tv Starting Point CNN January 22, 2013 4:00am-6:00am PST
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we wrap it up with best advice. >> today it comes from actress and unicef ambassador, angie harmon. >> the best advice i ever received, pretty is as pretty does. if you want to be pretty on the outside, be pretty on the inside. meaning, kind, sweet, careful of other people's feelings, respectful of others. which led me to lead my life, know what i stand for, know what i don't stand for, and have the courage to live my life accordingly. best advice i ever got. >> and she is working so hard on human trafficking for unicef. truly is beautiful on the outside and on the inside. that is all for "early start," everyone. i'm john berman. >> and i'm christine romans.
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"starting point" with soledad o'brien starts right now. welcome, everybody. "starting point" this morning, making history. president obama's second inaugural address. a lot of firsts. we'll take a look at the impact of his speech. and incredible moments from the day and the night, including the first lady's dresses. and the buzz on the obama girls, sasha and malia. >> she sparked the investigation that led david petraeus to resign. now jill kelly trying to cleey her name. and is 2013 the year of the house? housing values expecting to go up. and we'll have the presidential poet, doug wiem. howard kurtz with his exclusive
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interview on jill kelley and james spider marks. "starting point" begins right now. good morning, everyone. our "starting point," an emboldened president, obama playing encourager in chief. telling the american people we are made for this moment. an 18-minute long inaugural speech, coincided with martin luther king jr. day. he talked about several pivotal civil rights moments, he linked them together. dan yoth lothian has the highlights. >> reporter: this is a speech we're told the president had been working on since mid december, and he delivered it rather in a much different climate than he had four years ago, and he was dealing with two wars and also a financial crisis this time, the president used
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history to help define a progressive agenda for the next four years. >> please raise your right hand. >> reporter: and so it began. the second inaugural ceremony of president barack obama. part campaign speech, part pragmatic lecture, a confident mr. obama appeared comfortable in his presidential skin. >> my fellow americans, we are made for this moment and he will shall seize it together. >> reporter: the speech was rooted in history and fittingly on this holiday, reverend martin luther king jr.'s dream. >> we hold these truths to be self-evident. that all men are created equal. >> the past made modern with first-time references to climate change, immigration reform and sexual equality. >> our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we committed to
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one another must be equal as well. >> reporter: foreign policy absent from his address, though he heralded the end of a decade of war, and touted the economy. >> the commitments we may teach each other, these things do not sap our nation, they strengthen us. >> reporter: the president mostly refrained from partisan jabs but appeared to single out his former gop opponent mitt romney with this line. >> they do not make us a nation of takers. ♪ >> reporter: filling the air with patriotism, the voices of kelly clarkson and beyonce. ♪ >> reporter: there was a poem and prayers. as he left the front of the capitol, a nostalgic president turned back toward the lincoln memorial. >> i want to take a look one
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more time. i'm not going to see this again. >> reporter: before the president gets back to work, he heads to the washington national cathedral for an interfaith service for prayers to be offered up for the country and the president. it's a tradition that dates back to fdr. soledad. >> dan lothian, thank you. for the night and parties at night, really party mode in the nation's capital, while the number of official parties was scaled back from ten official parties four years ago to two official parties last night, there was no shortage of big stars and big moments, 21 acts, inuding jennifer hudson, alicia keys, stevie wonder, performed at two inaugural events. brianna keilar live in d.c. >> good morning, soledad. only two balls, but there were still tens of thousands of party goers who attended them. took over the huge washington convention center.
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and when it came to the entertainment, they were not disappoi disappointed. s. >> ladies and gentlemen, my better half and my dance partner, michelle obama. >> reporter: at the commander in chief's ball, jennifer hudson sang "let's stay together" as the first couple danced the first dance of the new term. mrs. obama revealing she had chosen jason wu yet again to design the inaugural gown. next, the inaugural ball, where 30,000 people expected to attend. this inaugural ball follows on a tradition started in 2009 to open up these events to every-day americans. a ticket cost as little as $60 and got people an amazing lineup to entertainers ♪ obama on fire
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>> reporter: alisha keys tweaked a rendition of her famous song. brad paisley brought the country. ♪ >> reporter: and stevie wonder rocked down the house, while jamie fox serenaded the bidens. ♪ i can't stop loving you ♪ >> there was also a special performance by mexico's hottest rock band. >> i'm here with mena, whippers of multiple grammies and latin grammys, amlex, you have supported president obama. so many hispanic americans came out for him. why do you think that happened? >> it's very easy. obama and the democrats had the best option for the latinos. immigration reform on the table. the dream act. latino -- the latinos here in the united states are so powerful, and their voice needs to be heard.
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they need to be treated as first class citizens. >> reporter: in addition to celebrities, campaign volunteers came from around the country. kelly jacobs traveled from mississippi, literally wearing her support. how many sequins on your address? >> 4,000 total, 2,000 each side. >> reporter: they are done by side. >> they are antique shield sequins, i sewed them on. >> reporter: a lot of work behind them and still ahead of them if they hope to help president obama deliver on his second term. but last night, just time for a good party. soledad, the musical performances, i can't tell you how wonderful they were. they were fantastic. i wish you could have been there. a late night. things wrapped up 1:00 a.m. well into the evening. >> i had a chance to go to one of the balls, i remember seeing you reporting late into the night. we thank you for that. the people at the balls talking
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about what the first lady was wearing. alaina cho will talk to us about the dress. she'll break down the inaugural fashions straight ahead. and jason's original sketches for the first lady too. looks like sasha not so impressed by her daddy's speech. spotted yawning during the inaugural address that set off a flurry of tweets and a cute moment on sunday after her father's traditional swearing in, where she congratulated her dad with a smile and said, good job, dad. you didn't mess up." she remembers what happens four years ago. the event a little bit of a stumble. so cute to watch those girls grow up in the public eye and michelle obama says normalcy is her goal to have kids who are good, regular sweet kids. seems like they have really done that job well. >> i think the moment said it all. in the reviewing stand watching the parade. and the two girls with their
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cell phones snapping pictures of the parade and their parents, forcing them to kiss, just like any kids would. that's what you do when your family has a big day. you take pictures of it. this is about as big of a day as you can have. >> millions of people watch them watch their parents. all the cameras on them the same time. they have lived under a microscope all these years. fascinating to watch them grow into young women. >> tough age to grow into young women in front of the nation. 11 and 14. we have kids, we know how challenging those ages can be. i'm sure having grandma in has helped a lot. shaping family values and helping the girls connect to their family. i want to get to doug wead, the author of "the raising of a president" the mothers and fathers of our nation's leaders. a presidential historian. great to have you with us. >> thank you.
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>> let's look at the sense of the obama girls, as opposed to some of the struggles that some of the other president's daughters have had. knock on wood. so far, so good. >> so far so good. the real trauma for a presidential child is not the period in the white house. the real trauma, to separate an identity separate from the president. john tyler had several children born after he left the white house and yet they experienced the same phenomenon. their upbringing, their life, will not be normal. you try your best to make it normal as the first lady says. >> they are under a microscope, and also today, the president's inaugural speech, people picking through. some people loved it. some people said it did not extend an olive branch. what did you think? >> i was surprised it was as ideological as it was. we really won't know for a long time. the future writes the past, so i
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think it will be very memorable. both of his speeches will be memorable. the first because he is the first african-american elected. he used language interesting to me. that we owe a lot to our founding documents. he referred a lot to the founding documents, not a lot to the founding documents. the founding fathers owned slaves. >> a process ever since. let's play a little bit about what he said. i think the constant looking back to the constitution was a very strong theme in his speech yesterday. let's play that. >> we hold these truths to be self-evident. that all men are creating equal. that they are endowed by their creator with certainly unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and the
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pursuit of happiness. >> and with that, he sort of launched into not an olive branch, he launched into here is the preparation for the fight ahead for the next four years. is that how you saw it? >> i saw it almost a campaign speech for 2014. we need congress, need to get this thing done, yeah. i saw it that way. and very interesting. the republicans and democrats are both in this death embrace. they each have their own constituents, throwing a lot of money at them on both sides. republicans, corp kroorate cron and friends. and on the democrat side, c-4s and c-3s, the poor which need help from the government. but i notice the president -- he had a line in his speech where he said every job -- the nation needs to find a decent wage for every worker. really? you know, there is supply and demand. there is a new role for government, and it's a more
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active role. >> is that a role for government, or could that be read, that is the american dream, the promise of america, which is people who come from nothing in a generation can become something, which as you well know, very unusual in many other countries. america is the place where that story is possible, and elsewhere it's really not. >> that's right. and -- and i guess you could interpret it either way and that's the debate. that's the debate. will it be the role of government or supply and demand and the natural market. >> the raising of a president, the mother and fathers of our nation's leaders. thank you for joining us. >> let's get to john berman. the testimony many americans have been waiting months to hear. secretary of state hillary clinton will testify about the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi that killed four americans, including ambassador chris stevens. seco
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secretary of state clinton was scheduled to testify last month, but was delayed after a concussion and blood clot that sent her to the hospital. the family of a man killed in the algerian hostage crisis will have a news conference at 11:00 a.m. the family of victor lovelady says he felt 100% safe. >> nothing has happened so long and my friend has been doing it so long, and it's fine here, so safe. we have protection, and he really truly felt safe there. >> lovelady's daughter erin says she wants everyone to know what a great dad victor was and how much he will be missed. two other americans were also kid. a messy and dangerous commute in new england this morning. jennifer delgado, tracking the storm and cold temperatures. >> john, you're right. to give you an idea of how much snow we're talking, erie, pennsylvania, two feet of snow in a 24-hour period.
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as we go through tomorrow, more snow developing along lake erie and lake ontario, snow coming through in heavy bands at times. in some locations, we could potentially see three feet of snow when all is said and done. this is going to give you an idea of how much snow we're talking. you can see the areas that will be the heaviest. cleveland to erie, and also buffalo. we can't forget areas, including parts of michigan. with all of the snow out there, it's all being reinforced with the cold, arctic air, look at windchill values out there. if you are going out the door, maybe you live in the midwest. make sure are you going back in, and add more layers out there. feels like minus 40 in duluth. minus 25, and temperatures barely make it above freezing, and windchill advisories for parts of the midwest all the way up to new england and some locations until tomorrow. john, it is bitterly cold out there. keep in mind, you can get
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frostbite in ten minutes with a windchill of minus 30. >> minus 40 in duluth? >> enjoy 25s in new york. >> jennifer delgado in atlanta, nice to see up. ahead, she sparked the investigation nthat forced davi petraeus to resign. and jill kelley trying to clear her name. and the first gay and hispanic inaugural poet. richard blanco talks about the inspiration of his poem, "one day." and we leave you with kelly clarkson singing "my country 'tis of thee." ♪ to thee we sing
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got harassing e-mails traced back to paula broadwell. the investigation revealed that petraeus was having an affair. and then it looked into jill kelley and john allen. messages were described as potentially inappropriate. it was a big scandal. lots to get to this morning. howard kurtz, whose exclusive interview with jill kelley just posted on the daily beast. >> good morning. >> she talks to you black mail, threats. lay those out for us. specifically what was being black mailed? what kind of threats was jill kelley getting from paula broadwell? >> a very emotional interview. jill kelley talked about the nightmare her life has become and everything changed when they started receiving those anonymous e-mails we know were
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from paula broadwell. she used words, jill kelley, like black mail and extortion. she said she was terrified. wouldn't tell me the exact nature of the threats. i didn't get to see the e-mails. she felt she had no choice but to protect herself and her family by going to the fbi that started the chain of events that you referenced. >> it led to headline news everywhere. let's play hout tout how the nee out. >> two of the top military men of their generation have been brought low by their acquaintance with jill kelley. >> exchanged thousands of eshgs mails with general john allen. it was the equivalent of phone sex over e-mail. >> known by some detractors as name droppers and social climbers. >> honey, you were dishonored long ago. >> what was the impact of the media, much of it negative, had on her? >> jill kelley told me this wrenching story of having a
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birthday party for her 7-year-old daughter, a couple of days after this story exploded, soledad, in the media, and how 70 paparazzi on her front lawn, she felt like her entire family life had been disrupted. she called this a nightmare. she had been living a nightmare, blames the media for reporting lies and half truths. she hasn't spoken until now, so it's hard to get her side. she says she has never met paula broadwell and couldn't tell because of what she calls the threatening e-mails were ambiguously worded that they were from a woman and that there was any jealously over her friendship with david petraeus. >> there seems to be conflict about the number of e-mails sent back and forth with general allen. she talks about hundreds in her interview with you. investigators talked about 30,000 pages of documents. so it's a little bit apples and oranges. but it seems to be a big discrepancy. >> among other discrepancies in
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this crazy saga, yes. she calls the 30,000 e-mail figure outrageous. perhaps more important than the actual numbers while unnamed government officials have been quoted in various media accounts as saying they were flirtatious, sexy, likened to phone sex. jill kelley says they were tame e-mails with general allen who was in kabul. they were only friends, and a telling point that came out. all the e-mails she sent and received to john allen were done on an e-mail account that she shares with her husband, which kinds of suggests that maybe they weren't so supersecret after all. >> but the fact that she wouldn't show them means that maybe they are somewhat secret. >> that's true. the jury is still out. >> the legal angle, military angle, media angle. lauren ashburn, editor in chief of the daily down led.
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general james spider marks and sunny hostin. and coming up, alaina cho joins us with jason wu. mississippi, alabama, louisiana or florida, they're gonna love it. shaul, your alabama hospitality is incredible. thanks, karen. love your mississippi outdoors. i vote for your florida beaches, dawn. bill, this louisiana seafood is delicious. we're having such a great year on the gulf, we've decided to put aside our rivalry. now is the perfect time to visit anyone of our states. the beaches and waters couldn't be more beautiful. take a boat ride, go fishing or just lay in the sun. we've got coastline to explore and wildlife to photograph. and there's world class dining with our world famous seafood. so for a great vacation this year, come to the gulf. its all fabulous but i give florida the edge. right after mississippi. you mean alabama.
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say louisiana or there's no dessert. this invitation is brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. welcome back, everybody. fair to say that it was the moment in fashion that everybody was waiting to see. who and what michelle obama would wear to the inaugural ball. the first lady chose jason wu. >> ladies and gentlemen, my better half. and my dance partner, michelle obama. >> reporter: if watching first lady michelle obama's fashion choices a sport, the inauguration is the super bowl. fashion's biggest prize. when mrs. obama emerged in a ruby red chiffon and velvet gown, the fashion world was atwitter. who designed it?
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the world now knows the answer is jason wu. again. this response from wu on twitter, #inshock, shows he was just surprised this time as he was four years ago. take me to the moment where she walked out. >> i was screaming at the top of my lungs, that's me! >> it's really brilliant what she's done in keeping a secret. in previous administrations, while there was always interest in what the first lady wore, there was never this read carpet moment. >> reporter: red was definitely on her mind. an exclusive look at jason wu's sketch of the obama gown, and clearly there was something here that caught the first lady's eye. in choosing wu, she once again puts the taiwanese born designer, who lives in new york, on the biggest world stage. not to be forgotten, another outfit on display. the one the first lady wore on inauguration morning. her choice this time?
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coat and dress by american designer thom browne. we tracked him down at his hotel in paris. celebrating the moment. >> you can never predict life to happen this way, and i'm so fortunate, so honorsed that she chose mine. >> reporter: the 47-year-old designer choes fabric based on men's silk ties. >> i had an idea that the president would be wearing navy, and i wanted to do something where she would look really good with him. and i chose a dark navy tie, which actually a silk jacquard fabric that i have used in my men's collection. >> reporter: for this designer, this moment represents name recognition. a potential for big business. and largely he has one woman to thank. >> a style icon for me is somebody who has the confidence
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to be able to be their own person and be the true individual that they are, and i think she definitely will go down in history as that. >> reporter: i am sure style wise that will be her legacy. as for jason wu, he told "women's wear daily," mrs. obama likes to keep her secrets. he surprised me again. she's really good at it. and he said he thought the country was ready to see a confident first lady in red. it just felt right. i have to say, and soledad, i'm sure you can relate as well as a woman, and you as a man as well. when you are getting dressed, you just want to feel great for the night, and in the end, you know, a lot of people thought, wow, i can't believe she gave jason wu a chance again on a big stage. >> how did the dress look? that was going to be the dress. >> exactly. i will speak with jason wu in the 9:00 hour of newsroom live. i will ask him was the second
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time just as sweet? i'm sure it was. coming up live. >> thank you. they have been called the odd couple of politics. up next, an in-depth look at the relationship between joe biden and president obama the deal they made to make things work. then kind of a sore loser on facebook. the wife of a patriots player blasts baltimore's ray lewis on social media after lewis' team beat them. did she go too far? we'll take a look.'d it go? well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered monkey-style kung fu? no. priceline is different now. you don't even have to bid. master hahn taught you all that? oh, and he says to say (translated from cantonese)
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steeri ining committee of the campaign to fix the debt. john berman and christine romans with us as well. we'll talk with richard blanco, the inaugural poet. look at sundance with zoraida sambolin. a look at the day's top stories. >> thank you, soledad. voters in israel having their bet. but it's a safe bet that benjamin netanyahu's party, likud will win re-election. it's still too soon to say if this party will go hard right or include centrists. north korea easing up on strict cell phone regulations for foreigners. regulators allowed to bring their own mobile devices in the country. talking to locals? don't try it. that is still illegal. prince harry home from a second tour of duty, serving the
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british army in afghanistan. looking at interviews he did in theater, and he admits he killed some members of the taliban. the 28-year-old british royal says he took enemy fighters out of the game during his 20-week tour in afghanistan. privacy was a big concern for him there, just like it is at home. >> i never wanted y e ed you gue out here, but there was a deal made that you didn't speculate before my deployment. wife of wes welker blasting ray lewis. lewis, who is retiring, win or lose, after the super bowl, has been seen as a leader and inspiration to his team, but after baltimore bounced him from the playoffs, anna burns welker
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blass bla blasted lewis on facebook. proud of my husband and the pats. by the way, if anyone is bored, please go to ray lewis' wikipedia page. six kids, four wives, acquitted of murder. paid a family off. yay, what a hall of fame flayer. a true role model. >> former ms. hooters, talking about the role model thing. isn't that like the pot, kettle thing. >> she was never accused of murder. >> people in glass houses should just keep their mouths shut after the game. the chief political analysts gloria boerj enger talked about odd couple in white house. >> president obama and joe biden, the odd couple of politics. >> what made it work, you go back to the days when we were
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competing for the nomination. all the debates we had, only two people who didn't disagree on any subject were barack obama and joe biden. we got into the deal. we didn't have what other administrations have had, where the vice president and president have a different take on the major issues of the day. totally simpatico. it went from working with each other to a real friendship. >> we know have you disagreed with the president over policy and you know how to read him pretty well. so how can you tell when you have done something that he dent like or that makes him angry? >> oh, that's easy. that's easy. we made a deal early on. when either one of us were dissatisfied, we flat tell the other person. so lunch once a week, that's when we talk. and when he's not liked something i have done, he flat tells me. >> says, joe, you shouldn't have done that. >> joe, look, i don't agree with
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the way you did that. why did you do a, b, c, or d? he will say, look, man, i don't like the way this is going. so there is a complete openness. but we haven't disagreed. sometimes we disagree on tactic. how to proceed to try to get what he wanted done, which i've agreed with. but we've never disagreed on policy. >> but there was a policy with timing, when the vice president got ahead of the boss in this exchange about same-sex marriage on "meet the press." >> men marrying men, women marrying women, women marrying hete heterote heterosexu heterosexual, they are all entitled to the same civil liberties. >> that caused heartache in the white house. >> me saying i was comfortable with gays and lesbians, i knew
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his position. >> you got out in front of him on it, and that can be a problem. >> i'm telling you how he responded. i walked into the office, and gave him a big hug. i tell you what, man. i like how you say what's on your mind. >> reporter: it caused a little apoplexy around here. >> it did, but not with him. not with him. >> reporter: cutting the deal with the fiscal cliff and trying to get one on guns. are you the only one that can cut deals with republicans now? >> no, no, no. look, first of all, the only way i have been able to close any deal, because everybody knows i speak for e president. i have his complete support for what i'm saying. because i know what he wants. number one. number two, i think the reason why we make a good team, you know, tip o'neill used to say, politics local. you have heard me say that i
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rarely disagree with tip o'neill, all politics personal. and it's based on trust and i have spent a lot of time in this town, i have personal relationships with people i strongly disagree, but there is trust, and so i'm a logical person. a logical person to -- as they say, close the deal, but it's the president, not me. it's the president. >> but it's no secret and you had the president are very different people. you're hot, he's cool. a natural back slapper, he's been accused of being more insular. does the marriage work because he married his opposite? >> i think what you hope, and he -- he used this phrase one time. that we kind of make up for whatever weaknesses the other guy has, and i've got a hell of a lot more weaknesses than he does. the one place i have had a lot of experience with a lot of the people we deal with. and, you know, everybody talks about, well, it's -- you know,
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it's back slapping. it's not. it's trust. simple trust. find a single person and you know this town better, who will look you in the eye and say i don't trust joe biden. it's that identify been arou've longer. i speak for him and they will keep whatever commitment i make on his behalf. >> interesting people in washington right now. you can see more of gloria's interview with the vice president today on "the situation room." >> i was on the steps looking down, and there was a moment where the vice president and president standing back behind the microphone and laughing at something, whispering in each other's ear. it looked like, the president saying, hey, joe, there is an open mike there. >> often i think people mock him for his stumbles. that was a terrific interview. you get the behind the scenes on
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some of the things that come out wrong sometimes, but he seems to say, the fact that he has that trust, that's a fair point. >> i think it's been a great marriage if you will. the presidents and vice presidents, often a marriage of convenience and this one seems to really be working. a great complimentary team. >> is joe biden considered to be a threat? sometimes he is posed as a little bit of a joke on the gop side. >> i don't think he's a joke. at the same time, it's a little hard for me to believe he will be a real contender in 2016. i think by all accounts, hillary clinton will have it if she wants it, and after that they have a pretty good bench. but i think joe biden is good at what he does. >> he said it right. he speaks the truth. a lot of trust, and been there a long time. it goes a long way in washington, d.c. ahead on "starting point,"
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the premiere showcase for independent films. zoraida live at sundance with movies generating a lot of buzz. his poem sought to unify the nation. we'll speak to richard blanco, who made history yesterday. if there was a pill to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients.
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you name it...i've hooked it. but there's one... one that's always eluded me. thought i had it in the blizzard of '93. ha! never even came close. sometimes, i actually think it's mocking me. [ engine revs ] what?! quattro!!!!! ♪ welcome back to "starting point." i'm christine romans. stock futures mixed amid a big week of corporate earrings. we'll hear from johnson & johnson, dupont, and verizon,
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google, ibm and texas instruments. apple reports tomorrow. probably your biggest asset or biggest debt. housing news has been good. and deutsche bank's chief economist, will call 2013 the year of the house he says. real estate tracker zillow says that housing prices will raise 3%. atari, trying to split itself off from its unprofitable parent company its assets include the atari logo and games. they will be up for sale. >> i have my atari at home in working order. my 1982-era atari, and it still works. >> i thought atari had gone under. they haven't been part of the
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growth of video games. >> nothing better than space invad invaders. >> sometimes you get a rejuvenation out of bankruptcy. >> are you all dating yourselves. >> right now, some of the biggest names in hollywood in the mountains of park city, utah, for the 35th annual sundance film festival. some are documentaries. good morning. >> reporte >> i'm prejudiced to documentaries, have been most of my adult career life. >> reporter: four of the five documentaries in oscar running were launched at sun dance. now a new crop of documentaryians hoping for similar success. >> second favorite is garfield.
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>> reporter: "linsanity," the movie, a project that began long before the phenomenon. >> everyone knows how he reacted. the story, it's not the ending, the journey. >> if you want to be loved, go be a movie star. >> reporter: a former vice president is also in the spotlight. dick cheney. >> love him or hate him, he is one of the most influential nonpresidential figure the country has ever know. >> "the 99%" from the collaboration of 100 filmmakers. >> we're not activist activists filmmakers, this is about capturing a moment we didn't feel had necessarily been really explored. >> reporter: documentaries not
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typically in the spotlight, but here at sundance, they are among the stars. >> soledad, i want to share some of the interviews i will be conducting. we'll stick with documentaries, muriel hemingway, her film "running from crazy," we sit down with her and her daughter, langley hemingway. a history of depression and mental illness in her family, and she is trying to make sure this never happens in her family. shia labeouf and evan rachel wood, and we have january jones of "mad men," doing a reverse swag. around here, they give a lot of swag and she is donating that back, so we'll follow her this evening and share that with you. >> that sounds nice. zoraida, thanks. ahead this morning, a gay american who made history as the inaugural poet. richard blanco will join us live
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hello, shalom, bon giorno, howdy, namaste, or buenos dias. in the long badge my mother taught me, in every language spoken into one wind, carrying our lives without prejudice, as these words break from my lips. >> richard blanco joins us from washington, d.c. nice to see you. i ran into you in a party late last night. i know how late you've been up. there have been four inaugural poets before you. how does it feel so join a very exclusive club? >> as you can imagine, it's just such a great honor. i do wish that this would be more of a tradition, but i'm glad to have been in the right place at the right time, as they say. it is an incredible honor. as i was writing the poem i looked toward especially the last two poets, i do feel in some ways that the inaugural
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poem is something that is sort of a continuum or there's something to be said about what each poem says about where america is in that moment and place and time and so i wanted to pay sort of honor to the poets that had come before me as well. >> what was it like to look out from your vantage point to look out and see a million people and sort of the back half, they're all waving flags, and then to have to deliver a poem that you've written? what was that moment like? >> well, nerve-racking to say the least but actually, up there on the platform it seems a lot more intimate than one would think, simply because you're sort of seated closely together, and there is sort of this great sort of spirit in the air that sort of feels like home, it feels very welcoming and you know, at some point i was just really eager to get up there and do my thing, as they say, but it just, it was just so moving and
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you know, it certainly is one of the best audiences to read to. there's not an antagonistic audience so i was welcoming it and i don't think i've ever felt as so rooted in america as an american so to speak as i did at that moment. it was just so beautiful for me to be able to stand there as other poets have done, so many visions of that, videos that we've seen of those moments to sort of take my place at the podium and say wow, it's pretty amazing. >> i heard that the way you practiced for a big audience was kind of unusual. tell us about that. >> well, yeah, we live in bethel, maine, so it's a very small town, about 2,500 people, and you know, it's one thing to practice your readings indoors but i wanted to get that feel of having sort of standing somewhere, seeing on youtube the previous poets and kind of looking out to a multitude, so
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my nephews had built a snowman a few weeks prior when they were there below the hill where we live, and so i set up a little makeshift sort of podium and was reading to the snowman, and also -- >> he loved it, i'm going to assume. >> yeah, he was a fan immediately. but also to get used to reading outside in the cold weather, even though being from maine, and it was pretty chilly that morning so i'm kind of glad i did that. >> let me ask you a question about the president's speech. he was a first, too, when he talked about gay rights in his speech, and as you making a first for not only being an h hispanic but openly gay, what did you make of his inaugural address? >> i thought it was great the way that he couched the gay america in terms of a civil rights sort of issue as well. i've often wondered it seems to
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me sometimes that it's the only thing in america still that, you know, i see the sort of slight slurs on tv or commercials, and i'm thinking if somebody were to say this about a mexican-american or a latino-american in general or an african-american, you could never get away with that and i think the idea it's sort of this, it is in many ways a civil rights issue, i thought that was couched nicely to pair all those things together and so eloquently as he did. >> really drawing a line i thought between women's rights and then civil rights and then gay rights. >> and mentioning stonewall in particular, yeah. >> raichard blanco, congr congratulations on a great day yesterday. i know you're going to be publishing your poem so anybody who wants to have a chance to own a copy of it, thank you for the opportunity. thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. >> it was a pleasure. coming up, we'll talk to peter sprig frg from the family
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"starting point" an historic day president obama makes strides, mentioning gay rights for the first time in an inaugural address, the praise and the criticism ahead. she made history as the first hispanic woman to swear in a vice president. we'll look at supreme court justice sonia sotomayor's career and her relationship with her mother and father, that's my one on one interview straight ahead. she sparked the investigation that led former cia director david petraeus to resign. jill kelley is trying to clear her name from blackmail to extortion, we'll have the exclusive details. ahead this hour, howie kurtz, lauren ashburn and former general james "spider" marks is with us. it's tuesday, january 22nd and "starting point" begins right now. welcome, everybody, our team this morning, joe nosef, chairman of the mississippi republican party, former
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governor phil bredesen, on the campaign to fix the debt and co-anchor of "early start" john berman is here. we're going to talk about how the president seemed emboldened, playing encourager in chief, if you will, telling america we were made for this moment. it was an 18-minute long speech, and in that speech he made mention of several pivotal rights battles, seneca falls, selma. white house correspondent dan lothian has the highlights. >> please raise your right hand. >> reporter: so it began the second inaugural ceremony of president barack obama, part campaign speech, part pragmatic lecture a confident mr. obama appeared comfortable in his presidential skin. >> my fellow americans we are made for this moment and we will seize it so long as we seize it together. >> reporter: the speech was rooted in history, and fittingly
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on this holiday, reverend martin luther king jr.'s dream. >> we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. >> reporter: the past made modern with first time references to climate change, immigration reform, and sexual equality. >> our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. >> reporter: foreign policy was noticeably absent from his address, though he heralded the end of a decade of war, touted a recovering economy and acknowledged the challenges still ahead. >> the commitments we make to each other through medicare and medicaid and social security, these things do not zap our initiative, they strengthen us. >> the president refrained from
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partisan jabs but seemed to single out mitt romney with this line. >> they do not make us a nation of takers. ♪ >> reporter: filling the air with patriotism, the voices of kelly clarkson, and beyonce. ♪ the brave >> reporter: there was a poem and prayers, as he left the west front of the capitol, a nostalgic president turned back toward the lincoln memorial. >> thank you, mr. president. >> that was dan lothian reporting for us, during the inauguration festivities, alicia keys said this. ♪ obama's on fire >> washington, d.c., in fact in full party last night, big names
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performing at two official inaugural balls, 21 acts in all. first lady in a custom designed red gown designed by jason wu. red tie was the color of the night. who is that with alicia keys? >> that was the color of it. >> three people wore it, me, the first lady and alicia keys. >> i think it's significant we talk about the president being reelected the beginning of the second term. jason wu reelected what, a reaffirmation he gets. >> i don't know that you pick a dress that way. you throw a dress on, find the thing you feel good and say oh it's the jason wu dress. >> i have to take your word on that. >> since i'm the only girl on the panel today you will. let's look at the other top stories this morning. >> thanks so much, soledad. the family of one of the three americans killed in the algerian hostage crisis last week will hold a news conference in just three hours at a relatives' home in texas.
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victor lovelady's daughter erin wants everyone to know what a great dad victor was and how much he will be missed. it is the testimony that some americans have been waiting months to hear, tomorrow, secretary of state hillary clinton will appear on capitol hill to testify about the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi that left four americans dead. secretary clinton had been scheduled to testify last month but she was delayed after first suffering a concussion and later a blood clot that sent her to the hospital. investigating a freak snow befrt berth in ohio led to an 86-car pile-up and killed a 12-year-old girl. some 20 people went to the hospital at least four in critical condition. an arctic blast and winter storm could make a messy and dangerous commute in new england this morning. jennifer delgado? >> all of this is due to the
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cold air in place. for duluth right now, minus 43, that's what it feels like, minus 25 in minneapolis. you have been dealing with the cold temperatures over the last couple days and it's still going to be sticking around, looks like even as we go through the week, we'll start to see temperatures rising just a bit. keep in mind with your windchill values near 30, 35 and 50 in some parts of the upper midwest this could lead to frost bite, even hypothermia or even death. these warnings are in place all the way through new england and some of these as i said are going to go even until wednesday. now the other part of the story is the big snow we're talking about, lake-effect is in full effect right now. you can see coming down for areas including lake ontario, squas well as lake erie. heavy snow from cleveland towards buffalo. let's go to a live shot coming out of cleveland, you're looking at the snow and some of the locations we're going to see three to seven inches of snow. that's just for cleveland. as i take you back over to our
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graphics here, very quickly, with all that moisture coming in, we're going to see some of these locations anywhere between 10 and 20 inches of snowfall. we're talking three feet in some of these parts, anywhere you see the purple and the pink. john, it's bitterly cold outside and when you add in the snow we're talking about major travel delays due to the wind and that includes parts of the northeast. >> thanks so much, jennifer. we have two southerners on the panel who have been gasping through your entire weather forecast in all that snow and cold. >> is it going to be okay? >> we'll make it. >> what is that white stuff? >> here in the northeast we call that snow, governor. president obama used his platform the swearing in ceremony to frame his second term agenda. here is a little bit of what he said. >> it is now our generation's task to carry on what those pioneers began for our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and our daughters
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can earn a living equal to their efforts. our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. >> and it went on like that, those who thought that in fact the president were to extend an olive branch were disappointed and said it's a sign the president is preparing for a fight over the issues that could define the obama presidency. peter sprigg is a fellow at the socially conservative family research council. nice to have you with us this morning, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> earlier we were talking about the fact we hadn't heard the word debt or cutting spending in that speech at all from the president. what did you think overall of the speech, what did you like in it? >> well, i liked that he began
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with the quote from the declaration of independence and was attempting to root it in the principles of our nation's founding, but i'm not sure that he went on to correctly interpret what those principles mean for today. it seems like we've come a long way from when bill clinton said the era of big government is over. i had the impression he was saying the era of big government is back. >> i didn't hear so much about the era of big government, i asked what you liked, not what you didn't like. is there something you would highlight and compliment in that speech? >> as i said, the beginning of the speech was good. the reference, the quotation from the declaration of independence, the statement that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. >> that was it? >> that was i think the best thing about it, and it was not too long. some speeches can sometimes be too long. it was a good length.
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>> sometimes that's a diss, too, well at least it was short. it was interesting to hear him, i thought, draw a line between civil rights issues of the past, women's suffrage, talking then about the civil rights movement, selma, and then talking about stonewall, sort of connecting the dots in that. what did you make of what he said about gay marriage, really history-making that a president would talk about gay rights in an inaugural speech. >> well, we as social conservatives do not agree with the president's attempt to link the modern homosexual movement with the women's rights movement or the civil rights movement for african-americans. the irony is, homosexuals already have all the time civil rights as anyone else, but the fact that all people are created equal as individuals does not mean that all sexual behavior is equal or that all personal relationships have an equal value to society at large, that
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serve the same public interests. >> so you know many people would say that's where you're wrong, if you're an individual created equal, what individuals do is also created equal, right, if individuals are allowed to marry who are straight, then individuals who are gay should also be allowed to marry, like that would follow through. do you think that he is setting up for some kind of legislative fight on this issue or all the other things he laid out in the speech? he ticked off immigration clearly is going to be an issue, he talked about climate change. do you think that's sort of saying here's where i'm going to be fighting over the next four years? >> i do think he was kind of laying down the gauntlet, not really saying let's seek common ground, let's find places where we can agree and compromise, but saying this is the agenda that i have, and i'm going to pursue it. he won the election. he has the right to do that, but i don't think it creates the potential for really working
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together with congress on a lot of these issues. i think there's going to continue to be division. >> let's turn to our panel for a second. we didn't hear the words debt, and you're heavily involved in talking and tryi to figure out the debt crisis and it's certainly not an olive branch. >> no, this was certainly an opportunity to at least get it on to the table and begin talking about some of the things we're going to have to do, if this president doesn't, some future president will have an even more difficult problem. you can't put everything in an inaugural speech obviously but i think for an awful lot of americans, getting on the road to solving this problem is a very important piece of the agenda in the years ahead. it's compromising the country's security, it's decreasing our influence in the world, it's putting us in a very dangerous situation. it's slow, not a crisis that's eminent tomorrow but it's a clear danger to the country. >> he underscored social security and medicare and medicaid. problematic for you?
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>> he won the election so yesterday was his day. i'm not going to disagree with what he said in his speech. my problem was the tone of it. you have susan collins of maine complaining he didn't extend an olive branch, the problem is pragmatic, he has to work with the house if he wants to get anything done. if he starts the presidency at $10 trillion of debt and ends at $20 trillion, doesn't matter what he said in the inaugural speech. >> he said we cannot afford to delay and he said we must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect. >> do you think that's a fair way to, when he says we must act knowing that our work will be imperfect. peter, what do you think that means from the president, final word? >> well, i'm not sure exactly what it means. some of the actions he wants to take are things we as conservatives would not support so it's alarming in a sense. he did make one reference to the deficit but offered no proposal for how he was going to relieve
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it. in terms of the divisiveness he referred to name calling and spectacle and so forth and you didn't get the sense he was pointing to both his own party and his opposition. it seemed like he was pointing fingers at the republicans, that's not a good start. >> peter sprigg, senior fellow at policy studies for the family research council. nice to have you with us this morning. we appreciate your time. still ahead a scandal that was sex, lies and e-mails, brought down the cia director and a war hero. now the other woman in the story, jill kelley is talking and telling her side of her own story. howie kurtz will join us with that. making history becoming routine for supreme court justice sonia sotomayor. part two of my interview with the first hispanic supreme court justice is just ahead.
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custom emails that drive business. it's just one of the ways constant contact can help you grow your small business. sign up for your free trial today at welcome back. she's been troefrd as the other woman in the scandal that brought down the former cia director david petraeus. jill kelley went to the fbi when she started getting harassing e-mails eventually traced back to paula broadwell who was having an affair with david we tray ypetraeus. kelley gave an exclusive interview to howie kurtz, along with lauren ashburn, contributor to "the daily beast" and editor-in-chief of "the daily download." also retired general james
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"spider" marks and legal analyst sunny hostin. how howie, give me a sense of how she sounds to you. there's a lot of holes in her story, at the same time she does fill in the blanks in some of what happened. >> soledad, jill kelley is filling in crucial blanks in an emotional two-hour interview with me. she talks about how she was terrified in getting those then anonymous e-mails which were from paula broadwell which involved blackmail, extortion and threatening her family, that's why she contacted the fbi. she talks about the media getting a lot of things wrong, no 30,000 e-mails with general john allen in afghanistan, maybe a few hundred, they were not sexy or flirtacious. she says they were sent under a joint account she shares with her husband and finally hee says her life has turned into a nightmare, even when she was having a birthday party for her 7-year-old daughter all of the paparazzi were staking out her front lawn. she's upset and trying to put the pieces back together.
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>> whose fault is that? >> first let's talk about some of the implications before we get to the blaming. the nato commission is being held up at this point, right, for general allen. they're still deciding if there's an implication for him in this. >> absolutely as a four-star you have a limited amount of time where you can serve in between positions and if you don't get confirmed which the nato position requires senate confirmation you revert back to the lower grade, so there's a real personal incentive to get this thing going as quickly as possible so he can move on to his next job and that clearly is in doubt. >> we talked about remember the 30,000 pages of documents which jill kelley tells howie, sunny, it's more like a couple hundred so that to me seems to be here and here and i get there's a difference between 300 or 400 e-mails and pages of documents. it's a little bit apples and oranges but she wouldn't tell howie, didn't let him read the e-mails, as you're a lawyer on this panel, how do you feel about that? >> you know, i'm concerned by
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it. it seems that when someone is being less than transparent, when there's someone being opaque, that tells me as a former federal prosecutor when i put my lawyer hat on something then is there and what is it that's there and i would imagine if you have someone during war time, let's say, having the amount of time to be able to communicate with someone 300 e-mails. >> we spoke about that. there was something in that, that was very odd i thought. >> sunny and i were talking about that. the discretionary time, senior guy running combat operations is a bit odd. i understand the battle rhythm of 2:00 in the morning before you get about three or four hours of sleep you try to do personal e-mails with your family. jill kelley fell into the category with whom i'm going to communicate, i find that odd. >> i think it's fair to say there were some crazy headlines
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about her but who does she blame? does she see herself as having any role in how this rolled out? >> i think she understands now that she made a mistake staying silent for nearly three months and allowing 30,000 e-mails and being portrayed as the other woman when there's no evidence she had an affair with anybody to take root with the media narrative. people in the media couldn't resist. >> i wrote an open letter to jill kelley on "the daily download" saying "it's about time." she blew crisis communications 101, you have to get out in front of the story, you have to be the one out there telling what really happened. >> what if you haven't done anything? her argument is, we're family friends, i'm e-mailing from an account that i share with my husband so he has full ability to read everything i'm saying. sometimes i cc the general's own wife on them, so i haven't done
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anything wrong. why must i come up and defend myself when it's other people who are running with the ball and saying some mean and hurtful and inaccurate things about her? >> because you can't let the bullies win. you can't let the media define your story, and i think that what she did now in coming out, although she wasn't quite transparent as the panel has talked about, at least this is a first step. >> and you know, the things you rattled off, joint account with the husband, no 30,000 e-mails, these are facts we didn't have. i didn't know she didn't know the anonymous e-mails were from paula broadwell, i didn't know she never met paula broadwell, i didn't know how terrified from the threatening notes. if she didn't feel comfortable going in front of a camera or talking to a reporter like me, people could have spoke on her behalf. >> i think there's a lot more to understand in this. >> perhaps she's been advised
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not to be transparent about this, maybe there's a criminal investigation, maybe her lawyers are advising her don't say anything, because if these were truly harassing e-mails, if she was truly afraid, maybe there's something there. so we don't know why she's not being transparent. >> there is definitely something else going on. i appreciate it, guys, thank you. still ahead, going to talk about the nauinauguration, what bill clinton doing back there? presidential photo bomb to share with you, straight ahead. meet the five-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max says ha. c-max says wheeee. which is what you get, don't you see? cause c-max has lots more horsepower than prius v, a hybrid that c-max also bests in mpg. say hi to the all-new 47 combined mpg c-max hybrid. [ female announcer ] new roc® retinol correxion max.
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the over/under, both teams are expected to score a combined 49 points. presidential photo bomb, former "idol" winner kelly clarkson was there to sing "my country 'tis of thee" and look who popped out from a couple rows back, let that sink in for a moment. you can imagine the caption contest going on right now on the internet. it looks like sasha obama is not impressed, not with her father's speech. she was spotted yawning during the inaugural, and that sent off a flurry of tweets, that is some yawn. there's also a cute moment on sunday after her father's official swearing in, she congratulated him with a smile and picked up on the microphone saying "good job, dad, you did not mess up." still ahead, me grew up in the prongs and made it to the supreme court but not without making lots of sacrifices. i talked with justice sotomayor about the decisions that helped her get where she is today. a boulder crashes through a
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welcome back, everybody. you're watching "starting point." in just a few moments we'll have the second part of my interview with supreme court justice sonia sotomayor. she administered the oath of office to esident joe biden for a second time yesterday. first john has a look at the day's top stories. it was an all-american bash, president owe pa ma and the first lady took to the dance floors at two inaugural balls, bringing out big, big names from alicia keys to stevie wonder, our own breeja no key lie brian in the middle of it all. live in d.c. this morning, hey there. >> reporter: this was a scaled back affair, just two inaugural balls this year compared to the nine four years ago, but it was still a really big night.
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there were tens of thousands of party goers that took over the huge convention center here in washington, and when it came to the live performances, the people were not disappointed by them. >> ladies and gentlemen, my better half, and my dance partner, michelle obama. >> reporter: at the commander in chief's ball jennifer hudson sang "let's stay together" mrs. obama chose jason wu yet again to design her inaugural gown. the obama's appeared at the inaugural ball where 30,000 people were expected to attend. this inaugural ball follows on a tradition started in 2009 to open up these once exclusive events to everyday americans, a ticket costs as little as $60 and got people access to an amazing line-up of entertainment.
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♪ obama's on fire >> reporter: alicia keys tweaked a rendition of her popular song. ♪ how are you this evening >> reporter: brad paisley brought the country. ♪ music is a world within itself, it's a language we all understand ♪ >> reporter: and stevie wonder brought down the house, while jamie foxx serenaded the bidens. ♪ i can't stop loving you >> reporter: there was also a special performance by mexico's hottest rock band. i'm here with mena, winners of multiple grammys and multiple latin grammys. alex you have supported president obama in his re-election this year, so many hispanic-americans came out for him. why do you think that happened? >> well it's very easy, you know, obama and the democrats had the best option for the latinos, you know, immigration reform is on the table, the
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dream act, so you know the latinos here in the united states are so powerful and their voice needs to be heard. they need to be treated as first class citizens. >> reporter: in addition to celebrities, campaign volunteers came from around the country, kelly jacobs traveled from mississippi literally wearing her support. how many sequins are on your dress? >> 4,000 total, 2,000 each side. >> reporter: these are all done by hand? >> they're antique steeled sequins, i sewed them on. >> reporter: a lot of work behind them and still ahead of them if president obama delivers in his second term but tonight it was just time for a good party. ♪ now it was a pretty late night, things wrapped up there at the convention center around 1:00 a.m., but for me at least, john, hearing steve ye wonder perform "superstition" live was on my bucket list so i'm not complaining about really get nothing sleep. >> we're so happy for you from
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the dance floor to the white house, brianna keilar this morning, great to see you. more news today -- the senate is expected to approve a bill passed by the house last week that would send more than $50 billion in aid to states devastated by superstorm sandy. the senate passed a similar package last month but had to go over it because speaker boehner refused to put it up. it past last week with 49 republicans voting in favor of the measure. how is this for a wake-up call a woman from st. george, utah, is lucky to be alive after a large boulder came crashing through her bedroom. this happened saturday morning. won da denthalter suffered a broken jaw, brokenster numb and leg injuries. she and her husband, who was not home at the time, are staying in the hotel. geologist warned them the cliff above their rented home appears to be unstable. nice work by the geologist. >> lucky for her, barely
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escaping death on that one. so she rose to the supreme court after a tough life growing up in the projects in the bronx, her new book "sonia sotomayor" talks about the path and the people who helped her become the woman she is today. she shares her thoughts from mother hood to parenting, her book called "my beloved world" and i had a chance to sit down with justice sotomayor. on page 233 you wrote this and it made me stop when i read it. you're talking about working mothers. >> um-hum. >> "but as for the possibility of having it all, career and family, with no sacrifice to either, that is the myth we would do well to abandon, together with the pernicious notion that a woman who chooses one or the other is somehow deficient." the having it all debate is often a loud, vicious, hostile debate and you've just weighed it and said the possibility of having it all, that's a myth we do well to abandon. >> the thought that at every moment of your day you could feel equally fulfilled, i think, is what the word i used there,
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pernicious. it's ridiculous. what you can do is find balance in your life, and satisfy that balance in light of what your personal desires are, what your personal needs are, and what the needs of those that you love are. i made different choices than some women. i chose not to have children. >> you love children. i've seen so many photos of you mentoring children. >> absolutely. >> why do you have no children? >> well, i explained it fully in my book, there was a fear at the time when i was of an age-bearing age where i could have kids where i thought that it could compromise my juvenile diabetes. that's less true today, because there have been so many advances in the care of juvenile diabetes, many women have children without ill effects, but the point is that i made a
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different choice in part because of diabetes, and in part not because of my career but because of the joy it gave me. >> let me ask you about your mother. you're tough on her in this book. she's read it i assume. >> oh, she has. >> was she hurt? >> was she hurt? i don't think so. >> you use the words "abandoned, neglect" those are almost legal terms in parenting that you're a judge, you know, are terrible, for a mother no. >> but mom and i have talked about this, and i've told her how i felt. now, i mention in the book that for me to use those words were uses about the feelings i had, but they certainly were never the reality. my mother was always present, meaning she worked, she worked to support us, to give us a home, to educate us, and obviously that's not neglect or abandonment in the legal way that you're talking about, but
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she and i worked through my feelings. >> you write about everything. that's interesting, there are details on virtually everything and when you reference the peace you made with your mother but really don't walk us through. >> because everybody thinks it happened in a moment, that one day, some sort of light bulb went off and we had this one conversation that summarized the repair. it wasn't like that. most people would like a magic pill that will fix every problem there is. it doesn't work that way. >> you say you wrote this book so you could remember who you are. >> i wanted to hold onto what i thought was the best in me, and if you ask me the next question, logical question, which is what is that? >> what is that? >> i would tell you it is sonia
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who cares about family and friends, the sonia who loves the law, who believes in its nobility, and the passionate sonia who believes that the best thing you can do with your life is to give to other people. if that comes across in this book, it's because that's the sonia i was trying to hold onto, so that if i ever have a doubt about it a year, five, ten or 20, i'll go back and read my own book. >> part of justice sotomayor's book is a brutally honest dissection of her family life, including her father, a bright and loving man, but also an alcoholic, who drank himself to death at age 42, when sonia was 9 years old. >> i'm encouraging people now, every time i speak to groups about my book, if you have living parents, grandparents,
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aunts and uncles, go back and really listen to their stories. think about what assumptions you're making about those stories, and ask them why. don't assume the why. it's a rich, rich process. i wish i had done that earlier. now i wish when i was growing up that i had learned to say "i love you" more freely. today, i wish my dad were alive so i could say to him, "yes, i knew that you were flawed and yes, nevertheless, i really do love you." never got a chance to do that. >> when she said that it really made me think, everyone needs to run out and call their parents and tell them i love you and get their life story but it was interesting, she said she was very nervous about giving the oath of office to the vice president. she did it twice obviously on
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sunday and then on monday, and you see obviously it's a long thing that she has to read, but she said she prepared a lot and then she also was going to read it, to make sure four years ago that little stumble wasn't going to happen on her watch. interesting to see. we're going to talk a little bit more about the inauguration ahead this morning, we're going to talk a little bit more about fashion, jason wu's dress for the first lady aren't the only designs making a buzz. the first lady has been a public fan of j. crew for years and malia's coat yesterday was j. crew. we'll talk to jenna lyons, the president and creative director of j. crew, she's with us live straight ahead. this is $100,000.
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favorite among the obama family members, the first lady michelle obama has worn the clothes in interviews and appearances like here in 2009. yesterday at the inauguration she wore a j. crew belt and her daughter, malia was wearing a j. crew coat during the ceremonies. jenna lyons is the president and executive creative director from j. crew and alina cho is back with us. nice to have you back both of us, nice to have you with us. >> thank you. >> how does it work? are you watching the inauguration like everybody else and you see oh, that's my belt! there's you know coat! >> very much so, the flurry of exclamation points and texting e-mails follows you see just like the rest of the world does so it was an exciting morning yesterday for more. >> i printed out the e-mail you sent me "over the moon!" four exclamation points. >> shouting for joy i'd say. >> what does it mean for your business? can you translate it into literally "x" number of dollars every time the first lady shows up in a cardigan or a dress or a
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skirt, and she's done all those things over the last several years? >> it's difficult to actually equate it into dollars for a number of reasons, one is she shops like every other american, so oftentimes she's wearing -- >> the secret service runs out and buys it? >> yes, but oftentimes we don't know she's going to wear it so the item may longer be available, may be on sale. for us it's not sales from the actual thing but we see an increased awareness and when i go to london, we were looking at real estate for a new store the first question the landlords are asking me is, michelle obama, michelle obama, is she wearing, that connection and it's not just beautiful girl. >> the conversations we've had as well what's interesting you said the feedback you get from customers is that when they buy a cardigan that the first lady has worn or a skirt the first lady has worn the coat the kids have worn they feel a deeper connection to the first family. that's remarkable. >> there's no question. that's one of the things i think they continue to do so, people feel connected, they can have
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the coat malia has worn. there are women who own that coat already, it's been on sale for a while, that connection is often what people bring up. are you jenna lyons, oh my gosh have you met the first family? no, just like you i haven't. >> but she's wearing my clothes. >> i have the same connection you do and it is just that, a connection. >> do you feel like your company as a part of america's mainstream, you think of the designers across the club and the actual number the first lady will wear over her time in the white house, it's a really tiny number. excuse me, i'm losing my voice, too, thanks, jenna. do you feel like wow, we have now become this, we're part of american history? >> i think we talk about it and we think about it. i don't think it's really hit me. it will probably hit myself and probably everyone else in the office when we get to go and see the clothes in the museum sometime, maybe with my grandchild or my son. >> this has been widely reported, just the way that the first lady wears j. crew as well, mixing it with that
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beautiful coat by thom brown which could be considered very well high and j. crew which is considered at least price-wise -- >> affordable. >> a little bit more on the lower end of the market, and she looked great, in fact i thought the coat looked bet we are your belt. >> thank you, i hope thom felt the same way. not everyone can look head-to-toe like a runway show. i as well like to mix up clothes and it's amazing she did this. malia changed the buttons on her coat, a nice way to personalize her touch. >> what did you make of the president's speech? he talked about gay rights for the first time and inaugural address, what did you think he was saying? was it the next four years, this is something i'm going to be pushing for and fighting for? >> i feel incredibly lucky to be living in a time where that's part of an inaugural speech. the fact that it's even a conversation is pretty remarkable and obviously i am not a pundit at all, but i certainly hope that people's minds are more open going
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forward and i hope that's the result of, actually just being mentioned in the inaugural speech. >> it's something we're all talking about today, i think you're right, certainly at the very least it becomes part of a conversation. so what happens now? will j. crew create a, like presidential first lady collection? come on, i'm trying to help you out, jenna, maybe you need a junior designer helper girl, which would be me. >> don't quit your day job. >> wow. >> well, no, listen -- >> hostile interview all of a sudden. >> i do think that, you know, for us, we don't necessarily want to do exactly what she's doing. we won't recreate the belt she had. she took a sash and we don't want to capitalize on what she's doing. we're getting quite a bit of press and attention and we're thrilled and honored to be a part of it. we're not looking to recreate all of the things we created. >> you know how many women want that belt? come on, jenna.
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>> they can have the belt the way it was originally made which was a sash. >> alina and i will create our own version and sell it at one fashion item. congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> on all of the success of the company and being part of american history. so nice to have you with us. alina, we appreciate it. ahead the good, the bad, the funny, john berman has some of the best moments from the presidential inauguration, that's coming up next. sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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welcome back to "starting point" everyone. so many people watch the inauguration, it is such an important moment, such an historic moment but there are also lots of little things that happen over the course of the day that are so very revealing. let's take a look. >> ladies and gentlemen the president of the united states, barack h. obama. >> reporter: yes it was a party for a million people, big, huge,
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historic, but some of the most indelible moments so small, so personal, so real. sasha and malia swaying, a presidential dance feet away from the presidential podium. it's hard, though, to maintain that energy for a whole inauguration. that is one heck of a yawn from sasha. hey, you think it's easy to take an oath of office? the president is kind of 0 for 2 on the big stage and this time, it was his fault. >> the office of president of the united states. >> the office of president of the united states. >> and will to the best of my ability. >> and will -- >> reporter: that's states, states. still it was a glorious morning and what do you do after reenlisting for another four years as leader of the free world? you pause to take it all in. 23 seconds of reflection. >> i want to take a look one more time. i'm not going to see this again. >> reporter: you think joe biden was having fun?
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that smile almost never left his face, and you get the sense that if a vice president could actually crowd surf, joe biden would. and more dancing, the president this time, trying at least, dancing and chewing, chewing and dancing, chewing and chewing and chewing. is that the nicorette we hear so much about? a presidential naugsration is something a family should never forget. sasha and malia their own paparazzi and their parents stealing a kiss or two. what family wouldn't snap photos, even a first family, truly a day to remember. >> that's cute, that's cute. >> there were four kiss there is. it was such an incredible moment because like i said you get the sense this is how any family might behave on a big day and it just doesn't get any bigger than this for the family. >> i don't blame sasha for yawning. my daughter would be asleep, past the yawn stage.
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