tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 9, 2012 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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there is nothing around it. so it is safe to move the rover and nothing under it, because we have an image closer in as well. >> reporter: the mission managers say that with the spacecraft being as healthy as it is, and the capability it has, all of the options are open for science. john zarrella, cnn, jet propulsion lab at pasadena. so you can follow curiosity on twitter @marscuriosity to track the latest pictures coming in from the mars' surface. that is all for us for this hour. i'm kate bolduan and newsroom i'm kate bolduan and newsroom international starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- welcome, everyone, to newsroom international. i'm michael holmes in for suzanne malveaux once again and we will take you around the world as we do in 60 minutes. here is what is going on out there. [ gun fire ]
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>> rebels in syria pulling back. fierce air and ground attacks by the military in the city of aleppo forcing the anti-government fighters out of the neighborhood stronghold. for now, the rebels say it is a tactical withdrawal, and that reinforcements are already on the way. and meanwhile, the country has a new prime minister and former health minister who has been name named to replace the prime minister who you will remember defected to jordan four ys ago to join the opposition. a rescue team had just minutes of daylight to get a patient out of one of the harshest places on earth. we told you about this coming up yesterday. australian rescuers flying to antarctica today to evacuate a sick expeditioner as they are called, believed to be an american, and it all started when a distress call went out wednesday from the mcmurdo research facility. the recue team was forced to wait it out in new zealand until
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today for a narrow window of daylight to planned the land the plane, and it is dark there most of the time. and in the philippines, officials are struggling to get help to the nearly 2 million people who were hit by flooding. hundreds of thousands of people in emergency shelters and 19 people have died. three others are missing. there is more rain forecast today. well, shocking and unbelievable reports emerging today out of russia where it appears that a radical religious sect forced people including children to live underground. some of the kids rescued from the cult have never seen sunlight in their entire lives. this all happened, and we will show you a map there that you see marked in a region that is east of moscow, and some pictures of what we have for you, too, of what police say is the outside of the religious bunker complex, and eight levels underground believe it or not.
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no natural light or heat or flesh air and cells that look like dungeon rooms. as many as 70 people were living there including young children and teenagers, and the religious le leaders of the sect have been no surprise arrested and the people rescued from those bunkers and let's bring in matthew chance now. matthew, you have lived and worked in russia for many years and you are the correspondent there, and you have been to the city. tell us what they found in the bu bunker, and who found it and who is behind it all? >> well, that is right. it is one of the bizarre sects that you do sometimes quite often actually see sort of cropping up in russia in that sort of vast country. this sect, particularly reclusive though, it seems that according to the police, the people inside what is described as catacomb-type cells may have been there for over a decade, and we are talking about 38 adults and 27 children. those children according to the authorities never went to school. they have never went outside of the compound and some of them never even saw the light of day,
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and that is how extreme this sect was, and islamist sect in this case, but it is not just islamist sects that tend towards this kind of isolationism in russia. there are others that are very similar from the christian community as well. but it is remarkable that four leaders of this sect now have been taken into custody, including the 83-year-old leader charged with cruelty against children and other charges as well as the authorities are trying to work out what they are going to do with these 27 children or so that that have now been placed under care or observation, michael. >> well, matthew, some of the children, apparently were born underground and never seen daylight, and what sort of explanation is there culturally or religiously for this? >> well, i mean, first of all, i mean, this sect has been rejected by all of the mainstream muslim groups in this part of rusrussia, and the regi is tartisan,stan and all of the
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leaders have rejected this sect. it does not acknowledge the leaders of the religious leaders there in tartistan and none of the cult members except for two or three who were able to go to the local markets to earn money for presumably food, were allowed outside of the compound and so it is so isolationist, and that is how it lasted so longn this city of 1.5 million people without anybody realizing what was going thereon. >> that is one of the extraordinary things that you were telling me on cnn international earlier, it is a big place and nobody noticed and extraordinary. some of the charges have been levied against the parents there. and thank you matthew chance, there. well, 58 more people have been killed in syria, and it is incredible, dozens everyday according to the opposition activists. most of the deaths were in and
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around the country's two largest cities. aleppo is the biggest and damascus is the capital. it is difficult and dangerous for the international journalists to report inside of syria if they are ever allowed to go there by the authorities, but our ben wedeman was there inside of aleppo, and he gives us a rare look at life there in an area under heavy attack. >> reporter: he has retrieved at he could from the ruins of the home, in what is left of the aleppo's neighborhood, there is little time to ponder one's loss. the situation is terrific, he tells me, and we are taking everything that we can. we don't know where we'll go. we have lost everything, so we are leaving. his family of seven is just one of thousands of families that have fled the city. and now one of the main battlefields between the government forces and the rebels. 17-year-old hamzi has been
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fighting here for the last two weeks and he says that several of the comrades were killed by syrian army snipers earlier in the day. these lightly armed fighters have managed to hold off the army. their most potent weapon is not in their enemy arsenal says this fighter who identifies himself as simply alexander. >> we believe in that. in this we can fight with them and we will win, because we have face. we have faith. we believe in god. they don't believe in god. if they believe in god, he don't pum pump his evil. >> reporter: his destruction is not restricted to the front line, because the rebels fire back with the light machine
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guns. the rebel-held district further removed from the fighting provides the inhabitants with the illusion of normality, and a few shops and street venders are at work. but prices are up, and a key -- kilo of tomatoes cost three times what it should. and the baker is preparing date-filled cakes for the preparing of the ramadan fast and he says he is too busy to worry about the fighting. it is an odd feeling here in the parts of aleppo occupied by the free syrian army and people are out and buying the vegetables and the bakeries are working and all of the while occasionally, you hear blasts like that as the area comes under bombardment. this man shows me his son, mustafa, born ten days ago to the soundf of fighting. he cries and is terrified in the
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bombing, says the man. shortly, the bombardment appears to be random. i was told that this house was hit in an air raid two days before killing two of the inhabitants, and there are no rebel positions in the area. cut off from the rest of the city, the residents have tushed to public park has been turned into a temporary graveyard. the fighter explains that the latest grave contains three bodies no one could identify because they were so severely mutilated. the shelling goes through the night, and the explosions and the unsecertainty about where t next round will fall makes sleep difficult. early in the morning around 100 residents of this city line up for bread. there is the only bakery that makes bread this the area.
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bread has become the main staple here. each family member is allowed one flat loaf a day, and sold at a symbolic price. the flour is provided either by the free syrian army or wealthy benefactors. even if more food was available, cooking is a problem. this part of aleppo has run out of cooking gas. [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: she explains that she cooks for her extended family of 16 on firewood that she collects in the parks and on the street. for the children, there is a sense of bewilderment as war turns their lives upsidedown. we are confused says 11-year-old girl, we feel they want to attack us and we have left this area before and then we came back a now we want to leave again, but we can't. with an all-out syrian government offensive looming over the city, the girl and
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others like her do little but wait and hope that the next bomb falls far, far away. ben wedeman, cnn, aleppo, syria. >> great reporting there by ben. here is more of what we are working on this houror newsroom international. the rematch we have been waiting for. the u.s. women's soccer team, and not only going for gold, but they'd like a little revenge, too, after what happened last time the two met. it is a sensational case in china and the government doesn't want people talking about it at all. you can see there, supporters dragged off. cnn and other foreign media barred from the courtroom. we will have the story behind this bizarre murder trial. stay with us. can cause cramps. but phillips' caplets don't. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. thanks. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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final. now, they are meeting on an olympic stage and becky anderson is in london. good to see you, becks, and a lot of buzz about this match and it should be a terrific game and i hear that the crowd is expected to be huge and the largest to watch women play this sport at the olympics. >> yes, absolutely. sellout crowd in wembley, and what a revenge match this will be. when they met in the world cup last year, japan winning that, and so that the usa really, r l really want this. the japanese are the world champions at the moment, but, yeah, in front of what is going to be a huge crowd. and don't forget that it was the biggest watching public ever for that world cup game for women's soccer, so i have to say that, michael, i think that women's soccer here at the olympics has really gained some ground on men's soccer, which to a certain extent give ten yen the massive
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2012, and a side sport, and it will the final of mexico and brazil, for the men, but the women's soccer has really come of age here, and watch this, 17 and 19:45 which is 7:45, we will be fwlu glued to that one. >> i am so glad you said 2 1/2 hours, because i would have had to do the math. becky, one of the stories that caught our eye is south korea, the first ever gymnastics gold, and it has a rags to riches story behind it. >> yes, this is rags to riches story that stands heads and shoulder above quite a lot of sporting moments and impoverished south korean gymnasts and won monday in gymnastics for the first time in
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ever, and he was reaped half a million, and not because he was paid gold, but because of the story. he is living with his parents in a polpolytunnel, and it is a won shack with sheet metal on the roof and not until the chairman of lg group, one of the big conglomerates of south korea saw this story and offered the guy half a million and not because he won the metal, because they want him to have financial security going forward to give him an opportunity to train. there are some countries, let me tell you, and i was surprised to hear this that do pay their athletes for gold. $180,000 from the italians when their athletes win gold, and not the team gp ones, but this is the not the normal sort of run of events, but this guy, what a result. 19 years old, and looks as if he and his parents will be looked
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after going forward. >> becky, always full of good stories. good to see you, my friend. great stuff and i envy you. why am i not there? okay. becky anderson at the olympics. lucky thing. all right. at the end of a hard day competing on a world stage olympic teams from 53 african nations converge in one place or they did, and that place has closed the doors now. it is called africa village and it is a hospitality center and fast became a tourist destination in the heart of london and cultural and artistic and sporting displays everyday, but it also accumulated debt. bills weren't paid. supp supplierers owed hundreds of thousands of dollars and a great shame. all right. picked up and deported from france and authorities clear makeshift camps forcing hundreds on to the streets with their possessions. we will tell you all about that when we come back. 12k3w4r50i6r7b8g9s [ female a] charmin ultra soft is so soft
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city of lial, and mo of them of romanian decent. they were rounded up and put on flikts to romania and expelled from france. a fresh wave has been cracking down on illegal immigrants all over the country. hala gorani joining us from washington, and tell us what happened today and who are these people and why did this happen? >> well, you know, this is drawing a lot of criticism in france, because as you know, michael, and as the viewers know, there is a new president of france and he is a socialist and his name is francois hollande, and his opponent was criticized for being too rough on them, and now the critics are saying, look at this socialist government, and here they come around and they are elected and do the same thing. the crackdown was harsh according to the critics, because we are talking about police officers in riot gear
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raiding the camps, and making 0 or 300 people homeless, and putting them on a flight giving them $300 apiece back to romania. now, the french government is saying that this is entirely voluntary. but critics are saying that these are, this is disguised deportation of the people. they have a culture, and the gypsy culture, and they live in encampments and they are nomadic and travel around and not being allowed to do that in france, and the french government say absolu absolutely not, illegal immigrants and not allowed to live here and work here without a worker p mitt, and there is the situation in france with these r these roma. >> and there is always a back story, and why the focus of the roma and they are a sml fraction of the immigrants in france, and tell us about the back story there, and why are they treated perhaps a little differently? >> well, because, mainly, the way they live is troublesome to some of the residents around them to be quite frank. they live outdoors in temporary
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encampments and residents in lille and parts of paris and other areas for the viewers who know the cities in france say it is unsanitary, and there is crime as a result of their presence there. and we don't want them to live in these temporary outdoor encampme encampments, and it is an eyesore basically, but those who criticize the government for wanting them out are saying that you cannot raid a camp with full rhode islanye -- riot gear and homeless. so those operating on their behalf in france is saying that this is inhumane as far as the children are concerned. >> well, it is a often discussed issue in europe. and you know that as well, hala gorani. thank you. and now germany's politicians doing bickering over a ruling of giving same sex
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couples a tax break and now a push to make it a step further, same-sex marriage, and we will discuss that when we come back. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle, but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac.
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so i know how important that is. welcome back, everyone, to newsroom international where we are taking you around the world in 60 minutes. i'm michael holmes. now, when it comes to denmark's music scene, here's what is topping the charts. ♪ guitar guitar guitar ♪ >> that is the group muri and mario, and their number one song "hun tog min guitar" and it means she took my guitar.
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♪ >> it is a song about being heart broken and you can't tell from the video, because they look happy generally and the song hit number one in denmark and the song more than 1 million views on youtube and so for those who are keeping up with the danish pop scene, now you know. germany today a step forward for people in same sex relationships fighting for equality. the german constitutional court says that same sex couples must be treated the same as traditionally married couples in certain tax situations. let's go the berlin now, and fred pleitgen is there, and good to see you, fred. tell us how ose this puts germany to formally legalizing same-sex marriage? >> well, it is going to put germany a step closer and started a big debate here in this country, especiallymong the members of the governing ocoalition which is a conservative government which generally has a lot of problems
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with the same sex unions and basically what the court said is that in the issue of land transfer taxes which is basically if one person gives a piece of land to someone else, that same sex couples in a relationship need to be treated exactly the same way as regular or heterosexual married couples. now that's a big step for this court, because in the past, what it has done is it has given gay couples more and more rights and more and more equalities on the tax issues, and of course, one thing that gay groups are fighting for in country is to get total equality and something that is debated in the government right now, and so you have some members of the angel angela merkel's government opposing, and especially from the state of bavaria who is very conservative catholic, and they believe that marriage should be preserved for those with heterosexual
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marriages. >> and so are they taking a beating over the court ruling? >> well, they are taking a little bit of a beating and even some of the thing ths that the people in the conservative party are saying that it is sick that the constitutional court is having to bring the tax issues into question to have to give the same sex couples more tax rights. there is expected to be another case and verdict that is due to be handled next year where it is about income tax. that is a huge issue here in this country, because on the one hand, of course, that would be giving same sex couples if it comes through a lot more equality than it did before, but on the other hand, it could be a huge burden on the taxpayers, because it is about tax breaks that only married couples get right now regardless of whether or not they have children. it is something that same sex couples want as well, and what this is really has done is to spark a fundamental debate within conservative circles here in this country, and germany's minister for family affairs who is also a conservative has said that she believes that same sex couples need more rights and
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equalities in the tax issues and the staunch section of the government has said no way, and it has sparked debate we have seen in the last couple of years in the debate, but has been on a lull in the last couple of years. >> well, fred, what about the german society? what is the general attitude toward same-sex? >> well, that is an interesting question, because by and large, most germans are liberal on these views and really nothing uncommon to have gay people running around to have them just leading normal lives and relationships and germany has had thesepartnerships, and they are called registered partnerships here in the country, and not technically marriage, but they have had it since the year 2001 and since then the registered partnerships have gotten more and more rights like regular heterosexually married couples. so it is not uncommon in germany, and a fairly small and conservative but also a very politically active voter base in
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south of germany and the catholic parts of ba vvaria tha is against this and has influence on the decisions in government especially like a conservative government in germany like we have right now. >> thank you, fred pleitgen, there in berlin. >> and not many countries offer ed same sex couples the same as heterosexual rights. let me run a couple by you, switzerland, and belgium and hu hungary and south africa do give those rights. >> and she was called china's jackie-o, and now gu ki lay is on trial for a night of drinking and poisoning according to the prosecutor prosecutors.
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this is new york state. we built the first railway and the first trade route to the west. we built the tallest skyscrapers, the greatest empires. we pushed the country forward. then, some said, we lost our edge. we couldn't match the pace of the new business world. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. build energy highways and high-tech centers. nurture start-ups and small businesses. reduce tax burdens and provide the lowest middle class tax rate in 58 years. once again, new york state is a place where innovation meets determination
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the center of a scandalous high-profile trial in china. we are talking about gu kailai and she is the wife of an ousted communist party leader and a very senior one, bo she lie, and she is accused of killing a british businessman, and she raised no objections to the murder trial today in court, but the trial was closed to the public and the international media, but it all started and ended abruptly. seven hours the whole thing and a verdict will apparently come later, and a sentence, too. now while the case is being followed closely in china, not many people here in the u.s. know who gu kailai is, and steven jiang in the city of hefei fills us in. >> reporter: she was educated in the country's top university and married a handsome and ambitious politician. gu kailai and her husband bo
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xilai were the perfect power couple until the downfall last spring. this once fast rising star of chinese politics was stripped of the leadership positions and accused of seriously breaching communist party discipline and his wife gu was arrested with a household aide for killing this british businessman neil heywood. >> they are saying a powerful wife may take the fall for her husband. >> reporter: it all began here in chongqing, and until recently governed by war. his social welfare programs and crime fighting campaigns earned him many admirers and enemies. then came the shocking news in february when his former police chief sought asylum in a u.s. consulate after a dispute with bo over the mysterious death of heywood. and the long time family friend
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was found dead in november in this rundown hotel on the chongqing outskirts and first ruled accident, but later the police chief said that bo's wife was involved in the death, and triggering a series of events to put her behind bars. prosecutors say that gu and her aide poisoned heywood to death when she feared that he would threaten the sun son's safety because of millions of dollars linked to illegal matters. this is a complicated legal matte matter. >> it is a criminal trial for her life to be ended. >> reporter: and more damning, it is that senior officials in the elite will see a once in a decade leadership transition. gu ki lailai has to stand trial
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the courthouse, and observers say she is facing the consequences of being on the losing side of china's power struggle. steven jiang, hefei, china. in brazil, some parents are fighting just to have a natural birth. >> translator: a lot of people told me good god, you are going back to the stone ages, she says, and what about the advances of science? >> that is right. most births in brazil are by c-section, and the doctors there want to have it stay that way. we will explain that story when we come back. [ ross ] we are in the dades gorge,
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high up in the atlas mountains of morocco. have you seen this road we're going down? ♪ there is no relief for the brakes. we'll put them to the test today. all right, let's move out! [ ross ] we're pushing the ats brakes to the limit. going as fast as we can down the hill. we are making these sharp turns, slamming on the brembo brakes. [ derek ] it's like instant response, incredibly consistent. this is the challenge, machine vs. mountain. [ male announcer ] the all-new cadillac ats.
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welcome back, everyone. check this story out. world health officials say that only 10 to 15% of babies should be delivered by c-section, and only when it is medically necessary, but that recommendation is being flatly ignored when it comes the brazil, because there c-sections are more common than natural birth births. shasta darling reports on the controversial reasons behind the country's sky high cesarean rates. >> reporter: when they gave birth in their own home, they posted it and put it on the internet. the veo was viewed by almost 3
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million people. it set off a fierce debate over childbirth choices in brazil. afterallthis is known as the country of the efficient c-section. more than half of all brazilian babies are delivered by a cesarean which compares to o one-third in the united states. at expensive private hospitals, up to 98% of the births are c-s c-sections. this sbree na sna says she did even consider when she was pregnant. mothers have to worry about a million things, and for nine months is how will the child turn out and breastfeeding and choosing to have a cesarean is one less thing to worry about. there are many reasons that c-sections are so prif lent, because for upper class brazilians sishgts a traditi brazilians, it is a tradition and what your mother and grandmother will promote.
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and they say it is bet ter for the sex life, and one idea that is promoted by obstetricians. and also, the doctors can schedule two to three surgeries a day and still make it home for supper. dr. alberto dahlia says he views it as outsourcing birth. here women are not trained to endure pain, he says. so they will probably get tired more easily. instead, he says that they can choose the date and check into a boutique hospital where the staff tries to lower the stress. a small but vocal group of mothers to be hopes to reverse the trend. natalie cardoza says she consulted with almost 20 doctors before she found one who supported her option for natural birth. she had to fight family and friends as well. a lot of people told me good god, you are going back to the
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stone ages she told me, and what about the advances of science? the doctor believes that cesareans should only be an option when it is medically necessary. medical schools here don't produce doctors who know how to accompany a woman's labor, he says. they produce surgeons who know how to perform a cesarean. from doctors to patients, the question of how best to bring a baby into the world remains a matter for debate. one reignited by a very personal moment shared with the world. >> and shasta darlington joins us from south palo alto in brazil, and i could not believe some of the statistics in the story, because there can be medical complications with c-sections and it is a surgeriment is that the focus of the discussion there between women and doctors? >> well, you would think that it would be, michael, but what pregnant women are telling us is that instead, the doctors focus on the dangers of natural birth.
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they say that c-sections are safer and less complicate and so when a woman wants natural birth, she ends up convincing the doctor she is healthy enough, and the flipside is that we talked to a number of women who want theesarean from the begin, because they were convinced and i asked them of course aren't you afraid to go in for major surgery and the attitude was like, well, we do so many surgeries, we do the surgeries for the facelifts and plastic surgeries and why not cesarean, michael? >> well, fascinating story. thank you for bringing it to us. shasta darlington there in brazil. all right. well, kissing your sweetheart on the lover's lane is as american as apple pie, you would think, but in india, public displays of public affection can be deeply tap b taboo and we will tell you why when we come back. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications,
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lighting up the skies over singapore overnight, and why? because it is the country's national day, but the real fireworks might take place a little later in the bedrooms across the nation. why? well, a viral ad campaign from the breath mint company, mentos, are trying to boost singapore's birthrate. >> why are you eating a mint, baby? >> so i can kiss you on the face. why? because it is time to do our civic duty. >> what about that stuff? >> i'm talking about the stuff after the stuff. i'm talking about making a baby, baby. you ready? let go. the parade is long gone and the kids are in bed and let's now watch fireworks. >> well, that is not even the best part. and singapore's government also is happening to urge people to
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have more children, and offering them thousands of dollars in baby bonuses. it is an interesting campaign, isn't it? singapore's growth rate last year was only 0.5% of 1%. and now let's talk about the pdas which is controversial all over to the world. and in other parts of the world like india where arranged marriages are more of the norm, public displays of affection are taboo, and that is something that the young people are rebelled against. we are joined now to discuss this. and now in many of the countries, young people in love have difficulty finding places to spend time in love. and in mumbai, there is lover's lane? >> yes, it is called a place where lovers who want to express their affection for one another can get away and have the secluded time alone and the
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reason being is because there's such extreme social pressures and sometimes the pressures from the family for these couples even though dating, itself, is not the norm, you will see it, and it is more acceptable in affluent or liberal societies within india, but again in c conservative areas, it is preferred that the couples go the arranged marriage route versus the dating route. >> and cramping the style. and there is a movement called the love commandos to help out in the situations. what is that? >> well, the love commandos are the fighters for the couples anp they support them in pursuing the choice of partner. and because, let's say a couple is dating, and the family, that they are in, does not accept the religion or the socioeconomic status tor creed or the caste of the person they are dating and this group or organization of volunteers say they will provide a hotline and shelter and legal
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guy guidance to get through the trying times. >> because it can be a serious situation and couples in india and other countries of course, because if they are caught dating, unapproved people if you like or public displays of affection, it is a big deal. >> correct. and again, if you look at india, it is not necessarily illegal for them to be dating, but it is more of the pda that is not approved of and banned. if action is deemed inappropriate, it could carry a fine if they are caught going about it. i spoke to a chairman of the commando organization, and he said that it is extreme cases, and in isolated cases he has seen some of these couples be taken in, detained and the family reputations tarnish and tortured in some case, but again, there's a whole range here of things that could happen. >> and of course, this is not the only country where it
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happens. there are other conservative countries in asia, and the middle east for example, and tell us about one of those. >> well, in iran, i can speak from that example, because i have been there several times, and my prediction is that love will find a way. they get creative in the ways they go about it. and you have couples who hold hands or hug and you don't know if they are married, engaged or what, and they will opt for a temporary marriage which allows them to go about their personal needs or satisfy those needs within the paradigms of the religious construct that they have. right, requirements. >> and in some of the countries that is often used as a which for a male to be unfaithful, isn't it? a temporary marriage, if you like. >> oh, yeah. >> complicated stuff love. and thank you so much and glad to see you on set. and free time to lounge in the park. we will show you circus elephants taking time off to
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okay. let's take a look at what is trending globally right now as we doot this ti at this time. and twitter users are looking at this with all of the hits taking place and there is a warrant out for his arrest. he is the mayor of a town in spain and he is compared to robinhood for allegedly stealing food from the grocery stores and giving it to the poor who can't afford to shop there, and today, he was celebrated when two activists stole food from two grocery store chains and monday, he told the farmers to snatch the food off of the shelves of the grocery store, and he yelled orders outside. he is camping on the government farmland at the moment. you see him there. he wants the land to be given to the locals and their families so they can use it. all right. several other stories caught our attention today
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