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tv   The Jodi Arias Trial  CNN  March 1, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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thank you for joining us. madeline stowe and lisa loeb. let me transition to the dancing and role it plays in music. madeline, how is that an issue for you? >> my mother is soon to be 90 years old, and she ballroom dances four times a week. and goes all over the place and does this. we come from a family of musicians, so i think that there is something in all of that, in music and in dance that enlivens people. you see so many of them live, long active lives. >> how about music itself? lisa, how does it make you feel younger or live longer? >> it's funny, it's an abstract thing. i was thinking about it, it helps you me tab lies emotions and feelings, even not necessarily the lyrics, or the
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lyrics, the feeling makes you live those experiences and sometimes if it's negative ones or exciting ones it helps enhance your excitement and be more joyous in life. >> what i love about music is that it bypasses the cortex. the sounds go right into the part of your brain that processes them, so you don't get caught up in the thoughts. when you think about great music, you are in the moment. each of you in your own way describe so artfully, elegantly how you find that space. even when are you tired, the ability to get to the zen moment, you are in the moment, is ultimately i think what we in this country look for. helps us with sleep, helps us become aware of things and deal with stressors and focus on things that we talk about today to make it easier to do the right thing. >> the garbage can around the country for a whole year, i felt a lot better. singing and gigging again. >> i want to thank cindi lauper, lisa loeb and madeline stowe for joining me. "a.c. 360" up next.
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i want to join me for "sex, lies and audiotape." >> jodi arias, cold-blooded killer or long suffering victim? we've been mesmerized by the tragic tale of fatal attraction. tonight, a killer in her own words as jodi arias fights from paying the ultimate price. the testimony is graphic, both the images and language and may
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be too explicit for younger viewers. ♪ jodi arias has sent a lot of different tunes since this picture of bliss turned into a bloodbath. ♪ oh night divine >> a grisly tail of passion gone wrong, sex, lies, and a life brutally cut short. >> this is a case, a story, a criminal defendant unlike any other we've met before. >> jodi arias, beautiful young woman, accused of brutally murdering her ex-boyfriend, travis alexander, as a matter of fact, the day that she admitedly killed him, they had sex, they took pictures, but then she stabbed him 29 times, almost decapitates him, shoots him in
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the head and she says it's self-defense, but the prosecutor has a whole different theory here. that it was premeditated, cold-blooded murder, because she was obsessed with travis alexander. >> reporter: the end for jodi and travis was foul and heinous. but their courtship began quite innocently, in of all places, sin city. >> we were there for convention. our company had a big event there. i was there in las vegas with him. >> reporter: travis alexander was a motivational speaker and close friend and coworker of david hughes in the fall of 2006. >> i knew he was single and always looking for ms. alexander. >> enter saleswoman and as spiring photographer jodi arias. >> i told travis, hey, there is this cute girl i work with. you should meet her. introduce me. i introduced them and they were
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able to develop a relationship pretty quickly from there. >> they met in vegas. the night they might, it seemed that things heated up very quickly. because jodi arias said within a week or so, they are having sex in a car. >> reporter: jodi and travis had an instant physical connection. a whirlwind romance, but a long distance one with palm desert, california and him five hours away in mesa, arizona. still, that wouldn't slow them down. shana hogan, author of "picture perfect" about the jodi arias case. >> travis and jodi talked every day, exchanged thousands of e-mails and text messages. >> reporter: jodi was so attracted to travis, she converted to the church of latter day saints because travis was a mormon. >> she started to inquire more about the lds faith, ended up joining the church.
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i'm sure that brought their relationship -- made it even stronger. >> reporter: to outsiders, travis and jodi appeared devout. a pure mormon couple, but appearances, as was often the case with these two, would prove deceiving. >> secretly, behind the scenes, travis and jodi's relationship was not pure, it was not chaste. they had this intense sexual relationship they kept hidden from everyone. >> but jodi couldn't keep everything hidden, especially from travis' long-time friends. many of whom found his new love a bit odd. and a bit troubling. >> we don't like jodi coming over to our home. we feel very uncomfortable. >> david hughes recalls a chilling encounter between his brother, his sister-in-law and jodi arias. >> they are having this conversation trying to convince trav tois break up with her, she
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is outside the upstairs door listening to the whole conversation and she walked in and had this face on like she was the devil, and she was going to commit a murder right then and there. >> it was clear she liked him a lot more than he liked her. travis want aid normal life. jodi wanted to be with him more than anything. extremely unhealthy bond they shared. >> reporter: and a normal, healthy life was something travis had wanted desperately since growing up in riverside, california. >> travis' childhood was full of poverty, neglect, physical violence. >> his parents were both addicted to drugs. he wasn't raised by his parents. his grandmother is the one who raised him. a tough upbringing. >> reporter: jodi too said she didn't have it easy growing up. she was no stranger to abuse. >> she was artistic, grew up playing the flute, had a lot of brothers and sisters. so jody ias childhood was fairly ideal compared to travis', but
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she does talk about issues of physical violence. >> reporter: by the summer of 2007, their relationship had cooled, in part because of jodi's increasing jealousy. >> jodi discovered flirty messages, and decided to end the relationship. at the same time travis was looking to end the relationship. >> reporter: jodi and travis didn't break up. but that didn't mean they weren't still friends with benefits. >> clearly, jodi enjoyed her sexual life with travis. she talks about how she loves travis so fully and completely. he was her entire focus, and she was extremely obsessed with him.
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>> reporter: so obsessed, apparently, that jodi never took her eye off of travis, no matter how far apart they were. >> i absolutely know that she was stalking him many times. like when she went in through the back door when he was kissing another girl on the couch. she's spying on him. >> she slashed his tires, broke into his e-mail account, hacked into his facebook page, she broke into his house and stole his journals, read his diary. she did these crazy stalking behaviors. >> reporter: jodi has long denied stalking travis, but no denying their troubled relationship came to an abrupt end when jodi made her last visit to her estranged lover's home in the wee hours of the morning. >> travis there on line and they go to sleep, but when they wake
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up, then they get back to what travis and jodi always do. which is engage in sex. and they didn't just engage in sex. they brought cameras into play. travis taking pictures of jodi, jodi taking pictures of travis. neither of them wearing any clothes. it's what they do. it's what they've always done since they met. >> reporter: coming up, a sex-fueled afternoon explodes into an orgy of violence. (music throughout) why turbo? trust us. it's just better to be in front. the sonata turbo. from hyundai.
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oh, hi thehey!ill. are you in town for another meeting? yup, i brought my a-team. siness trips add to family time. this is my family. this is joe. hi joe! hi there! earn a ton of extra points with the double your hhonors promotion and feel the hamptonality. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. monday, june 9, 2008, 90 minutes until midnight in a mesa, arizona, community called mountain range. nobody has heard from travis alexander in five days. >> these friends meet at the house to try and determine travis' whereabouts. through another friends they get the code to the garage. they go inside the house. it smells, there is a foul odor hanging in the air. travis' roommate and his friend go inside the bedroom. >> oh, my god. >> 911 emergency.
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>> a friend of ours is dead in his bedroom, we hadn't heard from him for a while. his roommates just went in there and said there's lots of blood. >> one light shining in that room, and it's coming from the master bathroom, and they see this horrific sight. this dead body and see it's travis. his body was fail. his face marbled by discoloration and clear he was dead and that travis had been dead quite some time. >> he's dead. >> okay. >> in the shower. >> there is a massive amount of flood in travis alexander's master suite, soaked into the bedroom carpet and splattered all over the bathroom. the sink, the mirror, the floor. >> has he been threatened by anyone recently? >> yes, he has. he has an exgirlfriend that's been bothering him and following him and slashing tires and things like that. her name is jodi. >> as soon as we knew that travis was murdered, we
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immediately knew it was jodi. there was no -- no questions in our minds. >> reporter: hours later, jodi speaks with esteban flores, lead investigator, on the telephone. and she does something that would become common in the case. she lies. >> that was around april that you last saw him, right? >> early april. >> you haven't been back in town since then? >> no, i haven't at all. >> reporter: this is the first version of her story. she claims she's on a road trip to see a potential love interest in utah when travis is murdered. >> the day after she had murdered travis city. she's in salt lake city. i see her in the parking lot. we're talking and she ends up hooking up with a guy who i work with as well. ryan burns. and like nothing ever happened. >> reporter: but investigators are able to place jodi at the crime scene, thanks to a handprint, hair, and travis' camera discovered in the washing
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machine. >> can you imagine when they found the camera, it's been destroyed because it's in the washing machine. but they take the memory card and find the photos. detective flores got the call, you're not going to believe this. >> the memory card survived the wash? >> the memory car card survived the wash. >> reporter: those photos lay out a timeline. at 5:30 p.m., the last picture of travis alive. he's in the shower. she's taking pictures of him, and probably said to him, let me get a picture of you seated. because she needed to level the playing field. she's able to stab him in the heart. >> reporter: investigators say there is a struggle in the bathroom and then jodi follows travis into his bedroom. >> he falls. maybe he's on his hands and knees, and that's when she did
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the coup de grace across his neck and then turned him over and turned him around and dragged him down the hall. >> reporter: this is at 5:32 p.m., one of three accidental photos taken after the last shower picture. prosecutors will later claim it's jodi's leg over travis's upper body as she prepares to drag him back to the shower. travis' body has a total of 29 stab marks, including the slash across his neck, which is six inches and runs from ear to ear and a .25 caliber gunshot wound over his right eyebrow. >> she mutilated him. that's why they are seeking death, not just premeditation, but the aggravating factor is cruelty. mental and physical anguish. this man suffered. he knew he was going to die. >> reporter: if he wasn't shot first but he was stabbed it took him some time to die? >> yes, took him some time to die, which speaks to the
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cruelty. >> reporter: a crueltiy which jodi continues to cover up three weeks after the murder. >> you never saw the camera then? >> no. >> reporter: that's another lie in support of version one, that she hadn't visited travis since april, that she hadn't seen or used his new camera. the same story she repeatedly tells detective flores after being indicted for first degree murder. >> at travis' house, you guyed had a sexual encounter which there's pictures. >> are you sure those pictures aren't from another time? >> positive. absolutely positive. >> the truth is, i did not hurt travis. okay. so we're -- >> jodi, you can it continue to do this, okay? a records check shows you have reported a gun stolen, .25 auto.
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just happens to be the same caliber as the weapon used to kill him. >> a .25 auto was used to kill travis? >> reporter: during that same interview, there is this. what do you make of jodi arias doing yoga moves in the interrogation room. >> i couldn't believe it. she is being interrogated and she is stretching like i need to get more relaxed here. >> i believe it tells that you jodi arias is trying to get comfortable in that room, and she's not able to get comfortable because she has to change her story, because investigators have more evidence than she thought they did. >> reporter: she would change her story to version two, the very next day. >> she talked about two intruders coming into the house,
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attacked travis, attacking her, she's wounded in the incident, he's being stabbed and yelling and screaming and telling her go to the neighbors and get help. >> they didn't discuss much. they just argued. >> about what? >> whether or not to kill me. >> for what reason? >> because i'm a witness. >> a witness to what? >> him. travis. >> of travis' murder? >> reporter: she takes version two to the court of public opinion a couple of months after her arrest on the nationally syndicated show "inside edition." >> i witnessed travis being attacked by two other individual s. >> who? >> i don't know who they were. >> reporter: and then on the cbs show "48 hours." >> they kept arguing whether or not to kill me. he pulled the trigger and nothing happened with the gun, and so i just grabbed my purse,
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which was on the floor at that point and i ran downstairs and out of there. >> reporter: and once she goes public with version two, she makes this bold prediction. no jury is going to convict me. >> why not? >> because i'm innocent and you can mark my words on that one. >> she says that before the world ever hears version three. >> she sits in jail for a year and a half, and now changes her story once again. >> in 2010, two years after the murder, jodi's lawyer files a court document, indicating jodi will finally admit to killing travis. >> she killed travis, but it was in self-defense. he came after her, and she defended herself and she had to kill travis or she would have been killed. >> reporter: that same year, where she admits to stabbing travis alexander multiple times, there is this angelic performance. ♪ the stars are brightly shining ♪. >> tell me what you know about this christmas carol idol?
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>> it's surreal. she purports to be so religious and godly, singing this wonderful christmas carol, hymn, and then i think, wow. you know, she almost cut this guy's head off. ♪ hear the angel voices >> reporter: ahead, sex, lies and all the sordid details. [ lisa ] my name's lisa, and chantix helped me quit.
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the state of arizona versus jodi ann arias, indictment. count one, first degree murder, premeditated murder. >> january 2nd, a trial more than four years in the making finally begins. >> this is not a case of whodunit. the person whodunit, the person who committed this killing sits in court today. it's the defendant, jodi ann arias. >> jodi arias was very confident that first day. >> reporter: in session's beth karas has been in the courtroom every day of the trial. what was the forensic evidence that the prosecution said linked jodi arias to the crime scene. >> blood.
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fingerprints. palm print, and hair. >> jodi loved travis. and so what would have forced her to have to take travis' life on that awful day? >> reporter: the defense team argued a lifetime of physical and mental abuse by family and boyfriends had reached a tipping point for jodi arias. >> and on june 4, 2008, it had reached a point of no return. and sadly, travis left jodi no other option but to defend herself. on that horrible day, jodi believed that travis was going to kill her. >> can you speak to how much contact you had with ms. arias? >> the defense began with a friend of jodi's. >> probably a minimum of once a
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week we would touch base with each other. she was always very well spoken, a little timid, shy. >> a former boyfriend. >> i know jodi because we were in love. >> and even friends of travis. >> how did travis treat jodi when it was the four of you? >> very well. >> what did he do? >> they just seemed happy to be with each other, very cuddly and very much a couple. >> please be seated. >> reporter: then on the trial's 14th day, a deceptive routinely order from the judge. >> ladies and gentlemen, i'm going to ask you go back to the jury room for approximately three minutes and then return. >> ms. arias, come forward and take a seat please. >> all of a sudden, i see jodi arias walking across the courtroom to the witness stand. >> reporter: minutes later as they file back in, an
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extraordinary moment for jurors. seeing without warning the accused gazing at them from the witness stand. >> jurors filed in, and are used to seeing her sitting over at counsel table and it took a minute to realize she is in the witness box, she's going to tell her story. >> do you solemnly swear the testimony you will give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god? >> yes, i do. >> i'm not guilty, i didn't hurt travis. i turned around and there are two people there, one was a guy, one was a girl. >> reporter: after having told investigators two different stories of her innocence, now jodi admitted under oath she was a killer. >> did you kill travis alexander on june 4, 2008? >> yes, i did. >> why?
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>> the simple answer is he attacked me, and i defended myself. >> reporter: jodi testified that while travis made her fear for her life, he wasn't the first to abuse her. >> it appears their strategy was that everything happened in her life from her childhood and through all of the relationships with men, culminated in this killing. >> your life is pretty ideal up until about age seven. was something different after age seven? >> that was the first year my dad started using a belt. >> jodi said her brawny father inflicted great pain and so did her mother. >> my mom began to carry a wooden spoon in her purse. if we were misbehaving she would use it on us. >> what do you mean by use it on you? >> she would hit us with it. >> she hit you hard? >> it felt pretty hard, yes. >> she said those spankings by
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her mother and father left welts and painful memories. >> how did you feel when your own mother was beating you? >> when i was younger, i remember feeling -- i didn't have a word for it then, but i can describe it as betrayed and confused. and as i got a little bit older, it would really make me bad, because i just -- i didn't get why. >> the part of her life we learned a lot about from her testimony was her teenage years, and apparently a troubled teenager. she has problems with her parents. whose fault is it, do we know? the result of that is that she gets punished, and instead of being grounded for three months at age 17, she decides to move out, she decides to drop out and she decides to move in with her boyfriend.
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>> jodi portrayed herself as someone who made a string of bad is choices when it came to men. describing one abusive relationship after another. especially travis alexander, admitting she loved him, despite his being what she described as being demeaning, physically abusive and controlling. even when she converted to his mormon faith. >> at the beginning of her experience in the mormon religion, it's been a real sordid double life. >> reporter: a somber jodi recalls the day that travis baptized her, things changed. >> i was in my church clothes, he was in his church clothes. the kissing got more passionate, and he spun me around and he
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bent me over the bed and he was just on top of me. i didn't think anything -- i thought he was going to keep kissing me. he began to have anal sex with me, and -- >> after this encounter, on this spiritual day, how did you feel about yourself? >> after he left -- shortly after he left, i felt -- i didn't feel very good. i kind of felt like a used piece of toilet paper. >> for travis' sister and other relatives, jodi's explicit testimony was difficult to hear. family and friends have maintained that much of it is lies and travis never mistreated her. >> travis was a great guy, very nice, very kind, very considerate. what the defense is portraying
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is absolutely not accurate. >> do me a favor and take a look at this exhibit, see if you recognize it. >> but her attorney presented text messages from travis, appearing to treat jodi as his sex slave. >> he says this photo shoot is going to be one of the best experiences of your life and his. and he talks about all the pictures he is going to take of you. and he says the progressiveness of it from the very clean to the very dirty and everything in between. he also says you'll rejoice in being a whore whose sole purpose in life is to have animal sex with me and please me in any way i desire. >> secretly they are having this life that is very sexual. i mean, it is the basis and really almost the entire part of what their relationship is about. >> he wanted me to put pop rocks
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in my mouth while i gave him oral sex. >> and did you do that? >> yes. >> and the tootsie pops, what did they turn out to be needed for? >> he wanted to put the tootsie pop inside of me. >> the jurors even heard travis' voice as he had phone sex with jodi. >> that was so hot. that actually so like the way you moan, it's sounds like you are a 12-year-old girl having her first orgasm. that's so hot. >> they also took very explicit nude photos. including this, the last one of travis alexander alive. next, murder and a memory lapse. >> what i finally came to, i saw there was blood on my hands.
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i kind of felt like -- like a prostitute sort of. >> reporter: day after day -- >> he pulled done my underwear. >> reporter: detail after graphic detail.
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>> called me a bitch and kicked me in the ribs. >> reporter: but on the 7th day, jodi arias' testimony went just sex and violence, it was finally what everyone had waited for. her killing of travis alexander. >> do you remember about what time you arrived in mesa? >> it was still dark, but it was early morning, maybe around 4:00ish. >> reporter: she took the jury through her memory of that fateful day. how travis snapped photos of her, intimate and provocative. >> what do you think when you see that picture? >> what a stupid idiot i was. >> why did you participate?
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>> he was excited about a new camera he got, and he wanted to play around with it. >> reporter: later that afternoon, they were in travis' home office, when he asked for copy of their vacation photos she has on cds. >> i got the cds out, they looked pretty scratched, which he noticed and got upset about because it was my fault that they were scratched. so now he was able to bring up the cd on his screen, and most of the images came up as little gray squares instead of photos. and i went to walk over to him to rub his back or something, to make sure he was okay, and let him know i still had the pictures on my other drive. i was going to apologize, and he stood up and the chair got pushed to the side and he spun me around and bent me over the
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desk and pressed up against me. >> at that point in time, did you want to have sex with mr. alexander? >> well, yeah, actually i did. it was better than him getting mad. i was actually relieved. >> well, she is claiming that, number one, she just wanted to please him. i just want to keep him mad. if he gets mad, he slashes out and gets really, really angry if he wasn't angry, i would have sex with him and he's turn into the nice travis. >> reporter: after having sex, jodi agreed to take photos of travis in the shower with his new camera. according to jodi, it would lead to a fatal altercation. >> as i took photos, i dropped the camera and it slipped onto the mat.
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>> what happened after you drop the camera? >> at this point, travis flipped out again. he stood up and he stepped out of the shower and picked me up as he was screaming that i was a stupid idiot and body slammed me again on the tile. he told me that a 5-year-old can hold a camera better than i can. when i hit the tile, i rolled over on the side and started running down the hallway. so i ran into the closet and i slammed the door. and as soon as i got in there, i gap to run, i remembered where he kept the gun. >> there is zero evidence, independent evidence, evidence
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other than words out of jodi arias' mouth that establishes travis alexander as a gun owner. there is none. >> i grabbed the gun. i ran out of the closet. he was chasing me. i turned around, we were in the middle of the bathroom, pointed it at him with both of my hands. i thought that would stop him. if someone were pointing a gun at me, i would stop. but he got like a linebacker, kind of low and grabbed my waist. but before that, as he was lunging at in, the gun went off. >> the angle of the wound, it enters her and comes out his check. it might have lodged inside. she was over him. >> i didn't know i shot him. it just went off, and he lunged at me and we fell really hard
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against the tile toward the other wall, so he's grabbing at my clothes, and he got up and he's just screaming and angry. >> the medical examiners testified that the gunshot wound would have debilitated travis if it happened first. he believes it happened after travis was already dead. if it happened first, travis alexander wouldn't be able to do anything, let alone chase jodi arias around the house like she claims. >> reporter: when travis' body was found in the shower, there was only one gunshot wound, but nearly 30 knife wounds and he was nearly decapitated. >> do you remember stabbing travis alexander? >> i have no memory of stabbing him.
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i was in the bathroom, and i remember dropping the knife and it clanged to the tile. it made a big noise, and i remember screaming. i don't remember anything after that. there's a lot of that day i don't remember. a lot of gaps. like i don't know if i blacked out or what. there is a huge gap. >> wow. next thing you know, she's in the desert driving and she has blood on her hands. her blood? travis' blood? s do does she know what she did? she throws the gun in the desert, doesn't know where. and then she cleans her hands and start covering her tracks. >> reporter: coming up, the prosecutor goes on the attack.
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>> can you imagine how much you must have hurt mr. alexander when you stuck that knife right into his chest? that must have hurt, right? >> objection. argumentative. >> sustained. did you know not all fiber is the same? citrucel is different- it's the only fiber for regularity that won't cause excess gas. it's gentle and clinically proven to help restore and maintain regularity. look for citrucel today. a confident retirement. those dreams have taken a beating lately. but no way we're going to let them die. ♪
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are you a medical doctor? >> no, i'm not. >> reporter: this is prosecutor juan martinez. >> you told us what you thought he said, right? >> i did. >> were you correct? >> no, i'm not. >> reporter: martinez is known for ferocity in court. >> he's got one speed. pedal to the metal. >> he doesn't take any bs from any witness, even his own. >> like the lead detective in the jodi arias trial. >> did you talk to her in anticipation of the hearing? >> yes. >> did you give her anything? >> yes, a few. >> and still you went ahead with what you thought was your opinion, right? >> yes. >> so it came as no surprise -- >> mr. martinez, you may cross-examine the witness.
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>> that he was on the attack on his very beginning of jodi arias' cross-examination. using her own words to hurt her at the beginning of the trial. >> she's just stupid. i love the girl, she's my sister, but she's a little bit dumb. >> throwing the words back in jodi's face. >> that's a picture of you, and the other one is a picture of your dumb sister angela, correct? >> that's my sister. she's not dumb. >> what do you think juan martinez thinks of jodi arias? >> i think juan martinez thinks jodi arias is an evil woman, sociopath, psychopath. not sure what the diagnosis is. but this is a woman who should never walk the streets again. >> you said that, right? what right do you have to do that? you seem to a double standard
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here. >> reporter: martinez relentless in trying to unravel the story of jodi, the story of an abuse victim that the defense presented to the jury. >> she claims her disfigured ring finger on her left hand was caused by travis alexander in a domestic violence incident. >> hold up your hand so we can see. >> she held up her hand, but martinez confronted her with this finger, no bent finger, taken months after the alleged incident. >> you don't have a bent finger here in exhibit 453, do you? >> my finger is bent there. >> you are saying your finger is bent there? >> yes. >> martinez on a mission 20 to expose what he saw as jodi's litany of lies to family, friends and police. >> so you were thinking more of
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yourself when you made the statement to this detective, right? >> i'm not sure about that. >> well, other than you who would be sure about your statements? >> god. >> well, god's not here. we can't subpoena him, right? >> i don't think so. >> you don't think so. are you sure we can't, because it seems like are you leaving the door open for that. >> objection, relevance. >> almost like a dad having an argument with the teenage daughter and the teenage daughter just won't answer the question, won't admit what dad knows. >> that's not correct. >> that's what you said though, right? >> no, that's what you said. >> and that's the dynamic in the courtroom. absolutely fascinating. >> that's what you were doing when you were lying? >> one of the things juan martinez wants to do is ask her questions about details and she's afraid to give him details, because she doesn't know what he has to contradict her, so we're hearing a lot of i
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don't know, i don't remember, i'm not sure, i don't know. over and over again. >> did you or did you not indicate if loved your mother. i'm not asking if you love your mother. i'm asking if you indicated it? >> i don't remember. >> do you have problems with your memory, ma'am? >> sometimes. >> you can tell us what type of sex you had with mr. alexander, but have you trouble telling us what you said a couple of days ago? >> when i'm under stress it affects my memory. >> i thought you you said your relationship with mr. alexander was very stressful. >> some of the sex wasn't. >> reporter: jodi pushed back and blamed martinez' in your face cross-examination for confusing her. >> what far stocks influenced you having a memory problem? >> usually when men like you are screaming at me or grilling me or someone like travis doing the same. >> so that affects your memory? >> it does. it makes my brain scramble. >> she didn't fall apart on the
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stand. didn't crumble. >> no. >> until -- >> take a look at this, please. where were you taking the photographs when this happened? i want to see it on this exhibit? >> outside the shower. >> pardon? >> outside the shower. >> why don't you put a mark on there. ma'am, were you crying while you were shooting him? >> i don't remember. >> were you crying when you were stabbing him? >> i don't remember. >> how about when you cut his throat? were you crying then? >> i don't know. >> so take a look then. and you're the one who did this, right? >> yes. >> and you are the same individual that lied about all of this, right? >> yes. >> i think martinez has him
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right where he wants her. on the witness stand. that's where he wants her. an opportunity to ask her anything he wants and get in front of the jury, jodi arias, can you believe what she's saying? he has her in a position where she can't be protected anymore. she has to answer his questions. >> isn't it true that the statements are different. all i'm asking. >> yeah, they are different. >> i don't have anything else. >> reporter: and juan martinez abruptly ended his grilling and grueling cross-examination of jodi arias. but she's not done testifying. you can spot an amateur from a mile away... while going shoeless and metal-free in seconds. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go.
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