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tv   Around the World  CNN  March 7, 2013 9:00am-10:00am PST

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one. judge david joining us today. i'm going to start with you, judge david. we have a constitution that guarantees us due process and a speedy trial. how is it a guy ends up like that after two years, forgotten? >> obviously, his lawyer forgot about him, too, and the system forgot about him, also. it was such a calamity of errors in this case it was just unbelievable. you have to ask yourself, did the punishment fit the crime? is $15 million a proper award in this case? judge david would never have done that. >> there's something called good behavior when it comes to prosecuting and behaving. we all are presumed innocent, so doesn't this put a chill in authorities out there they better not lose files and people? >> that's the very point because when we talk about this, you want it to have a deterrent effect. it should not have happened in the first place and this will
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ensure it doesn't happen again. certainly, there's blame everywhere. in the judicial process, you're supposed to schedule the case. the prosecution should be on top and aware of the case and his defense attorney should have been asking where my client is. the money's necessary, so that we can ensure, it never occurs again. >> judge david young, a lot of people would say if they like to follow the law and all the bits and pieces of it, that the government has immunity. you can't sue a prosecutor because a prosecutor you know, maybe got it wrong in a courtroom. is there immunity in something like this? >> no, because they filed charges under the civil rights act. you're talking about $15 million from a small community. a small community whose people are going to suffer because there won't be social services. that's what has me. you could find two or three million dollars would concern the purpose. you could put the negligent
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people in jail, but to bankrupt the town of $15 million is pretty agree jous. >> those pictures, i just felt sick about it. i'm flat out of time though. nice to see you. i always love having you. we'll see both of you again soon. thanks for watching. -- captions by vitac -- welcome to "around the world." we begin in d.c. senator paul rand, rand paul rather, spent 13 hours, no bathroom breaks, no meals, filibustering on the senate floor. why? >> because of this was a filibuster. filibustersing on the senate floor to hold up the nomination of john brennan. paul says he's ainngry toefr administration's drone policy. >> the policy that allows the targeting of americans perhaps
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on american soil. the attorney general said they would be used only in extraordinary circumstances. dana bash spoke to the senator at length. >> i think on a human level, people want to know how you stood there for 12 hours plus, almost 13 hours. >> it's not easy. my feet were hurting. you can't leave the floor and you can't sit down. you can't use the restroom or do anything. >> one of the things that was so fascinating, how organic it was and how it sort of took on a life of its own. i'm not even sure if you realize that because you were there. on the internet, i was watching you for the first two or three hours, you were alone, then suddenly you had some more conservative compatriots and by midnight, you had a lot of people. more and more people were tweeting, get down there and help him. were you surprised? >> i didn't have to look at my phone, but when senator cruz
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came to the floor and started reading those tweets, i kind of got a feeling that maybe this was bigger -- all we knew is we believed in an issue, we wanted to talk about it and that it's important that the president realize he's restrained by the constituti constitution, also, so we got talking about something we were interested in and never know whether people are watching, but you want to issue to be be big because we want the president to respond and they may respond to my question. if we do, we're willing to let the brennan nomination go forward. >> what did they say? >> i don't have the name of who, but somebody on my staff and other republican staff are talking to the white house and i'm hoping there will be a response. i've never really doubted that maybe the president and i are on the same page, but some things need to be explicit and the one thing that needs to be explicit is that this drone killing or targeting program, that you can't target americans who aren't engaged in combat, we've never questioned if you have a
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grenade launcher on your back and you're attacking the capitol. you can be killed. i'm not against that. if they think maybe for my political beliefs that i might be an antigovernment person and i'm having dinner with something or maybe i e-mail a cousin of mine who lives in the middle east, that's not enough to be killed. that's enough to say let's make an accusation. you have a trial. that's the way our country works. i think the president believes in that, but he needs to be explicit and we've asked the attorney general and they haven't been. they've just talked about exceptions to the rule. we want to know what the rule is. are you going to kill americans in america who are not engaged in combat. >> they have argueded they have given you an answer, but when you say explicit, what's the answer you're looking for? >> the very specific question we're asking is does the president believe he has the authority to kill americans who are not engaged in combat in america with targeted drone strikes. and i think the answer is no, but they haven't give b us that
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answer. they've given us things like if planes are attacking the twin towers, we all believe that military or anyone can repulse an active attack by an individual or military or plane or anything whether it's an american or not. what we're talking about is the drone program overseas now often targets people who aren't engaged in combat. >> "the wall street journal," known as a very prominent, conservative editorial page, really took after you this morning, saying that you were, had great theatre, but you're just wrong on the issue because the u.s. government d cannot randomly target american citizens on u.s. soil. what it can do under the laws of war is target an enemy combatant anywhere at any time, including u.s. soil. >> "the wall street journal's" right op the lot of issue and wrong on this issue. the problem is if i call you an enemy combatant, how do we know if you are? should there be enough power by
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any politician to just say you're an enemy combatant and missile drops on your house. with every fiber of my body believe that is unjust and unconstitutional. >> dana bash who was talking to mr. paul there just happened to run into him there on capitol hill and managed to get that interview and secure that discussion. dana with us now. so, he's unapologetic, even though he's now receiving a lot of criticism from his colleagues, mainly senator mccain. >> that's right, senator mccain and maybe senator graham. they might be on the floor right now. ynt see the senate floor from where i'm standing, but they were not too long ago criticizing him for questioning the president's authority and just for this whole idea, they come from a different wing of the republican party and for lack of a better way to say it, more hawkish wing and rand paul is more of a civil libertarian
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and less of an interventionist, so they differ on this issue. but one thing i fought was interesting in terms of where does this go from here, he said this on camera, afterward, said they expect to get an answer from the white house in some way, shape or form, soon. they thought maybe this morning, but now, it's past the morning, so right now, what he has done is held up the john brennan confirmation until saturday. but if he gets an answer, it could happen sooner and i just have to say this is underscore, this is it sounds corny, even dorky, but this is exactly the way the senate is supposed to work. you are supposed to have a lot of power as a united states senator to make a point, to get answers and that is exactly the power that rand paul used and that is sort of why i think that old school, old fashioned rule that he used was, it was really aided by new technology because it was organically fueled by the
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internet and twitter all day and into the evening to the point where some of his colleagues who didn't want to come anywhere near this, he made a point of going near midnight to the senate floor to say rand paul was courageous. >> stand by. the senator john mccain blasting paul over that 13-hour filibust filibuster. he's angry, saying he went over the top. >> i don't think that what happened yesterday is helpful to the person people. we need a discussion as i said about how exactly we are going to address this new form of almost intermable warfare. but somehow to allege that the united states of america, our government would drop a missile on jane fonda, that is -- that brings the conversation from a
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serious discussion about u.s. policy to the real m of the ridiculous. zpl and dana, a couple of points. first of all, what sort of support does paul have among his colleagues and also, the filibuster, of course, is being criticized as a tactic for a long time when lots of important things need to be done in washington and then now. >> he has a lot more support now than before and that is because the way this blew up on the internet and the fact that conservatives were really driving this. said that the traffic they saw on their platforms was about as high as as it was on inauguration day. that did prompt some senior republicans, his fellow senator
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from kentucky, mitch mcconnell came on the floor last night to say they stand by him. they say he's opposing regardless, but that was a very interesting development and others as well, who had not really engaged in this issue were standing up saying they support him. when it comes to the time on the senate floor, you're absolutely right. he did, he has taken two days of time. the truth of the matter is that washington expected a big snowstorm. they kind of expected to have the brennan nomination on their plate this week and that would be it, so when it comes down to delays other thi deing other things, not so much. >> thanks so much. so clearly as dana underscored, he's winning a lot of support, but even senator mccain's comments really said the divide is widening. >> we want to stay in washington now and what is being called a charm event. >> president barack obama having lunch with with the leaders of the house budget committee today on the heels of his dinner with
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the 12 republican senators at a luxurious washington hotel last night and now, you have this. lots of talk with dan lothian. so dan, first of all, got a few things. the dinner last night, the lunch today and then what took place on the hill involving rand paul. he says he was hoping the president is listeni inlistenin. might there be a response, then we get to the meals? >> perhaps there might be. i mean, this is something that we expect that people will be asking in the briefing. it was pushed back. supposed to start at noon, now at 12:30, so perhaps this is something jay carney will be fielding here at the white house today, but you know, you're right. we're seeing here is just a lot of big issues and this big outreach happening here in washington. the president reaching out to republicans like we have not seen in the past. representative paul ryan just arrived here at the white house a short time ago waiting for representative chris van hollen
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to arrive for that lunch with the president expected to begin at 12:25 today. and this new strategy from the white house of this outreach to republicans really shifted into high gear after e saw those spending cuts kick in. there was no real deadline now that the white house is facing, so they see this as an opportunity to reach some kind of grand bargain and while the focus has been on a lot of the fiscal issues, while the president has been reaching out to these republican lawmakers and democrats as well, he's also talking about some other big issues like imare gracious reform, guns and energy. it's this entire packet. he needs the help of republicans, so he's reaching out to them in this way, something that critics say he should have been doing a long time ago. >> and then the president's poll numbers have been dropping across the board since the sequestration went into effect. if we're allowed to use that word. >> translation. >> say that, yeah.
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fewer than half of americans approve of the job he's doing. i got to make a difference or are these numbers even surprising given what's going on sm. >> they tried to down play these poll numbers, but they think this kind of face to face meeting with republicans can be effective or they would not be doing it. the president reaching out by phone, lunches, dinners. next week, heading up to capitol hill to meet with house and senate respectively. they feel it can be effective and hopefully getting some compromise on these big issues, certainly on the budgetary issues. they're encouraged by the optimism that came out of last night's dinner with the senators. you heard them talking about getting the know the president on a more personal level. they talked about this being sort of the beginning, building a foundation for future face to face meetings and an official
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saying he would like the dinner, there was an exchange of good ideas, so we expect there will be more of this as the president tries to move his agenda forward. he knows he needs republicans and will be sitting down with them face to face. >> thanks for that. >> much more we're working on. the trial of jodi arias, the murder trial, killing of her ex-boyfriend, that's starting again this hour. >> the jury is asking her questions, plus, there's no pope and really doesn't seem much of a rush to pick one. what's taking so long for this conclave to begin? >> and if you're looking for a new job, you want to hear about the ones in australia. we're talking six figures to taste food or be a party promoter. sign us up. acceler-rental. at a hertz expressrent kiosk, you can rent a car without a reservation... and without a line. now that's a fast car. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz.
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call 1-800-414-5999 or visit for a risk-free 30 day trial offer and free dvd and brochure. get the hearing aid that can. lyric from phonak. lyric can. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. in central california, police are investigating a deadly attack by a lion. >> 24-year-old diana henson was an intern and was inside the cage with a 350-pound lion when it turned on her.
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>> her family said she died doing what she loved. >> she was so happy when she got that internship. she was having so much fun down there. she was so happy down there. makes it bearable that she died so happy. >> they describe it as a professional and well run one. still questions over what happened and why. >> coming up tonight, hanson's father is going to be talking with erin burnett "outfront." now to the vatican. cardinals getting closer to setting a date to vote on a new pope. >> but really not in a huge hurry? cardinal mahoney of los angeles tweeted that it is soon and they are still waiting for one more cardinal however to arrive. >> this is jean baptiste. now, a date could be announced soon after he gets here. >> we'll have more on the papal election in a live report from rome straight ahead.
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and silvio berlusconi has been sentenced to a year in prison. the former prime minister of italy who is running for the job again right now. >> he's got a lot of legal problems and this time, a court convicting him of an illegal wiretapping charge. >> burr lerlusconi is appeal iix conviction and is waiting for a decision on having sex with an underage prostitute. >> a long, long list of things to deal with. let's go to a paris suburb where hundreds of workers and police have fought in the streets today. >> you can see some of it there. wo workers protesting the closure of a good year tire plant that employs 1200 people. good year blames labor disputes and plunging demand for cars in europe. >> the protests went on as management met in the back to talk about the shutdown. >> now to a murder trial here in
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the united states being followed by millions of people around the world. the attention this is getting is extraordinary. >> jodi arias is accused of first degree murder in the death of her boyfriend, travis alexander. she admits to shooting him in the head, stabbing him almost 30 times and slashing his throat in his arizona home. >> she says it was all self-defense. she's about to take the stand and face a second day of direct questioning from the jury. yesterday, she was hit with 150 questions, including one about the camera the couple used to take naked pictures of each other right before the killing. >> why did you put the camera in the washer? >> i don't have mem aory of tha. i don't know why i would do that. >> did you ever seek medical help for your mental condition? >> i'm not sure what mental condition. that refers to.
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>> did travis' closet doors have locks on them? >> i don't remember them having any locks. >> if no, how did you have time to get the gun down if he was right behind you? >> i don't know if he was right behind me or not. i just had this sense that he was chasing after me. >> were you mad at travis while you were stabbing him? >> i don't remember being angry that day. i remember being terrified. >> how is it that you remember so many of your sexual encounters, but you do not remember stabbing travis and dragging his body? >> i don't know how the mind works necessarily, but i know that that was the most traumatic experience of my life. >> so again, these were questions from the jurors being posed by the judge there. it is rather unusual, but there are three states that do this. arizona among them. >> now, "in session" contributor, joy jackson, joins us now.
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how is she handling these questions? how is she doing? >> not very well. the bottom line, fredricka mentioned this is only one of three states. i think after this, there will be multiple states who do it. i look for legislation to be passed. it's their questions that matter. their questions that are rell ra vant and ultimately, their questions there are going to be proeptive of whether she's determined to be guilty, but she's answering the questions. that's for sure. she's holding up, that's for sure, but i think your questions show a healthy skepticism on their part as to the believability of her story. and that's the bottom line because her fate is in their hands. >> you know, you mentioned these questions. they do sort of imply that the jurors are very skeptical, but at the same time, does that kind of undermine the process, innocent until proven guilty? instead, we're hearing questions that infer they've made up their minds about her. >> you know what, i think as part of the process, you want
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jurors to be focused and inquisitive because ultimately, they have to get it right. they have to be convinced that her story is compelling and what they're looking for is some proof. anyone can get on the witness stand and say anything at any time, but if there's no proof of what you're saying, they're right to be skeptical, so before they make their decision, they want her to answer these questions, right? why didn't you call 911? why is it if you shot him first, why was the bullet found on top of the casing on top of the blood? why was the closet not messed up if you got the gun? focused on analyzing her story and seeing if it's true. >> joey jackson there with the latest. good to e see you there in new york. >> back to the pope or lack there of. it's been seven days without one and doesn't seem to be any rush, really, to pick a new within. >> we're going to go live to rome and have a chat about why this is taking so long or is it?
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. just coming in to us, osama bin laden's son-in-law
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apparently has been captured. >> disprepsies as to where and where he may be right now. barbara starr is with us now. barbara, what kind of details do we have about this? >> two administration officials have confirmed to cnn that this man, the one-time son-in-law of osama bin laden, is in the custody of the u.s. government. department of justice fbi officials are holding him in custody, there is a sealed federal indictment against him. our own susan candiotti in new york is reporting he is in new york. he was brought there from the middle east. he is being held in new york by federal authorities and is likely to appear in court to make his first appearance tomorrow. sul man is someone the u.s. wanted to get. he is an important al-qaeda operative said to be involved in al-qaeda plots and plans for many years passed. where they got him, all officials are indicating is the
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middle east. to be fair, to be clear, if you look around the internet, you will see many reports, perhaps captured in turkey, jordan. he was maybe on his way to kuwait. all of these rumors are swirling around. the administration is not confirming any of those rumors other than to say that now have him in custody telling susan candiotti he's in new york, a sealed federal indictment likely to make his first appearance tomorrow. >> i don't know you're working, keep at it. more details when you get them. an unusual case for a terrorism suspect like that to be captured, then brought back to the u.s. >> then to appear potentially in court first time tomorrow. that's pretty rapid. all right. cardinal mahoney of los angeles says a date for the conclave to choose the next pope will be announced soon. >> and because it's in modern time, he tweeted that today. he also said there's a mood of excitement at the vatican. well, they may be excited, but
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there are some stragglers. several cardinals just arriving. one, jean-baptiste expected to arrive today. >> john, some folks would think during the selection of a pope, everybody would get there, instead, they're getting there on their own time. what is the waiting period in which to assemble and then get the business going? >> well, actually, cardinals technically speaking aren't obliged to be here until the actual conclave begins. that's the actual process of electing the pope. as soon as they are invited to come to rome by the dean of the college, who this time is an italian by the name of sedano. the idea is they're supposed to get here as quickly as possible so they can take part in these pre conclave meetings, but they
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have their open sense of what getting here quickly means. i am told that the vietnamese cardinal has landed and so, as of this evening, we think that all 115 cardinal electors are on the ground. >> apart from the sense of urgency, most americans would think elect a pope, get there now, but that's a different world. one interesting angle, they've been tweeting from the cardinals, they've got their own facebook pages. they've been told to stop briefing the news media. what's behind that? >> what was happening is that for the first two days of this week, the american cardinals were holding their own press briefings at the north american college and they were being held right after the official vatican briefing. quite honestly, many people found the american session much more informative than the official one. there was some concern,
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expressed by some cardinals, that information that wasn't supposed to get out was showing up in the italian newspapers. to be honest with you, the americans were also making cardinals from other parts of the world look bad because journalists were asking if the americans are are doing it, why aren't you doing it? i think there was a kind of gentlemen's club agreement to pull the plug. >> people are trying to draw a lot of comparisons about this selection of a pope to when we had the death of pope john paul. very different circumstances. it seemeded as though raname ca quickly, but in this case, it's taking more time. can you explain what taking place, that there is no real short list of potential candida candidates because this all came very unexpected. this rez thags. >> i think you really put your finger on it there. officially, the vatican will say they're not rushing to set a date because they want to be careful, but on background, what
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cardinals will tell you is that part of the picture is that this is not 2005. in 2005, there was a clear front-runner in cardinal joseph ratzinger, the man who had been john paul's right hand. this time, what you have is a much more wide open field and in fact, in one of the last press briefings we got, cardinal frances george of chicago said that right now, the list seems to be coming longer rather than shorter of potential popes. i think their corn concern is they don't want to have a protractive conclave once they go into the sistine chapel, so they want to give themselves as much time as they can to do the political heavy lifting so they don't end up stalled once they're behind those closed doors. >> thanks so much. vatican analyst joining us from roechl. a family coming to grips with a tragic loss. we're going to have an exclusive
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interview with reeva steenkamp's uncle and cousin. >> they forgive the blade runner. medicated pain relief you store in the freezer. brrr...see ya boys. [ male announcer ] bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. [ male announcer ] bengay zero degrees. we replaced people with a machine.r, what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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welcome back. >> the head of the syrian opposition coalition telling cnn exclusively that 21 u.n. peace keepers are are safe. >> earlier in the week, activists postede eed videos th showed armed syrian men in the background. >> it was believed the rebels were holdinging them in a village. part of the force that is maintaining the cease fire between israel and syria. separate from the civil war. >> the opposition is saying that the rebels removed the peace keepers from an unsafe area and want the red cross pick them up. >> to kenya now. there is a call there to stop the vote tallies in the presidential election. political coalition led by prime minister odinga says the process is doctor.
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>> results show odinga trailing his main opponent, kenyetta. kenyetta's party made its own complaint about the party on wednesday. >> criminal court has postponed the court of kenyetta on charges of crimes against humanity. >> it is, indeed and it's been very complex for a while there in kenya as it pertains to the presidential elections. at least one friend of oscar pistorius says the track star was quick to get angry, always ready to fight and always had a gun. >> a lot of information starting to come out. pistorius of course, one of south africa's biggest sporting heroes, running in the olympics on those prosthetic legs chblt he's charged with murdering his girlfriend on valentine's day. a man who ran in the same social circles tells cnn he was a loose
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cannon. >> he'd fight with people. cause a lot of problems. it's like you're waiting for something like this to happen, you know. >> oscar pistorius of course denies killing his girlfriend on purpose. he says he mistook her for an intruder. >> you're about to hear more firsthand impressions from people close to reeva steenkamp. incredibly, some members of her family are will be to forgive oscar pistorius. >> drew griffin is in cape town, south africa. >> the interview took place inside the home reeva often stayed. in the back room of her cousin's, kim martins. it is where e we interviewed here and reeva's uncle. >> has the family now realized emotionally what has happened? >> you sort of wake up in the morning expecting reeva to get a phone call. >> it's easier to deal with it if you don't concentrate on anything else other than the fact she's not here and not
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coming back. >> what the family says it does not concentrate on is just why, reeva steenkamp is not coming back. she died in the home and at the hands of her boyfriend, oscar pistorius. he is charged with murder awaiting trial on what is called an accidental shooting. kim martin says she was as close to reeva as a sister. there were no secrets. she knew the couple were dating, she also knew reeva was not in love. >> and i knew that in time -- >> but she didn't do. >> no, she never did. >> january 2nd, on small day in cape town, kim and her daughters finally did meet her at this seaside cafe. it was the only time she ever met oscar pistorius. he barely made an impact. >> wasn't long enough to form an opinion on his personality, you know. typical reeva, her and i were chatting and the kids and what i saw of him, he did seem like a
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nice guy. >> you still think that? >> i don't really want to comment on that. >> in what now seems ab op niehaus event, we know reeva's own mother had met oscar, too, at least by phone. oscar and reeva were driving on a highway and oscar was supposedly speeding. >> she phoned her mom and said to her mom, oscar's speeding. you take the phone. let me speak to oscar and hey, listen, that's my precious and my only daughter. my precious daughter. and that's everything. that's my angel and you better slow down. i will get ma frkf erk -- aftere said, mom, he slowed down. >> the family is trying to come to grips with a lot of friends from the past. former friends of pistorius
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speaking out about anger, rage and guns. early signs that police may have mishandled the crime scene and the fact that pistorius is now free from jail awaiting trial. >> the less i hear about it, all the other stuff, the better. >> none of us are going to be represented at the court in the trial. none of us in family are going to go up. we won't be present. i can tell you that now. and for that reason, it's not about the court case. it's about reeva. >> it would be too painful. but chokinging back tears, mike steenkamp does one day want to meet the man who killed his niece. >> i would like to be face to face with him and forgive him. forgive him what he's done. and that way i can find what's probably more peace with the
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situation, but tell him face to face. >> and you would forgive him, mike, whether this was tragic accident or whether this was -- >> whatever, whatever the outcome. i feel that my belief. if christ could forgive when he died on the cross, why can't i? >> you must have seen the reports about things in his past that have come out. is there any reaction to any of that? >> the least i know from the outside, the better. for myself. that right or wrong, i'm still focused on the one thing is forgiveness and i'm not going change from that. >> as for what happens to oscar pistorius, it doesn't matter, says steenkamp. nothing will bring reeva back. >> what a story. >> it really is is.
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and it's tough just to see the family and you know how families are torn about that case. and the details that continue to just kind of trickle out! horrible stuff. guess what. the dow up again. >> isn't it remarkable? >> up again today. >> lots of signs of encouragement on the market. we'll take a closer look after this. [ engine sputtering ]
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welcome back to "around the world." here are the top stories we're following. ♪ north korea cranked up the tough talk even more today as pyongyang promises to shoot first if it looks like the united states is about to start a nuclear war. >> north korea also threatening to week to toss out the korean war cease fire agreement. in frankfurt, germany, the
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european central bank deciding not to cast interest rating to a new record low despite poor economic outlook and record unemployment. >> some exists thought the bank would cut rates to stimulate growth. some market confidence has returned to europe in part because of painful economic restructuring be by governments in athens, rome, madrid. >> let's have a look at stocks advancing again today. setting up yet another record high for the dow. >> take a look at the numbers there. up 41 points. 14,337. the rally has been driven by a series of strong economic reports. inveors are gearing up for tomorrow's monthly jobs report. >> yeah, economists are expecting a gain of 170,000 jobs in february. step away from that hot dog and bacon. a new study says it might be killing you. >> the dangers of processed meets straight ahead. i have low testosterone. there, i said it.
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with travis, how is it possible you remember such details from those days if you had a foggy memory? >> the fog or the confusion only begins when he starts screaming or if there's a fear this maybe there's going to be tension or some kind of escalation or violence. and then certain incidents such as the physical pain is crystallized in my mind. so that sticks and then also there are journal entries that i've made that remind me of that date and details of that date, so it helps me remember, oh, yeah, that day i did this before i we want to travis' house or this day or this day of the week. i did review my journals constantly over the years and that's given me perspective as far as things like that, the confusion comes in when he begins to get angry. >> is there anyone else who knows about your memory issues?
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>> well, again, i think i have a really excellent memory, just the -- >> answer the question as stated. >> it's hard because i don't think i have memory issues. >> all right, then that's your answer. >> did travis' roommates every hear these altercations to your knowledge? >> i'm not sure about that. >> to your knowledge, did anyone else hear your altercations? >> yes. they have. that would be dan heard the last tail end of the altercation. he came into the bedroom as travis was throwinging me out of the bedroom. so there was that and then also in the car. we had pulled over. and it was actually so i could use the bathroom in the forest
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rather than take pictures. that led to an argument when i came back to the car, so he saw that i just went and sat by the road and waited for him to open the door and he lost patience and he came out of the car and i came back in, but it led to an argument over that, so dan was witness to that. i don't know if they saw any other arguments and i don't think anyone else to my knowledge would have seen any. >> you have testified about several incidents where travis was physical to you. were you ever physical to travis besides when you killed him? >> i think when he was choking me, my hands were free, he was over my torso, so i may have tried to push him off or i didn't want to injury him.
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>> would you consider the event when travis choked you a stressful event? >> certainly. yes. >> if yes, why do you recall the events so clearly? >> i recall up to the point where he was choking me and passing out. i had disorientation after i woke up. i had to get my bearings. i wasn't sure where i was, then i recognized travis' bedroom. i was lying on my side coughing and so i saw the carpet. >> how she's able to remember it today. >> she's explaining it, your honor. >> i was actually a thought wandered through my mind,
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where's napolean. it was just a thought, i was kind of getting my bearings. it's not completely clear. i just remember he had his hands around my neck, he was banging me head on the carpet, i blacked out shortly after that. >> in the moments of stress or fog, how do you recall what happened in those moments if it affects your memory? >> i don't recall clearly what happens in those moments as far as details, every detail. i just sometimes i have a general sense of what's going on. and sometimes i don't. but as far as the fog goes, it's more again just words that are being spoken or screamed or yelled and processing that sort of thing, physical things i can remember because i feel them physically. i can remember what i feel internally and emotionally as well, but it's more the words that are being spoken and their meanings, but i do remember what i feel, if that makes sense. >> why were you afraid of the
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consequences if you killed travis in self-defense? >> i was, i believed that it's not okay in any circumstance to take someone's life, even if you're defending your own life. that's how i believed it, so i had never really stopped to consider how society would view it if someone was defendinging themselves. i just felt like i had done something wrong and i was afraid of what the consequences would be. >> what happened to the gas cans after the road trip in june of 2008? >> they went back to my grandmother's house. where i went back to eventually and i was taking a erode trip to monterey and had intended to bring them to darrell, but i never made it to that road trip. >> regarding shaking memory foggy reaction, number one, if
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you -- do you always have a reaction as you described when someone corrects or challenges you? >> i do now. i've gotten a little bit better and a little bit stronger. it's a condition that started again in november 2007 and continued. it continues to this day, but i've gotten a little better about it. >> number two. >> jodi arias there on the stand and answering questions being posed by the jurors, but delivered by way of the judge. >> an unusual thing to see. that will do it for me. thanks for watching. you're not done yet. >> much more of this and other news on capitol hill, white house and beyond. see you again tomorrow, michael. appreciate it. we'll be right back after this. for your first day?
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