tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 13, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT
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i'm suzanne malveaux. this hour in the cnn newsroom, anti-american protesters are scaling u.s. embassy walls and burning cars in several cities. the protests are happening from cairo to sanaa, yemen, to tel aviv, to tehran. the anti-american violence started in egypt. it is not letting up. there are angry crowds protesting for a third straight day over the film that insults islam. demonstrators threw rocks, molotov cocktails, pushed through barbed wire fencing outside the u.s. embassy in cairo. police responded by firing tear
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gas. officials say 224 people were injured in today's protests alone. egyptian blogger and journalist mona eltahawy has been witnessing this and joins us by phone from cairo. mona, i know you were in tahrir square over the last 24 hours. what is the feeling, what is the mood there? >> reporter: i was there in the early hours of today, at about 2:00 a.m. i was not there today and there was -- yesterday there was a street that was closed to block access to the u.s. embassy, which is why the clashes were taking place not right at the premise as they were -- as the protests were on tuesday, but further away. from what i gather from people on the ground today, as you said, more than 200 people were injured and it's a very different kind of protest today than it was on tuesday that first day. on tuesday, those protests were called by right wing members of the movement in egypt and there was very little security and
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people were very surprised because the u.s. embassy is usually guarded like a fortress. security has been out yesterday and today. i want to emphasize that many of the protesters taking part in the clashes today with police are not just upset about the film but upset about police. there's a long-running anger at police brutality in egypt, and this protest has as much to do or today's clashes have as much to do with that as they do with the film. it's a different kind of clash now. >> what do they want, mona? what do the protest ers want? >> reporter: that is a great question. on tuesday it wasn't clear what the protesters wanted either. it wasn't enclosuclear if it wa coincide with 9/11 or why people were upset about the film now despite the fact it's been online for two months. tomorrow there is a protest called for by the muslim brotherhood movement. interestingly the salafis have decided to boycott tomorrow's
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protest, which is actually one way of answering what's going on. i believe, and many people believe, first of all, there's a big concern about the reinstallment of emergency law and we worry these clashes will be used as a pretext to bring back emergency law but there's also a worry about political jockeying for power. there's a right wing in the u.s. that is behind this film and it's election season in the u.s. elections in november, obviously. here in egypt there's a different kind of political jockeying. whereas we have a president who wants to place himself in the center, as hosni mubarak did for years, and point to the salafis as the new right wing, so it's a very different -- it's a very dangerous political jockeying for power. those of us who care about the revolution are saying we do not want the right wing in the u.s. or in egypt to derail our revolution and its goals. >> mona, what do you think of what the u.s. president has said, barack obama saying that he doesn't really consider egypt an ally or an enemy at this point, that it really is time
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will tell, this is a work in progress. that really is kind of a stunning change of position from the white house perspective. >> reporter: i think that that statement took many people by surprise and shocked them a great deal. part of the anti-u.s. sentiment, and there is an anti-u.s. sentiment in the clashes today and in the protests on tuesday and in the various countries where the protests are taking plaes, the u.s. has been -- egypt has been a major ally for the u.s. to the extent that five different u.s. administrations supported our dictator, mubarak. i think the white house realized, because over the past few minutes i've been reading statements, the white house realized what a shocking statement that was and it looks like they're trying to back pedal from this idea that egypt has been demoted as an ally. i think everybody right now feels how sensitive the situation is and understands this political jockeying for power and again to reiterate, it's -- the revolution and its goals, freedom and dignity, but not be derailed.
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i think it's imperative for the u.s. administration as well as the egyptian administration to focus on those goals and not allow the right wing to derail us. >> mona, what is the reaction of people in egypt, though, to those statements, to the president's statement there? do they feel abandoned? when they hear that the president of the united states is no longer necessarily categorically calling egypt an ally? >> reporter: well, you know, quite honestly there's been a lot of confusion about what the u.s. role is right now and how the u.s. feels about egypt. before our revolution began, there was and continued to be a lot of anti-u.s. sentiment because of this support by various u.s. administrations for dictators in this region. but hearing the statement today, i think people are thinking, all right, well, whose side are you on because we're trying to get this revolution working and it has definitely confused a lot of people. >> all right, thank you so much for your time. i want to go directly to golden, colorado, where the president is speaking about the four who were killed in libya. >> serve in difficult and
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dangerous places all around the world, to advance the interests and the values that we hold dear as americans. and a lot of times their work goes unheralded, it doesn't get a lot of attention. but it is vitally important. we enjoy our security and our liberty because of the sacrifices that they make. and they do an outstanding job every single day without a lot of fan fare. so what i want all of you to know is that we are going to bring those who killed our fellow americans to justice. [ cheers and applause ] i want people around the world to hear me, to all those who would do us harm, no act of terror will go unpunished. it will not dim the light of the values that we proudly present to the rest of the world. no act of violence shakes the resolve of the united states of
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america. [ applause ] and i have directed my administration to do whatever is necessary to protect all americans who are serving abroad. that's one of my highest priorities as president. and we're also in contact with other governments to underscore that they have got an obligation to cooperate with us, to protect our citizens. that's part of their job. now, i know that it's difficult sometimes seeing these disturbing images on television because our world is filled with serious challenges. this is a tumultuous time that we're in. but we can and we will meet those challenges if we stay true to who we are. and if we remind ourselves that we're different from other nations. we are -- we're different not only because of the incredible landscape that god has given us,
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we're different because we're a nation that's bound together by a creed. we're not made up of a single tribe or single religion or a single race. we're a collection of people from all around the world who came here because of a certain set of principles. the idea that all men and women are created equal. [ cheers and applause ] that we are all endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. that's what binds us together. that's what our flag means. but we also believe that these are not just american rights. we believe these are universal aspirations. and they are held by people who live in tiny villages in libya, prosperous cities in europe. that's our light to the world. and our task as the most powerful nation on earth is to defend and protect and advance our people, but also to defend
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and protect and advance those values at home and around the world. that's what our troops do. that's what our diplomats do. that's what our intelligence officers do. that's what our citizens do. that's what we believe. those are the values that we hold to. and here in america, there is no more fundamental part of our democracy than the fact that all of you get a say in the decisions that are made about our country's future. and that's why we're here today. you know, over the past few weeks, colorado, you've been offered two very different paths for our future. you've seen their convention, you've seen ours. and now you face one big choice.
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ours -- our vision, our fight, is to restore the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the strongest economy the world has ever known. the promise that says hard work will pay off. if you work hard, you can make it. that responsibility will be rewarded. that in this country of ours, everybody gets a fair shot and everybody does their fair share and everybody plays by the same rules from wall street to main street to washington, d.c. >> president obama in golden, colorado, before an enthusiastic group of campaigners. absolute chaos at the u.s. embassy today in the capital of yemen.
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furious protesters scaled the security fence, smashed car windows nearby. people are angry about a film produced in the united states that is offensive to muslims. we are seeing similar scenes at u.s. embassies and consulates in egypt, libya and tunisia. secretary of state hillary clinton talked about that film today and spoke directly to the people who are furious at the united states and attacking the embassies and consulates overseas. take a listen. >> i also want to take a moment to address the video circulating on the internet that has led to these protests in a number of countries. let me state very clearly, and i hope it is obvious, that the united states government had absolutely nothing to do with this video. we absolutely reject its content and message.
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america's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. and as you know, we are home to people of all religions. many of whom came to this country speaking the right to exercise their own religion, including, of course, millions of muslims. and we have the greatest respect for people of faith. >> secretary clinton also had words for the protesters who are expressing their anger with violence. >> to us, to me personally, this video is disgusting and reprehensible. it appears to have a deeply cynical purpose, to denigrate a great religion and to provoke
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rage. but as i said yesterday, there is no justification, none at all, for responding to this video with violence. we condemn the violence that has resulted in the strongest terms, and we greatly appreciate that many muslims in the united states and around the world have spoken out on this issue. >> the hunt for those who killed the americans in libya will include warships and surveillance drones. right now there are two u.s. navy destroyers equipped with guided cruise missiles en route to the libyan coast. a contingent of marines has already arrived. i want to bring in chris lawrence from the pentagon to talk about this. we know that there are drones are warships moving into position. what is the mission, what is the plan? >> reporter: to put it bluntly, it's to find the insurgent cell responsible for this attack and then to either capture or kill
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those responsible. the drones we are told now have been flying for several months. pentagon officials confirming that they were flying perhaps even as far back as before the last attack on this american compound, which was back in june. but now the search is going to become much more focused, looking for elements of this insurgent cell that can then be targeted. now, when you talk about some of the ships that are coming, two destroyers have been ordered to come to the coast, off the coast of libya. both of those are armed with tomahawk cruise missiles, which can be programmed to strike specific targets and are guided by satellite. >> give us a sense of what the marines are going to be doing as well. >> reporter: yeah, a quick response team of 50 maerines landed in tripoli yesterday. they are there now. their primary job is to beef up security at the main diplomatic compound there in tripoli. they're also on hand in case
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even more americans need to be evacuated. we're also told that some u.s. units, some troops around the world, have also been notified that they may be moved to u.s. embassies around the world as well if the u.s. feels that extra security is needed. it goes back to what you heard president obama just saying, that he had directed his team to make sure that diplomats and americans that are working abroad for the government are protected. the ships right now are a contingency. there is not a specific mission. but what they do, together with those drones, is give the president options. >> all right. chris lawrence, thank you. appreciate it, chris. here's what we're working on for this hour. many experts believe al qaeda was behind the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. we'll talk to an al qaeda expert about the motive. we're also learning more about the filmmaker who sparked protests around the world. it doesn't get any better than endless shrimp at red lobster. you can mix and match all day!
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u.s. ambassador and three other americans. they believe it's the same group that claimed responsibility for this attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi in june. i want to bring in our cnn national security analyst, peter bergen, who has reported extensively on al qaeda as well as interviewing sbeosama bin la back in '97. i talked to peter earlier and he explained how the u.s. first learned about this al qaeda group in libya. >> reporter: in 2007, the u.s. military recovered a trove of documents in iraq, basically the sort of rosetta stone of al qaeda in iraq. and when they looked at these documents and analyzed them, they found that 40% of the foreign fighters coming into iraq were coming from libya, which was kind of an unexpected thing to find. and so historically, libya has provided quite a lot of suicide attackers to al qaeda and the group that is sort of deemed to be behind this attack is probably one of these sort of splinter groups from al qaeda
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central. >> how strong is their presence there in libya, and who leads them? do we know? >> reporter: you know, i mean there is sort of umbrella group, according to the former libyan jihadist called ansar al sharia. i think a lot of this is relatively secretive. this is not obviously an organization that operates in a very overt manner. my guess is that we're talking about a few hundred people at most. it doesn't represent the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people who are taking up arms against gadhafi. they have -- as the reporter in libya indicated, been able to do some attacks on western targets. my guess is they're going to come under extreme pressure right now. >> democrats say that new voter i.d. laws could cost them votes in november. civil rights groups are
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outraged. we're going to take a look at what it could mean in this critical swing state of pennsylvania. ♪ ♪ wow... [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ now discover new caramel apple filled werther's original. with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved
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pennsylvania's controversial voter i.d. law goes before the state supreme court today. now, the court has to decide whether a lower court was right to let the law go into effect. civil rights activists and others are challenging voter i.d. laws in pennsylvania and several other states. they say that the laws will mostly affect poor and elderly voters. here's cnn's deborah feyerick. >> reporter: for teresa lacoco getting anywhere with her elderly parents is challenging enough. but getting to the voter i.d. card which they have never needed before is absolutely daunting. >> it's just a horrible experience. they're not giving people the right to vote if they make it impossible for them to vote. >> reporter: the number of pennsylvania voters who may not have the right i.d. come november vary widely. state officials say it's 100,000
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people. civil rights activists and community organizers like lisa frank say it could be upwards of a million. >> the huge information chasm that the state has created that folks like me are running around trying to fill. by having one-on-one conversations and saying let's look together and make sure you're ready to vote. >> reporter: republican lawmakers passed a new voter i.d. law in march, saying it's designed to protect voter sp integrity. but a comment in june by a top state republican which appeared on youtube has raised serious questions. >> voter i.d., which is going to allow governor romney, to win the state of pennsylvania. done. the state's chief election official says claims that blocks of voters will be disenfranchised are exaggerated. >> we are reasonably certain, pretty darn certain that we can address the needs of photo i.d. for every eligible voter in
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pennsylvania. >> reporter: both sides concede there are no known cases of voter impersonation in the state. >> they are saying you have to prove who you are in order for us to make sure that this nonproblem doesn't occur. >> reporter: aclu lawyer, vic volchec and others are suing to block voter i.d. requirements. >> is there a socioeconomic component as to who is having to get these i.d.s? >> absolutely. given that the vast majority of people impacted by this law are poor, uneducated, of color, live in cities, i.e. philadelphia or pittsburgh and are likely to vote democratic, this law could have an impact on the presidential election. >> reporter: the debate is now before the state supreme court. deborah feyerick, cnn, pittsburgh, pennsylvania. new details are coming to light about the man behind the anti-islam film that sparked all those protests. we're going to talk about the violence with the man who actually was a consultant on that film.
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an online movie offensive to muslims is triggering a third straight day of protests in parts of africa as well as the middle east. now the cast of that movie, they're speaking out, claiming they were shocked by what they called drastic rewrites of the script. one of the actresses spoke directly to us and she says she called the producer of the movie. he told her to deliver a message to the world. let's listen. >> tell the media that i'm tired of the muslims killing innocent
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people. and he said -- oh, i don't want to get it wrong. that i'm tired of them killing innocent people and that i am from israel. >> brian todd is joining us now with new information about this guy who made the movie. what do we know about him? >> reporter: he's a fairly murky figure, a member of the production staff who worked on the film has told cnn the producer's name was listed as abanob bacile. the associated press is reporting his name as nekula. in previous interviews he identified himself as sam bacile and said he was an american real estate developer from catch. but this production staffer who spoke to cnn powroducer jennife wolf said he believes this producer is a coptic christian. there are reports that the filmmaker self financed this movie and made a trip to egypt
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to raise money for the film. i have spoken with an official of the coptic church here in the washington, d.c., area. he told me the church condemns this film very strongly. they have issued a statement saying the movie is part of a malicious campaign aiming to divide people, especially egyptians. it said coptic christian leaders have expressed a deep dissatisfaction with this film which it calls abusive. >> the man who was a consultant on the film as well who was talking and speaking out, what does he tell us about the producer of this movie? >> reporter: we caught up to this gentleman yesterday, his name is steve klein, a consultant on that film. he told me the filmmaker is afraid for his own safety and was upset about the killing of the u.s. am pass dbassadorambas. when i asked klein a key question, klein himself struck a very different tone. take a listen. >> do you and mr. bacile feel that you have any wlobloods on r
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hands as a result of violence? >> that's a very good question. under the rules of engagement in vietnam which i killed the north vietnamese army and the viet cong, i went to bed with blood on my hand, it didn't bother me a bit. it is they who pulled the trigger. it is they who murdered the ambassador. >> now, regarding that vietnam reference, steve klein told us he himself is a veteran of vietnam. there is some information we've gathered in addition to what he told us that indicates that he served in combat there and is a former marine. klein also told us that his own son had been wounded in iraq by a suicide bomber there. we can't independently verify that claim at the moment but there you have a little background on steve klein. >> do we know if anybody is looking for, searching for, questioning, investigating this movie maker? >> reporter: well, we know that several media entities have been doing that over the past few days, including cnn. we don't know much beyond that.
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he is apparently at least for the moment gone underground. he's a very difficult guy to find at the moment, although some media entities have been able to catch up to him, at least on the phone. no, we don't know if any federal authorities or anybody else are looking for him or are connecting him in any way as part of any kind of an investigation at this point. >> and do we know if he could possibly be charged with anything? there are a lot of people very upset about what he's done but could he face civil or criminal charges? >> reporter: that's a little unclear. some of the initial reporting we're getting is that this man has a criminal background and did serve some time and was on parole for some fraud violations. if somehow this -- the making of this film violated his parole, that could be a possibility. we're still kind of working out some of the information and some of the reporting on that, so that's kind of a speculative thing right now. but there is some information that he does have a criminal
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background. >> all right, brian, if anybody can find him, you can. thank you, appreciate it. today we learned the name of another american killed this week in a rocket attack in libya, the same attack that killed the u.s. ambassador to the country. the family of glenn doherty spoke to reporters today near boston. >> our family would like to thank everyone for their love and support. glenn lived his life to the fullest. he was my brother, but if you ask his friends, he was their brother as well. we ask for privacy during this time as we grieve for our friend, my brother, our brother, our son and our american hero. thank you. >> glen doherty's mother says he received confirmation of her son's death just last night. doherty, a u.s. ambassador kris stevens, foreign service information officer sean smith an one other american were killed tuesday when militants fired rockets into the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya. just one hour ago the federal
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just about an hour ago, wall street got the news it was looking for. there's going to be a third round of stimulus from the federal reserve. the fed says it will buy $40 million of reserves a month. allisison kosik has been watchi all the moves. so what does it mean? >> reporter: what the fed is eventually doing is taking risk in the form of mortgage debt off of the banks shoulders so it's going to go ahead and take $40 billion a month off of its own balance sheet, give that cash right to banks. take that mortgage debt off of their shoulders in hopes of pushing interest rates lower andin sent viezing the banks to give out loans. the consumers out there and businesses out there, they have got to want to take out loans as
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well so it's got to come both ways. also the fed promised to keep interest rates lower until 2015 until 2014. >> so what's trader reaction to today's news? >> reporter: the reaction is strong. the dow right now is up 156 points. you know, we are back -- or at least stocks are back up to levels for the dow that we haven't seen since december of 2007. that was right before the recession began. so this is what investors have been expecting. they have been expecting it since june. they have been bidding up stocks since then. so this comes as no surprise. still, you've got investors buying in. we are watching bank shares anywhere from 2% to 4% higher right now. >> do we think this is going to actually boost the economy, another round of stimulus? >> reporter: and that really is the money question, because there are two schools of thought. critics say, you know what, interest rates are already low and you don't see a lot of loans being handed out. you don't see a lot of consumers out there and businesses taking out loans. many question how this is going to help. also there's a confidence issue.
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as far as businesses go. you know, what is going to make them want to take out a loan when they are feeling like the economy is not on solid ground? also there's a lot of uncertainty involving the fiscal cliff. what are tax policies going to look like as of january 1? that scent give businesses much incentive either. the discussion after the fed made this move, the discussion is still going to turn to congress and whether or not congress will act on this fiscal cliff. >> thank you. president obama and mitt romney say they have plans to shrink the u.s. debt, but there are problems with both the plans. we have details up next. hey there, everyone. today on the help desk we're talking about the best way to tackle your credit card debt. a lot of people have this issue. joining me this hour, donna rosato and ronald mack. donna, this woman told me she has $4,000 in debt. >> if you've got multiple credit cards, you know, what's the best way to work out a plan where you can pay it off? >> yeah, i think she's wondering which do i pay off first?
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>> that's right. well, there are two schools of thought on this. generally it's better to focus on the highest rate card and pay that down as quickly as possible because you'll pay less interest over time and of course you want to keep paying the minimum payment on your other ones. but a lot of people get a psychological boost by paying off the smallest balances first and just getting rid of them. that's very motivating. but the best plan is whatever makes you stick to it. whichever one helps you, then that's the most important thing, just pay those cards down. >> you know, this question is important because it amazes me how few people actually write the debts on paper so they can see exactly what the debts are and see exactly what the interest rates are. before you pay a cent, call each one of those credit card companies and be aggressive. call them three or four times -- >> try to negotiate. >> lower those interest rates. see if you can get more money in your pocket. >> a lot of people don't want to look at it but it's not going to go away. guys, thank you. if you've got a question you want our experts to tackle, just upload a 30-second video with
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it's been more than a year since u.s. debt was downgraded by standard & poor's. now another credit agency, moody's, is threatening now to do the same. they give the same reason. they say partisan politics. they say washington just can't get it together to make any progress, getting the debt or the deficit under control. so what do the candidates plan to do about the national debt now at $16 trillion and how did we get there in the first place? ali velshi, he takes a look.
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>> reporter: just a few steps from the billboards of times square is a billboard of a different sort. the national debt clock. new york real estate developer seymour durst set up the first debt clock in 1989. >> when my father designed the clock, the debt was about $2 trillion. he would be shocked that we're at this number today. >> reporter: last year, the federal government spent $3.6 trillion. but it only took in $2.3 trillion in revenue. it borrowed the shortfall, $1.3 trillion, and that's the deficit. the accumulated deficits or shortfalls plus interest make up the national debt. and it's more than $16 trillion today. the debt had run up under both republican and democratic presidents and congresses. both have had opportunities to tackle it, but it is never politically palatable. president obama formed the simpson-bowles commission,
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headed by former republican senator allen simpson and bill clinton's chief of staff, erskine bowles. they came up with a plan to cut the debt by $4 trillion overten years. vice presidential candidate paul ryan was a member of that commission but he and enough others voted against it so it never even got to congress. critics say president obama has all but ignored it. >> commission co-head allen simpson says the growing debt poses a major threat to the u.s. economy. >> where is the tipping point? i don't know where it is. but when it comes, it's going to be so swift and so savage. >> reporter: the president says he still wants to reach an agreement based on simpson-bowles, and while he's proposed cuts, they're not enough. obama's plan proposes $360 billion in cuts to medicare, medicaid and other programs over the next decade, but because costs in those programs are rising fast, the debt would be
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$6.4 trillion higher in ten years. the appellapresident's budget a cuts to discretionary and mandatory spending that would save $737 billion over a decade. military spending would be reduced, saving $487 billion. unlike anything the gop proposes, there's a $1.5 trillion tax hike with the wealthy taking the biggest hit. mitt romney doesn't want tax hikes for the rich, so how will he deal with the debt? >> i will cult the deficit and get us on track to a balanced budget. >> reporter: romney's 59-point economic plan calls for reducing the federal workforce by 10%. like obama, he also proposes entitlement reform and some major spending cuts, but he hasn't detailed them yet. as for taxes, romney proposes cutting income tax rates by a fifth across the board, presumably balanced by closing
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loopholes, but again, no specifics. in short, neither candidate has proposed a plan that puts a serious dent in the u.s. debt. but douglas durst still holds out hope that one day, he'll be able he'll be able to retire his dad's debt clock. >> i'm an optimist. we'll have a very big party. >> reporter: ali velshi, cnn, new york. it was a memorial at washington national cathedral today for neil armstrong. we're going to take you there. and zoom... in your car. introducing the all-new cadillac xts with cue. ♪ don't worry. we haven't forgotten, you still like things to push. [ engine revs ] the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward.
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astronaut neil armstrong being remembered today in a public memorial at the national cathedral in washington. diana krall honored armstrong with her rendition of "fly me to the moon." ♪ fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars ♪ ♪ let me see what spring is like ♪ of course, remember, armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon in 1969. he is being honored today by fellow astronauts and nasa officials. john zarrella has been watching the service. you had an opportunity, actually, to meet him on several occasions. what was he like? >> reporter: yeah. i did. and, you know, the most recent was back a couple of years ago at the anniversary of the apollo xiv moon landings and he went to the anniversaries, the private
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events, suzanne. just the astronauts attended. i happen to be the emcee for that event. you know, even at those events everybody wanted a picture with him, shake his hand and he was most gracious all the time in doing that. but that was why he shied away from the public limelight. because everybody always wanted to be there to touch him and say i shook the hand of the first man to walk on the moon. >> what do you think he took away from that and think that people would remember him for, the kind of person that he was? >> reporter: you know, i think and what the problem was so many people did not know the real neil armstrong and what we took away even from the ceremony today and from astronauts that i had the opportunity to talk to in the last week, the apollo astronauts who were so close to him, you know, the last man to fly on the moon today eloquently and haltingly and with tears in his eyes about everybody that
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i've talked to and what he said today, neil was always about the team. it was never about neil armstrong. he always believed that the accomplishment of landing on the moon was about the engineers, the scientists. everybody who was involved. the technicians and of course would not have happened if not for the thousands of people who made it happen. he just happened to be at the tip of the spear. that's how he look ed at it. >> all right. thank you. appreciate it. new york city banned large sodas in restaurants. when the law takes effect and where you can still get a big drink. one man sets out on a personal quest to teach people how to live off the grid in the jungles of costa rica. >> my father thought i was a nut taking the job but i worked in burger king. i became operations manager and director of burger king in europe. >> he is coming from a very strong corporate sector and he
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says he is now paying for his sins. >> now i want to use the knowledge that i gain and give itot creating this living university here so that people can come, enjoy themselves and by osmosis if nothing else take over everything that we know. hello, everyone. my name is juan and i'm the owner and founder of rancho margot. ♪ [ male announcer ] the first only the beginning. ♪ ♪ introducing a stunning work of technology.
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♪ introducing the entirely new s lexu and the first ever es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm p. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪ ♪ wow... [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel
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paul ryan takes break from the campaign trail to return to capitol hill and back for a vote on the so-called continuing resolution. that's a bill to keep the government up and running through march. ryan is chairman of the house budget committee and the first time back in congress since mitt romney picked him as a running mate. the super sized sodas days over for new yorkers.
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the board of health of the city voted today to ban the sale of sodas and sugar drinks of more than 16 ounces at restaurants, street carts and movie theaters. it goes in effect next march and $200 for violations. places like 7-eleven and convenience stores are exempt from the law. don, hey. >> thank you very much. i'm don lemon. the chairman of the federal reserve will step to the podium and explain the decision to inject another round of stimulus in to the u.s. economy. ali velshi is standing by to explain it all and what it means for you. but first, north africa to india, protesters are demonstrating at u.s. embassies over not what americans have done but for what one reported american has created. a film that mocks islam's prophet muhammad. muslim demonstrators in morocco,
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tunisia, gaza, india and elsewhere are enraged over that film. that played the part in the death of four americans. the u.s. ambassador to libya christopher stevens. this veteran state department official sean smith and two security officers, one over them a navy s.e.a.l. the president in the last hour spoke about the deaths. >> we are going to bring those who killed our fellow americans to justice. i want people around the world to hear me. to all those who would do us harm, no act of terror will go unpunished. >> well, the pentagon says it's still unclear if americans killed tuesday were targeted by a specific terrorist group or just victims of circumstance. but what is clear, the anti-american outrage is growing. in iran, demonstrators chanting
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death to america. to yemen now, several thousand people demonstrated. some of them breached a wall of the u.s. embassy. in egypt, state television reports 224 people were hurt in anti-u.s. protests in cairo. that's the very latest. now let's go to the ground and join ben weideman. how did so many people get hurt? >> reporter: well, really, you have an aggressive crowd outside the american embassy and the egyptian security forces are using lots and lots of teargas to keep them away. many of the injuries are people that fainted from teargas inhalation. one young man was hit perhaps by a rubber bullet. at the moment, the egyptian
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police, i can see them right here, have set up barriers around the american embassy but the protesters have moved closer to the embassy but at the moment they're just chanting and it doesn't appear that any teargas is being fired. there was an attempt just less than an hour ago by the protesters to sort of turn the protest more peaceful but the response of the egyptian security forces was simply to fire more teargas. but at the moment, it's calm down there. they're chanting but it's worth stressing, don, that while this is going on in a very small area around the american embassy, much of cairo is actually quite normal. it's a thursday evening which is the beginning of the weekend here in egypt and many people are simply going around their normal business. in fact, this hotel which is just one block from the american embassy is hosting two very large weddings. and many of the people you speak to away from the protests say they condemn this anti-islamic film but they're not happy at
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all about the violence that has racked this part of cairo. don? >> ben, as you're talking, these are live pictures of the demonstrators. let's focus on the protesters more, ben. are they fringe members of a muslim faith? who are they? >> reporter: well, in fact, not all of them are even muz lims. i spoke a christian man saying he was very upset about the film because of the tensions that have been caused by it here. many of them are just young men and some women who have always come out when there were demonstrations and it becomes almost -- i don't want to call it a game, but sort of a game of cat an mouse between the police and the protesters. they don't seem to represent any specific political party. in fact, the muslim brotherhood and the president morsi is head
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of and organizing a large demonstration and stressed it will be a peaceful -- >> i'm sorry to cut you off. let's listen in now. >> to the united states. over the past 48 hours leadership of this department including the secretary and the chairman have worked closely with combat and commanders to review the posture in the region and to request for assistance or orders as directed by the president of the united states. this department also continues to work closely with the state department and our partners throughout the region including yemen, egypt and afghanistan to ensure all missions have any necessary resources of this department given the potential for further demonstrations in the coming days. this weekend, secretary panetta will depart washington for the
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third trip to asia as secretary of the defense. the trip will take him to japan, china -- >> okay. that is a representative, a spokesperson for the pentagon, george little speaking. but there's new information about arrest made and breaking news now on cnn. we're getting word of arrests in the attack against americans in libya. you saw the press briefing there at the pentagon. these arrests including just for the deaths of the u.s. ambassador to the country again, word that there have been arrests. we'll get more information on that and bring it to you. meantime, joining me now from washington, hal gorani. this is a big development in the case. if you know something, tell me about it. but i want to talk about the hundreds of injured protesters and people injured in egypt today, as well. you've got protests spreading from yemen, iran, kashmir, they have the situation with friday prayers. when they let out and the muslim faith, people of muslim faith pour in to the streets. how dangerous is this now, the
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reaction to this film produced in the united states? >> reporter: it is a question of what happens as you mentioned friday. it's the day of prayer in the muslim world and whether it has legs, quote/unquote and die down. i think what people need to understand, don, this is more than just about a film. you know? this is a reflection of the groups that have sort of atta attached themselves to protests against the movie and some cases perhaps islamists and some cases football houlighans and as ben wedeman was saying, ordinary people in the street taking part. the big challenge for america and the united states now is its relationship with egypt. it's much more important than a relationship with other arab countries. it is the most populace arab country andas a brand new president. this is a brand new experiment with the united states and an elected islamist president. don, you will remember people were a little bit
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surprised/disappointed morsi didn't condemn the violence against the embassy and issuing a statement he condemned the film itself and the readout of the phone call between president obama and president morsi was just chilly. i mean, especially compared to the phone call with the president, the newly-elected president of libya. this is a new relationship, even president obama's calling it a work in progress and a crucial strategic one for america. >> overseas, hala, what message is the so-called arab street looking for? is there anything the obama administration can say or do to calm things down there? >> reporter: well, i think you have still very much a situation in the arab world where the united states is unpopular. if you look at what president morsi of egypt did, it is a political calculation. he initially first of all didn't react for 24 hours or more. and then when he finally did, as i said, condemned the film rather than the violence against american targets. the u.s. is still very
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unpopular. first because of the iraq war and under the obama administration with very unpopular drone strikes and policies that arabs and muslims in some parts of the world consider to be offensive to them. so what the u.s. needs to do, you know, is in order to win a pr war perhaps one of the moments where the world had the most sympathy of america is in the tragic death of ambassador chris stevens in libya two days ago. there was a real outpouring on twitter and also on the streets of tripoli with counter protests of libyans holding up signs saying we are sorry, this does not represent islam. it's a difficult situation for america. >> i want you to take a listen to senator john mccain. he spoke this morning with brooke baldwin about the strategic importance of egypt and how the egyptian government could have done better in the response against the attacks on the embassy there. here's senator mccain.
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>> they have a pretty big army and they have could have protected our embassy and it's understandable why colleagues and friends of mine and americans are very upset but i would like to point out again that egypt is critical and we have to be very careful and measured in our response. >> very careful and measured. could you explain to us again why egypt is so important to the u.s., especially to the tune of $2 billion in foreign aid per year? >> reporter: it's interesting that barack obama, the president, would say, you know, our relationship with mohammed morsi's administration is a work in progress. but also, egypt is not an ally. it's not an enemy or an ally. if you're between being an enemy and ally and getting aid, it's an extremely still important relationship. because geo strategically in the region you have israel and when's going on in syria, you
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have the relationship between iran and syria, as well. and egypt is going to be in that context extremely important. egypt shares a border, of course, with israel and gaza. and the peace accords that were signed several decades ago that the muslim brotherhood president is pledging to honor, you know, are very important in that part of the world so you have all of that and it is extremely important for the united states to maintain stability in that part of the world. otherwise it's goes against the interests of the u.s. and washington. >> hala, thank you very much. we appreciate it. a bit more about the breaking news. there was a pentagon briefing happening at the time and cnn learning and according to a reuters that some people had been arrested and are under investigation in conjunction with tuesday's attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. according to sharif, the libyan
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deputy interior ministry says we are gathering information and word of arrests made in that bombing. much more on this unfolding story. plus, a lot more developing this hour so roll it. any minute, ben bernanke steps to the microphone and tells investors what they've been waiting to hear. plus, the two men begging for your vote hit the campaign trail as violence erupts across the middle east. you'll hear what they're saying. and, he did what no other man did. >> that's one small step for man. one giant leap for mankind. >> from legend to recluse, today, america remembers neil armstrong. t have to use gas. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. drive around town all the time doing errands
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join zyrtec® rewards. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays, creating fans from bein to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world built by the only company that could. cisco.
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ffor help finding a plan that's right for you, give unitedhealthcare a call today. more stimulus money on the way. just hours ago, the federal reserve announced new plan to try to energize the economy. the fed will spend $40 billion a month on mortgage-backed securities. bring in cnn's chief business
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correspondent mr. ali velshi. he is in new york and the vest thing going. all right, ali. the fed's new plan focused on mortgage-backed securities. how could this affect the housing market? >> okay. so think about it this way. the federal reserve is buying bonds of banks. they're just a different kind of bond. these are the mortgages packaged up and resold to people. the fed buys these from the banks. the bank had the bonds not like cash and can't do as much. give them to the fed and they get $40 billion a month. in theory they figure, hey, what do they do with money? they should lend it out to businesses and individuals. these individuals and businesses have more money on hand because lending standards are loosened up a little bit an they'll do the things that they should do to enhance the economy. generally speaking, let's say you're a business. you want to expand, build a factory, a plant or open more stores. there should be more money available for you to do so. if businesses and people spend
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the money you create demand and the economy grows. unemployment goes down and everybody's happy. >> that's the way it should work. we shall see. stand by, ali. let's listen to ben bernanke speaking. >> it's a policy accommodation in recent years. with the main policy interest rate near the effective lower bound we have been using two tools to carry out monetary policy. balance sheet action and forward guidance to maintain exceptional levels of policy accommodation. well, providing the support we have been prudent carefully weighing the benefits and costs of each new policy action and recognizing that monetary policy cannot cure all economic ills. the fmoc has taken several actions this year. in january it extended the forward guidance, stating that it anticipated the federal funds rate to remain near current levels until late 2014. in june, the committee decided
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to continue through the end of the year the previously established program for average maturity of the securities held and selling e equivalent lent amount of shorter term securities. however, incoming data confirmed that the modest pace of growth continuing to be inadequate to generate much progress on unemployment. with inflation at or below 2% objective, the committee is convinced that more accommodation is warranted to strengthen the economy and support the begins of housing and other sectors. >> all right. you hear him mentioning housing and other sectors and contin conversation, continuing with ali velshi. so, you said the goals, the goals are really to get the banks to lend more, people to spend more. >> yep. >> do you think that these techniques are working? as i said before, well, that's how it's supposed to work.
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they have before and not sure if it will again. >> lots of things don't work the way they should work these days. in a perfect world washington wouldn't have us near a fiscal cliff and certainty of taxes and make the right political decisions to get the economy going and then the fed would be a backstop. they would help us in a time of crisis if you really need to goose the economy but what do you do with lowering interest rates when the rates are so low? low in the the middle of 2015 and said they'll keep them low to middle of 2014. it is having an effect. lower housing prices are causing people to buy the homes you are seeing activity. it's not gangbusters. made the market go up today. very good for stock investors and things are good for stock investors. we're not sure how quickly to result in the businesses, borrowing run to open factories, stores, hiring people to create demand fen more jobs. that's the issue.
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it's not fast. probably not the wrong thing to do. particularly expensive. they're printing money, that debases the value of the currency and a lot to go wrong and would be better if washington took its responsibility and dealt with the issues opposed to the fed. >> let's talk about the street. it's taking off. the dow 186 right now. up 186 points. so positive reaction to this? >> yeah. in fact, if you look at where that's coming from, looking at a couple of key stocks, bank of america up 4.5%. citigroup up almost 4%. the banks love this. they got word they're going to be able to trade in the bonds and get cash for it which they can then loan out to people and make money on. this is always good for the market. christine romans describes this as handing the stock market another box of donuts on a sugar high. this stock market right now, the dow at a five-year high is not reflective of the greater economy. you know that, right? >> right. >> we're struggling with
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unemployment, great bifurcation. this is excellent news for the market and not terrible because many of us have money to retire on. right now, the major issue and creating jobs, this will ha some effect in the long term. very little in the short term. >> hey, ali, i have to run. the market's up. 194 now. so looks like a good close. thank you. appreciate. more breang ne. wothe attack aks ne that killed a u.s. ambassador to libya. that's next. [ female announcer ] quaker yogurt granola bars.
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and the breaking news on cnn right now, word of arrests in the attack against americans in libya, including death of the u.s. ambassador to the country. straight now to tripoli and jomana karadsheh. what are you hearing in anything about this? >> this is coming from the reuters news agency. deputy interior ministry for the eastern part of the country saying that they have four men in custody and they're interrogating them because they're suspected of helping --
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the offense and it is not clear who the men are and also heard in the past couple of hours libya's prime minister speaking to the french news agency afp an saying they have made big progress in the investigation and that a number of arrests have already taken place and now we'll have to see if these, indeed, are arrests of people who are involved in these attacks. this will be a major step forward, don, as the libyan government who's really not taken serious action against these suspected islamist groups that are operating in the eastern part of the country. >> according to reuters, libyan deputy interior ministry saying some people are arrested and under investigation and then goes on to say we're gathering evidence. jomana, but that's about as much as we know. they're not really tipping their hand much, are they?
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>> not yet. we're hoping to find out soon. the libyan government is really tight lipped in releasing information about what happened at the consulate, the attacks, want their investigation is concluded and heard that yesterday from the former prime minister. once that's concluded they'll come out and explain what happened and what they have found out. >> thank you, joman karadsheh. we appreciate it. word of arrests in that attack in libya. interesting new turn, as well, in the mystery behind the people who made the film that's enraging many muslims. cnn just learned what appears to be the producer's real name and religious background. next. to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. with our award winning apps that allow you to transfer funds, pay bills or manage your finances anywhere, anytime.
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we first reported that his name was sam bacile but cnn cannot locate anyone with that name. a production staff member says the producer's name is abenob nakoula bassely and coptic christian. an actress says she was duped and now regret it is part in the movie that may have led to the death of four americans. cnn's reporter spoke with her exclusively. >> reporter: he responded to a general audition called and called "desert warrior." you are in the middle of an international -- >> nightmare. that's what i find myself in the middle of. of a world that i've prayed for.
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for god to help. killing is never right. >> reporter: in her portion of the script, the prophet muhammad character is called george and referred to during filming master george or father master, never muhammad. she was paid $500 for a few day's work and says the writer/producer lied about the film's content. >> i think it's very unfair and i'm very sorry for his -- that man, his family and everybody else that was hurt. >> reporter: she phoned bacile. >> he said tell the media i'm tired of the muslims killing innocent people. >> reporter: steve klein consulted on the film. the motivation was to spark some change within islam? >> only of these few fraction, you know, a fraction of the fraction of the very dangerous
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men. if we could somehow open up the eyes. >> reporter: the actress doesn't want the name used because the family is fearful but she isn't. what is your overriding emotion right now? >> fear, anger? >> anger and hurt. i'm not afraid. my husband is afraid. for me. but i'm not. i'm pretty pissed. >> reporter: this actress apologized to muslims for what was portrayed in the film and said if she knew what was in it before it was made, she never would have done it. >> miguel, thank you very much. very busy news day. we have breaking news on libya and now out of chicago, more than 350,000 students out of school because teachers are striking. we're getting word there's an announcement that could come soon. after the break. i have a cold, and i took nyquil,
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all the things humans need to make our beautifully imperfect world a little less imperfect. call... and lock in your rate for 12 months. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? all right. the breaking news now here in the united states. chicago teachers unions, their representative stephanie gad will confirmed that there's a call to end the strike. this is hopefully some good news here and what time is that meeting? >> reporter: tomorrow 2:00, don. and here's why it's significant. to ratify a deal and to end the strike, they have to get the approval of the union delegates. 800 of them. they have been notified to show
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up 2:00 local tomorrow and i talked to one. the anticipation is at that time there will be a deal that has been tentatively agreed to and at that point it is expected that unless something goes wrong but at that point expected that a vote will be taken and the strike could end and mean that the kids would be back in school on monday morning which, of course, is wonderful news for 350,000 families here in the chicago area who have had to endure now four days and likely five days of striking teachers and no children in the classroom. >> we shall see. fingers crossed. thank you very much, ted rowland. dr. sanjay gupta introduces us to glenn keller who drives 300 miles a week in the tractor trailer and doesn't leave time for health and fitness but three days away from competing in the first triathelon along dr.
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sanjay gupta and six other cnn viewers. >> reporter: nine months ago glenn keller pulled in to the parking lot of a walmart. he gave the last bucket of fried chicken and then bought a webcam and sent us this. >> i'm at least 100 pounds overweight. >> reporter: keller, also runs a call-in ministry from the truck weighed 315. could only sleep with the help of a machine to treat the sleep apnea and knew if he didn't change fast, he was headed for a disaster. >> we are delighted to invite you to be a member of the six pack next year. >> reporter: we selected glenn as part of the triathelon challenge. since that moment, his life has changed dramatically. at our first meeting, his spirit was more than willing but it would sake time for the body to follow. a few months later, we met up again in hawaii. he was down almost 50 pounds, biked close to 20 miles, learned to swim in the ocean and walked his way through a 1-mile run.
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two months after that, glenn picked me up in his truck as he came to thereabout. atlanta. you just drove 800 miles. that right? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: just fitting in time to exercise must be challenging. >> really challenging. kind of a thing where i really can't wait to find time. i have to make time. >> a lot of people might not know this but you were displaced after katrina. >> yes, sir. >> you made and made your life there after that. >> i did, yes, sir. >> there's a church lower 9th ward that asked you to come back and be their pastor. >> yes, sir. they have. >> i heard that today. that's really flattering and i mean quite an honor. >> and i feel really honored. it's been quite an experience. >> reporter: keller says without the energy, confidence and good health the experience has given him he would never have been able to take on this new congregation. now keller has just one big challenge left.
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the naught ka malibu triathelon on september 16th. a half mile swim, 18-mile bike ride and a four-mile run. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. >> good luck to everyone. learn more about glenn and all of the lucky seven by watching sanjay gupta m.d. live from malibu, california, 4:30 p.m. eastern. as we get word of arrests made in the lib why attack, the attack that killed a u.s. ambassador, we're told that an american battleship is being moved. marines are being deployed. you're about to hear from someone who knows how these decisions are made behind closed doors. general wesley clark joins me in studio at the magic wall, next. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true.
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. welcome back, everyone. breaking news we're hearing out of libya and the attack of a couple of days ago and four americans died. we are hearing that arrests have been made. we are getting more information on that and will continue to follow. but as we have been reporting here, the united states is sending two u.s. navy destroyers to the water off libya, it is a response, of course, to the attack there against the united states consulate and the killing of a u.s. ambassador. so joining me now, general wesley clark, u.s. army retired and a former nato supreme commander. u.s. sen two destroyers in position and going in to libya off the coast there. it is like returning to a crime scene and saying, everybody here, freeze. >> i think this underscores the united states' determination that justice be done and that no more such attacks be committed. and the investigation's continuing, obviously, as to who was behind it, how well
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organized it was, was it spontaneous? was it fomented. that's all a work behind the scene but the ships arriving in the area underscore u.s. concern and also probably have response capacities to either directly help the embassies or put people ashore who can. >> we'll talk more about the ships in a second. is this a suggestion in any way that they want to discourage obviously what's going on further in libya and perhaps egypt, is this posturing or serious here? >> i think the administration's very, very serious about this. we -- this is -- these attacks were totally unjustified. they have been strongly condemned. we have demanded that the governments in place secure u.s. territory which is our embassies and consulates there. they're responsible for that but just to be sure there's no repeat it doesn't hurt to have assets closer. >> let's talk about the fire power. the two particular ships here,
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general. why these ships in particular, the laboon and mcfaul. >> they're the most available, i'm sure, but there's other assets to be deployed on the ships while enroute to other places. special operations forces, there's helicopters. there's various air to ground assets to be brought to bear so this is just the visible platform if you will. >> the question is, how do we get in there and find all of the people behind the attack on the consulate? and the people who killed not only the ambassador, but three other people. how do we get in there and do that? >> we get if there through fbi, counter terrorism teams, intelligence liaison teams, all of the liaison with the security personnel. but these destroyers are indicators we're prepared to take action. >> okay. let's move on now. i want to talk to you about this
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as we see the region there. a different subject. we now have the two aircraft carriers there near the persian gulf. we have the eisenhower, the enterprise. so should president barack obama give the order to strike iranian nuclear targets, these assets are there and can be quickly moved. >> they can. and i mean, they don't have to be moved very far. >> right. >> because these assets have a tremendous reach. but in addition, there's lots of other assets in other places that can quickly come in, reinforce, use land based areas and continue the fight. we have a reach from the continental united states with certain fast assets assets nonnuclear that will reach from platforms like diego garcia with long-range aviation and used in afghanistan and lots of things to come in from lots of directions on iran. >> the people at home watching and i for one, what is this, a ramp-up to what?
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leading up to what? do we know at this point? >> well, what we do know is there's a sense that although sanctions are definitely tightening their grip on the economy of iran, that there are rising concerns because the iranian nuclear activities are continuing and people are recognizing this and so maybe there are some red lines there that would be breached and, you know, if i were the iranian leadership i would be very nervous about president barack obama because he's the man who can take decisive action. he has shown it in the past. he puts his head in to the problem. he reads it and he makes decisions. >> you are a campaign surrogate for the obama campaign. let's look at pictures, general, near the u.s. embassy in cairo. fires set now. we see people out demonstrating. again, live pictures happening now. when we look at and just a report of who was there said this is what you're seeing here in this particular spot but most
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of egypt, most of the place pretty much business as usual. wh wh what's the concern? >> who's in there stirring up the trouble and how did it break out that the security forces didn't know it and protect our embassy? you know, the vast of people of egypt don't do this and certainly the people in the modernized sector, business and commerce, every day fluent in english and working with the west and cutting business deals and generate jobs and keep the economy of egypt moving or get it moving again, these people have nothing to do with this. this is a very, very small minority. and we shouldn't read anything about it as far as the government or people of egypt are concerned. but what we should do is be working with the egyptians. they've been a long-time u.s. ally to be able to put down the problem, additional intelligence assets they need and take from them information they may have gathered to help us and others in yemen and libya and some
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check your look. get your walk ready. it's fashion week in new york right now. but today, we are stepping away from the runway for a moment to take an exclusive look, an exclusive tour of tommy hilfiger's iconic homes inside one of the most famous buildings in the world. here's alina cho. >> can anybody cash this in? >> reporter: some call tommy hilfiger the king of fashion but here at this his home in new york -- wow, wow, wow. he lives like a prince. the prince of the plaza hotel. why the plaza? >> well, location is number one. but i also like the fact that it's an iconic building. >> reporter: one of the most famous buildings in the world, overlooking central park.
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on new york's famed 5th avenue. a two-story 6,000 square foot apartment that took three years to complete. >> we really wanted to go back to the way that the plaza was in the beginning when truman copote had the ball. red carpets on the stairs. >> reporter: with a modern twist. there's contemporary art everywhere. dozens and dozens of famous warhols. icons. >> yeah. i like american icons. >> reporter: liz taylor, grace kelly, marilyn monroe. part of the allure is that hilfiger new warhol, a man of few words. >> one time i asked andy why do you do what you do? he said, because i like it. that was it. >> reporter: on our tour, we got a peek inside his private office. >> actually, this is from the original new york times building. >> you are kidding me. there's this. >> this is the eloise room.
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it is really the tower in the plaza. >> reporter: you know eloise. the storybook character that wrecked havoc at the plaza. the book's illustrator was commissioned to paint the mural. >> she was here for a reason. great room service. >> reporter: speaking of rooms, this feels like the plaza to me. >> it's like a hotel suite. >> reporter: with his and her closets. >> my own clothing store even though i wear the same thing every day. >> reporter: that's not all. they shuttle between three homes. in addition to new york, he and his wife dee own homes in greenwich, connecticut, and this called palm beach on an island. >> i have always wanted to acquire trophy real estate. >> reporter: why? >> because location, location, location is very important. and i think that as an investment you can't do better than that. >> reporter: his advice for living the good life on the
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budget? >> buy what you like. you can go to flea markets. you can go to rummage sales. you can go to antique places and find really, really great pieces for not a lot of money. and i think that if you surround yourself with things you love then it makes for a great home design. >> and you can catch that entire segment there, "fashion: backstage pass" saturday, 2:30 p.m. eastern. it's a special here on cnn. coming up, as the middle east braces for more violence tomorrow, we'll speak live about what should be the next step for the u.s. ♪ ♪ ♪
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