tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 27, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm PST
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-- captions by vitac -- let's take a look at what's on your radar for the week ahead. tomorrow more than a hundred broadway stars will team up with students from newtown, connecticut. proceeds will benefit the sandy hook school support fund. tuesday is super bowl media day at the spro dome in new orleans. that's when fans fill the stands to watch their favorite super bowl players get interviewed by the press. wednesday, tax season officially begins, ugh.
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the irs begins processing individual income tax returns, 1040 forms. other forms can be filed in late february or early march. new tax laws force the irs to update their systems and delay filing season this year. on thursday senate confirmation hearings begin for defense secretary chuck hagel. he has secured support from several key senators but he's expected to face tough questioning from some republican opponents. and friday is expected to be hillary clinton's last day as secretary of state. the exact timing of her departure depends on hearings for john kerry who president obama tapped to replace her. that will do it for me. cnn newsroom continues right now with don lemon. have a great week. hello, everyone. top of the hour. i'm don lemon. thank you so much for joining us. survivors of a nightclub fire in
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brazil are describing a nightmare scene. bodies all over the ground. firefighters trying to smash down the walls. terrified people being trampled. so many people dead. this nightclub was way overcrowded with dangerous pyrotechnics show going on inside. straight ahead is rafael romo. i want you to give us an updated count of the yash yults. >> this is way too preliminary yet. authorities still going over the scene to try to find out what happened there. some of the scenes we have received here at cnn world headquarters are just very, very sad with family members trying to find out what happened to their family members. this young crowd celebrates for one last chance. remember, that part of the world, it is summer, and so in brazil this is the end of the summer holiday season and that's what these people are doing
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there. >> so is it common for a nightclub to be packed so far over capacity. don't they try to keep that from happening, rafael? >> i wouldn't call it common but it's not unheard of. given the circumstances that people are going back to school tomorrow and work tomorrow and this was the place and town to be last night for all of these young people. they tell us that the place was built for about a thousand people. it was overcrowded. as many as 2,000 people there, so this complicated the tragedy. >> local media reporting that security guards were trying to stop people from leaving. what do you know about that? >> that's exactly right. that's what firefighters told us. apparently firefighters didn't realize -- or security guards didn't realize what the problem was, that there was a fire and they thought they were trying to leave without paying and they blocked the entrances. that, ads you can imagine, complicated the situation. >> you can imagine they were
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contacting the victims and family members. how were they doing this? it looks like complete chaos. they're seen as trying to smash down the walls. >> the reality is that the tragedy has overwhelmed the systems there in santa maria and southern brazil and bodies aren't being taken to a morgue. they're being taken to a nearby gym and that's where families are trying to go and authorities are trying to positively identify the bodies. so far 102 so far but 132 bodies. >> remember the fire at the club back in 2004? i'm asking you because of precedent. how will they handle this tragedy? will someone be held liable for any of these deaths? >> eventually there will be somebody but what's at stake is the country is trying to organize the world cup in 2014 and something like this tells you a lot about failures in security systems and also the country's preparedness to hold big events.
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also the summer olympics are going to be held there in 2016. so there's going to be a lot of questions as to how ready is brazil to host these international events. >> thank you, rafael. more tragedy to tell you about. we're keeping a close eye on egypt tonight where weekend riots are blamed for the deaths of nearly 40 people and hundreds of injured. this is an anger that's been boiling in cairo. people this weekend are furious about something more specific and here's cnn's reza sayaha. >> he first delivered a stern warning to egyptians calling on the country to end the violence and then he took his most aggressive action yet against protesters, declaring emergency ruling curfews for three cities. the president making announcement in late-night televised address after another day of violent protests
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throughout egypt. the protest turning violent in the city of port said for the second day. these violent demonstrations have been going on since friday, the two-year anniversary of the 2011 egyptian revolution, now the president saying enough is enough, saying he had no choice but to get tough. >> translator: the civilians are likely to disturb the security of this nation. we will deal with them severely. there is no -- repeat -- everyone should know. that's the nation's institution is capable to protect this nation and these people and these institutions. and i did confirm earlier as you all know that i am against any
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excepti exception, but if i was pushed, if i was pushed, i will act, and now i am acting. to save bloodship and for the security against doers doers ac outside the law and to save the civilians. >> the president says the emergency rule and the curfews will last for 30 days. during that time police will have extended powers. people will not have as many rights. they probably won't be able to protest as freely if at all. remember, egypt is a nation lived under emergency rule for more than 40 years. it's something that they despise. this time the emergency rule is limited to only three cities burke the question is how will this country, how will the people of egypt, people who've
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lost their fear to protests react? will they heed the president's call or will things escalate? we're going to find out in the coming days. don? >> all right. thank you very much. an american pastor reportedly faces eight years in an iranian prison after being tried on charges linked to his christian beliefs. he was born in iran and later moved to idaho with his wife and children. the u.s. religious association say it has led to his conversion. the state department is calling for his immediate release. casey anthony wants to start over financially. she filed for bankruptcy friday after an appeals court threw out two of her convictions for lying police. she has no income and almost $800,000 in debt. mostly legal fees. she also is fighting several civil lawsuits. in dramatic 2011 trial, anthony was acquitted of all charged
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linked to the death of her daughter caylee. attention, shoppers. brand-new credit card charge kicks in today. they can charge up to 3% of your total purchase. this fee stems from a legal settlement that allows stores to pass along processing fees charged by credit card companies. many retailers strongly oppose it. you can avoid it by using your debit card instead or, here's an idea. you can pay cash. actor burt reynolds is feeling better after being admitted for the flu. he is known for his roles in "smoky and the bandit" and "deliveran "deliverance." tonight the actors really learn what others think of them at the s.a.g. awards. look at this.
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the screen actors gild awards are only for actors. no best director, no best screenplay. it's all about the talent you see in front of the camera. "showbiz tonight" a.j. hammer joins me now live from the sight of the s.a.g. awards. you're staying hydrated, right, a.j.? staying chilling out? >> here's the thing. i have a great spot before all of the stars have to walk into the shrine auditorium but i may have picked the wrong end because at the other end where my kol leak niche shell turner is, i believe that's where they're serving the champagne. they serve the champagne down there, they rehydrate when they get down here. this is about a lot of familiar faces which is one of the reasons this is an important award show to watch if you love award shows but don't like sifting through all the writers, directors. tonight it's all stars.
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there are some 100,000 who vote tonight and it's a real celebration and that means a big deal for the actors who do walk away with these awards because they're winning according to what their peers think and getting validation of your peers is a pretty huge thing in hollywood and i think there will be a lort of smiles on the carpet when the award show is over tonight and it also honors ensembles because we know, don, a lot of individual actors get a lot of individual attention in the tabloids but here tonight they're acting an an ensemble craft. you get to see the entire show not as a best show being awarded but as a group of actors doing what they do best. >> a.j. hammer passing off his gin or vodka as fiji water. thank you, a.j. >> listen. i'm better behaved than that. >> make sure you joan a.j. and
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niche shell about in 20 minutes for a special coverage of the s.a.g. awards. see the latest fashion and learn about the tight event. stop being stupid. that's the message from one top republican to his own party. will this tough love help or hurt the gop? well, we will talk about that straight ahead. with so much competition, finding the right job is never easy. but with the nation's largest alumni network, including those in key hiring positions, university of phoenix can help connect you to a world of opportunity. i've got two tickets to paradise!l set? pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month, actually... eddie continues singing: to tickets to...
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president obama says he's going to push for restrictions on certain kinds of firearms but he insists he's not going to ignore the concerns of gun owners. he was asked if he had ever fired a gun, he said up at camp david we do skeet shooting all the time and i have a profound respect for traditions such as hunting that trace back for generations and i think those who dismiss that out of hand make a big mistake. meanwhile the nra remains the
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biggest obstacle to passing a ban on assault-style rifles. dianne feinstein speaks with cannily crowley. >> they come after you, put money down to defeat you. >> her proposal faces what she called an uphill fight, but she said she's confident she can get it to the senate floor for a vote. so let's talk more with cnn contributor lz granderson and ann. hello to you. thank you, guys. we haven't spoken in quite a while. the president is scheduled to make a speech on imgation reform and republican congressman paul ryan says he thinks this is one issue where the two parties can make a deal. here's what he said this morning. >> i think there are republicans and democrats that can come together with a good solution to make sure that this problem is fixed once and for all, and i
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think those rubio principles do a really good job of adhering to the founding principles, respecting the ruling law and for those who came here for a better life. >> is this an idea that's come? >> i absolutely think so. i think it's been played tra strategical strategically. marco roubio who's part of the six, they've been working this since day one after the election. i think they're ready to come out with something. i think you're going to see that marco rubio has laid a lot of the groundwork by selling these principles. he's gotten great endorsement and support from some of the most right-winged pundit makers. now it's time to act upon it and grow it from there but it is basically the only thing happening in congress today where there is a bipartisan
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movement on both -- in both chambers and both sides of the aisle. >> but, ana, i've been hear about about marco rubio and the gang of six. why haven't we heard from them? >> timing is everything. you know what, don lemon? i wouldn't put money on them waiting on the president. the president's going to speak on tuesday. i wouldn't be surprised if these senators who are tremendously strategic and know how to play the political game and defend third bipartisan process, i wouldn't be surprised if they preempt the president, do it tomorrow, do it before the president does on tuesday. these are not folks that wait on the president. these folks act. >> so you think they may come out on monday. do you know something we don't? >> oh, i know a lot of things you don't. >> we'll see. maybe ana does. lz, do the republicans need an
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imgation showing given their elections? . first of all i want to touch upon some revisionist history. he's done that three years ago in 2010. we voted on the d.r.e.a.m. act. the truth of the matter is he had mostly republicaned and five democrats who decided not to vote. this is not something the president has not been working on. he actually gave us his outline in 2010 in terms of working toward immigration. as far as the new found religion, i've not given them props. john mccain before he was part of the d.r.e.a.m. act, he was part of it. timing is everything. now after they got their butt kicked they want go ahead and follow through what they started years and years ago. unfortunately the latino immigration is part of it. if you want to be an american, you're part of the game.
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>> listen to bobby are jindal. he's talking to his fellow republicans. >> we must not be part of the party who protects the well off so they can keep their toys. we've got stop being the stupid party. i'm serious. it's time for a new republican party that talks like adults. >> he's not the only one giving that sentiment. paul ryan gave a similar sentiment this morning on "meet the press." ana, is this what your party needs? tough love? >> yes. we need to not sugarcoat it, we need to learn the lessons of the last election. i think governor jindal is right. i think paul ryan is right. i was at the republican retreat ten days ago at the house members and i can tell you we heard a lot of this. there is an acknowledgement within the republican party that we have to reboot. you know, the best part of what happened in this election is that we learned that you can't just do it with white men, that attracting latinos, attracting
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women is not an option. and i thunk that's why this immigration thing, that's why the election has been such a game-changer for the immigration issue because republicans know that it is a huge challenge, but it is also a great opportunity to rebuild some bridges. >> lz? >> you know, i listened to the governor's speech and it was fairly boring to me. i thought it was vac uous, i thought it was empty. if you heard the applause when he was introduced to when he introduced the stupid party, it was clap, clap, clap. he doesn't have everybody on board yet. i don't think he's the person to deliver that message. and as far as what the results of 2012 and what the republican party needs do, they don't need to reboot. they just need to go back to what they used to be, which is conservative -- not conservative social issues but economic issues. get back to that.
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>> all right. thank you, guys. there is this -- the common wisdom is that you can't say we need to bring more people in. what you need to say is we need to do the right thing by people and by doing that, we will bring more people in. thank you, ana. thank you, lz. appreciate it. >> okay. if you live in the northeast or midwest, you are most likely dealing with this, snow, ice, and a varying degree of misery for millions as an arctic blast move east and the stars are shining in los angeles. no arctic blast there. just hot actors. cnn's special coverage coming up at the bottom of the hour. ♪ my friends, they do surround me ♪ ♪ i hope this never ends ♪ and we'll be the best of friends ♪ ♪ all set? all set. [ male announcer ] introducing the reimagined
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the good news is this is all preceding a warmup and that's what we want. the problem is the warm air moving in is riding up and over the colder air so we've got this transition where we've got freezing rain, ice, wintry mix changing over to rainfall. we still have some sleet falling down in the chicago area. it's already changed to snow in the minneapolis area. eventually as the warm air moves in it changes over to rainfall. i think the worst icing today was northern missouri, central and eastern iowa, in fact, we can see some of the reports you see here. eventually it's all changing to rainfall as the warm air heads out. now it's going to be a nuisance as we watch the front zbrining monday. notice the area may be a wintry mix but light accumulations. more of a nuisance as the bridge passes things of that nay thursday. then it will be baltimore, philadelphia, and maybe moving into the new york city around late morning, possibly just
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before the noon hour. but eventually that changes over too. accumulations should be light, and that's the good news. then we'll all eventually warm up. so as we watch the system continue to move up in boston, light snow before their changeover as well. here are the watches and warnings. areas of around the twin cities in into parts of wisconsin. we have freezing rain advisory in parts of the appalachian chain. in maryland you can see a quarter inch of snow on top of ice. that's another going to be the problem for d.c. and baltimore northward. the other problem is tuesday. tuesday night into wednesday, this could be violent. this is more of a springtime event. we have severe weather where the possibility of tornados are. all the way up into areas of eastern pennsylvania. so this is the next story we'll be watching that coming up with this warmup that we all want. we could do without the severe weather and icy mess tonight.
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>> thank you, tom. actors honoring actors. i'm talking about the s.a.g. awards. they're happening tonight and as we speak the stars are arriving and strolling down the red carpet. our national coverage of the 19th annual screen gilder's award will be starting in moments on cnn. we'll be back in one hour with live news coverage. time can ofbe...well...taxing. so right now we'll give you... ...$10 off any turbo tax deluxe level software or higher! find thousands of big deals now... officemax.
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