tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 22, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm PST
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and you're watching cnn here, live from washington. i'm brooke baldwin. we're beginning here with some breaking news. breaking news out of texas as we have learned of a shooting on a campus at lsc, lone star college. this is the north harris college, the north harris campus, specifically. you're looking at pictures here of several people, it looks to be, on the ground, on the ground, mrng personnel responding. this is from our houston affiliate wprc. let me just be totally transparent with you, we are just getting the information right now, as you're watching people being wheeled away on stretchers. this is just now happening. as you look at the website here, for specifically this campus, this north harris campus, lone star college, they are telling people if you are there, take immediate shelter, if you are
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thinking you're heading that way, do not, do not come on campus. i want to bring in mike brooks who worked in law enforcement for years and years. and, mike, let's just you and i walk through what we know right now as we're looking at these pictures, coming into cnn for first time, what more do you know? >> well, brooke, we're hearing also from our affiliate kprc, they have one person detained there on campus. where on campus? we don't know. they don't -- they're not sure if this is the person who was the active shooter there, on the campus of the lone star college, harris north campus, they don't know. but i've been watching this for a number of minutes before i came on with you, brooke. and i've seen at least two, possibly three people that they had been working on, the ems has been working on, there on the scene. we don't know the conditions of anyone injured there. we don't know whether or not this person they have detained again is the active shooter that was there on campus. >> all right, mike.
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what is happening as we see this tremendous law enforcement presence? how do they, as we know that this college is telling people, if you're on campus, shelter in place. look at the masses of cars. what -- how do they go about securing the buildings, making sure people lake perhaps students we're looking at here are safe, containing the situation to, let's say if it is in a building, one given building? >> one thing i see encouraging from what i've seen of the pictures recently coming in from our affiliate is that the ems people who were there on the scene are working on the victims. you don't see any s.w.a.t. team members or any of the deputy constables protecting them. so that says to me either they have the situation contained, it is in another part of the campus, because when first responders -- when officers first get there, they will try to get two or three together to go deal with the active shooter. then you have ems, they'll stage, they will not usually
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come on to a scene unless they know it is secure and has been secured by law enforcement so they can work on the patients and the people wounded. so right now we do see ems tending to those patients, but we don't know the exact status of that active shooter, brooke. >> okay, mike. let's just, as we're looking at pictures again this is from this university, information just now coming into us that there are reports of one shooter, one shooter, clearly as we're watching this, multiple injuries. we do not know if there are any fatalities, a number of law enforcement, you have ambulances on scene, presumably fire, what next? do they establish sort of a command and control unit, a headquarters? we don't know, mike, if there are multiple shooters, we don't know if any of the shooters are in custody. there are a lot of unknowns right now. >> there are. and that happens early on in a situation like this. but, again, they are saying that
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one person is detained, again. we don't know if that person is the active shooter who was there on campus. but i have seen, as i said, a number of people being tended to, by ems, put into medic units. we do not know where they're being transported to at this time. one thing that law enforcement does, they work with the campus police, with campus security, once they arrive on scene to try to say, okay what is our game plan going to be? they'll try to get a message out to students, via text, cell phone, e-mail, to tell them as you're stating moments ago, to shelter in place if they think there is still an active gunman on campus before they -- before they're able to say whether or not everything is secure. >> and as we're talking, i'm on the website here, so i'm listening to you, mike brooks, but also trying to learn a little bit more about this particular campus. it looks like this lone star
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college, there are six different campuses, so, again, this is the north harris campus, the website here says there are 90,000 students, possibly, that is what spans six different campuses. i'm not sure how many students are on any particular campus. but on the website here, on this lone star college website, there is a huge alert and it says lsc north harris lockdown. and i want to read this, for anyone who may be hearing me. lsc, north harris lockdown, students, faculty, and staff are advised to take immediate shelter where you are, do not enter the campus until further -- notified further. let me just talk here, as i'm looking at these pictures, all looking at them for first time, and clearly they're looping, trying to get more information. sonya hughes, do we have any information as far as numbers, injuries, shooters, anything?
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so sonya? i'm not quite sure i'm hearing the -- okay. okay, thank you. thank you. forgive me for being transparent, but i'm trying to get information so i can pass it along to the viewers. she's telling me that they're looking for the shooter, they're looking for the shooter right now on campus. you can see the traffic building up. again, if you're thinking of heading to this north harris campus that the college, do not do so. mike, again, let's just reset the scene. folks, if you're joining us, there has been a shooting, another shooting here, this one on this campus in texas. we're getting this video from our affiliate out of houston, kprc. students, what do you make -- the students obviously leaving, i presume they're cordoning off wherever the location of the shooting has happened. keeping those out of harm's way, and trying to find this person or persons. >> yeah, brooke. and one of the things i'm noticing, as a former cop myself, i'm not seeing any of the officers, any of the deputy
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constables there with the students as the students are being escorted from one part of the campus to another with the guns drawn. now, we see there is a number of buildings that involve this lone star college campus here, at harris north, so we don't know exactly where this happened. is it outside? is it inside? we have seen some of the victims who were outside being tended to by ems. but where this person that they say that we have heard from our affiliate kprc they have detained, we don't know. >> take a look. these are new pictures. these officers running, they just ran under the police tape. they're running toward -- let's be careful, we're careful about what we're showing. they're running toward a location. it looks like something is moving on the bottom. i don't know if that is some form of transportation. is that s.w.a.t., mike? >> yeah, looks like s.w.a.t. team members and they're having people with their hands up on their head moving out of an area. so that says -- >> why do that?
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why do that, mike? >> you don't know, in a situation like this, brooke, you do not know who the bad actors are, and who the innocent people, the students are there. so what you want to do, you want to make sure you see their hands, because they can't hurt you, with anything but their hands if they have any kind of weapon. so you want to move them, take them to an area, get them interviewed, what did they see? what did they hear? did they see anything? did they hear anything? that says to me, as i see them running out, i see some of the tactical units running in. that says to me, most likely, there is possibly a threat in that particular area, or they're trying to set up a perimeter within that building to try to contain whoever this person is. >> so mike, let's assume they are setting up a perimeter as they do in cases like this. as they do so, they have to try and locate this particular gunman, possibly multiple shooters. in doing so, how do you even begin to establish communication? how do you try to figure out
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where the shooting originated, the genesis of the shooting? there could be multiple shooters. how do you establish that connection, that communication connection with that individual? >> one of the things you want to do is go to the college, the campus officials and say, okay, do you have any video cameras that -- in this particular area, you take a look at that, you try to see if there was a vehicle, where possibly the shooter came in, got out, what did that person have on? and then you take that video evidence that you possibly may have, compare that with some of the statements you're getting from people who may have been there on the scene, and may have witnessed some of what happened. so, again, we see some of the people -- some of the students here, being herded to a student area. they'll take them, try to interview them, find out the who, what, where, when, why and hopefully the how all of this happened. it looks like they were concentrated right there on one part of a particular building where i saw one of the tactical members in s.w.a.t. gear go
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into. >> again, mike, stay with me, mike brooks, law enforcement analyst with our sister network hln. stay with me, mike. if you're just joining us, this is happening in the last few minutes. you're looking at early pictures from this campus in texas, this is the lone star college. okay. this is the lone star college. i'm brooke baldwin here, covering what is literally unfolding before your eyes and mine as we see the police, the ems, and also we see what looks to be s.w.a.t., s.w.a.t. teams responding to this north harris campus at the lone star college in texas. students walking away. we saw police running toward the building. we saw a number of students with their hands up. again, that was mike brooks, basically saying, look, that's their way of knowing these students are safe, that they are unarmed and they want to get them out. if you're on this website, there is a huge alert from this website at this particular college in texas, basically saying that people, if you are
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on this campus, again, there are one of six campuses on this university, about 10,000 people, i'm being told, in this one campus, stay there, stay there, shelter in place. we have seen in terms of injuries and, again this is free flowing right now, we're trying to get information, but just based upon what our eyes have seen in the video, two different people have been tended to, suffering potential injuries, the degree to which we don't know yet. big question is why is this happening? where exactly on campus is this happening? how many shooters are there? from what we understood -- okay. forgive me for the silence. i'm listening to my executive producer in the control room, she's telling me a number of students were seen leaving the library, correct, sonya? the library. khou is telling us a lot of students coming out of the library. does that mean this originated
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in the library? i can't tell you that for sure. but that's when our affiliate is reporting, they're leaving the library on this campus at the lone star college, the north harris campus. mike brooks, so we're learning bits and pieces more or seeing two people being tended to. we saw -- i saw a student on a stretcher. you see all these. what do you make of the presence, this is not surprising. this looks like a rapid response to this shooting on campus. >> it does, brooke. and from what i've seen, when we were before -- before came on with you, watching some of the feed coming in to us from our affiliate kprc, it looked like -- i saw two, maybe three victims that were being tended to by emergency medical service outside of the building. now, we don't know if they were shot outside where they lay or if they were inside of a building. we're hearing possibly the library where some of students were coming from. we see swaud memb.w.a.t. member into a building. we want to tell our viewers, we're very careful of trying not to show live and also trying to
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give away any location -- >> this is taped. this is taped. >> exactly. so some people, if they might ask that all the time, but we're very sensitive. me as a former s.w.a.t. team operator, i'm sensitive to this also. but early stages of this, brooke. we don't know exactly where the shooting took place and how many active shooters there are on this campus, or whether that person detained by deputy constables is involved in this shooting. >> we're not there. we don't know exactly what is happening on the ground. having gone through situations like this, in your law enforcement past, walk me through the steps. you saw what looked to be fully fatigued s.w.a.t. team members, entering a building, in addition to the officers, the constables that you're pointing out. what is priority number one right now? >> number one priority is life safety of the students that are there. and also to tend to the students that have been wounded.
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we see fire and ems all in the same, we see what we're looking at now, some of these students leaving there with their backpacks. we don't know exactly where these were. it looks like we may have another victim that they're bringing out now in a wheelchair. what i'm seeing here, brooke this says to me that the area where they're tending to these victims, they think that that is secure. so the other thing i'm thinking, i've seen, we're looking at the tactical operators going into one of the buildings, so do they believe that they might have this person in a building? once you get there, once you develop a plan, you go ahead and stage and you find a safe staging area, you come up with a plan, you start your search, if you do have someone that could be barricaded, you set up an emergency assault plan and go from there. we don't know what is going on inside the buildings there on the campus. >> let me just pause and, again,
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read this alert from this college. here's the alert. lsc, north harris, lockdown. right now, lockdown. lsc north harris is locked down. students, faculty, and staff are advised to take immediate shelter where you are. do not enter the campus until notified further. mike, to that point, in terms of sheltering on place, on campus, why stay where you are? because i would imagine one's instinct would be to get out of there. >> absolutely. but if you have a door, if you have something in between you and where you heard shots coming from, that's why they're going to tell you to shelter in place. and then try to -- they want most likely would like them to call 911, let them know where they are, so law enforcement can come get them. because you don't want to come out into a hallway, like we have seen in some other situations, where the shots are being fired, and then you too could possibly be a victim. if you think you're in a
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position to go ahead and shelter in place, you do so. you do so in a room. you do so in a bathroom. but only if you can lock the door. because you don't know what's going on. you hear shots. you don't know exactly where this gunman, where those shots are coming from. so i -- it is so important that emergency notification system is in place, in college campuses, into elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, to let people know what's going on. >> look at this, mike. let me cut you off. you see the -- two more officers walking out of what seems to be a wooded area. so that tells me, makes sense, they're canvassing the entire area, not just on campus, but the surrounding area as well. >> that's right. that's part of setting up a perimeter of a campus. again, it is very hard, when you have a campus like this, an open campus, brooke, you look -- i go back and look at virginia tech, i covered that for cnn, when that was happening. and that was an open campus. people can drive in, drive out. you had -- it is not a campus a
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lot of people think of with a big wall or a fence around it, it is a closed campus. a lot of campuses are open, such as this. so it is kind of hard to say, to lock down a campus. that's why you have to get additional resources, additional officers, constables, sheriffs, even federal agencies, the fbi will a lot of times will respond as part of task forces. get them there to try to set up a perimeter, and then deal with what you know and try to contain that shooter where he or she is. >> mike, stand by for me. chad myers, let me bring you in here. just to give you a little bit of perspective as far as where we're talking about. sounds like a massive sort of college system, six campuses, this is the north harris campus in harris county, texas. where exactly is that? >> and harris county is the county that houston is centered on. if you just go north of houston proper, just a little bit, you're up here to the lone star campus, up here, there is houston proper, drive on up, and the campus is right there.
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you expect texas to be an area that is devoid of all trees, but, in fact, this area up here, the woodlands is actually really fully forested. that also could be another little wrinkle in the investigation, the trees and the forest and the land, and, mike, you know how it is, compared to trying to find somebody on the plains compared to finding somebody in a forest. >> mike, again, we're working to get more information, and, again, to reiterate mike's point here, as we're looking and covering this story again, another school shooting. we have to be transparent in telling you that we're not showing you live pictures for obvious reasons. the school is on lockdown. there is an active situation here on this north harris campus in texas. so we want to be very, very careful as far as what we show you, and what we don't. but, again, what we have been seeing, we do not have hard numbers. i tell you, i know there are a lot of people at cnn working the phones now to try to reach out to law enforcement, to try to reach out to the school, the
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school has a priority right now and that's keeping their students and their faculty and staff safe. we are seeing pictures of students able to leave, khou, our affiliate out of houston saying a number of students were specifically leaving the library. we have seen ambulances on the scene treating a number of students. at last count, mike brooks, at two or three, don't know students, faculty or staff. these are new pictures. these are ground shots, mike. let's look at these together. what strikes me as i'm looking at these, all the cars. which tells me there are a lot of people on this campus right now. >> and we look at the number of people that we see in this -- in this video from our affiliate, maybe looked like somebody there on the ground, shot some of this, but people outside. and that's, again, says to me, brooke, that i don't see an immediate reaction by these
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people, they're standing there, which says to me there is most likely not a threat to them, outside of that building. outside where they are, otherwise they would be going to an area, being sent to an area by law enforcement, where they could -- where they would be safe. but they're outside, so where exactly is this -- is this shooter is the main crime scene? we do not know. >> mike, hang with me. we are going to dip into the local coverage. this is our affiliate out of houston khou talking to a witness. if they start going to live pictures, we're pulling away. let's eavesdrop. >> did they ask you to leave, did they tell you a certain way to go? >> yes. they told us a certain way to go. we went to the cafeteria and they they brought us out into this parking lot and we can't get to our cars and leave, so that's why we came this way a maybe we can leave this way. >> so you're -- >> over there in front of the building wall, the police are in the front where the guy was -- i guess he ran toward the library. we don't know which way he went. >> how long have you been
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working sneer. >> eight months. i'm terry robins. >> terry, did you ever think -- >> never. see it all the time, but you wouldn't believe how scary it is to actually be here. and he's right outside your door and we don't know if he came inside the building or not. our building. this is very scary. >> and the fact that it is chaos right now, we don't -- they aren't telling us whether there is someone on the loose or not. >> no, someone said they have one guy and we don't know how many it was. and it is very scary. it is very chaotic. and you think if they made us ggo to the cafeteria, if you can't find the guy, how do you know he's not in the crawl with us? all i can do is pray. >> that's the anser. >> yeah. that's it. >> how are you going to get home? >> i have no idea. but wasn't to get off this campus. >> i won't take any more of your -- >> that was a little bit from an eyewitness who, what she said,
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she said she's going to stay away from the windows and pray. it sounds like -- sounds like we still don't know where the shooter is. you heard her say she doesn't know how many. there could be one. there could be more than one. i heard the word library. we cut into that halfway through. i don't have the full context. what that conversation was. it sounds like this individual was in multiple buildings, around parts of this campus. a lot of people are fearful, she said she wanted to get off campus. can you blame her? with this going on? but, again, to mike brooks' point, they wanted to establish, police, law enforcement, you see them going in one of these buildings here, they want to establish the perimeter and make sure that they have a full count of who is there, who is not, and, again, these students, staff, faculty, running with their hands up, make sure they're not armed as they probably begin cordoning off building by building, room by room, to get those people out, to try to find this individual shooter or possibly shooters.
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chad myers, i still have you standing by. again, give me a better perspective. we're talking about this one campus, six campuses with this lone star college in texas, in the harris county, which you pointed out, the county in which houston sits. how big is this campus in terms of just simply area? >> mainly the two year system, the two-year college system, 18,000 students in and out of this campus here. we're talking about up near the intercontinental airport. as i zoom in, i'll take you to the google earth, in just a second. you'll see this is very close to the intercontinental airport. there is the lone star college here. zoom out one more time, the runway is literally only just a mile or two away, right through here. hobby airport, well down to the south, but this is the main airport in the area. so houston proper, galveston way
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south of here and then get up into a couple of these roads here and the lone star college, you get into a much more wooded area as you wouldn't expect it to be in an urban campus where there aren't that many trees. this is an area surrounded by trees, surrounded really by beautiful suburbs. >> chad, stand by for me. i want to dip into another affiliate's coverage, kprc, talking to a student on the phone. let's listen. >> -- experience there. and thank you for keeping us posted. >> amanda, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> you just heard firsthand, terrifying account of how the events there on the lone star college campus unfolded this afternoon. one shooter, according to amanda, the witness we just talked to, a student there, is in custody. we do know that authorities are now looking for a second person who was seen running from the academic building as well. we do have local 2's ryan
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corpsesguard with us now. what is going on there at the scene? >> reporter: we noticed right here behind me this the hospital, the trauma center for our area and we have seen several ambulance come in, specifically these back here from north harris county. over here you can see the volunteer fire department and their ambulance. no confirmation yet from the harris county hospital system as to who was in those ambulances. but i can tell you there was at least -- they came from the area in which the college is located. i've been on the phone trying to get a hold of the hospital system, which, of course, operates ben todd hospital, trying to get information and try to find out what kind of injuries they're seeing and how many patients have been transported here. andy? >> all right, ryan, we'll check back with you later on. >> yeah, that matches emergency services district one is the district of that -- where north harris is right there, lone star college. that is the type ambulance we saw the person loaded into this is footage from earlier. this is the scene we saw from
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sky 2. we knee two people were transported by ground. we're hearing multiple people shot. a lot of accounts on facebook are talking about three people, but we're still waiting for authorities to tell us exactly how many people shot and if that life flight, we never saw it land, sky 2 would have received that word that we needed to clear the air space to make life flight get through. we cooperate with law enforcement in any emergency instance like this and we never heard that they needed to get out of the way. so life flight could land. so that may be a good thing that they didn't need to transport someone, maybe the condition wasn't as bad that they needed to go by air. >> we heard a firsthand account of what took place on the campus. we spoke with amanda marquez a few minutes ago on the phone. she's a student there at the lone star college. she said she was waiting for her english class to start in room 163 when she heard at least five or six shots fired. there were about 25 to 30 other students with her. certainly gave us a very
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detailed description of how those events unfolded. very terrifying for not just her, but all the other students and faculty who witnessed this as well. and she did mention, amanda did mention that she got a look at who we believe is the shooter, who she thought was the shooter and that he was taken into police custody. >> absolutely. she said she hid under a desk or got under a desk. you think, what would i do in this situation? she got under her desk. she said she waited in the room and it was 30 minutes later that police came in and escorted them all out. she said they were all running with their hands in the air, so we saw some of that video. we're now hearing a producer telling me that life flight was canceled. and initial reports said they sent life flight to the scene, but they called them off. so they didn't need them. we know at least two ground ambulances left there. we have damon sales now on the scene. we have him on the phone. damon, where are you and what are you seeing? >> i'm right here at the corner
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of balding and wood creek. this is as far as they would let me get in. i'm probably a good 300, 400 yards from the entrance to the college. this area is one of the areas they're concentrating on. every intersection in there -- i'm sorry, i'm having trouble because i'm hearing myself. every intersection in here is -- has got a police officer, either blocking that intersection, or circling the area. you do have the houston police department -- the helicopter circling this area as well as a wooded area that is behind this neighborhood. i see very many students walking away from the campus. some kind of standing around wondering what is going on. if you're coming this way, please don't. you're going to be in a traffic nightmare. >> we know that's very close, that area where all the schools
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that were on lockdown are from -- while we have you on the phone, you said it looks like that area, that neighborhood, are you seeing -- is there a subdivision with a sign or not really an organized subdivision there? >> it is a subdivision called wood creek. >> all right, damon, thank you very much for that. damon says stay away from balding west field, looks like it is blocked in both directions. >> to mark boyle now who is at the scene for us. mark, what can you tell us? >> i want to bring you live interview now with jesus, jesus was inside during the shooting. describe what you saw and the sounds. >> i saw three people just, you know, arguing, and then not paying attention, i thought just playing around, and i made it out there, past by the library, i started listening to all the shooting and when i look back, i saw just people running towards me. and i grabbed my teach -- all the teacher, grabbed her and we took her out of the building.
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and that's all. i didn't see the shooting, actually. i just heard somebody screaming and after that i heard the shots. >> did you say that you saw one of the suspects or the shooters running away or what did you see? >> i didn't see anybody running. i saw a bunch of people running. i didn't see anybody with a gun, anything like that. >> how about injurys? what have you heard or did you see anything like that? >> i heard a guy got shot in the leg. i don't know if somebody got killed. i don't know anything. >> describe what the police did after this happened, and describe the chaos. you mentioned a lot of people running. >> after that happened, grabbed my cell phone and tried to call 911, but the lines were saturated or whatever. there was a lot of people calling 911. and after that, just went and grabbed my truck and left the building. that's all. >> and you got to be a little shaken up by all of this. did you get any alerts from the school? have they sent a text message to let you know -- >> they're sending e-mails, you
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know, but haven't had time to just check them yet. but, you know, the media is going crazy. everybody is talking about it. >> okay, thank you for your time. i know you have to go. i appreciate it. >> all right, bottom of the hour here on cnn, i'm brooke baldwin. you are watching as we are covering another school shooting. these are aerial pictures here in harris county, texas, as we have been watching the better part of this last hour, an active situation. this north harris campus, there are six campuses on this university, lone star college, the harris -- north harris campus is on lockdown. this is an active situation. we're not showing you live pictures because -- because of what we may possibly see. as a result, we're showing you delayed tape pictures as police, s.w.a.t., fbi now, we have confirmed, fbi there, atf is there, responding to what could be a multiple shooter situation. let me just -- looking down, as far as what we know, so much of
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this is still very fluid, we're not getting hard numbers from school or from the hospitals in the area, because they are literally in the thick of things right now, responding and reacting as we are and covering this. based upon the pictures that we have seen, we have seen multiple ambulances, looks to be treating two, possibly three individuals. i don't know if they're students. faculty, staff. we don't know the degree to their injuries. we don't know if they're men, women, their ages. we're hearing, though, bits and pieces now, some of this is starting to come together as we're dipping into some of the affiliate, one witness, one young woman it sounds to be, a student, and this is just hauntingly -- in a different sense, i was in newtown and those were little children, here you have college students and this witness talking about hiding under her desk and, you know, there are neighborhoods here where possibly people are trying to reach neighborhoods to get out of harm's way. but this school is saying, look, you have to shelter in place. if you are on campus.
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and they're not letting anyone on to campus. this eyewitness was telling this reporter in houston, again this is the houston area, that she heard five to six shots fired in this one particular building on campus and there were been 35 people with her. she said she got a look at a shooter. we cannot confirm whether or not the shooter was taken into custody. that's what some of the affiliates are reporting. we have not confirmed that. could there be another shooter? yes. that is something else that is being floated. those why you're seeing this police presence right now as they're trying to basically set up this perimeter, to keep people safe, to make sure there is no one else that could be armed and to track down these shooter or shooters. ed lavandera, you're a reporter out of texas, tell me what you know. >> we're scrambling to make our way down to that houston area, just to kind of give people a sense. this is in the northern part of
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houston, which is a highly densely populated suburban, you know, kind of area. there is a great deal of traffic and many, many people who live in that area. this is a big part of this -- this sprawling suburbia of houston. we have learned from atf contacts that they have agents on the way over there, to try to assist and they'll be trying to figure out what kind of weaponry was used and what started all of this. i was told that they were still in the initial stages of trying to gather as much information. i think when we called, their agents were dispatched through the about ten minutes ago. they're trying to assess that situation. and the federal agency is being brought in, coming to assist. i know there is the campus that has its own police force, which will bea big part of the investigation, but they'll be looking at -- they'll be able to assist with identifying the weaponry, where it came from and that sort of thing, which will be an important part of this
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investigation. one of the other things they'll be looking at is texas does have a concealed handgun license state, you carry, but there are many places where you are barred from carrying weapons and school campuses is one of those. that's been something that has begun to be hotly debated in texas here, if that should be changed. that's one thing they're looking at as well. >> before we even talk weapons, though, ed, i know they'll be looking at this, especially since this is something that is really become a national conversation in the wake of what we saw a month ago in newtown, do we even know if there are multiple shooters or not? do we know that yet? >> well, i think they're trying to assess that. that's why you see the situation you've been describing. how they're handling all the students being moved out of the -- out of the building there. they're trying to figure that out as well. and maybe they already have done so. but that's the part they need to figure out. and what led to all of it.
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what was the factor here that caused all of this. they're trying to weed through that. i was told from the federal contacts we talked to that they were -- at this point, just going by media reports at this point, some local reporters that are there on the scene. so they'll be able to assess here more quickly in the next hour or so. >> do you know anything more just about this college, the lone star college? what kind of college? is it a two-year community college? how old are these students potentially? >> suspect there is a community college. so you might have -- i would bet mostly young students, perhaps 19, 20. might have older students there that were going back to school or a situation like that. i'm going to -- i'm going to have to venture a guess, probably younger college age students. >> ed lavandera, stand by for me. you said you and your crew are scrambling to get to this north
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harris campus location. let me just play some sound for you as we're getting bits and pieces of this coming in from our houston affiliates and to them we are incredibly grateful for this footage. we have an interview i want to play for you. one of the eyewitnesses on the ground, on this campus. take a listen. >> basically i seen the dude that shot him and as soon as i heard the bullet fliesing ingf whatever, the gun being fired off, everyone started running. that was hint for me to start running. >> so you ran? >> i ran because basically you hear sounds out of the ordinary, you're going to run. that's just the cue for me to run and get out the way. i don't want to be a victim or anything. >> a lot of running. a lot of running on this campus in texas. this is harris county. as chad was explaining this is the county in which houston sits. this is a major metropolitan area. ed lavandera, are you still with
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me? i'm going to guess the silence means no. ed is en route to the campus. but, again, as we're getting bits and pieces of information from our affiliates there, it is tough, really. i know you're watching and i'm right there with you, in terms of wanting to get more information, wanting to know how many people were perhaps in any given building, when the shooting happened. hearing from some of these vignettes from some of the eyewitnesses, it sounds like five to six shots were fired. multiple people, maybe several dozen were in one particular building. we don't know if this -- if this shooter or shooters ran from building to building if there could be another shooter involved. we did see a number of ambulances. i saw a couple of people, i shouldn't say students, taken away, taken away to the hospital. forgive me while i listen to -- i believe we have -- is it ed
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young from the college? jed. forgive me. jed young with the lone star college. can you hear me? this is brooke baldwin in washington. >> i can hear you. can you hear me? >> yes, sir. chad, please, tell me what do you know? is this still an active scene? >> here is the latest information. there was a -- the call began with a call to our dispatcher at 12:31. we do know a shooting has taken pla place. first glance it appears to be between two individuals. that's something i can't exactly confirm. but that's what i understand. there were two students we believe were shot in cross fire. i'm not certain of their status at this moment. the danger -- the police believe the danger has been mitigated. the school is under control, but still being evacuated.
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one shooter was also shot. and that shooter is in custody. and i understand one fled the campus. other than that, i have not -- that's all i've got at this juncture. >> okay. mr. young, that's a lot more information than we had a little bit ago. let me run back through what you said. the shooting you said, appears to be between two individuals, were the two individuals students? >> i can't confirm that, brooke. i'm sorry. at this point i just don't understa -- understand it was between two individuals. >> was it in the building, a library, open air? >> i don't know the location either. i'm sorry. >> the two students who were shot in the cross fire, jed, do you know the extent of this irinjui their injuries? >> no, but they have been -- all of those wounded have been taken by our ems folks.
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>> as we talk injuries, has anyone been killed? >> no. i can't confirm that. i don't think so. >> you don't think so. so -- >> no, i don't. but i do not have the update on the condition of the folks that were -- >> i understand. i'm running down my list of mental questions here. when we talk about the -- really the massive variable is this second shooter, who you're saying fled campus, so we have no idea. law enforcement has no idea where this individual is, correct? >> i, again, the statement i gave you is what i have. once we get more information, i'll be glad to update it best we can. >> can you tell me just a little bit more about the college? did they have an emergency protocol, you know, if and when instances like this happen? >> i'm sorry, i didn't hear you. >> my question is, just this particular college, the lone star college, do you know if they had a go to emergency
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protocol in situations like a school shooting. >> i'm still having a hard time. the situation -- i don't know what you're asking me about this college individually? >> sir, are you with the college or -- >> how i can hear you. >> here we go. we're just going to do this on the fly, sir. i'll try to speak as loudly and clearly as i can. >> i can hear you now. >> are you with the college or are you with the harris county police? >> i'm with the college. but i'm not at the college. i'm at the main office in the woodlands. >> okay. that's what i thought. so being someone calling in from the college, i'm curious if there was a go-to plan, a protocol for an emergency situation like this? yes? >> we do have a plan. there are -- the -- we have an on campus alert system. we have other protocols we follow. we do have a chief emergency
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management officer . the problem we have had in the last 20, 30 minutes getting information was due to the fact that the scene was still active. makes it a little tougher to get updated information. >> are you still considering this an active scene given the fact that one of the shooters is still missing? >> no. that's not what i understand. the scene -- the situation is under control is what i'm being told at this point. >> so i'm just -- i guess i'm a little confused. how do you have a situation under control when you still have one of two shooters missing? >> from what i understand, that shooter is not on campus. >> so this is not an issue now with, i get it, with the campus, with the north harris campus. this is now an issue beyond camp campus bounds? >> correct. >> i understand. i understand. >> okay. when we get an update, you're welcome to call me. >> you got it. you got it, jed young. i'm just a journalist asking a
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lot of questions because i have a lot of questions for a lot of people. thank you very much for calling in from the lone star college there in texas. that was -- you heard it with me as we were going through some of that. it sounds like the biggest variable here is the fact that one of these shooters is still missing. but because he is saying on behalf of this school that the danger is mitigated, i believe is his phraseology, which means this is now an issue with police in harris county. if we could get a harris county police person on the phone, i sure do have a couple of questions for them and how they're trying to track down this individual. we don't know if the shooter -- he told me, he didn't know if the shooters are students. they could be someone coming off of campus, someone unaffiliated with the campus. we don't know. in terms of the injuries, we don't know. he told me, two students were shot in the cross fire. again, we don't know if the
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shooting happened in a building, it happened on this north harris campus, which seems to be still under lockdown. although he told me that they are trying to evacuate some, that the school he says is now under control and just running back through, some of my notes here, the extent of the injuries, again, we don't know. this is live television. you and i are going through this together. let's just -- do we have any sound. eyewitness sounds from the affiliates we can dip into? i believe that was a yes. so let's roll it. okay. we're working on getting that for you. guys, get in my ear when you believe we have it. okay. so let me just reset for you, as we're coming up here at the top of the 3:00 hour, eastern, these are pictures that we have been watching out of the greater
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houston area, houston, texas. this is a campus, one of six, part of the lone star college system. this say community college. this is the north harris campus in harris county, texas. we're going to talk to chad myers in just a moment. but, first, if you're joining us, there has been a shooting. possibly according to this school official, i just spoke with, jed young, involving two people. the shooting, as he explained, happened between these two individuals and that two students were shot in the cross fire. don't know the degree of the injuries. he told me the danger has been mitigated and that the school is now under control. one of the shooters who was apparently shot, again this is according to the school, is in custody. the other shooter is missing. and now the police have a huge job on their hands of trying to track down this individual. we had initially seen reports from the school website that the school has been on lockdown.
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they wanted to keep the people sheltering in place on campus, anyone who tried come on campus to make sure they did not do so. we now know that khou, one of our affiliates there working the story, is talking to another eyewitness. let's dip in. >> -- one of the houston fire department told me. >> before you go. just to show you guys, there is a line of cars here, trying their hardest to get out. you walked this far. how far did you walk? >> probably a good five miles. >> five miles? you describe people getting in their cars, what are they saying to you? >> they're just -- they're asking me what was going on, what did i see? did anybody get hurt? from what my friend told me, he told me there was three casualties and two deaths and shots fired. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. so i'll toss things back to you guys.
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>> thank you. >> all right, listening just to bits and pieces of eyewitnesses who had heard the shots, one woman said because she had seen one of the shooters, heard the shots, she said she was staying away from windows because she heard there was a shooter missing, that was roaming the campus. clearly a lot of fear. this is -- let's just look at this also, big picture, as you're seeing, all the cars on campus, 10,000 students that the one north harris campus. chad myers, are you with me? >> i am, brooke. >> let me bring you back in just to reset exactly how big this campus is. you heard that school official with me talking to me about how this one of two shooters has left the campus. so tell me what is in the -- what's in the surrounding area, the perimeter of this campus. >> we took a big polygon and surrounded the campus on our google earth and were able to show about 155 acres for this campus proper. maybe only 55 acres where the
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buildings are. and then you go away from the campus and you do get to some almost hinterlands, some urban suburbs there, and then further to the north, you get up to the woodlands, well on north where there is more trees than there are buildings, of course. we're talking about north of sam houston, north of the tollway there on the north side of houston, texas, proper. you have houston in the middle, a number of perimeters or beltways around houston, and then farther to the north of there, you get to bush intercontinental airport. the college is right here, right along one of the runways here nor campus. i did this big square through there and that campus including all the parking, and all the runways and the walkways that we're seeing on those helicopter shots, about 160 acres, about a quarter of a square mile right here in campus itself. you circle only where the buildings are, you get about 55 acres. that's only 55 acres. that's a fairly small campus.
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talking about 18,000 students that come in and out of this campus on a daily basis and it is a two-year college as you were saying. people come and go, the campuses are open, no guards here. this is the little walkway this is the circle where all of those police cars were lined up and then the campus here all the way through. i think you said you knew where the library was. is that right? can you take us to the library? that's what we're seeing. people running to and from the library. we too did get the same e-mail that you saw about campus on lookdown. i've not seen that reversed yet. but mr. young there with the university, with the college system, said that is now cleared. people can leave. you see five miles of cars as that one eyewitness was talking about there from khou. >> that's what he said. he said the problem -- the danger has been mitigated, was what he told me. though it still sounds like there is one shooter who is mia. i want to play a little sound as
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we're getting bits and pieces from some eyewitnesses on campus. let me play you something from khou, this woman who said she heard the shots, she was hunkered down. >> what happened was that the -- we all just cut off the lights, we shut down all the computers, and the teacher told us there is a closet just in case, but to be quiet. we was there for a while, a long time, and we started hearing the helicopters, but we finally got the internet on channel 11 and that's when we found out what had actually happened. i didn't hear the shooting, but somebody else did. >> so because someone came into your classroom, you hunkered down there in the classroom. >> right. that was the only way. and it was very frightening. you're in class and somebody tells you there is shooting in the library, the next building over. and when we heard it on 11, the person was still on campus. so we stayed in there a good 30 minutes before they told us to finally come out of the
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building. >> so there you have just another eyewitness describing the chaos and the fear on campus today as the shooting has taken place around 12:30 there was the time in houston, texas. let me give you more as far as lockdowns because as we have been reporting, this campus has been on lockdown, but you have to think beyond this campus now, especially if you have the shooter who is still mia. let me just read you some guidance we have for schools, for schools near lone star college. don elementary, you have parker intermediate, nimitz ninth grade campus, nimitz high. they have all been placed on lockdown, simply as a precautionary measure because of what happened, basically, next door here to them on this north harris campus. we're now hearing atf, fbi agents are currently on scene. so they are helping the local law enforcement who have already been on campus for the better
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part of two, two hours here. additionally the school district here in harris county, if you're in harris county, texas, this is important to you, this is jermaine to you, the school district is in the process of sending a call out to parents to tell parents that the dismissal today would be delayed. so this public information officer for this aldean independent school district saying there is no reason to believe a shooter is on any of those campuses, but, again, the lockdown at these schools in the area has been issued for precautionary measures. we're working on turning around some sound here as i had just talked to jed young who called us from another campus, but it was affiliated with the lone star college. here is what he told me, as we keep looking at pictures together, and this is still unfolding for us, said the call came in to police dispatch
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around 12:31. shooting happened. he told me between two individuals. i had a lot of questions as far as who the individuals were, what would the catalyst be behind the shooting. he didn't know. told me it was between two individuals. as a result of this shooting, two students, according to this college, two students were shot in the cross fire. the extent of those injuries we do not know. we did see in some of the pictures we'll see in a moment a number of stretchers and ambulances taking those individuals off to nearby hospitals. jed young with the school told me the danger has been mitigated, the school is under control, that it is being evacuated, that one of these two shooters had been shot. and is in custody and one fled campus. so now that's where we are right now, working to get some more information from the harris
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county law enforcement, who you know are combing through neighborhoods, combing through the woods, headed to try to find, to locate, to find this individual who is clearly involved in some degree to the shooting that happened on this campus, this north harris campus. let me go ahead and try to refresh my browser as i'm talking to all of you to see, yes, so they're still saying the school, according to this website, the lone star education website, saying this campus is on lockdown. i can tell you we have ed lavandera, our correspondent based out of dallas. he's scrambling with a crew to try to get us a little bit of reporting from the ground here on this campus. chad myers had a little perspective as far as what is around this area. we have been talking to mike brooks, law enforcement analyst, about what the priorities are for the law enforcement as, of course, the safety of the students and the faculty and staff is number one.
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you see here ems personnel, ready, willing and able to respond. if there are any potential injuries, you know that those local hospitals are getting used, they have ambulances out according to one of our local affiliates, hearing different bits and pieces from the eyewitnesses. let me know if we have any more sound from the eyewitnesss to try to help us put some of the pieces of this puzzle together, to try to determine what happened and the biggest question of all is why. okay. i'm just listening to my control room as they're telling me. let's listen to this interview that one of our affiliates there in the houston area got with someone on the phone. kprc is the affiliate. let's listen together. >> i was -- i was waiting for my english class to start, in the academic building, room 163. and it was five minutes and all
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of a sudden i heard shots firing. and people start ed rushing in the hallway and a few students came into our room, seeking shelter. and we closed the door and we put a table against the door. and we were hiding in the -- i was trying to call my mom, to let her know i was okay and i was too -- minutes later the police came in and they said put your hands on your head and run out because -- i guess there was still another person on the -- so it was very scary. you just don't think it can happen to you. >> amanda, we really appreciate you talking to us. i can't imagine the stress, obviously, and fear whenever you're in a situation like that. your account helps explain to us
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the students we saw running out with their hands above their heads. >> how many other students were with you? >> in my class? >> yes. >> about 25 or 30. >> you said other student kamz in came into your classroom to get out of the hall. do you know how far off the shots were from your classroom? >> no, i just know it was in the hallway. not too far away. sounded very close, the shots. >> how close is your room there to the library? is the library close? >> the library is pretty close. the building next to us. >> okay. >> i know everything was happening so fast, amanda. do you remember how many shots you heard? >> five. five or six. >> five or six gunshots. >> yes, sir.
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just about the top of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin here. as we have been reporting for the last hour, a lockdown on campus at a college in harris county, texas. we're looking at pictures, massive police presence. we now know the atf and the fbi are assisting local law enforcement in tracking down what could be a multiple school shooter situation. according to this college official i spoke with moments ago, jed young, from lone star college here, the call came into police dispatch at 12:31 this afternoon. he told me the shooting happened between two individuals. didn't know if they were students, faculty or staff. we don't even know specifically where on this campus this happened. we have more information from him that two students were shot in the cross fire. he told me the danger has been mitigated, the school is under control. these are pictures of students racing. this was earlier today. these are not live pictures. let me be crystal clear.
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the big variable is that if we're talking about a shooting happening between two people and this official from this lone star college told me one of the shooters was shot and is now in custody. that other shooter is still missing, fled campus. so now it is up to law enforcement to track this person down. ed lavandera is headed right now to this campus location. ed lavandera, tell me how far you are and what more you know about this. >> we're still several hours away, brooke. but, you know, there is -- sounds like the victims in this case may have been caught in the cross fire, with whatever was going on between these two shooters. and we're told a fourth person in all of this melee, a fourth person had suffered a heart attack. so, you know, and that's something else that they were having to deal with, in that situation. so as you mentioned, three people wounded, including one of the shooters, and obviously a swarm of law enforcement agents
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going around that campus, looking for that second shooter that was involved in this. and until that person is found, that scene will continue to be somewhat chaotic, even though the immediate threat, as you reported, has been mitigated at least for the time being. obviously a great deal of concern to figure out who the other person is. i imagine they've been able to have an idea of who that person is, it is a matter of tracking them down at this point. >> it is the who and the why. you talk about a threat being mitigated it one thing for it to be mitigated for the people on camp campus, but perhaps not yet for the people in the area as law enforcement are searching for that shooter number two. what more do you know about this area? from what i -- what i can tell this is a pretty -- this is a metropolitan area, this is not far from houston. we know that four schools inner at, you have elementary schools and other high school, there under lockdown for precautionary measures, but beyond the campus,
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who is there? are these homes? residential? business? >> yeah this is a sprawling area of houston here. the woodlands community, just a massive, massive -- mostly suburban style area, just on the northern side of houston. so this is an area with a great number of people, and a lot of, you know, people who moved into that area, a very popular area, very popular part of -- >> who is that? >> so that's -- that's kind of the situation, setting the scene there for you, for the part of houston you're in right now. >> ed lavandera, let me go as i'm listening here. we want to go to a spokesperson from the sheriff's department in harris county. let's listen. >> -- with the lone star college. he will give you some information from the college's point of view. we'll have another briefing maybe around 4:00 as soon as we have any more information. so major armando tela with the
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harris county sheriff's office. >> we do know right now we have an ongoing situation at this time. because it is ongoing, i cannot give any further details. we do have -- we believe, three people injured at this time. we also have a person of interest that is being detained at this time. thank you. >> and that person is also injured, correct, major? >> identify yourself again please, sir. >> john lewdman with media relations at the college. right now the campus is closed, on lockdown. we have evacuated everybody. like the major said, we don't have any additional information to provide at this time. we will be using our main number 281-618-5400 to provide updates if people want to call in. we'll have recorded messaging updating the situation at the college. >> for folks parked on one side or the other, what should they do? >> not a lot of information
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being given out here at this location, which is probably not at all helpful -- >> back here, not a lot as you heard that reporter say. not a lot of information given out. the reason because this san active situation. it is an ongoing situation. they're still looking for the second shooter. to reiterate, what ed was reporting, also what we have confirmed, that three people have been injured, and in the midst of this, a fourth person had suffered a heart attack. ed lavandera, still with me? >> i am, brooke. >> i think where we left off is you were describing the area, a heavy residential area beyond the perimeter of this campus. continue. >> just trying to set the scene a little bit. the part of town you're in, north houston, is a sprawling, sprawling space of, you know, many suburban style neighborhoods. this is a highly condensed, you know, a lot of people live around there, very popular part
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of town. it is an area that is very popular in houston and has grown tremendously in the last 10, 15, 20 years. >> okay. ed lavandera, don't go too far from that phone. wasn't to pl i want to play an interview. i spoke with jed young, with lone star college. gave a littlepressed him on a c points he made. take a listen to that. please, tell me what you know. do we know -- is this still an active scene? >> here's the latest information. there was a -- the call began with a call to our dispatcher at 12:31. we do know a shooting has taken pla place. first glance it appears to be between two individuals. that's something i can't exactly confirm. but that's what i understand. there were two students we believe who were shot in cross fire. i'm not certain of their status
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at this moment. the danger, the police believe the danger has been mitigated. the school is under control. but still being evacuated. one shooter was also shot. and that shooter is in custody. and i understand one fled the campus. other than that, i have not -- that's all i've got at this juncture. >> okay. mr. young, that's a lot more information than we had a little bit ago. let me run back through what you said. the shooting, you're saying, appears to be between two individuals. were these two individuals students? >> i can't confirm that, brooke. i'm sorry, at this point i just understand it was between two individuals. >> where did the shooting happen? was it in a building? was it in the library? was it in open air? >> i don't know the location either, i'm sorry. >> the two students who were shot in the cross fire, jed, do
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you know the extent of their injuries? >> no. but they were -- they have been -- all of those wounded have been taken by our ems folks. >> as we talk injuries, has anyone been killed? >> no. well, i can't confirm that. i don't think so. >> you don't think so. >> no, i don't. but i do not have the update on the condition of the folks that were shot. >> i understand. i'm running down my list of mental questions here. when we talk about the -- really the massive variable is this second shooter, who you're saying fled campus. so we have no idea. law enforcement has no idea where this individual is, correct? >> again, the statement i gave you is what i have. once we get more information, i'll be glad to update it best we can. >> can you tell me just a little bit more about the college? did they have an emergency
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protocol, you know, if and when instances like this happen? >> i'm sorry, i didn't hear you. >> my question is, just this particular college, the lone star college, do you know if they had a go to emergency protocol in situations like a scoot sho school shooting? >> i'm still having a hard time. but the situation, i don't know what you're asking me about this college individually? >> sir, are you with the college or with you -- >> now i can hear you. >> here we go. we're just going to do this on the fly, sir. i'll try to speak as loudly and clearly as i can. >> i can hear you now. >> are you with the college or the harris county police? >> i'm with the college. but i'm not at the college. i'm at the main office in woodlands. >> okay. that's what i thought. so being someone, calling in from the college, i'm curious if there was a go-to plan, a protocol for an emergency situation like this? yes? >> we have a plan.
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the -- we have an on campus alert system. we have other protocols we follow. we have a chief emergency management officer. the problem we have had in the last 20, 30 minutes of getting information was due to the fact that the -- the scene was still active. makes it a little tougher to get updated information. >> are you still considering this an active scene, given the fact that one of the shooters is still missing? >> no. that's not what i understand. the scene -- the situation is under control is what i'm being told at this point. >> so i'm just -- i guess i'm a little confused, how do you have a situation under control when you have one of two shooters missing? >> from what i understand, that shooter is not on campus. >> so this is not an issue now with, i get it, with the campus, with the north harris campus. this is an issue beyond campus
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bounds. this is a harris county police issue. >> correct. >> all right, that was jed young who was talking to me moments ago, trying to clarify some of what we know. but this one shooter of these two shooters, one shot in custody, the other missing and looking for this individual right now. i want to bring in another voice. this is our first eyewitness voice we had live on the show, amanda vasquez, a freshman at lone star college. are you with me? >> yes, ma'am. >> how are you? how are you? >> i'm feeling a lot better now than 30 minutes ago. >> i'm glad to hear that. tell me where you were when the shooting started. >> i was in the academic building waiting for my english class to start. >> and then what did you hear?
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>> i heard about six shots and kids started rushing down the hallway. and a few even came into our class. and it happened so fast. >> what were people shouting? >> they were just shouting. i couldn't hear anything. for me, i was just trying to get under a table, get into the back corner of the room, and immediately i just wanted to find some sort of shelter inside the room. and we closed the door and we turned off the lights and there is a lady in the room who was trying to be an -- she put a table by the door. i called my mom just because i needed her to know that i was okay. and that, you know, i loved her, just in case anything was going
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to happen. and then i went to twitter because i didn't have any real room service, just the wi-fi. so all i could, i was trying to give updates to let people know not to come in here because there is someone in here. i didn't know the status of the building at the time when we were still locked in the room. i just didn't want anyone else hurt. >> amanda, my heart is going out to you. and you called your mother. did you talk to your mom? what did you tell your mom? >> i told my mom that someone was shooting in the building, and that i don't know what was going to happen. and at first she didn't believe me because you never think this thing would happen to you. but i kept telling her, it is happening. i need you to call the cops. i tried to call the cops too
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and -- i'm sorry. i just -- i was telling my mom i loved her and i don't know what's going to happen. >> amanda, how many shots did you hear? i heard about six. six shots. >> what did they sound like? >> i can't -- gunshots. i don't know about guns or how they sound. i'm sorry. >> how many people were in the class with you trying to hide under desks and behind this table that this emt had thrown against the door? >> about 25. >> and how far -- how far away -- how far away were the shots from you, would you guess? was it far away in the building? >> no, it was in the hallway. it wasn't far.
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it wasn't that far. it was -- it was -- it was -- >> tell me -- tell me, amanda, tell me about your college. what's a normal day like? >> a normal day, it's very friendly people, the teachers are helpful. it's -- to me, i always thought it was a safe campus. we have police -- we have security everywhere. a and, yeah -- >> you felt safe. >> i felt safe on that campus. >> i understand -- had you ever experienced anything, any kind of crime on campus at all? >> no, ma'am. >> i was talking to someone a moment ago from the lone star college and he said, yes, there absolutely was a plan in place,
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protocol, officers, you talk about security. had you all had discussions in the wake of what happened in connecticut a month ago, what to do, heaven forbid, if and when something like this happened here? >> there hadn't been, like, any sort of talk, but i guess it is just because you think that your campus is safe. you just don't think it is going to happen to you, but there hadn't been one on one discussion or anything like that. you just -- >> tell me, how big is this north harris campus? and where -- where on this campus was this -- this is a building you call it the academic building. this is where the shooting happened. >> well, it happened -- there is two gunmen that i know of, and there was shooting that happened in the library as well. it wasn't just an academic
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building. >> so it was two different buildings. tell me what you heard from people there. >> so far what i know, it started in the library and kind of went towards the -- there was a common area in between the cafeteria and the academic building. i heard it happened -- there was some activity there. but what i know is that it was down the hallway from me, in the academic building. that i can confirm to you. there were shots in that building. >> say that again for me. say that last part again for me. >> i can confirm there was six shots at least around that number, six shots in the building i was in, on the first floor. that's for sure what i know. >> have you -- do you have any other friends who were in the library or anywhere else who can describe what they saw or heard?
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>> i'm still hoping all my friends are okay. i didn't see any of my friends afterwards. i was just trying to get to my parents. >> amanda vasquez, i'm so glad that you are okay. and i thank you so much for calling in, and i hope you've been able to call your mom now that everything has been over on campus to tell her you are okay. amanda vasquez, a freshman here, at the lone star college in texas. what a story. anderson cooper is joining me from new york here as we continue to press along and talk about this. anderson, i sit here, both you and i were in newtown and i hate this, again, that we are reporting on another school shooting and you hear, you hear the emotion in this young woman's voice, the fact that she was barricaded in this classroom, she heard these six shots, hiding under a desk, and was calling her mother in the
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case she wouldn't make it. >> and i think it is important at this point to remark on what we don't know as well as what we do know. we do know one of the alleged shooters is in custody. most importantly, though, police say that one of the alleged shooters is not in custody. they don't know where he is. you spoke to a school official moments ago who said that they believe that shooter or alleged shooter is not on the campus, which would incadicate he's somewhere else on the loose. we have not heard from law enforcements whether or not they have the identity of the shooter. assume they do since they have kun us one suspect in custody. one other person has been brought to -- two other people have been brought to a hospital. one person supposedly, reportedly, at this hour shot in some sort of cross fire. other person may have suffered a heart attack.
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but, again, as you well know, brooke, and everybody knows watching, unfortunately we have too much experience in these kinds of things, often the initial reports turn out to be inaccurate. we should take everything we're hearing now with a large grain of salt. also, there are conflicting reports, brooke. the student you talked to said that she believed the shooting began in the library, and moved into a -- what she described as an academic building. there is another report from another student who said it actually began in what he described as an administration building. and one of the shooters ran into the library. so, again, it is not clear, but it does seem as if this took place in more than one location. and we're trying to gather as much information as we can on it. joe johns is joining us from washington, d.c. he's been monitoring the investigation and the -- the reaction by local authorities and any other authorities, federal authorities or state authorities. joe what are you hearing in terms of where things stand right now?
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>> anderson, federal law enforcement authorities are headed to the scene and we're told through our sources that the information that they're working with now, and this is important, is that this was a shooting between two individuals in the library. at least part of it was between two individuals in the library, which raises a number of questions about how similar or different this is from some of the other school shootings we have heard about, in newtown, in aurora, colorado, and other places, where someone just gratuitously went in and started blowing people away. this appeared to be an altercation at least part of it between two individuals. so the question is why. you've heard some of our reporters talking about how this is a densely populated area, and it raises issues of urban crime, and whether there is something else afoot here that distinguishes it from the other shootings. federal authorities headed to the scene. we do know that people were
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caught in the cross fire. and i guess we just have to wait for the rest of the information as it comes in. want to caution about how this is different from some of the other things we have recently heard about, anderson. >> that's a very important point, again. this does seem to be some sort of altercation or confrontation between two students. somebody else was caught in the cross fire, somebody else seemed to have had a heart attack in all the drama of the situation. but, again, as of what we know right now, it seems that one alleged shooter is still on the loose. campus officials believe that the situation on campus is now safe, the campus did go into lockdown, messages were sent out for people to shelter in place, to not leave the location where they were. and to not come on to the campus if they were en route to the campus. they didn't want more people arriving on this campus, somewhat of a sprawling campus with thousands of students, so you can imagine how difficult it would be for authorities with large numbers of people coming
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and going at any one time. ed lavandera on the way to the scene down there in houston, texas. i'm wondering what you've been able to gather so far. >> a lot of what you've been reporting, the question now is that of that second shooter that was involved and the question now becomes, anderson, is that person in a contained area, are they able to contain where this person is, or has it -- is this person -- has this become -- does this become a wider search for where this suspected second shooter might be and that would be a grave concern to the law enforcement agents there on the ground. the question is whether or not that person is still a threat to anybody else or, you know what that person -- what that person might be thinking. those are the questions that law enforcement are dealing with right now. >> ed, are you clear on -- we're seeing three wounded. are you clear on -- i assume one of those is the person who allegedly had a heart attack. do we know was one of the shooters wounded? and if so, do we know anything about that person's condition?
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>> there were three people wounded. that include the shooter. so and then a fourth person is the one that appears to have suffered a heart attack. so if there are two shooters, beyond the shooters that were involved, you have two other people who must have been caught in what appears to be a cross fire. or wounded that way. you have those two people who were innocent bystanders. you have the one shooter involved in this altercation that was wounded as well. and then you have a fourth person who apparently suffered a heart attack in this myly. we don't know the condition of what the second suspected shooter might be and whether that person is dealing with wounds as well. >> we also don't know why these two individuals would have had guns on this campus. do you know, ed what the policy is in terms of carrying weapons on this campus? >> well, interesting, there is a -- you -- texas is one of those states where you can carry a concealed weapon. there are places where you
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cannot carry a weapon. churches, schools, and that sort of thing. so from what i've heard, this is obviously one of those campuses where guns would not have been a allowed on campus. whether or not this is an ongoing problem or something that is you neck aunique and ha today, we haven't been able to ask those questions. that's not the kind of question they would be able to answer this quickly. but in the state of texas, an issue being debated now, governor perry here in texas, has brought this up in recent legislative sessions, lawmakers brought up that they think students should be able to carry weapons on campus. and that's one of the issues that is being debated and will continue to be debated, and it is interesting backdrop to what we're dealing with here today. >> there is a very heavy police presence on the campus. multiple law enforcement agencies. we also saw emergency vehicles, paramedics on the scene earlier,
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working on one or two people. but, again, we're trying to gather the latest information and exactly most importantly now the status of that second alleged shooter, to find out where that person may be, if authorities know who that person is, and have some sort of a lead on where that person may be. obviously that is a high priority for authorities now as well as investigating what exactly occurred than campus, it is very much a crime scene and from what we understand, brooke, i want to bring you back in here, again, conflicting reports on where this shooting began, whether it was in the library, academic or administration building as two different people have called it. it seems like this was -- this was a very kinetic active scene in which the shooters moved from one location to another. >> yeah, still seems pretty kinetic if you're talking about beyond the perimeter of this campus, the north harris campus, in texas, where as you point out, we have been trying to
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stress this point, even though they're saying the threat is mitigated on campus, they're still looking for this variable, this second shooter. and, again, to underscore the -- under what we don't know category, we don't know if this person is a student. is at all affiliated with the school, is someone who even lives in the area. we don't know. ed lavandera brought up the governor of texas. we here at cnn got a statement from rick perry's deputy press secretary, so let me just read that to you as his office is well aware of what is happening on this campus and now beyond. quote, our office is in contact with state law enforcement and governor perry has been briefed on what is known so far about the situation. his thoughts and prayers are with those that have been impacted. we have nothing more to add at this point, but the governor will continue to closely monitor the situation. you should contact local law enforcement for any further details. we have been hearing, as we have been dipping in a little bit, to some of the affiliate coverage from our houston, texas,
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affiliate, some of the eyewitnesses i talked to a young woman a moment ago who described in emotional detail hiding under a desk in her english class in the academic building and hearing six shots and the screams and the fact she hopped on the phone to try to talk to her mother, fearing for her own life in that moment. and we have more sound. i want to play this for you. more people, what did they see? what did they hear? take a listen. >> someone said they had one guy and we don't know how many it was. and it is very scary. it is very chaotic. you think if they made us gao to the library, i mean, to the cafeteria, if you can't find the guy, how do you know he's not in the crawl with us? all i can do is stay away from windows and pray. >> i saw three people just, you know, arguing, and then -- i didn't pay attention. i thought just playing around. and i made it out there, passed
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by the library, i started listening to all the shooting and when i looked back, i saw just people running towards me. and i grabbed my teach -- the teacher that fell, i grabbed her and we took her out of the building. >> what can you tell us? >> what we do know right now is we have an ongoing situation at this time. because it is ongoing i cannot give any further details. we do have we believe three people injured at this time. again, we also have a person of interest that is being detained at this time. thank you. >> so as he points out, anderson, and as we have been reporting, one person of interest according to the school official i talked to, two individuals, two shooters, involved in this altercation, was it the library, the academic building? we don't know. it does seem to have happened in multiple places. screams, shots, we have been reporting, but not only was this
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particular north harris campus under lockdown, but for precautionary reasons, there were multiple other -- an elementary school, some high schools in the area on lockdown. as police right now are very, very busy, not just police, i should point out, atf and fbi on campus and around the perimeter as well, trying to find the second shooter. anderson? >> yeah. should point out there is some 10,000 students on this one campus alone. i want to bring in congresswoman sheila jackson lee who represents this district. thank you for being with us. what are you heang at this point about that has occurred than campus? >> thank you. first of all, my sincere concern for all those who have been involved, and i have reached out to the leadership. what we know so far obviously is the incident occurred about 1-ish, if you will, and the school immediately responded with their alert system, which i want to congratulate them for, in providing notice to students
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to stand down, shelter in place and those who are about to enter the campus not to come on the campus. we know that someone is seriously injured and the leadership of the campus are listening to law enforcement and there are many on the campus. and they have speculated what it might have been but they have nothing conclusive. we're all waiting to hear. talking to the injured and particularly the person or persons injured, seriously injured. we know students are frightened. they are now still, as we understand it, in lockdown. but the police persons on campus. it is near a wooded area. so there is a lot of potential that i know the law enforcement are concerned and want to be very secure and sure that they have gotten all those that might have been the perpetrators, might have been the shooters. >> so as far as you understand, was this sort some of altercation between or confrontation or incident
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between two armed individuals? >> the initial reports suggest that. that's why the -- the speculation about -- but we also know there were innocent bystanders involved. and i think that -- i think that is something that troubles all of us. and if it is a question that involves gang violence, we're hearing more and more that that is the case, i don't know whether we take comfort in that or not. people have been injured and people have been injured in a place that they go for learning and opportunity. >> this is a large campus, some 10,000 students at this one campus in this community college system. this is in your district, correct? >> yes. for a period of time and the surrounding areas. >> what sorts of subjects are taught here and what age of
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students are we talking about? >> this is a community college system, which, again, if i use the terminology, i'm very proud of what lone star college has accomplished. i hope they will be known for that. it is a system of 90,000 students, with campuses around the harris county area. this campus prepares people academically to go on to a four-year college and now with the economy and the resources as they are, many students are choosing to make a community college their first entrance into higher education. but they also provide people with vocational training, a brand-new division to the campus, first responder training, other technical training, so when people graduate, they can actually have a profession, nursing. it is a well respected college, just in the state of texas, and a number of other colleges,
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four-year colleges. they do quite well. i have been to the campus. the stunts a the students are as committed to their college and their careers as they would be at another school. it is a place to learn and i'm saddened by what happened today. >> congressman lee, there had been one eyewitness report from our affiliate that said he saw somebody shot in the leg. is your understanding that there was one bystander shot? we're seeing three people wounded at this point. was one of those people an alleged shooter? >> anderson, the facts we have are similar. i spoke to the leadership at campus. they were still in lockdown and waiting on final reports which i expect to be back in touch with them later on as they are able to answer their phones. some were traveling.
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but as those were on campus are able to answer their phones, we'll be in conversation later on. but, yes, bystanders who were shot in the leg, but we also believe a bystander is one of the more seriously injured. i'm trying to discern whether that is accurate. and that's -- it troubles me that guns were used to shoot another person on a college campus, but certainly i hope that those innocent bystanders, i hope they will be able to recover. >> it is also our understanding that one alleged shooter may still be on the loose. is that your understanding as well? >> i understand the law enforcement were not satisfied they had secured the campus to the extent that they had gotten every person that was involved. and that may be a perpetrator as i indicated. it is in a treed area, a wooded area and i want to compliment
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all the law enforcement involved in this investigation. they were still looking and wanted to make sure that they were looking at parameters and surrounding areas as to whether or not anyone had been -- >> so anybody on that campus or in the area lis listening to th broadca broadcast, continue to shelter in place. that would be your advice as well, congresswoman, correct? >> i'm going to yield to the leadership on the ground. i'm near washingthere in washin. but i would adhere to that, anderson. let me again compliment what lone star college campus did. almost in real time they received a notice, something we learned through the horrific tragedy at virginia tech, those students were told to shelter in place with staff and faculty and the others who have not entered the campus yet, told them not to enter the campus. i think that is miraculous and powerful. that is so very important. i think it helps at least save future incidents that might have occurred. more importantly to help those
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on campus. >> you want to be calling others, so we appreciate talking to you. we'll try to check back with you as the new developments occur. thank you very much, congresswoman. >> thank you so very much for your concern. just to let you know, we were having a youth prevention summit as this was happening. i was attending that in washington. and this is happening. so we know that we need to focus on helping to save lives. >> we'll continue to follow up on this with you. thank you so much. let's, brooke, again, it seems a very fluid situation, conflicting reports about you had talked to one campus official who said they believe the campus itself is secure. congresswoman saying she wasn't so sure. it is not clear how current her information is, so, again, as we know, it is important not to speculate too much at a time like this, not speculate at all and just try to -- just try to be as cautious as we can and what we're reporting and what
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we're witnessing, brooke. >> right. you've covered stories like these as have i. i was talking to the school official and this call came in, now, by now, a couple of hours ago, 12:30 houston time, because all of this sort of -- the fluid situation, the lack of information, and hard numbers from, you know, as far as injuries, et cetera, it shows that they're still trying to wrap their arms around this. and seeing the tremendous law enforcement police presence pretty immediately vis-a-vis some of these affiliate pictures was amazing. but, again, the variable is this other alleged shooter, somewhere beyond the campus bounds according to the college spokesperson i talked to. in terms of wounded, you're seeing on the screen, from what we're hearing, three have been wounded, injuries from this campus shooting, the degree of the injuries we don't know. this fourth individual, i don't know a student, a member of the faculty or staff here at this
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college, suffering a heart attack. so hospitals in this harris county area obviously receive something of these people, work on these people. and hering bits and pieces of some of the stories, students, people who happened to be passing through campus, in some of these buildings, they're beginning to tell some of their anecdotes, what they saw, what they heard. i talked to this freshman, amanda vasquez, who told me about how she was in her english class, hiding under a desk as she started hearing the shots. here is part of that interview. >> i heard about six shots, and kids started rushing down the hallway and a few even came into our class. and it was -- it happened so fast. >> what were people shouting? >> they were just shouting. i couldn't hear anything. for me, i was just trying to get under a table, get into the back
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corner of the room, and immediately i wanted to find some sort of shelter inside the room. we closed the door and we turned off the lights and there was a lady in the room, who was training to be an emt, and she put a table by the door. and i called my mom, just because i needed her to know that i was okay. and, you know, that i loved her just in case anything was going to happen.amanda there with me phone. she was telling me, this is part of this misinformation, not quite knowing exactly the genesis of the shooting, whether it was in this library, and then happened in this academic building in which amanda was or some other scenario. we're still working to confirm the exact facts and details on that. we are getting some more information from the harris county sheriff's department, the
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fact that they don't know, three people taken with unknown injuries to the hospital, we know they're looking for the second suspect. they still don't know yet if any of the campus security and, yes, there was security on this campus, whether they fired any of their weapons here in the midst of this whole melee on this north harris campus. again, getting more and more eyewitness sound, let me share a little bit more from what people are hearing on campus. >> pretty much a lot of panicking, everyone running. it was a lot of fear on campus. a lot of student triying to run toward the bookstore, they locked the doors and told us to get indoors. >> trying to call our parents, tried to call my sister because she's at school. she's still in there. >> i was doing my homework and then all of a sudden you hear, like, six or seven loud bangs. i thought they were bangs because of construction or something. but then everybody started running. you can only assume they were
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gunshots. >> and, you know, anderson, in talking to amanda, who was on the phone, she was -- she was a freshman at this college, talking to me about how, you know, this really is a safe, safe area. she never experienced any crime on campus in the past. and it is interesting, sort of bringing back what ed was saying in terms of guns. in texas you can carry concealed weapons. but there are certain places where you cannot bring a concealed weapon and a school is one place. they're banned from educational institutions, ie this particular campus. so in the coming days, we will, of course, probably even today, learn what kinds of weapons were used and whether or not they were brought on campus illegally. anderson. >> and, again, earlier reports at this point do seem to indicate this was some sort of an altercation, between two individuals. whether they were students enrolled at this school, we simply do not know. but it seems to be some sort of confrontation or altercation. the motive behind it. what the confrontation was about, we don't know.
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as joe johns pointed out, i think it is important thing to point out this does not seem to be the case of one individual going into a classroom or going on to a campus in order to try to create mayhem or make some sort of statement. also, one other thing i think is just important that representative sheila jackson lee pointed out, she said, she had had a report that one of the wounded individuals is not in good shape, we don't note actual conditi condition of that person. but one person seems to be in serious condition. also one eyewitness had told our affiliate ktrk they had seen somebody shot in the leg. that would seem to be a different person than the person who is -- who the congresswoman described as being not in good shape. we'll take a quick break and check in with our sources, find out the latest information. we'll be right back with more on this shooting in texas. ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you make 70,000 trades a second... ♪
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i'm calling. call today and make the switch to the aarp auto insurance program from the hartford. why wait? and you're watching breaking news here on cnn as we have been covering this school, which has been on lockdown. this is in harris county, texas, around the houston, texas, area. as law enforcement, atf, fbi have swooped in because there has been a school shooting. we have been talking to -- talked to congresswoman here out of this congressional district in texas, also talked to a school official.
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we have multiple injuries as this search for shooter number two is now beyond the perimeter of this campus here of this north harris campus. there are six campuses, all part of the lone star college. we're specifically looking at pictures here from the north harris campus, about 10,000 students. hearing from eyewitnesses talking about shots fired, the screams in the hallways, trying to figure out where the shooting originated, did it happen in multiple buildings? there were a lot of unknowns right now and talking to this college official, a little while ago, jed young, he told me this whole thing, apparently, happened as a result of some sort of altercation between two individuals. and then he told me two students were shot in the cross fire. and we're hearing, anderson, from, you know, different affiliates there out of the houston area that three people have been injured. you were talking to congresswoman sheila jackson lee saying that one of them, the injury was not looking so good. and then a fourth suffering a heart attack. and i believe we have ed
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lavandera on the phone. is that correct? anders anderson? >> brooke, i'm here. >> tell me what you know. bring us up to speed. >> i want to get some of the latest information i'm hearing on the situation involving the second suspected shooter that they're looking for. and i'm told by a law enforcement source that one of the areas of principle focus at this point is a wooded area next to the campus. and they believe that maybe the second suspect fled into that wooded area. the question becomes is that person still there? is he surrounded? is he contained? it is it sou it sounds like it is a heavily wooded area with pine trees and this sort of thing. the terrain would be rather difficult, not probably to offer some good hiding places. t the source wasn't able to tell me if the person was still in that area. it appears this wooded area next
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to the campus is where a great deal of focus and law enforcement attention will be paid to here, right now, as they continue to look for the second shooter. what is interesting is apparently from what i'm told this wooded area backs up to the north side of the houston intercontinental airport. i was asking if it was possible that this person may be able to make it through the wooded area and get through the airport grounds and they told me that was probably not likely, there is high fences around the airport area, but i'm trying to get people a sense, a lay of land, as to the area that it appears to be one of the main areas of focus at this point. >> and, ed, you raised an interesting point. representative sheila jackson lee talked about that area as being an area of concern and area of focus for law enforcement now as they seek out what is believed to be a second shooter. i also have the latest from the sheriff media relations department. harris county texas shieriff, they say at this point, they say
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one suspect is in custody. they say three people have been transported for unknown injuries. police continue to look for the second suspect. they say it is not known yet if any of the campus security discharged their weapons in the incident. so you have one suspect in custody. three people transported for unknown injuries. one law enforcement source said one of those injured was, in fact, one of the suspected shooters. there also was an eyewitness saying she saw someone shot in a leg. and somebody else in handcuffs. so one suspect or person of interest as officials had earlier said, is in custody. it would appear as if that person may have also been wounded or injured somehow because three people are -- have been transported for their injuries. so that would imply two other people caught in cross fire. not clear to me if one of those people as this person is described to have had a heart attack. this is early hours in this incident as we know from so many
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of these past incidents, often the earlier reports are inaccurate, or misleading. so just we should be cautious in how we're hearing this and what we're transmitting, but trying to give you the most up to up tt we have, brooke. you probably have the most personal accounts so far when one woman described hearing five or six shots. >> right. she said she was sitting in her english class and suddenly started hearing what she described as six shots. this freshman, amanda vasquez. what could only presume what was a lot of fear, a lot of chaos, people shouting, people running. she told me she was in this one classroom of something like 25, 30 other students and there was another woman in the class training to be an emt and that person immediately flipped the
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light switch off so the room would appear to be empty and shoved a table in front of a door just in case the shooter were try to barge in the classroom, he or she would have a tougher time making entry. and heard the screams. i think what was the most -- what really resonated with me was the fact that this young woman had a presence of mind to pick up the phone and call her mother and she wanted her mother to know she presumed that her mother was watching loek be cal news or at this point national news, knew that this was happening on her daughter's campus and wanted to tell her mother that she was okay and if the situation ended not well, she wanted her mother to know that she loved her and this is just one example, anderson, of multiple people giving their own anecdotes of what they had heard, what they had seen. i'm glad you're underscoring the
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point that we don't know what happened and really the big question is why this happened and who these individuals were. were they students who were shooting at one another or one was shooting at another and these two other students were hit in the crossfire? according to this college official, we don't know that yet. >> right. there's a lot of speculation going on about what may have been the motive or affiliation. we're just trying to be cautious in the information that we're giving out because we want to be as accurate as we can, as timely as we can as well. the congresswoman was congratulations the response to the situation. they developed systems to how they would react to incidents on their campus. they immediately sent out or very quickly sent out a school alert telling people to hunker down in place.
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this part of the campus, this branch that has 10,000 students, it's quite a sprawling campus. >> me and my classmate were sitting down having a conversation. we heard them maybe ten feet away. we couldn't actually hear what they were arguing about. we could hear them arguing. and the shooter actually, you know, wanted -- he said, i don't want to fight you. i'm not trying to go to jail and he actually turned away from the situation. but whatever ticked him off, whatever they said turned around, got it out of his backpack and started shooting. and so -- >> where did he shoot? at the person he was arguing with and others? >> he shot -- we were right here. this is the hallway right here. -- this is the hallway right here and he's this way. we could see him this way. he started shooting that away and maybe i want to say nine shots. like he emptied out his clip
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shooting at with whoever the guy was and i was told that a white man got shot and a black lady got shot and the person that he was shooting at. >> and the other two people that got shot, were those just people who were witnesses in the hallway? >> i think we were just in the hallway. a bullet doesn't have a name. you know, so in the middle of their problems and -- street problems, two innocent people got hurt. he could have easily said, hey, i've already shot these people, i'm going to shoot all of the witnesses. so we got out of there. >> before you leave, what do you think of when you hear this and what did you do? >> it was a bunch of crap that could have been resolved and should have never went that far. i just ran out of there. because i didn't want to die. i have two kids. i think it could have been easily resolved instead of guns, you know. there's other ways to solve problems besides violence and
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guns and killing people. >> brooke, that's new sound obviously for all of us as you've heard it for the first time. she indicated at least one of the shooters was in fact a student at the school and had the gun in his backpack. the other student said, you know, i'm not trying to fight with you. i don't want to go to jail. and the other person went out and got a gun from his backpack. >> that was news. that was the first we had heard of that. this is just according to this one student. cnn cannot confirm that that is in fact what happened. let me glance down because we are getting new information from the harris county texas sheriff's department reiterating again that one suspect is in custody, three people have been taken to the hospital. again, the conditions, the extent of those injuries, that is unknown. but they are continuing to interview. we're hearing these eyewitnesss. these are people on the ground, folks that the sheriff's
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department is talking to as well. they want to know what happens in what appears to be an altercation in the library. this is from harris county texas sheriff's office. police from five agencies have, as we've seen, cordoned off right there, this is back to what ed lavandera said. they have this perimeter established around a wooded area adjacent to the college area to see if there is enough suspect on the loose who could be armed. so the harris county high-risk operations group, similar to a s.w.a.t. team, is leading in this trying to see what could be another shooter. as we try to get more information on that, i want to play more from my interview from the past hour with amanda vasquez, the freshman who heard the shots fired today. >> i was in the academic building waiting for my english
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class to start. >> and then what did you hear? >> i heard about six shots and kids started rushing down the hallway and a few even came into our class and it really happened so fast. >> what were people shouting? >> they were just shouting. i couldn't hear anything. i was just trying to get under a table, get into the back corner of the room and immediately i just wanted to find some sort of shelter inside the room. and we closed the door and we turned off the lights and a lady was in the room training to be an emt and she was training and put a table by the door.
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i called my mom to let her know that i was okay and i loved her just in case anything was going to happen. and then i went to twitter because i didn't have any real room service. i just had the wi-fi. so while i could, i was trying to get updates to let people to know not to come in here because there's someone in here because i know the status of the building at the time when we were still locking the room. >> and you called your mother. did you talk to your mom? what did you tell your mom? >> i told my mom that someone was shooting in the building and that i didn't know what was going to happen. and at first she didn't believe me because of course you never think this thing would happen to you. and i told her it's happening. i need you to call the cops. wry tried to call the cops, too. >> how many people were in the class with you
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