tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 20, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT
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future with international forces leaving in 2014, it's these children that will remain a beacon of hope. anna, cnn, kabul. hello again. in the cnn newsroom president obama is about to step to the mike in miami to woo latino voters a day after mitt romney spoke about immigration to the same crowd and space shuttle endeavour is making its final flight before retirement. we'll take a look back at its amazing history of exploration. let's get right to it. the suspect in the colorado movie theater massacre returns to court today, and he could face more charges. james holmes already faces murder and attempted murder charges. prosecutors want to add ten more charges bringing the count to 152. lawyers are also expected to
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argue whether a notebook holmes allegedly sent to his psychiatrist before the shootings can be used at trial. holmes is accused of opening fire in a crowded movie theater during a midnight showing of the latest batman movie. 12 people died and 58 were wounded. it is president obama's turn to make his case before a latino audience today. the president arrives in miami just a short time from now for a meet the candidates forum univision next hour. it's the same forum mitt romney took part in yesterday. so how did romney do? senior latin affairs editor rafael romo joining menow. right off the bat, the moderators did make reference to him talking about the 47% and also talking about if i were latino, then things would fair better for me as a candidate for president. >> well, the reality is that it was very diicult for romney to face that kind of audience because after the comments he made during primary season
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regarding self-deportation, they were not very well received by many people in the hispanic community, but under the circumstances i think he addressed it very well. let's hear what he had to say. >> we're not going round up peopling around the country and deport them. i said that during my campaign we're not going to round up 12 million people, that includes the kids and parents and have everyone depoortd. we need to provide a long-term solution. i have described the fact that i would be in support of a program that said that people who served in our military could be permanent residents of the united states. >> he did say what he wouldn't do, but he wouldn't specify what he would do to solve the immigration problem in the country. still a lot of questions for his voters there. >> he tried to make light or at least show that he, you know, has some humor that, he knows how to make light of kind of an awkward movement -- moment. did that translate? did it work? >> well, it's funny when you think about it.
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his father was born in mexico in the state of chau wau wau. he has distanced himself from that part of his heritage, and that can be a two-way street because on the one hand it could have helped with latino voters, but, on the other hand, it would have been compromising when it comes to the conservative base of the republican party. let's see how he handled it. >> are you sure you're not hispanic? >>ty think that might have helped me here at the university of miami. as you know, my dad was born of american parents living in mexico, but he came back to this country at age 5 or 6 and was -- he recognized this was the lantd of opportunity.
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>> to some political observers would say, oops, he did it again. he basically repeated what he -- the video that surfaced. >> so he stands by those comments then, period. >> it is true. >> he is put at 26% compared to 66% when it comes to comparing him to president obama, so not very good in that respect. >> how about on the issue of immigration? it certainly was a topic of discussion. how did his words kind of permanentate the room? what was the reception? >> well, when it comes to immigration, it's not necessarily the number one issue for hispanic voters. there is a number two after the economy. however, immigration is very personal to a lot of latinos. chances are every latino you talk to has a family, a relative, family member, or friend who has been personally touched by immigration, and so the problem is that some of the comments that romney made during
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the primary season regarding the concept of self-deportation, essentially making light of the lives of immigrants so miserable in this country that they would have no other choice but to leave the country, those comments alienated a large segment of the hispanic electorate that is going to be very hard for romney to recover that terrain that he lost. >> thanks so much, rafer yel omo. president obama, it's going to be his turn momentarily. all right. thanks so much. florida has one of the largest latino populations in the country, and it's one of the battleground states that could decide a presidential election, so both candidates have been battling for florida's hispanic vote. ed lavandara is at a spanish bakery in orlando with reaction to mitt romney's appearance and what the expectations are for the president when he arrives there as well. ed, first up, what are people saying about romney's performance at that discussion? >> well, you know, fredricka,
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we've had a good chance to speak with a wide variety of voters, with a lot of perspectives here at pauncho's bakery on the east side of orlando, and this is a place where the romney supporters that we've talked to this morning, you know, they support the -- his ideas on the economy and social issues and foreign policies as well. what the one common denominator that they all had, which i thought was interesting, is that they thought that mitt romney needed to do a better job of introducing himself to latino voters here in the state of florida. they feel in the words of one person we spoke to, kind of absent and perhaps this appearance on the univision network of last night will begin that process. if he they feel that is he running out of time. florida is an interesting place where on the national level obama has a great deal of support among latino voters. it's closer here in the state of florida because of the way the state is made up, so it's interesting. we'll give you some perspective from some of the voters we've talked to. some who have supported president obama, and some who are supporting president romney.
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you can listen to him here. >> it's not that you can't get the kind of job -- >> everything that medicaid program, education program, immigration programs that he told at the beginning when 2008 he took the job for the iden a regarding the economy in the united states. definitely barack obama is my hero. >> what i like about mitt romney is i think he is elitist. i don't like big government. i was born and raised in cuba, and i don't like big government. you know, they take more control over you. >> fredricaa, i saw an ad from
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the obama campaign highlighting the president's decision to pick sonja, the first hispanic supreme court justice, puerto rican. here in orlando you have a large puerto rican population, and they pount pointed out that president obama appointed her, and mitt romney said he would not have supported that pick for the supreme court. an interesting and tough politics here at play in the city of orlando. >> i wo, e, are you finding stark differences between the consensus that you're getting there in central florida where the latino populous may think and vote differently than south florida, which is where the president is going to be momentarily in miami? are people articulating that there is -- there are different sets of priorities and concerns and political persuasions depending on what part of florida in which you're in? >> reporter: right on. absolutely. i think when it comes to the latino vote, a little different than the rest of the country,
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and very interesting in a lot of the ways. here we are in orlando, the center part of the state. you know, you have a great many different hispanic groups that are here, but predominantly orlando has been a place where many puerto ricans have emigrated to and have set up. those have tended to vote democrat. now near miami and dade county. you have a large cuban population. historically that population -- obviously this is changing at times. it's not monolithic. but you have a lot of cuban voters that tended to vote republican. that's why you see the gap between president obama and mitt romney here in the state of florida. not as wide as what you see nation weed. these voters here will get a great deal of president obama and mitt romney over the coming weeks. >> right. once again it may boil down to florida, florida, florida. thank you so much in oraled wroe. here's what we're working on for you for this hour. a cnn source says ambassador
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chris stevens was worried. was worried that he was on an al qaeda hit list months before he was attacked and that benghazi u.s. consulate installation. 25 flights and nearly 23 million miles space shuttle endeavour is going into retirement today. the ones who make us laugh, the ones with the strong shoulder to lean on, the ones we're named after, and the ones named after us. it takes all kinds of good to make a family. at new york life, everything we do is to help you keep good going.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. call it the ultimate aerial show. the space shuttle endeavour and its jumbo jet carrier are flying over the southwest now. it started out in florida beginning this kind of final lap of the country after 25 space flights covering almost 123 million miles. well, several stops later from florida and then it went on to houston. big's army airfield in text technical. the retired shuttle is now heading towards edwards air force base in california. its ultimate destination, los angeles, where it will be
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showcased for visitors at the california science center. chad myers among the many admirers of the final journey. >> yeah. >> kind of cool. >> it has been an mazing ship, honestly. misspelled for most americans with the u in the endeavour. that's because it was named after captain cook's ship, chfrs a british ship so, they put the u in it to make it endeavour instead of endeavor. almost 123 million miles. you can't even yrnd ndt kind of umber, right? i mean, now it's final going to be over to edwards air force base tonight. takes off tomorrow morning. flies around over sacramento, over san francisco, and then down to l.a. tomorrow afternoon. finally to lax and then its journey to -- >> it will be flying at low altitudes so people with k see it. >> about 1,600 feet over the capitol. should be good, good stuff. this has been an amazing journey for this guy. obviously, this is going to be
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the one they put down here in l.a. so visitors to the west coast will be able to see this. i know it has so much controversy about cutting down a few trees along almost 300 trees. some very big and very old, but when this thing gets to its final location and the people of southern california and really all of the west, and all of the visitors to the west, they are going to appreciate this when they see it because i have seen ey a --ve a idea what are you in for until you look at it. you just go wow. >> that's incredible. well, they're in for a real treat. there was a similar kind of flyover making its way outside of dulles where a shuttle was put into the air and space museum, installation there so people in the washington area really kind of talked and marvels about what it was like to see this giant mammoth of a thing fly so low. traffic was stopped wrish imagine the same thing will happen in california too. >> new york city had their turn because now that show is on the intrepid. you'll leave one down at kennedy space center. they're all over the country.
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there are four that will be displayed. it's good stuff. >> all right. thanks so much. we'll be looking forward to what we can see maybe tomorrow. >> yeah. >> there will be live cameras. >> over tucson today. go on to nasa and go on to twitter and follow nasa. it will tell you exactly where this thing is. you'll be able to look up and see it almost minute by minute. >> appreciate that. >> sure. solving the mystery of the expanding universe now, possibly rewriting einstein's theory of gravity in the process. that could be the result of a major project involving a super size high-powered camera that is snapping detailed photos of the universe. for the next five years the camera will capture images from 300 million galaxies, billions of light years from earth. well, here to help us wrap our heads around the huge significance of all of this, michio, the author of the "new york times" best seller physics of the future, and a physicist from the city university of new
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york. good to see you. >> glad to be on. >> the scientists are looking at a part of this universe called dark energy. they think it may be the reason why the universe is expanding, so first off, break it down for me. what is this dark energy? >> well, everybody knows that things fall down. things don't fall up. we don't have anti-gravity. however, in outer space we have an enormous amount of anti-gravity. that's actually pushing the galaxies apart. that's the reason why we have the big bang. people say, well, why did we have the bang? what's causing the expansion? it is dark energy, which was actually predicted by einstein himself back in 1916. >> wow. okay. so now we've got this super powerful camera, the largest digital camera ever built in chile. taking hundreds of pictures every night. let's take a look at one of the first photos, and help me understand what am i going to be
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looking at, and what's the significance of it all? >> well, this is the first of a series of spectacular photographs that we expect from the telescope. this is a barred spiral galaxy about 60 million light years from the planet earth, and it's a near twin of the milky way galaxy. we are two-thirds the way out from the center of the milky way, so look that the diagram. go two-thirds the way out, and that's where you are now. that's where you live. >> oh, my gosh. now let's go to the next image. hem me understand what we're about to see. voila. >> this is now a globular clust this year actually orbits around our own milky way galaxy, and we analyze these globular clusters because they are the oldest stars in our galaxy, so we can date those stars. we can date the age of the milky way galaxy, and that's how we determine that our galaxy is about 10 billion years old. by looking at these very old stars in this globular cluster which orbits around the milky
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way galaxy. >> oh, my goodness. so now what -- you know, how do we make sense of these images, and what does this tell us about this kind of new theory of gravity? you know, you talk about things going up must come down, et cetera, but then what about the stuff that's staying up there? >> well, you see, we think that einstein didn't go far enough. einstein wanted a theory of everything, an equation one inch long that would allow him to "read the mind of god." an equation that would summarize all physical laws into one equation. just like e equals mc squared. unlock the secret of the stars. he wanted a similar equation that would unlock the secret of the universe itself. he failed. however, today we have candidates for this fabulous theory. the leading candidate is something called string theory, which is what i do for a living. that's my day job. >> well, thank goodness for that. you're making us feel all smarter by imparting your knowledge on us. we appreciate it. good to see you.
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>> okay. he spends his life peering into the mind of a mass murderer. this week on the next list, we take a look at a best selling author who examines the human brain. i'm interested in neural law because it's where the rubber hits the road in neuroscience. it's where we connect all the things we're learning about human behavior and how humans are different and translate that into social policy, how we are running the system here. i'm david and i'm a neuroscientist. at some point there will be a crime committed, like the virginia tech shooting, or the columbine shooting or the aurora movie theater shooting, and we will find that the perpetrator had a brain tumor. i'm not suggesting that any of those events were explained by brain tumors, but at some point that will happen, and then society is going to have to deal with this very difficult question about this relationship between brain and behavior and this question of culpability.
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>> the next list sundays 2:00. the killing of ambassador stevens and the recent arab unrest are being discussed on capitol hill today, and we're live from capitol hill where u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton will brief members of congress. up. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again.
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the u.s. ambassador killed in libya was worried about his security months before last week's attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. a source tells cnn chris stevens believed his name was on an al qaeda list. officials believe extremist islamists possibly linked to al qaeda are responsible for that attack. today in tripoli a memorial service is underway for stevens and the three other americans killed at the consulate. former navy seals glen dougherty and tyrone woods and information officer sean smith. the attack on the consulate and the recent unrest in the middle east takes front and
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center on capitol hill today. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton will brief members of both the house and senate later this afternoon. some members are accusing the administration of failing to keep them informed on event that is led up to the unrest triggered by an anti-muslim movie made in the united states. specifically the attack on the u.s. consulate in libya and the u.s. embassy in egypt. secretary clinton meets behind closed doors just hours after republicans credit sees the obama administration's foreign policy. >> in case you haven't heard, bin laden is dead. that's good. that's a great accomplishment. the president should take pride in that. we should all celebrate the death of that evil man, but that's not a foreign policy. is anybody deterred from attacking america's interest in the middle east because bin laden is dead? has anybody said i better not go over the wall of the embassy in egypt. you know, we killed bin laden. there is no coherent foreign
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policy at a time when we need one. >> dana bash is standing by on the hill. what is swaekt clinton likely to say in response to some of that criticism coming from lawmakers? >> well, what she will say is going to be a big open question because fredrica, you know how these briefings go when a member of the administration is giving a classified briefing to the entire house of representatives and the entire senate. they tend to be a bit more cautious because they know that the reality is that some of those lawmakers come out and tell people, like you and me, what happened in there. i think, though, that the expectation, the hope from democrats and republicans, is they get more answers than they have been getting on what exactly went on and what the administration really thinks was behind the attacks, specifically the attacks on september 11th of this year in libya, but also more broadly, what is the genesis of a lot of these protests. john mccain, the senator from arizona, has been one of the most outspoken in his
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frustration about not only not getting information, but from his perspective, getting information that is wrong from the administration. listen to what he told anderson cooper. >> the white house spokesman, secretary of state, and ambassador to the u.n. stating categorically that it was not a terrorist attack when, obviously, it had all the earmarks of aur terrorist attack, and so why they would want to tell the american people that and face the facts, i don't know. >> similar to what we heard from testimony on capitol hill yesterday, but big picture, you do hear from people like john mccain and others that they are getting a lot more information from cnn, from our great reporting from arwa damon, from their own independent sources in libya than from the administration. fred. >> so, dana, what all is at stake here? re r we talking about the billions of dollars in aid that the u.s. gives to any number of
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the u.s. and -- there is always a lot of talk. particularly when things get explosive like they are now, and particularly when there's frustration in congress, which holds the purse strings, that host countries did not do enough to secure u.s. personnel, which clearly is a frustration when it comes to libya, but most members of congress, democrats and republicans, still say they see the importance of giving billions of dollars in aid globally, but specifically to these countries. having said that, we are seeing things gummed up on the senate floor right now because senator ran paul of kentucky is saying that he wants to take away that money. it doesn't look like that's going to happen, though. >> dana bash on capitol hill. thanks so much. >> thank you. on to presidential politics. mitt romney tells latino voters in miami he cares about the "100%." a reference to his earlier controversial comments. don't forget, can you watch
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mitt romney tries to convince latino voters that he is concerned about all americans. he made reference to his hidden camera moment about the 47%. >> this is a campaign about the 100%. over the last several years you've seen greater and greater dif viciveness in this country. we had hoped to come back together, but instead you have seen us pull apart and politics has drin us apart in some respects. my campaign is about the 100% in america, and i'm concerned about them. >> political editor paul stein hauzer joining us now from washington. paul, romney is still trying to turn the page from the secretly recorded comments about the 47% who depend on government. was he able to do that in a per
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waysive way? >> he has been trying to do that since monday because really since monday when those clips came -- became public, they have dominated the talk and coverage of the campaign trail. what was he doing last night? he was talking about being a president for all americans. that's kind of the message he is trying to convey now. the other message he conveyed last night he has been doing all week is that he says he thinks the president's policies are pushing people to be dependent on the government. he says he would try to reverse that if he were elected. also in front of that large latino hispanic crowd in florida last night, he also was defending his past comments on legal immigration and what he would do and the idea of self-deportation. >> romney is trying to, you know, shore up latino vote, but some of the polls indicate that he has a long way to go how far? >> these are the national exit polls from the 2008 election.
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you can see then senator obama won 67% of the miss panic vote in the 2008 election. john mccain winning only 31%. where does it stand now? take a look at this. this is from gallop. their most recent breakdown of the hispanic vote, and numbers look similar. there's president obama with 6 of%. mitt romney at 26%. that's why he has really been trying to reach out this week to latino and hispanic voters in florida and california. fred. >> oh, my goodness. and it's clear the latino vote will be very influential in november. that's what both camps are counting on, aren't they? >> the vote is growing with every cycle, and, you know, of course, the race for the white house is a battle for the states and electoral votes. the latino vote could be very important. florida obviously, if it's a close contest, the latino vote could be -- some other battleground states. colorado and nevada in the rocky mountains. again, it could be important. as in virginia and north carolina, two states where the hispanic population is growing, and those, of course, are both swing states as well, fred.
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an imman in iran has raised the price of rushdie. it now stands at $3.3 million. it becomes as rushdiary leases a memoir about having to go into hiding after a his controversial novel "sat annic verses." the book came out back in 1989. fareed zakaria had just wrapped up an interview with rushdie, and it is set to air sunday right here on cnn. far media, joining us now from new york, did rushdie talk about this incredible timing of his book coming out about his memoir all at a time when there was this kind of unrest taking place
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which started in the middle east, which really is kind of wrapping the globe right now? >> he did. i mean, in a sense, the book was the beginning, and the fatwa against him by ayatollah was one of the early moments in this two decade long experience we've had. he describes it as the birth of the outrage center. he points out that most of the protests, people haven't seen the movies, seen the cartoons, read the book. certainly in his case no one had read the book. it is a manipulated outrage where a certain group of radicals, for political reasons, use these events to kind of wind up their trupz and second them out into public places for entirely political reasons. >> i spoke with rushdie, and he talked about not feeling like he was living in fear right now. but given what's taking place and given that he is going to
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give all these details about that fatwa in this memoir, does he at all speak about fear now and then knowing that there is this new $3 million bounty on his head? >> he felt this was want a big deal, because the big issue with the fatwa that was originally proclaimed is it was the leader of iran. it was the head of state of a very powerful country, the head of a religious movement as it were issuing a fatwa. again, an almost religious edict and commanding people as a duty as good muslims to go and kill him. that was very different from some random guy in this case doing something and he doesn't seem very worried about it. i think he has seen many of these -- i hate to put it, more and more minor fatwas and things like that. you know, i have to tell you, i myself had experiences when you write things that people don't like, some guy in some mosque
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issues a fatwa against you. they usually don't amount to much. i think we can keep our fingers crossed that this is a very different -- this is a very different order of magnitude than what he had to live with for a decade zoosh we look forward to that interview with salamon rushdie on gps. meanwhile, you write about in the latest issue of "time magazine" about the growing influences of moderates in the muslim world. you know, can moderate are aed voices kind of overcome the volume and the sentiment we're seeing right now in the muslim community where many are feeling as though their faith, if not their culture, is being insulted? >> frank lishg the usual stuff, which is the middle east rampaging mobs, anger violence, and that is pretty familiar. what's new is that for the first time you do have moderate who's are denouncing it, denouncing
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the violence. you have the president of tunisia, the president of libya. you have activists, politicians, clerics in saudi arabia and egypt who are beginning to say, look, the movie is offensive. the video is offensive. the cartoons are offensive. the answer to it is not violence. we must have peaceful protests, and we must show that we are a religion of peace. we have got to show that we are a religion of tolerance. that piece is now knew. can their voices be heard? look, the problem is the moderates tend to be quieter. they tend to be less obtrusive, and the radicals go out rampaging. that's true everywhere, unfortunately. you know, the moderates post comments in facebook and the radicals go out and face embassies. at least for the first time you have identifiable authentic moderates, and they are speaking out. >> fareed sxwlak ara, thank you, of "gps."
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heroes of 2012. here's anderson cooper to show you how you can cast your vote. >> i'm anderson cooper. all year we've been introducing you to everyday people who are changing the world. we call them cnn heroes. well, now we announce the top ten cnn heroes for 2012. the honorees are in random order. connie helping children who are caring for ill or aging loved ones to stay in school and hold on to their childhood. pushpa saves innocent children from growing up behind bars with their incarcerated parents. thulani organizes his community to educate hundreds of their next generation. mary, enlists man's best friend to give fellow veterans a way to move beyond ptsd and into life again. malya has turned personal trauma into a fight for justice for thousands of rape survivors in haiti. after using sports to fight his own addiction scott strode now
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helps former addicts to stay fit and sober. wanda butts brings water safety and swimming lessons to those most vulnerable, black and latino children. catalina insures health montgomery deliveries and solid futsz for columbian teens already facing motherhood. leo mccarthy's tragic loss of his daughter sparks his mission to end the culture of underaged drinking. and where terrorists stop at nothing to keep girls from being educated, razia john fearlessly opens her school each and every day. congratulations to the top ten cnn heroes of 2012. tell us who inspires you the most. go to cnn on-line or on your mobile device to vote for the cnn hero of the year. all right. who will it be? you decide. go to cnn to vote for the most inspirational hero. all right. he developed a rare disease from microwave popcorn. now a court has weighed in on this case. the verdict ahead. what is that? it's you!
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all right. we have told you in the past about a condition of popcorn lung. it's linked to a chemical used in flavoring microwave popcorn. well, a federal jury just awarded $7.2 million to a colorado man. wayne watson diagnosed with the disease after inhealing artificial butter on popcorn and ate every day. elizabeth cohen is here to discuss this case. so, first off, what is popcorn lung? >> popcorn lung was seen in workers who worked in factories with this chemical, the butter flavoring that used to -- not now, but used to go on the microwave popcorn and finding that the workers were sometimes
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short of breath, coughing. >> really? >> what they found is a lung disease that's irreversible and the little, ltle airways in the lungs they were becoming scarred and so air couldn't get through. the popcorn industry says they haven't used, purchased this chemical since around 2007, 2008. theoretically isn't in popcorn anymore but wayne watson eating two bags a day for ten years. >> that's a lot. >> that's a lot of popcorn. >> yeah. >> but then why is he the only one out there? only one that pursued it? >> it's unknown. it's possible other people have the disease and doctors said, gee, i don't know why because the doctor never asked them about the popcorn habits. his doctor knew about the disease and she asked. so they made the connection with the popcorn and possible other people there and never made the popcorn connection yet. >> the message, do we need to stay away from microwave popcorn? >> they have the chemical and
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substituted it with another one and i want to get in here what the industry has to say. they say even with the old chemicals, millions of consumers safely used and enjoyed microwave popcorn since it was introduced. this new chemical they say is safe but some advocates say we're concerned. this new chemical might be -- >> the butter, the artificial butter flavor? >> exactly. >> if you got plain, not an issue. it's not like in the oil or in -- >> in the butter flavoring and on the stovetop the old-fashioned way this is not a concern but there are some folk who is say, gee, we are worried that the new chemical may be as bad as the old one. the industry says, no, it's not. >> they're saying it's safe, eat it. >> kroger which is one of the defendants in this lawsuit, they say that they're going to appeal this, so -- >> how interesting. thanks so much. appreciate that. >> thanks. all right. when owe look at the names on this year's emmy nominations,
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it was an unwritten hollywood rule. big screen actors never appeared on the small screen. but as nischelle turner writes, it's thing of the past. >> reporter: academy award nominee, julianne moore and don chaed l, nicole kidman. they rose to fame in major hollywood movies. now they have made the move to television and may be adding emmy awards to their trophy shelves. whether starring in cable tv movies like moore or kidman or sitcom like cheadle, stars are jumping to the small screen. >> everyone wants to be on tv.
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i think that's the thing. >> reporter: maggie furlong writes about tv for the "huffington post" saying that the stigma faded. >> so many people would say. i'm a movie star and realize tv stars have more recognition with the public. they're in your homes every single week. people get attached to these characters. >> isn't that what you wanted me to do? >> reporter: character is what attracted jeff daniels to the role of "newsroom." >> i remember back in the '70s where you never, never mixed film with tv. that's changed and the writing is so good now on television that that's all actors want is good writing. >> reporter: top hollywood talent is not only starring on the flat screen, they're creating the shows behind the screens. aaron sorkin won four emmys before oscar gold with "the social network."
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now back to television on "newsroom" and says for writers these days, tv is a different kind of appeal than film. >> i don't count among myself them but the best writers in the country are flocking to vel vision. you can tell a different kind of story. the best theater in america is on tv right now. >> reporter: the american audience seems to agree. a reason for decline in movie theater ticket sales this summer? more to watch at home. >> you can't turn the channel without seeing something you want to watch. whether you love broadway, comic books or zombies, you mike a period piece, there truly is something for everyone on tv right now. >> reporter: super stories with super stars. cnn, hollywood. all right. everybody's going to be tuning in to the emmys and of course watch the pre -emmy coverage here on cnn on sunday. brooke baldwin is straight ahead. i think you have noticed it. everyone has, right?
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seeing more premier and big names on the television screens. they're not afraid anymore. >> i guess so. you would think i watched more tv but i totally don't. >> really? >> i should know more. i should know more, fred whitfield. you can make me tv hip. >> there's familiar faces. >> yes. fred, thank you so much. >> all right. good to see all of you. top of the hour and continuing on here with the "cnn newsroom." i'm brooke baldwin. we have heard of what the government plans to do in response to the killing of our u.s. ambassador to libya. that happening in the u.s. consulate just last week. we have secretary of state hillary clinton, she will be right there on capitol hill today taking some pretty tough questions. we are going to turn it around for you. stay tuned for that. we'll take you live to washington. but now, this. strap in. we have a lot to report on the obama and romney campaigns today. first, though, this. fox news released a new poll that shows the president having
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built a lead of seven points. seven, seven points here in the state of ohio. this is big news because it's not exactly good news for mitt romney. it is, obviously, good news for the president. to that end, the romney campaign now announced plans to mount a bus tour of ohio and that's happening next week. remember this. no republican has ever won the white house without winning the state of ohio. that poll we talked about it, also shows a seven-point obama lead in virginia. another large electoral state that's been considered a toss-up and may be tipping here. you can see the numbers. may be tipping toward the president for now. here's another within for you. this is what we're going to focus on today. this state, the state of florida. you see the 29 electoral votes there. obama up 49%. mitt romney sitting at 44%. so the president now has opened up leads in the three different swing states. what then do you do if you are mitt romney? well, we told you about the bus
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tour next week in ohio and learning he's doing fewer fund-raisers and more events with real live voters. he is also riding this new line of attack against the president. listen to this. this is from yesterday. >> he said some years ago something which we're hearing about today on internet. he said he believes in redistribution. all right? i mean, there are people -- there are people who believe that you can create a stronger economy and a brighter future if you take from some people and give to other people. now this -- >> so, more tweaks to mitt romney's message and the strategy. i want to bring in jim acosta. he is live for us in sarasota, florida, where romney is speaking next hour. let's begin with the new tactics, jim, because we're hearing -- i think the headline is more mitt. the new tactic sort of shifting gears, fewer of the closed-door
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fund-rais fund-raisers, more rallies in which he's speaking to the american people. what's he gain by doing that? what's he also potentially lose? >> reporter: well, let's talk about what he gains. obviously, he's had a light schedule over the last week. only held two or three rallies the f you count today and that's a light schedule. 50 days before the election. he is picking up the pace. campaign aides say he'll be hitting battleground states like here in florida and then ohio. he and paul ryan doing a bus tour across that state and obviously what they want to do is raise the visibility. get him out there talking to voters more, talking about the economic plan. there's some grumbling up on capitol hill if you listen to the republicans saying that mitt romney has not really done a very good job of explaining the economic plan, needs to boil it down. you know, i guess those folks should understand that mitt romney has been boiling it doumpb. he's trying to explain the economic plan in five points or
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less in several days and going to get a chance to do more of that. that's the upside. the downside is, obviously, brooke, he could have one of those off message moments and that is basically what this campaign is grappling with all this week ever since the videos were leaked by mother jones. they have been having to explain that. we heard mitt romney last night at a candidate's forum are univision saying he wants to support 100% of all americans. he used that phrase and then talked last night, it was very striking, brooke, at this event in miami about how his father received government assistance crossing the border of mexico in to the united states when he was a young boy. so, it's interesting to see the romney campaign recalibrate on this. that's the upside and the downside of getting more mitt as you put it. >> i want to go back to the univision forum. we heard this new line. you just alluded to it. it was a line we heard five times. five times the first couple of minutes of this televised forum.
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not so much line, it's a figure. 100%. here he is. >> reporter: sure. >> this is a campaign about the 100%. so my campaign is about the 100% of america. i know i won't get 100% of the vote. eve demonstrated my capacity to help the 100%. i care about the 100% people in america are going to have a better future if they elect me the next president. >> 100%, 100%. we hear him. what's that all about, jim? >> reporter: right. well, obviously, you know, there are a lot of americans out there and a lot of people within his own party uncomfortable with the fact that he talked about those 47% of americans in that mother jones video who he wrote off as obama supporters dependent on government and never support him. obviously, the romney campaign and mitt romney himself have decided that they need to use a more inclusive tone, try to sound more inclusive talking about the voters out there because they need them on election day. brooke, there was another moment
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in the forum last night when mitt romney talking about the similarities between the president's health care law and his own. here's what he had to say. >> i have experience in health care reform. now and then the president says i'm the grandfather of obama care. i don't think he meant that as a compliment but i'll take it. this was during my primary. we thought it might not be helpful. >> reporter: so there you heard mitt romney say that it was a compliment to be called the grandfather of obama care and take it. we should note, brooke, in the last few minutes the romney campaign wrapped up a conference call with governor bobby jindal and reiterating when asked about mitt romney being the grandfather of obama care, bobby jindal said that mitt romney made it very clear he'll seek to repeal and replace the president's health care law on the day one of the administration. they're moving back to what he had been saying all along and perhaps trying to clean up what he said last night at the forum, brooke. >> we have heard that multiple
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times from him and the new line of attack of romney opened up. this goes back to 1998. this is based on these remarks ben then an obscure politician by the name of barack obama and then republicans, circulating it, this 14-year-old audio clip. here's part of it. >> i think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because i actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot. >> now, that was illinois state senator barack obama actually believe in redistribution, resume bring wealth distribution. tell me about that. >> reporter: well, if you listen to the full remarks and a lot of this out -- is out online right now, you can read about it, i believe, nbc news obtained the
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full audiotape of those remarks and if you see those remarks and listen to those remarks he also goes on to say that the days of having government programs that redistribute wealth may be coming to an end and market-oriented solutions might be needed and the obama campaign and i think advocates of the president saying, hey, wait a minute. there's a larger context here. brooke, keep in mind, this is a presidential campaign. out of context moments have been sort of a rule of the day and both sides doing this to each other. and so the president can expect to hear mitt romney talk about redistributi redistribution. i would be surprised if he didn't do it this afternoon. >> on either side, out of context, it is our job to call them out. >> reporter: to put it in context. >> thank you so much. a lot more news this hour. take a look at this.
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the economy is recovering. or is it? with today's news of job losses, coupled with seasonal hiring reports, we'll sort out the mixed signals. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. the ultimate swing states and the ultimate prize. president obama and mitt romney chase florida's latino vote. was america's slain ambassador on a terrorist hit list? were his warnings in libya ignored? and heroine addicts, children, mothers and fathers who leave their families. the true faces of the world's worst opium problem. you know how to dance... with a deadline. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go.
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and raise taxes on the middle class. president clinton: they want to go back to the same old... policies that got us in trouble in the first place. president obama: we're not going back, we are moving forward. anncr: forward. stop! stop! stop! come back here! humans -- we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back with great ideas like our optional better car replacement. if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call... and ask one of our insurance experts about it today. hello?! we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, and we do everything we can to be there for them when they need us. [car alarm blaring] call now and also ask about our 24/7 support and service.
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call... and lock in your rate for 12 months today. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. new development on fast and furious. one day after delivering the long-awaited report on the flawed gun running probe inspector general horowitz appeared before the house oversight committee, the same committee this year found attorney general holder in contempt, and the inspector general had to tread very, very carefully between republicans looking to blame and democrats defending the attorney general. take a listen to this exchange.
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>> do you believe that this report vindicates attorney general holder and fair enough attorney general casey given their lack of information about what was going on? >> i think the report speaks to what we found and found in the conclusions and i'll stand by the very lengthy i agree with you report. but and not trying -- characterize or recharacterize today myself. >> okay. >> the gentleman yield? >> sure. >> i think from the chair's standpoint your point is extremely good that nowhere in this report did we find specific incrimination of they knew either one of these attorneys general and i think that's an important point and i think one for the record the committee should be aware of is that i don't think anyone should have
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assumed that they knew. we certainly would all wish that any attorney general would ask to know more and would have known more and i think the inspector general's report does cast blame for high-ranking people not asking for questions but neither attorney general was found to know it. >> as we reported yesterday, this review calls for discipl e disciplinary action of 14 atf and justice department officials and then within minutes of the report's release the doj announced that former acting atf chief nelson was retiring and deputy assistant attorney general winestein resigned. this is something that affects every single one of us. the economy. obviously, we have our fingers crossed that it is, in fact, recovering. we hope so. but experts, you know, they keep telling us it is. but if you're still skeptical, guess what. you're not alone. seems with good news here it
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comes with a bit of a buzzkill. take today's report on unemployment. fewer jobless people got in line for benefits. 382,000. the buzzkill, the experts thought the line would be shorter. are we better off or not? alison kosik, turning to you as always to sort through the god and the bad. what's the story behind the jobless benefits? >> we learned that first-time claims for unemployment claims, brooke, dipped by 3,000 to 382,000 and sure, you know, any decline in the number of people laid off is a good thing but we want to see the level of filings closer to the 350,000 or under mark to really signaling we have a solid rebound in the labor market. it's frustrating is that there had been that sign back in july but the problem is those claims numbers have slowly been going back up lately and we find out every month that employers not hiring on a large scale but i
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want to give you a caveat in the reading and that's partly the number that you saw of claims. it was partly inflated with hurricane isaac. several states impacted by the hurricane had to close their businesses and 8,000 claims but the problem is if you discount the number of claims filed because of the businesses closing and the storm the level, yeah, the level is still too high, brooke. >> and then you wake up. i woke up reading the papers. how the head lines with bank of america and american airlines, we're talking thousands of layoffs is what's being reported. is that because we're heading in to that, you know, final bit of the year and typically companies do that? >> not really. it seems that way because everything's happening at once but the latest monthly reading of challenger, gray & christmas shows it's a 20-month low. not the case at bank of america. "wall street journal" suggesting that bank of america letting go of thousands of jobs and part of the 30,000 job cuts that the
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bank announced last year. they're doing a little earlier than expected. now, as for american, the carrier is trying to get out of bankruptcy. it did warn that 11,000 workers this week that they could be laidoff but they said that the number may fall to 4,400. it is a big reason that american airlines went in to bankruptcy in the first place is the labor cuts and the job cuts, unfortunate and unfortunate reality and trying to make the company viable again. brooke? >> what about finally heading in to the end of the year, holidays, holiday season, retailers. any good new there is? >> yeah. and you make a good point because how much hiring retailers do for the holidays is a good indicator of the type of season that stores are expecting. kohl's said to bring on about 53,000 employees. more than 10% more than it hired last year and that's a lot of people. target is planning to hire 80,000 to 90,000 seasonal workers, that's a huge number but down from last year and these surveys have shown that
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most retailers, they're expecting the sales over the holidays to be a bit higher than that last year and a good sign for the economy but it's temporary because a majority of the temporary jobs, probably see them fall off the payrolls after the new year. it never hurts to get a little temporary employment to get you through the holidays. >> hopefully it is good for the holiday season and hopefully people able to buy, buy, buy. alison kosik, thank you very much. >> sure. still ahead, months before his death was ambassador chris stevens targeted in libya? we tails of what he said about being on an al qaeda hit list, next. full-size pickups on the road. so, what do you think? [ engine revs ] i'll take it. [ male announcer ] it's chevy truck month. now during chevy truck month, get 0% apr financing for 60 months or trade up to get the 2012 chevy silverado all-star edition
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we have some new information for you but at the same time there are a lot of questions of how four americans killed nine days ago in libya. secretary of state hillary clinton is in the hot seat today briefing lawmakers about those deaths and there is this new information about what exactly ambassador chris stevens knew days in advance. but first, just hours ago the nation of libya paused to recognize these men who lost their lives in benghazi on september 11th. >> our blood is spilt for the sake of our country.
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and your blood has been spilt for our cause. welcome to you all. >> libya's prime minister attended a memorial to honor the men killed. ambassador stevens, foreign service officer sean smith and security officers glen do her to and tyrone woods, a program today of the libyan national anthem and the american anthem. u.s. deputy secretary of state william burns was there to pay tribute to the victims. now, though, to what exactly it was that the ambassador knew and when. and an unnamed source tells cnn christopher stevens feared he was on an al qaeda hit list. the source also says stevens worried about what he called never ending security threats in benghazi and specifically spoke about the growing presence of al qaeda in libya. yesterday, the head of the u.s. national counter terrorism center confirmed the incident on 9/11 was, indeed, a terrorist attack. but he says it's still unclear if it was planned or if
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terrorists seized an opportunity that all those protesters angered by that anti-muslim film and then opened up. >> we do know that a number of militants in the area as i mentioned are well armed. >> rit. >> and maintain those arms. what we don't have at this point is specific intelligence that there was a significant advanced planning or coordination for this attack. >> however, one of the senators on the homeland security committee challenged the director. take a look. >> the attack in benghazi was not a black swan. but rather, an attack that should have been anticipated based on the previous attacks against western targets, the proliferation of dangerous weapons in libya, the presence of al qaeda in that country and the overall threat environment.
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>> the president of libya's general and national congress said that the violence at the consulate was part of a plot. it was a big, big night for presidential nominee mitt romney as he addressed a crowd of latino voter there is in miami. did he wow voters in florida? let's find out, next. [ female announcer ] think coarse facial hair removal has to be painful? challenge that with new olay facial hair removal duo. even coarse, stubborn facial hair gently. plenty of gain, without all that pain... with olay. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy.
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immigrants. >> by the way, if the student does so well they get an advanced degree, i'd staple the green card to their diploma. we won't go around the country and round up 12 million with the kids and the parents and have everyone deported. the system isn't to deport people. we need to provide a long-term solution. >> i want to bring in ed lavandera. there he is live for us at poncho's spanish bakery and deli in miami. we'll talk to people today but what are they saying? how did what mitt romney said last night resonate with latinos? >> reporter: well, you know, that the immigration issue when you look at latino voters across the country, immigration ranks up there. more so than perhaps the rest of the population in the country. so, people around here paying close attention. i'm not sure if romney did a lot to sway people with the appearance yesterday.
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a lot of people we have spoken to already made up their minds for obama or for mitt romney. so, but for across the board, though, brooke we hear it's education. it's immigration. it's the economy is the top three issues that they care most about. and it's a florida's an interesting place. across the country president obama enjoying a large lead in the polls of latino voters. in the state of florida, it's actually a little bit closer of the recent polling that i have seen and has to do with the differences in latinos here in the state of florida. down south in miami, you have a large cuban population. tend to vote republican. here in the orlando area, for example, you have a large puerto rican population and listen to the voters we talked to here today about what it is that attracting them to each candidate, obama and romney. >> yeah. let's take a listen. >> reporter: what issues do you want to hear these candidates talk about? >> fairness.
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i guess that's the biggest thing. i'm going to say i'm a middle class and like my mom was a single mother. she worked very hard to get what we have. i'm from originally from puerto rico. like i came over here and got a lot of opportunities so i want to make sure there's fairness for everybody just like me. >> everyone can say change. everyone says, you know, we need a new face, but, you know, you have to be specific. obama won on being vague, with change, but he did towards the end start specifying exactly what his obama care, you know, welfare reform and went through and he actually, whether he followed through with it or not that's another issue but he did start honing in on the issues so romney needs to step it up. >> reporter: hey, brooke. i thought that was interesting. all of the romney supporters here today said they thought that mitt romney needs to communicate more with the latino voters here in the state, he
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hasn't done a good enough job of introducing himself to them. the latino voting population here in florida about 13% of the population and could very well make a huge difference. >> ed, another question for you. this is sort of a two-parter with univision. they had mitt romney as part of a big town hall for half an hour yesterday and right now this hour president obama is there and speaking, as well. i want to let everyone know, we're monitoring that. as well as maybe news is made we'll play a chunk of what the president is saying. back the you, ed lavandera. you know, as you talk about both of these men trying to grab that key, key voting block of hispanics, i bet you have seen a commercial airing in florida. i don't know how long you're watching tv but is there not a spanish language only ad from the obama campaign touting sonja sotomayor? >> getting here to orlando and turning on a tv and the first commercial is that ad and simple
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and just one issue and it talked about president obama picked the first hispanic american supreme court justice sonja sotomayor and that ad playing here in orlando where you have a large puerto rican population and points out mitt romney has said that he would not have supported that pick for the supreme court. and that's all it says. they leave it at that. and, you know, that's a hard politics clearly going for that puerto rican vote here in the orlando area they hope to make a big difference. >> ed, thank you. we should point out romney camp also had a spanish language ad many of which are airing and criticizing the president over the health care policies. every day, people doing extraordinary things. who are they? they're our cnn heroes and we'll introduce you to a man who's very much so making a difference right after this. [ female announcer ] you can make macaroni & cheese
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today at noon we revealed the top ten cnn heroes. making efforts to improve the world and each top ten hero gets a $50,000 grant to further their work and a chance for more. this is the sixth year of the cnn heroes campaign and we want to check back in with the cnn heroes to see how their efforts have bloomed. my next guest told me in commercial the work is phenomenal. former bartender doc hendley provides clean water to people all around the world. he was a cnn hero in 2009 and joins me now from istanbul. doc, it is wonderful to see you. you say your work is phenomenal. remind us all about the wine to water program and how you've just really bloomed. >> yeah, so we've been providing clean water now for over eight years but nothing has come even close to what we have been able to accomplish since the cnn heroes program in 2009.
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we doubled in size as an organization in 2010 because of the exposure that came from cnn heroes so i'm probably one of the biggest fans and advocates of the show ever because i see firsthand just how many lives we've been able to save thanks to the exposure of the program and gave us a voice we didn't have before. >> help us understand. you know the deal. we are rolling out basically and explaining it next hour how you vote for the top ten heroes. if you can, just doc, hit home why it's so important for people to vote. >> well, you got to get out there and vote because the whole concept of this is that you got ten awesome people with passions for an individual thing and they believe that thing is changing the world and it is so the great thing about this is viewers get to get involved nems and, you know what? not only i call it close to my heart but i like this individual and the story and the way approach and people being able
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to connect with their favorite charity, a person representing that charity and really an awesome thing that we have as an international community to get behind the folks we feel like have the greatest impact in the community. look at all of the videos, find your favorite one and vote as many times as you're able to. >> final question to you. i'm curious. we do so much at cnn with you all with the heroes. have you been out on the street and somebody says, are you that guy, that cnn hero guy? what's that like? >> it has happened a couple time. not a lot by any means but happened in new york city at one time. i was coming actually to visit some folks at the cnn office there. just and they had an event and somebody stopped me in the middle of the street. i'm looking over my shoulder like, who, me? yeah. it's a little strange and but it's so great because this is a group of people that never in their mind thought people would know their story and didn't get
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to it so people know their story and then all of a sudden it's so special and genuine, amazing people and then their story is told and the world embraces them and an exciting time for all of us past, present, you know, and hopefully the future ones, as well. >> doc, we are so proud of you. please keep kicking tail. your program is wine to water. we can always keep up with you and a quick reminder for everyone, who will be the 2012 cnn hero of the year? you get to decide. all tough do is go to right now it's up live. you can vote and explain exactly that process next hour. we'll be right back. greetings from the windy city of chicago. people here sure are friendly but some have had a hard time understanding my accent. so to make sure people get every word of the geico savings message i've been practicing how to tallike a true chicagoan.
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switching to geico could save you hundreds of dollars on car insurance... da bears. haha... you people sure do talk funny. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. presidethis message. barack obama and i approve... anncr: he keeps saying it... mitt romney: this president cannot tell us that you're... better off today than when he took office. anncr: well... here's where we were in 2008... tv anncr: the worst financial collapse... since the great depression... tv anncr: american workers were laid off in numbers not seen...
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in over three decades. anncr: and here's where we are today... thirty months of private sector job growth. creating 4.6 million new jobs. we're not there yet. but the real question is: whose plan is better for you? the president's plan asks millionaires... to pay a little more... to help invest in a strong middle class. clean energy. and cut the deficit. mitt romney's plan? a new 250,000 dollar tax break for... multi-millionaires. roll back regulations on the banks that cratered the economy. and raise taxes on the middle class. president clinton: they want to go back to the same old... policies that got us in trouble in the first place. president obama: we're not going back, we are moving forward. anncr: forward. to start her own interior design business. she's got a growing list of clients she keeps in touch with using e-mail marketing from constantcontact is easy and affordable. it lets her send out updates and photos
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that showcase her expertise and inspire her customers for only $15 a month. [ dog barking ] her dream -- to be the area's hottest interior design office. [ children laughing ] right now, she just dreams of an office. get a free trial at dangerous drugs are cheap and easy to get in the country that grows 90% of the world's opium, main ingredient of heroine. so many afghans addicted including little children and not much in the way of treatment. cnn's anna koran talked with desperate drug addicts in kabul. >> reporter: huddled under a trees are a group of afghans ignored by society. with the syringe in one hand, a vile of heroine in the other, this 28-year-old man begins a ritual that's been part of his life for the past seven years.
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he draws the liquid out, what's left over he drinks and then he gets in to position. health workers give him swabs to clean the skin. he doesn't use the crook of the arm because the veins collapsed. instead he chooses the back of his hand. for the next five minutes, he slowly pumped heroine in to his veins. he then collapses with the needle still sticking out of his hand. this is a tragic scene repeated throughout the country with up a million afghans addicted to drugs. that's 8% of the population, double the world average. with afghanistan producing 90%
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of the world's opium, the main ingredient of heroine, drugs here are pure in quality and very cheap. 28-year-old reza injects half a gram a day costing around $4. he started a year ago after being introduced by a bad friend. he says he'd like to give up but at the moment he can't. using drugs made me leave my home, my family he tells me. if i didn't use drugs, i would have a family, a good life. ernst runs a preventive drug program in kabul. it's the only clinic with methadone, a substitute of heroine but can only legally cater for 71 drug users. >> i would describe the drug addiction problem in afghanistan as enormous and growing. >> reporter: the clinic also helps addicts that walk in off the street. >> this is the fairs day he's not used any other drugs
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normally. >> reporter: he introduces me to a 38-year-old who's been an addict for 14 years. the father of four says the family had enough. i want to use methadone until i forget drugs completely, he says. i want to be a healthy person to find a good way to start a normal life. two years ago there was a real sign the afghan government and the international community were serious about tackling drug addiction in this country. methadone program started and two months later it was shut down. officials saying they're trying to work out the best form of treatment. according to the u.n. it is. but that means lit toll the countless number of desperate afghans who can't access the methadone program. 25-year-old mesoma is willing to try a more basic form of treatment. she and her entire family including her two young boys are addicted to opium.
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i started to use the drug like a medicine for pain relief after my husband died but when i became an addict, i had to search for a way to stop this. they're staying at mary camp, an organization founded by a local afghan woman tackling drug abuse through counseling. i feel shame and say to myself, why did i do this? why didn't i think of my children, my future? a powerful motive that for now is keeping the addiction at bay but for so many other afghans that battle is already lost. we bring in anna for us in kabul. trying to work out the best form and access is a problem. why is this such a low priority in afghanistan? >> reporter: yeah, brooke, there just is no access to any form of treatment other than what we showed you in the piece. it's just such a low priority. they're really the forgotten
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people of this world. it just is not a priority for this government and other problems in afghanistan. you know, this war's been going on for 11 years, entering the 12th year. just to give you an idea. these people, they used to con kree grate under a bridge near the university until police dispersed them. now scattered throughout the city, a huge problem for the health workers trying to treat them. and, you know, there were people literally in the median strip of a major highway and police walking past and completely oblivious because it absolutely is everywhere. and brooke, if it is not addressed and not treated, the people of hiv is very real. it is spreading. it is growing and health professionals say if they don't get on top of it, it will be a crisis in afghanistan. >> it is stunning, sad and to see little boys addicted, as well, it's heart breaking. anna, thank you so much for your reporting there. their job is to serve and
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protect and a texas policeman did that and he had only seconds to live up to his oath. you have to see this video play out next. [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year. so why exactly should that be of any interest to you? well, in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. like the transatlantic cable that connected continents. and the panama canal that made our world a smaller place.
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we supported the marshall plan that helped europe regain its strength. and pioneered the atm, so you can get cash when you want it. it's been our privilege to back ideas like these, and the leaders behind them. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping people and their ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪
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want to share dash cam video with you that shows how far policeman went to quote/unquote serve and protect. it happens fast. focus on the officers behind the car in the clip. 23-year-old officer pulls a woman out of the path of his own out of control squad car. watch it. right in to the dash cam area. reported drunk driver hit the officer phillip standafer's patrol car and toward the woman that got away with cuts and bruises. the officer was seriously hurt but he's going to be okay. dirt bikes are dangerous enough but adding in muddy track and 40 other riders it can be frightening. now imagine being on that track and not being able to hear anything at all. dr. sanjay gupta has this week's "human factor." >> reporter: for ashley, motocross racing is in her
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blood. >> my dad used to race and he brought me to watch one race and i was 3 years old and i fell in love. >> reporter: but there's something different about ashley when she hits the course. she can't hear a thing. ashley was born completely deaf. she speaks to us through a sign language translator and a friend natalie. >> i don't know it would be riding hearing. i grew up and i was born deaf. >> reporter: in a sport that prides itself on making noise, where hearing your opponents coming is the difference between winning and losing, ashley is alone. >> it's hard to see if someone's coming up behind me. >> reporter: she uses the vibrations of the engine to make sure she's in the right gear. in this race only deaf rider to compete is trying for the fourth championship title. >> i feel really good. i hit every jump and the big double. i hope i can win and hope to be
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the champion. >> ashley, congratulations. >> reporter: she achieved just that. beating out the closest rival for the national championship. but for ashley, it's about more than just winning. >> i think it's really cool to be a role model for the deaf community and it's cool feeling to have people look up to you. >> reporter: for natalie, her friend's impact is obvious, as well. >> she is very important to women's motocross. as a role model, deaf or not, you know, she is like smaller than i am and she can ride like that. it's crazy. >> reporter: proof that anything is possible. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. >> sanjay, thank you. what a story. he has the wonderful stories. you can watch him sanjay gupta m.d. saturday at 4:30 p.m. eastern and sunday at 7:30 in the morning eastern time. all right. space geeks, space shuttle "endeavour" drawing crowds across the country flying around touring the nation piggyback style for one final good-bye.
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so how is it to pilot a plane with a spacecraft on top? we'll talk to chad myers. that is next. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well.
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we are witnessing just a little sliver of history today. the space shuttle "endeavour" in the air right now atop the modified 747 jumbo jet and historic because it's the final voyage. tomorrow's the final day but we've been telling you for weeks " "endeav "endeavor" got a new home. i want to bring in my fellow space geek chad myers to tell us where it is and when it's supposed to land. >> it went by tucson about 20,
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30 minutes ago and now on the way to known as edwards air force base and spend the night there and then a tour of california, air tour. doesn't land until lax tomorrow afternoon. flies over the capital in sacramento. great little tour all the way over san francisco at 1,500 feet. you will be able to see it there. >> october 12th is the big pa ride and the big -- we'll go big on that, i'm sure. i want to bring in someone looking at the pictures, chad, you stay with me. as we've been pointing out, it's mounted on top of the jumbo jet, the modified 747. i want to bring in ace beal, ace, you have quite the impressive resume. flight hours total 12,000, worked with nasa, worked part of air force. you flown one of these things. what the heck is it like having a space shuttle on top of your plane? >> well, i'll tell you. it actually flies surprisingly well.
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the difference is, of course, there's more drag. you need more power. can't climb real high. maybe 15,000, 16,000 feet at the most. it's somewhat top heavy as you can imagine having -- >> you think? >> 240 -- yeah. we can carry a shuttle up to 240,000 pounds so we have to be concerned about our vertical center of gravity. plus the fuel burn is ridiculously high and flying at a slower speed and the range is limited. there are a lot of restrictions but the airplane does fly surprisingly well. >> ace, it's chad myers. i want to talk about not banking very much and describe the extra turbulence that thing creates. >> that's interesting. that's exactly right, chad. it's -- you need to watch your bank angle because as you can imagine with that high ver
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