tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN March 6, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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publish publisher. the company confirmed today after new of the spin off. in a couple's attempt to sell their house takes a bizarre twist. >> they expected to see people looking at their home, but ip stead, caught a real estate agent doing something very different. here's jeanne moos. >> i'm here, come on in. >> talk about multitasking as this real estate agent was giving directions to the home he was showing, he got caught with his hand not in the cookie jar, but the lingerie drawer, then dropping down to explore the lower drawers. when a homeowner and his wife viewed the video, one word kept propping up. >> it's creepy. >> the couple went out of town last month while an open house was scheduled for the articling,
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virginia townhouse. >> like to see people's reactions to our house, they're not open house, so we set some cameras up. >> he did not expect to record 60-year-old real estate agent steven brum rummagesiing around his wife's drawer. several online commenters noticed his wedding ring. maybe he was shopping for his wife. police arrested him for bu burglary. his real estate license was immediately suspended. >> police are asking home sellers to come forward if they notice items missing. they say brum has been inside hundreds of homes. hey, that's not part of your commission. get your hands off our real estate. jeanne moos, cnn.
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>> wow, that's creepy. >> that's it for us. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- "outfront" next, an old fashioned filibuster in washington, d.c. rand paul talks and talks and talks for hours. we're in hour eight. he's still talking. we'll tell you why. plus, a worker at animal sanctuary attacked and killed by one of the big cats and the east coast bracing for a huge, early spring snowstorm. we'll tell you how much inches coming. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, senator paul drones on and on and on and yes, he's droning about drones. here's a live picture of republican senator rand paul right now on the floor. the first old fashioned senate filibuster since 2010.
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does he look tired to you? we're at hour eight. he still has a voice. i think all he's had is a snicker bar. all to stall john brennan from the cia. we were hoping he would have stopped by now because he was supposed to be our guest from capitol hill tonight. that's where he was supposed to be standing. see how lonely it is? senator paul, we hope you're going to wrap this up soon. at the least, i would like to know how you went all day without using the restroom. sounds like senator paul is about to wrap it up and join our shot. >> i can be done anytime if i could just get a response from the administration or attorney general saying that they do not believe they have the authority to kill noncombatants in america. the reason it has to be answered is because our foreign drone strike program does kill noncombatants. they may argue they're conspireing or may some day be combatan
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combatants, but if that's the same standard you're going to use in the united states, it's a far different country than i know about. >> "outfront" tonight, tommy vitter and mike riggs. tommy, let me start with you. what's the answer to senator paul's question? could a drone ever be used in the united states? >> sure. i think the answer is pretty simple. the attorney general said in the letter, the president has not and would not use a drone to take action in the united states. john brennan's been cleared as cia director, he wouldn't have the authority to do so. the president's ruled it out and that if we needed to deal with the terrorist threat in the united states, we would use local law enforcement or the fbi or other means to deal with the threat. >> let me play what the attorney general had to say. senator paul said i'm not going to halt the nomination if i get a detect answer. eric holder did during a senate
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he hearing this morning. here is what the attorney general said. >> what i said in the letter was that the government has no intention to carry out any drone strikes in the united states. it's hard for me to imagine a situation in which that would occur. we have within the united states, the ability to use our law enforcement capacity. the use of drones is from my perspective, something that is entirely, entirely hypothetical. >> entirely hypothetical and hard for me to imagine. i understand the point those seem to say no, but it's not a one word answer. >> i'm glad to hear from tommy that the president has ruled this out. i was almost relieved to hear he said later in the hering he thought the use of a drone would be inappropriate. we don't know if the obama administration thinks this is constitutional because they've already said as we saw in the
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white paper last month that the obama administration doesn't feel any court including the supreme court is qualified to rule on the constitutionality of its killing program. >> so, tommy, why can't the white house come out and be more specific? mike rogers recently told me, i was actually asking him about christopher dorner, the man hunt suspect in los angeles and whether the u.s. would use a drone against him. mike rogers just said it would be unconstitutional for the u.s. military or intelligence services to conduct operations against u.s. scitizens and woul never allow to occur. now, so why can't the president come out, the white house come out and say we believe this is uninstitutional? that simple sentence? >> he's talking about what the cia could do legally.
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he does not have the authority in the united states and he would not and the president has been clear that as commander in chief, he would not use the u.s. military to take a drone strike against an american person in the united states, but the attorney general is offering his legal advice, which is to say an extremist, if there were another 9/11, another pearl harbor, could the president use a u.s. military to take lethal action against terrorists? the answer is yes. senator paul was elected to write laws. he could write a law changing this, but i think my concern here is that i got to work in the white house for four years and i worked very closely with john brennan and feel incredibly privileged to have worked around him. because i've seen some of the worst crisis our country has faced. the president needs him at the cia now. a month ago or two months ago and to hold up critical nominees like this over issues that are not related to their fitness for
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the job is harmful to our national security and we shouldn't do it to get headlines. >> and mike, to that point, here's something else senator paul said today. >> it would take them five minneapol minutes to jot this down on a piece of paper. if they don't intend to do it, why not tell us. when they won't answer no, i don't have the power, they're saying to you, yes, i have the power. >> senator paul went on to say ultimately john brennan will be approved and that this will be a blip in the process. isn't he just holding everybody up? move on, wasting valuable time? >> i think he's giving the white house a great opportunity to distinguish itself from the bush administration, which it has failed to do. there is no threat to national security because john brennan
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hasn't been confirmed any more than when david petraeus was having affairs, but this is an opportunity for the obama administration to clarify wh it means by a threat being imminent, what's feasible and whether or not a court, somebody outside of the white house has the constitutional authority to determine whether or not obama has the constitutional authority to order people to be killed without any form of due process. >> just a quick question. i still just have trouble getting around one question. that is if it's okay to kill an american citizen outside the u.s. with a drone, it seems a slippery slope to do it inside the united states, once the technology is there. >> law enforcement, fbi, those individuals use lethal force on a daily basis to keep us safe. >> so why would it be different if they used a gun? >> sure. senator paul is constructed this hypothetical scenario that's extremely frightening. to me, the notion of a drone
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cruising around my house that could take a shot at me is scary, which is why we've been clear we won't do this. i've talked to the president about this. he welcomes the debate around the legality and ethics of our count terrorism policies and john brennan has pushed the envelope on transparency and accountability more than anyone else in government. >> but he's the daddy of the drone. zb >> john brennan does his job to save lives. whether they're americans or someone livinging in yemen who is threatened by al-qaeda. he does it extraordinarily well and should be at the cia doing his job today instead of being held up over an issue where senator paul needs to take yes for an answer. >> still to come, roger ailes calls president obama lazy. pl plus, the pope stepped down days ago, so what is the hold up? and we're going to go to
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california for the latest on the big cat attack today. how did it happen? it was a horrific thing and a volcano erupting in italy. we have the dramatic video of this happening. i mean, right in the middle of a populated part of italy. later in the show. [ male announcer] surprise -- you're having triplets. [ babies crying ]
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we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. our second story "outfront," breaking news in the deadly lion attack. a worker at an animal sang -- the lion lived at cat haven, east of fresno. paul is following the story east of los angeles. i know you have some news now on who died. >> yes, we've been talking to various people from up in the fresno county area. what they tell us is they believe the victim is a 26-year-old female and was an intern. from what we understand from authority, she was in an enclosure when the attack
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happened and they believe the cat who attacked her was the 350 pound african lion. our fresno affiliates are reporting this lion was called -- a celebrity cat, a cat who had made the rounds of various talk shows and they say when the attack happened, someone else, another co-worker, tried in vain to distract this huge cat and it just did not work. when the sheriff's deputies, the first to arrive on scene tried, they saw that the victim was injured severely, but the victim died onscene. some are asking what is cat haven. it's about 45 miles east of fresno in dunlap. it has a number of cats from leopards to lions and also, bobcats. it's about 2,400 to 3,000 in feet. it specializes in being a sanctuary for these various cats. it's dedicating the preservation of wildcats and dale anderson,
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the owner, he's gone on talk shows in the past. what we know right now is that we believe that the victim is a 26-year-old female intern at this sanctuary. >> paul, thank you very much. we appreciate it and we have a statement in from project survival cat haven. they are confirming it was an intern, age 26, who was killed today. they say their thoughts and prayers are with her family at this critical time. the lion was shot and killed for the safety protocall. that lion was raised as a cub from the age of 8 weeks old right there. i want to bring in jeff corwin, author of the book "sharks." our affiliate is reporting this is a lion you may have held while on ellen's show a few years ago. i know you're not sure if it was
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the same lion, but as we just heard, the statement i'm looking at from the cat haven, this lion was raised as a cub from 8 weeks. are you shocked by this attack? >> i think it's incredibly shocking when we see a tragedy like this unfold. these are very, very powerful creatures and an animal like this could have a really good disposition, maybe a great animal as an advocate for a species, as an endangered creature from africa, but the truth is, it is powerful. it is wild. they warrant a tremendous amount of respect. >> do you think this lion could have gotten more aggressive as he dwru up or is he a risk to be extremely docile? >> this is a creature hard wired to be one of the greatest creatures on our planet.
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they are the top of the food chain and that doesn't happen by accident. what's really amazing about these creatures, if you look at your domestic cat, you can see those innate abilities to be a hunter. when take that to a level of a tiger or lion, that's timed by many when it comes to predatory ability and strength. this creature will always be wild. this is the core of what they are. because of that, you can never forget what they possess, which is remarkable predatory ability, the skills they can use to dispatch a gazelle or other wild animal in africa can sometimes be displayed in ways that can put human beings at risk and that's why we have very strict laws on the book when it comes to keeping these animals out of a wild state. >> is it even right to keep them in captivity?
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there's the issue of whether it's safe. usually children who are learning about the animals, so that has a lot of pashtsrents afraid. just whether it's right to keep an animal like that in captivity. >> there's a very interesting and loaded question and it's really, it's how you look at the answer and i believe that legitimate organizations that are recognized by the aza, the official organization for zoos and quaurms, places like the bronx zoo or the los angeles zoo, these places are often the only way that a person from an inner city environment can connect with nature and it's not only about educating the public, there's a lot of work that happens in these institutions. for example, to protect lions in the zoo and get in the field. there are legitimate and real and proper waying these animals could be kept in this type of environment and they can perform
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a very good service. not only in conservative vegas and research towards their protection, but also when it comes to serving as ambassadors for their species, but you can't forget what they are and what they don't make are good pets. something you never want to keep in the private situation like in your home. >> some people obviously try to do that. a risky and awful thing to do. thanks. jeff will be our guest tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. and still to come, more about the surprise announcement about knives on planes. a former tsa chief says machetes should also be allowed. plus, the pope has been out of office for days, but there is still no papal conclave, no urgency for one of the most powerful jobs on the planet. why? and the east coast bracing for a major snowstorm. the first image as coming your way. ♪
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condition and 29% say they have a great deal of confidence. raymond is "outfront" tonight t news director of global catholic tv. he's in rome with the latest. the u.s. cardinals were talking. we had cardinal dolan on cnn. he gave an extended interview and sort of made the whole process more accessible and human, but this has changed, right? >> it has changed, indeed, erin. a lot of the cardinals it seems, particularly the cardinals who are based here at the vatican, they're concerned the americans were having an outsized influence in setting the narrative and painting the picture for the public of what the expect in the next pope. so that's part of the reason why there's been this media blackout. the new rule is, they won't do any interviews and those press briefings are finished. there were some leaks in the
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italian media about what was happening in their private meetings. if you're going to make anybody be quiet, you should quiet the italian cardinals who were the ones who leaked it. >> you've covered a transition before and you said this time in rome, tonight in rome is very different. >> it is. you didn't have a papal death this time. in 2005, this beloved pope, millions of people, including young people. 4 million young people jammed the streets waiting to see him, to say good-bye. you don't have that central event sort of bringing the world's attention here and the energy is very different. so all the action is happening behind the closed doors and it's really the cardinals going for this process of feeling each other out and deciding when to start this whole conclave, but the external excitement is just
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not the same. the streets are empty. i've never seen anything like it and i've been coming to rome almost 17 years now. >> what does this say, the fact they're not able to get the conclave together, not able to have the excitement as they have before, what does all this say about how the church will handle the big issues that it faces right now? and i cite the poll from cbs news. 29% of american catholics actually think that the church is going to pick someone who's in touch with what they care about? >> i'm always a little leery of those polls, the way they're phrased, the way they're imparted and the way people understand them. it's actually a good thing if they don't set a conclave date tomorrow or early this week. and the reason being, it gives the cardinals more time to have a serious conversation. what you don't want is this. if they have a conclave tomorrow, the italian cardinals, the ones who have caused so many
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of the gaps and allowed so many of the problems that benedict presided over, those cardinals will be in control. they have their candidates locked up. their coalitions together. you want to cardinals to have a say, to come here and feel they're really being listened to. so extending the date for when this conclave begins might for the church and the world be the best thing that could happen. >> thanks very much to you and now, president obama is warning the republicans literally right now. is he caving? plus, why taylor swift called tina fey sexist and why she's wrong. plus, a volcano erupts and we've got video of it.
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start with stories we care about where we focus on reporting from the front lines and we begin with an update to our top story. rand paul mounting an epic filibuster to stall john brennan's nomination to the cia. there's been nearly eight hours of droning on and on about drones and he said he would end it if his proposed resolution against the of drones were
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approved, but dick durbin abouted. even then, senator paul could drag things out into the weekend if he so chooses. today, he has had a snickers bar and liquids, but no bathroom break. the tsa's new policy, they're going to allow pocket knives on planes. one leader tells us it's as if we didn't learn anything from 9/11 and adds flight attendents are going to be quote sitting ducks. kip holly says the policy should go further and allow battle axes and machetes on planes. really? forget that anyone who wants to carry one on a plane is crazy and shouldn't be allowed on board. let's prioritize things we care about like shampoo, water, soda. perfume. all right. a lot's been made about what mitt romney will do next. cnn has confirmed he has a new job. the former candidate is returning to the private sector to work at his oldest son's
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investment firm. the source told us romney will serve as chairman of the executive economy. that's the firm tag romney started after his father's first shot at the presidency in 2008. romney is scheduled to speak next week at the cpac meeting of conservatives. look at this. this amazing video. this is from last night. it's amazing what happens at night. you get an even more powerful picture. mount etna in italy. i remember seeing it for the first time this summer. it looked so peaceful and quiet. brown university professor malcolm rutherford tells us lava is smpewing half a mile into th air. in between, there could be occasional ash storms that come off mount etna. it's been 580 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating.
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what are we going to get it back? nothing today. and then, breaking bread with president obama. at this hour, the president is wining and dining senate republicans at the jefferson hotel in washington. they arrived about an hour ago. e they said it is part of an effort to break the grid with republicans. lindsey graham says it's about time. >> the fact there is a lot of interest in a dinner between the president and a handful of republican senators is a pretty good statement about where we're at as a nation. not blaming anybody because it takes both parties to get $16 trillion in debt. ths going to take both parties to get out. >> some interesting polling causing some to say is this the president on his knees to the republicans? "outfront" tonight, former campaign spokesman for the president and terry holt, former press secretary for the bush cheney campaign. this comes five days after the republicans refused to cave on the spending cuts. they view it as a win. democrats say they will live to
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regret that. but is the white house now caving to republicans? saying look, we need you more than you need us? let's have a dinner. >> let's look at where the president is. he still hasn't submitted a budget because he know es he can't get it through the senate and the senate hasn't proposed a budget in years and so, the president is in a pretty tough spot and has invited these republicans to dinner because he's looking for a coalition of the willing, a group of senators who he might peel off one day to get what hemts politically and fundamental fundamentally, i think he's been put in this position because republicans have held past budgets and they have held firm. with polling nu ining numbers s he's slipping, he needs to find a few friends on the republican side of the aisle. >> is the white house caving? >> just tell terry to take a look at the republican congressional numbers. the president's tried out different strategies -- >> we're talking about the
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president. he's protecting his own individual popularity at the expense of his own party. when his popularity starts to slip, that's when you see e the shifts in politics from this president. >> well, here are the facts. in 2011 during the fiscal talks, the president went behind closed doors the work on a grand bargain. he couldn't deliver his members, so then the president took a different attack. he went to enlist the support of american people. he can't wave a magic wand and get republicans to pass the policies of the american people voted for on election day, so now, he's working on a different set of votes and this is what allowed us to avert the fiscal cliff. hopefully, he will find this common sense caucus within the republican party going around the leadership. >> they're all common sense. they're looking at a $16 trillion debt and they're desperate for the president to come to the table with a deal about fixing the problems rather than swrus playing politics with
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them. >> let me just ask you a question. b ben, a question. who do you blame for the budget cuts we're in. 38%, republicans. 33%, the president. 19%, both. more blame republicans, but let me show you what it was two weeks ago. it was nearly half of people. 49% of republicans. that's dropped to 38 and people who blame them both has surged. that's not good for a president. >> well, look. workers are being furloughed services are being cut. i think americans are seeing the impact of the sequester and they're not going to blame an individual or party. thai going to blame all of washington. but the president has a trump card, which is that the american people agree we should reduce the deficit in a balanced way with a mix of revenue and spending cuts and they're going to be calling their members of congress and pressing them for action and even if the republican leadership doesn't want to sit down, speaker boehner made clear he's not going to go behind doors and
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negotiate. the president will find those republicans who can work with democrats and get this done on behalf of the nation. >> one of the big problems the president has at this point with boehner and mcconnell and others that he's trying to negotiate with is that he's shattered the trust by moving the goal post. by playing politics with these issues. the president doesn't do policy. the president does politics. the reason why he's forced to the deal right now is because he's in a tight spot and can't get anything passed. >> when the agreement was adwreeed to, the speaker couldn't deliver his members. >> that was then, this is now. >> let me just hope this is nothing a few drinks can't solve. let's hope they can open some affordable wine, not upset the taxpayers. >> it's got to be a nice dinner. when the president calls, you go and with an open mind, but i say
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caution. >> i agree. you've got to open with a big cocktail. >> all right. thanks to both. and now to the big dig. right now, major winter storm is bearing down on the east coast, which is wi you've got to give some of those guys in washington credit. at least they're going to a dinner. the storm is targeting the mid-atlantic an northeast. virginia has been hit the hardest. some areas could get up to 20 inches. snow covered roads and highways are littered with cars and trucks. these are pretty amazing pictures to see places like virginia in march. the heavy snow is also blame d for massive power outages. in the northeast, as you can see, the storm's about to bear down on those reeling from sandy. the high tide could be significant and because of the storm, the federal government announced it isn't going to be open for business today. that's right. that's what i said ch going to dinner with the president, at least you're doing something. as tom foreman reports, that day
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of break for washington could add up to millions of dollars in lost productivity for taxpayers. >> first came snow pock lips, then snowmadeggon and now, just a few years later, perhaps the worst storm d.c. has seen in march. >> it is a major snowstorm hitting our area. >> could get up to a foot of snow. >> only it didn't turn out that way. storm that was supposed to cripple washington -- >> stay off the streets. >> instead, just made it limp a little with a lot of cold, with wet rain. >> i saw the snow and i was thinking it was a lot worse than it really was. >> dozens of flights canceled. federal offices threw up the sh shutters. education department to the irs to the fbi. congress met, but postponed a hearing on homeland security. the white house even called off the daily press briefing. hard to tell if reporters
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enjoyeded the break or not. it's hard to say how much this cost. well over 2 million federal employees nationwide with the biggest concentration in d.c., so millions of dollars were likely paid for people to stay away from the office. and again, during a big blizzard in 2010, about a third of federal employees worked from home. there are positive sides to this. for example, the commute is much easier with no one out here on the roads. and just dwrond city limits, the storm did rage. but for one day in this seat of world power -- >> the most powerful person here is the weather man. >> and the big storm was more bark than bite. >> i love the lassie. a lot of the federal workers live in the suburbs. does that mean day two, another day off tomorrow? >> well, they thought, we were
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all just completely pounded. it's kind of a fluke, but d.c. itself, there's just nothing here. if it wasn't for these forecasts, you'd think it was just a rainy day. but a lot of people did get hit harder, but we didn't see massive road closures or power outages. that didn't happen here. so in all likelihood tomorrow morning, business as usual. the government can get back to its regular dysfunction, not this special dysfunction we've seen today. >> the disappointment of seeing you in the lovely cnn jacket, no horrible weather, it's just not right. >> i have my skills. >> all your fact checking, which all of our viewers know you for, has paid off. congrats for fact checking political messages. really well deserved. >> thank you so much. i enjoyed doing it with you doup at the convention, too. >> yes, we did.
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still to come, roger ailes calls president obama lazy and some they that was racist, plus, the director of the world's most famous ballet attacked with acid. police have the suspect in custody tonight. you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. bob will retire when he's 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. but he's not. ♪ he's an architect with two kids and a mortgage. luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and with some planning and effort,
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anwe're back with our outer circle, tonight, we go to moscow where a dancer from the bolshoi ballet has confessed to plotting an acid attack that injured the company's director. i asked our phil black in moscow if authorities have figured out why they did it. >> there's only been a small clue from russian police. they say the dancer and the artistic director of the bolshoi had what they described as a hostile working relationship. not a huge surprise given the bolshoi's long standing reputation for powerful rivalries and animosities and the fact sergei filin has always maintained he believed it was a colleague, a dancer, who was responsible for trying to use violence to drive him from his position. while the police are not giving away details swrus yet, the russian public are engaging in a lot of speculation and the most
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popular theorys center on the dancer's frustration or lack of progress in his girlfriend's career. it is possible we'll learn more when pavel dmeet chitrichenko a in a court on thursday. >> thanks. now, a look at what's coming up on anderson 360. >> such a bizarre story. a lion turning on an employee in california. we talk to jack hannah about what drove the 4-year-old lion to kill. also, unique preview into what jurors may be thinking in the jodi arias murder trial. arias took questions directly from the jurors today. only happens in three states. they asked for more than three different versions of what happened the night she shot and stabbed her boyfriend. i'll talk to nancy grace and jeffrey toobin and mark geragos about all of that. also, a lot about politics in
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d.c. a lot more at the top of the hour. >> that is pretty ridiculous. anything that goes on these days. see you in a few minutes, anderson. and our fifth story, president obama is lazy. these are the explosive comments made by roger ailes. "vanity fair" released an excerpt in which he says ref referring to a comment someone made about ann romney, obama's the one who never worked a day in his life. never earned a penny that wasn't public money. how many fund-raisers does he attend every week? how often does he play basketball and golf. he's lazy. obama said that the barbara walters. all right, he did. i'm going to get to that in a moment, but are those comments rationally charged or just frank talk? michael and van jones, a cnn criminal intenter. racial? >> very. very. first of all, i swrus want to say i worked with this president. i worked for him. i know his work ethic.
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i know not only the quantity of his work, but the quality. but you don't have to be in white house to see this guy work. look at his hair. this guy goes in the white house looking like tiger woods, comes out looking like morgan freeman. he is working himself to the bone. why is he being accused of being lazy? of all the things you can accuse him of, why lazy? one of the things that is said about african-american men. it goes back 200 years. we are now saying the president of the united states is a shiftless negro, it is racially charged and offensive and wrong. >> michael, i know you think people should have the right to say what they want without being a racist. why do you believe this comment's not racist? >> i believe the comment is stupid and wrong. i think van jones is right. the president is hard working. where the comment is correct and not racist is this is a president who doesn't do governments. who does politic. he has concentrated on that and
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has >> what he hasn't worked hard at is making the compromises is at dinner. george w. bush was called responsible for 9/11 and called a traitor and a deserter. he was compared to hitler. you have to have the right -- >> i didn't mean to interrupt. i'll tell you this, the one thing about george w. bush. he was gonna way for a total of four months. he was called a lot of things but not racest. he was gone for a total of two weeks. >> van, van, to correct you, hold on. the top grossing documentary movie of all-time was called
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"farenheit 451". it starts out with him accusie ing george bush of bei ining la. >> it was stupid of him to say it. >> that would be the president. when he said this. here it is. >> what's is the trait you most deplore in yourself and the trait you most deplore in others? >> laziness. >> you are lazy? >> it is interesting. there is a deep down und underneither all of the work i do. i think there is a laziness in me. >> he is the one who said it? >> if you think someone is lazy, it is not a racist think to say.
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this has become an article of faith. michael. you got to respond to this. this has become an article of faith. all he does is sit around and golf. he golfed 104 rounds in the first time. eisenhower dpogolfed four times much. he says he does 100 rounds a year. the point is people attack president bush as lazy. can you imagine if they attack barack obama for his complexion? is we have our first ever
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african-american president and i wish he were lazier. you say that he has not worked hard to reach out. he put that on the table nearly two years ago. i'm glad he is doing it here tonight. the republicans would be willing to reach back out to him. i worked for this president. he agrees he is not lazy. appreciate it. this is huge news a few days after a drone like ufo was spotted at jfk airport there has been another citing by russell crowe. he has posted this video on youtube. woah according to the actor, the
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time lapse footage shows a ufo flying over the garden. that brings us tonight's number 500. according to the organization in the world. there are 500 sightings in the world every month. let me remind you of something we reported last year. maybe even one of those light up light tisticks it leaves 5% tha were unexplained. the truth is out there. up next tina fey. ♪ [ female announcer ] from more efficient payments.
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