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tv   The Two Marys  CNN  December 24, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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capture the essence of this jewish rabbi who so changed the world. and faithful christians will continue to rely on jesus' own words to doubting thomas, words that define the mystery of faith. blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. -- captions by vitac -- ♪
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they are two of the most popular women on the planet. billions pray to them. great temples honor them. and both are bona fide media stars. in blockbuster movies and in best-selling books. and this, despite the fact that they have both been dead for nearly 2,000 years. one is venerated as the mother of jesus. the good virgin mary who said yes to god's request and who reigns from heaven crowned with stars. >> in a sense, you could say christianity began the moment mary gave birth.
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in fact, you could say the whole modern world begins the moment mary gave birth. it's the way we date our checks. it's the way we count our age. count our anniversaries and so on. from the moment mary gave birth. the other mary, called magdalene, is the bad girl who was seized by demons. in ancient time, scholars say, her flaming red hair was a sign she was touched by satan. until she found jesus. and her conversion at his hands made her christianity's original hooker with a heart of gold. >> i think i learned what most people did, which is that mary magdalene was a repentant prostitute. she was a follower of jesus, but she was the woman caught in adultery. she appeared at the resurrection. but the prominent imagery of her was the repentant bad girl.
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>> scholars have called these two marys the two faces of eve. one, the first perfect woman. the other, the first fallen woman. when eve ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of eden, christian doctrine says she stained humanity with original sin. and women have been struggling ever since to overcome that burden. >> i think there was a very strong-felt need on the part of the church fathers to put women in their place. so by dividing women into madonnas and whores, they could either be all good or all evil. >> these two women wouldn't matter at all, were it not for their relationship to jesus. one, as the mother of the son of god. and the other, some scholars say, as the messiah's favorite apostle. today, the marys are taking on new identities. while traditional devotion to the virgin mary is experiencing
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a rebound, there is also a new focus on mary of nazareth as a kind of first century feminist, not the icon so familiar to generations. >> that icon highlights the spiritual angle of a person. but know that that icon is rooted in history, and it's the history of a poor woman in a violent situation who suffered violence. and if you realize that, even the most spiritualized icon is going to make you turn toward poor women in violent situations who are oppressed even today. >> at the same time, mary magdalene has become a media star. the linchpin character of a best selling novel that says she wasn't just jesus' apostle, but his wife and the mother of his children. >> "the da vinci code" is appropriately shelved in books labeled fiction. >> have i read it?
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i mean, i would give it prize one for historical misinformation. >> those reviews haven't stopped new magdalene fans from thronging to places like london's temple church. according to the novel, this was home base to the knights templar, who fought crusades to keep the truth about mary magdalene's marriage to jesus a secret for centuries. >> we must now have 50 visitors or more every day, coming into the church and asking the verger on their entry, "have you read 'the book'? the verger still naively assumes they mean the bible. but, of course, they mean the other bible, "the da vinci code." >> this change in perception among both scholars and the public, that mary magdalene was a leader -- and not a sinner -- is nothing short of seismic, especially for christian women, who fill the pews, but not the pulpits, and who now want their due. ♪
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>> some people are very threatened by this, precisely because it may be that the results of this work are going to show that women were leaders in the early church. it's going to ask people, i think, to rethink some really fundamental things about christian theology, life and practice. and that can certainly be threatening. >> one cannot alienate half of the human race and get away with it. that's not what spirituality is all about. these issues must be addressed. and they will have to be addressed, if the church is going to survive. this holiday, share everything.
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share "not even close." share "you owe me..." share "just right." the share everything plan. shareable data across 10 devices with unlimited talk and text. hurry in for a droid incredible 4g lte by htc for $49.99. it's lots of things. all waking up. ♪ becoming part of the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ trees will talk to networks
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will talk to scientists about climate change. cars will talk to road sensors will talk to stoplights about traffic efficiency. the ambulance will talk to patient records will talk to doctors about saving lives. it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. the next big thing? we're going to wake the world up. ♪ and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. ♪ cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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♪ >> hail, mary, full of grace. the lord is with thee. blessed art thou among women. hail, mary, full of grace. >> it could be the most popular christian prayer on the planet.
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every hour, millions of people the world over pray to her, echoing the angel gabriel's astonishing announcement. she was to be the mother of god's son. >> hail, mary, full of grace. >> "hail, mary, full of grace," said gabriel. "the lord is with thee." with that endorsement, the virgin mary, an icon in blue, was soon elevated by the early church fathers to a lofty throne as the queen of heaven. and she hasn't stepped down since. >> they couldn't deal with the real mary. she was just too strong, too intelligent, too capable. they had to sort of pare her down, make her two-dimensional, just this icon. they had to make her virgin, and only virgin. >> and the icon, as centuries of artists have shown us, is blonde and blue-eyed. but the reality may come as
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something of a shock. >> i would assume that she looked like other middle eastern women, which would have been dark haired and dark skinned. and she probably would have been about the same height as women of her time. and what we know about that is, that's probably five feet -- 5'1", 5'2", somewhere in there. >> and scholars say her name wasn't mary, but mariam, in the aramaic language she spoke in a small town called nazareth. it was a rural existence, governed by the rituals of jewish life, and by roman soldiers in the nearby city of sepphoris, a frequent target of jewish rebels. according to journalist lesley hazelton, author of "mary: a flesh and blood biography of the virgin mother," mary was not just an observer, but directly involved in the politics of her time. >> there's no doubt in my mind
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that she -- because she knew the ins and outs and all the side roads of the hills, where the caves were, where you could hide, where you could safely go and nobody could track you, even at night without a moon, especially on moonless nights -- she would have been used to, and she would have wanted , guide rebels who were fleeing from the military to safety. rather like a kind of underground railroad. >> the virgin mary as the princess leia of her day, defending the rebels against the evil empire? perhaps. until the 13-year-old mary, who was not yet married to joseph, got some news from an angel that she was pregnant. and the father was god. >> imagine a jewish girl in this era going to their mother and father and saying, well, i've got good news and i've got bad news. i'm going to be the mother of the messiah. and, no, my fiance is not the father. i mean, this doesn't work in that sort of setting, you know. it's a scandalous story. >> yet mary may also have had
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some powerful supporters. >> it might have been the case, as it is in many rural cultures even today, that a pregnant girl was not anomalous and that the rest of the village -- particularly the women in the village -- would have helped mary through her pregnancy and supported her. >> she was very much at risk in that pregnancy until joseph decided to throw the mantle, you might say, of his patriarchal protection over her and take the child as his own. and that gave a stable family life, then, for jesus. >> the story of that birth is found only in two gospels, luke and matthew. and while they don't agree on all the details, they do agree that this event was miraculous -- a child born to a virgin. >> this is a tradition in antiquity, in general.
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if you're important, you had a special birth. alexander the great had a virgin birth. his mother was impregnated by a god. it's what you do, okay? and so, certainly, that emphasis on jesus' special birth, the wise men, the angels, all of it, you know, have to do with showing that this is somebody you can expect great things of. and, of course, precisely, that's what happens. >> believers in jesus took that from the prophecy they found in isaiah, where they read the saying, "behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and call his name jesus." and some of them must have read that and said, aha! that's what it was. his birth was a miracle. >> whatever the truth of the bethlehem story, the star of the tale was jesus, not mary, whom the gospels mention just 13 times and not always by name. >> she's in there by virtue of her relationship to jesus, both as his mother and also, as luke portrays her, as a disciple of
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jesus. but the gospel writers were not interested that much in her story. >> so early christians and later scholars have had to fill in the blanks. the most popular tradition says she died at this church on mount zion, overlooking the hill where her son was crucified. and that she was taken to be buried in a tomb near where her son was betrayed, on the mount of olives. and within a few centuries, mary of nazareth would make a stunning comeback as the mother of god. >> we've come to appreciate she's a figure that's like the church -- mother church -- putting her arms around all of us. and we do need a mother. we want a woman that loves us and cares for us deeply. >> whatever the merits of her elevation, it was certainly a
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better fate than the one that befell mary of magdalene. not a harlot, scholars say, but a cherished disciple. >> as i think of the historical mary magdalene, i think of a woman who is a very strong woman, who must have been a very vocal kind of person, who could influence people and was very smart, and was able to cut through arguments and to understand jesus as jesus wished to be understood. [ male announ] it's that time of year again. time for citi price rewind. because your daughter really wants that pink castle thing. and you really don't want to pay more than you have to. only citi price rewind automatically searches for the lowest price. and if it finds one, you get refunded the difference. just use your citi card and register your purchase online. have a super sparkly day! ok. [ male announcer ] now all you need is a magic carriage. citi price rewind. start saving at
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i'm natalie allen with tonight's top news story. the camp of a christmas eve shattered in the new york town of webster after a man killed two firefighters and injured two more while they were responding to an early morning blaze. authorities identified the gunman as 62-year-old william spangler who shot himself to death at the scene. police have no motive as to why he ambushed the firefighters. it is the fiscal cliff waiting game in washington. both sides still refusing to compromise. if no agreement is reached, americans will be paying higher taxes next year. president obama and house speaker boehner will be back to work this thursday to try and reach a last-minute deal. his doctors are optimistic but they aren't ready to release former president george herbert walker bush. the 88-year-old is expected to stay in a houston hospital over
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christmas. mr. bush was treated for bronchitis in early november. he has been in the hospital for more than a month. and you know who knows if you've been bad or good. norad is tracking santa as he delivers presents around the world. he is definitely on the move. we're here to report, making his way to the u.s. norad says it uses fighter jets and even santa cams to watch st. nick. he's been watching us all year, now we're watching him. i'm natalie allen with a look at the headlines this christmas eve. now back to the "the two marys." ♪ for centuries, she has been portrayed as a sinner, a prostitute whom jesus saves. in films such as "jesus christ superstar." ♪ i never thought i'd come to
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this ♪ >> what do you think? >> and "the last temptation of christ." >> is it so bad showing a prostitute's room? >> that tradition continues. [ bells toll ] and yet, mary magdalene is also adored by millions, who see in her humanity what jesus saw. a humanity that makes her a powerful witness to his life and his resurrection. it's no surprise, then, that today she is the subject of not only a blockbuster novel that turns her into the wife of jesus but also of a surge of scholarship that recasts her role in an entirely new and different way. >> neither a whore nor a wife, but a witness. someone who preached to the apostles. someone who was a woman, was a leader in the community. >> but that's not how mary magdalene started out.
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in the gospels, jesus cures her of possession by seven demons. >> and, of course, the number seven has a symbolic sort of resonance in early judaism. it means a complete set. so it means she was as bad off as she possibly could be. she was as possessed as one could imagine a person to be possessed. she had a full set of demons. >> this introduction of a demonic mary magdalene has also overshadowed what is later mentioned in the gospel of luke, that she was a woman of resources, very likely helping to bankroll the ministry of this itinerant rabbi. >> jesus is supported by women. women pay his bills. mary magdalene supports him in terms of deep and abiding friendship and fidelity. >> the source of her income was probably the fishing business, which in first century galilee, historians tell us, was
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profitable and tough, just as it is today. >> if she grew up in a fishing village, i'm putting my money on the fact that somehow, some way, she was involved in that trade, or helping somebody in that trade. and so i would say that she was a working girl. >> while the virgin mary's home town of nazareth has become a shrine to her memory, mary magdalene's home is a neglected ruin. >> there's not much of magdala left. in fact, there's hardly anything left. there are the ruins of a sixth century byzantine monastery built there six centuries after mary magdalene's time. and they're very beautiful ruins. they're closed to the public. >> the magdalene's reputation is all the more surprising, given what the gospels tell us about who she really was. >> she was a beloved disciple. she might have been the beloved disciple.
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and she was very close to jesus, a soul mate of jesus. >> you can see the way the "galilean gazette" would have read. radical rabbi and disciples -- including women -- traveling throughout galilee teaching. oy! you know, this would not have gone down well at all in a conservative, patriarchal culture. >> other scholars say that the magdalene's high profile role would not have been surprising. >> the gospels demonstrate that women could appear in public and speak out in public, that women could travel on pilgrimage, for example, from the galilee down to jerusalem. that women owned their own homes, that women had use of their own funds, that women could function without husbands. and it wasn't as if that was scandalous. >> and yet the gospels tell us that she was unusual, following him all the way to jerusalem and staying to bear witness to his death. >> one of the intriguing things
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about the gospel accounts, the new testament, is the fact that at the time of the crucifixion, the guys all run away. and that becomes a very interesting matter. it seems to indicate that, in fact, in terms of the rising of faith and the continuation of the movement, women played a primary role, and in particular, mary magdalene. ♪ >> in the gospel of john, mary magdalene is the first person to whom jesus appears after he rises from the dead. >> so there's this poignant moment of epiphany, this moment of recognition. she -- he says, "mariam," and she says, "rabuni." and she grabs him. and he says, don't cling to me. don't cling to the jesus of the past. we need to go forward into a new, brighter future, for you and for the male disciples. >> and then, she disappears from the scene, only to reappear centuries later as a prostitute, the woman with the alabaster jar filled with precious ointment
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for washing jesus' feet. how did this happen? >> there is a story about a woman who is a member of the oldest profession in the gospel of luke, just before the first account of mary of magdala. and gregory the great, at the end of the sixth century, read that story, and read about mary, and conflated the two and drew the conclusion that mary herself was a prostitute. >> gregory the great just happened to be pope. and when he preached this revised version of mary magdalene in the year 591, his sermon turned her into a fallen woman for the next 1,400 years. while mary magdalene was being downgraded, mary of nazareth was getting her own makeover -- one that some say fills a primal need. >> what we need is to be able to conceive of the sacred, of the
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divine, without gender. until we reach that stage -- and we're not there yet -- just as the ancients needed a goddess, so do we, too. and mary becomes that goddess. [ sniffs ] i have a cold.
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[ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ breathes deeply ] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! to the best vacation sp(all) the gulf! [ male announcer ] yes, it is. it doesn't matter which of our great states folks visit. mississippi, alabama, louisiana or florida, they're gonna love it. shaul, your alabama hospitality is incredible. thanks, karen. love your mississippi outdoors. i vote for your florida beaches, dawn. bill, this louisiana seafood is delicious. we're having such a great year on the gulf, we've decided to put aside our rivalry. now is the perfect time to visit anyone of our states. the beaches and waters couldn't be more beautiful. take a boat ride, go fishing or just lay in the sun. we've got coastline to explore and wildlife to photograph. and there's world class dining with our world famous seafood. so for a great vacation this year, come to the gulf.
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its all fabulous but i give florida the edge. right after mississippi. you mean alabama. say louisiana or there's no dessert. this invitation is brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home.
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♪ >> a pilgrim from a religion other than christianity could be forgiven for thinking that christians worship a goddess and that her name is the blessed virgin mary. >> let us pray that we will join mary, the mother of the lord, in the glory of heaven. >> but just how did this lavish coronation happen to a peasant woman from rural galilee? >> according to luke, who wrote the book of acts, mary is present in the worshipping community in jerusalem following the death of jesus. and that's the last time we hear reference to her in all of the acts of the apostles. >> i like to think of her as the sort of center of such a community. they want to worship her, she says, "no, i am one of you, we are all equals." >> but as christianity started
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spreading, christian leaders recognized mary's appeal for potential converts among the pagans. >> if you go back and you read the prayers to the goddesses and shrines to the goddesses and the rituals of the goddesses, they were beautiful and they had to deal with healing and salvation and with comfort in all kinds of ways. and so what the bishops did, and this was done with approval, was, as they said, baptize all of that and bring it within the parameters of the christian message. and so the titles, the shrines, the iconography of the goddesses got transferred to the feminine figure in the christian tradition, connected with jesus at his birth, namely his mother. >> the vatican is the sacred heart of marian devotion. that has been especially true
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under pope john paul ii and with good reason. on may 13th, 1981, the pope was shot in st. peter's square and barely survived. rescued from death, he believed, by mary's hand. >> i believe and i am sure he believes it, too, that it was the virgin of fatima that saved him. yes, i think he believes it. the pope has said once to my bishop that he comes to fatima every day. ♪ >> fatima is the town in portugal where the catholic church believes this image of the virgin mary appeared to three shepherd children on may 13, 1916, 65 years to the day that the pope was nearly killed by this bullet. the virgin mary also gave three
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secrets to the children. the first, a vision of hell. the second, the need to defeat communism in russia. and the third, a prediction too terrible to reveal. then, in the year 2000, pope john paul revealed the secret. >> it was about a figure in white being wounded. it wasn't a precise prophecy of what happened to the pope in 1981 but it was kind of a vague picture that fitted that occasion and there was nothing very startling about it. and i am very glad they came out with that because that was a happy hunting ground for religious fanatics. ♪ >> but the pope was hardly alone in his devotion to marian apparitions. thousands continue to receive visions and millions more make pilgrimages to those sites. how does the vatican determine
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which miracles are real and which are faith-induced fantasies? >> well, they want to look at the results in people's lives. if the results are good, "by their fruit you shall know them" and if there is real holiness there and if these visions are having a good impact on people and are these visions helping people to pray more, to become closer to jesus himself, there may be something in them. that's the only test. time is also important. you can't tell straight off. >> mary makes more appearances to people than does her famous son. so why is mary bigger than jesus when it comes to capturing the imagination of everyone from popes to peasants? >> she is exceptionally sympathetic. and, therefore, for many, she is the person who will come to warn
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us if there is danger, if we need to repent from our sin, if god is angry. >> mary's maternal reach even extends beyond christianity into islam, where many non-muslims might be surprised to learn that she is also venerated. >> there's actually more about mary in the koran than there is in the new testament, word for word. but the story of her in the koran is wonderful. the chapter on mary in the koran shows her pregnant, having to leave her village, going out into the desert, giving birth to jesus under a palm tree, under the protection of the angel gabriel. >> while islam might revere mary, she remains a lightning rod for disputes between catholics and many protestants who consider some aspects of marian devotion excessive. >> as a matter of fact, they were right in some -- in some quarters. the old argument is getting very
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tired on both sides. catholics have shifted what they are teaching about mary. protestants are now taking another look. so i think it's too strong to say she's going to be a point of unity between protestants and catholics but at least not necessarily a huge bone of contention as in the past. >> with the rise of women's issues in protestantism, especially in more and more women becoming ministers in various protestant denominations, mary has become more on the front-burner for protestants as well. i mean, why are we busy running around just talking about peter and john? i mean, we should also talk about how mary is presented as a role model in the new testament. ♪ >> while the virgin was being turned into a goddess, the magdalene was being turned into a sinner. now the other mary is getting a second look thanks to some
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stunning discoveries in the sands of egypt. >> we found buried fragments of huge arguments and what we found are just glimmers and hints of what must have been explosive controversies in the first century. what we discovered is that the question about women, and their leadership and their participation was not something made up in the 20th century or the 21st century but it was actually an issue in the christian movement from the very beginning. >> each year on the feast of this holiday, share everything. share "not even close." share "you owe me..." share "just right." the share everything plan. shareable data across 10 devices with unlimited talk and text. hurry in for a droid razr m by motorola for $49.99. sfx- "sounds of african drum and flute"
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look who's back. again? it's embarrassing it's embarrassing! we can see you carl. we can totally see you. come on you're better than this...all that prowling around. yeah, you're the king of the jungle. have you thought about going vegan carl? hahaha!! you know folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than antelope with night-vision goggles. nice! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. it's lots of things. all waking up. ♪ becoming part of the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ trees will talk to networks will talk to scientists about climate change. cars will talk to road sensors will talk to stoplights about traffic efficiency. the ambulance will talk to patient records
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will talk to doctors about saving lives. it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. the next big thing? we're going to wake the world up. ♪ and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. ♪ cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of all day pain relief. this season, discover aleve. all day pain relief with just two pills. i'm natalie allen at cnn world headquarters in atlanta. first came the flames, then the gunshots. two firefighters were murdered,
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two more injured, in a deadly ambush in the town of webster, new york. authorities say the killer was 62-year-old william spangler. he shot himself to death at the scene. police say he was convicted of killing his grandmother 30 years ago. will the new year bring new taxes? that is the fear if we fall off the fiscal cliff. despite the warnings from main street and wall street, both sides in washington are still refusing to compromise. they have seven days to reach a deal. his doctors are optimistic but they aren't ready to release former president george herbert walker bush. the 88-year-old will stay in a houston hospital over christmas. mr. bush was treated for bronchitis in early november. and not what anyone wants for christmas. forecasters say a major tornado outbreak could sweep across the southern part of the u.s. tomorrow. there are extreme weather fears for much of the country. stay with cnn for the very latest. i'm natalie allen with a look at the headlines this christmas
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eve. now back to "the two marys." [ bells tolling ] each year on the feast of mary magdalene, pilgrims in the french hill town of vezelay march to a huge basilica carrying a relic of the saint. a piece of her rib, the tradition says, is one of the few clues to her fate. mary magdalene disappears from the gospels after jesus does, leaving church patriarchs to paint a picture of her as a woman on the wrong side of the garden of eden. >> i hesitate to say it was done in bad conscience. but it was done by men who were used to power. it was done by men who could not envision women taking a powerful role, women being that close to jesus.
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>> the effect of that was to eliminate mary from any kind of serious consideration as an apostle because that is not the kind of cloth of which apostles are cut. apostles are not repentant whores and that had the effect of marginalizing mary from that point on. >> it took the catholic church until 1969 to formally undo pope gregory's sermon turning her into a prostitute, but by then the image of the sinful magdalene was set, bolstered by 15 centuries of sensuous christian art. >> there is something about mary magdalene as a repentant prostitute which allows painters and artists to keep the voluptuousness and sensuality within the christian tradition by making it repentant. so in some ways i think she is
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marvelous for artists precisely because it's a place to allow femininity, to have a place in the christian tradition that they might not otherwise easily find. >> all that began to change in 1945 when an egyptian goat herd discovered a jar of papyrus documents in a dry river bed at nag hammadi. documents that would threaten centuries of christian teaching. >> they contained a treasure trove of over 40 new texts, most of which belong to christianity in the second and third centuries, and they're basically allowing us to fill out and to some degree even rewrite portions of the history of christianity in those centuries. ♪ >> but rewriting does not come easily to a 2,000 year old religion. the nag hammadi texts, known as the gnostic gospels, reveal
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mysteries that offer a secret way to salvation. >> if jesus said something like "if you bring forth what is within you, it will bring forth what will save you," it does not suggest that you need a church or a priest or you don't maybe need to be baptized, so it's about seeking. it's a very different kind of path. and it was different from the one that the leaders and bishops of the church found useful for organizing the christian communities. >> church leaders declared this gnostic path a heresy. but just as revolutionary as gnostic practice was the gnostic view of the feminine role. >> one of the features of gnostic thought that made gnostics so attractive is the fact that the gnostics were clear in acknowledging that god is male and god is female. there are gods and there are goddesses. there are male and there are female manifestations of the divine. and this gives a power and inclusiveness to gnostic
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theology. >> this power was on display most vividly in the newly discovered gospel of mary magdalene. the first gospel named after a woman. while scholars say that she probably didn't write it, these words from the gospel itself put mary in direct conflict with peter. quote, did he really speak privately with a woman and not openly to us, peter asked? are we to turn about and all listen to her? did he prefer her to us? >> the gospel of mary makes the strongest argument for women's leadership probably any text in all of antiquity precisely because it argues that leadership should be based on one's interior spiritual maturity and not on whether one is a man or a woman. >> so does this mean mary magdalene, rather than peter, could be the first pope? >> that is a bizarre idea that mary magdalene is the first pope.
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she is the first easter witness and that is a decisive moment, but people didn't use the word "pope" then and peter was clearly the leader of that core group of 12. >> other scholars, even those who dispute the authority of the gnostic gospels, say the new texts do reflect some kind of internal church battle, one that has echoes for women 1800 years later. >> i think there may well be some kind of struggle from the third or fourth centuries a.d., between the dominant tradition, which is represented by peter, and then mary magdalene becomes a sort of heroine figure for this subdominant voice that still wants to be heard. >> another gnostic text, the gospel of philip, seems to tell us that jesus' relationship to mary magdalene was intimate. it says "he used to kiss her often." likewise, protestant reformer
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martin luther thought jesus and the magdalene may have been a couple. and the songwriters of "jesus christ superstar" couldn't resist the idea either. so "the da vinci code's" thesis isn't new but could it be true? even feminist theologians have trouble buying into that one. >> so for her to be standing in the text next to jesus and not be called "mary, wife of jesus," but to be called "mary of magdala" would be unique in all of ancient literature of any kind and as historians, we don't like unique. and in my mind that simply settles the issue right there. ♪ >> so what is behind the enduring fascination of a what is behind the fascination of a romance between the savior and messiah. >> in culture, everyone wants an approachable jesus? one of the things that is
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underlined is the humanizing of jesus. remember the song. >>. ♪ what if god was one of us >> there was this motif of wanting to humanize god or make him more like us. bring him down to our level. >> the debates are not likely to end because the underlying issues of authority in the church and role of women percolate and so does the search for the rule meaning of the two marys. >> give us mary. give us mary. she doesn't belong to the hierarchy of a church. she belongs to all of us. let us have mary again. let us have mary mag da lynn. let these figures not be a part of theology, but a part of lives.
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could completely redraw the face of christianity. >> women do not want to raise their children in the church when their girls are told you cannot do this. your daughters are told and they are told you cannot do this. who wants to bring that
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institution that keeps silencing you? >> mary, the mother of jesus could be equally unsettling. >> i would like toy is the traditions about mary based in the scriptures as a model and who wrestles with the understanding of jesus and it's approachable. >> it's not that they are looking for reasons to be able to ordain women, for example. it is a matter of looking at the tradition and arriving at it highway hi storically. we have a strong theology. >> reimagining the role of women in crist manity or any religion could shake sacred ground. >> understanding the relationship between men and
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women have been explosive and potentially controversial. it can break societies apart. >> but scholars argue that the enduring appeal of the virgin mary and the renewed interest in mary magdalen can point the way to a new future by recovering the authentic past. >> christianity comes from real people who lived in real places and rooted in jewish history and any good interest in mary is part of this ruthing of the christian stories in origin. >> more potentially historical documents scholars say are out there. just awaiting discovery. >> there more documents to be read that will shed more light on jesus and mary magdalen and the mother of jesus and what happened in the early church.
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there more gospels to be found and they in turn will change your way of looking at the ancient world and e early church. >> what was the relationship like between the virgin mary and mary magdalen? they shared jesus in common, but more than that they shared a hope for a better world and a concern that people unite and work together. a sense that women can accomplish enormous amounts if they work together. so the arguments about the marys that took place centuries ago, arguments long considered settled are being renowed with fresh evidence to fuel them and women getting equal time for the first time. will a new vision of the two marys push christianity to places it has never gone? or will it


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