tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 8, 2013 9:00am-11:00am PST
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that backs up the allegation that photo is exactly what it looks like? >> it really is, ash shi. it's not only the photo but combine the testimony with the photo it becomes compelling and a major concern for the defense here. now, obviously, the reason why it's so critical, because it goes to the issue of consent, right? this is what these cases are all about. >> unconscious. >> she's not responsive in that videotape it doesn't look like a person who has the wherewithal to say yes or no. >> any photos, video hacked, admissible or inadmissible. >> admissible. talking about a judge evaluating this. number two, suppression of evidence, exclusion relates to state action, governmental action. these hackers are not in government. therefore -- >> could be in trouble. >> yes. >> i asked the attorney general about other investigations that could be going on perhaps that's it. joey jackson, out of time. as i said, that's it for me on newsroom.
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"newsroom international" starts now. michael holmes sitting in for suzanne malveaux today. michael? >> thanks, ashleigh banfield. welcome to "newsroom international" i'm michael holmes in for suzanne malveaux. the future of the u.s. troop residency in afghanistan is front and center this week. president obama expected to meet afghanistan's president, hamid karzai at the white house friday. focus to make sure there's a smooth security handover to the afghan government when nato forces leave afghanistan next year. it's still unclear how many u.s. troops will remain to train afghan security forces and focus on counterterrorism. chris lawrence outlines the proposals for the transition. >> reporter: the options are on the table. at the low end, a little more than 6,000 troops, mostly
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special operations forces hunting terrorists with a small amount of training for afghan forces. the 10,000 option would still focus on al qaeda, but would add conventional troops to expand afghan training. a 15,000 option would include even more conventional troops to go on limited patrols and give afghans even more support. some experts say, forget that last option. 15,000. >> it's not politically tenable in congress, it's not doable of a budget execution perspective. >> reporter: analyst stephanie sanok worked in baghdad and developed options for the iraq drawdown. between war fatigue and spending cuts the middle option may be a reach. >> my guess, closer to the 6,000 option. >> reporter: jeff dressler argues the lsu have to keep helicopter crews, medical teams and backup for whatever droops are left. >> keeping 6,000 probably isn't
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that much cheaper than keeping 15,000 because there's basic things you need to have there just for the six. >> reporter: low ball options are minimizing the danger any remaining troops could face. >> i would argue that, even with 20,000 troops, you're assuming quite a bit of risk. it's about no means a low-risk option. >> reporter: general john allen presented options in one of his last acts as commander. but general joseph dunford admits he wasn't included in the talks over options. that could some tense fights with members of congress who are skeptical of the drawdown plan. >> i have not been included in those conversations. >> that's -- that's interesting to me. a guy that's going to take over command is not even included in those conversations? >> reporter: what's the big picture goal? in an interview with cnn's erin burnett in afghanistan, defense secretary said terrorists have to be defeated, not decimated. >> i think that you can reach a
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point where you so significantly weaken al qaeda that, you know, although there may be a few people around, they won't be able to be conduct the operations that they've conducted in the past. >> chris lawrence joins us the pentagon. good to see you, chris. former senator chuck hagel, of course, just nominated for secretary of defense, he would be part of this pull-out. he's a guy that was not in favor of the troop surge, has a controversial side to him in that regard. what do we expect from him? >> reporter: basically, michael, wasn't in favor of the surge in iraq, not quite so critical of the surge in afghanistan. it's a big difference. on the surge in iraq, he called it one of the biggest foren policy blunders since vietnam. chuck hagel was part of the planning for the afghanistan surge under president obama. he consulted with the president's national security adviser and when he gave a
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speech shortly after that surge was announced didn't have much criticism for president obama, said he was approaching the situation very carefully. so that suggests that his position may be a lot more aligned with president obama on afghanistan than it was during the later years of president bush. >> yeah. president karzai, meeting him, he wants u.s. security personnel to stick around after 2014, that's going happen, but he's highly critical of the actions of american troops in his country. how will the american military walk that line between, you know, pulling out entirely and holding hands with the afghan government and trying to hang on to the fragile gains that they've made? >> reporter: it's going to be extremely difficult. president karzai, just in the last month or so, has been extremely critical of the united states, not only saying that u.s. troops are causing a lot of the instability in the country, but really blaming the united states in its civilian
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contracts, its redevelopment contracts, for fostering a lot of the corruption in the country. so this is the environment in which president obama and president karzai will be meeting, trying to hammer out some agreement. on the other hand, president karzai would probably be well served by a larger u.s. presence in afghanistan because the more u.s. troops you have there, the more afghan soldiers they're going to train, the better equipped the afghan force is going to be. so again, this is going to be a really tough set of negotiations to see where that number falls. i can tell you, just in the last day or a couple days, i'm hearing more and more that that 6,000 figure is way more likely than that 10,000 figure. >> i suppose either way, numbers of troops is one thing, amounts of money is another. afghan military we've helped bill up cost way more than the afghan government is able to
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afford, it's billions of dollars still have to go in. >> reporter: yeah. they're owing to have downsize the military. they were building up the afghan military to sort of push back the taliban. but it was always clear that at some point, you know, whether it's 2014 or '15 or '16 that military's going to have to get smaller because the afghan government cannot afford to sustain it and other countries will not put enough money into afghanistan to keep numbers at that size. >> good to see you, chris lawrence. a face-off erupting in china over freedom of the press. this is all happening in a place called guangzhou, a little more than 80 miles from hong kong. in a rare protest, chinese rallied outside the offices of the southern weekly newspaper. they were supporting the journalists who say that the government rewrote an editorial calling for politic real form and gave it a positive spin. a very positive spin. howard kurtz host of "reliable
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sources" and the washington bureau chief of "newsweek" and "the daily beast." a lot of people surprised that they wouldn't be censorship of something like this. this newspaper's had a bit of rope in the past to play with. why does this incident be a flash point? >> certainly has seemed to touch a nev, michael. the idea of a few hundred people demonstrating outside a newspaper office doesn't sound like much to western ears. but in china where journalists can be and are thrown in jail for not towing the company line, in fact amnesty international says the highest number of imprisoned journalists are in china, it represents a sea change and a hunger for real news in a country where the censors control everything. >> the four characters that make up the name of the newspaper, actually blocked from social media searches sifrns friday. it's not stopped it blowing up on social media, that's how it works, i guess. a post from the actress, i want to show you that to you.
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quotes nobel prize winning author, one word of truth shall outweigh the whole world. we talk about how unusual these protests are. also highly unusual for chinese journalists to go on strike. >> absolutely. and at the same time, the rise of social media has enabled chinese -- i wouldn't call them dissidents, people who love their country, but believe in more freedom -- to speak out to have a megaphone because no matter how powerful the government is they can't sensor everything. i read today one popular blogger, 6 million followers on the chinese equivalent of twitter has two posts taken down. the government is trying to tamp this down and i think it goes beyond the original editorial by the southern weekend, which simply said we hope for greater respect for constitutional rights in china. >> and the leader in waiting is -- has vowed to crack down on corruption.
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one way to do that is have an open media. do you see that happening in the short to medium future, or is that a don't hold your breath thing? >> it seems that sometimes the chinese authorities loosen the reins a bit particularly if on an anti-corruption drive they might allow stories about local corruption. if you do other things that's not allowed and newspapers have been shut down, people, as i mentioned, sent to jail. there are still negotiations going on with that newspaper that started this, over what they can say in the future and the editorial. so you know it seems to me ultimately be a losing battle against technology on the part of the chinese authorities but the culture of censorship and government control is so engrained in beijing that it's a very difficult tightrope for journalists who want to report freely. >> it's a slow-moving beast. howard kurtz there. here's more of what we're working on this hour for "newsroom international." hundreds of australians forced from their home by raging fires. fueled by a vicious heat wave.
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worst the country has ever seen. a little later, you think slavery's history? think again. more than 27 million people around the world are being bought, sold, and exploited. that group of young christians part of a larger group coming together to try to stop it. people really love snapshot from progressive, but don't just listen to me. listen to these happy progressive customers. i plugged in snapshot, and 30 days later, i was saving big on car insurance. with snapshot, i knew what i could save before i switched to progressive. the better i drive, the more i save. i wish our company had something this cool.
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try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. welcome back, everyone. hundreds of people in south east australia are being force out of homes by bushfires, burning in the new south wales. it includes the city of sidney and the australian capital
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territory, act in new south wales as well where the capital of the country is. 100 homes destroyed so far. the officials say that the fires were fueled by record-breaking heat wave. also very dry conditions in december. this is the worst heat wave, actually in new south wales in living memory. yesterday the hottest average temperature across the country ever. australia, is, of course the world's driest inhabited continent, vulnerable to bushfires, every year you see them. scientists believe creeping climate shift for even hotter temperatures globally and that includes australia. i spoke with matt inwood superintendent of rural fire services in new south wales. here's part of what he told me about the sheer size of the blazes. >> apparently we have just over 130 fires burning across new south wales. 30 of those fires at this stage remain uncontained. fire crews are continuing to work throughout the night over
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here tonight making sure that we're certainly rendering properties safe and property protection mode on some fire grounds. and establishing containment lines which crews can back burn off as we start to see a cool passing through the south of the state at present. >> desperate situation there. winter weather tightening its grip on the refugee camps along syria's borders. camps already struggling to keep up with the desperate need for supplies and shelter. people living in flimsy tents that were only meant to hold them through summer, not downpours they've been seeing lately. people resorting to burning plastic for warmth in some cases. they can't find any firewood. it is wet throughout the camps. temperatures are dropping. imagine enduring all of that as a child without your parents. photojournalist joe duren captured a heartbreaking snapshot of life in the refugee camps in the words of an orphan
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>> heartbreaking stuff, isn't it? one of our camera men based out of the instant bull with that? an earthquake hit off turkey's northwest coast. it was felt in istanbul and other parts of the country, even in athens, greece. right now, no reports of injuries or the damage. u.s. geological survey says it was a magnitude 5.7 earthquake. he rules venezuela with an iron fist, or he did. what happens if hugo chavez and no longer lead. ear, huh? i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got nine grams of protein. that's three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach.
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welcome back, everyone. believe it or not, slavery still exists, very much so. it's here in the united states. and very much in existence around the world. christian students met in atlanta to push a global movement to end it. jim clancy tells us about their cause. >> reporter: more than 60,000 young christians from around the country and around the world held candles aloft in the frosty air. their own faces shined back at them from a massive cube set up outside the georgia dome. faces of those who have pledged to light up the world and put an end to human trafficking in their lifetimes.
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>> slavery is trapped in dark places all over the world. it's trapped here in atlanta. in the shadows. it's in the shadows in mumbai india. it's in the shadows in cam bode yo. it's in the shadows around the world in brothels and factories. 60,000 students are going to shine a light on slavery. >> reporter: for many a journey of the christian faith one that brings them to the passion conference to worship, pray, and learn. for the past two years, they've been focusing on the unholy scourge of sexual slavery and forced labor. the 27 million victims, the billions of dollars churned out, by robbing men, women, and children of their freedom. these young men and women are determined to change that. >> truth is spoken here. where truth is spoken, things change. >> raise awareness, fight for those that don't have a voice. we're just going to tell people about it. we're going to let the world know there's an issue and we're not okay with it. >> to know it's out there, it
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opened my eyes to all of this. i had no idea this was going on. i want to help as much as i can. >> the reason i'm excited about this generation is that they have an understanding they don't want to tolerate slavery. they don't want to tolerate mass atrocity in the world and do nothing about it. >> reporter: gary hagans international justice mission, more than a dozen groups singled out by organizers for support. >> this business students starting a journey of justice. their entire lives would count for justice. their entire lives would count for freedom. and that's happening here. >> reporter: last year the event raised $3.5 million. with 20,000 more participants this year, tablet computers used to speed the donation process. some of the money comes from students themselves. more was raised in their communities. it will be used to help raise awareness, rescue victims, and help them restore their lives. these christian students have donated money and now they're posing for pictures that will
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make a personal statement. we're in it to end it. each and every one of them knows that human trafficking hangs like a darkness over the world, but they're making a personal commitment to be the ones to hold the candles to shine the light of freedom. jim clancy, cnn, atlanta. >> impressive sight, isn't it? want to continue the conversation. 27 million men, women, and children are enslaved around the world. yes, that's an accurate number. they're trapped in forced labor or being sold, exploited in some way or other. joining me now is the founder of the passion movement that is vowing to end modern day slavery. what a noble cause it is. now, we had here in atlanta, because this place was full of them, 60,000 young adults who poured in, donated, i think, $3 million for various causes for the freedom projects around the world. one thing to donate money.
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it's another thing to have a conference and talk about it. what's next for the campaign? >> you know, passion 2013 was a gathering of young people. that's the hope of the world, really, 18 to 25-year-olds from 50 states and 50-something nations around the world came together to celebrate jesus, the ultimate abolitionist, the original abolitionist. in that cause they wanted to lift their voices for those who have no voice. not only did they raise money. that money's going to fund 23 project, 19 partners here in atlanta and around the world. but they want to bring awareness to the nation for people who have no clue that this is go on. so end it movement has launch swrd that's certainly a a way two bring this conversation to the forefront so everybody in america can know that there are still more slaves today in the world than at any other time in human history. >> you talk to most americans, you sit around the dinner table, the pub, people are going to say, really? >> my wife and i got on the
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elevator, we have been downtown for the conference, wearing this hat from the movement, and gentleman on the elevator looks up at my hat, it says end it movement, he said, what's end it movement? i thought i've got 14 floors to tell this guy what's going on. he looked at me and said, you've got to be kidding me. that's the response of the average person in this country. so end it is simply a way of partnering with men and women already in the fight, great organizations in the fight, to say we've got to open our eyes and we've got to begin to engage so we can bring freedom to people around the world. >> awareness is a major thing. but also so is actual concrete act, of course. one of the things that was involved, one of the organizations that you're partnered with, it provides a way for people to
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see what their slavery footprint is, for want of a better word, because you can have one and not know it. >> go to and take your personal slavery footprint, depending where you live everybody what your income is, what you buy and see how many slaves work for you that's part of the process of awakening people. one of the partners international justice mission, gary leads the cause and he's a great freedom fighter in the world. he said to the 60,000 of us at passion 2013, awareness is doing the work. so it's not an either/or i should doolo something or i sho become aware. awareness is the first step. and they can see, wow, i'm contributing to this problem justice by the places i shop, things that i wear. i want to get involved. i've got to become aware. >> that's true. it was announced, i think today that you're going to be at the
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inauguration, is that right? >> announced today. >> you have a lot of influence with youth and christian circles. what about the white house? because, again, passion awareness, that's great. action is everything. what about the white house, engaged? >> well, you know, last year at his national prayer breakfast speech in february, a year ago, the president mentioned what happened at passion 2012 because the voices of this generation, these -- what are called poor college students, giving 3.2 or $3. 5 million in four days that's a big message. their voice has reached the white house. it's reached a lot of streams of culture. we pray the white house is listening, engaging and doing what they can. it's not any one person or organization that's going to solve this. it's every one of us doing what we can at the level of influence we have, to not only shine a light on slavery but to end it. >> shine a light. you led me into the next question. the symbolic beam of light that took place at the conference. it could be seen miles away. look at that.
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what was that moment like when that happened? i mean, it just -- the energy around this place, and we were lucky enough to feel it, this took place over the road from us, was extraordinary. >> three powerful pictures. one, first stood in silence and prayed. second, the 60,000 on the international plaza lifted a shout. you might have heard that in the building. >> heard it where i live. >> it shook heaven and earth. third, the great beam of light representing our hope to shine a light on slavery shot three miles in the sky. i knew it was coming. most people didn't. it took my breath away. it's that visual symbol, instagramable moment. you can't tell someone in four seconds what's going on with slavery in the world but you can show them that image of 60,000 little lights and one giant light, and that can begin the conversation of saying, we're waking up and we want to do something about it.
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>> yeah. i admire you and the energy and the work that you guys are doing. keep it up. good to see you. >> thank you. >> the found of the passion movement. an extraordinary gathering, too. if you're in atlanta around that time of year, check that out. thanks for coming in. check out, by the way, learn what you can do to help end modern day slavery. just go to you've got a lot of links to check out. do drop in on that. let's talk about the love affair with guns. often talked about as a uniquely american kind of romance. we'll take you to egypt where gun sales have been soaring since the arab spring revolution. stay with us.i'm br thing tter so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory
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welcome back. gabby giffords launches a new effort on the second anniversary of the shooting that left her wounded. one of 19 people shot during a political meet and greet at a tucson shopping center. six people died, including a 9-year-old girl. the country has witnessed 11 more mass shootings since then. 11 more. no action by congress, she says. today she and her husband, mark kelley, unveiled a website called americans for responsible solutions. they say it's designed to promote a national conversation on preventing gun violence. and to raise money to balance the gun lobby's influence in the debate. after almost to years after the revolution that swept egypt's hosni mubarak out of power, egyptians are dealing with
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aftermath of all of that. one thing that has changed more, people have guns. and there is more serious crime. here's ian lee in cairo. s. >> reporter: gunfire outside the presidential palace in cairo last december, a fight between opponents and supporters of morsi. business owner ali witnessed the chaos unfold. reports from that night say both sides were shooting at each other. >> i saw lots of people from the protest side down, lots of injuri injuries. i saw with my own eyes more than six passed away. >> reporter: since the revolution, two years ago, ali is concerned about the security situation. >> i have this gun. this is the one i use, mine on my license. i don't have the shotgun as well. >> reporter: he's not the only one. egypt is awash in guns and egyptian security officials say serious gun crime is on the
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rise. >> people are eagerly, they want to buy guns due to the political instability that the country's having right now. >> reporter: brothers are among the few licensed gun dealers in egypt. they deal in pistols and shotguns and they're not cheap. these firearms range from $5,000 to $30,000, a single bullet is about $5. it's hard to own a gun legally in egypt. you need a clean criminal record, extensive background checks and a valid reason. even then you might be denied a permit. out of 10,000 applicants last month, roughly a thousand were approved. >> the bad thing here is that some people who are unable to get a license can seek the black market, for example, just for protection. >> reporter: criminals are also taking advantage of cheaper illegal guns. in addition, egypt's revolution created a security vacuum with some policemen reluctant to go
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back to work. the conflict in libya flooded egypt with weapons from ka lashny coughs to rpgs. for those who want to obey the law and can't get a license, there are alternatives. the most popular gun in egypt. while it looks real and sounds real, it's not. it's a sound gun. because you don't need a permit to own one of these things, they're flying off the shelves. for those who can own a gun like ali, he hopes the day never comes when he has to draw it. >> if you're going to shoot, shoot with this gun, a bullet in somebody and that's it, he's dead. i definitely rather use this first if i am in need for this i'm going to use this. >> reporter: officials continue to work to secure the country and curb illegal firearms. some egyptians believe the only real security is the one on your
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hip. ian lee, cnn, cairo. >> when we come back, we'll have a look at venezuela. political turmoil there. we're going to talk about what happens if hugo chavez, currently in hospital in cuba, currently in hospital in cuba, can no longer lead his country. , not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes.
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>> we're going to take you so south america now. a question a lot of people are asking, whether venezuelan president hugo chavez show up for his own inauguration on thursday? looking pretty doubtful, i've got to say. the president hasn't been seen in public since he left for a fourth cancer operation in cuba early last month. the government information minister said yesterday mr. chavez is in a stable situation but that was it, no other details. very haven't been many throughout his illness. venezuela is the fourth largest supplier of oil to the united states. so political uncertainty could have a huge ripple effect. let me bring in the professor in california. appreciate you coming on the program. an intense debate with the allies of chavez saying inauguration date's just a formality, let's day it, he can continue to lead.
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the onizatipposition saying, hu it would lead to a power vacuum. what's the reality? >> reality is the constitution on the issue is is muddled. one section of the constitution says inauguration will be january 10th. but the preceding one says in case that's not possible, he can swear in before the supreme court at a later date. and that's what's causing part of the conflict in venezuela and part of the interpretation conflict over how to interpret the constitution. in either case, it's obvious we're seeing a tratransition in venezuela. >> the personality with chavez, he ran the place with a an i ron fist. that's not going to stop the jockeying if he does not get to back to work. from what little we know, it's not looking good. >> i think the absence of chavez represents a challenge for both sides. one hand, it represents a challenge for the followers of the president. he has said that the vice
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president, he would vote for the vice president if he had a chance and he's encouraged his followers do that, that's the foreign minister. the opposition also faces a challenge with chavez out of the picture, because after all, chavez has been the center of attention in the country for the last 12 years. the opposition itself may splinter. each one of the different sectors of the opposition, up until now, has been splintered. this is the first time they've been united. in the past they have divided. i think the absence of chavez represents a challenge for both sides in the context of a transition in vvenezuela. >> even the catholic church weighing in on the lack of information about chavez's health. i tell you what the country's bishops conference said yesterday. you probably heard this. the government hasn't voetold t nation all of the truth. the nation's political and social stability is at serious risk. catholic leaders worried about
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the issue of stability. everyone is. and really hasn't been anything, nobody knows what type of cancer he's got, for goodness sake. what's the risk of instability not just in venezuela, in the constitutional political sense but a regional sense as well? >> i think you've touched upon an important issue. the church has been an opponent of chavez from the beginning. underscores two things. it underscores lack of information on the nature of the illness, we know it's a pelvic cancer, we don't know what kind. the other part is the notion that somehow venezuela is about to explode i think is an exaggeration. we've been hearing that for 12 years now. the reality is life goes on in r. v-. yes, there's a political discussion and debate. there are important differences we should not underestimate but reality is the country continues, it's not on the edge of a precipe. it's not about to collapse. in terms of latin america it would be different if chavez was the only figure. but latin america itself has
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changed. we have changed in brazil, uruguay, argentina, ecuador and many different voices represent the change in latin america. it's not longer simply chavez. >> very good point. professor, appreciate you coming on the program. >> thank you. have a good day. >> that story's not going away, that's for sure. running a marathon is hard enough, try doing it while that happens. didn't slow the kenyan athlete down and the cops were o ch more energy than i used to, when i'm out with my kids, my daughter's like, "mom, wait up!" and i'm thinking, "shouldn't you have more energy than me? you're, like, eight!" [ male announcer ] for every 2 pounds you lose through diet and exercise alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. simple. effective. advantage: mom. let's fight fat with alli. learn more, lose more at
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iran losing a lot of money on oil sales and exports and u.n. sanctions are the reason why. the top iranian lawmaker says, revenues from oil and gas exports have dropped by, wait for it, 45%. that's a lot of money. oil revenues inside iran dropped 40%. iran is under u.n. sanctions over its refusal to stop uranium enrichment program. many see this as a clear sign sanctions are working. the squeeze is on. google chairman eric schmitt and former governor bill richardson have been paying a visit to north korea and they're going to the technology university in pyongyang during their four-day trip. that's according to a major
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south korean news agency. schmitt and richardson arrived late monday on what the former governor's calling a private humanitarian mission. he's believed to be working for the release of an american detained in north korea, american with south korean origin. why the google chairman is there, no one knows for sure. talk about perseverance, kenyan runner was competing in the king's race in brazil when, yes, that happened. attacked by a spectator along the route pushed off the course. police quickly swooped in, arrested the attacker, gave him a nudge with motorcycles. have a look again. this is a 33-year-old with a history of mental problems, perhaps the no surprise there. he kept on running. he went on to win the race in sao paulo. the man who tried to knock him off his feet has done it before at other races. all right. trending today, the death of amy
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winehouse, a new investigation confirming that that grammy award winning singer died of accidental alcohol poisoning. that is the same result as the original investigation. but the earlier one had to be thrown out because the coroner didn't have the right qualifications. it was a technicality, really. winehouse died at her home july 2011, 27, she had battled years of drug and alcohol abuse. next up, we'll take you inside bollywood, the booming indian film industry. more than a thousand movies a year. some are saying it isn't trying to hard enough to develop female characters. this is america.
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the deadly gang rape of a 23-year-old woman in new delhi has sparked calls for bollywood to stop objectifying women. for weeks angry demonstrators demanded better protection of women and stronger laws against rape and assault. protesters want bollywood to do its part. ♪ >> reporter: some say it's sexy. others call it offensive. not just a dance move, but the lyrics, too. i am a piece of chicken this
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actor goes on to sing in a film. wash me down with alcohol. many in indian argue that films portray women in a derogatory way particularly in item numbers, songs that have no relevance to a film's plot but appear in several commercial movies. >> you see fragmented images of a woman's bosom of her swinging hips, swiveling navel and it makes the woman lose all autonomy and surrender to the male gaze. >> reporter: this actor feels it's unfair to blame item numbers. the upcoming movie is about sexual harassment. she says it's really about the way men think. >> when you buy a cigarette pack it shows you what cancer looks like and people still buy it. so i don't think it makes a difference what you see. it's what's in your head. >> reporter: what's in the public's head is colored by what it sees on screen.
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a subject that's being heavily debated in india following the new delhi gang rape that outraged country and made it question how its popular culture fportrays women. a huge part in shaping the society because they reach millions of people. take a look at this slum. there's no sanitation. there's no running water. but almost every home has a television set. entertainment says it alone reaches 80 million households. its center on women, playing the role of a wife or dutiful daughter-in-law. >> we want to make it identifiable. we don't want to make shows which are alien to consumers because we don't get people watching them. but we want to -- we want to show particularly how the situations change with effort. >> reporter: asmi who led a silent mar of of personals to
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condemn the gang rape says it's time for the industry to reflect on its role. >> but, but, we do not want the morality brigade to appropriate us. we don't want somebody else to tell us, you do this and you do that. we have to indulge in soul searching and talk about self-regulation. >> reporter: at star plus, the interspection could result in a new show, one that targets a male audience. >> how do we tell our male audiences, this is right and this is wrong? that's something that is -- that is something that we are reflecting on. >> reporter: tv and film folks say there's no point blaming their industry for recent events. the only people to blame for rape are rapists. mali qaqaa for, cnn, mumbai. >> the outrage over that deadly gang rape in new delhi's prompting more people to stand up for women's rights and equals
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you see there. let's show you the scene in nepal. the last two weeks, demonstrators have been chanting slogans and gathering outside office building to demand better protection for women. they have criticizes what they call a delayed response by the government there to issue such as rape and other sexual abuse. gender bias is spark discussions all over the world. cnn took the open mike to mumbai 0 to let people have their say. ♪ ♪ >> it's a man's world, actually but we women are trying to fight. women are fighting their way through and most of the places women are really getting their rights. >> sometimes i feel men are not really looked upon with a lot of
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respect. >> we would like to believe that but somehow i feel i don't think we have that thing in india. >> gender bias, which is there inherently in our culture, when you bring up kids. >> i should get the same they get. they can go anywhere at night, late night but not we. why not we? we should get to. >> i would like to see the politicians attatake a better an a better law created for women's safety. >> a distinction between made between guys and girls son what they should do and should not do. that is something to change. it should be equal respect for both genders.
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years actually. the song is on a new album which is called "the next day." which re leases in march. slow dancing. that will do it for me. "cnn newsroom" does continue right now with ali velshi. >> michael, good to see you, my friend. long time, no speak. i'm ali velshi in for suzanne malveaux. president obama filling up his cabinet. but where are the ladies? how his cabinet nominations lack diversity. thousands of homes flooded, millions without power and more than 100 people killed. new jersey governor chris christiane the state of sandy. is he setting himself up for a 2016 presidential run? new jersey thinks so. and 3/4 of voters give him a thumbs up. two years ago today, jared lee loughner killed six people, wounded congresswoman gabby giffords, giffords speaking out about gun control. we'll hear what she has to say. but first a hearing providing chilling, new detail about movie theater massacre in
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aurora, colorado, that left 12 people dead. day two of the preliminary hearing for suspect james holmes. casey wian's just come out of the court and joins us live from centennial, colorado. what's the latest from the hearing? >> reporter: well, what we heard, ali, just inside the courtroom a little while ago, two of the 41 911 calls placed the night of that shooting. two calls plays pi a detective made from inside the theater. one of them was the first call that was made on that night by a gentleman named kevin. call lasted 27 seconds, difficult to hear what he said, what the 911 operator had to say. but the unmistakable sound was the sound of gunshots, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. more than 30 gunshots in 27 seconds according to the detective. he played another call, a heart wrenching call from a
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13-year-old girl, kalin bailey. that 911 call lasted four minute smeepz w s. she was there with cousins, both shot. one not breathing. the 911 call -- operator and the young girl were having a difficult time hearing each other, understanding each other. the 911 operator trying to tell her to perform cpr because it was i can theic and noisy in the theater the girl was sobbing, wasn't understanding what he was saying. finally, after four heart wrenching minutes she says the police have arrived at the theater, the 911 operator tells her to find the police and she says, thank you. as you can imagine, the family members who are -- the victims in the courtroom had a very, very difficult time hearing these 911 calls. many of them were holding hands, hands on each other's shoulder, fighting back tears. the prosecution warned these family members the testimony was going to be graphic and dramatic
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and difficult to hear. so far it sure has been, ali. >> casey, this isn't a trial, it's a preliminary hearing, trying to determine whether there's enough evidence for james holmes to stand trial. so, what is the prosecution trying to show and what's the -- what's the defense doing to try to suggest that there isn't a need for a hearing, or are they doing that? >> reporter: well, i think clearly what the prosecution is trying to show is premeditation and all of the planning that went into this attack. for example, today we got the first look inside james holmes' apartment. remember that apartment was booby trapped, very difficult for law enforcement officers, s.w.a.t. teams to unbundle all of that. we know why. let me describe the scene inside the apartment. the fbi bomb technician said, there was a fishing line strung across the apartment at a level of about five feet. clearly intended for someone to walk into. it was attached to to a container of glycerin which was up on a shelf above a frying pan
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that had another material in it. and the idea was for the glycerin to mix with that other material and explode. also in the apartment, napalm, the floor was soaked with gasoline. there were canisters on the floor of some other type of explosive materials. and now it gets -- if that's not enough, it gets more bizarre. outside of the apartment, there was a boom box playing music. next to it, a remote control car that was also intended apparently for someone to go look at the music, maybe play with the remote control car, that would have also set off the explosion. given all of this planning, i think they're trying to show premeditation. also, there was evidence presented yesterday in the afternoon about him buying his ticket. he purchased his ticket online 12 days before the shooting. there was video that showed him using his cell phone to enter the theater. that goes to the concept of
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premeditation. you asked about the defense. they were working some diminished mental capacity defense. there has been testimony from police officer whose encountered holmes after the shooting saying he seem out of it, not normal, not a normal emotional response, and he was very, very relaxed. that sets the scene for what the picture the two sides are trying to paint. >> that's remarkable. casey wian now for us in court for the preliminary hearing. thanks. the shooting along with the recent shootings in sandy hook elementary, newtown, connecticut a lot of people debating gun laws in the united states. we'll talk to sanjay gupta how guns are the third leading cause of death for kids between the age of 5 and 14 and how something stuck into obama care is changing how doctors try to prevent these types of deaths. former congresswoman gabby giffords launches a new effort to control gun violence and it
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comes on second anniversary of the shooting that left her wounded. the country's witnessed 11 more mass shootings since the tucson rampage with no action by lawmakers in congress. last week she and her husband mark kelly visited the scene of the latest massacre in newtown, connecticut. a gunman killed 27 people, most first graders. they met with the families who died and talked about the experience in an interview with abc's diane sawyer. >> we saw you in newtown. how was newtown. tough. >> it brought back a lot of memories about what that was like for us some two years ago today. you hope this kind of thing doesn't happen again. you know what? it does happen again. >> well, today giffords and kelly unveiled americans for responsible solutions website. it's designed to promote a
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national conversation on preventing gun violence and to raise money to balance the gun lobby's influence. giffords was one of 19 people shot during a political meet and greet at a tucson shopping center exactly two years ago today. six people died in that shooting including a 9-year-old girl. bells will ring in tucson in honor of all victims. david mattingly following that story for us and joins us with an in-depth look with the new initiative by giffords and her husband. good to see you. they are both being critical of congress and the gun lobby. so this new initiative, who does it go after? >> reporter: you named the two targets there. first of all, the gun lobby. giffords and her husband kelly are talking about clearly their opinions of the influence that the gun lobby has in washington. and in an op-ed released today in "usa today," this is what they said -- we saw from the nra's leadership's defiant and unsympathetic response to the
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connectic connecticut massacre winning the common sense reforms will require a fight. and they're not letting congress off the hook on this either. giffords making comments it directly to her former colleagues pointing out it's been two years since she survived that deadly attack in tucson and now she said, congress in that time has done something extraordinary -- nothing at all. very strong words to start this campaign. we're going to wait now to see where they go from here. >> what's our sense of it? we don't have details yes about how this giffords campaign is going to work. what does it look like the strategy might be based on what you know so far? >> reporter: talking about creating a conversation about, quote, a gun violence prevention. most of all, they're also calling the fact that they want to be able to match the gun lobby not only in its influence but also its resources. when you go to the website, the new website they've created for americans for responsible solutions, it's very clear there
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they have a place where you can click on it to contribute. so they're going to be looking for donations to get their effort up and running. it's clear they're going after voters here and the influence voters will have on this congress and future congresses. >> david, we'll be following this closely. david mattingly for us on the story. according to centers for disease control and prevention, guns kill more than 5,000 kids each year. doctors usually try to educate parents about gun safety during regular checkups but a new law could change that. we'll talk with dr. sanjay gupta. i think that means we're taking a break but we'll come back and talk to you about it when we come back. [ male announcer ] this is sheldon, whose long dy setting up the news
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parts of the new york police department so-called stop and frisk policy are unconstitutional by a judge in manhattan. the judge ordered police to stop performing trespass stops outside privately owned buildings in the bronx. owners enrolled in the program asked police to seek out trespassers and arrest them. the ruling says nypd systemically crossed the line between what's constitutional and what's not. when making those stops. president obama has made gun control a key part of his second-term agenda. did you know what his signature health care bill contains a little known item about guns? it bars health professionals from collecting data about their patients' firearms use. that was pushed into the bill by the national rifle association. sanjay gupta has been looking into this. good to see you. i don't -- i never understand
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how these unrelated things get into bills. how did anything about guns get into the obama care bill to begin with? >> the nra has lobbied for this and they've been public about this for some type. lobbying to try to get specific provisions into the bill. i will tell you that it was senator harry reid who ultimately got these things put into the affordable care ability. it's a small little provision which is, i think, why in part it's been overlooked. but, as you say, it done specifically forbid doctors from asking their patients about guns. but it does -- it does prohibit people writing the stuff down, using it for purposes of research or data collection, having it as part of wellness programs. he asked the nra, they say, look if people know if doctors know, health care establishments know their patients have guns, it may increase their insurance premiums, although there's been no record or history of that in the past. people who want to be able to ask these questions say this is
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part of how we make things safer, create more safer swimming pools, for example, smoke detectors in homes. this is part of that same path. so this is sort of the collision here, ali, between these two things. but it is in the affordable care act, as you point out. >> the provision may not prevent doctors from asking patients about gun use, whether they have guns but in florida, and a few other states, laws proposed that would make it a crime to even ask about a gun. i know florida, the law was unsuccessful but the governor's looking at getting something like that put into place. >> yeah. federal judge overturned that, said doctors should be able to ask about guns and the governor's appealing that decision right now along with seven other states. so you're absolutely right. that takes it a step further. it's not just that look you can't make it part of someone's permanent medical chart you can't use for research purposes. they're saying in those states the conversation should not happen at all. it shouldn't be part of the
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dialogue between patient and physician. that's not happened yet but that's what some want in those states. >> where do doctors stan on this? do they want a discussion about guns to be a discussion about public health? >> if you look at the formal, you know, statements from the medical societies, this isn't about getting rid of guns. it's about taking things and making them safer. it's a public health issue. some of the numbers, i think people may have heard of in the past. 5700 children and teens killed over the last -- in the two-year period. 34,000 childrens and teens injured. the last line, third leading cause of death. we asked these questions as physicians and again it's trying to make things safer, with regard to swimming pools. if your house has a swimming pool the next part of the dialogue, what you can do to keep your kids safe if you have a swimming pool at home. >> good analogy. when you ask families if they have a swim pool you're not suggesting swimming pools are
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inherently evil you're going to direct your conversation. for doctors is this more of a wellness health prevention thing or is it the data collection which is also interesting? >> yeah, you know, i think for doctors, i'll it'll you, i went to the not long ago and i was asked -- i have three small children between ages of 3 and 7 -- they asked me about guns and asked me about swimming pools, smoke detector, all of these things. it's one-on-one patient care. organizations like the centers for disease control say their funding is dried up in terms of gun safety resent. who are these people in who is getting injured? how can we reduce injuries. >> thank you for being with us. more than 100,000 people signed a petition on the white house website to deport cnn's piers morgan. he confronted the author of the petition last night on his show. piers morgan, we'll play you that and piers will be with us.
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>> 1776 will xlens again if you try to take our firearms. sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+.
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it has 7 antioxidants to support cell health.'s eating less. to losing weight. i'm hungry just thinking about it. thank goodness for new slimful. one delicious, 90-calorie slimful and a glass of water, like before dinner, helps keep me satisfied for hours. so instead of this much, i only need this much. and slimful tastso good... i don't even miss dessert. slimful and a glass of water... eating less is a beautiful thing.
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it's a huge trending topic on twitter now, piers morgan versus gun rights activist alex jones. jones appeared on morgan's show last night. he's behind a petition to deport piers morgan back to england because of his views on gun control. it's an actual petition on the white house website that has more than 100,000 signatures but white house spokesman jay carney says while they will respond to the petition, quote, it's worth remembering freedom of expression is a bedrock principle if our democracy.
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jones got extremely heated, as he explained his views against gun control last night. watch for yourself. >> i have fbi crime statistics that come out a year late, 2011. 20-plus percent crime drop in the last nine years. real violent crime because more guns means less crime. britain took guns 15, 16 years ago tripling of overall violent crime. we have a higher gun violence level, muggings, stabbings, death, those men rained that women to death with an iron rod four-feet rod. you can't ban the iron rods. guns, iron rods didn't do it. the tyrants did it. hitler took the guns. stalin took the guns. as it castro took the guns. 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms. it doesn't matter how many lemons you get on the street begging for them to have their guns taken. we will not relinquish them, do
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you understand? that's why your geeing to fail. no matter how much propaganda the republic will rise again. my familiar will and the revolution was at the core on both sides starting that santa ana came to take the guns in gonzalez, texas. don't try what your ancestors did before. come to america, i'll take you out shooting, become an american and join the republic! >> my word. earlier today, piers called in to cnn to explain what he thinks the audience takeaway should be from the interview. >> i can't think of a better advertisement for gun control than alex jones' interview last night. it was startling. it was terrifying, in parts. it was completely dill lewded. it was based on a premise of making americans so fearful they rush out to buy even more guns. it showed no compassion whatsoever to the victims o gun
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shootings. and you know, kind of twisted way that he turned everything into this assault on the second amendment is exactly what the gun rights lobby people do. and it's a lie. it cannot be allowed to continue. they have to be confronted and challenged and occasionally as with last night, i think silence was the best weapon against him because he just dug himself an ever bigger hole. the general reaction, i think one of real horror someone with a voice, a platform as alex jones, he has millions of americans listen to his show every week, and he spouts this kind of dangerous nonsense. >> want to hear more of that? you can watch the fallout from pier's interview, whatever you call it, piers morgan versus radio host alex jones as piers said that wasn't so much of an interview as alex venting. more of that tonight. piers morgan 9:00 eastern right
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here on cnn. listen, news i want to bring you about boeing's new aircraft. it's got another problem. it's one of its 787 jets, dreamliner, looking at it here, caught fire and just moments ago, another boeing 787 flight has been canceled due to few leak at boston's logan airport. two planes, this one was japan-bound, about to take off. live pictures now. that plane being towed back after a fuel leak. you see the fire trucks behind it. we'll be looking into the story more closely. it's safety is being called into question. i have a cold, and i took nyquil,
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let me show you this again. live pictures at boston's logan airport. that's a boeing 787, the newest passenger aircraft out there. it is the dreamliner, as you know. that plane, flight 007, scheduled to leave at noon eastern. it's been canceled after a fuel leak discovered while the plane was getting ready to depart. it was on the airfield at logan airport in boston. they're cleaning up the oil spill. you can see that plane being escorted to the gate with fire trucks behind it. here's the interesting part. some discussion in the past about fuel leak problems on the dreamliner but a different dreamliner, also operated by japan airlines, also had a problem yesterday. it had a firebreak out yesterday. we're not sure whether there's a connection between the fuel lines and the fire. japan airlines' dreamliner, a different one caught fire yesterday boston logan airport. now this one has a fuel leak.
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trying to figure out what the story is with dreamliners or whether it's got to do with boston airport, which i doubt. no other delays, no weather delays at boston. this seems to be the only problem. flying in and out of boston and see action, that's what it is. take a look at wall street. corporate earnings start today. the markets skittish. alison kosik at the new york stock exchange. the reason people need to think about earnings four times a year it's like your kid's report card. this is your portfolio's report card. >> reporter: yeah, expectation here isn't terrific. watching for earnings to roll in after the closing bell today. this is for the months from october, november, december, 2012. already, some groups are coming out saying look at s&p 500 companies the broadest index, those concernings will rise 3.3% in the fourth quarter. it's not terrible. but it's not fantastic either, especially when you compare how earnings did from the fourth quarter of 2011 when earnings were up more than 8%.
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funny thing is, some are calling the fourth quarter kind of a throwaway quarter because there are too many factors going on. it's an earnings season that comes with a lot of excuses, that companies can use for showing weak results and that includes the impact of hurricane sandy and all of that caution ahead of the fiscal cliff. what you may wind up seeing the focus is going to be less on those headline numbers and more on what these companies are saying, athey expect to happen in 2013. what they often call guidance. >> people not happy about unemployment here in the united states, 7.8%. a lot higher in europe. >> reporter: yeah. i mean, you think you've got it bad here. listen, our unemployment situation is bad. but you compare it to other countries. gosh, look at spain, unemployment rate 27%. out unemployment rate is twice that, 56%. this is a big worry for us because europe is our biggest trading partner. we don't want to see them slow down in their spending anymore. that could directly affect us.
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those unemployment numbers are stunning. look at that. greece, 26%. it's just eye popping. when you look at us, 7.8, yeah, it's high. hey, it could be a heck of a lot worse. >> you've got kids, disney, they're going to start tracking visitors with magic wrist bands, what is that all about? >> reporter: yes, isn't that a nice name for it. disney's doing this in florida, disney world. it's a great way to organize your vacation at disney. for you, yeah, you can manage your vacation but for them, they get something out of this, too, they're hoping that you spend more money when you're in the park. so what you basically do is get this wrist band, it would literally track your every move at the park, track what you buy, rides you go on, did you shake winnie the pooh's hand and not eyore's? when you needed a ticket to get in you had to through turnstiles the band will get you in.
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hook up yor crur credit card us scanner to making purchase at restaurants. ahead of time, before you go to the park, you've heard of the fast pass? you know what that is? >> yeah, i totally know what that is. you can -- you get -- you sort of dodge some lines, figure out timing when you go on a ride so you don't have to wait in line forever. >> reporter: exactly. what this band could do is, before you leave your hotel, let's say, you can organize, let's say, three rides that you know you want to go on that you know the lines are long so you tonight have to wait to get to the park to get fast passes you can do that early. there's a factor to this, too, would you like them tracking your every move? >> i figure everybody's tracking everything i do already. >> reporter: i know. >> i'm not one of the guys that gets worried about the tracking. whatever, if i get a discount, you can tell what i want to buy, who knows? >> reporter: the good thing is, is that this is mostly opt-in, choose what you want to share with disney, share as little or as much and think about it.
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you're at disney. there are security cameras everywhere. >> you're tracked already. i agree. we'll check in with you later. alison kosik. looking for a job that won't leave you pulling your hair snout it's not a problem for me. let's say won't have you raising your blood pressure. career cast released a list of the least stressle jobs in america. stop five, number one, university professors, high growth opportunities, low health risks good pay. make an average of $62,000 a year. salaries can get as high as 200k. next, seamstresses and taylors. pay is low but can be creative and work in quiet environments. medical record technicians low stress jobs. low paying, $30,000. but it's a growing profession. jewelers come in at number four. medical lab technicians round up the top five. one stressful job selecting a cabinet. president obama's on the fast track to fill up his cabinet.
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from the looks of it he's picking -- hand picking men that he trusts. what about women? how is this cabinet doing in terms of diversity? picks are not a shoo-in. congress may be pushing back on some of them. i here to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere.
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proposals. a spokesman says the group received an invitation late friday, and will send a representative. a senior administration official says, vice president joe biden will hold a series of meetings with stakeholders in the gun debate. president obama appointed biden to lead an effort to curb gun violence that was after the tragedy in newtown, connecticut. the president is facing a contentious battle over his two latest nominations for cabinet posts. he tapped former republican senator chuck hagel for defense secretary. and anti-terrorism chief john brennan for cia director. controversy surrounds hagel because of opposition to troop surges in iraq and afghanistan, and some of his positions on israel. the president cited one main reason for both of his picks. >> my number one criteria in making these decisions was simple, who is going to do the best job in securing america? these two leaders have dedicated their lives to protecting our
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country. i'm confident they will do an outstanding job. i urge the senate to confirm them as soon as possible so we can keep our nation secure and the american people safe. >> now, there's something to be said for how a president picks cabinet nominees, cabinet secretaries, in his second term. let's bring in author and presidential historian, douglas brinkley, professor of history, fellow at rice university and author of a thousand books, last i checked. thank you for being with us. as you just heard, the president wanted to be seen as tough, particularly as tough on terrorism, these two men seem to fit the bill. what's the issue about the president appointing just anybody he wants? why is this i going to be a tough battle for him? >> we're in a tough, political climate now. president obama's picked two excellent people, i believe, in john brennan and chuck hagel. i mean look at their long scope of their career and resumes.
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bren the number one counterterrorism voice in policymaker in our government in obama's first term in the president's learned to trust his information. they have a great shorthand together. and chuck hagel's an old friend of the president from his days in the senate. it's a quasi bipartisan effort picking hagel but not quite. because he's a disgruntled republican, so i think president's getting people he wanted to be comfortable with, he doesn't have to run for office again, he has two men by him that he wants to hear from every day. >> hagel's got history's that going to cause the president trouble including positions on israel and iran. does that matter? and how does the president overcome resistance he's going to get from republican and conservative senators? >> it matters. we're going to have a big public hearing. moments in hear where people that we think are shoo-ins suddenly have to quit the process. admiral strauss in 1959 was
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picked by dwight eisenhower to be commerce secretary. everybody thought how he was an automatic, a long veteran in government. and yet they wouldn't allow him to go through. most famously, john tower, 24 years in the u.s. senate when george herbert walker bush picked him to be secretary of defense. in the hearing there were stories of overdrinking, alcohol, womenenizing, financial impropri impropries. you never know what you're going to stumble into. they'll go after hagel and brennan but in the end probably both confirmed. >> hagel's a veteran. hagel is a republican but you do point -- being a veteran may help a bit. being a republican, you're saying going to help less than you would normally think? in yes, because hagel's not part of the neoconmovement nor part of the modern conservative movement. he's kind of a loose cannon. i like that about him. he's a gut player but you make enemies that way. that's what cost john tower to
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be secretary of defense, the independent streak. interesting to watch john mccain. mccain part of the group of -- who embraced hagel. vietnam vets together they used to pal around with john kerry and max cleland and chuck rob, vietnam senators but differed in the past few years and there's tension there. mccain's the key person. for brennan, brennan has a weak spot he was pro-cia, waterboarding type of activities, mccain was opposed to that. mccain's in the spotlight the next week. >> talk about women. we've had three major appointments so far, three major suggestions at the moment. kerry, brennan and hagel. we know the treasury secretary's leaving. we haven't had somebody named but there are not a lot of women's names floating around, as potentials. why no more women in the cabinet? >> well, we're just losing two high-profile women in the obama
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administration, hillary clinton, but also lisa jackson at epa. it is -- seems to me the president's going to want to try to get in his last remaining appointments some women in play. susan rice can stay in at u.n. but you want to get a few more. you might see more women becoming assistant secretaries, high-level ambassadorships on the foreign policy front and i think you'll find a woman finding a spot in one of the domestic cabinet posts. but it's, i think, the president felt he had to pick the people that were best and their names were kerry, brennan and hagel, after he floated rice around a little and she didn't track. >> because of the movie "lincoln" that's been out and doris concerns good win's book "team of rivals," obama's cabinet picks now for a second term are the least team of rivals ever. explain that a bit. >> yes. i mean these are a team of friends. i don't blame the president. look, you're in the second term now, you've won a big election
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like he did. you don't want to have to constantly pick the political choice. you want the person you think can get the job done. chuck hagel is not afraid to slash defense budgets. you really need a veteran to do that. the first secretary of defense a v vietnam war veteran. hagel's ready to do it. it's hard to find somebody that has moxie that wants to get in there and slash. he's with his come padres right now, the president. and you can't blame him. fdr's brain trust or the kitchen cabinet of tr, it's always good to have people around you that you're comfortable with. >> douglas, good to talk to you as always. thanks for joining us. douglas brinkley, presidential historian. chris christie, a name that voters love. why his skyrocketing approval ratings and controversial
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idea ever. home automation is the big deal there. >> reporter: it really is. you know we just kind of got here. the show's been open now about 40 minutes. we've been roaming the floor, trying to find themes and products that interest us. one theme that quickly emerged right away, ali, is home automation. that's th idea of using your phone to connect everything. let me give you the lay of the land first. this is sort of -- this is the south hall, this is where there are a lot of companies that are focusing on home automation and audio. we're going to kind of walk around here and talk to people from nexia home intelligence, one of the leaders in the space of home automation. and the key here is, this isn't brand-new technology but what is new is it's simpler and more affordable. this is paige with nexia. first of all talking about how this has been around, at least
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some products have. gotten a lot more cost affordable for people, correct? >> that's correct. the notion of home intelligence in products that we're integrate into homes talk to each other is getting much more affordable. we used to see home automation at ten of thousands of dollars. we've brought it down to a point of a couple hundred dollars or a thousand dollars so all homeowners can have the advantage of home automation. >> reporter: i want to show people how this work. a simple piece of hardware that connects to your home router. this is the key to making all of this stuff work. and in terms of the range of products talking about your thermostat you control from your phone, this is electronic thermostat. here this is your newest product. i think this one's interesting. tell us about in. >> this is a touch screen dead bolt launched last week connects into the home automation system allowing the homeowner to lock and unlock the door remotely.
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leave the home, realize the door's unlocked, hit a button, lock it. >> we all leave the house and wonder sometimes, was the house locked or unlocked? pressing a button here. the wi-fi's tough inside. we're not sure. you can see instantly you can tell the door just locked. and what is something like this cost? >> this retails for around $199. go out, search for it online. it's always going to give you that status. the lock is locked or unlocked. unlock it for housekeeper, cleaning lady, give everyone a code and receive a text when they walk? >> thanks very much. ali, a couple things that we're hearing a lot about. connected homes, also connected cars. the idea of using your phone to, for instance, start your car on the cold, winter days. get in your car and it's almost warm. smartphone technology is all of the rage during the ces.
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>> good to see you. dan simon at consumer electronic show in las vegas. i think we're taking a quick break. at a dry cleaner, we replaced people with a machine. what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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christina is with me. the days of getting by on the high school diploma are over. the unemployment rates for 500 different jobs. >> deep dive for you. these are the jobs the lowest levels of unemployment. topping the list, physicians and surgeons. 0.8% unemployment followed by nurse practitioners, estate appraisers and assessors of real estate. clergy and physicians assistants. and then on the other end, look at this, anything related with housing market still has high unemployment and telemarketers, 25% unemployment here. >> you can outsource. >> right. >> this may start changing as the housing market starts to come back. >> also construction laborers, packers, brick masons, drywall installers. news analysts, by the way, reporters and those are in the middle of the pack with 6.6% unemployment. >> now, here is the thing you need to look at. unemployment by levels of education. what do all the low unemployment jobs have in common? they require a college degree or
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special training. the more education you have, the more likely you are to be employed and earning good money. look at this. people with a bachelor's degree or higher have under 4% unemployment. that is half of that -- of those people with high school diplomas. and look at that. if you have less than a high school diploma, unemployment rate close to 11.7%. if you have a college or associate degree, you're in the middle with 6.9%. what is standing in the way of everybody getting a college degree? we know the answer to that, we hear it all the time, it is cost. between 1998 and 2008, the cost of college rose 130%, but income didn't increase anywhere close to that. two-thirds of college seniors have college debt. the average debt load is $26,000. >> so you may end up eventually once you get into the labor market with a lower unemployment rate than the national average that had more debt rmally. i like to say most people don't need to spend $200,000 to get a good degree.
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there are three-year programs. you cannot in this world take five years to get through school anymore. choose your school wisely. if you don't have savings, and you don't have scholarships, you can't afford to go some place that is a private liberal arts college, paying $50,000 a year. you can't afford it. >> the fact you come out of college with debt doesn't necessarily mean it is a bad investment. because if your debt puts you into this category, 3.9% unemployment as opposed to this category of 8%, you're going to make that money up over time. you'll have savings. you're going to be able to invest it and you're going to be able to do a little bit better. that's our how to speak money for today, christine. good to see you. thank you for joining us. we'll be right back after the break. ♪ you know my heart burns for you... ♪
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in just a few minutes, governor chris christie will deliver a state of the state address. the outspoken republican will no doubt focus on the efforts on -- on the effects of superstorm sandy which barreled into new jersey. i was in atlantic covering the storm when it hit. i've seen the extensive damage firsthand. governor christie has emerged as a leading voice pressuring congress to pass a $60 billion aid package to repair damaged infrastructure and help people rebuild their homes and businesses in new york and new jersey. i want to bring in our political editor paul steinhauser in washington. paul, we probably know what we can expect to hear from governor christie. what we also know is his way of
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doing things seems to resonate with new jersey residents. >> it sure does, ali. the state of the state addresses, they're basically a state of the union address on the state level where governors talk about their accomplishments from the past year, what they're going to do in this new year. as for christie, his office put out a press release earlier today touting the governor's efforts on the budget deficit, on taxes, on education. let's be honest, as you just mentioned, the big part of this speech today is going to be on sandy, on how the storm devastated new jersey in 2012. chris christie did in 2012 after the storm hit. and what he plans to do this year as he helps to continue to get new jersey back on its -- on its right setting. as you just mentioned, polls indicate new jersey voters are giving chris christie two thumbs up. his poll ratings skyrocketed after sandy. he's still in the 70s, a new poll out yesterday, 73% of new jersey residents aprove of the
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job he's doing in office. all this comes, of course, ten months before governor chris christie is up for re-election. that's another reason why this address and his efforts on sandy are so important to chris christie. >> talk to me about we're all talking about here. most of the rest of the country doesn't care about new jersey's election. they care about 2016. is chris christie going to be a presidential candidate in 2016? what do you know about this? >> listen, a lot of republicans wanted him to run for the nomination this past time. he eventually thought about it, but eventually said no, and endorsed mitt romney as we all know. he was asked about it, possibly running in 2016 in an interview in the "new york star ledger," would he be more prepared this time around? this is what he said, yeah, you're damn right i'd be more ready. look at this, ali, a new poll, we asked republicans, look at it, 2016, would you be very
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