tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN December 5, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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could send her down the tubes. >> a lot of stupid convicts. what was she tieing? >> clearly not thinking enough. >> don't rob banks. bad. very bad. thanks very much for watching and follow us on twitter. erin burnett "outfront" starts erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- "outfront" next, 27 days away from the fiscal cliff. things are getting silly. octogenarians doing gangnam style. plus, what the united states is planning to do if assad uses chemical weapons against his own people. and 24-year-old amy copeland contracted a deadly flesh eating disease in may. doctors gave her a 1% chance of
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survival and tonight, she's "outfront" to talk about it. let's go "outfront." tonight, gangnam style. yep, this is how one man sees the fiscal cliff and it's a pretty important man. this is alan simpson. ♪ yep. that maybe the most action the fiscal cliff saw today. here's the scene on capitol hill at noon. yep, people leaving. members of congress leaving washington, heading home on wednesday afternoon. one man left standing was the house speaker and he says i'm not going anywhere. >> i'll be here and i'll be available at any moment to sit down with the president to get serious about solving this problem. >> but of course, it takes two to tango, so where does
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president obama stand? >> we can probably solve this in about a week. it's not that tough. >> it's not that tough. he's absolutely right about that. but we heard early this evening that the president and speaker boehner did speak late today on the phone, so that's good news, but in this case, they need face time. they need to spend real time face to face. even democrats think the president needs to do more in person work on this. >> the president is not somebody who he's prioritizing evenings with his family instead of going down and having a bourbon on the rocks with some of the congressional folks. >> sometimes though, you need to do to bourbon like when the country needs you. bourbon, beer, wine, whatever, after a couple of drinks, the president and boehner could you know, pull a simpson. >> the lasso again, then the
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horse. the cowboys ride. the cowboys. >> that's the special beer that you would drink to get you to dance the gangnam style. president obama and john boehner did the gangnam style, your approval ratings might go up. "outfront" tonight, tom mcclintock of the budget committee. thank you for taking the time. we just showed a lot of your colleagues going home on a wednesday night after working a three-day week. obviously, that's an image that frustrates so many americans. why are people going home before getting this done? >> well, unfortunately, we're not using the standard process where the house passes its version, the is that the passes its version, then a conference committee is very good in revolving impasses like this between the two houses. unfortunately, none of that's being used and i think that's one of the reasons why these things are blocking down now so regularly. we've abandoned a process that
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works very well when we use it. >> john boehner presented a plan to the president and in that plan, he put $800 billion in revenue from the wealthy on the table. he said he would close loopholes and those people would pay more money. you were a member of the tea party caucus and some in your caucus have slammed boehner's plan. jim demint obviously among them. do you think john boehner is the guy who's going to get this done? is he going to be able to lead your party to consensus? >> i don't know the answer to that question. what he's trying to do is to mitigate the damage that obama would do with these massive increases in rates. impasse is not an option. means everybody's taxes go up, but if the president has his way, taxes are going to go up on those very wealthy folks making over 200,000, but most are small businesses filing a subchapter s companies, about 88% of net
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small business income will be for these taxes when we're depending on them to create two-thirds of the new jobs. boehner's trying to mitigate that mess. i wish him luck. something's going to f to have to give. >> from everything i've heard is that we are realistically, there's two options for country. one, go over the cliff. the other, extend the bush tax cuts for the 98% of americans. everyone who makes under $200,000 a year if they're single. those seem to be the two choices. between those, which do you pick? >> but, if we do that and raise the taxes on those small businesses we were just talking about, according to the congressional budget office, that's going to be about 200,000 american families are going to be out of work next year and that's the low estimate. young is estimating about
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700,000 more unemployed. that's a lot of hurt for the middle class, so this is a battle for the middle class even when we're talk iing about that upper bracket because of the enormous impact that has on small business job creators. >> okay. i mean, aside from that argument though, i'm really trying to just get at the process here. it seems that there isn't that much of a choice right now. i mean, the president has said rates have to go up. not just revenue, rates, or he'll veto it and he seems to mean it. he does mean it. >> as i said, failure's not an option. impasse means taxes go up on everybody, including those job creators. >> so you're saying you'll go off the cliff before you'll extend? >> what i said is that we cannot afford an impasse. something is going to have to give. the president's plan means hundreds of thousands of middle class families losing their jobs next year. an impasse means that's going to
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happen, plus taxes going up on everybody else. neither one is a viable option. >> right, but we're going to get in a choice where you have to make a choice. i guess what i'm saying is there a way in which you, congressman, would vote for tax rates to go up? because that's the only way to not have that impasse and no go off the cliff. >> erin, i've got to look at any pro pose sal before i make a deal on it, but tonight, the alternatives you've offereded, neither of these works. both do enormous damage to our nation's economy. >> senator tom coburn today as you know, very vocal on this issue. he's put years into it. reached out across the aisle. he said he would rather raise tax rates than eliminate loopholes and cap deductions, which is the opposite of what it sounds like you're saying or speaker boehner is saying. what do you think of his idea in would you take a look at it?
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>> i think coburn's basically coming from a standpoint as these taxes are programmed to go into effect. again, i can't make a prediction on where we're going to end up because i don't know. >> but do you think we're going to get a deal by the end of the year? and the whole world is watching this. some of them laughing at us, but also cause a real problem in our financial markets. >> if we allow those taxes to go up or if we allow the president's plan for them to go up on the people that we're betting upon to make a new jobs in this dismal economy, the world's going to be -- and nobody in america's going to be laughing. a whole world of hurt going around. >> the bottom line is you don't like the option, but you're willing to look. >> but i would certainly hope that we come up with -- worked a lot better than in the past.
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this business of the lead r es getting behind closed doors and working out a deal and dumping in the laps of congress. that's not the way it's supposed to work. >> we appreciate your taking the time tonight. after a big loss in november, some are calling for a big change and some are saying the next race needs to include c conversations about race. plus, hillary clinton in 2016. some stunning numbers about the ground work and john mcafee on the run as his neighbor is found murdered. our martin savidge went on the hunt, tracked him down. he's "outfront." e emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story. [ female announcer ] holiday cookies are a big job. everything has to be just right. perfection is in the details. ♪
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lot of people in the party don't seem too hot on the idea. a leader tells our peter hamby he had no prayer. roland martin warns that responses like that could backfire. he writes even if they choose not to vote for watts, if he decides to even seek the job, it is his skin color and perspective. "outfront" tonight, jc watts. good to see you. what do you think about what role land martin had to say, that the party needs to be careful how it responds to you, considering running, thinking about race. >> well, i don't necessarily believe that the answer tis to take a black face and put him in the chair at the rnc or asian or native american. i think we have to surround ourself at the rnc and within the party, we have to understand diversity and diversity is not a
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bad word. i take a biblical world view on diversity. god made you white. he made me black. he made you a female. he made me a male. i think god likes diversity, so if it's good for god, it ought to be good for republicans, but the fact is, it's hard to have perspective and it's hard to have diversity with women or black or red or yellow or brown or white if you have no relationships. and if i don't know the chairman of the republican national committee, i have no confidence that he has any relationship with chuck roast black guy, with billfold working white guy, with joe six pack hispanic. if i don't know him and i don't is say that to be self-serving. i just say that to point out how perplexing this when we think we can get people to vote for us if
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we don't know them. >> let's look at your bio. you were a member of congress from oklahoma for eight years. legislated chairman of the house republican conference, the fourth ranking leadership position and now, the chairman of a communications and public affairs company. you've had a long history in the republican party and as a manager and our peter hamby, he reported this about what the news of you rubbing for rnc chair was greeted with. he said he was met with a mix of quote skepticism, dispolice chief and even a hint of ridicule. do you believe it is racially driven? >> i don't. i think this. i think every single republican ought to be concerned the fact that we've gotten our heads handed to us in 2008 and 2012. i am speaking as a concerned republican and you know, one of the things in politics, erin, we
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like to grade our own test and if you grade your own test, you know what happens? >> you get an a. >> you always give yourself a good grade and we lost with every single demographic i think with the exception of white men and people over 56 years of age and then, you know, we were pushing the evangelical pro-life catholic, we're pushing them out of the mix and we don't get them juiced up. we say forget about the social issues. we can be a socially conservative party, we can be an economically conservative party. we can fight for the values of reagan that he won a landslide election with in 1984, pu at the same time, we don't have to abandon our humanity to do it. what are we saying to single moms? to red, yellow, black, brown and white small business owners?
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we've got to have deeper relationships with nontraditional constituencies. that's just the fact. >> it is the fact. i don't know who could disagree with you on that. look at the exit polls. 93% of african-americans voted for the president. i mean, you know, you are in an incredible minority as a black republican. >> but let me add this. the president got 93% of in 2012. he lost three points and i think he lost those three points in my opinion, i'll have to you know, fact check this, but i would submit to you he probably lost those three points because of his position on marriage. but those three points didn't go to mitt romney or republicans because those three points said we don't know republicans. we don't have relationships with with them. so, we'll just stay home. i submit to you they probably stayed home. they didn't vote for republicans. >> so, but how do you get
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african-americans, a group that is traditionally identified as democratic. 73% of asian voters and the stereotype is different for african-american or hispanic voters. they're all voting democratic. what is is it about the republican party that could possibly win these people over? >> well, the fact is and i've said this publicly before. i don't allow the republican party to lead me on issues that i thought were important to the black community and that's not to say they agree with me on everything, but when i was in college, i wanted colleges and universities to have a seat at the republican table. so i had conferences for them. i wanted black small business owners. latino. to have access and relationships to the democratic of department.
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federal agencies to understanding the contracting process. i think there are things you can do to say hey, these are my values. these are my principles. how do i help you accomplish what you want to accomplish in life? but it all starts with establishing a relationship and there's not a lot of diversity over this republican national committee, which is the institution i think should be driving these type of initiatives and efforts. >> all right, well, j.c., good to see you. thank you. "outfront" next, american meets with syria's neighbors and the united states has a plan on chemical weapons and really, are they going to use those chemical weapons? new details tonight and we followed amy copeland's recovery from flesh eating bacteria for months on this show and tonight, amy is "outfront." she's everything to you. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right.
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bob bayer to show you what the impact of a single shell of gas would be in launched on homs in syria. the large swath of the city that would be affected. it's estimated about 18,000 people would be killed in a day. let's get straight to barbara starr. and barbara, what have you learned tonight? >> well, you know, as tragic and serious as this is for the people of syria, this now has regional implications throughout the middle east. intelligence services from israel, turkey, jordan, lebanon, all the countries surrounding syria are talking with the united states around the clock about this very scenario because if there were to be god forbid a chemical attack, the concern is some could drift across borders. worse even as tragic as that would be, what if the regime collapses, terrorists move in, insurgent groups move in and
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grab some chemical material. they could take it across the borders into the neighbors countries and have a full fledged crisis in the region. >> there has been talk that assad may try and seek asylum. what are you being told about that and the possibilities? >> you know, there's a lot of rumors out there. the betting money is that the three countries that you hear about the most are russia, venezuela and iran. all countries that have been his allies although the russians clearly are losing some of their support for assad given this recent crisis with the chemical weapons. so those are the countries you hear about. now, the assess smt that assad isn't ready to go. the u.s. says it hasn't seen anything in term of concrete offers. maybe assad's commanders think the boss is getting cold feet and might dessert them.
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>> next, 57% of americans say they'd vote for hillary clinton in four years. think about how cent elections have gone. that would be an incredible mandate. what does she say about iran? and john mcafee still on the run after his neighbor was found murdered. martin savidge tracked him down and he is "outfront" next. it's easy to get started; i can help you with the paperwork. um...this green line just appeared on my floor. yeah, that's fidelity helping you reach your financial goals. could you hold on a second? it's your money. roll over your old 401(k) into a fidelity ira and take control of your personal economy. this is going to be helpful. call or come in today. fidelity investments. turn here.
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start the story where we focus on the front lines. we begin at the university of colorado denver, which has released thousands of e-mails related to james holmes. the release includes e-mails that he sent and received as well as staff e-mail sent after his attack. among them is an internal e-mail from the university in which the school identifies him for the first time. another notes a campus lab should check to see if chemicals were missing. north korea appears to be working to launch a rocket this month. this satellite image is from
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december 4th and what you're looking at is increased analysis from the site. firm said significant activity is happening that hasn't been seen before. nato urged north korea today to c cancel the launch, saying it could xater bait tensions in the region. well, the trustee in charge of winding down mf global says the remaining claims will be resolved in the next few months. since the firm failed over a year ago, about $5 billion has been paid out to customers. well, the united states has sent military planners to help develop a plan for possible military intervention in northern mali, but johnny carson told a senate committee today that any attempt to oust al-qaeda must be african led and that isn't going happen any time
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soon. the u.n. peace chief said it won't happen until 2013. that may be too far away to make the difference needed. it is been 489 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. a report says businesses added 118,000 private sector ads in november. and now, hillary for president. 66% of all women and even 23% of republicans give another clinton run the nod. now, she say said she isn't doing to run, but her actions may speak louder than those words. maureen dowd notes she has gathering up the suspects, making speeches about israel,
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solidifying relationships with democrats in washington. tonight, donna brazile and david frum, former speech writer for george w. bush. donna, you know hillary clinton and you know her so well. the poll numbers look pretty stunning, but you know, it's easy to talk about something in the hypothetical, then someone runs and people start finding out all kinds of bad things about you. what do you think? first of all, there are 1,422 days until the next big presidential election. >> who's counting, donna? >> i'm always counting. i think secretary clinton is a phenomenal woman. she has been a proven leader at the state department. she has not only the right credentials if she decides to run, but i believe that right now, she's focusing on the job at hand. tomorrow, she'll be i think she's giving a human rights speech in ireland and beyond that, i think she just want to complete her tenure as secretary of state.
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perhaps rest, revive and get herself back into the campaign lifestyle that maybe she wants to get back into, but i think she has enough time to figure out what she wants to do. perhaps write a book on her amazing accomplishments and to think about 2016, perhaps sometime in 2014. she has time. >> her husband was telling me, we're going to go hiking on mt. kilimanjaro. i was thinking you're going to want do something political. josh marshall tweeted this today -- probably sometime over the next 12 to 18 months. you know, it's interesting, david. republicans have been so focused on susan rice on the whole benghazi incident. no one's put any emphasis on hillary clinton. is that going to help her?
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>> hillary clinton has been very adept at making sure she had no fingerprints on the whole benghazi fi areas ko. we have a very polarized political system where we are no longer the country where people could rally to i like ike. what you're seeing in that poll is one, a name recognition effect and two, a lot of republicans who remember the 2008 hillary clinton versus barack obama fight. barack obama won, so they liked hillary clinton. if hillary clinton had won in 2008, you would hear lots of republicans saying none of this would have happened if barack obama had won instead. if hillary clinton is the nominee in 2016, this will be an election decided by three or four percentage points. >> right. it always tightens. something happened last night. i'm curious about the other side since you're talking about 2008. marco rubio and paul ryan spoke
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at this dinner. these are speeches where they're trying to define who they are. how would a rubio ryan stack up against clinton? it sort of feels like 2008 reversed except experience would come on the democratic side with hillary and youth might come from arurubio or ryan on the republican side. >> clinton is a favorite among young people, especially young women. they're going to help determine future elections. i think paul ryan and marco rubio, they're trying to rebrand themselves and recast the republican party as a party of diversity and perhaps big ideas and a larger goal post. but i want to say this because i have to say this as vice chair of the party. as you know, the democratic party has a large and broad and deep base including vice president biden, who's done a
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terrific job in his capacity as the second in command, but also, we have governors. a lot of diversity. duval patrick and we can all look as governor cuomo, you have elizabeth warren that might be considered presidential. so i don't want to throw all our eggs in one basket because there are so many wonderful people. martin o'malley, for example, the governor of colorado. like the republicans, this will be a large field of candidates, but there's fo question if secretary of state hillary clinton decided to throw her gloves into the race, game on. >> she got a lot of competition. >> david frum, you think the republican party's going to have the strongest field it's had in maybe a generation? >> i thought 2008 was the strongest the republican party has had in a long time and where did it get us? i think what we're going to see now is a lot of recruitment from the governors. it was very similar to see paul ryan and marco rubio on that
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stage. very popular with the washington conservative elite. they struck some important themes. they didn't have real content, but some themes about broadening the base of the party. the republican party strength is in the states, always has been and i think one should keep an eye on republican governors and we should not be so quick to believe it is going to be a replay and reaction to the events of 2012. >> john mcafee is the american software tycoon you've probably heard of on the run. he was supposed to talk to reporters today. this has been sort of a bizarre circus of sorts, but he never actually showed up. it's all part of a cat and mouse game he's been playing with authorities. >> no one has blamed me for the murder. i have not been charged. i am not a suspect. they merely want to question me about the murder.
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>> so why is he on the move? cnn's martin savidge actually tracked him down in belize. that in and of itself was a rather bizarre and surreal experience. what is going on here? this man's on the run. possibly going to be questioned for murder. what is going ton with him? >> well, let's talk about the news conference that was on again off again. we thought today he was going to apply for asylum in guatemala. not sure how far that process has moved along. press conference has been rescheduled for tomorrow and he's allotted two hours for this press conference, so he must have a great deal he's going to say to the public. that's usually the way john likes it and as far as what is going on. he got out of belize and he's apparently happy to stay in guatemala for the moment and that's all you can really say. he had insinuated to me he was going to run. he didn't say guatemala.
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i pretty much figured that out though because his girlfriend is from there and she is the uncle of the man who is now representing john mcafee. >> when you found him and he was in disguise, i remember you talking about it. that he was literally completely changed his look and his face. what struck you about him? i mean, is he crazy? >> beyond the whack kiness of the december guise, oh, boy, this is really going to be something here. when you talk to him, i think what struck me most is that here's a man that can speak to you so clearly, so concisely. he's very well spoken. intelligent thoughts. but he's saying such really off the wall stuff. he looks in good health. he did appear nervous, but i mean, i found out he's very charismatic, engaging. i did expect a straight on
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madman. he's not that and i'm not really sure what he is, but he is still very much a fascinating story that more and more people tune in to say what did mcafee do today. >> thank you so much, martin savidge, who has been on the hunt to find mr. mcafee. more masked men set fire today to the headquarters and a woman's inspirational recovery. this is one of the most incredible stories you'll ever hear. we followed amy copeland's amazing story nor months and tonight, she comes "outfront." ♪ ...or you can get out there with your friends and actually share something. ♪ the lexus december to remember sales event is on, offering some of our best values of the year. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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we're back with tonight's outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world and go to cairo where three advisers to morsi have stepped down. demonstrators set fire today to offices of the muslim brotherhood. >> reporter: president morsi thought he was going to have a cake walk to the nationwide referendum on december 15st on the constitution he was mistaken. at least three of his advisers resigned tonight as opposition factions continue to put on the
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pressure against the president and this time, things got ugly and violent in front of the presidential palace. that's where you had supporters of the president and opponents of the president facing off in what started as a stare down and then evolved into an all out brawl. two sides were clash iing by throwing rocks, debris, even molotov cocktails. police came in at one point and broke up some of the clashes. others continued throughout the night. now, the question, will the vote take place or will the president back down? >> our fifth story, beating the odds. when 24-year-old amy copeland contracted a deadly flesh eating disease in may, doctors gave her a 1% chance of survival. tonight, amy's recovery is an inspiration to all and as you're about to see, she's thriving. 24-year-old amy copeland was a typical grad student at the university of west georgia, working on a masters in
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psychology. she loved the outdoors. but that changed last may after a zip line adventure outside atlanta. the line snapped as amy was riding it. she fell into the river and needed staples to close the wound. she thought things were okay. several days later, she went back to the hospital and learned she had a bacteria. within days, it began ravaging her body and within weeks, doctors were forced to amputate her leg. that's when we first spoke to her father. >> i believe the doctors would have said she had a 1% chance of survival. >> after two months in the hospital, the disease claimed both of amy's hands. both feet and her left leg. but as her sister told us in june, she continued to fight. >> she cherishes life. every day is a gift.
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she has always had that outlook. >> surrounded by her family, amy moved home at the end of august. local builders donated a $200,000 addition to make life easier for her to get around. she's been fitted with three prosthetic limbs, has an automated wheelchair and she's planning on returning to college and getting that masters degree. >> it's a really unbelievable regimen she does for about an hour and a half each day. >> she's being honored tonight at georgia's annual celebrating wonderful women event and that's where she joins us from tonight. and amy, thank you so much. people hear your story and they're in awe of you. i am in awe of you. i think i couldn't have done it and so many people say they couldn't have done what you have done and a lot of people couldn't have. when you think about it, what is it about you that has made you fight and beat every odd and be
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triumphant? >> it's really hard to say where these things come from. part of me wants to say there's something innate in all humans that help us to overcome these odds, but sometimes, that doesn't happen, so a part of me wants to say it's a part of the bigger plan. it's a bigger picture, but at the same time, i've had so much port from my family, my friends, my educational background. i think it's a culmination of a bunch of different things that all i can do is just thank god that i'm here. >> i believe you still have hooks for your hands, but are you going to be moving towards getting you know, a real hand replacement, a prosthetic? >> i hope so. i've been doing a lot of research and there's really, really cool stuff on the market. there is an electric hand that i'm interested in. it can produce several different grasps, almost mick mimics a real hand.
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so i'm definitely interested in getting that. right now, however, what i'm most interested in is getting out of the wheelchair because that does restrict a lot of my mobility. what i'm focused on now is actually making a left leg. and doing the first mold of my first leg and be able to walk again is going to be fantastic and once that leg is is completed, my next priority will be getting some better functioning hands. will be gettg better functioning hands. you have had to relearn everything. li things people wouldn't think of doing. what has been the hardest thing for you? >> i think handling objects and keeping them in my hands. when i drop something on the ground there is not a whole lot i can do about it. luckily that might change soon. i may be getting a service dog very soon.
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that dog may help me by be picking things up and opening and closing doors for me. i would say accessing things. >> do you feel your body, have you gotten used to your new body and the way that things are? >> a little bit. i think it is still getting used to it. and every day when i wake up in the morning, i'm not in that place yet where things are how things normally are. i've started to dream that i'm am bputated in my dreams. in my dreams that is now, become a bigger part of me now that my unconscious is internalising now. >> it has only been seven months. >> you have that car and you are
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out driving and you are staying out late and with your boyfriend. if any of your relationships changed? >> i think a little bit. i think when i spend time with people for the first time since my accident. they don't know how to act or what to say. it doesn't see long for things to become more normal. there is no reason that they should be uncomfortable. >> i know you are finishing your master's and then you are getting another masters, in social work. what do you want to do? >> what i am most interested in doing is what my these sis resolves around and that is helping other people with disabilities. emotionally, physically and spiritually. >> do you have moments when you
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think i can't do this? those moments in the middle of the night or when you say this isn't fair? >> you know, sure. yeah. i have really hard moments definitely, when things aren't going right. when i can't do something, i think it is necessarily to fully experience those moments of grief and absolute exhaustion and allow them to pass. and there is always more sunshine and love. >> and you were honored and you were the woman of the year. you were an inspiration for people to be better and stronger and is the role hard? i mean it has to be hard if people are looking at you to be
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so -- to be the rock for other people. >> i think it is important to bring hope to those who have none and to bring a voice to those who can't speak. >> i'm not a perfect person. but i know that together we can provide that hope for the people who need it. which is why this benefit is going to benefit well spring living which is a residential community for women and girls who have been sexually exploited. we are trying to help those that there is still love in the world. >> amy, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> incredible woman. well up next north korea doing something horrible to comten
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over north korea. today they erected eight statues around the city. they instribed his name and started plans to renovate the palace where his body lies in state. here is the breakdown of the cost that we found. so, how is the country paying for it? north koreans don't have the money. they are going to borrow some of it at rates like
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