tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN December 19, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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fewer atrocities in places like newtown. since friday morning an officer was gunned down, leaving four children without their mother. >> two officers were killed outside a grocery store outside topeka. >> a woman was shot and killed inside a las vegas casino. three people were shot inside an alabama hospital. a 4-year-old of the caught in a drive-by in missouri. taken off life support just yesterday. >> my 4-year-old baby. >> at least 10,000 americans murdered with guns every year. president obama said it is time for real reform right now. i talked to victims and family members, gun owners, also new
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york mayor and christiane amanpour and deepak chopra. they're all here. enough is nuenough. we want to hear from you too. >> good evening, this is our version of a town hall. a big conversation about guns in america. people on both sides of what very well may be the most important issue in this country. take a look at these people. they have all been touched in gun violence in some way. you can pose questions and join the conversation and the debate. have a view. i will ask questions that you put to me and raise them on air. >> i want to start with the place the pain is most acute, newtown, connecticut. where there were more funerals today. few moments ago i spoke to neil heslin, who's 6-year-old son jesse died in the shooting.
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>> he came late, but he was my best friend and my buddy. i'm just really lost for words. i -- we did everything together. and he had so many favorite spots. where we'd go, the diner in town here, the grocery store, for his bagel or muffin in the morning. mistyville deli where he's go to get his sandwich before school also and his snack. just, i'm lost for words. and -- >> the feeling i got from everything i understood about his last few moments alive was
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that he showed great courage, that he was trying to get out of there. that he was aware something was happening. his favorite teacher vicki soto was there. she was being heroic too, but did it surprise you in that moment that at his young age, that she was showing such enterprising courage? >> that is what is said to have happened, that the kids were attempting to make a run or to escape. i'm not sure of the number of survivors in miss soto's class, if there were any. but, yeah, that wouldn't surprise me. jesse -- that was jesse, he was the type that would take control and he was adventurous. um, and he -- i always told jesse never to leave anybody
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hurt and always to help them. so if there was somebody that was hurt or injured, he would be the one that was helping them or trying to help them. um -- he loved life so much. and loved it to the fullest. and the little guy really had no fear to anything. and i -- it is just -- the whole thing is such a tragedy to all of the victims, to their families. my heart goes out to the other families, for their loss of their loved ones. and also for adam's father and his family. i want to extend my sympathy and my condolences to his family.
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they're going through what i'm going through. and they are not responsible for what adam did. and so, i just want them to know that. and my thoughts are with them too. my little boy said something the night before to me. and he said, dad, this is going to be the best christmas ever. and he was going on about it, and i said, jesse, you know, we'll make it the best we can, and i don't have much family. um, it is kind of a quiet time for me. and he made christmas happy for me and joyful and he made it what it was. and i said to him, jess, we'll make it the best we can. and the next day, this tragedy
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happened and occurred, and i thought to myself, boy, was he wrong about that. >> neil heslin whose son jesse died. another of many heart breaking interviews "poor families who've suffered such terrible loss. more of that interview tomorrow. we got a lot of different perspectives tonight on guns in america. i want to bring in newark mayor, corey booker. and christiane amanpour. and psychologist dr. deepak chopra and tom ridge. from washington and former homeland security secretary. corey booker, let me start with you. it is heart-breaking. it's agonizing. you can't say anything to make it better. what i find fascinating about him is his incredible dignity. the way he was prepared to offer comfort and sympathy to the family of the man who had shot
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his child and he went on to talk about gun control and said that he didn't want wide-ranging gun control to come as a result of this, but he didn't understand why this shooter's mother would ever want to have the kind of assault weapon that was used in her home to defend herself. he raised a number of issues about that which we'll see more of tomorrow. but what do you say to other families in america that can't send them to school now, to movie theaters? there is almost nowhere left now that's sacred for americans to be safe because of gun violence. what is the answer? >> well, first of all, this is not as rare as people might think. there's a virginia tech, so to speak, 30 to 30 americans dying every day to violence.
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fortunately the courage that he showed there is something they have to deal with on a regular basis in newark. what gets me most frustrated is that we all agree in america. if you work with gun owners. i work with the coalition of gun owners, we used a republican pollster to poll gun owners and nra members, you get from 70 to 90%, depending on the common sense issue we could do that would make our country safer. let me give you one example. roughly 40% of the guns sold in america are sold in what's called the secondary market, in other words, private sales. where there's no federal registration at all, where people with criminal backgrounds, where you could get somebody on the terrorist, no-fly list who can't get on a plane, but could go to the secondary market and buy weapons. overwhelmingly 84% of gun owners -- 82% of gun owners in america
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believe that should change. changing that alone makes a difference. i'll give you the specific example how. up with out of two women that are murdered with a gun are murdered by someone they know well. in states that don't allow people to trade in private gun sales or gun shows and the like, that number drops by 40%, because the people with the intention to do wrong, or who have a misdemeanor dofl abuse can't buy guns in america, makes people safer. >> you have had a lot of experience with guns in your career. it seems to be a natural crisis. you have had six of the worst. since 2007. there's an escalation of these situations. aurora was the worst single killing with a gun. 70 people. this incident in sandy hook was the worst school shooting.
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is there a national crisis and is the president right to identify the solution as to at least trying to deal with this, banning these type of assault weapons and the high capacity magazine clips and also as mayor booker says here, trying to register the ownership of guns in a much more sensible manner? >> i think the president recognized today in a very appropriate statement that we have to look at a variety of risk factors that have created this epidemic, this carnage, and he talked in his remarks, when he identified the vice president as leading -- beginning to lead is that national conversation. he did understandably point to firearms. but i think very appropriately he talked about our mental health system. he talked about a culture of violence that dominates in many of our urban areas. if we are serious about dealing with this and reducing the risk that it will happen again, i and think we have to be clear to the audience and all of america,
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it's very unlikely that we'll be able to come up with a solution that eliminates future episodes such as sandy hook and the drive-by shooting and the like. but there are clearly multiple things that can and should be addressed that could severely reduce the number of those incidents. i happen to think that the mayor is onto something significant. background checks in the secondary market. that's a thoughtful and needed approach. but let's take a look at our mental health system. let's look at the profiles of individuals who have been responsible for these mass murders and i think you'll see similarities. severe mental health problems. the cho example is one i'm familiar with because i sat on the virginia tech panel. this is a young man with a deteriorating mental condition, multiple people knew about it. yet they never connected the dots. this environment has to be changed. so the president explained it correctly.
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there are multiple risk factors. if we're serious about it, we better entertain them all. >> in the end, it is about the guns because without the guns you don't have the shooting. this ar 15 assault rifle has been used in the last three mass shootings, in aurora in the move theater, in the shopping mall, and now in sandy hook. it is a military weapon. you have been in war zones. it is as near to an m-16 as you can get, isn't it? >> you know, it is. i can visualize the state of affairs in those classrooms. i have seen that on the battlefield. in som ailia, and sarajevo. what's going on now. and it is about those particular weapons and i look out and i realize that two years ago, i conducted a town hall like this in the aftermath of the shooting of congresswoman gabrielle
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giffords and the people around her. some of those same people are here today, victims, families, crying out for at least a dialogue, a sensible, rshl conversation, a national discussion where we're not afraid to call it like it it is. and that means to bring everybody to the table. that also means, piers and i think everybody will agree, it means cutting down the straw men that are raised up when people get freaked out about this conversation. this is not about taking people's guns away. it's not about taking the hunter agency gun, not about the sporting gun, not about the private protection gun. it is about sensible gun laws. semiautomatic weapons, the kinds of things that make killing industrial strength. there will always be these incidences, as tom ridge just said, but you don't have to have industrial strength killing. i'll tell you, there is cause and effect. there is other countries which have faced similar such massacres and they've taken procedures and it's worked.
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our country, england, and scotland, you know, in 1996, dunblane, children the same age as sandy hook, 16, 6 and 7-year-olds. >> handgun ban and it was incredibly effective. australia the same thing. the precedent is there. it can be done, if you have the will of the politicians. the difference in america right now with respect to the mayor here is not enough people are prepared to come and talk about it it. >> this may be the moment. >> it has to be the moment. we'll come to you gentlemen after the break. we asked you to come on the show tonight. they dnd respond. we asked the nra, promising meanful contributions to ensure this never happens again. stay right there. i want to bring in a man who says more guns equals less crime. you can pose a question to me, using the hash tag guns in america. tell me your views, i will raise them on air.
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and all of us who call the gulf home. >> a majority of the americans support banning the sale of military-style assault weapons. a majority of americans support banning the sale of high capacity ammunition clips. back with me now, let's start with you steve, the president made it clear, he wants to see a ban on assault weapons. of the kind that was there before, perhaps with tinkering to the loopholes. he wanted to see an end to the high capacity clips and better background checks. what is your reaction? >> my reaction is, first off, on behalf of the entire michigan coalition for responsible gun ownership, first of all, i want to express sympathy to those who
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have lost loved ones. we have the goal of increasing safety and the reason i ended up in this decision is because we in your legislature what we thought was a common sense change to the create more safety. >> you wanted more guns? >> not more guns, but to allow those of us with licenses to go into more places. that's a little bit different. >> why do you not want to see assault rifles like the ar 15 banned, given they are devastating, they are military-grade weapons in many senses. they cause massive devastation. they can fire four to six bullets a second if primed properly. they can fire a hundred bullets in a minute. if people know what they're doing with them. this shooter took enough bullets to wipe out the entire school of 600 children and he could have done. why do you want these weapons on the streets of america? these are found on the battlefields of sar yafero, of
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syria? >> my thinking on this, they're out there. they're not going away any time soon. i have a friend, who's come to be a guest lecturer in my class before, he was shot by sn sks rifle that was manufactured in yugoslavia, never legally imported at any time. and the way he says it is, there is no law can you pass that m.d. have stopped that bullet being lodged in my hip that he stills carries to this day. >> what do you say to the families in sandy hook? sorry. nothing we can do. they're out there. nearly 12,000 americans die every single year from gun murder. 100,000 gun incidents a year. this is the worst rate by far of any of the richest countries in the world. it shames america and yet your
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answer is more guns. >> i have had conversations with individuals who save lives with guns. i conducted training with pistol licenses in michigan. more than one of the folks who have come through my class have saved lives with guns. in fact, semiautomatic guns. they have protected themselves and their loved ones. we look at it as guns save lives. >> tom ridge, you are hearing this. guns save lives. >> first of all i'm wondering if there are veterans in the audience, men if women who were in the army or the marines, who have combat experience or training with assault weapons. i'd be curious to know whether or not they think that their neighbor who has not had the training, should be able to access military assault weapon with a high capacity clip, 20, 30, 40 rounds and i'd be curious if anybody in your audience has a response to than having been in the military whether they think it's a matter of public
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policy, a good idea and that we should go forward with continuing to permit the sale of those items. >> i can jump in. my brother was in the british military. he's used these weapons. he said what a surgeon told me who is a friend of mine who's operated on tens of thousands of people who have been injured in the gang wars in the south of los angeles. make no mistake about what these guns do. i'm come to you in one second. make no mistake. wait one second. about what these do, a surgeon who carries out these operations, these bullets enter from these semiautomatic weapons and they explode inside the bone. they shatter the bone, the tissue on, leading to multiple amputations, even if you're lucky enough to survive. he said they're weapons of mass slaughter. he has no comprehension what they're doing on the streets of his country. this is an astonishing picture. this is a car outside sandy hook school. that is a bullet hole from a ricochetted bullet fired from
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inside the bullet. look at the power. look at the impact. imagine what was doing to a little child, 6 or 7. john, your answer is more guns makes america safe, even though if you look at the statistics, you have 300 million in circulation, and you have the worst gun murder rate of any of the wealthy countries of the world by a massive multiple. how do you justify the claim, more guns makes more safe people in america? i don't get it. >> every place that guns have been banned, murder rates have gone up. you cannot point to one place, whether it's chicago, or whether it's d.c., or whether it's been england, or whether it's been jamaica -- ireland -- >> that's a complete lie. that's a complete lie. >> no, it's not. >> the gun murder rate in britain is 35 a year average. you need to stop repeating a blatant lie about what happens in other countries. >> look sir -- >> 35 -- no, you're not going to get away with it.
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you lied about it the other day. 35 gun murders a year in brin. 11 tho 12,000 in america. stop! >> because what you say -- >> you don't even understand simple math. >> drives americans to buy guns. >> what i say is there's lots of reasons why murder rates different across countries. but when a ban is put on, it still may be lower than someplace else, but it went up. there's not one place. >> let me just give you the facts. you understand the difference between changes and what happened after '97 to the murder rate in england. >> after dunblane, they put in these bans, punishments, fines, jail sentences, et cetera, it's true, straight afterwards there wasn't a huge change. until 2011, the rate plummeted by 44%. that's math. >> but it's still higher than it was in '96. >> but it's going down.
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>> let me -- [ all speak at once ] >> deepak -- >> do americans know what happened in chicago and d.c.? >> with respect you've had your say. >> but you're calling me a liar and i don't have a chance to respond. >> you said the murder rate soared in britain, it hasn't. >> if you don't mind, sir, show some respect to the other guests. we're talking about today. deepak, what does this is a about america? that even after 20 young children, between 6 and 7 years old are murdered with these assault weapons, you still have people here who say, we cannot take them off the streets, there's nothing we can do, and actually they know that when they fill people with fear, in the last five days, sales of these particular ar-15s have rocketed in america, as americans race to defend themselves and make themselves safer. what is going to change this culture? >> this is what's going to change it. first of all, there are three
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things that have been pointed out very clearly. one is the easy availability of literally weapons of mass destruction. that's what you can call them. assault weapons. the second is mental health. the third, which you're asking me about is the culture of violence. because the same gun laws are there in canada right now, in switzerland, per capilatea and yet you don't have the same incidents. we have a culture, which has somehow accepted the psychosis of our collective consciousness as normal. we call it normal. this happens every two months. >> but anyone that says they want this particular assault weapon, this murder weapon, this military-grade rifle, anyone that says that they want that removed -- >> i would question their sanity. >> i've been accused of this, of being unpatriotic to america, unamerican. i've been accused of not understanding an american's right to bear arms with the second amendment.
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this has nothing to do with it it. i don't mind people having a firearm at home to defend themselves. this is for mass slaughter. >> it takes 20 minutes to load one and half the time you miss. the second amendment didn't take into account assault weapons, the fact that you can buy them through the secondary market, or you can load up on ammunition through the internet. so we're living in a culture that accepts this as normal. what we need, forget right now trying to prove him wrong, because he's only going to get more belligerent if you prove him wrong. what we need to ask ourselves, what's the solution? the solution, this kind of town hall meetings across the country, and then people taking action and going to their legislators and saying, we want these laws changed. >> i want to bring in a woman after this break who shot and killed an attacker in her church. you'll be surprised to hear what she says about civilians being armed with guns. remember, you can send a question on twitter hash tag guns in america.
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probably magazines. people get scared. >> in the wake of the newtown tragedy, gun sales are soaring across america, especially for weapons like the ar-15 that was used. i want to bring in my guest who shot a gunman in her church. you have an extraordinary story because there you were in a church when a madman came in, a young man, armed to the teeth. i think he had an ar-15 as well. began shooting people. tell me what happened. >> he had already shot and killed people in our facility called youth with a mission. then he went home and slept in his bed. then the next morning, he came to new life church and he waited for the uniform law enforcement to leave. he waited an hour in the parking lot. then he -- soon as they left, he made his move. he came into the church.
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i apologize. he shot some people out in the parking lot. he killed two sisters and severely wounded their father. and i heard the shots because it was obviously very loud. he came into the church. everybody, there was hundreds of people in the hallway, this hallway is like 100 meters long, and about 30 feet wide. it houses all the special needs adults, daycare, classroom for youth, everybody scattered. everybody was like, get down, he's got a gun. and i took the handgun out of the waist band of my jeans and ran down the hall toward him. everybody scattered. it was like a miracle. everybody found a place to hide. and then i took cover and i had just seconds to come up with a real solid game plan.
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and i just said, god, please be with me. and then stepped out, said, police officer, drop your weapon, and he turned toward me with his ar-15, and i fired five rounds rapidly. and he fell back, all the way back on his back. and i just walked toward him with my gun pointed at him. i said drop your weapon or i will kill you. and he fires at me. so we're shooting at each other. and shot him again and killed him. >> let me jump in. that was an act of extraordinary courage on your part. you're a trained officer and you were carrying a gun for that reason. what is your belief -- >> correct. >> -- about the claim that many people have, that if the teachers had been armed, for example, at sandy hook, they could have averted disaster and that civilians should be armed for that reason, to protect themselves from mass killings
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like this? >> let me just very quickly say, i'm very sorry to all the parents who lost their children and to the other people who lost the adults in this massacre, i just don't even know what to say to you. just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and i'm very sorry. and stick together. you're going to need each other. stick together and be there for each other. and to answer your question, a teacher wants to be a teacher. he or she doesn't want to be a police officer. and i think it's -- and i hope people just really listen here. because i hear both sides of this argument and i hear where you're coming from. both arguments make sense to me. so in my opinion, to tell a teacher that he or she needs to be armed, that's ridiculous. it doesn't make any sense. that's not their calling. their calling is to be a teacher or to be a pilot.
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when you have trained personnel in place, it's their job. i think rather than having -- i think everybody has the right to bear arms. but i want to say this. i was a very well trained officer from a very aggressive police department where i never called s.w.a.t. once when i was on the department. and we had shootings all the time. because s.w.a.t. doesn't have really better training than us. they just have better equipment. >> i have to jump in there, but that's the point, you were highly trained and that's why you were able to do what you did. thank you for that contribution. doctor, this is really the purpose of this. people get driven to believe they have to protect themselves, that that's why they have to be armed. after time one of these shootings happened, more americans go and buy guns. people should be trained for this, right? >> well, of course.
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what you're making me think about are c. i t. officers, crisis irntd vention trained officers who know about mental issues. president obama, tom ridge talked about our mental health care system failing us. that's the problem. it's not the mentally il people who are dangerous. it's the system leaving them to fall through the cracks, not get into treatment, not evaluate and build relationships with them so we can keep them from acts such as this. >> you were spirited defending americans' rights to own weapons. but i can't understood you're a smart guy. why does anyone in america need one of these ar-15s? what kind of protection can that offer them? it's a military rifle. >> you know, piers, i don't think the conversation when it comes to me is with the burden upon me to say why i might need
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that weapon. what i need you to do is explain how you've made the country safer by proposing to ban that weapon. i understand that the sense that we have, that we must do something, we have to solve this problem. i would suggest, make sure you're actually going to accomplish that. here's what i suggest to you, you're a personal crudade to ban assault rifles. i'm not convinced that you will accomplish anything significant. i'll tell you three reasons. adam lansa's gun would not have been banned undered connecticut assault weapons ban. >> but i find that ridiculous. >> and what i'd say, the federal ban we had for ten years, didn't drop national violence. finally -- >> it did, by 6.7%. but it did. demon strably it did. >> i hadn't seen that stat. if i could, because this is the most important point, piers. a guy like adam lanza, he premeditates these things. he's determined to do something
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horrific. >> so make it impossible for him to get the weapons. his mother was away, leaving a deranged son who's she's apparently about to commit to a psychiatric unit in a house full of six firearms, including an assault rifle which can blow bodies to pieces. >> what law do you propose? >> here's what i think, you've got to try. i've been in this country for six years, watching shooting massacre after shooting massacre. it's not good enough to say we don't do anything. when does the slaughter stop? >> let me ask you, what does an assault gun do for recreation? what does it do for hunting? what does it do for self-defense? >> why don't you tell me. >> it's a semiautomatic knun that looks like a military weapon. if you want to ban all semiautomatic guns, let's talk about that. most guns owned by americans are semiautomatic. >> what is the purpose of an ar-15? >> it's like a hunting rifle that cosmetically on the outside
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looks like a military weapon. but look -- >> how many bullets can it fire a second? >> there's a reason -- >> answer my question. how many bullets can it fire a second? >> i'm going to answer your other question. >> wait, you will not downgrade what these weapons do. >> you wouldn't let me finish before. >> how many bullets does the ar-15 fire a second? >> the point -- >> it's been used in your last three mass shootings. stwr the question. >> you never let me finish. >> you going to answer or not? >> i'll answer the first question, then the second one. the reason why you have a semiautomatic weapon. take the alternative. if i had a bullet-action rifle to manually load it, with two criminals coming at me. it may be too late to load the second one. what happens if i fire a shot and i miss? >> how many bullets per second?
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>> the point is -- >> can you answer the question or not? >> people will lose lives. people need to protect themselves. the police can't be there all the time. if you want them to fire a bolt-action rifle -- >> are you going to answer nigh question? >> i was trying to answer your first question. >> it's a simple question. how many bullets can the ar-15 fire in one second? do you know? >> i think your estimate is high. >> it's not. actually i've spoken to many experts today. if can fire four to six bullets a second. it can fire a hundred in a minute. that could wipe out, as we saw, 20 children in a matter of seconds, if not two minutes. >> it's a characteristic of all semiautomatic guns. >> you don't want to say the answer to those questions because you want to people to think they're harmless old hunting rifles and that's why they sell so fast. and it's a disgrace you won't answer those questions. >> i said at the beginning -- >> we'll take a break. you have to answer the questions truthfully to an american audience. >> when we come back, the
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we are talking to survivors of mass shootings. and family members of victims. first cory booker. i find this an almost impossible debate to stay calm about. because i keep thinking of the kids in sandy hook and the families devastated. i just interviewed one of the fathers and it makes me angry. i don't understand why there isn't yunnaniment. it makes me so angry and i don't understand why there is there has only been one shooting in my city who has acquired a gun legally. >> i really want to pull the debate back to a pragmatic center to move the country forward and make it a lot safer. there's one shooting in my city where the gun was obtained legally. most of the crimes are because people who are not qualified to get guns, got guns. so to improve the system,
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background checks, and the one more mental health point i want to make, there are 19 states almost where there's less than a hundred people they've registered in the system as mentally uncapable because states aren't even turning over this information. if wooy shared information, we could do a much better job as a country. >> you lost your faurthd in the sikh temple shooting. i don't mean to be disrespectful to those who don't hold my view. what is your reaction, you're a gun orn, i believe. >> i have a gun. i was in the army, rotc. worked with an m-16. saw everything. and those guns aren't meant for protection. they're meant for anileation. to deter somebody, you could deter somebody with a knife, like my father did. he wrestled this guy with a knife, a butter knife, and the guy left the building. to have gun after gun, it's becoming a black and white issue, people want to take the argument that way so they can
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have a hollow fight. we need to get complex and in the middle. >> pass the mike to daniel, if you could. you were involved in the tucson tragedy with gabrielle giffords. you were there. what do you think of this debate? >> there's three points that i think need to be raised. all due respect to the folks who are talking about having more guns. having more guns does not solve the problem. having people that are trained like the policewoman who stopped and didn't have to call s.w.a.t. because she was trained, that's the difference. in tucson, we saw people who said, i had a gun, but i didn't feel like it was a good idea to use it. there was so much chaos and confusion. when these people come in and planned this for a significant amount of time. they're studied and ready to do this deed. the people in the area are completely in a panic. people are in shock. because this is not something that you expect. >> you want to see these assault rifles gone? >> i think getting rid of the
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assault weapons, it's not a perfect bill, but we'll never be able to legislate against evil, but we can close loopholes and take weapons off the street. the other thing that's important, the reason gerald laugh ner only killed six people, was because he had to reload. he had a semiautomatic weapon, but he had an extended clip that had 30 rounds. the time that he stopped was when someone grabbed the clip when he was trying to reload. there's no reason you need 30 rounds in a clip. >> no civilian needs that. that's the reason they commit mass slaughter. daniel, thank you. we'll be right back. copd makes it hard to breathe,
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my guest's son was killed at columbine, and lori's daughter was injured at virginia tech. llt me start with you tom, if i may. i'm told you're wearing your son's shoes he died in. which brings it home. >> we had the same size shoes, so i wear these shoes. these are the shoes he was wearing on april 20th, 1999. i walk in his shoes to honor him. >> you have achieved a lot. you have managed to bring in an elimination of gun show background check loopholes in colorado. through legislation. do you want to see that nationally? are you aghast that it's not a national thing? >> i am. in colorado we put it on the ballot. we took a vote of the people, we won that election. 70% to 30% in a progun western state.
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people in oregon close it the same year, 62-38. you put something sensible before the people and they'll support it. >> lorry, your daughter survived. she was shot at virginia tech. here's the thing. i love america, and i love americans, i really do, i've been very lucky here. i've worked here for seven years, i live here. i respect the second amendment, when i hear this debate, my heart just sinks that there's still so many people that just don't see a reason to ban these high-powder -- high-powered assault weapons. what is your view? >> i absolutely believe in banning those weapons, i believe in banning semiautomatic weapons, the killer at virginia tech, used 30 round high capacity magazine clips on his guns and untold carnage in those classrooms. the virginia tech families, almost all of them. i speak for all of them, would like to have -- do a better job with background checks. tom ridge served on the panel. the panel concluded at the end of their investigation that all
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gun sales should go through a background check. >> can you pass the mike to roxanna? i wanted to give the last word to you. you lost your daughter. we all remember the terrible story. she was nine years old. what is your view? >> all military style weapons should be banned, period. background checks for all -- my husband is a gun owner, he likes to hunt. but i think every weapon should have a background check and these military style weapons you spoke of earlier, there's no reason why civilians should have them. the slaughter has to stop. thank you. >> thank you very much for that. we'll be right back. just $12.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. and introducing 7 lunch choices for just $7.99.
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