tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 8, 2013 8:00am-9:00am PST
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all set? all set. with spacious seating for up to eight. imagine that. chevrolet. find new roads. this is a bizarre car recall to tell you about. they're being called zombie cars. alison kosik, explain this. >> so, yeah, this involves almost 50,000 vehicles. and what's happening is these cars run the risk of these ghost-like potential just to sort of start themselves without any human getting involved. but this recall applies to about 47,000 2010 and 2013 legacy outbaou outback and impreza models.
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if you drop your key fo b, it cn tell the engine to start. it will start and stop until it runs out of gas and there could be a risk of a carbon monoxide build up if the car is in the garage. so if you have one of these car, the suggestion is that you replace the key fob, go to your dealer, you can get it free of charge. >> all right. thank you very much. appreciate it. thank you stop you so much joining us. the newsroom continues with ashleigh banfield. you've been doing a lot of jodi arias stuff. you're the court tv lady. >> do you know what, every so often, like every decade is teams, a case comes along that high school has details that just floor you. but at the same time, have questions about injujurispruden that are very legitimate, and a lot of them all surrounded by
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crazy talks. >> why do these trials capture the american attention? >> i hate to say they're pretty girls, but they're pretty girls. that's number one. but when you have somebody who is an artful liar and more skilled than just about anyone you've ever met, either's fast thating especially when they face 12 people and say they saved their lives with their lies. >> all right. thanks. he was close to osama bin laden. real close. and right now he's close to us. he's in a new york courtroom, but many people wonder why this former al qaeda mouthpiece isn't in guantanamo bay instead. the president who signed the defense of marriage act into law now says it's time to put doma asunder. and jurors in the ex-rated murder trial of jodi arias let the defendant know exactly what they think of her. and this is long before they reach a verdict on her life or death. we begin this hour with the first step on a very long road to justice for a man, american
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federal civilian justice, for a son-in-law of osama bin laden, whom the united states is accusing of con spir conspiracy to kill us. he had been out of sight for years only to surface last week in the middle east and then wind up in the hands of the cia. and at that point, was really easy, key have had a one way ticket to guantanamo bay. and some people on capitol hill think that is exactly where that man belongs. but instead, he just appeared like any other accused criminal in a federal court in manhattan facing a one count indictment that could send him to prison for the rest of his life. what do you think he pled? probably not surprise, not guilty. and he's due back in court on april 8. susan candiotti was at that hearing. lucky for her to listen in live. we'll join susan in just a moment with the details on what that hearing was like.
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because it's all come at us so fast. but first her fascinating report on his past, his present and potential future. >> reporter: this photo put him squarely in al qaeda's inner circle. he's sitting to the left of his father-in-law osama bin laden along with top lieutenants. following the 911 attacks, he was out front as a spokesman for the terror organization, appearing in videos and making ominous statements. quote, we have the the right to kill four million americans with chemical and biological weapons. he's believed to have been in osama bin laden's final stand in 2001 before escaping into pakistan. he had lived in iran since 2002, mostly under house arrest. and is said to have arrived at the turkish capitalst early last
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month. he checked in to a luxury hotel and was detained. iran refused to take him back. after several week, turkey decided to deport him to the country of his birth, kuwait, but kuwait didn't want him back either. eventually he was transferred to u.s. custody and secretly flown to new york to face trial. some republicans argue that makes him an enemy combatant who should be tried by a military commission the at guantanamo. >> we're putting the administration on notice. we think sneaking this guy into the country, clearly going around the intent of congress when it comes to enemy combat t combatants will be challenged. >> reporter: but the obama administration says it's trying to close gitmo, not add to its prisoners. and that trying him in new york won't jeopardize national security. >> it's the sort of case that would be relatively easy to try in new york. it has 100% conviction rate for people accused of al qaeda
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crimes. >> reporter: his indictment unsealed, he now stands accused of one count of conspiring to kill americans and allegedly recruiting others to do the same. in court documents, prosecutors quote him saying this after 9/11. the storms will not stop especially the airplane storms, warning americans not to board any aircraft and not to live in high rises. >> susan joins me live from outside the courthouse. what else happened in this first appearance? this must have been absolutely fascinating for you to see. but did we learn anything? >> reporter: yes, we did actually learn a couple of interesting things. first of all, we have confirmation from prosecutors during this 15 minute long proceeding in which a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf that he was arrested overseas on february 28. they didn't specifically say in
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what country, we know he had been in turkey and eventually was flown to the united states from jordan. and that he arrived in the united states on march 1st. now, here's what else we learned. we learned from prosecutors that he made a 22 page long statement after his arrest. there were no details provided about the contents of that statement, but that's one of the things of course they said they will be turning over to defense attorneys, lawyers who would be appointed on his behalf. >> that's fascinating. that says it could be a confession and if it was taken anywhere where there was perhaps interrogation, that might be something we can't see in acand. i want to talk about that, civilian versus military justice. world of difference especially when you're talking about the commission this is guantanamo know bay.
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he'll fit into the sif the civi system. jeffrey toobin and peter bergen and james spider marks join me. what susan just said, there is a 22 page long statement. if this a confession, inadmissible? >> we don't know that. certainly confessions are admissible in american courtrooms all the time, but there are certain rules that have to be followed. did he receive his miranda warnings. one of the major differences between a criminal court and military tribunal relates potentially at least to miranda warnings. in a criminal court, the statement is only admissible if he had received his miranda warnings. there are ways in military tribunals to admit those statements even if they were not given. >> and even if you're interrogated and you get that information via the water board,
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you can use it in guantanamo, you can't use it here. >> i don't think that's true. you cannot use information obtained by torture in guantanamo. >> but that's enhanced interrogation and that's fair game. >> i think the government has said they will not attempt even against major figures like khalid shaikh mohammed to use information that was obtained through water ready boarding. >> so before we get so excited about who this guy is and how he might see justice,eady boarding. >> so before we get so excited about who this guy is and how he might see justice,ady boarding. >> so before we get so excited about who this guy is and how he might see justice,dy boarding. >> so before we get so excited about who this guy is and how he might see justice,y boarding. >> so before we get so excited about who this guy is and how he might see justice, boarding. >> so before we get so excited about who this guy is and how he might see justice,boarding. >> so before we get so excited about who this guy is and how he might see justice, peter you've said he's a small fish. yes, a relation of osama bin laden and pictured with the big father. why is he a shawl fish? good me a poor hairtal choice which was marrying one of bin laden's daughters. that doesn't necessarily make him a key player. and the indictment is a conspiracy charge basically about statements he's made and
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efforts he made to recruit other people into al qaeda. there is nothing in there about any particular plot. and to me that was going to be what was likely to be in there. there is no record of this guy knowing about the 9/11 attacks. he was informed about them after they happened. he's really been a sort of bit player. not to say that isn't important that he goes on trial, but -- >> pete, you've written about the evidence that actually might substantiate that he was a bit player, a private al qaeda video that we obtained, this was something that we obtained luckily, this was not handed over to us, in a bid to somehow assuage his involvement in any of this, it was something where bin laden actually made gestures that showed this guy was a nothing. >> this was a tape that the u.s. government found in kandahar and afghanistan a couple months after 9/11 and then basically released it. and bin laden's kicking back
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with some sort of supporters chuckling about 9/11 and at one point he says this was so secret, and he points and says we didn't include him in. so sure sly a defense lawyer wi be using that in the future case. >> we have this thing called discovery in civilian justice here in the united states. and you have to as a prosecutor tip your hand so that the defense can prepare and the client can get a best defense. and some of that discovery might end up being really important information that's classified. what does that do to the people who are trying to use the classified information to continue this war on terror or whatever iteration it's in? >> clearly the key thing that needs to be done now that we have him under control is that there needs to be a really deep and what i would call a dive into what he know, when he knew it, how he got the information. clearly as peter has indicated he may have been designated a
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bit plier and we might come to that conclusion. but it's important for us to really spend time with him. we've been at war for ten years. the fact that he didn't know about 9/11 is incidental at this point. what has he gathered over the course of the last decade and frankly, this isn't a more rye son that we'll reach anytime soon. so i think it's important that if we have a conviction on this guy that's great. what did he know, when did he know it and we can validate it against other intelligence that we have. >> all important questions. what did he know and when did he know. i have to cut it off there. this conversation will get even better. thank you to all three of you. before the break great reserks we wouldn't have gotten too worked up about a jobs report that quoted 236,000 new jobs. but that figure blew past the
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experts' expectations for job growth last month in february and there is no one better than christine romans to explain the who's it and the why's it. >> you're right, there was day when you would never cheer 7.7 unemployment rate and here we are the lowest since december 2008. you know how i love my charts. would he have taken the whole employment report all of its tables, all of its chart, and boiled it into this info graphic. and this is what i can show you about where the jobs have been created. private sector, 36 months in a row, the private secretary, to private companies have been creating jobs. look at this big red down 10,000. those are government jobs. we're losing government jobs. and economists telling us they think some of those were probably school related jobs because of state budget cuts. you're still seeing people working at schools who are losing their jobs. not necessarily all teachers. some are contract workers and the like. but still that's been a troubling part of the market. i want to show you where we've seen jobs growth that's been good. i've been telling but the housing market. take a look here at
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construction. 48,000 construction jobs. that's a good sign. those jobs tend to pay a little bit more. they show the housing market is working. and they're showing you people are getting job, building houses. manufacturing is probably housing related because we're building gear, building equipment, to help with the construction boom or the construction recovery i should say. retail jobs, leisure hospitality, and look up there at health care jobs, hospitals, offices, definitely have been hiring a lot of jobs. hospital, office, and construction sites is where we've been seeing the jobs grown. >> i could have sworn i just saw 7.7 unemployment rate, which is a huge difference. if that is right, is that fuel for this rally, this amazing rally we've been watching? >> i'm surprised actually the stock market isn't take itting in much bigger stride. i think earlier this week we were seeing highs in the stock market in part because people thought the jobs market was show something recovery. also 14.3% is something they call the real unemployment rate.
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the underemployment rate. some people like to quote that number better than the 7.7% because frankly, you're seeing people drop out of labor market or some people working part-time, but they would love to work full-time, but they're just not getting that job that they had before the recession. so that's one of the reasons this number still too high. and don't you feel like a lot of people are talking about highs in the stock market for investors, but 7.7% unemployment, why aren't those numbers moving together? that's still been con founding if you're a worker looking for a job. >> the mystery we've been talking about. all right. well, i knew you were the person to talk to. thank you. sgl sgl checking other top stoeries. an undercover inspector happened to slip between two airport checks. and he had a fake bomb stuffed in his pantses. morning post is reporting this whole thing went down last month.
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a source tells the post the incident demonstrates how newark airport is ground zero of tsa failures. there is no word by the way of any response from the tsa so far. residents in the northeast still battling the latest last of winter weather from new york to new england, snow, however, is expected to start turning to rain as the temperatures go up. and finally rain should clear out by tomorrow, but the wind is still a problem. gusts are up to 40 miles an hour. and they're likely to continue. there is word from the vatican that the cardinals will vote today, not on a pope, on a date, a date it for the secret election of the pope. they call it the conclave. that conclave involves 115 cardinals. it's not expected to begin before monday, but only those cardinals who are younger than 80 are eligible to vote. coming up next, a pretty st change of position for one of our former presidents.
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bill clinton is trying to undo something he did while in the white house. he's asking the supreme court to overturn the defense of marriage act which by the way he sign fld to law. doma defines marriage as a legal union between a man and woman, but it also does something controversial now a days. it keeps same-sex couples from getting the same benefits that traditional couples get even in states where they've determined same-sex marriage is legal. feds don't recognize that when it comes to a lot of the rights. in an op-ed in the "washington post," president clinton said the justices of the supreme court must decide whether it is consistent with the principles of a nation that honors freedom, equality and justice above all else and is therefore constitutional. as the president who signed the act into law, i have come to believe that doma is contrary to those principles and, in fact, incompatible with our constitution. let's bring in jeffrey toobin who is the author of the oath
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and senior cnn legal analyst and also evan wilson, founder and president of freedom to marry. so my first question is this, and i want to be clear to our viewers because it can be very confusing. what president clinton is write building is not the freedom to get married to a same sex spouse. this is about recognizing the same sex laws that are in place. what is the significant of writing an op-ed like this? because this is not an amicus brief to the supreme court, is it. >> right. i think it's more political significant than legal. but i do think it's politically significant. i can't think of any law where a president said i signed it and i now think it's unconstitutional. that's a big change. and it's indicative as to how much attitudes have changed towards same-sex marriage. legally, the supreme court is going to decide this case based on the briefs, based on the
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arguments. but the justices are real people in the real world and they see how much public opinion has changed as reflected in part by this op-ed. so i think this is a straw in the wind indicating how much attitudes have changed. >> i want to -- we dug back to 1996 when doma was signed just because i had a feeling you were going to refer to that, i want to be clear that when gallup asked its question, they did not use the word same sex, they didn't even use the word gay. they requested people using the word homosexual. so that could change. people have different views about different word. so when people were asked whether it should be considered valid, only 27% said yes. so that's 1996. and this february when cbs news asked the question should it be legal for same-sex couples to get married, and the number is 54.
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so 27% to 54%. evan wilson, the culture has changed, but the culture has been changing a lot. is this too late? >> not at all. i think president clinton's journey to understanding why marriage matters to gay people and how wrong exclus is very much mirrors the journey that the majority of americans have taken as you've just shown. we've literally doubled the number of americans who supts the freedom to marry and who understand that creating a gay exception to the normal way in which the government treats married couples has no place under our on constitution. and of course president clinton is joined by not just democrats, but republicans, not just labor leaders are but business leaders, all which have have filed brief after brief after brief in front of the supreme court saying this needs to be struck down.
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>> here are just some of the names clint eastwood, tom ridge, you can see the level in the party there on your screen. president clinton back in '96 when he signed doma, he said these words, i have long opposed governmental recognition of same gender marriages and this legislation is consistent with that position. so this is the biggest about face for a president i've ever seen. does this matter to justices who are supposed to look at statute and decide on statute alone? >> well, as a technical legal matter, public opinion doesn't matter, what people who are not part of litigation doesn't matter. but in the real world where the
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justices to be sure live, all of this stuff matters. now, is it enough to get five votes? i think there are clearly four votes, the four democratic appointees on the supreme court, to overturn doma, but will anthony kennedy join them, i don't know, but i'm sure public opinion while technically irrelevant will play a part. >> who is the fifth vote? >> most likely to be anthony kennedy since he has been a supporter of gay rights in previous cases. >> we said that about obamacare, too. >> and i was wrong. >> i wasn't going to bring that up. >> i was so wrong. >> jeffrey toobin, you are so right so often. thank you. and evan wilson, nice to see you again. >> good to be with you. i have some breaking news that i want to jump away to and that is secretary of defense, he's brand new, chuck hagel, and he got busy fast. this is will him in afghanistan
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already. this is his first visit obviously as secretary of defense and he firmly stated this, we're still at war in afghanistan, but that it was never the intention of the united states to stay indefinitely and there comes a time for transition. so there you go, breaking news. they keep it very secret when a top level american administration leader makes a trip to a war zone and that's why we didn't know at least publicly until right now that he's there. it's fish he's there. so a show of love for their leader has north korea president launching his brand new you goly threats at the united states. and just look at the exuberance that all of these officials have for one guy on a boat. the pictures get even better. um. listen, gary. i bought the last one. nice try. says right here you can get one for $199 a month. you can't believe the lame-stream media, gary. they're all gone. maybe i'll get one. [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. you can't have the same car as me, gary! i'm gettin' one. nope! [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here
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want to take to you north korea. nothing short of amazing video of a real emotional response to that country's leader kim jong-un. this played out as mr. kim was visiting his troops near the border with south korea. the troops raising their arms in jubilation, but the really good stuff, all the great pictures, actually came as president kim was leaving.
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now watch. oh, my lord. looks like the reverse normandy. troop, people in civilian clothes, swarming down the beach. some rushing the boat. look at this. this is insane. the boat was pulling away and his followers couldn't get enough of him. and the backdrop is this. a very defiant response to extremely tough united nations sanctions. the north says it is scrapping all nonaggression agreements with south korea. so the armistice, no more. this comes a day after north koreaen preemptive nuclear strike. for its part, the white house is doubting the north korean ability to actually launch a nuclear strike, but in the end it says the united states is prepared just in case. >> the united states is fully capable of defending against any
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north korean ballistic missile attack. >> so i've always wondered just how prepared and how is our gear. joining us again is spider marks. so when jay carney says we have what it takes, i'm guessing he mean as defensive weapon system. how is that system these days? >> well, it's in great shape. we've been looking at this problem that north korea poses in terms of its ballistic missile challenge primarily for decades. and it's a combination of capabilities that really starts with an incredibly aggressive system to pick up anomalies in terms of when they'll launch their missiles. and bear in mind they've only successfully put one missile into -- one essentially into orbit, just a pod. but they to hado have a missile system but it only reacheses in to asia.
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but it starts with the warning system that allows us to see that, and it also brings in some fixed locations that are in south korea, as well. so there is a great robust very redundant anti-missile system that exists, but clearly what we've seen with the north is the irrational behavior. >> and just strangeness. spider, just strangeness all around. speaking of strangeness, i'm sure it wasn't lost on you that dennis rodman had something to say on abc news about how president kim doesn't want to do war. he doesn't want to do war, just wants president obama to call him. who is in charge? do you think the generals are in charge and they're running the show and throwing off threat after threat? three threat this is week by the way. just this week. a day after we got the information from dennis rodman. who is running the show over there? >> well, this is his father's boy. i mean, the new leader in the north has picked up on this
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consultive personality that's been this place. this odd rather inexplicable mix of communism and nepotism that's been this places since the authority was created at the tail end of world war ii. so we're seeing very normal behavior out of the north that frankly we have a hard time fully understanding. >> although normal is in the eye of the be holder. look at the images. those are military men playing their arms like girls at a bieber concert. spider marks, thank you for your input on the show today. so inside bill clinton's white house when an act he now says was the wrong thing to do. wolf blitzer will join us. but ad a new role. working behind the scenes to provide companies with services... like helping hr departments manage benefits and pensions
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states 81 out of 535 members of congress actually opposed the bill which meant that the best he could do was what he did, so that there wouldn't be a constitutional amendment. it almost sounds like he did the best thing to make sure that he'd buy the movement ten more years. do you buy this? >> the mood back then was certainly a lot different as far as gay marriage marriage concerned. it's become much more acceptable over the years. then president clinton was opposed to same-sex marriage. he write this is his article today as you point out in the "washington post" that he signed the defense of marriage act because he was afraid that if it wouldn't be signed, the momentum leading for a formal constitutional amendment banning sa same-sex marriage would have set back the movement for a long time. and you have to keep the issue
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of clinton and gay rights in perspective. i started covering him during the transition after he was elected in 1992 before he took office january 20th, 1993, i was at little rock, he was then the governor of arkansas, president elect, and that's when during the campaign, he had basically said gays should be allowed to serve in the military but he quickly retracted that after the uproar after he was elected president. there was a lot of opposition from within the military, branches of the u.s. military, the chairman of the joint chiefs general colin powell at the time opposed allowing gays to serve in the military. and only then months later 1993 did they come up with a "don't ask, don't tell" policy this which was seen as a compromise of sorts. but clearly a deviation from where bill clinton had been during the campaign. that caused a lot of controversy at the time.
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but obviously he now opposes "don't ask, don't tell," he opposes the defense of marriage acts on so many others across the board have come to do, as well. >> you'll have a lot to talk about at 4:00. thank you, wolf. good to see you. situation room gets under way again at 4:00 eastern. wolf and the team will be talking a lot about that. for three weeks, jodi arias has been on the stand. and the last few days, she's been answering questions directly from the jurors who will decide if she lives or dies. about her lie and her kissing a guy after she just killed her ex-boyfriend. so what do you think the mood they're in is? you'll find out in a moment frps ♪ [ watch ticking ] [ engine revs ] come in. ♪ got the coffee. that was fast. we're outta here. ♪ [ engine revs ] ♪
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two. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2% back on groceries. [ all ] 3% on gas. no hoops to jump through. i earn more cash back on the things i buy the most. [ woman ] it's as easy as... one! -two. -[ all ] three! [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you.
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of picking their next pope. they're very cagy. none of the cardinals is even talking to the press, but they did give us this. vatican press office says the eighth general congregation of the college of cardinals has decided that the conclave will begin on on tuesday, 12 march, 2013. of course the big question is who is on the short list. have they used the last week since the pope actually stepped down to make a short list? is this a lengthy process? john allen who helps us out with all things vatican is going to join us shortly. because you know what, we've been waiting and waiting for this announcement, so it's quite something. again, the communication. we're starting to get the feeling that the jurors who have been sitting in the jodi arias case are getting a little fed up. and i don't mean with the length of the trial. i mean with what's being said.
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because over the last two days, they've had the chance to give their own questions to the accused murderer. and they have been not holding back in the least. they're hammering her with at least 220 extremely pointed questions. those questions are all read by the judge, not the jurors. we don't know which of the jurors wrote them or if all of them had a part in it, but the tone seems to indicate that they don't believe much about this ever changing story. let me get you to randi kaye who wraps up everything for you. but i do have this warning, it is pretty graphic testimony. in fact randi kaye, i'll hold her off because ben wedeman is standing by live, is he? rome. i'm a glad we could scramble you to a microphone. very exciting that we finally have the date, i won't suggest that you've been alive for the last couple of conclaves, but this seems like a lengthy process just to get the date for the process. is it? >> reporter: yes, it certainly is. it's been a week now, rather five full days of meetings by more than 200 cardinals to decide on a date.
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they did decide it will be tuesday, the 12th of march according to a press release we received from the vatican press office in the morning on tuesday, the cardinals who will be participating in the conclave will take part in a special mass and of course at this point we have no idea how long the conclave will go. but really this general congregation of cardinals which includes not only the lectors, those 115 cardinals who will participate in the conclave, but those over the age of 80. they've been discussing a lot of weighty issues, governance of the church, financial matters, the various scandals that have racked the courage over thurch. so a lot to discuss, but now late on friday afternoon here in rome, they finally decided when to hold the conclave. >> why did they stop talking to us? >> reporter: well, that's a good question. what we're hearing from some sources is they were somewhat
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annoyeded that a lot of press leaks were going out, that the americans were holding these almost daily press conferences where they didn't talk about the details of the general congregation, but, rather, they were giving a lot of sort of background information into the whole process and it was decided by the vatican it's simply to be quiet, to finish this discussion and get around to the business of deciding upon when to hold the conclave. >> and it was just one week ago almost to this moment that we all watched as then pope benedict got on his helicopter and went off to his retreat, this lovely castle, and i'm assuming we haven't heard anything since. just asking. >> reporter: as far as pope benedict, no, he's been very silent. we heard in papal spokesman how he spent his first night. there were two photographs published in an italian magazine showing him strolling the
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grounds of cass tell gone dal f gone dole foe, but that's about all we've heard. >> they've come up with a week to come up with a decision on just a simple at a time and decision to stop talking to the press. but is there any indication from their actions that they may actual actually be meeting about a short list and who might be on it? >> there is no talk about hch-there is a short list being thrown around about a dozen candidates possible. but they've been fairly tight lipped. there are two major trends among the cardinals participating in the conclave. those who prefer a european candidate and those who want to see somebody from the new world
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to bring a new vision and new management to the vatican. but specific lots of names being thrown around. >> and just technically for people -- there are a lot of people who visit italy and a the lot of people who visit rome and vatican and they see the sistine chapel. do they literally lock themselves in and not emerge until the smoke clears? >> reporter: because the conclave can go on on for several days, what happens is that they're put up in the residence that was built by -- or, rather, during the reign of john paul ii where they will be in complete seclusion. there will be an electronic jamming system installed so there is no way they can communicate with the outside world. they will have no access to television, radio, the enter net, blackberry, e-mail, anything like that. every day they will walk or some
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will have to be driven from the santa marta residence to the sistine chapel which is really a road behind the basilica. once they're in there, they have four votes a day, and really there is no discussion within the sistine chapel during the conclave. it's really just voting and prayer and contemplation. any discussions would take place on that walk back and forth. but they are in total seclusion during the entire conclave. >> i would love to though when the procedure began including electronic jamming systems. but that's for another day. thanks, ben. when we come back at the top of the hour, we'll have a whole lot more on the conclave process, the short list, what
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the cardinals have been up to. but right after the break, a jury who looks right at a defendant, a jury who could have her life in their hands and says why should we believe you now when all you've been doing is lying. you can imagine what she felt like when is he heard that? transit fares! as in the 37 billion transit fares we help collect each year. no? oh, right. you're thinking of the 1.6 million daily customer care interactions xerox handles. or the 900 million health insurance claims we process. so, it's no surprise to you that companies depend on today's xerox for services that simplify how work gets done. which is...pretty much what we've always stood for. with xerox, you're ready for real business. which is...pretty much what we've always stood for. how do you keep an older car running like new? you ask a ford customer. when they tell you that you need your oil changed you got to bring it in. if your tires need to be rotated, you have to get that done as well. jackie, tell me why somebody should bring they're car here to the ford dealership for service instead of any one of those other places out there.
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young lady has been sitting on a witness stand, in fact, she's coming up on her 18th day, testifying in her own murder trial. usually we don't get to see that. what we really don't get to see is the jury who is going to decide her fate asking their very own questions. can i tell you some of the questions jodi was asked? in a case where she admits to killing her boyfriend, self-defense, but slashing and stabbing and, oh, lord, shooting him. it was overkill if you ask anybody in the courtroom. here's the greatest one, though. the jury looking right at her and through the judge asking, after all the lies you have told, because she had three different versions of the story, why should we believe you now? it got better, too, in fact? how could you go onto have a date with another man after violently killing the guy you said you had to kill? like nothing happened? and then, you remember dropping the knife. you remember screaming, but you don't remember the other stuff? because conveniently perhaps,
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miss arias has forgotten all the details that could sink her in the case. let me bring in vinnie politan from hln and former florida judge glenda hatch et. is the best question "after all the lies we told, why should we believe you now?" >> yes, and aam now believing that jodi arias has memory gaps. here's whif. one of her answers yesterday. i think i have an excellent history. it's unbelievable. >> that is a good point. glenda, you have said that you think this case not necessarily will turn on all the lies that this lying liar has told, and i say that because she's admitted. i'm not analyzing. >> you're not judging. >> well, i'm judging with my
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tone, but not with what i say. she said it. you say this case is going to come down to the forensics and there's a little itty bitty cartridge, a shell that is ejected from the gun when you have to shoot someone. it's shiny in a pool of blood. which tells you that bleeding has to start before the shooting. she says she shot him before she stabbed him. >> i absolutely believe this case is going to turn on that one question. after days, weeks of testimony, a ashleigh and vinnie, i think she's going to get tripped up because the evidence is going to show she shot him after she stabbed him a millions times and the memory is out the window. she says i shot him. i'm not sure if i shot him. but there is no blood on that cartridge rolling. but she can't say it rolled into
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the blood. and if the prosecutor does an effective close, i think that is the perry mason moment. >> it is. it takes self defense off the table. she defended herself with the gun when he was chasing her with the closet. she went up and grabbed the gun. that was a self defense. but if she's stabbing him in the back and stabbing him in the heart and trying to decapitate him. those are the facts. >> you guys are lawyers. you're a judge. you're so smart. you get every piece of evidence. jurors are really smart. >> these jurors are really smart. >> but in the end they're lay people and they have feelings. when you watch a young woman like jodi arias look over to you and lie with a check mark. almost like, yeah, i have an answer to that one, too. and i have an answer to that one, too, with a certain degree of smugness, does your gut take over for what you should be determining, which are just the weight of the facts? >> let me tell you why the jury
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is really paying attention. they ask her, did he become angry after you shot him? she says that he lunged at her, that he chased her, and that he cursed her. well, that's a lot to do after you have done all of this. stabbed him, slit hit throat, and if it is determined that the shot was happened after he was cut up, i mean, her whole defense is out. i think the fact that the jury is asking that makes a huge difference. >> they're skeptical. >> i think they are. i think they're done skeptical. they say you're a liar. why should i believe you? let me ask if i have another break after this? another block to talk to you. we have so much breaking news, i can't do a second. i have a lot more questions. maybe next week we'll get more questions from the jury, too. vinnie politan? >> it's not over yet. >> and i want to remind viewers as well you can watch the jodi arias trial in the afternoons. we run it live on hln and
8:58 am as well. ient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, all right that's a fifth-floor probleok.. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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