tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 30, 2013 1:00am-2:00am PST
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. thunderstorms beginning to fire up west of nashville. first of all, tornado watches extending from parts of indiana all the way down to mississippi. some pretty nasty thunderstorms just west of nashville about to push into the city. everywhere you see these purple outlined areas, these are actual tornado warnings. we have had a history of some tornadoes dropping down today, arkansas, mississippi, and those thunderstorms that we've been watching closely. so there is nashville under tornado warnings.
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these are doppler radar indicated, but still we have seen a history of tornadoes. as that line pushes on on through, well definitely see some very, very strong winds in the least here as that thunderstorm complex pushes through. serious reportings extending all the way north through louisville. winds came easily gust to 60 miles an hour. we'll be tracking the threat all day long. tomorrow night i sit down with joe jackson. he opens up about his relationship with his famous son. there was a sense that he was surrounded by people that were kind of keeping the family away. and the family couldn't get to him the way they wanted to. >> that's very true. they treated him like howard hughes.
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family couldn't get to him like they should have. >> fascinating interview tomorrow night at 9:00 eastern. that's all for us tonight. anderson cooper starts now. we begin tonight with breaking news. new video just in from that devastating fire at a nightclub in brazil. this is video of the inside of the club in the aftermath of the fire. the death toll rose to 234 today. what have we learned about what happened inside that club? it is now confirmed that pyrotechnics on the stage being used by a band is what started this fire? >> reporter: well, anderson, we did find out a lot of interesting detail today, but definitely not conclusions of the investigation. let me give you some idea what we are talking about. the police gave a press conference where they told us that they investigated, for example, the fire extinguishers, and they found that not only were all of the fire extinguishers in the club -- they were beyond their date of usage.
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some were fake fire extinguishers. they found that the fire licenses and the municipal licenses expired last year, and they found out that when they did have licenses, the capacity was just for 670 people. and they had some 2,000 club goers packed into this establishment. so there are definitely details coming out. on the fireworks, these were explicitly sold for outdoor use. the problem was the ones that can be used indoors are more expensive. people were going cheap trying to get around what few regulations exist and create an even more dangerous environment. the investigation isn't over, so they don't want to name names or come out with the specific charges at this point, anderson. >> can you explain why security at this club would not let people get out of the one exit
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that existed? >> well, anderson, we talked today -- we actually heard the very harrowing story of this 19-year-old high school student who was inside. she got crammed up against the metal barrier. someone was saving her, a man she didn't know grabbed her and was pulling her toward the door. and she said she actually saw the doors shutting in their faces. she said she saw the light at the end of the tunnel, then all of a sudden the light would shut off because the guards were shutting the door in her face. and she said they hadn't realized that there was a fire. and they did only shut it for a couple of minutes, but in those few minutes it filled with smoke so much that when the door opened again there were already bodies lying on the floor, people shouting. she said, in fact, other security guards who were inside died, anderson. >> and the reason they wouldn't let people out is because, i guess in brazil at this club, when you go in, you don't pay at the door, you pay when you leave, is that correct?
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>> reporter: that's exactly right. she showed me the ticket that she had. you go in, they give you a ticket that cost in that particular club that night was about $12, $13. then each drink they put a little mark on your ticket and you pay the bill at the end. you don't even pay the entrance fee until the very end. they have this policy wherever there's a bar brawl, whenever maybe there's a quarrel between couples, they say it's pretty common that people try and run out. and that's apparently what they thought was going on, anderson. >> in terms of the impact on this town, i mean, this is a college town. these are overwhelmingly young people who were at this club celebrating. were there more funerals today? >> reporter: there were more funerals today. again, not all of the -- the students, because this is a college town, of course, they're not all from here. so in some cases the bodies are being sent across brazil and the funerals will actually continue over the next few days, but what
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we've also seen is this real convergence of people. people are sort of coming to terms with their grief. and they're becoming angry. so everywhere you go, especially people see we're journalists, people stop us on the street and say, something has to be done about this. you keep telling the world what happened here. somebody has to go to jail and we have to make sure this never happens again, anderson. >> in terms of arrests, how many people have been arrested thus far? >> -- arrested, two were club owners. one was the lead vocalist for the band that was playing that was using these pyrotechnic devices and the promotor for the musical band and so, again, just backs up what we've been talking about, where they're taking the investigation. and there's a chance we could see some more arrests in the coming days, anderson.
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>> some members of the band died as well, is that correct? >> that's right. that's right. two members of the band died. another interesting thing we heard from this young woman we were talking to. she said that the vocalist as soon as he saw the ceiling insulation caught fire, he picked up a fire extinguisher and tried to shoot it up at the ceiling but nothing came out. he threw it into the crowd and tried to get out of there himself. the band was obviously caught in the middle. it could very well be part of the cause of this, but they lost members as well. it's a pretty convoluted story. >> the investigation continues. shasta darlington. now the battle over new gun laws. tomorrow wayne lapierre is going to testify before the senate judiciary committee. tonight we're learning he plans to attack the proposals for a new ban on semiautomatic weapons.
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he takes on critics who want to expand background checks. lapierre will say, and i quote, when it comes to the issue of background checks, let's be honest. they'll never be universal because criminals will never submit to them. the nra is calling on members to show their support in a big way. the political arm just sent a mass e-mail calling for all members to show up tomorrow and, quote, pack the hearing room. all this with emotional hearings going on in connecticut. that's where the governor's bipartisan task force on gun violence prevention is going on in hartford. connecticut already has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. some of the sandy hook parents argue to make them even stricter. they faced opposition from vocal opponents in the crowd. >> reporter: metal detectors, heavy security and a sign on the door reading, no guns allowed. that's what greeted hundreds attending this connecticut hearing on gun laws. >> try to put yourself in the place i'm in. not a good feeling to look at
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your child in a casket or with your child with a bullet wound to the forehead. >> reporter: neil heslin's son jesse was killed in newtown, but that didn't seem to matter to the hecklers. >> if there's one person in this room that can give me a reason or challenge this question, why anybody in this room needs to have one of these assault-style weapons or military weapons or high capacity clips? not one person can answer that question. all right. >> please, please, no comments while mr. heslin is speaking or we'll clear the room. >> reporter: this hearing was designed to review the state's gun laws and hear proposals for change. it was the first time family members who lost loved once at sandy hook elementary testified in public.
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the state's considering enacting a 50% tax on ammunition, expanding a state ban on assault weapons, and banning large capacity magazines like the one used by adam lanza in the newtown shooting. this single mother from waterbury believes those changes would be going too far. >> you will take away my legal ability to protect myself and my children at a reasonable price. protecting myself and my children means i should continue to be able to select the firearm and magazine size that i believe will keep us safe. don't my children and i deserve your support, your consideration to be safe? >> not one of these gun proposals would have impacted this heinous act, nor will it affect future perpetrators. these current quick-fix, do-something bills do not address the root cause and actions of the newtown criminal. please remember gun owners are
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the good guys. >> reporter: the rabbi counseled many of the newtown families. >> this is serious. i do not want to come here or at any other city to describe what it's like to console parents who have had their childrens' brains shot out. >> reporter: mark mattioli whose son was killed at newtown, surprised the crowd when he argued that tighter gun control is not the answer. >> how do we expect to have any impact on a society and say we're going to pass a law. hey, this is inexcusable. we can't allow any more of this. let's pass a law that will change the course of the future. when we don't enforce the laws that we have on the books? >> reporter: another parent lost her 6-year-old son noah in the shooting. she sat next to his photograph while calling for lawmakers to ban all assault rifles and tax ammunition to help pay for school security. >> the time is now.
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let the state of connecticut become an agent for change. >> reporter: randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> where do we go from here? her second grade daughter was at sandy hook on the day of the shooting. jennifer, you were at that hearing. you're not opposed to gun control per se, but you say this should be more about accountability. what was your take on the hearing. some said that that parent was shouted down. that video doesn't seem to show that he was shouted down at all. >> i wasn't actually there for that. that happened very early, as i understand it. and there were hundreds of us waiting outside the building for a very long time to get in, and so i missed most of the expert testimony and the parents. >> what do you want to see happen? >> well, up until yesterday in the hearings, i was 100% in
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favor of assault weapons bans, but i did -- you know, i listened to what the other side had to say. and i do feel that it's going to be more about accountability by the manufacturers of these weapons, by the retailers, the private sellers, the dealers of these weapons and by the individual owners that cannot allow their weapons to fall into the wrong hands. they cannot allow their children access to these weapons and if they are not responsible, as they claim to be, for one moment, then they need to be libel for that. i also believe -- >> no, go ahead. >> sorry. >> no, go ahead. >> the cdc was doing research into gun violence until the '90s when the gun lobby shut them down. we don't really know the facts. we don't know what will work, what really is causing this
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epidemic of gun violence that we have in this country. >> denise, you support the gun control measures that president obama and vice president biden have put forward, but you want to see more done on mental health, right? >> it's honestly -- let's look at it this way. it's really two-pronged. we have an issue with assault weapons being available and the magazines being available. that type of firearm, that very large firearm, i believe it was originally created for the germans to fight the russians. i mean, when you look at that kind of firepower, that is not what a responsible gun owner normally is using to go out and perhaps shoot deer or whatever, you know. they don't need that level of firepower. secondly, we do have a tremendous issue -- if you look at the petri dish of what we're living in now after the newtown shooting and before that with aurora and before that, you know, in colorado, we're looking at young, mentally ill men right now, we're looking at that, and most of them very high functioning.
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and having various either spectrum disorders or other type of mental illness. and i think that as far as, you know, the responsible gun owner, i get it, but i'm also an adoptive parent of three children. being an adoptive parent, you have to basically go through incredible rigors to become an adoptive parent. you have to meet with social workers, do fbi testing, you have to have post-placement. i can't imagine why just to be able to love a child i need to go through that kind of paperwork, but yet someone can go and obtain a firearm as quickly as people can in this country. so there has to be some give and take here. i mean, i don't understand how you can literally go, obtain a firearm and potentially shoot a child whereby there's all sorts of laws for me to be able to adopt a child.
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so if you're looking at families who are going to be having weapons, then they do need to have some type of screening, and they do need to have the family members screened and there has to be some sort of level of how these firearms are taken care of in the home. >> right. >> and perhaps every couple of years they need to be checked out and the family needs to be reviewed again to see what the situation is. i just don't think it's as easy as saying that a responsible gun owner is a responsible gun owner. you have to look at the entire picture of the family. >> right. >> that's a very important process. >> denise, i appreciate -- >> but i have a problem with -- >> yes? >> anderson, i'll tell you quite frankly, the hardest thing i ever heard was when i had spoken to dianne feinstein about a week after the sandy hook tragedy. i had written to her, i had written to, you know, vice president biden as well as chris murphy. i've spoken to all of their offices. to be very honest with you, the
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hardest thing is going to be to get some level of mental health initiative involved in this gun control legislation. it's predominantly because it's hard on a federal level. every state handles, from my understanding, mental health. so we have to really find a way to work it in on a federal level as well as on every state level. >> denise, i appreciate you being on and jennifer as well. we have a programming note. this thursday we'll bring you a town hall discussion on guns, representatives from all sides of the debate, 8:00 p.m. thursday night. i hope you join us for that. let us know what you think. follow me on twitter @andersoncooper. i'll be tweeting tonight. president obama says his immigration reform plan has a lot in common with the plan unveiled today. but is that true? hillary clinton. she talks about what lies ahead. >> i am so looking forward to
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real politics now. as expected president obama called on congress to overhaul broken immigration laws. in a speech he praised a plan unveiled by eight senators. he stressed the similarities between his vision and theirs. >> that's what comprehensive immigration looks like, smarter enforcement, a pathway to earn citizenship, improvements in the
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legal immigration system, so that we continue to be a magnet for the best and the brightest all around the world. >> president obama also sounded a warning, though, saying the time to act is now, and if congress can't deliver, he's going to step in. >> the foundation for bipartisan action is already in place. and if congress is unable to move forward in a timely fashion, i will send up a bill based on my proposal and insist that they vote on it right away. >> bipartisan plan he's talking about comes with some crucial strings that contains provisions for paths to citizenship but only if certain conditions are first met. chief among those making sure the border is secure before any legislative action can take place. that to say the very least is a very tall order. there has been progress. more border control agents staffing the southwest bordered than ever before. the obama administration has also spent billions to secure the border, $18 billion last year.
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but when you take a closer look at that money, look what jumps out. in 2011 the government spent $573 million on border security fencing, infrastructure and technology, all things that would seem crucial to securing the border but last year the funding fell to $400 million. and budget for 2013 just $327 million. border agents are making more arrests. last year 70,000 were caught at the boarder and sent back, 20,000 more than in 2009. that may be progress, but it doesn't change the fact that there's plenty of places to get across. gary tuchman reports. >> reporter: dan bell owns a cattle ranch in nogales, arizona. a huge piece of land, about 100 square miles. it sits right on the mexican border. you've been here your whole life. do you believe there's a day that goes by where you believe people are not crossing on your ranch?
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>> no, i don't believe a day goes by, either illegal immigrants or people smuggling contraband drugs, there's always somebody coming across. >> reporter: dan bell is a businessman, not a politician, but he's willing to talk to the proposed government commission about the border and the traumatic incidents that happened on his ranch. >> right up here there's a site where in 1998 there was a border agent that was killed apprehending two smugglers, and there's a monument built to him right there. agent alexander kirpnick was shot in 1998. dan bell's ranch has ten miles of international border. this is his fence. 18 feet tall. occasionally people bring tall ladders on the mexican side and jump into the united states. not smart. they get hurt. what's more frequent, they come here where the fence ends.
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this fence is only on 20% of the ranch. this fence is on 80% of the ranch. all it is is a flimsy barbed wire fence. they come from mexico, hop on this fence and easily hop off. you can see there's a little ditch that's dug here so they can slide under it. and this is where many people cross into the united states. >> you just find trash everywhere. you can just take a few steps, here, it's all over. >> reporter: the big walls do keep people out. and bell says things have somewhat improved over the years but adds huge problems still exist. even if the desire was there to wall the entire border, it's impossible due to mountainous topography. >> i've actually run into smugglers, smugglers carrying weapons. i've run into kids carrying backpacks with drugs. >> reporter: you see everything? >> pretty much. >> reporter: and then there is this strange sight.
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dan bell actually repairs barbed wire border fence himself. he does it mostly to keep his cattle from wandering into mexico, but it's still border fence he's fixing with his own hands. if the commission asked you is our border secure right now, how would you answer that question? >> i would say that it's not secure and that we do need to focus on making sure that we have, you know, the boots on the ground, that we have the technology available to us, that we have infrastructure to actually get to the border to patrol it. >> gary tuchman joins me now. do people along that part of the border, do they believe big walls have helped in slowing down illegal immigration? >> the people we talked to generally agree that you have a big wall, you have border patrol personnel and technology, people don't come into the united states. and indeed here in nogales, downtown nogales, arizona, this is a taj mahal of walls and very few people from mexico come into the united states here, but what they do when they're motivated they go to the side in this direction, the side in that
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direction, they find those little fences that we saw, then they get into the united states. >> gary, appreciate it. let's get to the raw politics of all this. margaret hoover joins us, also here in new york, charles blow. when you look at this, the idea that the border has to be secure for legislation before some sort of pathway to citizenship, is that all that much different to what republicans said all along? >> by making it a priority on the front end and saying this stipulation has to be met first -- >> but how do you define a secure border? does that mean no one getting across? >> you can look at places where it has been successful. nogales, that example, maybe not so successful. yuma, border crossings dropped 95%. there are places where you have successfully secured the borders, a precipitous drop in border crossings. you can say that's a reasonable measure of border security. this is the devil's in the
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details. these are a set of principles these senators have agreed on, but we haven't seen what it's going to look like. the devil's in the details. that could be a major sticking point for republicans on the right flank, hopefully with people like jeff flake and marco rubio and people who have the crowd on board will be able to cross that threshold. is it reasonable to say you have to secure the borders first before you move to some sort of pathway -- >> the way to measure that is the crucial one. because if your measurement is how many people get arrested trying to cross, that's not a representation of how many people -- necessarily a representation of how many people actually get across. the ones who don't get arrested are the ones that we're most interested in. if you have better enforcement and you set up a space particularly where the fences are good and there are a lot of border security, people don't cross in that area but they cross in other areas, as we saw
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in the piece before, where the topography makes it virtually impossible for this to happen for you to have adequate kinds of walls and to patrol in the ways that we think of people patrolling in jeeps and running along a border with lights and what have you. the measurement of what is success becomes really crucial and at what point do we move forward towards dealing with the 11 million people who are here now who have families here now, children and mothers and fathers, and how do we deal with the fact that they are here -- >> there's a lot of folks on the republican side in particular who say you can't reward them for having broken the law, they either have to go back to their country of origin and reapply or get to the back of the line. >> but that isn't represented in this set of principles. this is basically agreed we've got to do something about the 11 million -- >> but that principle failed under george w. bush, so why is now going to be any different? >> the time is different, the
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politics are different, the coalition behind this is different, we've learned lessons from the failures last time. >> do you think the politics are better now or worse now? >> i think the political landscape and the stars may have aligned this time. >> because of election results? >> partly because republicans got so walloped in the last election that they want to make it work. they don't want to be blamed for this failing. that's a real political reality here. but there are new coalitions, coalitions of bibles, badges and business. the evangelical community is largely hispanic. law enforcement is largely in favor of this now. rupert murdoch and -- >> do you buy the stars are aligned on this? >> i'm not exactly sure. i think on the national stage the political players who really want to be able to win a presidential election say we have to deal with this problem. individual republican representatives from individual districts do not have that same pressure.
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>> i'm smiling because you're so politically cynical. he's like really democrats just want to win and republicans just want to win and that's the only reason. >> i don't actually believe that. i do believe that there are legitimate concern for people wanting to move this forward, but that's some people. there are some people who are adamant on the point that anderson made before which is these people broke the law and we cannot reward law breaking. and i think that those people in that corridor, a lot of those are conservatives. >> we alwa talk about the right flank can derail this. but there's the left flank that's opposed to visas for agricultural jobs that could take jobs from americans. >> i don't know if that is as big. >> i've got to leave it there. margaret hoover, charles blow. hillary clinton her last day as secretary of state is this friday. what she'll do for the next couple of years. >> the party says that the field
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is clear and open for you until you make your decision. have you decided that you absolutely will not run? >> well, i have absolutely no plans to run. >> that's not the full story. more of what she said coming up. later a wave so huge, maybe the biggest that's ever been surfed. garrett mcnamara waits to learn if he set a new record. i talked to him about what it felt like to ride a massive wave.
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member of president obama's second cabinet to officially be installed. hillary clinton does not step down till friday. on her final days some on capitol hill are not holding back in criticism. lindsey graham said in his view secretary clinton got away with murder with the attack on benghazi. that's far from the only issue that will be keeping john kerry busy as hillary clinton leaves the state department. jill dougherty sat down with secretary clinton. >> reporter: as secretary of state hillary clinton prepares to leave office, the country that once was a beacon of hope for democratic transition, egypt, is wracked with turmoil. the head of the army warning the state could collapse. >> i hope not because i think that would lead to incredible chaos and violence on a scale that would be devastating for egypt and the region, but there has to be some understanding by the new government that the aspirations that the people were
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expressing during the revolution in egypt have to be taken seriously. >> reporter: and if there's one lingering question about her tenure, it's the murder of four americans in benghazi, libya. clinton spoke passionately about the issue last week on capitol hill. >> what difference, at this point, does it make? it is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, senator. >> reporter: today she maintained she was briefed on prior attacks in the libyan city, but no one recommending closing the outpost where four americans died. >> this is considered in an atmosphere of a lot of threats and dangers. at the end of the day, you know, there was a decision made that this would be evaluated, but it would not be closed and, unfortunately, we know what happened.
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>> reporter: as clinton leaves office friday, the looming question is whether she'll run for the highest office. she stayed coy on her plans for 2016. >> well, i have absolutely no plans to run. >> reporter: but she didn't rule it out. >> no, i am out of politics right now. and i don't know everything i'll be doing. i'll be working on behalf of, you know, women and girls. i'll be hopefully writing and speaking. those are the things that i'm planning to do right now. >> reporter: we talked about her health, the blood clot in her head. she said she'll continue to take medication. >> i am lucky because i've been very healthy. i feel great. i've got, you know, enormous amount of energy that have to be harnessed and focused, so i'm very fortunate. and i'm looking forward to this next chapter in my life, whatever it is. >> reporter: and what of her home life? her husband remains the most popular democrat on the planet not in the white house. and there are now questions
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about daughter chelsea following in her parents' political footsteps. >> no, i don't know about that. i think she's really focused on the philanthropy. she and bill and i, we are -- we just have public service in our dna. it doesn't have to be political service. it can be what we're doing now and what bill has been doing now. so i think we'll work all that out. it's going to be fun to talk it through and figure out, you know, what our next adventures might be. >> reporter: what does hillary clinton do next monday, her first day out of politics or the government in 20 years? >> i think that i'm really looking forward to it. i know it sounds, you know, vague because i have never done this before in my life. so when i wake up monday, tuesday, wednesday, to have the luxury of nowhere to go, nothing to do, no frantic call about calling some leader about some impending crisis. i'm actually interested to see how that goes. >> reporter: okay, you wake up,
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maybe you stay in your pajamas. what do you do? >> i don't know. it's been my whole life. i mean, i've had a job ever since i was 13 years old, when i wasn't in school, i was working. >> reporter: is it going to be traumatic. your blackberry? >> i think it will take some adjustment. i've been talking to colleague who left the government earlier. and the most common thing they say to me is, don't make any decisions. you have no idea how tired you are. and i think there's truth to that. >> for more on this, let's bring in gloria borger. why do you think secretary clinton is going through this round of interviews? is she trying to sort of cement her legacy? >> she is. look, she's in demand. obviously we all want to talk to her. she's someone who has a 65 approval rating. if you're thinking about a future in politics, doesn't get much better than that, so you might as well do these interviews now.
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i think she does want to cement her legacy, look, as jill pointed out in the piece, there clearly have been problems for her in benghazi and there's a worry that that could blot her legacy. >> this is not how she expected to leave the office? >> no, it really isn't. and it's not how the president really expected her to leave either, which is why he suggested that "60 minutes" interview on sunday. you know, nobody goes to the president and says, how about you sit down with hillary clinton and give her a nice kiss on the way out the door and help her out and, you know, cement her legacy. i think the president actually wanted to do that for her as a thank you because of the way she embraced the job and the way she remained really loyal to him. >> do you think joe biden wanted that? >> i don't think so. i think joe biden probably didn't go into the president saying, you know what? i'd really rather you didn't do this. but i do think that if she decides to run for the presidency, i don't think joe biden would run.
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>> really? >> yeah, i don't think he would. >> you think the democratic field will wait to see what she does? >> i do. i think she kind of freezes it for now. there's no doubt in my mind that joe biden wants to run. you were there at inauguration. you saw the way he took those laps down the parade route. this is a very vigorous man who, by the way, does not have a small role in this administration. the president's put him in charge of gun control. he's made him his chief negotiator on the hill. but i do think that the race is just frozen until -- >> until she decides. >> -- figures out what she wants to do. >> fascinating stuff. frightening moments after a plane crashed into the icy waters of the hudson river. a passenger calling for help as water filled the plane. police have released the 911 tape. we'll play that for you next. also incredible pictures. a pro surfer's dream come true. what does it feel like to ride what just might be the largest wave ever surfed? i'll speak with the man who did it. >> it just felt like my whole body was chattering.
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1:48 am
big wave surfer garrett mcnamara may have -- and i say may have -- broken the record for surfing the biggest wave ever. a record that's currently held by him. this is mcnamara in portugal. the same place he broke the record in 2011 surfing what was described as a 78-foot wave. he's still waiting for official verification of this new wave to see if he's broken his own world record, but either way a huge, huge wave and a big accomplishment. i've been working on a story on garrett mcnamara for "60 minutes." that will be on next week.
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i spoke to garrett about this wave that he rode, a wave that could have very easily killed him. garrett, congratulations. the photo of you on that wave is unbelievable. how did it feel? what was the ride like? >> oh, it was just this endless drop. my feet were popping out of the straps. it felt -- it was like my whole body was chattering. it was really difficult. one of the longest, hardest drops i've ever dealt with. >> how -- i mean, when you're on a wave like that, what do you see? how vertical is it? or do you look down? or what do you see? >> i was looking down and looking back and looking forward. i was really focused on everything that was going on, and the whole time i'm looking straight at the cliff. you know where i took you through the rocks? >> yeah. >> i went right straight for that, and i didn't realize it until the very end that i was
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almost on the rocks. when i kicked out, the next wave was coming with this big whitewater and my partner keili came to pick me up. and the wave ate him and the jet ski flies into the air. then i almost got sucked on to the rocks. i dove under the wave. and it was sucking me back, and it was so -- just barely let me go. i promised nicole i wouldn't surf there, but i didn't realize where i was until after. >> nicole is your wife. for the viewers who don't know. i was in this area with you for "60 minutes" earlier last month. i mean, there are rocks right there. so you were saying you were basically really close to hitting the rocks? >> yeah, you know that place where you called me chicken if i didn't go through? >> yes, i do. >> i had to go through. i almost went there without any desire of being there. >> wow.
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i mean, if you had ended up on the rocks, you could have been killed? >> yeah. it would have been -- definitely. we wouldn't be talking right now. >> it isn't an accident that you were there. you read buoy information, weather satellite information all the time. how did you -- i mean, were you tracking a storm that you knew was going to hit in that area? >> we actually saw the storm seven days ahead. and the atlantic is so unpredictable, but for some reason this one didn't change. the weather prediction did not change. i just know that i won't be going right there ever again. and i'm just so stoked to be able to surf and share nazare with the world. >> you won't go to that exact spot because of the danger, because you came so close to the rocks? >> yeah. never again. if i have anything to do with
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it, i will not be in that situation ever again. and nicole will make sure of it. she's going to put a little arrow on the board saying don't go -- >> don't go there? but i mean, you are searching for -- it's your dream to surf a hundred foot wave? >> you know what? it's my goal. and i work really hard at achieving my goals. it's definitely a goal to surf a hundred foot wave. i've never been able to get the rush since i rode that glacier wave in alaska. and i'm thinking that i could get the rush on a hundred foot wave. >> let me ask you, did you get an adrenaline rush surfing what you just rode? >> no rush. so it's probably not a hundred feet. >> dude, you did not get a rush surfing that wave. are you kidding me? >> i'm not kidding you, anderson. i don't know what's wrong with me. there's definitely something wrong. >> oh, man. i don't know what to say, garrett. i mean, i get a rush just looking at that. it's incredible. i'm so glad you are okay and
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you're safe. and give my best to nicole. and i'm just really just so thrilled for you. thank you, garrett. >> thank you, anderson. i really love the time we spent together. and you're a great guy. thank you for everything. thank you for sharing nazare with the world for us. >> a great thing with the town and really puts it on the map. garrett, take care. we'll be in touch. >> aloha. >> by the way, that's a town a lot of people didn't even know you could surf off of, didn't know there were these huge waves until garrett found out about it. from huge waves to a sea of foam deep enough to hide cars. what is causing this amazing sight? and what's going on? is it safe? plus just how much bp will pay for its role for the massive oil spill in the gulf. ? [ nyquil bottle ] just reading your label. relieve nasal congestion? sure don't you? [ nyquil bottle ] dude! [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't.
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something this delicious could only come from nature. new nectresse. the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. a federal judge approved bp's fine as part of a plea deal for the company's role in the 2010 gulf oil spill. it's the largest criminal penalty in u.s. history. here in new york a plea for help. authorities released the 911 call from the passenger aboard a small plane that it crashed into the hudson river on sunday. the man and his flight instructor both survived, but it was a close call. listen. >> we're in the plane. it's taking on water. >> okay. is it possible for you to get out? >> we can get out if we have to. >> okay.
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i need you to get out if the -- >> the plane's going down. let's go. get out, get out, get out. and down under, take a look at this. massive amounts of sea foam on land, about nine feet high in some places. strong winds blowing the foam on to land. the foam was formed when a cyclone hit australia's east coast last weekend. i know you saw something like this when covering superstorm sandy back in october, right? >> i still don't quite understand what it is, though. >> whatever it is, it is supposed to make you kind of itchy and sting a little bit. did you feel any of that when you were frolicking in it? >> i wasn't really frolicking. i got out of it quickly. it didn't seem like a good idea for those folks to be running around in that stuff. >> i agree. we've got a look of game of fetch with a dog in a pool from the dog's point of view. take a look. he's got it.
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