tv CNN Saturday Morning CNN December 15, 2012 5:00am-6:30am PST
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it's a psychological event that's going to take time for healing. and as long as everyone gets the proper help, you know, it's not something you shake off very easily and certainly not for little people. >> reporter: i'm listening right now to the town bells ringing here in newtown, connecticut. i'm not sure why they are ringing but this community has come together to mourn together for this tragedy that happened at the school here. we've got much more ahead on our special coverage of the connecticut school shooting which starts right now. and it is one of the deadliest shooting rampages in u.s. history. all morning we'll be updating victims and the investigation here in newtown, connecticut. we now know the name of the shooter and dig into what was
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behind this monstrous act and a second crime scene tied to the first. what investigators found when they went to the suspect's house. it is saturday, december 15th. i want to say good morning to everyone. it's not a good morning, it's a difficult morning, but we are spending it together here. i'm john berman. you're watching our special coverage of the connecticut school shooting live from newtown, connecticut. and i want to bring in my colleague, ali velshi. hey, ali. >> reporter: john, it's a sad morning and will get sadder in a few moments. just a few moments from where we are standing, a press conference is about to begin where they are going to release the names, we think, of many of the people killed. david arioso of cnn was one of the first on the scene. david went to the firehouse you keep hearing references to where parents were thinking they were going to meet their kids. david, what happened yesterday? >> well, between the early morning hours, parents would file towards this firehouse and
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would basically try to get a sense of whether or not their kids, their loved ones were alive. toward the early part of the morning, you would see parents walking out teary eyed, shaken, but with their children. as the day progressed, you would see parents walking in pairs, walking with state troopers or fireman without a child m. of the parents were besides themselves with grief. it is just one of those things that you can't put into words so much. that fire station that becomes sort of a weigh station for many of the victims m of the victims families continues to be populated by emergency vehicles in the area. but this is just one of the stories that you look for words to sort of describe the sentiment that the people are feeling here and you're just put at a loss. >> reporter: we are still standing by, the officials have not arrived. we know they are here, they just haven't gone to the podium yet. john, you were at a location where there was one of a few vigils last night. we are at the staging area where
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officials are giving the press conferences. the school is over there behind us. this is a small town that can't accommodate everyone here to cover it, but david was there for -- he had the point of seeing these parents. there are many people, those parents took their kids. you know if you got your kid but you don't know who didn't get their kid. that's what we are about to find out. this is going to open up a whole new set of wounds. >> and there are four adults we don't know the names of that is involved in this. this is just all starting to trickle in. we spoke to families yesterday, children who went this transpired were crowded in a classroom. i spoke to a third grade 8-year-old kid basically told in the back by teachers to stay down, keep away. her parents ended up rushing to get her at the fire station and received this automated message not knowing if their children were alive or dead. not even really knowing which school the shooting had taken place in. the whole community was flocking to schools in and around the
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region not knowing what transpired. i don't think many of us thought that it could have been this bad. again, just watching some of these parents whack up that hill yesterday, those that were willing to speak with us we could only do so in gasps and breaths. most didn't want to for understandable reasons. >> reporter: john, many of the parents arrived at the scene not knowing, not knowing that their kids may not show up. the initial reports as you recall yesterday morning was they called for two ambulances. this did not look like what it was going to end up being. john? >> that's so true, ali. i can't imagine going through something like that, but we should say right now this community is going through it together. i'm standing outside st. rose of lima catholic church where last night there was a vigil. about 1,000 people inside and outside here to mourn together, to grieve together. we walked inside the church a little while ago. there are two bulletin boards
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where people have already started posting messages of solidarity, grief and remembrance. there are the victims, 20 children, ages 5 to 10. we are awaiting a news conference now where we expect we will learn the names of these victims as well as six adults who were killed at that school. we want to learn so much more about what was going on, so many people affected by this. i spoke to the parent of a survivor a short while ago who is talking to his daughter, an 8-year-old girl, a third grader who survived the shooting. she was locked in a closet in her classroom as it was going on. then she was one of the first people brought to the firehouse. she has a 10-year-old brother at another school. this 8-year-old third bader and 10-year-old telling their father they don't want to go back to school on monday. that's so understandable. so many people trying to work through this, but as i said,
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this town of newtown, connecticut, 60 miles outside of new york city right now working through it together. ali? >> reporter: one of the things that's going to happen, we are going to hear the names. there's a lot of effort to find out who the victims were. police are saying very clearly, this was a real difficult task to identify. they had tentative identifications on everybody by last night. they wanted positive identifications and were not going to let their kids, they were not going to let the parents into the school to see their kids in that situation. so we are waiting for that momentarily. the parents know who their kids are, obviously, the children didn't come home last night. the bodies are still in the building, and that's an active crime scene, but there's also another active crime scene in this city, john. >> reporter: the one name police already released is adam lanza.
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he carried out the attack on the elementary school. when they arrived at his home, they made a startling discovery. mary snow is at lanza's home. mary, what did police find there? >> reporter: john, police found the body of lanza's mother, nancy lanza. it is believed he lived in a home with his mother in a home behind me. police have blocked off this area. this was really covered by s.w.a.t. teams yesterday for several hours during the day to the point of where residents had been evacuated for several hours. and between residents and friends, former classmates, they are piecing together more information about adam landa. and one of the pieces of the information and the profile of him, susan candiotti was reporting that a law enforcement official said that a family member told investigators that he had a form of autism. a former classmate described him
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as a student who was very bright, but also very remote. take a listen to what one of his former classmates had to say last night. >> he was really quiet. he kept to himself. i mean, he was a little fidgety, a little uneasy sometimes if you were to look at him. i think he was just socially not really into going out there to make as many friends as everyone was really doing in elementary school and middle school. he was just, he preferred to stay to himself. >> reporter: of course, that was a former classmate from many years ago. one of the neighbors i spoke to yesterday would only describe him as being someone that she thought was troubled. and other residents had described him as being a differe different, different and one description as a little off. >> we know he lived with his mother here in newtown. what about the weapons that were used in this shooting, mary?
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what do we know about them? what do we know about where he may have picked them up or gotten them? >> reporter: cnn has learned that the weapons were legally purchased and legally purchased by his mother. what we found out is two handguns were at the scene and a semiautomatic rifle was found in a car outside the school. so those three weapons we have been told, we have been reporting that they were legally purchased. >> that's right. two pistols, a sig sauer and a glaucoma pistol. mary snow, thank you so much for that. there are so many questions about this investigation right now. nifs hoboken, new jersey, late last night. hoboken, new jersey, was the site of an active scene.
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bomb squad members, the fbi there, why? they were looking at the apartment of 24-year-old ryan lanza. apparently adam lanza had his brother's i.d. on him. his i.d. was on the body of adam lanza. so they went to ask the brother some questions and were talking to him. they also removed materials from that apartment. just one of the aspects of the confusion yesterday during this investigation. ali? >> reporter: that did add a lot of confusion to this whole episode. they took him into custody, the brother, and they were interviewing the father. it has now been almost 24 hours since the unimaginable happened here in newtown, connecticut. it all started when a gunman entered through the doors of sandy hook elementary school. we are awaiting a press conference, you're looking at that right now. it has not begun, but i do want to give those of you who have joined us a sense of what
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happened. tom foreman walks us through what happened yesterday morning minute by minute. >> this is what we know at this point about the timeline of the shooting reported by law enforcement officials and witnesses and the layout of the school as best we can piece it all together. 9:30 in the morning, classes had been underway for a half hour. more than 600 students and approximately 50 faculty members inside the building. in addition to that there's a meeting just convened by some of the school officials including the principal in a room somewhere right up here, about seven of them all gathered in one room. about 9:40, ten minutes later, as beck we can make it out, that's when the gunman appears to have entered the building. how? we don't know. they had a new security system right up here that might have kept him out, not sure what happened with that. police put a lot of time looking at a car parked right out here in the fire lane suggesting that if that were his car, that in fact he may have indeed come right through the front door
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here into the school. people throughout the building at that point start saying that they are hearing shots. 9:41, the calls start going in to 911 at that point. and the principal, the vice principal and the school psychologist all going toward the gunfire now the hallway according to a witness. only the vice principal returns and is wounded. there's much shouting. there are many, many shots out there. everyone says they hear it. authorities say the shooting itself happened in a relatively short period of time and they say the gunman does not roam around but generally stays in this area. in fact, they say all the shooting happened in just two rooms. 9:45, teachers throughout this building are trying to protect students. and in some cases, the students said they helped them hide and in others they seem like the teachers tried to get them out of the building. the bottom line is in this
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picture from the newtown b, there was an effort to get the students out. that's difficult because you have hundreds of kids here traumatized and very upset. 9:50, by this time for sure, again, we are not sure of the timeline, it's murky, but the gunman somewhere in this process has died. police officers say no officer fired a shot so it is believed he shot himself, but this we do know. as officers arrived on the scene from state and local police, they secured the entire building and they spread out through it trying to make sure that there are no other gunmen and trying to find all the pockets of children hiding within this building. at that point they start escorting them out of the building as well. a difficult, difficult time. and this timeline is what the investigators are going to have to build upon in the coming weeks to clarify, to make sure we know exactly when things
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happened and how. >> reporter: all that we know, all the detail tom foreman brings us, there's so much we don't know. on the right side of your screen, we are preparing for a press conference. new security measures were just implemented at the school. we don't know exactly why the school was targeted by this gunman just yet. we are hoping to get those answers. the answers to those questions we hope to get fairly soon. what we expect to happen right now is to get the names, the identities of some of the people. let's check in now with nick valencia in atlanta. we know the identity of two of the adults who were killed. the school principal and the school psychologist, the names of the four other adults have just been released. what do we snow in. >> we are still standing by to hear more about the victims, 26 parished in all yesterday at sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. two confirmed names, two victims we have confirmed so far, ali,
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dawn hochsprung, a principal at sandy hook elementary school since 2010. described as a teacher's teacher. somebody you would want teaching your children. in fact, she was not done with her own education and just entered a ph.d. program continuing on with her education. she spent her career rising through the ranks of connecticut school system, spending a lot of time in the small communities working sat various community schools and high schools. those who remember her say she created this wonderful environment to make people feel embraced, accepted, important and above all secure. she leaves behind two daughters and three step-daughters. just a terrible, terrible situation. remembered for her enthusiasm and wonderful smile. you can see that there. now another victim at the school who parished was the school's psychologist. she's being named as mary sherlock, 56 years old. she was a really instrumental
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part of the fabric of that elementary school and part of the crisis and intervention program at the school. a lot of people would turn to her in a time like this, but she's no longer with us. she was an expert in psychology and had her master's degree. she worked a lot in the community with disabled adults in the surrounding community. leaves behind two daughters and a husband named bill of 31 years. a very sad situation. two names of the victims of the six adults that were shot yesterday in newtown, connecticut. ali? >> reporter: four other adults shot here, adults dedicated to making the lives of those children better. we'll make sure in addition to the names of the 20 children we'll bring you the names of the four adults we don't know. also the gunman's mother, nancy lan lanza, a victim at the home she
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shared with adam lanza. the news conference has not begun yet but there's such a pack of people behind and in front of us here. we are expecting and waiting for important news there with the names of those killed. the authorities here in newtown have been so conscientious about keeping everyone updated on what they know. they held a series of press conferences yesterday into the evening and told us they would be talking to us again here in newton. that's what we are waiting on here. you can see people gathering in the picture. we don't have the officials up yet at the podium. among the things we expect them to discuss, perhaps the names of some of the victims, ages 5 to 10 years old. some 20 kids. also the six adults. we heard some about them right now including the principal and the school psychologist. also the mother of the alleged shooter, adam lanza, was killed.
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not on location here but apparently in this home, her home. this hour we'll talk to a friend of principal dawn hochsprung, but first, ali, we'll talk about the situation there. when do we expect, i can't see right now that picture right now, how close we are to that -- >> reporter: i'll give you a sense of it. i'll give you a sense of it. we know the police officers are here. we know that the state police representatives are here. they were here a few minutes ago. i think they are really trying, you just mentioned they are really working very hard to get information out as quickly as possible. and questions that they have not been able to answer, they keep telling us, we'll be back in an hour with more information. they did that until 8:00 p.m. last night, 8:00 p.m. eastern they said we'll let you, the media, take a break and get rest. we are going to let our people get some rest but the crime scenes were not going to be, there's going to be no rest. the medical examiner was at the school all night.
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they were processing the bodies, but the terrible incident of the parents who knew their kids didn't come home, they were not allowed into the school. so they had tentative identifications on all the bodies and then got positive identifications from the parents. they were not going to release any names until they had positive identification on everybody. now where we are, we are at treadwell memorial park with a soccer and football field and a baseball diamond next to it. the school is over there. the authorities made sure to know there was global interest in this story and importantly, this is obviously a story that moves everybody. and that's why they set us up over here. you're in a different location at one of the places where there was a vigil downtown. a lot of activity in this small town, john. >> reporter: absolutely. one of the victims we know about what you say the principal of the school, dawn hochsprung
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described as a, quote, tough lady in the right sort of sense. working on school security, she was idolized bay lot of people in the community. a 47-year-old mother of two daughters, three step-daughters. when her life came to a tragic end in the school that she was at since 2010. she had been an administrator for ten years. parents said she was creative and talked about the fun things they did. i heard about dress-up days she was leading. she was one of 15 educators in a doctor program at the sage college here in new york. the dean there, dr. laura quigly joins me. what kind of impression did this principal, dawn hochsprung, give to you? what kind of impression did she make on your students? >> i met her first of all when i welcomed the students to the campus last summer. of the 16 candidates accepted
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into the doctorate program this year, i really honestly have to say she was the one person who left an indelible mark on me because i was so impressed by her comments, her dedication to her small community in newtown, connecticut. her fellow classmates were just amazed she was traveling from connecticut up to the capitol region of new york to pursue her doctorate in educational leadership. she spoke about how she truly believed that her role in education was to create such leaders of the elementary children with whom she served. she had an infectious smile and she was always smiling. i think that's a reason why i remember her so dearly. >> reporter: lori, it is not often you hear people in a town, parents and teachers and kids talk about a principal with such reverence. did she share anything about her school and students back here in
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connecticut? >> well, in her classes i know in talking with some of her fellow students and with the professors, she did talk about how she truly did believe in creating an environment where children felt safe, where children treated each other with respect, where it was an environment that truly felt care. and i think that's really the tragic irony of this entire situation. we opened up an online discussion format for our doctorate candidates to talk to one another. all the candidates in the program are current leaders, principals, assistant principals and superintendents, it is hitting them hard. but they have to go to back to work on monday and talk to their faculty and staff and talk to them, how do they talk to their children in their schools about this situation? >> reporter: and how do we make an environment that's safe. you have seen so many school
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shootings since columbine way back in the 1990s. as a professional educator that works with parents, teachers, administrators, let me first ask you this, what kind of questions should we be asking in the face of this repeated school violence? >> well, i think we have to sort of ask ourselves beyond the school environment, first of all, i really do believe in our school environments. our professionals are dedicated. their number one focus is the education and the well-being of young children. but i think beyond that in our society, i think maybe we have to question, you know, what is the impact of media, what's the impact of social media? what's the impact of the lack of appropriate gun control laws? i hear you talking about that and we continue to talk about that after every tragic event, but where is the action as a result of all this talk?
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>> reporter: lori, thank you so much for joining us. these are the questions that need to be asked, the discussions that have to happen in the days and weeks ahead. ali? >> reporter: all right, john, i want to bring in former fbi assistant director tom fuentes, also a cnn contributor. tom, i want to ask you something, we'll be hearing from the police, we may or may not get all of the names of the victims. i don't know why we wouldn't, but last night you would have known who all the victims were. the parents would have known, obviously, their parents didn't come home. and there are four adults. everybody knew that. they will not give out the information, they will not give out the names until everybody is positively identified. tell me about that process. the bodies stayed in the school all night. >> that's right. more on the process now is really looking at the more horrific aspect of this, where were the children as they were
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being shot? where was the shooter? how close was he? so that's part of the question of why the bodies have been in the building all night while they were working on this. >> reporter: and they would typically not let the parent into an active crime scene. when they say they need positive identities to the bodies, what does that mean. >> they don't want parents contaminating the scene and being overcome with grief and grabbing their children or having a worse situation inside the school, inside the crime scene. so that would be the reason for the security as they are trying to methodically ensure they have figured out exactly what happened to each individual child, what the shooter did, where the victims were and then, of course, the identification process that goes with that.
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>> reporter: tom, there's a second crime scene, i was there last night, mary snow is there now, the home of the shooter. they closed off the entire road and told families to leave and not come back. what do they do in a scene like that? >> well n that situation they weren't sure if before he went to the school to shoot whether he had set up bobby traps or had explosives or material at the house. that's why they evacuated neighbors just to make sure that there was not some greater danger to the community that would have come from that house. so they wanted to make sure that that scene was secure. and then, of course, they go in and determine that there's another body there, his mother. and they have to process that. so there's work to be done there, but they have to be, again, very methodical that there weren't harmful materials placed in there to affect the neighboring houses and the investigators themselves as they
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are working. >> reporter: tom, this is a small town. as soon as this happened they had a mutual aid agreement. danbury has a bigger police force and state police were in here. john berman said the authorities did a fantastic job of shepherding everybody and giving a great information flow, but ultimately they are maybe trained for it but have had no experience with this. one homicide in this town in ten years, what is it like for police in a situation like that who don't deal with these situations on a regular basis? when they get the calls, the 911 dispatch calls that tells them there's a shooting in a school on lockdown and they are hearing gunfire? >> it appears in this case the police action was exceptionally well coordinated and well executed. they went to the scene and didn't know if they had more shooters. hay had to not only secure the premesis but go throughout the community. kids ran out of the school with
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no telling where they ran to. the possibility of additional shooters that may have run into the wooded area surrounding the school, so the police had an overwhelming task from the first minute of this incident to really even continue with now. so in this case they deferred to the connecticut state police who took command of the situation and all the other agencies that are working here are under that command and providing assistance to the connecticut state police. and that includes the federal agencies, the fbi, atf, any other agencies from throughout the state or other state that is came to provide assistance to them. no one town could handle the situation. the amount of investigative work in this situation is just incredible. and i know from experience that you can't do it by yourself. no one agency could do it. they need everybody's help in this situation. >> reporter: we are expecting to hear from the connecticut state police momentarily. that press conference was slalted to start a half hour
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ago. they are running late. they are here trying to gather as much information as they possibly can. they are doing a great job of trying to keep the country and the world informed as to what they know. john, we'll talk to john berman in a moment. tom fuentes, thank you for that. we'll be right back with that press conference and with more information. you're watching cnn. those are good things. upstairs, they will see fantasy. not fantasy... logistics. ups came in, analyzed our supply chain, inventory systems... ups? ups. not fantasy? who would have thought? i did. we did, bob. we did. got it.
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♪ the majority of those who died today were children. beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. >> that was a visibly shaken president obama. a vision of president obama none of us had scene. a vision of a president many of us had never seen. that was just hours after yesterd yesterday's easter terrible
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shooting. we are expecting a news conference any minute from the connecticut state police and will bring that to you the second it happens. we are told they may release some of the names of the victims, including the name of the children. some 20 kids ages 5 to 10 killed in this awful, awful event. i want to go to washington now to bring in cnn's white house correspondent brianna kieler. the president didn't just speak yesterday, he dedicated his weekly address to the shooting victims. >> reporter: that's right. no doubt his address would have been about the looming tax cuts he's working with house republicans on. that was occupying washington, taking up all the oxygen here until this shooting happened. of course, it is not surprising, this is completely shifting the conversation in washington. president obama talking about the connecticut shooting in his weekly address, touching again on a personal note. here's part of it.
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>> this weekend michelle and i are doing what every parent is doing, holding our children as close as we can and reminding them how much we love them. there are families in connecticut who can't do that today and they need all of us right now. because while nothing can take the place of a lost child or loved one, all of us can extend the hand to those in need to remind them that we are there for them. that we are praying for them. and that the love they felt for those they lost endures not just in their own memories but also in their communities and in their country. >> reporter: now president obama had also said in his weekly address as a nation we have endured far too many of these tragedies in the last few years. john, that's something that really strikes me when i think of the tragedies that president obama personally has had to talk about, try to strike this tone of unity on, remember
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congresswoman gabby giffords. he went to arizona. aurora, colorado, he went to colorado to try to deliver a message of unity. and also that temple shooting in wisconsin. so he's dealt with a number of these horrible instances. and i think kind of when you look back in the last few years, it just strikes you how many and how we have seen so many of them. ly tell you president obama is receiving regular updates from his homeland security team and his main homeland security adviser. he's also in touch, of course, with state officials in connecticut getting the very slatest on what's happening there, john. >> reporter: brianna, one of the things he mentioned in his remarks yesterday was that he had so many of the tragic events like you said and it was time to take some type of meaningful action. the words were meaningful. as the white house officials explain exactly what he meant by that? >> reporter: they haven't.
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this was something jay carney was pressed on in the briefing yesterday was what about gun legislation? this is something that the president has talked about in loose terms but has not proposed specifics on. part of that is when you look at congress, even democrats, there isn't a will to pass any sort of gun control legislation. it is an issue really falling off the list of priorities of things to do. this was the case in his last term. this is the expectation in the next term. and it's unclear if this shooting will really further that. we have seen as i mentioned almost this sort of litany of these forable tragedies, none of which have pushed forward any sort of gun legislation in response to them. so there will be a lot of questions about how the federal government responds to this, john, but at this point it is unclear and there really aren't any specifics there about whether something new would be proposed, may continuing to push existing legislation. we just don't know. >> reporter: yeah, he used the words meaningful action yesterday. mayor michael bloomberg a fierce
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gun controlled a advovate also mentioned it is time for action. before i let you go, you mentioned the negotiations for the fiscal cliff. were the negotiations there? does he have to juggle this now or how will he juggle this? is there a sense of what will happen to those discussions the next few days? >> reporter: it is unclear at this point. i will tell you, speaking to aides close to president obama yesterday, this shooting has very much occupied his time. that's not really a surprise, that's what you would expect. he's very much turned his attention to this. that could change in the next couple of days and also it is not just president obama involved with the speaker, with speaker boehner in the discussions. there are things going on at the staff level. those discussions about the fiscal cliff can continue but certainly at least publicly president obama will be focusing on the shooting in connecticut.
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>> reporter: that's right. leading the nation in grieving and mourning those lost. brianna kieler at the white house, thank you for joining us this morning. great to see you. it is morning now in newtown. and the tightly-knit connecticut town is grieving today like so much of the nation for the 20 children, seven adults lost their lives so suddenly and horribly to this gunman. newtown stunned residents gathered at vigils last night including one at st. rose of lima church to comfort each other. they will have more vigils in the days and nights to come. people are already streaming into this church today to pray. we want to take a look now at this report from our affiliate, wtic. >> so we need to be here to pray for these people. >> reporter: doors will be open for those close toast the tragedy. >> i'm in a math class with the younger brother of a boy that was killed. it was 9:30 and this happened shortly before 10:00. it was crazy.
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>> reporter: for anyone who feels affected -- >> anyone in the town is really devastated by this thing. it is such a small town and i feel like this is going to bring everyone together even though it is such a tragedy. >> reporter: -- and for all those who grieve for lives lost too young. >> like the pastor now said, we have 20 new angels in our town watching over us. >> reporter: we are in newtown, connecticut. we are awaiting a news conference from connecticut state police to update us on the investigation to update us on maybe to expect some names of the victims here in newtown. that news conference has not started but we'll bring it to you the minute, the minute, the second it begins. in the meantime, let's go over to ali velshi in newtown. >> reporter: john, it promises to start, it was supposed to start a half hour ago. we have seen the state police officials who are here who should be leading this news conference. as you have pointed out, the police officials, the authorities here have been very, very good at giving out information. they are also interested in
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giving out accurate information. many times we find in events like this there's a push to get information out. look, it's been 23 hours since this happened and already there have been several stories that were thought to be true that have not turned out to be true. i want to bring in mike brooks in atlanta. hln's law enforcement analyst. mike, we have covered a number of these sorts of things in the past, probably none as tragic as this. let's talk about the shooter, adam lanza, who is alleged to have taken his mother's life at their home two-and-a-half miles from here and then going to the school. he had two guns on them and one semiautomatic bushmaster in the car apparently licensed to his mother, but apparently he had access to at least five guns according to a law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the investigation. he's asked for anonymity because of the ongoing investigation. what do you make of this? he was found dead in the classroom with two firearms, a
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glr glock and a sig sauer. they are guns popular among law enforcement. >> they are. i had a sig sauer as my service weapon. and i also had a glock. they are high-quality semiautomatic handguns. again, they belonged to his mother. but he had apparently direct access to these guns. so, and he apparently, most likely, did not have a background check, but we don't know what transpired inside that house before he came to that school and went on a rampage. but we are looking at the pictures of these weapons right now. we saw the glock on the upper left. we saw the sig sauer. we don't know what caliber the guns were. these are examples. we don't know ifs after a .9
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millimeter and we don't know what kind of model of a bushmaster it is. it is an ar-15 weapon that fires a cartridge basically like the military uses. why would anyone have this gun? there are a lot of people who do own weapons like this for target shooting. some people, even some hunt with them. but there are a lot of them out there and people do use them for target practice. and also self-defense. >> reporter: under what circumstances would you be using a bushmaster for self-defense? >> well, a lot of people feel they need one in their home for whatever reason. and it is, you can use any weapon for self-defense. but again, that stirs a lot of controversy. and a lot of discussion about gun laws, but i'm sure we'll be
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talking about that as we move forward from this event. >> reporter: mike, connecticut is one of those states that does have some strict gun laws. a gun registry to meet certain requirements here. you have to take a course, in fact, in gun operation. talk to me about those pistols. what do you make of those pistols? the pictures we showed, which are not the guns used, have a standard magazine of 15 bullets? 15 rounds? >> yeah, magazines in those range from 15 to 19. they do make extended magazines for each of the weapons that can hold possibly up to 30 rounds, depending if it is a single or double stack magazine. but we don't know, we have not heard how many magazines he had inside that school. but as tom fuentes pointed out earlier, if he had extra magazines and came in and had to
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reload, he probably was -- nobody was challenging him because they were all little children with some of the adult teachers, ali. so he would just walk around with impunity shooting at the little children. >> reporter: right. the teachers were occupied, those that we have been able to find out were occupied and tried to protect the kids, hide them and cover them so they weren't in a position to confront him. all right, mike, thank you very much. we'll check in with you later, mike brooks, former fbi member. so many questions and so few answers now. teachers and emergency responders talking about how to keep their schools safe. and many parents are consoling their children. >> my kids are already asking when is this going to happen again. it was only a week ago that we were talking about this type of situation and i said, the chances of it happening are one in a zillion at sandy hook. and i was wrong about that. ♪
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8:45 eastern time. welcome back, everyone. i'm ali velshi. you are watching our special coverage of the connecticut school shooting. we are live in newtown, connecticut. we are also getting some insight into how all of this unfolded. here's a small part of the radio transmission between police when they got word of the shooting. >> 6-7 sandy hook school. the caller indicates there's a shooting inside the building. >> the front glass has been broken. they are unsure why. all units, the individual that i have on the phone is continuing to hear what he believes to be gunfire. unit responding to sandy hook school at this time. the shooting appears to have stopped. the school is in lockdown. >> reporter: john berman is also with me in newtown, connecticut.
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we have our cnn team spread across the city. john, you are at the site of one of several vigils held last night. and this town wakes up this morning to a press conference we are just waiting to begin to get that started where they are going to, we expect, hear the names of those 20 children, six adults. we know two of the adults' names. a principal and the psychologist from the school, but we'll hear a lot more names. and it will send this up to reeling all over again, john. >> reporter: ali, this is the st. rose of lima church behind me where last night there was a vigil. a thousand people were here inside and outside this church to mourn together and grieve together. this town really is going through this as one tight-knit community. i heard bells a short while ago and didn't know why or where they were ringing, but it did give the sense of togetherness that is really permeating inside this community. the church here is filling up again this morning with parents,
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families, people here to share in this moment. there are two bulletin boards set up for people to start posting messages. messages of hope and messages of mourning. i spoke to a father a short while ago, ali, of a child, an 8-year-old girl, a third grader, a survivor from this. and he, like so many parents, is struggling to talk to his kids this weekend. they want to know how do you communicate to them what happened and what should happen? he told me that his kids, this 8-year-old girl and 10-year-old son don't want to go back to school on monday, which is understandable. there has to be so many emotions going through their heads right now. and from the young children who were at sandy hook elementary school to their frightened parents, we have more on those who were witness to friday's tragic events. >> reporter: the account of a young boy set to be delivering
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an attendance report to the office at sandy hook elementary school when the shootings took place is surreal. >> i saw some of the bullets going past the hall that i was right next to. and then a teacher pulled me into her classroom. >> reporter: he said he heard a sound like someone kicking a door. his mother clinging to him had words of thanks. >> i'm just so grateful to the teacher who saved him. >> reporter: you think the teacher saved his life? >> she definitely did. he had bullets going by him and she grabbed him and another child and pulled them into a classroom. >> reporter: brendon murray, a fourth grader, described the chaos. >> i was in the gym at the time, and so the teacher, we heard lots of bangs, and we thought that it was the custodian knocking stuff down. then we heard screaming. and so we -- so we -- we went on to, like we went to the wall and
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we sat down. and then a police came in, it's like, is he in here? then he ran out. then our teacher, then somebody yelled, get to a safe place. so we went into a closet in the gym and sat there for a little while. and then the police were knocking on the door and they are like, we are evacuating people, we are evacuating people. >> reporter: cnn is only airing sound of children whose parents gave permission as one woman walked away from the school she was heard crying, "why? why?" a policeman said it was the worst thing he's seen in his career. a nurse from nearby danbury hospital described the scene there as parents waited for word on their children. >> all these parents were waiting for their children to come out. they thought that they were, you know, still alive. there was 20 parents that were just told that their children are dead. it was awful. >> reporter: the father of a young girl who survived was just trying to process it all.
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>> it was shocking. i got the call at work this morning and i can't believe a small town like this would ever have anything like this happen. and to be in an elementary school, that's unheard of. >> reporter: by late friday afternoon and into the evening, evacuated children were being cared for and reuniting with their parents at a nearby firehouse. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> reporter: we are still waiting on the news conference here by connecticut state police where authorities are expected to release the names of the 20 children and 6 adults gunned down inside sandy hook elementary school. and we are going to learn more perhaps about the gunman. i want to check with nick valencia at the cnn center. we have more information right now, i believe, about the father of the gunman. what information do you have? >> yeah, john, our news desk team has been working tirelessly to get the latest information on the victims.
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just a short while ago we were able to clear the usage of a linkedn profile for the father of the suspected shooter, adam lanza. the father here, if we can bring that picture up, peter lanza. this is the photo of the father, of the suspected shooter. 20-year-old shooter adam lanza. this picture just into cnn, this is his father, peter lanza. cnn has made efforts to try to reach out to him, i have trying to get him on the phone, but we have been unsuccessful this morning. we are making efforts to get in touch with him. this photo just came into cnn. this is the photo of the father of the suspected shooter adam lanza. this pictured on the screen is peter lanza. cnn tried to reach out to peter lanza and has been unsuccessful. we are still standing by for what was an 8:00 a.m. press conference running an hour late here, but local police are expected to release the names of more victims.
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so far we have been able to confirm the names of two adults, two of the six adults shot yesterday in newtown, connecticut. that was at sandy hook elementary school. john? >> reporter: all right, nick valencia there in atlanta, thank you for bringing us that. as nick said, we are awaiting a news conference here. moments away, we think, from connecticut state police where they are expected to release the names of the victims of those killed inside the school. we'll be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] this december, remember -- ♪ you can stay in and like something... ♪ [ car alarm deactivates ]
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where we are awaiting a news conference from the connecticut state police who have been so conscientious in updating us on the situation here. the investigation, they were doing it every hour yesterday afternoon and into the evening. and they scheduled a news conference for this morning as well. it was supposed to begin one hour ago. it's obviously been delayed. we have seen officials there milling about so hopefully it will get going soon. they have been good about giving us accurate information. perhaps they are getting the last bit of information together now. we'll bring you the news conference the minute it begins. in the meantime, cnn legal contributor paul kallen is live from new york, a criminal defense attorney, a former new york city homicide prosecutor. paul, right now this morning, overnight, everyone talking about gun control. but if the suspect got these guns from his mother who we believe he did, and they were legally registered, would stronger gun control laws have made any difference? >> i don't think stronger gun control laws would make a difference in this case based on what we know.
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connecticut has relatively tough gun laws. you need a permit to buy a handgun and in order to get the handgun you have to do a background check, you need a fingerprint and the woman kept the guns in the house. it is hard to get a carry permit and there's no evidence of the carry permit. and the military-style weapon, frankly, in most states would be legal because it is considered to be a rifle or shotgun. it is not an automatic weapon. people call those automatic weapons but an automatic weapon when you pull the trigger you get machine firing of the bullets as opposed to one bullet were pull, which makes it a semiautomatic and legal. so i think in the end unless you banned all guns completely, you couldn't have any effect on a situation like this. and in most states in
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connecticut, hunting weapons are permitted. so i don't know that this will affect the gun control legislation that's out there, at least in connecticut. >> reporter: all right. paul karren, please standby for us for a second. in the meantime, i want to go to my friend soledad o'brien here in newtown, connecticut. we are awaiting a news conference here from officials to update us on the situation and the investigation. good morning, soledad. >> reporter: john, good morning to you. good morning, everybody. i'm soledad o'brien. and it is just after 9:00 in the morning here in connecticut. you're watching our special continuing coverage of the connecticut school shooting. i want to welcome our audience around the country and those viewers who are now turning to us, joining us from around the world. lots to talk about this morning as we update you on the very latest, first and foremost, as we wait for the press conference to get underway. we have been told the press conference would most likely start at 8:00 this morning. so we are an hour after that
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hour here, but the officials have been very good about consistently and continuously calling the press conferences. so we are waiting for them to come back again and address, i would say, roughly 100 reporters and cameras who have gathered here just about a half mile or so from the school. let me tell you where i am right now. over my shoulder, over this little hill right there, that's exactly where if you would cut through the woods, that's the location of yesterday easterable tragedy. the horrific mass shooting happened here. and here in newtown, connecticut, everyone is searching for answers. a question we may not know is why would someone attack an elementary school? why ultimately would they kill 26 people? we know last night the community gathered to pay their respects to try to console each other the best that they possibly could, say good-bye to the victims of this horrific tragedy, 20 children, 6 adults who were killed in the shooting at the
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sandy hook elementary school. i want to play a little bit of the radio traffic that we were able to gather between the first responders as the details of the school shooting started to first come in just after 9:00 in the morning. >> medics, you are requested to stage -- i will need two ambulances at this time. >> just received a call. we have one female in room one who has received a gunshot wound to the foot. >> i need units in the pool, i've got bodies here. be advised, we do have multiple weapons including one rifle and shotgun. -- require backup, ambulances, and they said call for everything. >> what is the number of ambulances you require? >> they do not know. they are not giving us a number. >> fire rescue 444, respond, 12 dickinson drive, sandy hook school. 2-1-12, respond, 12 dickinson
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drive. sandy hook school. medical emergencies. >> i have multiple ambulance personnel coming inbound. can we create that staging area and command area within the sandy hook school parking area? >> reporter: you can hear the chaos and just how quickly this disaster grew as they realized the scope of the injuries and the numbers of people who had been injured and killed. now, we are just about 90 minutes north of new york city and newtown, connecticut, is considered to be a very safe community. there has only been one homicide reported in the last ten years in this community, but of course, now unfortunately newtown's name is synonymous with columbine and blacksburg, virginia, because of the mass shooting here. police identified this shooter as 20-year-old adam lanza. we are only now starting to get a picture of who he is. we'll go to mary snow first at
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lanza's home where police found the body of his mother. mary, why don't you update us on the very latest we know about the suspected shooter in this case. >> reporter: soledad, it is believed that he lived here with his mother. he can't see the home behind me where the road blocked off by police. this was an active crime scene yesterday where police found the body of nancy lanza in that home and residents were evacuated from their homes. we are told investigators have been asking them for any information that they had pieced to the what they can about this suspect. and what some of the things we are learning about him, one neighbor described him as troubled. but in his earlier years, former classmates describe him as someone who was very bright, very quiet, kept to himself. and according to what one woman who was here yesterday, a former bus driver saw, nothing that
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really stood out. >> some of the other residents, he himself was a little fidgety, a little uneasy if you were to look at him. i think he was just socially not into going out there and making friends as everyone was really doing in almostry school and middle school. he preferred to stay to himself. >> reporter: that was a former classmate who spoke to cnn last night. and susan candiotti spoke with a law enforcement official who said in pieces together this information, one thing they did learn from a family member who told investigators, he had a form of autism. soledad? >> reporter: we are going to talk more about that, mary, with sanjay gupta. because as far as i know, there are no studies at all that link any form of autism with violent acts. so that's something we'll talk to our medical unit about later
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this morning. thank you for the update, mary snow, for us this morning. of course, this is a parent's worst nightmare to send your children off to school and then you have no expectations that just a few hours later you are going to get a robocall message saying the school is in lockdown. it had to be terrifying for the parents. i want to talk to laura phelps and her husband nick. they have two children in the school. a first grader and a third grader, did you get a robocall. is that how you were first notified to come back to the school? >> i did. the first call we got was that call. and it was, there's been a shooting and the children are in lockdown. >> reporter: what did you do? >> we turned on the news, we called friends and we hadn't heard anything. and it wasn't until on the tv my son came running and said, it's sandy hook elementary. >> reporter: that's when you realized it was your elementary school. >> we were hoping it was not one
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of our schools, it was just a precaution. maybe it wasn't a real shooting. maybe just thinking this was a real precaution. and to hear that it was sandy hook was certainly devastating. >> reporter: it has to be horrible. so you know you have a first grader and a third grader in that school, did you run to the school right away? i mean, i would have run to the school? >> right. my husband, his first reaction was let's get to the school. my first reaction was let's let the police do the work, let's go to the church. we ran to the church and they were in lockdown. so we tried to get back to the school and that's when we saw ambulance after ambulance and i thought, at that time we had heard possibly a teacher was shot. and i looked at the ambulances and said to my husband, this isn't one person. >> reporter: too many ambulances. that was the first thing i thought was too many ambulances. >> too many. >> reporter: so i know your son who is a first grader, which
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makes him 7 years old, roughly? he was in the room very close to where the majority of the shootings happened. >> he was one to two classrooms away. >> reporter: so what has he told you so far? >> he told us that they were looking at the smart board and something went wrong, so the teacher had them all sit in their cubbies. and they read books in their cubbies until policemen came. and he said the policemen said just walk very fast. and he said he saw some people on the floor, someone on the floor, sleeping. >> reporter: so when he recounts the story to you, is he upset? is he emotional? or do you think he's so little, 6, he doesn't quite process the sleeping or his classmates? >> when i first found him in the firehouse where they had brought the children, he was in very good spirits, very talkative. when we brought him away from
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the firehouse, he was very talkative. unlike my daughter, who was very quiet. he was very upbeat. i don't think it really, whatever the teacher did, she relaxed them to the point that they were unaware of what was going on, would be my interpretation of his reaction. >> reporter: or how much danger they were in. >> absolutely. >> reporter: she had them hide in their cubbies for as much protection you could have, which is not much in a cub by. >> we realized what she probably did was she told them that the magic board had malfunctioned and that was the reason they needed to read books in their cubbie. she read to them apparently while this was all going on. >> reporter: there are so many stories of the teachers being so heroic and keeping such a cool head when obviously everything wrong is going on around them.
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people describe the shooting, hear screaming, and their job is to keep a bunch of small children unaware of how bad it really is. they are really true heroes. >> they are superheroes. when we went down to the firehouse to get our children, we were unaware of the real tragedy at hand. i did not think children were involved. i thought this was isolated, a couple teachers, maybe even just one. so when we got our children and i saw my son's teacher, they were like ghosts, but they were incredibly composed. they had their sheets with them checking off to make sure each child went with their parent. they -- they did everything possible to keep our children safe. everything. and i wish i had known when i looked at their faces just to say, thank you. because i have my children. >> reporter: a lot of people don't. >> they don't. >> if i could have gone back,
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like my wife said, we had no idea at the level of what happened in there, the rumor going around was that the principal who was a wonderful, beautiful woman, the rumor was that she had been, that she had been killed. and all the parents hoped this was an isolated incident, even though that was a horrible loss of life. when i saw those teachers, when i found the two children, and we were devastated and heartbroken for the poor families who did not have that moment in the firehouse of finding their children. we can't even imagine and our prayers, just the entire community is heartbroken. but when i saw the teachers and i locked eyes with each of them separately, when i found the two children, if i could go back, i would embrace them. because i had no idea what they had gone through. but it was, it was actually handled very well because i
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can't imagine the pandemonium that would have been going on in the firehouse with the parents searching for their children. if anybody there had any idea the level of what had happened yesterday, people just simply didn't know really what was going on. they just knew their children has been in a dangerous place and those that made it to the firehouse were, thank god, safe. >> reporter: what will you tell your son who is a first grader? what will you tell your daughter who is a third grade her? do they have any idea the scoop of how bad it is? >> i think they do more than they are letting on. we have not said much. this is shocking. so this is new to us. and we are definitely going to talk to counselors today over at the reed school. we are going to live at our church, at st. rose, and we are just going to learn what to say before we say it. it is really tricky. and for my third grader, little bits and pieces are coming out
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now. >> reporter: it sounds like she's not talking as much about it. >> little things are coming out now where she heard a lot. they all heard and saw things that our children should not hear or see. and so we just, we know that it was a bad man, and we just said we are coming to talk to people and they want to know what happened at sandy hook. they don't know, they don't know that they have lost their friends and their principal. >> it's become apparent that our 6-year-old has lost close friends. and he's very unaware of that right now. we don't know how to exactly approach it with him at this point. we are just kind of guarding him from the tv. when they fell asleep last night and the experts would come on the tv to discuss how you talk to your children, we were very attentive like, oh, let's listen for, let's watch this.
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and we realized watching it had nothing to do with us. it had everything to do with the rest of the country watching it. but not the people that were involved and the children that were actually involved in the school. so it's important for us to realize as this goes on to take advantage of the counseling. >> reporter: many people, so many people have sent messages to me to tell people like you and the people who have lost their children, just how sorry they feel for them. >> i mean, your heart, this is a feeling that is unspeakable. it is like reaching into your insides and pulling them out. i mean, when things happen to your children and to other people's children, i can't look at my children's faces now without seeing the faces of every one of their schoolmates and everything they are doing and saying and thinking about christmas, i'm just thinking, their friends should all be here. and it is just such, it is so
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heavy. so heavy on your heart. and -- >> reporter: the nation feels that way, too. >> the outpouring of love has been tremendous. i mean, people are calling from all over the world. and we are going to need that now. we are going to absolutely need that to be there as a community. we love sandy hook. this is such a great place. and the people are wonderful. and we are just going to have to really embrace each other and open our hearts and open our arms and open those church doors and just get everybody praying and together. because, i mean, i think this is something we will get through, i don't think this is something we will ever, ever get over. >> i would like also to say that we always feel blessed that our children were at sandy hook school. it is a beautiful school, fantastic educators. the principal who, god bless
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her, lost her life. she was just a very special person. and all the parents knew that. so it's a very, it's a shocking thing beyond belief that this has happened and that it's -- we are just heartbroken for those families. >> reporter: we are, too. thank you for talking to us. thank you for your time. so you heard there's two children in their family, a third grader and first grader. the first grader who seems to have lost numerous friends, close friends. i know parents here struggle with the challenge of how to tell their children their friends are dead and obviously the parents who have lost children struggle as well with how to go on with their lives. a terrible story to have to cover, a terrible story to live through. we have to take a short break. as i mentioned before, we are waiting for this press conference to begin. the state police has been really good about updating us on the very latest in their process in
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this case. they are a little delayed on the press conference, and it is unclear why, but maybe we'll have a chance to understand why they are wrapping this up and doing. we know they were processing the scene inside the school, which was terrible. they weren't going to remove the bodies, including the body of the shooter and the bodies of the children until they finished processing it. which meant the medical examiner would be inside, which meant they would continue treating it as a crime scene. until they were done, which they told me originally until sunday, nothing would move. they would not be able to return the bodies to their parents. we'll take a short break. when we come back, we'll update you on the latest in the investigation, the latest on the shooter, the latest on services offered to the people here and also information for people struggling how to tell their own children about this terrible tragedy, even if they are miles and miles away from here. we'll be back right after this. ♪
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welcome back, everybody. as we continue tour special coverage of the connecticut elementary school shooting, lots we are trying to figure out this morning. we are waiting for a press conference from the state police. they have been updating us throughout the last 24 hours of this absolute tragedy. we are expecting them, at least 100 cameras and journalists are here next to me. we are expecting the press conference to happen momentarily. we know they have locked down the scene of the school and left everything inside as it was for 24 hours ago, which means they have not moved any of the bodies. and we are waiting for them to update us on the latest of this crime scene. obviously, there are many parents and many people who would love to have the bodies of those who have died in this awful tragedy, to have those
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bodies back today. so it brings us to think about what the parents of the victims are going through this morning. absolutely a horrific situation. just a few moments ago we talked to a mother and father of a first grader and third grader. they told us they are absolutely grappling with what to do at this point. they really don't know what to tell their children. it's the same question that people who are nowhere near the scene today across the country are trying to figure out as well. how do you explain to small children that their school, that they assume is safe, is not necessarily a safe place? i want to start by playing a little bit of the radio transmissions between the police and the 911 responders. what we know now is that it is believed that, in fact, there was a security system at the school that was put in place by the principal when she arrived two years ago. a parent told me that yesterday. what we know is that somehow the shooter was able to get past that security system. there was some who described the
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glass at the front door as shot out and there are some speculations that that was the way he was able to get around the security system. let's play a little bit for you of the 911 calls first. >> 6-7 sandy hook school. caller is indicating she thinks somebody is shooting in the building. >> the front glass has been broken. they are unsure why. all units, the individual that i have on the phone is continuing to hear what she believes is dun fire. units responding to sandy hook at this time, the shooting appears to have stopped. the school is in lockdown. >> reporter: according to law enforcement officials, the actual shooting seems to have lasted only about ten minutes. but in that time, an absolutely terrible toll would take place. anderson cooper walks us through the tragedy and how it unfolded. >> all units, the individual i
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have own the phone is continuing to hear what she believes to be gunfire. >> reporter: the first word was chilling. it only got worse. >> they are reporting multiple fatalities involved at the almostry school. >> reporter: with each new report, the horror deepened. >> reports do say the number of dead is closer to 30 than 20 and sadly most of them are children. >> reporter: every detail, every fact brought more sadness. each fresh piece of information a part of the picture, a school, kindergarten through fourth grade. a sanctuary that was supposed to be a place of safety torn apart. >> she heard the intercom that came on in the school and she heard a scream and a gunshot, two gunshots. and then the school went into lockdown. >> reporter: a student's teenager big brother describing the sounds of the gunman on the loose at sandy hook elementary. >> the first responders responded to the school and with newtown police immediately upon arrival, they entered the school and began a complete active
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shooter search of the building. >> reporter: they arrived to carnage. the killer says a law enforcement source with detailed knowledge was dressed for battle in black fatigues and armed for mass murder with two pistols and a military-style rifle. in parts of the school students were told to hide in corners. teachers risked their own lives to pull boys and girls to safety. >> i'm just so grateful to the teacher who saved him. >> reporter: you think the teacher saved his life? >> she definitely did. he had bullets going by him and she grabbed him and another child and pulled them into a classroom. >> reporter: eventually the kids were evacuated to a firehouse where frantic parents descended. >> it was terrifying. i'm still terrified and in shock. i still don't know everything that happened. i know there are some people missing and taken to the hospital. >> reporter: i know his son was okay. his son's teacher was alive as well. 20 other children and 6 adults were killed. the dead included to include
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sandy hook's psychologist and the principal. police discovered another adult victim, the gunman's mother reportedly at home in newtown. police say they fired no shots. a tight-knit community including a nurse who lived nearby to help, shocked and distraught. i see you have been crying. >> yes. >> reporter: is it because of what you saw? >> one of the cops, the worst thing he had ever seen in his entire career, it was when they told the parents, all these parents were waiting for their children to come out. they thought they were still alive. there was 20 parents just told that their children are dead. it was awful. >> reporter: awful. and late today speaking for the nation but also as a father, an emotional president obama fought back tears. >> this evening michelle and i will do what every parent in america will do, which is hug our children a little tighter and we'll tell them that we love them and we'll remind each other how deeply we love one another.
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but there are families in connecticut who cannot do that tonight. and they need all of us right now. >> reporter: that's very true. they do need all of our support right now. if you would like more information on how you can help those who are affected by the shooting, go to and you can absolutely reach out and help in any way that you probably can. you heard a few moments ago the couple with a first grader and third grade daughter as well. they didn't know exactly what to do or how to talk to their kids. they are meeting with counselors today in the community. so the parents here whose children have survived can have some kind of a sense of what to tell their children. there are many parents who are not in this town, outside of this town and around the country, who are also trying to figure out the same thing do. you talk about it or not talk about it? do you watch it on tv or not let them watch it unfold on tv? we'll talk to a psychiatrist
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about the best way to talk to your children in the wake of this tragedy. we are back in just a moment. stay with us. ♪ co ld only come from nature. now from the maker of splenda sweeteners, discover nectresse. the only 100% natural, no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. the rich, sweet taste of sugar. nothing artificial. ♪ it's all that sweet ever needs to be. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. gives you 1% cash back on all purchases,
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