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tv   Weekend Early Start  CNN  December 1, 2012 3:00am-4:00am PST

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right across the street. fully furnished top to bottom. >> thank you for your service. god bless. >> this is something really special just to be a part of it and be able to work together with dan to make it happen for someone like sergeant dumar who is so deserving. what we're doing here, this can be done in every community. we can change all the lives of these wounded warriors. we owe it to them. heroes. responsibility falls upon us. and we owe it to them. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta this is "early start weekend." >> i was certainly not turning myself in and i will not quit fighting. in disguise and on the run. tim is hiding in belize but cnn found him friday night and you'll hear his exclusive interview. i think what we can conclude is that we've got to be better.
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>> an extreme makeover. that's what some republicans say the party needs after losing the presidency and seats in congress. all morning, we'll look at how the grand old party might be looking for a bold new image. winter is almost here and 'tis the season for cold, flu and bronchitis. our health expert joins us to see what you can do to stay healthy. it is saturday, december 1st, good morning, everyone. i'm randi kaye. >> i'm victor blackwell. >> hard to believe it is december already. where did the year go? >> the season and christmas music in the mall, it's great. >> it is kind of nice. kind of festive. we begin this morning with john mcafee, but now he's making headlines for a very different reason. as police want to question him
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regarding the murder of his neighbor in belize. he says he's innocent and now he's speaking out to cnn in his first sit-down interview about his new life as a fugitive. >> hasn't been a lot of fun, i miss my prior life. >> well, mcafee was interviewed by phone and started a blog during his exile but martin savidge has more on the lengths mcafee is going through to avoid police. >> one of the most bizarre interviews i have been a part of but a part of a bad spy movie. there were vehicles we jumped into and switched into another vehicle and switch backs, u-turns, crossing through parking lots. when we got to john mcafee wearing an outlandish disguise
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powder in his hair to make himself look old and he's walking with a cane. when we talked to him, this is where the conversation seemed to go from the credible to the crazy and then back to the credible, again. and i began asking him the questions authority want to know. did he have anything to do with the murder of his neighbor. he says, no, absolutely not. doesn't know who did. why don't you go to the police with that? he said because, this is the crazy part. the government is out to get him. if they capture him, they'll kill him. it's clear he feels he's running out of options and the walls are closing in. >> how do you see this coming to an end? >> i don't have a crystal ball. >> you won't turn yourself in? >> i will not. >> either somehow you'll get away or the authorities come and get you. >> well, get away doesn't mean leave the country, it means that, number one, they'll find the murder of mr. fall. number two, the people of this
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country who are, by and large terrified to speak out, will start speaking out and something will change. but i will certainly not turn myself in and i will not quit fighting. >> authorities here in belize say that any talk that this is a government effort to try to kill him is, well, as crazy as it sounds. that is not true. this is a democratic nation. it is a nation that has a professional police force and it is only natural when your neighbor shows up dead that authorities would want to talk to you. they make the same request. they would ask that john mcafee turn himself in merely to answer some questions. and that is it. in the mind of john mcafee, that is not it at all. victor? >> and this is really one of the more bizarre stories. >> oh, yeah. >> this guy has kind of run off and he's hiding. you know, he told martin that he hid himself on a beach at one point and then put a box over his head. >> he is clearly paranoid, but
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he hasn't been charged with anything. they just want to question him. so, it's the behavior is a little bizarre. >> which makes people wonder, why are you running if you're not a suspect. >> we'll see what happens. we want to bring you now live pictures coming in to us from near cairo university in egypt here. this is a pro-mohamed morsi rally. some pro-morsi rallies taking place. this is all about the so-called power grab by mohamed morsi trying to tell the judges there that they can't overturn any of the decrees he has put in place. now, we have a draft constitution put in place approved by an assembly there. a hurry up draft constitution and citizens will vote on that in a couple of weeks judging from the crowd here, they're certainly pro morsi, but a lot
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of anger and frustration and this draft constitution does not represent a lot of the people there in egypt. we will continue to follow the story throughout the morning and continue to bring us live pictures and our reporters on the scene there, as well. >> this is also new to cnn. in the past few hours we learned that north korea's young leader kim jung-un plans to launch a rocket within days. this could raise tensions between the world's most secretive nation and the south korean neighbo and the u.s. seoul calls this a brave provocation. this would be south carolina's second attempt. you remember the first the rocket launch that hyped in april and he wants to put a working satellite in orbit. the rocket launchers are covered for ballistic missile tests. 31 days. that's how many days are left until the fiscal cliff deadline. but lawmakers are squaring off with each side accused of giving
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each side a deal. here's house majority leader eric cantor. >> what we will do is take this as a serious matter. we are interested in trying to solve the problem for the american people so that we don't see taxes go up on anybody so that we can engage in tax reform and get this economy going, again. >> democratic senator max baucus says congressional leaders and the president need to get to work on negotiations right now before the u.s. enters unchartered waters. >> i think if there's no agreement, whatsoever, if the other side is completely that the president has probably no choice but to say, okay, we're going to go with a cliff. that would not be my first preference. >> should that happen, should we go over that so-called fiscal cliff republican congressman lee terry thinks there could be an
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alterier motive on the part of the president. >> many of us fear that the president's real plan here was to let us go over the cliff and blame the republicans and that's what we look like we're being set up to do. and then if you go over the cliff, then two months later, a month later, the president can come back with a bill and say, hey, we're going to now since the republicans let everyone's taxes go up, i'm going to ride in here now and be the night and shining armor and lower the taxes on the lower two brackets. two pakistani brothers living in florida are accused of plotting to use a weapon of mass destruction against americans. they were arrested thursday on an indicted yesterday. the federal indictment says the plot started back in 2011. but investigators are being tight lipped about specifics. they're now trying to determine if the two were acting on their own or if they were receiving directions from overseas. the worst day of my career.
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that's how the president of wyoming's caspar college describes an attack on campus. it left three people dead, including a faculty member. a man killed one person using what cops are only describing as a sharp edged weapon and then went into a classroom and killed another person and then he killed himself. the police have not released the names of the victims, but police say they all knew each other. in new jersey, three people are hospitalized in stable condition after a train derailment linked a chemical. the chemical vinyl chloride is toxic and highly flmable, but much of it has dissipated. the derailment is blamed on a bridge failure that sent four train cars tumbling into a creek near the delaware river. after losing the presidency and seats in the house and seats in the senate, there is really no way to avoid the elephant in the room and the gop knows it. >> so, what do they need to do to change?
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what issues do they need to start focusing on? we're about to break it all down for you. ♪ (announcer) when subaru owners look in the mirror, they see more than themselves. so we celebrate our year-end with the "share the love" event. get a great deal on a new subaru and 250 dollars goes to your choice of five charities. by the end of this, our fifth year, our total can reach almost 25 million dollars. it's a nice reflection on us all. now through january 2nd.
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welcome back, everyone. remaking the gop ilage. we heard a lot of soul searching in the weeks after president obama won re-election. here's how rnc chairman ryan pribus put it. >> don't draw any quick conclusions other than we lost and we know that. in order to get back in the game you have to look at and do a full autopsy on what happened. what we did well and what we didn't do well. >> from tax pledges to immigration and there is a whole lot to talk about. let's start with the no new tax pledge. a number of top republicans have come out saying they'll turn their back on the pledge if it gets a deal done on the fiscal cliff. >> i think a lot of people made the pledge 20 years ago, 50 years ago and i think they realize we're in a very critical time for our country and this issue has to be dealt with. revenues needs to be a part of
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the component and entitlement reform, true entitlement reform has to be there also in order for us to put this in the rear view mirror. >> that's a big change. so what would the former republican party flag bearer say. >> change can't be measured in speeches. it's measured in results. >> that was mitt romney attacking president obama, but it works for his own party, too. now, let's move on to immigration. romney's deportation stands didn't sit well with a growing number of hispanic voters and now two retiring reporters are pushing their own version of the dream act. it gives children the path to citizenship. >> we're introducing this legislation, which is not dissimilar from what the president has done de facto as a way of righting the situation, but doing it the right way. namely, to change the law. >> change can't be measured in speeches, it's measured in results. >> one of the issues that sunk a
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couple of republican senate candidates was abortion. their controversial statements really did them in. so, now john mccain has a remedy for this one. >> as far as young women are concerned, absolutely. i don't think anybody like me, i can state my position on abortion, but to other than that, leave the issue alone. >> change can't be measured in speeches, it's measured in results. >> but i'll leave the last word for ted cruz, the incoming republican senator from texas. he says he's like the mythical unicorn, a hispanic republican and he also says the legacy of barack obama is going to be a new generation of leaders within the republican party. we'll have much more on the future of the republican party throughout the morning and coming up next hour, we'll talk about change. what needs to change and what really needs to stay the same, actually. . but right now in washington, it doesn't matter if you're from the old republican guard or the new one, everyone is going to
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have to come together with democrats and make a deal on that fiscal cliff. >> just 31 days until the deadline and our chief white house correspondent jessica yellin has more on where each side stands. >> randi, victor, democrats say tax rates have to raise on the wealthiest or there's no deal. but negotiations have to start with spending xuts. this is a case of who budges first. just when you thought campaign season was over -- >> if congress does nothing, every family in america will see their income taxes automatically go up on january 1st. >> president obama is back on the stump pressing republicans to cut a deal averting the fiscal cliff. >> that's sort of like the lump of coal you get for christmas. that's a scrooge christmas. >> reporter: republicans say they want their christmas, too, and blame the president for the deadlock. >> there's a stalemate.
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let's not kid ourselves. i'm not trying to make this more difficult. >> reporter: things got tense after treasury secretary geithner visited capitol hill thursday to present what republicans are calling an unreasonable proposal. it includes $1.6 trillion in new taxes. in part through raising rates on the top 2% and limiting loopholes and deductions. $50 billion in stimulus next year and $400 billion in medicare and other entitlement savings to be worked out. >> i think that the proposal that was delivered here by secretary goieithner to the speaker and me yesterday is not a serious proposal. >> they want to have this extra spending that actually greater than the amount they're willing to cut. >> but democrats say it was just a starting point and one republicans should counter. >> there is going it be some prolonged negotiations and all of us are going to have to get out of our comfort zones to make that happen.
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>> reporter: cnn has learned last week the republicans gave the white house their own starting position, which democrats consider unbalanced. extending all the bush-era tax rates, including for people making $250,000 and up. raising revenue through tax reform. and cutting medicare in part by increasing the eligibility age. both democrats and republicans are playing for leverage against the clock and democrats are feeling emboldened by election results that gave them more seats in the house and the senate next year and won the president a second term on a promise that republicans are still resisting, a pledge to raise tax rates on the wealthiest 2% of americans. and at the white house, they believe that eventually republicans will relent on this point. randi, victor? >> jessica yellin, thank you very much. so, these massive protests that we've been watching, really, for a couple weeks now,
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they're continuing in egypt today. these are live pictures of the latest rallies taking place, the latest protests taking place in the city of cairo and in areas surrounding that against and for in favor of mohamed morsi. >> these are demonstrators for president morsi in the city. the demonstrators against him are also out today. will these dueling rallies end in violent confrontation? we'll continue to watch as the show continues. stay with us. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair
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there are no fears, unrest and confrontation in egypt. dueling rallies that are taking place in it capital of cairo there. egypt's muslim brotherhood party is rallying in support of president mohamed morsi. thousands of protesters are expected to gather in tahrir square. ian joins us live from tahrir scare square. >> we have anti-protesters angry over his constitutional declaration and new constitutional draft. near cairo university we have the pro-morsi. his supporters. the islamists there. this is the first time we've
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really seen them flex any street muscle and their first time coming out to voice their support for president morsi. we're expecting a huge rally there later today and in the next couple of hours. the brotherhood is planning to start official kick off their rally, but we're already seeing the thousands of people at cairo university voicing their support for the president. >> there has been this power grab that anti-morsi protesters are calling. give us some details of what they accuse him of grabbing. what he's changed about the powers of the presidency. >> it definitely was apower grab. he has more power than what hosni mubarak did. he can issue any decree that he believes will help, will help egypt move forward. that is a very ambiguous decree, which means no one can really
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challenge it. when it comes to writing the constitution, he says the courts no longer have any oversight and only he can make any decision regarding the drafting of the constitution. that's a direct challenge to the courts. that's what has a lot of people in tahrir and around the country so angry. no oversights over the writing of the constitution, especially now that the assembly that wrote it is heavily dominated by islamists after the liberals, after the christians pulled out of the assembly. the constitution draft that is expected to be written later today was written and approved by a large majority of islamists. >> two protests happening at the same time. one in support and one in defiance. thank you. after today there will be a star missing from the galaxy. today's mls final will mark the end of an era for professional soccer in the u.s. we'll have all the details for
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it is 29 minutes past the hour now, welcome back, i'm randi kaye. >> i'm victor blackwell. here's five stories we're watching this morning.
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>> on the run and possibly running out of options that is facing john mcafee who is wanted for questioning by belize police. he tells cnn he will keep working to clear his name. >> how do you see this coming to an end? >> i don't have a crystal ball. i'm going to continue to fight until something changes. >> you will not turn yourself in? >> i will not. >> mcafee had a dispute with his neighbor after his dogs were poisoned. that neighbor was found shot to death shortly after that. three dead following a murder/suicide on the campus of caspar college in wyoming. a man killed one person using what cops are calling a sharp-edged weapon. killed a teacher in front of a class of students and then he killed himself. police have not released the names of the victims, but they all knew each other. do same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry? we don't know yet. the u.s. supreme court held a
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closed door meeting to decide whether to hear a series of appeals but didn't say if they'll take action on this issue. some took this as a sign the nine justices just needed more time. we expect an announcement by monday morning. and we continue to keep an eye on former president george h.w. bush this morning. he is in stable condition at houston methodist hospital. he was admitted eight days ago and being treated for bronchitis. the former president is expected to be released in the next few days. bush is 88, the oldest living former president. when it was held in 1988, it was the first ever global health day. well, today marks the 26th world aids day. it's a day designed to support those with hiv and honor the 25 million who have died from the disease in the past three decades. and this year, world aids day continues its mission, getting to zero by 2015. fried rice on capitol hill. we edged a little closer to that fiscal cliff and two very lucky
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americans are a whole lot rier. a look back now at the week that was. >> the fiscal cliff now just 34 days away. >> we only have a couple weeks to get something done. >> this is not a game. >> i'll sign this bill as soon as congress sends it me way. >> susan rice faces more backlash. >> i still have many questions that remain unanswered. >> there are no unanswered questions. >> somebody somewhere is waking up filthy stinking rich. >> lottery mascot doing gangnum style for us this morning. >> the week centered on a big worry. >> this fiscal cliff. >> fiscal cliff. >> we could go off this fiscal cliff. >> we are facing a fiscal grand canyon. >> reporter: it's a big deal, question is, can these guys strike a deal? >> i have to repeat, i have a pen. >> reporter: meantime, damage control for u.n. ambassador susan rice, how to smooth things
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over this week with republicans after those benghazi talking points. >> extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. >> reporter: the didn't work, now, their talking points. >> we are significantly troubled. >> i want to say that i'm more troubled today. >> reporter: democrats shot back. >> they're not only blaming her for this intelligence report, they're trying to blame her for the actual tragic event. >> i've seen so much crazy stuff in this house, i could write a bock. >> or make an internet video that's actor angus t. jones caught slamming his own tv show. >> if you watch "two and a half men" please stop watching "two and a half men." i'm on it and don't want to be on it. >> reporter: he apologized but may still get his wish. now, to just two men. these two men. in the white house thursday. former rivals on a private lunch
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date. >> it was acwas an awkward mome when romney looked around and said, so, how much do you want for the place? >> reporter: on the menu white turkey chili with southwestern grilled chicken salad. all that build up. >> the winners tonight. >> i feel like today is the day. >> $580 million jackpot. >> reporter: for the big let down. >> two winning powerball tickets were sold in last night's drawing and will split the record winnings. >> reporter: oh, well, there's always next time and that's the week that was. >> what a week. >> i know. did you play powerball? >> i always play powerball. haven't had any luck, maybe a few dollars here or there. >> our atlanta bureau pool, 16 of us, we split $4. we were sitting around with our signals trying to become millionaires. >> did you get it. >> we split $4. >> that's it? >> i sent out an e-mail that
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said now i can get that add cheese i always wanted. >> they're $2 a ticket. >> the jackpots will get bigger. >> it will be interesting to watch. one day, one day we'll win it. i can feel it. to the galaxy and now beyond. david beckham will play the last game for the galaxy today when l.a. takes on the houston dynamo in a rematch of last year's mls final. since the iconic british midfielder joined in 2007, the mls has grown from 12 teams to 19 and merchandise sales have increased by more than 230%. last season, beckham helped l.a. win the championship match over houston, 1-0. we didn't win powerball -- >> nope. >> we know at least one of the two winners that was wednesday two winning tickets were drawn. one of the tickets was purchased by mark and cindy hill in missouri. >> my husband gave me. he said, oh, gave me $10.
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go buy 10 lottery tickets. i said they're $2 each. i did and that happened to be the middle numbers that won. >> the second winning ticket from the more than $500 million ticket bought in arizona by this guy here. he is pretty excited about it, but hasn't come forward and his identity remains a mystery, but he was super excited. he is walking around and showing everybody his ticket, but where is he now? >> i wouldn't show anybody. not so lucky for the food industry. from hostess to mcdonald's and burger king, seems like some of our guilted pleasures are under fire. but, first our cnn heroes will be honored at a special ceremony tomorrow night. we wanted to check in with one of last year's honorees. anderson cooper updates us on diane and all she continues to do. >> in chicago homicides are up
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this year. in the south side in a neighborhood called roseland this grandmother needs to buy 89 new tombstones. >> we are over 80 behind and we're going to have to rebuild it for the tenth time. >> reporter: diane is fighting youth violence. she's been giving kids an alternative to the streets for a decade by opening up her own home and her own heart. she was honored as a cnn hero last year. >> i felt more honored from the community because of the people who never thought that they would see someone from roseland at that level. ♪ >> reporter: diane's organization has helped an estimated 2,000 young people and since being named a top ten cnn hero, diane's received crucial donations, including a basketball court, computers and a van. she was even featured on an episode of abc's "secret millionaire."
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>> they found out all our different passions and pushed us to do different things. she is the savior of the hood, in my opinion. >> welcome to come. >> reporter: with the death toll in chicago higher than it's been in years, diane is still committed to breathing life into her struggling community and this cnn hero is proving that dreams are possible. >> the hope for the years to come is to change this whole block. that's my goal, that's my vision. a grandmother from roseland could make it to cnn, anything's possible. that's what i tell these young people. with the spark cash card from capital one,
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need to do some holiday shopping perhaps this weekend. today might be the day to do it. >> targt and neiman marcus has teamed up and the results are getting unveiled today. two dozen designers have created more than 50 limited edition gifts. >> how would you like, perhaps, a torry birch designed lunch box maybe? >> what i always wanted. >> what about a bow maybe for your pet by oscar de la renta or a yoga mat. i like the sound of that. >> ford, not so good news for this. issuing a voluntary recall of some of some its top selling models this morning. it affects the 2013 ford escape and the 2013 ford fusion. now, this recall is after report of engines overheating followed by some vehicle fires. there have been no injuries
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reported. now, if you own one of the models, ford wants you to contact the dealer immediately for an alternative transportation. they'll give it to you at no cost. they have not yet determined how they'll repair this. and not just the car companies that are facing some bad news. seems like the food industry has been taking some hits over the last couple of weeks. all right, we saw the closure of the maker of twinkie, hostess. >> we shed a few tears over that one. no more twinkies, but, yes, the company was locked in a strike with its bakers union over contract terms that have been set. the ceo said if you don't come back to work, guess what, we'll have to close down and the workers actually called his bluff. they didn't come back and we saw what happened, the company move under to liquidation. >> after we read the story about the closure, i went out looking for twinkies at three stores, no where. i'm not paying 60 bucks a box. the transition was rough, 18,000
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workers laid off, but we heard executives are going to get their bonuses. >> of course, they are. but not as simple as the headline reads. also called retention pay. kind of creative there. hostess is paying its executives to stay and help the company through the liquidation. and they have to meet certain benchmarks. they need people who have been running the place, of course, to help sell the company. which means we could, once again, see the twinkies in the lunch boxes. you never know. a girl can dream. you never had a twinkie? >> i never had a twinkie. you have had a twinkie. >> yeah. >> at one point i'll have one of those cream filled delicious cake. we could live to see twinkie get into another box. but not just hostess that battles the union. the issue came up on thursday in new york. hundreds of workers from fast food workers like mcdonald's, kfc and burger king on strike.
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calling for higher wages and the right to unionize. >> they were pretty passionate. let's take a listen to a couple of those workers who were on strike. >> many people are not able to afford apartments, some are on food stamps and it's, it's just not livable. >> better pay, better working condition and more, provide more clothing, a roof over my kids' head and put food on their table. >> well, the group organizing the protests say this is just the beginning. so, of course, we'll be watching that one. >> a lot of passion there. well, they are key to fighting through the flu season and most of us aren't even getting a sixth of what we need. tips from a man who has never had a twinkie, our very own mark mcdonald, next. i love 'em even more. i earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. that's 1% back on... [ toy robot sounds ] 2% on pumpkin pie.
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here's something you probably didn't want to hear, prime season to get sick. doesn't matter how old you are. time to eat your fruit and veggies. >> it sound basic, but here's why it's important. fruit and vegetables have antioxidants and they neutralize free radicals they could start to poison your body. >> if you're not getting rid of all the free radicals bad things can happen to you. cells can be destroyed and immune system is weakened and that is when you get sick. so we ask mark mcdonald to come in and help keep us all healthy. so, most people don't even know, don't even get the two servings of vitamins they need a day, fruits and vegetables and all that. you say we need how many? >> at least 12 a day. so, every day we're 10 short. and that's what is really causing people's immune system
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to just hurt and it is like your cells start to rust. you don't get enough an antioxidants. you begin to rust and your cells are destroyed. >> what is your best vitamins to take? >> these are vitamins. vitamin a, c and e. they are actually antioxidants. we look at vitamin a, these are great sources to work into. you have sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, butter nut squash and they provide you with vitamin a and great for your eyes and vision and immune booster. vitamin e, essential fat, but grape seed is a powerful vitamin e and great to cook withal mnd butter, seeds and we love avocados. this is vitamin e and then c, we have green leafy veggies. these are kale. people love kale shakes. i know you're a fan. peppers and all the colors and these are vitamin c.
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immune booster vitamins. a, c and e. >> it's hard to keep track. is it possible that you're getting too many vitamins or too many antioxidants? >> you can't have too many fruits and veggies. the mistake people make, oh, okay, vitamin a great for my vision. i'll take a vitamin a supplement and they're going to take a pill and that's when you start having problems because they're overloading on vitamins in specific needs when they're not doing the whole fruits and veggies. >> go with real food, that's better. >> go with real food or if you supplement, taking the new supplementation that is like whole fruits and veggies that are infused in a liquid format so you can drink it, so you're not getting a piece of a vitamin c, you're getting this whole thing in a liquid format. >> liquid is always better. >> liquid will absorb much betner to your tissue. >> the antioxidants, once again, what do they do? just really good for us. >> every time we take a breath, we create a free radical.
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antioxidants neutralize that free radical, protect yourselves. boost your immune system and really just allows us to fight those colds that none of us want. >> how many servings of fruits and vegetables do you eat every day? i'm just curious? >> i eat six or seven and supplement with liquid and i get 18, when i put it together, i get 18 servings of fruits and veggies, because we're busy, that's why i supplement, too. >> we're going to keep looking so young. >> if i start taking the advice, it will work. >> you have to take the advice. everybody at home, as well. thanks so much. >> thank you. name any boundary ethnicity, gender, demographics and thriller the hugely popular musical creation of michael jackson actually turned 30 this week. kareen wynter has much more. ♪ >> reporter: seven of the nine tracks would become top ten hits and 30 years later, "thriller"
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is still the best-selling album in the world. >> didn't matter if you were asian, hispanic, black, white, we all knew thriller. >> didn't matter if you had a huge punk collection or huge r&b collection or frank sinatra was your favorite singer, for some reason you owned "thriller." >> reporter: although videos like "billy gene," "beat it" and "thriller" they were reluctant to place it into rotation. >> they presented a video of "beat it" to mtv and the president of epic records says, you don't get any other videos unless you play michael jackson. so, it was sort of a smart threat at the time, they went and played it and, of course, the response was staggering. >> reporter: michael jackson the first african-american added to what was then an all-rock lineup on mtv.
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a new hybrid of pop, r&b and hop by eddy van halen. it start would a phone call from producer quincy jones. >> how would you like to come down and play on michael jackson's new record? i am thinking to myself -- "abc, 123" and me. how is that going to work? low and behold, when i got there, there's quincy and there's michael jackson and engineers and they're making records. >> reporter: thriller went on to win seven grammys, but a cultural touch stone. >> this is the master piece. this is the pop classic. in many ways sort of defined the music of his later years. >> reporter: kareen wynter, cnn, los angeles. make a wish!
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here. this was almost your place. just 3 million votes. oh, you worked so hard for seven year yea years -- >> it's true that president obama had lunch at the white house with mitt romney. they were at the white house, yeah. it was an awkward moment when romney looked around and said, so, how much do you want for the place? >> good stuff there. i'm surprised they had white chicken chili. you have the guy over and you serve chicken chili and chicken salad. you know the saying, bo knows christmas. actually, i just made that up. >> i never heard that saying, but watch this. ♪ this i have to say one of my favorite holiday


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