tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 13, 2013 1:00am-2:00am PST
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>> i'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms. [ laughter ] >> holy [ bleep ]! we can't even begin to address 30,000 gun deaths that are actually in reality happening in this country every year because a few of us must remain vigilant against the rise of imaginary hitler. >> it's just a little too convenient to be blaming guns for gun violence. especially when the n.r.a. has already identified the real culprits -- >> vicious, violent video games. we have blood-soaked films. our nation's refusal to create an active national database of the mentally ill. >> clearly, the reason we have more gun deaths than anyone else
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in the industrialized world isn't the guns. it has to be that america is the only country in the world that has video games. hello everyone. i'm don lemon. the stories you're talking about in just a moment. but first, let's get you up to speed on the day's headlines here. clinics and hospital emergency rooms across the country are packed with people sick with the flu, rolling up their sleeves for a flu shot. the cdc director says we won't know more weeks if the flu season has peaked. 47 states are reporting widespread flu activity right now. the brother of ailing venezuelan president hugo chavez says he is recovering well from his latest search. chavez is being treated for cancer in cuba. he's been unable to return to cuba for a planned inauguration. chavez has not been seen in public for about a month. an operation to free a french spy captured in somalia has failed. france's president said two soldiers died possibly along with the hostage. france has come to the aid of
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mali's fragile government in its fight against islamic militants. those fighters are linked to al qaeda. the man known as the american taliban has won a legal battle allowing him and fellow inmates to gather for daily prayers. a judge ruled yesterday the prison warden was violating his rights but not allowing the religious activities. he pleaded guilty to supplying services to the taliban. a lot more is plans for you this saturday night. here's what else we're working on. after the newtown tragedy, the loud cry that enough is enough. mass shootings must stop. >> we won't prevent them all. but that can't be an excuse not to try. >> since then, we've seen action. not new laws but a huge spike in gun sales and crazy talk. >> 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms. >> but get ready, the president appears ready to make some changes with or without congress' approval.
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a warning from one psychologist. the actions and attitudes of women are making them a lot like, well, men. >> they're trying to keep up with the boys. it's a trap. it's a freedom trap. >> one recent example, binge drinking. you won't believe this scary trend for american women. and baseball's all-time hit king on his new reality show. his ban from the hall of fame and how some of the biggest names were shut out of the hall because of suspected steroid use. we push for answers. >> why are you putting me on the spot like that? i have people from tlc standing right here ready to knock me in the head. first, we'll start with guns. it is the kind of statistic that on the surface seems to make no sense. during december, the same month that saw the heartbreaking tragedy in newtown, connecticut, the fbi conducted a record 2.8 million checks for gun purchases, a record for a single month. in other words, a lot of americans reacted to the horror of that terrible day by rushing out to buy a gun.
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since that day, and unlike after past shootings, the old debate over gun rights who should buy them and what kind that they can guy has only gotten more intense. vice president joe biden on tuesday will present the president with his task force's recommendation for reducing gun violence. mental health, violent video games and school safety have all been a part of his agenda. he even met with the n.r.a. but the group said it was, quote, disappointed in their discussion. that discussion is stirring passion from dinner tables to talk shows nationwide in ways we haven't seen in a very long time. here's our own piers morgan with a radio host who started a petition to get piers deported over support for gun control. >> the tyrants did it. hitler took the guns. stalin took the guns. castro took the guns. chavez took the guns. 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.
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doesn't matter how many lemmings are out there begging for them to have their guns taken. we will not relinquish them. that's why you're going to fail and the establishment knows no much how much propaganda, the republic will rise again. my family was at the core on both sides starting the santa ana because santa ana came to take the guns at gonzalez, texas. piers, don't try what your ancestors did before. why don't you come to america, i'll take you out shooting. become an american and join the republic. >> paranoid. we're going to cover this debate tonight in different ways than you have been hearing so far. democratic congresswoman jan schakowsky is in chicago. lou palumbo, a former new york police officer who now owns his own security agency and sam granillo, a survivor of the columbine shooting in 199. and he's also a filmmaker.
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good to see you all. an administration source tells cnn that the president will push for a new assault weapons ban assuming it's passed, do you think it would work? lou? >> i'm sorry. i apologize. i was dozing on you. i do not believe the assault rifle ban is going to have any dramatic impact on the violent crimes in our country. it's interesting this young lady from illinois would probably be aware that in chicago where you basically have no access to firearms, they have shootings at epidemic proportions. passing more gun laws isn't going to fix the problem. they need to put an immense amount of concentration into enforcement.
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>> congresswoman, you want to respond to that? >> yes. the conventional wisdom is now that the national rifle association, if they oppose a piece of legislation, that it's doomed. but there's a new reality in this country. and the debate has been transformed by the faces that everyone saw of those little children who were killed as sandy hook school. and made people think, do we really need these kinds of weapons where people can go into a classroom and in less than a minute destroy the lives of these beautiful little children? i think that the debate has been completely transformed and that the power of the n.r.a. -- i'm not talking about n.r.a. members, now. i'm talking about the leaders and the lobbyists.
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has really been diminished in the minds of the public. and i think there's a new determination that stronger laws, that stronger regulations are not inconsistent with the second amendment and that absolutely it is time for us to do something about getting the hands -- the guns out of the hands of the wrong people and have some stronger regulation. 95% of americans, according to a cnn poll, believe that there should be universal background checks. i would certainly hope there's no disagreement on this panel about background checks. >> and even members of the n.r.a. as well. sam, you lived through columbine. what's your reaction when you see another mass shooting like newtown? >> well, every time these things happen, it's so gut-wrenching. but we have to figure out what the bottom line is here. is it gun control? is it mental therapy and options and stuff like that and counseling? gun control, it needs its own regulations.
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no one's going to take anyone's guns away. no one's going to storm into people's houses and take what is theirs away. i think the problem is there needs to be more regulation on just how easy it is to get a gun. every circumstance is so unique and so individual. as far as columbine goes, even if they didn't have any guns, those guys wanted to do some damage and they were going to find out any which way they possibly could to make that happen. so is it a gun problem? not necessarily. i think it's a good combination of so many things. but we have to look at both sides. you can't just be pissed off one way or another saying, no one's going to take the guns out of my hands, or being on the other side saying that we're not going to give you guns. everyone has to look at both sides sort of evenly or no one's going to listen to your point of view. >> it's an interesting sort of paranoia about taking guns way that i don't really understand. it is a hypothetical that
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someone's going to take your guns away and there's going to be some sort of tyranny when the reality is that people are being killed by assault weapons all the time. at these mass shootings, that's what they're using. >> a couple of things i want to say. first of all, the solution to this problem that we have is a cumulative product. there's no magic wand, if you ban assault rifles, the problem's going away. there are many denominators that are causing this problem today with our young people. first, we have to examine what the information network is, or the information highway is to our children. we teach them in video games and movies explicit ways to perpetrate violence with the very same weapons being used in these mass shootings, number one. >> but, lou, let me respond to that. when people talk about video games -- i know that violence -- we're afraid to put nudity on television but we'll put violence on television and in video games. but in other countries, people play and watch these violent video games more so than in this country and they have less gun violence.
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why are we plaming a video game? a video game doesn't kill anyone. people with guns kill people. >> don, i'm not blaming video games. i'm saying cumulatively we need to examine many components or aspects as to what is lending itself to this problem. and you may very well be right about what goes on in other countries. but the reality of the situation is there's a dynamic in our country that we have to address. and gun control solely isn't -- >> and that's why the vice president has been meeting with people that represent all aspects of this. but to say that the weapons themselves -- these powerful military-style assault weapons and the assault magazines that can kill -- that can shoot off 100 rounds in a short period of time, why does anybody, a normal person have to have that kind of weapon?
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to take guns off the table is just ridiculous. >> ma'am, you're right. it is absolutely ridiculous. >> if i can speak to this for one second. i want to say one thing to you, so everybody has a clear understanding about this weapon that we're referring to. this ar-15-type weapon was introduced to the american public for consumption in around the mid '60s. it's been here for over 45 years, that weapon. it should never have been released to the american public. just like the high capacity automatic pistols that were designed for us in law enforcement to offset the disparity in our weapons against the bad guys. we released those as well. it was done so we could make money. the horse is out of the stall. that's one of the problems we're facing here. the reality of it is that that gun went pretty much unnoticed for about 35 years. in the past decade or so, we're having a rash of these shootings. so you have to really take a bit
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more of a measured approach as to exactly what's going on here. it isn't just the fact that these guns are in the hands of people that shouldn't have them. there is a big issue with the mental health. it's a big issue with the psyche of americans. >> it is. lou, i understand what you're saying. i'd much rather go up against someone who has a knife or who has a bottle or who has a baseball bat than someone who has an ar-15 and who are mentally unstable. i could stand a good chance with the other -- >> and that's a whole other thing. you can't just say that you're going to even fare better against a knife or whatever. sure, statistically, a knife, it seems more safe than one of those crazy guns. but you have to look at the psychology. when you go through something like this, you don't know how you're going to react. you don't know how you're going to respond. sure, someone will come at you with a knife but what if you freeze? what if you turn around and trip
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and hit your head on something and you die that way? >> let me bring in a little -- can i bring in a little reality here? there is a growing consensus in this country, vast majorities of ordinary americans, people in chicago who are tired of seeing 500 killings last year alone, going to funerals every weekend of kids that are killed, are saying that we have got to do something about the guns. that we can at least take these assault weapons as we have before, that we can deal with the assault magazines, that we can have background checks for everyone. and i think these are straightforward, simple ideas that most americans now agree to. i really think in the minds of most american people, the debate is over. it's a question of whether or not members of congress are going to respond to this need.
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>> jan -- >> the national rifle association is being unfair -- >> jan, i think you're being remiss. >> i'm sorry, lou. i have to get to a break. we'll be back. we'll talk more about this. you guys will be back. thank you, guys. i appreciate it. a man listens in over the phone as his wife at home fends off an intruder. >> shoot him again. shoot him. oh, no! >> some argue she needed more firepower. we'll talk to the sheriff handling the case next.
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a woman and her two children fled to their attic in atlanta last week as a man with a crowbar forced his way into their home. she took a loaded .38 revolver with her. she called her husband at work who called 911. the intruder forced his way into the house, broke through two more locked doors and eventually discovered the woman and her kids. her husband on the phone with the 911 operator described what happened next. >> she shot him. she's shooting him. she's shooting him. she's shooting him. >> okay. >> shoot him again. shoot him. oh, no. >> joining me now is sheriff joe chapman of walton county, georgia, outside atlanta where the incident happened. sheriff, thank you very much for joining us here tonight. this woman fired all six bullets hitting the suspect five times. he survived. he's now in the hospital. did she do the right thing? >> absolutely.
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without any question she did. >> yeah. and some say that she may have needed more firepower. what do you think? >> well, i've heard all the debates and what i would have done, what she should have done, what kind of ammunition she should have used, she done what she needed to do at that moment in time. >> i want you to take a listen to this. the man in charge of gun owners of america told our piers morgan that it's good this woman defended herself but she could have used even more firepower. >> when you have one woman in a closet who is only able to deter an assailant who's found her and her kids with five shots that hit the guy's head and he still walks out of the house, she was out of bullets in her six-shot revolver. if there had been two assailants, i don't think she would have done so well. >> is this an argument, as we set, for more firepower -- this is why people have guns in their
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homes, to defend themselves against situations like this. but do you think it has anything to do with the high capacity magazines and the assault rifles that everyone's been debating lately? >> that's always going to be a debate. if someone's breaking into my home and i'm afraid, i want every weapon i can get my hands on. if i could have an m1 abrams tank in my closet, i would love to have that. but this lady has a .38 revolver. and it turned out good for her. >> yeah. how does it feel -- let's talk about personally now. you're a sheriff. you came into the building. and anytime a guest comes in, we get an alert that says, sheriff joe chapman is here. and we had to take his gun. >> well, i actually made it all the way upstairs before they found it. >> and what happened? >> they asked me to walk through a metal detector and i told them i had my weapon with me and they said that i couldn't come in with it.
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>> and you said, you can carry your weapon into the capitol but you can't bring it into cnn? >> absolutely. >> is that odd for you? >> pretty odd. >> you're straight out of -- you look like a sheriff. you look like the poster boy for what a sheriff should look like. does that mean, though, because you're a sheriff, what do you think of gun laws and what do you think of assault rifles on the street? i have friends in law enforcement who say -- some of them say, i'm so glad you're bringing up this thing about assault rifles because we're outgunned on the street. and others say, people should be allowed these. where do you stand on that? >> i have a little bit different observation of what you're calling assault weapons. i'm prior military. i'm not afraid of them. i'm well-trained with them. my sons actually own i guess what you would consider assault weapons. like i said before, an assault
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weapon to me is an m60 machine gun, a mark 19 grenade launcher or something to that effect. i get confused when i hear this argument because i can do quite a bit of damage with a shotgun that i use for bird hunting. >> right. >> if someone's tactically efficient with a firearm, it really doesn't matter what kind it is, they can do just as much damage with a lever action rifle or a pump action shotgun as a semiautomatic rifle. >> that seems to be the argument for people, though, who want more restrictions on these semiautomatic rifles. did you hear what general stanley mcchrystal said? he's been on a number of shows. he said those weapons are -- and the bullets in those weapons are to do major damage in a war zone and on the battlefield. and he doesn't feel that they should be on the streets. >> well, that's his opinion.
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>> yeah. >> i watched this debate. my opinion isn't going to change someone else's opinion. >> i think you underestimate yourself, though, as a member of law enforcement, you said you're a member of the military as well. i think your opinion is very important. you should be one of the people who has a leading voice. who have a leading voice in this. >> well, i live in a different environment, too. i work for people in a different environment than what we see going on in some of these places where mass shootings are going, to the best of my knowledge. i live in a great county. we have a great population of people. and that's not to say that something like that couldn't happen in walton county. it very easily could. but we haven't reached the point of where we have gangs and that sort of thing. >> do you think more restrictions -- more gun
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restrictions will reduce crimes? >> i don't think it's going to make a difference at all. >> thank you, sheriff. >> we already have some laws now that i've tried to enforce that the federal authorities -- people would lie on an atf firearms form and it was no big deal. and i didn't understand it. >> thank you, sheriff. thanks for coming in. we appreciate you coming in. we'd like to have you back. >> thank you. shortly after the newtown shootings, a gun shop owner came on this show to be a part of my panel and he has seen -- i want to know if he's seen any changes since then. what are his customers saying? we're going to ask him next. as you can see, geico's customer satisfaction is at 97%.
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mmmm tasty. and cut! very good. people are always asking me how we make these geico adverts. so we're taking you behind the scenes. this coffee cup, for example, is computer animated. it's not real. geico's customer satisfaction is quite real though. this computer-animated coffee tastes dreadful. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 % or more on car insurance. someone get me a latte will ya, please?
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>> i am. in the reserve unit. >> when you hear about the hearings with the vice president and the recommendations that they're going to come up with on tuesday, any concerns about this for your business? >> well, there's a lot of unknown right now. we don't really know where these recommendations are going to go. clearly, as a firearms retailer, we're concerned about what types of firearms we're going to be limited to, as are our customers. but right now, everything's speculative. and until we hear the real recommendations tuesday, at that point, we can kind of make a determination about how we feel. >> how heard -- the gun range and the gun shop owner, people worry that the government is going to come in and take all of their guns away -- >> i heard some of that speculation but not from our customer base. clearly their concern just has to do with restricting -- >> there's a lot of misinformation out there. >> there is. a lot of things are floating around about what the
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administration can do, what congress would do. their concerns are strictly around them being limited as to what firearms they would be able to purchase, what types of magazines that they'd be able to purchase moving forward. >> let's talk about that because there's much speculation about what the white house recommendations will be, banning certain magazines, banning assault weapons, possibly. how will some of these measures affect you if they do go into law and is there any support for them? >> well, clearly the magazine limitation would -- and if there were an ar ban, it would limit a certain number of rifles that we would be able to sell. we clearly don't agree with that. we've had that discussion before. i don't truly believe in my heart that that's going to change the levels of gun violence that occur in this country. there's other underlying factors that we need to discuss. and that's really what we need to address. >> what recommendations would you like to see the committee make? >> one i'd really like to see the committee make is to look strongly at the mental health
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issue. over the last 20 years, we have seen funding towards mental health care decline. when i was a police officer in dekalb county back in the 1980s, there were a number of mental health facilities here in metro atlanta that we could take patients to who were mentally unstable. now that's really limited to one. the ability of individuals, families who have health insurance, to get mental health care for their loved ones has been diminished because most health insurance plans don't pay for that coverage. so that's a problem. number one. number two, if you look at the fbi crime statistics over the last 20 years and you look at the violent crime index and the murder index, over the last 20 years, that's dropped 50%. but the other part of it that's interesting is that if you look at urban areas with population greater than 250,000, the violent crime index and the murder index is double the national average. 75% of all murders that are committed in this country are gang and drug related.
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we've got to look at the culture of violence in major american cities and give kids hope and mentor these kids. >> i think you're right on that. give me two more minutes with him. continue, go ahead. >> i read an article this morning that was -- it was based in jacksonville. and they were looking at the murder rate of young -- in this case, it was discussing young black men between the ages of 12 and 19, that that is the leading cause of death for them, homicide. >> absolutely. >> and if we can't -- and his point was, a lot of the kids are born with young, poor mothers and if we can reach these kids before they reach the age of 8 -- >> let me jump in here. i think you're absolutely right. i think there are two different issues here, though. one is to stop mass assaults with the assault weapons with going into schools and places of work. and then there's the other
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thing, people killing each other on the streets, adults killing each other and some of them are young kids. >> the murders in chicago and atlanta -- and the other thing has got to be stricter enforcement and incarceration. last here in atlanta, we had an atlanta police officer that was shot. the individual -- and fortunately the officer was hit in the chin, he's going to survive. the individual who shot him is a convicted felon. he was arrested for aggravated assault on a police officer and a convicted felon in possession of a firearm. he has been arrested for this before. the clayton county police officer back in december that was killed, same thing. >> i get your point. do gun owners feel attacked at this point with what's going on? >> absolutely. as i mentioned, with the levels of violent crime and the murder rate dropping by 50% over the last 20 years, at the same time, the number of people who have purchased firearms and have firearms in their home have increased. so we have a larger number of firearms --
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>> but you can't say that a lower crime rate comes from people having more guns in their home and if the murder rate is here and it drops to here -- >> if we look at it, the crime rates that are highest -- in the highest urban areas have the highest level of gun control and it's not working. we've got to do something to stop this gang culture. and young people killing each other over gangs, over drugs -- >> we have to run now. isn't that the point? to talk about how to get -- how to keep the guns in the hands of the right people -- >> correct. >> -- and the get the guns out of the hands of the wrong people? >> we need to do a much better job of screening people who are mentally defective. >> it's also about access. i say always. if someone has a baseball bat or a knife or a bottle, i'd much rather go up against that person. i think most people would, than someone with an automatic assault weapon. >> but there were less than 300 people last year killed in this country with rifles.
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former cincinnati reds superstar pete rose is moving into a new game -- reality television. "pete rose: hits and mrs." follows the relationship of the baseball legend and his fiancee, former playboy model kiana kim. i spoke with the couple about their new show. >> you can expect a lot of laughter, some sadness. what else, babe? a lot of honesty.
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>> lots of endearing moments with just the family -- >> american pie. it's an american family that has the same problems that other people do. has high school kids and has kids in lower school and trials and tribulations of everyday life. taking them to basketball practice or taking them to the voice lesson or the golf lesson for the little girl. so it's kind of fun. it's kind of fun for me to be back in that role again. >> people expect to see happiness and fun times when they tune into a reality show. but you said sadness. what do you mean by sadness? >> well, i think there's probably some sadness when she wasn't to cooperstown and went to the hall of fame and visited the hall of fame. i think she kind of got kind of sad because all my artifacts were in the hall of fame but there wasn't no plaque of me in the hall of fame. am i right about that, babe? >> yeah. i've been there before. but it was hard to explain to the children.
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>> how come you aren't in the hall of fame? >> and just seeing the fans interact with pete, it's heartbreaking. >> because you're not officially in the hall of fame, is that what you mean? >> yeah. since i got suspended, i've never been on the ballot. >> right. >> so i've never been eligible for the voters to even consider me to be in the hall of fame. and, you know, this week, there's been a lot of action, a lot of talk about the hall of fame, as you know. >> but why do this? why expose your life and your family to the cameras and all of your secrets and all of your dirty and clean laundry? why do that? >> well, i don't think we're showing a lot of dirty laundry. my life's been kind of an open book. i don't think the cameras put on camera as what you would think it did. they didn't have us waking up in the morning. they didn't have us going to
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sleep at night -- >> well, sometimes they did. >> we had a schedule. there's not a lot of really personal stuff on there. >> i will say that with pete in his life and his accomplishments, there's cameras regardless. there's cameras following him. they still keep up till -- >> and you've always been an open book. >> he's very gracious about it. and he's open and honest. he feels he has nothing to hide and why not share our story? and we're a modern family just trying to blend our families together. and i think a lot of people can relate to us. we're getting married. >> when is the date? >> when are you getting married? >> 2029. >> my last question, could we possibly see a marriage between the two of you in the grand finale of your show? >> it's very -- highly possible. >> pete was awfully quiet. maybe i did something --
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>> the grand finale -- >> she's going to reanswer that. >> we don't know when the grand finale is. you mean in season one or season ten? >> i don't know. you tell us. season one, are we going to see a marriage or a wedding or -- >> we haven't seen it. >> isn't that strange that we have not seen any episode -- >> you guys know if you got on one knee and popped the question and there was a big wedding. come on! >> no. >> no? >> not in the first season. stay tuned. there's a lot of promising going on. why you put me on the spot like that? i've got people from tlc standing right her ready to knock me in the head. >> i think you should be more worried about -- >> i don't know if there's a wedding in the future. >> you're going to be in the doghouse. >> i'm not married right now.
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>> pete, i think i just put you in the doghouse. i'm sorry. >> i tell the truth and i don't lie. then he asks me that question. you put me on the spot, big guy. >> you guys are good sports. thank you. best of luck to you with your show. thank you, guys. >> thank you. >> pete rose in the doghouse. sorry, dude. our conversation didn't end there. coming up tomorrow, pete rose on this year's baseball hall of fame snubs and if he thinks he will ever be allowed into cooperstown. tomorrow night on cnn, 10:00 eastern. just ahead -- a warning from one psychologist. the actions and attitudes of women are making them a lot like, well, men. >> they're trying to keep up with the boys. it's a trap. it's a freedom trap. >> one recent example, binge drinking. you won't believe this scary trend for american women. binge drinking isn't just
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binge drinking isn't just for men anymore. according to the cdc, nearly 14 million american women binge drink three times a month, on average, six drinks each time. and it's not all harmless fun. binge drinking is blamed for about 23,000 deaths of women and girls each year. wendy walsh is a human behavioral specialist. wendy, this report says even many high school girls are binge drinking and six drinks, that's a lot. >> yeah. one in five high school girls apparently are binge drinking. you have to hear this. men are drinking more. young men are drinking more. they're drinking more often and they're drinking more alcohol. but young women can't metabolize alcohol that quickly. it's a very dangerous practice for young girls.
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>> you think about, i guess it's the way your body metabolizes it. women usually don't metabolize it as well as men. and i mentioned the deaths. but there are a whole slew of other serious problems that can come from drinking -- overdrinking like this. >> yes. binge drinking and chronic drinking in women is associated with higher rates of breast cancer, with liver disease, with heart disease, with the acquiring of a sexually transmitted disease and an unintended pregnancy. the statistic that so many of them are doing it so often is kind of disturbing in our culture. >> so did they say why they believe women were drinking more in this study?
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>> the research didn't address the cause, don. but i talk about in my new book coming out "the 30 day love detox" that women are adopting a male model of a lot of things and they're thinking this is a quality and this is freedom. and this drinking is one of those things -- like behaving sexually like a man -- but also drinking like a man is not necessarily helping women. it's a trap. it's a freedom trap, as i call it. and i think that's really it. they're trying to keep up with the boys. i know one friend of mine who in college was a bit of a binge drinker, is now clean and sober and has been through a. said that when she was in college, she would play caps with the guy. literally turn, barf, vomit in her purse, go back to the game to keep up with them. >> that's pretty. >> and this is freedom? >> it's not just stress. life is so stressful for everyone these days. doesn't that have anything to do with it, trying to have everything? >> we do not want to discount this factor. in fact, young women are under a lot of pressure right now. it seems like young men are -- less pressure is on them for some reason and they're sitting at home playing xbox in their
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mother's basement well into their 20s and girls are really pushed towards higher education and careers these days. stress is definitely a factor. >> thank you, wendy. >> thanks. see you next week. some are a bit irked by the possible makeup of the president's new cabinet. there is a bit of a pattern here. we'll ask about that next. oh! progress-oh! -oh! -oh! oh! oh! ♪ what do you know? oh! ♪ bacon? -oh! -oh! oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!"
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say hello to my little friend, dean obeidallah. he's in new york. quick political story here, dean. some are bothered by the president's new cabinet picks. no women, no people of color, secretary of state, defense and treasury, cia chief, all white men. some people are steamed about it. >> yep. >> does that bother you? >> no, i think obama should pick an all-black cabinet. why not? let's freak out some people in america.
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the first black person picked for a cabinet position was 1966. in all seriousness, he's going to have some diversity. 50% of the white house staff are women. i'm a big advocate of diversity. i think we learn from each other. i think it's great to have. i'm hopeful he'll make up for it. susan rice would have been secretary of state if the republicans hadn't attacked her -- >> hold on. i've been hearing that all week. i heard an interview, i was screaming at the television saying, people don't look when they're looking for the best qualified -- that is a bunch of crap. if you go to any h.r., anyone who's looking for any type of person to fill a job, they talk about everything, hair color, eye color, i need a black woman for this. we need a black man for that. and for an african-american, the first black president of the united states not to understand the optics of this is ridiculous. i think he's getting off the hook. he should have the most diverse staff of anyone ever. >> i'm with you on more diversity.
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if this was a republican, people on the left -- >> they would eat their lunch. it's embarrassing. >> but maybe this is because he knows this is white people's last hoorah. by 2045, white people will be in the majority. >> i know you're joking. but this has perturbed me for a long time. i think people have let the administration off the hook and they shouldn't be let off the hook. as i said, if the first african-american president of the united states doesn't understand the optics and doesn't understand diversity, then who is going to get it? >> by raising it in the media, charlie rangel, congressman, went after the president, he said it's embarrassing as hell, his words. as vacancies open up, they will put in people of color, more women, more diversity. it should reflect america. his cabinet should reflect america. i'm not kidding, ray lahood is an african-american on the cabinet. there's a lot of diversity but should be much more.
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>> i was listening to our editorial call this week. and i was thinking, this is a lesson for all of us, fortune 500 companies, media companies. look at ourselves, our primetime lineup, if people we have in charge. i think many companies look exactly like the white house. so i think this is something that we need to talk about in america and pull the stone out of your own eye before talking about someone else. >> diversity is not all different shades of white. that's really true. >> dean, speaking of all different shades, donald trump says bill maher owes him $5 million. and he may even sue.
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dean is back. dean, bad blood between donald trump, bill maher, which should be no surprise. maher twisted the knife a bit this past week on "leno." take a listen. >> the color of his hair and the color of an orange orangutan are the only two things in nature of the same color. i'm not saying it's true. >> he said he'd give trump $5 million to prove he's not a spawn of an orangutan. that was pretty rude. should maher pay up? >> of course not. this is a war on comedy by donald trump. what part of comedy doesn't trump understand?
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but trump and maher are cut from the same cloth, publicity whores. trump looks like he's auditions for a villain in james bond. get ahold of yourself. you're a billionaire. laugh at the comedian. tip your hair to him. whatever you have to do. you've got thick skin, literally, deal with it. i'm serious. he's so thin-skinned, looks like his face is made of leather. donald trump, you're a billionaire. you're above it. move on. >> why does this get under your skin so much, dean? he's donald trump. he says the craziest things. >> it's the war on comedy. there's a war on christmas, war on women. there is a war on comedy and it's always from the right attacking maher -- i'm not a big defender of maher. bill maher, it's people on the right who attack people on the left because they don't like what we're saying.
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this is america. i don't care if you like what we're saying. we're comedians. it's freedom of expression. we need to defd it. especially when you attack people in power, billionaires, politicians, elected officials, we should have all the freedom in the world, especially in those areas. >> are you done? >> maybe. >> don't hurt yourself getting off your high horse there -- >> come on, don. this is my career! it's all i've got. >> thank you, dean. up next, our moment of the week. and it is a pretty one.
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before we go tonight, i want to point out something that happened just a few days ago. something that involves my industry, live television. a guy went on television and did something that he is paid to do, he called it as he saw it. talking about legendary sportscaster brent musburger. his network issued an apology on his behalf. here's why. during the football game, he was calling the game and the camera found this lady, katherine webb, who is dating the crimson tide player quarterback. brent musburger said this, quote, wow, i'm telling you, you quarterback, you get all the good-looking woman, what a beautiful woman. whoa. so if you're a youngster in alabama, start getting the football out and throw it around the back yard with pops. here comes the outrage. they called him creepy, sexist and a dirty old man, for saying out loud that an attractive
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