tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 7, 2012 1:00am-2:00am PST
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we . we have breaking news coming in to us. according to the u.s. geological survey, a magnitude 7.3 magnitude earthquake strug off the coast of japan. a tsunami warning has been issued. i know it was felt very strongly there, alex. what can you tell us? >> well, atika, you mentioned some of the details. we were sitting in the office here in our bureau in tokyo, up on the ninth floor of this building. it's hard to describe, you can't really describe the feeling until you're into it. the one thing that grips me, i'm relatively new to living here in japan is the noise more than everything. everything basically shaking violently, our filing cabinets shaking. here's what i can tell you. you mentioned the 7.3
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earthquake. a few other details just coming in. there are advisories -- pardon me, i'm looking off my notes. there are advisories for japan, but the pacific tsunami warning center has not issued a further alert beyond that. right now they're keeping it just to japan. we are hearing reports of possibly as much as a two-meter high tsunami warning in miagi prefecture. this is along the same fault lines, right where this happened in march of last year, the march 11th earthquake and tsunami that we all know very well. we were up there last weekend doing several stories. we just got off the phone to someone up there, and they said it felt very similar to the march 11th earthquake. obviously a 7.3 not as one as march 11th which was magnitude 9. we are watching for a tsunami warning in miagi prefecture.
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this happening about 300 kilometers off the coast of sendai. sendai being about 250 kilometers north of tokyo. what we felt here was quite a strong quake. it went on for about 90 seconds. the thing that stands out in my mind is the noise, the violent shaking. in terms of the scene in tokyo, i hear cars moving behind me. it's just after 6:00 here in tokyo, people seem to be getting back to their lives, but a good wake-up call on a friday evening. we'll be watching closely to see what happens up in miagi prefecture. atika? >> thank you for that, alex. as alex mentioned, that tsunami warning seems to be localized to the miagi prefecture area off the east coast of japan. let's get more details on that from pedro at the weather
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center. what can you tell us? >> we're analyzing the quake, very similar to where the march 11th 9.0 was. 36 kilometers deep. that's the concern. any time you have a quake sha that shallow, the area felt a long distance from the center, almost 300 kilometers away from sendai. moderate shaking being felt nearly 500 kilometers away from tokyo one to be taken seriously. we know we had a report of an aftershock at a 6.2. here is the 7.3. you will get a lot of these 5s and 6s, on the order of hundreds over the next couple hours. the pacific plate and the way it interacts with the eurasian
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plate, very active. it dives and subducts under the eurasian plate. that will be causing earthquakes along this boundary. the amount of movement is about the same as your fingernails growing in a year. getting a quake to this magnitude, getting it in the 7 to 7.9 scale, very rare. you compare a 7.3 to a 9.0, you are talking about an earthquake that is roughly 350 times less in the way of the intensity and shaking, but still widespread shaking associated with it. the usgs has a charting system that charts out what kind of damage can be expected with
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this. there's a minimal possibility of widespread damage. a widespread tsunami alert as well, but an earthquake to be taken seriously. when you consider what happened here 12, 15 months ago, a lot of folks are on edge with this quake and are shaken up a bit. >> definitely still a lot of drama there. thanks, pedram. >> just to recap, a 7.3 earthquake off the east coast of japan. a localized tsunami warning is in effect, particularly for the miagi prefecture region. there is no widespread tsunami warning at this point. we'll continue to follow this story and bring you developments as we get them. for now, "world business today" is next for international viewers. and viewers in the united states, stay tuned for regular program. i'm atika shubert. and supporting this, did he give you any reason why he reversed himself?
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>> well, i think in the last week or so, a lot of fiction, a lot of innuendo was drummed up sdz by senator mike lee and senator rick santorum and how it might impact homeschooling and has absolutely nothing to do with the treaty itself. >> this treaty does not affect u.s. law. >> no, it doesn't affect u.s. law but evidently they didn't feel like it was guarantees they were looking for, but in fact, when it passed the foreign relations committee on the 13-6 vote, a number of these concerns were actually incorporated. >> this was really a treaty about people with disabilities overseas. >> this is about bringing the rest of the world up to the u.s. standards. okay? and so it does impact americans who travel overseas. who go work overseas.
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somebody who -- somebody with a disable to stay in a hotel in a foreign country or work in a foreign country or hail a taxi in a foreign country and impacts 650 million people around the world. children with disabilities around the world who do not have access to a public school education. it affords them huge rights and for the united states to not be in the vanguard, we have been in the forefront of disability rights and disability rights has always been a bipartisan cause in -- from the rehab act of 1973 to special education where people like my dad worked with senator orrin hatch, so many other republicans in a bipartisan way because disability crosses every single socioeconomic barrier. so i think what's upsetting about this vote, disability law that was never political before is politicized. >> besides john mccain, former senator dole, you had dick thornburgh, former attorney general who i guess is the father of a disabled child?
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>> that's correct, yeah. >> if anybody would know about the impact of the u.s. law, the former attorney general of the united states would have a pretty good idea if this impacted u.s. law. >> i think that's a very good point. we did have eight republicans and i take my hat off to them because they had to face very stiff pressure by the far right not to join with the democrats to vote this treaty. as you know, we need 66 votes to pass a treaty in the country. but we had the support of former president bush, president herbert walker bush. as you mentioned, dick thornburgh, former attorney general who understands u.s. law probably better than anybody else in the country. we had people like senator bob dole and his wife elizabeth who were on the floor at the time. who's been a staunch advocate for disability policy. so this shouldn't be, anrson, this should not be a partisan issue. the rights of people with
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disabilities. i mean, come on. and yet, it has been politicized, unfortunately. >> are you hoping that next year you might bring this up again? >> yes. we are going to come back. as you know, you know, it took for african-americans, for day americans, for women, the struggle for equal rights and justice took many, many years and so, too, it is in the disability rights movement. and, you know, i just think this cause, this treaty will happen because it's inevitable. how can you deny the rights of millions of people around the world. so i do think it will come back. senator kerry made a promise to bring it back. and, you know, we're hoping one day that this treaty will pass in the very near future, in fact. >> thank you for being with us. >> thank you for raising this important issue, anderson. >> let us know what you think. follow me @andersoncooper. i'll be tweeting tonight. growing fears the conflict in syria could soon enter a more horrifying new chapter with possible chemical weapons. we want to talk about what such an attack would mean for the
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people of syria who have already endured so much. the death toll alone according to an estimate could be staggering. we also want to see if this is just hype and given the situation, with u.s. experience in iraq, there's people that think it's loose talk to encourage an intervention in syria. we'll talk to a former cia officer about that and sanjay gupta. plus an activist inside syria and what he has to say about the potential threat, next. oç=ñp
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syria's government is under scrutiny tonight as the world awaits the a sad's next move. as we told you last night, nbc news is reporting that syria's actually loading chemical weapons in to bombs. cnn has not confirmed the nbc report. all of this comes amid a string of opposition victories. recently they took control of key oil fields, saw advances in aleppo and reports suggest they surround the capital of damascus. one opposition spokesman told cnn they started what they believe to be the end battle of this war. if the intelligence on the chemical weapons, though, is true, the latest advances by the
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opposition seem to add incentives to the syrian government to use them. the assad regime denies having chemical weapons, and claims the reports are being used to justify an international invasion. after more than 20 months of fighting and more than 40,000 civilian deaths, the civil war appears to be at a crossroads. the fear of sarin gas is very real tonight. what are people there facing if the assad regime does use what they have or believe to have? i spoke with former cia officer bob bear and sanjay gupta. bob, explain what one bomb could do? >> the standard shell is a 122 millimeter shell, standard artillery piece. if they were to drop this into a dense area of damascus, or a
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suburb of homs, doesn't matter which town, it would instantly kill 18,000 the first few minutes. >> just from one shell? >> go up there. one single shell would immediately kill 18,000 people. you know, this is a liquid. it's dispersed. it sticks on you. you get a few -- a little bit in your system and you're dead. >> sanjay, what does it do to somebody that comes in contact with it? >> it affects the particular receptors in the brain and let me preface it by saying it's odorless, tasteless and colorless and hard to know, you know, this it's there because of those things. and also by touching as bob was staying or inhaling it or water contaminated with it, you can also get poisoned. so you see, this is a substance that can affect you in many different ways and might know it's there. top from bottom, it's like the
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on switch on the body is turned on. the pupils are constricted. you get headaches. a flushing almost in the nose and sinuses. you become very congested and ultimately like the on switch is stuck on in your body and can lead to convulsions in the body, and the diaphragm, which allows you to breathe, it seizes up and then that leads to pes tir pore failure and death. >> there is an anecdote but how soon do you have to use it? >> very early. you may remember when we were overseas we were given the kits with one, a few vials because you give it once and then you may have to give it again a few minutes later. it essentially sort of -- it works to unstuck that on button, but it has to be given quickly if it's given. >> the other thing i found alarming, bob, from what you and i talked about is that, you
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know, we think, okay, well you can bomb these sites from the air and eliminate them but that doesn't work. >> well, anderson, it doesn't work because if you hit one of these sites and especially if there's multiple shells at the site, it just disperses the material. so, it's not like we can go in with pinpoint bombing and destroy them from the air which would be ideal if we could because it will kill everybody in, you know, in a wide swath of a city or a base. >> how do you have to try to -- do you have to dismantle the stuff on the ground? >> you have to dismantle it. apparently there are teams out there that could possibly go in at some point. 18-man teams. but, you know, you'd have to fight your way in. that's the problem. we're talking about an invasion of syria to really secure these sites. at the very last minute, they could move the stuff around. the intelligence is not perfect. the syrians could explode it in the middle of an attack. you just don't know. there are no good options for
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disposing of this stuff. >> is it known how much he has? >> i don't know how much he has. you know, for me, the important thing is -- and i keep on getting this question is, well, we heard this about iraq, they had weapons of mass destruction. >> people are skeptical. they say it's a pretext by some for getting involved in syria. >> it's not, anderson. i assure you. u.s. intelligence community was deep in to syrian vx and sarin binary stuff, they know all about it. this is not being hyped at any level. >> let me just push back on that. i mean, if this stuff has existed in syria for, you know, all the time that assad's been in power and hasn't been used, why -- and it seems to have been stored safely thus far, where's the proof that it's, you know, been put in to warheads or, you know, how do we know for sure? >> that's the question.
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has it, in fact, been put into warheads? has it, in fact, been mixed? sanjay could address this but i believe you have a couple of weeks to use these things once it's been mixed. we also don't know at what point would the assad regime resort to using sarin. it's my hypotheses that the alawites will use them if they're starting to get slaughtered. it could happen. they will use it. >> sanjay, for people who are at risk, i mean in areas where the assad regime could or might use them or another group, what can they do to protect themselves? is there something to do to protect yourself? >> they presumably don't have access to the medication. you have to get out of the area but keep in mind this -- because it's odorless and tasteless and very hard to detect, you have to get out of that area. and also because you can get poisoned again by ingestion and inhaling or simply touching it, it can be on the clothes, the clothes could be a vehicle. so you get out of the way.
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you take off your clothes or anything that may have been exposed to it, soap and water, rinse your body as much as possible. one thing is it's a heavier gas compared to what else is in that area, and lingers closer to the ground and getting to higher elevation can help. it sounds simplistic but short of a medication given right away, that's not much else you can do. >> really scary stuff. bob baer appreciate it. sanjay, as well. thanks. >> you got it. >> the picture on the cover of the "new york post" that raised a lot of disturbing questions, capturing the final moment of a man's life before he was run over by a subway train, i'll speak to the man that took that photograph next. more dining out... and along with it, more identity theft. by the time this holiday season is over, an estimated 1.2 million identities may be stolen. every time you pull out your wallet, shop online or hit the road, you give thieves a chance to ruin your holiday. by the time you're done watching this, as many as 40 more
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today the family of man shoved on the subway tracks and in to the path of an oncoming train gathered for his funeral a day after the suspect in the case was arraigned on second-degree murder charges. there's still, of course, questions of what exactly happened on that subway platform. this "the new york post" cover has become perhaps an enduring image of the tragedy showing the failed attempt to get out of the oncoming train. many that saw that asking why no one was able to get him off the tracks. the photographer took the picture, faced the most scrutiny and joins me now in a live prime tyke exclusive. i appreciate you being here. >> thank you for having me. >> before we start, you wanted us to make clear that we are not paying you for this interview. you did not request any money or would we pay for an interview. you wanted us to make that clear. >> correct. >> at what point did you realize something was going on? i mean, there was an altercation between this man mr. han and the alleged suspect.
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>> right. >> did you see him being -- did you see that altercation? >> no. i had entered the subway station from the 46 side. 47th street. and i had walked in about 100 feet in to the station. i was not aware of any confrontation. and from my peripheral vision i saw a body being flung on to the tracks and there was a collective gasp that went in to the air that really got my attention. >> you could kind of hear a gasp from other people? >> correct. because the train travels from north to south and i was at the southern end so you know somehow the wind and the sound travels that way. >> how far away were you from mr. han? >> i can guess from now on hindsight and looking at the photograph with how many cars were in to it and where mr. han was, i was about 200 feet into the station and i have learned that a new york subway station is about 600 feet so probably mr. han from the entrance there,
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he was maybe another 100 feet so there is about i would say 400 feet. >> you had your camera in your hand? >> yes. you were there for another assignment. you weren't there -- you just happened to be there. >> correct. >> what was your initial reaction? what did you do instantly start to do? >> well, people started waving their hands and screaming because a few moments earlier they had made an announcement that the train will be approaching the station. and i could see the distant lights of the approaching train. >> we're showing the one photo you took and you can't -- it looks like mr. han is on the track and you don't see the train. was the train far away at that point? >> you see out in the distance there's a little long line and that is the lights -- those are the lights of the train are and they're bouncing off the rails. okay. so even at that point, even though it's very dark, there was
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a train approaching. >> absolutely. >> okay. i think when people saw that picture and didn't see a train, it seemed like he is just sitting on the track. somebody could have helped him. >> right, correct. and from where i was, i could have screamed my lungs out probably nobody would have heard it. since my camera is always in my hand and always on and it goes in to sleep mode, and the only way i thought at that moment was to start clicking away, using the shutter to fire the flash and maybe -- >> you thought that might warn the conductor? >> yes. make him aware that this is unusual, there's a burst of light hitting him and catch mr. han on the track. >> this is the next photo. were you looking through the viewfinder? >> no, no. >> it was stable, you know, and on what you call on the street as shooting from the hip. >> you had just the camera out just shooting like that? >> no. out here. >> out to the side? >> yeah. to the side, stable and shooting.
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>> i understand you said there were other people much closer to him than you were. >> yes. absolutely. in the photograph if you look at it, maybe lighten it up, you see a group of people out there and that is where the north side of the entrance is on 49th street. >> and i mean, i've been in situations where in riots where people have been beat anna beaten right in front of me, killed in front of me. i've been in situations and taken pictures of it and intervened. you never know. i personally believe until you have been in this situation it's very easy to sit at home and judge based on pictures saying i would do this but until you've been in a situation with a potential threat to yourself, you don't know how you're going to react. did you -- did you realize there had been an altercation? did you realize there was a suspect? and did you see that suspect? >> i got a blur of this suspect and i had imagined, you know, we
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all imagine what we would do in a situation like that. but when you are in a situation, at least myself, when the situation actually happened, instinct took over and all those plans that you do this, you do that, you -- one reacts and that is what i reacted. and that is the best way i thought that i could alert the conductor. and i started moving towards running towards mr. han and i saw a man approaching me and that was the person who had pushed mr. han. and i realized because he seemed agitated and as he was approaching, he was cursing or using profanities and he went by me and i saw him coming. i braced myself and stood on the side. >> you were actually worried about him doing something to you? >> yeah. pushing me on to the tracks realizing that he had just pushed mr. han on the tracks. >> so you're going toward mr.
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han but this man is coming toward you? >> yes. >> the suspect. >> correct. >> you go against the wall. >> correct. >> so the suspect is actually moving away from mr. han and there are other people who are closer who the suspect is moving away from so theoretically if other people were to be involved they were closer to mr. han and further away from the suspect than you were? >> correct. that is a correct analysis. >> so, i also understand that after mr. han was hit and apparently a doctor present or there was a lady who was a doctor, i believe -- >> correct. >> started doing cpr and someone else in the crowd, people in the crowd gathered around and were actually with their cell phone cameras taking pictures. >> yes. they were. the crowd totally closed on and i had to stand and try to move them back. >> at that point, were you still taking pictures? >> i moved them back. i took maybe a few shots of the stretcher and the firemen had come and there was some crowd
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control going on. >> in retrospect, do you feel you should have done something different? or could have done something different? >> until one is in that situation, it's very hard to say. and on hindsight, i would say i would -- had mr. han, run the other direction. and looking at the image on it, there were only about three cars into the station and all he had to do was outrun three cars and he would have lived. >> his wife in early reports said that he was drinking. i believe some alcohol found on him, as well. >> i'm not aware of that. i'm not aware of his interaction with his wife. >> right. for you, what has this been like? not only to witness an event like this is horrific but then to come under the kind of criticism you have come under from people who were not there, what is that like? >> they were not there.
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they are, you know, i look at them as armchair critics and when you are in a situation, you realize what it is and it was a very fluid situation. the photographs are still. you see the train and you see mr. han at one spot. but in reality, the train is moving towards him. i do not know what speed it is but it was really fast. the whole thing happened really fast. >> i also find it interesting because i read your account in "the new york post" the next day which i found changed the way i looked at the situation, frankly. when i heard your account. >> right. >> that's why i wanted to have you on because i think it's important to have your voice on this but you didn't know what photos you had. you brought the police back to the post office and they looked at the photos. >> correct. >> you had no idea what you had captured. >> no. no idea. these photos are dark. i'm a professional, you know, i take good photographs if i may
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say for myself and these photographs were dark because my camera had the settings of times square. it was a bright day. and so was my flash gun. if i set my camera to take photographs in a subway i would be firing at full power and the flash cam doesn't recharge so fast on full power unless i'm carrying battery pack on my waist. >> have you ever seen somebody being killed before? >> no. i have never. it's very traumatic experience and like every time if i have to narrate the whole thing, it's reliving it. i did not sleep for close to 36, 40 hours. >> and obviously we talked about his funeral. to his family, what would you say? >> i -- as i have said earlier that mrs. han, if i could have, i would have saved him. it wasn't important to get the photograph. the photograph came out as a
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result of my effort or what i could think at that moment to do. even at this moment, i think, you know, i wish i had the presence of mind to say, mr. han, run in the other direction. i did hear people saying, get up, get up. but i don't know why anyone did not reach out. i live with the image, the first night i could not sleep. i could hear the sounds. i don't want to be too graphic about it for respect for the family but i could hear all of the sounds. mr. han did not scream or anything. this is how fast it transpired. you look at the photograph and it's like -- it's chilling to me even today. it's like a man looking at his end. and the oncoming train, the metaphor for it, death staring him down.
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>> you obviously didn't have a say of where the photo was published, as far as on the front page of the paper so i won't really ask you about that but i guess -- again, i -- you know, my position on this is -- and it really sort of changed from when i first saw the images, you don't know what someone has gone through, and i'm sorry you were in that situation. i appreciate you coming on to talk about it. >> thank you very much for having me. >> thank you. coming up, another story that's really a story we have been following for years now. the youngest members of the polygamist sect run by warren jeffs. he's in jail. they're supposed to be in school. why are hundreds of kids doing manual labor on a ranch without getting paid? ñç@rño
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tonight a "360" follow and a glimpse inside the fundamentalist church of latter day saints the flds. warren jeffs is in prison serving a life sentence for sexually assaulting two underage girls he had taken as his brides. just last week rereported that the state of texas asked to seize compound where jeffs and others abuse kids. sect members deny any abuse took place there. now we are learning in the absence of jeffs, that the church members are raising money and they're using the youngest members to do it. the church normally reclusive community rarely ventures outside the seclusion of their private ranches in large groups but that's exactly what happened this week and gary tuchman caught up with them. here's what happened. >> reporter: we received a tip that warren jeffs, the imprisoned leader of the flds sect had ordered all schools closed for a week. so children could go to work picking pecans off trees at a private ranch. we did not know what to expect as we trove to the outskirts of
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hurricane, utah, 23 miles northwest of their fundamentalist enclave. holy cow. >> the tip was true. hundreds of children, many of them very small working on a ranch. they were accompanied by some mothers and a few men but it was mostly the kids. >> there they go. >> yeah. >> reporter: when we got out of the car to find out more about what was going on, we saw something that caught us off guard. children and their mothers scattering. first slowly and then picking up steam. running in the opposite direction from where they saw us and their camera. the ranch is huge. they were given an obvious and urgent directive to get as far from us as quickly as possible. the paranoia among flds leaders is intense, and that is because they know we're her to ask questions. like why is it okay to pull the children out of school just so they can toil as free laborers and what's happening with all the money they're making? we do know that the property the ranch is on is owned by a nevada
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business ma businessman, who is not with the flds. i reached the man's nephew on the phone. he works with his uncle. on that ranch, we were there and saw hundreds of children from the flds, the fundamentalist latter day saints church harvesting the pecans. we're wondering if that's an arrangement you know about. the nephew said somebody else would get back to me with answers but nobody did. we went to las vegas looking for the property owner. we went to his company's office. do you run the office? >> i'm just -- i'm the receptionist. >> reporter: okay. is he here? >> no. >> do you know where he is? >> i do not. >> reporter: is there anyone else here that might know where he is? >> nope. >> we then tried to find him at his home, but he lives behind these palm trees in this private gated community. law enforcement authorities believe the money made from harvesting pecans goes to warren jeffs and his church. mothers of some of the children i talked to off camera acknowledge they get no money for the work. men helping to maintain security as scores of vans and cars came streaming in behind the gates were not surprisingly
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unhelpful. sir, can we ask you a quick question? >> no, thank you. >> reporter: can you tell us why the children are out of school and making money for the church? while picking pecans. as the children who spent eight hours in the fields on this day continued to work, a neighbor who owned an adjacent farm let us on her land. but when we arrived, the flds pecan pickers were chased away from us again. dorothy is a hog farmer and mother of two who say this is flds child labor gone for a week or two for many years and feels desperately sorry for the flds children. >> the flds do not let their children talk to other children or adults. >> reporter: so you seat children coming up to your fence picking pecans, and they ignore you? >> mm-hmm, or they run. >> reporter: running from you? they run from us. >> yes. >> reporter: you're next door on the ranch. >> yes. in the past i have seen them here past dark and in the wintertime when it's cool. i mean, i don't let my kids out.
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once the sun starts going down, it's too cold for children to be out, especially working. >> reporter: we went to the city hall in arizona where the flds is head quartered the try to find out what's going on. this is gary tuchman of cnn. i have a question if you can come to the door for a second. >> there's nobody here that -- >> reporter: well, you're here and says 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and right now it's 12:40 p.m. >> right. but i have no statement. you need to talk to the -- >> reporter: you have no statement. you don't know what the question is yet. >> i know it. >> reporter: you know it. okay. mothers did not want to talk either. i do know there's children in the community picking pecans in the pecan fields. not far from here. what do you think about that? >> i don't care to comment. thanks. >> reporter: another flds mother told her kids have fun picking the pecans. when i responded that school was canceled for a week and families were not given a choice about
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this, she declared it's all good done for god and for her prophet, warren jeffs. >> seems like it's done for the profit of this alleged prophet, warren jeffs. when's the legal implications of kids not even being paid, these are children working for free for a profit-making enterprise. >> reporter: i mean, there's certainly potential for legal peril here. the question is does this landowner, who's paying for this work to be done know that hundreds of children are doing the work? we don't know if he knows anything. that's why we came here to las vegas to find this guy and have him answer some questions. but he's had 28 hours to respond to us and we haven't gotten in touch with him yet an we want to know what the district attorney, the prosecutor in washington county, utah, thinks about this. he prosecuted warren jeffs successfully in the first of the two trials. when i called him to ask what he thought, he said i don't know anything about it. it's a well-kept secret. based of the facts in the report, he is telling us it raises a red flag and going to look into it. but right now it's too early to
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see what will happen legally. >> it's hard to believe somebody affiliated with that ranch didn't know their kids are working on it. it's not the first day they were doing it. gary, great reporting. thank you. john mcafee is no longer on the run tonight but in a police hospital. the latest developments on that ahead. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare...
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hospital today with heart problems according to his attorney. it was hours after being rejected for asylum there. the lawyer says he'll fight the extradition to belize where they want to question him about his neighbor's murder. apple will start making a computer in the u.s. next year. ceo tim cook tells business week that the move is part of an effort to boost the u.s. unemployment. apple has faced criticisms for working conditions in china. >> and mom to be, katherine, duchess of cambridge, has left the hospital where she was treated for acute morning sickness. her husband prince william escorted her to a waiting car. the palace has yet to announce a due date for the new royal who will be next in line to the throne after dad. and president obama and his family celebrated the annual christmas tree lighting. the first lady told him to make his remarks brief because she wanted to hear music. ♪ you better not shout ♪ you better not cry ♪ santa claus is coming to town ♪
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♪ eahe's making a list ♪ ♪ he's checking it twice ♪ he's going to find out who's naughty or nice ♪ >> they were celebrating in d.c. in just hours from now, the jobs report suspected to come out and it's expected to be messy. some analysts say no matter what it shows, no one should read too much into it. how are some business finding ways to keep jobs and their doors open while others are failing? tom foreman went looking for answers in new york. >> amid the bustle of broadway, against the bad economy and the crushing competition at the strand the show goes on. it started more than 80 years ago. this independent bookstore has beaten the odds surviving the great depression, world war ii and fred bass, who was a baby when his dad started the strand says the store is enduring these tough times, too. >> we have good books and good
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prices. lately we've been selling a lot of new books at discount, but it's mostly used books or bargain books that we sell, or out of print books. >> the strand's eclectic approach allows it to appeal to a broad array of clients hunting the trivial and treasured on the shelves like this rare copy of ulysses. >> how much are we selling this one for? >> 20 bucks. >> the strand success is about more than inventory. employees top to bottom must possess a deep knowledge of books and embrace the idea they're maintaining a business but also a community. >> there's just a comfort here where people feel willing to open up and just have 30-minute conversations with you in the aisles even when you probably should be working. >> the strand has kept up with the times, too. to compete with megabookstores and internet retailers, it
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offers almost all the books online. still, it could be argued in these days of everything moving faster, the strand's winning edge really comes from going slower. >> there's something about being able to just browse through all these aisles and hold the book and read a book and look at a book that's wonderful. >> the bottom line of all this, even with the economy down, sales at the strand are up. another great season of holiday shopping is going on the books. tom forman, cnn. >> our thanks to tom forman for that. anderson will be right back. stay with us. w?
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