tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 10, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT
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of design. >> he says his designs represent more the story he wants to tell is of hong kong itself. >> the whole place is just unapologetically gritty. >> the city gave hem a confidence to aabandon a law career to start again. >> it's almost as if you tell a hong konger you can't do this, then they will do it just to show you that they can. >> now determined to give the city's iconic taxis a second life as well. cnn, hong kong. >> i'm suzanne malview. this hour we are focussing on politics, the economy, and striking chicago school teachers. we'll get right to it here. a man suspected of killing a police officer is holed up side a house. this is in west bloomfield,
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michigan. this is right outside detroit. well, he has been locked in a stand-off with police since about 10:00 last night. police say that the man is alone. he is armed, however. just a little while ago they say he fired shots at the robots they sent in to get a look inside that house. fbi agents arrested the mayor of trenton, new jersey, on corruption charges today. now, these charges against mayor tony mack stem from a project to build a parking garage on city property. he is accused in a conspiracy that involves cash payments from the developer totalling $119,000. in july agents raided mack's home as well as the homes of his brother and a campaign supporter. mack denies violating the public trust. and teachers in chicago are on picket lines instead of inside the classes rooms today. they have shut down the school system. shut out almost 400,000 students today. want to bring in casey wyan. he is outside an elementary school. i understand that negotiations are now ongoing. tell us what is the dispute?
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what are they trying to get to the bottom of between the teachers union and school administrators? >> reporter: well, interestingly enough, suzanne, it doesn't seem to be about money as much anymore. the teachers union saying that they are very close to accepting the school district's proposal of a 16% raise over the next four years. the average raise they say they're more concerned about right now is resources for the students, their health benefits, and perhaps most contentious is this new teacher evaluation plan that the teachers union said would cost perhaps as many as 6,000 teachers their jobs over the next one or two years. such as tough neighbors, like the one i'm in right now. the mayor rahm emanuel saying he has no idea where that estimate of 6,000 jobs comes from.
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>> the the mayor did say that they are down to the last few issues, so perhaps there is hope now that they're talking again that there could be some sort of resolutions. suzanne. >> they think there's a breakthrough that could happen today, this afternoon? >> reporter: no way to tell. we thought that was going to happen over the weekend. the two sudz said they were making progress. they're not making any of those proclamations right now. it's certainly possible. there's certainly a sense of urgency that they want to get this done -- this deal done as soon as possible because no one wants children running around on the streets of chicago with no school to go to. those arrangements are temporary, and they're short-term, and though one wants that to continue. >> casey, already almost 400,000 students out of school today. you talk about the parents that
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are scrambling to find alternatives. already some places where i guess the kids can show up. is this adequate today? have there been problems? >> reporter: well, wills been a lot of frustration and a lot of confusion. we talked to one mother of a student who dropped her daughter off here this morning. she had a job interview this morning. she didn't want to bring her child here to cross what was a picket line here all morning long, but she said she had no choice. we also spoke to a father. the father of three children. he is very frustrated about what's going on. listen to what he had to say. >> i have three kids. it's difficult for us to be out of school talking about we need to strike. there's 50, 60 students to one teacher. how can you teach a class if it's 50, 60 students to one teacher? text books been used since 1938 probably. who knows how long we've had these textbooks? this school alone has no ac in it. i know for a fact because i went here as a grammar school student. my kids are at home missing out
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on all their education, so now they get to go home and play around and pretend like this is a fun day. this ain't fun for nobody. >> reporter: and the final concern that a lot of parents are expressing concern about is the fact that obviously it's been well reported this has been a very violent year in chicago. the murder rate up 32% over last year. there was a week last month where 14 murders happened. here very worried about kids running around on the streets with no place to go, no school to go to, given the violence that has been plaguing this area over the past several months. >> all right, casey. thank you very much. let us know if there are any breakthroughs in those negotiations. we'll put you right on. congress getting back to work after a summer recess. lawmakers returning after getting -- trying to get some stuff done. this is a long list of unfinished business. the question is, of course, how much work is actually going to get done between now and the november election? dana bash on the hill to talk about that. dana, a lot of people a little skeptical that there's going to t all that much done before an
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election. top priority, keeping the government from shutting down. where are they on that? >> reporter: that is going to be the most likely. in fact, i think you can take it to the bank that congress will do that. if you look at the list of things that we know congress is going to do between now and the election, that's on it. doesn't necessarily mean they did their work, suzanne. they're supposed to pass about a dozen spending bills. that didn't happen. what they are going to do is six months stop gap measure to make sure the government runs because politically both sides, republicans and democrats, know it could be very bad for both of them if the government did shut down. >> dana, we're 57 days away from election. what are the things that they might be able to get done before then? >> well, the things that are kind of on the bubble are i think the most important thing to talk about is the farm bill. this is a piece of legislation that is passed every five years, and it was -- congress had hoped to do it before they left for summer break. it didn't happen because of
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major differences, regional differences, as well as partisan differences, but what i'm told -- in fact, i just talked to a democratic source who said that at the very least, they do believe that they are going to pass some kind of extension even if it's just a year because if they let this expire and that will happen at the end of september, it will go back to depression era farm laws and rules and regulations. that would be absolutely terrible. at the very least they'll do that, and some kind of drought relief assistance for -- particularly for cattlemen and others who have no assistance right now. >> what's likely not to get done? >> where do we start? i could talk to you for an hour about the things that are not likely to get done, but i think the most important thing to talk about when it comes to dire, dire movement that the congress has to do by the end of the year is the so-called fiscal platform. we've talked about that. it is the fact that the bush era tax cuts are going to expire at the end of the year, and by law about $110 billion in cuts half
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from defense, half from dlesic programs that, will happen automatically unless congress does its job. that's the biggest deal. the list goes on and on. cyber security. violence against women act. extending that. the postal service, reforming that, and, again, we could talk more hours about the things that are out there, but when it comes to things that they have to get done, those fiscal clip issues, we're going to be here probably until new year's eve. i wouldn't be surprised. >> okay. >> a lot of work ahead. dana, thank you so much. good to see you, always always. here's what we're working on for this hour. >> why were you crying? >> because of the blatant discrimination that was shown to us. >> two california parents say their son was stopped from getting on american airlines flight because he has down syndrome. why the airline says it was a safety issue. suzy ormon joins us live to talk about how the recent death of her mom highlighted an important investment lesson for her. there's a dilemma on mars. why nasa is hoping the curiosity
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that is because we are expecting a third giant stimulus effort by the federal reserve. i'm bringing in allison from the new york stock exchange to talk about what would this mean for the economy and do we believe that this is actually going to happen? >> okay. so, first of all, this is the very technical term with the fed could be doing this week. it's called quantity takive easing, and in it is case it would be called qe3. they've done this twice before. it would be the third round. what this means is if the fed does introduce this sim, it would take money from its own balance sheet to buy u.s. treasuries. lots of u.s. treasuries. there is also talk that in this round of stimulus, it could also involve the fed buying up investments backed by mortgages. okay. then you're wondering why would the fed do this? first of all, buying up these mortgage backed securities, that would drive mortgage rates lower in hopes of giving it extra nudge to the housing sect o, which is already showing signs of life. and buying treasuries would look to lower borrowing costs in the
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way of trying to give an incentive to businesses and incentivize consumers to go out there and take more loans. suzanne, basically trying to get business moving in this country. now, what critics say the problem is with this is actually demand. that is really the basic problem that's going on with the sluggish economy and that interest rates are already low and that any kind of new stimulus like this won't help except for driving investors from bonds to stocks who are in search of better returns. many question whether or not this would give a boost to the job market. suzanne. >> all right. allison, thank you brsh appreciate it. is there life on mars? first, have you to find water. apparently finding water on mars could spell disaster for nasa and the curiosity rover. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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it's been a fantasy for years. finding water on mars. as the rover curiosity probes the surface of this planet, nasa has revealed a secret wish. please don't find water. so i don't get this, but explain this to us because once you find water, you could potentially find life. >> they didn't think they were going to find water where they were going anyway.
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they didn't think that they were going to find water. they were going to look at the terrain rather than maybe a lake. what happened six months ago is that they put the drill bit into the curiosity without it being restelilized after they took it out of the box, so now there are -- it's just a drill bit. you know, just like you put in -- it cost 10,000 times more than this little drill bit, but it f it drills in and finds water, they're worried any type of germs that they have gotten on the drill bit may number the martian service so transferring germs, microbes, whatever, from the earth to the mars. >> contaminated water. >> then it wouldn't be able to live. if it could find water, it would be able to live. it was 99 degrees below zero last night on mars. i don't think too many things are going to be living there. i know you can cryo freeze them and all that, but this is a very harsh environment. the solar radiation will kill things. there's very little atmosphere. you know, we can't go up there and walk around. you would be instantly vaporized with the sunshine because there's just no atmosphere to
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stop it. not vaporized, but you could burn by the sun's rays. >> how would we find water? could we do this the right way? you take the drill bit, and it's not contaminated and we actually are able to do what we were supposed to do? >> this wasn't on purpose, obviously. they didn't want to do this, but they realized that when they -- if they were going to take this bit, leave it in the box, keep it stelilized, if something happened to the rover on the way down, maybe they couldn't get the bit into the rover and then they wouldn't be able to drill at all. they took that little risk, and a semi-sterile environment. put the drill bit in, making sure it was ready to go. it's like, you know, putting -- doing something like putting the drill in the drill bit -- in the bit in the drill and then going into the closet because you get in the closet, it's too dark. >> now what happens? what are they hoping to discover? >> they're still going to find rockses. they're still going to drill down and find things. this little bit, whatever germs i just put on that drill bit, is not going to pole out mars. >> we might not be polluting the
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martians. >> this isn't montezuma's revenge. we're not killing things up there that we know are there. i also believe that when the asteroid hit the earth that killed the dinosaurs, some of that stuff probably flew up. the erlt is already on mars because we know mars is already on earth. >> real quick, there's a little photo -- curiosity took a photo of itself. >> it's been taking photos all week, and even took a picture of itself. that's with the lens on. with the lens cover off, it has a much better filter, obviously, with -- when it gets dusty, they want to be able to cover these lenses, and they also took a picture of a penny that is on the rover. i didn't realize there was a penny on the rover. in 1904 vdp penny is on there to focus on so it can see itself. part of the focussing mechanism. >> all very cool stuff. chad, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. navy seal who wrote the book spilling details on the raid that killed osama bin laden, well, of course, he is now speaking out. here in his own words about the moment he pulled the trigger.
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tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see for terms and conditions. a navy seal who pulled the trigger helping to kill osama bin laden, well, he is now telling his story. now we are learning details about the raid last may in pakistan from one of the navy seals on that mission. he talked to 60 minutes in an interview that aired last night. you are seeing him here. this sent really what he looks like. this is at his request. he was heavily disguised. his voice was altered, and the lighting for the interview dimmed. his book, no easy day, is being published under the pseudonym mark owen. in an interview last night he talked about the crucial moments right before the raid started. in another part of the interview, he said that he says he didn't even recognize bin laden when he shot him. >> roughly an hour and a half.
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i remember, you know, we took off, shut the doors and the radio call i heard was, you know, hey, we're over the border. we're crossing the border into pakistan, and i remember thinking, wow, this is -- okay. this is happening. and i swear i glanced around the helicopter and half the guys were sitting there asleep on the ride in. it was an hour and a half ride. guys catching a few z's on the way in. >> wait a minute. your team is flying into osama bin laden's compound, and they're asleep? >> yeah. no, time to just kind of shut your eyes, relax. you know, mentally walk through whatever you immediate to walk through. >> he is still moving. >> a little bit, but you couldn't see his arms, couldn't see his hands, so he could have had something, could have had a hand grenade or something undernooelt his chest. >> after osama bin laden is wounded, he is still moving. you shot him twice? >> a handful of times. >> a handful of times, and the seal in the stack behind you
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also shot osama bin laden, and at that point his body was still? >> yes. >> did you recognize him? >> no. you know, everybody thinks it was like you know it's him. no. to us at that time it could have been anybody. maybe this is another brother, a bodyguard. it doesn't matter. the point is you just continue clearing. >> a lot of people watched "60 minutes" last night. pretty eager to find out xhbl how this raid went down. not everybody, of course, thrilled about the details being revealed. the pentagon has threatened legal action against mark businessonette saying it reveals classified and sensitive information about navy seal operations as well as tactics. bissonettes' lawyer is disputing it. i'm joined now by retired army general. first of all, good to see you here. you've read the book? >> thank you. >> does it reveal anything that should not be revealed? >> well, you know, suzanne, you can't tell primarily because the operation was conducted by the
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cia and the navy seals were used under what's known as command and control of the cia and only the cia has the authority to declassify any aspects of this operation. now, having read the book, i can tell you these are very familiar what's called tpt's. operators like the seal team, the delta force folks, these are very familiar tactics, techniques, and procedures. it is not the authority of mark owen, who is the pseudonym, to declassify anything that he did on this raid. that belongs to the cia. >> and he actually says in "the 60 minutes" interview. he says i'm not talking secrets. i'm not talking tactics. i don't even get into any of that stuff, but i really try hard and give the reader a sense of what it's like to be there." in reading the book, in reading the account and seeing his own account, is that true? is he telling the truth? >> well, what he is telling is a
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ten nominal story, an account of what happened on that evening, and -- in pakistan going after bin laden in his compound. it's phenomenal. the level of detail, the training that they went through. he does talk about tactics, techniques, and procedures. when you look about this, different types of insertion techniques, how they approach the target, how they breach didn't obstacles, so all of that is certainly his details, but the real point is that he just doesn't have the issue really comes do he doesn't have the authority to declassify it, and that's the rub. that's the issue that i am certain both cia and dod have right now. >> and what is the impact of this? when you look at this, you say he doesn't have that authority to declassify. he has written this book and told his account. are people in danger? are men and women in uniform and in special ops in danger because of what he has published? >> well, specifically for what he did, i would say the short
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answer is no. however, folks, his buddies, are still out on mission. they are still in harm's way. and to reveal how they train and what they train for, i think, truly is no secret. but when you get into the details of this very specific operation, that is the concern. so his buddies are sill in harm's way. he knows that. he did his best to try to protect that, but, again, it's not his authority to do that, suzanne, and that's what we're coming down to right now. >> and he left the navy in april. he was highly decorated because of this mission here as a commando, so, first of all, how does the pentagon deal with him? how does the justice department deal with him? how do they make sure this doesn't happen again? >> well, you know, the only way you make sure it doesn't happen again is you establish from top to bottom. you just reinforce regulations that are already in place. you don't have to institute anything new. it just needs to be emphasized by the commanders in the various
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communities, the seal community, the ranger community, the army delta community, et cetera. the marines have their own special ops. the air force have their own special ops, and all of those need to be emphasized, and you say, look, guys, have you to keep your mouth shut. follow the rules. keep your mouth shut. serve honorably and quietly, like we are supposed to do. let history sort all this out. don't you contribute. >> is it possible, general, last question here, that we can use him as an example, that the justice department could go after him pretty hard to show his colleagues that this is not the right way to go? >> well, it could, and i don't think when i look back on all this and i don't know -- i'm not stalgt a fact, but i don't know in the past if anyone has suffered through the nondisclosure, you know, enforcement of a nondisclosure agreement, suzanne, so the short answer is, yeah, they might. on this particular case, the death of osama bin laden, i would imagine that this would be a very difficult road to walk down to prosecute this patriot.
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>> all right. general spider marks, thank you. good to see you. medicare, one of the most important issues for seniors this election. so what are the differences in the obama and romney plans to actually fix it? we're going to break that down for you. ent. theyan save you up to 30% more by bundling your policies. well, his dog's stupid. [ dennis' voice ] poodles are one of the world's smartest breeds. are you in good hands? to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone's ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪
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all right. get ready for 57 days. plenty of noise, spin, and the homestretch to the election. especially on the big issues. we're going to lay out where the candidates stand on those issues in the next few weeks. today christine roman is looking at one of the hottest of the hot button issues. that, of course, entitlements. >> reporter: entitlements have been political since the birth of social security in 1935. >> this social security measure. >> reporter: and 30 years later medicare. >> president johnson signed the bill make it the law of the land. >> reporter: and now both may look different depending on whom you elect november 6th. >> my plans already extended medicare by nearly a decade. their plan ends medicare as we
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know it. >> we will preserve and protect medicare and social security and keep them there for future generations. >> president obama says he has strengthened medicare and social security over the last four years and says medicare will now be solvent until 2024 because of his reforms. he says he has cut seniors' drug bills, saving officers an average of $600 to $700. he gave seniors with i highest prescription costs a $250 check to fill the so-called donut hole. his signature health reform pays for preventive care for seniors as well. he has squeezed $617 billion out of medicare by cutting waste and fraud and ending some payments to insurers. now, republicans call these cuts to seniors. obama aides say seniors will not feel them and some gop plans, by the way, include the same cuts. now, the president wants to expand the power of a new 15-person independent payment advisory board to slow medicare costs. on social security for the nine out of ten seniors getting checks, nothing changes. he does not want to privatize
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social security, but keep it fully a government program. he wants to make it easier for working americans to save for their retirement through their 401k's and ira's. >> thank you. >> now to the gop ticket. mitt romney has promised repeal obama care. if he does, prescription costs and preventive care are expected to cost more for seniors. democrats, including vice president joe biden and former president bill clinton, they claim that medicare will be broke by 2016 if romney repeels the affordable care act. a cnn fact check, a repeal of obama care may worsen medicare's financial situation and make it insolvent, indeed, as early as 2016. experts say romney's medicare plans probably wouldn't be in place in time to bankrupt medicare by 2016, and, of course, there's the uncertainty that you'll never really of know the affect of a plan until it's in place. now, romney wants to privatize medicare and allow seniors to buy their own insurance using a vouchtory buy insurance or use traditional medicare. as for social security, in the past rom my and ryan have each supported privatizing or
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creating private accounts for social security. neither has said much about that lately. for future beneficiaries, romney said he uld slowly raise the retirement age and lower the growth of benefits for those with higher incomes. the president, by the way, to keep social security solvent, has not ruled that out either. >> reporter: the number of older americans is expected to almost double by the year 2033. changes are inevitable. >> medicare and social security must be reformed, and the sooner the better. >> reporter: politics aside, keeping entitlements solvent means three things. >> they're either going to have to ask people to pay more, have to ask people to accept less in benefits, or they're going to have to do some combination of the two. >> reporter: christine romans, cnn, new york. tomorrow we're going to take an in-death look at wall street reform. it comes down to regulations. we'll break it down, what president obama and mitt romney say should be done. she's known for giving hard-hitting financial advice, and for tv host suzy orman, a family tragedy highlighted a
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lesson in personal investment. she's joining us live next to share her experience. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing a look twice. introducing a stunning work of technology -- the entirely new lexus es. and the first-ever es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. exclusive to the military, and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. with our award winning apps that allow you to transfer funds, pay bills or manage your finances anywhere, anytime. so that wherever your duty takes you, usaa bank goes with you. visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different.
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she's joining us now. suze, it is wonderful to see you. thank you, always always, for being with us. >> it's nine. it's nine "new york times" consecutive best sellers. >> oh, my gosh. nine. i got to give you your props. >> don't cheat me out of those last three. >> i got it give you your props. nine. that's amazing. you wrote something very touching and very loving about your mom, ann, who had just passed away last week, and obviously, our condolences to you. you talk about her and her life from working as a secretary and selling avon to help ends meet, and then i understand she was 97 years old, and you write a little bit about a lesson that you learned, a financial lesson as well, if you will, from that experience. a teachable moment. can you talk a little bit about that? >> yeah. here it is. let's go back a few years now to 1981 when i was my first year really first full year as a financial advisor working at merrill lynch at the time, and my father had just died. my mother was 66 years of age. at that time only five years
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older than i am right now, suzanne. so i go to my mom. i said, mom, i am telling you, i want to buy you a long-term care insurance policy. it will cost us $4,000 a year. i can afford that. mom, i filled it out. just sign here. we'll be fine. she said, nope, suze, i'm never going to need that. i said, mom, you don't understand. women can live into their 90s, and if something happens, this will really save us a lot of money. seven times, suzanne, seven times i filled out that paperwork for her. seven times i sent it to her for her to sign, and every time she said i'm never going to get old, i'm never going to need it and refused. here's the bottom line. for seven and a half years now she's been in an independent living facility, or was, i should say, at pompano beach, florida, and i've had full-time care around the clock for her, which is why she was able to stay there. it has cost me anywhere from
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$20,000 to $30,000 a month for the past seven and a half years, so averaging about $25,000 a month to keep her the way she should have been kept. with respect and dignity. if she had simply signed that paperwork, it would have saved me over $1 million. >> so a lesson certainly for everybody else who might be in a situation like that. you say, obviously, women live longer than men, and women often have the role of primary care givers. what should women do to be prepared to prepare themselves for retirement? >> well, what you do to prepare yourself for retirement is, number one, if you can afford it, not only today, but all the way until you're 85, which is the average age of entry into a nursing home, please look into long-term care insurance. it is vitally important, but besides long-term care insurance, ladies, each and every one of you, not only needs a will -- fine, who cares about that -- you need a living revokable trust with an
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incapacity clause in it. if something happens to you, who is going -- forget dying. let's say you have a stroke, you're inxas taked. who is going to pay your bills. who is going to write your checks for you? a power of attorney becomes void the day there's an incapacity. you want a living revokable trust with an incapacity clause in it so that somebody can sign for you right away. you want to own your home outright. you don't want to have many bills. you want to know that you could be self-sufficient because i got news. i think your baby boomer children that you thought maybe would be able to take care of you, they lost their jobs. they don't have any money. women, you have to know how to save yourselves. >> i want you to stay with us. please, we'll have to take a short break, but i want to talk as well about some of the things that we should be doing and also talk a little bit politics. the presidential candidates, they're making a lot of promises, and whether or not you think they're going to be able to fulfill them. up next. ter retirement advice ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you get at some places. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 they say you have to do this, have that, invest here
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best selling author, host of her own show on cnbc, suze orman, back with us now. you're known for not pulling any punches here, when it comes to financial advice. we're going to put you on the spot a little bit. we've seen both the republican and the democratic conventions. just wrapped those up. i want you to weigh in, if you can, starting with mitt romney. he is pledging to create some 12 million jobs in four years, if he is elected president. does it seem like that's something if you look at your finances and what you need to do is something realistic when we look at him? >> i don't think it's realistic. it's kind of like a football coach saying i'm going to win that season. i'm going to win the super bowl. all anybody can say what they're going to do. i think it's actually more important to look at what somebody has already done, and so i'm not so much into i'm going to do this, i'm going to do that. especially in a situation where things are seriously bad. we don't know what's going to happen in europe. we don't know what china is going to do. everything will affect that.
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i do know, however -- and i can tell you this because nobody sees more personal financial statements of people than i do. i see thousands of them. that's what my life is all about. not the economy, but how are people fairing personally in this economy, and the truth is they are better off today than they were in 2008. unemployment is essentially where it was when president obama took office. you know, he took office in january -- on january 20th, 2009, and so we're probably going to be at a lower unemployment rate next -- in november this next go around than when he took office, so things are getting better. they're going in the right direction. he is creating -- he is not saying he is just going to create jobs. he has created jobs, and so i have to give it to president obama on that one. >> and he says president obama says that he wants to see about a million new manufacturing
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jobs. >> more than being an economist, please remember i'm a personal finance expert, so when it comes to housing, are people doing better? oh, you bet they are. here's where they're really doing better. in their fokt plan, my god, these people are up considerably from where they were in 2008, 2009, so when they see that they have more money in their retirement accounts, they feel better. when they feel better, they spend more money. when they spend more money, it helps the economy. so the greatest thing that's happened in these past four years is where the stock market currently is today. >> so, suze, put on your hat and give us some advice here. what is the most important thing we need to do? >> i think as an individual or with an election? >> as an individual. >> here's what i would say to everybody. i don't really care about what
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the governments are telling you. can they fix it? can they solve it? nobody is going to know. don't count on the government to save you. don't count on any particular administration to save you. this is you. don't count on aparticular adnistration to save you. this is the time that you have to save yourself. so you have to get out of debt, you have to make sure you have the paperwork in place today to protect your tomorrows. you should be funding your retirement accounts to the mags. you should make sure that you're absolutely up to date on your student loans. the biggest mistake you will make is to let your student loans go into default or deferment. do whoever you can to take care of yourselves and don't count on anybody else to save you. >> all right. suze, good to see you as always. people are listening and watching and thanks good. >> thanks, girlfriend. weekend football games saw several hard helmet to helmet hits. one college player fractured his
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spine when he had a collision with his teammate. we'll talk to elizabeth cohen about the dramatic efforts that are now being taken for devon walker. about once a month. drive around town all the time doing errands and never ever have to fill up gas in the city. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. the last time i went to the gas station must have been about three months ago. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. ♪ ♪ wow... [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ now discover new caramel apple filled werther's original.
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save up to $7 on zyrtec® products. if you watched football, you might have seen a couple of really ugly helmet to helmet hits. trent richardson was making his you today would y debut on sunday and he made a hit to coleman who was going to tackle him. coleman's helmet flew off and then take a look at this. this is devon walker fractured his spine on sunday after a head-on collision with a teammate. want to bring in elizabeth cohen to talk a little bit about walker's condition. when you see this stuff, your heart goes out and you're worried that it could be very
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serious. >> and this could be very serious. he actually had a three hour surgery yesterday and he's still in intensive care and will be there for several more days. and he's got a swollen neck, he's in traction. we don't know where exactly the hit was, but i want to show you an image that will help explain trk it's a cervical fracture which means in that blue area in his neck. if it's hirer up, that's worse. we didn't know where it is along his neck. >> do we have a sense of whether or not he would be paralyzed, do they know that yet? >> neurosurgeons said there's a chance he will be paralyzed, there's alsos a chance that he'll be up and walking in a couple of months. a lot depends on the location of that injury and we don't have that piece of information right now. >> talk a little bit this, but we've covered this. it seems like we've been covering this, but the head to head collisions and these are the kinds of things that players are taught to avoid and yet we see this. >> they're taught to avoid sort of putting the med dohead down g
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in to one another. but when you see it's the placers like falling over one another, and falling in to a pile. it's hard to pit your head in the exact right position when you're falling down. so he didn't disobey any advice here. it's just the nature of the game, players fall on top of one another. >> it looks like it's all very serious. >> it does. hopefully he will walk again, but when you have an injury in the neck, there is al tways the distinct possibility of paralysis. >> there are recommendations obviously to try to avoid the worst. does it look like there are real changes that are being made in. >> it's really hard to say because if they had been tackling each other head on, we would say, wow, they're not supposed to do that. but this is again just them sort of falling into one another. i think that must be very hard to train someone. this is football. it's very hard to train someone, hey, try not to fall on top of
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other players and butt your head against them. i'm not -- i don't know much about football at all, but i don't know how you would train someone not on do that. >> then well just wish him the very best and hope that they -- that there is good news out of all of this. elizabeth, thank you so much. california family planning to sue american airlines. joan and robert say they were not allowed to board their flight because of their 16-year-old son who has drown syndrome. why this family thinks this was a case of discrimination. >> the chicken has wings? >> wings. >> a beak? >> beak. >> he has peters. dwl feathers. >> his parents and his pets. that this 16-year-old's world, a world limited by down syndrome. last sunday, an airline added a new restriction. barring him from a flight for
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which he was ticketed. >> he was just walking around. and waiting like any other kid would be. >> his mother, joan, says she was stunned as the gate attendant approached her. she captured the encounter on her phone. the pilot they were told decided her son sitting quietly at the gate in this video clip was an in-flight risk. >> why were you crying? >> because of the blatant discrimination that was shown to us and the lack of justice and the lack of fairness of the whole situation. >> he had flown with his parents two dozen times before. what was different this time, they upgraded their tickets to first class. >> if he was a security risk, i would have made that determination. i wouldn't have put him in that position in the first place. i'm not an incompetent tent, igno ignoi go ignorant person expecting other people to risk their lives. >> american airlines says he
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wassage stated and running around the gate area. we made the decision to have the family rebooked on a different flight out of concern for the young man's safety and the safety of others. his parents call the statement a blatant lie and corporate cover for their pilot. he seems unaware of the controversy sparked by the pilot's decision. >> if he makes that decision based on my son's appearance, then he can make that decision baseon that person being gay, that person being a muslim, that person being a jew. >> the family was eventually booked on another airline out of newark back to los angeles. united airlines flew them back, but in coach. all the way in the back of the plane so that they could, quote, have additional space and privacy. cnn, los angeles. cnn news room continues with martin savidge. >> thanks very much. and it is a largely symbolic but
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very, very important. a handover that happened in afghanistan today. the u.s. says given back control of a prison at bagram air force base, according to afghan leaders, control of the prison and it detainees have been a political tug of war for years. and it seems that tugging will continue. you see, the u.s. is not handing over control of all of the detainees and that is just a portion of a much larger problem between the u.s. and afghanistan. and anna, u.s. officials are hanging on to control over an undisclosed number of prisoners. so with the spokesperson for the american led coalition in afghanistan saying we have paused the transfer of the remaining detainees, what kinds of concerns are they talking about and why not just give them all to prisoners? >> yeah, it's interesting phrasing, isn't it, that pause of transfer.
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but basically the americans are concerned that roughly 34 detainees, that is the number that we are hearing here in kabul, 34 highly valuable detainees being high members of the taliban, listed as a terrorist orgazation a few days ago and al qaeda should remain under u.s. control. the fear is that if under afghan control, they will enter the criminal justice system and potentially be freed, whether it be through political interference or corruption which we know is ripe in this country, that is the major fear. so the u.s. want afghan forces to give them interest sort of guarantee that this is not going to happen. >> there are also a number of bigger issues that are at stake here. the afghans also want the u.s. to end the practice of conducting night raids. they would like u.s. soldiers to break the through have immunity from prosecution and of course complete control over the prison and its detainees.
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so no matter how high level they are, and what it really sounds like is this is a country that wants to have greater sovereignty. >> yeah, it definitely does. and there's no two ways about that. president thkarzai has made it clear. he met with general john allen over the weekend and it was after that meeting that president karzai sent out a press release saying if that tr transfer does not go ahead in full, this would be seen as a breach of sovereignty. so these two countries are really at a stalemate. there is not that much compromise going on. but speaking to analysts today, they believe that if u.s. forces withdraw from afghanistan, obviously we're seeing that drawdown up until 2014. the u.s. will have less and less leverage. >> and there seems to be a sort of for lack of a better phrase quiet panic among the population of the afghan people and those
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who fear who will happen when the u.s. pulls out. so how is the afghan government reaffirming that they can handle leadership? >> well, we have a serious problem in afghanistan, that being security. just a few hours ago, there was another suicide bombing in the northeast of the country, 16 people killed. 10 police men. we have been reporting about afghan soldiers turning on coalition forces who have trained them. to date there have been 45 deaths. this time last year, a total of 35. so we are seeing a dramatic increase. today i went to the emergency hospital just down the road here in kabul and we interviewed a couple of people who survived the suicide bombing here in contact bull over t kabul over the weekend and director of the hospital said august was their busiest month as far as suicide bombings. so this is a serious problem, the government has a serious
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problem in trying to convince the afghoa afghans under contro. >> all right, anna, thank you very much. back here in the u.s., instead of dismissal, well, chicago is marking an you goly moment in it education history. the first day of the first teacher's strike in a quarter of a century. >> we want contracts. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> now the nation's third largest public school district is in crisis. 29,000 teachers and staff are out picketing. 350,000 students are not in the classroom learning and chicago's mayor says the public school district and the teacher's union were close to resolution, but there were two issues that got in the way. >> the two issues come down to, as you know, the teacher evaluation and also what is
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called about basically the issue of which teachers are in the classroom. and who has the control. this is the wrong choice for our children and it's not necessary. totally avoidable. >> there is some good news. the two sides are still negotiating today. cnn's casey wians live in chicago. let's first get the latest on the talks and then give us more details about the contentious points. >> reporter: well, talks resume, martin, about 10:00 a.m. local time this morning. and it's an encouraging sign that both sides are continuing to talk, but there were lots of encouraging signs over the weekend. they were making progress, they came out and said they were very close to an agreement on the salary issues, but there are some contentious points that remain separating the two. and apparently separating them enough for the teachers to go on strike today. the two main issues are how teachers are evaluated is the big one according to the teachers union.
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they don't want these teacher evaluations tied to test scores. they are very worried that up to 6,000 teachers over the next year or two could lose their jobs if these new evaluations go into lays. the city of chicago says they don't know where that number comes from. but they're still discussing that issue. also rahm emanuel wants local principals to have more control of the hiring decisions in individual schools. he says the top performing schools in the strict are those that give that local control to the local principals. the teachers union wants more of that control centralized. that's what our understanding is of the main issues that are still being talked about right now, martin. >> well, beyond the lack of learning, this is a real problem for working parents. what are parents doing with their kids? >> well, it's been a very, very difficult situation. behind me is a school that's one of 140 or so schools throughout the city of chicago that was open temporarily this morning fo parents who had child care issues, working parents.
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we spoke with one mother earlier this morning who dropped her daughter off. here she didn't want to do it because earlier this whole sidewalk was a picket line of the teachers that are normally at this school. she didn't want to take her child here. felt she had no choice because she had job interview and she's out of work and she needed to go to that interview. we also spoke with a man who is the father of three children at this school. he's very angry. here's what he had to say. >> how can you teach the class if it's 50, 60 students to one teacher? textbooks been used since 1938 probably. who noknows how long. this school has no ac in it. i went here. my kids home missing out onle all their education. this ain't fun for nobody. >> one of the big concerns also that those parents have is the
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fact that this has been a very violent year in chicago, 360 murders so far this year. up 32% over last year. parents very concerned about the prospect of children especially older children running around on the streets with no school to go to. martin. >> casey, i read some interesting numbers about the salaries of chicago teachers. you can just remind us what they are? >> reporter: the average chicago teacher makes about $76,000 a year. the pay increase that has been offered by the school district is a 16% average for the average teacher over the four year life of their proposed contract. one of the issues that the striking teachers bring up, though, is that they were supposed to get a 4% salary increase that year, that increase was canceled by the city because of its budget situation. >> all right. casey wians, thanks very much. we'll have a lot more on the story later in the broadcast. we'll go in-depth on the issue of public schoolteachers and teachers union. we'll have steve perry along,
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principal of an innercity school. a lot more news including this. >> i will act to repeal obamacare. >> but now mitt romney says he actually likes some parts of the law. that comment raising eyebrows. and he'll speak live during this show. in syria, rebels accuse the government of dropping tnt barrels. and they say craters like this one prove it. and a tennis legend joins me live, what martina navratilova wants you to know about living longer. what is that? it's you!
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try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. in burbank, family and close friends of michael clarke duncan are saying their last good-byes. his fiancee spoke to cnn. >> i don't remember him as michael the actor, entertainer. he was the love of my life. he is the love of my life. and i'm going to miss him so much. i'm going to miss his voice and his laughter and his hugs. and how much he cared so much
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about his family. >> yesterday fans were able to pay their respects at a public viewing. clarke douncan had a heart attak and never fully recovered. big headlines today. mitt romney embraces parts of obamacare. well, maybe not. let's first listen to mitt romney in late june stating his well-known position on the health care reforms and this by the way is the day that the supreme court ruled that, yes, obamacare's constitutional. mitt romney. >> what the court did not do on it last day in session i will do on my first day if laeblelected the yuntunited states. >> okay. repeal obamacare. thousand fast forward to sunday
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"meet the press" mitt romney perhaps a little different. >> i say we're going to replace obamacare. and i'm replacing it with my own plan and even in massachusetts where i was governor, our plan there deals with pre-existing conditions. and with the -- >> so you'd keep that? >> i'm not getting rid of all of health care reform, of course. there are a number of things that i like in health care reform that i'll put this place. >> which reforms does mitt romney like and what would he keep? elizabeth cohen senior medical correspondent is joining us. and is mitt romney replacing parts of obama care or what's he doing? >> it was widely reported after he said that, wow, romney is embracing parts of obamacare after saying he wanted to get rid of it. but when we called the romney campaign, they said, huh-uh, they said 100% we he are going to repeal obamacare and then we are going to come up with reforms of our own addressing some of the same problems obamacare addressed, but our reforms will look very
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different. >> one of the things that i should point out and we both know this, before it was obamacare, it was in the state of massachusetts under governor romney. i mean, is it surprising that he would at least some things he likes about his own plan? >> right. i mean, many parts of babamacar were modelled on romney's plan in massachusetts. whi romney says what i did in massachusetts was right for massachusetts. but that doesn't mean that the whole country should do what massachusetts did. he said he wants each state to decide what they want to do. if each state decides to look like massachusetts, well, so be it. but he doesn't want to tell them to do it. he doesn't want to mandate it. >> so let's talk broke soabout things he wants to keep. 3r50e existing conditions. >> he isn't want to keep it but he wants to address it. obama said you have to take everyone. if someone has diabetes, heart disease, whatever, you still have tone sure them because previously insurance companies were saying no to these people because they're expensive.
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so romney does not want to do that. he's been very clear. here's what he wants to do. he wants it so that individuals with -- this is a quote from something he wrote. individuals with pre-existing conditions who have maintained continuous health insurance coverage should be guaranteed the ability to retain coverage. so the key part of that is who has maintained continuous health insurance. so if you have a pre-existing condition and you want insurance, he wants insurance companies to say yes he to you if in the past if you've maintained continuous coverage. so what the heck is continuous coverage? we don't know, we've asked many times and not gotten an answer. >> but that is at least one aspect of obama care that many people seem to like. the other one is the ability to keep your kids on your own insurance plan. >> right. obamacare tells insurance companies you have got to allow young adults up to the age of 26 to stay on their parents' insurance if that's what they want to do. and mitt romney says, no, that's not what i want to do.
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he said i'm fgoing to institute market reforms so if customers want that's what insurance companies will give them. i'll make it so you can buy insurance across state lines which you can't now. once you can do that and once i institute other reforms, then people will be able to demand what they want and insurance companies will give them what they want. he doesn't want to tell the market what to do, he wants to make it so that it will just sort of happen on its own due to market forces. >> there's a lot more could i ask you, but we're out of time. nice to see you. thank you very much. jim across take is traveling with the romney campaign and he's in mansfield, ohio, expected for speak live at the top of the hour. jim, what can we expect? >> reporter: well, martin, i think you can expect so far that mitt romney will be going after obama on the economy. you can look over my shoulder, be you can see that the banner we did built it is up behind the
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podium there. that has been and ongoing theme for this campaign. i will tell you one thing that we probably won't hear a lot of martin during this event that's coming up in about an hour from how is mitt romney talking about this polling memo issued earlier this morning. it not 0only went out to reporters early, but also the full main e-mail list of romney supporters and donors an deals with some of the polls showing that president obama got a decent size bounce coming out of the democratic convention. it says people out there should not get worked up in the words of this polling people. and i thatted a cha tons ask a senior romney adviser and he told me they feel like they're in a great position, that this is going to be a race on the economy and that at this point, they feel like the edge is certainly in their favor at this point. >> jim acosta, mansfield, ohio.
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we'll check back with you. the next hour when candidate romney speaks. thanks very much. if you've got a 401(k), could be a pretty interesting week. we could soon find out whether the fed pumps another round of stimulus into the economy. we'll tell you what to look for. plus, disney, amazon, she have chevron, apple, just a few big name companies have have a lot to cheer about. great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays, creating fans from berlin to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world built by the only company that could. cisco. the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement
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if you're looking for a reason to smile, both the dow and s&p hit four year highs last week. alison kosik is live for us. here's the big question. is it over, are we back from the crash of 2008? >> so let's take it easy for a minute. when it comes to the stock market, yeah, i mean, stocks are pretty much back to where they were before the market really began tanking. but still stocks still have a long way to go from the record highs that we saw in late 2007. now, one of the reasons we he are kind of back is some individual stocks. they're on a major roll. did you know almost a fifth of the stocks in the s&p 500, they're close to an all-time high and they include names you'll recognize.
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of course apple, we talk about that one almost every day. at least i know on twitter.'s another. disney. craft foods and chevron. now, something a lot of these companies have in martin is that they manage their way through the recession successfully, whether it's disney, which offered theme park discounts for the first time ever when times got tough, or kraft which cut back on costs or apple and amazon rolling out revolution their new products that somehow peop found the money for, they scraped up the money to buy those products. these companies have a lot going to them and the market is rewarding them for it. >> stocks are doing well, but the jobs picture is not really so rosy. and a lot of folks are looking at the fed board of governors which is to meet this week and may take some sort of action. so what kind of action or will they act at all? >> so, yeah, that's the question. they could do nothing, dhee do something. and if they do, this would be the third time that the fed
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introduces this stimulus money into the economy in this particular way. meaning when the fed takes money right from its balance sheet to buy u.s. treasury, lots of u.s. treasuries and there is also talk that if they do go ahead and introduce this kind of stimulus, it would also involve buying up investments backed by mortgages. and it would drive mortgage rates lower, and also lowering borrowing costs. but martin, critics say the problem with this is that the -- the problem with the economy at least is with demand. there's not enough demand. that interest rates are already low. just because sprou dues the stimulus and push interest rates lower, it doesn't mean suddenly you'll see businesses and consumers rush out to take out loans. there's got to be confidence backed up with that. confidence that the economy is so solid footing. >> let's just say that the fed does implement some sort of stimulus program here. is it possible that it could have an impact before voters go to the poll to choose the president? >> well, if they do, we could only see what they did, what the
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fed did in it past stimulus measures and what they wound up doing was brought down interest rates right away. in theory that encourages banks to lend, whether they decide to do it or not, it certainly helps stock. so sf you're invested in stocks, it makes you feel wealthy. but most of the effect with these stimulus measures is really short term. and we see that because it has been done twice before and we're seeing how the momentum in the economy is slowing down. so that's why there are a lot of questions and the critics are coming out of the woodwork as to whether or not a third round of stimulus will help will the economy long term and grow jobs. >> a lot of debate about that. alison kosik, thank you very much. hundreds of thousands of students with nowhere to go as teachers strike in one of america's largest school systems. my nexguest says those teachers ought to be ashamed of themselves. don't miss this interview.
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in chicago the teachers union leaders and school district officials are negotiating after ten months of failing to reach an agreement. there is one thing that they basically do agree on, they want to avoid a second day of a teacher's strike. it has left 350,000 kids out of class today. an in the middle of a fight that many of their parents are joining. >> it is about job security and fash pay for teachers. because we want our teachers to be protected from our most experienced teachers, from being protected from being laid off to bringing less experienced cheaper teachers. and we want them to stand up for what's right for kids and not fear recrimination. >> teacher job security. many say that is at the he heart of what is happening in chicago. should teachers be evaluated on
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merit or seniority in steve perry joins us, the principal and founder of the capital preparatory magnet school in hartfo hartford connecticut and the author of push has come to shove, getting our kids the education they deserve. and you tweeted, quote, the chicago teachers ought to be ashamed of themselves for sending half a million kids to the streets or to homes without parents. so why are you putting this on the teachers? >> because the teachers are the ones who decided that today they would stay home, they decided that $76,000 a year for 5 1/2 hours worth of work wasn't enough money in a community where the average family makes only $47,000 in a city that has a $700 million deficit. where the murder rate in some years was higher than that in afghanistan for our troops. that these folks are going to take it upon themselves to take a day of education away from children. it's reprehensible. >> let's get back to what looks
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like the main issues here and whether teachers should bed on seniority. >> who would ask the question whether or not you should be evaluated based upon the value that you add to your plofgs or how long you've been there? it doesn't matter how long you've been there. if you're an amazing first year teacher, you should be treated as such. if you're an amazing 20th year teacher, you should be treated as such. if you're a sorry first year or 20th year teach every, you should be treated as such. schools were opened for children, not for grown people. >> how much of this do you think falls into the teachers union's lap? in other words, that they're the ones that are pushing the seniority aspect and not key on merit pay? >> oh, this, is all teachers union. in fact what's so troublesome about this is that teachers union are the ones who give most to the democratic party and here you have a president who is fighting for his political life and the chicago teachers unions
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are going to pull this an tick right here? this is the time they'll use less than 60 days before the national election for president? the teachers union are a political juggernaut. when you hear conversations about politics and giving money, you hear conversations about people like the koch brothers. nobody's given more money to campaigns than the teachers union. and they have clout. and at some point the parents, the real parents who are going will hurt from this, need to speak up and say my children are more important than the upper middle class people who are complaining about not getting a raise when i don't have a job. >> i think i know the answer to this, but what do you think is the best way to figure out pay for teachers and is there a way to keep the union involved? >> well, i'm not so committed to keeping the union as much as i am to delivering a product that parents can be proud of, that the community can be proud of. the best way to reward a teacher is to pay them what they're worth, basically pay them what you can afford to pay. see, we are public employees.
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i am a public school principal which meansky only makes a much as the community can raise based upon the amount of money that they make. so if i'm making so much more than they are, and they can't pay me, then i'm not worth that. i have to be able to produce enough educated people in that community for that community to be able to pay for me. and that's not happening in too many communities and too many of the teachers unions are pushing beyond the capacity of the community to pay. >> many communities are stressed of course as a result of tax revenues being down, but let me get back to the issue of politics. teachers unions are very strong, all across the country. and they definitely pull out the vote for democrats. so do you think the white house is staying out of this? we know rahm emanuel formerly connected to the white house is now the mayor of chicago. >> i'm telling you, i don't think that they're helping their overall cause. this is a place where they're actually hurting the president and in fact could be making someone like mitt romney look like he's going to come in and save the day, which is an
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unfortunate thing. as the president is working harder at education reform, here comes one his biggest contributors like the drunk uncle at a wedding trying to give a toast and makes a fool for themselves at the worst possible time. >> interesting picture. thanks for joining us. drill, baby, drill. remember those words? well, it was a big rallying cry for republicans and right now slel o shell is drilling for oil and gas off the coast of alas characterization but the a. alaska, but there are big differences. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like a lot of things, the market has changed, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and your plans probably have too. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we'll give you personalized recommendations tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 on how to reinvest that old 401(k). tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and bring your old 401(k) into the 21st century. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 rollover your 401(k) or ira and receive up to $600.
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and that could himself kocoulde huge. the ghost of deep wateter who h looms large. >> we'd have been tone death if we thought that it could be -- would have been business as usual after the deep water horizon. >> reporter: could this happen again like hell's arctic wells, the disastrous made condo well w was exloreflorer to. shell's wells will be capped and abandoned. the biggest difference, depth. shell will be drilling in less than 200 feet of water. and up to 8,000 feet below the seabed. deepwater horizon drilled through 5,000 feet of water, then more than 13,000 feet below
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the sea floor. the pressure differences, enormous. >> the pressures are roughly about a third of what you'd see in a typical deep water well. >> reporter: like all preventers. >> as a part of what happened in the post deep water horizon world, all preventers were brought back to original equipment manufacture's standards. >> reporter: in case of a blowout, shell will have on hand a capping stack, that's what he brought an end to the gulf disaster. as to drivers like erin who has a mountain of bills and a 3-year-old to raise, she thinks there should be room for exploration, but not at the risk of another deepwater horizon. >> i would water to know like where it would be, i'd want to know how damaging it would be to the environment, if it would have an impact on the local wild life. >> reporter: regulators insist
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the risk in the arctic is acceptable with no easy oil left to find. it is only hard choices from here on out. >> and miguel joins us from the los angeles bureau. nice to see you again. a question for you. is this really a done deal or are there, i don't know, regulatory issues and other problems that could stop it? >> at the moment, shell is only doing preparatory work. they can drill down to 1500 feet. they are waiting for a cleanup barge, the arctic challenger, to arrive there. it's still not been okayed for use. once that happens, shell says it should be any day. then they can go down to areas where they can actually hit oil. they'll send equipment down there to see just how much oil is down there and confirm what their engineers think is down there. then the real race for the oil gets going. >> and how long time phrase wise? >> it will be years. decades really. they have to build a pipeline, they need very, very substantial platforms to withstand the ice
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and the weather in the arctic. it will be a good 15 to 20 years before and billions of dollars before we start to see oil coming up out of the arctic. >> okay. miguel, thanks very much. now let's bring in chad myers. this is the area upere where the drilling is what we're talking about. and far removed say from the gulf of mexico which is the one that everyone recalls. >> obviously we were both here gulf of mexico. you were down there, i was here trying to explain what was going on, the blowout pre-vicinitier, that was in 5,000 feet of water. this well is in 10 feet of water. not unreasonable that a man could actually dive down there literally and get down there with some extra -- some better air. but this is their little lease that they have. and they'll be drilling down into this. they'll drill pilot holes right now. only about 1400 feet deep. the oil is 1,000 feet deep. so they're not even trying to get to the oil right now. all they're trying to do is get things moving.
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they have been working on this lease since 2008, regulations have been coming and going, injunctions have been issued and taken away. this has been a very long process. $2.3 billion spent just to get where we are now here for shell. and 26 billion potential barrels of oil under the ground here. that's a big number. >> the payoff is pretty huge potentially. not just for the oil company, but for all of us. the environmental threat, what is that? >> certainly if there's ice in the water, that would make cleanup of any spill a nightmare. icebergs moving around, animals out there on the icebergs. the sea floor will be practice into a basement. the blowout preventer is underground. there could be sicebergs over top. they don't want the iceberg to chop it off and no way to stop it. so they're making this mud, they're calling it a mud pit
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here, but that's what the blowout preventer will be and obviously the oil comes down from there. 5,000 feet down, it will take a while to get there. as you said, this won't be an easy process. may not go smoothly. regulatory things and all those other -- some people are not more upset about drilling in water than on land. if you hit an iceberg this, is brutal territory. have you ever watched the show deadliest catch, they're over here and that is brutal water. this also can be brutal water with big storms. >> appreciate it very much. thanks for the insights. up next, she is a legend in the world of tennis. i'll ask martina navratilova about serena william williams' and what she's telling americans as to the secret of living longer.
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martina navratilova is,bly the best female athlete of all time. she worn 59 grand slam titles, also overcame breast cancer and has advocated for gay rights. but now a battle where the odds are stacked against her. getting people specifically seniors to exercise. next week the 55-year-old is headed to new orleans to be in the life at 50 plus expo as fitness ambassador for the aarp.
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you want to get your take on the u.s. open. serena williams won the women's singles yesterday. williams has suffered injury after injury and now she has won the u.s. hope at the age of 31. and i'm thinking you probably like her comeback story. >> well, it's amazing. life definitely gets more difficult a for an athlete after 30 and apparently serena and i are the only players that won both womimbledon and the u.s. on after the age of 30. she's had so many injury, but she keeps coming back and now after losing the first round of the fresh open just completely retooled herself and had the best summer ever winning wimbledon. the olympics of course and thousand the u.s. open, and
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coming back from down in the mird set, she put it all together. >> one of the best rounds of tennis could you watyou could wh in a long time. moving on to exercise, you who do you get people to exercise? >> do something that's fun. do something that you used to do when you were little, you just for forgot to do it, or something you always wanted a chance to. just at that time first step and get out there and do it. in you're doing something that's fun, you're more likely to do it. i encourage people to get a partner to do it with them that way they're less likely to bail out when things get busy during the day. do something that you want to do rather than dread doing. everybody feels great after, everybody says i'm so great, i worked out. nobody ever says i wish i hadn't gone for that run. but maybe running is not something that really excites you. try to do something, find
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something that you enjoy while you're doing as well as getting the benefits. >> exercise of course is something we should do, buts as you get older, you worry about yo injury. and you have a couple of tips here. first is to play the flamingo. >> i think i like to do the dancing. i think it's more the -- i tried my happened at or foot i should say at dancing and loved the exercise that you get from that. it's on the joint and it combines the mind and body and again, you're doing it with somebody, you have that social interaction as well as you're on your feet, you're working out, you're moving your body. and having a great time. >> and drink clohocolate milk?
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>> i'm not so sure about that. i don't drink milk. so i'm not sure where that's coming from. but i prefer coconut milk or coconut juice. that's nation's soft drink. i think that's the best one out there. >> it could be that we're trying to encourage people to drink milk period. >> stay on your feet, you know, if you need to i guess flavor it with something. but i don't know that i came up with that idea. >> how about golf balls. specifically talking about golf walls as a way to avoid injury. >> i think that's something that you can actually step on.alls a. >> i think that's something that you can actually step on.balls . >> i think that's something that you can actually step on. massage your feet. we have a lot of issues with our feet, so if you massage them and step on them, you can avoid a lot of injuries. because if the foundation of your body is not there, then nothing is there. but most of all i'm just encouraging people to get out
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there and do something that's fun. maybe you bike or swim or walk. go for a nice walk around the neighborhood. maybe meet some cool people that way. >> out of house and get moving. thank you very much. it's a pleasure. >> thank you. come join me in new orleans. >> look forward to it. don't forget to catch serena williams on piers morgan, that will be tonight, 9:00 p.m. eastern. happening right now, mitt romney speaking live in ohio. well listen in next. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment.
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unemployment, massive deficits, more years of almost no wage growth in this country. we'd see more years of a nation at the cusp of the kind of crisis you're seeing in europe. we're forewarned and that's why we're not going to reelect this man, instead we're going to get america on track to create jobs and prosperity. i have a plan to change the direction of america and to get the kind of jobs we need again. five parts to my plan. five things i'll do. thank you for asking. number one, i'm going to take advantage of our energy resources, our coal, our oil, our gas, our nuclear, our renewables. we'll take advantage of energy. it means don't put this place that keep truss using coal. let us use our coal. we have a lot of it and let's use it and create jobs with it.
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number two, i'm going to make sure that in using our energy, we take advantage of natural gas. we have extraordinary resources of natural gas. i don't want our regulators to stop us from being able to use that. i always want to be able to drill on public lands. the president has cuts in half. i'll double it. we'll use our resources. that's number one. energy. and we can have north american energy independence within eight years fp and when i say northern american energy independence, i'm going to make sure we get that pipeline from canada and get the oil here instead of going to china. >> if you'd like to watch the rest of mitt romney's remarks, cnn is streaming that event online. you go to
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