tv Democratic National Convention CNN September 5, 2012 4:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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as mom addressed the 2008 republican convention. back at the hair flip for the ages, carina was so mesmerized she almost forgot to join the standing ovation when her dad finished while the applause was music to his ears, she covered hers. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. cnn's coverage of the democratic national convention continues right now. the president is a servant of today but his true constituency is the future. >> america is a future that each generation must enlarge. >> because this election is not about ideology. it's about confidence. >> i still believe in a place called hope. >> and i stand here tonight as my own man. and i want you to know me for who i truly am.
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>> i'm john kerry and i'm reporting for duty. >> america, we cannot turn back, not with so much work to be done. >> this is cnn. >> the democrats scramble to fix a pair of embarrassing omissions from their party's platform. >> the question is, how much will god and jerusalem distract from what's supposed to be the highlight of the night for democrats. >> a former president riding a wave of renewed popularity helps a current president in a tough reelection fight. >> i don't think it's important to reelect the president. i think it is essential. to reelect the president. >> in charlotte tonight, bill clinton nominates barack obama to serve a second term, appealing to voters who still think it's all about the economy. >> i hope i bring some credibility on what the most effective way to create jobs and
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bring america back is. >> these two democrats have been at odds in the past. but they're united in the battle to hold on to the white house. >> you're in good hands. >> look for clinton to fire up supporters tonight as he has before. but is there a risk he'll upstage the president? >> sit down! >> now, cnn turns the spotlight on one of the biggest platforms in american politics. this is the democratic national convention. this is the night delegates have their say. >> join with me, we will elect barack obama president of the united states of america. >> this is america's choice. we'd like to welcome our viewers in the united states and
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around the world to this, the democratic national convention in charlotte, north carolina. everyone here is waiting to hear what bill clinton will say about president obama tonight as well as his own time in the white house. but another speech tonight could make or break the democrats' hope for keeping control of the united states senate. elizabeth warren is challenging republican senator scott brown in massachusetts. coming up in this hour, we'll hear praise of bill clinton from someone you might not expect. >> coming from the republicans, vice presidential candidate paul ryan sat down with cnn's piers morgan to compare the clinton and obama presidencies. the two presidents have not always been close, obviously. our chief national correspondent john king covered the clinton white house for us. >> these two presidents, the former president and president obama are more than at peace now. you may say both men share a little bit of numbers envy. president clinton is envious of this. he never won more than 50% of the vote.
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the number barack obama is envious of, that would be this, 23 million jobs created during the clinton term. >> for a preview of what bill clinton is going to say tonight, let's go to cnn chief political correspondent candy crowley stationed above the podium. what are the sources you've been talking to telling you about what he's going to say? >> reporter: first of all, they tell me that in fact bill clinton is a man for all reasons for this party, appeals to the base. he reaches to the swing voters. he's the most popular living ex-president. and he reaches the toughest demographic for president obama, white working class males. with that in mind, this is one of the excerpts that they gave us from the speech tonight by bill clinton. he will say, the most important question is, what kind of country do you want to live in? if you want a you're on your own, winner take all society, you should support the republican ticket. if you want a country of shared
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prosperity and shared responsibility, a we're all in this together society, you should vote for barack obama and joe biden. i am told that in fact, bill clinton will be very specific when he compares -- and he does this very well -- when he compares what they will see as the romney agenda versus what president obama proposes for the next four here'years. and he can connect those dots from what democrats see as the good old days, the clinton boom years, to what president obama is promising in the future. and the former presidt will say he's followinghe policies that i followed, therefore, stick with him. wolf, back to you. >> candy, thanks very much. our cnn correspondents brianna keilar, john burman and kate bolduan with down on the arena floor and up in the stands with the delegates. and in a change of plans for the democrats, this convention will be in this arena tomorrow as well. the party scrapped the idea of
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having the president give his acceptance speech in the much larger but open air bank of america stadium because of the threat of thunderstorms. we're watching all of this unfold. the democrats tightly scripted convention plans fell apart in another way just a little while ago as well. watch what happened. watch this. watch what happened during a voice vote to amend the party platform to include language referring to jerusalem and god. watch this. >> all those delegates in favor say aye. all those delegates opposed say no. let me do that again. all of those delegates in favor say aye. all those delegates opposed say no. i'll do that one more time.
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all those delegates in favor say aye. all those delegates opposed say no. the opinion of the chair, two-thirds voted in the affirmative. the motion is adopted. >> chief white house correspondent jessica yellin is here with more. what an embarrassing moment. that's normally supposed to be very easy to pass these kinds of acclamations. but we understand, your reporting, the president intervened with the platform committee to get the change. >> that's right. the president did. they did not notify the delegates in advance the change was coming. they found out when it was announced from the podium which could have contributed to some of the confusion with the yes and the no at the time. the language has been changed on jerusalem back to that original language in 2008 which said that jerusalem is going to be the capital of israel. it's recognized officially as the capital of israel. and the president essentially
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cauterizing a self-inflicted wound as one donor said to me, there goes the conspiracy for the democrats to lose florida this year. it was a joke, but you understand the implication there is. and then on god, several democratic sources say that the president said, well, why would that happen? why the heck would that be taken out? so he wanted that added back in. and now the platform has been changed back on both those points. it is ted strickland who runs the drafting committee of the platform. so no doubt he will bear some responsibility for this. but then a lot of people will ask, why wasn't this for carefully reviewed? finally in the end, it's done. >> who would have thought the word god would be that controversial in what should have been a routine platform. jessica, thanks very much. anrson, i don't know if you could -- you heard three times. it sounded at least even, that voice vote. certainly didn't sound like a two-thirds majority. but that maybe is just me. >> i think you heard a number of
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people after that booing with that result. let's talk about the platform glitch and bill clinton's speech tonight with our analysts. joined by john king, gloria borger, van jones, david gergen, alex jones. was this a self-inflicted wound? >> absolutely. after a roaring first night, one we all proclaimed was successful. they started out the night with a stumble. and we'll have to see where the rest of the evening goes. but this hits them in two vulnerable places of the democratic party. the republicans have long argued this is a godless party, it's a secular party. and here they come take god out of the platform. you talk about israel in a positive way, but we can't trust you underneath. we think you're squishy on israel. and now here there's still some language on israel that was taken out of this platform with regard to israel. conservatives and jews are really going to object to that. >> wouldn't somebody at the white house at least have been reviewing the platform to catch
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this kind of thing? >> obviously it's a big mistake. but the word faith occurs multiple times throughout the thing. i'm a christian. i was offended. the democratic party has a problem because on the one hand, there are a lot of secular, very strong secular liberals in the party. on the other hand, this is the party of john lewis. this is the party of barack obama. this is the party of -- you're not going to find people with stronger faith than a john lewis whose prayers got him through the civil rights movement. it's a big blunder. >> one of the things you measure when you look at presidential campaigns, there's a question of, how many times do you go to church? every month. and one of the problems that john kerry had in 2004 was that he did not win with people who go to church twice a month, who say, churchgoing people. and that hurt him in rural america. it hurt him in the south. and the democratic party cannot be seen as the secular party.
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so, yes, theymen may mention faith. but what's wrong with god? >> alex, is this something that goes away or do you think no? >> you'll see it probably in republican ads. >> if you have anything to do with it. >> i'm gratefully retired. i'm not a pastor. but you want to get god back in your platform because otherwise the democratic ticket may not have a prayer. but, no, it was nice of the mayor, i think, to let them vote until they got it right. the power you have from the podium -- but this convention, barack obama's gone farther left than bill clinton which is why bill clinton is here tonight, to drag him back to the middle. this kind of offset that is. this is the secular liberal democratic party that has trouble with older white working men. >> there are legitimate policy questions here. the language about israel, why did it happen? israel splitting the party over what the languages say. but we would not be having this conversation, we should not be having this conversation. the democrats last week decided
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to make a very big deal of the republican platform. when you do that, it is politics 101. you better scrub yours because you know this is coming. this is keystone cops. they can blame ted strickland and blame cory booker. somebody from the obama campaign has to read that document and say, here's what we said four years ago when he was your candidate. it's not like you have a new candidate. >> especially because they did make such a big -- debbie wasserman schultz was over there blaming the republican -- >> what do you do? you rub the platform. you say, he wants to make a big deal of israel, let's quadruple-check every line. this is not just the platform committee. somebody in the campaign should have been assigned, somebody with a policy and a political background, not just some kid or some -- >> is it lasting damage? >> who knows? this is an election about the economy. however, if it is a 50/50 election, who knows? republicans have been able in the past to use the god issue against democrats. van is right. the president's a christian.
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but can you move a couple of hundred votes on this? maybe. >> but the jewish vote in floor should be in play more fully -- >> but two dots like a line. if you're going to run a campaign, you want to establish your pattern. this convention is going still a lot to the left, from a republican point of view and perhaps on independent. the theme from this convention seems to be more free stuff for you. you get that from the government. and you start connecting these dots. that's why they need bill clinton to send the message that barack obama can't credibly deliver on -- >> final thought, van? >> first of all, there's more continuity between obama and bill clinton than people like you want to give them credit for. would bill clinton have been for health care? yes. would bill clinton have been for the stimulus? yes. i think what bill clinton is going to be able to do -- >> he was the last one to balance a budget. >> he was the last president that didn't have to inherit the bush economy. >> to be continued.
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>> no doubt about it. republican paul ryan is suddenly sounding like a bill clinton fan out on the campaign trail today. also in his interview with piers morgan, we'll explain why ahead. and hillary clinton tells cnn many voters might feel differently about the president if they knew what she knows. i bought the car because of its efficiency. i bought the car because i could eliminate gas from my budget. i don't spend money on gasoline. it's been 4,000 miles since my last trip to the gas station. it's pretty great. i get a bunch of kids waving at me... giving me the thumbs up. it's always a gratifying experience. it makes me feel good about my car. i absolutely love my chevy volt. ♪ i absolutely love my chevy volt. recently, students from 31 countries took part in a science test. the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards.
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he's delivered a blistering attack o mitt romney. the president of the aflcio is joining candy crowley up on the podium. candy? >> reporter: thanks, wolf. let me talk to you a little bit. we are in the state that has the least amount of unionized workers of any state in the country. you know it's a right to work state. usually when you're at these democratic conventions, all you can see are union t-shirts. not here and not now. translate that to november for me. >> well, first of all, there are over 1,000 union delegates here. so they may not have -- some of them do, some of them may not,
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but there's 1,000 delegates here. we have 140,000 members here in this state. we think they deserve every right that every member in every other state deserves. that's why we came together. everybody's excited. >> reporter: but you weren't happy about the choice of north carolina? >> we weren't at first. we really weren't. we were unhappy because it was a right to work state. but then we realized, what's really important here? what's really important is the country, that we need jobs. we have to come together. i fear for the country if mitt romney and paul ryan were elected. >> reporter: talk to me a little bit. we were discussing today how yesterday's conversation was a lot about the rights of undocumented workers. we heard about -- a lot about same-sex marriage. we heard about choice. how comfortable are you in going to your union members after a day yesterday? do you think it took some of the focus off jobs? >> no, i don't think so.
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i think the first lady did an incredible job. i think other people -- i think patrick duvall did a great job. i thought martin o'malley did a great job. i thought castro did a good job. they talked about jobs. they talked about an economy that works for everybody, not just the people at the top, but works for everybody. >> reporter: thanks for joining us. >> appreciate it. >> reporter: anderson? >> candy, thanks very much. we are anticipating hearing from congressman nancy pelosi. she's now taking the stage. let's listen in. >> good evening, fellow democrats. good evening. isn't that american dream story the story of america?
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we are all here to reignite the american dream. that is why i'm so pleased to see so many young people, the future of our party, the hope of america. i stand before you as the first mother and first grandmother to serve as democratic leader and first speaker of the house of representatives. for 25 years, it has been my privilege to represent the city of san francisco and the great state of california. to work to strengthen our vibrant middle class and to secure opportunity and equality. we all stand together in our
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drive for 25, 25 seats to win back the house for the democrats. as we reelect president barack obama president of the united states. democrats believe in reigniting the american dream by removing barriers to success and building ladders of opportunity for all so that everyone can succeed. jobs are central to the american dream, and president obama has focused on jobs from day one. under president obama, we've gone from losing 800,000 jobs a month to adding 4.5 million private sector jobs over the last 29 months.
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the american dream is about freedom. jobs mean freedom, for workers to support their families. working with president obama, democrats passed the lilly ledbetter fair pay act to strength tennessee rights of women in the workplace. [ applause ] we repealed david letterman l " tell" so our troops can serve our country regardless of who they love. we made college more affordable. house democrats passed the dream act. but senate republicans blocked it. with president obama, democrats enacted the toughest consumer safeguards in history to protect main street from recklessness of some on wall street. democrats passed health care reform to allow americans the freedom to pursue their passion,
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to make health care a right, not a privilege, and to ensure that being a woman is no longer a pre-existing medical condition. [ applause ] our freedom is secured every day by our men and women in uniform. we must build a future worthy of their sacrifice. we thank them for keeping america the land of the free and the home of the brave. this year, we are determined to reelect an extraordinary president who in no ordinary time led america back from the brink of depression, while republicans tried to block him at every turn.
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this election offers the clearest choice of our time. many names are on the ballot. so, too, on the ballot is the character of our country. why is that? medicare ion the ballot. democrat will strengthen and preserve medicare. republicans will end the medicare guarantee. it's just plain wrong. when you go to the polls, vote for medicare, vote for president obama. [ applause ] social security is on the ballot. democrats enacted it. democrats will fight to preserve it. some republicans want to replace the guarantee of social security with a gamble of private accounts. it's just plain wrong.
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when you go to the polls, vote for social security. vote for president barack obama. [ applause ] the hard-fought rights of women are on the ballot. democrats trust the judgment of women. we reject the republican assault on women's reproductive health. it's just plain wrong. when you go to the polls, vote for women's rights. vote for president obama. [ applause ] and our democracy is on the ballot. democrats believe we must curb the influence of special interest on our political institutions. democrats believe we must create jobs, not protect the special interest. we must build the economy from
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the middle out, not the top down. to change policy for the middle class, we must change politics. democrats will work to overturn citizens united. [ applause ] while republicans support opening the floodgates to special interest money and suppressing the right to vote. it's just plain wrong. we believe in the government of the many, not the privileged few. when you go to the polls, vote for democracy. vote for president barack obama. and the american dream is on the ballot. we have work to do to reignite the american dream, to build ladders of opportunity for our
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middle class and remove barriers to success. when you go to the polls, vote for the american dream. vote for strong democratic majorities in the united states senate and the house of representatives. vote for vice president joe biden and president barack obama. [ applause ] god bless you. god bless the united states of america. thank you all very much. >> coming up, republican paul ryan tells our piers morgan how he would compare president obama to president clinton. and an obama insider reveals how the president likes to kick back in his most private moments. great shot.
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we're back here at the democratic national convention in charlotte, north carolina, getting ready to hear from the former president, bill clinton. the republican vice presidential nominee, paul ryan, has started invoking bill clinton's name when he attacks the president of the united states. our own piers morgan had a chance to interview paul ryan. it was a good interview. >> obviously they're trying to position president clinton as the real great democrat president. and therefore, barack obama, the less favorable light. i get into that because it's a mischievous little ploy by the republicans and it might work if bill clinton tonight raises the roof and is fantastic. all the republicans are going, well, if only we had him to deal
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with, stuff could get done to improve the country's fortune. let's take a look. congressman ryan, president bill clinton will make his big speech tonight here in this very convention center behind me. are you looking forward to hearing what he has to say? >> i do plan on listening to his speech. i think we'll probably hear a lot about the 1990s but not about the last four years. because you cannot make the case that people are better off than they were four years ago. look, bill clinton did a lot of good bipartisan things. he gave us welfare reform. president obama is watering it down. we haven't had a budget reform with president obama. >> by some of the criteria you're laying down at barack obama's feet, would you say america was a worse-off country economically at the end of eight years of president bush than it was under bill clinton? >> look, barack obama inherited a very difficult situation when he came to office. no two ways about that.
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any fair assessment of his record needs to take that into account, piers. the problem is, president obama made it worse. we've had 42 months of unemployment above 8%. nearly one in six americans are living in poverty today. we have 23 million people struggling to find work a result of bad policies coming from this administration. and so i think what president obama is basically offering is four more years of the same. that's what he means he says he has an incomplete record on jobs. we're going to give the country a choice of two futures. create opportunity, create jobs. it's a stark contrast to the last four years under the obama administration. >> you have to give president obama a bit of time just to get things back on track. their argument is, look, once we got things back on track, we've now had well over 20 months of consecutive job growth. the stock market is beginning to soar again, et cetera, et cetera.
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you've heard the argument. how much of a pass to you give them, given you yourselves believe that what happened at the end of president bush's tenure was pretty catastrophic? >> well, as i mentioned, you have to give president obama the fact that he inherit add very difficult situation. but i think he made things worse. look, usually when we have a deep recession in america, we come bounding out of it with fast economic growth and quick job creation. we did it in the early yeah 80s. after the tough '70s recession we had, we did the same thing. we're limping out of this recession. economic growth is stagnant. job creation is stagnant. the unemployment rate today is higher than it was at this time in the carter era. the unemployment rate was 7.8% in july of 1980. today, it's been above 8% for 42 months. so to make the argument that they're putting us on the right track i think just defies logic. it flies in the face of the facts. >> right. but --
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>> 20 million people are struggling to find work. >> just to jump in, though, obviously the unemployment rate is only marginally higher now than it was at the end of george bush's presidency. if you're going to hammer jimmy carter and you're going to hammer president obama, are you prepared to fairly hammer president bush? because the figures are not dissimilar. >> before the economic crisis, the unemployment rate was far, far lower. >> that's like saying before an avalanche, the snow was great. >> piers, hear me out. we had an economic crisis in 2008. i was very familiar with that. i was there. the problem i'm saying is president obama's so-called solutions didn't fix the problem. they've made it worse. and so president obama for the last two years has not been offering solutions. he's been attacking the other party. don't forget, piers, for the first two years of his presidency, his entire party controlled all of government.
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he got to pass nearly every single item on his agenda. and we are suffering as a result of that. >> right. last night there was a big running theme of these speeches at the democratic convention on social issues. and they rather mischievous included in their teddy agenda tribute a sequence of mitt romney talking very proudly about his position on abortion, making it absolutely clear, pledging to his own voters who were going to vote for him, listen, i am pro choice. how do you feel about that? you're a catholic. you're obviously the complete opposite as he has evolved. but he was 47 years old at the time. he wasn't a young man. what did you make of it, when you see your leader apparently breaking that promise? if you voted for him on the basis of him being very much pro a woman's choice and abortion, why should you vote for him now that he's the complete opposite? >> well, obviously, you know my record's very clear on that. i'm proud of my pro life record. people change their minds, their positions.
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i know romney very well. the point is, not every individual agrees on every single issue. mitt romney's position is extremely clear on this and all the other issues. and i'm proud to stand with him. >> but you don't have any problem in what people call flip-flopping? >> look, people change their positions over the years. that's the natural progression of the human mind. and so what i think matters is, what is the vision mitt romney is offering americans? what are the polticies and principles? they mirror mine. i'm proud to join this ticket because i think we're at a very, very important inflection point in our country. >> good to talk to you. >> you, too. nice to meet you. take care. >> piers is here live. good interview. what did you think of him? >> he's very personable. he's very smart. and he's clearly proven to be rather effective. you can see that in the slight movement in the republican polls. there's something about him,
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though, when i watched his speech, he was definitely using a few sticks to beat barack obama but not 100% factual. i think he has to watch that because i think the media are on to this now. and he's become known as the straight guy as he was before. i think he's effective vp for mitt romney at the moment. i think it's a hell of a battle. the polls are neck and neck. >> i'm looking forward to that debate with joe biden in october. >> i'm a bit unusual. i really like joe biden when he's out there on the stump. i think the line the other day, bin laden's dead, general motors is alive, great line. he's an effective campaigner. >> it's going to be a good one. thanks very much, piers. midnight tonight, you'll be right here on the floor for a special "piers morgan tonight." let's go to cnn's erin burnett and tom foreman for a cnn reality check on some of what paul ryan had to say in that interview with piers. >> as piers said, he's very
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effective, very smart, very straight. every time i've talked to him about this issue, he lays it out but he has a point of view he's trying to make. and obviously, no matter how many times it's challenged, the republicans have been going back and back to that idea that president obama is unraveling welfare reform, specifically the working aspect of it. >> exactly. >> obviously this is one of bill clinton's signature pieces of legislation that he did in working with republicans. paul ryan in the interview with piers, though, backtracked a little bit. >> kind of slipped in it there. >> let's hear him. >> bill clinton did a lot of good bipartisan things. he gave us welfare reform. president obama's watering it down. >> so watering it down is a little bit different than what they said last week. it was stronger. it was getting rid of it completely. they are backing off a little bit, because of -- >> it's been challenged a lot. but what are the republicans trying to make of this? paul ryan is not the only one who's still whacking away at
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this pinata. today, the mitt romney said this about president obama. quote, when he waived the welfare work requirement in july, he effectively gutted bipartisan reform as we know it. the facts are simply this -- welfare reform was a big bipartisan success story back in the mid 1990s, signed by bill clinton. republicans wanted it. at the time, it fulfilled promises on both sides of the aisle to push welfare recipients to work more for those benefits. to end welfare as we know it. that was the famous, famous phrase that mitt romney was playing off of there. so did the white house kill this thing off? >> that's what -- >> no. no. it did not. the administration says it's willing to give some states more flexibility on trying to work out parts of the welfare program. so maybe more people can be pushed to working. do republicans say that maybe you'll redefine work and some people might get a break that
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they might not otherwise? yeah, they say that. and maybe that could come out in this equation. but the big picture remain this is -- there is just no proof that this is the goal of the president. and that's no matter how many times the republicans say it. whether they say it big or say it small like today. >> there's so many absolutes out there. obviously that one, republicans are inaccurate. some of what we hear nancy pelosi saying, republicans, paul ryan would get rid of america. not true. anyone over 55, he would keep it as it is. one of the famous compromises when he worked with democrat ron warden of oregon. he said, you can use your voucher for private plans or for traditional medicare. it's not as simple as either side would make it. >> enough half truths to go around for everybody. >> back to you guys. >> thanks very much. delegates are getting pumped up about bill clinton's big speech later tonight. hillary clinton is opening up about president obama's decision-making skills. that's coming up as well.
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welcome back to the democratic national convention. i'm anderson cooper here just above the convention floor in the cnn skybox. we've been focusing a lot tonight on the debate of the democratic party platform. some odd, unscripted moments earlier this afternoon in putting back in the word god in the platform, which had been omitted, as well as recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel. brianna keilar is on the floor with the head of the dnc, debbie wasserman schultz. brianna? >> reporter: i'm hear with debbie wasserman schultz, the chairwoman of the dnc. you're one of the most prominent jewish lawmakers. how did you feel when you learned that the platform omitted jerusalem as the capital of israel? >> well, really, it was
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essentially a technical oversight. and president obama, because he personally believes that jerusalem is and always should remain the capital of israel, he made sure that we amended the platform to reflect his personal view as well as reflect the language that we had in the platform in 2008. goes on to say, as we had in the platform and that has reflected decades of american policy for republican and democratic presidents that essentially, jerusalem is the subject of final status talks between the two parties. >> reporter: and the language on god, you would call a technical oversight as well? >> yeah, the language on god. while we were amending the platform to include jerusalem and the president's personal view, we also felt it was important to make sure that we made a reference there. >> reporter: isn't that frustrating? a technical oversight? the ramifications are somewhat serious. you open yourself wide for criticism from republicans who say the president's moving away from israel. >> i'm so proud of our president's stellar record on
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israel and proud that our proud is 100% strong on the u.s./israel relationship, on making sure that israel remains a jewish and democratic state. we have even stronger language than the republicans do on preventing iran from achieving a nuclear weapon. so i was already extremely proud of this strong pro-israel platform. i'm even more proud that president obama wanted to make sure that it reflected his personal view that jerusalem is and always will be the capital of israel. >> reporter: how was it overlooked? >> you know, look, forums are many pages long. the bottom line is we've taken steps, we've amended it, president obama felt it was important to reflect his personal view and it's done. and we're moving forward and continuing this convention. >> reporter: what about the process of changing the platform? three voice votes that had to be done. there was booing on the floor. that's obviously not what you want to be seeing, discord -- >> there wasn't any discord.
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as mayor villaraigosa presided, it takes a two-thirds vote. he had to make sure we had a two-thirds vote. when he realized that we did, we moved forward. >> reporter: seems like people didn't think it was a two-thirds vote. >> it absolutely was. because our platform was adopted yesterday that has very strong pro-lirz language s a strong pro-lirz platform, as the first jewish woman to represent congress in florida who takes my love of israel to work with me every day, i'm proud to support this president. israel's never had a greater friend than president obama. >> reporter: i didn't talk to you yesterday but some of my colleagues did. i spoke with other people close to the president and they stood by the platform and said, no, no, it's not a mistake. but it seems very much a change today where we see this has been amended. it's a difference in language between yesterday and today. >> no, no, it's not actually.
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because president obama really felt that it was personally important to him to make sure that his personal view, that jerusalem is and always will remain the capital of israel, was reflected in the platform. and this was directly the result of his personal view. and something amending the platform during the convention, because it was the president's priority, demonstrates he has i israel's back and always will. >> reporter: and you represent a district with a number of jewish/american voters, it's personally important to you and we thank you for taking the time. >> thank you very much. i have to go to the panel with this. debbie wasserman schultz said no change of language. no disword we scord we saw. >> and it was a 2/3 vote. that was an alternate universe.
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>> that's why people are so tired of politicians in both parties. you appreciate a politician like rahm emanuel. evidently she was so upset it curled her hair. >> she made the point over and over again that the president is happy this reflects his personal view. >> let me point out again, this is the same person who last week or two weeks ago attacking the romney campaign, it's the candidate who sets the platform, designs and rights the platform it wasn't true what she was saying two weeks ago, but now isn't it fair. if she claim thad about the republican platform to claim that about the democrat platform. >> god and jerusalem were booed on the floor at the democratic floor today. >> we don't know what they were booing. >> the reason she said this is barack obama's personal view that jerusalem should be the capital, it's not administration
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policy. the administration hasn't gotten there. >> it's not clear what they were boo booing. they may have been booing the process and not the substance. >> here is the thing. i think there is a problem here. obviously, some discord about something, that people were yay, no, the confusion. it was handled badly beginning end and we'll pay a price as democrats. that makes bill clinton's speech that much more important. we need to hear from the big dog. >> from a reality standpoint, you can defend it, but to say flat out there was no discord is not true. >> if i had a follow-up question, did she ever get away with the dog ate my homework? that was pretty good, and anderson, just yesterday. just yesterday, debbie wasserman schultz' delegates that six or eight could swing the election it could happen in a bunch of different states in states like florida, in ohio, in nevada, in
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colorado, maybe even in michigan and elsewhere, if the jewish vote swings just a bit, they could turn the election. let's look at the state of florida. always a battleground state, very close right now. i want to show you three counties right here. right here, barack obama won these three counties by more than 500,000 votes. only one state wide over john mccain in a big democratic year by 236,000 votes. twice of the state wide margin came out of these three counties. why do i focus on them? blue, democratic, a lot of new york and northeast jews retire to florida. this is the battleground for jewish vote in florida. always the key if democrats win, they win big here. anderson, we'll watch and test if this has ramifications and john berman on the floor with someone else who has a huge stake in this. steve israel, the chair of the democratic committee that raises money trying to elect congressional candidates across the country and steve israel would concede, a lot of
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candidates mad about the language. >> so let's talk about the political ramifications of this platform with steve israel, charge of the democratic national campaign committee. what have you been hearing the last 24 hours from your candidates? has it been a problem for them? >> no, it wasn't a problem. the platform was fixed, no longer an issue unless the republican party want to make this an issue. >> reporter: they do. >> which is making israel a political football. prime minister netanyau and israel's ambassador to the united states have always said we shouldn't make israel a political football. the bush administration opposed moving this to tel aviv. we've repaired it. >> as someone who runs campaigns, you live in the world of reality. you know republicans use this.
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won't this hurt people on the dw god issue in places like ohio and jerusalem in places like florida? >> israel does best when you have bipartisanship in the united states. and for politicians to make israel a partisan tool doesn't do israel a service. platform was corrected, it's no longer an issue. >> reporter: how did you feel personally when you heard about the platform yesterday? >> i was disappointed it wasn't in the platform, i expressed my feelings about this. i haven't heard from other candidates, but several colleagues in congress expressed concern. concerns were listened to and this was resolved quite quickly. >> are you concerned it happened in the first place? >> the fact of the matter, it has been repaired and resolved and now we need to get onto other issues. >> eric cantor says it sends mixed messages to israel. >> eric cantor is being irresponsible when he uses
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israel as a political football. it's a stra tetegic ally, and w should treat them as such. >> reporter: back to you, anderson. >> nothing to see here, move along, nothing to see here, move along. ignore what's going on. stand by for hillary clinton. to answer the question, is president clinton a good boss. plus more. move along, nothing to see. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life.
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and i want you to know me for who i truly am. >> i'm john kerry, and i'm reporting for duty. >> america, we cannot turn back. not with so much work to be done. >> the president of the united states is in charlotte, north carolina, where fellow democrats are about to nominate him for a second term. >> but tonight's spotlight isn't entirely on president obama. it's on the man nominating him. >> a former president, riding a wave of renewed popularity. >> thank you. >> helps a current president in a tough re-election fight. >> i don't think it's important to re-elect the president. i think it is essential to re-elect the president. >> in charlotte tonight. bill clinton nominates barack obama to a second term, appealing to voter who's still
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think it's all about the economy. >> i hope i bring some credibility on what most effective way to create jobs and bring america back is. >> these two democrats have been at odds in the past, but they are united on the battle to hold onto the white house. >> you're in good hands. >> look for clinton to fire up voters tonight. but is there the risk he will up stage the president? now, cnn turns the spotlight on one of the biggest platforms in american politics. this is the democratic national convention. this is the night delegates have their say. >> join with me. we will elect barack obama president of the united states of america. >> this is america's choice.
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>> we would like to welcome viewers in the united states and around the world to this, the democratic national convention in charlotte, north carolina. tonight, bill clinton will take on what he calls the republicans' winner take all society. he'll defend president obama's record and nominate him for a second term. >> also in this hour, we'll hear from someone's uniquely qualified to compare former president bill clinton and barack obama. we'll hear from hillary clinton this hour. >> brianna killer, john berman, kate bolduan, all down on the arena floor. things getting messy. a little while ago when there was a voice vote to put references of god and jerusalem back in the platform, candy crowley is back behind the
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stage. all of this unfolding. first, probably no one knows bill clinton and barack obama better than hillary clinton. jessica yellin interviewed her and it's a documentary called "obama revealed." >> bill clinton is known for being so transactional and intimate. and barack obama more aloof. no one knows herbert than secretary of state hillary clinton. i asked her about that. >> i have had this unique experience of having been married to a president, worked with this president, and i know that the easy decisions never get to the president's desk if they are easy, somebody else is going to decide them before they arrive. >> you meet with the president regularly, and you watch how he makes his decisions. how do you describe his decision
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making process? >> he does it by really reading extensively other people's opinions, he burrows in to situations he's interested in, he seeks out information. something that, you know, a prior president wouldn't have been able to do. he has the -- the tool of being able to cast a wide net through the internet, which is a great -- a great opportunity for him, because he's discriminating. >> former president clinton, your husband, was this great transactional politician, who talked to everybody. >> um-hum. >> reporter: and you mentioned president obama is an internet guy. >> um-hum. >> reporter: what does that say? that he's more at a distance in a way? >> no, i don't think so. i don't think there's any really
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benefit in comparing them. they are both really, really smart. that is something that kind of goes without saying, having watched both my husband and president obama in action. and they are both very committed to doing the best job that they can for the country. it's -- it's a great blessing that i've had to see them up close in the way that i have experienced. because i wish that i could bring the entire country in to our meetings. put them all in some virtual way into the oval office and just watch the president. you know, asking those thoughtful questions, pressing him, what about this? was that raised? what do you think? >> reporter: what was fascinating, when i spoke to historians and political observers, everybody wanted -- they all wanted to make the point how different president obama is in his style from president clinton, because he's
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a leader as opposed to someone who needs to reach out for advice. when i pressed secretary clinton, you could tell she didn't want to go there too much. >> let's go to kate bolduan on the floor. you got some information on the secretary of state, what she's up to on this important night. >> it's very interesting. her husband will be taking the podium. the headlining speech this evening. secretary of state hillary clinton will be a half a world away. jill dougherty, great reporting. saying hillary clinton at the time of former president clinton's speech will be in east timor doing her job as chief diplomat of the united states. an interesting point. a lot of speculation or talk of why is hillary clinton not at this political -- why is hillary clinton not at this political convention? legally, she can't be here as chief diplomat of the united states, secretary of state, she is in a nonpolitical position.
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so she is not legally supposed to be at a political convention, such as this. so she's half a world away and jill dougherty asked the question, will the secretary of state be tuning in, able to tune in to her husband's speech? and her staff is not tipping their hand if she will be able to tune in. probably pretty well versed on exactly what her husband will be saying this evening. anderson. >> thank you very much. here with the panel, david gergen, ari fletcher, john king and more, to discuss. it's interesting, you worked in the clinton white house. hillary clinton in a unique position. to be first lady, secretary of state, no one has filled that role. >> no, no, no. and she's a woman to boot. it's like ginger rogers. you have to dance backward with heels on. and that's why i think she has credibility, when she said i've been there, i was married to one and worked closely with the other. >> and their relationship too is
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also interesting. she ran against him, lost against him and yet is working in his white house. what is their relationship really like? do you know? >> i think it is -- listen, i think they have a lot of trust, but they are not close. much more professional relationship than a relationship of friendship. that's fair to say. and there is some feeling on the part of her, not unlike what we saw with colin powell in the george w. bush years, that the white house is a little wary of her that her popularity exceeds the president's. white houses are never happy with that situation. and to some degree, some feeling that if anything big comes along, he gets the credit and she plays second fiddle. >> another layer to her relationship, in that she ran against president obama and they were fierce competitors and to your point, david, the staff, her staff, his staff, still have tension. i think between the two of them, it's fine, it's professional, i
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think he does listen to hillary clinton. doesn't take her advice, but does listen to her, but i think there's -- >> but bin laden, they really erased her from that picture. her role in that was really minimized. >> do you think in 2016, do you think she wants to run for president in 2016? >> i think she doesn't know. clearly people around her would like her to do that i did talk to one person that had been working with hillary, who said, you know, she -- she -- she doesn't -- people sort of said do you really want to do that again? you were so popular, got in the trenches and ran. popular, went down like that. do you really want to go down the toboggan ride. but an awful lot of people that would like her to run again. and a widespread feeling if she were on the pick of the day against romney this would not be close. >> a lot of people, once they have been on the toboggan, they
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don't want to get off. >> once you get the bug, it's very difficult -- look, i think they have a remarkable relationship. and it's based on the fact that president obama really looks to her for advice on foreign policy and other issues. they spend time, gather, have lunches and there are some private times when they have an opportunity to just -- i often call it chew the fat. their staffs work very closely on many of the major issues. foreign policy, one of the areas where president obama has excelled and demonstrated leadership, and let me say this, on 2016 note if she decides to run, she really wants some breathing space, time to figure out what it is she wants to do, and she would mike an exceptional president, and i for one believe that the 2008 contest was so close, it could have been decided by maybe 30, 40, superdelegates. if was that close.
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so she is an extraordinary woman. >> a fascinating point. she is more likely to run in 2016 if president obama loses in 2012. if he is out of office there, is pressure for her to move into a leadership post in the party. if he wins, it's much harder for he to be in iowa, new hampshire. let me get up, bill clinton is the speaker tonight, not hillary clinton. a fascinating contrast. a difference between the two presidents politically. here is the map, 2008, president obama won 53% of the vote. but look at this right here. i'll circle an area of the country right here, all red, border states, southern states, missouri, even big democratic year, president obama unsuccessful here. let's look at bill clinton's last win in 1996. missouri, arkansas, louisiana,
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kentucky, tennessee, virginia. the clinton-gore ticket could crack. ross perot, closer to 20% of the vote. a very different piece of the electorate, a very different piece of the electoral college. back to '08, the country changed a lot also, a more liberal in barack obama than bill clinton. when bill clinton takes the stand, this is who he is trying to talk to. clinton versus obama, coalitions different. this is how whites with no college education voted. again, even with ross per rotot the ticket, bill clinton won more of the noncollege white vote than barack obama, you think about michigan, wisconsin, other key battleground states, those are the electorate. those are the people bill clinton is talking about tonight. even in a three-way race, bill clinton still ran stronger among
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noncollege whites than barack obama in 2008. that is the challenge, for bill clinton to reach out to those people, convince them, yes, the economy is tough, but give this guy a chance. >> a fascinating speech to watch. a lot of people listening very, very closely. analyzing every sentence. i'm sure we will as well. whether it's basketball, politics, anything else, president obama doesn't like to lose, and they are brecking out star power, including actress eva longoria. she is ahead.
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about her mom, ann richard. >> she believed -- she believed the american dream wasn't meant for just a few. it promised opportunity for everyone. well, just a couple of years before she passed, mom had the chance to become friends with a young senator named barack obama. and she saw in him -- she saw in him the promise of the future and the promise of america. the promise of an american that always moves forward. that's the america we believe in. that's the future we'll be voting for this november. because as women, we've come way too far to turn back and we
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won't. >> no, we won't! no, we won't! >> no way. because, you know, mom wouldn't have stood for it, and neither will we. so this november, we're going to keep moving forward. and we're going to re-elect president barack obama. thank you. thank you. >> there you have tchlg the daughter of the former texas governor ann richard, cecile richard, president of planned parenthood. let's go up, check out what's happening elsewhere here on the floor. some hollywood stars are here tonight to share their support for the president of the united states. our own piers morgan here with eva longoria. >> i get always the terrible
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jobs at cnn. with one of the worst we've ever had. before we go any further, let's take a look at the heels. >> it's not about fashion. >> i have to stand tall, there are a lot of important people. >> a victoria beckham dress. >> but tomorrow i'm wearing an american designer when i am speaking. >> you will address the very convention here, just before barack obama the president how do you feel about that? >> excited, nervous. as one of the co-chairs for the re-election campaign, i was honored they would ask me. i was speaking to two big community important to the president, the women's community and latino community. i'll speak on those issues. a little narrative about my american dream and how i'm living proof, and it will be exciting. the energy is incredible. >> certainly last night, the san antonio mayor. >> san antonio mayor. >> julian castro, an amazing
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speech. >> impressive. >> remarkably impressive people. >> do you know them? >> i love them. they have been active their entire lives in politics. their mother was civil rights activist and it was -- it was so amazing to be here in this arena, witnessing history. it's the first time there was a hispanic keynote at the democratic national convention. that says a lot about the respect that the democratic party is paying to this -- to this market and this vote. >> i want to take you back to a moment great political history. everyone that witnessed it, will never, ever forget. and can remember where they were when it happened. the moment clint eastwood began talking to a chair, pretending it was barack obama. where were you, what were you thinking? >> i have yet to see it. i have seen excerpts. people keep comparing us because
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we are both in the entertainment industry. we are very different. i have been on the xwroun, speaking all over the united states on behalf of the president and mobilizing voters. i come from a very different position than clint eastwood. >> you won't bring out any chairs tomorrow, pretending they are mitt romney? >> i won't be. >> it was awkward, wasn't it? >> it was interesting, yeah. but i haven't said the whole thing, so it's not fair for me to judge it. i haven't seen it. >> barack obama and a lot of the delegates making a big play for latino vote and women vote. you are a latino women. latinos, 50 million plus in america. one of the fastest growing parts of the population we have. as a female, is he doing enough for women and latinos? >> let me talk about being female. people keep talking about the female as if we're a special interest group. we're half of the country.
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moving women's rights forward and keeping them with the president and moving the country forward, protecting women's rights, whether it's health care or access to health care, education, higher education, the economy, jobs, we have the same concerns that every other american has and so obama has a very, very good record with women. he signed the lilly ledbetter act that gives us equal pay for equal work. he supported small businesses, which many women open up. latinas open up small businesses six times of the national average. and given many tax cuts to small businesses. i find that argument, u.s. a very clear choice for women in the election. >> i know you are catholic and pro choice. when she said there are no exceptions for us, nothing, not for rape, incest, health of the mother, what do you feel about that? >> it's -- it's archaic in the sense that -- i find that the
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government should not be making that choice. and it's very interesting that the republican platform is for smaller government, but yet they want to be in the bedroom, and i don't understand that argument. if you want less government, then why do you want to be involved in a decision that should be made by my doctor, by my spouse, by my family, or by myself, by health concerns. a lot of circumstance where is abortions are not used as birth control. that's not what we're talking about. >> final question. a lot of people are thinking she is a smart cookie, not just the pretty face from "desperate housewives." any plans to get into politics seriously? >> oh, my gosh, i'm having so much fun. i'm a student of the process, being a surrogate for president obama. everyone keeps asking are we better off than we were four years ago? for the hispanic community, i would say yes. he's doubled the pell grant, 150,000 more latinos can go to college. he passed affordable care act, over 9 million hispanics now
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have access to affordable health care. there are so many things he's been doing, and i'm very proud to be out there on the front lines. i've been to florida, colorado, a lot of swing states, talking to americans and being on the ground and doing the grass roots organizing, like that that's where i want to be, where i'm comfortable. >> best of luck tomorrow night. >> thank you. >> a great pleasure to see and you your heels. >> thank you. >> back to you, wolf. >> piers, viewers want to know if they are manalo blaniks. >> they are louis vuitton. >> oh, i blew it. >> i like how you say that viewers wanted to know when you wanted to know. i'm here with patricia arquette. are you here for a specific
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reason. >> i'm here with the creative coalition, a nonpaern group. a lot of our members were at the rnc last week and i'm one of the delegation here today to talk about arts and arts funding and how important the arts are and how much money this nation makes from the arts. >> barack obama over the last several years has had a -- a strong relationship with hollywood. but has it changed? has vollhollywood lost its love barack obama? >> i don't think it's so much that. it's more a situation where people are -- we have these huge corporations and people want contracts and commercials and all of this, and they don't want to pick a side and alienate any part of their audience and they are not sure what to say and they want to have contracts and so they are all twittering very safely and they are really afraid to stick their necks out either way. >> are you afraid?
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>> i'm pretty silly and foolish and fierceless. >> if you are so fearless, let me ask this. an entertainer at the republican convention and it was clint eastwood. what were your impressions of his performance? >> it's funny. at first i actually read it, which i thought was very strange to rea the transcript of it, before seeing it. but, you know, as an american, what's beautiful about the political process is each one of us having our right to say how the hell we feel. >> even if it's to a chair. >> even if it's to a chair. >> patricia arquette. thank you for talking to us. wolf, back to you. >> thank you, john. thank you. a surprising attack on the romney/ryan plan from a catholic nun here at the democratic convention. great shot.
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and welcome back to charlotte, north carolina. the democratic national convention. let's check in with candy crowley close to the stage. >> anderson, tonight being the big head liner will be bill clinton, a favorite both inside and outside of the circle. the most popular living expresident he will deliver the message that is set up of president obama's speech. and he is making a clear argument about here is what this side is going to say and what they are arguing. what they are arguing.
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nobody does these kind of side by side comparisons than the president. you may totally disagree with his comparisons, he puts them in language that will arouse the crowd. one of the excerpts they sent us from the former president's speech tonight in tampa, he will say the republican argument against the president's re-election is pretty civil. we left him in a total mess, he hasn't finished cleaning it up yet so put us back in. argument for president obama's re-election got a lot better. he inherited a deeply damaged economy, and he is going to improve lots of innovators. you may disagree with which side is saying what, but this is a man who totally knows how to communicate, they called ronald reagan the great communicator on the republican side. bill clinton, certainly one of the most talented politicians of
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his generation, and, of course, will be tonight making the case as best he can, and it will be very good for president obama. anderson. >> they are hoping night two of this convention got off to a rocky start with reinserting the word god and jerusalem back to the democratic party platform. debate over that, and contention over that. hoping get back on message with former president clinton's speech. let's check in with kate bawloln on the floor. >> i'm here with dianne feinstein and barbara boxer. great to see you off the hill and somewhere else. we're talking about the headlining event tonight, former president bill clinton making a speech. you both were in public office during his presidency, and i wanted to ask you, senator, what does bill clinton need to do tonight? >> i think bill clinton needs to lay out in terms of every-day
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importance, what the democratic position really is with respect to balancing the budget, improving the economy, developing a job base for this society. and he can do it in such a way that every individual understands just what is being said. he has that unique capability of explaining public policy in a way that touches the hearts of americans. >> spaebeaking of public policy the big issue of the economy, president clinton has a huge job tonight, a huge sales job in terms of making the case of former years of president obama working on this economy. you look at your state, it has faced a huge budget crisis as well as cities going bankrupt. how do you make the case for four more years? how should president clinton make the case for four more years? >> bill clinton has been making the case for the past several months.
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ist very clear. he knows because he served. we came in with him. how to balance the budget, how to create a surplus, how to create 20 million jobs. what mitt romney wants to do is go back to the years of george w. bush, where we had tax breaks to the wealth yus among us, the middle class got squeezed. working class were just out of it, and we went into the worst recession since the great depressi depression, and he knows that president obama embraces the clinton ideas which is investing in the people, be fiscally responsible and everyone paying their fair share. >> why does it appear that the voters are not yet convinced? race neck in neck, and his handling of the economy is seeing the strength of mitt romney? >> i think most people don't understand it was under the bush administration that the economy began to come apart. i was on a phone call in the last quarter, with the secretary
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of the treasury, as well as the head of the federal reserve. when he said to about 40 senators that were on that call, we face a recession as bad as the great depression. that's what developed the initiative to begin to move, which began really your honor the bush administration and then was carried on by barack obama. that was the troubled assets relief program, which obama got a lot of heat for. but it has worked, and he has bailed out the automobile industry, and we're now coming back. there are some changes in the economy, i think, but productivity is up, but now we've got to get employment up too. and i think -- i really sincerely believe that barack obama has gotten a lot of misinterpretation, and the republicans are perpetuating
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that, and it's just not true. let me give you an example. four jobs bills, which three of them were filibustered. the stimulus, which people carped and carped about. but nonetheless, he did it. five housing measures to restore housing. so he has worked prodigiously to begin to turn this economy around. >> and it's the relationship with congress, which is the issue that we hear so much about. the gridlock in washington that is also an issue that needs to be addressed more and more. senator dianne feinstein and senator barbara boxer, thank you for your time. wolf, back to you. >> thanks very much. and, of course, all of the action later on. not too distant future within the next hour or some of former president of the united states will be speaking, but let's talk about the current president of the united states right now. the president earned the nickname no drama obama during his 2008 campaign, but even he says that's not entirely accurate.
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our chief white house correspond respondent jessica yellin is here. granted exclusively accideess t the current president of the united states for this current documentary you did for cnn. no drama obama, you spoke to him about that and some of his closest aides. >> one of the most common adjective used to describe is cool. sometimes it's positive, as in cool under fire, or sometimes negative, cool as in aloof. i asked one of his closest aides about this reputation. everyone describes him as cool under pressure, and calm, always calm. when he is off, and not working, is there another side to him? >> i think -- i think there is definitely some -- you know, i
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think you are -- when you are president, you are president all the time. if you're on camera, off camera, with a small group, with a large group, seven kin of looking at you and sort of there gauging you, and your demeanor and your position to sort of get a sense of what's really going on and what's at stake. i mean, he's a competitor, and i think when you compete, i -- you can't really -- you can't spend all your time sort of being overly emotional or reactional to what's going on. in sports, i always look at it this way. sometimes you get a bad call, sometimes you make a bad play or there's a foul or -- but you can't extend or overextend too much emotion worrying about what just happened. >> what's he like when he's just hanging out? >> he's like a guy.
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you know, he likes the bulls, likes the bears, like sports, likes cars. like most guys that i know. which is -- which i think can sometimes be hard for some people, because they are taken attack by it. because, oh, wait. he's like me. he's the president and, you know, enjoys watching a good game, enjoys a good cocktail, is competitive at everything he does. if it's bowling or pool or shuffle board, you know, he's -- >> shuffle board? >> yeah. he's -- there isn't anything i think he would be okay losing at. >> i was a little bit surprised by that, but i guess the president doesn't like losing at anything. that means he's fiercely in the game to win this election too. >> when he plays basketball or politics, he wants to win. >> that's right. >> your documentary will air once again. i want to let our viewers know if they missed it the first
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time, they may want to see it a second time. sunday night, 9:30 p.m. eastern, obama revealed. jess can did an outstanding, outstanding job. anderson, let's go back up to you. >> it is really a fascinating documentary, no matter how much you think you know about president obama, no matter what side of the political aisle you're on, you are guaranteed to learn some new things. the president is often referred to as cool. that cuts both ways. calm in a crisis, but also not as he says a back slapper. >> well, he's -- he's very pragmatic, very serious. extremely intelligent. he's focused. but a very sensitive side of president obama. a few months ago, i was going through a very personal crisis, and the last person i thought would call and want to talk about what i was going through would be the president of the united states. yet he called me and said i just want to see how you're doing. i've gone through some things like this. i was losing my dad, of course.
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and, you know, there is just a warmth about him that we don't always see in our presidents, and he called me a day later and we talked about it again, and i said, you know, my daddy loved basketball. i wish would you have played with my dad. he would have really liked that you played basketball. he said put him on the phone. he's a really great guy. >> we'll hear from former president bill clinton and he's so different in style with his relationships in congress. how has that impacted policy? how has his personality impacted policy? >> my sense, when the president speaks and gives a wonderful address, rouses up people's emotions, he just expects people to follow. they should all be listening, why aren't they falling into line? the president's job is half to give the speech, and the other is to get behind the scenes and use the phone. you get complaints from
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democrats that they haven't heard from him. he doesn't call them about policies and votes. that's how washington works. >> we'll talk more about this in a moment. i want to hear from david gergen. we'll hear from a speaker, former catholic nun. >> simone campbell, she went across the country to protest the paul ryan medicare cuts. it's an interesting moment. the catholic vote is often the swing vote. they want to put wisconsin in play, think they can put michigan in play. in the state of ohio, pennsylvania, which some republicans think they can put in play. i'm skeptical on that point. if you look at the bigger states, often the catholics can be a swing vote. reagan democrats, catholics, some of them are union members, vote democrats sometimes, but they can be swayed by republicans on conservative social issues, tough on crime
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issues, catholic voters, one of the subsets we watch, a big deal at the republican convention about the obama health care plan, the fight over contraception policy and this is the democrat counterargument. >> she will be speaking on the budget? >> that was what the bus tour was about. that the paul ryan budget, the romney/ryan view, call it what you will, would be destructive, and as a nun, a caregiver, protector of the poor, those who have the least in society, her view, it was amoral, that the ryan budget in the view of these liberal or progressive nuns, was amoral, because of the cuts of the social safety net across the country. >> for these women, it's all about the social safety net, because they provide the services -- they are the net to the government. if they feel the government is not providing the services it ought to provide, then they believe they have to do even more and they can't do it. >> you know, sometimes it's hard to get attention in today's
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politics, this bus tour got a ton of local news as it went across the country in important battleground states. we think of our national newscasts, a lot of times you can move states in local conversations, they were feisty, interesting, spunky and a lot of attention. >> sister simone campbell taking the stage, let's listen in. >> good evening. i'm sister simone campbell, and i'm one of the nuns on the bus. so -- yes. we have nuns on the bus and a nun on the podium. let me explain why i'm here tonight. in june i joined other catholic sisters on a 2,700-mile bus journey through nine states about the -- to tell americans about the budge that's congressman paul ryan wrote and
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governor romney endorsed. paul ryan claims this budget reflects the principles of our shared faith. but the united states conference of catholic bishops states that the ryan bishop failed a basic moral test. because it would harm families lives in poverty. we agree with our bishops and that's why we went on the road. to stand with struggling families, and to lift up our dath catholic sisters who serve them. their work to alleviate suffering would be seriously harmed by the romney/ryan budget and that is wrong. during our -- during our journey, i rediscovered a few truths. first, mitt romney and paul ryan are correct when they say that each individual should be
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responsible. but their budget goes astray in not acknowledging that we are responsible, not only for ourselves and our immediate family, rather, our faith strongly affirms that we are all responsible for one another. i am my sister's keeper. i am my brother's keeper. while we were in toledo, in toledo, i met 10-year-old twins, matt and mark, who had gotten into trouble at school for fighting. sister virginia and the staff at the pottawa center took them in when they were suspended and discovered on a home visit that these 10-year-olds were trying to care for their bed-ridden mother who has ms and diabetes. they were her only caregivers.
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the sisters got her medical help, and are giving the boys some stability. now the boys are free to claim much of their childhood that they were losing. clearly, we all share responsibility for the matts and marks in our nation. in milwaukee, i met billy and his wife and two boys at st. benedict's dining room. billy's work hours were cut back in the recession and billy is taking responsibility for himself and his family, but right now, without food stamps, he and his wife could not put food on their family table. we share responsibility for creating an economy where parents with jobs earn enough to care for their families. in order to cut taxes for the wealthy, the romney/ryan budget
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would make it even tougher on hard-working americans like billy to feed their families. paul ryan says this budget is in keeping with the moral values of our shared faith. i disagree. in cincinnati -- in cincinnati, i met ginny, who had just come from her sister's memorial service. when ginny's sister, margaret, lost her job, she lost her health insurance. she developed cancer and had no access to diagnosis or treatment. she died unnecessarily, and that is tragic. and it is wrong. the affordable care act will cover people like margaret. we all share responsibility to ensure that this vital health care reform law is properly implemented. and that all governors, all governors expand medicaid coverage so no more margarets
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die from lack of care. this is part of my pro-life stance and the right thing to do. i have so many other stories to tell. but i want to tell you one more. in hershey, pennsylvania, a woman in her late 30s came to me, approached us, she asked for the names of some people she could talk to, because she felt alone and isolated. her neighbors had been polarized by politics, massacquerading as values. she cares about the well-being of her people in her community, she wishes the rest of the nation would listen to one another with kindness and compassion. listen to one another rather than yell at each other. i told her then, and i tell her
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now, that she is not alone. looking out at you tonight, i feel your presence combined with that of the thousands of caring people we met on our journey. together, we understand an immoral budget that hurts already struggling families does not reflect our nation's values. we are better than that. so i urge you -- i urge you -- join us on the bus. join us together as we stand with matt and mark, billy and his family, and the woman in hershey, and the margarets of our nation this is what nuns on the bus are all about. we care for the 100%. and that will secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our nation. so join us, join us as we nuns on the bus, all of us, drive for
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faith, family and fairness. thank you so much. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome delaware governor -- >> sister simone campbell bringing many people to our feet. we have to take a quick break. our coverage continues in just a moment. [ male announcer ] whether it's kevin's smartphone... mom's smartphone... dad's tablet... or lauren's smartphone... at&t has a plan built to help make families' lives easier.
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we're here with former secretary of state madeleine albright. madeleine, thank you very much. what do you make of the whole brouhaha over jerusalem? a topic you know well. the president said he believes the jerusalem is the capital of israel >> well, the president and the amended platform say that, and it's important that the platform reflects the president's wishes and the policy of united states. >> usually, almost always, the u.s. embassy has its embassy in the capital of a country. it's in tel aviv. should it be moved? >> we're trying to get peace talks going again. this is a final status issue. nobody has been more supportive of israel and israel's security
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than president obama. and he's dedicated to making sure that there is progress in all of this. peace talks, two-state solution and moving toward final status issues. >> you heard mitt romney say in his acceptance speech last week in tampa, this president, president obama, has thrown israel under the bus. >> well, i think that's one of the more ludicrous statements that was made in the -- in tampa. and governor romney, i think, needs to examine what president obama's record has been on israel. and also to hear what many israeli officials say in terms of president obama's support for israel. as you know, helping on some of the military issues, the iron dome complex. giving israel a military edge. i truly think that is a statement that makes absolutely no sense by governor romney along with a few others. >> we'll continue this
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>> and i stand here tonight as my own man, and i want ow to know me for who i truly am. >> i'm john kerry, and i'm reporting for duty. >> america, we cannot turn back, not with so much work to be done. >> this is cnn. >> democrats here in charlotte are preparing for tonight's roll call to renominate president obama. >> but a messy platform has been distracting from tonight's biggest stars. >> from charlotte tonight, bill clinton returns to the convention stage to renominate barack obama and pounce on the gop's economic message. >> the romney republican plan is austerity and more unemployment now and blow the lid off later. it isn't good economics, the obama policy is. >> also in prime time, the democratic challenger in one of the hottest u.s. senate races,
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elizabeth warren wants to help sweep massachusetts. >> mitt romney help the rich and powerful get richer and more powerful. are you ready to stand with the president? are you ready? then get up! >> now cnn turns the spotlight on one of the biggest platforms in american politics. this is the democratic national convention. this is the night delegates have their say. >> join with me. we will elect barack obama president of the united states of america. >> this is america's choice. >> we would like to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world to this, the democratic national convention. in charlotte, north carolina.
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bill clinton is getting ared to take on what he calls the republicans, you're on your own, winner take all society. we'll hear from elizabeth warren. she became a democratic star during the fight over new financial protections for middle class consumers. now she's challenging a sitting repuicator in mitt romney's home state of massachusetts. >> we'll also hear from a rising star in democratic politics, the son of vice president joe biden tonight. ahead, a lot ahead in this next hour. our cnn correspondents, brianna keelor, soledad o'brien, and kate bolduan. candy crowley is stationed above the podium and has a preview what elizabeth warren will say tonight. >> anderson, you will expect elizabeth warren, who as wolf mentioned is running for a very key senate race -- senate seat in massachusetts, john brown the
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republican holding that seat. the late ted kennedy's seat. you will either see a rising star and certainly she will come out, and if she wins, she'll be a rising star. you will expect to hear i think tonight a lot about the middle class. that is the theme of this campaign, and she fits right into that. wolf, back to you. >> thank you very much, candy. soledad o'brien in the arkansas delegation, where they are getting ready to hear from a native son who still believes in a place called hope. soledad. >> that's right, i'm with tommy roebuck, a former state representative, and here in large part to listen to bill clinton speak tonight. >> yes, i am. >> tell me a little bit about what he has to say tonight? >> what he has to say tonight is to support president obama for his second term. and he's not in no way i don't think going to overpower what president obama is going to say, he is just here to support. ith going to be like a s
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synergistic type reaction about what president clinton has to say about nominating for the second time president obama. >> does president obama need president bill clinton? >> you know, i think he's going to need all he can get from any individual. and we're seeing the enthusiasm, excitement here tonight. so he is going to basically need president clinton, because arkansas and the united states expects so much of bill clinton. we love him, we work for him and we got him elected, first at governor and did so much. and you know how that turned out. so there is no question that he can provide support to president obama for a second term and that's what we're here for. >> mr. tommy roebuck, thank you to speak with you. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> the entire arkansas delegation very excited to hear from the former president
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tonight. let's send it right back to you, wolf. >> not just in arkansas. all across this huge arena here. thank you very much, soledad. one prominent democrat, nowhere to be seen right here in charlotte. we're talking about hillary clinton. traveling in asia, keeping up a longstanding tradition of secretaries of state being above partisan politics, but our own jessica yellin had a chance to interview her for her excellent documentary "obama revealed." she is in this unique position, work senators president, but married to a former president. >> that's right. as she said, a once in a lifetime or very unusual position to be in. wolf, secretary of state clinton is overseas, attending a summit of world leaders in president obama's stead. he is here, he couldn't be there. almost unthinkable four years ago she would be in that position working for president obama effectively, because she was his competitor. at that convention four years ago, you remember the tension
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that was there. when president obama reached out, people were very surprised. i asked about the position of working for him. >> is the president a good boss? >> he is a very engaged, interlocutory as we say in diplo speak. >> what does that mean? >> he's somebody when you talk about the important issues that we're facing, he always is listening hard. he has a lot of his own thoughts, which he certainly shares. so he's engaged, he's focused, i love that. because i want to be working on these important matters with the president, and the white house. so that we can make decisions and keep moving. too often in politics today,
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it's what they call the horse race. who's up, who's down. it's my experience, even when you disagree with someone politically, and heaven knows we have a lot of political disagreements in our country, people don't get into these positions by accident. they are smart. they are hard working. they are dedicated. they are driven. and they are motivated because they believe they can make a difference. for our country and for the world. and i admire that. and i think people who might not even agree with the president, if they could see him as i've seen him, would feel not only better about him, but really good about the country and what he has meant to this period in history, which has been so tumultuous. >> so, wolf, while she sort of flinched at the question of being asked about him as a boss, she's not used to thinking of anybody as her boss maybe, she
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clearly did want to give as strong an endorsement as possible, an indication of how much they have healed their differences. by all accounts from my reporting, the two of them get along very, very well. they meet almost every day of the week in some way or another i'm told when is he is in the country, though she does travel all the time. >> was in china. in east timor right now, probably watching cnn international. >> i hope not. >> if she is, madame secretary, we hope you enjoy your husband's speech. anderson woulder has a special guest. >> nancy pelosi is joining us. >> my pleasure. >> a lot of people pricing day one of the convention. day two, a lot of attention to the platform, not designating jerusalem as the capital of israel. >> whatever it was, it's over. some view it as a mistake, an
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oversight, it's been corrected. we move on from there. platforms are much more controversial than that. >> the democrats over the last two weeks have made a big deal, saying that the romney campaign is responsible for the wording of the republican party platform. is that true, isn't it fair to make an issue -- for republicans to make an issue of this. saying president obama was behind this? >> but it's over. the president corrected it. it's over. it's over. >> but the republicans will run ads for that for weeks. >> they can do that, because they are bankrupt of ideas to go forward as their convention demonstrated. our people are upbeat, so enthusiastic about yesterday, the first day and today, looking forward to president clinton's speech. >> you don't think this will have any long-term ramifications? >> absolutely not. people are concerned about the economic recovery of our country, reducing the deficit. they want to know how we'll go forward. the president has -- is taking
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america forward. what the republicans talked about is going back to where we were. >> were you surprised that this happened? >> oh, listen. i was party chair in california 30 years ago. i wrote the first platform did. well, i didn't, but the party did. chair of the platform in 1992, president clinton's platform when he ran for president the first time this is so mild in terms of platform debates, it's done, it's over, we're moving on from there. and u.s. a waste of time really to talk about -- talk about that. but what is important is to talk about are we better off now than we were four years ago? and i was talking to some of the -- some folks here tonight, reminiscing about the fact that four years ago, two weeks from now, september 18th, ben bernanke was in my office, democratic leadership, house and senate, and he told us on a thursday night, that if we
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didn't act immediately, we would not have an economy by monday. that's what he told us then. and the meltdown of a financial institutions, an economy, a near depression, the deep deficit. that's where we were four years ago. >> categorically, we are better off? >> our country is better off. we had to dig out of that ditch, and it's taking longer, because the republicans for the last two years have obstructed every step of the way. initiatives that the president has taken. >> also discuss medicare in your speech. >> hi, leader pelosi. >> hi, gloria. >> you say republicans are going to end the medicare guarantee. >> yes. >> but, in fact, the ryan budget doesn't end the medicare guarantee. it says people over 55, you can use the same program, and you will have some tions, including vouchers. if you're younger than 55, to be determined. so it doesn't really -- >> no but it ends -- >> it doesn't end the guarantee. >> if you want to call a voucher
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a guarantee. a voucher is not a guarantee. it says you go shopping, go contend with the private insurance companies, and see what you get. but the fact -- >> but have you a choice. >> medicare say gauis a guarant. >> it's very important that you understand this. medicare is on the ballot. if president obama does not win, medicare -- the medicare guarantee is gone. the republicans brag about this. they said that -- >> doesn't that just mean you have a choice. >> they said medicare should wither on the vine, and this is the beginning of the withering of the vine. seniors would have to pay almost $6,000 more to get less in a budget that gives tax breaks of over $160,000 to people making -- >> but if medicare goes broke, there is no guarantee. >> ian the issue. >> the gop says you cannot say it's not a guarantee. >> here is what i'm telling you. that what we did, in our health
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care reform bill, is extend the life of medicare for at least a decade, use those proceeds that we took from overpayments to providers, to make -- to make prescription drugs cost less to seniors right now today to give them an annual wellness examination every year with no copay and no deductible. ith strengthened medicare. to hear them go and a man who would be president to go and say that the democrats took 6, 7, $500 billion. whatever they say, and spend it on obama care is a total untruth. some people have other words for it. but this will be a big fight for us, because confusion is -- is the modus operandi, and we cannot allow it in this issue. forget about the election, but remember medicare. >> i suspect it will be an
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issue. let me ask you about something else. we'll hear from former president bill clinton tonight. >> yes. >> i'm told that president barack obama will make an unscheduled appearance in the hall to watch that speech tonight. you have been in office your honor both presidents. they are very different. they both had the house of representatives change power. how are they alike and how are they different? one of the knocks on barack obama is that he doesn't do the schmoozing. >> they are both brilliant, both visionaries, both have knowledge and judgment about the issues, both have a plan on how to go forward and they both can connect with the american people. we call that leadership. they are both great leaders, how their personal styles differ in terms of schmooze is almost irrelevant to the fact that they think in a big way about
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america. on a section noond note, when i young and went to the convention in 1960 with my parents, president kennedy came to accept the nomination on wednesday night. and that was really so incredible and so wonderful, i hope the president does come tonight. >> well that is news we've heard from the first time, president obama will be in the hall tonight. we appreciate you being with us. we are, all, of course, waiting to hear from former president bill clinton. his speech coming up. we'll be right back. great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays,
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president of the united states is in this arena. getting ready to listen to former president bill clinton. once they see bill clinton and barack obama, just wait. a lot of excitement. gearing up for that. live coverage. don't go too far away. let's go to piers morgan. a special guest. someone who electrified this crowd last night. the governor of massachusetts. piers. >> wolf, thank you. deval patrick, welcome. the president is joining the president. >> how about that? really great when president clinton comes around. he's popular in the party, popular in the country and helpful to president obama, which i appreciate. >> and the fact that president obama is making his first appearance at the convention, to watch the former president clinton, what do you think? >> you just broke the news for me. i think it's exciting. i think it's a gesture of respect for president clinton and exciting to have him in the hall. the electricity and enthusiasm is high as you know in the first
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day, and this part of the second, and i think it will make a difference for us. >> you made a terrific speech last night. grow a backbone, stand up for what the party believes in. what did you really mean by that? >> just what i said. there was a great line i heard from long-serving democratic senator who told me that the first ones to believe the republican talking points are democrats. and it's sometimes as if we act as this is some contest among sound bites, when, in fact, it's for the direction of the country, the future of the country and i believe the american dream. no party whose policies and vision is -- is more aligned with the american dream than the democratic party, and most particular this will president. and i feel passionate about his election. >> paul ryan, he is very generous in his praise about
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preside former president bush. what would you do to tackle that, if that's what they try? >> they have been all about what's wrong with president obama. said almost nothing about what is right with their own plan. hardly dealt with the fact that facts are unwelcome in their own plan, and i think we as democrats have got to stop paying as much attention to the other guy and focus on what we are about, what we have accomplished in this administration and where we're going in the next four years, that's exactly what the president will do. >> bit of an unholy mess quite literally with the platform. this afternoon, i watched in be musement really, as there was a vote in this very hall about whether to reinstate the words god and jerusalem to the platform. it seemed to me like the vote was split from the cheering, they decided it was 2/3 in favor. what did you make of it? >> not much. this is a broad party with a lot of different ideas, and
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obviously, i hope obviously, an unequivocal support for the state of israel. certainly something i feel, and i know the president does, and i think platforms, you know, your viewers do. platforms are an expression of a lot of people -- a lot of people's views, and the question, not so much in the platform, not clear what's in the platform, what is the president's agenda in a second term? this is about growing opportunity out to the middle class and marginalized. about extending health care to everybody. about fiscal responsibility, and the plan -- the president has made a very serious plan in that regard. it's about lifting everybody, not just some, but everybody. this is enormously important. >> i don't want to keep you any longer, i assume you want to race to grab one of the best seats. they are queueing around the block outside. thank you for joining me. and i'm as excited as you are. it's going to be a hell of a
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night. >> thank you. good to see up. >> back to you. >> piers, thank you very much. he'll walk over to the massachusetts delegation, right near me. soledad o'brien standing by with the mayor of los angeles, antonio villaraigosa. >> that's right. we're sitting in the middle of the california delegation, loud and cheering obviously. let's talk more about the platform debate. you looked very surprised when taking this vote to amend the platform. what happened? >> i wasn't surprised. i thought -- i wanted to make sure that every voice was heard. the first time around, i knew there was a majority. i wasn't sure if it was a 2/3 vote. the second time around, it sounded a little louder, but i still wasn't sure. by the third time i knew, there was a 2/3 majority, so i called it. >> what happened that would allow those two words, jerusalem, and god, to be left out of the platform? >> that's a question to ask the platform committee.
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the drafting committee. but the fact of the matter is, the president stepped in and said, i want it in. i want it in because it reflects our values, my values, his values, and he wanted it in, so we put it in. and governor strickland made the motion, and it was approved. that's in distinction to romney, who said he doesn't agree with his platform. he could have changed it. the president showed leadership, showed the courage of convict n convictions and showed he is someone who expects the democratic party platform and the democratic party he leads, it ought to reflect his values. >> bill clinton will speak in a little bit. you can see secret service swarming the area. what is the most important thing he has to say? one thing. >> i don't know if there is one thing he has to say. but he knows the same charges they made against mr. obama they
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made against him. he know that the economy was in a free fall, we lost 3 1/2 million jobs before the president took over. he knows the president put the brakes on losing those jobs, and we have said that we have created 4.5 million private sector jobs as a result of that. he also knows we need to approach this deficit in a balanced way, in a way that makes very serious spending cuts, but also in a way that doesn't force taxes on the middle class by giving a pass to the top 2% of america. he knows that the failed policies of bush 41 are the same failed policies of bush 43. >> we'll see how he works that into the speech. antonio villaraigosa, thank you very much. back to you, wolf. >> and bill clinton is getting ready to slam mitt romney as a
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welcome back. charlotte, north carolina. the democratic national convention. two of the major speeches of the evening are approaching. president barack obama has -- we're told arrived in the hall or is very close to being in the hall. he's going to be coming to hear the speech by former president bill clinton.
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also, we will be hearing from elizabeth warren, obviously running against scott brown in the state of massachusetts. running for senate. let's check in with john. >> even though governor romney from massachusetts, don't expect it to be a presidential battleground. a lot of people think the senate race, elizabeth warren versus scott brown could be the key to who conols the senate come january. let's go to massachusetts and take a peek. let's give it one more try, see if it wants to kilometer out for me. here we go. the democrats have a majority in the senate. but 33 races, 21 democratic seats at stake. 10 republican seats, 2 independents. both usually vote with the democrats. the democrats only need plus four for the senate majority. where do they come? a lot of republicans think they pick up in the state of
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virginia. jim webb is retiring, very competitive there. missouri a big republican target. although todd akin caused a stir with his comments about "legitimate rape." a seat in nebraska, republicans feel strong about picking that up. a more competitive race. mortar gets as well. when they go through the map, a lot of people think it will come down to the bluest of blue states. scott browne won this seat after ted kennedy. the late edward m. kennedy. scott brown the surprising winner. elizabeth warren, president obama's first pick to be the consumer finance agency chief is viewed a liberal icon and will speak tonight, anderson, and a huge star among liberals. we know the president is coming to hear president clinton. striking to see. governor romney is losing his state by a huge margin, but would obama coattails help
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elizabeth warren? >> brianna keilar getting more on what former president bill clinton will be talking about. >> hi, anderson, we learned what he will not be talking about. we're learning from a couple of sources that he will not be talking about jerusalem. the platform changes involving jerusalem, being the capital of israel, being put back in the platform and mention of god, not expecting him to talk about that. a ringing endorsement of president obama and economic policies. we're expecting him to talk about that. republicans have been questioning, are you better off four years later under president obama? we'll hear clinton talk about look back to 12 years ago, look back to 14 years ago. you were better off then. those kind of policies are the policies that president obama is moving forward with, and he has the right plan. that's what we're expecting, anderson. >> there certainly have been a lot of talk here in charlotte on
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and online about president clinton's speech tonight. let's talk about it a little bit. david gergen, do you expect. some people are wondering does he do a head nod to president clinton in 2016? >> he will stay as far away from that as possible. they made it very clear, this is not about 2016. he believes there is a choice. he genuinely supports obama on . there are ancillary benefits for hillary clinton, of course there are. this is a speech where he is working very hard. donna, he has had a parade of people in to see him. jean pearlin in to see him, and president clinton writing it out in his own hand. keep changing it, terry mcauliffe went to see him. >> you worked for him. how involved is he in writing a speech? >> more than your executive producer does. >> what's interesting, is he
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notorious for getting to his speeches late. staff wants to have a meeting, now, later, that's down the road. he started on this weeks ago. weeks ago, reached out to old friends, help me out, what should i say? look for a very full-throated endorseme endorsement. >> we see a live picture of the motorcade coming to the hall. we don't know if it's president obama's motorcade. we saw video of first lady michelle obama, already here in one of the sky boxes, a live picture there. you see michelle obama, you see her, other folks sitting in the sky box. she's talking to a number of dignitaries and people who are allowed in. so we're watching very closely to see when, in fact, president obama arrives. >> one other point about president clinton. i almost called him governor clinton. back in the day, when i didn't have any of these gray hairs. i talked to somebody who has read the speech, about the
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30/30. if you have the under, you will lose. >> what a shock. >> i was on the podium the last time governor clinton nominated a democrat for president. that was michael dukakis. >> we'll still be feeding the teleprompter. >> he will give a very inspirational speech. we're at a crossroads. the american people understand that congress is not functioning, and that the president has put forward critical issues and congress will not act. president -- i think president clinton tonight will talk about their thaw crossroads and basically, do we go forward with the policies that will create jobs and bring about economic opportunity for all americans, we go back to the failed policies that cause the economic collapse? that's the choice, that's what president clinton will lay out tonight. >> earlier, talking about president clinton's great skill of being an explainer, and i think he can really explain what
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president obama has done, in many cases, better than president obama has done himself. and if there is a gap between the promise of barack obama and the performance of barack obama, i think bill clinton will explain that by saying he deserbs your patience, headed in the right direction, done the right thing. >> no matter how fast on his feet he is, what a good explainer he is, is any of it transferrable to barack obama? can one man transfer his popularity? that's hard to do. >> we're about to hear from auto workers and former bain workers. >> people who lost their jobs they say as a result of bain. auto workers, of course, because the president will highlight the differences between himself and mitt romney on the auto bailout, and, of course, if you hear from people who were laid off, they will claim it's because of mitt
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romney's role at bain in buying companies, which resulted in some downsizing. the romney campaign, of course, says mitt romney was not there at the time. >> what is worth remembering if bill clinton comes, mitt romney has a sterling business record. >> and the campaign has just put out a video on that very thing. >> at the republican convention, they really tried to take back the history of bain. take back what mitt romney did at bain capital. was that successful at the republican convention? >> i think the data shows in an abc poll yesterday, that bain is still an underlying issue. i don't think we'll hear that from bill clinton tonight. he'll be on a much loftier pl e plane, he won't get into the
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weeds. this is the bridge from michelle to barack obama. >> i saw ari take something out of his pocket. >> the romney speech, what that accomplished what can get undone here. here is what a senior romney aide told me today. among women, romney dow seven points in the favorable rating in florida, now up three. north carolina, down 20, now down four, in michigan, down 29, not up one. romney campaign among women. they believe some of his underlying weaknesses were strengthened in the campaign, improved his standing. this campaign, and part of what president obama will do tonight, president clinton and president obama tomorrow, they have to take him back down to his preconvention ratings. >> two arcs to convention, the michelle obama speech, the bill clinton speech, the ann romney speech, they are aimed at the country. they are aimed at everybody. you have the president of the united auto workers speaking right now. he will get attention in
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michigan, get attention in ohio. some of what's happening on that podium they know it won't get national consumption, but they hope it gets local news conference on the state where that particular issue is cutting. >> the way bill clinton will help, ki talk to those disaffected chem democrats, man, you were talking about. mitt romney has a gender gap with women, the president has a gender gap with men, so that's where bill clinton can help him, in the rural areas. >> but women are the majority of voters, and clearly the democrats are looking to give both men and women out to vote for president obama. one of the things that bill clinton will be able to do is convince some of those democrats and independents. independents who want to know what has he done for us lately. what does he plan to do in the future? bill clinton will be able to fill in the blanks and give voters out there, trying to decide right now, which way they should go, he will give them the way forward. >> there are also two big issues
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that president clinton won't talk about tonight as he tries to define the economy that president obama inherited from george bush. president clinton will heave out his own role who signed into legislation that allowed banks to become too big to fail. glass-steagall, and banks could not have a commercial enterprise and investment enterprise. president clinton allowed them to come together. and also under clinton administration, subprime loans took off and that became the anti sedent of the collapse. >> it seems both campaigns, what is odd about this, both campaigns are celebrating bill clinton's economic legacy here. >> absolutely. >> republicans are not criticizing that, and he'll talk about welfare reform, his measure, and he will also talk about health care. i guarantee you. >> and he will talk about education and energy. that's important. >> i don't think this will be about relitigating the clinton
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years. the hard part here is when you make the argument, you can go down the romney path which they've trashed that. but the question, why is the obama path going to be better? after all, we've had suboptimal growth. very low growth under president obama for three years, your honor this recovery, why are the next four years better? what is the new man that will make this better? that's one of the hardest challenges that democrats to have to face. >> what do we know about the relationship between former president clinton and president obama? >> it started off rocky during the effort, the campaign for the democratic presidential nomination. hillary clinton challenging barack obama no love lost in those days. but improved tremendously since then, especially after hillary clinton became the second of state. she has a very good relationship with the president of the united states. early on, he was not -- the current president not calling bill clinton a lot seeking his advice for input along those lines, but that has improved a
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lot. within the last year, they have developed a pretty good relationship. i want to go to bob king right now speaking on the floor. head of the united auto workers, telling all of the people he will be seeing around the world, how the president of the united states saved the auto industry in this country. >> and it's the middle class that keeps america's democracy and economy strong. the republicans just look at wisconsin. the republicans want to take us back, back to a time when workers could not stand up for themselves. when workers couldn't speak with one voice. when workers couldn't speak out for fairness, justice, and middle class opportunity. that's why unions matter.
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i -- i am so proud to be a union member. and -- and i am so proud -- i am so proud to represent the men and women of the uaw. because -- because of president obama's moral courage and leadership, america's auto industry is roaring again, leading the american economic recovery, an industry we once called the arsal of democracy and driving to us new prosperity. this november, america faces a clear choice about what kind of
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country we want to be. the choice for working families is clear. we must re-elect president barack obama. >> please welcome former employees at companies -- >> we will hear from three former -- three workers who were working for companies taken over by bain capital when it was under the control of mitt romney. they will tell their specific stories, how they suffered as a result of those takeovers, randy johnson, sinny hewitt and david foster. >> president obama's record of creating jobs. i wanted to tell you about mitt romney's record of cutting jobs. mitt romney once said, i like being able to fire people. well, i can tell you from personal experience, he does.
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on july 5, 1994, mitt romney and his partners at bain capital fired me and more than 350 of my coworkers. it came without any warning. they rushed in the security guards to walk us out of our plant. we weren't even allowed to take our personal items. they handed us job applications and told us if we want you, we'll let you know. now, the truth is, some folks were hired back. lower wages, fewer benefits, no retirement. but many others weren't. and seven months later, they closed our plant for good. what affected me most was having guys the age i am now, come to my desk and cry. guys who had nothing to fall back on. i don't think mitt romney is a bad man.
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i don't fault him for the fact that some companies win and some companies lose. that's a fact of life. what i fault him for is making money without a moral compass. fault him for putting profits before people like me. but that's just romney economics. america cannot afford romney economics. mitt romney will stick it to working people. barack obama is sticking up for working people. it's simple as that. that's why i am supporting him for a second term as president. >> when mitt romney first announced he was running for president, i had no idea who he was. but then i learned he was the
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ceo of bain capital and that sure got my attention real fast. i used to work at a plant in miami that governor romney bought with his partners from bain. i say used to, because not long after they bought it, romney and his partners shut our plant down and ultimately drove our company into bankruptcy. our company -- our company, dade behring was a big part of our community. there were folks who had been at the plant for 15 to 20 years, but by the time romney and his partner were done with us, we lost 850 jobs in florida. it was a really difficult time for me and for my coworkers. but not for governor romney and his partners. while we watched our jobs disappear, they ultimately walked away with more than $240
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million. of course, i understand some companies are successful, others are not. that's the way our economy works. but it is wrong when dedicated, productive employees feel the pain while folks like mitt romney make profits. so when mitt romney talks about his business experience, remember, it is not experience creating good paying jobs. it is experience cutting jobs. it is experience shutting plants. it is experience making millions of dollars by making life tougher for hard working americans. that is not the kind of experience we need in the white house. we need a president who will
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create good-paying jobs and make sure everyone has a fair chance. we need president barack obama. >> your he're hearing from peop who blame bain capital for losing their jobs over many years. you think this is effective? i know -- >> i know it is. you know this, i advised about the super pac. we have run advertisement with men and women like that. they are very powerful. they didn't say he is a bad guy because he laid me off. he is the kind of guy who rigs the system so even when we lose, he wins and that crankles -- i can tell you from focus groups, that wrankles voters. even when businesses went under,
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went into bankruptcy, people got fired, he found a way to pay himself millions. >> and it's not attacking success. >> and it's important that democrats don't fall into that trap. and this is what they say. they people, and they say the system is rigged. he thinks there is a different set of rules. make a bad investment, you lose money, that happens, too. but when you make a bad investment and still pay yourself millions while i get laid off, that's not fair. that's not right. and i think that's a really important distinction. i was impressed that these speeches, i think, were so carefully drafted that way. >> mitt romney has talked about him being a job creator. if you look at the perspective for bain capital, they looked at profit creation in success of bain capital, which is how the profit worked. >> and look at the barack obama reelection campaign. they're not cutting jobs so they
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can create commercials. they make money for the sake of creating profits which leads to the creation of jobs. so nobody should choose bain as saying you failed to create jobs even though they did create a net greater number of jobs with the companies they took over that lost. now, of course, the companies were going under with a risk investment and hoped to restore them because banks woen't do it. private equity is the one that takes those risks. this is a fair fight over bain, the president and governor romney's record. that's why the governor was late in making the defense. he started the convention in florida. he let the superpac get a head start over him in the summer. but it's taxpayer money. surrender all the money that was wasted. the taxpayer money, not private investor money, that went to idealogy that doesn't work. they tried to create green jobs the market isn't supporting. they took our money, wasted it,
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bankrupt the company. >> what surprised me, though, is what took the romney campaign so long to talk about this. this was an issue in the 1994 campaign first raised by ted kennedy, and the obama campaign is using the same people in their ads. >> brianna keyland on the floor has a son. >> he is a major in the army national guard. you're also the attorney general of delaware, and you've been doing a lot on veteran outreach for the obama campaign as a veteran of the iraq war yourself. a recent gallup poll shows the ticket trailing romney by about 20 points. i know you point to other polls that show more support for your guys, but why do you think they're struggling with veterans? >> there was a poll about a
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month before that supported veterans. president oba has added 500,000 more veterans to get the veteran increase. he's increased veteran spending more than any president has in 30 years. he's been an exceptional commander in chief, and i think veterans recognize that. i have to speak as one veteran alo alone, but i know he's done a successful job. >> we just heard mr. visecky speak a short time ago. your dad has said president obama should be reelected because gm is alive and osama bin laden is dead. i just to want ask you about that. do you see that as positilitici the death of osama bin laden at all? >> not at all. going back to the veterans piece, you compare what the president has done relative to
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veterans. compare that to mitt romney who chose veteran's day last year to get a group of veterans together, propose the voucherization of the d.a. there is going to be a debate about what role government has in medicare, health care, education. there can be and should be no debate about it, that it is the role of government to take care of veterans. i'm not sure mitt romney understands that. it would cut his budget by $11 million in year one, if you believe his math. i believe the math as related to the budget. the president's record is stellar. he never mentioned veterans in his speech. >> i do know, wolf, that beau has been taking a look at his dad's speech for tomorrow night and he's tight-lipped. he won't say what he's going to say. >> he's a good son, there's no doubt about that. a cnn reality check on president
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obama and the auto industry with what we just heard from what the uaw had. erin? >> mr. king was speaking and they had rousing applause. they all had signs. and a claim we have repeatedly heard time and time again at this convention is that president obama saved the auto industry, strickland has said it, first lady michelle obama has said it and we heard it tonight from the auto workers union bob king. what did mitt romney say? let detroit go bankrupt. that is actually from an op-ed in 2008. it was titled, let detroit go bankrupt, but i think we should make it clear the "new york times" gave it that title. mitt romney himself titled it a move guaforward for the auto industry and he titled it bankruptcy. >> romney was really making an argument against the bailout, not for the liquidation, not for the wiping out of this company. here's what he wrote.
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the american auto industry is vital to our national interest as an employer and as a hub for manufacturing. a managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. the federal government would propel newly competitive and viable automakers rather than seal their fate with a bailout check. the fundamental issue here is not wiping out all those jobs but instead keeping them going, just a different way. the second part of king's statement, more than a million jobs saved, signs all over here, people waving them. 1.2 billion jobs saved, the obama campaign has used that many times, but they also say up and down the supply chain. they talk about every restaurant, every auto supply place, everyone who benefited from them being there, so basically thousands of workers involved when you talk about the multiplier from many more. some of that came from the
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researcher. >> it would assume that it was a complete liquidation. again, the cost of this is also something that is very politically important. how much do taxpayers put into gm? you as a taxpayer with general motors, specifically, right now you own about a third of gm. that's how the bailout was structured. gm today closed on the stock exchange at $21.76 a share. now, in order to break even, so for taxpayers you out there to make that money back, gm shares would have to rise to between 523 and $670 a share. treasury right now says they expect to lose $25 billion or more which, of course, is interesting when you look at banks specifically, taxpayers have made money. they've lost money on gm right now and on aig, the insurer. but when you look at the auto industry, there is one company that did not get a bailout and is thriving, and that, of course, is ford.
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>> erin, thanks very much. it's interesting, sandra fluk is about to speak. we'll bring that to our viewers live. interesting, because she was supposed to speak about an hour ago. they actually moved her later in the evening when it's almost prime time, 10:00, when it's coveted speaking roles. what does that tell you? >> pretty sneaky. she sadly became a punching bag for rush limbaugh. she famously testified before congress in support of contraption aid, and mr. limbaugh said some really nasty things about her and she became an overnight sort of surprise celebrity. also touched politically women, women, women, younger, younger, younger. the demographic is perfect. >> they got a response at last night's convention when they went to women's health issues. if they moved it to tonight, it was an overnight deal. >> you think they were testing
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what happened last night and moved her accordingly? >> sure. >> a big speech by cecille richards, a big part of the planned parenthood fund. if you look at the two conventions, republican party mostly tried to hide their social issues. the democrats are standing up on their social issues now. >> let me understand what's going on. in 2004 election, young voters were 18% of the electrorate. they voted for obama by 30 points more than mccain. they had the youth vote where they have to run the margins. if they can't run those numbers, the democrats can't win. same with the african-american vote. historically it's 11% of the
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ele electora electorate. they've got to get these groups out. >> she's young and she's a woman, okay? >> here in the state of north carolina, we just had a university poll come out this week. it showed the young women took barack obama over the line, as well as black votes in 2008. today in north carolina, the group that's least excited about president obama are the young people. the least excited. >> they're excited about mitt romney or they're just not excited about all? >> older voters are more excited about the president than younger voters in this state, so they're trying to get that back. >> they're disappointed. bill clinton will speak to a certain segment of disappointed voters. will he speak to young, disappointed voters? paul? >> look at a poll of registered voters and look at the president's numbers.
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look at a poll of unregistered voters and then look at the numbers. it's a group that has stepped outside. >> that's right. >> some of you may remember that earlier this year, republicans shut me out of a hearing on contraception. in fact, on that panel, they didn't hear from a single woman. even though they were debating an issue that affects nearly every woman. because it happened in congress, people noticed. but it happens all the time. too many women are shut out and
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silenced. so while i'm honored to be standing at this podium, it easily could have been any one of you. i'm here because i spoke out. [ applause ] >> and this november, each of us must speak out. during this campaign, we've heard about two profoundly different futures that could await women in this country. and how one of those futures looks like an offensive, obje obsolete warning of our past. that future could become real. in that america, your new president could be a man who
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stands by when a public figure tries to silence a private citizen with hateful slurs. a man who won't stand up to those slurs or any voices in his own party. it would be an america in which you have a new vice president who co-sponsored a bill that would allow pregnant women to die preventable deaths in our emergency rooms. an america in which they h humiliahue mill ate women by facing j that we don't want and our doctors say we don't need. birth control is controlled by people who will never use it.
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an america in which politicians redefine rape. and victims are victimized all over again. in which someone decides which domestic violence victims deserves access to services and which don't. we know what this america would look like. and in a few short months, that's the america that we could be. but that's not the america that we should be, and it's not who we are! [ applause ] >> there is another america that we could choose. in that america, we would have
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the right to choose. it's an america in which no one can charge us more than men for the exact same health insurance. in which no one can deny us affordable access to the cancer screenings that could save our lives. in which we decide when it start our families. an america in which our president, when he hears that a young woman has been verbally attacked thinks of his daughters, not his delegates or his donors. and in which our president stands with all women and strangers come together and reach out and lift her up.
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and then instead of trying to silence her, you invite me here. [ applause ] >> and you give me this microphone to amplify our voice. [ applause ] >> that's the difference. over the last six months, i've seen what these two futures look like. and six months from now, we're all going to be living in one future or the other. but only one. a country where our president either has our back or turns his back. a country that honors our foremothers by moving us forward
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or one that forces our generation to refight battles that they already won. a country where we mean it when we talk about personal freedom. or one where that freedom doesn't apply to our bodies or our voices. we talk often about choice. well, ladies -- and gentlemen -- it's now time to choose. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome former ceo and co-founder of costco, jim
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sinegal. >> we just heard from sandra fluke. big risk, big reward. >> remarkable choice and a really professional delivery. for a law student, this is a very young woman that has not been doing it all her life. really powerful framing of the choice, really zeroing in on the young women, the young men we were just talking about who the president has to get enthused and on their feet. >> i think it's not just a gender gap but a gender and age gap. last week's convention was a moms' convention. this week's convention is those moms' daughters' convention. a very young target for democrats. >> we saw an effective speech here. she was moved up to be at the most important hour, the 10:00 hour. >> it came right at the top of 10:00. a big audience tunes in and she had the best piece of the night so far. it was a powerful speech that electrified this crowd.
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i must say this is a speech that not only will appeal to young women. there are a lot of young guys who hear about these issues and they look at some of these invasive ultrasound procedures, and i think they're barbaric. there is a reason to be offended by these things and that's going to appeal to people. >> i think a lot of republicans would make the case that they want to protect all women's rights even if they're a month or two from being born. i don't think republicans have been very effective advocates for that. >> we just did a cnn poll, we asked the question who is more in touch with women, and barack obama beats mitt romney by -- that's 2-0 points on that issue. what they're trying to do here tonight is attract those young women, and as we were talking about earlier, what's so stunning to me is that this is a convention that is going after social issues. i'm not used to democrats talking about social issues.
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and the republican convention was so muted on social issues because they didn't want to ali alienate these women even further. >> where are these issues with the democrats or they state they won't win them, anyway. if the youth drop in this state, goodbye. the president won by 2,000 votes in a perfect storm in 2008. he needs that vote. african-american, gay and lesbian rights. another place is the turnout of students and young voters are down. the debate of this race is the economy, and beneath that it's about turnout and finding of last voter. >> the other way of saying mitch marketing is divide and conquer. >> president obama moved left of clinton. that's why he's bringing back
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your old boss tonight. how do you get the middle if you've moved so far away from it they've abandoned you? that's why the obama strategy has been -- >> do you really think it's so far from the middle? >> voters do. if you ask voters who is the most radical candidate in this election, it's not mitt romney, it's obama. >> i love alex, i do, i love him like a demented brother -- that's unfair. we all are trying to reach additional voters. winning the culture wars, the country is more pro-gay rights than they were before. less pro-choice, actually. there hasn't been a big movement on abortion but republicans have moved further right. mitt romney is calling for all federal funding for contraception for poor women. it was --
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>> another reason you're doing this is the economic conversation is one in which mitt romney had the bep fnefit you want to turn this into choice and not a referendum on the economy. if you want to talk about choice, that's exactly what her speech was about this eepg. >> republicans have helped by taking really extraordinary issues on positions like contraception, which she said she felt like she woke up in a bad issue of "mad men." republicans want to outlaw federal funding for contraceptio >> i do think it's fair to say that president obama has moved left on economic policies. i think he's widely perceived to have done that. on social policies, i think positive polly is exactly right. the country has moved left. >> if you get a look at this convention floor right now, it is shoulder to shoulder,
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jam-packed. i'm told the fire marshal is not allowing anyone else in. it is standing room only. a lot of anticipation, obviously, for president clinton's speech, brianna. >> that's right. there were a lot of people here last night and i think because of that, you actually saw the security tightened up a little bit because there were so many people packing the aisles. we understand there are multiple fire monitors monitoring the situation. if you're in the aisle, you're told by security you have to keep walking or that you will actually have to leave the floor. they're being very much sticklers about it because there are so many people here on the floor. and we also understand it's at the point where they've actually closed down some of the entrances so no more people can come in. they're monitoring this very carefully and making sure that if people leave, maybe people can come in, but at this point it's a packed house, and if last night was any indication, anderson, we're expecting it to get even more packed leading up to bill clinton's speech.
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wolf, back to you. >> the former president of the united states, candy, is going to be where you are very, very soon. set the scene for our viewers. >> well, i think you have the visuals, actually, by just looking at this crowd. it's actually very kind of calm right now. we've had a lot of speeches that have revved them up, but clearly there is anticipation here because, again, this is a man who is well loved by the democratic party and again has high approval ratings in his sort of elder statesman mode which he moved into after he got out of office and sort of wanted to be seen as this elder statesman instead of the clinton foundation which sort of tries to help people meet the challenges of the global market and global interdependence. and yet when that bell rings, bill clinton is a party man. he sees this as part of his
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legacy. he sees the continuation of the democratic movement, the continuation of democrats in the white house and house of the senate as part of his legacy. and this is a man for whom this crowd is adrenaline. i've never seen a politician that draws so much energy from the people around him. with president obama, it's almost the opposite. it's almost like the crowd gets energy from him in some ways. i followed him four years ago. he was the one that sort of infused the crowd whereas bill clinton, he kind of takes it from the crowd. that's what you will see here tonight, anderson. well, whichever one, sorry. >> you know, candy, elisabeth warren is about to speak, the democratic candidate in massachusetts. this crowd is going crazy right now.
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they really want this former harvard law professor to win. let's listen. >> thank you. thank you. thank you. i'm elisabeth warren. thank you. thank you. i'm elisabeth warren, and this is my first democratic convention. [ applause [ chanting ] >> enough. i never thought i'd run for the senate, and i sure never dreamed that i would be the warm-up act for president bill clinton.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> he's an amazing man who had the good sense to marry one of the coolest women on this planet. i want to give a special shout-out to the massachusetts delegation. i'm counting on you to help me win and to help president obama win. i'm here tonight to talk about hard-working people, people who get up early, stay up late, cook dinner and help out with homework. people who can be counted on to help their kids, their parents, their neighbors and a lady down the street whose car broke down. people who worked their hearts out that are up against a hard truth. the game is rigged against them. it wasn't always this way. like a lot of you, i ghorew up
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a family on the ragged edges of the middle class. my daddy sold carpeting and i understanded -- ended up as a maintenance man. after he had a heart attack, my mama worked on the phones at sears so we could hang up our hats. my brothers served in the military. one was career, the second a good union job in construction. and the third started a small business. me, i was waiting tables at 13 and married at 19. i graduated from public schools and taught elementary school. i have a wonderful husband, two great children and three beautiful grandchildren. and i'm grateful down to my toes for every opportunity that america gave me. this is a great country. i grew up in an america that
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invested in its kids and built a small middle class that allowed millions of children to rise from poverty and establish secure lives. an america that created social security and medicare so that seniors could live with dignity. an america in which each generation built something solid so that the next generation could build something better. but now for many years, our middle class has been chipped, squeezed and hammered. talk to the construction worker i met from walden, massachusetts who went nine months without finding work. talk to the head of the manufacturing company in franklin trying to protect jobs but worried about rising costs. talk to the student in wooster
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who worked hard to get his degree and now he's drowning in debt. their fight is my fight, and it's barack obama's fight, too. that's right. yes. people feel like the system is rigged against them. and here's the painful part. they're right. the system is rigged. look around. oil companies guzzle down billions in profits. bill yionaires pay lower taxes than their secretaries. and wall street ceos, the same ones who wrecked our economy and stole billions of jobs still strut around and act like we should thank them. does anyone here have a problem with that? well, i do, too.
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i do, too. i talked to small business owners all across massachusetts, and not one of them, not one, made big bucks from the risky bets that brought down our economy. i talked to nurses and programmers, salespeople and firefighters, people who bust their tails every day and not one of them, not one, stashes their money in the cayman islands to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. >> these folks don't resent that someone else made more money. we're americans. we celebrate success. we just don't want the game to be rigged. we fought to level the playing field before. about a century ago, when
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corrosive greed threatened our economy and our way of life, the american people came together under the leadership of teddy roosevelt and other progressives to bring our nation back from the brink. we started to take children out of factories and put them in schools. we began to give meaning to the words consumer protection by making food and medicine safe. and we gave the little guys a better chance to compete by preventing the big guys from rigging the markets. we turned adversity into progress because that's what we do. americans are fighters. we're tough, resource ful and creative. and if we have the chance to fight on a level playing field where everyone pays their fair
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share and everyone has a real shot, then no one, no one, can stop us. [ applause [ applause ] >> president obama gets it because he spent his life fighting for the milddle class. and now he's fighting the level playing fields because we know the economy doesn't grow from the top down but from the middle class out and the bottom up. that's how we create jobs and reduce the debt. and mitt romney, he wants to give tax cuts to mill yop aiona and billionaires, but for middle class families who are hanging on by their fingernails, his plan will hammer them with a new tax hike of up to $2,000.
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mitt romney wants to give billions in breaks to big corporations, but he and paul ryan would pulverize medical reforms, voucherize and vulturize medicare. the message is clear. i got mine. the rest of you are on your own. republicans will say they don't believe in government. sure, they do. they believe in government to help themselves and their powerful friends. after all, mitt romney is the guy who said, corporations are people. no, governor romney, corporations are not people.
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people have heart. they have kids. they get jobs. they get sick. they die. they dance. they live. they love. and they die. and that matters. [ applause ] >> that matters. that matters because we don't run this country for corporations. we run it for people. and that's why we need barack obama. after the financial crisis, president obama knew that we had to clean up wall street. for years families had been tricked by credit cards, fooled by student loans and cheated on mortgages. i had an idea for consumer
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financial protection agency to stop the ripoffs. now, the big banks sure didn't like it, and they martialed one of the biggest lobbying forces on earth to destroy the agency before it ever saw the light of day. american families didn't have an army of lobbyists on our side. what we had was a president. president obama leading the way. and when the lobbyists were closing in for the kill, barack obama squared his shoulders, planted his feet and stood firm and that's how we won. by the way, just a few weeks ago, that little agency caught
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one of the biggest credit card customers cheating its customers and made them give back every penny it took plus millions of dollars in fines. that's what happens when you have a president on the side of the middle class. [ applause ] >> president obama believes in a level playing field. he believes in a country where nobody gets a trfree ride or a golden parachute. a country where anyone who has a great idea and rolls up their sleeves has a chance to build a business. and anyone who works hard can build some security and raise a family. president obama believers s in country where billionaires pay their taxes just like their secretaries do. and i can't believe i have to say this in 2012. a country where women get equal pay for equal work.
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[ applause ] >> he believes in a country where everyone is held accountable, where no one can steal your purse on main street or your pension on wall street. president obama believes in a country where we invest in education, in roads and bridges and science and in the uture, so we can create new opportunities so the next kid can make it big and the kid after that and the kid after that. that's what president obama believes. and that's how we build the economy of the future. an economy with more jobs and less debt. we root it in fairness. we grow it with opportunity, and
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we build it together. i grew up in the methodist church and taught sunday school, and one of my favorite passages of scripture is inasmuch as you have done it, unto least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me. this piece is in each of us, that we are bound to each other and we are called to act. not to sit, not to wait, but to act. all of us together. senator ted kennedy understood that call. four years ago, he addressed our
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convention for the last time. he said, we have never lost our beliefs that we are all called to a better country and a newer world. generation after generation, americans have answered that call, and now we are called again. we are called to restore opportunity for every american. we are called to give america's working families a fighting chance. we are called to build something solid so the next generation can build something better. so let me ask you -- let me ask you, america, are you ready to answer this call? [ applause ] >> are you ready to apply for good jobs in a strong middle class? are you ready to work for a level playing field? are you ready to prove to
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another generation of americans that we can build a better country and a newer world? joe biden is ready. barack obama is ready. i'm ready. you're ready. thank you. god bless you. >> elizabeth warren, the democratic candidate for senate in massachusetts currently in a very prominent role here in charlotte, much more prominent than senator scott brown of massachusetts got in tampa last week. the los angeles mayor antonio viagaruso is going to speak very shortly as we get ready for a
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videotape of bill clinton. let's listen to antonio and then the videotape of bill clinton. >> our nominee for party for president of the united states. our next speaker will place before you that nomination. >> unemployment in june was the highest since march of 1984. >> the u.s. economy has been in a recession. >> 10 million americans still officially unemployed. >> there is nothing wrong with america that cannot be cured by what is right with america! ♪
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>> we believe that investing in grow economics is better than trickle down economics. we have to go beyond the brain-dead politics in washington and give people the kind of government they deserve, a government that works for them! after years of hard effort, the longest economic expansion in history, we proved that we could find a way to balance the budget and protect our values. we have lots of evidence that presidents shouwho focus on the middle class get better results. i personally believe that if america gives you the honor of serving, you should keep on doing it after you leave office. i set up this foundation so i could pursue causes that i could still have an impact on as a private citizen. it is a results-oriented foundation committed to taking on the world's biggest challenges. my life has been a balance
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between fulfilling initiatives i always wanted and then responding to things that come up. what should our shared values be? everybody counts. everybody deserves a chance. everybody has a responsibility to fulfill. we all do better when we work together. >> he's helped to create a model for individual responsibility and collective actions that all of us are going to be studying for a very long time. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome president bill clinton. [ cheers and applause ]
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own life has known its fair share of adversity and uncertainty. i want to nominate a man who ran for president to change the course of an already weak economy and then just six weeks before his election, it suffered the biggest collapse since the great depression. a man who stopped the slide into depression and put us on the long road to recovery, knowing all the while that no matter how many jobs that he saved or created, there would still be millions more waiting. worried about feeding our own kids, trying to keep their hopes alive. i want to nominate a man who is cool on the outside. [ applause ] >> but who burns for america on
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the inside. i want a man who believes with no doubt that we can build a new american dream economy driven by innovation and creativity, by education, and yes, by cooperation. and by the way, after last night, i want a man who had hth good sense to marry michelle obama. [ applause ] >> i want barack obama to be the next president of the united states, and i proudly nominate him to be the standard bear of
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the democratic party. now, folks, in tampa a few days ago, we heard a lot of talk, all about how the president and the democrats don't really believe in free enterprise and individual initiative, how we want everybody to be dependent on the government, how bad we are for the economy. this republican narrative, its alternative universe says that every one of us in this room who amounts to anything, we're all completely self-named. one of the greatest chairmen the democratic party ever had, bob strauss, used to say that every politician wants every voter to believe he was born in a log cabin he built himself.
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but as strauss then admitted, it ain't so. we democrats, we think the country works better with a strong middle class, with real opportunities for poor folks to work their way into it, where the relentless focus on the future with business and government actually working together to promote growth and broadly share prosperity. you see, we believe that we're all in this together is a far better philosophy than you're on your own! [ applause ] >> who is right? well, since 1961, for 52 years
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now, the republicans have held the white house 28 years, the democrats 24. in those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private sector jobs. so what's the job score? republicans 24 million, democrats 42! there's a reason for this. it turns out advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics. why? because poverty, discrimination and ignorance restrict growth.
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when you stifle human potential, when you don't invest in new ideas, it doesn't just cut off the people who are affected, it hurts us all. we know that investments in education and infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase growth. they increase good jobs and they create new wealth for all the rest of us. there's something i noticed recently, and you probably have, too, and it's this. though i often disagree with republicans, i never learned to hate them that now the far right that controls our party see-- tr party seems to hate the
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democrats. that would be impossible for me because president eisenhower sent federal troops to my home state to integrate little rock central high school. president eisenhower built the interstate highway system. when i was a governor, i worked with president reagan in his white house on the first round of welfare reform, and with president george h.w. bush on national education goals. i'm actually very grateful -- if you saw from the film what i do today, i have to be grateful, and you should be, too, that president george w. bush supported petrol. it saved millions of jobs in the community. and i have worked with both presidents in the aftermath on the tsunami, hurricane katrina, the horrible earthquake in haiti. screw my foundation in both
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america and around the world, i'm working all the time with democrats and independents. sometimes i couldn't tell you who i'm working with because we focus on solving problems and seizing opportunities and not fighting all the time. here's what i want to say to you and here's what i want the people at home to think about. when times are tough and people are frustrated and angry and hurting and uncertain, the politics of constant conflict may be good. but what is good politics does not necessarily work in the real world. what works in the real world is cooperation. what works in the real world is cooperation. business and government,
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foundations and universities. ask the mayors who are here. los angeles is getting green and chicago is getting an infrastructure bank because republicans and democrats are working together to get it. they didn't check their brains at the door, they didn't stop disagreeing, but their purpose was to get something done. now, why is this true? why does cooperation work better than constant conflict? because nobody is right all the time and a broken clock is right twice a day. every one of us -- every one of us and every one of them, we're compelled to spend our fleeting lives between those two extremes knowing we're never going to be right all the time and hopefully we're right more than twice a day. unfortunately, the people that dominate the republican party don't see it that way. they think the democrat is
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always the enemy, they're always right and compromise its weakness. in the last two elections, they disqualified two important senators because they refused to look at issues they deemed important to the country, even social security. they needed a 100% service record on every conservative score because he realized he did not have to hate the president to disagree with him. that was a non-starter, and they threw him out. one of the main reasons we ought to reelect president obama is that he is still committed to constructive cooperation. look at his record. look at his record. he appointed secretaries of defense, the army and transportation. he appointed a vice president
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who ran against him in 2008. and he trusted that vice president to oversee the success to end the war in iraq and the implementation of the recovery act. and joe biden did a great job with both! [ applause ] >> now, president obama appointed several members of his cabinet even though they supported hillary in the primary. heck, he even appointed hillary.
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[ applause ] >> now, wait a minute. i am very proud of her. i am proud of the job she and the national security team have done for americans. i am grateful that they have worked together to make it safer and stronger to build a world with more partners and fewer enemi enemies. i am grateful for the relationship of respect and partnerships she and the president have enjoyed and the signal that sends to the rest of the world that democracy does not have to be a blood sport, it can be an honorable enterprise that advances the public interest. [ applause ] >> now -- but besides the
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national security team, i am very grateful to the men and women who served our country in uniform through these perilous times. and i am especially grateful to michelle obama and joe biden to support their loved ones while they were overseas. and for supporting our veterans when they come home bearing the wounds of war or needing help to find education or jobs or housing. president obama's whole record on national security is a tribute to his strength, to his judgment and to his preference for inclusion and partnership over partisanship. we need more of it in washington, d.c. [ applause ]
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>> we all know he tried to work with congressional republicans on debt reduction and new jobs. that didn't work out so well. but it could have been because as the senate republican leader said in a remarkable moment of candor, two full years before the election, their number one priority was not to put america back to work, it was to put the president out of work. [ applause ] >> senator, i hate to break it to you, but we're going to keep president obama on the job! >> are you ready for that?
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are you ready to work for it? in tampa, did you all watch the convention? i did. in tampa, the republican argument against the president reelection was actually pretty simple, pretty snappy. it went something like this. we le he left it a total mess. he hasn't cleaned it up so far and he hasn't put us back in. but they did it well. they looked good, they sounded good, they convinced me that they all love their families and
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children and we're grateful they've been born in america. they did. and this is important. they convinced me they were honorable people who believe what they said and they're going to keep every commitment they've made. we gist hajust have to make sur american people know what those commitments are. because in order to look like an acceptable, reasonable, moderate alternative to president obama, they just didn't say very much about the ideas they've offered over the last two years. they want to go back to the policies that got us in trouble in the first place. they want to cut high taxes for americans even more than president bush did. they want to get rid of those pesky financial implications that caused a crash and a
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federal bailout. they want to tax $2 billion more than what the pentagon requested without saying what they'll spend it on. and they want to make enormous cuts in the budget especially those that help the middle class and the children. as one president once said, there they go again. i like president obama's speech or reelection instead. he put a floor under the crash. he began a long, long road to recovery and laid the foundation for a moderate, more efficient
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economy that provided good jobs and lots of will for innovators. now, are we where we want to be today? no. is the president satisfied? of course not. but are we better off than where we were when we took office? listen to this. listen to this. when president barack obama took office, the economy was in freefall. it had just shrunk 9.4% of the gdp. we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. are we doing better than that today? the answer is yes. now, look, here's the challenge he faces and the challenge all of you who support him face.
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i get it, i know it, i've been there. a lot of americans are still angry and frustrated about this economy. if you look at the numbers, you know employment is growing, banks are beginning to lend again, and in a lot of places, housing prices even began to pick up. but too many people do not feel it yet. i had this same thing happen in 1994 and early '95. we could see that the policies were working, that the economy was growing, but most people didn't feel it yet. thankfully, by 1996, the economy was roaring, everybody felt it, and we were halfway through the longest peace time expansion in the history of the united states. but -- [ applause ] >> the difference this time is purely in the circumstances.
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president obama started with a much weaker economy. no president, no president, not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage he found in just four years. he has the foundation for a new modern, successful economy of prosperity. if you renew the president's contract, you will feel it. you will feel it. folks, whether the american people believe what i just said
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or not, that's your choice. i want you to know that i believe it. with all my heart, i believe it. now, why do i believe it? i'm fixing to tell you why. i believe it because president obama's approach embodies the values, the ideas, and the direction america has to take to build a 21st century version of the american dream, a nation of shared opportunities, shared responsibility, shared prosperity, a shared sense of community. but let's get back to the story. in 2010, as the president's recovery program kicked in, the job losses stopped and things began to turn around. the recovery act saved or created millions of jobs and cut taxes. let me say this again.
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cut taxes for 95% of the american people. then in the last 29 months, our economy has produced about 4.5 million private sector jobs. we could have done better but last year the republicans blocked the president's job plan, costing the economy more than a million new jobs. so here's another job score. president obama, plus 4.5 million. congressional republicans, zero. during this period, more than 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been created under president obama. that's the first time manufacturing jobs have increased since the 1990s.
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and i'll tell you something else. the auto industry restructuring worked. it saved more than a million jobs and not just at gm, chrysler and their dealerships, but in auto parts manufacturing all over the country. that's why even automakers who weren't part of the deal supported it. they needed to save those parts suppliers, too. like i said, we're all in this together. so what's happening? there are now 250,000 more people working the auto industry than on the day the companies were restructured. so now we all know that governor romney opposed the plan to save gm and chrysler.
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so here's another job score. are you listening in ohio and across the country? here's another job score. obama, 250,000. romney, zero. the agreement the adminiration made with management labor and groups to double car mileage, that was a good deal, too. it will cut your gas prices in half, your gas bill. no matter what the price is, if you double the mileage of your car, your bill will be half of what it would have been. it will make us more independent. it will cut gas emotion. it will bring us another half a million good new jobs into the american economy.
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the president's energy strategy which he calls all of the above is helping, too. the booming oil and gas production combined with greater oil efficiency has driven oil imports to a near 20-year low and natural gas production to an all-time high, and renewable gas production has doubled. of course, we need a lot more new jobs, but there are already more than 3 million jobs open and unfilled in america, mostly because the people who apply for them don't yet have the required skills to do them. so even as we get americans more jobs, we have to prepare more americans for the new jobs that are actually going to be created. the old economy is not coming back. we've got to build a new one and educate people to do those jobs.
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the president and his education secretary have supported community and their employers to train for jobs that are actually open in their communities. and even more important, after a decade in which exploding college costs have increased the dropout rate so much that the percentage of our young people with four-year college degrees has gone down so much that we have dropped to 16th in the world in the percentage of young people with college degrees. so the president's student loan reform is more important than ever. here's what it does. [ applause ] >> you need to tell every voter where you live about this. it lowers the cost of federal student loans, and even more
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important, it gives students the right to repay those loans as a clear fixed low percentage of their income for up to 20 years. now, what does this mean? what does this mean? think of it. it means no one will ever have to drop out of college again for fear they can't repay their debts. and it means if someone wants to take a job as a teacher, an administrator, if they want to be a small town doctor in a rural area, they won't have to turn those jobs down because they won't pay enough to repay the debt, their debt reduction will be determined by their salary. this will change the future for young americans. [ applause ] >> i don't know about you, but
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only this year i know we're better off because president obama made the decisions he did. now, that brings me to health care. and the republicans call it, did i -- dirisively obamacare. they say if we deselect it, they'll repeal it. let's take a look at what's happened so far. first, individuals and businesses have already gotten more than a billion dollars in refunds from insurance companies because it requires 85% of your premium to go to your health care, nonprofits or promotion.
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the gains are even greater than that because a bunch of insurance companies have vowed to lower their rates to comply with the requirements. more than 3 million young people between 19 and 25 are insured for the first time because their parents' policies covered them. third, millions of seniors are receiving preventive care all the way from breast cancer screenings to heart problems and scores of other things, and younger people are getting them, too. fourth, soon the insurance companies -- not the government, the insurance companies -- will have millions of new customers, many of them middle class people with preexisting conditions who never could get insurance before. [ applause ] >> now, finally, listen to this.
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for the last two years after going up at three times the rate of ip flatinflation for a decad last two years health care costs have been under 4% in both years for the first time in 50 years. >> are we better off because president obama fought for health care reform? you bet we are! now, there were two other attacks on the president in tampa that i think deserve an answer. first, both governor romney and congressman ryan attacked the president for allegedly robbing medicare. $716 billion. that's the same attacks they leveled against the congress in 2010. and they got a lot of votes on it. but it's not true.
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look, here's what really happened. you be the judge. here's what really happened. there were month cuts to benefits at all. none. what the president did was to save money by taking the recommendations of a commission of profession, to cut unwarranted subsidies to providers or insurance companies that were not making people healthier and were not necessary to get the providers to provide the service. and instead of writing medicare, he used the savings to close the donut hole in the medicare drug program, then -- you have to listen very carefully to this, this is very important -- then
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added eight years to the medicare program so it is solvent until 2024. [ applause ] >> so president obama and the democrats didn't weaken medicare, they strengthened medicare. now, when congressman ryan looked into that tv camera and attacked president obama's medicare savings as, quote, the biggest, coldest power play, i didn't know whether to laugh or cry. because that $716 billion is exactly to the dollar the same amount of medicare savings that he had in his own budget!
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you got to admit one thing, it takes some brass to attack a guy for doing what you did. you ha you're having a good time and this is serious, so i want you to listen. it's important. a lot of people believe this stuff. at least on this one issue, governor romney has been consistent. he attacked president obama, too, but he actually wants to repeal those savings and give the money back to the insurance company. he wants to go back to the old
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system which means we'll reopen the donut hole for seniors to pay more for drugs and we'll reduce the life of the medicare trust fund by eight full years. so if he's elected, and if he does what he promised to do, medicare will now go broke in 2016. think about that. that means after all we won't have to wait until the bouncer program kicks in in 2023 to see the end of medicare as we know it. they're going to do it to us sooner than we thought. now, folks, this is serious because it gets worse. and you won't be laughing when i finish telling you this. they also want to grant medicaid
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and cut it by a third over the coming ten years. of course, that's going to hurt a lot of poor kids. but that's not all. a lot of folks don't know it, but nearly two-thirds of medicaid is spent on nursing home care for medicare seniors who are eligible for medicaid. it's going to end medicare as we know it. and a lot of that money is also spent to help people with disabilities. including a lot of middle class families whose kids have down's syndrome or autism or other severe conditions. and, honestly, let's think about it. if that happens, i don't know what those families are going to do. i know what i'm going to do. i'm going to do everything i can to see that it doesn't happen.
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we can't let it happen! we can't! now, wait a minute. let's look at the other big charge the republicans made. it's a real doosy. they actually have charged and run ads saying that president obama wants to weaken the work requirements in the welfare reform bill i signed that moved millions of people from welfare to work. oh, wait, you need to know here's what happened. nobody ever tells you what really happened. here's what happened. when some republican governors
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asked if they could have waivers to try new ways to put welfare people back to work, the obama administrati administration listened because we all know that for people who have good work histories, it's even hard to get good jobs today, so to move it is a real challenge. they agreed to give waivers to those governors and others only if they had a credible plan to increase employment by 20% and they could keep the waivers only if they did increase employment. did i make myself clear? the requirement was for more work, not less. so this is personal to me. we have millions of people on welfare. it was one of the reasons that in the eight years i was president, we had 100 as many
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times move out of poverty to the middle class than happened in the previous 12 years. 100 times as many. it's a big deal. but i am telling you the claim that president obama weakened welfare reforms work requirement is just not true. but they keep on running ads claiming it. you want to know why? their campaign poster said, we are not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers. now, finally i can say that is true. i con have sauldn't have said i myself. and i hope you and every
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american within the sound of my voice remembers it every time they see one of those ads and it turns into an ad to reelect barack obama and keep the fundamental principles of personal empowerment and moving everybody who can get a job into work as soon as we can. [ applause ] >> let's talk about the debt. today interest rates are low, lower than the rate of inflat n inflation. people are practically paying us to hold their money for them. but it will become a big problem when the economy grows and interest rates start to rise. we've got a deal with this big long-term debt problem or it will deal with us. it will gobble up a bigger and bigger percentage of the federal budget we would rather spend on education and health care and science and technology. we've got to deal with it. now, what has the president done? he has offered a reasonable plan of $4 trillion in debt reduction
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over a decade with 2.5 trillion coming from -- for every $2.5 trillion this spending cuts, he raises a dollar in revenues, 2.5 to 1. and he has tied controls on future spending. that's the kind of balanced approach by the simpson bowles commission, a bipartisan commission. i think this plan is way better than the romney plan. first, the romney plan fails the first test of fiscal responsibility. the numbers just don't add up. i mean, consider this. what would you do if you had this problem? someone says, we have a big debt problem, we have to reduce the debt. to reduce the debt, we're going to have another trillion dollars in tax cuts. we'll make the debt hole bigger
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before we start to get out of it. now, when you say, what are you going to do about this $5 trillion you just added on? they say, oh, we'll make it up by eliminating loopholes in the tax codes. so then you ask, well, which loopholes and how much? you know what they say? see me about that after the election. i'm not making it up. that's their position. see me about that after the election. now, people ask me all the time how we got 4-plus budgets in a row. i always give a one-word answer: arithmetic. [ applause ]
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if they stay with this $5 trillion tax cut plan and a debt reduction plan, the arithmetic tells us, no matter what they say, one of three things is about to happen. one, assuming they try to do what they say they'll do, pay covered by deductions, cutting those deductions, one, they'll have to eliminate so many deductions, like the one for home mortgages and charitable giving, that middle class families will see their tax bill go up an average of $2,000, while anybody who makes $3 million or more will see their tax bill go down $250,000. or, two, they'll have to cut so much spending that they'll obliterate the budget for the national parks, ensuring clean
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water, safe food, safe air travel. they'll cut way back on pell grants, student loans, all the programs that help empower mi d middle class families and help poor kids. they'll cut back on investments in roads and bridges and research. that's what they'll do. they'll hurt the middle class and the poor and put the future on hold to give tax cuts to upper income people who have been getting it all along. or three, in spite of all the rhetoric, they'll just keep doing what they've been doing for more than 30 years. they'll cut the taxes way more than they cut spending, especially with that big defense increase, and they'll just explode the debt and weaken the economy. and they'll destroy the federal government's ability to help you by letting interest gobble up all your tax payments. don't you ever forget when you
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hear them talking about this. that republican economic policy quadrupled the national debt before i took office, in the 12 years before i took office. [ applause ] and doubled the debt in the eight years after i left because it defied arithmetic. it was a highly inconvenient thing for them in our debates that i was just a country boy from arkansas and i came from a place where people still thought two and two was four. it's are rit -- arithmetic. we simply can't afford to give the reins to government on
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somebody who can't afford to double down on trickle down. thi think about this. president obama's plan cuts the debt, honors our values, brightens the future of our chir children, our families and our nation. it's a heck of a lot better. it passes the arithmetic test, and far more important, it passes the values test. my fellow americans, all of us in this grand hall and everybody watching at home, when we vote in this election, we'll be deciding what kind of country we want to live in. if you want a winner take all, you're on your own society, you should support the republican ticket. but if you want a country of shared tunlts and shared responsibility, a we're all in
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this together society, you should vote for barack obama and joe biden. if you want america -- if you want every american to vote and you think it is wrong to change voting procedures, just to reduce the turnout of younger, poorer, my moinority and disabl voters, you should support barack obama. and if you think -- if you think the president was right to open the doors of american
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opportunity to all those young immigrants brought here when they were young so they can serve in the military or go to college, you must vote for barack obama! if you want a future of shared pos p prosperity where the middle class is growing and they're alive and well again, where there is peace and prosperity in this highly competitive world, u to vote for barack obama. [ applause ] >> i love our country so much, and i know we're coming back. for more than 200 years through every crisis, we've always come
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back. people have predicted our demise ever since george washington was criticized for being a mediocre sayer with bad teeth. so far every single person who has bet against america has lost money because we always come k back. we come through every fire a little stronger and a little better. and we do it because in the end we decide to champion the cause for which our founders pledged their lives, their for tutunes, their sacred honor, the cause for forming a more perfect union. my fellow americans, if that is what you want, if that is what you believe, you must vote and you must reelect president barack obama! god bless you and god bless america! [ cheers and applause ]
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the crowd is obviously very, very excited. the former president of the united states spoke for 48 minutes. i've been watching this former president of the united states going back to 1992 when i was cnn's white house correspondent, and i have to tell you, this may be the best speech i have ever heard bill clinton deliver over all of these years, and i listened to so many of his speeches during his eight years as president, i heard so many of his speeches in the years that followed. the president of the united states went out there to shake his hand, to thank him. he is truly, truly grateful for what bill clinton has done for
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this president that certainly democrats are enthused right now. give us a little flavor, candy. you're on the podium. >> i think the flavor is exactly what you're seeing and hearing. interesting to me they didn't really linger to milk the moment. they still have business to do. they've got to actually have the delegates vote, not that there's anything that will be any surprises for the outcome. effective speech. if you are an avid democrat, a true believer democrat and this entire place is full of them, that was a moment with former president bill clinton and barack obama. probably the most feeffective pt of the speech as far as the audience is concerned viewing this is when bill clinton looked at the camera and said, i know there is still a lot of hurt out there. i understand it, but if you believe me that the economy is
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going to get better, listen here to this crowd. >> he got the crowd fired up, and it's certainly a very fired up crowd. paul ma ber arkmabella -- >> i can't hear you! >> you'veheard a lot of speeches by president clinton. what do you think? >> i believe this man has a future in this business. he's a comer. he's a rising star. everything a democrat could want, everything i think the president could want and everything that he needed. i don't know anybody else that can be as substantive and yet as riveting. the level of detail in the
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speech was really quite surprising to me and yet there was a personability to it. >> that's just it. i was over there this afternoon and he was drilling down on which study says about half a million jobs in new energy. are we 14th in the world or 16th in the young people graduating from college? it was as substantive a session as i had with him in 20 years, and yet i think he touched on every political objective. what i love about it is he didn't insult the audience, he raised their expectations. in fact, there were moments when the crowd was cheering, he was like, come on, quiet, i want you to pay attention to this. so he treated his audience like grown-ups, and i think they responded. >> aiit's a remarkable story, isn't it. he's been giving speeches for over 20 years and there's sicmpy no one better in america. he's been that for 20 years and this is the most influential and effective speech he's given
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since he left the presidency, and if the electorate is still movable, he moved it. he clearly -- barack obama tried to ask him, and this was the first time that a former president has nominated the next president. it's really interesting, and i think a lot more important, but he told the obama story better than president obama has ever told in terms of the record. but i think perhaps even more important was his attack on the ryan/romney plan in effect. owl all along, republicans were worried they were vulnerable with the ryan budget. he found an opening and drove a mack truck right straight through. >> i would recommend to my friend paul here, tonight when everybody leaves, lock the doors. you don't have to come back tomorrow. this convention is done. this will be the moment that
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probably reelected barack obama. bill clinton saved the democratic party onc it was going too far left. he did it again tonight. >> let's listen to the roll call just starting. >> nurtured by blood, sweat and tears. alabama has more black elected officials per capita than any state in the nation where the right to vote is worth dying for, a state where the republicans have a grand design to suppress, dilute, undermine and eliminate the right to vote. that, too, alabamans and others are ready to fht for. we now have the opportunity to
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present to this nation 69 votes for the next president of the united states, our current president, barack obama. >> thank you. alabama cast 69 votes for obama. alaska, you have 24 votes. >> for the alaska democratic party, alaska the great land, the energy storehouse of the nati nation, the energy state that will produce 50% of its energy from renewable energy. thank you, president obama. an asses ancestral home of the first people of alaska.
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>> i spent half my life covering bill clinton. love him or not, and there are a lot of people in the not column. he was a polarizing guy when he left office. he's redeemed himself a bit in the post-presidency. love him or not, he's unique. as david said, in his generation, he's unique. there is nobody like him. like every clinton speech, it could use an editor. but like every clinton speech, it was aimed like hammer on nail what he views the problem. remember, he used to be fond of telling you -- he calls me johnny, i call him governor -- i was george mcgovern's campaign manager, this and that, and what did he do? a direct appeal to young voters. he knows the problems president obama faces as the electorate, and he went at it like a campaign manager. the question is can he move votes? alex says lock the doors. i'm not so sure just in the sense of there is such a tiny
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slice of the electorate out there that is movable, are they going to listen to a former president? president clinton, and paul knows this well, george w. bush in 1992 made the same case he made tonight, saying the numbers are getting better, you just don't feel it yet. however, bill clinton was a very effective politician with ross burrough's help with saying don't believe him. is he up to the challenge? can he do what bill clinton did in 1992? >> we have one of the correspondents. i'm sorry, kate baldwin. kate, take it away. >> thank you. i'm here with senator john kerry, also a democratic nominee eight years ago. senator, thank you so much for joining me. president clinton spoke very passionately tonight for president obama. he also spoke very passionately on your behalf eight years ago. wa did you take away from this speech? how did he do?
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did he make a good case for president obama? >> spectacularly. i think the president laid out all the facts in a very methodical, very personal, very quiet way, all it have factual, and i think he just destroyed the basis of the romney approach to the economy. i mean, he made it clear the arithmetic doesn't add up. it was the same policy that got us into trouble and you can't reduce the deficit. it will hurt seniors, it will undo medicare. it won't create the jobs. i thought he did a great job of connecting the dots between all of the things president obama is doing and where the nation needs to go. the most important thing was what he said as an ex-president, that he couldn't, no president could have, dealt better with the challenges we have and have set our country on a better course, and the difference will be made over the course of these next few years. >> let me ask you this.
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one thing president clinton also hit on, he hit republicans very hard talking about blaming republicans for obstructionism, for the gridlock in washington. as you know, it's a two-way street and republicans have had a lot of criticism towards president obama for not reaching across the aisle more. does he need to step up more? >> let me just be very, very clear. the president did step across the aisle. he put a $4 trillion deal on the table and speaker john boehner and paul ryan, congressman, walked away from that deal. i served on the supercommittee. i know what we put on the table. grover norquist and their pledge prevented them from making an agreement because they wouldn't do a balanced deal which includes any revenue at all. no revenue, none. not even 10 to 1. so americans need to look at the reality of what happened. they have blocked a highway bill, they blocked a farm bill, they blocked infrastructure, they blocked jobs for americans
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because they put putting the president out of a job ahead of putting the rest of america in a job. and the president, president clinton made that so clear tonight. >> and finally, how is your governor romney impression. >> honestly, i don't just talk about that process. that's inside ball. we'll see where we are at the end of it all. >> all right. senator, thank you very much for your time. before we get back to you, let's listen to california. they're in the middle of their role call. >> and the redwood forest. california. the state with the most diverse population and we're so proud of you. a state of opportunity is that
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is home to veterans, to teachers, to nurses, to brave first responders and job creators whose entrepreneurial spirit has shaped the world. californ california, where we are committed to reigniting the american dream, where the american dream is indeed a reality. california, where innovators and immigrants come to pursue opportunity. madam secretary, california cast 609 votes for barack obama. the great state of california, home of three such dynamic women leaders for our country has 609
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votes for barack obama. colorado. >> he just said, i want to bring gloria borger in on it as well. would you say bill clinton's speech tonight will reelect barack obama? >> if barack obama is reelected, i think tonight will be one of the big reasons why. if a republican convention is a hall full of right winning lunatics, this is a hall full of left wing lunatics and bill clinton taught them how to move back to the middle and reelect him. this party does not belong to barack obama now. daddy bear is home. he came home tonight and he said, give the kid another chance. the next four years will be better. this is the new democrat party again. >> here's the thing about bill clinton and what he does so well, which hardly anybody does anymore, is he tells a story. he turned the last four years
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into a compelling story. yeah, it had a lot of numbers, but he explained the $716 billion medicare better than anybody. and then he said, the thing about paul ryan is it takes some brass, it takes somebody who did the same thing you do. he's saying that it takes complex issues, and then to put it in the context of the big story rgs he said about president obama, he said, he had it worse than i did. when i came in, we had economic trouble, but he had it worse. and you can't expect him to turn this around as quickly as i did. you've got to have some patience. he's doing the right things. and people stayed with this speech. >> as a communicator, again, not taking sides, there's just
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nobody like him. his plainspokenness, his wantingness, his ability to do politics and policy at the same time, and if you go back to the clinton days, he won an election, and when he was challenging his own party in the primaries by saying, i have a plan. i have a plan and people thought, i feel your pain. he was on their side. and if he can somehow pass some of that off to president obama -- alex has a point. there's a bit of a risk tonight as the people look at him and say 23 million jobs, 4 million jobs. clinton knew that. he understands the risk of why didn't you do what he did? that's why he said, i couldn't have done that. >> you can't have your dad come and fight the schoolyard bully, he has to do it. now barack obama, especially in
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that first did ebate coming up, barack obama is going to have to pick up the ball and run in this direction. >> he's done two good things for barack obama. he told the barack obama of the last four years and did extraordinarily well. and secondly, he tried to eviscerate the alternative. what is barack obama's plan for the future? bill clinton couldn't do that for him, but it's up to bill clinton, isn't it, paul? >> you heard president clinton, and there is a lot of commentators who would like to see barack obama reembrace that tomorrow night. do you think there's any chance of that? >> i don't think he can do that a few weeks before an election. i think he would be very much like simpson bowles after, but i think the progression of this convention is this. last night, the first lady electrified the audience and helped in the same ways as ann
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romney. it's harder for michelle because the president is so well known. julian castro then put a human, warm, middle class face on the democratic agenda. night 2 is president clinton went out of his way. except for barack obama, the only presidents he praised were republicans. he praised eisenhower, he praised both bushes. he praised bill clinton. and i think the most important thing is for barack obama to tell us what he will do if we give him a second term. >> it was really a masterful performance. he clearly shows why he is probably the best even 12 years after looeaving the white house. very few politicians, if any, could compete with bill clinton. former chairman of the democratic party. brianna? >> as you know, he was co-chair
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of president clinton's re-elect, but i know you like the speech, so let me hear this. we hear a lot of similarities but these are very different men. president clinton was most successful actually while republicans were in control of congress, and it appears president obama really hasn't had the same luck. he was more successful when democrats were in control. they were not the same. >> they were not the same but i think what president clinton tried to portray is they were different economies, but president obama came in with a very tough economy and i think what president clinton did was lay out the choice in the election. it's sichl. he said, we created this mess, president obama came into office, he hasn't cleaned it up so let's get rid of him. then president clinton talked about all the things president obama was able to accomplish. this is a real choice election.
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nobody does it better than bill clinton laying out the issues from national security, job growth, health care, education. he put it in such simple terms tonight to say this is your choice. you can go where the republicans want to talk about in tampa or where president obama wants to take us. and you had to walk away frl here tonight saying, this isn't even a close contest. >> where do you think they need the most help from bill clinton? where does the obama campaign need to put him? >> clearly in those spinning state -- swing states. president clinton laid out tonight when president obama has done and what he will do to make sure we got a cut. we do it in such a way that we're not going to destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs in certain states. that's what's important. he weighed out the choice, how do you do it, what he's done and how we go forward. you can see tonight the true
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effects the president clinton has for president obama, and more porimportantly the respect has for president obama and what he's able to accomplish and what he will accomplish coming out of here. >> it sure sounds like you want to run for governor of virginia. do you want to make it official here on cnn? >> i always say let's finish this election up. we got to get president obama in, we got to get tim cain in as senate. >> he didn't answer the question, wolf, but he didn't say no. >> sounded pretty much like a yes to me, but i know him. we'll see what happens. br, brianna, we'll see what happens. the president will go out and start raising some big, big bucks for president obama's campaign. soledad soledad oh obrien has more.
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>> tell me what you think about plt clinton's speech? >> i think president clinton was a revisionist tonight, a revivalist. he actually took us back and brought us to the day, and did he it in a way that everybody can relate to and can go home and talk about. we have to get energized. this is not 2008. this is a different kind of campaign. it means we have to have people excited to go out and bring others out. >> it seems to me he was walking people through almost with a white board sort of thipng, if you will, to talk about what they, meaning the gop, are saying versus what the democrats are saying. is he going to take this message fuher, do you believe? does it end right here? >> president obama asked president clinton to remain involved in the campaign, and i think that's a smart move.
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president clinton has the highest approval rating of any president or former elected official on a national level. people will listen to him, including that 7 or 10% of the independents who are still trying to make up their minds. >> do you think what he said will work for them, that tiny sliver? it's 4%. >> i do think it worked because this is not difficult math that the president demonstrated tonight. i would challenge anybody to challenge president clinton on his presentation, on the authenticity and the fact youua of his statement. he had us using his brain, and they're thinkers. that's why they're independent, they're trying to think about everything and i think he made it clear tonight. >> i certainly appreciate it. wolf, back to you. >> thank you very much, soledad.
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jessica yellin is here with me. we're watching what's going on. i have to say this, 20 years i've been covering bill clinton. he never ceases to a mmaze. >> a clinton supporter that i've used as a source for many years e-mailed, his greatest speech ever and it wasn't for himself. these clinton loyalists are so devoted that it was for another president. they are so convinced he is such a great pepper arson and always great speaker. in a way, it was for himself. it was for a validation of his presidency, the continuation of a clinton legacy, and also you recall during the obama candidacy, he once said that the greatest president that he wants to model himself after is ronald reagan and clinton took that as a big slap, that it wasn't bill clinton himself. so the fact the obamas are now allying themselves with the clintons, i think, reaffirms to
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bill clinton that his star is on the rise again, that his legacy is solid. he seized this moment for himself in part and also clearly with such a message for the president as well. >> one other thing as i go back to anderson. anderson, you know, the former president, bill clinton, he suffered from major heart disease. he had two heart surgeries over these past few years. he's been on a special diet, a vegetarian diet, beyond that a vegan diet. he's eating a lot of legumes and things like that, he's been exercising a lot. some people thought he was losing it, maybe he was losing some of that pizazz, that spark, but clearly tonight he showed he has just about, if not more, of that fire in his belly as a political person that he had before all of that heart disease, all of the problems that he's gone through in the more recent years. it was really an amazing performance. >> yes, certainly a good testament to a vegan diet. makes me want to give it a try.
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and worth it to hear wolf blitzer say legumes. i've never heard that before. what do you think tonight? >> first it was vintage clinton. it was a great speech. he's wonderful to watch. he's wonderful to listen to. i found the structure of the speech kind of interesting. he started out talking about cooperation and the whole world is based on cooperation, things get done on cooperation, and then he proceeded to absolutely demonize republicans as being responsible for everything that's gone wrong. i thought that was quite interesting. we know from history that clinton has the ability to passionately speak about things that may or may not be true, and i think he was fast and loose with a couple facts. but the thing i think was missing from this fantastic speech was any sense of what's coming next. he was doing a great defense, as good as it could be done, of
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barack obama's last four years including leaving some really important things out, like how much the debt grew under his watch, but he never said what's going to happen next, and i think it's missing. >> that is going to be president obama's challenge. >> i thought president clinton knocked it out of the ballpark. i've heard a lot of nominee speeches in my lifetime, and i've heard a lot of bill clinton speeches in my lifetime. >> have you ever heard one as long as this one? >> it wasn't the length. it was about laying the foundation of what president obama will finally answer tomorrow. what are we going to do together to get this economy moving again? you know, he said, and i love this, i get it, i knew it, i've been there. he's been in oval office, he's seen the challenges, he understands the crisis. i thought tonight bill clinton
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told the american people, this president understands these problems and he is going to fix them. >> do you have any doubt he'll be out on the campaign trail a lot? >> he's already been on the campaign trail. he's raising money for the president's team. one thing i know about bill clinton, and this is something al gore said as campaign manager. bill clinton is not only a good speaker but he's a great strategist. he's someone that wants to get in a room with david axelrod. in order for bill clinton to get up here and give a speech like that, bill clinton is involved in some level of strategy. he likes to know what's going on. >> but no one in the campaign wants bill clinton to run this campaign. to me the interesting thing was also -- and carly, you know this, republicans say, are we better off than we were four years ago? bill clinton took it head on. and he said, you bet we are better off because we have health care reform, for example. we have the auto bailout. we are not losing 750,000 jobs a month. so he made the case --
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>> but he wrapped them up so beautifully. >> he told the story and he told the story of the hole we're in and how we're coming out of it ask that was kind of the arch of his speech. and nobody does it better than he does, not even president obama. the bar is very high. >> one of the important things to remember is we have an incumbent president and elections work in arcs. sometimes the voters give up on the incumbent. barack obama has to close the deal. he has to sell the new car. but first he has to get the american people to come back to the dealership, and that's what bill clinton was trying to do tonight. in september and october he was running around the country saying, look at the economic statistics. they already decided they were going to a new dealer. bill clinton's job was to say, do not give up on this guy. at least give him a chance. now president obama has to close the sale. >> as we come out of the str stratosphestra stratosphe
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stratosphere, there is a tension in this audience tonight. i think one of the questions barack obama has to answer in this second term, is he going to be a bill clinton democrat or is he going to be an elizabeth warren democrat? >> you mean is he going to come to the center? >> what we heard from elizabeth warren, she emerged tonight as a heroine. there was huge, thunderous applause for her. they really liked this speech. but it was a speech where we can't really deal with these people, they're hostile. bill clinton had the man from goldman sachs as his economic adviser. he thinks you have to work with wall street. >> bill clinton signed financial deregulation. the other thing i want to say, i think bill clinton did as good a job as you can do telling the story of these facts. e auto bailout we're better off, health care we're better off. he, as many gifted speakers do, he left out some other facts.
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poverty is at a 50-year high. small business destruction is at a 40-year high. we just dropped from number one in global competitiveness from number 1 in 2009 to number 7 today. all of those are on president obama's watch. all those facts he left off. so i hopethe republicans will continue on the path of are we better off? >> republicans sicmply can't answer the questions they want democrats to ask, they must continue with the strategy that they're going to have. one of the things bill clinton said is we have to help the middle class and give people who are working a pass to the middle class. but you know, i got to tell you something. i love a good term especially on these nights. what bill clinton did was ener jiz the democrats. we talk about whether or not we're going to get young voters
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who voted for him in 2008. if you had an issue or you were thinking about sitting at home, bill clinton said, get on your feet and let's get out to vote. >> i was just e-mailing with a senior obama adviser, and not surprisingly, he said to me that bill clinton did exactly what we hoped he would. >> he made an important point, bill clinton mentioned the simpson bowles commission. he thought that was a good framework. barack obama, his commission walked away from that poll. walked away from it, why? the republicans were not ready to put revenues on the table. he was not going to be one to cut medicare, so we'll have to have an election before we decide what's next. >> piers morgan is also ahead. our coverage continues as we continue to watch the roll call. again, when we return -- we're going to take a short break. our coverage live from the dnc continu continues.
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