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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  August 22, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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leads many dogs astray. i like to hump this cat. but romeo has a different source of shame. >> she's scared of his own [ bleep ]. >> reporter: actually, romeo is a two-sign dog. he doesn't just like to watch his owner in the bedroom. >> she was licking my feet, they were hanging off the bed as i was -- >> reporter: who's giving who a tongue-lashing. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> that's it for us. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, paul ryan's curious comment about abortion today. will his boss follow suit? and a little-known company that knows more about you than the fbi, the irs, even google. and they're making money off of that. tonight, an "outfront"
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investigati investigation. and michelle obama headed to wisconsin to meet with victims of the sikh temple shooting. why some say it is too little too late. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, who's the boss? here's paul ryan today on abortion. >> look, i'm proud of my record. i'm proud of my record. mitt romney's going to be the president. the president sets policy. his policy is exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. i'm comfortable with it because it's a good step in the right direction. >> here's one thing we know for sure about paul ryan. he is precise, he likes his facts, his figures and his numbers. he thinks before he speaks. and he even bragged about that today. >> words matter a lot and i'm
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putting a lot of effort into them. >> on abortion, his record is extremely consistent. he received a score of zero from naral pro-choice america which means he's voted against every piece of pro-choice legislation that group has backed. and he has a 100% rating from the national right to life committee. those are pretty good scores. 0 and 100. a man of precision. you want to know where he stands, you know. as the wisconsin state journal reported in 1988 when paul ryan first ran for congress, quote, ryan says he opposes all abortions. he said in 2010, quote, i'm as pro-life as a person gets, i'm never not going to vote pro-life. paul ryan has long said he only supports abortion if the mother's life is at risk but not in cases of rape or incest. but now that appears to be changing.
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on this issue, he says he will defer to his boss. so where does his boss really stand? after all, mitt romney has gone back and forth on this specific issue. in 1994 when he was running against ted kennedy trying to win the liberal senator's seat in congress, here's his view. >> i believe that sense roe v. wade has been the law for 20 years, we should sustain and support it and i sustain and support that law and the right of a woman to make that choice. >> fast-forward 13 years to 2007, mitt romney now competing with his fellow republicans for the gop presidential nomination. >> we should overturn roe v. wade and turn these sues to the states. >> and now here is mitt romney just yesterday in an interview with cnn affiliate wcmh of columbus, ohio. >> with regards to my own view, i've made it very clear, i'm pro-life. but i believe there should be exceptions in the case of rape and incest. >> very clear.
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well, all right. it made us wonder, will paul ryan even though he's the number two be the one convincing mitt romney to change his mind on abortion, on medicare, on a lot of things? after all, paul ryan's been clear and consistent on this issue. mitt romney has not. if you're the person of conviction, maybe you can convince the person who doesn't have conviction. paul ryan could be a lot more powerful than your average vp. after all, he's a policy wonk who's developed his professional life to specific causes and views on how this country should be run. craig gilbert has covered him. mark preston is our political director here at cnn. and reihan salam joins us. craig, let me start with you. you have known paul ryan for a long time, before he became this person now who has exploded on the national stage. how influential do you think he will be on mitt romney, on this campaign, on all of these issues that he has for so long felt so
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firmly about? >> i think he has a chance to be pretty influential for two reasons. one, the one you noted. he has very strong views, a very well-developed set of issue positions and well-developed belief sysm. and, two, he has an independent stature in the republican party and in the conservative movement. that's why you saw conservatives lobbying to have ryan picked for the ticket. so i think romney has to show conservatives that he's listening to paul ryan. >> and let me ask you this, mark, in terms of paul ryan because he is so strong and a man of conviction. we've seen strong vps in the past, right, dick cheney? people who loved him, loved him. people who hated him said he was the puppeteer. joe biden was picked by barack obama because he was the person with policy experience the president lacked at the time. where would paul ryan fall on the influence spectrum? >> let's talk about the short term right now. influentially, he's going to help mitt romney with social conservatives.
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craig just said that. having paul ryan on the ticket might help -- he's very well-respected within conservative circles. and let's not forget, as much as we talk about the medicare debate, paul ryan has not shied away from it and has been talking a lot about it on the campaign trail. this is something we haven't discussed very much. but paul ryan could help mitt romney navigate capitol hill. he's a long-time staffer on capitol hill. he's been in office himself since 1999. he knows how to navigate up there. he knows the personalities. mitt romney has no washington experience. >> i want to talk about the fiscal side of it in just a moment. there's a real conflict between paul ryan and mitt romney on that. but first this issue of abortion, obviously the american public certainly supports abortion in the cases of rape or incest, to allow that choice, the majority of people do. we called all five republican
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women senators today and all of them supported that. three of them described themselves as pro-choice. paul ryan is certainly not on the side of most american people on this issue. he's going to defer to mitt romney. but do you think he'll move mitt romney? >> i find that unlikely. partly because mitt romney has been around for a very long time. he's been a leader for a long time. it's hard for me to imagine him deferring to a much younger guy because -- >> it's not hard to imagine him changing his view on abortion. >> the accusation is that he does it for reasons of political expediency. when you look at the politics of abortion, it's ambiguous. a lot of people call themselves pro-life and pro-choice and not necessarily mean what paul ryan or mitt romney mean. 59% of men and 56% of women favor more strixs orestrictions abortion than we have now.
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>> let's talk about the issue of fiscal loopholes. this is something paul ryan is passionate about. when he came out with his budget this year, i interviewed him and he said, i'm going to get money because i'm closing a lot of the loopholes that benefit the wealthy. but mitt romney doesn't feel that way about crucial ones, capital gains, for example. so how is that going to play out? this is an issue where paul ryan knows a lot and he cares a lot. >> yeah, he does. and unlike social issues, this is really kind of the issues that paul ryan wants to lead on and these are the issues he thinks should be defining the republican party for independent voters and undecided voters. this is where his energy is going to go into. paul ryan has been more specific on the spending side than on the tax side. he's thrown some general principles out there. but there's a lot of gaps that still need to be filled in, even in terms of his own tax policy. >> thanks to all of you. who's going to end up being the boss? mr. ryan or mr. romney?
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still "outfront," president obama and his red lines. he's warning syria not to cross one tonight. but is his red line just a lot of talk? a key figure in the sandusky sex scandal speaks out for the first time. that interview ahead here. and the first lady going to wisconsin to meet with the victims of the sikh temple shooting. some of those families say the white house has completely failed. that's "outfront." ♪ why not make lunch more than just lunch? with two times the points on dining in restaurants, you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy.
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drawing the red line. that's what president obama tried to do this week when he warned syria about using chemical weapons. >> a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. that would change my calculus. that would change my equation. >> we have heard a lot of red line talk from the administration. here's defense secretary le an panetta in january talking about iran. >> number one, we cannot allow them to develop a nuclear weapon. that's a red line. and number two, we cannot tolerate iran blocking the straits of hormuz. and that's a red line. >> but are these red line warnings talk? take the chemical weapons, the risk is serious, according to cia reports syria has one of the most advanced chemical weapons programs in the entire middle
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east. if those weapons fall into the hands of al qaeda, the united states would be on high alert. but would america really ever act on these red lines? eric schmidt is a reporter with "the new york times." and fran townsend is cnn's national security contributor. eric, i want to start with you. the president says there's a red line on syria when it comes to chemical weapons. how serious is the threat of those weapons falling into the hands of al qaeda? >> well, i think right now the threat is still relatively small. but intelligence analysts worry it could be growing. here's why. as assad's forces become more desperate in fighting the rebels, that's a concern that he could use these chemical weapons against them. if he uses them, he has to move them out of the arsenals in which they are now stored. by moving them, they then become more vulnerable to capture by some of the other extremist groups, including those linked to al qaeda. that, of course, is the real nightmare scenario for the
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administration, that he could possibly use these chemical weapons not only against the rebels but they could be vulnerable to capture by the extremists. >> fran, what about this talk of red line? say one of these steps starts to happen as eric's referring to. does syria really think that president obama would act? what would he be able to do? do they believe him? >> well, i think, one, in terms of the threat of a red line, we have to believe that president obama's statement is really meant to be a deterrent, a warning to syria not to cross that red line. the problem with that is the message is what he hears. everything short of that is fair game, is not the red line. there's been a real concern that we haven't been doing enough to help and protect the syrian people, to help the rebels. and frankly, al qaeda -- the more immediate threat, i think, is these sorts of weapons falling into the hands of lebanese hezbollah. hezbollah is a proxy of iran. they're clearly resident inside
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of nir and they have a real presence there and are known tor a threat to the region and to the u.s. directly. >> eric, does the united states even have the ability -- we say there's a red line -- to stop movement of these chemical weapons? i'm thinking about the libyan information. and now we see surface-to-air missiles and all these weapons, as we were seeing in northern africa now in the hands of militants linked to al qaeda. >> panetta has talked about how the u.s. and israel are monitoring closely the suspected sites of these chemical weapons. the pentagon has done preliminary planning that it would require tens of thousands of troops to go in on the ground to secure these sites. they're watching the scene closely but it would be a major commitment of u.s. military force should these weapons become vulnerable. >> and, fran, a final question. an influential israeli tv station this week saying benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister of israel, will
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strike -- bomb iran before the election. this talk had died down, everyone thought this has gone away. now it's raising its ugly head again. do you take that risk seriously? >> absolutely i do. and more importantly, i think american administration officials do. that's why you've seen this constant travel over there by members of the cabinet to try to reassure the israelis. they were told to wait and see if sanctions would be effective. sanctions are having an impact but they're not changing iranian behavior. and that's the ultimate test for the israeli prime minister. so i think we've got to expect that benjamin netanyahu will act if he believes that the sanctions aren't changing iranian behavior. >> and the president is praying that that action if it happens is not before november. thanks so much to both of you. check out eric's great book as well. next, there's a company in arkansas, arkansas, and it knows more about you than any government agency, more than google, more than the irs and what they're doing with that information is even more alarming. there is an "outfront" investigation next. and a man at the center of
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the jerry sandusky scandal speaking out tonight for the first time. his side of the story "outfront." at usaa, we believe honor is not exclusive to the military, and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank.
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now our third story "outfront," under surveillance.
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it's no secret the fbi, the irs, websites like google and facebook know a lot about you, probably stuff you will regret ever telling them. but what they know pales in comparison to the information being collected by acxiom corporation. it's home the the world's largest data collecting center. knows your name, your age, your race, your gender. fine, right? but they also know your political affiliation, what you buy, your financial status, what you make and very sensitive health information. not only do they know this, but they are selling this information to other companies. here's ed lavandera "outfront." >> reporter: they've been called the cyberazi, largely unknown companies that buy and sell personal information on virtually everyone across the country, data marketing is now a $300 billion industry. >> they know more about us than we know about ourselves and they can predict what we'll do in the
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future with a high dreeg of accuracy. >> reporter: there are hundreds of data brokering companies in the u.s. one of the largest is a company called acxiom based in little rock, arkansas. this company recorded sales last year of more than $1 billion. this is the first tv interview the company's chief executive has ever granted. scott howe says he wants to demystify what his company does. >> i think there is a misunderstanding about what we do. we collect data and we use that data about people to give them more relevant advertising and help businesses make better decisions about marketing to those people. >> reporter: the company says it has marketing data on 144 million households in america. the raw data about individual people is run through complex algorithms, tracking purchasing and lifestyle patterns. then you're grouped into a life stage cluster.
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there are about 70 different groupings with names like savvy singles and apple pie families. it's all perfectly legal, but pinpointing exactly how it's all done and what they have isn't easy. do you know the numbers to my bank accounts? >> let me tell you what we know. we collect things like contact information, demographics and your preferences on things. pretty generic stuff. so it includes things like telephone books. >> reporter: takes more than a phone book to get that information, right? >> it's really the melting pot of all of this different information that we are, again, securely, appropriately and legally collecting on consumers. >> reporter: this is the complex where the company keeps all of its computer servers that are constantly processing the staggering bits of information about you. we asked the company for a tour
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inside to see how it all works. but the company officials say all of this is off limits. why is that? >> there's not a bank in the world who's going to let you take cameras into their bank vault. we view our data the same way. >> reporter: privacy experts say it all plays into the secrecy of the data brokering industry. >> i think they try to exist below the radar because their entire business model is based on selling your personal information and that's a disconcerting thought to a lot of people. >> reporter: data brokers are taking snapshots of your life and like the realpaparazzi, the cyberazi is always watching. ed lavandera, little rock, arkansas. "outfront" next, standing up to the grand old party. how a 22-year-old woman is sending shock waves through the entire republican establishment and so she's "outfront" next. and new information just in on a tropical storm that is on the verge of becoming a hurricane and could hit tampa on monday.
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our show with stories we care about, where we focus on our own reporting from the front lines. we have breaking news tonight on isaac.
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that's the tropical storm now in the caribbean. the latest forecast shows it could be a hurricane as early as tomorrow. and could threaten the republican convention in tampa next week. meteorologist chad myers is watching the path of the storm. this is something a lot of people said could not happen because it hasn't in decades and decades. w450es the latest? >> and all that talk when they put it in tampa in hurricane season, they go, it will never happen, the odds are -- well, the odds have gone up significantly. at least 10% to 15% now. i cannot rule out anywhere from new orleans to north carolina. you say, that's a great forecast. that's like 2 to 10 inches of snow. no, this is too far away, it's about six days out if it would get to new orleans. six days out if it would get to north carolina. these things go left and they go right. one thing i can guarantee you about this storm is this forecast will change. it will change at least one time. right now, winds are 45. hurricane hunters not finding
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very much. about 40 miles per hour right now. may have weakened just a little bit in the past little bit. let me show you what the forecast track is and let me explain this cone thing. we haven't talked like in a year, right? kind of lose track of what these things are. this big white box here is the left side or the right side of where this thing could go. it could go to the carolinas. it could go into the gulf of mexico. the middle of the line, the most logical place for it to go, the middle of all the computer models is somewhere over cuba into the florida straits and up toward florida. my guarantee it's going to go left and right, the forecast is going to change, maybe even change back. if it doesn't change at all, this is a very big storm. before it hits america, this is going to hit haiti. about 500,000 people live in tents in haiti. because all the houses got knocked down in that earthquake. so this is already a big problem if this storm right there with that eye hits the dominican
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republic and then finally into haiti in probably 48 hours. let's talk about this now. if we zoom in -- i hate to do this because it's still five days away -- where would this center right there? it means 275 miles around that center is the error possibility of where this could be on tuesday. it could be all the way into the atlantic. it could be in the middle of of the gulf of mexico. watch it with us. we'll keep you up to date. every time it changes, we'll tell you. but ths aig one for 50,000 people that have never seen a hurricane before going to tampa, florida. >> and a gop convention that desperately does not want to be canceled. the mayor of tampa said he will if he has to. thanks very much to chad. this is a hurricane everyone's going to be watching more avidly than most. new developments in the case of chavis carter, the 21-year-old fatally shot as he sat handcuffed in the back of a police car in arkansas. jonesboro police say they spoke to carter's girlfriend and she told them that carter called her
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from the police car and said he told her he had a gun and that he was scared. police say they're inspecting carter's cell phone use. but they say that carter received a text message from another man asking carter to bring a gun. and according to police, that man admitted to sending the text, which was sent about half an hour before carter encountered the police. police are still investigating the death which was july 29th. but a medical examiner earlier this week concluded that carter committed suicide. the attorney for members of the carter natural have pointed to race, noting that the officers are white. the attorney told "outfront" monday there are still many questions to be answered. an "outfront" update on aimee copeland, the young woman we've been following since she was diagnosed with a flesh-eating disease in may. tonight wonderful news. she is home for the first time d her father, andy, told thaus aimee left her rehab facility earlier today. before bringing her home, they stopped at a steakhouse for a late lunch. you may remember from coming on to the show talking about her
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sister, local companies contributed labor and materials. there's been an addition to the family home, completed now, ready for aimee and all the needs she will have. she lost her leg a foot and her hands. but she is fighting back with prosthetics and going to win. it has been 384 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating? what are we doing to get it back? today, the congressional budget office issued a warning about the fiscal cliff saying if we go over, it could cause a significant recession and 9% unemployment next year. our fourth story "outfront" now, standing up to the grand old party. a lot has been made of the republican party's platform, especially because of the todd akin story this week on hot button social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage. one woman who just happens to be the youngest member of the republican platform committee is challenging her party's conventional thinking and generational divide. in fact, she is the only member
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of the committee, 110 people, who brought up representative todd akin by name during a debate about abortion and said the platform needs to be more welcoming to women. "outfront" tonight is jackie curtis. we're hoping you're not going to get rained out or anything like it. you have caught everyone's attention and i was amazed when i heard about you yesterday. i'm so glad you decided to come on the show. take me inside the room about what happened yesterday. everyone's talking about abortion and you raise your hand and bring up todd akin. what did you do? >> yesterday, a woman from north carolina proposed an amendment to a section on health care that the fda ban drugs thamd that could be known as abortion bills. she had the language kind of vague to include any pill, any medication that could induce abortion. i simply asked her if that would include the morning-after pill,
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plan "b." she responded and i didn't really get the answer that i was looking for to say that, absolutely not, that didn't include the morning-after pill. and frankly i spoke up and said, in light of the comments by congressman todd akin, the party needs to show the american people our sensitivity on the issue of rape. and we need to not support an amendment that could possibly take away a rape victim's best chance at preventing pregnancy. >> and so a lot of people would say, tell us how you come to grips with this. you're in there trying to force change from within. we've all read that line and that line, that amendment, if it went through, would not allow the states to allow a woman to have an abortion in the case of rape or incest. that's what that amendment would do. are you trying to change that completely? >> i don't feel like that amendment specifically said that. i do feel like it singled out medication abortion.
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what i'm trying to do is start a debate. i personally believe that in the case of rape and incest and life of the mother, that we should make exceptions for abortion. our republican candidates feel that same way. the republican nominee, mitt romney, feels that way. and frankly i think most of the republican party and the american people feel that way. it just wasn't -- that representative in that room yesterday. >> so what are you trying to do to bring younger people into your party? a lot of people watching tonight will look and say, gosh, she's a young woman and she's talking passionately about effecting change from within the republican party. they're not used to seeing that, right? in 2008, people in the age group of 18 to 24, 68% went for president obama. 30% for john mccain. what do you think would change that? >> i think the republican party needs to focus on the issues that i think are the most important to the american people because those are the issues that are the most important to young people. we want jobs when we graduate from college. we want the economy to do well.
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we want the same things as everyone else. we want the party to focus on those issues because those should be the focus of this election. and it's the focus of what's important to the young people. >> jackie, thank you very much. look forward to meeting you and seeing you down in tampa. two months after former penn state football coach jerry sandusky was found guilty on 45 counts of sexual abuse, the fallout continues at penn state. the school was fined $60 million. its football team banned from bowl games for four years and all victories since 1988 have been vacated. that doesn't even talk about the costly civil suits that are going to be coming down the line. there are also cases against gary schultz and tim curley, both charged with failing to report a sexual assault and with lying to a grand jury. noticeably absent, though, from these cases is former penn state president graham spanier. he's not been charged with anything. he sat down with our jeffrey toobin and "the new yorker."
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jeff, people have been really, really wanting to know what this guy had to say. you spent several hours with him. >> i did. >> over a couple of days. >> i did. >> a lot of heart-to-heart conversation. everyone's wondering why he hasn't been charged along with other leaders at penn state. did you get an answer? >> i went into this gnu like a lot of people. i was so horrified by the jerry sandusky scandal. i wanted to see all these people thrown to the wolves. but spanier has a story. spanier says, look, sandusky was horrible, but i did not know. and there are two incidents at the heart of the freeh report. the 1998 incident and the 2001. and we went through those in considerable detail. and he says, in 1998, i was copied on a couple of e-mails. i did not know. and by the way, those were, in fact, reported to the police, that incident. and the police declined to press charges. the 2001 incident, he's in a much more vulnerable position and it's a more complicated
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situation. >> let's talk about the freeh report. it was a scathing report. it concluded four of the most powerful people at penn state university failed to protect against a child sexual predator harming children for the past decade. let's listen to what graham spanier said to you about the report. >> the freeh report is wrong. it's unfair. it's deeply flawed. it has many errors and omissions. i know they had a lot of very good people on that team working on this. they interviewed, they say, over 430 people. many of those folks have spoken to me about their interviews. many of them describe those interviews to me as a witch hunt. >> witch hunt. sounds defensive. >> yeah. he's pretty defensive. and he's very angry about it. frankly, i don't buy that it was a witch hunt. but whether in fact spanier is culpable here is much more of an
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open question than i thought. the 2001 incident, that's the one we spent so much time talking about. that's mike mcqueary, the famous redhead graduate assistant who saw something in the bathroom of the football locker room. >> -- the shower. >> shower, i'm sorry. and reported it to joe paterno. what he saw and what he testified at the trial is something very different, spanier says, from what he was told about what happened. he says he was only told there was horseplay, not a very sexual and rape-like encounter. >> i still remain someone who doesn't understand why anybody would think that a man gaging in horseplay with a teenager in a shower -- >> that's a big problem for his position. >> and you asked him about an e-mail in which they were talking about trying to more humane with mr. sandusky. here's what he said. >> i think what many people wanted to read into it was that
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it was humane for us not to turn him in for being a known child predator. but i never, ever heard anything about child abuse or sexual abuse or my antennae raised up enough to even suspect that. >> this is, again, where i'm confused. horseplay between a naked man and naked teenager in a shower. >> so fascinating. graham spanier before he became a college administrator was a sociologist with a specialty in child abuse. this is something he knows about tremendously. and he says he's a big intervener as an administrator. he says his antennae was not raised. he said he asked schultz and curley, what was this? are you sure it was nothing more than horseplay? again, he says that's all he was told. it's not clear what horseplay was to him. but they did not do what they could have done in 2001. >> tenured professor at penn
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state, he still is one. is he being paid? >> he sure s. no longer living in the president's house but he is still a tenured professor. his wife is a tenured professor. and they intend, as far as i can tell, to stay there for the foreseeable future. >> jeffrey, thank you very much. ahead, michelle obama plans on meeting with the victims of the deadly temple shooting in wisconsin tomorrow. one family, though, is upset. that's "outfront." an incredible video of a volcano erupting in ecuador. this is pretty stupendous video. that's next. hey baby goat... no that's not yours... [ hikers whispering ] ...that's not yours. [ goat bleats ] na, na, na -- no! [ male announcer ] now you can take a photo right from video, so you'll never miss the perfect shot. [ hikers laughing, commenting ] at&t introduces the htc one x. now $99.99. rethink possible. now $99.99.
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we're back with tonight's outer circle. we go tonight to ecuador where a volcano has been spewing molten rock, ash and lava since the weekend. rafael romo is "outfront." i asked him how the eruption is affecting local residents. >> people living near the volcano are already evacuating the area. ecuadoran authorities say falling ash has ruined farms and is endangering farm animals around the volcano. they're trying to keep highways in the area open. the glacier volcano rises to almost 16,500 feet above sea level. it's been erupting periodically since 1999.
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back in july and august of 2006, the volcano killed at least four people and left two missing during a particularly active period. in april of 2011, ashes from the volcano rose more than four miles into the air and authorities closed schools and evacuated residents in areas nearby. it hasn't gotten that bad this time. but ecuadoran authorities want to be prepared. erin? >> thanks to rafael. let's check in with anderson with a look at what's coming up on "a.c. 360." >> keeping them honest. congressman todd akin hanging on despite all levels from the republican party to abandon his senate run in missouri. why is he blaming the liberal media instead and will the strategy work for him? and the changing language that paul ryan is using to describe rape. and chicago's homicide rate has surged this year. we took you on the street with police trying to get a handle on crime. tonight we take you inside the e.r. where an overnight shift can feel like a war zone.
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also tropical storm isaac could become hurricane isaac, threatening to hit the florida coast on monday, perhaps tampa. the start of the republican convention. we're going to have new information at the top of the hour from the cnn weather center a new report, a new tracking for the storm. >> see you in a few moments. watching that track like a hawk. our fifth story "outfront," new information tonight about the officer hailed as a hero. he saved lives during the wisconsin sikh temple shooting and this is wonderful news because oak creek police lieutenant brian murphy who was among the first to arrive at the sikh temple, he was shot nine times, is out of the hospital. news came late this afternoon, just a day before first lady michelle obama heads to wisconsin to meet with family members of those killed and injured. it's been 17 days since the shooting that left six dead and four wounded. but it is the first time anyone from the first family has visited. and some in the community say it's not enough.
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among them is the man whose uncle, the president of the sikh temple in wisconsin, was killed on august 5th. moments ago, i came to him and we spoke about officer murphy's release. but i started by asking about how he was doing? >> i'm doing all right. it's been pretty chaotic since this all has happened.
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both by president obama and the presidential candidate mitt romney. there's a lot of solidarity and the first lady visiting is nice. it's a campaign stop as well. but the community pleesapprecia it. it was a little later than we were hoping to get. any sort of recognition or, you know, sympathy or however you want to call it. >> when you mentioned this was a campaign stop, what makes you feel that way? the white house says they know it's not a campaign stop, but what makes you feel that way? obviously on the day this horrible tragedy happened, the president and mitt romney put out statements condemning it. what makes you feel that way? >> a phone call to the families would have been nice. showing their support on a more
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personal level. when a tragedy like this happens they're expected to make a statement. and i'm glad they did, but some action. time may have passed and i'm sure it would still be accepted or welcomed in either of them want to reach out to the families of the victims or the community itself. >> let me ask you about where you stand, how important this is to you and how you now feel about politics. i know you're a registered democrat. you gave money to president obama last election cycle when he ran for president. obviously voted for him. has this changed your view on him? on donating? on voting? >> you know, the verdict is still out. i think right now i would have appreciated more support earlier on. i think there's an opportunity for this to happen. >> do you think the president handled things differently with the colorado movie theatre shooting than he did with you? and obviously he had made calls there that he didn't make in the
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case of the temple shooting. but do you think that he did? and if so, why? why do you think that decision was made? >> you know, logistically, he did handle it differently. he visited aurora once, i'm told twice. he did make the phone calls to the families. whereas in our case, he did not. you know, in terms of the whys, you know, a lot of it is the political environment, you know? we're not in a state of unity. when you hear the fear, the hate talk about oh, he's a muslim, we can't vote for him. thgs of that nature, i think are sort of what create an environment where it's difficult. >> and i just want to give you some news here that we have just out tonight. lieutenant brian murphy, the policeman who was, the heroic policeman who took all those shots to try to save lives have
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just been released from the hospital. >> that's really tremendous. i think after everything that's happened, we really -- i mean, you know, his heroism was amazing. thank you for that wonderful news. >> well, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. we appreciate it. all right, the u.s. looked the other way in ethiopia and now it's coming back to haunt us. it's something you're born with. and inspires the things you choose to do. you do what you do... because it matters. at hp we don't just believe in the power of technology. we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work.
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today, the body of prime minister melez zanoyi arrived from ethiopia. he was an ally in the fight against al qaeda and somalia. the u.s. looked the other way on how zenawi ranked 174 in 180 countries the human development index. that measures human rights. we saw what an african police state looked like. at the airport, it took an hour to clear the airport. they tried multiple times to take us in government cars
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befoso they would know where we went and they only relenting when we left hundreds of thousands of tv cameras at the airport. inside was empty. outside was a crowd. why, we asked? they said we're not allowed in to arrive our family and friends. the police are worried about unrest so the people stand outside in the rain. this is myself and our camera man christian next to the ancient russian cars which are still the taxi cab of choice left over from when ooethiopia s a social ally of the ussr. maybe that's why the united states is so proud of the fact that we won over ethiopia. it's proof we won. but the united states isn't reaping the benefits you might expect. these guys are. these are chinese businessmen in the airport. china is thebi