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tv   Early Start  CNN  September 26, 2012 2:00am-4:00am PDT

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i've said it before. i'll say it again. listen up, youth of america. come closer, if you can. come closer. can you zoom in a little bit? come closer, youth of america. rear-fired rockets do not make you cool. and if you think chugging wine from your posterior will solve all your problems, please, please, think again. that's it for us. thanks for watching. "early start" begins now. political football. the candidates try to score points over the nfl's replacement reps. the last word. iran's president takes the podium for the final address to the u.n. today. how far will he go this time? nature's fury. take a look. funnel clouds spotted in the plains. this one touched down. and good morning, everybody.
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welcome to "early start." i'm alina cho. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. it is 5:00 in the east. it is hard to predict what mahmoud ahmadinejad will do when he addresses the u.n. general assembly for the last time. >> it's his final term in office that ends in june. he's expected to go out with a bang after hearing this warning yesterday from president obama. >> make no mistake, nuclear-armed iran is not a challenge that can be contained, it would threaten the elimination of israel, the security of gulf nations and the stability of the global economy. and that's why the united states will do what we must to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. >> cnn foreign affairs report alice is here with us this
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morning. good morning. this is one of the most anticipated speeches of the u.n. in no small part because he's considered a loose cannon. do we have any idea what he's going to say today. >> the rhetoric is heating up between the israelis and iran and talk about a possible iran strike on the nuclear program. i think he's going to double-down on the ante. nothing he says today is going to make israel do anything, it will be based on the nuclear program. he likes to play with people so i think he'll have a little bit of fun. and i think you can expect some tough rhetoric. in previous years it has been so tough people walked out of the room. >> that's right. i was with don ki-moon yesterday and basically he told him, i made it quite clear you must prove yourself for your nuclear program that it is for peaceful programs, you have not convinced the world. time is of the essence. i made it clear we don't have much time left.
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president obama echoed that sentiment but ban ki-moon said to also tone it down this year. >> the rhetoric is very high and you may want to give a statesman-like speech. >> president obama gave a siring defense speech. tell us about that. t >> the anti-american protests were raging across the middle east as a result. so what president obama did was, listen, the united states definitely approve of the video. but when we are talking about dma acy in the region, this is a part of that. >> the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression. it is more speech. the voices of tolerance that rally against bigotry and bl
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blasphemy. >> some of the leaders say we need to have some international law banning blasphemy and the anti-religious rhetoric. not just in their own countries where it exists but around the world. listen to the president, hamid karzai, talking about this subject. >> such acts cannot be called freedom of speech or explex. equally, they cannot give reason for the protests to be used inside the terrible losses of lives. >> what president obama did then was said, listen, if you want to have blasphemy be horrible, then you have to talk about a church being burned in israel and if the holocaust is -- this type of rhetoric is horrible but we all
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have to speak out about it. >> it highlights educational difference. everyone says violence is not what you should result to. we want to talk some meetings yesterday. we were talking about president obama not taking meetings that secretary of state hillary clinton did over this. he listened to you at least. >> he did have a couple meetings. it is customary for the president to meet with the secretary general of the u.n. and he did meet with ban ki-moon and did a short meeting with former prime minister -- >> and briefly met with yemen's president, but these are not the type of high-level meetings that republicans would want, right? >> the meeting with yemen was important to show president for the new -- in pakistan there's a
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lot of tension between the u.s. and pakistan and a whole host of issues, drones, frix, and the president came in and secretary clinton met with him. >> president clinton met with 20 world leaders so you could see the point pms are making. >> i do think president zadarwi had a lot to say yesterday. he wanted to take a look at that and make sure that everybody knew his country is suffering. let's take a listen. >> no country, no people have suffering more against deadism in pakistan. dune strikes and civil an casualties on our territory and
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to the complexity add to the complexity of our hearts and minds through this epic struggle to those who say we have not done enough, i say in all humility, please no dot insult the memory of our dead and the pain of our living. >> this is what the u.n. general assembly is made up of, a few long, boring speeches and a few moments like this. >> thank you. see you next hour. in the next half hour of "early start" we'll be joined by margaret hoover and richard socarides. they always have so much to say. fun to have them on. now to america's growing impatience with the nfl's replacement refs. you knew it was only a matter of time before the politicians turned it into political fire.
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paul ryan yesterday as mitt romney's running mate. very unhappy about the replacement reps rob. >> did you guys watch that packer game last night? i mean, give me a break. it is time to get the real refs -- and it reminds me of president obama and the economy. if you can't get it right, it's time to get out. >> paul ryan called the refs out today are. you glad that he did that? >> paul was very angry that the green bay packers won and the referees took it away from him. >> i think a lot of people feel that way, right? the democrats are also paying in on the replay mean your. breaking out an nfl analyst.
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listen. >> with the football game, no, i did not think it was a touchdown. i thought the pass was down before there was joint progression. and we need to get more serious people in there. >> you can ask this man anything and he has an opinion. and from the former president to the sitting president, this tweet from barack obama, quote, nfl fans on both sides of the aisle, hope the rest of the lockout is settled soon. he also called that call terrible. i don't know much about football but that was not a touchdown. >> this is a $9 billion operation and somebody compared it to tick money. that's what they are squabbling over but forget it. and the staffty of the players there, too. one storm chaser says a
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tornado touched down in rurl illinois. the home here was turned over by the high winds and funnel clouds never reached the ground. there are no reports of any injuries. we are very happy to report that. todd aiken is not stepping down about his comments about legitimate rape. yesterday was the final day for the republican to take his name off the november ballot. he launch a bus cam rain as well. chelsea clinton is now working with her father at the clinton foundation. she says she's inspired by the work of the what the mission is in their lives. she says she hopes to emulate
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them. >> i want to live a life that when i have children, it not only makes my children proud of me, god willing sh as i am of my har parents, but that same kind of ethos. >> in addition to the clinton global initiative, chelsea clinton also teaches at new york university and is studying at oxford. >> a multi-tasker. college kids in search of a buzz are taking it to the extreme. coming up, the dangerous stunt blamed for sending a student to the hospital and landing a fraternity in trouble with the law now. for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use.
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e.r. over the weekend with alcohol poisoning. the hospital says his blood alcohol level was at five times the legal limit. of course this is really a bit uncomfortable to talk about, but doctors say it is important to do so because it's happening on campuses all over the united states with college kids trying to get drunker faster. the student who was sent to the e.r. is now out of the hospital and reportedly back in class. national correspondent david matingly is in knoxville, tennessee, this morning. david, good morning to you. tell us, what is this all about? >> reporter: well, right now the knoxville police department is standing its ground behind the statements that they have made publicly describing in graphic detail how they believe that this dangerous form of ingesting alcohol is going on at this fraternity here behind me on campus. they say that they have done extensive questioning, nor do they say who told them this, but
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once they found out the allegations happened on campus, they turned everything over to the police here at the university of tennessee. and we are not done here by a long shot because we are expecting today to hear from the parents of that 20-year-old who went to the hospital. they are strongly denying that this is what happened. also, we are expecting to hear from the university officials as well about where they are standing in this investigation. >> and you mentioned the parents, what are the parents saying about this? and i'm curious to know from your reporting, how widespread is this? >> reporter: well, both the mother and father have talked to cnn and they are saying that this did not happen. they are saying their son denied this. in the statement to us, they are sayinge are still getting all of the records and all the facts. i don't think that happened. he said it didn't happen. my certain is the defamation of character that is occurring to my son. so again, expect to hear later today from the parents, a more detailed statement about what
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they're finding and what their position is on this. but i did have a chance last night on campus and off to talk to a lot of students, a lot of former students who are here. everyone i spoke to said they had not heard of this practice before. the practice of those who had heard of it didn't know anyone did it here. you can imagine just about everyone here, knowing about it and talking about it now. >> of course. i'm curious to know really quickly, has the school said anything about this? >> reporter: well, the school is taking very strong steps in the interim right now while the investigation is still going on. the university is under a 30-day suspension and cannot participate in sports for 30 days. they are going to miss one big home game against the university of alabama. they are not allowed to have any sort of social times as well.
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but just this school year, laying it out about the practices that goes on at the institutions that ty say encourages drinking and bed drinking. they have been leaning on these investigations saying they have to change the way they party here to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen. >> david matingly in tennessee. thank you. 18 minutes past the hour. let's get you up-to-date. mahmoud ahmadinejad makes his last appearance in front of the u.n. he already says israel will be eliminated from the middle east and is dismissing the threat of an attack by the israelis. he's also calling for a new world order free of american bullying. norad fighter jets scramble into action over new jersey after two small planes violated a special no-fly zone which was
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in place while president obama was in new york. the planes were scheduled to land at central new jersey's regional airport. faa investigators want to know why the pilots failed to request permission to enter that restrictive air space. secretary of defense leon panetta is ordering the u.s. military to step up their training for commanding officers and enlisted personnel. secretary panetta says 3200 sexual assault cases were reported last year throughout the u.s. military. since many of those cases go unreported, mr. panetta says the real total may actually be closer to 19,000. wow. a senate race between scott brown and elizabeth warren is getting personal and is getting nasty. a new video shows brown ads doing the tomahawk rally meant to identify her as a member who studied at harvard.
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this woman's great, great, great grandmother is also in this. benjamin franklin is apparently worth $3 million. the fbi agents found this piece in elton, maryland, and arrested a 46-year-old woman who previously worked as a housekeeper for those involved in the bust. the owner is hoping to have it restored. >> that's a lot of money. >> hopefully you can glue that back together. you love the next story. we have heard about the futuristic cars that drive themselves. the "san francisco chronicle" has this story about the new law
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signed by governor jerry brown to make a law on driverless cars. google has been developing the technology and says the fleet of the 12-computer-controlled vehicles have gone more than 3,000 miles without an accident. that's a pretty impressive record there. >> it is. you can probably be accident-proof with the driverless cars, a lot better than we can be on the road. for an expanded look at the top stories, head to well, america loves a good comeback story. coming up, the new numbers that might point a rebound for the housing market. ♪ leaving my homeland ♪ playing a lone hand ♪ my life begins today ♪ ♪ fly by night away from here ♪ ♪ change my life again ♪ ♪ fly by night, goodbye my dear ♪
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welcome back. it's 25 minutes after the hour. minding your business this morning, the u.s. stocks signal a lower opening for stocks this morning. world markets are down as well. >> are you surprised stocks closed at two-week lows as the dow fell 200 points. you were giving us all this great news yesterday. >> we had great economic news and caterpillar turned around and said global growth is slowing and that spooked investors cutting a profit outlook citing weaker demand for mining equipment in 2015. folks are like, oh, we are so worried about the storm clouds over the horizon, but there's so
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much good news on the domestic economy yesterday. the housing market is showing signs of a rebound. you have been hearing me -- >> of a real rebound. >> you have been hearing me for months say there's a bottom that looks so much like the housing market is bottoming. and now this case from case-shiller shows it h gone up three months in a row. home price gains, we'll take it. rising now, the home prices in america, 2003 levels. back to where we were before the big housing bubble. we are still down 35% from the peak in 2006. what does this mean for you? if you bought a house in 2003, finally, you're even again, right? if you bought a house in 2007, you're still crying in your beer every day. home sales are showing strength. here's how you look around the country up 20% in the midwest. 15% in the northeast. 13% in the south. growth is less robust in the south over the past year.
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we'll get more data on home sales at 10:00 eastern. on my show this weekend, bottom line, i'll look exclusively at washington, d.c. there it is becoming a seller's market in d.c. >> it's becoming more and more of a seller's market and less of a buyer's market. as of right now, things are outstanding. open houses are busy with buyers getting a lot of internet response to listings and getting a lot of calls on listings and things are moving fast. >> prices are not where they we in 2004 and people are moving for their jobs. especially in the d.c. area, there's the lot of -- look, consumer confidence was also a good number yesterday. stocks were down, though. still worried about global growth but two positive signs about the economy. >> you get excited about the housing economy the way i get excited about shoes. >> although maybe your shoe investment is just as big as my
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housing environment, i'm not sure. the house happens to be my biggest monthly bill. are shoes your biggest monthly bill? >> thank you, christine. players and fans aren't the only one upset at the nfl replacement refs. coming up, why many sports newscasters aren't happy either. with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! to treat your anti-aging concerns? join the counter revolution and switch to olay pro-x. achieve anti-aging results so you look up to 12 years younger. see results in 28 days.
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ripping the replacement refs. they want them banned in new jersey as they are costing people big bucks in vegas. and even president obama has something to say. >> you are in the minority if you don't have something to say
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about that. the president and mitt romney going global on the same stage trying to score campaign points. and china shows off its new naval weapon to the world. good morning, everybody. welcome to "early start." i'm alina cho. glad you are with us on this wednesday. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. 30 minutes past the hour. things are so bad with the nfl replacement referees, one powerful new jersey politician is planning to introduce a bill to ban them from working jets and giants games. state senator bill sweeney says the bill is necessary because the replacement officials pose a risk to the players. he also happens to be a die-hard packers fan. it is only fitting in a country where football is like a religion to millions of americans, it was a hail mary pass that brought this controversy to a head. here's brian todd. >> reporter: after three weeks of controversy and complaints, the nfl replacement referees literally decide the outcome of
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at lst one game. on a desperation pass into the end zone, m.d. jennings of the green bay packers appears to catch the ball for the interception, but the reps rule that seattle seahawks also has the possession. >> the call on the field stands. touchdown. >> reporter: seahawks win. packers fume. >> don't ask me a question about the officials, all right? we'll just cut to the chase right there. i have never seen anything like that in all my years of football. >> just look at the replay. and the fact that it was revi reviewed, it was awful. that's all i'm going to say about that. >> reporter: tame compared to the tweets that went viral. from packers offensive guard t.j. lang, got f'd by the refs, embarrassing. thanks, nfl. fans on both sides of the aisle hope this dispute is settled soon. the baltimore ravens were given
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a one-point lead over the new england patriots and a series of rules that have been botched are driving fans and players crazy. all this because of the labor dispute between the nfl and the regular referees that began when the referees were locked out in june. the referees want more money asking for increasing their salaries from $149,000 to $189,000. compare that to the median nfl player's salary, $770,000 a year. it's important to remember the average nfl playing career is only three-and-a-half years. so these are not full-time jobs for them. the nfl wants to make the refs full-time. the legal also wants to move them from a pension system to a 401(k). but this the context of a business that brings in $9.5 billion a year, it seems relatively solvable. an nfl referee for 25 years who worked two super bowls told me
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he doesn't blame the replacement refs who have been pulled from small colleges, high schools and lower-level pro leagues. what were they really not ready for at this level of the game? >> it's a combination of speed and things that happen. these folks are not used to these million-dollar athletes or $70,000 to $80,000 in the stands or whatever it is that happened a witness and the severity and talent level these guys have. >> it takes to years to get used to seeing the speed in a slower motion. the nfl issued a statement saying it supports the decision not to overturn the on-field ruling but the league also said there should have been a penalty for the pass interference against golden at a time, to would have ended the game in the
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packers' favor. >> i have been curious about this. when talking about $9.5 billion, how much will it cost to bring the referees back? it looks like $30 million versus a $9.5 billion operation. someone suggested yesterday had the top two tires -- listen to this, las vegas is seeing enough of the replacement refs as well. all the blown calls they want in black and white, not gray. the botched touchdown call on monday night not only cost the backpackers the game but many wagers were on green bay. >> i don't know how much you talked about this, but the replacement ref who made the call is actually said to be a local executive for bank of
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america who only received high school and junior high games. i'm not saying this person may not be run day ready for the nfl, but clearly there's a learning curve and . former news of the world chief rebecca brooks is expected to enter a plea to allegations this morning. david cameron will also appear in court later today. an army private is facing slaughter charges after shooting a man. the two soldiers were drinking while watching the football game sunday in texas. police say the victim 22-year-old private lawrence young had a case of the hiccups and the suspect allegedly put out or pulled out a gun to stop him and scare away the hiccups. then the gun went off hitting
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young in the face. china took a step in flexing its grown military office in asia. it launched the first aircraft carrier yesterday. it's refurbished from maine. it may calm some of its nervous neighbors but the areaier is only expected to be used for training purposes at this time. paul rooirn, the gop candidate, took part in ohio to buy his daughter deer hunting accessory. some father/daughter bonding right there. talking about the world trying to impress american voters. coming up, scoring president obama and mitt romney's dueling foreign policy speeches. with some dualers of our own, that's next. forz(power!) andiamo! andiamo! (let's go! let's go!) avanti! avanti! (keep going! keep going!)
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welcome back. 41 minutes past the hour. iran east president mahmoud ahmadinejad is slated to speak later today at the u.n. he says they must stop iran from developing a nuke as time is running out for diplomacy. >> let me be clear, america wants to resolve this issue through diplomacy. we believe there's still time and space to do so. but that time is not unlimited. >> that didn't stop political back and forth in dueling speeches between mitt romney and president obama on the same stage just hours apart. we want to talk about that. let's go to margaret hoover, former white house appointee in the bush administration and you are a democratic analyst. good morning to you. good to see you. i want to talk to you about the op-ed that came out in "the wall
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street journal." do i have this -- yes. here's the first page. >> here you go. >> there we go. >> it's early. >> that's right. the editorial in "the wall street journal" on the president's speech yesterday, generally unfriendly to the president, but here's part of what they said in his u.n. speech on tuesday. president obama took a tougher than usual election-season line against iran. the cold realty is that after nearly four years of failed diplomacy and half-hearted sanctions that he opposed until congress forced his hand, neither iran nor israel believe him. he talked about diplomacy but that time is not unlimited. is that enough? i mean, don't republicans have a point here? >> it is hard to tell. i think "the wall street journal" was trying to give him a left-handed compliment. he was very firm yesterday and he was very clear.
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you know, i think diplomacy, in general, is a business of nuance. but yesterday he was about as firm and clear and it was a very beautiful defense of american policy or freedom of speech. he was very clear on the nuclear issue and thought he spoke beautifully about chris stevens. i think the editorial opinion this morning is very favorable to him. >> and to your point, i think he did speak very clearly. he did speak very forcefully and beautifully. but i think what republicans are saying is to what end? we have been speaking beautifully about these topics for four years now and the centrifuges are still turning in iran. >> right. and mahmoud ahmadinejad will speak at the u.n. today and he does what he wants, says what he wants and does what he wants. so the question is, does anybody listen? >> and frankly president obama has been talking about the iranian problem. he's been talking about israel and the palestinians.
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he's been talking about syria and many of the issues which present real challenges for the united states foreign policy. and there are very few -- >> how about looking at some polls here. when you look at the cnn $orc poll, who handles foreign policy the best? obama, 49%. romney, 46%. margaret? go ahead. >> absolutely. this is a strong suit for president obama, but we have also seen the numbers soften in the past few weeks, especially since the attacks on our embassy abroad on september 11th. this goes to a point of where is the american leadership? no actionable response that the american ambassador was killed in an embassy abroad. >> i think we have done a lot of things but i think the most interesting thing about yesterday is looking at the two of them, i was there at the
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clinton global initiative where they spoke a couple hours apart. and i thought romney was terrif terrific. >> we'll play that and then we'll talk about it. >> a lot of americans, including myself, are developed, excuse me, are troubled by developments in the middle east. syria has witnessed the killing of tens of thousands of people. the president of egypt is a member of the muslim brotherhood. our ambassador to libya was assassinated in a terror attack. iran is moving toward nuclear weapons capability. we somehow feel that we are at the mercy of events rather than shaping the events. >> it called him one of the best delivered and best of his campaign. >> not a lot of solution there, though, margaret. >> you go because i'll go next.
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>> he was funny, he looked relaxed and did not look like a man about to lose a presidential election, even though he is. but obama showed up just a couple hours later and he took the stage and i spoke substantively, the contract was amazing. here you have someone to be the leader of the free world compared to someone who looks like he is extremely polished. >> the big headline out of the sbeech mitt romney is the hit against him, no energy, all you saw was new ideas. he basically offered a solution for modernizing the aidsystem. >> they came up with the prosperity pack. >> did you listen to the speech? literally, richard, you have to give him credit. the foreign aid system is totally outdated and what it suggests is to tie our foreign aid to economic developments because the key insight is
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pulling people out of poverty the economic prosperity. this is a method for doing it with the aid we are sending abroad. >> i'm going to jump in, does anybody want to talk about the swing states? we'll do that next hour. thank you very much, we treesht that. we appreciate it. thank you. a heated debate is always really good. >> we are highly caffeinated. >> if you haven't had your coffee, you don't need it. thanks, guys. well, it is video you have to see to believe. coming up, a truck driver defies the odds. if you are leaving the house right now, you can watch us any time on your desk top or mobile phone, go to we are back after this. . double miles you can actually use... but mr. single miles can't join his friends because he's getting hit with blackouts. shame on you. now he's stuck in a miniature nightmare.
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welcome back. 52 minutes after the hour.
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i'm alina cho along with zoraida sambolin here. >> lady gaga posted pictures of herself in her underwear on her website in response to attacks on her weight in the tabloids saying weight loss and gain has tormented her since she was a child. this is serious. the captions above each photo read bulimia and anorexia since she was 15. >> this all came out after it was revealed her photo on the cover of "vogue" was photo shopped. good for her for speaking about this. madonna diving into politics during her show a couple nights ago in washington. now she's in hot water calling president obama a black muslim while endorsing him. take a look. >> so no [ bleep ] president
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obama, okay? for better or worse, all right? we have a black muslim in the white house, okay? >> madonna was forced to release a statement saying, clearing things up a bit saying, quote, i was being ironic on stage. yes, i know, obama is not a muslim. the point i was making is that a good man is a good no matter who he prays to. i don't care what religion obama is nor should anyone else in america. a father starting a heated debate. is it okay to have a favorite child? this is a tough one. a canadian radio host is being blasted on the web for admitting that he has a favorite son. buzz bishop put up a blog post about how the birth of his first son zachary who is now 5 changed his life. and is his favorite of the two because he can do more things
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and is more fun. after feedback started pouring in, he put up a post, admit it. you have a favorite kid. i do. bishop says he doesn't love one son better than the other, he just likes them differently. i just think the interpretation here, at least mine, is he gets to do more things with the older child, spend more time with that child. as the other one grows up, i think he'll feel it is probably different but equal in the love, right? >> okay. >> that's what i'm going with. >> i love you anyways, zoraida. if you are away from your tv, come here. you want to see this one. a lucky driver in russia is caught on camera barely escaping death. the video shows a head-on collision. it involved two trucks after a tractor-trailer makes a sudden move. there you see it again. he was thrown out the front of his truck. >> he was not wearing his seat belt. he walked away without a
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scratch, apparently. that viral video, 400,000 hits in just two days. >> oh, my goodness. >> somebody was watching over him. >> no kidding. a packed hour ahead on "early start" include iing this whole thing caught on their dash cam. the men who both have criminal records may now sue the department. we have that complete video for you. plus, something we are very excited about from "three's company" today time tv. suzanne somers is here to talk about being healthier and younger. >> she's coming up next hour here on cnn. more "early start" after the break. ♪ well, he's not very handsome ♪ to look at [ sighs ] ♪ oh, he's shaggy ♪ and he eats like a hog [ male announcer ] the volkswagen jetta. available with advanced keyless technology.
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all right. stay with us. about a minute before the top of the hour. david letterman in the thick of the craziness in new york city and taking the diplomatic approach. watch. >> what a night. the entire balcony is full of houligans with diplomatic immunity. anybody visiting from the u.n.? they come from around the world, they are leaders from countries all over the world that come to the united states and have diplomatic immunity, so they can do something and get away with it. just like lindsay lohan. you know who i'm talking about when i say the president of iran, mahmoud ahmadinejad? he hates jewish people, he hates gay people, well, he's come to the right place.
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welcome to town, mahmoud. >> all right. >> only david letterman can call him mahmoud. >> "early start" continues right now. political football. the candidates try to score points amid fan nfl's replacement refs. and a last word. iran's president takes the podium for his final u.n. address today. how far will he go this time? >> caught on camera. police officers in washington state under investigation now after two men say they were roughed up for no good reason. good morning, everybody. welcome to "early start," i'm alina cho. it's 6:00 in the east. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. john will be on in a few hours. he's hosting "starting point" today. the president of iran predicting the elimination of israel in a new world order free of american bullying. and mahmoud ahmadinejad hasn't even taken the stage yet. >> that's right. will do so at 11:00 a.m. eastern
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today. iran's outgoing leader will be addressing the u.n. general assembly later today. he's been warned to tone down the rhetoric. but, of course, no one expects that to happen. not with the entire world watching, and not after this warning yesterday from president obama. >> make no mistake, nuclear-armed iran is not a challenge that can be contained. would threaten the elimination of israel, the security of gulf nations and the stability of the global economy. and that's why the united states will do what we must to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. >> cnn foreign affairs reporter elise labott is with us this morning. what can we expect from ahmadinejad? more of the same? >> i think more of the same. i mean, in previous years you've seen president ahmadinejad say such fiery things, such outrageous things that many delegations have walked out. i think right now there's so much tension between iran and israel over a possible military strike against iran's nuclear program, i think he's going to
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double down, up the ante, and say something pretty fiery today. >> and president obama gave a stern defense of freedom of speech. share some of that with us. >> well, he was speaking in the wake of this -- these protests throughout the arab world, as a result of this video decrying the prophet mohammed and all these attacks on the u.s. embassies as a result. what he was saying is as you look at the arab spring, he's saying that democracy is akin to free speech and that if you're looking to have a democracy, you have to think that everybody has to be able to speak their minds. let's take a listen. >> the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech. the voices of tolerance that rally against bigotry and blasphemy and lift up the values of understanding and mutual respect. >> so he's also saying that the united states obviously didn't approve of this video. but he's saying, you really have to -- everyone has to speak out
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against all kinds of intolerance, because now all of these leaders are saying there should be laws against -- international law, for instance, against blasphemy and hateful speech against islam. let's take a listen to what afghan president hamid karzai said in the hall yesterday. >> such acts can never be justified as freedom of speech or expression. equally, they cannot give reason for the genuine process to be used to incite violence and terrible losses of innocent lives. >> so president obama is saying is, if you're going to say that hateful speech against islam is horrible, then you need to speak out if there are other acts of intolerance against christians, for instance, in egypt if a church is burned or when people deny the holocaust. if you want us to speak out against islam, then everyone has to speak out against all this
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religious intolerance. >> we're going to talk about another speech we're watching very closely that will happen later today in addition to ahmadinejad. egypt's president mohamed mursi will be speaking. apparently had a tense call with president obama, as president obama sort of refusing to call egypt an ally. there was a little bit of a flap over what. what are we expecting from mursi today. >> president mursi was kind of slow to react and president obama gave him a real tough -- tough what-have-you on the phone call. and so what president obama said is, look, egypt cannot be guaranteed u.s. support. so i think when president mursi comes he's going to be saying, you know, this is a new egypt, and 9 united states cannot guarantee that egypt will follow its lead like former president hosni mubarak did. i'm going to have my relations with the united states based on policies towards egypt, towards israelis in the palestinians. i think he's going to call very strongly for a palestinian state. this is a man of the muslim brotherhood, who was very close to the palestinians. and i think he's going to try
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and assert himself and egypt as still a regional player but with new rules. >> all right. i want to talk a little bit about some of the meetings that president obama did take. because yesterday we were talking about the fact that he went to "the view." he didn't take the bilateral meetings and secretary of state hillary clinton was doing that. but he did take some meetings. >> he took a few. first of all, we were talking yesterday, and i think that at this critical time with everything going on, these protests across the world, it was really interesting that he did have a lot of leader meetings. he did meet with u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon, which is customary for the u.s. president. he had a couple of courtesy calls at the head of the u.n. general. he also met with the president of yemen and the reason that's interesting is because yemen was one of the countries that was the most forceful in responding to these -- to these protests. and then also, i think, he could have met with president -- if you look at these protests in
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pakist pakistan. very tough. let's listen to what president zardari said about how the u.s. is treating pakistan as an ally in the war on terrorists. >> more people have suffered than pakistan. drone strikes and civilian casualties on our territory and to the complexity -- add to the complexity of our battle for hearts and minded through this epic struggle. >> so, you know, the united nations general assembly has made up these magic moments, boring speeches. i think this was one of the things that really resonated in the hall among all of the people. and they have lost a lot of people. >> it's been horrible. >> all right, elise labott thank you very much for sharing this morning. six minutes past the hour. in the next half hour on "early start" we'll be joined by former white house appointee margaret hoover, richard socarides is back as well, a former special adviser in the clinton white house. they'll be chatting each other up, and us. >> if you missed it last hour,
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settle in. didn't take long for the politicians to turn the nfl's replacement refs debacle into a political football. check out paul ryan campaigning in ohio yesterday. understandably pretty upset about the backup officials robbing his hometown packers of a victory on monday. this is what it sounds like when politics and pigskins mix. watch. >> you guys watch that packer game last night? i mean, give me a break. it is time to get the real refs. and you know what? it reminds me of president obama and the economy. if you can't get it right, it's time to get out. >> paul ryan called those refs out today. are you glad that he did that? >> that's just fine. paul was very angry that the green bay packers, he believes, won, and the referees took it away from them.
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>> a lot of packers fans were upset about that. the democrats also throwing a flag at the replacement refs. listen to former president bill clinton breaking down monday night's controversial play and sounding a lot like an nfl analyst. watch. >> football game, no, i did not think it was a touchdown. i thought the pass was intercepted. i thought that the defender hit the ground before there was joint possession. and yes it means that we need to get the strike over and get more experienced people in there. >> obviously very serious about that story. the president had something to say, too, watch your screen, barack obama tweeting, quote, nfl fans on both sides of the aisle hope the refs' lockout is settled soon. and he calls the call terrible. >> join the group of people across the country saying that. all right, eight minutes past the hour. police in suburban seattle now say they are investigating. look at this, folks. this incident. it was caught on dash cam.
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those are two brothers down on the ground, getting punched by several officers. they say the cops beat them for no reason, and they filed a complaint. the brothers told affiliate kiro jail officials initially turned the officers away instructing them to take the brothers to the hospital, instead, because of their injuries. they say the officers washed off their faces, drove them around for hours, to reduce the swelling, then took them back to jail, where they were finally booked. tukwila police say they won't comment until their investigation is complete. congressman todd akin is not dropping out of the missouri senate race despite intense pressure to do so in the wake of his controversial comments about quote/unquote legitimate rape. yesterday was the final day for the republican to take his name off the november ballot. he declined. then launched a campaign tour bus instead. chelsea clinton, the former first daughter, normally does not speak publicly. but now she is talking about her work with her father at the clinton global initiative, and
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the clinton foundation. she says that she is inspired by the work of her parents, and always understood that service is a defining mission of their lives. charlie rose asked clinton about her primary goals. >> to lead a purposeful, meaningful life. i mean, i think that's one of the things that unifies us here at cgi. each of us is trying to do the most with the resources we're given. >> she's an overachiever, multitasker, chelsea clinton also teaches at a new york university and is studying at oxford university. >> she also told charlie rose that she'd love to give all of this great advice to her kids, if she had any. much to the chagrin of her parents that there are no grandchildren in that household. >> yes. >> all right, college kids in search of a buzz taking it to the extreme. coming up, the dangerous stunt being blamed for sending a student to the hospital. and landing a fraternity in big trouble.
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welcome back to "early start." 13 minutes past the hour. a university of tennessee knoxville fraternity is suspended over alcohol enema. twelve students cited for underage drinking, another for disorderly conduct. one student roushed to the e.r. over the weekend with alcohol poisoning. the hospital says his blood alcohol level was at five times the legal limit. a student who was sent to the e.r. is now out of the hospital, reportedly also back in class. national correspondent david mattingly is in knoxville, tennessee, and david, what is the very latest here? >> well, a source close to the investigation familiar with what
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the police are finding confirms to us that the police here, when they went in to the fraternity house behind me, doing their investigation, they interviewed and got an interview from one student who told them about this unusual and dangerous practice, ingesting alcohol, that was going on in the house. they also say, according to this source, that they found paraphernalia, the tubing, the alcohol, the bags, that would be needed for this sort of practice to be going on. so that is what we're learning this morning. but we're finding out that there are still some conflict. the parents of this 20-year-old who showed up at the hospital pushing back very hard, saying they're conducting their own investigation into this. in fact, the mother and the father both talked to cnn, saying that we're still getting all the records and facts. i don't think that happened. he said it didn't happen. we're talking about his son. my concern is the defamation of character that is occurring to my son. the parents very concerned about statements being made by the
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knoxville police department early on in this investigation. that department saying that when they showed up at this house behind me, that they discovered several people, including three males, who were passed out. and it was that department also releasing statements publicly, going into graphic detail about the kind of dangerous practice that they believe was going on by individual here at the university. they're still trying to sort all of this out, expect to hear more today from the family, and from the university, as well, about where this investigation is going. >> what has the university said so far, though? >> well, so far they are -- what happened was, the knoxville police department took the lead on this when the students showed up at the hospital. when they determined that the alleged incident took place here on campus, they turned it over to the university police, so they're handling the investigation. in the meantime, the university has put the fraternity here on a
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30-day suspension. they're not allowed to do anything except eat, sleep and go to class for the students that are living there in that house right now. that's all they're allowed to do in the interim, and they'll determine what needs to happen from here, depending on what that investigation turns up. >> i know that this is really not a topic that's really comfortable to talk about, right, but it's really important because this kid is actually lucky to be alive. >> and believe me, a lot of people are talking about it on this campus. i talked to over a dozen students, and former students, both on and off the campus last night. most of them say they had never heard of this practice before. and those who say that they had heard of it said they had never known of anyone who ever tried it or would have even thought of trying it. so now with all the headlines that have been coming out in this case, you can bet that people are talking about it. every single person i've talked to thinks that this is absolutely crazy idea. >> and what about the fraternity? have they released a statement at all?
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>> the national fraternity has released a statement. they're very concerned about this, saying it's conflicting with the values that they have at this fraternity, and at they are supporting the investigation that's going into this. but they, along with everybody else, is just waiting now to find out exactly what the university police have come up with in their investigation, and what exactly happened to that student, and what was going on in the house that night. >> very disturbing details. david mattingly live for us. thank you very much. alina, back to you. >> all right, zoraida. storm chasers saying at least one tornado has touched down in rural southwest v illinois. the roof of a farm house east of st. louis was just ripped to shreds. a tractor was also overturned by high winds there. a number of funnel clouds were spotted in the area but they actually never touched ground. there were no reports of any injuries. want to get straight to rob marciano for a weather update. good morning. wow those pictures are incredible. what are you watching this morning? >> you know, similar complex, alina, that's kind of stretching across the plains, into the ohio river valley.
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dumping a fair amount of rain. most cases they could use the rain. here's the estimation of what has fallen in this stretch, including st. louis, and southern illinois, into indiana. anywhere from 2, in some cases, more than 6 inches. where there's flash flooding right now, unfortunately, in the same counties where they saw the tornado touch down in clinton and washington counties there in southern illinois. a little bit of insult to injury. here's where we think the threat is later on today. recharge the atmosphere back through oklahoma, southern parts of kansas and southwestern missouri, possibly seeing damaging winds, large hail, can't rule out an isolated tornado for sure. the rainfall continues to fall across nebraska. you'll take the rain there. western missouri, you'll take the rain as well. here's where the flash flooding is happening east of st. louis and these thunderstorms, most of which, at least right now, are not severe, stretch across the allegheny and in through new york city area, where you see scattered showers. this front pushes off to the east, behind it, canadian air. southwestern u.s. continues to bake in unseasonably warm temperatures.
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>> all right. rob, thank you. good to see you, as always. new school lunch program created by the obama administration is offering some healthier choices and it's also leading to grumbling students. and growling stomachs. watch. ♪ ♪ we are hungry ♪ >> they'll have bacon later. >> they'll be healthier as a result. that parody video created by students at wallace county high school in kansas. good for them. >> great imaginations. coming up on "starting point" we're going to speak with u.n. d.a. undersecretary kevin concannon who helped launch the
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school lunch program and the negative reaction. >> on the rebound coming up behind the new numbers, it should make a lot of homeowners very happy.
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24 minutes after the hour. minding your business this morning, u.s. stock futures signal lower opening for stocks this morning and world markets are also down. what's going on? >> stocks closed at two-week lows yesterday. the dow fell more than 100 points.
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christine, this is tough to swallow after all the good news. economic good news yesterday and bad news today. >> let me tell you why stocks closed 100 points down, because caterpillar came out and said they think that global growth is going to be slower maybe into 2015 cutting its profit outlook citing weaker demand for construction and mining equipment. so that's the big thing there. but you're going to be hearing more companies, as they begin to report quarterly results, as they begin to start to say what they're expecting in the next year, two, three years ahead, and that's what people on wall street are watching. but what we are watching, what people on main street are watching, are their monthly bills. right? what they're paying for a hou. what they're paying for their mortgage. and whether their house is showing signs of a rebound. and the housing market is. shiller reported yesterday that home prices in 20 major cities are up for three months in a row. it's so rare to see home prices rise three months in a row. they're back to 2003 levels. home prices down 35% from the peak in 2006. and now we're back to that
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summer of 2003 level. home sales are showing strength. for the first time in a long time. i want to show you a regional map of the u.s. the midwest, sales up 20%. the northeast, sales up 15%. in the south, up 13%. the west, up more like 4%. we're going to get more data on home sales at 10:00 a.m. eastern this morning. on my show this weekend, i'm going to show you how it's becoming a seller's market in some strong markets like washington, d.c. >> it's becoming more and more of a seller's market and less and less of a buyer's market. as of right now things are outstanding. open houses are very busy. there's buyers getting a lot of internet response to listings. getting a lot of calls on listings. things are moving fast. >> that is saturday 9:30 eastern. realtors for several years have been telling me how great things are, and i'm starting to believe them now. >> people buying those homes because the interest rates are so low. i took your advice. i refinanced again for the
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second time in two years. >> at least you could. a lot of people were having trouble with it. i have to say i closed recently and my house actually appraised for more than i bought it for. and i was shocked. not a lot -- >> and you just bought it. >> i was very happy to hear that. >> all real estate is local. where there's jobs growth you're going to see the housing market start to recover a bit. one thing that is so interesting about all this to me is that in the west, not recovering as much. and the other one thing -- >> that you need to know about your money. >> the jump in consumer confidence was another strong report we saw yesterday. appare apparently folks are feeling slightly better about the johns market. there is this anticipation in the next year things are going to start to get better. housing, consumer confidence. stocks didn't follow yesterday because of the cat warning. the things we feel are showing a little bit of improvement. >> always good news. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> 27 minutes past the hour. no way for a soldier to die. there is no way.
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3:30 am
yeah. then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence. are you in good hands? olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! helium delivery. put it on my spark card! [ pop! ] [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day!
3:31 am
what's in your wallet? showdown underground. activists deface a series of subway ads aimed at muslims. defying the odds. a camera catches how close a truck driver comes to death. and back on tv. suzanne somers returns with a brand-new show.
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she will be here live talking to us. welcome back to "early start." we're really looking forward to that. i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm alina cho. iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad slated to talk later today at the united nations. his speech follows one from president obama, who just yesterday said the u.s. will do what it must to stop iran from developing a nuclear weapon. he said time is running out for diplomacy. >> let me be clear, america wants to resolve this issue through diplomacy. we believe that there is still time and space to do so. that time is not unlimited. >> and back to the political back and forth and dueling speeches which saw mitt romney and president obama on the same stage just hours apart. >> that's right. we want to talk more about this with margaret hoover and richard socarides. margaret is a cnn contributor, former white house appointee and bush administration. richard is a former special adviser in the clinton white house. and a democratic analyst.
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so, in "the wall street journal" and some other places, president obama took a little bit of heat. some people also saying that his speech was a little too campaigny, and that he di't meet with world leaders. you know, what do you say to that? >> "the wall street journal" didn't like the speech very much but i think the editorial opinion this morning is very positive. it was a very clear, firm speech. the president defended american values, he defended freedom of speech. i think it's one of the best speeches he's given on foreign policy over the entire course of his presidency. i thought it was terrific. >> i think his words were very strong, too. i would have liked to see those words much quicker after the september 11th attacks on our embassy. have president obama talking to muslims, talking about freedom of speech. but the truth is a lot of talking from the white house doesn't necessarily mean that the policies or the leadership is helping to shape events in the region. he's given very similar speeches the last three years at the u.n. general assembly and we have not a lot to look forward to in terms of what he's actually been
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able to do in terms of what's happened in iran, whether we've actually been able to keep the centrifuge from spinning. whether the iranian -- whether the israeli/palestinian conflict is going well. >> let's take a look at what the american voter thinks about this. in our laters cnn/orc poll on the question of who would better handle foreign policy, likely voters say obama, 49%. romney, 46%. now, obama has slipped a bit in the polls. but he's still ahead of romney on this. you know, but he is slipping. >> obama is doing very well in the polls. i mean, i think the president in this battleground states, look at this new quinnipiac poll out this morning, president obama ahead in florida by nine points. in ohio by ten points. i mean, these are numbers, you know, 41 days out i think we are today, these are numbers that if they are -- if they are true and if they're sustainable, this thing is, you know, going to be wrapped up. >> to be fair there hasn't been much opportunity to talk about foreign policy in the campaign until now. and now that mitt romney had a really wonderful opportunity
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yesterday to talk about what he would do -- and that may change the numbers. >> if romney -- >> i'm going to have you both chime in on that right after we listen to what romney said yesterday. >> a lot of americans, including myself, are developed -- excuse me are troubled by developments in the middle east. syria has witnessed the killing of tens of thousands of people. the president of egypt is a member of the muslim brotherhood. our ambassador to libya was assassinated in a terrorist attack. iran is moving toward nuclear weapons capability. we somehow feel that we're at the mercy of events, rather than shaping events. >> i was at the clinton global initiative and it was a speech that politico called one of the best prepared, best delivered of his campaign. i'm going to go out on a limb and say that both of you agree with that. >> i was there and i thought he delivered a great speech. i mean, he looked very put together and polished, and seemed very relaxed. but once again, you know, there was no -- there was no solutions
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in that speech. i mean, this is the whole problem with his candidacy, is that he doesn't -- he doesn't have a plan for anything. >> wait, wait, wait. because, you know, politico said this is exactly the kind of fire in the belly speech that we should have seen from romney from the beginning. >> i actually couldn't agree with you more. what i would like to see, i hope that you see these stories about the romney campaign rebooting, this is exactly, this goes to the criticism romney's been getting. a solution going, this is well delivered. people say -- >> there's no -- well delivered -- >> couple of great jokes at the beginning and he looked relaxed. there was not a -- there was not a single proposal in there that's going to -- >> you know, you couldn't be more wrong. i have to say you couldn't be more wrong. as you know the prosperity tax -- >> sounds like a campaign finance issue. >> it's total reformulation of how we administer foreign aid and making it tied to economic development in foreign countries and -- >> nobody thinks --
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>> -- something fresh thinking richard -- >> so the presidential debates are coming up. >> nobody thinks something called prosperity tax is going to solve these nuanced problems that mr. romney in that secret tape recording said he didn't think he could solve any of these problems. the poll numbers are a result of that reporting. when people see him speaking candidly when he does not think he's being reported he says that he cannot solve these foreign policy criseses and he says that he didn't care about almost 50% of the american public. >> all right richard socarides, margaret hoover thank you for joining us. on "starting point" you can talk about the quinnipiac poll. we did promise our viewers we would do that. thank you for this lovely dialogue. with israel and iran moving closer to the brink of war and anti-american sentiment on the rise around the world it seems all anyone wants to talk about is the nfl replacement refs. the president and mitt romney both weighing in on the blown call monday night that cost the
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green bay packers a win. cnn political director mark preston live from washington. this is what everyone wants to talk about, the nfl's labor dispute with its referees is turning into quite the political football now. mark? >> it is. you know, when it becomes -- you know it's become such a big issue and so many people are focusing on it when we are asking the likes of mitt romney and barack obama what they think should happen in the nfl. and of course that's exactly what happened yesterday. we've also seen the likes of paul ryan, who brings it up out of nowhere and tries to tie it to the whole political campaign that we're seeing right now, zoraida. you know, yesterday paul ryan brought it up. he was a little bit partisan in his answer. mitt romney a little bit less so. let's hear what they had to say. >> you guys watch that packer game last night? i mean, give me a break. it is time to get the real refs, and you know what? it reminds me of president obama and the economy.
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if you can't get it right, it's time to get out. >> paul ryan called those refs out today. are you glad that he did that? >> that's just fine. paul was a very angry that the green bay packers, he believes won, and the referees took it away from them. >> you know, paul ryan is angry but it just shows -- goes to show you that a lot of people are angry and that was crystallized in that monday night game where i think we can arguably or not arguably say it was stolen from the green bay packers, zoraida. >> oh, i think everybody would agree with that. i'm shocked a $9.5 billion operation can't solve this. so we have president obama, former president bill clinton also weighing in on this. quite seriously, i might add. i was shocked at how serious he was. >> yeah, well, you know something a lot of people say that bill clinton is the guy that you bring in to help rescue a situation, and maybe he'll be brought in to try to mediate this dispute between the union and the owners. but he was asked this last night
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on piers morgan. let's hear what he had to say. >> the football game, no i did not think it was a touchdown. i thought the pass was intercepted. i thought the -- the defender hit the ground before there was joint possession. and yes, it means that we need to get the strike over and get more experienced people in there. >> zoraida, not just a political strategist, not known for being so good on the political field. but also, on the football field there, bill clinton. >> you know, i think you have a point, mark. maybe he should be brought in as a mediator and finally this will be resolved. i'm loving that idea. put it on facebook, see if we can get a petition signed. mark preston live for us this morning. >> did you see piers' face? >> oh, yeah, yeah. >> really? this is where you're going? very serious. i loved it. >> all right. looks like a hollywood snt, actually unbelievable brush with death. we're going to bring you that story behind this video you're watching here. >> stick around for this, folks. this is amazing. >> really is.
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welcome back to "early start." it's 44 minutes after the hour. good morning, everybody, i'm alina cho. >> and i'm zoraida sambolin. let's get you up to date. iran's president stirring things up before he even takes the world stage. later this morning, mahmoud ahmadinejad will stand before the u.n. general assembly for the last time as president of iraq. his final term in office ends in june. and ahead of his speech, he's
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already talking about a new world order, free of american bullying, and predicts israel will be eliminated from the middle east. cameras roll as muslim activists spray-paints a controversial subway ad. one critics call hateful and racist, because it suggests muslims are savages. check out this "new york post" video. that is activist mona eltahawy tussling. she is doing what she calls expression of free speech. that's the very argument supporters of the posters used to put them up. three of the posters were ripped or defaced during the first day that they were up. police in texas have charged a soldier from fort hood with manslaughter in the shooting death of a fellow servicemen. the two men were drinking while watching a football game on sunday night.
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investigators say the victim, 22-year-old private isaac lawrence young had a case of the hiccups, and the suspect allegedly pulled out a gun to scare him and stop the hiccups. the problem is that the gun went off, and shot him right in the face. look at this. a lucky trucker in russia is caught on camera barely escaping a brush with death. take a look at that. look what happens. the video shows a head-on collision involving two trucks after a tractor trailer makes a sudden move. the driver of the smaller truck comes flying out of the windshield. look at that. right there. that's when it happens. you know what? he walked away without even a scratch. >> looked like he'd done it before. >> hopefully not, right? this is not a stunt. this is real. the viral video had more than 400,000 hits in just two days. >> lucky man. >> oh, my goodness. >> soledad is off today. she's feeling a little under the weather. christine romans -- >> just at the last bit the guy is scratching his head. >> john berman filling in on
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"starting point" with christine, reunited again. >> give zoraida a break for me today. >> thank you. >> on "starting point" we're going to start with the international fire woeshs. he's given speeches in the past and today will be no different. iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad will address the united nations a day after president obama warned iran about its nuclear program. we're going to talk to michele flournoy, co-chair of the national advisory committee and rudy giuliani. they will have different perspectives. plus he knows the games inside and out. what does former new york giant great tiki barber think about the nfl replacement refs and their questionable calls? he'll be here with us live. that should be fun. as for fun, she just wants to have fun. lots of it. cyndi lauper reveals the pricing new details about her hit songs. she has a really interesting new memoir. that and much more coming up on "starting point" in just a few minutes. >> and the most incredible hair. >> i love cyndi lauper.
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looking forward to that. all right, she's a long way from "three's company" but she still has that star quality. we're very excited about having you here suzanne somers. she's here to talk about her brand-new show and much more. that's coming up. the wheels of progress. seems they haven't been moving much lately. but things are starting to turn around because of business people like you. and regions is here to help. with the experience and service to keep things rolling. from business loans to cash management,
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could you get me a heaping tablespoon of milk? >> yes. heaping? >> her breakout role on the hit sitcom "three's company" launched her into international stardom, playing chrissy snow. >> we've been waiting for this all morning long. now more than 35 years later, show biz veteran suzanne somers
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launching a brand-new morning talk show this morning on the lifetime network. her show will talk about health, dieting, fashion, and much more. suzanne somers is here with us now. good morning. >> good morning. >> you've been writing books, you've been doing all sorts of things. do you have time for a morning show? why did you decide to do this in this stage of your career? >> it's -- you know, it's a very interesting way, i think, that we put the show together. i bought the time on lifetime and brought in sponsors with my message so that i could, in essence, do an uncensored show relative to cutting-edge health and science. because so often it's at odds with what conventional thinking is. so what i offer is the options to alternative health. bio -- hormones for women and men. new ways to treat your heart rather than taking a statin. i'm bringing scientists and doctors onto my show, allowing them a platform, wrapped in glamour.
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i have a million dollar set and a million dollar wardrobe and great shoes. >> we believe that. >> something for everybody. >> eye candy, right? we were talking earlier, i was telling alina, i used to watch you all the time when i was growing up. >> i'm so happy about that. >> everybody. you're known as an actress. she was just so dumb. but then i heard her talk. and it was a stereotype. you played a really great role. but really, you kind of were part of the feminist movement. >> well that's good. that's good. that's why wanted to renegotiate. no, no, no, i'm acting. i was telling you earlier that when i renegotiated after the five-year mark, the network people thought that they were negotiating with chrissy snow. and so, they made an example of me so other women wouldn't get up with the men. so i kind of took the fall. and instead of getting bitter about it, because it really ended my ability to act on television, i decided to use it like judo. you know, using negative energy
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to move forward. so, i have -- >> and you put that into a thigh master. >> well, i was one of the first ones to come out and promote a product like that. we sold 10 million of them. >> unbelievable. >> and it all started with a pair of manolo blahnik shoes that i had paid $560 for. i thought my husband is going to think i'm so stupid of paying so much money for shoes. so i came out of my dressing room and i was in my underwear and i said, how do you like my new shoes? and he said great legs. that's the commercial. so we were able to advertise the shoes. >> how do you preinvent yourself like that? you really are the queen of that. you figure it out along the way and make millions in the process. >> i have a radar now. i've been doing this for so many years, and you know, careers like all of ours are cyclical. we're up, we're down, we're up, we're down. and it's really easy to deal with the up. i now have been able to, with my radar, sense when, kind of mined
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everything out of this passage, it's time to turn right or left. so that's what i've been doing. and "the suzanne show" i feel like i'm supposed to be in that host chair. when i sat in it, i thought, this feels so comfortable. i've been a professional guest for so many years. i bring on, you can see, i bring on -- it was very interesting to have larry on the other side of the table after all those years that i've been on the guest side of the table with him. and my friends showed up, as you can see. >> gosh. we're looking forward to that. >> it's real -- >> you will learn things on this show that you won't hear anywhere else. and if you're interested in what is i'm doing relative to health, which is an option. i never tell anybody what to do. i'm just saying, you can go this way, you can go orthodox medicine and take a pill or every condition. or you can come over here and listen to my doctors who have alternatives, supplements,
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nutrients, ways of healing yourself without getting all drugged up. >> all right. so it is the suzanne show. >> it starts this morning. >> it's going to be opposite you. >> you're toast! >> thank you very much. premieres in a few minutes at 7:00 a.m. on lifetime on wednesday, september 26th. >> one hour a week. and then three times -- two times on the weekends. >> congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> great to see you. coming up today's best advice from the one and only deepak chopra. that's next. tacy from springfie. oh whoa. tacy from springfie. hello? yes. i didn't realize i'd be talking to an actual person. you don't need to press "0," i'm here. reach a person, not a prompt whenever you call chase sapphire. ♪ (train horn)
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