tv Weekend Early Start CNN December 8, 2012 3:00am-4:00am PST
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tragedy with my son. >> it was an unforgettable night capped off with the unveiling of the cnn hero of the year, pushpa basnet, founder of a children's home in nepal. >> thank you everyone who vote forward me and believed in my dream. >> the hope is their heroic example will inspire countless others. ♪ even heroes need heroes sometimes ♪ >> reporter: kareen wynter, cnn, ♪ ♪ heroes of time >> careen winters, cnn, los angeles. headquarters in atlanta this is "early start weekend." some are calling it the next roe v. wade. the issue the u.s. supreme court agreed to take on that will make history. >> all of those who argued for nonintervention because of the
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things that might happen have now happened because we failed to intervene. when is enough enough? that is the question many are asking about syria as the death toll climbs and concerns mount over chemical weapons and some lawmakers are saying it is too late to stop mass destruction. what is going on with netflix? another major blunder by the ceo. why he is being investigated by the ccc. it is saturday, december 8th. good morning, everyone. i'm randi kaye. victor blackwell is off today. we start with a landmark decision by the supreme court. the justices decided to hear two ca cases. joe johns has a look. >> randi, after weeks of speculation the court decided to take up two cases on same-sex marriage. the first one about the
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defensive marriage act. windsor against the united states. they were married in toronto, canada, in 2007. spire died in 2007 in new york at a time when new york recognized same-sex marriages that were performed outside the state. she was required to pay $363,000 on federal estate taxes on her inheritance that she would not have had to pay that opposite marriages get. so, a pretty clean case here and even the obama administration has already said it doesn't think the constitutionality of the defensive marriage act can withstand a legal attack. the second case the court decided to take on is proposition 8, the california ballot initiative adding a state constitutional amendment in 2008 that said only marriage between a man or woman is valid or recognized in california. it overturned a court ruling that said same-sex couples have
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a right to marry. the cases are likely to be heard in march and decided some time in june. randi? >> joe johns, thank you very much. so, the decisions handed down next year but as jeffrey toobin told anderson cooper just the fact that they'll hear the cases is a landmark move. >> in 1967 was also the decision that said interracial marriage could not be banned by states. today that looks like, can you imagine a state that would ban interracial marriage. but 19 states still had that law in 1967. this gay right supporters have said this is the loving versus virginia of gay rights. we'll see. i don't know what the outcome will be. the fact that they took both these cases suggests they're really ready to engage with the issue. >> much more on the supreme court's decision throughout the morning. and to politics now. he served his state as
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republican and left the party and turned independent and now charlie crist is officially a democrat. crist announced friday he signed papers switching party affilulations. he made the move to position himself for a run against republican rick scott in 2014. is this the end of gangnum style mania? the most watched video in youtube history is now apologizing for anti-american lyrics that he rapped back in 2004. that performance resurfaced on cnn's ireport in october and then circulated online. calling for the deaths of american troops serving in iraq. in his apology he said his performance was emotionally charged. on the 21st psy is scheduled to perform at a charity concert in washington and president obalm saw planning to attend that event. psy is one of the names that
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grabbed our attention this year to the outrageous and inspirational. we want your input to choose the most intriguing people of 2012. cast your vote for the top ten most intriguing people of this year. cnn will reveal your selections on air and online monday, december 24th. violence and protests have shattered egypt's calm and raised alarm in washington. mohamed morsi is meeting with members of the opposition to end the worst crisis since he took office. let's bring in rasa. oppositions are snubbing today's meeting. >> that's why i don't think that many people are too optimistic that these talks will have a positive outcome because the top leaders of the opposition said the president hasn't met their demands. remember, this was a suggestion made by the president thursday night when he made his televised
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address. he asked the leaders of the different political factions to get together at the palace today to talk things out and the political factions and their leaders said no. however, last night the president did make a statement that could be construed and viewed by the opposition as a concession. he made a statement saying he is willing to postpone this nationwide referendum on the draft constitution that is scheduled for next saturday, december 15th. he said he's willing to do it if he's guaranteed that the courts will not challenge him. is this a genuine effort by the president to reach some sort of compromise or is it something else? the reaction at tahrir square was mixed last night. >> i don't believe him. >> you don't believe him? he's saying you're considering delaying it. you still don't believe him. >> i still don't believe him. >> what do you think he's trying to do with this statement? >> he's trying to calm down the
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people and he's trying to do his best to make egyptian -- >> you think this is a positive step. >> of course it's a positive step. >> the president said i'm willing to delay the referendum, what is your reaction? >> it's too late. >> it's too late. >> it's too late. we don't want any conversations. please, go. >> so, some people seem to welcome the president's apparent offer, but so much mistrust between these two sides that some members, some supporters of the opposition already describing this statement by the president as some sort of plot or some scheme. we should explain why he's asking for immunity from the judiciary. the law right now in egypt says if a draft constitution is introduced, the country has 15 days to vote on it. if there is a delay for this referendum, obviously, the president will have gone over those 15 days.
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that's why he's asking for immunity from the judiciary, randi. >> reza, thank you very much. red lines crossed, u.s. military plans updated. that may be the case in syria. the threat of chemical weapons is drawing new warnings from the u.s., but when is enough enough? we'll put the issue in focus. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. well, having a ton of locations doesn't hurt. and a santa to boot! [ chuckles ] right, baby. oh, sir. that is a customer. oh...sorry about that.
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(announcer) when subaru owners look in the mirror, [ male announcer ] break from the holiday stress. they see more than themselves. so we celebrate our year-end with the "share the love" event. get a great deal on a new subaru and 250 dollars goes to your choice of five charities. by the end of this, our fifth year, our total can reach almost 25 million dollars. it's a nice reflection on us all. now through january 2nd.
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this week we heard a ratcheting up of talk on syria and those warnings center on talk of the chemical weapons supply. it's our focus this morning. syrian forces have loaded bombs with dead lly serin gas. >> the world is watching. the use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. >> if true, these reports may mean that the united states and our allies are facing the prospect of an imminent use of use of weapons of mass destruction in syria and this may be the last warning we get. >> yes, the world is watching, but so far they're just watching.
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>> the anti-government protests in syria began in march, march of 2011. that's around the same time libya uprising began and just to put it in perspective for you. this morning moammar gadhafi was killed more than a year ago. started one month into their conflict and been 21 months now in syria and no direct military involvement inside syria from the international community. here are the cold, hard facts from opposition leaders. more than 40,000 people killed and more than 33,000 people detained by the regime and the u.n. says more than 2.5 million people have been forced from their homes. blasts like this have become commonplace in places across syria, but the red line has always been the use of chemical weapons by assad's forces. >> we have set an unmistakable
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message that this would cross a red line and those responsible would be held to account. >> if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences and you will be held accountable. >> held accountable. it's unclear exactly what that means, but what about military intervention to stop the assad regime. >> the president of the united states has made very clear that there will be consequences. there will be consequences. if the assad regime makes a terrible mistake by using these chemical weapons on their own people. >> i'm not going to telegraph in any specifics what we would do in the event of credible evidence that the assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons against their own people. but suffice to say, we are certainly planning to take
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action, if that eventuality were to occur. >> a promise of action, but, again, no specifics. so, what would a military intervention look like? >> if your objective is to destroy the chemical munitions, then perhaps you can go in and bomb them or otherwise sabotage them. if your goal is to secure them and remove them so they don't fall into the hands of others and that requires boots on the ground, then that would require all sorts of logistical planning and a pretty major effort, in part because, remember, military planners have to plan for the worse case. so, even if you spend a small group of people in, they have to have backup and a way out and all sorts of things that have to be planned for. if you plan for the contingencies the number of trips increases and increases. that is a roeally nasty problem to destroy or remove chemical weapons in the middle of a civil war against a country that has a
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military that is going to fight back. >> then there's also the danger of an unplanned chemical explosion inside syria. take a look at this map with me. where would the toxic cloud go from there? jordan, israel, lebanon, perhaps turkey. that's another part of the question and another reason why chemical weapons are the administration's red line. we'll have more on this next hour with christiane amanpour and how it fits in with similar uprisings in the region and the world. but while politicians talk about red lines and threats, there are millen is of people caught in the line of fire. arwa damon and her crew are in syria putting their lives at risk to bring you those people's stories including how they are forced to live underground. down a steep stone stairway into the darkness. this is where the family has been hiding for four months.
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the strikes were all around us. we just ran out with nothing, the 20-year-old recalls. we just ran and ran down here and the shrapnel was falling all over. since then, they dared occasionally to go back home to collect belongings. there would be bombing like that and we'd come running back here, she says. their home is just five doors away, but right on allepo's front lines. it's been hit by artillery fire since they fled. we go home every two weeks to shower. fearful and terrorized, she tells us. we have a weak home. it could crumble any moment. their makeshift bunker was a workshop. the carpenters carved furniture still lines the walls. the last time the family ventured out was three weeks
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ago. her and her younger sister want to leave. anywhere but here. anywhere they can feel the sun and fresh air, but their father refuses. poor but proud, he says he doesn't want to be at the mercy of others. here he can send his son to scrape money and buy a little food. it's humbling how amist all that suffered, they offer us tea. the girl sees wounded neighbors and her mother's heart feels like it is going to burst with each explosion. i just tell her it's far away and not to be scared, but sometimes the bombings are so close the family says they choke on the dust what can we say? we're living in a prison, prisoners in a prison.
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it's more like a grave. to give you an idea of just how dark it really is and terrifying with all of the sounds of the gunfire outside, we're going to switch our camera light off. this tiny flame is all the family has. as they listen to the sounds of war above. arwa damon, cnn. we'll bring you more stories like that one from arwa damon and her crew throughout the morning. in a flash, it went from sophomoric joke to tragedy. the nurse who fell for a prank radio call including the duchess of cambridge has taken her life. we'll bring you the latest. [ nyquil bottle ] dude! [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't.
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welcome back, 21 minutes past the hour. three months after a deadrly attack on benghazi, libya, hillary clinton will testify before congress. she will address findings on the september 11th attack that killed chris stevens and three other americans. the report sex peis expected as as next week. a brief repeal for john mcafee until his immigration case is heard in court. he is recovering after an apparent collapse. authorities in belize want to
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question him about the shooting death of his neighbor. he went on the run but insisted he had nothing to do with it. well, it started as a prank, really, one of the oldest radio tricks around. call someone, pretend you're someone else and hope your listeners get the joke and then you have a laugh but now apparently because of the prank someone is dead and the world is outraged. joining me now from london is matthew chance. matthew, good morning. the radio hosts responsible for this have taken themselves off the air. we're talking about the prank call to the duchess of cambridge, but the anger just keeps pouring in. >> it certainly does. a lot of the anger is directed towards that radio station in sydn sydney, australia. their facebook page was taken down because of all the angry comments posted on it and other social media accounts have been bombarded with messages of disgust at the behavior of these two radio deejays that called
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this hospital on wednesday from their live radio studios in sydney. one posing as the queen and the other posing as prince charles and managing to get patched through to the ward where the duchess of cambridge was being treated for morning sickness and getting some kind of personal details from the medical staff there, the nursing staff. it emerged one of the nurses taken in by that prank call took her own life a short distance from here at the staff residence quarters, staff quarters just a few meters away from the front door of the hospital. so, obviously, turned what was meant to be however ill conceived a light hearted gag turned into a sort of tragic, tragic issue which is, obviously, deeply saddened. many people around the world led to their suspension, of course, from their jobs until further notice. >> certainly a lot of people have been stunned by this. how much does the moral outrage
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from the phone hacking scandal in britain, do you think, plays into this? >> yeah, i think to a certain extent it feeds into it, of course. australia media i suppose dragging, in this case, an innocent nurse into a what must have been a media frenzy. you can imagine the kind of pressure that this woman was under. being at the center of this live broadcast where she was victim of this prank call and she believed the accents of these australian deejays and she must have been ridiculed about that from her friends and bombarded by calls by themod modedia aroue world about what she felt by being taken in by this prank call. there was a suggestion that the royal family made a complaint to the hospital about that, the telephone call that was put through and that could have been
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converted into pressure on the nurse, as well. a royal spokesman said that was not the case. no official complaint was ever made, randi. >> it's just so sad. imagine the pressure that she did feel. the ceo of the australia radio company behind this whole prank said he's confident that his company didn't do anything illegal. any criminal investigation and any criminal charges here? >> not that i've heard of in terms of a formal investigation. you're right, reece is the ceo of the company that owns the radio station in osstralia that made the call and he expressed sadness but he does not believe the deejays did anything criminal. as you mentioned, making a prank call is common practice in these kind of talk radio shows and it's been happening for decades and no one could have anticipated the ceo says, that this would have been the tragic outcome. you know, the hospital perhaps has suggested that there may be
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something they could look into, but at the moment, nothing confirmed. >> thanks to matthew chance from london for us this morning. matthew, thank you. a secret no more. the secret service now under investigation because of a potentially crippling security breach on a subway. we have the details.s while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ]
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welcome back, everyone. i'm randi kaye, thank you for starting your day with us. here are five stories we're watching this morning. the supreme court has decided to hear two major cases on same-sex marriage. justices will hear arguments against the federal government defensive marriage act and california's proposition 8. proposition 8 banned same-sex marriage in california wlhile te defensive marriage act denies federal benefits to legally married same-sex couples. the decision on both couples could be reached by june. in our second story, michigan governor's could sign a controversial right to work bill by tuesday that allow workers to unionize companies to avoid paying dues. the critics would hurt union strength, but supporters say it will bring jobs to the state. democrats and union supporters are planning a massive rally at the state capital the same day. in money news, holiday hiring may have given a big boost to the job report retailers hired more people in november than any other month. on record since 1939, according
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to the labor department. 146,000 jobs added to the economy last month and the unemployment rate fell to a four-year low of 7.7%, partly because thousands of people have just stopped looking for work. at number four, president obama asking congress for $60.4 billion in emergency aid for superstorm sandy recovery efforts. thatie request falls short of total damage estimates. they say they'll need closer to $82 billion to repair their states. it's been more than 15 years since he was mysteriously gunned down, but the los angeles coroner's office has finally released the autopsy report on rapper christopher wallace, also known as the notorious big or biggy smalls. the 23-page report shows wallace suffered four gunshot wounds, one of which was fatal. to date, no arrests made in that case. it remains unsolved. secret service agents at risk all because one man lost
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some sensitive computer information. the shocking mistake was kept largely secret until now. cnn's brian todd has the details. >> reporter: law enforcement and congressional sources tell cnn the u.s. secret service is being investigated for a potentially damaging loss of information. the data was on two back-up computer tapes which contain very sensitive personnel and investigative information, according to our sources. >> you lost the drive containing the identity of every agent. >> reporter: it might remind you of the new james bond movie skyfall where the villains steal a device with top secret on british agents. but in this case, our sources say, the tapes were left by a contractor on a train in metro rail subway system. the incident occurred in february of 2008, but is now the subject of an investigation by the department of homeland securities inspector general. that office is not commenting on why the probe is going on now. i asked former fbi
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counterespionage agent o'neil about the loss. >> some of the information could cause lives to be at risk if someone wanted to get at the families of high-level government worker or someone they perceived as someone who worked against a terrorist cell. >> reporter: took down robert hanson the fbi official who spied. the secret service says no lives were endangered by the 2008 loss. no fraud occurred as a result. but how did this happen? according to our sources, the contract was transporting two tapes in a pouch from secret service headquarters in washington to a now closed data facility in maryland. the sources say the contractors got off a metro train and realized the pouch was left behind and the secret service and metro police were contacted and an aggressive search took place, but one source tells us the tapes have not been recovered. in a statement, the secret service said these back-up tapes were not marked or identified in any way and were protected by
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multiple layers of security. they could not be accessed without the proper equipment, applications and encoding. still, why put sensitive information about agents or anything else on a removable disk? >> well, part of the reason i think, once again, this is conjecture that in 2008, when this occurred, some of the information might have been on removable disks because that's how they transported information. we have lept forward in technology since then. >> reporter: but o'neil has his own questions. >> why did the contractor have it? why wasn't it chained to his wrist with a handcuff in a case that he would, the second he stood up think i need to grab that. >> reporter: i put that to a secret service official who did not answer directly, but did say protocols have been put in place to make sure this doesn't happen, again. brian todd, cnn, washington. president obama and the republicans look to make a deal. the royal couple makes a baby and a new law makes some pot
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smokers very, very happy. a look back now at the week that was. >> 26 days left, of course, until we tumble over the cliff. >> now we need a response from the white house. >> i will not play that game. >> it's official, kate middleton is pregnant. >> obviously, you know, we want a family. >> the whole globe's press will be in london waiting. >> now we're smoking weed. >> i'm not a criminal any more. i'm free to be free. >> a little pot, a big pregnancy and, of course, politics dominated this week that was. a week that began with this. >> a reasonable offer to the white house that would avert the fiscal cliff. >> reporter: the president polightly declined. >> when you look at the math, it doesn't work. >> it's just common sense. >> at least the two sides are talking. >> oh, they're talking, all right. >> the president actually isn't interested in a balanced agreement. >> the only people who aren't onboard are republicans in
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congress. >> another republican this week trying a different tact. ♪ >> god bless us, everyone. >> all right, this is the kind of breaking news that we love to bring to you. >> over and over again. in case you didn't hear -- >> prince william and his wife, catherine, are expecting a baby. >> i'm sure they'll make absolutely brilliant parents. >> glad my daughter-in-law is getting better. >> getting better after kate was diagnosed -- >> hyperemesis, which means you throw up a lot. >> thanks, barbara. >> today -- >> it's amazing, i'm not a criminal any more. i can't go to jail for small amounts of marijuana. >> almost the entire west coast and all of new england will move
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in this direction. >> same-sex marriage also officially legal in washington this week. >> i think of all the people that worked very hard and look forward to this day. >> if you're a "grease" fan you have this to look forward to. sunset ♪ ♪ >> danny and sandy together again. teaming up for a new christmas album. and if this music video is any indication, let's just say, it will be one of a kind. and that is the week that was. >> what a week it's been. well, the ceo of netflix is under investigation and it's all because he was bragging on his facebook page, apparently. we'll explain. e district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet.
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and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well. maybe you want to incorporate a business. or protect your family with a will or living trust. and you'd like the help of an attorney. at legalzoom a legal plan attorney is available in most states with every personalized document to answer questions. get started at today. and now you're protected. can i still ship a gift in time for christmas? yeah, sure you can. great. where's your gift? uh... whew. [ male announcer ] break from the holiday stress. ship fedex express by december 22nd for christmas delivery. ♪ you can stay in and like something... ♪ [ car alarm deactivates ] ♪ ...or you can get out there with your family
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all right. welcome back, everybody. big saturday night plans perhaps? how about dinner and a movie. olive garden and red lobster would welcome your business for sure. joining me to talk about why and some other business talkers of the week is nick valencia. so, i guess we'll talk about olive garden and red lobster. they're having an interesting time right now. >> they just released earnings forecast for 2013 and it seems pretty low, randi. >> the company's owner, dardin, apparently just posted a tweaked earnings forecast as you said for 2013. by tweaked we mean lower or some of that can be traced back to the effects of hurricane sandi and failed promotional efforts. they blamed obama care. negative media coverage of how it plans to handle health care
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reform hurt its bottom line. in the past the company planned to reduce costs and that idea, i guess, earned them some bad press. >> but now dardin seems to be having a change of hard. on thursday the company issued this statement "none of darden's current full-time employees, hourly or salaried, will have their full-time status changed as a result of health care reform." >> if you're planning to follow up that saturday night dinner with a movie, perhaps. netflix is back in the news and the issue is raising a very interesting subject. here's the background reed hastings posted a comment on his facebook page. netflix customers were viewing more than 1 billion hours a month. >> the company never issued a press release nor did they tell security and the security and exchange commission.
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so, therein lies the problem. they have to make public announcements when it is considered material to shareholders. they notified facy eied ceo for information on his facebook page. >> what about when you go out for dinner and a movie and you want to put on cologne and some perfume, this one got our attention. if you love the smell of a pizza box being opened, that fresh pizza dough. >> the pizza dough smell. >> i love it. well, this is the scent for you. it's, in fact, pizza hut is making this. it's not the first time a fast food chain has bottled an aroma here. >> back in 2008, burger king did it and a chicago company also made a scent called ba-con. bacon. my girlfriend doesn't let me wear cologne. >> she runs the show. this is a whole other topic. >> she was gone for three months this summer and what did i do?
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>> i don't know if i could wear the pizza hut perfume. i'd be hungry all day. >> mix would the faur moan. she joins me on set, next. you don't want to miss it. they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪
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usairways. we don't know their names but a married couple from phoenix suburbs holds the second winning ticket. the couple came forward before the end of the year because of concern about the looming fiscal cliff. well, they opted for the cash option of a measly $192 million and that's before taxes. it is heisman time. the coveted trophy symbolizing the best college player will be awarded tonight. colin cline and meotie and johnny manziel are the finalists. the holidays are quickly approaching, which means cold weather, big meals and a whole lot of yumminess like those desserts. so, who has time to hit the gym? well, that's why we're going to show you how to burn off some calories around your home and without any equipment. with us now is desiree
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nathanson. a certified nutritional expert and the official personal trainer of the atlanta hawks cheerleaders. you say that people shouldn't worry about hitting the gym. >> you just want to focus on being less sedentary. you want to move when you can. it's not about necessarily getting to the gym and getting to a treadmill or elliptical machine, you just want to move. if you have a desk job, you want to get up every hour and move around a few minutes a day. if you sit a lot, you want to stand up when you can. i feel like we're going to evolve into this hutch back society. stand up, engage the core and moving around when you can. >> i know you brought a few props withia today. one of them scares me, it's a broom. >> i'm cleaning. with the broom you can do several things. one basic move you can do, put the broom behind your neck and stand feet shoulder width apart and engage your abs and you're
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going to twist side to side. we're going to work our obliques here. you can be sweeping and then in the middle of sweeping you can pick up the broom and do some obliques. >> you don't need the expensive bars that are at the gym. >> you can also do a squat and press. holding the broom in front of you, squat down and press up. squat down and press up. so, there's lots of things you can do with the broom. those are just two. >> besides cleaning. i don't like the clean, so the broom is good for other things. >> i see you also brought a couple cans of something over there and water bottles. >> cans of soup water bottles can also be used. >> what can you do with those? >> you can do so many different exercises. curls are one of them. i like focusing on exercises for the back part of the body. >> that's the favorite part right there. >> you can do something called tricep kickback. knees slightly bent, back flat and just press the cans back. >> you can see right there the
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muscle. that's our favorite muscle. that is the muscle to get. >> yes. >> okay. what about a chair. you can actually get a workout when you're sitting in a chair or using a chair? >> if you do have a desk job, you can take this break every hour on the hour just do a few different exercises. so, one thing you can do is dips. you can either do it a more beginning exercise would be just to push yourself up off the chair. you can also take yourself to the edge of the chair and do your dips here, again, working our triceps. what we like. you can also do squats. just standing up, sitting back down and touching your butt to the chair and then standing back up. >> that's great. >> then push-ups, of course, you can do here because getting down on the ground at your oufs might be a little awkward. >> people might wonder. >> you can do push-ups on the back of the chair, like that. >> so, what if somebody looks at these and says, okay, that's good. what if someone is a little more advanced and want something more
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demanding. >> one is called a burpee. i don't know if i can demonstrate it here. >> let's do it because these are really hard. i think they're hard, at least. >> total body and you're working everything and you come down and place your hands on the ground and jump out and come up and jump up. >> i can do about two of those. those are good. they work the whole body, right. your shoulders to your core down to your butt, right? >> everything. >> that's good. if you're busy doing chores all day, find a way to work it in. >> chores actually burn calories. so, i mean, just working around the house, you're going to be burning calories. >> like how many calories are we talking about. >> i believe we have a graphic for everyone. >> i think we have a graphic made. see how television works, it's amazing. let's look at the graphic. so, calf raises -- >> well, these are different exercises you can do while doing chores. if you're washing dishes, you can do calf raises and march in place while watching tv. stand while folding laundry.
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>> here are some of the calories. mopping around the house, 240 calories. >> these are based on a 150-pound person. >> wow. >> see, i like the bottom one there, shopping. >> holiday shopping. instead of stressing out that you're not getting it done, you're working out and shopping. >> if you're shopping online, now, we know how to make use of the chair we're sitting in while we're shopping online. this is fantastic. see, it all comes together. >> it all works out. >> listen, thank you for getting up early with us. i know you have a busy saturday ahead. appreciate it and some great tips. thank you, desiree. >> thank you, randi. syria on the brink. the use of potential chemical weapons and drawing threats from washington. we'll talk about the implications with cnn's christiane amanpour in around 20 minutes. i love the holidays.
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new job numbers, fiscal cliff talks, legalize medical marijuana. all the news was fodder for late night comedians this week. here are just some of our favorite late night laughs. >> some good news. the u.s. unemployment rate is now the lowest it's been in four years. or as makers of sweatpants put it. >> the unemployment rate has fallen to the lowest level in four years. well, the bad news, most of those jobs involve wearing a red suit, a beard and have a kid pee in your lap. >> house speaker john boehner said his efforts to work with president obama on the fiscal cliff have resulted in a lot of talk, but no action. yeah. a lot of talk, but no action or
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as they call that in college, date. >> you know what's really popular now, weed. weed. yeah, you can get it in washington legally and you can get it in colorado legally and 60% of americans say they're in favor of legalizing weed and it's, it's too bad that this comes just when twinkies is going out of business. i mean -- >> day two of legalized marijuana in washington state and you think pot smokers are celebrating, you should see ronald mcdonald's, bob's big boy, papa john, the colonkernec because there is a downside. >> the grammy nominations came out and this is interesting. both michelle obama and bill clinton were nominated in the category best spoken word album. that's
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