tv Piers Morgan Tonight CNN February 7, 2013 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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like this. my understanding is cnn received a package that included a replica of that coin with three bullet holes. >> plus, guns, drones, and the state of the go prb. >> we would be talking about hearings before congress. we would have people talking about impeachment. >> and the snow storm takes direct aim at the northeast. we're tracking what could be a record-breaking blizzard. this is "piers morgan tonight." good evening. we're tracking two ferocious storm systems barreling towards the east coast tonight. they're expecting to slam into each other in the next few hours. boston could see snowfall of 2 to 3 inches an hour. nearly 3,000 flights are canceled already as the airports batten down the hatches. weather forecast from chad myers in a few minutes. the west coast, we're tracking the manhunt for ex-lapd cop. the suspect' burned truck has been found about 100 miles
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northeast of los angeles. he vowed to wage war on police. three people are dead, one officer, the daughter of a former officer, and her fiance. we begin with kyung lah. what is the latest on the manhunt for this very dangerous man? >> the sheriff's department just came out and spoke with reporters. what they are saying, and it's a little surprising, that despite the perilous conditions, despite the danger the officers are facing on this rough terrain, they are going to keep on searching. snow is in the forecast. weather is going to become extremely difficult. but they say they are going to stay out there. they have the dogs out there. they're going to use all the technology they can, but their goal is to try to corner him in some very rough terrain, piers. i have been out in that area. it's a heavily wooded area.
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there are resort homes. some of those homes are empty. you're talking about police officers hunting one of their own, who wants to kill them, and he is a trained marksman and heavily armed. >> given where they found the burned out truck, do they have any idea, do you think, where he may be? or do they fear the whole thing has been a trail he's laid down to put them off where he really is? >> it's very difficult to tell. they were a little vague in the news conference. what the sheriff was saying is they did discover some tracks, but the tracks didn't lead to the suspect. they won't elaborate beyond nat. what they will say is they still believe he is somewhere in that area. that's why they want to keep searching through the night. >> in terms of his weaponry that he has with him, we know he's highly trained. he as a shoulder mounted rpg and an assault rifle. what else can you tell me about the kind of firearms he may have? >> the police have been vague. we don't know if that's a be
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intentionally vague, but what we do know is that they believe he is heavily armed with multiple weapons. what type of weaponry, the level or sophistication of it, they are being a little vague. but certainly, he can shoot from a distance. he can be accurate from a distance. now, we have covered here at cnn over the past six months multiple shootings like this where there have been multiple victims. the difference in this case is we are talking about a trained marksman who has targets in his sight. that's what is particularly frightening about this particular search. >> is there some significance to today? is it some anniversary of his time with the lapd? >> something very significant. today is february 7th. he was hired on february 7th, 2005. we don't know if it's a coincidence, but certainly, this is a meaningful day to christopher dorner. >> it's an 11-page manifesto that he left for people to pore over. it's in terms rambling and then oddly coherent, although when
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you put it all together, you get a sense of somebody who has kind of slipped but is driven by a sense of maltreatment going back to when he was let go by the lapd. is that what the police think they're dealing with, somebody who just has been harboring resentment and is now settling scores? >> it's a little difficult to tell because the people who have spoken to are people who knew him in much happier times, that he was much more bubbly, much more normal. but certainly, you have it exactly right, piers. if you read through the manifesto page by page, there are some coherent narratives, but at the same time, the level of violence, the amount of incoherent rage that he has against the lapd, it is there. you can certainly see that this is a man who wants to strike, who will strike, and will not be stopped until somebody stops him. >> extraordinary situation. 10,000 lapd officers targeting someone who may well be targeting them.
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it's pretty unprecedented. thank you very much. i want to bring in a man who has been named in that manifesto. bill bratton is a former top cop in los angeles as well as new york. welcome to you, chief bratton. it's a pretty alarming situation. this is aman who is highly trained both in the police and the military. he's on the loose. what is your overview of what is going on here? >> well, the circumstances today were certainly extraordinarily tragic. this is an incredibly dangerous individual. well armed. incredibly well armed. who is a trained police officer. i'm not sure what his military specialty was in the navy. but he's been responsible for a series of very tragic incidents in california, and this is an extraordinary set of circumstances. >> in the manifesto, he puts your name and a number of other names which i will not be revealing, and he said this,
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your lack of ethics and conspiring to wrong a just individual are over. suppressing the truth will lead to deadly consequences for you and your family. there will be an element of surprise to where you live, work, and eat. clearly, he feels according to this manifesto, angry about the circumstances behind his firing from the lapd. when you hear the nature of that threat, what do you think of that? >> certainly very chilling, and now that we know that he in fact is acting out on his concerns even more significant. this is an individual, as best we understand it today, has murdered three people, including a police officer. shot two other police officers. and there was a related tragic incident in which two innocent civilians were shot by the los angeles police department, guarding one of the houses of the intended victims.
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and let's just hope they're able to apprehend him without the loss of life. >> you mentioned a lot of people in this long, rambling, more than 20 pages long, manifesto. a lot of it has been redacted so it protects identities of police officers and their families that he may be targeting or trying to. high names a lot of media people. he names me in there, perversely congratulating me for my position on gun control, and he congratulates senator feinstein and obama. i say perverse, because he then goes out and commits a set of atrocities with a gun. he sounds completely unhinged, yet the catalyst for all this appeared to be his firing from the lapd. do you have any recollection of what happened with him? do you remember him? >> first off, we don't know hot the catalyst was. the firing was back in 2008, i believe.
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it's now over five years ago. so what has transpired during those five years, the court several years later upheld the firing. so as to what triggered the actions, the producing of the manifesto, the separate sending of a package to cnn last friday, we don't know. and we won't know until they either apprehend him or other information comes forward. so was it the firing? was it something else that transpired? he appears to have a lot of anger directed to a lot of different people. some who have no relationship at all, as best we can tell, with anything having to do with the discharge. >> the package he sent to anderson cooper, which anderson didn't see until today, wasn't made aware of it, it contained a number of things. it contained one of these. you brought this in. explain what this is, exactly. >> it's a challenge coin. it's a military tradition that
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the police departments of the united states emulated now for several years. and it's a coin that in my case, it has my shield, the lapd badge, and on the backside, the badges going through the years of the founding of the lapd. you give it to an individual as a sign of respect, as a token of appreciation or good luck. >> you probably gave it to him when you met him when he was about to go off for military service, correct? >> that's correct. the photo has been shown today with me and him standing in front of flags. that is likely when he was leaving, called to active duty. i had a practice of calling the officers up with their family to wish them well and have liaison officers meet with the family so they could be taken care of when the officer is gone. i would have given him a coin like this at that time.
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my understanding is that cnn received a package that included a replica of the coin with three bullet holes. >> right, which he had shot or it had been shot in some way. it also had duct type over part of the package that contained a message to you. thanks but no thanks, will, he calls you, bratton. any idea what it could be about or do you assume it's the fact you were running the lapd when he got laid off? >> i only became aware of this other package about an hour and a half ago. i was notified by cnn security that they had received it, that they wanted to bring it to my attention. my understanding is they had photo copied the information and sent it along to the fbi today, i guess, but had sent the original package back to him. so my awareness of this is almost as recent as yours. certainly very disturbing. in the sense that the bullet holes through the coin and the
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specific referencing of me on the duct tape. as to what there was a series of letters as to what they stand for, speculation, i think. >> imoa. some are speculating, pure speculation, imagine a more open america. >> that's not a term i'm familiar with. >> there was also a dvd, the contents of which i'm not aware of yet. this is part of the package that was sent to anderson cooper. but it says, chris dorner exoneration on it. clearly all part of his bid to say he was not guilty of whatever he feels he had been accused of, which led to his departure. >> again, this is the first time i'm hearing about the dvd disc, so this is unfolding even as you and i are conversing. >> in terms of the ongoing investigation, he has said in the manifesto he obtained his weapons legally and that he's a top shot, a top marksman. he has a number of weapons
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including a sniper rifle and possibly some assault rifles. clearly a fluid and dangerous situation. >> incredibly dangerous, and the fact that he's apparently now up in the bear mountain area, which is a very popular area of california for skiing. >> what, 18 miles east of los angeles? >> that's correct, and it's very high mountains, very rugged mountains, so if he's up in that area, incredibly difficult terrain to try to explore and search. at the same time, he may have left his truck there, which was just reported burned. as to is he still there, is he gone, that's unknown at this time. >> what is the best thing people can do if they have any sighting of this guy? >> certainly, i think as the police forces in the california area are encouraging citizens, one, if you see this individual, and he's a very distinctive looking individual, huge. he's physically a huge individual. that report it to the police. give him no indication that
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you're aware of him. don't try to interfere with any of his activities. he's an incredible dangerous individual. his police skills make him even more so. you referenced the significant weapons that he has access to. and that's a pretty significant arsenal in the hands of a trained individual such as he is. >> he obviously originally targeted the daughter of lapd captain randy quan, monica, and her fiance, killing both. do you remember the captain? had any dealings with him? >> the captain, as i understand it, retired prior to my time at the lapd, a period of 2002-2009, but i had no awareness of exposure to him. >> well, chief, thank you very much for coming in. obviously, an ongoing, very worrying situation. >> let's hope it ends well. >> i indorse that. >> when we come back, i talk to a psychologist who worked on the unabomber case. why he says this is difficult.
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and the latest on the monster storm bearing down on the east coast. things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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we have more information for you on that package the suspected l.a. shooter sent to cnn. it included a souvenir coin wrapped in duct tape. it has a hand written description, thanks but no thanks, will bratton. and the initials, imoa. and the package, there was a disc. i want to bring in our psychologist, a consultant for
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the department of justice whose institute trains police in crisis intervention. he said dorner's rant offers insight into the man now being hunted by police. he joins me by skype. i'm sorry this is once again in such awful circumstances. for all you have seen, from this manifesto that this gunman has put out, this alleged gunman, what is your reading of his state of mind and his motivation? >> there's a tremendous amount of evidence, of somebody who is extremely confused in this 6,000-word manifesto. i could show this to a first-year resident in psychiatry, and there are clear signs of mental illness, frankly. former psychotic thoughts scattered throughout the manifesto. >> there are numerous references to people in the media, myself included, many cnn colleagues, people at other networks, random
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celebrities, politicians and so on. is there any thought process there that you can see, which makes any kind of sense? is he an attention seeker? what is going on here? >> clearly, this is not about attention. this is all about, if there's a theme throughout his manifesto, piers, it's vindication, but it's not just this one incident he talked about in his manifesto. he accused the lapd of taking away his naval career, his relationship with his mother, his sister, of ruining his life. it's psychotic thinking. it's almost like a black hole when you're looking through the lens of psychosis. this is not an antisocial personal. lapd would not have hired someone with an antisocial personality. we talked about two paths to this kind of situation, this kind of suspect, this kind of person. one is an anti-social personality, someone involved in criminal behavior most of their life, and the other is somebody with a brain disorder.
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i can't diagnose him obviously, but i can look at and assess what he's written, his state of mind as evidenced in his manifesto. he's like a black hole of paranoia, blaming the lapd for everything, and now he's going to vindicate his name, this is the really, frankly, completely illogical, and to use a term that many people have used and i don't like to use, but crazy thought, that somehow killing police officers will vindicate his name. it's -- it's completely psychotic. there are many examples throughout. he talks about first grade incidents when he was bullied, and asked journalists like yourself and others to investigate that he was never a bully. this is not someone who is thinking straight. this is somebody who there's an opportunity to speak with him, needs to be approached and somebody who very, very likely who has a mental illness. untreated mental illness. >> now that he has killed people, now that he's gone to that stage and killed fairly indiscriminately now and attacked police officers who
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tried to apprehend him, how dangerous has he now become in your experience, because you have all of the lapd hunting him down, but they're his target. >> it's not just him being dangerous. it's the situation. as you just said, the lapd are hunting him down. they're his target. the lapd are understandably concerned not only for the public's safety, but for their own safety since they have been singled out. the situation is volatile. the one thing is he's reaching out to the media. if someone from the lapd, a hostage negotiator, even though no one has been held hostage, but in a sense, the community is being held hostage, if a dialogue could be started with this man, that's another way to end this. not only a man hunt and a firefight. >> thank you very much indeed. >> the first victims of the alleged lapd shooter were monica quan and her fiance. her father represented dorner
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when he lost his case. thank you for joining me. i must say how incredibly sorry i am for the loss of your friend. it must be devastating to you and everyone who knew her, and a very scary time, i would think, for her family. when did you hear the news and what was your reaction? >> thanks for having me. i found out monday. i woke up, turned my computer on, and found it on facebook. and immediately went to one of the news outlets and started picking it up. and throughout the day on monday, several of us were calling each other, trying to share information, what we knew, and then i talked to a few people that knew her who were a little closer with her, and they kind of confirmed what was going on. monday night, we had the candlelight vigil at the high school. >> you were a basketball coach, i believe monica was, too.
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did you know her father? >> i knew monica and her family since monica was about 11 or 12 years old. i know the family. they have always been really good to me. very generous to me, really caring people. >> and the fiance, monica's fiance, keith lawrence, who was also killed, i presume you knew him as well. >> no, it's funny. i know they had been dating a long time. except for photos and information we share on facebook, i never actually personally met him. the last time i talked to monica was probably around november. she was talking to me about a player that i had coached in her recruiting a little bit. and then we were kind of sharing stories about coaching. she's now at the college level. i'm at the high school level. we were kind of sharing some things. but i didn't know her fiance, no. >> did monica ever mention to you any fears of being a police captain's daughter?
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was that ever something she was concerned about? >> no, no. i'll be honest, you know, it's a very tight-knit family. there's never been anything, you know, they have always been very close. you know, when they're with people, you can tell they're a tight family. it's never been something that was talked about. never from any of them, even from the parents' side that they were concerned about their kids or having to worry about their kids. i have coached children of other police officers. it's not something that i have ever heard anybody really talk about. you know, so -- >> it's obviously an ongoing situation. there are friends of monica, even family you have spoken to, are they all concerned about what may happen next? is everybody in a state of terror about this? >> yes. you know, as we kind of hear the
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news and we hear the things going on and the manifesto and we kind of heard all these things, yeah, people are concerned. a few people had even talked to me about they had been contacted by cnn about talking to you folks. and people are concerned. you know, i actually had one mother tell me, please be careful because you don't know what this guy is capable of. you know, i am truly in disbelief about everything that has happened. and you know, i just want people to know how much we all are hurting, how much we all miss her, how terrible we all feel, and you know, we don't want this to be happening to other people. we hope the guy gets caught before he hurts other people. >> i think you echo everyone's sentiments. rich, thank you very much for joining me. i do appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. coming up, we're tracking a monster storm set to bury the northeast. i'll get the latest from meteorologist chad myers.
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the country. chad myers is in the weather center with more. we're hours away from something colliding. nobody seems to be sure what they might be. are you anywhere nearer to knowing? >> we should know exactly at this point in time, as you take a look and think about what we used to be able to do as meteorologists. we tried to give you 48 hours and the computers didn't do well. some were saying 30, some were saying 1 inch of snow. now they're coming together, now they're settling down. now they have an answer. here's the low making rain in georgia. here's the snow making very cold air here up into parts of michigan and wisconsin. they're going to meet right there east of massachusetts. here's how it goes. i'll put it into motion. here goes this low. here comes the cold. when the warm and cold come together, this storm is going to bomb out. we're going to have winds of
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hurricane force strength into massachusetts, into maine, even into vermont and new hampshire. so this wind is going to blow water onto the shore. going to erode some of the shore and also make some flooding there in the coast and harbors of boston and the like. 23 million people under a blizzard warning today. i'm not sure i could ever say that before. 23 million under a blizzard warning, from new jersey to laguardia, right on back into boston. the major areas where most of the people live are blizzarded tonight. then that starts about 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. that's when it starts. there are two models still that don't agree, so i'm going to show you both. show you the best case scenario and the worst. the best case is one model that doesn't believe those two are going to get together. it believes the rain is going to go too fast, the cold air isn't going to get there in time. 12 inches in boston, 7 in new york. here's the deal, we're going to get 2 to 3 inches of liquid equivalent water falling out of the sky. if it's all snow, that's 20 to 30 inches of snow for you.
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new york city is not going to get all of that. there's going to be some rain that falls down. even though the potential is there for 30 inches, it isn't going to happen because for a while tomorrow afternoon, it's going to rain. here's basically the worst scenario of the two models. this one does believe they're going to collide and make one big storm. 14 for new york city, but 34 in boston, 34 in portland. and then all of a sudden, piers, you have winds of 60. we're never going to see 16 inches in albany. it will be a 6 foot drift over the ground as the wind blows the snow everywhere. >> and for those of us like me, chad, woo have an early morning flight out of here to england, what are the chances of any flights getting out tomorrow? >> what day would that fly be? >> tomorrow morning. >> there are still planes in. and that's the good news. planes are still getting into new york. they're going to want to get all those planes out.
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so that would be good for you because they don't want those planes sitting there with 30 inches of snow on the wings. the wings hanging there. so yes, you still have a chance. boston completely shuts down at 3:30. the buses, the trains, the rail, the boats, everything at 3:30. in the morning, it hasn't started yet, i think you'll get out there. >> good news for me but it might be a rough weekend for everyone on the east coast. my best wishes to everyone out there and stay tight and stay safe is the message, i guess. >> i want to get to this real quick because i have it. 2,933 flights have been precanceled. maybe your plane hasn't been yet. >> it's hanging on in there. >> good. >> chad myers, thanks very much. >> coming up, america's mayor, rudy giuliani on everything from guns on the streets to drones in the sky. and then the mother of former kidnap victim jaycee dugard talks about helping 6-year-old ethan recover from his hostage ordeal. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis,
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rudy giuliani made it his mission to get guns off the streets when he was mayor of new york. and he was famous for his law and order stunts. he's the perfect person to talk about about guns. rudy, welcome back. >> nice to be with you, piers. >> where do you think we are with this whole gun control debate right now?
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>> hard to say because there are so many aspects to it and so many different positions. i'll tell you my view on it. i'm not sure if it will happen that way. i believe that reasonable restrictions on guns is something that should be done, that can be done. sensibly. i don't think that gun control is the answer to violence. if it was, there would be no violence in chicago, and of course, there's a tremendous amount of violence in chicago, and much less in new york. they both have gun control. the difference between chicago and new york, and why new york is so much safer is the police do a much better job of seizing guns. they're very aggressive in taking guns away from criminals. that's how i brought down gun violence in new york back in the '90s and how mayor bloomberg and commissioner kelly are doing it in new york. so what do i think would work? first of all, i think background checks make all the sense in the world. i think if you're going to possess a gun, there's no reason why you shouldn't have to take a background check to make sure you're not mentally unfit, to
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make sure you're of the correct age, to make sure that you don't have a criminal problem. i think that makes all the sense in the world, and the more we can get that as close to, you know, everyone who has a gun, the better off we're going to be. restrictions on assault weapons, that gets to be a little more difficult because of the definition of assault weapons. when i say assault weapons, most people think a military weapon. well, i would certainly be in favor of military, true military weapons being banned. but not if you start talking about guns that are really semiautomatic guns. >> what about the ar-15. the reason i ask is the ar-15 has been used extensively by the military in the last few decades, and for all intents and purposes, i fired one this week in texas, it behaves like a military style assault rifle. those who try to describe it otherwise are talking nonsense. what is wrong with forcing
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through something which actually reduces the ability of the criminally minded and the mentally deranged from getting their hands on this gun that i'm currently being seen firing here? >> absolutely no harm done if you do that, if you do it right. here's the problem. you can't just legislate on the gun control side of it. you have to legislate on the mental health side of it. >> right. >> because you don't want to have a law like this and then three quarters of the people who are mentally disabled or mentally unfit aren't in the database because of privacy concerns. so if you want to do this, you're going to have to legislate a lot more openness in the records of people who are mentally unfit. >> let's turn to dick morris. i interviewed him last night. he said some interesting stuff last night. what was your reaction to him being fired by fox and being called the worst pundit of last year? >> well, dick is a friend of mine for 20 years. and i am a very loyal friend,
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and i think dick is -- well, i honestly think dick is a genius. did he make a mistake on the last election? yeah. so did i. >> what about his reason for why he thought romney in the end did lose, confounding all dick morris' predictions? watch this. >> the real issue is why did romney lose. the immediate answer is the storm. and in fact, i wrote a column i was showing you, four days before election day -- >> you mean hurricane sandy? >> yeah, in the last few hours, sudden danger signs in polling, saying obama could be coming back because of the storm. the fact of the matter is that before hurricane sandy started, obama was trailing mitt romney. >> a lot of republicans have been ridiculing this today, rudy, but does he have a point? do you think that the hurricane in itself changed all of the momentum, or is that really just a convenient excuse? >> no, it's somewhere in the middle. i think the hurricane had an
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impact on the election. since obama won by a wider margin than we anticipated, i can't say, and i would be uncomfortable saying that was the main reason he won. but if you would like to list five reasons why he won, i think the hurricane is there as one of the five. maybe the third or fourth reason. i think the main reason he won, just having the conversation today with a group of democrats and republicans in houston about this, and they all agreed, both sides, the democrats just outorganized the republicans. their poll operation was the best that we ever had. now, i think what might have happened if there was no storm is i think obama still would have won, but i think it would have been a much closer election. >> marco rubio is on the cover of "time" magazine, being proclaimed as the savior of the republican party. what was your reaction when you saw that? >> i'm a very, very big marco rubio fan. i was one of the first people to support him when he ran for the senate. i have been completely pleased with his performance in the
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senate. i think he's taking a very courageous, helpful view on immigration because you need some republicans to get out front. that kind of deal with the idea of legalization. i spoke yesterday at the reagan library. yesterday was ronald reagan's 102nd birthday. people forget ronald reagan legalized a couple million who had come here undocumented illegal. he understood if people are here and they're working and working hard, we cannot throw out 12 million people. we have to do something sensible with them. i think marco going out and taking that position, he's now brought a lot of republicans along with him to kind of add to the work that john mccain has done, lindsay graham, and that's the position i have always had, that we have to stop illegal immigration at the border. but we have to deal sensibly and humanely with the people who are here. >> finally, let's talk about drones briefly.
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i can't help thinking when i see this drones debate, had it been a republican president, the democrats would have been all over this. and quite rightly. and i do think the democrats and president obama got off pretty lightly so far. what is your position on this? i mean, at what stage does the drone activity cease to be legitimate targeting of terrorism and become a kind of glorified, very brutal, very lethal fishing expedition? >> well, it has to be done very carefully. very uniquely. you have to be 100% sure you've got the right person and you're not making a mistake. i agree with you completely that if this had been done by george bush or any other republican, we'd be talking about hearings before congress. we would have some people talking about impeachment. for the life of me, i can't figure out why george bush got so much heat for waterboarding three people, and president obama has killed scores of
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people. and i probably agree with the decisions that president obama made, so i'm not saying he shouldn't have made those decisions. and i can't say they weren't the right decisions, but i think those decisions would have been scrutinized very heavily. from the point of view of a terrorist, would you rather be waterboarded or killed? if you're waterboarded, at least you're alive. also from our point of view, i don't know, i would like to see a few more of these people captured rather than killed because i would like to get information from them. maybe it's my ex-investigator background or prosecutor background or u.s. attorney background, but i see every one of these people as a fertile source of information. even if you're not going to do waterboarding or that stuff, just intense questioning. that's how we got bin laden. a lot of good questions of a lot of people. >> rudy, as always, compelling stuff. thank you very much for joining me. >> thank you, piers. always a pleasure. coming up next, a mother's message.
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all i could do is break down and cry and say thank you jesus. >> three days since 6-year-old ethan was rescued from an underground bunker in alabama. ethan is now back with his mother, but how will this affect his life? someone who truly can help, terry probyn is the mother of jaycee dugard. she was held prisoner by for 18 years. what kind of emotions do you go through when you hear of this kind of thing? >> i'll tell you, i share that mother's joy, and i share her heartache. and i also share the fact that she is going to have to go through a huge healing process. and i would say just take your time and do that.
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>> obviously very different in a sense that you lost your daughter for 18 long terrible years. you never gave up faith. never gave up hope. in this case, a much shorter period of time. in terms of the psychological damage it must have still been very traumatic for this boy. what kind of advice would you give his mother if you had the chance? >> i would say surround yourself with family. you've got the love of your children and your son back. and also it's so important to find a trusted source for -- a trusted source to help the healing process. i know in our situation, the national center for missing and exploited children was our trusted source. and they referred us to transitioning families. and that helped the
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reunification process. if anything, i would just tell mom and family to take your time and, you know, protect your privacy and give yourself time to come out of the shock that i experienced. i know it was probably about a week or two weeks before i could really think things through. and a lot happened in the beginning, as you know. and, you know, we were bombarded. and i just say take your time. do the healing process and rely on trusted support such as the national center. i know our foundation was built to give back to those that helped us and to also help the reunification of other families that go through this trauma. >> have you had the chance to talk to jaycee about what happened with this little boy ethan?
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>> jaycee and i talk, yes. she feels for the little guy, too, as we all do. also to the family, mr. poland's family. he sacrificed his life, and he's a true hero. and jaycee and i both agree he should be commended for his efforts. >> i completely agree with that. how is jaycee? we spoke about a year ago and she seemed to be doing really well, all things considered. how is her progress coming along? >> active in the foundation as we all are. we want to give back. we want to send our love and our support to families in this situation, and we're here to help. >> and her two little children. how are they doing? >> very well, thank you. >> are you very -- you are obviously very protective of them. are they able to lead a kind of
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normal life now? >> that's what the privacy is all about is the ability for them to live as normal a life as possible. you know, nothing is normal after something like this happens to you. and you have to accept that fact. and you have to move forward. >> this is a difficult question. it's one i wanted just to ask you and see what your reaction would be. in the case of ethan, the kidnapper was killed. i guess there's a finality to that. in the case of you and your daughter, the kidnapper is still alive. he's going through this very long extended jail sentence and won't probably ever come out. is that worse for you? does part of you wish he had, too, lost his life, when eventually the kidnapping was exposed? >> you know, i don't place a whole lot of thought on that. he's not in our lives. he will never be in our lives.
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he's dead to us. >> yeah, i can completely understand that. listen. it's been great to talk to you. do send jaycee my very best and to all your family. it's great that you're able to talk, having seen how that terrible thing happened in a good way for ethan. great to talk to you again. >> me, too. best wishes. we'll be right back. i told . can't hurt, right? then i heard this news about a multivitamin study looking at long-term health benefits for men over 50. the one they used in that study... centrum silver. that's what i take. my doctor! he knows his stuff. [ male announcer ] centrum. the most recommended. most preferred. most studied. centrum, always your most complete. good morning, turtle. ♪ my friends are all around me
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