tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN September 12, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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-- captions by vitac -- we have breaking news right now. you're looking at a live picture of cairo. breaking news. there are protesters near the u.s. embassy. they have been rioting and setting fires in the street. just a couple of moments ago. it's 1:00 a.m. there. ian lee is in cairo tonight, joining me in just a moment. what we've heard has happeneon the ground is that egyptian security had to tear gas some of those protesters you see there and obviously, it looks calm at this particular moment, but they had to tear gas security basheded wire. we're hearing from a social activist there on the ground. protesters were able to push that down and the fight according to cnn sources on the ground, moved to a mosque in tahrir square, where there is tear gas.
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about 200 meters from the u.s. embassy. as we get ian lee ready, i'm joined by nick kristof here, columnist for the "new york times," a man who has spent a lot of times covering the arab spring and now, thinking about the tragedy that has happened in cairo and libya, which we're going to talk more t i a moment. what is your reaction to how this seems to be escalating? >> i think the thing that strikes me the most is that at least in the libyan government, you have a real sense of people apologizing and people trying to prevent it from happening again. trying to crack down the perpetrators. in egypt, you have a government that is waffling. hasn't been living out to its responsibilities to protect people and it has been appealing to the crowds. >> we have ian as well. what can you tell us is happening on the ground right now in cairo outside the u.s. embassy? >> reporter: right now, we have protesters and police squaring
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off, molotov cocktails, throwing between the protesters and the police. not many protesters, but definitely enough to create a large disturbance and we're seeing the two go head to head. these are definitely more your hard core protesters that you see that are willing to go up into the front lines and really go in and attack the police, erin. >> and i know you were reporting last night, there had been flags destroyed, flags burned, american flags what is your sense of how much worse it has gotten or has it gotten worse? some thought maybe this would be happen one day and then burn out. obviously, does hnot appear to e the case. >> reporter: well, this is definitely an escalation. yet when they enter the embassy, weidn't see the police react and now, we're seeing the police react and protests in the past
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where we see protesters and police start to square off and start using tear gas, using rubber bullets, proteers using molotov cocktails, these things can sometimes turn into a life of their own where you're going to see days, potentially of clashes between protesters and police and unfortunately, most of times, these turn very, very deadly. >> when ian says these most of the time turn very k very deadly, how much worse could this get? >> substantially worse. anytime you have a embassy ere, aamerican embassy, these kind of crowds and people competing to demonstrate their religious and patriotic credentials, then you obviously worry about it especially when the government doesn't seem to be standing up to do its job. >> that is the key question. one ofth clerics that was supporting the government, banish sleep from the eyes of the jews, who morsi just nameded
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to the human rights council in egypt. >> i kind of fear we're just big players in this. that what is going on is a competition between the muslim brotherhood and salahi element, and each trying to compete for religious support, for patriotic support and trying to attack you know, that the u.s. embassy may not only be their target, but they're trying to outflank the government and show its vulnerability. >> huch anti-american sentimt as you've had a chance to report, to talk to people to be there, how much anti-american sentiment specifically have you heard? >> reporter: you know, it definitely is a lot among the crowd, obviously. the people are very, very upt about that film that came out that they say insults the prophet. i did talk to a few on the street who say they're completely against the scenes we're seeing right now on the streets of cairo. they said they want stability, security, they want their country to move forward and they
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think these sort of things don't help egypt move forward and one thing i want to point out, too, is a lot of the time, these protesters, the ones that clash with the police have a tendency to be ultras from local soccer clubs that were very, that have a very strong presence during the revolution and we still see them out there battling the police most of the time during the clashes. >> do you see security though? we're talking about tonight, ian, the tear gas that egyptian security forces are firing outside the u.s. embassy. serity presence that they've really stepped and what have the americans done? >> reporter: definitely look like the egyptian security forces have stepped up their security crackdown. they're allowing the protesters to go by the embassy right now. you see the protesters and the police on their side throwing rocks at each other.
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tear gas -- definitely looks like making a stand to protect or at least protect the area around the embassy. >> all right. thanks very much. very lucky to have nick with us tonight as well, a man who knows more about this than anyone. it has been a very shocking and confusing day. as you just saw the the breaking news out of cairo, but the u.s. is still reeling from attacks on american diplomats in libya. u.s. officials telling cnn it's too early to determine the motive for the attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. earlier, they said it was premeditated. now, when we first reported the news last night, we didn't know how many people had been killed. now, we know four americans were murdered, including u.s. ambassador, christopher stevens. the attack in libya happened just hours after the first where they burned down the american flag. in libya tonight, america is responding. within the past hour, two american warships are on their
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way to libya. u.s. marines are en route and the defense department is ramping up the number of drones. now, american troops have been put on alert and may be moved at a moment's notice to protect worldwide and in egypt tonight, jimana is on skype, she is from tripoli, i apologize, and chris lawrence is at the pentagon. chris, first of all, what can you tell us ab about the u.s. response? what the united states is now doing? >> you mentioned it briefly, erin. right now, we've learned two navy warships are heading to the coast of libya. both of those are equipped with tomahawk cruise missiles. those are satellite guided and can be programmed to strike a specific target. now, when one got the order, it was just a couple of miles away. the other was a few day's sail. but we know that the u.s. had been conducted drone flights over libya for months. today, we learned that
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surveillance will be much more focused on trying to find the insurgent cell responsible for this attack. so, between the drone surv surveillance and these two ships, when they get there, that gives the administration some options. >> what's the response on the ground in libya to that, to the fact united states is sending in warships? marines? >> we have not heard a reaction yet from the government here. they have been busy electing a new prime minister amid this chaos and what seems to be a real disaster for the new libya, but i have spoken with ordinary libyans to get their reaction and they seem to be pretty divided. some said it is a good thing. someone needs to take action. someone needs to take out these extremist groups that the government and the rest knows has been operating in eastern libya and these people say that
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if their government is unable, it seems to have been idle, not doing much to tackle this issue, then someone else should and if the united states is going to do that, they should, but others here completely rejecting this, erin, saying they are going to try and turn libya into another iraq. >> and they've said that that explicitly, about turning libya into another iraq. how did -- so many people are deciding, could you tell me more about those who are very anti nus their sentiment. >> these people did say they do not agree with thisattack. they really felt ashamed by what happened, saying that diplomats here, foreigners here should be protected, but at the same time, they said they reject the presence of any foreign troops or any sort of outside military intervention in libya.
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they said we've also heard that last year during the revolution, there was unity in the stands of libyans who were fighting the regime of moammar gadhafi. they welcomed the support of nato air strikes, but said they did not want to see any boots on the ground. so at this point, this could be a real controversial issue here in libya. we have to wait and hear, see what the libyan government officials say about this. they have said they're unable to deal with groups. >> and that, nick kristof, let me bring you in here. some people had told her tonight, regular libyans, they don't want americans in the military and want to turn libya into the next iraq. >> but i do think libya is profoundly different in that respect. there's a rell current of anti-americ
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anti-americanism in egypt. there is clearly a sense of deep mourning. they want americans to take action against the killers, but i think the government is really going to go after them. it's going to do what it can and there is you know, libya may well be the most pro american country in the region in a way that is not true and i'm the little skeptical about what american warships are going to be able to do in that kind of context. >> i don't want to put words in your mouth, but are you going in the direction of that's more of a political move? mitt romney's been critical of barack obama's response, so go all in visibly with force and -- >> if you have an attack and you don't have anything clear that you can do, you move warships to the area. it's a show of force. even if it doesn't revolve things. it does give you options. i think you can vaguely imagine a scenario where through drones, some al-qaeda linked group may but b, but that's a little farfetched. >> what's your -- of the u.s.
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response. first, they said premeditated, then not sure what the motive might be. now, there's warships going in. was it disorganized or no, just sort of dribbled out that way? >> it does dribble out that way because first accounts are just rarely right in any circumstance. in this case, the u.s. did respond quickly to the actual situation there, in benghazi, in tripoli, with the diplomats. the marine fast reaction team was on the ground as of early this afternoon. they're going to be beefing up security there at the embassy for the few american diplomats still left there and they're just keeping these other troops and units on alert right now, seeing perhaps where they may have to move them to embassies around the world if those embassies require additional support. >> thanks to all three. next, senator dianne feinstein,
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is chair of the intelligence committee, on who she thinks is behind the attack and the controversial film that has sparked so much outrage. one of the actors in the film says she was conned to do it. we have an exclusive interview with her "outfront" next. ♪ why not make lunch more than just lunch? with two times the points on dining in restaurants, you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy. homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity
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u.s. are blamed in part on a film which ridiculed the prophet, mohammed. we have decided not to show it, but we can tell you it's bizarre and portrays him as gay, a child molester and quote, murderous thug. "outfront" tonight, miguel marqu marquez. i know you spoke to an actress, had some of the painful lines there, were among hers. what did she tell you? >> she is horrified at what's happened and the only reason she went on camera is because she is whq horri horrified. she doesn't want her name used, she's more angry at what the film maker has done. she said she took a small role in this film that she thought was called desert warriors, that it was an adventure film set 2,000 years ago. there was no discussion of the film, she says the character that mohammed was in the film
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was named george in the film and was referred to as master george. she said she was paid 500 bucks, she made a small, low budget film and now finds herself in an international nightmare. >> i would never be involved in a film to ever hurt or bring harm to anybody. and this makes me sick to my stomach to think i was involved in that movie. that brought death to somebody else and i think it's unfair. i think it's very unfair. and i'm very sorry for that man, his family and everybody else that was hurt. i really don't know what to say. >> she is absolutely shocked by how this thing has taken off. this was a little tiny film. she also during that interview apologized to muslims
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everywhere. she wants them to know she nor the other actors had anything to do with this being a propaganda film. none of that, she says, was what she got into this for. it was a simple film and was completely misrepresented to her and changed after they had filmed their parts. >> i'm curious because you know, watching it, there were a lot of people involved. apparently, according to a statement cnn obtained, the statement said quote the entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer. we are 100% not behind this film and were grossly misled. however, when i watch it, they're talking about mohammed and not the prophet mohammed, and they're talking about him being a child molester and being gay. do you believe this statement? do you think they possibly may not have known and really are ups upset? what's your take?
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>> she says they did something called looping. they made the film. came back later and did other lines. it is possible some were also read by other people. if you watch that film, which looks like a cheap, low budget, like a comedy more than anything, it appears that some of the lines have been completely dubbed over. she said she talked to the film's producer today, who is defiant. but she says this guy is defiant, that he says he's done this because he's tired of radical islamist killing americans and that he is at fault for the movie. he is the writer. don't let anyone blame you. it's me, the writer, who is at fault here. >> thank you very much and miguel just mentioned that name, sam bacile. he has been identified by that name. earlier, i spoke with jeffrey goldberg of the atlantic. he has been digging and digging to find out more about him and i
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started out by asking him if that person even exists. >> i don't know if at person exists. there's tho record of this person. he claims to have been a real estate developer. nobody's heard of him in that community in california. people in the jewish community haven't heard of him. imdb has no record of this person. the state of israel says they have no citizen by that name. so my guess and this is provisional is that this is a pseudonym, this person does not exist. this person is not an israeli jew, he is someone else and whoever it is has been making up stories about the orgins of his film. >> so, who is he and what did he tell you about wli, when, who this movie came to be? >> going back tohe hall of mirrors, i did talk to a guy named steve klein. i think he's a real person. there's the footprint on the internet for this guy. he is a militant christian
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activist in california. he spends a lot of time protesting outside mosques and schools warning people, these his word, about the dangers of islam and he claims to have been a consultant on this film. he says he met sam, but this is what he told me. he says he believes that sam is not an israeli jew. he believes he is an evangelical or cop. this is what he suggested the people involved in the film are. and he also said that it's not his real name. >> right. well, the christian part, sorry -- that would be obviously when you get to see the violence that's already happening in egypt, that could incite more violence. >> it's fairly obvious that if you're going to make a film like this, you're probably going to want to hide your name. let's assume that for starters. >> our brian todd also spoke to steve klein.
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i want to play a short clip of that and ask you something about that. here it is. >> very brave man. he's very depressed. and he's upset. i talked to him this morning and he said that he was very concerned for what happened to the ambassador. >> he's obviously talking about sam, the man you were looking at there is steve klein. so do you believe what he said? >> there's somebody who put this thing together and put this on youtube. that's all we know. and steve klein's reporting this person feels upset. we'll take him at his word, but what we'd really like to know is who is this person and more to the point, who is alleging a vast jewish conspiracy to make this film. this is spreading around the middle east that a group of jews in california are behind this. >> some of the things i've seen, a group of jews who put millions
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up to fund this film. >> you've seen this clip. there's no million of dollars. >> no, definitely, no, it doesn't appear that way at all. so, do you think if they were going to find out who did this or is this going to remain sort of a mystery? >> there are a lot of reporters right now trying to flub the zone and come up with the identity of this person. i know there are people who are right now trying to see steve klein in person, so i imagine it's only a matter of time before we understand the true identity of the person or people behind this. assuming he is not real. there's a small chance that he is a real person. this is as i said, we're this a wilderness here of misinformation. >> thank you very much. he's been reporting on who and what was behind this film. thanks again. and next, the senate
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intelligence committee chair on who she thinks is behind the attack, plus, mitt romney stepped into the conversation. was it a misstep? and sounds vyig for your attention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward.
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the attack in libya has raised serious questions about america's presence in the war torn country. here's dine feinstein. >> the secretary of state is correct. we have tried to help libya in every way, shape or form and now, our ambassador, who was somebody very skilled in the area and had been in jerusalem and cairo and a number of other places and had helped in the transition is murdered. as well as three other americans and this is unacceptable. >> you were briefed today. can you tell us the latest you know about what happened or who was responsible? >> i think this is the investigation that's going on now. it isn't clear. and nobody quite knows. you know, -- has done a messag avenging the death of an al
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qaeda leader. i think that was too soon to have caused the event, but it may well be. >> so you think it could be al-qaeda? >> i think it could be. i can't say it was, but it could be. their weapons were somewhat sophisticated. they blew a hole in the building. they started a big fire and that's how the ambassador died, in the fire. >> it would seem if it was al-qaeda, their hallmark would be to claim responsibility. does this make you think it could be another group we don't know about? >> it's hard for me to think regular libyans would do this. people who wanted to be free and we've helped that freedom be achieved. as the secretary has so eloquently stated, it's very hard for me to think that. and the head of the national assembly issued a very strong statement, i thought. i thought it was completely appropriate, saying the justice will be met, that they will find the perpetrators.
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i hope that's true and i know we have 50 marines on the way, so there will be a big investigation. i don't think we should let this one go. >> when you say let this one go, the decision to intervene in libya was bipartson. that's fair to acknowledge. but now, americans see the u.s. ambassador's been murdered, three other americans have been murdered. it just seems like the u.s. was really caught flat footed in a situation that was already sort of a disaster. >> well, i don't think we were caught flat footed. i think this was a premeditated attack and it was carried out to do what it did. i have no doubt about that. i think what it's a symbol of is that there is a great deal of unrest in the nine muslim countries that were products of the arab spring and i think nobody really knows which way things are going to go. >> this summer when we were in
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north africa, we experienced a little bit of the aftermath. they were telling us about our surface to air missiles. the morning after we left a village on the border, a local called us to say al qaeda linked affiliates were there with machine guns launched on the back of it. did the u.s. government really understand all the reprecussions? gadhafi's cash of weapons could go missing in powering al-qaeda in northern africa? >> i think we have to be prepared for some unforseen events. there is no question that al-qaeda hasn't gone away. we've made a real dent in al-qaeda. in terms of removing a good deal of its leadership. problem is, leaders are replaced and as you said, they've gone to mali, so terror is not going to end as i see it, anytime soon. >> do you think, senator, from
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your briefings and understand so far, or what do you think about the times? obviously, this happened yesterday in libya and the attack on the embassy in cairo, on september 11th. this video though fully or partially behind what happened has been online since july. >> well,he it's a stupid video. inaccurate, provocative, just plain stupid for an american to do that. none the less, it was done. now, i'm surprised that anybody saw it, but someone did. and used that as a point of organization to really institute an attack. i mean, this wasn't the lonely person attacking. this was a group of 20. they were well armed. they knew what they were doing. so, i have to asim they were fighters of some kind and they certainly weren't on our side, that's for sure. and they did tremendous damage. and i think we have to see that and do something about it and
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catch them and put them to justice and hopefully, libya and the new government will be in the forefront on doing just that. >> all right. senator feinstein, thanks as always. and now, to the political fallout from the attack in libya and the attacks continuing in cairo tonight. sadly, it took this tragedy to put the foreign policy debate at the center of this election and has turned nasty. >> the administration was wrong to stand by a statement sympathizing with those who had breached our embassy in egypt instead of condemning their actions. it's never too early for the united states government to condemn attacks on americans. and to defend our values. >> president obama then hit back late this afternoon on cbs news. >> governor romney seems to have a tendency to shoot first and aim later. and as president, one of the things i've learned is you can't
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do that. it's important for you to make sure that the statements that you make are backed up by the facts and that you've thought through the ramifications before you make them. >> have both sides made mistakes with regards to libya and does this foreign policy debate benefit one or the other? wesley clark, who is also a foreign policy expert for the obama campaign joins us now along with the former u.s. senator, norm coleman, a foreign policy adviser for the romney campaign. what mitt romney was referring to there was a statement put out by the american embassy in cairo talking essentially about the fim m we were just reporting on saying condemning quote efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of muslims, so essentially apologizing for that video. that statement was put out before the embassy was attacked. does that mean it's fair for mitt romney to say that it's
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disgraceful, using his words, that the obama administration's response was not to cdemn, but sympathize with those who -- >> it was disgraceful and the obama administration didn't disavow that statement until after romney made his statement. when american embassies are being attacked, the first response should not be to symphize with protesters and it wasn't until governor romney stepped forward that they responded. by the way, our enemies watch this. the problem is not about statements. it's a problem of lack of leadership. things are a mess in the middle east and america leading from behind has put us in a very difficult position, so that statement was absolutely accurate. the obama administration disassociated after governor romney acted in. in a romney administration -- >> general clark, is there anything to that or do you think no, the obama administration did the right thing and the embassy,
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which they say the ambassador wasn't in cairo, didn't approve the message and president obama certainly didn't know they were putting anything out. >> the embassy was just trying to diffuse the crowd outside and i think that's what we would want. it's not an author titative statement of the united states or the obama administration and it wasn't after the embassy was attacked. it was in order to diffuse the crowd. further more, there was nothing in that statement apologizing for america or for american values. so, i think it was just atactical move by the embassy and what it shows is that i think you know, i think it's important to have a foreign policy debate and i think the american people welcome it. fand this is what it takes to get it starred, fine. but in general, usually, the first reports are wrong. >> right. >> and when you jump too soon to make statements and especially a statement like mr. romney made in the middle of the night last
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night, just to get on the record with a statement, you generally end up regretting it the next day and what i've seen is that the rest of the republican party is not behind it. they recognize the most important thing about this is first, the fact that we lost four diplomats there, including a very distinguished ambassador and secondly, that this was a serious attack on the united states. it's our property over there. there's no excuse for it and the obama administration's condemned it in the strongest possible way. >> senator, what is mitt romney going to do next here because to general clark's point, dan coates among others, have criticized mitt romney for this statement, i'm quoting making a knee jerk or quit political response, you have to amend that before we jump to too many conclusions, referring to mr. romney's stam. >> the response was absolutely, very appropriate and there was no statement condemning the
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violence until after governor romney stepped forward. the most important thing here, the sadness of the loss, the murder of four americans. that's primary and our hearts go out to the families. secondly, the people -- the lack of leadership. that's what this is about. you ask senator feinstein, flat footed. the issue is not flat footed in what happened at the embassy. we were flat footed in egyptian from the transition from mubarak. hillary clinton called assad in syria a reformer about a year ago. syria, we subcontract our syrian policy to kofi annan, which has been a failure. and the israeli prime minister, you think you should be a little concerned about whether america's going to stand with you when facing an iranian nuclear weapon? >> general clark, you were caution on this.
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you wrote an op-ed saying be careful, it's going to be your problem. in a sensuous it's a miracle this hasn't happened yet. you were a one cautioning the obama administration not to do this. >> and not to rush in there, just like i'm cautioning right now, those in the republican party so eager to push the united states into syria. i think the president's shown extremely good leadership in this matter. he got the allies to do everything they could to in libya. it hasn't worked out quite as smoothly. we knew it wouldn't, but it was better than standing by watching gadhafi slaughter people. mubarak and assad work with the bush administration extensively so to say he doesn't have leadership is crazy. they've been in power for years and years and bush's father worked with him, so there's nothing new about the fact that
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mubarak and assad dealt with americans there. if the republican party want to get a grip on foreign policy and enter this election, it should propose policies. >> thanks very much to both of you and obviously working with dictators is something both parties have been guilty of for many administrations. and of course as you know, tragically, four americans lost their lives during that violent attack last night in benghazi. next, colleagues and friends remember what truly was a remarkable man. we'll talk about the ambassador. mom's smartphone... dad's tablet... or lauren's smartphone... at&t has a plan built to help make families' lives easier. introducing at&t mobile share. one plan lets you share data on up to 10 devices with unlimited talk and text. add a tablet for only $10 per month. the more data you share, the more you save. at&t.
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the u.s. ambassador to libya who died in last night's attack was a career member of the service. he was 52 years old. he grew up in northern california. he was fluent in arabic and french. he was actually in the peace corps, taught english before he joined the state department. he served in egypt, syria, saudi arabia and libya. today, his colleagues and friends praised his work and legacy.
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>> he was a role model to all who worked with him and to the young diplomats who aspire to walk in his footsteps. >> he risked his life to stop atyran then gave his life trying to help build a better libya. the world needs more chris stevens'. >> the american people have lost a self-less and dedicated servant of our interests and our values. and i have lost a friend. >> both of my next guests new chris stevens as well. he specialized in post conflict countries such as libya and has spent a lot of time there. david, how passionate was he about libya? i know you have been there several times recently and worked with him.
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>> yes, chris stevens was one of the finest diplomats the u.s. has to offer. he was an expert on libya. after the war, he was appointed as the representative to the opposition, which was a great distinction and he worked very hard and tirelessly in that role, both coordinating the response to the humanitarian crisis and serving as liaison to the opposition figures. he was a critical person for the administration in working through the problems in libya. it's a huge loss and it's not only a loss in terms of a great diplomat, but someone who was really important to the past and future of libya. >> elyse, what was he like personally? he, his family, the choices he made to go overseas? >> well, he was what you call this stage, a classic arabist. really loved the middle eastern
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region. really loved libya in particular and was really interested in helping this country build anew, but as one colleague put it today, he was just a very laid back guy. had this incredibly cool kind of northern california exterior, but inside, had this kind of burning desire to get it right. it's not that he wasn't a serious diplomat. he was very serious about the work he did, but he was very passionate and wasn't a pinstriped diplomat. this was not a guy who stood in his office and went to meetings with government officials. he would put on his khakis and really get in the trenches as david said, working with the rebels on the ground. he was a funny guy, a nice guy and really seen as the cream of the crop at the state department. really popular guy among the foreign service.
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>> did this get in the way of the passion for his job, that he would be all right to die in the service of his country as a diplomat? >> well, he certainly put his life on the line during the war by going to libya, serving in benghazi. he was a very courageous man. also, cool, calm and collected under pressure. it's ironic that he died now in benghazi, the place where he served during the war where people really loved him because he helped save so many people. you know, other than that, i can't answer that question, but he truly a great public servant. >> thanks very much to both of you. we appreciate it. and the other stories we're following, including the latest on the teachers strike in chicago and apple unveiling a new iphone. we'll be back.
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4:53 pm
now to some other stories we care about where we're focusing on our reporting from the front lines. tonight in chicago we're told some progress is being made to reach a deal to end a teachers strike that's now in its first day. the vice president of the teachers union said the latest discussions are focused on teacher evaluations but added substantial movement was made. it still appears both sides think a deal is not near. chicago is the third biggest school system in the country with 350,000 students. russian president dmitry medvedev believes they should be
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released from jail. he said a prolonged jail sentence seemed to be unproducti unproductive. they went to a moscow cathedral singing a song criticizing russian president vladimir putin. vladimir putin mas the decisions so standing up to him could be a big deal for medvedev. talking to the husband of one of the band members, he said it's t tough to give any weight to medvedev's opinion because he's not taken as seriously as putin. a plan to rescue the euro -- it's a $500 billion euro bailout fund that's going to provide loans and buy bonds to try to stabilize the euro, which is used by 17 countries. now, following the news, european stocks went up, borrowing costs and some of the really in duressed countries went down to their lowest level in six months.
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as expected apple unveiled the new phone at a packed invitation-only event. the new iphone is lighter and thinner. it has a larger screen and the 4s. the processor is twice as fast and has better battery and camera. sounds pretty good. you can get it in black or white and it starts at $199. so you can start preorders on friday and the 5 will launch officially on september 21st. now, since the original iphone came out in 2007, apple has sold about 244 million of them. for the new one they're going to sell ten million in the first ten days and 50 million by the end of the year. the total, about 300 million iphones in history. 500 million is the number of google android devices that have been activated. in a google plus post last night just before the apple announcement, google announced the total and said there are 1.3 android activations every day. if that number holds, google will hit 640 million
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