tv Around the World CNN March 5, 2013 9:00am-10:00am PST
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surrogate named crystal kelly $10,000 to have an abortion. apparently things weren't going well in the pregnancy and that's when things really started to spin off the tracks. more aspects of tht medicthis m elizabeth cohen. the headline sounds like it not real but it's very real. >> it's very real. it's very real. the woman we saw in the video offered $10,000 to have an abortion. when you see the baby you can figure out why. this baby, 20 weeks, in the middle of the pregnancy saw that she had a cleft lip, cleft pallet and that was the least of it, a problem with her brain and very complex problems with her heart and the parents who hired her said we want to abort this child. let's hear from crystal herself because she can tell us what happened when they had that discussion. >> they said that i should try to be god-like and have mercy on the child and let her go.
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>> what did you say? >> i told them it wasn't their decision to play god. >> so crystal said, i'm not having an abortion. and the next thing that happened was the parents couldn't force her. you can't force someone to have an abortion. she didn't have one. they said all right this is our baby, when she's born we're abandoning her. >> legally. >> legally, to the state of connecticut which you can do in connecticut and many other states. and crystal kelly said i don't want that, the child will end up in foster care. she fled to michigan, drove halveway across the country with her owner children, had the baby there considered the legal mother in michigan because they're laws are different than connecticut and found a family to adopt the baby. the back baby's in a family with other children with special needs. >> what will the child's life be like? >> we don't know. there's a 50/50 chance she'll walk, talk, be able to use her hands the way other children can. she is, i will tell you, a happy baby. >> picture are amazing.
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i could talk to this case for so long. i'm flat out of time. thank you for watching. "around the world" is next. welcome to "around the world" i'm brianna keilar in more suzanne malveaux and michael holms. new york, have a look at this number, the dow jones, hit an all-time high this morning passing the previous high almost right out of the gate when the opening bell went off. the previous high set in 2007, before the bottom fell out of the housing market and crushed the economy. we'll hear why investors are charging ahead when we go to the new york stock exchange in a couple of minutes. north korea will end the 1953 korean war truce if the u.n. imposes more sanctions on the country. the armistice created the dmz that separates north and south korea. the u.n. security council is meeting today to consider more
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sanctions in response to north korea's nuclear test last month. we'll have a live report in a moment. and dominican woman says she's coming clean about her claims of sex with a senator. new jersey senator robert menendez has always claimed that allegations of sex with prostitutes are not true. now he's getting some backup from a woman who claims she was paid to lie. we go live to washington, straight ahead. the big stofr ry today is o wall street. the dow jones hitting an all-time high a short while ago. this came charging out of the gate past that old high that we said was set back in 2007. allison kos act at the new york stock exchange for us. what does this number mean to the rest of us? >> reporter: well, first of all, it really is more of a milestone. but what's great about it is that it really is a new record high. you know it's kind of like a speeding train, investors they want to jump in and get in. they don't want to miss that
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train. in the process they are blowing away that recent record high. trick is going to be if the market actually closes at or above the dow's record high. what's interesting, though, look at companies that investors who have reaped the reward of this mark, look at one of the market low points for the dow, march 2009. you know the dow's gained 7,000 points since that low. i want to show you how about seven companies have done because they've tripled in value. like american express, up almost 500%. home depot, caterpillar, walt disney, g.e. look how much they have increased their value since march 2009. the big question is, you know, the money question, will this train keep going? many believe a good reason for the rally it's a fed-fueled rally, meaning the federal reserve continues to pouring stimulus into the market. that's not going to last forever. you may see some new records being hit but at some pointing investors have going to say you know what, it time to take money
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off the table and take profits. >> we don't know when that will happen. any idea how many americans are invested in the market? everyone's jumping in. >> it does. gallup keeps polls of this. last time polled a year ago, 53% of americans were invested in the stock market. that's a record low since those polls began themselves. so, it is safe to assume at those point that number, 53%, is much higher now. and if you got in early, meaning right when the market was at one of its recent lows in march 2009, you're reaping reward. an example if you invested $10,000 in an s&p 500 index fund at the market low march 2009, you'd have more than $22,000. not a bad return. again, you would have had to deal with roller coaster ride from march 2009 up until now. brianna in. >> that's right. some money would have had go
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towards your tums. thank you for that. north korea is so angry about possible, new sanctions that the country's threatening to end the truce that put an end to the korean war in 1953. that's according to south korea's news agent sy. the threat comes as the u.n. security council meets today to consider authorizing more sanctions in response to north korea's nuclear test last month. anna coren just left south korea, she's in hong kong now. how serious is this threat? does it really have teeth? >> reporter: brianna, it is serious. the reason being is that we are used to the angry fiery rhett trick coming out of north korea. but this time they are making these serious threats, threatening to end the armistice agreement they signed in 1953 effectively ended the korean war. we know north korea is unpredict. >>able and love to grab the
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world's attention. they've done it this time. in a statement issued from a high ranking north korean officer he basically said that, as of march 11th, that's when they will nullify the agreement. march 11th is when the u.s. and south korea will hold these joint military exercises. now, i want you to have a listen to what some people in north korea are saying. it's worth mentioning that this reaction is coming from the state's broadcaster. >> translator: we need to use all of our power and destroy the u.s. and other enemy forces and unite our country. this way we can follow our dear leader's wish, use this opportunity to really break u.s. confidence and unite our country. >> translator: we are the peacekeeping people's army. if the u.s. tries to light any small fire in our territory, we will use this as an opportunity to unite the country. we will do our best to achieve what our supreme commander kim
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jong-un wants. no matter what anyone says victory is ours. >> reporter: this is propaganda but very patriotic statements coming out of pyongyang. i think the international community's obviously concerned, will this mean all-out war. i think it's prepare tearma say that. having been in south korea recently, this will raise tensions even more so. >> anna, china, which is a key north korean ally, is supporting these sanctions against north korea. that's not necessarily what you expect, right? >> reporter: no, exactly. china has been a big supporter. if the only supporter really of north korea, the biggest treading partner, providing fuel and food and for china to come out and bank the sanctions from the missile test in december and on to the nuclear test last month to come out and say, yes, north korea needs to be punished, this is a big move
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because, in the past, china has certainly had some influence over what north korea does. you'd have to assume, considering that north korea continues to go against the international community, that china's influence is waning. obviously, more sanctions, tougher sanctions, are expected out of the u.n. security council. they've been meeting for more than an hour now. but the feeling is, brianna, sanctions are not working. that north korea is immune to further sanctions and it's really dialogue that is going to move this issue forward, brianna. >> anna coren in hong kong, thank you. dennis rodman's basketball diplomacy isn't getting a lot of support from secretary of state john kerry. kerry told condition the former nba's star's trip wouldn't do anything to resolve the tension between pyong and the rest of the world. he said president obama's willing to work through the diplomatic process but kim jong-un needs to do one thing.
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>> north korea keeps choosing to make belligerent and reckless moves that threaten the region, their neighbors, and now directly the united states of america. so it's very easy for kim jong-un to prove his good intent here also, just don't fire the next missile, don't have the next test. >> out of washington, where new jersey senator bob menendez finds himself in the middle of a scandal that says he'll be vindicated. a douminican woman who says shes one of the women in the video who claimed menendez paid her for sex claims she was paid to make it up and never met the senator. the daily caller a conservative website published this video in november with two women claiming they had sex with menendez for money, faces obscured, as you can see. he's always denied allegations. today he calls them false
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smears. dana bash is on capitol hill, she talked with the senator today. i'm also talking with executive eter to of the daily caller, the website that reported the story. first, dana, tell us what is menendez saying today? >> reporter: well, he's not using the word vindicated but that's certainly the impression he's leaving. let's start with the comments by senator menendez. listen to what he said. >> i don't know more than what i've read but i do know that from the very beginning i said that nameless, faceless anonymous sources took from right-wing blogs took this story, which were just false smears right before an election cycle, attempted to do it then and ultimately drove it into the mainstream press. but they were never anything other than false smears.
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>> reporter: now, obviously, brianna, we should point out that we are kind of relying on a he said/she said/he said/she said situation where it doesn't seem like many characters, if any, when talking about the people in the dominican republic have a lot of credibility. for example, there's a lawyer in the dominican republic who allegedly helped get these women together for the taping. drew griffin was down there. he s up an interview with him, then he disappeared, he couldn't find him. another twist to this is the -- it's not just the daily caller who got interviews with these women. abc news did as well. they put something on their website saying they did interviews with the women, decided not to go with the story because they could not verify the credibility and voracity of their stories. that's another twist. we don't know who was behind this, if it is true, in an affidavit, that she was paid, who was the person who paid
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them? abc news says republican operatives were the ones who arranged the interviews that they didn't air. one other thing i should note, brianna, and viewers should know, even if at the end of the day salacious allegation of the senator being with prostitutes do end up being false, he is still being investigated by the fbi on other issues, namely, influence pedalling to help one of his big donors. >> honestly, that may be the more serious of all of these issues, if the less salacious. let's bring in now david martoscos executive editor of the daily caller. you're hearing this and the daily caller said today that this woman that has come forward in court documents and says she was paid to make these claims, you say that she's not actually one of the women on the video. so i want to ask you, what's the proof because we have to take your word for it and obviously that's not how we do journalism.
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so what is the proof of that? >> well you, have to understand that all of this was ginned up by a "the washington post" report yesterday that uncritically reported the affidavit from the dominican republic. there are several things in the affidavit that bear no resemblance to the interview we conducted. the woman swearing out the affidavit, for instance, says she was paid to implement senator -- implicate senator menendez, his big donor, and his cousin. castillo never came up in the interview. we showed the women we interviewed a photograph of salman and he couldn't identify him. >> i know you say that. you're saying it appears she's out there trying to vindicate someone who was never implicated, that's something that came up in a story that you guys did months down the road. but also, i mean, i've read your accounts of this and you say that the way this was set up, there -- the battery i think on the computer doing this kind of web video, so that the daily
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caller could conduct these interviews, one point it actually -- it went out. i'm just wondering what, though, is the proof that even if you say her claims are false, what is the proof that she is not -- that she is not on this video, as she says she is. do you have proof? >> well, for starters, i mean, again, lots of things in this affidavit don't add up. she says she was taped surreptitiously. the woman we interviewed was looking into the camera with a microphone clipped to her clothing about. she didn't identify people she says she was paid to identify. the woman we interviewed went by a different name. her age doesn't even match up. >> but someone can -- someone can lie -- >> it wasn't the same person we interviewed. >> well, david, someone could obviously fib about their name or fib about their age. i mean our -- >> and fib about an affidavit as well and "the washington post" can take it and run with it in
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an irresponsible way. >> her face is on there, i know it's obscured. i'm wondering what the proof is. but also our understanding, this is what abc news is say, this was set up by a republican operati operative. is it possible that you were duped? >> well, we don't talk about who our sources were. what i can tell you, though, this particular news cycle is something ginned up by the "post" in a very irresponsible way. we're happy to dig through this as much as we can. all we want is the truth. >> i'm not asking for you to reveal your source. i'm asking if it's possible, let's not say who the source is, you're not saying that, but it goes to the crux of whether your report is true. is it possible you were duped by someone setting this up? have you gone back in the interest of finding the truth here to your source who set this up and said, hey, is it possible that these women were paid to do this and how can you verify that they were telling the truth, even though perhaps there are
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some flaws in the affidavit? >> the "miami herald" asked that attorney that last night and he said it's all lies. the attorney who was there -- >> have you gone back? i've looked you've done dozens and dozens of stories. >> i would love to find him. >> have you gone back to your source who set this up to verify these women were not paid? >> we're doing that today. i'm be more than happy to come back on the air and talk about. something larger that's missed -- >> you haven't verified they weren't paid. it's possible they were paid and you haven't been able to be sure that they weren't? >> that's incorrect. figueroa told the "miami herald," these are lies, it's not true. we'd love to verify that. the "miami herald" got that on the record from the attorney. >> figueroa has said these are lies but he's been implicated in the affidavit. it's possible he's lying as well, isn't it? >> it's also possible "the washington post" made up a piece of shoddy journalism based on thin sourcing.
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it's a he said/she said. the facts about the interview know that the "post" report is false as well. >> we have gone down to the dominican republic trying to report the story the way the dale daily caller has and unable to do it because we haven't gotten in touch with the person, he has not responded to us who initially was soliciting this story, trying to get cnn interested in it, and other major news organizations haven't as well. i mean, isn't it just possible that figueroa is lying and there is something to the fact that this woman may have been paid or these women may have been paid? >> look, it's possible the sky is orange that doesn't mean it's so. >> but you haven't verified it at this point? >> we verified when we first conducted the interview. >> which isn't to say your story is necessarily untrue, but you don't actually know that? >> we're confident our story's true. we verified it thoroughly when we ran it. we wouldn't have run it if we
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haven't verified our sources. senator men does was accused of something serious, soliciting and cavorting with prostitutes. this isn't the only time he's done that. we surfaced an actual american escort who told us, in repeated interviews, she had the senator as a client and characterized him as an active participant in this escort community and there are other women -- again, unconfirmed -- who have accused him of engaging in sex for money with them when they were as young as 16. this becomes a pattern. if this was a one-off thing. >> there needs to be proof, david. we're going to be very intrigued. >> a woman in the united states told us this on the record. we published it last month. >> the dominican republicing it will be interested to see that indeed these women were not paid. we'll be very interested to see what proof you can bring to us. we'd love to have you back on to talk about it.
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>> absolutely. >> thanks for joining us. here's more of what we're working on for "around the world." prepared to be totally grossed out. big, nasty rats, the size of cats. population is spiraling out of control despite the government's attempts to knock them out with poison. so what's their new solution? sharpshooters. that's right. we have that next.s. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. [ dad ] tide and downy together. you are free to go. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business.
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[ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. here are the stories make news around the world right now. it is a grim milestone, the u.n. predicts the number of refugees fleeing from syria will hit 1 million. people are primarily spilling into jordan, lebanon, turkey. numbers are so high, relief agencies are having trouble keeping up. a civil war has raged through the country for the last two years. in moscow, police are questioning a suspect in an acid attack on a ballet director. he was doused with the chemical by a masked man in january. it left burns -- left him with severe burns to his eyes and face. doctors worked to save his sight. they say it will take at least
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six months to recover. he's the artistic director of russia's bolshoi ballet. let's head to iran where they have a big problem and it's kind of a gross one, too. begin n genetically mutated rats. army snipers are hunting these things. an environmental expert thinks they're going to big because they've been exposed to radiation and chemicals. sloane stephens burst on to the spotlight with her upset win over williams. the phenom is the "it" girl of professional tennis. sloane would be ranked in the top ten of women tennis players soon. that must be music to her ears as she joins us palm springs, california. thanks for being here. >> no, thanks so much for having me. >> i'm wondering how has your life changed since you upset serena williams?
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what was the before and what was the after? >> it's pretty much the same. i just -- my mom lets me eat out more and i got a little more of an allowance. other than that everything is really the same. i just kind of hang out and do what i was doing before. nothing's changed that much. >> you don't feel an increased pressure or expectation? it's amazing to hear you say nothing's really changed. >> yeah. i mean, definitely a lot of pressure. but that's always going to be there no matter what, even if i was number 60 in the world, there will be someone saying i need to get better and need to do this and need to do that. now that i'm 16 in the world someone's saying i need to do this if i between get to this. it's always the same. there's always another story. always somebody talking and some things like that. but you kind of got to get through it and do your best really. >> it's admirable you're staying level headed about it, really impressive. what was it like to play against the pro that you essentially
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idolized growing up? >> yeah. definitely. it was really crazy. really intense. really tough. but i just went out and played my game and did my best. and just tried to do as well as i could. and i came out with a win, so that was awesome. >> you've got the very big sum planned, sloane. tell us about the tournaments that we'll be see you in. >> so this summer i'm playing in the u.s. open series and it's five weeks of women's and men's tournaments. back-to-back finals. and today is the first day in the ten-year history that all of the tickets are going on sale for all tournaments and the u.s. open. wherever you live, come visit us in the closest city you can. we'll be in d.c., atlanta, winston-salem, everyone pretty much, carlsbad, san diego. and yaeeverywhere. visit for tickets. >> you're 19 years old, doing so
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well. i'm wondering if you can tell other aspiring young tennis players some things they need to do as they look to you in this amazing position that you are in. >> yeah, definitely. a lot of hard work. just do your best and enjoy it. especially when you start off, it really fun. just have fun and do your best always, 100% effort. whatever you want to do, just follow your dreams, follow your heart, keep up the good work. >> you are cool as a cucumber. i'm impressed, sloane stephens. i suppose that's what you do so well on the court. thank you. >> thank you. sloane stephens joining us with words of inspiration and advice. coming up a storm hitting the midwest grounding flights and now headed for the east coast, next. [ loud party sounds ]
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a lot of tow trucks trying to retrieve stranded drivers. jennif jennifer delegate toe joining us from chicago. a lot of flight cancellations in chicago. not so much fun for travelers. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely. you never want to be stuck in the airport. but the reality is, we are talking nearly 1,000 flights that have been cancelled and this is just the precaution. this is not actually weather cancellati cancellations. we are talking about 850 flights out of o'hare as well as 230 out of midway. and that's between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., a preemptive order. we want to talk about what's happening in chicago. yeah, snow is coming down. it's going to get heavier. even by the time folks are coming home on their evening commute we're looking at tough travel conditions because we're going to combine in winds coming from the north, northeast, around 30 miles per hour and that's going to drop the visibility at times. in addition to causing more air
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travel delays. let's talk about the storm and where it's headed. across parts of chicago, and parts of illinois and indiana, we're going to see 6 to 8 inches of snowfall. as that storm makes its way over towards the east, it's moving through the central. this is tonight what you're looking at. totals 4 to 8 inches. as we get into wednesday, that's when things start to get tricky in the morning especially for parts of the mid-atlantic. you see totals there. we are talking potentially some of the locations more than a foot of snowfall. of course everybody it's going to be higher brianna in the bru lid blue ridge mountains. we're seeing some locations could pick up about 5 inches of snowfall. regions in the western part of d.c., of course, going to see more of that snowfall as it goes toward the east. areas like central pennsylvania as well as into maryland they're taking a pounding there.
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still talking 10 inches of snowfall, a foot or more in some parts. quite a mess out there. again, right now, chicago they're pros. it's a pro basically when it comes to snow like this. cars are moving smoothly. later on when ted rowlands gets here, it's going downhill and i'll turn it over to him by then. >> it's going to go downhill when ted comed on the scene. jennifer delgato. >> i'll be eating pizza by then. when was the last time that you heard a dictator described as delicate? hugo chavez is battling a severe, new respiratory infections and that's the way his government is describing his condition, very delica delicate. . and everyone but her likes 50% more cash, but i have an idea. do you want a princess dress? yes. cupcakes? yes. do you want an etch-a-sketch? yes! do you want 50% more cash? no.
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you got talent. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. what's in your wallet? i usually say that. what's in your wallet? i can't believe your mom let you take her car! this is awesome! whoooo! you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru.
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meeting dominated by the communist party. aside from electing new leaders the party says its big priority is tackling pollution. that's right. beijing has been cloaked in a blanket of smog, as you can see there, the country burned almost 4 billion tons of coal per year. that is almost as the rest of the world put together. in afghanistan, two men sentenced today for a massive bank fraud. each given five-year prison terms to pay more than $800 million into a recovery fund for victims. to give you an idea of the size, 5% of the country's total economy. the two men have close connections to afghan president hamid karzai and western countries have complained the sentences are too light. venezuelan president hugo chavez is battling a new infection, and his breathing problems are getting worse. he announced he had cancer in 2011 and spent more than two months receiving treatment in cuba. he returned to venezuela two
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weeks ago. we'll go to shasta darlington. what is the government telling us? >> reporter: well, we heard this pret pret pretty brisk outlook from the information minister saying that hugo chavez health has take ain't turn for the worst, he has a new and severe respiratory problem and his condition is very delicate. we've also heard the top government officials, vice president president and other ministers are currently meeting now and we could expect another government announcement at any minute. and this, of course, has a lot of people on edge. you have to remember, even last week a poll showed that 57% of venezuelans thought that chavez had a chance of recovering and taking over the presidency healthy and normal. so this really abrupt announcement last night, very bleak, as i said. now this meeting has people on edge. they're wonder what will come out of it.
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could we get news that his health has gotten worse or even that he has died. these are outcomes that lots of people are speculating about. >> thanks, shasta. i want to bring in rafael romo, our senior latin american affairs editor for cnn. chavez, he won re-election in october, third term that he won. he missed his own inauguration because he was so ill. he hasn't been sworn in as president. right now his allies are running the country. critics say that venezuela is in limbo without a leader. what happens if he does pass away? how is that going to affect the venezuelan government and its relationship with the u.s.? >> it's very important to understand just what kind of a leader hugo chavez is. maybe for people here in the united states, they know very little but he has been able to transform dramatically his country. he is a proponent of what is called 21st century socialism. ever since he took power in 1999, he was able to change his
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country's constitution. he was able to effectively take voel control of the supreme court and legislative body there in his country. and also very important for this country from the united states, venezuela is the fourth largest supplier of oil to the united states. and for as long as he has been in power, he has this rhetoric against the united states calling the united states an evil empire and accusing the united states of trying to essentially destabilize his government. also you cannot talk about chavez without talking about his influence throughout the region. for example, he has aided the government of cuba and an argument could be made that cuba would have collapsed financially without the petrodollars that hugo chavez has sent to cuba, other countries that also come to mind, nicaragua, for example, so you're talking about an
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influence not only in his own country, where he has, by all accounts, made a dramatic changes in -- when it comes to poverty, but also throughout the hemisphere and some of the leftist governments that have been friendly of his. very influential lead, not only in venezuela but also throughout the region, brianna. >> very influential indeed. both of you, i know, will continue to monitor the situation, as we could be hearing a new announcement from the venezuelan government any moment. thanks to both of you. well it one of the world's most powerful fraternities. the men's club that is, yes, the vatican. as the catholic leaders look to select a new leader, next. çtoool matt's brakes didn't sound right... i brought my car to mike at meineke...
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will choose the next pope are there and they're talking. they met again today but still haven't announced a date for the conclave. that's when they'll pick pope benedict xvi sf rm's success for. many people see as a men's club in the catholic church. >> reporter: the cardinals are gathering in rome against a backdrop of two millennia of history. to outsiders the upper echelons of vatican appear to be an exclusive men's club. vatican city joined saudi arabia as one of the few states left on earth where women have no vote. men may run the church, but they're outnumbered by women at mass in rome's church-the art on the walls highlights their centrality in the past and women should be part of the future, says wore shipper. >> everyone would like to have
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more women everywhere because this is a fact that it's not possible to stop because nowaday women are very, very strong. >> reporter: catholics revere maria, the mother of jesus, and church history is replete with women saints who struggled and died for the faith. other women refuse to stay silent when they saw evil in the church. st. katharine of siena described the cardinals as devils in human form. today strong willed women are trying to break through the stained glass ceiling. sister mary ann walsh concedes the church hierarchy is male dominated but women do occupy important lay positions in catholic social and relief organizations. >> if you take the issue off the table if you take ordination off the table, for example, in the u.s., our statistics are better than the department of labor
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when it comes to women in executive positions. >> reporter: a bit of female advice would help the church steer its way through troubled waters, says professor of the gr gregorian college. >> when you listen to women especially and listen to their perspective and i think, you know, a lot of the ways that this crisis was handled in the church, you know to have had more women's input in dealing with it would have been a better thing. >> reporter: but for now, women have, at best, an indirect influence as the cardinal of portugal explains it. certainly the church is not a democratic society in the way civil society understands, he says. it's a hierarchy church, therefore, not everyone is
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equal. women's voices may be louder than before, but for now, the doors to this men's club reman firmly shut. ben wedeman, cnn, rome. more american troops may stay in afghanistan, perhaps longer than we originally thought. we'll be bringing you the latest from the pentagon, next. i have low testosterone. there, i said it. how did i know? well, i didn't really. see, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive... but when i started losing energy and became moody...
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that's when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. we discussed all the symptoms... then he gave me some blood tests. showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number -- not just me. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% (testosterone gel). the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacementherapy, increases testosterone when used daily. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding, should not use androgel. serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions
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and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. so...what do men do when a number's too low? turn it up! [ male announcer ] in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. [ children laughing ] ♪ the smell of salt in the air. ♪ it's the sound a seashell makes. [ seagulls calling ] a place that's beyond your imagination, yet well within your means. find your away. for a dealer and the rv that's right for you, visit
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world" the top u.s. commander for the afghanistan/pakistan region recommended 13,600 american troops stay in afghanistan after 2014. that's a number that is potentially higher than what the obama administration wants to leave in the country. i want to bring in pentagon correspondent barbara starr to explain this to us. barbara we heard perhaps the number of 12,000 floated recently. what does this new number mean, and is it significantly different, do you think? >> reporter: it is a higher number than we've heard, brianna, and a nato meeting several weeks now the former secretary of defense leon panetta was talking about 12,000. but he was including u.s. and nato troops. general james mad dis, top commander for the afghanistan/pakistan region says not 12,000. his recommendation, 13,600 u.s. troops alone, and perhaps
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another 7,000 or so nato troops. these are the troops that will stay if it's all approved, after 2014 when technically combat is supposed to end. so u.s. troops, if the afghan government agrees, still at risk in afghanistan for many years to come, their job would be to train afghan forces, special operations to go hunt down terrorists still. this means this involvement in afghanistan, if it's all agreed to, could go on for many more years to come. >> and this is one of those things that we kind of get in drips and a little bit and pieces. in january when president karzai came to visit with president obama, it became clear that, yes, there will definitely be u.s. troops in afghanistan beyond 2014. now the question is kind of how many and also maybe how fast are they withdrawn and ultimately what is that long-term commitment? can you tell us what we doesn't
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know at this point and when we might expect to learn it? >> reporter: well, what we are waiting for is for president obama to make that crucial decision, how many u.s. troops does he want to leave in afghanistan after that 2014 combat deadline because if you come to an international agreement on that, the u.s. nato, afghan government what president obama is essentially doing is signing up the next president of the united states to that military commitment. think of it this way, brianna. the u.s. commitment in afghanistan began after the 9/11 attacks back in 2001. we are now talking well into 2014, '15, and beyond that. so some 15 years possibly of a u.s. military commitment in that country. something many americans may politically question in the coming years. >> that's why it's going to be sort of politically fraught, as we wait for some of these recommendations. barbara starr at the pentagon.
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up next if you're going to a rolling stones concert, well, have fun, first off, but you know you would never expect the music to start on time, right? yeah, maybe not. but when you're a parent and justin bieber shows up two hours late on a school night, that's going to tick some people off. erywhere these days. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 but there is one source with a wealth of etf knowledge tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 all in one place. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 introducing schwab etf onesource™. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 it's one source with the most commission-free etfs. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 one source with etfs from leading providers tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and extensive coverage of major asset classes... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 all brought to you by one firm tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 with comprehensive education, tools and personal guidance tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 to help you find etfs that may be right for you. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 schwab etf onesource-- tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 for the most tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 commission-free etfs, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 you only need one source and one place. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 start trading commission-free with schwab etf onesource.
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singing superstar justin bieber gets a second chance tonight to impress his fans in london, because last night he showed up quite late for his opening night concert. and it was, yes, folks, a school night. >> reporter: turning up late is so rock 'n' roll. but not when your fans have school the next day. thousands of parents arrived to fetch their children before justin beeieber even made it on stage. >> around dusk there were 15 people that left, got in front of us, just like i'll take you home now. it's upsetting to watch somebody that young to come to their hero's concert and him not even to come out. >> this is my niece and i bought it as a birthday present and we've had to leave early. i fell i've let her down though she said it was fine.
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it was badly organized. we sat there for an hour and people were booing. >> reporter: thousands of tweets like this one from an angry parent calling it disgraceful. the next day justin waved to fans outside his hotel and apologized with tweets, blaming technical issues, saying he was only 40 minutes tardy. the pop star's due to play three more nights at the arena. the venue promised to do everything in its power to ensure the 19-year-old makes it on stage at the right time when he plays again. after all, when you're a global teen superstar and your fan base has a strict bedtime, punk alty is pretty important, even if they say they'll never let you go. tonight bieber will play again in london. he'll take to the stage 30 minutes early this time at 9:00 p.m. sharp. no doubt there will be plenty of parents watching to make sure he sticks to schedule. brianna? >> thanks, erin. cute story. hugo chavez is battling a
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ser seve severe, new respiratory infection. live to venezuela next. wi i got a thout dding. and where's your furry friend? oh, i don't have a cat. priceline savings without bidding. how did i know? well, i didn't really. see, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive... but when i started losing energy and became moody... that's when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. we discussed all the symptoms... then he gave me some blood tests. showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number -- not just me. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% (testosterone gel).
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