tv CNN Newsroom CNN December 22, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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♪ halleluiah ♪ halleluiah the last of the victims of the connecticut mass shooting are being laid to rest, funerals for three little girls were held today, as families say their final goodbyes the battle over gun control heatlin heating up. more on that in a moment. the fiscal cliff, ten days away with no deal in sight, the president and speaker boehner are thousands of miles away from each other, each left washington for the holiday. we will have live report from hawaii and the latest on the fiscal cliff talks in just a few minutes as well.
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it's official, bp oil company will have to pay up to $7.8 billion, that is the class action settlement amount they agreed to pay to 100,000 businesses and individual has h by the biggest oil spill in history. the settlement was finalized yesterday, a lot of them are opting out and pursuing lawsuits of their own. more affects of a brand new government's growing pans. this man announced that political life does not agree with him and he will go back to being a judge. it's the same day that the people are voting for a change to the new islamist backed constitution. protests broke out last month when the president gave himself near absolute power. a eczema reason is freed today and heading home. he was locked up on weapons
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charges. he was threatened and chained to a bed and never saw a judge. the u.s. diplomats got involved and convinced mexican authorities to release him. [ bells tolling ] three little girls, had just celebrated her seventh bitter day, a photo of the happy child wear ago green hat with glasses on the end of her nose has been published widely. services were held for 6-year-old a anna marquez green, who was remembered for a singing voice larger than her size. her father described her as beautiful and vibrant, and last but not least was 6-year-old emily parker. the lds rock cliff safe center church was filled with glitter
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and pink flowers, emily's favorite flower. [ bells tolling ] >> america is pausing to remember the newtown shooting victims. church bells rang out friday exactly one week after the tragedy. flags remained at half staff. many websites even went dark. people all over the country observed a moment of silence for the 20 children and 6 educators. today there is a walk for peace the national rifle association is saying that the answer is to deploy armed guards at schools. our national correspondent has more on the proposal and the backlash it's receiving. >> reporter: don, nra leadership made no mention of a proposed assault weapon ban, or restricting the availability of
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high capacity magazines but saying that the solution is to put armed police officers at every school. >> the only way to stop a monster from killing our kids is to be personally involved and invested in a plan of protection. the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun and a good guy with a gun. would you rather have your 911 call bring a good guy with a gun from a mileway or from a minuteway? >> senator richard bloomenthal of connecticut rejected the proposal. >> the nra statement today is sadly and shamefully inadequate. calling for more guns and rejecting real action against
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gun violence. demanding brave leadership, the nra has declined to step forward as a credible and constructive partner. >> reporter: where the gunman ignored locked doors and blasted his way in, many hope that this is a call to action. here is what some people said in newtown, not impressed with the nra's proposed solution. >> i'm very torn at this point. i'm not happy with the nra, i'm not happy with the nra and i'm a gun owner myself. there's just no reason for automatic weapons out in the public and clips that discharge so many rounds of ammunition. >> i have many guns, but i do not have a 30 round clip and a semiautomatic weapon. we have a tragedy here and we have to address it. they are not addressing it. that is what i tell them. you are not addressing the situation here. >>. >> reporter: at a shooting range
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in california, others supported the nra. >> the only way to fight fire is with fire. so, if you have somebody that is armed and you are not, you are part of the problem, you are not part of the solution. >> i think it's a good idea. but you are going to have to train these people on how to use weapons. because once you start shooting inside of a classroom, someone will get hurt. the thing is not to let the intruder go into the classroom. >> reporter: how many armed guards to you need? every room, every door? the nra did not take questions after making the statement. don? >> thank you very much. lots more to gun control topic tonight at 10:00, i will talk to a gun range owner and this provprov provocativ question, should white men be profiled. how far are we from a fiscal cliff deal? how far? president obama said he and house speaker john boehner talked yesterday, it was their
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first conversation since monday, when the two sides offered up concessions on tax hikes for the wealthy, the president offered lower tax rates for people earning up $400,000 a year, and for computing entitled benefits. in his weekly address, boehner stood firm, his message for the president, the ball is in your court. >> the president and senate democrats have vowed to reject and veto all of our proposals and failing to offer responsible solutions of their own. when the president has offered so far will not do anything to solve our spending problem and address the crippling debt. and he refuses to challenge the members of his party to deal honestly with the entitlement reform and the big issues that are facing our nation. that is why we finds orz oursel here today. >> the president's christmas break in hawaii may be quick, he is planning to return to
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washington right after christmas, briana, live in hawaii, i'm wondering, we are talking about the fiscal cliff talks. the president did not talk about it, he is spending his vacation far away. do you think this is part of the negotiation as well, the president sending a message saying hey, listen, i'm done, this is my final offer? >> part of it, i think, i don't think that is it. i think there's really under way a sort of last ditch effort for the white house to work out a smaller measure with senate democrats who would need to buy in. the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell to avoid the tax hikes. i think part of this is the president saying to house republicans, you have to come around and in way when boehner said, don, that the ball is in the court of the democrats, it's true. the republicans have given up
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their role as their primary negotiators in this. to this point, they are trying work out a smaller bill, and president obama, you can tell, he is holding out hope that it can work. >> nobody can get 100% of what they want. and this is not simply a contest between parties in terms of who looks good and who doesn't. call me a hopeless optimist? i still think we can get it done. >> and i think, don, that with congress going home, the president's other option was to stay in washington while no one was there. we saw some of the vacation last year disrupted for the president's late departure, so there was that desire to come out here. but i also think that some at the white house think that allowing congress to go home may also allow them to get somewhat of an earful from their constituents that they need to
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get something done in what really has become the last ditch effort to deal, at least with the tax hikes as part of this, they are not able at this point, and they are kicking the can down the road on dealing with the bigger issues. >> all right, in a very lovely honolulu on the beach. everyone in the studio is really mad at you right now. >> just so you know. >> that's no so great, it's not so great, don, really. >> yeah, right. i was feeling bad for you, because i was like she has to be away from her family and traveling for the holidays and then when i saw you were in hawaii i was like, i do not feel sorry for her at all. >> reporter: it's the carrot. >> you know i'm kidding. all right, appreciate it. one fiscal cliff aftershock you may not have heard of. $7 for a gallon of milk, that is what you may be paying in the new year, the reason that congress is trying to avoid the
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cliff, but leaving other things unattended for. milk price could double if congress has not passed the bill and renew the subsidy before then. an economic crisis that could change history, we are not talking about the u.s., how italy's hard times could shut down some of the most famous tourist destinations. do you see this woman? look at her? do you think she is pretty? of course she is. do i find her irresistible, her bosses did and he fired her, and the court ruled in his favor.on we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work.
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death and explosions in syria. this is damascus, five people were killed when a car bomb blew up. it filled the streets with debris and tore aparty apartment buildings. 30 people died in attacks across syria and half of them were in damascus. this is india, new delhi to be specific. people being blasted with high pressure water hoses, people are furious when a woman was gang raped and beaten on a moving city bus last weekend. protesters are demandsing changes to india's laws and say women are not safe. the man convicted of stealing the pope's private papers has been pardoned, the pope himself
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set the man free and cleared him of all charges. the former butler was arrested for leaking some of the secret papers to a author who included them in the book. he can pardon anyone he chooses. not far from the vatican city, a famous roman general's tomb has been found, and the problem is there's no money to do it. we have more. >> reporter: in rome, dig in you are likely to find something very old. for the past six years scientists have been working on this site north of the city. this is where a roman general was buried. he was the inspiration behind
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the character played by russell crow. but more than a 1,500 years ago, rome fell to the barbarians, and in tpd's age of the euro zone austerity, the tomb is under threat from what some may say are bar barns of another kind, cost cutting accountants and budget slashes officials. the budget to maintain the sites has been cut by at least 20%. as a result, some sites have have been closed and projects cancelled. now, don't worry, the coliseum will remain open, but some ancien treasures may literally be buried. he worked several years at the tomb and said if funds are not soon found to maintain the site, it will be recovered with dirt.
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the most logical thing to do is to bury it again, she said, it will be up to our grandchildren to decide whether that will be temporary or permanent. russell crow has joined the fight to keep the site open, telling an italian newspaper italy must be a leader in preserving ancient heritage. an online petition has been started. to raise funds and put pressure on authorities to keep the site open. >> it's part of the bigger picture which is italy is a great country, italy is a leader heritage, they do great work and their experts go around the world, here is a chance to say with this site, we will take a stand and we will defend this cultural heritage. >> if not, the bar barns will see to it that it's covered up again.
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cnn rome. >> so i want to you listen to this. think about it. a woman fired because her boss found her attractive and irresistible, and the highest court in one state says it was not discrimination. what do you think? we will talk to her live, next. nope. am i on this one? no, no, no, no, no. i am on this one. [ male announcer ] for every 2 pounds you lose through diet and exercise alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. simple. effective. belt-friendly. let's fight fat with alli. have a healthier holiday at have a healthier holiday why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years?
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>> can a boss fire an employee he finds attractive because he and his wife see her as a threat to their marriage. yes according to the iowa supreme court, the case is this woman, nelson worked for a dentist, for more than ten years. but near the end of her employment, she was told her clothing was tight, and distracting. mrs. nelson and her attorney are joining me by phone. ms. nelson thank you for coming on. >> you welcome, thanks for having me. >> you said it's been a tough couple of years, an interesting couple of years. you worked there for ten years, what changed? >> i have no idea.
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i thought everything was still the aim. i went to the work the same as i did every day, worked hard. enjoyed my job and one day it just came to a screeching halt. >> okay so what was your relationship? did you have a relationship with your boss other than a professional one? >> i would say probably we had more of a relationship. but i had a relationship with the rest of his family. and so did he with me over the -- >> i mean, you were not having an affair with your boss? >> absolutely not. i'm happily married. >> okay, so the court said in its decision, that it may be unfair but it's not unlawful. how do you feel about that? >> um, it's tough. i really struggle witt yet, you know, i don't think it's fair.
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i don't think it's right. >> what does your husband say about it? >> um he doesn't like it, he had an appointment with him and dr. knight, and agreed that it's not fair. he believed it was the best interest for everybody. our side of it, we disagree. i enjoyed my job. >> it sounds to me like you are crying right now, are you? >> i'm okay right now, the last couple of days have been an emotional roller coaster. i'm trying to stay strong. it's tough. >> you were a dental assistants, a good job, you had it for ten years and now to make ends meet you are taking a break from a restaurant job to do an interview with us?
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>> i am, i am working. i currently work six nights a week, and helping out in the cool for my kids' school as needed there as with well. >> okay. do you think -- he said, you know, your clothing was too tight and all of that stuff, what -- did you wear tight clothing or short skirs or tight with switers or low cut blouses? >> i wore scrubs. i worked in scrubs. i wore a long sleeve or short sleeve t-shirt and i wore scrubs. >> um, i want to talk to the attorney here. are you going appeal this ruling? >> one probable that we have is he filed the case under iowa law only, and the iowa supreme court is the final authority on what iowa law says and they have carved out an exception. normally if a worker's sex plays
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a part, it's discrimination. but they carved out a exception, it does not have anything to do with her sex if it's specific to her. >> i have been telling the story, and i thought the same thing, people reaching out to me on social media saying that a man would not be fired for being too attractive for a job. you do not see discrimination in that? you feel it's true? >> of course, it's true. maybe not never, but i can't imagine a situation. yet women every day in the workplace go through situations where they are either too attractive or not attractive enough for a particular man. and we understand that that is sex discrimination. part of what is disturbing to me
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is that the iowa supreme court is made up of 7 men and perhaps they just simply do not understand that this is the kind of discrimination that occurs in today's workplace. >> here is a thing. and i want to ask this question quickly and i have another question for you. the court was the one who called you irrisistible. do you feel that way? >> no. i do not. i am -- consider myself to be just a ordinary girl. i'm an ordinary life, ordinary kids, but they are special. i'm an every day girl, i'm just a normal working mom. >> okay, let me, if i can offer a piece of advice to you, your attorney said you are not going to sue and all this. there's always way to turn it around in a situation like this
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and use it for your own good. you have the power of the media now, people are writing about it, you can write a book, you can be a advocate for women and discrimination and all of that. have you thought about that, turning this negative to a positive? which i think would be the best reaction to it. >> you know, it has been awfully negative and i do hope that if something positive doesn't come out of this for me, that it will for somebody else. >> yeah. >> i hope that nobody else has to experience or go through and live what i have had to live with. >> that's the power you just said, whether or not the courts aagree with you, you have your own fate in your hands and you can turn it into a positive. i hope you do for your sake and your family. thank you for coming on. >> thank you so much. >> other news now, the men and women we elect to serve us in washington cant seem to agree on anything and now another issue
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that is headed to capitol hill, story from washington straight ahead. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tellour doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at
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the sandy hook school shooting and while the nra wants to fight fire with fire if schools a lot of lawmakers in washington are calling for hitter gun laws. emily smith reports on whether all this talk will turn into action. >> for a few moments after the newtown shooting words were not needed. [ bells tolling ] >> sometimes this time the words need to liead to action. >> the white house supports reenstating the fell assault weapons ban, limiting high capacity magazines. >> there's no more uphill fight than this. the question is, do we fight or do we knuckle under? we are not knuckle unders, we are just not going to knuckle
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under. >> in january, she was push for that assault weapon's ban, even a senator who earned the highest rating from from the nra said it's time to reexamine gun control laws. i'm a proud member of the nra and a supporter of the second amendment, we should question and see if there's a better way to do this. >> add that political slift to new polls showing more public support for gun control and it sounds like an equation for change, right? >> that is not how laws are passed in the united states. we have a bi-cameral system that slows down the process. it's the way it was designed and it does a good job of it. >> and political observer said that when it comes to understanding the process, the national rifle association with its 4.3 million members does it well. >> they are active in all 50 states, that is what make as difference in the end that is why it will be difficult to get anything through. >> the only thing that stops a
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bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. >> the nra ended a week of silence friday by announcing that it's creating program to get more armed guards in schools and calling on congress to provide funding for that program in every school. >> why is the idea of a gun good to protect the president of the country or our police, but bad when it's used to protect our children in our schools? >> the nra did not talk about gun control. sparked more debate. >> people on both sides say their differences could not be greater. any new you law would be bridging that divide. emily schmidt cnn washington. >> thank you, tomorrow, srnts joe lieberman will join us to talk about the culture of violence in america and we will
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have former congresswoman hutchison. the head of the national school shield program. on the field and off. we are looking at the biggest sports stories of 2012, counting them down from 10 to 1, next. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ breathes deeply ] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth!
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crown since 1967, but it was a panda that helped to lead the giants to a world series championship. serena williams reasserted her dominance in the sport of tennis and david beckham said goodbye to the mls, these were just some of the stories that grabbed our attention this year. here is a look at our top ten, starting with number ten. >> today is a new day in augusta national. augusta national, perhaps the most well known golf club and home of the masters had excluded women from the membership roles since opening. but that changed in august with a highly show cased admission of former secretary is of state condoleezza rice. and donna a moore. >> i have not thought about where i will play but i have thought about where i've been. when peyton manning decided to part ways with the colts, did
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coverage of where he would land was intense. after broncos fans learned he would play in denver, they must have felt like they won the lottery are, made the trade of tebow to the jets easier to accept. the emergence of golf's newest stars took center stage in 20 buba watson introduced himself as a new leader. meanwhile, a 23-year-old from northern ireland, rory mcilroy, ended the year as the world's top ranked player and let the comparisons to tiring woods begin. ever since he appeared on the cover of on "sports illustrated" as a 17-year-old, it was not a question of when, but if he won a ring. that kicame this year. he won his championship, was voted mvp and won olympic gold.
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the nfl had a battle with the referees of money. replacemented were attempted but after a blown call on national tv, the criticism was too much and the to sides came to an agreement two days later. the downfall of lance armstrong made headlines across the world. a hero to millions after surviving cancer and winning cycling's most sought after event, that changed with the u.s. anti-doping agency released a report that accused him of leading the biggest team doping scheme. he was stripped of his titles and resigned from the cancer foundation. two words, jeremy lin. >> linsanity. >> do you believe it's happening to you? >> no. at the start of the year.
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jeremy lin was a harvard graduate trying to make it in the nba, over the course of ten days in february, the asian american became a global sensation as he led the knicks to a 7 game winning streak and reenergized a team. >> we are a few hours away from a opening sar. >> the london olympics took center stage, michael phelps, and south africa oscar pistorius, peaked in the olympics and female athletes from saudi arabia, they were allowed to compete in the olympics for the first time. the new orleans saints made news for all the wrong reasons after they were found guilty by
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the nfl of instituting a bounty program that awarded player with catch for injuring opponents. the coach was suspended, but the damage to the season has already been done. jerry sandusky is charged with molesting eight boys. >> where were the authorities in. >> this is not a case about football. >> but the biggest story of the year occurred at penn state which was consumed in a child abuse scandal. the year started with the death of coaching icon, joe paterno, and then jerry sandusky was found guilty of child sex abuse and sentenced to at least 30 years in prison. while the ncaa hit the program with unprecedented penalties. cnn, atlanta. >> be sure to watch cnn, as we revisit the stories that capture the country's attention this year. crime, politics, money, even the most scandalous stories of the
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>> hi, i'm answering your i-report question. >> it's widely known that "django" is a western and being remade in the american south slavery, what were your challenges? >> that's a good question, actually. i did not think about it in terms of challenges, but i thought of it in terms of excitement for the viewer to watch. i use a western format to tell the story. but then we with gradually move to the south. and then, but we are still kind of telling our western story. but now it has a different backdrop going on and now these are difference imagines and different iconic images that you have never seen in a western before. and i thought it would be exciting. it would offer you a difference visual. >> are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> we have two more. >> how could you identify yourself with the characters?
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and what kind of instruction did quentin give you in. >> i know we felt the love between my character, "django" and broomhilda was the spine of the movie so that when all the chaos and craziness, our journey was to get pa back to each other. >> he is all about character. he wants you to focus on making the character real. because, you have to feel like there's nothing more important for "django" than to be with his wife and that's what inspires him to go into the depth of held to find her. so quinton was supportive of us kind of growing that love story. >> i my character's name is steven, he is in charge of running the candy household and the plantation and quinton told me to be black. u, i know her.
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>> in what special ways do you prepare for a role that has historical context. >> i did not have to learn a lot about slavery. i grew up in the south, i know a lot about it. i wanted to be honest to the times and find a way to have my character relate to the other characters in the film in a verbally and ideological way of not being as educated as i am now. >> cnni-report interviews are each saturday at this time, select questions by going to our website and you watch previous i-report interviews too. did you catch quinton's a police officer jumps into frigid water to try to save a woman from drowning. and cut! very good. people are always king me how we make these geico adverts. so we're taking you behind the scenes. this coffee cup, for example, is computer animated.
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it's not real. geico's customer satisfaction is quite real though. this computer-animated coffee tastes dreadful. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 % or more on car insurance. someone get me a latte will ya, please? it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco.
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woman. our civil rights laws and all other laws are not intended to create a remedy for every slight or per sooeceived injustice. dr. knight fired her to preserve not only his marriage but also his own marriage. the reality is that he repeatedly directed her to dress and behave in an appropriate way and she chose not to. he responded in the way that his ministers and wife felt was necessary to protect the sanctity of his marriage and hers. bottom line is she was not fired because she is a woman. he has never employed anyone other than women in his practice. dr. knight chose to fafr the wishes of his weave and to end mrs. nelson's employment. his decision was both the legal and morally just thing to do. so it's cold out there, really. and this time of year, the one place you definitely don't want to be is in boston harbor.
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watch this. that man there is a police officer, edward norton, captured jump into a freezing fort point channel in a downpour to rescue a woman who had fallen in. >> one of the other officers had been given a life preservers prosecute someone else. it was given from the tea party museum. i was able to hold on to that while she was holding on to the life preserver while holding myself up with the raft that was out there. >> no one was seriously hurt. officer norton says it was all in a day's work. a 16-year-old got a personal invitation for a dazzling white house christmas holiday. the invite was a reward from president obama. this kid started volunteering for obama when he was just 11 years old. the kid, that is. yo, give it up, dude!
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unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at
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>> president obama invited a 16-year-old to the white house party. he's never met the kid but they share a bond that's lasted for years. he's one of the youngest campaign volunteers. here's cnn's sdan lothian. >> reporter: it takes a lot of people to take a president. big-time advisers, big donors and a very big rolodex bulging with volunteers. >> i do think politics is going to be my route. >> he's not your typical teenager. politics is in his blood. passion is in his heart. >> one day we were driving
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along, listening to the political radio. i was like all right, we have to go in now. >> so this 11th grader from warren, michigan, went all in. juggling high school classes and part-time courses a at local community college while canv canvassing for president obama. >> we are just a middle class family. when we go out talking to other middle class families, we're really trainable. >> and volunteers old enough to be his parents. >> training over here. from a kid? that wouldn't be useful, would it? >> reporter: one urged him to brag about his experience so the adults would trust him. birdie campaigned for obama in 2008, working the phones as an 11-year-old. hardly the voice of authority on the other end of the line. >> how old are you? you're not 11. this is a prank call. >> but he soldiered on with his mom, also a volunteer. >> we're nifired up now.
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