tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 10, 2013 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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transportation security administration. passengers will be able to carry small pocket knives on airplane he is starting april 25th. >> reporter: lawmakers speaking out today, ed marquee of massachusetts and chuck schumer, happens to be the third highest ranking democrat in the caucus in the senate says he is certainly not happy and he thinks this change is dangerous and he spoke to reporters on sunday, which is rare. here is what he had to say. >> the tsa ought to smell the
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coffee. >> reporter: you might call them pocket knives or swiss army knives, have blades smaller than 2.6 inches, a little bit longer than, say, your house key. lonts list of newly allowed things to carry on are ski poles, lacrosse stick and bill yard cues. of course, frederica, not hearing many arguments about those things, clearly unwieldy, it is the knifes that are the main issue here. as senator schumer saying, he thinks because they can folksily hurt an individual, that's one reason that flight attendants are very concerned about this as well. tsa you however, sees things very differently. from tsa's perspective this is about their job being a priority on trying to prevent terrorists from taking over an entire plane. the tsa says that cockpits are protected now, small knifes can no longer get a terrorist to the plane's controls but the tsa says hunting for those knives can distract their officers from finding those bigger threats. now, those changes are supposed to go into effect in april,
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frederica buts here the thing. senator schumer says that if the tsa does not reverse this itscy on its own, he will file a bill to force them to do it. >> okay. meantime, lisa, there's something else impact air control towers. what is going on with that? >> reporter: i don't know how often you fly out of small airport, one in columbus, georgia, for example, a metropolitan airport that may have to close its control tower because of the forced budget cuts. here is another one we are looking at in this video, an airport in hagerstown, maryland. as a lot of folks know, tsa is going to have to furlough some of its air traffic controllers and what tsa has decided to do is just close control towers in the smaller airport bus it's more than 200 of those airports could be affected. they are all on a list. this week is the decisive one. these airports have until wednesday to make their best case for why they should be taken off that list, why they
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should be allowed to keep their control tower open. then a week from tomorrow, fred, we will get the final list of which airports will be closed. >> all right, lisa -- >> i'm sorry, which control towers will be closed. the airports may be able to stay open without the control towers. >> thanks so much for that clarification. appreciate it, lisa, in washington. overseas now, in afghanistan, president hamid karzai say cushion the united states and the taliban of working together to scar the afghan people. karzai said both sides want to convince afghans that things will worsen if foreign troops leave the country. he was reacting to a bombing in kabul yesterday, which killed at least nine people during a visit by chuck hagel. a visit by karzai and hagel was canceled but the two did meet privately. >> we did discuss those comments. i told the president it was not true, that the united states was unilaterally working with the taliban in trying to negotiate anything.
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the fact is any prospect any prospects of peace or political settlements, that has to be led by the afghans. >> hagel visited with u.s. and afghan troops to thank them for their service. as thousands of american tourists head to mexico for spring break, the recently pointed a tourism minister of a at the vatican, cardinals are preparing for an historic week. i asked ben wedeman which is the strongest contenders. >> reporter: every day, you see a list of the top contenders, a guessing game at this point. there are three -- two major trends when it.does to the top candidates, those outside the roman curia interested in seeing a new face, somebody who can manage the affairs of the vatican.
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the traditionalists are looking more in the direction of angela scola, the cardinal from milan. he is a man who has got one foot in the italian catholic church and another foot in the vatican, somebody who knows very well the affairs of the vatican state. but then you hear other names, for instance, like peter turkson of ghana, that he is somebody that those who want to see a completely different character to the papacy, they would like to see somebody like him. as i said, every single day you hear different candidates being discussed and at this point, we are just going to have to wait, frederica, for that white smoke. >> thank you so much, ben wedeman in rome. here in the u.s., a terrible accident.
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six teenagers are kill and two others injured in a single car accident in warner, ohio. police say a honda suv went off the road around 7:00 this morning, hit a guardrail and then rolled of near a pond. divers were called in to help rescue the injured. police say it looked like the car was overloaded and no one was wearing a seat belt. a federal jury has granted one of the largest civil rights ver doikts an ohio man who spent 11 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. david aers was awarded $13.2 million for wrongful prosecution and imprisonment. the 56-year-old former security officer was freed in 2011 after dna tests cleared him in the killing of a 76-year-old woman at the public housing complex where he worked. he talked about what it felt like when he finally got his freedom. >> i was in tear it is. i was just crying because, i
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mean, my -- you know, i'm finally free after 11 years, for a crime that i was accused of. >> the city attorney in cleveland, which is on the hook to pay, says officials are "disappointed" and considering their options. in dozens of countries around the world where women are considered second-class citizens and people are imprisoned for being gay, a new document will soon ban all forms of discrimination. the document is a new charter for the commonwealth of nations. the commonwealth is a voluntary group of 54 independent nations headed up by britain's queen elizabeth. tomorrow, the queen will sign the charter. i asked cnn's royal correspondent, max foster, the significance of all of this. >> reporter: this is the first time that the commonwealth has had a single doctrine setting out the core values of the organization and the aspiration of its members.
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as you say, there will be an element of this document that opposes all forms of discrimination, whether in gender, race, color, creed, political belief or other grounds. and those other grounds being -- the feeling is that is about sexuality. they didn't want to put sexuality in there because some countries involved here actually have -- don't have sexuality laws. so there is some sensitivity about it, but what this whole exercise really is about is having a core set of values that gets rid of all forms of discrimination. and 54 countries have agreed to it and the queen is signing it, so it does become a formal agreement between these countries. >> the signing will be the first public appearance for the queen since being hospitalized for that stomach bug a week ago. all right. on to sports, tiger woods is holding onto the lead through eight holes today at the cadillac championship in doral, florida. he just birdied the tenth home get the latest on tigers a progress on
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a family spots a peculiar box on the side of the road in south carolina, but then listen to what happened next. >> i thought it was little pup his that little box and so here i pulled over around got closer to it and i noticed i heard squealing. and i thought it was little baby pills and i got closer around picked one up and it was three baby bears. i'm kind of trained to save lives and helps so it felt really good to me. >> the cubs are about a month old and weigh less than three pounds each. of course, the kids wanted to keep the little ones but the parents made sure that they got to a nearby bear rescue facility. a presidential race that pits a bush against a clinton? been there, done that. oh, hey, it could happen again. we are talking about jeb bush, hillary clinton on the tickets, election 2016. and that ban on sugary soda goes into effect this week in new york. so why are customers getting new rules for their coffee? plus, the centerfold versus
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the ten commandments. "playboy" launching a hebrew edition in israel. clear, huh? i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got nine grams of protein. that's three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. nine grams protein. zero fat. michael, tell us why you used to book this fabulous hotel? well you can see if the hotel is pet friendly before you book it, and i got a great deal without bidding. and where's your furry friend? oh, i don't have a cat. now you can save up to 50% during priceline's spring hotel sale use promo code spring for additional savings on all express deals, including pet friendly hotels. express deals. priceline savings without the bidding. we're dedicated to getting you back on track from identity theft. to protect you from being a victim in the first place, we have specialists for that, too. ♪
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was certainly one of the greatest thrills of my life to be able to serve the people of florida. so i -- i miss that from time to time, but i -- as i said, i got a great life right now. >> jeb bush has not been on the ballot in years but the former florida governor has been making all the rounds of the television talk show, particularly today. he is being asked a lot about 2016. joining us now is john avlon, a cnn contributor and senior political columnist for news week and the daily beast. okay, so are we look ac at jeb bush who is poising himself for consideration for a run in 2016? >> reporter: well, i mean, he certainly said he has not ruled anything out and that's usually politician code for i'm thinking seriously about a run, but what's really fascinating, fred, is that he has got so many folks who are pressing him so run because the bushes are an unlikely dynasty and the fact that they are looking potentially at a third bush to run for president sun precedented in american political history, so the mere fact there's fascination and a
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drive to have him run itself is a totally unchart chartered territory in our country's history. >> it's interesting, even when he is asked about it directly, he is saying i am not thinking about that right now but neighbor a year, i'm following start talking about it or thinking about it more seriously, so he is not ruling it out. >> reporter: definitely not. here's what's significant. first of all, we are a world away from 2016. 29014 midterms are still far, far away but we do focus on the next presidential race. it's an open seat in 16 and the bushes have the benefit, and in jeb's kirks of a brand name identity. what is sigg nant gant now, he is promoting a book about immigration reform called "immigration wars". this is not the traditional way people reached out for the republican nomination to run as a policy wonk and potential party reformer and to grab hold of the third rail of immigration reform, that itself a pretty
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gutsy tri gutsy inlt throw deuce yourself to the republican senator >> how does that serve him well, particular any this republican climate? >> reporter: i think you have seen a sea change in the way the country approaches immigration reform. one of the takeaways from the 2012 republican election from republicans, they got decimated by lack of support from spirks mitt romney getting 26%, down from 44% george w. bush got in 2004. jeb bush particular lakers popular swing state governor of florida has a demonstrated ability to reach out to hispanic voters that is someone who has got credibility on this issue. all of a sudden, those forces in the past that have banded to the base and polarized on the issue of immigration in the republican party that stopped his brother from getting immigration reform done in 2007, all of a sudden there, is a sea change in opinion. and bush is try took force for that change, a bipartisan group in the senate and now jeb bush, with his book, trying to push for comprehensive immigration reform now, that is a serious difference than, for example, when mitt romney tried to play to the base and oppose
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immigration reform and he certainly paid price for that >> marco rubio is kind of the candidate that many have been seeing as one who would appeal to the latino voters among republicans. but jeb bush, like you said, i has had great appeal among latinos, particular any florida. he speaks spanish and often times would take that opportunity to speak spanish, so it seems like he is the full package, considering republican party wants very much to, i guess, broaden its base and appeal to a more diversified crowd. >> reporter: absolutely. look, demographics are destiny. the republican party realized they have an existential problem, unless they can reach out beyond a base of old, white men, frankly. marco rube gee protege of jeb bush in the florida state legislature but the bushes have the ability to bridge the old northeastern establishment to the extent it still exists, sun belt conservatives, national security hawks and jeb reach doubt to out to hispanics with
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credibility. he says in his book we need to reach out not just to hispanic bus gays, african-americans and single women that itself is a recognition the republican party needs to reform and reach out and you exactly the kind of mess ant next republican nominee is going to need to have, whether it is jeb bush or somebody else. >> john avlon, always good to see. thank you so much. >> thanks, fred, you, too. as the u.s. economy gets better, prices go up. should you be prepared to pay more? we will find out. plus the great and powerful but is the new oz movie making money at the box office? we will explore. [ woman ] we had two tiny reasons
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to get our adt security system. and one really big reason -- the house next door. our neighbor's house was broken into. luckily, her family wasn't there, but what if this happened here? what if our girls were home? and since we can't monitor everything 24/7, we got someone who could. adt. [ male announcer ] while some companies are new to home security, adt has been helping to save lives for over 135 years. we have more monitoring centers, more of tomorrow's technology right here today, and more value. 24/7 monitoring against burglary, fire, and high levels of carbon monoxide starting at just over $1 a day. and now get adt installed for just $99. isn't your family worth america's number-one security company, adt? our girls got us thinking, but the break-in got us calling. and after buying two of everything, it was nice to only need one security system -- adt. [ male announcer ] get adt installed for just $99.
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>> my sister, evanora. >> i'm here to serve you. >> disney's 3-d fantasy adventure earned $80 million the u.s. and $70 million overseas, the prequel to the original "the wizard of oz" film. james franco played the title role of the fast-talking kansas circus worker who becomes the wizard. have americans been in a spending mood since the holidays? we will find out this week when we get the retail sales report and it's important because how much we shop is one of the best ways to get a handle on how the economy is doing overall. let's bring in kenneth poll carry, the director of floor operations or o'neill securities in new york. good to see you kenneth. what are you expecting with the retail sales, good season? >> i think what you're gonna getcy think you're gonna get weakness in retail sales, right, gone through the shopping season now. now we are into the payroll tax increase, higher gas prices.
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you can feel the consumer is getting squeezed between the hire food costs, energy costs and less money in their pay check. interesting to see how they come out with the number also, i think they will end up spinning it as a positive story. >> have and talked about inflation for a while. this week, we are getting important measures. will we see signs of prices rising? >> here is what consumers should be concerned about, right? going to get ppi, which is the first measure of producer price inflation, which talks about the prices that the producers are paying to produce their products and then passing those on to what will then be the cpi, which is the consumer price index, which tells us where prices are going for the consumer.
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you need food and energy. that is going to be the other i shall through is going to affect consumers right in the pocketbook. costs you more money to go to the supermarket and gas station along with the tax increase. >> speaking of food, food that is a reflection of our mood and you always have recipes that really are a reflection of the economy or the markets. this week, you have a delightful pork chops with a spin, a little bubbly, champagne pork chops on your website? >> here is the deal we marched to new highs last week, right? got the dow marching to new highs, the s & p teasing new highs there should be this feeling of excitement and we are not there yet. so you know what, let's get ready, let's break out the champagne, i have got this great champagne pork chop which is actual gloirks to my website, you will the recipe there, but it's very simple to make and such a great dish, if you serve it over mashed poe tate two a
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big green salad and champagne vinaigrette dressing. >> very fancy shmancy. ken poll for that recipe. bon appetit. or i should say bon appetit toe. >> it is kenneth poll carry. >> graz zi. new yorkers are never shy with sharing their opinion that ban on sugary drinks about to kick in, find out. plus, a son races against time as he tries make it home to see his dying mother. what happened next is really pretty amazing. you will hear from him right here in the newsroom. [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪
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the u.s. and afghan president hamid karzai. secretary of defense chuck hagel is in afghanistan for a visit now and karzai accuse you had the u.s. of working with the taliban to scare afghans over the withdrawal of foreign troops. this followed a bombing in cab that will killed at least nine. a joint press conference between the men was canceled but they did meet privately earlier today. and the conclave to elect a new pope is just two days away now. today, the cardinals celebrated masses in private chapels, cathedrals and basilic cast across rome. they will hold one more preconclave meeting tomorrow before casting their first ballot on tuesday. and earlier today, the cat haven preserve in california reopened. visitors are being allowed back in four days after an african lion killed 24-year-old intern diana hanson. the lion escaped his enclosure and .ed on hanson.
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they briefed the public before they opened the gates. another story trending last weeks, good reason, a simple act of died than gave a california man the opportunity to say his final good-byes to his dying mother. carey drake was flying lubbock, texas, where his mother was hospitalized, started in san francisco, the first leg of his flight from houston to san fran was delayed. he knew there was no way he could make his connecting flight to lubbock but went united airlines crew saw how distraught he was, they road the connecting flight and the crew on board that plane delayed takeoff for about 20 minutes so that drake could see his mother before she passed away. today, drake had a message of gratitude for the airline. >> me and my family want to say thank you and, you know, you know, when they -- when i realized that they were, you know, trying to help me is when i really became emotional and needed some extra napkins.
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the compassion was overwhelming. >> and in the end, the end of that journey, you were able to make that connecting flight, you heard them over the loud speaker saying, you know exmr. drake, we have been waiting for you, you got on that flight, you were able to get to the hospital to see your mom and really, it was a matter of hours in which that you had contact with your mom and that she would pass away, right? >> that's right. i got to spend the night with her and my dad in the hospital room that night and a about 4 a.m. was her last moment of coherence where she woke up and then the following morning, she was dead. and had i not made that flight from houston to lubbock, i would not have been able to say good-bye. >> well, kerry drake, thanks so much for sharing your story, glad you got chance to be reunited with your mom and have those precious moments. i know you have been send out a big thanks to united airlines and everyone along the way for helping to make it happen. >> thank you, frederica, for
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helping me thank them. >> united airlines says it's glad drake was able to make it to lubbock just in time. all right, here's a look at what's trending online. are women grumpier than men? cbs report says yes. i don't believe it. according to the report, women are on edge because they get less sleep than men. that makes women more depressed, angry, and a little grumpy. speaking of grumpy, a female cat is stealing the show at south by southwest, that conference in austin, texas. they call her the grumpy cat. her real name is tarter sauce. almost anyone who has a facebook, twitter or instagram account knows this famous little kitty. people use her face to post grumpy messages. in austin, the line to see the feline is very, very long one. bringing his a-game as host of "snl," singer justen timber lang did it again last night. it was his fifth time hosting the show and this time around,
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he brought a couple of his celebrity friends with him. >> relax, alec. >> candace bergen. the first female member of the five timers club. >> and i would like to say, something. i, too wish we had a second bathroom but while we're all sharing, could you please try to remember the leave the toilet seat down? >> don't look at me. >> i didn't do it. >> i go in the sink. >> this place is the best. i love being a five timer. >> nice friends. and don't touch my super sized soda. that's pretty much what new yorkers say about that ban on sugary drink, but wait, the new rule affects coffee as well? that's not going to go over well.
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she is the head of the new york city council, now christine quinn wants to replace michael bloomberg as mayor. >> it's very exciting to get to be here right across the street from the church where my parents were married and my sister was baptized and my father -- my grandfather was buried from right near where my mother grew up to announce that today, i'm announcing i am officially running to be the mayor of the great city of new york. >> if elected, she will become new york's first female and first openly gay mayor. if you live in new york or just visiting, your coffee order may soon get a little complicated. it's all part of mayor michael bloomberg's ban on big, sugary drinks take effects on tuesday and complying with the new rules isn't as easy as you might think. cnn's mary snow has the story. >> reporter: frederica, it's complicated. lattes wouldn't change because they have milk.
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could have business it sugar, that's another story. at least one coffee chain is operation its customers we found many who were surprised to learn of the breadth of the city ban. along with that cup of coffee, a side order of new rules. duncan doughnuts is handing out these fliers to its new york city customers on how new regulations spills over into its coffee business u it's part of the ban on super-sized sugary drinks that goes into effect tuesday as part of the city effort to fight obesity. to comply, duncan doughnut plus no longer put sugar in coffee over 16 ounces, you will have to do-it-yourself. >> i'm surprised. i thought it was just like, soda and iced teas. >> it's annoying. i beit's unnecessary so many other things to worry about in this city. >> reporter: city isn't banning restaurants from shut putting sugar in coffee. the department of health says the limit for bar reis ta is four packets of sugar for 20
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ounces and customers themselves can add as much sugar as they want but dunkin' donuts wants to cut down on confusion. mcdonald's says it will tell customers to add their own sugar in coffee over 16 ounces. both places say they have been prepping workers to be ready. at restaurants, sodas this size is what the city doesn't want served. this this 20 ounces. this one is still okay. it's 12 ounce and customers can order as many as they want. but at restaurants like this one that prides itself on texas-sized servings, it makes a difference. >> everything is big. >> reporter: eric levine is the director of dallas barbecue, which has ten restaurants. are you going to stop using those 20-ounce glasses? >> we will when the law says we have to right now, we are sort of in a limbo and allowed by constituent law to hold off until i think about june. >> reporter: the city says it will not enforce violations for three months as restaurants adjust. levine is waiting to see the result of a lawsuit filed by restaurants, beverage companies and others to try to stop the city from its ban on super-sized
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drinks. he estimates all the changes will cost his business tens of thousand of dollars and plenty of headaches. >> a lot of aggravation, menu changes, sign changes, digital boards, facebook, websites, information, training, posi-touch computers, everything. >> reporter: another company holding off making changes right away is starbucks. it says there are some gray areas that it's sorting through and you it's using you the city's three-month evaluation period to take a look at what changes it needs to make to be in compliance. frederica? >> all right, thanks so much, mary. let's talk more about this. let's bring in greg mocker, reporter or new york's picks 11 news at ten. you have been covering this story from the very beginning. these restrictions are pretty tight. are folks a little hot over it? >> it is new york. so i'm going to have to hand sanitize some of the stuff that i heard on the subway. >> keep it clean. >> yeah, you know, i do want to be invited back. i was there when the health
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commissioner announced this, you know, they try to tell thanks it is about information. i don't think anybody is going to disagree we don't need to make health choices. i'm not sitting here saying 1id 9 big gulps today. i know has sent some of my friends running to the 7-11 to get a big gulp or load up on sugary drink, driving us crazy. i went and had my coffee this morning, mary mentioned that in the report this is the thing i got. breaks down what we can and cannot add or can can or cannot have this particular company. just for the record, i had mine black. so -- >> okay. no problem with the sugar? >> no but what if they start coming -- coming for the caffeine content or something? then we are going to have a serious problem, right? >> overall. what are your new yorker friends saying about the mayor's efforts to get people to slim down by cutting back on their sugary drinks now there's discussion
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about the mayor saying he wants people to tone it down on their ear buds, regulation on how loud your music and your information would be blasting through your ears, a lot of regulations likely to sweep through the city if the mayor has his way. >> yeah he doesn't like it when i ask him or when somebody suggests it's the nanny state, but that's what we say out on the street around here, because we know what we have to do w he want to have the choice though. and when there are so many work-arounds, when, you know, another major coffee chain has said we are not going to do anything until we see if this court things goes through related to the sugary ban, you know, when things just don't make sense, when you can still go to the grocery store and buy as much pop, soda pop, soda pop we call it in new york, i am from ohio, we call it pop, work arounds that make us shake our head and say we get the message, but you know, i know that i'm frustrated, as somebody who just likes to question the government whenever they bring up a
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regulation. look what happened with the tsa saying that now you can bring a knife on but i can't bring my big bottle of shampoo, it is just like, okay, i understand these regulations but really? where's -- the common sense behind it is people are going to drink what they want. and now this is selling more soda cups almost. >> yeah. okay. and so people are expressing their frustration and the mayor says what? >> he says it's about information and he wants us to have to think about refilling that 13 or 14 times. you know what i think people probably already are because hopefully we are all noticing that our waistlines can sometimes get a little big and our pants don't fit. we can't blame the mayor for that. we have to make those personal choice there is, but now they kind of limit, again, if i order a pizza, they can't send a two-liter of pop or soda, they can't send that and that's just one of those things. so, now i have to buy -- say you're trying to have a nice
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saturday night with your family, now i have to buy five smaller someone in >> stretch it out? >> yep. >> best you can. greg mocker, thanks so much, good to see you and all the best. cheers. all right, marijuana, well, it's a cash crop right now for drug traffickers, but as two states get ready for legal sales of pot, lots of people are figuring out how they can make money off of that. that is, if the feds don't step in. clear, huh? i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got nine grams of protein. that's three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. you know you could just use bengay zero degrees. medicated pain relief you store in the freezer. brrr...see ya boys. [ male announcer ] bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. [ male announcer ] bengay zero degrees. how do you keep an older car running like new?
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you ask a ford customer. when they tell you that you need your oil changed you got to bring it in. if your tires need to be rotated, you have to get that done as well. jackie, tell me why somebody should bring they're car here to the ford dealership for service instead of any one of those other places out there. they are going to take care of my car because this is where it came from. price is right no problem, they make you feel like you're a family. get a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation and much more, $29.95 after $10.00 rebate. if you take care of your car your car will take care of you.
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heyyy, you're going out like that? yeah, why? well, what would the neighbors think? i see you! c'mon, get mister feather! look what i have. mister bird. remember? quack quack quack! we're just playing! we're just playing! i'm trying to get you out of there! even still... announcer: you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. there are thousands of teens in foster care who don't need perfection, they need you.
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marketing pot, it's unchartered territory now being drawn up. the sale of marijuana for recreational use goes into effect in colorado and washington later this year. and officials in those states are scrambling to get rules in place. all the while, the feds are looking over their shoulders, weighing a possible move to stop the states from going forward. before marijuana sales start in washington, the state has to hire a pot czar. as cnn's paul vercammen reports, the job is still up for grabs. >> friday after work. dude. i love washington. >> reporter: where's my czar, naz marijuana consultant? in washington state after seminars and a lengthy search, they still haven't hired a marijuana adviser because they have been swamped with qualified applicants. the state liquor control board stays received 98 bids to become
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the consultant on implementing washington's landmark legalization of pot initiative 502. entrepreneurs are waiting for guidance. dante jones wants his business, green ambrosia, to become a 5200-square-foot marijuana super store. for now, jones sells only to customers with medical prescriptions. such as dead head og, critical kush and amnesia haze. it becomes legal this year as a result of the ballot's passage. >> the change in public perception since the november vote has been dramatic. >> reporter: marijuana consultant, law degree preferred, will advise on growing, transporting and packaging marijuana here, in other words, somebody who knows about marijuana from experience. that means some applicants with criminal records may be considered so long as their offenses were marijuana-related an non-violent. >> can business is the whole new thing for us. it is unchartered territory.
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>> reporter: the liquor board says it expects to pay less than $100,000 for the pot consultant and may divide the work up to four bidders. the announcement among the winning bids may come as early as next week. for the winner or wins, it could be euphoria, for does of losers, reefer sadness. paul vercammen, cnn, los angeles. all right. sure, everybody just read it is for the articles, but this time, you've got read from right to left. "playboy" launching a hebrew edition in israel.
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>> reporter: it is a land of three great faiths. a place of prayer and piating. it has launched a new "playboy" edition. it reads from right to left, but that's if you're reading the articles. they are on the cover and in the magazine for another reason. >> people are telling me why are you doing that? it opened their eyes, like i'm doing something very wrong. there are people that are very proud of me also. >> the first time it's happening in israel, first time that an israeli girl is being "playboy" playmate. and i'm very proud and privileged to be a part of it. >> reporter: israelis are mindful of the ten commandments and the devout who observe them. thou shalt not cover thy neighbor's wife. what about the cover stand?
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reaction is mixed. >> i don't use it because i'm religious. >> it's good. >> reporter: it's good? >> yeah. >> lots of pictures of girls without clothes in it? >> it's very good. >> it's very nice. >> you've seen it? >> i don't see it, but i want to see it. >> reporter: israeli has already seen women in prominent roles in politics, the armed forces and every walk of life. now it's going to see them prominently in "playboy." jonathan mann, cnn. >> you know, it's for the articles. >> just read it for the articles. >> right, right. good to see you. >> it's good to see you. >> it has been forever since we have shared this space together. >> i know. we saw each other in the newsroom. obviously we don't like each other. >> you doing well? got lots coming up? >> doing well. i saw your conversation on the sugary soft drink thing that goes into effect on tuesday.
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we had a very lively conversation last night that you want to see a lot of disagreement about it. >> i don't like something being regulated. >> we hear a lot about professional athletes suffering long-term effects of concussions from the hits that they take. our guest at 7:00 p.m. eastern is not a professional athlete. her name is lindsay, she was in a car accident last year and didn't know until a few weeks later that she had suffered a concussion and over a year later, she still struggles with her memory, speech and reading ability. it's a story that's really important to us here at cnn because she works right here in the newsroom. she's actually working on my team today. she calls it living with a borrowed brain and we'll talk to her at seven p.m. eastern. >> i look forward to that. good to see you, too. thanks, don. here's a question for you. you can answer it if you'd like. what do ron howard, marco rubio and ruth ginsburg have in common? >> i know, but i can't answer. >> you have to stick around to
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