tv CNN Newsroom CNN August 18, 2012 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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since he became mitt romney's vice-presidential pick, ryan is in florida which has the most senior citizens of any state. 17.3% of the population. and the reception in the town called the villages has been as warm as florida's weather. alongside his mom there. >> here is what mitt romney and i will do. we will end the raid of medicare. we will restore the promise of this program. and we will make sure that this board of bureaucrats will not mess with my mom's health care or your mom's health care. >> cnn's political editor live at the event. paul, for those who know florida, no surprise. ryan got a friendly welcome in the villages because it is a very heavy republican state. however, there were some surprises today. yes? >> reporter: there were. there were two ryans on the stage today. and paul ryan used his mother
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quite often throughout his speech to make his points and attack president obama and his policies. ryan introduced his mother right off the bat. she is a retiree. she spends part of her year in florida and part of the year in jamesville, wisconsin, where she raised paul ryan. fred, you play that sound just a moment ago. this was all about medicare today. no doubt about that. paul ryan criticizing president obama saying president obama has taken over $700 billion from medicare to pay for obama care as it's called, the president's health care law. the politics here is simple. medicare, very popular. polls indicate the president's health care law, americans are divided on that. that was the argument from paul ryan. the obama campaign, they've been pushing back against the attacks. take a listen to a brand new commercial playing in key battleground states this morning. >> i'm barack obama and a prove this message. >> now mitt romney is attacking the president on medicare? the nonpart ban aarp says obama
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care cracks down on medicare fraud, waste and abuse. >> you can see why the battle over medicare is so important, especially in florida. it's got the most electoral votes than any of the battleground states. senior citizens make up one in four voters in the last presidential election. they're very important this time. as you mentioned, the villages where i am, heavily republican crowd here. very heavily republican electorate here in the villages. sarah palin got a big crowd here four years ago. paul ryan got a big reception today. >> what does that say about the crowd? were they hand picked by the campaign or was it, you know, a free for all? anyone who wanted to attend could? what do we know about the audience? >> reporter: exactly. anybody who wanted to attend could. but this is a very pro republican community. and as you mentioned, the largest retirement community in the united states. it's one of the reasons i think you saw paul ryan talk about his mother throughout the speech. he also used his mother to go after the president on the economy. take a listen to this.
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>> mom? i am proud of you for going out, getting another degree. i'm proud of you for the small business that you created. and, mom, you did build that! that's what america is all about! i'm so proud of her for that. >> reporter: of course, paul ryan there continuing the romney attacks on the president. you didn't build a comment. the obama campaign says was taken utterly out of context. paul ryan again, two ryans on the stage today. paul ryan and his mother betty. fred? >> all right. paul, thanks so much. so ryan also released his tax returns for the last two years. his most recent return shows he and his wife made more than $323,000 in 2011 and paid close to $65,000 in taxes. and that would be 20% of gross
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income. that 20% is a higher percentage than his running mate, mitt romney paid in 2011. romney paid 14.5% of his income in taxes that year. and what about 2010? ryan also paid a higher percentage of his income in taxes, 16% to romney's 14.5%. president obama is campaigning in new hampshire today. he holds two events there, one in windham, two hours or so from now. we understand a lot of people are getting into position already. we'll bring that you to live. and a second rally taking place later on today in the town of rochester. obama won new hampshire back in 2008. the state is now up for grabs in november. turning to international news. kim jong-un is telling his troops to be prepared for a sacred war during upcoming training exercises between south korea and the u.s. state media says kim ordered the forces to deal a deadly blow to
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the enemy if a single shell is dropped on north korean territory. and now to major developments in syria. rebels are saying the syrian vice president has defected but may still be in the country. syrian state tv released a statement saying "the vice president didn't think for one second to leave the homeland." our nick robertson is live in b d there now. how do we clarify the discrepancies? >> reporter: the best test may come tomorrow. it is the end of ramadan now. there will be a big service, a big service in damascus. normally you would get the president and the vice president standing there. if they're not there together, then i think that's the best indication that the government doesn't have their hands on
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this. what the rebels are telling us is they've been trying to get him across the border. commanders are trying to smuggle him out of the country. they say they lost contact with him recently. the government adamant and still commenting on going issues connected with the violence in the country right now. >> in the meantime, what is this about u.n. monitors, many being asked to leave or required to leave? >> reporter: the u.n.'s calling them out of the country. they cannot continue with the mission that they're on which was monitoring a cease-fire. it never got off the ground in april. they had to kind of switch over the past couple of months. it kind of more sort of less monitoring a cease-fire that wasn't happening and more trying to sort of mediate between the two sides to let humanitarian relief supplies are delivered around the country. almost all of them are being pulled out. the u.n. named a new representative to syria, a very experienced algerian diplomat, well respected throughout the region. but we don't know what his new plan is going to be. but those forces of 330 or so,
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majority of them being pulled out, fred. >> and then the refugee crisis is growing. the face of the refugees, it seems to be, mostly they're very young. >> reporter: you know, they are. and they're vulnerable and the families oftentimes men will stay back in their homes. they'll send their wives and the children out. they're ending up in refugee camps with very little facilities. the refugees that we're seeing, 170,000 outside the country in the neighboring countries, jordan, turkey, iraq, we've seen over the past few days 350,000 leaving turkey. that's the tip of the iceberg. the u.n. estimates there are a million people displaced inside syria, cut off from their homes, cut off from easy access to water. their situation is very, very desperate, fred. >> all right. nick robertson, thanks so much for that update. closer to home now, state side in louisiana, four men and three women have been arrested in connection with a shooting
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that left two sheriff's deputies dead and two others wounded. the shootings happened 25 miles outside new orleans on thursday. the suspects first attacked a deputy while directing traffic. then took off to a nearby trailer park. later, more deputies arrived to investigate and the suspects opened fire. a criminal suspect is shot dead in police custody with his hands cuffed behind his back. now there's newly released dash cam video taken moments before his mysterious death. you know, ronny... folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? i'd say happier than a bodybuilder directing traffic. he does look happy. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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. now the mystery surrounding a young man shot in the backseat of a police car in jonesboro, arkansas. no one disputes the 21-year-old chavis carter died of a gunshot wound to his head. his hands were handcuffed so who shot the gun? a camerashows carter by the side of a pickup truck. it was patted down. no gun was found. officers put him in the back of the same squad car and handcuffed in that vehicle.
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[ inaudible ] >> so carter's mom doesn't believe that her son shot himself. earlier cnn's randi kaye jad as the jonesboro police chief about that. >> is it physically possible to be handcuffed behind your back and somehow pull a trigger on a gun that you weren't holding when you were handcuffed? >> for the average person that's never been in handcuffs, that's never been around inmates and people in custody would react exactly the same way that you just did about how can that be possible? well, fact is, it's very possible. it's quite easy. >> investigation is on going. police say they are waiting on a complete autopsy and forensic report. all right. fed up with fees? spirit airlines is being sued over a passenger fee.
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. l right. the u.s. supreme court will revisit affirmative action in october to hear arguments in fisher versus the university of texas. the case was brought by abigail fisher, a white student denied admission to the university back in 2008 and claim she was discriminated against because of her race. let's bring in our legal guys, avery freeman in tuston, michigan. good to see you, avery. and richard herman joining us from las vegas. good to see you. >> let's talk about this case. the university of texas, it's about university of texas. this woman saying affirmative action, you know, based at missi admissions meant she was denied entry. she is claiming that since university of texas has this program where the top 10% of high school graduates would automatically be admitted, she's arguing she should have been
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admitted to ut. >> yeah. she's got to prove she was turned away because of race. the fact is that she was not. this is a case that i think in term of the issue, affirmative action, it grabs at the soul of our nation. it really defines us as a just and decent people. legally, the law in my mind at least since 2003 when sandra day o'connor wrote the opinion on affirmative action when it comes to higher education is the law of the land. there really is nothing left. university of texas very much like university of michigan deals with holistic issue, race, geography, poverty, family responsibility. it's exactly what universities should be doing. it's incomprehensible to me that the supreme court despite some angry members of that court could ever hold this law unconstitutional, this policy unconstitutional. >> richard, how do you see it? texas officials are saying that
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race is considered among many factors is spelled out, academic record, personal essays, leadership skills, all of that. and that's the criteria. >> exactly. it's only one criteria. it's not the sole cry tear yach criteria. it's only one. the person bringing this claim was not in the top 10% of her high school class for starters. but texas has every right to include this as avery said. that is the law of the land. the tests before the courts has been to compel an interest in diversity and to break down racial stereotypes. these are some of the thoughts and rational behind it. for this court to overturn it would really be an atrocious error by the court, even judge rehnquist said in cases where the law has been set, we really don't want to overturn them. edwards -- i mean the current court also acknowledged that. i don't think it's going to be
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overturned. worst case scenario, it's a tie vote. if it's a tie vote, the court of appeals will hold up and nothing will happen with the affirmative action. >> all right. let's move on to another case. this is involving airline fees. you both likely paid a whole lot of fees in order to get to the destinations of las vegas as well as michigan. so now let's talk about spirit airlines and there is a claim by passengers who say they have a passenger usage fee. the passengers in this, you know, class action suit are saying it's unnecessary and gratuitous. maybe you can break down what is the spirit airlines intent on passenger usage fees? what is it? >> you know, you got me. >> norman greenbound wrote that song "spirit in the skies." this airline may be the spirit in the sky after this case. i took a look at the complaint. it's a devastating civil fraud complaint seeking among other things travel damages, triple damages here, fred. if they give you a fee, $180,
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that's how much it costs. and they punch in, you know, another $50, $60 in fees on it and hide it, that's a problem here. they've been cited for this in the past. they paid fines. last week they paid $50,000 in additional fines. again, i read the civil -- the complaints filed in the southern district of florida and miami. it's a devastating complaint. and spirit, they got their handsful on this one. >> wow. >> and the other fines you talked about, the basis of that, i guess, the department of transportation in one case said it was deceptive advertising. so we're talking about $375,000 in fines. on one occasion, another $450,000 in fines on a separate occasion. so avery, are we talking about the same thing kind of repeating this same deceptive, you know, advertising? or is it something else? >> well, i actually think that the allegation -- remember, these are mere allegations right now in a class action.
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but here's the way they came up with that. each of these so-called passenger usage fees which is quite a name. it is called puff. of course it is. they charge $7 -- $9 and $17 times five million trips. the plaintiffs'that's $4 millio profits. yeah, they get charged with deceptive advertising. the president said we don't like the idea of trans perrparency i government rules. i think this is a potentially very serious case. it's in the federal district court. you know what? the discovery is going to be fascinating. i think the plaintiffs actually have a chance. wow. in all fairness, spirit airlines is responding in a statement saying "spirit believes the claims are without merit and intends to defend the case." so they believe they do have merit to have this kind of passenger fee. >> have you ever heard that before, fred? >> yeah, right. >> you have heard that before?
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>> that's their point of view on this one. all right. we'll see you again in about 20 minutes to talk about another lawsuit. this one claiming that a strip club, the drink policy may have played a role in one teenager's death. we're going to get into that. so we'll see you again if about 20, gentlemen. also, we're going to get an update on the medical condition of jesse jackson jr. from a long time friend who battled the same kind of disorder, former congressman patrick kennedy. people with a machine.
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we're learning more about the condition of jesse jackson jr. from his long time friend former congressman patrick kennedy. kennedy visited the illinois democrat this week at the mayo clinic in minnesota where jackson is being treated for bipolar depression. kennedy told cnn that jackson is suffering from deep, deep depression. the son of the late senator ted kennedy has also battled with bipolar disorder and he says he understands why jackson didn't immediately talk publicly about his condition. >> our brain, like every other organ in the body, sometimes gets sick. but because it's our brain, we stigmatize the illnesses because the symptoms of these illnesses are behavioral. if he was there for cancer, you wouldn't be doing this show tonight. most americans wouldn't care because they'd say well jesse,
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go get the help. if you have cancer, get treated. but because jesse has a mental illness as i do, myself, and is fighting for his recovery, it somehow sparks this interest. we have a fascination with mental illness because it's something we don't understand very much. >> jackson is the 47-year-old son of the reverend jesse jackson. so mental illness is a pervasive issue that many are suffering. in fact, the department of justice says a majority of inmates in local jails are suffering from some kind of mental illness. but a project under way in georgia is trying to keep those numbers down by getting people convicted of petty crimes out of jail and into treatment. cnn's david mattingly reports the program could save taxpayers millions of dollars. >> reporter: the path to the county jail in savannah, georgia, is well known to bill
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ka r caruthers. he's been down the road 18 times in 13 years. the grinding end to a life on the streets that he says began at age 11. a seemingly endless spiral of hopeless drug addiction and mental illness. >> it was leading me to a path of death. but unfortunately death is not my discretion. it's god's discretion. >> reporter: he's working for an experimental program to keep the mentally ill from being institutionalized at taxpayers' expense. navigateors, they call themselves, navigating the mentally ill out of jails and state hospitals and in to treatment and jobs. intense supervision claiming a cost of just $25 a day. how much does it cost for someone to go into a county jail? >> it's about $50 a day. >> reporter: what about a state prison? >> state prison is about $60 a day for a psychiatric inmate. >> reporter: state mental
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hospital? >> $4.30 a day. >> so you can save that much money per day by keeping someone out of the system? >> absolutely. >> right here. this was my spot. >> reporter: he says he could make hundreds of dollars on a good day panhandling in this park. how much cocaine did you do? >> as much as i could. ro >> reporter: how much as you day? >> as much as i could. >> reporter: what is your idea of adequate treatment? taking my medication. >> reporter: as a navigator, he now helps others in recovery working through their own problems. if you weren't in this program, how many of you would be institutionalized right now? everybody? jail? >> more than likely. >> oh, yes. >> reporter: and it's a daily struggle. >> i thought my neighbor was spying on me and there was a camera in the ceiling fan and i -- >> reporter: so paranoia? >> yeah. i was hearing voices, too. >> reporter: this man is number 39 in the program, schizophrenic
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and an alcoholic, he went from jails to a homeless shelter before a navigator got him into recovery and into a job. >> he was always there at the doctors pintmeappointments. >> reporter: but 24 hours after our interview, 39 was back in jail testing positive for alcohol, a violation of his probation. >> the first thing on my mind is make sure they're getting treatment. >> reporter: he makes many trips to jail like this ready to try again. in spite of setbacks, organizers of the navigator program say repeat trips to jail and state hospitals are down for the 100 people now in the program. with a taxpayer savings of $10,000 per person. david mattingly, cnn, savannah. he is 73 and she is 27. he claims she convinced him they were in love and was tricked into buying her a $775,000 apartment before dumping him. well now he's suing.
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does he have a case? our legal guys are standing by to weigh in. hi, i'm phil mickelson. i've been fortunate to win on golf's biggest stages. but when joint pain and stiffness from psoriatic arthritis hit, even the smallest things became difficult. i finally understood what serious joint pain is like. i talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel.
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. a family says a drunk driver killed their 18-year-old daughter catherine emily jones a year ago but they claim the strip club where the driver was drinking is actually the one to blame because of the drink policy. so the family is now suing the strip club. our legal guys are back, avery freeman in michigan and richard herman in las vegas. all right. we've seen cases similar before where not only the person who is convicted of, you know, intoxicated manslaughter may be
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held accountable but then they go after maybe the outfit where the alcohol may have been served which is the case here. so now we're talking about rick's cabaret. apparently this nightclub had a policy of sorts of a discount to how much you would drink. and so, richard, at issue here is whether the nightclub should be held responsible. what is this family up against? >> houston, we have a problem with rick's cabaret. they have big trouble here, fred. the promotions that these clubs do, i only know this because i represented some of these clubs. so that's straight. but what happens is the entertainers, the entertainers that come in, they have to sell a certain amount of drinks. and this way they get promotions and benefits for themselves because they have to pay a fee to work there. so they pump the booze into the patrons. this guy who was in there drinking that night had about 15 drinks. he ran out of money. they threw him out. they didn't get him a cab. they didn't drive him home.
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they just threw him out of the club. he gets in his car. he got caught, cracked up, killed someone. three times over the limit. he is serving 15 years in prison for manslaughter. and now the issue is whether or not the club knew or should have known that he was intoxicated and they kept pumping him with alcohol and didn't make arrangements to get him home safely. they unleashed him on to the streets. i think with that plan that they had there, they're going to get a few witnesses to say he was loaded and kept throwing shots down hi the club is going to get hammered here. >> avery, there is videotape, you know, showing -- at least the teen's family allege there's is videotape of ramirez, you know, drinking at rick's cabaret. is an establishment, does it have a responsibility to call a cab? is that universal or does that have to be a policy that has to be posted and has to be common knowledge? >> most states have dram acts.
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it requires that place's responsibility on the -- well, the strip club, they call it a gentleman's club. i've never been able to figure that one out. but in any event, texas has a dram act. unfortunately, the texas supreme court watered down, diluted that saying well we're going to divide up responsibility. well, based on the evidence in this case, if a jury finds that rick's cabaret was 51% responsible for the death of emily jones, then they're responsible for the whole thing. the familiar little never collect off ramirez. it will never happen. i think based on what we see now, the family has a good shot at a wrongful death case against rick's cabaret under the texas dram act. >> okay, we did attempt to obtain a statement from rick's cabaret but they he not responded just for the sake of, you know, some balance here. let's move on to another case. this involving a new york condo,
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one estimated at $775,000. apparently this italian theater director was convinced he was -- it was love, that because of his relationship with this young dancer natasha diamond walker that he would buy her this condo. but then parentally she dumped him and now he says i want my money back and some. so, richard, you know, is this kind of jilted love, you know, bad real estate move? is this, i guess, you know, the road to a good legal solid case? >> it depends -- fred, i'm sure that they were in lovethere. he is 73. she's 27. so i'm sure this was just true love at first sight. >> absolutely. >> this guy -- yeah, he smitten. he was pumping her with gifts and jewelry. she wants a condo. he puts down $775,000.
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we hear there is a written agreement calling for a balloon payment of that $775,000 six years from now. what she is saying is, guess what? i'm not even going to pay that because this was all a gift. you intended to give me a gift. you gave me a gift. i'm not going to pay it. so he's jilted. he's going after her in court, trying to get everything overturned. if there is a written agreement saying there is a six year balloon repayment, he's getting nowhere. she'll be in there six years without paying one dime on that note. >> that's right. >> really? avery? >> that's right. yeah. i mean, look, give the guy credit. he is 73 years old. he falls in love. what the heck? it's been characterized as a luxury condo in manhattan. $775,000. that is not a luxury condo. he gave it to his 27-year-old girlfriend. fine. so even if he can establish that it was a loan and no interest loan, the first time he can go back to court, fred, is in 2018.
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>> oh, my gosh! >> yeah. so the bottom line is say good-bye to the lawsuit. the earliest this guy gets back into court is 2018. >> meantime, we're seeing a lot of pictures of the dancer. you know, natasha diamond walker's attorney did release this statement saying his allegations are gross mischaracterization of the facts and assault on ms. diamond walker's reputation. she is a serious and talented artist now dancing with the martha graham dance company and she will defend herself against these false claims." >> yes! >> i'm sure she will. >> that's what she's doing gog going to do. absolutely. >> 73 and 27. >> so she'll stay in that unit for a while? >> that's right. >> all right. >> for six years at least. >> case closed according to our legal guys. we know it still has a long road ahead for those two in court. thanks so much, gentlemen. good to see you.
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>> see you soon. >> we love to see our legal guys every saturday at this time giving us their take on -- >> every saturday. >> what? >> fred, you're sparkling. you're glowing. you are glowing these days. >> yeah! >> you are wonderful. >> you are very sweet. >> because i can count on you every weekend. and for that i look forward. >> oh, okay. that's good. >> that's it. >> we have him all set for each weekend. >> cool. richard and avery, thanks so much. you have a great one. i know you are fascinated with this legend that i spoke with, brooklyn dodger pitchers don newcome is being honored with the beacon of hope award. he talks to me about playing with jackie robinson and advice for today's players. ♪ you got no right ♪ ♪ i find myself at the wrong place ♪ [ male announcer ] the ram 1500 express.
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dodgers legend don newcombe is honored with the beakian of hope award. he is joining me now to talk about his ground making career. and this honor of this reward. good to see you. >> thank you, fred. nice to see you. >> what a great honor. so you, jackie robinson playing together back in the day. if you were to impart some of the lessons learned to some of today's players, what would they be? >> one that change could take place if somebody had the backbone to get it started. we have a man that owned the dodgers at the time. i got to meet my god one day. i'm going to do it before that happens. and he made it happen. and he signed jackie. he signed roy. he signed me. and he said you men will do it. and i get no help from the other major league owners, then we'll do it by ourselves. >> and this was the love of the game. is that what fuelled you to be the great player that you've
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been? >> it was a great job to have. we thought it turned out to be. we didn't make a lot of money. i think the minimum salary that time for a rookie was $5,000. now it's $500,000. so big changes have been made. >> what's that like to you? the incentive, i guess, for a lot of young players today, money, great. hopefully the love of the game is there. but it was the flip side for you as you just explained. >> we had something in mind. we had to do, jackie, roy and i. it was to change baseball and we were veterans in getting all of this to happen, the civil rights movement was moving along. it was too slow for a lot of peop. and we had to hurry it up and we did hurry up a whole lot rather than just a little. and we did our job. and we made it happen. >> and you worked hard over the years to really inspire get
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young people involved in the game. you are happy with those efforts? do you see that, you know, there are a lot of kids who are interested in baseball or does it disappoint that you so many schools have eliminated baseball programs because they don't have the funding for it and maybe there isn't the interest that there once was? >> well, back then all we had was the negro leagues. if you were lucky to get a chance to play in the negro leagues, you went from there and lucky if you got the chance. and luckily with the negro league we had the chance. jackie with the negro league kansas city and roy in baltimore and me in newark, new jersey. we became the veterans and the -- had the wherewithal to make it happen. and we were very happy that we were slated. >> you are going to be a given this beacon of hope award during this civil rights game. what does this mean for you? >> it's a great thrill and great honor. and i just bless god. god blessed me. and we got together and said
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listen, let's do it together, me and god. and we accepted the award and my wife got in touch with some people with the commission's office and they put it together. and there were some people i think frank robinson who is now with the commissioner's office had something to do with it and his wife. and we got it together and here i am. i'm going to be fortunate enough to accept it. >> but you're no stranger to awards. cy young awards, you know, mvp. i mean the list goes on. where does this stack up when you look at the legacy of your career and being recognized as a real trailblazer? >> it's always great to be the first. i was the first to win the cy young award. i was the only one for 55 years to win the rookie of the year in his career and cy young award and most valuable player award. nobody did that. >> incredible. >> until justin ver lalander. he did it with the tigers. he won the rookie of the year award in 2006. so now he's a member of my team. so there are two of us now.
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i had it for 55 years. i was proud of. that. >> wow. congratulations. and, you know, i want to ask you before you leave, what are your thoughts on magic johnson, you know, being a part owner, owner of the dodgers and, you know, seeing that there are celebrities whether they're in music industry or sports that are getting a piece of ownership in sports teams? >> i'm proud of him. he was going to bite dodgeuy th. i was hoping it would happen. he made it happen. and now he's there. i see him all the time. he is a wonderful person. big, wonderful things for the dodgers and magic johnson and he's going to be a big part of it happening. >> fantastic. thank you so much. an honor to meet you. >> thank you so much. >> congratulations on the award. well deserved. >> thank you. >> here's a question for you. how do you start your morning with coffee? you are drinking some right now, in fact? if so, guess what?
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this is san bernardino county. that is a mess. mudslides blocked some roads entirely. police say some people were trapped in their cars surrounded by rushing water. no reports of injuries. in kansas city, missouri, a war veteran has been reunited with his dog that saved his life. logan black and diego the bomb-sniffing dog worked at least 40 missions together in iraq. after retiring, black wanted to adopt him but he was still owned by the government. but then last week after five years, he was finally allowed to take him home. they're happily together again. health officials are warning people to be aware deadly salmonella outbreak linked to cantaloupe this is time. two people have died and more than 140 others have gotten sick across 20 states. the tainted melons are from a farm in southwestern indiana. health officials are telling consumers to throw out any canned lo
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cantaloupes from that region. doctors are discovering more health benefits for coffee drinkers. several studies found evidence that coffee prevents a variety of illnesses including type two diabetes, parkinson's disease and depression. the study only shows an association between that cup of joe and health benefits, not a causal effect. all right. teenage moms and their babies facing huge challenges in in colombia in particular. meet a cnn hero trying to help. everyone has goals. take the steps to reach yours, with us
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nnchts colombia nearly one in five teenage girls is pregnant or already a mother. this week's cnn hero explains what's unique about what is happening in colombia. meet catalina escobar. [ speaking spanish ] >> teen pregnancy is a very big issue. when you go to the slums, it is unbelievable what you see. many of my girls live here. you see this girl, they're babies holding babies. about ten years ago i was volunteering at this maternity hospital and i was holding this baby. and he passed away with me. his teen mother failed to raise the money for treatment. four days later, my own son passed away in an accident. i realized i didn't want any
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mother to feel the same grief that i went through. my name is cat lean why escobar and i'm helping teen moms get a healthy and adoptive moms for their babies. >> when we first started as a maternity hospital, we were reduced dramatically the infant mortality rate. the real problem is much bigger than that. my girls end up being pregnant because they don't have sexual education and many of my girls are sexually abused. when my girls come, they drop their babies in the daycare center. we have different workshops so they can develop their skills. [ speaking spanish ] >> we are changing the lives of these girls. if you give them the right tools, they're capable of ving forward. >> and remember all of our
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heroes come from your nominations. if you have someone you'd like to tell us about go, to what is that? it's you! it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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generations. and in just an hour or so, president obama will hold a rally in new hampshire. he's expected to focus on the economy. we'll bring that event to you live. later on in the day, he holds another rally in the state before heading back to the white house tonight. in syria, there are conflicting reports over whether the syrian vice president has defected. rebels say he has but syrian state tv says in a statement that he "didn't think for one second to leave the homeland." meanwhile, an algerian diplomat has been appointed new u.n. arab league special envoy to syria. a bus packed with tourists has crashed in mexico. we're told it veered off the road and slam noopd a ravine. at least 12 people are dead. 22 others injured according to state run media. the cause of the crash is now under investigation. coming up later on in the cnn newsroom today, why
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