tv CNN Newsroom CNN December 7, 2012 6:00am-8:00am PST
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and susan rice at state. you heard it here first. >> interesting. we'll see. maybe i'll put some money on that with you. >> a dollar? >> a dollar. >> shake on television? will you come on the hunt with me, the python hunt? >> i've seen anaconda. >> you're all invited. >> i will take the final word today for our "end point." don't forget to catch our "black in america" documentary. she's saying we're ready. there it is, "who's black in america"? that airs sunday 8:00 pm eastern time. i hope you get a chance to watch it and join us on twitter as we have this conversation. we talk to newark mayor, cory booker on that food stamp challenge, connie mack and mary bono mack will be with us as well. gabby douglas has a new book out and adam lambert as well. cnn "newsroom" with don lemon starts now.
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>> you can tell it's friday because you guys are out of control. have a great one, soledad. i'll be watching. >> thank you. >> "who's black in america" as well. november numbers. new jobs report now out. and it's surprise. what role could it play in the fiscal cliff negotiations? major earthquake rattles nerves and shakes buildings in japan in the same area as nearly two years ago. fiscal cliff for air travelers, ground your trip or compromise air safety. be careful what you write on review websites. one woman is being sued for almost $1 million for posting a nasty review online. find out which side the judge is taking. taking. "newsroom" begins right now. -- captions by vitac -- good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm don lemon in for carol costello this morning.
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the labor department this morning says 146,000 jobs were added in november and unemployment fell to 7.7%. so, let's put this all in perspective for you just one month earlier. in october, 138,000 jobs were added. so we're going to begin our coverage now with cnn correspondent and first up is christine romans. good morning, christine. >> good morning, don. we give the headline 146,000 jobs created, more than we expected, more than economists had expected, twice what a cnn money survey of economists had expected. unemployment rate fell to 7.7%. i'm going to tell you, it caught me by surprise. most people thought that hurricane sandy would have some sort of effect on these numbers and the labor department is telling us that sandy did not have an impact on these numbers. they looked across the country and in this region and the surveys were within normal range. they don't think it had an affect here. 12 million people unemployed. 40% of those have been unemployed for six months or longer.
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that's still a problem, don. to the right of your screen, 14.4% underemployment. some people call that the real unemployment rate. means a lot of people are still hurting or have been left out of the market. clearly you do have an improving situation here, improving but still leaving some people behind. this is what the trend looks like. this is the big drought of jobs, financial crisis here, slow attempt to get out of the hole. we want to see 150,000 jobs created or so every month to keep up with the growth in the population of the united states, working age population. you can see the last three months a little bit of an advance each of those months. when you go inside the sectors you can see where we saw some growth, overall transportation, housing, retail jobs of 53,000, probably holiday hiring, leisure and hospitality, health care jobs. that's an interesting part of the mix, too. computer systems analysts, when you dig into this number, the government saying that's a very good part of the job market and adding health care jobs overall.
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we've been adding health care jobs for something like three years now. if we can, i want to break down the different sectors here. we lost some jobs in construction, though. professional business services, that's where that computer systems, evening engineering an are. african-american unemployment on the right, is down a little bit. white unemployment, 6.8%, hispanic 10%, and african-american 13.2%. that's a little bit of an improvement for african-americans. >> wow, everything but the kitchen sink. >> i don't have the report on the kitchen sink, but you can come back to me on that. >> we will be back, i promise. wall street will get its first chance to react to the jobs report. alison kosik joins us from the new york stock exchange. good morning, alison. >> good morning, don.
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the bell rings in about 25 minutes or so. despite the upside surprise with this report, though, there are mixed feelings on really how important this number will be to the market. some analysts are saying this isn't really a number they're going to rely on because it's kind of a noisy ra report. we still need to see the full impact of sandy. also with the election over, there aren't any sort of bigger imt implications for the presidential race. because the numbers are so foggy, the federal reserve isn't likely to look at this number as a real trend maker. the central bank. it's already said it keeps stimulating the economy even after the labor market gets better. we know this isn't likely going to steer the central bank in one direction or another. you flip the coin over, though, you have this people who say this report is very important. it's going to be driving the conversation on the fiscal cliff. we only have 25 days until the tax hikes and spending cuts start to take effect. here is the thing. this number came in much better than expected, don. so the bad part about this is that it may not motivate all
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those politicians on capitol hill as much as it may have, if it came in much weak er. this may not light the fire, so to speak. that could be the downside to the upside surprise to the number. don? >> alison, stick around. we'll get back to you as well. from wall street now to washington where the white house is keep iing a close eye on today's numbers. brianna keilar joins us now live. good morning, brianna. >> reporter: good morning to you, don. we're still awaiting reaction from the white house and also from congssional republicans. they've long said at the white house, take a look at the trend of these nuchls over the month. so this number, paired with the last couple of months on its face, they will say the trajectory looks good, obviously more needs to be done. maybe the president can point to this and say my economic policies are working. the fact is that the election is over, many americans bought that argument. you're not seeing the frenzy here or even on the hill, quite
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frankly, in responding to these jobs numbers and trying to spin them. but also to the point that alison made as well. perhaps it's something that doesn't add a whole lot of fuel to this current debate that is occupying washington over the fiscal cliff and finding a deficit reduction plan and also sort of coupled with trying to avoid these spending cuts and tax increases that are set for the end of the year, don. >> what is that, is that a leaf blower? what's going on behind you? >> reporter: honestly, sometimes -- i think it is a leaf blower. sometimes it's a jack hammer. sometimes it's a leaf blower. sometimes it's a lawn mower. always a lot of work going on here at the white house. >> thank you, brianna keilar. have a great morning. >> from jobs now to labor. protesters are furious that michigan's republican controlled house and senate quickly passed controversial right to work bills. the bills limit the right to
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strike and picket and employees cannot be forced to pay union dues. democrats and union supporters say this is a huge blow to workers' rights. >> it terrifies me that they're trying to pass this through so quickly with no discussion from the other side, no understanding of what's important in it. >> poppy harlow joins us now from lansing. how damaging is this for unions? >> reporter: well, good morning, d don. if you ask the unions, they will tell you this could be extremely damaging to not just the unions, but they say to all of michigan, to all of the workers. that is their perspective. very different from those who support a right to work state. let's break this down for our viewers. what is right to work? in the state of michigan, no union and no employer together could mandate that an employee be part of the union or pay any amount of money to that union. right now, if you work at ford, general motors, chrysler on the line, you've got to be part of
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the uaw, part of the united auto workers. this would not only affect public sector workers like teachers but those private sector workers like auto workers. three bills passed, two in the senate last night, one in the house. the governor, rick schneider, very supportive of this legislation. it's expected to be taken up here again at the state capitol on tuesday. i want you to take a listen to jeff breslin. then you'll hear from the governor. >> to be pro worker, give freedom of choice to our workplace and that legislators moved promptly and efficiently, moving it through the legislature and when it arrives on my desk, i plan on signing it. >> in the state of michigan we've had a fledgling economy for some time, way down at the bottom of the list in the country. we've just started to make a comeback. bypassing right to work, that's taken that comeback and cutting
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the legs out from underneath t it's going to hurt the economy. it's going to hurt the state. it's going to hurt the citizens. >> the governor's argument is that it makes the state more competitive and will lead to more jobs, right? >> reporter: well, that is his argument. the state next door, indiana, don, recently passed this right to work legislation. there are those who say it's a boom to indiana's economy and don't want to see jobs go from here to there. pro union and labor would take -- nonunion makers do make less in their salary than union workers. you see the numbers from the bureau of labor statistics. weekly salary for a union employee is $938 versus $729. there is a disparity in wages here. whether that makes the state more competitive is up to each and every individual.
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sieu came out with a statement and said this is nothing short of an attack on the middle class. i just want to give you some perspective here, don. showing the pictures of these big protests, if we can show our viewers again, i spoke with the head of the state police, the head inspector, don. he said in his 30 years here he has never seen protests this big. that is how critical and personal of an issue it is in this state, the birth place of the united auto workers. in this state, which is really at the heart of organized labor in america. frankly, we're seeing a sea change in the midwest when it comes to unions. >> poppy harlow in lansing. thank you. we go to japan now where a tsunami warning has now been lifted and only minor injuries are reported after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck at sea nearly 300 miles from tokyo. small tsunami was triggered
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nyse euronext. unlocking the world's potential. bp has paid overthe people of bp twenty-threeitment to the gulf. billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. and bp's also committed to america. we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger.
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opposition activists are defying egypt's president, mohamed morsi, staging a new demonstration in tahrir square. he says he will not stop an upcoming constitutional referendum or place himself above the courts. suing nbc over a portrayal of him, editing 911 recordings to make it appear that zimmerman was racist. nbc disputes the accusations and plans to defend itself in court. actor stephen baldwin owes $53,000 in back taxes and
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penalties. he plead not guilty. the actor handed over a check for $100,000 as a good faith down payment on what he owes. baldwin is due back in court in february. a surprise jump in the number of jobs in november. 146,000 jobs added last month. that's nearly double what some economists had expected. joining me now is former economic adviser to the romney campaign and director of economic policy studies at the american enterprise institute. good morning to you. >> morning. >> give me your take on these numbers. >> very solid report, the fact that we've been growing. and we expected it to drop a lot because of all the problems that they had in the new york area. but that didn't happen. what we see, i think, is a very solid labor market, the kind of labor market that could lead to sort of sustained moderate consumption growth. there is a little bit of bad news coming in the fourth
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quarter. it looks like capital spend something falling off the face of the earth. people expect gdp in the fourth quarter to be kind of disappointing but the labor market is a nice outlook going into the next year. >> it's horrific but just a small part of the country. >> but, you know, new york is a big population center. and i think that the other thing is that these numbers, the net of those that we're looking at this in report. if you have a lot of people not hiring because they're trying to dig out, it could have an affect on the numbers. >> do you think the numbers give the president any leverage in the fiscal cliff? >> in fact, these numbers are huge for those negotiations. president obama's argument has been that the economy is doing well enough that it could handle a tax hike. if the economy were in recession, as we saw last time,
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he would be reluctant to lift that top rate. if the economy is growing sharply, then if there's some damage from lifting the top rate, maybe the economy could afford it. gdp growth number is not as strong as the jobs report f we had a really weak jobs report, the president would have a really hard time, even getting moderate democrats, to increase the marginal rate. the fact that it's a strong report puts wind in his sails. >> kevin, you've touched on it a little bit. can you be more specific about what you think we're missing from today's report? >> well, i think that what's missing from the report, if we're looking at the health of the overall economy, is that businesses are really pessimistic right now. we've had five months in a row where the orders for capital goods have been going down and, in fact, going down sharply. very often business investment is the thing that turns down right before you have a recession. we have this very dissident set of data. solid jobs report that looks like the trend we saw this year is continuing but we've got
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businesses holding back, probably in part because of the uncertainty over the fiscal cliff. that should really be seen as a great opportunity. if people have a kumbaya moment, sit down and get things fixed, we could probably expect a real celebration in the business sector because it looks like the consumer sector is strong and solid. >> kevin hasset, thank you very much. we appreciate it. more perspective on the day's job report. more about the fiscal cliff now. travel worries, potential budget cuts could ground your flight. when it comes to the financial obstacles military families face, we understand. at usaa, we know military life is different. we've been there. that's why every bit of financial advice we offer is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. [ laughs ] dad! dad! [ applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] life brings obstacles.
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usaa brings advice. call or visit us online. we're ready to help. pretty sweet, huh? cute. but don't you have any apps on your phone that can make your life easier? who do you think i am, quicken loans? at quicken loans, we'll provide you with myql mobile. this amazingly useful app allows you to take pictures of your mortgage documents using an iphone or android smart phone... so you can easily send them to us. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ooh, la-la!
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should you have more freedom to use your electronic portable devices in flight like this one? i say yes, because i fly all the time. head of the fcc certainly thinks so as well. according to the hill, the chairman of the fcc just sent a letter to the head of the faa, calling for flyers to have greater use of their gadgets, including tablets and e-readers. the faa said it would review its policy. that will not include cell phone call use. you already know about the
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potential for tax hikes if congress and the president fail to reach an agreement before the fiscal cliff deadline at the end of the month. for airline passengers, the triggered automatic cuts could also affect your travel plans. here is cnn's sandra endow. >> reporter: this is air travel now. cut that by a billion dollars and it could ground millions of travelers. >> in the 56 years of the faa's history, there's not been anything as threatening as sequestration. >> reporter: aerospace industries association paints a doomsday scenario. 250 small airports may have to close and 1,500 air traffic controllers laid off. former faa administrator heads the lobby group. >> faa is not one of those places that if you are looking for smart cuts you would go. it's an operational agency. it's a safety agency.
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and you sure don't want to see cuts made there, because it really does force us to look at the fact that we could see our system become a much diminished system, operating on the kind of schedules you're used to in the third world, not here in the country. >> reporter: she says 9,000 tsa screeners could also get pink slips. >> we've made a number of plans in the event that sequestration does go into effect. >> reporter: the head of the tsa john pistole. >> to keep the movement of people and goods moving smoothly. >> reporter: the airlines we talked with wouldn't share their doomsday plans, referring us to a lobby group which said no one knows what might happen should sequestration occur. small comfort for the public, looking to buy tickets. what do you think that's going to do for the airline industry and airports and security here? >> oh, gosh. make everything a little more
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difficult. >> reporter: are you worried about that in terms of travel for yourself? >> yes, of course. travel and travel cost. >> i travel a lot. so anything that messes with it is a problem. >> reporter: so what's your message for congress? >> let's get together and figure this out. >> reporter: the worst case scenario may sound grim but most are taking a wait and see approach. all eyes are on this lame duck congress. >> that was sandra endo reporting, of course. did you know that you could be sued for writing a nasty review online? it happened to one woman. so far the judge seems to be siding with the handyman, who sued her. that handyman, live in a moment. you won't take my life.
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aids affects us all. even babies. chevron is working to stop mother-to-child transmission. our employees and their families are part of the fight. and we're winning. at chevron nigeria, we haven't had a reported case in 12 years. aids is strong. aids is strong. but we are stronger. and aids... ♪ aids is going to lose. aids is going to lose. ♪
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reporting to you about the strange case of john mcafee. his attorneys are looking for ways to keep him there in guatemala. authorities there have rejected his bid for asylum, which may lead to his deportation to belize to face questions about the murder of had his neighbor. >> reporter: this is where john mcafee is saying in guatemala city, that building right there. is he actually up on the third floor and has it all to himself. that's really not a jail. it's definitely not a hotel. it's a detention center for illegal immigrants. they get a lot of them passing through guatemala, trying to get to mexico and eventually to north america. it was here that john mcafee suffered whatever the illness was that he had, rush friday here in an ambulance to a nearby police hospital where he was check checked out for several hours. we went over there. the authorities said really it looked like he was suffering from stress and maybe was also suffering chest pains. his attorney, though, says it was a minor heart attack.
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either way, he was released a couple of hours later and brought back here. now the question is, what happens next? we already know the president of guatemala has denied asylum for john mcafee. it's possible his legal team could try for some other maneuver, maybe a stay or maybe go all the way to the country's supreme court. it's also possible he may be headed back to belize where, i've spoken to authorities, they're waiting for him and will take him in for questioning. we'll wait for him as well. martin savidge, cnn, guatemala city. >> thank you very much. opening bet right now. let's go to christine romans, tell us about that new jobs report and the opening bell. hi, christine. >> that's right. investors look like they're happy, at least, that there were no negative surprises in this jobs report. unemployment rate that fell to the lowest since 2008, 7.7%. we're expecting a higher open on stocks. the dow is holding above 13,000. the dow above 13,000, don, when
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we're worried about the fiscal cliff, worried about europe and worry about the slow healing in the american economy. investors, at least for today, are pleased that this data are showing, continuing to show that the american economy the recovery is moving, is moving ahead. 146,000 jobs created in the month. that was twice what a survey of economists for cnn money had expected. twice what they expected. why the discrepancy? most economists were expecting hurricane sandy to maybe hold back these numbers. and it just didn't. there are also a lot of revisions. you know, one thing that's interesting about this is we still need to see superstorm sandy impact, maybe it will show up next month. who knows. presidential election is over. the federal reserve, by the way, will be watching to see what the fed does in terms of monetary policy. we know it will keep interest rates very low. will they have any stimulus up their sleeve? all of this are things we're still looking forward to.
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fiscal cliff still hanging over us. markets, at least, are telling us that we think washington will get its act together, avert the fiscal cliff and like what they see from the jobs report this morning. >> my goodness. that's optimism there. can you talk to me a little more about this job market shrinking and that maybe why the unemployment rate dropped? >> two surveys that the government takes, household survey where they call thos thousands of people at home and ask, are you working? that's the number that gives us the unemployment rate. they also talked to thousands and thousands of companies and they say how many jobs do you have? how many jobs have you added? that's how you get that net job creation number up 146,000. when the government calls people up and they say i'm not working or i've dropped out of the labor market or whatever, you can see just how big the labor market is. we know that there are some, i think, 300,000 some people who have dropped out of the labor market. they've either dropped out. they could be retiring or they could drop out because they're a
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two income household and now they're a one income household. they are not going to look anymore, decided maybe they'll look next year. you can get a lot of reasons of why people drop out of the labor market but many people critical of the job situation said if you were counting all of those people you would have a much higher unemployment rate than this. you have heard of the real unemployment rate, the underemployment rate is more like 14.4%, higher than the headline, the listed price, if you will. 14.4%, those are people who have been left behind all together by the labor market. don? >> christine romans, thank you. i said we would get back to you for the kitchen sink and there it is. >> there it is. >> appreciate it. fophotos sent from around t world are going into movies directed by big hollywood names. we'll sit down for an exclusive chat with jamie foxx. [ male announcer ] introducing...
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okay. you need to pay attention to this if you write reviews on any site or send comments. a contractor sued a woman for writing a scathing review on yelp and angie's list about his work. now a judge has narrowly sided with the contractor. here are some of her complaints and comments. she says she was billed for this new carpet that has a stain on it and the painting was sloppy. you can see some on her brick fireplace there. door hinges that are shoddy and barely holding up and claims supposedly new seal is needing replaced. now he is suing her for defamation for $750,000, claiming he lost thousands of dollars in businesses because of her review. joining us from washington is chris dietz, founder of dietz development and his attorney as well. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning, don.
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>> we also invited jane perez, who did not respond to our requests. so, chris, do you think this is a big win for you? >> well, i think it's the beginning of an important win. let me clear something up quickly. those posted you pictures, the carpet with the stain, that's the original carpet. i never was allowed to install the correct carpet. she fired me before i got to install it. it had already been purchased so i couldn't install it. >> she's not here to defend herself, did not respond to our request. >> sure. >> we got a statement from perez's attorney saying she would abide by the judge's order as this. we got this as well. lawsuits of this nature can have a chilling effect on free speech since their intent is to use a lawsuit and the prospect of expensive legal fees to intimidate customers who have had bad experiences, from sharing those experiences with others. so, chris, does this lawsuit hurt your business more since customers are afraid that you might sue them if you complain?
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>> i hope not. i'm standing up for what's right. the truth needs to be told. she accused me of criminal activity, of false statements, presenting them as facts with no basis for it. >> i would just add that this is not about free speech. defamation has never been protected speech in the history of the united states. this isn't about the ability to give a review, something that's a statement of opinion. it's when statements of facts are made and those facts are untruthful and they damage someone's reputation, damage someone's business that there has to be some accommodation, there has to be some making right of the situation. >> can i ask you this? then there is no concern here, mr. johns, that you're setting some sort of precedence when it comes to free speech and people posting things online? the internet is pretty open. you can pretty much say anything you want about anything or anybody and get away with it. >> i think there's a notion that
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there's an internet privilege for defamation. and it's not fair. just because they're posting it on the internet doesn't give them the right to make unfair statements that could ruin someone's business or their professional reputation. in many ways this is a garden variety defamation suit but in a new forum and that's internet online posting. >> don, let me point out one thing real quickly. also, too, we need to hold these service providers accountable. angie's list and yelp. they cannot claim they're using the 230 cda as protection. they need to be held accountable. if that means new legislation, regulation, that needs to take place. >> you felt that this was your only recourse? you didn't think you could go back on the site and explain? you didn't think that was enough? >> don, thanks for that question. no. i actually -- when she didn't pay me, i sent on the original invoice for work performed, services provided. she went out there and continued to defame me and claim me as a
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criminal. i tried to get the postage removed with legal documents from different sources, disproving her statements or claims and yelp and angie's list refused saying we're just a forum. we don't get through two parties. the only way you can get these postings removed is by a court order or the poster removes it. that's when i took the action saying if i can't get it removed by presenting factual information to these service providers, then i have to take court action and there's no other option. >> i think you need to explain it. claiming you were a criminal, there were some things she said you had done, like stolen things. the judge found that was unfounded and the judge made her remove it. there's nothing to talk about on that end. thank you for coming on. once this is finally resolved, we would like to have you back. >> we would love to be back and thank you for having us on this morning.
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>>et let's talk to an attorney who just defended a woman for having a bad date. >> a posting on yelp, what the judge did here was when they look at these lawsuits, the judge is looking at the suit saying there's a suit for defamation. she's accusing dietz of criminal conduct. she said there was jowl jewelry missing from my house when he left and i made a report to the police. however, she doesn't say i saw him steal my jewelry or provide any other supporting evidence. >> the judge said that was unfounded and made her remove that. that's not even part of it anymore. >> well, it is part of it in the sense that that -- that, by the way, will continue in the defamation suit. what the judge did was he made her take that down off the internet. it's a big part of the lawsuit, because when you accuse somebody of criminal conduct, if it's not true, that's defamation and you can collect huge damages. so the judge was concerned that
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evenhough he hadn't decided the lawsuit, the evidence was so thin on that part of it, he said take it down. he didn't say anything about the rest of the posting. >> it's interesting. i wonder, i asked the attorney, paul, about setting a precedent. as someone in the public eye and you read comments online and 90% of them aren't true, you think, wow, there is no recourse. if someone wrote that from a legitimate news organization, things that weren't true, you would have recourse. do you think this is going to change anything from even just commenting on people online, writing comments online? >> we're seeing another information where technology has outstripped the law. you know, in the past to get published in a newspaper, to get widespread distribution of your complaints against somebody, very hard. you have to get a newspaper to take you seriously. they have to have a big readership. now you just go online. i was reading one account that said yelp has as many as 83
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million visitors to the sites. you can literally destroy a business by posting negative things about the business. it's tough on the businesses. they have very little recourse. the communications decency law that protects angie's list and yelp from being sued. they can say, hey, we're just a forum. if people want to post, they can post. the only thing a business can do is sue, saying you defamed me and i'm going to sue you for money damages. suits like this will scare people from posting on the internet and we'll have less free speech and less exchange of ideas and people kind of like the fact that you can go on the internet and check people out. so this is an evolving area of the law. i think you'll see the courts make changes in this area about how we handle defamation, libel and slander. >> people like that, when you're the subject of it, i don't think everyone likes it. i think people are lock at people who are anonymous on the internet may say, hey, this is great.
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it's freedom of speech. people who are the subject of it not so much, paul. >> don, you're on to something there. the anonymity is something. at least this wasn't anonymous. he can go after perez. perez is not here to defend herself but she may have a legitimate complaint about the quult of the work. we don't know. it hasn't been decided in court yet. we know the judge sided with dietz on the criminal stuff. it will be interesting to see how it pans out. >> we did invite her. she didn't respond. she could be here to defend herself. >> nice to be with you, don. >> you as well. "fifthy shades of grey"? more like fifthy shades of green. paying out handsomely for random house staffers. sfx- "sounds of african drum and flute"
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look who's back. again? it's embarrassing it's embarrassing! we can see you carl. we can totally see you. come on you're better than this...all that prowling around. yeah, you're the king of the jungle. have you thought about going vegan carl? hahaha!! you know folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than antelope with night-vision goggles. nice! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. time for citi price rewind. because your daughter really wants that pink castle thing. and you really don't want to pay more than you have to. only citi price rewind automatically searches for the lowest price. and if it finds one, you get refunded the difference. just use your citi card and register your purchase online. have a super sparkly day! ok. [ male announcer ] now all you need is a magic carriage. citi price rewind. start saving at
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we are getting reaction from the white house to today's jobs report. the unemployment rate dropping to 7.7% as 146,000 jobs were added last month. the white house released a statement which read, in part -- here it is -- while more work remains to be done, today's report proves that wounds are continuing to heal since the worst downturn in the economy since the great depression. as we dig our way out of the deep hole that was caused by the severe recession that began in december of 2007. that is some good financial news for some workers at random house as well, speaking of the jobs market. before we go to that and talk about that, let's go to alison kosik. give us a quick check on the markets and we'll talk about
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random house. >> you're seeing modest games with the markets. the markets see this as the reality check behind this jobless reports. a lot of jobs added were seasonal, retail and travel and leisure. the real question is going to be how many of those people will go back on the unemployment line after the holidays are over. guess what, the answer is going to depend on how the fiscal cliff is resolved or not resolved. you may see that uncertainty limit the gains today on wall street. >> let's talk about that "fif"f shades of grey." >> could be a good stocking stuffer, what they're calling 5,000 shades of green for random house employees. they had this holiday party, being the publisher. workers learned they're going to be getting a $5,000 bonus to celebrate a profitable year and they owe it all to "fifty shades
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of grey" topping the best seller list for more than ten months now. the trilogy has been on ebook best seller lists even longer. the cheering, when they heard about this bonus, went on for minutes. it will be paid out for those that have been at random house for a year or more. who would have thought whips and chains, don, >> well, a lot of people knew that a long time ago. thank you. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. photos sent from around the world are going into movies directed by big hollywood names. we sit down for an exclusive chat with jamie foxx. across the. the only time i've ever had a break is when i was on maternity leave. i have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. now, i'm going to be able to have the time to explore something different.
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jamie fox to direct. we sat down with an exclusive chat with jamie foxx. >> hi. this is jamie foxx. i'm one of the directors for project imagination. >> we get the call from ron howard wants to involve celebrities taking photos from people that send it from all over the world and then doing a movie. directing a movie to it. >> i have always wanted to be behind the cameras. now it is giving me an opportunity to really flex that muscle and now with the tutelage of ron howard and having canon backing, you know, i just don't want to mess it up but i think it will be fantastic. plus, ron howard and i have a little bit of a history. >> little bit of a history. that cameo. >> yeah, yeah. ♪ >> would you be in this video? he said what is it? rying to move forward the idea of filmmaking by involving the public.
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>> when i was in texas, i didn't know where to go with all of my creativity. but now with what canon is doing, people from missouri and people from north carolina, they are -- they can now be a part of hollywood. >> this is groundbreaking because this for the first time will be part of the festival. >> having the festival part of it makes it an event. now people can come and now people can watch. we will do five films and the next part of it is where the consumers will be able to go through what we are going through. who doesn't want to be married? genesis of something great. whoa knows? you will find the next martin scorsese. a lot of times hollywood looks like it is -- you know, bubbled out, 25 years ago like how do i get in there? now, you know, you open it up and maybe one day you will find someone who is fantastic and they will take what we have as an artist and leave it back for them to grow on. >> what does this picture tell us? >> unparalleled, discovery. jennifer harris, hey, baby. basically what that is, he's
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head over heels for her. so, therefore, i will find my perfect woman. that's how it all comes together. the first picture i saw was this one. everything is magic. this is for character. my coal matthews, rocky river, ohio. so -- the reason i like this picture is because i actually see the person that's not there. now all of our pictures start to make sense with each other. >> what do you say to those that are going to be watching this piece and inspired in some way? >> i think the impact will be big to know that just somewhere in the world you snapped -- canon says send to it in to me. next thing you know we are off to the race. >> favorite entertainment correspondent joining me now. >> thank you. >> ron howard's daughter was involved with last year's project imagination. tell us about her film. >> well, you know, it is getting a lot of buzz. the film is called "when you find me." it is on the short list of possible oscar nominees and live action short films category that's huge. the film is a tragedy.
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it is about the story of two sisters whose lives are changed forever after the sudden loss of their mother. we will have to see if it gets an akads my award mommation. announced next month. it is interesting to watch the early stages of this father-daughter directing duo. jamie foxx is throwing his director's hat in the ring. he told me one of his biggest piers is getting it right behind the camera. we all know how big a talent he is in front of the camera. we have to see how far this takes him. >> thank you. >> thanks, don.
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earthquake. bizarre saga of john mcafee takes another strange turn. the software pioneer rushed to the hospital after a bid for asylum is rejected. tracking your texts. were some police officers want the power to investigate your messages. good morning. i'm don lemon in for carol costello this morning. surprising snapshot of the economy today. the jobless rate has fallen to its lowest level in four years. let's check the numbers now from the labor department. 146,000 jobs were added in november. and unemployment fell to 7.7%. compare that to october when 138,000 jobs were added. ali velshi joins us to talk about today's report. good morning, sir. was this what you expected? what happened? >> month, no. not what anybody expected. which is why this is con pewsing. we are expecting the unemployment rate to go up from
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7.9% to 8% and expecting 77,000 jobs created and got 146,000. here's the problem. normally -- would different surveys. unmoymt rate a they are usually done by surveys in the same week. in november, they moved up the unemployment rate survey a week earlier so that they wouldn't complicate things with thanksgiving and some people are worried that it got affected by hurricane sandy. some people weren't in their homes and didn't have power, whatever the case is. labor department says not so. but important whatever reason, there are a love people who are not sure -- not doubting the voracity of the numbers. they are just saying that there might be some statistic anomalies here. bottom line, if it is what it is, then it shows continued strengthening in the labor force. unemployment number, i have often said don't play too much attention to that. you want to look at how many jobs are created and went from 138 thousand nowing in october to 146,000 in november. i would like to get three months from now, don to look back and see what the trend looks like.
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but if it is what it is, then it shows slow and steady growth in the job market. slower than expected. here is a point for you, don, very inniteresting. we saw a substantial spread between whites and blacks unemployment rate in the united states. that gap marrowed a little bit this time around. again, i have inform dig deeper to find out where and why it narrowed. it shows a bit of an improvement for african-americans in the unemployment situation. beyond that, it is -- the standard stuff that you normally expect. >> yeah. huge disparity there. checking the number. >> yeah. there still is. there still is. it is just -- the gap is narrowing a little bit. >> ali velshi, i love talking money with ali velshi in the morning. >> always my pleasure. >> get on there, get on witnesser and chat. we are getting reaction from the obama administration now which has been closely monitoring the numbers in washington. that's where we find the white house correspondent brianna keilar. we hope the leaf blower is done. what do you hear? >> reporter: no leaf blower, no
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jackhammer. we are getting reaction from the white house, obviously. they saw this positively, don. month surprise. this coming from the chairman of the president's council of economic advisors. it says while more work remains to be done today's employment report provides further evidence the u.s. economy is continuing to heal and continuing to heal from the wounds inflicted by the worst downturn since the great depression. this is obviously similar to what we heard in past months. but the president or -- certainly the white house pointing to this as proof that his economic policies should continue. specifically in this reaction. they point to that bush era tax cut for middle class americans that's set to expire along with tax cuts for all americans. here at the end of the year saying that that needs to get pushed through. we are not seeing really the frenzy, obviously. we got so used to that frenzy of reaction coming out ahead of the election. and it certain sly in the a frenzy we haven't heard -- heard from the rnc. they say similar to what they always say. while a downtick in the
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unemployment tick is unwelcomed news, unemployment remains painfully high, conversely to what president obama or what the white house saying pointing to his policies as not working for the economy. we haven't heard from the speaker's office i don't believe yet but he will be talking before cameras at 11:00 a.m. and likely get reaction there, don. >> brianna keilar. thank you, brianna. want on go to wall street now where for now at least the markets like what they saw this morning. all three indexes trading in positive territory. alison kosik and s who we will go to. tell me what's going on. >> we are seeing the nasdaq dip a bit into negative territory. you are seeing a mixed bag at this point. you know, you see the buildup to the release of this report. investors, they have been cautious all week. heading into this report. expectation was that there will be a really weak mum coming out of this. this is a surprise to the upside. report was basically double what everybody was expecting. still you are seeing a lot of caution here on wall street
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because many of the jobs that were added were seasonable ones. this is the reality check with this. number of retail jobs added, 53,000, a number of those were temporary jobs important the holiday shopping season. come on. a surprise to the upside better than the alternative. even with the quirks the reading gave some evidence the economy at least jobs part of it is holding steady. despite the uncertainty about the fiscal cliff, as well. so the number isn't going to be impacting the practical reserve's meeting next week. practical reserve having its final meeting of the year. of course, fed continuing to pump stimulus money into the economy. so you know what, everybody is looking at now, everybody is looking ahead. lot of people looking ahead to the december report which is expected to be less hazy and may give certainty to what is going on here in the jobs market. >> boy, wouldn't that be a great holiday-christmas present, christmas-kwanzaa, hanukkah, everything. thank you, alison kosik.
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other top stories. house speaker john boehner expected to meet with reporters in an hour. the event comes with just 25 days until that fiscal cliff deadline. both sides of the aisle resumed talks thursday. first time that's happened all week. and comes and comes one day after president obama and speaker boehner talk bid telephone. in japan a tsunami warning has been lifted. a 7.3 magnitude quake struck at sea 300 miles from tokyo. a small tsunami was triggered while a building shook in the capital city. happened almost in the same area along the northeastern coast devastated by a earthquake two years guy. attorneys for george zimmerman are suing nbc universal for characterization of him in reporting on the trayvon martin shooting death. lawsuit claims nbc edited 911 recordings to make it appear that zimmerman was racist. nbc says it disputes the accusations and plans to defend itself in court.
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on every flight, you have to power down your gadgets before takeoff and landing. but -- could that be changing? you might be surprised who is leading the charge. [ nyquil bottle ] hey tylenol, you know we're kinda like twins. [ tylenol bottle ] we are? yeah we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. and i relieve nasal congestion. overachiever. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't.
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john mcafee's attorneys are looking for ways to keep him in guatemala. authorities rejected his bid for asylum and that sets the stage for his possible return to belize to face questions about a neighbor's death. cnn's martin savidge is following the case of this eccentric millionaire. >> reporter: this is where john mcafee is staying here in guatemala city. that building right there, actually up in the third floor and has it all to himself. that's really not a jail. it is definitely not a hotel. what it is is a detention center for illegal immigrants. they get a lot of them passing through guatemala trying to get into mexico and eventually to north america. it was here where john mcafee suffered whatever the illness was that he had and he was rushed from here in an ambulance and taken to a nearby police hospital where he was checked out for several hours. between over there. the authorities said really it looked like he was suffering from stress and maybe was also suffering chest pains.
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his attorney, though, says it was actually a minor heart attack. either way, he was released a couple of hours later and brought back here. now the question is what happens next. we know the president of guatemala denied asylum for john mcafee. it is possible his legal team should try for some other maneuver, a stay or go all the way to the country's supreme court. it is also possible he may be headed back to belize. where i have spoken to authorities, they are waiting for him and will take him in for questioning. we will wait for him as well. martin savidge, cnn, guatemala city. more top stories. opposition activists are defying egypt's president mohammed morsi. morsi is standing firm against the protesters. should you have more freedom to use your electronic portable devices in flight? the head of the sec certainly
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thinks so. the chairman of the sec sent a letter to the head of the faa and it calls for fliers to have greater use of their gadgets including tab et cetera and e-readers. just this sumpter faa said it would review its policies. that review will not include cell phone call use. election was a month ago. republican challenger mitt romney still has a sizable amount of money in the bank. his campaign says it raised almost $86 million in the final weeks before the election and just after. still $24 million in the bank as of november 26. but much of that money is expected to go to pre-election expenses. we have an upside surprise for washington this morning. the latest jobs report shows 146 thousand how jobs were added last month. and the unemployment rate fell to 7.7%. the lowest in four years. for some perspective on this, i'm joined now by rutgers university professor and info
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informer former labor department leader bill rogers in dallas. good morning, bill. on the outset -- >> good morning. >> -- this is pretty positive. pretty positive report. give me your perspective. >> sure. it is very positive given what we were -- what we thought we were going to be getting. we thought -- we were going to have the effects of superstorm sandy. we thought we were going on have some of the effects of the fiscal cliff affecting consumer confidence. investment behavior. so given those two plus the hostess strike and shutdown, you know, this is a -- these are -- it tracks the 146,000 new jobs over the month. tracks the average that we have been seeing over this past year. actually 2011. but however, though, you know, that's right at that level, that threshold, that you have to have just to keep make ends meet. so when you turn to the household survey, that, you know, unemployment rate falling to 7.7%. it is not because people are getting lots of jobs.
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it is because people have been leaving the labor important, because we are -- we have been treading along in the second gear at this 140,000, 150,000 new jobs per month. >> labor force, you believe, is shrinking. let's -- >> yeah. this report -- this report showed it shrank again and over the last 12 months it shrank and i believe even people have been talking about we are at 20, 30-year low in terms of participation of people in the economy. >> let's talk more about the fiscal cliff. how do you think this could factor into discussion? >> yeah. i think that this roar today helps, i think the administration's case for the fact that we immediate to -- administration needs to -- democrats need to extend the tax cuts, bush tax cuts, forethose up to $250,000, probably immediate to extend the payroll tax cut. these are major forms of stimulus that middle income households and receive the dollars don't save it. they spend it. i think it also provides a little wind to the sail of the administration that we need to
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extend the unemployment insurance benefits that have -- we have been providing to families. which are another important stimulus for families here in the u.s. >> you answer made question about the work force because about a half million people left the work for according to bls and talked about why you believe that factored into it. what do you think is missing from the report, though? >> what's missing, i think of -- you know, we focus so much on the employment front and if you look at wage, i believe wages continue to stagnate. over the month. and also even over the year when you factor in inflation. so, you know, not -- families are -- you know, continuing in this really tepid, very slow, weak recovery. they are getting hit on all fronts. you know. slow job creation. people leaving the labor force. and then also stagnating wages. but again, though, you know, we are better off than we were four years ago. better off in the -- in when the recession hit. we are better off than we were 12 months ago. as the administration says, you
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know, much more work is pleaded to be done. >> good talking to you. thanks. >> thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> you as well. much more news after a very quick break. ♪ the weather outside is frightful ♪ ♪ but the fire is so delightful ♪ nothing melts away the cold like a hot, delicious bowl of chicken noodle soup from campbell's. ♪ let it snow, let it snow
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furious at michigan's republican controlled house and senate quickly passed controversial right-to-work bills. >> you are disgusting! you're disgusting? >> the bills limit the right to strike and picket and employees cannot be forced to pay union dues. democrats and union supporters say this is a huge -- of workers' rights. >> terrifies me that they are trying to pass this through so quickly with no discussion from the other side and no understanding of what is important in it. >> poppy harlow joins from us lansing. poppy, so -- it is -- damaging for unions, right? >> it could be extremely damaging for unions if you ask union workers. they say this would be bad important the entire michigan economy for all of the workers here. that's a position of labor in this state which, don, cane overemphasize is that the heart of organized labor in america, it is the birth place of the
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united autoworkers, uaw. here is what's at stake. if this becomes a right-to-work state, it would make it illegal for unions and employers to mandated that employees be part of the union or pay any am of money to that union. that would then become illegal. the thinking is that is less money in the union, less power at the bargaining table. what happened late yesterday, three bills passed. would in the senate and one in the house. all pretty much saying the same thing. it would turn this into a right-to-work state. it would affect public sector workers like teachers and public schools and it would affect private sector workers like autoworkers on the line and gm-chrysler or ford. the governor here, republican rick snihinsider is saying thiss what's best important the workers, the labor workers do not agree. >> to get freedom of choice to the workplace and that -- legislators move promptly and efficiently in moving it through the legislature and when it
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arrives on my desk i plan on signing it. >> in the state of michigan we have been -- had a fledgling economy for quite some time. we have been -- way down at the bottom of the list in the country. we have just started to make a comeback bypassing right-to-work, that's taking that comeback and cutting the legs out from under it. it will hurt the economy and will hurt the state and hurt the citizens. >> and to break down the numbers for you, don, according to data from the bureau of labor statistics, looking at median weekly salaries important union workers nationwide, they make more, $938 a week, versus $729 a week for non-union workers. there is a wage differential there typically labor lawyer told me, don, this is hugely significant and that this could be devastating to the labor movement in this country. what's going to happen? this weekend union workers across this state, labor supporters will be out trying to
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convince their representatives to vote down this legislation and could be taken up in a final vote as early as this tuesday. so you can expect big, big crowds here, don, again on tuesday. some perspective for you. the biggest protests they have seen here in dancing happened yesterday in more than 30 years. this is a very sensitive issue. >> goodness. can we talk more about the governor's response to this? the governor's argument, poppy, is that it makes the state more competitive and it is going to lead to more jobs. >> right. yeah. you know, that's what republi n republicans will say. it is reported to the legislation saying that, because, know, unions have less power at the bargaining table in terms of salary and benefits, et cetera. maybe it attracts more companies to work here. that's their argument. union takes issue with that since it is not the case at all. but right next door in the state of indiana, they passed right-to-work legislation so there is the argument that supporters make it say the jobs are going there, we want the jobs here.
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we have to make this a more competitive state. that's what the governor says -- the labor movement does not agree with that at all, don, but when you talk about a state like michigan that has just been bleeding jobs and needs these jobs, that is the argument that's it has been making, competitive landscape. >> poppy, thank you. locked up for being hiv positive. >> i served over a year locked up. some of it in maximum security and some of it in solitary confinement. i still have to register as a sex offender important the rest of my life. >> should people be put in jail for not letting their partners know they are infected with hiv? we will talk to dr. sanjay gupta next. capella university understands businesses are trying to come
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oh...there you go. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i know. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. had statistic may shock you. more an quarter of hiv
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infections in this country are in 13 to 24-year-olds and most of the young people don't even know they are infected. plus, more than half of our states have laws that make it a crime for people with hiv not to disclose their status when they have sex. dr. sanjay gupta has been looking into this and joins me now. these laws are meant to protect people but what are the downsides? >> well, the biggest downside, critics of the laws, will say this is exactly part of the reason people don't get tested and don't know their status. the numbers you just cited. you know, people that support the law say look, it is not the laws as much themselves as the way they have been applied in various states. we decided to investigate that a bit. take a look at what we found. four years ago, nick, hiv positive, 34-year-old, living in iowa, met a younger man. they hit it off. and had sex. >> i wore a condom. i did everything i could to protect him and myself. >> reporter: what rhodes didn't do was tell his friend about having hiv. when the friend found out later
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he sought treatment at a local hospital. and a hospital employee called the police. rhodes was arrested, charged with criminal transmission of hiv, and after pleading guilty on the advice of his lawyer, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. >> i served over a year locked up. some of it in maximum security and -- some of it in solitary confinement. and i -- still have to register as a sex offender for the rest of my life. >> reporter: his lawyer is asking the iowa supreme court to overturn rhodes' conviction. >> this case, in particular, was compelling. it really was a good example of the ways in which these laws are misused by the justice system to punish people in very severe ways for things that should not even be crimes. >> reporter: about a thousand miles away in louisiana, a
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similar case. robert subtle says his partner knew suggest hill hiv but after a messy breakup, his ex went to the police. subtle was charged with intentionally exposing the man to the aids virus. >> i was arrested at work and i was booked. >> reporter: to avoid a possible ten-year sentence, subtle entered a plea and spent six months in jail. under the picture on his driver's license in bold red capital letters, it says sex offender. he has to carry that tag for 15 years. >> there are a lot of good people in the world that are hiv positive but that doesn't mean they are criminal, does than mean that they have malicious intent to hurt anybody. they are just trying to deal and cope with having this disease and get -- these laws that make us look like we are criminals. >> reporter: at least 34 states and two u.s. territories have laws that criminalize activities of people with hiv. not disclosing your stat us to sexual partner, that can land you in jail.
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so can spitting on someone or biting them. if you have the disease. often it doesn't matter if you actually transmit the virus. in fact the man that slept with rhodes never got hiv. >> jail time is not warned in these cases. >> reporter: last year congresswoman barbara lee introduced legislation to get rid of these state laws. >> many offenses receive a lesser sentence than the transmission of hiv and these laws, again, are archaic, wrong and unjust and need to be looked at and taken off of the books. >> reporter: prosecutor scott burns agrees the laws need updating but also says repeal would be a mistake. >> any time that someone knows they have hiv or aids does not disclose that to the other party, i think it is wrong. i think this should be a sanction. i just don't think that you do that in america. i think most prosecutors would agree with me. >> reporter: rhodes and suttle now work with a group that fights stigma and discrimination
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trying to make the case that what happened to them should never happen to others. >> we cannot sit and ignoring the fact that this is happening. >> i have to fight for this. i think there are a lot of other people that are fighting as well. >> almost like a leprechaun except the prison is -- how common are these types of prosecutions? >> far more common than people realize. we found in 39 states for exposure, non-disclosure transmission people have been prosecuted. this is certainly happening. flip side of that is if you don't know your status, then you can't be charged. which goes to why people aren't getting tested. in 13 states, it can be criminalized for spitting on somebody. and the point -- you think this is relevant because some of these laws are 20 years old. you know how much we learned about -- in terms of the science. it just makes no sense in some of these states because it doesn't fit with what we know. >> i know you are not an attorney but -- i think you can answer this. how responsible -- i mean, the person -- each individual if you are a consenting adult, aren't
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you responsible for yourself and having safe sex with someone else even if you don't know -- >> sure. >> -- your status? you are responsible for yourself as a human being. >> absolutely. when you -- dig deeply into these laws and read them they obviously talk about that. but ultimately if somebody knows their stat us and don't disclose it, this is where the laws are focused. that's why so many people -- young people, are not getting tested. they don't want to know. >> the first man in the piece, his partner never got hiv. >> did you saw what his life was like. locked up, all of that. person we are talking about did not get the virus. >> thank you. great story. >> thank you. >> appreciate i. >> you can see more reporting from sanjay this weekend. saturday afternoon, 4:30 eastern and sunday morning at 7:30 eastern. text messages, you probably send dozens every day without giving it a second thought. now some police officers want your cell phone carrier to store those messages. we will tell you why. n who have used androgel 1%, there's big news.
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plinchlgts say they could hold the clues to a crime. talking about text messages. now some groups, including law enforcement officials and district attorneys, want access to your texts. the story now from cnn's brian todd. >> reporter: michigan says she started getting harassing texts in early november. and anonymous person threatened to send mud pictures of her to her mother and then a wide selection. one text said -- i am so close to f'ing sending them to everyone, you are so sexy, you will be an online star in no time unless you answer me. the threats came from different cell phone numbers. a model and college student, was terrified. >> i was very, very afraid. i mean, that week i didn't go to a night class because i didn't feel safe to walk by myself. >> reporter: it is those kinds of texts that u.s. law enforcement authorities want more power to investigate. several law enforcement groups, including chiefs of police, sheriff's associations, are pushing congress to pass a law
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saying that your carrier has to record and store your text messages. it is not clear how long they want them stored. scott burns of the national district attorney's association, one of the groups pushing for the new law, favors a period of three or four months, maybe longer if an investigation is urgent. >> if you are in a middle of an investigation and bad guys are communicating back and forth, whether it is a homicide, whether it is evidence of a crime, it is crucial. i mean 20, years ago we weren't talking about this. today everybody has a cell phone and everybody texts and e-mails and on social media. and -- that's where the evidence is today. >> reporter: or not. as of 2010, major carriers like at&t, sprint and t-mobile didn't retain any content of customers' text messages. verizon keeps them only for up to five days. why can't law enforcement get the texts from individual cell phones? scott burns says it is faster and more fsht to get it from the carriers and points out that, of
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course, the bad guys often erase their incriminating texts. but many believe the law enforcement benefit of mining texts doesn't outweigh privacy concerns. chris says that with some 60 billion text messages sent every day, there's just too much private investigation that would be stored. >> that's not just something law enforcement can get, divorce attorneys, other investigators, it is the press. even if you feel like you have nothing to hide, there is a lot of embarrassing and personal information there. >> brian todd joins me now. brian, law officers are pushing congress for a law allowing this. how likely is that to happen? >> that's unclear, don. it is being marked up in the cincinnati right now. i think that there's probably going to be some serious opposition to this. we reached out to major wireless carriers to see if they would comment on this proposal. none of them would. verizon, at&t, sprint, t-mobile. none of them would offer a
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comment. lobbying arm important these companies would not comment on it. but when you figure in how much it is going to cost them to store all of this information, as -- the aclu pointed out 60 billion texts except a day. something like had a, around the world. if -- if the phone companies now are going to have to store this information for up to three, four months, maybe longer, that's going to cost them, you know, untold amount of money. let's just figure it that way. probably billions of dollars. are they going to want to do that? are they going to have to create these farms and things like that, data farms to store all of this? that will cost them a lot of money. you can figure there will be a lot of opposition to this. i think it is chances for passage -- its chances for passage may be -- uphill battle right now. >> thank you, brian. let's talk about the legal perspective here. paul is there a constitutional right to privacy issue here? >> very interesting question, don. you know, the court in a case
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called griswald versus connecticut know there is a right to privacy in the u.s. constitution. but it has never been explicitly applied to text messaging and -- this case and if a law like this is passed, i think you will see the courts looking at whether text messages are legitimately private. i will say one thing, it is clear, by the way, that the cops would have to get a certain much warrant to get your text messages. but here, this is a law that will force companies to save the text messages for an extensive period of time. >> does it make them liable? >> well, maybe american citizens don't want the stuff stored for an extensive period of time. let's say you were applying for a job and the employer said you know something, i want to see what kind of a person you are, give me an authorization for all your text message it is last five years. and you say -- oh, what? how many american citizens would want that to happen? this is a major privacy issue. it has never been addressed directly by congress.
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as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios a hocking turn of events in london where the nurse who took that prank phone call regarding the duchess of cambridge has committed suicide. matthew chance joins us from the hospital which is confirming the death. matthew, not we know any details on this? >> reporter: within the past few minutes, the hospital here, central london, issued a
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statement saying and confirming with deep sadness the statement says the tragic death has taken place of a member of the nursing staff. th the statement confirms this was -- recently the victim of a hoax call to the hospital where it says that the hadn't had been -- supporting her through this difficult time. that's a reference to that, you know, pretty lighthearted call that took place a couple of days ago. where the duchess of cambridge was inside the hospital being treated for severe morning sickness, you may remember some dejays from australia, radio station there, they called in on this prank call. one of them impersonating the queen and another one impersonating prince charles. to try to get -- get put lou to the ward and to rye to get some information on catherine, duchess of cambridge, her condition.
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they spoke to the -- spoke to the nurse impersonating the queen and prince charles and managed to extract this pretty bland but nevertheless personal details about the condition of the duchess as she was lying sleeping in her hospital room. initially it was taken very seriously. the hospital said they were reviewing their security protocols around the answering of telephones. the -- the radio station in australia and individuals concerned apologized saying it was just meant as a lighthearted prank. prince charles himself seemed to make a reference to it, joking reference, to it yesterday. obviously he wasn't able to predict the tragic and ugly turn that this story has taken. i want to go now to the -- the -- press -- hear from the hospital.
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they are about to make some sort of statement. what they are doing is telling us in a few moments the chief executive of this hospital will come out and make a statement to the press. >> again, matthew the name of the hospital again? >> reporter: it is the -- edward vii in central london. the place which is often favored by members of the royal family. because of the very strict, very tight security often placed around its high-profile patients. obviously there was a huge short coming on this occasion which -- have the tragic consequences. >> matthew chance reporting the breaking news for us outside the hospital. thank you, matthew. in a nutshell here, the employee in the hospital which was duped by a prank phone call from two australian radio deejays concerning prince william's pregnant wife's pregnancy, catherine, committed suicide. the deejays impersonated queen elizabeth ii and prince charles in prank phone call in which the nurse gave details of the duchess of cambridge's condition
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plus $1,000 holiday bonus cash. plus trade up for an additional $1,000 trade-in allowance. hurry. bonus cash ends january 2nd. get selsun blue for itchy dry scalp. strong itch-fighters target scalp itch while 5 moisturizers leave hair healthy. selsun blue. got a clue? get the blue. you may know eva longoria from her roles in tv. politics is giving her her biggest platform. now she has been named co-chair of the presidential inaugural committee. kareen wynter polling the star's d.c. turn for us. eva longoria going all political on us. >> she's such a pine-sized powerhouse. they have to make room for
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another desperate housewife on inauguration day. she's one of the four people, don, serving as a co-chair on the presidential inaugural committee. you may recall that the actor she served as a co-chair woman on president obama's 2012 re-election campaign, longoria will be joined by many other dignitaries at the event including former presidents jimmy carter, george h.w. bush, bill clinton, and george w. bush along with other key staffers from obama's campaign. on thursday, longoria wrote on twitter she's so excited and honored to co-chair the event. of course, more celebrity names will start popping up as the big day draws even closer since this is a president that was widely supported in hollywood. you may also remember that back in 2009, jay-z, beyonce, aretha franklin were at the 2009 inauguration. it is going to be another star-studded event and short time from now, right around the corner. >> get your tickets now. get them now. they will be sold out whatever
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it is, plane, train, automobile, whatever. thank you, kareen wynter. for the latest entertainment headlines makes you sure you watch "showbiz tonight." hol dawes are here. how are some businesses finding ways to keep jobs while others are failing? tom foreman went looking for some answers in today's american journey. >> reporter: amid the bustle of broadway against the bad economy and crushing competition at the strand the show goes on. started more than 80 years ago, this independent bookstore has beaten the odds. surviving the great depression, world war ii, and fred bass who was a baby when his dad started the strand says the store is enduring these tough times, too. >> good books and good prices. lately we have been sailing lot of new books at discount. mostly used books or bargain. out print books. >> reporter: the eclectic approach allows it to appeal to
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a broader array hunting the trivial and treasured on its shelves. like this rare signed copy of ulysses by james joyce. >> what are we selling this one for? $25,000. a bargain really. >> reporter: but the strand success is about more than inventory. employees top to bottom must possess a deep knowledge of books and embrace the idea that they are maintaining a business, yes, but also a community. >> just -- comfort here where people feel willing to open up and have 30-minute conversations with you in the aisles even though when you should be working. >> reporter: the strand kept up with the times, too. to compete with mega-bookstores and internet retailers, it now offers almost all of its books online. still it could be argued that in these days of everything moving paster, the strand's winning edge really comes from going other there's something about
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being able to just browse through all of these aisles and hold a book and read a book and look at a book. that's wonderful. >> reporter: the bottom line of all of this, even with the economy down, sales at the strand are up. and another great season of holiday shopping is going on the books. tom foreman, cnn. >> thank you, tom. i'm don lemon. thanks for watching. get out and do a good deed. it is the weekend. get out and have fun. not before you turn in to ashleigh banfield right after the break. have a good one. try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards
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