getting passed n this 112th congress, not done so far, but only enacted 151 laws, very different, actually, fewer than half what they did before that 385 laws, before that, 460 laws. obviously right now, this there is divided government, definitely part of it we looked through history, when one party rules congress, either republican or democrat, they tend to get a lot done and we should also note that just because congress passes laws doesn't necessarily mean that's good government. >> all right, dana, thanks, good to nudge them along a little bit there appreciate your reporting as always. at age 14 she moved away from her family to chase her olympic dream, now, it has passed off.
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gymnast gabby douglas has made olympic history. i want you to hear my interview with her mom who said she sacrificed everything for her daughter's dream. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] our current dividend tax rate will expire this year, sending taxes through the roof and hindering economic recovery. the consequences? millions of americans will see their taxes on dividend income spike, slowing investment in u.s. companies and jeopardizing development in energy projects that create american jobs. ask congress to stop a dividend tax hike --
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for all of us. ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i want to grow ♪ i want to try ♪ i can almost touch the sky [ male announcer ] even the planet has an olympic dream. dow is proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium. solutionism. the new optimism.™ ♪ this dream
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another olympic first for the united states. kayla harrison has won't gold medal in judo. she beat the odds in her sport and beating the challenges as well as in her life. harrison says she almost quit judo after being sexually abused for years by her former coach. well now, she is an olympic champion. a day after wing the all-around gold medal in women's gymnastics, gabby douglas has her own kellogg's corn flakes box featuring her smiling face you of course. the 16-year-old gymnast, she is the first african-american to win the title at the olympic games. she started with a stellar vault, ended with a dazzling floor routine. her mom, natalie hawkins, takes us along gabby's road to olympic gold. >> the competition started a long time ago. who could run the fastest? who cod jump the farthest? who could jump higher on the
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couch? when she started really expressing an interest to do gymnastics, her sister kept saying, she's really good, mom, you got to put her in. she wants to try it. you got to put her in. after years of persuading me, i finally gave in and took her to a trial class. she just never wanted to come out of the gym. she loved it. she would just practice all the time. so, i saw then the hard work. i didn't realize when i got into this sport how expensive it was, just the commitment over the years. sometimes it felt crushing. i didn't think i would be able to keep her in the sport but then i would think about it and i would say you got to fight. if i had to sell, i sold almost all my jewelry. and if i had to pick up extra shifts at work, whatever it takes.
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when she began competing, you go through the range of emotions. you're nervous, you're excited. even when she was 4, we were on the edge of our seats. probably in 2008, we were watching the olympics at a friend's house. she said, i think i can do that. i can do what they're doing. you know, i'm working on that on the bars. she said i'm going to the olympics. i can do this. you know, we maybe pursued a coach who had gotten someone to the olympics and kind of knew, you know, the ins and outs of what it took to get someone there, she might have a valid shot. she started saying i need that coach. i need coach tao. i said i can't move the family to iowa. i'm a single parent. i didn't have the resources to be able to do something like that. my two oldest daughters got together and wrote a list and
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said, okay, here's all the reasons. we are gonna help you out here. and here's the reason why she shouldn't go. and the only thing on that side is we would miss her. i love that picture. that was very painful. it was scary. how would i still be mom, you know, back in virginia when she's living in iowa? how does that work for everybody? skyping is not the same as being able to reach out and touch her. from day one, she began to improve. she said it was like learning again for the first time when she first started gymnastics. she just began to grow, in leaps and bounds. i almost can't wrap my mind around it. we talked about it for so long and now it's here. it hasn't quite sunk in with gabrielle either. when i talk to her, she is like, mom, i'm an olympian. i mean, i'm an olympian!
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>> she certainly is. last hour, i spoke with gabby's mom, natalie hawkins, and she told me about how her daughter is handling this instant fame and how she hopes to prepare her now for the future. >> but it's just been all so surreal. we all feel like we're in a dream and any moment we are going to wake up. i reminded gabrielle of something she said to me, you know, years ago, she said, mom, you know, when i get on that stand and i get to bite that medal and i said, yeah, we found a picture online of her biting the medal. so that was pretty fun. >> you have been skyping and texting. what has she been telling you? you spent the morning together. how is she doing? how is she feeling? >> when i skyped her this morning, when the video first comes on, there's kind of not any real sound and she just came up like this and it reminded me of the movie "home alone." we laughed and i kind of mimicked it back to her and i said, wow, you know, you did it.
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and she said, i -- it's still so surreal, mom. i still -- i'm still trying to grasp what is actually going on. it still hasn't sunk in yet and some of the other former olympians, mary lou and carly patterson and nastia said it would sink in when you get home. apparently that is what a lot of the former olympians have been telling her, when you get home, it will really start to sink in. right now, she is just in an amazement zone. she is in awe right now. >> already on the box, a cereal box. i mean, life has changed. what do you tell her? what do you tell her for just the extraordinary change that is about to take place? she has -- the world is watching her. there will be scrutiny. there will be wonderful praise. there will be all of it. but her life, as it exists, will not be the same. how do you prepare your daughter, who is 16, for something like that? >> what i told her was just to remain really grateful and really humble. you know, i told her, just remember why you started this sport.
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it was for a love of gymnastics irk told her, don't ever lose that. and even from the beginning, her dream was to be able to inspire other people and inspire other kids. you know, she always says, i want other kids to say if gabby can do it, i can do it. and so, for her to achieve her ultimate goal and be able to have children look up to her and say that, it -- she is just ecstatic right now. she is like, mom, i did it. i'm just so excited because if i could just, you know, help inspire one child, i would be so happy with that and i'm getting messages from adults, saying she is inspiring me. so we are just elated. we are so excited for her. >> we are inspired as well. douglas not finished yet at the olympics. she is going to take place in the finals on the uneven bars on monday. good for her. one georgia man, recent drought crisis, has actually
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created a cash crop. don't forget you can watch cnn live while at work, just go to crispy granola, layered with creamy peanut butter or rich dark chocolate flavor. 90 calories. 100% natural. and nature...approves. granola thins. from nature valley. nature at its most delicious. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge.
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as the drought dries up, the nation's farms, the losses are adding up, the insurance that is going to be paid out for crop losses expected to break records this year. we are talking about an estimated $20 billion. the heavily subsidized insurance helped protect farmers from the financial drain of these disasters, like this one. tax pay letters shoulder most of the burden along with higher prices at the grocery store, but this drought is not bad news for everybody. so the south hard-hit area with bone-dry conditions so farmers, they have to do what they can to keep their crops irgated. well that is leading to a rise in sales in one industry. we are going to go in depth with martin savidge in georgia. >> reporter: in peach county, georgia, they are plucking the last peaches off of the trees, peaches have been in this family
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for close to 100 years. he grows nearly 300 acres selling to the likes of publix, whole foods and walmart. how's the peach crop looking? >> all things considered, i think -- i think peaches look real good. >> reporter: peaches themselves may be smaller due to the drought but the demand is still high, which is why wholesale prices are up, by almost 50% over last year. and they taste better. >> so, when these peaches are ripening, don't have the rains to come in and here and take the sugar away, that is the plus, having being able to have this fruit at its highest maximum amount of sugar which is a good thing. >> so if i understand you, the less rain mean he is that a peach like this could be smaller but it's gonna be sweeter and tastier? >> that's right. >> reporter: peach fans aren't the only ones smiling about the drought. in nearby marshallville, georgia, there is something else growing in this farmer's field. >> that good for you? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: a massive collection of pipes, spigots and
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sprayers that, when finished, will become a crop-sized sprinkling system. these rube goldberg-looking contraptions rotate ever so slowly in a giant arc around a central pump tied to an underground well, hence the name pivots. elton sharp's been selling pivots since the '70s. recently, thanks to the drought, business has doubled. >> we have put ina lot of pivots in the last five years for people that never did have it before. >> reporter: systems like these can easily cost more than $100,000 each. even so, jim reed says these days, farmers would have a better chance gambling in las vegas than betting on nature. >> the cost of production has gone up, and the risk of the amount of money you had invested in an acre of land is increased, then the necessity of irgauges became greater are. >> reporter: which is why why reid has crews working close to 12 hours a day, six days a week,
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just to keep up with demand. thanks to the worst drought in half a century, whether it's peaches or pivot, both are finding business pretty sweet. martin savidge, cnn, peach county, georgia. activist risk asking those who support gay mar arrange to show up and kiss your loved one at a chick-fil-a restaurant. how chick-fil-a is now responding. arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches. ♪ [music plays]
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they appeared in a tennessee court today, three anti-nuclear weapons activists who breached security at a nuclear site in oakridge t is the only facility that process and stores weapons-grade uranium for the u.s. government. officials say the activists, including an 82-year-old nun, cut through perimeter fence and reached the outside of a building where highly enriched uranium is stored. a bail hearing is set for today. and protesting chick-fil-a with a kiss. gay rights activists are staging a kiss-in outside chick-fil-a
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restaurants happening across the country. they are protesting comments made by the president of chick-fil-a. in a recent interview, he said he support the biblical definition of the family unit. earlier this week, supporters made their position known by crowding into chick-fil-a restaurants. conservatives actually dubbed the day chick-fil-a appreciation day. this statement was issued boo about the protest saying at chick failly, we appreciate all our customers and glad to serve them at any time. our goal is simple to provide great food, genuine hospitality and to have a positive influence on all who come into contact with chick-fil-a. future of space exploration now in the hands of private companies. we are going to show you what projects got millions of dollars from nasa today. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay.
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all the things humans need to make our beautifully imperfect world a little less imperfect. call... and lock in your rate for 12 months. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? nasa has a few new partners from today on the future of space travel and exploration. three american companies will share more than $1 billion in contracts them got their marching orders today to reach for the stars. john zarrella, you are following this from los angeles. tell us who these guys are which companies what happened are they actually going to do for the space program? >> you know, this is really huge t has been a long, anticipated announ announcement. we have not had a way to get u.s. snauts to the space station since the retirement of the shuttle program. the idea was turn all this over to a commercial company. so what nasa did was today, they
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announced that the boeing company gets $460 million, space x, hawthorne, california, not far from here, $440 and sierra nevada in colorado get he is $220 million and continue developing their spacecraft that ultimately one, two, maybe all three of them will be take willing u.s. astronauts to the international space station by 2015, 2016 timeframe. the nation saad minute straighter, charlie bond, saying today from the kennedy space center where he held a news conference that this was a huge day for america and putting americans back to work.
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>> we are enabling nasa to do what we do best, reach for the heavens. >> it is costing $60 mall seat to fly astronauts to the space station on the russia rocket, so this will eliminate that i musk told me he can do it for $20 million, bbt 2016 timeframe they will start flying. suzanne? >> a lot of talk about jobs in florida how many jobs lost. will this bring back jobs? >> absolutely. we are going to be doing everything out at the kennedy space center for the most part, one company said. announced program, putting people back to work. musk flies his spacecraft out of there boeing will fly from there. won't be the numbers that we had during the shuttle program but clearly, a lot of jobs will be coming back to the space center because of this. >> and john, tell us what is happening monday morning. >> yeah, the reason i'm really
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out here is because monday morning, overnight hours, nasa is going to be landing the most ambitious probe it has ever sent to mars called curiosity, on the red planet, the ability to search for not life itself but the building blocks of life, carbon, water. and it is a tremendously adventurous mission. just getting on the ground. they call it the seven minutes of terror, the way they are going to have to do it. it is going to be a fascinating night sunday into monday morning, all day monday, we await the first pictures from the martian service. we will be carrying it live for everybody to see. >> awesome stuff. thank you, john. if you have bad credit, want to know how to clear it up? our cnn's alison kosik has some answers. >> here on the help deck today, we are helping you clear up your credit report w me now, liz miller and doug flynn. liz, this question is for you.
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>> how i do clear up my credit report when it keeps getting purchased from company to company? >> that certainly can be frustrating. your first call should be the original owner of the debt and they will usually refer you to the current owner and that's how have to negotiate it with. then i recommend signing up for one of those online credit reporting systems for a year-long membership and just regularly look at it. the original company will be notified and your credit will eventually be updated on that report. >> do you agree with that, doug? anything else to add? >> i think things can pop on after falling off. >> what kind of timeframe, is a year enough? >> with your credit, something as important as your credit, something you want to keep yearly, especially looking to buy a new home or an automobile or something that is going to require credit. but you do want to stay on top of it even if you think something is off. >> if you have an issue you want our experts to tackle, upload a 30-second video with your
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questions to our help desk. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank makes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. a living, breathing intelligence teaching data how to do more for business.
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get ready for the next named storm to head this way. it is ernesto. it formed yesterday in the atlant atlantic. >> i think it's going to be a lu hurricane. i think it's going to get in the gulf of mexico. it has to hit something. it can go out through south of the florida keys but that's very unlikely. could be texas. could be florida. that's eight days off.
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we're still talking about this. the water is very warm. we haven't had anything else to turn the water up. this water from martinique is where it went through a bit ago. yes, this is a potential hazard to america, but also hazard to all of the caribbean. let me show you what the forecast models are saying and what it looks like here. we haven't had to talk about too many hurricanes. we've had a big lackluster season. only had one last season, irene. as the storm comes out and into the caribbean there's an option for honduras or cuba. if it does get this far, you have to understand this is extremely warm water. there's not any water warmer than what's coming out of here right up through the areas
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around cancun and there's something here called the loop current. we talk about the computer models. what are they saying? some are confused. some going left, some going right. the majority around jamaica in a couple of days. some place that could use the rain and doesn't become a monster storm would be texas and parts of louisiana. look at oklahoma city. there's a heat wave going on in 16 days in a row above 100. a bridge because things expand when they get warm. the same reason why a thermometer goes up when you put it in your mouth. the alcohol goes up because it expands. these jointss ha have expand an this bridge has buckled. 112 yesterday. the record time all time high is
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113. that's close enough. i can't tell the difference. >> that's unbelievable. do you think any relief will come soon? >> we would hope maybe if it brings clouds with this ernesto. that's still ten days away. there's only threat today that it doesn't get and that would be a good thing. tlp were storms in kansas last night. those storms have created some clouds. the cloud there is make a little bit of canopy of cloud cover. that is certainly close enough. >> some tough stuff. unbelievable. hope they stay cool. have a great weekend. a south korean rapper newest song has gotten more than ten million hits on you tube. what?! you've got to be kidding me. [ derek ] i've never seen a road like this. there's jagged rock all the way around. this is really gonna test the ats on all levels. [ derek ] this road is the most uneven surface,
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♪ ♪ >> that's korean rapper's latest video. he expresses his love for city women. "cnn newsroom" continues right now. >> good to see you. i'm brianna keilar in for brooke baldwin. we need to begin in syria. the violence has gotten worse over several hours. this is youtube video from aleppo today. this shows fighters arriving in syria's largest city. now to the protest taking place across syria today.
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this is hama. it was also where the syrian opposition claims the assad regime carried out a massacre today killing 69 people. opposition forces claim 105 people have been killed across the country today. now to another syrian city, duma. it claims to show a demonstration filling the streets there. every time we air these youtube pictures, cnn cannot independently confirm the authenticity of the video. this is video where propesters have demonstrated every friday during the nearly 17 months of unrest. let's begin with the massacre.
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what are you hearing? >> very disturbing reports emerging throughout the day today that after midnight, friday, there was a massacre that was carried out there by the regime. opposition activists say 69 people were killed there. we're trying to get more details about what happened. more disturbing because thu is co this is coming on the heels of more rereports. another regime massacre happened on wednesday in a suburb of damascus. this is, we hear about these massacres happening with more and more frequency. the syrian regime for its part says the massacre that was reported on wednesday was because they were trying to route out terrorists from a damascus suburb and vanquished and arrested and killed many terrorists. they say they continue to go after citizen there is and today we're also hearing about a lot
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of violence in the capitol of syria in damascus. we saw video showing rebel free syrian army members in the streets of demas kamascus. >> this is from the head of the u.n. peace keeping. we'll talk on the other side of it. >> the focus two weeks ago was on damascus. the focus is on aleppo where there's been a build up of military means and we have reason to believe the main battle is about to start. >> aleppo, syria's largest city, the battle has been raging there. now the u.n. is saying the main battle is about to start. >> that's right. we can't overstate how important aleppo is for both the regime soldiers and the rebels as far as trying to control that city.
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i've spoken to activists there and residents in past couple of days. they are really afraid. despite the fact that clashes have been intensifying, they expect there be an onslaught that will start imminently. they expect to start pounding the city in way they haven't so far. we've heard of lots of military reenforcements. lots of tanks arriving to aleppo. you heard fromhe u.n. peace keeping chief. they say they don't believe the main battle has started yet. they expect it only to get worse. very worrying when the humanitarian situation is already described as a crisis. >> this news of kofi anon's resignation, how is that being greeted or do you think it will make a difference? >> it's really not making a difference. as far as the opposition
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activists, they say, this was happening a world away. we heard a statement earlier in the day from the syrian national council, that's the main opposition group in syria, they function as on umbrella group and they said they're not surprised by this. it was only natural. they said the syrian regime was always trying to stymie the efforts of kofi anon. they say the regime has only increased the number of massacres and the crackdown of the people of syria. for the last couple of months we've heard the opposition and be rebel free army members be very criminal and say them negotiating with the syrian government was only prolonging the amount of time that the syrian government had to crack down on protesters. there. >> thank you so much for that report. now let's talk about weapons. the kinds of weapons that the assad regime has tucked away.
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i want to bring in andrew tabler. he's the author of the in the lion's den. an eyewitness account of washington's battle with syria. nobody wants to think the worse but the assad regime has some pretty nasty stuff they could unleash or get into the wrong hands. what are we talking about here and what could happen with it? >> we're talking about unconventional weapons and syria has one of the largest stockpiles of chemical weapons in the middle east as well as bilogical weapons stockpile. they had a nuclear program but that was bombed by israel several years ago. we have 45 sites across the country. all have been under government control until now. as government control slipped there's real risk of the regime using it, perhaps as a fear tactic against the rebels going forward or the opposition overrunning those areas and being in possession of those
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weapons themselves. >> i want you to listen to a statement from the u.n. secretary. this is what he said a week ago. >> i demand that the syrian authorities state they will not use chemical weapons or other weapons of mass destructions under any circumstances. that's my strong demand. >> you brought up this possibility, andrew, that the assad regime will use the weapons but they could end up on the open market. which is the bigger concern or are they both huge concerns? >> they're both huge concerns. they are a major ally of iran. as the regime contracts, it could use those weapons as a deterrent. it could use them against the
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rebels as part of a last stand. if the opposition overruns those areas. third force which is are among the rebels then they could end up in the hands of al qaeda and other groups like it. it's a real risk either way this goes and that's what has the obama administration trying to figure out what to do. >> you testified a few days ago before the senate foreign relations committee. part of what you talked about what next steps in syria. you said there needs to be a red line. the u.s. needs to be clear about a red line on atrocities and you said there needs to be a clear message that the u.s. will intervene. >> mass atrocities and the right to protect is something the main
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reason why the united states intervened in libya. it really will get a response for the united states. that wouldn't be the united states alone. it would be an entire coalition, a much broader coalition in libya. i fear that bashar assad will keep pushing the red lines until he uses these red lines against his own people. that something i don't think barack obama wants to deal with ahead of his election in november. >> it does seem like the administration has been here to provide some more lethal assistance to the opposition. we'll continue to follow that with you. thank you very much. >> my pleasure. chick-fil-a restaurants being targeted for protests and
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vandalism. valley. crispy granola, layered with creamy peanut butter or rich dark chocolate flavor. 90 calories. 100% natural. and nature...approves. granola thins. from nature valley. nature at its most delicious. the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum.
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public that he's against same-sex marriage. the anger is far from stale. look at what police found today. while some say tastes like hate, other protesters are using a symbol of love announcing that today is kiss dayt chick-fil-a. this is of two straight men showing their support for gay rights. organizers are calling for same-sex couples to do the kissing across the country. >> we want to show our love. we want to show that a polite kiss between someone of the same gender is just as good. i like to liken it to married couple sharing a light kiss over a romantic meal. it's the same thing. we're here and our love just as good. >> the kiss in is happening two days after chick-fil-a protection day that it competitors no doubt salivated over. how is the kiss-in going
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especially if you compare it to the showing on appreciation day? >> if you look at facebook as any indication, we know that more tha600,000 people signed onto that. the facebook page for this, the numbers are not nearly as high. they still say they want to make an impact. they plooef they abelieve they e impact through kissing and starting a conversation about where your dollars go when you buy chick-fil-a food. one person in the atlanta area, invited dani kathy. she explained why she decided to speak on this. >> i would like to talk to him about every day life and let him see we have the same kind of ef day life. i have the same struggles as everybody else. i'm a small business owner in georgia for over 23 years.
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my children go to school. i'm concerned about bullyingin school. i'm concerned about the teachers and the education. i'm sure that he will find that we share some of the same kind of values. i think it would open his eyes to understand that just because we're a lesbian couple that we're reay not any different than him and mrs. kathy. >> one point they make is this is just not about same-sex marriage but these groups that chick-fil-a supports. >> she invited him and i suspect he did not show up. how is chick-fil-a responding? >> the company released a statement. it says we appreciate all of our customers and are glad to serve them at any time. our goal is simple, to provide great food, hospitality and have a positive influence on all who come into contact with chick-fil-a. they support all their customers
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despite the fact they have made it clear they do support groups that are against same-sex marriage. >> we'll be breaking that down next hour. we'll look at where the money goes and the breakdown of what kind of charity organizations. thank you so much. baseball hall of famer cal ripken jr. is pleading for information on the person who kidnapped his mom. this is the a. a living, breathing intelligence helping business, do more business. in here, opportunities are created and protected. gonna need more wool! demand is instantly recognized and securely acted on across the company. around the world. turning a new trend, into a global phenomenon. it's the at&t network -- securing a world of new opportunities. ♪ securing a world of new opportunities. energy is being produced to power our lives. while energy development comes with some risk,
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cal ripken jr. speaks out for the first time since his 74-year-old mother was kidnapped. he said he was premeditated and he needs your help capturing the man behind the attack. >> law enforcement needs your help. the investigation is moving along. if you know anything about the case, if you know anything about the identity of the person in the photos, sketch, i would
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encourage all of you to call in and report what you know. for what we know right now, we don't know why. it's bizarre on many levels and unsett unsettling. >> a man showed up with a gun and forced her into car and drove off. they found her early the next morning in the backseat of her car near her home. she was unarmed with her hands bound. ripken says she's still dealing with the psychological effects and hasn't returned home. >> police say they have received several tips since releasing security footage showing him at a walmart. a $2,000 reward is offered. floyd may weatherwas released. he served two months for domestic battery against his ex-girlfriend while two of their
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three kids watched. the undefeated boxing champ was named highest paid athlete earning $85 million. an oregon teen saves a life and get a $2600 hospital bill. john clark told our oregon affiliate that he got the bill because he went to the e.r. as a precaution after saving a 12-year-old boy. clark said he was suffering from a headache. >> the physician's bill was $300. he gave me a cup of water and a blanket. the ambulance ride was 900 bu 1 bucks. >> the story ends on a sweet note. dozens of people have offered to cover the bill. five would be robbers got a
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shock when a 65-year-old woman chased from the jewelry store with a gun. seconds later shots are fired and the men race back to the door fighting to get out as the woman runs after them. police say they are still looking for suspects. the july unemployment rate is at 8.3%. that's a slight increase from june. millions of americans are still looking for jobs. one social website is booming and connecting companies with workers. just a quick note. you can continue watching cnn from your mobile phone or if you're heading to work you with watch cnn live from your desk top. bacon, donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one
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then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at in here, every powerful collaboration is backed by an equally powerful and secure cloud. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas -- and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪
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his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. the new jobs report shows a mixed bag of results. employers added more jobs than expected. more than 160,000 new jobs but the unemployment rate jumped to
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8.3%. how do more added jobs and a bigger unemployment rate happen in the same month? that's because even more people lost their jobs last month and another 150,000 people stopped looking for work and dropped out of the job market. some say temporary jobs made up much of the gains. >> we've taken 40 pages of charts, graphs and tables and boiled it down into this. a visual snapshot op what's happening. you can see 163,000 net new jobs created in the month of july. it would have been better had it not been for 900,000 layoffs. you can see that the trend has been the private sector leading the way in job creation for more than two years now. every one of these black bars shows net job creation in this economy. you want to see 150,000 jobs or more created to absorb new interest into the workplace, we didn't do that the last few
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months but we did in july with 163,000 jobs created. where were the gains? this is important. leisure and hospitality. 27,000 jobs create there. a sign that the consumer is spending money. we saw jobs this transportation and in manufacturing. 25,000 jobs created in manufacturing. a surprise to some people who were concerned about the euro zone crisis. europes the largest destination for american factory goods and american factory workers would lose jobs. we also saw health care jobs grow by 12,000. this has been a steady performer overall for the american economy. you have an economy that looks like it's healing a bit. a labor market gathering a bit of momentum at the middle of the summer. > >> thanks for that. the jobs report got a fast political reaction. here is president obama. >> what we should do right now is gi middle class families
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and small business owners a guarantee that their taxes will not go up next year. when families had the security of knowing that their taxes won't go up, they're more likely to spend and more likely to grow the economy. when small business owners have certainty on taxes and can plan ahead, they're more likely to hire and create new jobs. >> republican candidate mitt romney took this as an opportunity to jab at the president's track record on job creation. >> of course today we just got a new number from the unemployment report and it's another hammer blow to the struggling middle class families of the america because the president has not had policies that put american families back to work. i do. i'll put them in place and get america working again. >> linkedin is raking in the dough proving its got a leg up
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on facebook. here is what i think a lot of people don't understand. how does linkedin make so much money when most people aren't paying anything to get an account. >> a lot of people take advantage of the free membership. that's attractive but the company has been successful at making money. sales from job postings where employers pay to put up their openings had huge increase in the latest quarter. those paid subscription sales justed by 80%. people can pay 20 to $80 a month for these upgraded accounts. they give perks like letting you see everyone's expanded profile. ad revenue rose. shares are on the rise and are up 45% for the year. the company has raised its guidance. that's important for most companies now. linkedin has fared a lot better than other tech companies that have gone public recently like
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facebook which has had so many problems. groupon and zynga are at their lowest levels of the year. >> there is criticism because hackers stole millions of passwords. this is scary because so many people are on there. how is the site dealing with it? >> the site said it only cost 500,000 to a million dollars in the quarter for the company itself. that's not a lot for a company that pulled down about $200 million in one quarter. executives say they have redoubled their efforts to ensure password safety. these things have happened before. about six and a half million passwords were stolen. link link linkedin ceo says the health of the company remains just as strong prior to the incident. thank you so much for that. a quiet july, not a single named storm in the month, but meet tropical storm ernesto.
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chad meyers will introduce us. also, a woman leaves the safety of the suburb and enters a war zone to save young girls. this week's cnn hero when we come back. ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network.
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man who survived a vicious shark attack off a massachusetts beach is out of the hospital and expected to walk again. a short while ago he explained how he managed to escape the shark. >> there was one option which was swim. swim towards shore. we sat out towards shore. about halfway there i started feeling dizzy and lightheaded. i wondered if i was losing plooblood and wondered if i was able to make it to shore. i kept swimming. i looked up at one point to see if people on the shore seemed to realize what was happening and i could see people gathered and pointing but nobody came into the water until the very last
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minute. >> he was sitting on the ground and he said well we're not history. i remember thinking how incredible that was that through all of this and through the pain he must be feeling he was able to keep such a calm and collected attitude and having his witty humor. >> he's the first person to be attacked by a great white shark in massachusetts waters in 76 years. he said he has eight puncture wounds, 47 stitches and is lucky to be alive. chad meyers, no relation. >> no. >> is here. we saw that picture of the shark behind the kayaker. >> the waters have been so warm up there. the sharks arrived early. people weren't expecting them. it's the reason why i don't go in the water. sharks do come on land. i don't go in their water. >> i like going in the water. >> i understand. >> you can brave it.
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it's really scary when talking about it in massachusetts. we're talking tropical storm ernesto. what's going on here? >> some people might remember ernesto from 2006. they said wait a minute, we've already had him. >> i know him. >> you don't get new names for storms unless they get retired. named storms get recycled. ernesto came up over the florida keys as a rainmakers. that was 2006. here is the new ernesto. 50 miles per hour storm to the east of puerto rico. still a long way to go and 50 miles per hour storm, not a hurricane yet. every single computer model takes this to a category one hurricane. some all the way up to category three. it could go to cuba here. this is the one side of the cone. that's the other side of the cone but it's a pretty
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significant event for next week. computer models wiggly at the time. not too many models any down here toward honduras. the problem with the gulf of mexico, well two, it's very warm. the second thing is if it gets in the gulf of mexico, it has to come out somewhere. it's going to hit something. can't really escape once you're in that big loop of water. sometimes they get strong very quickly. >> what about us? what about the u.s.? >> some people, if it doesn't come in as a hurricane just like a small ts would welcome the rain. no question about it. i think the plan is probably for it to turn like it usually does. if the wind doesn't allow it it could come in around brownsville. this is nine days from now. the forecast are good for about 24 hours. you have to give me a bit of time before i can tell you where it's going to hit. >> too soon. thank you so much for that. this is a very serious
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story. acid attacks, poison water and the daily threat of school violence keeps schoolgirls fearing for their lives. terrorist try to prevent girls from receiving an education. this week's cnn hero has been fearlessly giving them one. >> most of the girls have no voice. they are used as property of the family. the picture is very grim. my name is razia jan and i'm the founder of a girl's school in afghanistan. when we opened the school in 2008, 90% of them could not write their name. today, 100% of them are educated. they can read. they can write. i lived in the u.s. for over 38 years. i was really affected by 9/11. i really wanted to prove that
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muslims are not terrorists. i came back here in 2010. girls have been the most oppressed. i thought i have to do something. it was a struggle in the beginning. i would sit with these men and i would tell them don't marry them when they're 14 years old. they want to learn. >> how do you write your father's name? after five years now, the men are proud of their girls when they can write their name. very good. still, we have to take these precautions. some people are so much against girls getting educated. we provide free education to over 350 girls. i think it's like a fire. it will grow. every year my hope becomes more. i think i can see the future.
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we're learning more about the victim in that awful megabus crash in illinois. a 25-year-old woman from india has been identified as the only person killed. she was a graduate student at the university of missouri. the bus was headed from chicago to st. louis when it crashed into an overpass pillar. as many as 25 people including the bus driver were taken to hospitals. almost 800,000 dehumidifiers are being recalled because they could burn down your home. sears and kmart are calling them that you see here. you have the consumer product safety commission saying the faulty humidifiers are linked to more than $700 million in property damage. kenmore is fully cooperating with the recall which only affects certain models from 2003
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to 2005 and sold from 2003 to 2009. remember this lady? she made headlines earlier this year for her excessive tanning. take a look at this. that is tan mom' new look. her name is patricia and her new pale look comes archdiocese she accepted a challenge in intouch magazine to give up tanning inside and outside for one month. how does she feel about her new look. quote, weird and pale. her story appears this week. when the boy scouts of america reaffirmed a policy that bans membership to open or avowed homosexuals, the gay community unified and voiced their outrage. an eagle scout is returning a medal he worked years for in protest. >> my hope is that it can influence a new ideology for the organization and that it will inspire other people to stand up
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for what they believe in. >> the boy scouts released a statement that says while the majority of our membership agrees with our policy, no single policy will accommodate the diverse views among our membership and society. a 911 caller told deputies they might want to go out back and check their parking lot out. they found a total of seven police cruisers. a farmer seeking revenge for minor criminal charges used a farm tractor to crush the cruisers head. he was stopped a mile away and he's got a few more charges to face now. just ahead, we've got an olympic spoiler alert plus usain bolt, we'regoing onen-one with him as he answers questions as fast as he can including the one thing he hates about being famous.
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drinks green stuff. he says he's from albuquerque. i'm not buying it. i mean, just look at him. and one more thing -- he has a spaceship. [ whirring ] the evidence doesn't lie. my dad's an alien. [ male announcer ] the highly advanced audi a6. named to car and driver's 10 best. experience the summer of audi event and get exceptional values on the audi you've always wanted.
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you hear that people? that is a spoiler alert. we're getting results in. if you don't want to hear them, put your tv on mute. we'll give you a few seconds to do that. just in, missy franklin as won the gold medal in the 200 meter backstroke in record setting time and michael phelps finished first in his final individual race of his olympic career. he's already the most decorated olympian in history and he can had a gold medal in the 100 meter butterfly. as the olympic focus turns to track and field, all eyes are on jamaican usain bolt. will he make history again this weekend? in true sprinter fashion, we
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asked quick fire questions and the one thing he hates most about being famous. >> quick fire round. another gold medal or world record. >> gold medal. >> world record in 200 or 100. >> 200. >> no 400? >> no. >> if you had to name your ultimate jamaican four by one, past and present? >> that's a hard one. me, blake. >> worst thing about being famous? >> all these interviews. >> what do you listen to on your ipod? >> mostly reggae and rap. >> who are you looking forward to see at the olympics? >> argentina. at our peak, who would win, me
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or you? >> it would be a tie. >> pretty fast, but i think he does run a little faster than he answers questions. coming up, six decades after setting an olympic record, mal whitfield returns to london to see some old friends and meet new fans. mitt romney's firing back at senator harry reid saying put up or shut up. the senate majority leader accused him of not paying taxes. a british court convicts parents in an honor murder. there were a lot of twists and turns in this case. in the end the court says the teenager girl was killed because of her westernized lifestyle. amr or rich dark chocolate flavor. 90 calories. 100% natural. and nature...approves. granola thins. from nature valley. nature at its most delicious. ♪ i want to go
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♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i want to grow ♪ i want to try ♪ i can almost touch the sky [ male announcer ] even the planet has an olympic dream. dow is proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium. solutionism. the new optimism.™ ♪ this dream and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safy alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward.
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trick question. i love everything about this country! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn so you can enjoy all this great land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. and drive thru weddings. so if you're one of those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day, block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. now a big headline out of britain.
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this one is about a family torn apart by an honor killing. she went missing in 2003. the parents said their daughter ran way. happens all the time. the girl's body was found on the banks of the river kent the following year. even that didn't provoke suspicion that the parents killed the girl. that's where the story gets filled with strange twists that led to the parents arrest and now a murder conviction. to help straighten this out let bring in atika. the parents are now going to jail for killing their daughter, but first what made police suspect the parents at all? >> police were suspicious from the beginning because the parents did not report she was missing. she was reported missing by a teacher at her school that was concerned. then under questioning police learned that she had very serious injuries because she had
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drunk a bottle of bleach and done so in protest against an arranged marriage in pakistan that was set up by her parents. police had already seen a number of very disturbing desisigns bu they didn't have enough evidence to charge the parents. that didn't come until 2010 when her younger sister told police that she witnessed both of her parents suffocate her older sister with a plastic bag. >> we learned about, in this trial there were wiretaps, threatening phone calls, changing stories. tell us about the trial and the sentence. >> it was very dramatic case. alisha had some of the most disturbing eyewitness accounts of how her mother held her down and her father stuffed a plastic bag down her throat until she stopped struggling.
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she described years of abuse by her parents from anything of wearing a short sleeve t-shirt to going out to party with friends. these are things the parents felt with too westernized and were shameful to the family. as soon as alisha testified to that, her mother then completely changed tact and her defense pinned the blame on her husband and said he had beaten her the night she disappeared. she didn't know anything about it. he denied having any violent tendencies and said the entire family was lying. this was a case of he said, she said. it would have been very difficult for the jury but there was wiretap evidence to show that husband and wife were conspireing not to just get rid of evidence but the body. that seemed to change the jury's mind. >> you now have friends of this victim speaking out. let's listen to what one said
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and we'll tauk lk on the other side. >> she was an extremely talented young lady. this opportunity was unfairly snatched away from her when her life was taken for reasons we cannot begin to comprehend. reasons that young girls have to face on a daily basis behind closed doors. if there's one thing we pray will come from this is that her beautiful face and tragic story will inspire others to seek help that make them realize this kind of vile treatment no matter what culture or background they are from is not acceptable and there is a way out. >> this is the hope that her death wasn't in vain. what's the reaction in britain? is he becoming a bit of a poster child for this crime? >> she is. what is a symbol for a truly horrific crime. she's not the first case of an
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honor killing happening here in the uk. campaigners are saying they are hoping with her case they'll be able to raise awareness and show where the different warning signs were coming from. the fact she was missing school for example and several times ran away from home and told care workers that hr parents were threatening to marry her off in pakistan. all of these according to campaigners are signs she should have been taken away from her family as soon as possible. unfortunately, in this case her family was still able to get to her and apparently kill her. >> hopefully those signs will help other killings be prevented. thank you so much for that. out of town, congress have adjourned for the summer but several pieces of key legislation were left unresolved. one of the most important, a relief package for farmers and ranchers
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