tv Sanjay Gupta MD CNN October 6, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm PDT
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favorite scenes, and i filmed that scene so often. but as soon as you start to film it from another creature's point of view, the vulture rather than the lion, you start to notice things you didn't originally. but it is all there in the footage. the vultures have the basic policy of teasing the lion, you know, you think it might be fruitless. but when you think in the hot tropical sun, it is harsh for the lion to be out there continually chasing them, so in the end he has to offer his prey. >> thank you so much for a beautiful documentary, winged planet. >> it has been enjoyable, thank you so much. >> and you can catch it night, 8:00 eastern time, on the discovery channel. that will do it for me, i'm fredricka whitfield, and don lemon, right after sanjay gupta.
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hello and thank you for joining us this week. i'm in northern california. i'm going to tell you there is something already in your medicine cabinet that many believe could be a cure for cancer. i'll explain it. also, i'll introduce you to a boy who was terribly bullied over a speech problem. now he found a way to help his speech issue. and a way to feel satisfied with eating. we begin with marijuana, on the ballot in six states, the question is, should doctors be allowed to prescribe marijuana for medicinal use. here in california, the first medical marijuana law took effect about 16 years ago. but i'll tell you, being out here the controversy is still controversial, and it confuses
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many people. here to talk with us is the doctor who is the author of the pot book, a complete guide. dr. holland, thank you for joining us on the program. >> it is my pleasure, dr. gupta. >> you know, it is interesting being out here, people talk about this all the time. there are many states where this is already allowed, medicinal marijuana use. what do they typically prescribe the marijuana for? are there certain conditions? and how do people know what the conditions are? >> well, you know, the main indications for using the medicinal cannabis is to reduce nausea and stimulate the appetite. it is used to treat pains that the opiates are not very good at treating. it is also used for a muscle relaxer, an anti-inflammatory, and it also helps with
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autoimmune disorder, regulates the immune system. so it can be used for a whole host of medicines. >> and it is interesting, the tag line when you sort of think about marijuana use, especially here in california is that doctors may not always be the most scrupulous when they prescribe it for different things. what is your impression, it has gotten a bad rap? how diligent do you think the doctors are? >> well, you know, i think there is a spectrum, i think there are many doctors who take their responsibilities seriously. and i think there are probably a good handful of physicians who know it is an easy way to make money. >> as a medication, if you think about the medicinal marijuana, does it actually make a difference the way people take this marijuana? do they smoke it or use it as a
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vaporizer? what is the difference? >> it does make a difference, first of all, i think if you have a problem with lungs, problems with function, you may want to eat the marijuana instead of smoking it. the issue with eating it, you actually create a new drug. thc, which everybody knows is the component in marijuana that makes you feel altered, but is also the medicine. when you eat it, the liver breaks down the component into a different level, that can feel different. typically when you eat it, it gives you a different feeling than when you smoke it. it lasts longer, you may want to smoke it or vaporize it, rather than eating it. the other issue, people are juicing the whole plan, what is good about that, you don't get high. you get all the medicinal effects from the plant but don't
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become altered. and because it is illegal and so expensive, you really can't juice for plant in many other states in the country, but you would have that option. so there are many ways of getting the medicinal benefits of the plant, without being altered. so i think it needs to be explored. >> there was a recent study with young people, saying if you use it as a young person, it is more likely to have a longer-term impact, with memory, things like that. didn't see it so much with adults, but dr. holland, what worries you about it the most? are there concerns? >> yes, there are definitely concerns, you know one thing, kids in their late teens, early 20s, their brains are at risk for the elements, in brain formation, so one good thing about regulating cannabis is that you would actually have fewer potential children using it.
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i mean right now, you ask any kid, it is easy for them to get pot. dealers don't card. but, if things are regulated the hope is that there would actually be fewer children using. i mean, you can use countries like the netherlands, who have better statistics on teen drug use than we do. >> right, right, well, dr. holland, i hope to have you back, we want to look at these studies as well, and hopefully have more discussion on them. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. and coming up, a potential cancer cure for pennies a day, a medicine that many are already taking, we'll explain. ♪
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center, md anderson, and there is a drug they hope will be a new kind of cure. jan chapman volunteers at this pet shelter, helps pets find loving homes. now if you look at her you wouldn't know she has cancer. and when it came back two years ago, the outlook was terrible, she was told she had a one in five chance, that is when she started treatment at md anderson, with different kinds of medicines. >> i initially had the tumors shrinking, and now, nothing is happeni happening? >> in this case, nothing happening was good news, what did it? the medicine maybe, the difference maker was a drug that jan took initially just to control side effects. >> it is the most commonly used diabetes drug in the country. >> this doctor talks about the drug, millions using the
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medication to control diabetes. and when doctors started to look closely at all the patients they saw something striking. >> when they looked at these large groups of diabetics, they saw that those individuals who were taking the drug had a lower risk of cancers, certain types of cancers and also a lower mortality associated with the cancers. >> it is fascinating. >> the doctor says the tumors feed on insulin, and this drug works to lower the insulin levels, and by attacking the cancer cells. so now she is launching clinical trials to see if it can be effective. >> the question is, do we use it in patients once they have measurable disease, and you know, use it at that point. should we use it when people are in remission? we don't really know. >> what we do know is this, based on 20 years of data is that side effects are minor and rare. and while cancer drugs can cost tens of thousands, metforeman is
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barely ten cents a day. >> a big drugompany will spend about four billion to develop a new medicine. now part of that is paying for failures. you see even if it is promising enough to test on humans, the vast majority of those will not work. but the huge costs and outcomes are causing many to use new medications to try to find new cures. >> in fact, we did find another example, right here at md anderson, the drug used for organ transplants. the doctor did research regardi regardi regarding the tumors, the national institute of health sees the potential, offering 20 million in grants to see if existing medications of all sorts could have other uses like fighting cancers. >> i think it is more important
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for the discoveries in years to come. >> it is impossible to say for sure what saved jan chapman, but she is still taking metforeman, and is still cancer-free. >> it has made a difference in my life and the life of my family, as well. >> now the search is still early, but this shows promise against breast cancer and cancer of the pancreas, as well. it is important to note that you could get more of a risk of these cancers if you're obese, less obese, less risk of these cancers. and up next, a 13-year-old boy, you need to see this video. he has a stutter that is severe. the bullying that caused him to find refuge in rap. ♪
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[ male announcer ] jill and her mouth have lived a great life. but she has some dental issues she's not happy about. so i introduced jill to crest pro-health for life. selected for people over 50. pro-health for life is a toothpaste that defends against tender, inflamed gums, sensitivity and weak enamel. conditions people over 50 experience. crest pro-health for life. so jill can keep living the good life. crest. life opens up when you do.
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stuttering can be a disability that is so terrible it forces a person to shut down, to withdraw, to keep to themselves. well, not so for one young man from toronto. he has found a way to make his stutter disappear and to take center stage. >> you could watch the drone, yeah, you could go into my circle. >> listening to jake rap, you would have no idea he suffers from a speech stultser that is
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so debilitating that he kept to himself. >> he started to speak, with words, it was so bad, but then sentences with a couple or two or three words that is when it started to come in. >> those who love jake knows he needs to get the words out. let him finish what he is speaking or saying. >> but many others torments him. he was bullied, not only by his classmates but by his teacher, as well. >> one teacher was like, when i was doing this voice in drama class, he -- i was like hi, and then like -- the teacher is like, i, i, and i don't know what is more annoying, that voice, or your stutter. >> jake's parents, robin and her
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husband, invested time and therapy for their son, but nothing worked. then, when he was ten years old, a profound breakthrough at a summer camp. >> i was doing this rap battle, and i was like hey, this is kind of good. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> now, jake is performing as "little jakes" smooth as can be, the rhythm or cadence, of rapping, making it easier for him to get the words out without stuttering. one night, last december, jake got his big break. >> i got back stage at a concert. and rapped. >> jake's brother, coal, recorded the encounter, and uploaded the video to youtube. so far, 200,000 views and
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counting. >> it is awesome, i get to go wherever he goes and meet cool people. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> and for all of those who used to torment him, the haters, they now serv as motivation for jake to perform for crowds of up to 20,000 people. >> i'm just like you, i'm just a kid with a dream. >> my big dream is to have fun and to make music. and it is coming true right now. >> from jake, to "little jakes," stutterer turned rapper and a role model. >> let me introduce, from cnn ♪ ♪ ♪ >> well, this is not the first time we've seen something like that, but it is still so remarkable to watch. you know, one reason jake may not stutter when he raps is that music relies on the right side of the brain, while language
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relies on the left. other people, using a stage voice, sometimes they whisper. whatever is going o in jake's head, it is pretty incredible to watch. and we certainly wish him the best. well, next, we will help you with what is called mindless eating. psychological tricks you can use on yourself to stay healthy, and more importantly, feel satisfied.
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michael bloomberg. now, you will remember we talked about the sugary drinks. i asked him if he had a personal story about dealing with obesity in his own family. >> no, but i can tell you, and i think i speak for almost everybody, if it is in front of me. i eat it. i love cheese-its, if you put a bowl, two-pound box of cheese-its in front of me, i'd probably eat them all. but if you eat almost anything in moderation, no harm. so if you put a small bowl in front of me, no harm. there is something called a soup test that experts use, they put a bowl of soup in front of you, you eat it, ask you if you want another one, chances are you say no. next day, they put another bowl in front of you, put a tub underneath the table, and they
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replace the soup, half an hour you will continue to be eating. that is what we all do. all we're trying to do with the sugary drinks, have a smaller portion in front of you. nobody is banning you from doing that. you can buy two 16-ounce cups or four of those, any time you want and take them back to your seat or table. but if the 16-ounce cup is there you probably won't drink more than one of those. and that would make a big difference, because full sugar drinks really are different than other kinds of things. >> who knew mayor michael bloomberg liked cheese-its so much. what we were talking about there is known as mindless eating. i'll ask you a question, how do you know when you're done eating? most people will say when there is no more food on the plate. one man is out to change it. the author of the book called "mindless eating". >> thank you for inviting me
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into your home today, doing a kitchen makeover, what you're doing well, and what you could do better. your use of plates is amazing, how much people eat, ends up being on the size of a plate. because according to the amount of the pasta served, you end up putting it on big plates. we ended up finding if people use a 12-inch plate, this is massive. it is closer to the size you see in most kitchens, people end up abusing these, serving 20% more on this plate size than this size. you want to have your kitchen designed so that you pick up the healthier food to begin with. let's take a look at what is going on in the kitchen that might be -- any bias -- what you pick up when you go for snacks. got a lot of good stuff there, we got some cheese, fruits, liquid refreshments. but one of the things that we find is that you're three times
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as likely to take the very first food you see. and than -- than the fifth food you see. it may be a lot easier if you had the low fat cheese sticks or the fruit that is visible, cut up for the kids. take a look at the pantry here, there are good, healthy things here, but just rearrange them, so that you see them first instead of the oh, candy bars. it is a lot easier to change our environment than to change our mind. bring out a fruit bowl, kids like fruit, convenience leads to consumption. this is going to be cool. we even see people with their junk food in the cabinet, take the child-proof things, not that they can't get into it. but what it is, is an additional barrier. >> makes you think about it. >> and the solution to mindless eating is not for most of us, mindful eating. it is easier to change your environment than it is to change your mind.
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you guys are really on target. i love what you have done. it is a couple of degrees of changing the course of your direction. >> now brian's work with the blevins family is called a blue project, the place in the world where people live longer, happier, and have healthier lives, who doesn't want that? time now for changing lives. now, in addition to making over kitchens, brian and his colleagues at cornell set out to see if creative food marketing, that is what is used to sell healthier ideas to kids, could be used to sell vegetables to the kids. at this school in new york, they changed the carrots to x-ray vision carrots, vegetables became tree tops, and power punch peas. now simply by changing the
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