tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN February 3, 2013 9:30pm-10:00pm PST
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i've been to combat five times. see what i've seen. the death, the funerals, been around a bunch of explosions. i have light sensitivity, and ptsd. i've been through so much trauma. >> here on the front lines, speaking out about his troubled journey back from war, casey wilson. served in afghanistan, kosovo and iraq. tony robbins helped him overcompost traumatic stress
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disorder, something a lot of soldiers suffer from. it's powerful and moving address you gave there. you can see the physical effects. you were shaking and you've clearly been through all sorts of trauma, in different ways. before you met tony, what was your life like? >> i was doing a lot of current therapy, you know, psychiatry, psychology, which i started in 2011. 2010, i started doing -- trying to figure out my life, because i went through a second divorce. and so i didn't understand the whole process, why was i feeling this way? so i started to seek treatment at that time. i was going to acupuncture, healing touch, meditation. >> did it help, any of that? >> yes. it was helping to an extent, you know. like i said, i was just 20-plus years in the marine corps. i had severe trauma at a child which i never realized was a problem until, you know, i just added more stuff after more stuff in my life. >> why don't you tell them what your symptoms were at the time.
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>> basically insomnia. i would probably sleep four or five hours a night, but i would wake up 45 minutes to every hour. i would have severe tremors. i was -- before i knew of my light sensitivity, i always had headaches and migraines. i would have to go into dark rooms, take a nap. and, you know, i would just be breaking down myself in a sense. >> what was the rock bottom moment for you? >> the rock bottom moment for me, in a sense, was -- it was after my second divorce. just being -- i pushed so many people away. i couldn't figure out why i felt this way. i deployed eight times. you know, i went to combat four times, but i count my life as my fifth combat.
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you know, deployment. i've been fighting myself prior to -- in my younger age, until my age i am, 39 years old, when i went to date with destiny december 1st where, you know, i needed to get a little bit of motivation, because here i am about to retire from the marine corps. >> tony, there are tens of thousands of american service men and women who go through similar trauma. it's been a terrible period for the american military. constantly in combat in various countries. what do you say in that situation? >> it isn't just saying. we've done this with hundreds of wounded warriors and different soldiers. inside every human being, we have trauma. his was extreme trauma. there's a personality in him that was beyond wounded. but inside of everyone, there's a part of you that's whole and strong. that's truly untouched by the experience. so what i had to do is find out -- he was trying to express his pain, and i felt that. then i got him to connect to a part of himself that is whole. this part you can see on camera, we gave it a name. the name was tigger.
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when he changed to that kind of personality, his glasses came off, he was able to see without the headaches. he stopped tremoring. he had been shaking like this for hours. all that stopped literally in minutes. an hour later he was on stage with a group of, about 2,500 people from 80 countries rocking them, sharing his mission for his life. he found something greater than his pain. he found something he wanted to serve, like he served for his country. now it's to serve other people. >> is that a regular people for people coming out of combat zones, i have military people in my family, and when they're home, they get listless and restless, and start to feel strange, just not being where they're used to being, in that dangerous environment. >> we don't know how to open up, or express our -- tell our story either. that's also part of the problem.
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and the other part, too, as well, is being accepted in society. you know, because there's a brotherhood in the services around the world. and we have a problem when we come out of the service, you know, to the civilian world where people will judge us and use -- if they find out about our trauma, in one way or another, will use that against us. there is no brotherhood that i would say in a civilian community. >> when you see people who have gone through, what my previous guest went through, a school shooting, a young man and all the trauma that's happened to him. what do you think of that? what advice would you give him? >> basically he has to take back his life. finding forgiveness, you know, it's more finding forgiveness for himself so he can find peace in his life. he has so much potential that he's able to basically be able to impact and change so many people's lives. >> tony, is that a regular thing, too, if you feel too angry and bitter about what's happened to you, that's a huge barrier to being able to get through it? >> it's not just a barrier to
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get through it, science shows five minutes of rage, you certainly have the right to have, and what he's been through in his life, will shut down literally your immune system for four hours. what successful people do is they stack victories. that's also what we did with him. we said there's a different set of rules. you can't come as a marine, you've got to come as a guy who was whole. what was it like before. when he tapped into the playful guy who has this jump in his step and is laughing, that's when the glasses came off and he said i want people to see my baby blues. people were cheering. he got to feel this connection with people at a human level. that's what changes it. it's also having something you value more than your pain. he values mission. he values being able to make a difference. he needed a new mission back here at home. he has a new mission back here at home. >> good for you. thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> which is still actually ongoing you told me. we wish you all the best for it. more importantly, it was your life and the comeback you've made. extraordinary to see. >> thank you. >> good to see. >> coming next, a man who lost everything and is now worth $50 million. we'll find out how he did it, coming up next.
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the abandonment baltimore ravens are the new super bowl champions. the ravens led 28-6 before a power outage in the super dome put the game on hold for 35 minutes. san francisco came back after the delay to make a game event but was never able to take the lead. a killing at a gun range and everyone involved are all former military men. one of the dead is well known former navy seal chris kyle. he described himself as the most lethal sniper in military
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history. a third man shot them both dead. the suspect is in custody. in alabama, officials say the man holding a boy hostage is allowing the delivery of potato chips and toys. he grabbed the 5-year-old from a school bus. funeral sfervices for the bus driver was held on sunday. i'm don lemon, keeping you informed. discover card. cashbacashback concierge?! we have a concierge! i know; it's exciting! wow! what exactly is a cashback concierge? well there's lots of ways you can get cash back - i'm here to help you get the most bang-for-your-buck. it's a personalized thing from discover. it's easy, we won't try and sell you anything, and it's free. free? i want that. yeah you do! this guy is great. high-five through the phone!
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president obama is vying to create more jobs in his second term, but right now, millions are americans are still out of work. my next guest knows exactly how they feel. my next guest knows exactly how they feel. mike is a business owner who lost everything in 2008. i mean everything. now he's overcome that financial ruin and runs two businesses with revenues worth $50 million. congratulations. >> thank you. >> it's been a roller coaster ride. you've known tony for 17 years. and you've been up and down in that period of time. >> correct. >> tell me quickly the journey you've been on. >> i started off coming from a
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educator. by the grace of the universe i was able to fall in the lap of this educator. he helped get me out of that place where i was, where there was no hope. >> he was homeless at the time. what i love about mike's story, is mike just didn't help himself. he built a small business to start with. one of the young women who worked for him was addicted to meth. is that right? share the story and how you ended up in your new business. >> the young woman had come to work for me a number of years ago. you could tell something was wrong. she was addicted to methamphetamine. she was a daily user of ecstacy. i got her involved in mr. robbins' program. within 30 days, she was
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completely off drugs. it turned out her father, her dad was incredibly successful in the metal recycling business. i got a call from him shortly thereafter who said anybody who has influence over human beings like this i need to do business with. gave up half a million for me to start my company, cosigned, seven months later he allowed me to buy him out. years later, i continued to grow and grow and grow. >> amazing. >> until 2008. >> you built up this $13 million business. and then you literally almost lost it overnight in the big crash of '08. >> it was interesting. four months before the crash, tony calls me and says, mike, you need to prepare. and as everyone in the country kept saying, we're strong. the economists are saying, we're strong. i didn't listen to him. i should have listened to him. >> why wouldn't you listen to tony robbins? >> things were going great. >> that was mainly thanks to him. >> i know. that's true. overnight, as you know, the economy collapses. the metal business completely collapses. >> when that happened to you, and having gone from literally nothing, you were a homeless guy to $13 million business, and then it all disappears, what was that like for you? >> i didn't care about losing the material possessions. i had a 3-year-old son at the time. he's now 7. the only thing that was going through my mind was, how do i face my son. from the day he came home from the hospital, i was determined he was not going to grow up in the same environment that i did. and all i wanted to do is have my little boy sit on my lap when he was old enough and say, you know what, there's nothing you can't do. you can become anything. i don't want my boy to look up at me and say, daddy, if that's true, how come you haven't done it? that was what was crushing my heart. i just could not fail. and come up with an excuse for this little boy. >> tony, can anybody be like this? or do you have to have a little
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bit of ferocity of spirit? >> i think ferocity of spirit is critical for everybody. but we all have it. it's like a muscle. >> do we all have it? >> sure we do. but courage unused becomes weaker. determination unused gets smaller. passion unexpressed gets smaller. like any muscle, the more you use it. he's been using it for years. his son, here's the other thing, he had a reason larger than himself. you see the pattern of all the people who have overcome. at the time he said he was worried about his employees and he really cares about his people. here's the secret. but you have to make that shift where it's no longer an excuse. if you give yourself an excuse, humans will take it. if you're going to take the island, you burn the boats. and he burned the boat and said i'm going to find the answer. he shifted to psychology and got the skills. like i said earlier, it's not just confidence. you have to have skill. he had both. he found the way. show them what you did. >> after that particular business mastering program, as tony said, 80% of it is psychology, and 20% of it is mechanics, or the strategies. unless you get the psychology down, the mechanics don't matter. i can tell you, from that day in november of 2008, where i made that decision, that i was not going to fail, and i kissed my lady and said, i'm going back to work, and we went out there and i learned how to export.
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and when there was no market for steel in the united states, i was able to export to several different countries. and we took off from there. we continued to grow. and it was just, again, about a mindset. it's about having a level of pride. for me, it was coming from where i come from, the name didn't mean a whole heck of a lot. i was determined to change that. it's something i call generational influence. i'm not doing this for me. i'm doing this for my son. >> is that good advice, tony? there are millions and millions of americans out of work. many suffering very hurt pride. never mind anything else and real financial hardship. is that a good focus to look at children, to look at other things and say, you know what, stop feeling sorry for myself, it's for him, for her, for that. >> most of the -- i think what's beautiful about most human beings is we'll do more for others we love than we'll ever do for ourselves. and motive does matter. if you just try to do something for yourself, you only get a certain level of insight. if you do it for others, it
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comes to a level of insight. mike got the belief out of business mastery that money is still changing hands. i need to find out where to get that to add value to people's lives. where do i get it and where is that value available? >> what do you say to the people suffering in america right now? >> tony is absolutely right. we need to take the focus off of ourselves and stop feeling sorry about ourselves. it's about serving humanity, it's about serving people. it's all about service. and we have just got to get out there. tony talked about earlier about retooling. it's about learning new skills. when i talked about finding an icon of empowerment, whether it's anthony robbins, whether it's someone like oprah winfrey, a school or university, you need to get in there and learn the new skills. then you've got to get out there and you've got to perform by serving. serving humanity. it isn't about me, it isn't about me making money or dollar amount, it's about protecting the people that i love, the people that i care about. if you follow that formula, you cannot fail. >> what i said earlier about
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bitterness and anger and resentment, self-pity is also a complete waste of time and energy. it's perfectly understandable. all of those emotions are just barriers to getting back on your feet, aren't they? >> that's correct. all emotions serve. anger, frustration, it's all valuable, but not if you live there. all those emotions that create pain, they're designed to get you to change, to do something. if you just sit and live in the emotion, and you don't do anything, the pain just gets deeper and it becomes your groove and your grave. if you shift those emotional states, cl is what we teach people to do, physically, not fake positive thinking, but with a real strategy, a real action plan, that's all business is, add more value than anybody else does and you'll have a chance to win. that's what he's done. >> great story. mike, great inspiration. mike, good to meet you. >> my pleasure. tony gives you five ways to immediately change your life. test test test test test. all those emotions that create [ lisa ] my name's lisa, and chantix helped me quit.
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guest, tony roberts. it's been a fascinating hour to meet three people with different experiences. common themes being, they've all had knocks in their lives different degrees. >> yeah. >> which have caused a lot of emotions. it's really how you deal with those emotions. you got a five point plan that anyone can follow to get over stress and trauma. walk me through it? >> i want to make one thing clear. the quality of your life is where you live emotionally. we all have a home. angry people find something to be angry about. sad people find something to be sad about. one thing you have to identify is where are you living, what's your home? what's your habit? the way to change it, when i was at home getting starts, i didn't have the internet, i decided i had to go to the library and feed my mind. the first stage is, weeds grow automatically, one of my teachers taught me, stand guard to the door of your mind and feed it something good. if your worst enemy puts sugar in your coffee you're good. if your best friend by accident puts strychnine, you're dead.
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have you to strengthen your body, and the reason is, fear is physical. so is stagnation and numbness. so is sadness and rage. when you go in to change your body by intense walkout or intense walk and the blood's flowing through you, it instantly changes your biochemistry. the third thing, all these people found a mission bigger than themselves. they aspire to something more than their pain. almost everybody finds a role model that makes it real. i was with the youngest billionaire. we have this roundtable about the future. you listen to this woman. when women meet her, they don't just love spanx her product. she's a role model of what's possible. you become a role model, it becomes real to you. if you take massive action. the last step, there's always somebody worse off than you are
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much i don't care what you've done. if you can help somebody worse off, you put your life in perspective, and it also reminds you, life's not about me, it's about we. the secret to a great life, the secret to living is giving. when you realize there's something still to give, even if you lost your legs, you've been through a horrific financial situation, your life can improve meaningfully. >> if i said to you, you're fabulously successful, rich, famous, super fit good looks guy. >> you sound like you're describing yourself here. >> if i said to you, you can have any one thing, can you have good health, you can have money, the fame that allows you to inspire people. what would you choose? >> certainly i think without health, you're not around to do anything, it's a life about meaning. feeling like your life matters, because you've had the
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experience, you and i both have lots of friends that have achieved everything they could every dream of, and they're miserable. meaning comes from two things. happiness comes from progress. if you can do something where you're growing and because have you grown, have you something to give to other people that's meaningful, insight, love, caring, something, then life is rich. happiness comes and goes. happiness is not here every moment, happiness is not all it's cracked up to be. meaning,there are people who have gone through horrible times. a woman who was 109 years old, she was in the concentration camps, that woman's life is so rich because of all the pain, she's used that to help other people. still at 109 she's strong. she shares her music, does the things that make her feel like she's got a contribution. at 109, she's fully alive. hello, everyone, i'm don
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