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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 11, 2013 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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i'm carol costello, thank you so much for joining me today and please, continue the conversation on facebook, or tweet me @carolcnn.
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"newsroom" continues now with ashleigh banfield. hi, everybody.
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nice to have you with me. i'm ashleigh banfield. they have met, they have talked, and they have prayed a lot. and tomorrow they are going to vote, or at least they are going to meet for the purpose of voting, which means tomorrow, theoretically, the 115-cardinal electors of the roman catholic church could give the world a brand new pope. could it be peter turkson of gha ghana? that would be the first african pope in more than 1,500 years. or perhaps luis tagle of the philippines, a rising star in the church, but seen by some people as perhaps too young to be pope at just 55 years old. maybe sean o'malley of the united states, boston, to be exact. he is one of two supposedly credible candidates for the first american pope ever. new york's timothy dolan is the other. in fact, the united states has 11 voting cardinals of those
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115, which makes us the second biggest block of voters behind italy. and speaking of italy, the cardinals might look no farther than milan and angelo scola. he has made outreach to islam one of his specialties. this much we know, every cardinal who casts a ballot is a candidate. and only they know who is or who is not on a short list, if, in fact, there is even a short list, because that is still a big question. my colleague chris cuomo is one of just, i don't know, a small collection of 6,000 credentialed journalists who have gathered in the world's smallest country for this very, very big election. and we're happy to be joined by father edward beck, cnn contributor, author, television host. chris, let me begin with you. what did the cardinals do today to prepare for the big day tomorrow?
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>> reporter: they had their final general congregation meeting today. it's instructive because of what they covered today. they talked about vatican finance again. this is the second time they covered the issue, we're told. that's relevant because it gives us a window of the considerations here. unlike american politics where we're obsessed with the character and beauty contest of it, this election is more of what these cardinals want than even who. that, going back to the vatican bank and finance and the accountability is the window into the urgency of this situation. >> chris, we have just a bit of breaking news. i'm not sure if it's made it to your live location yet, but i mentioned you are one of 6,000 credentialed journalists. we know one person denied credentials. pardon my pronunciation, luigi nusi. this is significant because of the scandals in the church. what's the buzz around the vatican? >> reporter: well, it's no secret and not news that the
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documents that were leaked in the situation was very unfortunate, disappointing to the vatican, and they struck out against it. when the journalist in question wasn't credentialed because he wrote a book in part using those documents, that was seen as they are holding the line on the accountability of seen that as being wrong. obviously, the vatican we talked earlier about being its own sovereign, they can make their determination and did so. >> beck, i want to turn to you. i mentioned a few people off the top of this program that seem to be getting a lot of buzz, seem to be getting a lot of mention. i don't think we can call anybody frontrunners, and chris is looking at you with the same look i have, how do we determine who the frontrunners are or at least who gets the buzz? >> ashleigh, you know that saying, when in rome? in rome, they are talking about, believe it or not, cardinal sean o'malley. he's on the front page of the papers, romans i spoke to ask about cardinal o'malley.
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when he took over in boston as cardinal in 2003, there were 17 seminarys. today there are 70 seminarians. can you imagine that balcony behind us with the red drapes if sean o'malley in a brown franciscan habit were to set forth. the reason the pope wears white is because there was a dominican in the 1500s who was pope and wore a white habit. he stepped out in the white habit and such it has been since then. so sean o'malley could very likely step out of there in a brown habit and it would change everything. >> can i ask you -- >> why do you laugh? >> yeah, why do you laugh, chris? >> reporter: because it's a big deal to father beck, because he's a priest. you say he's going to walk out in a brown habit, to me it is one more thing to look for. we're treating this in a lot of ways as journalists as an
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election. who are the frontrunners, what are the issues, who has the pluses and minuses, but to this community of catholics and cardinals, it goes so much deeper. goes to the order of religious. goes to the priorities of relief. while that might be harder for us to understand as secular journalists, certainly in house here are looking at things like what father beck is looking at. that would be meaningful change. americans want to hear about celibacy, priests, but that would be a big deal. >> someone who has been seen with the sex abuse scandal as a reformer. he moved in in boston, bad history, and he cleaned it up. >> reporter: financial accountability, too. >> i wonder how much of this conversation is going on, clearly not within the conclave. it's supposed to be silent, but the two of you have a long day ahead of you. thank you both. chris cuomo, father beck. good to see you both. thank you. to the war in afghanistan
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now. it has happened again, two american troops killed today by a person wearing afghan national security forces uniform. an unspecified number of nato and afghan troops were also killed in this attack. this also happened as our brand new defense secretary, chuck hagel, was just leaving the country after a three-day visit. barbara star joins us live now from the pentagon. do you have anything more developing on this story, barbara? >> we do, indeed, ashleigh. a very grim reminder of the war's toll, two u.s. troops killed in wardak province and now we're indicating as many as ten americans wounded in this attack. the perpetrator said to be a man wearing a uniform of afghan security forces. and like in so many of these attacks what we don't know is was he a legitimate member of the afghan forces or just wearing, perhaps, a stolen uniform?
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all of that under investigation. but the fact that the toll is so large, officials say they believe this person has an automatic weapon with him. this happened in wardak province, ashleigh. that's just west of kabul, and that's the area of contention right now between hamid karzai and the u.s. military. he's ordered all u.s. special forces out of wardak province. the u.s. is trying to negotiate that with him. they consider wardak, the u.s. does, a very crucial area. it's on the road basically to kabul. it's the way they try to keep the insurgents out of the capitol. ashleigh? >> barbara starr working this breaking story for us, thank you, barbara. the tsa says grab your knives, grab your golf clubs, get onboard. some lawmakers are not on board with that. it's a brand new policy, will it fly? pardon the pun, it is serious business. pros and cons next. nurses are dealing with a wider range of issues. and there are ever-changing regulations.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. in south africa, oscar pistorius is seeking permission to travel overseas. that is currently one of his bail restrictions. a spokesman for the track star also says that pistorius, who is charged with murdering his girlfriend, has been trying to sell his home and other assets
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to pay his mounting legal bills. outrage is building over a brand new decision by the tsa that allows passengers to carry small pocket knives on to airplanes. this following an outcry from flight attendants and pilots and some members of congress, too, who are calling on the transportation security administration to leave those pocket knives on the banned list. here's renee marsh with all the details. >> reporter: in a few weeks, knives like these may be allowed through airport security if a new tsa policy goes into effect, but some lawmakers are vowing to fight it. >> today, i'm asking the tsa to rescind that ruling and say small knives, any knives, are not allowed on planes. >> reporter: new york senator chuck schumer joins unions representing pilots, flight attendants, and federal air marshals in publicly opposing the plan. delta ceo also expressed his
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rejection saying the change will, quote, add little value to the customer security process flow in relation to the additional risk for our cabin staff and customers. under the tsa's new policy, knives with blades shorter than 2.36 inches and less than a half an inch wide will be allowed, provided the blade does not lock in place. larger knives, raizer blades, ad box cutters are still banned. tsa administrator john pistol says it will help screeners focus on things that will bring down an aircraft, like bombs. >> the key factor for me, that may detract us, may, detract us from that item that could be catastrophic failure to an aircraft. >> reporter: the chairman of the house homeland security, says the tsa's priorities must be securing commercial aviation from the type of threats and
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weapons that could bring down an aircraft. but schumer says a knife does pose that risk and keeping them off planes only makes sense. >> does anyone think this, what you're not allowed to bring on a plane, bottle of shampoo, is more dangerous than this, a sharp and deadly knife? >> reporter: all right. well, you know that knife that you just saw there senator schumer holding up, ashleigh, the tsa says that style of knife would actually not be allowed on board a plane. meantime, schumer is saying if the tsa does not repeal this new policy, he would be forced to consider introducing legislation that could overturn it. one last point, the union representing flight attendants, they have petitioned the white house to keep these, these small pocket knives, off of planes. we checked that petition just a few minutes ago. already they have more than 19,000 signatures. ashleigh? >> important, rene, you showed that knife.
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it has no locking mechanism. the blade, if it locks in place. rene marsh, thank you for that background and that information. joining me now with his take is mike brooks, a law enforcement analyst on our sister network hln. he knows a thing or two about weapons and bad guys. here's the thing, mike, you heard in that report, there are the pros and there are the cons. can a little itty bitty knife bring down a big giant plane in this day and age? ? you know, ashleigh, never say never, because there's other things besides these knives that are going to be allowed on planes now. why do you need to take a baseball bat, a golf club, a hockey stick, a ski pole? these are going to be allowed into the cabins of these aircraft now. there's no reason. >> there is a reason, here's what the tsa says. they say, we are mired in so much crap at the security checkpoints that we can't look for the really dangerous things like underwear bombs that will
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bring an aircraft down. but with today's vigilant passengers, post-9/11, there is no one in the cabin that's going to let someone with a golf club or teeny tiny knife take down the plane and the cabin doors are locked to the pilots. >> fine. you're going to use the flight attendants as collateral damage? what about the federal air marshals on the planes, too. let me tell you something, ashleigh, if something happens in the back of the plane, the fams, their job is to protect the cockpit at all costs. >> listen -- >> let me finish. let me tell you, if something goes on in the back, they are not going to be able to take care of that. look, after i was in law enforcement, i was hired by delta airlines to start up an abusive passenger program before 9/11, and my job back then, i was trying to get the knives off the planes before 9/11. and after 9/11 happened, i thought it was good that they did not allow. why bring it back on, there's no need. >> notwithstanding that knives can hurt someone, i think we all
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agree with that. i walk new york city streets every day and i take that risk, but can a little knife to the throat of a passenger or flight attendant, which is horrible, can it kill the rest of the passengers and that's what the tsa is saying. their job is not to protect each and every one of us like on the streets of new york, it's to save the aircraft and the rest of us from going down. >> let me give you a hypothetical, god forbid it happened, what if someone with these little knives up to a three-inch blade, what if they cut the throat of a federal air marshal and get his or her gun, could they then take down that plane? absolutely. so, why allow them in. also at the checkpoints, tsa, okay, they see something, they are going to have to pull you aside, how big is this knife, they are going to have to measure it. that's going to take their eye off the ball of looking for other things. why? there's no need for them on the plane. you know one other organization that's against this, the federal
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law enforcement officers association. 26,000 officers and agents from 65 different agencies, including the federal air marshals. >> i think it would be hard to find the air marshal. >> never say never. >> i love debating with you, mike brooks. will you come back. >> absolutely. >> thank you, i appreciate it. coming up, valerie harper says she is not going to give up without a fight. the actress talks about her cancer diagnosis and why she thinks there's still a chance. when we come back. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function
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actress ashley judd appears ready to toss her hat into the
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kentucky senate race. the huffington post says she's planning to launch a democratic challenge to republican minority leader mitch mcconnell in early may. facebook coo sheryl sandberg has some advice for women out there, lean in, it's the title of her new book and her new strategy. she says it's a kind of manifesto for working women today. but some people say the ideas, like the ones she talked about on "60 minutes" last night aren't necessarily realistic. >> they start leaning back. oh, i'm busy. i want to have a child one day. i couldn't possibly take on anymore. or i'm still learning on my current job. i've never had a man say that stuff to me. i want to say it unequivocally and unapologetically, that the data is clear, when it comes to ambition to lead, to be the leader of whatever you're doing, men, boys, outnumber girls and women. >> cnn's taking a much closer
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look at women and the workplace, what women want. it is a two-day series of special reports and they get under way today. so, stay tuned. actress valerie harper says she doesn't know how long she has to live. it could be one week, could be up to five years. the 73-year-old tv star is putting on a very brave face after learning that she has terminal cancer affecting her brain, but she hasn't given up hope of a last-minute cure as she tells the nbc "today" show. >> first i saw, oh, my god, three months to live. it's not the whole truth. yes, that may be, but it could be six. it could be five years. you know, you just don't know. the thing i have is very rare, and it's serious, and it's terminal so far. i'm holding on to the so far. but i'm also quite ready to say bye-bye. >> are you ever scared? >> sure.
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yeah. and i'm scared for my family. i think of, you know, not going to christina's wedding, but maybe i will. >> oh, god. i love her. cnn medical correspondent elizabeth cohen, you know, i look at her and think of all those years i watched "rhoda" growing up. she's just so lovely. this is an inoperable disease. it's not a brain tumor, but what is it, elizabeth? >> it's not a solid tumor, ashleigh. what it is is sort of these cancer cells that hang out in the cerebral spinal fluid. you can imagine cells sort of floating in fluid. it affects the meninges. the layers that form a bag around the brain. it's not in her brain, it's in the layer around her brain. still, as we just heard her say, a very, very tough diagnosis. you just have to so admire her strength. >> i know. she's just wonderful when she says maybe five years. she's undergoing chemotherapy anyway. we wish her the best.
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thank you, elizabeth. >> thanks. >> be sure to tune in tomorrow night, piers morgan is going to have valerie harper as his guest live at 9:00 p.m. eastern. so, there are a lot of things washing up on the beach these days over in our hemisphere and it's come from another hemisphere. it's the by-product of the 2-year-old japanese tsunami. you will not believe what's been washing up on the beach. back after this. business trips add up to family time. this is my family. this is joe. hi joe! hi there! earn a ton of extra points with the double your hhonors promotion and feel the hamptonality. could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401(k) to hidden fees. thankfully e-trade has low cost investments and no hidden fees. but, you know, if you're still bent on blowing this fat stack of cash, there's a couple of ways you could do it. ♪ ♪
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c.t. scans on more than 100 mummies from around the world reveal more than a third of them had hardened arteries. the study's published in the lancet and suggests heart disease is a natural product of aging and not just a product of a bad diet and a lot of fat. today in japan, a moment of silence. they are remembering the more than 15,000 people who died in the tsunami two years ago today. the area around the fukushima nuclear plant remains largely deserted, but far away in hawaii there is a constant reminder of what happened in japan two years ago. our kyung lah shows you why. >> reporter: slamming the shores of one of hawaii's most remote beaches, debris, large and small. covering every inch of the beach coastline.
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the foreign markings tell where some of it comes from. these are definitely from japan. this is some type of pickle. that's definitely japanese. hawaii wildlife funds megan lamson has seen the debris since last fall, like refrigerator, with japanese on the temperature dial. large buoys, even an intact fishing boat from japan. sucked into the pacific on that horrifying day two years ago. traveling through the pacific, volunteers like hwf have been fighting the already big problem of marine debris. only made worse with the 1.5 million tons of floating tsunami debris. >> it's disheartening to come out here and see all this marine debris in an area that's otherwise so remote. debris washing up from other countries. >> reporter: this is not just a litter problem. look at what's inside this albatross, a sea bird. found dead, plastics fill its body. david and his team are
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researching the alarming rate of debris in the birds. >> here you see. >> it is filled with plastic. >> reporter: this is a stomach of a two-month old albatross. is that part of a drain? >> it's a brush, you see? >> reporter: about 80% of this baby bird's stomach is indigestible plastic, fed this by his parents who confused it for food. >> morally, this is terrible. how is this possible, right? majestic, far ranging, beautiful birds, right? in a pristine place of the north pacific. then you open them up and this is, you know, what you find. >> reporter: he says every single bird he's opened up had some sort of plastic, some large ones like these toys and lighters in the adult birds. >> goes way beyond the albatross. >> reporter: it's also in our fish. noaa fishery biologist is cutting into a lancet fish, this
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is what yellow fin and tuna eat, the tuna that ends up on your plate. what's that black thing? >> a plastic bag. >> reporter: nearly half of the fish jan's cut into had plastic. >> one thing that is a concern that we don't know is if chemicals are absorbed into the tissue of the fish, which is a problem if it's eaten by fish we consume. >> reporter: a disaster still in the making now widening its reach. kyung lah, cnn, hawaii. >> incredible story from keyoyu l lah. thank you. the debris from the tsunami has washed up all the way from california to canada. but there's still literally tons and tons of trash that's floating in the pacific. scientists say that it is going to be washing up for years and likely consumed by fish for years. to the jodi arias trial.
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so many stories, so many lies. certainly makes us think back to another high-profile case, one involving casey anthony. the tale of those two trials with the man who perhaps knows it best, anthony's former attorney, jose baez, is going to join us live next. ift points, offering an e.p.a.-estimated 36 mpg highway. okay, then. [ laughs ] what a test-drive. yeah. it's really more of a road trip at this point. yeah. [ male announcer ] chevy. mpg ingenuity. now get this great sign & drive lease on a 2013 chevy cruze ls for around $199 a month.
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to a courtroom in phoenix now and to the famous defendant, jodi arias. just in case you can't get enough of the lies she has admittedly told and the truth that she now professes to be telling, fear not. there will be an 18th day of testimony in her first-degree death penalty murder case. she's going to return to the witness stand on wednesday. so far, the first 17 days have been pretty riveting. with all the sex, lies, and talk of killing, she's often been compared to casey anthony. after all, they both lied to police and their families. remember casey admitted lying to
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her own parents from a jail cell while they frantically searched for her missing little daughter caylee. casey seemed to have no problem pretending caylee was alive, even though she'd admit months later the toddler was dead all along, even as those parents desperately looked for her. >> do you think after this long she'd still be local? >> there's a possibility. >> what's your gut telling you right now? >> my gut's telling me that she's okay. >> okay. and your gut tells you that she's close or she's hiding? >> she's not far. >> well, casey's story is that her dad was in on that all along, but you'd have to be the judge of that by looking at him on that videotape. turns out the body they were talking about of little caylee anthony wasn't far away. it was actually rotting at that moment that they were talking in a park just about a stone's throw away from the anthony house. those lies earned casey anthony
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the title from the new york post of the most hated person in america. ahead of jerry sandusky and bernie madoff. but is there a new contender for that crown? maybe, perhaps jodi arias? because jodi arias also admits that she shot and stabbed and slashed her boyfriend, but she says it was in self defense. but then she changed her story. first she said she didn't do it at all, then she said intruders killed alexander, then came the evidence against her, then the mea culpa, then the battered woman's defense, which led to this spectacular question from a juror that was read in open court by the judge. >> after all the lies you have told, why should we believe you now? >> lying isn't typically something i just do. i'm not going to say that i've never told a lie in my life before this incident, but the lies that i've told in this case
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are -- can be tied directly back to either protecting travis's reputation or my involvement in his death. >> and there's her answer. joining me now is noted defense attorney jose baez. hello, jose. nice to see you again after all these years. >> great to see you as well, ashleigh. >> we spent a lot of time in the courtroom together you and i did. i wanted to ask you the minute i started to see the details coming out in this jodi arias case, i wonder what jose baez would have to say about the spectacular lying acumen of jodi arias. would you want to be defending her, jose? >> well, i think, unfortunately for this defense team, they've got a very long uphill battle. i don't -- i don't see that they have much to work with other than putting her on the stand, especially if you're going to put forward an affirmative defense, which is what self defense is. >> what's different between casey and all the lies she
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finally admitted to telling. let me tell you, the more you watch the videos of her, you know, it's remarkable some of the things that she said. and the more i see jodi arias, i think they are kind of the same ilk. what's different about these two cases? >> i think there's many more differences than there are similarities. i don't see very many similarities at all. you have to remember a lot of defendants lie when they get caught by the police, so it's not something that's new or something that's unique to these two defendants. what you have that's the main difference between casey anthony and jodi arias is that a lot of casey's lies were long standing long before anything happened to caylee. we're talking about two years back that were consistent on a daily basis, whereas a lot of what jodi's lies are seem to be directed at evading prosecution. and that's where it really hurts her a whole lot more than it ever did casey. >> so, jose, your client never
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took the stand. there's another big difference, she was never on the stand and jodi has been on the stand 17 days, which boggles the mind, but your client was acquitted of first-degree death penalty murder and jodi arias is also facing that charge. your jurors got over casey's lies. do you think these jurors can get over jodi's lies? >> well, i don't think that we're only talking about lies. now remember jodi admitted to the killing, but there was very little in terms of cross-examination on the science to try and support some of her self defense claims and that's where i think she's going to really be hurt. you know, when it all boils down to the end of the day, all of the lies, the sex, all of the side stories about the boyfriends and religion really don't amount to the key issue here, which is did she actually act in self defense. is there anything to support her
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affirmative defense, which means she has to help prove something. it's not like she can sit back and say the state has to prove the case against me. she's raised this defense, which clearly gives a burden to her. and i saw a little bit of that, but very little in terms of that other than her testimony, which unfortunately has zero credibility. >> jose, let me ask you this. you and i go back to the beginning of the casey case. we've had lots of conversations, many on the record, you know the press and many in the court felt that your client probably had a terrible accident and that little child of hers died and she began the web of lies to cover it up. that was not what she was convicted of. she was not convicted of anything, but in your heart, do you believe that that's what happened in the casey anthony case, a terrible accident that your client covered up with her lies? >> well, i'll first qualify my answer with my opinion matters
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very little, but if you really want to know it, i would say yes. >> your opinion matters everything, because you are the only person who's had a chance to speak with her at length. she hasn't talked to the rest of us. >> i can tell you this, i built my opinion based on the evidence that supported what she was saying. the fact of the testimony and the evidence that was admitted about the latter was very convincing to me. you know, caylee was swimming every single day that week, and then the night before, cindy and caylee are swimming, the ladder got left the day after -- the actual day that caylee died, that's when the anthonys discovered the ladder up. >> you still believe her story, then? you're telling me with the ladder and the pool? >> yes, i do. i've been in that house and saw how meticulous those people were and how neat. nothing's out of place. yes, i believe that. >> you know, since i got you, i'm going to keep you. i have a couple of other cases
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i'd like you to weigh in on. i'm sure you heard about the one in new york we're covering with this police officer who had these fantasies about cannibalizing women, including his wife. the verdict watch, i want to ask you about thought police and where we have the right to step in and say you're dangerous and must be stopped and where we don't. that's after the break. [ lisa ] my name's lisa, and chantix helped me quit. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. it put me at ease that you could smoke on the first week.
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in new york today, jury deliberations are resuming in the case of the so-called cannibal cop, gilberto valle. he is accused of conspiracy in an alleged plot to kidnap, kill, and eat several women, including his own wife. valle's defense team argues he was only engaged in a dark fantasy and he didn't have any intention of really doing these things. the federal prosecutors, on the other hand, say his online communications were too detailed and revealed in-depth planning of a real plot, even some
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action. cnn legal analyst sunny hostin is with us also jose baez, who represented casey anthony. sunny, quick update from you, if we could. we are on verdict watch, how do things look like they are going, so far? >> reporter: well, it's the third day of deliberations for this jury all-in, it's been about eight and a half hours and it's very tense in the courtroom. the prosecutors are milling around, the defense attorneys are milling around. it is packed with media, packed with gilberto valle's family, his mother has been here every single day of the trial. now, the jury did send out two notes on friday, so in terms of reading the tea leaves, i think we have a bit of a sense of where this trial is going. one, they are certainly digging in, ashleigh. they asked for six, six transcripts, and in addition, i just found out there is a lawyer on the jury. they also asked a very sophisticated question about venue, which is legalese for does the government even have
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jurisdiction, jurisdiction, ashleigh, to deal with this case, because they are saying there may not have been these overt acts that even occurred here in the southern district of new york. >> well, that's odd. that doesn't sound like jurisdiction, that just sounds like evidence. sunny, thank you. keep an eye on that for us. that's crazy. jose baez, weigh in on that, that's quite a question, do you have jurisdiction, do you think they are just getting their words muddled? >> i think it's brilliant to have a lawyer on this jury. you know, this story reminds me of tom cruise's story "the minority report." it's very similar. you're arresting and charging and prosecuting someone for thinking about committing a crime, and the fact that overt act is the key issue here. what did this person do in addition to just thinking about the crime. to kind of set things in motion. >> you know what, he did a lot. he did a lot. he did a lot of overt things. he scoped them out in the real
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world. he accessed his police database for some information on these people. he had a meeting with one of them. so, there are overt acts there. but my question to you is this, when you have a guy that is clearly so yucky, there's no other way to put this guy. he's admitted to these fantasies, et cetera. if he is acquitted, does he have any life? and i'm thinking casey anthony, again, "new york post" most hated woman in america. will this guy have any life after he's acquitted in court? >> well, you have to move on, ashleigh, number one. but i will tell you this much, i certainly don't think he has a future in law enforcement. >> yeah. >> it is scary the fact that he's a police officer takes this to a whole new level, but fortunately there's a psychological requirement to carry out the job in law enforcement. and i think this will clearly classify and raise a few red flags to kind of keep him out of that profession completely.
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>> jose baez, i can't move on. i lost 80 days of my life in the courtroom. i can't move on. i want you to stay with me because there's this question that's been stumping a lot of us. what would you do if a suspected sex offender was lurking around a park where your children play? and then how about a registered sex offender? some parents think so-called pocket parks might be the answer. that's moving on for me, jose. this is my family. this is joe. hi joe! hi there! earn a ton of extra points with the double your hhonors promotion and feel the hamptonality.
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you know, there are rules in most jurisdictions that registered sex offenders can't live within, you know, say 2,000 feet of a school or a park. and now there are a lot of people across this country who have seized on that last little bit, a park, to keep registered sex offenders out of their neighborhoods building itty bitty parks called pocket parks. one in los angeles is 1,000 square feet, but it qualifies as a park and makes sure no registered sex offenders live nearby. but is that legal? is it fair? is it moral? and what does it do to all the sex offenders who are now just gone or homeless? back with his take on us is our criminal defense attorney jose baez. what do you think about that story? do you think that's fair? do you think it's right? do you think it's more dangerous to scatter sex offenders all over the map instead of keeping them in one controllable location? >> well, we've had that problem here in miami for quite a while to the point where they lived under bridges. and that was the only place they could go. and then the city threw them
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out. i really don't know what the answer is here. do we end upsetting up reservations for sex offenders? or putting them in some far off land? i don't think that's the answer. what a lot of people don't realize is that many sex offenders are from what we call romeo and juliet laws. they're not usually -- many of them don't have violent pasts. and weren't crimes against children. but you do have a problem here. and they are monitored very closely. only 3.5 of the parolees actually violate. but that creates a major problem where people want to have safety. and it's a balance. i don't know. >> some of the people who actually run the housing scenarios for a lot of these registered sex offenders say that they actually become more likely to commit a crime once they don't have anything to lose, meaning if they're building up their lives again, they may be less likely to commit these crimes. when they're scattered and as you said living under a bridge, what else is there to do but rob
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or attack? >> right. and remember they have three square meals a day plus a roof over their head if they commit a crime. so are we encouraging it? i don't know. that's certainly another argument that needs to be taken into consideration. but these communities that want to build these pocket parks, it's just like, you know, some of those homeowners associations that go a little overboard. >> yeah. >> these people are monitored. they have to check-in every month. they can't change their address, they can't change their driver's license. they're monitored very closely. >> thousand square foot of park is something else. jose, when we come back i want to ask you about how things have been going for you since the casey case and then i'll move on. does that sound okay? >> that sounds like a plan. >> we're back after this. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture.
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