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tv   Cruise to Disaster  CNN  September 16, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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here on cnn. the landing of the spacecraft. 125 days in space, and this was at landing in kazakhstan. i am don lemon at the cnn world headquarters in atlanta. thank you so much for watching. have a great week. good night. friday the 13th of january. italian cruise ship costa concordia has just left the port of civitavecchia. the more than 4,000 passengers and crew on board had no idea of the terror that was about to unfold. >> and all of a sudden, bang. the lights went out. and the ship lifted.
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>> the side of the ship is now the bottom of the ship. >> everybody was panicking, everybody was running for their own lives. >> it showed the kind of chaos, the ill preparedness the company had. >> and i can remember thinking, oh, my gosh, we're going to die. let's just get it over with. >> today, the costa concordia lies on its side off the italian island of giglio. one of the largest cruise ships in the world ripped apart by rocks. 32 people died on the ship, on that cold january night. a cnn investigation has pieced together the multiple failures of that night and their far-reaching consequences for the cruise ship lines. the tragic mistakes onboard the costa concordia raise the question, just how safe is going on a cruise? >> the safety of our passengers and crew is absolutely essential
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to our business. >> the bigger they build the boats, the more likely people aren't going to be able to escape when they have a serious incident. 100 years after the "titanic," the cruise industry is once again coming to terms with a disaster that no one thought was possible. the "titanic" ushered in a new era of regulation at sea. now many are wondering if the costa concordia shows these cruise ships are too big, too complex, and the rules of the sea are simply too old. georgia and her husband dean are cruise veterans. they've been on more than 60. for their cruise on the concordia, the san diego couple were joined by their daughters valerie and cindy. >> i've been going on cruises since i was like a year old. >> for hector perez and sohaim
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kahn, it was their first trip to europe and their first cruise. they embarked at barcelona, but they weren't impressed by the safety briefing. >> lift the life jacket over your head. >> they showed youhe life vest thing likes that but we never went through the physical procedure of which deck or how to get to the master station. >> for the ananias family, the cruise didn't feel right from the very beginning. >> we didn't really have any direction from any of the representatives. >> the costa line is part of the biggest cruise company in the world, the florida-based carnival corporation. the captain of the concordia 51-year-old francesco schettino, known for seamanship but also regarded by some colleagues as arrogant. on the first night at sea, the
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ananias family gathered for dinner soon after 9:00. >> there was a vibration. i thought, oh, well. he's probably slowing down. then i told valerie, look at the glasses. the water glasses started to tilt. he started to make a hard turn to the starboard. >> the captain himself had been in the rtaurant a short time earlier in the company of a young woman, domnica cemortan. then he took her up to the bridge. his attorney insists schettino was not distracted. >> translator: her presence had no influence at all. she wasn't on the bridge in the sense of where the ship is managed. she was very far back. >> the captain had promised a salute to the island, showing off to the people ashore. it was a custom residents had come to expect.
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concordia safety officer pellegrini later told investigators that first officer had ordered the helmsman to turn away from the island. but then -- >> schettino relieved ambrosio of his duty and taking on himself directly the navigation command ordered the helmsman to keep the route and increase speed. the concordia was traveling at some 15 knots, too fast so close to the shore. the operations manager -- >> sometimes we pass close to the land, of course. for me close is 1 mile, 1 1/2 miles. >> the concordia was much closer than that. samona santini, a singer on costa ships for over ten years, was in the rum bar with her musician husband alexander
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capelli. >> it was a normal night. the band was playing and at 9:40 p.m., we feel a movement. not a crash. a movement. >> and all of a sudden, bang. and the lights went out. the screaming. >> the screaming. >> and the ship listed. and people got up and they were running. they were falling all over the floors and so forth. >> kahn and perez were in the roma restaurant on a lower deck. >> the plates that were on tables with wheels, they started rolling to the side, and the waiters, they just ran towards the plates because they were falling against the walls and they were breaking on the floor. >> and i ran. there was a worker over there who stood at the doorway and he just blocked it like this.
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he said, calm down, calm down. just go back, go back. i was surprised he was telling me to go back in the room, which is falling apart. >> miles from its chartered course, the concordia's port side was ripped open. schettino later insisted the reef he hit wasn't marked. >> i don't know if it was detected or not but on the nautical chart it was marked just as water at some 100 to 150 meters from the rocks. and we were about 300 meters from the shore, more or less. we shouldn't have had this contact. >> the last time -- >> locals told cnn the rocks concordia hit are clearly marked on nautical charts. >> every rock here is on the chart? >> every one, every one. that's why i think the only
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possibility should be only that one. >> such was the force of the collision, a huge chunk of rock the size of a car ended up embedded in the hull of the concordia. within moments, the engine room director reported the engine control room and the electrical panel were under six feet of water. but the severity of the situation was kept from passengers. >> everything is all right. please do not panic. everybody go back to your room. it's okay. it's just a motor problem, and the technicians are trying to fix it. a lot of people were not believing them. but there were a good majority of people who believed them and listened to them and went back to their rooms. >> but within an hour, passengers would be fighting the
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rising waters, desperate to escape the doomed costa concordia. ♪ ♪ every mom needs a little helper. that's why i got a subaru. announcer: love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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the second the costa concordia hit the rocks, the water rushed into a gash about the width of a football field.
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the ship lost power, its pump didn't work, and neither did the computer designed to calculate the ship's stability. this video was taken on the bridge in the minutes after the collision. the crew rushed to maintain control of the ship as five supposedly watertight compartments rapidly filled with water. according to data obtained by cnn, more than 6,000 tons of water entered the ship in less than 20 minutes. the third officer was on the bridge. >> in a few minutes we realized that the situation was serious as three generators were not working. the navigation system was not working, and neither was the emergency ward. >> yes, amid the ship's systematic failures, captain schettino downplayed the situation.
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>> the captain told the cruise director to make calming announcements, that it was an electrical problem. >> please remain calm and we'll keep you informed as we have more news to inform you. thank you for your attention. >> some passengers didn't believe it. >> why would the boat start tilting to the side if it's electrical? from the beginning, they're lying. >> as the crisis unfolded, many of the rules for handlin emergencies at sea appeared to have been ignored. >> no one knew anything. there was no direction. we had not had a muster drill, so we didn't know which one was our, you know, station. >> the ship's lifeboats were on deck four but when the family arrived there were no life vests left. the parents had to crawl two floors back to their cabin where they grabbed three life jackets. hector perez and sohaim kahn were also on deck four. >> luckily he find two life jackets that were lying around on the life -- like on the deck.
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when we put it on we didn't know how to strap it, what to do, how to tie it on, nothing, because we were never given the training. >> a crew member blocked them from getting on the lifeboats. >> he kept telling me, we need to wait for instructions from the captain. the captain has not given us the orders, therefore i cannot open the door of this boat. >> costa's georgio moretti said the concordia's crew members followed company policy. >> according to the training we give to our crew members, if you don't sound the emergency signals, they do nothing. they just wait. >> captain schettino made a series of calls, as many as 17, but what he said is a matter of bitter dispute. his lawyer insists he hid nothing. >> translator: captain schettino
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immediately, promptly informed the company of what happened and kept it constantly informed. >> the costa ceo claims otherwise. >> the first information we have says absolutely contrary to that. it says the information he received from captain schettino didn't sound as serious indeed in the end it was. >> authorities were first notified of the incident not by the crew but cell phones from passengers at least half an hour after the collision. a few minutes later, coast guard headquarters here in rome were alerted. information started flooding into these computers, but the more they learned, the more worried they became. >> they didn't call. we called them. we called them twice. >> the coast guard commander says the coast guard was forced to reach out the rapidly sinking ship. >> so we called the ship and the ship say there was just a blackout on board.
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they don't say it was an emergency. >> costa executives acknowledge this was a major mistake. >> if i'm the captain of the ship and need help, you have to call the right people, the right person, and the call in that case the coast guard was the right place to call and receive immediate help. >> the concordia continued north, losing speed, before turning toward the south and moving slowly toward the coastline. the scene on the deck was chaotic as the ship began to list heavily. >> screaming, yelling, people pushing, angry, sliding, falling, crying. >> on the bridge, there was still hesitation about sounding the alarm. at 10:48 p.m., one hour after concordia's crash, schettino finally sounded the general alarm which officially ordered passengers to emergency stations. that delay is now the focus of an italian judicial inquiry.
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besides the captain, as many as as eight other crew members and costa managers face possible criminal charges. sounding the emergency alarm as early as possible can be critical for saving lives. according to a professor, a maritime safety specialist at the university of greenwich in london. >> moving thousands of passengers around the ship in an emergency situation is never an easy thing to do. and so you want to start the process, the assembly process, as soon as you suspect there's a major problem with the vessel. >> it was way too long, way too long. and they would have saved so many lives if they had done it a lot earlier. >> schettino said he delayed the alarm until he could maneuver the ship close to shore. >> translator: he has always said the ship was located there because he made the choice to
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order the abandonment when he considered the coast close enough for rescue boats. >> schettino also said he didn't want to create panic, but that's exactly what happened. >> pushing, it was knocking people down. and we were yelling, get the kids on first. screaming, get the kids on first. >> moments after the ship came to rest, the first lifeboats were launched. it was 11:00 p.m. but then the concordia rolled more than 20 degrees. for the ananias family and others, escaping just became a lot harder. ♪ i can go anywhere ♪ i can go anywhere today ♪ la la la la la la la [ male announcer ] dow solutions help millions of people by helping to make gluten free bread
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when the order to abandon ship was given, hector perez and sahoim kahn were at a lifeboat. the crew member who barred access to the boat told passengers to calm down. >> as soon as he opened the door, everybody ran towards that emergency boat and pushed him out of the way. everybody was panicking, everybody was running for their own lives. >> the ship right now is totally leaning to one side. >> this cell phone video shot by hector perez has never been seen before on television. he shot it as they boarded the lifeboat. it had seats for 150 people. >> a lot of them didn't realize they were going to let people jump into the boats without an actual seat.
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those that realized it, they jumped into the boat and they just stayed standing on the boat. it was way over the 150-people limit. >> the boat carrying them made it to the sea, but even then they were t safe. >> i look up and i see the emergency boat, a, it goes sideways one way. suddenly it went this way again and it fell right on top of our boat. >> if our boat would have turned when we were evacuating and the second boat fell on us, we would have been dead. >> several lifeboats couldn't be lowered, and with the ship listing, the problems of evacuating people multiplied. the ananias family boarded a lifeboat, but were forced to return to the ship when the boat wouldn't launch.
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once they were back onboard -- >> bam. >> people screaming. >> the boat flips. >> it takes another five, eight-degree roll to the starboard side. >> one of the crew told investigators that some officers literally pushed passengers into the water. the ananias family turned around and tried to climb across the ship with nothing to hold on to. >> the side of the ship is now the bottom of the ship. you're literally walking on the side of the ship. >> the speed with which the concordia tilted, first one way and then the other, has alarmed maritime experts. this is the safety of life at sea rule book, maritime safety bible if you like, issued by the international maritime authority here in london.
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it specifies that ships should remain stable with two watertight compartments flooded and they should be able to be evacuated within 30 minutes. but the loss of power, the flooding of the pumps and back-up generators had turned the concordia into a helpless hulk. as the water continued to rise, the ship tilted further, more than 60 degrees. >> and i remember us all starting to pray and saying our goodbyes. i remember thinking oh, my gosh, we're going to die. let's just get it over with. >> while the ananias family prayed, captain schettino was leaving the stricken liner. he said later he'd fallen into a lifeboat as the ship had suddenly listed. a claim his lawyer subsequently modified. >> translator: so captain schettino exited the ship as all
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others located on that side at that time exited, because it was impossible to stay there and impossible to climb up. because it was a nearly vertical wall. there was no voluntary abandon ship. captain schettino is not captain coward. >> by now, it was nearly 1:00 in the morning. the ananias family and dozens of other passengers were still trying to climb a metal ladder to reach the outside of the ship but it was still a mad scramble to escape. >> men pushing women aside, pushing children aside. >> kids. >> i put my foot down and said, this is not going to happen, i'm not going to sit here and watch one other man jump in front of this mother and child to get his way up there. it wasn't going to happen. >> the ananias family would be among the last to escape the concordia alive. jumping ten feet into a moving
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lifeboat, and even then feeling they were on their own. >> they did nothing. they just said -- they try to get the boat as close as possible. they just told us to jump. that was it. >> months later, georgia and her family believe their experience on the concordia is a wake-up call for the entire industry. >> i really feel for passengers getting on board a ship. they say it's safe and the best way to go been but you get in a disaster like this and you see what happens and how unprepared they are. passengers really need to be aware. >> and on that, at least rare agreement with captain schettino's lawyer. >> translator: i would be astonished if the industry said something true, which would perhaps be good to say about its own organizational systems about why maybe there could be safety problems. the fact is, everyone is comfortable having a scapegoat,
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especially the industry. >> an industry under scrutiny because of tragic mistakes that raised the troubling question -- will you be safe as your cruise heads out to sea? everyone in the nicu, all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you.
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immediately after the concordia disaster, captain schettino became a target for media around the world, especially when a caustic call between the captain and the coast guard was released, showing the coast guard ordering the captain back on ship. [ speaking foreign language ] >> costa executives like the vice president of marketing insist the company was blameless given captain schettino's actions. >> just like an airline captain who's going to land in paris, flying 100 meters over the eiffel tower. it's the same. you can do it, but nobody is expecting a captain to be so, you know, irresponsible. >> the chances of something
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happening to somebody are so much greater simply because of the compaction. >> but u.s. senator jay rockefeller, who chaired a hearing into the cruise industry weeks after the disaster, says the company bears responsibility. >> the cruise ship is the captain, right? i mean, he didn't wander in on his own and start turning the wheel or whatever it is, pushing buttons. i mean, the company is the captain. the captain is the company. >> costa and some other lines have made changes since the concordia disaster. current regulations say there must be an assembly drill within 24 hours of embarkation. now those are held before a ship
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leaves port. that wasn't the case with the costa concordia. hector perez said safety officers went so far to encourage passengers to ignore the lecture altogether. >> he told everybody that we're all adults here, that we came here to have fun, and to go spend your money at the casinos, there's nice restaurants, to go spend -- to go to the restaurants and basically just place your red emergency drill cards in front of the table and he will scan them on your way out. >> after the accident cleared, the industry's largest lobbying group and its european counterpart announced changes in the way ships would handle emergencies. passengers will be given 12 specific instructions, including how to don a life jacket, where to gather in an emergency, and what to expect if an evacuation is ordered. some cruise lines are also beginning to look at the way the bridge is managed. as cruise ships have taken on more passengers and more size,
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the captain's responsibilities have grown proportionally. the costa's ceo says other officers need to be given more authority onboard. >> we need to learn from this tragic accident and we have to move more towards a collective management of the bridge through training. >> but european officials tell cnn they are deeply corned by a shortages of qualified junior officer throughout the industry. there are concerns about the support staff as well. many of the service crew members are contract workers. they have little job security, often earn less than $1,000 a month and many don't speak english. costa insists on its ships, there is rigorous training for every member of the crew. and they generally have a higher pay scale. >> the crew member are well-trained for sure. we have checked by inspection from the italian coast guard.
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>> this singer said her fellow crew members on the concordia were well trained. >> we have every day in the morning and in the afternoon for ten days boat drill every day with a trainer, i don't know, for example, fire, or for the leaking or the emergency, for everything that would happen onboard. >> but many of the passengers who fought for their lives say the company was as much to blame as its captain. >> hiring people that aren't trained, hiring people that don't know what they're doing, not anticipating disaster, not taking life seriously onboard the cruise ship. >> the cruise industry is reviewing crew training and a practice known as touristic navigation, saling close to land. >> you sort of salute the island and then you move away. it has happened five or six times but it's totally regulated. you don't come as close as the costa concordia went. >> but should it continue? just six months earlier, the
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concordia, with a different captain, followed an almost identical course. costa insists it was never closer than 550 yards to the shore. but using tracking data, the shipping publication lloyd's list found the earlier voyage, shown here in blue, was just 250 yards from colliding with the same rocks. international regulation requires the airline industry to track every movement of each plane, but there are no similar worldwide guidelines for the cruise industry. italy's coast guard only monitors ships in areas with the highest shipping traffic. soon after the accident, costa showed us the system used to display the location of its ships. at the time of the crash, costa's tracking system was unable to provide minute-by-minute location data for the ship. since then, costa has upgraded their tracking technology, but questions still remain.
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i suppose the families of the victims would say, why on earth wasn't this introduced 20 years ago? the gps technology has been around for a long time. >> i'm not sure about 20 years ago. >> okay, ten years. >> i think that's a legitimate question for the families of the victims. it's unfortunate we have to learn from tragedy, but morally, we have to take this and do whatever's possible today, based on technology and knowledge and go forward. >> the wreck has also highlighted the size of today's cruise ships. the costa concordia was almost three times the weight of the "titanic" and much larger. most experts say the size of modern cruise ships does not affect their stability unless the structural integrity of the ship is compromised. >> there we are. >> phillip wilson, professor of ship dynamics at university of southampton.
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>> the center of gravity is in the right place. center of buoyancy is in the right place. center of buoyancy is halfway down the draft of the ship. >> once water enters a ship? >> if you try to hold a frying pan filled with water and move it, it becomes unstable. it's the same with a ship. >> but the larger a ship is, the more difficult it is to evacuate. >> so it might mean you have to have more assembly stations, you might have to locate the assembly stations in different locations. >> and with bigger ships and more passengers, traditional lifeboats might not be adequate. >> if a ship takes on an angle here of greater than 20 degrees, it becomes virtually impossible to launch lifeboats using the traditional launch approach.
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there are skids on the side, but perhaps a better way of launching those lifeboats that would enable the boats to more easily slide down the side of the vessel. >> but the question remains -- will the cruise ship industry put your safety before their bottom line? >> it's not sometimes just a matter of doing what the law says but doing what you think is appropriate. do you think you're doing your fair share? ♪ ♪ every mom needs a little helper. that's why i got a subaru. announcer: love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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in the weeks and months after the costa concordia disaster, many passengers reported signs of trauma. >> the first month was hell for me. almost every night i was having nightmares, especially of the deck as i was waiting there a few hours, waiting to get in. sometimes i dream with my family that we're all running for our lives. >> but the fine print of the passengers' ticket severely limits compensation offered by costa. >> there's a huge page of terms and conditions. actually, two pages. it's like a newspaper. >> i lost everything on that boat. i lost laptops, cameras, i lost memories. they offered me 11,000 euros. and that was supposed to release them from everything and anything that has to do with this accident.
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i cannot ask for more than this. >> 11,000 euros, about $14,000 is the minimum compensation under international law when a ship is abandoned. >> they were condescending. they were rude. >> the ananias family got a call several weeks after the disaster. >> they called us at 5:00 in the morning west coast time. >> offered 30% off a cruise, on your next cruise. >> great. >> and then they started harassing us. three, four, five, six phone calls a day wanting to talk about settling. >> costa officials deny they offered a discounted cruise as compensation. the ananias family were also offered 11,000 euros. >> they were forced to do that. >> it wasn't out of the goodness of their heart let's put it that way. >> right. and what put the passengers at a disadvantage is that costa cruise lines have a very, very tight contract. they have limitations to what they'll pay in the death of a person. >> that limit is $71,000 for
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death and injury, spelled out in an international convention. though many experts believe costa can pay more than $71,000 in this instance. james walker, a maritime lawyer, says any potential cruise ship passenger needs to examine the terms and conditions listed on the ticket. >> there's a number of surprises, if not outright shocks, contained in the fine legal print, mumbo jumbo. the cruise lines have had their defense lawyers draft every conceivable protection of the cruise line to limit the ability of injured passengers to pursue their remedies. >> such contracts make it very difficult to bring a lawsuit in an american court where compensation would likely be much higher, even if the ship is american owned. that hasn't stopped a flood of lawsuits, including some brought by crew members. but costa's ceo says lawsuits from crew members represent a tiny minority. >> 95% of the crew have accepted compensation, but more importantly for us, most of them, 95% has already indicated they wish to come back and work
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for costa. >> costa estimates 1/3 of passengers are taking legal action. >> we believe we are fair. we believe we did whatever was possible and impossible to assist the family of the people who are deceased, to provide psychological assistance. >> reports of the survivors of costa concordia do not inspire confidence. >> senator rockefeller was highly critical of the industry at a hearing in march when he clashed with the ceo of the cruise line's international association. >> carnival actually paid no u.s. corporate taxes at all in 2011. do you have a comment on that? >> again, i can only say -- >> do you think that's right? >> again i can only say -- >> you're here representing your industry. >> i'm here represent -- >> you think that's right?
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if i'm right, do you think that's right that that happened? >> i think what is appropriate is that the cruise industry pays its taxes based on the current laws. >> i think the cruise ships are getting away with a lot and they're not paying taxes. d their ships are registered in other countries where they can, you know, get cheaper labor and they pay no taxes in this country, virtually no taxes in this country. >> carnival is incorporated in panama, royal caribbean in liberia, and princess cruises in bermuda, even though their headquarters are in florida, a source of contention for rockefeller. from 2004 to 2011, carnival paid just 1.1% in federal, state and foreign taxes, yet recorded $11.3 billion in profits. the member of the cruise line international association says no matter where a boat is register, all linehave to follow the international rules of the sea. but he concedes there are tax advantages to registering outside the united states. >> are there some fees and taxation considerations that go into that? certainly. we pay a wide array of fees,
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duties, and we pay all of the taxes that we are required to pay. >> of all commercial cruise ships, only one, norwegian's pride of america, is registered in the united states. carnival ships are registered in several countries. the costa cruise line for instance flies an italian flag and pays italian taxes accordingly, a rate of 30%. senator rockefeller says the industry is piloting their boats through legal loopholes. >> they don't reimburse coast guard. they don't pay taxes, which would help these 20 federal agencies which are watching over them. they always say safety is their emphasis. i've never quite believed that. i think the bottom line is their emphasis. >> finances aside, the question looming after the concordia disaster, is the cruise line taking safety seriously?
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the cruise industry has expanded fast worldwide seeking out new markets in asia and europe. the u.s. industry says it's created more than 300,000 jobs and claims there were just 28 fatalities related to operational incidents in the last decade, a figure some critics debate. but whatever the true number of casualties, the industry continues to have safety problems. just when you think things couldn't get any worse -- >> a mere six weeks after the concordia crashed, a fire disabled the engine of the costa allegra, leaving the passengers without power on the indian ocean for three days. >> it was extremely black smoke so we knew something was going to happen. >> the most horrify experience
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i've ever had. >> and industry insiders say many incidents at sea don't even get reported. from its headquarters on the banks of the river thames near london, the international maritime organization a u.n. body, has the job of overseeing the international law of the sea. since the concordia disaster, the imo has issued some new proposals, including additional life jackets in public areas, better communication of emergency instructions, and muster drills before the ship departs. but at the moment, they are simply recommendations. a point i put to the imo secretary general. these interim measures are voluntary. they're not mandatory. shouldn't you be saying to the shipping industry, you have to do this? >> we take our action based on the result of the casualty investigation report.
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we are expecting to receive casualty investigation probably over this summer. while it is necessary, i'm sure the maritime safety committee will take robust action. >> so basically this could become mandatory after november once you have the report? >> i can imagine that. >> some of the concordia's last passengers wt a much faster and tougher approach. >> there needs to be a total overhauling of how this industry operates. they lobby hard, they're paying bucks, buying people off. >> the cruise line's international association, based in america, spent almost $10 million on lobbying between 2007 and 2011. that does not includes campaign contributions made by industry owners and operators. >> they're kind of in a world of their own. >> senator rockefeller said the industry's political clout will make it harder to tighten regulation and close tax loopholes. >> it will be a fight because of
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incredible number of lobbyists they have and the enormous amount of money that they make. >> the industry governing body defends its methodical approach to changing cruise line standards. i suppose families of the victims would say why is the imo only now taking action after a tragedy? did it take the deaths of 32 people onboard to prompt you to take action? >> we cannot avoid sometimes some casualties. this is actually the fact of life. the important thing is we have to respond quickly. and ensure the safety and rebuild confidence of the safety by the public. >> meanwhile, the italian investigators will issue their report later this year. its conclusions may affect the many lawsuits against costa and its parent, florida-based carnival. of those onboard that night, samona santini and her husband
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have gone back to work, still haunted by memories of january 13th. some of your friends of the crew did not make it off? >> yeah. the drummer of the band and the violinist. >> the violinist drowned after he tried to help children put on their life jackets. and as for captain schettino, his trial on manslaughter charges has yet to begin. >> translator: i think he's completely grief stricken over the loss of human life. his life has been destroyed in every aspect. >> i keep asking the question, why? >> the costa ceo is retiring under the shadow of the costa concordia disaster. >> it's the most painful thing to happen to my life after the death of my mother. >> but costa is confident in its future. four months after the disaster, it's launched a new liner. the fascinosa.
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after a brief lull in bookings, a new global marketing campaign is under way. >> from a booking standpoint, the reservations we are receiving, we are very much encouraged. >> they cannot remove everything they have done, everything they have affected. >> like perez and many other passengers and crew, the ananias family is suing for negligence. after some 60 cruises, the family can't imagine ting another. >> we won't get on another cruise, any of us, until there's changes. >> nothing is too good to give up the chance of losing your life. >> it will take more than a year to salvage the wreck of the costa concordia. for now, the giant liner lies silently here, a shocking testament to the consequences of human error.


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