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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  January 31, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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it's not going to keep criminals from owning guns. >> the brady bill, now the brady law since 1993, has prevented two million people from buying guns, dangerously mentally ill. the problem is, those same people can go down the street to a gun show, go on the internet and buy a gun. it's an untrue argument that passing a quote/unquote gun control law would make it easier for criminals to get guns. it's exactly the opposite. they would make it harder for criminals to get guns and actually reaffirm the second amendment rights of law-abiding citizens and are intending to use their guns safely. >> criminals aren't going to go to background checks. they are not going to go to the gun store and fill out a form. they are going to steal their guns, get them on the black market. >> well, two million people tried and were turned down because of the brady law.
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>> and only 44 were prosecuted. >> i'm in support of that. you just refuse to acknowledge that there's more that we can do while we focus on that and that doesn't even represent what your members think. >> the question was about common ground. this is clearly not an issue where there's common ground. i appreciate you both being on and having this discussion. we want to continue that. a senior lawmaker comes "outfront" to explain why he's voting against hagel. >> and chuck grassley implies video games and not guns are the reason for america's mass shootings. what donations that he received from the nra play? >> and another commercial being called racist. i'll show you the ad and let you
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decide. let's go "outfront." not so friendly fire on capitol hill. an incredibly long day of tough questions for president obama's defense secretary nominee chuck hagel. one of the most contentious moments came when senator john mccain asked whether the 2007 surge troop in iraq was successful. >> the question is, were you right or wrong? that's a pretty straightforward question. i would like you to answer whether you are right or wrong and then you are free to elaborate. >> well, i'm not going to give you a yes or no answer on a lot of things.
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>> let the record show that you refuse to answer that question. now, please go ahead. >> well, if you would like me to explain why -- >> no, i actually would like an answer. yes or no. >> well, i'm not going to give you a yes or no. >> another hot topic at the hearing today, it was a 2006 interview that hagel gave to former middle east peace negotiator, erin david miller. now, in that interview, hagel said this. "the jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here." now, today of that comment about the "jewish lobby," hagel said categorically, i regret it. >> i've already said i regret referencing the jewish lobby. i should have said pro-israel lobby. i think it's the only time on the record that i've ever said that. >> all right. well, earlier, i spoke with one senior lawmaker who was there, who opposes hagel's nomination. senator john barrasso of wyoming, the senate's fourth highest ranking republican, and i asked him whether that controversy over jewish versus
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israel lobby, it's finally time to put that to rest. >> well, i'll tell you, erin. i think that chuck hagel appeared weak and wobbly today, unconvincing, and not the kind of sound judgment and strong leadership you need in a secretary of defense. i've met with him privately, as well. the bottom line is, senators are not intimidated, as chuck hagel refers to, by any lobby. when the national interest of the united states is at stake, and specifically, our security, people make a vote based on the security and the best interests of the united states. >> so, i'm trying to understand, you disagree with him saying that the jewish lobby could influence congress, but you don't have a problem with his explanation, that he meant, pro-israel? >> no, he apologized. he apologized to others. i have a lot of trouble with his whole record, when you take a look at his record in the senate, opposing sanctions against iran, unilateral
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disarmament, in terms of nuclear weapons, the issues of afghanistan. i think was so wrong about the surge in iraq. so it's so many different things that cumulatively add up. and he may give a right answer on a given day, but when you look at his history in the senate, and his history in his career, and what he's written, i think that's what has to stand the test of time. and that's why he fails, in my opinion, to gain my vote. >> you mentioned iran. obviously, one of the most crucial issues. this country has a decision to make this spring or summer on what it is going to do about iran's purported nuclear program. hagel, of course, opposed strikes against iran, military strikes, during the bush administration. but today, when asked about that, he said this. >> the military option must remain on the table. >> and obviously, yesterday, in his 112-page written testimony to you folks, he said, while there is time and space for diplomacy, backed by pressure, the window is closing. that matches the president's
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view. isn't that enough? >> well, you have two things. one is the secretary of defense actually has to carry out what the president's mandates are. but the secretary has a responsibility to give his best judgment to the president, because the president is focused on so many different things. and i just don't believe that chuck hagel is the person to give that sound judgment to the president, because he continues to change positions, from week to week, day to day, and year to year. >> well, i'm curious, though, because this issue of military strikes, you know, it seemed that some, from the republican side, have been critical of that. saying, that shows you're not tough. but bush's defense secretary, robert gates, gave a speech at e beginning of this year, saying a state against the united states against iran would make a nuclear armed iran inevitable. so being hesitant to nuclear strikes does not appear to be a weak point of view. >> the president will be the one, erin, of course, that makes that ultimate decision. i think chuck hagel's not the
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person that should be advising him, when chuck hagel was one that didn't even support sanctions against iran. when it opened discussions with iran, and in his book, implies that a nuclear-armed iran would maybe be more responsible. and i just can't see that, when you see the statements made by ahmadinejad, at the united nations, about israel's merely ability to exist. >> the senate as a whole has not rejected a cabinet nominee since 1989. it was george h.w. bush's nomination of john tower. it was a secretary of defense, but these were questions of personal and ethical conduct that derailed that. before that, you had to go back to 1959 and eisenhower to find someone else. do you think the senate will actually reject hagel? >> i think it's too early to tell. so many senators that i talked to, erin, said that the hearings would be consequential, and what i heard today was a senator, a former senator, who seemed uncomfortable on that side of the table, answering questions,
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when in the past, he was on the other side of the table, much more comfortable, when he was asking the questions. >> and, so let me ask you this. richard armitage, obviously, was the deputy secretary of state in the bush administration. and he said that, about people like you. "this is the neocon's worst nightmare, because you've got a combat soldier, successful businessman and senator who actually think there may be other ways to resolve some questions other than force." are you threatened by chuck hagel, because he actually is so successful in many areas, and could threaten republicans? >> no, not at all. i just look at -- i'm one senator, i'm asked to give advice and consent. it's an obligation, as well as a responsibility, that i have. so i met with chuck hagel, studied his record, and in my opinion, he is not the person to be secretary of defense, and that's the way i'm going to vote. >> that is the way you're going to vote. there's nothing that could change that at this point? >> i don't see it. not after the hearings today. >> senator barrasso, thank you very much for taking the time. we appreciate it. >> thank you.
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>> firm and confident answers there from senator barrasso. john avalon joins me now. he was there at the hearings today. john, you were in the room for four hours, and obviously, the hearings went on and on and on, setting all kinds of records. barrasso's words were, "hagel is weak and wobbly." did you agree? >> i think the senator is pretty deep in the spin zone, there, erin. but make no question, this was a contentious, ugly hearing. this wasn't just a typical hearing or inquiry, this was an inquisition. the sheer number of interpretations from his former colleagues. chuck hagel was treated like a traitor to the conservative tribe today. and he was taken off balance, sometimes, because of it. but this was an unusually contentious, ugly hearing. and it really does belie the fact that at the end of the day, his positions that he stated are not outside of the mainstream. he was reciting catechism on this stuff. but that's not what the senators in question wanted to hear. there was a lot of talking points, a lot of opo driven dump. >> dana bash was talking to some senators afterwards. one senator who was undecided told dana, it was all the talk,
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all the talk. and what he was talking about was hagel did not do well today. another shook his head in disbelief, surprised hagel is not being more forceful. there were a lot of people who seemed to think he didn't do as good of a job as he could have done. >> he does not speak in tight sound bites. and maybe his bluntness can be seen by some as a testament to his candor. but i think there was a sense of, when is he going to be crisp? when is he going to be clear? can he be more definitive? why not answer yes or no. the answer that hagel would give, some of these answers are more complex than simple yes and is no. that's not emotionally satisfying, but this was a tough crowd today, no question about it. >> thanks very much to john avalon. it's not going to be the easy, breezy confirmation that many expected. "outfront" next, republican senator chuck grassley blames violent video games for the gun violence in this country. does that add up? plus, washington state tonight is looking for someone to run their pot business. are you ready for higher office?
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our second story "outfront," guns and big money. a new report out today is looking at the financial toll that president obama's proposals on gun control would have on the biggest gunmakers in the united states. our tom foreman is "outfront," looking at these numbers, and these are some pretty incredible numbers, tom. i want to first start off with the bushmaster, the gun used in newtown that's gotten so much attention, made by a company called the freedom group. >> this is hugely, hugely popular, the bushmaster ar-15. the freedom group was put together by a private equity company, and that i have announced they're getting ready to sell this, because of all the trouble over this. bushmaster itself was founded in 1973, annual revenue, $775 million. the impact from the proposed legislation, if they essentially lose the sale of that very popular gun out there, about $220 million.
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they currently employ around 3,000 people. they'd probably lose about 700 jobs, erin. >> wow, a third of their business. a huge number. mossberg & sons, a big gunmaker. >> if you're a gun owner, you know mossberg, a huge, huge name out there. looks very similar off the top and another popular weapon out here. this is mossberg's big seller in this regard. mossberg & son's founded 1919, annual revenue, $185 million, impact from the proposed legislation, $28 million. they would go from around 500 employees, they would end up losing about 125 employees. that privco's assessment. >> and now colt, a name known to almost everyone, how significant for that? >> one of the very, very old classic companies. they also have guns that anybody would recognize as falling in
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the category of what we call an assault weapon. here's what would happen with colt. colt was founded in 1836. long, long time ago. annual revenue is $122. this is small compared to the other two. the impact from the proposed legislation, about $60 million lost. if i that lose that business, again, from privco's assessment, that would take them from around 120, 130 employees, they would lose about half of those. erin? >> thank you very much. it goes to show, there are costs to some of these decisions, especially when tom put that in the context of what would be a lot of jobs. and as lawmakers debate strengthening gun laws in this country, republican senator chuck grassley said something yesterday that, well, really caught our attention. and he said we're ignoring a major part of the problem, violent video games. here he is. >> there are too many video games that celebrate the mass killing of innocent people. games that despite attempts at industry self-regulation, find their way into the hands of children. >> that position mirrors the nra's. and according to open secrets, >> a fascinating town hall,
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$28,000 to the senator since 1992. now, we invited senator grassley to come "outfront," but so far, he's declined. there's the saying that guns don't kill people, video games do. senator grassley implies they make kids more violent. does it add up? william pollack is a psychologist and author of "real sons." sir, i really appreciate your taking the time. let me ask the point-blank question. a lot of people out there, with this is accepted as a fact, that all these violent games, and by the way, they are horrifically violent, is why we are seeing this seeming explosion in mass shootings. true? >> no, not true. i mean, i agree with the senator, we should put some controls on those violent video games, but they don't cause the shootings, anything more than one item does. but, when you have assault weapons and multiple magazine weapons, when someone goes in to shoot someone, they don't shoot one person, they shoot 20, 30, or 40 in a matter of seconds.
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and there is no need in the united states of america for someone to have recreational assault weapons. i had the honor to be a collaborator and a principled investigator with the u.s. secret service on the one study of school shooters. this is targeted violence. i don't know if adam lanza purposefully went into the school to get someone. these are kids who went into the school because they hated school and hated people. they were homicidal, they were suicidal. many of them were able to get weapons from other family members, they were able to break into the locked case, and many of these weapons caused multiple damage. now, would i say, if we do away with those weapons, will end school shooting? no. i'd be a quack if i said that. but with the number of people killed be diminished? absolutely. >> but it's interesting that you say that video games -- because people have talked about adam lanza, reportedly, a game aficionado.
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and senator grassley did, just in the past, literally couple of moments, sir, send in a statement. i wanted to read you something he said. he said, this is about much more than gun violence, but then he brings up this. he says, it shouldn't be acceptable to any of us, including in hollywood and in video games, where mass killings seem to be glorified, the norway mass killer wrote in his manifesto that he trained for his shooting spree that killed 77 people by playing video games. that is a pretty damning statement. and that man did say that he trained on a video game. >> oh, i have no doubt about it. agree with senator grassley. we need controls over violence in our media and in our video games, especially for younger children. but that alone isn't the answer. >> isn't causing the violence. >> we need those controls -- >> but what about -- let me just ask you a question about "grand theft auto." there's probably some viewers out there who play this all the time. this turns, when you kill people, you win points, right? for example, you kill a
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prostitute, that's a big thing, you get to win points. you know, i find that offensive and disgusting, but does that mean that those people who play that game are more likely to kill people? >> no. it's heinous. it's more than disgusting, it's heinous, and it's possible that boys who watch that for a long period of time might stand back when fighting occurs and not protect someone or engage in domestic violence. but there's no proof they're going to go out, get a gun, and shoot someone. absolutely no proof at all. >> well, thank you very much. we appreciate your taking the time and, you know, giving some provocative answers there.
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more than $58,000 for two trips to the dominican republic in august and september of 2010. but the reimbursement came two months after an ethics complaint was filed against them and two years after the trips actually took place. senator's office is calling the late reimbursement a quote/unquote, an oversight. but it's those trips that caused accusations that he was meeting up with prostitutes. for more on this story, here's susan a candiotti. >> reporter: was it more than a warm caribbean breeze that senator bob menendez to this dominican resort? a mysterious tipster who calls himself peter williams claims me menendez was doing much more, partying with prostitutes. a conservative website, "the daily caller," published interviews in october with unidentified women who alleged they were with the senator. this week, the story added cat-and-mouse e-mails, purported to be between williams and an fbi agent last august and december. the agent never appears to get a meeting with williams.
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at one point, the fbi agent allegedly writes, "as far as the information you have provided, we have been able to confirm most of it." although, it's unknown what the information is. last april, a washington, d.c. watchdog group was also contacted by the elusive mr. williams, but said it could never substantiate his claims and rerred the matter to the fbi in july. in a statement, menendez flatly denies he's been with prostitutes in the caribbean, and calls the accusations politically motivated. senate majority leader harry reid strongly defended menendez on tuesday, and attacked the online story. >> i've told you how i feel about the source of this stuff is, really very, very typical for the source. >> reporter: but today, after reid's aides said menendez failed to tell reid about those reimbursed trips to the caribbean, senator reid distanced himself a bit. >> he's an outstanding senator. he's now the new chair of the foreign relations committee.
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any questions in this regard direct to him. i don't know anything about it. >> reporter: but the fbi is asking questions about the senator's wealthy friend and big campaign donor, dr. salomon melgen, whose corporate jet like this one, senator used to fly to the doctor's home in the dominican republic. the fbi and federal health care fraud investigators raided dr. melgen's florida office this week and hauled away several boxes. the fbi would only call it law enforcement activity. in an e-mailed statement, melgen's lawyer says, "the government has not informed dr. melgen what concerns it may have. we are confident dr. melgen has acted appropriately at all times." along with the watchdog group in washington, who said it was unable to verify his information, cnn also reached out the to peter williams, if that's his real name. we received one reply offering more information, but we've not heard back since. erin? >> thanks very much to susan candiotti.
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still to come, police continue to surround an underground bunker in alabama, where a 5-year-old boy is still being held hostage. and the state of washington is looking for someone to run its pot business. what they are doing to weed through the applicants. you can't blame us for the punts tonight. and some people think this coke commercial is racist. did you just see that? we're going to let you decide later in the show.
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start with stories we care about, where we focus on reporting from the front lines. and tonight we go to mexico city, where mexico's interior minister says that 14 people have died and another 80 have been injured after an explosion
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at the offices of mexico's state-run pemex oil company. those numbers, obviously, are not final. the story is still developing and authorities tell our affiliate foro-tv that at least 30 people are trapped in the building after the blast. it is unclear right now what caused the explosion, but authorities are warning that death toll could rise. white house will not extend its job council another year. now, two years ago, this group of business leaders would gather on occasion to give the president input on how to create jobs and strengthen the economy. the white house official says the plan was always to disband it after two-year run, but we wanted to see, you know, did they do their job? they were supposed to create jobs, right? we checked how many times they met. according to the council's website, they held 18 listening in action sessions and had four formal meetings. the most recent meeting was more than a year ago. caleb style who was injured during the winter x-games last week died today. it's a horrific ending to this story. he was only 25 years old.
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during the jump, you may remember us showing this to you, he ran into trouble landing the 450-pound snowmobile, it flipped on top of him. in a statement, his family says caleb will truly be missed and thanked his fans for their support. espn says they will review the discipline and adopt appropriate changes at future x-games. it has been 546 days since the united states lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? well, today the senate passed a debt limit extension that gives the nation the ability to borrow more money until mid-may. it goes to the president who is expected to sign and we can go through this whole joke again in a couple months. and alabama hostage nightmare. s.w.a.t. teams and hostage negotiators continue to surround an underground bunker in midland city tonight. as we were telling you last night when we first reported on this story, it's about 100 miles south of montgomery. a 5-year-old boy is being held hostage there. on tuesday, authorities say a man who neighbors have identified as 65-year-old jimmy
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lee dykes stopped a school bus, shot the driver, killed him, and took a random kindergarten on the bunker on his property. now, neighbors describe the vietnam veteran as a survivalist and a menace to the community who had a history of threatening people. our victor blackwell is about a half a mile away from the bunker tonight. victor, i know this has been a very troubling and disturbing the story, because now another 24 hours have gone by. there have been few developments in terms of whether this little boy will be freed. what can you tell us more about this suspect? >> reporter: well, we've spoken with more than a few people in this community who have had run-ins with jimmy lee dykes, and i can tell you that he's not well thought of in this community. they tell us stories of shouting at them, allegedly shooting at them. they say he patrolled his property between 1:00 and 3:00 a.m. with a flashlight and a shotgun and threatened to shoot anyone or anything that came on to his property. one woman we spoke with said she
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never even knew the man's name, she just spoke of him as the mean man. well, everyone, now, knows his name. jimmy lee dykes, 65 years old. and we've done some digging into his history and we found that he has a criminal history that dates back more than 30 years across three states, starting in 1980 in texas a dui. in the '90s, he was charged with improper exhibition of a weapon. that was dropped. then in 2000, he was charged with possession of marijuana. that's a first-degree misdemeanor, served six months probation. and then in december, charged with menacing a neighbor. jimmy davis jr. says that he shot at his family after apparently he damaged the road that leads to the property line that they share. so this is a man that, again, in this community, not well thought of and has a history that dates back to the '80s. >> and victor, what about the bus driver who jimmy lee dykes shot point-blank and killed. he died trying to defend the children on that bus. what have you learned about his story? >> reporter: yeah, 66 years old,
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named charles poland. his friends call him chuck. and i had to go a few miles away to the small town of newton, where he's lived for decades. it's a population, 1,500, and it's a community where everyone knows virtually everyone else. and i spoke a woman who has known chuck, as she calls him, for 20 years. and i asked her if she believes her friend deserves the title of hero. >> i think it takes someone with a special person to stand up to a man that's got a gun pointed at him and say, no, you're not having these children. and to just go ahead and defy him and do what he did. it takes someone that is a hero. >> reporter: chuck, as she calls him, has been married for 43 years. we've learned that his funeral will be sunday morning in his hometown of newton. erin? >> victor, thank you. and now we go to washington state, where officials are
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searching high and low for someone to help them grow pot. colorado and washington are the first states to legalize recreational marijuana use, but before they start producing and selling it in mass quantities, they say they need an expert in the proverbial field. you've heard about pot brownies. what if you could be paid to be the pot czar? paul vercammon is out front on the story. >> state officials are looking to hire a pot consultant, to help them grow, test, and bake it into brownies. and i've got to tell you, i've put my name into the running. >> reporter: whoopi joked on "the view," but the pot consultant job is no joke. now the state's liquor control board wants to hire a consulting firm versed in reefers and regulation. >> i kind of feel like war is over now and now they've invited us to this grand hotel to give them advice on how to grow pot. >> the search for a marijuana
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consultant stopped in tacoma. a law degree is preferred. they want someone who knows how marijuana is grown, cultivated, harvested, cured, and processed. how pot should be transported, labeled, packaged and sold at a retail level. expertise on how marijuana should be destroyed in overproduced, contaminated, or recalled. and how to ensure quality and consumer safety. >> the board doesn't really have expertise in quality standards for certain types of marijuana. >> reporter: washington is entering a whole new world of weed, fancy cigar-bar style marijuana stores will open in december, when commercial sales can begin. the state estimates the heavily taxed marijuana business could generate up to almost $2 billion in new tax revenue in its first five years. reports on what they will pay the consultant got exaggerated and passed around like a joint during the summer of love. the liquor control board told cnn the pot consulting job will pay less than $100,000 per year
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in a state now testing its own big bong theory. still "outfront," accusations of racism. does coca-cola's new commercial go too far? camels. and beyonce directly answers the lip syncing questions. was she faking it? ♪ o, say, can you see this is america.
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we're back with tonight's outer circle, where we reach out to our sources around the world, and tonight we go to china, where the government is being accused by several newspapers of hacking into computer systems. "the wall street journal" is reporting chinese hackers infiltrated their system to monitor what they were covering. and "the new york times" reported chinese hackers carried out cyberassaults over the course of the past four months. now, that's the same time the newspaper published an investigation about the wealth of the chinese premiere and his relatives. and today, as cnn tried to cover news about the hacking story, the chinese government blacked out the story.
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you could see that happening, right there. i asked how the government there is reacting to the accusations. >> reporter: erin, the chinese authorities have strongly denied any involvement in the cyberattacks against "the new york times," calling the accusations baseless. and the chinese defense ministry actually told us that the chinese military has never supported any hacker activities. now, "the times" said the internet security experts it hired traced the origin of the latest intrusions back to china, based on the patterns and the techniques used. this wouldn't be the first time this kind of thing has happened. google and china had a very similar row just a few years ago over exactly the same issue. so many experts are seeing a disturbing trend emerging when it comes to cyberattacks allegedly sponsored by the chinese authorities targeting a wider array of targets around the world.
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>> she said she worried about potential problems during the live inauguration broadcast so she sang along to a prerecorded track. beyonce has been silent about that performance until today in new orleans, she is set to headline the super bowl halftime on sunday. will she sing it live or not, we shall see. but during the press conference, she proved, she is more than capable of relying on her own pipes, thank you very much. ♪ and of the free ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ the brave
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thank you guys so much. any questions? >> that's right. sass and style there from beyonce. stick it, media. all right, that brings us to our fifth story "outfront." coca-cola's super bowl ad. is it politically correct or controversial? okay. here it is. take a look. ♪ >> all right. so as you watch this, i'll explain what it is. basically, there's a guy on a camel, there's some cowboys, a biker gang, and showgirls. and they're all in a race. the prize, of course, is a cold bottle of coke in the middle of what is probably the empty corridor of saudi arabia, i don't know. at the end of the ad, viewers are invited to vote on who should win.
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the issue, when you get to coke's website is that, when you go to vote, the man on the camel is excluded from the ballot. i've got some thoughts on that in a movement. but some arab groups have criticized the stereotypical view of the man. and further insult, that you can haven't even vote for him. how come you feel this is racist? >> first of all, i think it's important to point out that i don't think coca-cola was out to get anyone, was i think they were peddling in stereotypes. you kept mentioning a camel, and i have two words for you, a camel jockey. go up to any arab and call them a camel jockey and tell me they wouldn't be offended. it's the moral equivalent of if coke was trying to portray hispanics and latinos and you had somebody wearing a huge speedy gonzalez sombero, pulling on a donkey, i don't think we'd be chuckling.
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100 million people watch the super bowl. the most watched event here in the united states. and the marginalizing and the offending of any ethnic or minority group doesn't need to be made to make a tv commercial. >> roland, what's your thought? >> this is the exact same thing i talked about the other night when it came to the volkswagen ad. >> with the white guy using a jamaican accent. >> you can go to the extreme and say something is racist. you say it's stereotypical, but here's the deal. i came across from this commercial as if it was sort of this movie-kind of deal. you're in the desert, it's hot, you're thirsty. so you have the cowboys, and you have the guy with the camel, then you've got the showgirls on the bus, and the mad max sort of folks on motorcycles. that's what it came across. if you're saying a guy was walking a camel down the vetoes of dubai, i could understand that. but i thought they were going with this sort of movie-type
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theme. but to say it's racist, this is when i think you go to the extreme. >> i'm wondering, you've got camels, cowboys, bikers, they are all the epitome of the stereotype for each of those things. >> well, they don't characterize an entire ethnic or minority group. you have a bunch of pretty showgirls, you know, speeding down with their bus and the mad max gang of people riding on their motorcycles. and who's the one guy left back? it's the arab guy, who's yanking on his camel, and even can't get his camel to move. >> i'm sorry. camels are stubborn and they don't like to run very fast. i've been to the races. so have you. they wouldn't win. >> they can actually run up to 40 miles per hour. >> but not like a bike. you get my point, right? >> but erin, yous also have to understand that in the last ten years here in the united states, arab and muslim americans have
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been marginalized and you look at hollywood movies, people see movies like "24" where the perpetual bad guy is olive-skinned and i think it feeds into the stereotype. do you think that you would be on the side of the argument that you're on tonight? >> i don't personally think it's really the same. but go ahead, roland. >> if i see a black guy on a horse who is in a desert trying to go for a bottle of a coca-cola, i think i could put those things together. i totally understand about images. i'm here finishing my "tv one" show. again. it speaks to the issue of what was the intent of the commercial and what was coca-cola trying to show? i think it goes to the extreme if somebody says, it's racist. now, if you say it's a question of stereotypes, it was
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insensitive, it's a different conversation. i think with these types of commercials, again, what's the happy medium? somebody muslim wearing a suit walking across a desert with a briefcase? i'm just asking, from that vantage point, what would you like to have seen versus that? >> listen, you could have kids playing soccer in the desert, driving a black range rover through the sand. the stereotype of a camel jockey, to call an arab or muslim a camel jockey. >> that's not a camel jockey. it's not the same as being a camel jockey. look, let me say this. you get on emirates airlines, one of the biggest carriers in the world. on the tv screen, they talk about camels. camels are a symbol. i mean, there's nothing derogatory about camels. >> erin, do you think the vast majority of the 100 million people who are going to watch the super bowl have flown first-class on emirates? no.
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>> by the way, those are also through coach as i'm sure you're well aware. >> the vast majority of people in america get their preconceived notions through televisions and through pop culture and like i said, if it was a latino guy wearing a sombrero, i'd have the same outrage that i have tonight. >> interesting and fair. thanks to both. let us know what you think of coke's ad. go to it is strange for us to focus on commercials instead of the game until you realize the super bowl is not about super bowl anymore. it's about selling stuff. in 2010, the wall street journal analyzed the nfl games and found when you ignore the parts when the players are milling around on the field or the coaches are chatting on the sidelines or the cheerleaders are dancing, this is incredible.
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you only get 11 minutes of real nfl action in a game, which is not a lot. which brings us to our number, 47. there will be 47 minutes of commercials in sunday's game. that's a record, and that's three minutes more than last year. a car company has figured out a way to fuel your car, and i'm talking a big car with a lot of horsepower, with pond scum. with the spark cash card from capital one, sven gets great rewards for his small business! how does this thing work? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that's ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve great rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet?
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(train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. pond scum, it's the next big thing, apparently, at least for audi, who is trying to turn a rather nasty and smelly substance into fuel. audi, a brand on facebook with more likes than justin bieber or lady gaga, and the company is a rock star in its own right when it comes to cracking one important code.
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>> at the end of the day, we could use hydrogen, we can produce natural gas in the form of methane, or ethanol or diesel. >> they call it e-gas, and according to brian, it's the fuel of the future. the company has figured out a way to make its own brand of natural gas without drilling. kind of a miracle, right? they're making fuel from pond scum. >> giving the challenges ahead of us with global warming, this is a solution. >> which is why pond scum is so perfect. it's low cost, renewable, and it's a raw material that can be converted into by ofuels that can then be used in diesel engines. this man said his goal is to produce e-gas at the same cost as oil. >> to bring it to the same level as oil. we think about $100 a barrel for the fuel.
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>> and this isn't a pipe dream for 2020 or some far out year. they're rolling out in germany in may. it can use diesel and gas. it can go as far as 775 miles. >> this car underlines audi's belief that gas, natural gas, has a future. >> audi said e-gas will be available for everyone at the exact same price as diesel here in the united states by 2016. >> what makes it a rock star? engineering. truth in engineering, yeah. innovation? yes, product innovation. >> pretty incredible that it >> piers morgan is next. [ male announcer ] truth is theraflu doesn't treat your cough. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus severe cold and flu fights your worst flu symptoms, plus that cough. [ sighs ] thanks!... [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth!
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