tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 21, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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the coast, took the pch down the coast and right over, turned left, santa barbara and into santa monica now and flying over the l.a. basin for the next -- probably another 30 minutes before they touch down, could be 40. they're ontime today. yesterday they were running way behind. yesterday, a good job. >> i would love for it to land during the hour. once it lands at l.a.x., where does it go before that final parade through los angeles on october 12th where it then, you know, goes home to the california science museum? >> they have to get it off. that's first thing. can't take the 747 down the streets. they would have to cut down all the trees. they'll pull it off, put it on the ground and prepare it to go through the streets. and that is, you know, not just going to roll on its wheels. that's going to take a couple of weeks or a week to get that to go and it goes all by itself, beautiful little parade. >> chad myers, come back once we see endeavor land at l.a.x.
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we'll walk through the live pictures on our watch. top of the hour, now this. and top of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin. the big story we're working in the world of politics, that being the fact that right now online the mitt romney campaign is in fact releasing the 2012 tax returns. questions now, how will the details of his taxes actually play into what is happening here politically as we are now, you know, less than seven weeks away from that november 6th date. we have christine romans, we also have candy crowley standing by to talk a little bit about the political ramifications. candy crowley to you what do you make of all this, coming out today? >> reporter: well, it is friday. and tradition has it, if you have something you want to bury, you put it out on friday. but if you look at these things, there is nothing in it that we
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don't already know. mitt romney is a very wealthy man. mitt romney makes most of his money from investments, meaning the lower tax rate applies. i think it was -- effective tax rate last year was 14.1%. they donated 30% of their income to charity. so this is not, on the face of it, largely that different from the tax return we have already seen. in addition, we do have a notarized statement from price water house saying, look, in each of the last 20 years, mitt romney has paid taxes that over that 20-year period, the average effective federal tax rate was 20%. so doesn't seem to me there is anything in this you can grab on to, other than the fact of things we already knew, he's wealthy and pays a fairly low tax rate simply because it is investment income and that is taxable at a lower rate.
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so we're also supposed to get some health letters, i think, attesting to his health and that of the vice president. so i don't see anything on the face of it that does anything to change the dialogue, but it does renew the dialogue of what he pays in taxes and how much he makes. >> and in terms of renewing the dialogue, because there were so many calls from folks, critics, folk on the left saying why aren't you releasing more information from previous to 2010, i know looking down here at the note, that pricewaterhousecoopers is releasing this letter with the summary, right, of tax information from the romneys from 1992 to 2009. is that going to cut it for people calling for more information? >> reporter: probably not. >> probably not. >> reporter: no, don't think at this point you're going to change the dialogue about whether or not he should release all of thinks tax returns. this was clearly an attempt to satisfy those who are willing to be satisfied by this kind of information. it will not satisfy senator harry reid, who as we all know,
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famously went on the senate floor, to go after a number of things about mitt romney, made a big deal in his home state of nevada, of saying this man needs to put out his tax returns. i don't seriously doubt this will satisfy senator reid. for those saying, i would vote for him, but i'm worried about what is in his tax returns, this may satisfy them. and, a, i don't know if there are those kind of voters, but, it says, you know, from a standing, you know, tax group that notrized it and all that, look, he paid taxes, the average was 20%, they gave x amount to charity over this 20-year period, we'll see. as you know, mitt romney -- i think this is a candidate decision here, this really has very little to do with the campaign, it was the candidate's decision that he thought that these two years in detail were fully enough for people to get an idea, and he clearly would like to shut down the conversation about the last 20
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years, but he thinks that the details are an invasion of privacy. >> what about moving away from that and just to the romney campaign in general, and i want to talk about who you have on sunday, we have been hearing from the campaign saying they're going to be cutting down, fewer of the closed door fund-raiser events and more spots we'll be seeing mitt romney speaking to you, the american, about what he feels the direction he wants to take the country, going to the all important state of ohio, for that bus tour next week, those three days. what do you see looking ahead, candy crowley, and also who do you have on the show? >> looking ahead for the campaign, i would say this, this is generally the time where the fund-raisers do tend to be fewer and further between. simply because now is the time you really need to be out there and you need to be campaigning, especially in these must-win states which includes ohio. i think you have a bus trip and you're doing it along with a man who is as popular among conservative republicans as paul ryan is, that you're trying to generate the excitement here. you're trying to get in all of
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those daily newspapers and all those little spots you go to, through ohio. this is in some ways standard stuff. it is also response to the criticism obviously that romney has got than all he seem to be doing is fund raising, he's not fighting enough in the swing states. he's going to do it. but it is the sort of thing you do come the fall campaign, which started for real. as far as the show is concerned, thank you for asking, we're going to have among our guests will be senator durbin and senator lindsey graham. we want to talk about the middle east and what is going on and what we have now learned about what happened in libya as well as we want -- both of them are close to the -- close observers of the campaigns. we want to get their take on what is going on as we start the fall campaign. >> here we go. good to see you, moderating that debate, by the way, candy crowley. can't wait. see you sunday. and that will do it here. no. christine romans, christine
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romans is standing by. christine romans, forgive me. sorry. we'll call it a friday. i'm having a friday moment. run through some of the numbers, the tax returns out and about on the website for folks to see. >> i'm waiting to download those from the website. 2010, this is how big it is. this is just 2010. we'll get another year like that, 2011, those are the two years that mitt romney, the romney campaign will allow us to pour over. i guarantee you there are headline that the campaign released, how much he made last yeerks h year, his effective tax rate. you will see a lot of people, me too, going through this on a friday evening in a political season to find out just where the income is coming from, we know almost all next income, what countries, what kind of investment vehicles is he invested in, where are those investment vehicles domiciled,
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et cetera, et cetera. a lot to go through here. you can be sure. but the headline is he made $13.7 million last year, and he paid $1.9 million in taxes on that. we know the effective tax rate is 14.1%. and he paid about a third of his income in charitable donations. we know from his other tax returns that we have seen, an estimated 2011 that we saw earlier this year that he gives, he tithes to his church and he gives other charitable donations as well. the 20.2% on average for past 20 years, brooke, is interesting, because as candy said there have been a lot of calls about how much has he paid in taxes, has he paid his fair share, does the top 1% pay its fair share. and the 20% number sort of politically is significant because while it is below the 35%, which is your marginal tax rate for a very rich person in this country, it is more than the 15% tax rate of the middle class and the effective tax rate
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of the middle class. there is nothing middle class about this tax return. and that's something that dogged this campaign. this is an awful lot of money, we knew he was rich. he's fabulously wealthy. he gives a lot of money to charity. he pays, you know, last year 14.1% in taxes. but quite frankly this is -- it is a return that shows that he is the top 1%, the top .01% in america. >> he said basically he shouldn't be penalized for his success. we'll be watching to see what his message to be when he's in the heart of the country in ohio next week. christine romans, thank you very much. our thanks to candy crowley. now, a lot more news unfolding this hour, including this. dramatic improvement in the survival rates for people with cancer. and new research will soon make that possible. dr. sanjay gupta joins me live. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. congress is about to
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adjourn. >> thank you very much. >> but why isn't anything getting done? huge issues are left hanging. >> shame on them for abandoning our farmers, our economy and families who need us to act. plus, a desperate call to 911 to help a stranger. >> she's banging on the windshield for him to stop. oh, my god. >> drivers work together to help a woman clinging to life on the georgia interstate. and if you live in los angeles, keep watching us, but make sure you peek out your window, you're about to see this for the last time ever in the air. we'll take you live with the space shuttle "endeavor."
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. so many governments around the world have feared, friday, the day of prayer in the muslim world has also turned into a time of protests. look at these pictures. demonstrations against the united states over this anti-muslim video have sprung up
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in at least five countries. some were peaceful, like this event here, this is malaysia. some were forbidden, in tunisia and indonesia, the government banned demonstrations. france closed embassies in more than 20 countries. however, other events today were extreme. look at this. do you know what this is? this is bangladesh? radicals setting fire to a box, labeled coffin of obama. the worst of the outrage happened in pakistan where 15 people died. want to go straight to islamabad, reza sayah live for us. what happened there today? >> reporter: a lot of violence, demonstrations throughout the country, most of the major cities as you mentioned. 15 people killed, 13 of them protesters, two of them police officers in the city of karachi. the demonstrations started very early, almost after dawn. they grew in number and intensity throughout the day.
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especially after friday prayers, around 2:00 p.m. local time, that's when a lot of people started heading out. and that's when demonstrations really started to grow. many of the people we saw today, devout muslims angry with this anti-islam movie, others were angry with the u.s. government. the u.s. foreign policy in the region, the occupation of afghanistan, the drone strikes that are killing militants in addition to civilians. but we also saw a lot of young people, a lot of teenagers, 20 somethings and these were the troublemakers, the people who were sparking the violence, they often had that mischievous smile, you got the impression they weren't offended with any movie that they were out there to create some trouble and they certainly made a lost headlines, fueled a lot of violence today. >> i know the protesters tried making their way to the u.s. consulate in karachi. did any of them get there? >> reporter: they didn't. that's what protesters have tried to do throughout this week and yesterday as well.
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but the security forces are becoming very adept at blocking the roads. so what you see is protest trs z trying to approach the consulates, they can't get there and then you see the clashes. protesters didn't get close to the embassy here in islamabad. >> thank you very much. the united states knew the outrage was coming, and the obama administration tried to calm it through a commercial that ran on seven networks in pakistan. watch this. >> since our founding, the united states has been a nation that respects all faiths. we reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. >> let me state very clearly and i hope it is obvious that the united states government had absolutely nothing to do with this video. we absolutely reject its
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content, and message. >> you see these ads, the state department spent $70,000 on the ad. want to bring in fareed zakaria. nice to see you. i want to pick up on the demonstrations, in pakistan, why isn't this message we just heard in that ad, why isn't that getting through to the pakistanis, or are the protests about something much more than an offensive video? >> they're about something much more and about something else. they are getting through to the remb, kistan i a couof many, ma people, 120 million or something like that. these are protests involving a few thousand people. this is the standard operating procedure for a certain kind of radicalized, political group in place like pakistan. they search around for incidents like these, like this video, or some guy burning a koran,
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something like that, they use it to manipulate public opinion, to whip their troops up into a frenzy, and they unleash them. the goal is to get political power, attention for themselves, to radicalize the population. it is not that the message isn't getting through to them they don't want to hear the message. they want to try to misrepresent the reality of the video as much as they can. >> let me ask you, totally switching gears, bill clinton, fareed, you sit down with former president clinton and you got his take on president obama's chances come election day. and if he could winly lby an electoral landslide. >> it's possible. but we still don't know who is going to vote. he won an enormous victory among people in the 30. but they are disproportionately likely now to be unemployed or stuck in part time jobs, frustrated. i think for all kinds of reasons they're unlikely to vote, in
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large numbers for governor romney, but will they vote? how much will the vote be lessened or reduced by the fact that in florida, except for four counties, the pre-election vote the advance voting has been cut down to eight days and doesn't include the sunday before the election, which is an arrow aimed straight at the heart of the african-american churches who pull up the church buses on the sunday before election and take elderly people who have no cars or people who are disabled to the polls so they can vote. how much is all that going to affect the turnout? i never, in my lifetime, nobody has done anything this blatant. i think you have to assume it is going to be a close race. >> he said assume it is going to be a close race. but, still, his guy is going to win? >> i think that was the body language. when i pointed out to him was that in every swing state, obama is now lileading by a comfortab
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margin. and has been leading for two months now. it is not just this recent bad week or recent couple of bad weeks that romney has had. he raises the very interesting issue about turnout. we really don't know enough about what the nature of turnout will be because some of the groups are groups that certainly don't -- at midterm elections, we know that from the last midterm election, but also we don't know what the effects of some of these efforts to pair down the voting list would be. so all that produces the uncertainty, not so much the head to head polls in swing states of likely voters, in all of which, as you know now, obama is leading by an average of 5%. >> and finally, we'll look for your interview, more of your interview with bill clinton. over the weekend, you have a special coming up. >> we have a special on jobs in america. we look around the world to try to figure out what is working in other parts of the world, and
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what we could do right back here, how can we adopt best practices and get some jobs moving in this country. >> okay, fareed zakaria, thank you. we can watch you this sunday, 10:00 in the morning, 1:00 p.m. eastern, "fareed zakaria gps". a cancer breakthrough. dr. sanjay gupta has news from one of america's top cancer hospitals saying we finally, finally may have turned the corner on fighting this disease. that's next. [ woman ] it's 32 minutes to go time, and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district.
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the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... i was talking to my best friend. i told her i wasn't feeling like myself... i had pain in my pelvic area... and bleeding that wasn't normal for me. she said i had to go to the doctor. turned out i had uterine cancer, a type of gynecologic cancer. i received treatment and we're confident i'll be fine. please listen to your body. if something doesn't feel right for two weeks or longer, see your doctor. get the inside knowledge about gynecologic cancers. knowing can make all the difference in the world. presidethis message. barack obama and i approve... anncr: he keeps saying it... mitt romney: this president cannot tell us that you're...
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better off today than when he took office. anncr: well... here's where we were in 2008... tv anncr: the worst financial collapse... since the great depression... tv anncr: american workers were laid off in numbers not seen... in over three decades. anncr: and here's where we are today... thirty months of private sector job growth. creating 4.6 million new jobs. we're not there yet. but the real question is: whose plan is better for you? the prident's plan a millionaires... to pay a little re... to help invest in a strong middle class. clean energy. and cut the deficit. mitt romney's plan? a new 250,000 dollar t break for... lti-millionaires. roll back regulations on the banks that cratered the economy. and raise taxes on the middle class. president clinton: they want to go back to the sd... licies that got us in troubl in the first place. president obama: we're not going back, we are moving forward. anncr: forward.
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today, the largest cancer center in the world made a startling announcement. it said we are finally in a position to radically reduce the death rate from several common cancers, not some day far off, but soon. cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta got the exclusive interview with researchers in this texas lab. take a look. >> we're in a position to make
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dramatic impact on cancer mortality in this decade. >> you're saying if we do everything right, in five years from now there will be far fewer people dying from cancer, right? >> correct. i think that with the existing knowledge and the application of what we now know we could begin to see dramatic declines in mortality that would accelerate in years five through ten and beyond set the stage for ultimate control of the disease. >> and sanjay joins me now. and mindy anderson, huge predictions. on behalf of folks who have known people, loved ones who had cancer, i want to say a big hallelujah, hopefully, for this. is that fair to do? >> an aspirational thing. that was the president of the largest cancer center in the world they do more clinical trials and he's the one saying this. >> what cancers are we talking about? >> there is a list. let me preface by saying that the mood down there was -- they call it the moon shot, that's what they call this project. the same sort of energy and enthusiasm that president
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kennedy had of putting a man on the moon, that's what they're trying to harness here. look at the list, some big cancers, melanoma, lung cancer, biggest cancer killer overall, triple negative breast cancer, this is one of the hardest breast cancers to treat, there are not a lot of good options, in these cancers, they think, as you pointed out, not a long time down the road, but within the next few years significant decreases in mortality. >> the word they're using is cure. they want to cure. >> it is audacious and people are reluctant to use that word and for good reason. and we heard it before. i heard it before as a doctor, as a journalist. but this place, md anderson, you know you tend to think of these as water shed moments you pick up the paper and you read, we cured cancer. it is built on lots and lots of knowledge over lots of years. that is what has been happening. they think with the existing knowledge they have, everything from genomics, learning people's genetic sequences, all of that, in combination with how to
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prevent the cancers from occurring in the first place they get to the place where they eliminate cancer mortality. >> forgive my impatience, of the list of cancers we saw and the research, you were in the labs with them, which cancer is it that they will have the -- they'll have the impact the first. >> i asked the same question. and it came back probably the answer is melanoma. i up that at the top of the list for that reason. we saw this patient you're looking at here, brian rose, he's baseball coach, from the midwest, he has ste 4 melanoma, whh means it spread throughout his body. there are no good options for patients like this. what he's undergoing, what you're looking at there is one of the first times in the world that this therapy has been used where they take his own immune cells, they take it out of his body, which they're doing there, and teach those immune cells how to fight his melanoma. they inject the cells back into the body. it is essentially his own immune system that becomes the thing that is targeting the cancer. that idea is not completely new or novel, but the way that
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they're doing it now at md anderson, they're very, very optimistic they can cure if not absolutely treat a guy like brian rose. >> incredible. >> it is good to share good news in this area. everybody is affected by it. >> everyone. i can't think of a single person who doesn't know someone or lost someone sadly from cancer. sanjay, thank you. you're wondering how can i learn more, you can. you can watch sanjay's report called "chasing the cure" this week, airs saturday, 4:30 p.m. eastern, and sunday, 7:30 in the morning. dr. gupta, thank you. members of congress leaving the building today, and they won't be back until after election day. and that may have you thinking what exactly did they get done this session? joining me next, veteran member who is so said up with the sniping and partisan atmosphere she's not seeking re-election. she's senator olympia snowe. she joins me live next.
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that is next. but first, when you get ready to retire, should you be concerned about credit card debt? alison kosik is at our help desk. >> here on the help desk, we're talking about paying down debt before retirement. with me this hour, liz miller and greg mcbride. greg, listen to this question. >> when you retire, should you get rid of credit card debt or is it okay to have some? >> we all carry credit card debt. come on. >> get rid of the credit card debt regardless of your age. it is very high cost debt. now, don't fall for the misperception that you have to carry debt in order to maintain a credit score. i think it is important that you get rid of that debt, but continue to use the credit card for a token purchase every month or so, pay the balance in full, just so you can maintain a high credit score. don't carry any credit card debt. >> that's a great idea, right? >> i agree completely. has nothing to do with age. the fact that you're retiring isn't going to change that. spending habits shouldn't change that dramatically and if you
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used a credit card responsely before, keep doing it. your credit score can come from a lot of different sources. i talk to people about one of the best sources is a well paid off car loan to maintain a good credit score. >> you can prove it that way, right? okay, great. if you have an issue, want our experts to tackle, upload a 30-second video with your help desk question to ally bank. why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no.
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well, congress has wrapped up its work before its election recess and didn't exactly break odty rds. lawmakersas17 laws as of last month. the onal quote/unquote do nothing congress says back in 1948 passed more than 900 laws. this year is the earliest congressional quick date before an election in more than 50 years. and we have senator olympia snowe, joins me from washington, she's retiring this year. not running for re-election,
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citing some of the frustration, senator, with some of the political gridlock and i just want to say welcome back here to the show. >> thank you. >> before we speak, i want to play a little bit of your -- we'll call it fiery, colorful speech, slammin the snail's pace of work, yesterday morning. let's roll it. >> through the self-inicted travesty of last year's debt ceiling debacle, that we're facing another manufactured crisis, this year, with the fiscal cliff that never would have existed if the senate had remained in session, had fewer recesses, and maximized every legislative day, based on the job that we were elected to do as i have argued virtually throughout this entire congress. according to a recent study illustrated by this chart, deferring last year the debt ceiling to the 11th hour in august produced the highest level of policy uncertainty of any event that occurred over the last 20 years. that includes 9/11, the financial crisis, the fall of
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lehman, the iraq war. >> senator snowe, self-inflicted travesty, manufactured crisis. is it fair that you were saying congress has blown it? >> basically that is true. and based on the fact that we fail to address these issues, none of the issues that we are for example, were issues that were a surprise. they were all anticipated. even the debt ceiling crisis didn't have to be a crisis. we knew in january 2011 that we had to raise the threshold. in fact, the original deadline was in march. but it continued to be deferred to the 11th hour in august of that year, creating a crisis and putting the country through emotional travail. that's what is such, i think, a
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travesty, and also i think affecting the confidence of the people of this country, towards their elected officials and political institutions. >> senator, if i may, and i appreciate your candidness yesterday and let's be honest here. who is to blame for this? >> well, you know, obviously there is enough blame to go around. in the united states senate, that's what we were addressing yesterday, obviously the majority -- the democratic majority controls the senate, so they control the agenda and how it is established. it is important to get a legislative agenda the beginning of the new congress, work it out with the minority leader, and then sort of lay a plan for how it is going to be addressed. so the debt ceiling was one issue. we knew the tax rates were going to expire. so we did a temporary extension. all of these together should have been addressed at the onset of the congress, in conjunction with the president, and obviously with the speaker of
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the house of representatives, bringing to the table and saying this is the agenda, we know these are the issues that have to be addressed and we want do it in a timely fashion that is thoughtful and deliberate rather than the 11th hour, bills crashing behind closed doors, giving very little time to evaluate and to analyze them, and so thus we're in this situation in the lame duck session. >> you talk about how it is the democratic majority in the senate that sets the agenda. what about, you mentioned the fiscal cliff, the fiscal cliff is looming, called it a manufactured crisis. what about the republicans, though? your party -- do the republicans need to give in on opposition to raising taxes to help the deficit? do they need to give in? >> you know, the point is here, brooke, is have the committees address these issues in a timely fashion, as i mentioned, which would have been, frankly, last year, you know? asint committsign the committeed have had tax reform and get everybody on board.
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>> but that didn't happen. as we well know. what about now? what about republicans? will they give in? >> well, it is a question of what we're giving in -- it is not a question of giving in, it is what is it that we're going to address and how we're going to address it for the future of the country? what are the ideas and what is the merit of a plan and who is going to be drafting? we have to have people have been elected by their constituents, anticipating the committee process to get this done. that's why i argue with the majority of the leader in the letter. have us lay the ground work on a bipartisan basis. i said to mitch mcconnell as well, that we should lay this out, last april, let's begin that process so we're prepared for a 36-day lame duck session, to deal with all of the big issues that seemed reasonable to do the right thing. and then we can see where everybody stands in on the questions you raised. >> multiple issues -- forgive me, multiple issues left to tackle, not just the fiscal
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cliff. final question to you, senator, that is, we have to talk about mitt romney. let me play some sound. this is what he said late yesterday about washington and specificallyresident obama. >> i can change washington. i will change washington. we'll get the job done from the inside. cor.>> youaith rats will pa ninee c do tha >> ll, i hope so. and that's what he has said. and that is important. he had to do that obviously in the massachusetts, as governor of massachusetts, and certainly has to happen here. i just regret that that hasn't happened to the extent that it should have, that could have, i think, changed the political dynamic and perhaps this dynamic wouldn't have taken hold. now how do we go forward and certainly that's something that both, you know, mitt romney and the president need to address in this campaign because it is a critical issue, and certainly i take mitt romney at his word.
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>> you take him at his word, not just hope so, but believe so as well. >> yeah. it is important. absolutely. and he understands the value of that, and we have to change the dynamic here. and, also, having the american people participate in that process and that's something i will be addressing once i leave the united states senate and encouraging people how they can change it in real time, so that this kind of culture doesn't continue to persist. >> 18 years. >> yes. >> 18 years, three terms. senator olympia snowe, we truly appreciate you coming on. thank you. >> thank you. thank you, brooke. and talking about mitt romney here, the big news today, his 2010 tax returns being released today. a short time ago. they were released online. jim acosta has been covering the romney campaign. he joins me live from las vegas. and jim acosta, why now? why today? >> reporter: well, according to the romney campaign it because this information is ready, and
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let's run through some of the numbers because there is sort of an interesting story to tell here, brooke. first of all, according to this 2011 return, which has been put up on the mitt romney website, mitt romney paid nearly $2 million on roughly $14 million in income for an effective tax rate of 14%. but this is the interesting part. the romneys donated $4 million to charity, but they only claimed $2.25 million in -- as a deduction for their contributions. why is that important? previously during this campaign, ooke, mitt romney said that he basically paid more than an effective tax rate of 13% for all the time he's been paying his taxes. he was even asked in an interview on abc, do you recall a time you paid less than 13%, he went and looked and said he would go back and look and report back to us in the news media. and so what the romney campaign is saying is that he limited the deductions that he took in terms
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of the charitable contributions in order to, as the campaign calls it, conform to his previous statements about that 13% tax rate. so that is interesting to note. the other thing that they put out today were the health records from the romney campaign from mitt romney and paul ryan. and according to those health records, brooke, both candidates are in very, very good health. >> okay. jim acosta, thanks so much for us from vegas. and staying westward, live pictures over the los angeles area, space shuttle "endeavor" flying to its final home, going to land at l.a.x. any moment now. we're going to take you to the landing site and bring you the historic moment live on cnn. canr cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. wthe future of our medicare andr electiosocial security. for... what's the rush? man 1: i want facts. straight talk. tell me your plan...
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and what it means for me. woman 2: i'm tired of the negative ads and political spin. that won't help me decide. man 2: i earned my medicare and social security. and i deserve some answers. anncr: where do the candidates stand on issues that... affect seniors today and in the future? find out with the aarp voters' guide at i've been a superintendent for 30 some years at many different park service units across the united states. the only time i've ever had a break is when i was on maternity leave. i have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. now, i'm going to be able to have the time to explore something different. it's like another chapter.
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what a way to say good-bye. talk about goosebumps. there she goes, wheels up. 11:17 eastern time this morning, that's how the final day of this flight began for space shuttle "endeavor." check out live pictures here, chad myers standing next to me telling me she's flying up or down the 105 toward that final
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landing spot of los angeles international airport. it has been a long day, flying over california, heading northward, giving folks around the state a chance to wave good-bye, to look up. we have chad myers standing by also in california, we have miguel marquez and casey wian. let me go to you first, miguel. i understand you're on a bluff overlooking the airport with the crowd. look at that crowd. do you see it? >> reporter: yeah, we're in el segundo, california. there is a little hill overlooking l.a.x. this is -- how amazing were those flyovers? twice now, twice now the shuttle has flown over l.a.x. and it is absolutely stunning. i met kids out here. look at these guys here today. i met engineers, rocket -- real rocket scientists who actually worked on the space shuttle and it has come here 200, 300 feet off the runway it is an
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absolutely stunning sight. inspirational for so many people. there are old people, i see people in wheelchairs out here, struggling to get out here, kids out here, playing with space shuttles, it is absolutely stunning to see how excited people are. one of the freeways in l.a., the police didn't shut it down, the freeway shut itself down, people stopped on the freeway to watch the space shuttle go by. the hills throughout los angeles, packed with people. kid s aren't in school today. it is a fascinating day. there must be 10,000 people out here. there is an enormous bandstand they set up out here. there is only -- they weren't expecting this many because there is only about five port apotties down there and huge lines but everybody is very, very sweet and kind to each other. it is an absolute lovely day, after 123 million miles, the "endeavor" has 12 more to go and they'll do it through l.a. >> i love your excitement, miguel.
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can you -- i'm curious, the kids behind you, why are they there? i would love to hear from them. >> reporter: why aren't you in school and why are you here? >> we're here to see the once in a lifetime opportunity of a shuttle. >> very nice. how cool is it to see it on a plane? >> awesome. >> awesome. >> basically just a really awesome day, brooke. >> hi, dad. >> this is your history class? >> yeah, same with me. >> what you have to write a 20-page report in the morning? >> no way, no way, no way. we learned about primary and secondary. i think i'm going to be a primary. >> he's a primary so just like reporters. perfect. >> i love it. we're in the going to go too far from you, miguel. i want to see the pictures, everyone is watching for "endeavor." i was reading in one of the l.a. papers, police were worried people would be in the highways looking up instead of ahead. the highway shut themselves down. we have casey wian standing by.
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casey is at the airport, at the hangar, where "endeavor" will live until that museum. set the scene for me, casey. >> reporter: what we have got here sa i little bit more sedate scene than miguel is encountering but it is about to get more exciting once this 747 carrying "endeavor" lands. what you're going to see is right over my shoulder, where the flags are, that's where the plane and the shuttle are going to taxi to, there is going to be a ceremony here involving three of the 150 or so folks who flew on the shuttle "endeavor" and dignitaries, the mayor is here, the master or mistress of ceremonies, this is very appropriate for los angeles, is the woman who played lieutenant okura, michelle nichols in the television show "star trek," she'll be presiding over the ceremony here. what is going to happen once all
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the dignities a dignitaries are is a hangar where the shuttle will be moved and prepared for display at the california science center in downtown. it is going to have some replica engines put in, minor work getting it ready for display mode. and then it has got a 12-mile trek where it will be towed over the city streets of los angeles, and we have talked about this before, that's been controversial because they have had to tear down 400 trees to make way -- >> let me interrupt you. >> go ahead. >> i do want to hear about that that is so much part of the story. if you're watching this live picture with us, the landing gear is down. so clearly that means the landing is imminent as we watch this. we have this picture, we just want to sit on this because truly this is historic. we have watched the other shuttles make their ways, piggyback new york and washington, d.c., "atlantis" at
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kennedy space center down there, this is "endeavor" as we watch her gliding in for the final time into los angeles. let's just sit on this. and there she is. touchdown. space shuttle "endeavor" on top of the modified 747, after sort of traversing the country the past couple of days. she is home. let's check back in with those kids in a very enthusiastic
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miguel, miguel marquez over in el segundo. miguel, i hear the cheers. i hear the cheers. >> reporter: listen to the crowd! those are the -- those are the jets that were accompanying it going by l.a.x. and now the shuttle is coming to a slow rolling stop right in front of us. look at all the people taking pictures. i'll duck down, actually, because i'm in everybody's way. it is an absolutely stunning day, beautiful california afternoon, that shuttle coming in on the back of that 747. there it is. it will head to a united terminal not too far away from us where it will be taken down and move 12 miles to the california science center. an absolutely beautiful day, a sad day in some ways but people here absolutely loving it. brooke? >> okay. miguel, we have to pay the bills, folks, don't go too far. we'll come back to the live pictures and check back in with casey, chad standing by with me. back in a moment.
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the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well. but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... ♪ chirping
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beeping camera ahhhh drill sound chirping electric shaver shaking remote tapping sound shaking drill chirping tapping shaking remote wouldn't it be great to have one less battery to worry about? car honking irping the 2012 sonata hybrid. the only hybrid with a lifetime hybrid battery warranty. from hyundai. presidethis message. barack obama and i approve... anncr: he keeps saying it... mitt romney: this president cannot tell us that you're... better off today than when he took office. anncr: well... here's where we were in 2008... tv anncr: the worst financial collapse... since the great depression... tv anncr: american workers were laid off in numbers not seen... in over three decades. anncr: and here's where we are today... thirty months of private sector job growth. creating 4.6 million new jobs. we're not there yet. but the real question is: whose plan is better for you? the president's plan asks millionaires... to pay a little more... to help vest in a strong middle class.
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clean energy. and cut the deficit. mitt romy's plan? a new 250,000 dollar tax break for... roll back regulations on the banks that cratered the economy. and raise taxes on the middle class. president clinton: they want to go back to the same old... policies that got us in trouble in the first place. president obama: we're not going back, we are moving forward. anncr: forward. i was talking to my best friend. i told her i wasn't feeling like myself... i had pain in my pelvic area... and bleeding that wasn't normal for me. she said i had to go to the doctor. turned out i had uterine cancer, a type of gynecologic cancer. i received treatment and we're confident i'll be fine. please listen to your body. if something doesn't feel right for two weeks or longer, see your doctor. get the inside knowledge about gynecologic cancers. knowing can make all the difference in the world.
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want to take you back out to los angeles international airport. there she is on the ground. space shuttle "endeavour" making its way to her final home. we have a couple reporters stationed in and around the lax area. i want to go back to miguel marquez standing around with some incredibly enthusiastic pint size astronauts. tell me what that moment was like a few minutes ago when the folks finally saw the space shuttle land. >> reporter: look, everybody out here is inspired by this thing. when i was a little kid in santa rosa, new mexico, i remember having the space shuttle poster up on my wall and thinking, wow, i wish i were an astronaut. i became a reporter instead to watch the shuttle come in for its final landing. but i'm with somebody here who has a similar story. from korea you watched the moon landing, were inspired, you came here and you're actually a rocket scientist who worked on the space shuttle.
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tell me what you did. >> i was a design engineer. actually was a part othe team that designed the space shuttle and built the space shuttle. >> and how thrilling is it to be here today? >> it is so exciting. it was a highlight of my life working on the space shuttle program. and being here and see the chapter close, it's just awesome. awesome. >> reporter: thank you very much. generations to come will be inspired by this program. >> fantastic. for the record, i did want to be an astronaut. went to space camp and the whole deal. then the whole physics thing happened in high school and i said i think i'm better at english. fantastic live pictures. thanks to our crews and l.a. bureau for making all of this happen for us. thank you so much for watching. i'm brooke baldwin. quick break and then "the situation room" with wolf blitzer is next. only the beginning.t ♪ ♪ introducing a stunning work of technology.
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